Why do you dream of a dead person in a coffin? Why do you dream of a closed coffin with a dead person?

Dream interpretation of a living dead man

You didn’t read a thriller before going to bed, didn’t watch a horror movie, but dreamed of a dead man rising from the grave. Why do you dream of a living dead man? The interpretation of such dreams is not very favorable. A sharp deterioration in health, a short-term, fleeting illness is possible.

The main thing you need to remember in such dreams is who the living dead person is to you. Completely dreamed stranger- one interpretation, relative or acquaintance - completely different.

Relative or friend

How to understand the meaning of dreams where the main characters were mother and father? Why see them dead if they are actually alive?

Seeing parents dead in a dream

To see in a dream how your now living acquaintance, brother, friend, father, other relative rises from the coffin at a funeral, means for him long life to a very old age, for you - minor health problems.

It is much worse to see your chosen one in this role. Take this as a signal that it's time to change something in your relationship.. After such dreams, you need to add more communication, joy, and try to dispel doubts about fidelity.

  • Your late father spoke to you in a dream - wait interesting news. Deceased mother usually warns his child about impending trouble. If they complain about worn-out clothes, you need to remember them according to Christian custom and give alms to the poor.
  • A deceased relative, father or mother calls you to come to him, and you agree - to death. If he tells you not to follow him, but to come back, you will live a long time.
  • The girl saw a vision of her late father, he was crying and upset - it’s worth thinking about your lifestyle and being more strict in choosing a gentleman.
  • The father hugs you - this means that the time has come to resolve a hidden conflict that has been brewing for a long time. Gives money - be careful, it warns of possible financial fraud. You can instantly lose everything you have earned with your sweat and blood.
  • A deceased close relative in a dream warns of impending danger, but is never a bad omen in itself, that’s why he is a relative.


In your life you have never seen this person, he is not familiar to you, you did not attend his funeral, but according to the dream version, you are sure that he died and then came to life. Depending on how he behaved after the resurrection, the interpretation of such dreams depends.

A dead man in a dream wants to get out of the coffin

  • If you dreamed of a dead man asking you to help him get out of the coffin, a slander campaign has been launched against you, they want to completely discredit you in the eyes of others.
  • Seeing zombies in a dream means your deepest fears and complexes have come to life, you live in anticipation of stress. Someone is trying to influence you, to reprogram your psyche. Try to exclude such people from your circle of friends and reduce their influence to zero.
  • Did you dream that you were attacked by zombies thirsting for your blood? The dream book warns of danger - expect troubles in your personal and public life.
  • Try not to enter into dialogue with the dead man. There is a belief that during a conversation he can steal your soul and you will die. Don’t give him anything, don’t give him anything - along with the gift you risk giving away your health.

Behavior of the living dead

The interpretation of dreams depends on the behavior and mood of a person who actually died a long time ago, and you saw him alive. How did he behave after the resurrection?

Emotions of the deceased

How did he react to your meeting? Are you happy or, on the contrary, sad? Or maybe he just ignored your attention?

Actions of the deceased

I happened to see in a dream various actions and manipulations that were not characteristic of a dead body. Seers give certain interpretations.

  • To see a dead person eating with appetite - the first signs of an insidious ailment make themselves felt. See a doctor so you don't regret it later.
  • If you dreamed that a dead man was crawling out of a coffin - expect uninvited but dear guests, he simply comes to life - you will receive news or a letter.
  • It moves, tries to turn around - you are in real danger. If you help him, then a relapse of the old disease will remind you of itself.
  • The dead man cried - a quarrel, a domestic conflict is inevitable. Try to control your emotions; you are often tormented by unreasonable fears.
  • At a funeral he rises from the coffin - the long-awaited changes in your life will not come.
  • The corpse smiled at you - you yourself do not suspect that you live in an atmosphere of deception. In time you will figure it all out. Sticking out your tongue - your happiness rests on deception and therefore will not last long.
  • Shakes his fist and swears - you will debunk all your romantic misconceptions.
  • A decomposed corpse enters the room - to gain peace of mind and calmness.

Other interpretations

The interpretation of dreams in which a dead person comes to life has a wide range - from a reminder of unfinished business and memories of youth to changes in the weather. In summer there is rain, thunderstorm, in winter there is a blizzard or just a sudden change in weather.

A corpse walks in its sleep

Loff's Dream Book

A resurrected corpse in a dream symbolizes the need to resolve a long-simmering conflict that you have always left “for later.”

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing in a dream how a lifeless body comes to life means that your plans and projects, which have taken a lot of strength and energy from you, will not bring desired result and will be unprofitable.

Did you dream that several dead people were resurrected? Miller's dream book interprets this vision as a harbinger of great luck, especially if in the dream you did not panic, but rejoiced at meeting long-lost people.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If the deceased comes to life thanks to your actions, get ready for pleasant changes in your life.

Gypsy dream book

Dreaming of a living dead person - the patient will experience relief until complete healing.

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It is an unfavorable sign that predicts obstacles and losses on the way to the goal. If he's already in the coffin dead person, familiar to the dreamer, then such a dream indicates that the deceased is trying to say something, to warn against something. Next, let's take a closer look at why a dead man in a coffin dreams.

Interpretation according to different dream books

    Dream Interpretation of Grishina

    Seeing a dead man in a coffin in a dream - this is the personification of the dreamer’s fear, melancholy and depression, his confused state of mind. Carrying yourself in your arms (or shoulders) portends profit, financial well-being. Putting together a coffin with your own hands indicates a promotion career ladder, success in learning.

    Lying in a coffin means that a person misses getting an education, his student years. This also suggests that the dreamer does not have enough information to solve any problem. In this case, you should not be proud, but it is better to seek advice from a more knowledgeable, experienced person.

    To be a dead person in a dream, over whom friends and relatives cry, indicates the emergence of obstacles on the way to the intended goal. See closed coffin, which is buried in the ground, means an incident that the dreamer tries to forget, but cannot.

    Digging up someone else's grave in a dream, opening a coffin with a dead person predicts the speedy disclosure of any secret, secret. The dreamer must remember that everything secret sooner or later becomes public property, so you will have to prepare for the disclosure of some of your secrets both morally and financially.

    Dream Interpretation of Sheminskaya

    Seeing an iconic living person in a coffin as a deceased person foretells good luck to the dreamer and good relationship with a dream subject. For young people in love, such a dream foreshadows their imminent entry into marriage.

    Married people the dream predicts success in business and obtaining a profitable, advantageous offer . Being in the place of the deceased himself means that in reality the dreamer will be able to successfully complete the work he began long ago.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomena

    I dreamed about it unknown dead man in a coffin - this is a harbinger of financial profit, improvement of financial situation. If a deceased person cries in a coffin, then this calls on the dreamer to exercise caution and prudence, because events will soon happen that will cut the ground from under his feet.

    Seeing an open coffin without a lid with a deceased person means that great misfortunes await the dreamer in reality. Losing the coffin lid or breaking it means that a person’s plans will be successfully realized.

    Closed coffin indicates failure, the dreamer's hidden excitement. The living dead speaks of an unexpected, unplanned arrival of guests. It is also possible to increase a person’s income, receive a bonus or other monetary award.

    If a dead person is in a dream came to life right in the coffin, this portends receiving positive emotions– meeting old friends, happy holiday and so on. Seeing a dead man turning over in his grave means the development of current affairs, receiving an unexpected surge of strength, inspiration in creative achievements.

    A large number of dead people in coffins indicates that soon the dreamer’s life will change dramatically, but in which direction is still unknown. Two coffins with the dead indicate a difficult choice between two options in reality. Perhaps such a choice is related to the sphere romantic relationships.

    Carrying a coffin with a dead person yourself promises the sleeper, successful completion of any undertaking. But nothing comes easy, and to achieve results you need to put in effort and time.

    Family dream book

    Seeing a coffin with a dead person in the house portends an unsuccessful marriage, family destruction, unhappy, even tragic love . See yourself in the place of a dead man warns of serious illnesses or a breakdown in relationships with loved ones, perhaps even a cessation of communication for many years.

    Carrying a coffin on your shoulders means that the dreamer is “driven” at work, that he is very tired due to many responsibilities and tasks. Such a work schedule can negatively affect the health of the sleeper.

    Gypsy dream book

    Dreaming with a dead person in a coffin predicts a long life for a person and good health, prolongation of youth. A dead man revived in a coffin foreshadows the appearance of many troubles in the sleeper’s personal and family life.

    English dream book

    Open coffin with a dead man portends great misfortunes, sorrows and sorrows in life. The dream book indicates that such troubles cannot be avoided and you will have to come to terms with your own.

    See cheap, wooden, a poorly put together coffin indicates poverty, the plight of the dreamer. If the coffin is expensive, luxurious, made of gold, then this predicts success and wealth, a happy occasion that will “come” from another country.

    Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

    Seeing a living dead person in a dream - this means that soon the dreamer will receive guests in his home. Also, such a dream indicates the dreamer’s imminent move, a change of scenery. Seeing a beautiful, luxurious coffin being buried in the ground means a calm, measured life, as well as making some kind of profit.

    Seeing a dead man rise from the coffin and start a conversation with the people present at the funeral, portends some misfortune, a black streak in life. In dreams, you should not start a conversation with the dead, otherwise you can incur numerous troubles and trials.

    Seeing yourself in the place of a dead man in a coffin means a happy outcome and success in your personal life. Dead child in the coffin indicates an addition to the family, as well as an imminent wedding.

    Modern dream book

    Seeing a dead man risen speaks of impending danger, of an insult inflicted on a vengeful person who will certainly strike back. The dreamer may also be in danger of getting into an accident or being attacked by criminals.

    Crying Dead means an upcoming quarrel with relatives, a loud family scandal. The conflict will have many unpleasant consequences, even negatively affecting the dreamer’s state of mind.

    Corpse with with open eyes in a coffin predicts monetary profit from an unexpected direction- it will be a rather pleasant and profitable surprise. In addition, the dream indicates purchasing new things in the house or receiving expensive gifts from someone.

    Dead man falling out of a coffin indicates the dreamer's longing for loved ones who passed away early, due to the reluctance to let them go, to say goodbye to them.

Deceased relatives

A dream with a deceased relative has several meanings: on the one hand, the dream foreshadows troubles and problems, loss material resources, on the other hand, is a warning about the impending danger of life and the dreamer, on the third, it reflects the sleeper’s longing for the deceased, the reluctance to let go of the deceased person.

Grandparents dream before any important event in life, you should pay attention to the environment and financial side affairs. Seeing a deceased mother or deceased father in a dream warns of health problems– the dreamer needs to undergo a medical examination in the near future.

A deceased brother or sister in a dream indicates that a loved one in reality needs the support and help of the sleeping person. Dead friend or a girlfriend means that the dreamer needs to listen to someone’s advice in reality and follow it.

In a dream, resurrecting a dead relative means that in reality some person has a bad, harmful influence on the dreamer. During this period of life, it is better for the sleeping person not to start any enterprises, not to enter into new romantic relationships and not to invest large sums money in dubious matters.

The dream in which dead relative lies in a coffin speaks of the injustice that the dreamer has encountered in his life. This also indicates possible deception, even fraud on the part of an acquaintance.

Kissing a dead person means parting with your fears and phobias, losing doubts and becoming more self-confident. Going somewhere for the deceased means depression, serious illness and even your own death. Seeing several dead relatives at once speaks of instability nervous system person, the development of mental illness.

A dream in which the dreamer takes something from the hands of a deceased person portends a long life.

Revived dead man

A dead person rising from a coffin in a dream is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the receipt of money and the solution to many of the dreamer’s material problems. Seeing a coffin with a living dead floating on the water predicts receiving not just a large, but a huge amount of money.

If a dead person jumps out of a coffin, then this is, on the contrary, portends poverty and decline social status . It is possible that the dreamer will lose his job or be left without a livelihood, so it is worth preparing for difficult times.

A crying dead man indicates troubles, quarrels and minor losses of money. If the risen dead man swears and curses those around him, this means that the sleeper feels some kind of guilt towards the deceased person for mistakes that he is no longer able to correct.

Seeing a dead person move but not rise from the coffin warns of the death of the dreamer himself or him. loved one. If a dead person comes to life and turns over in his grave, this indicates the return of old debts and the fulfillment of promises.

The deceased talks to the dreamer in his sleep - this means that in reality the sleeper neglects any advice or information received. Perhaps the person is afraid to admit to himself the revealed truth.

Lots of dead people

Many dead people in coffins are a sign of the end of some phase in one’s life, in particular, romantic relationships. For the young free people such a plot means tying the knot. For married couples the dream foretells a comfortable life, prosperity, and for older people - receiving news from relatives.

Dead people in coffins in a church mean obstacles and misfortunes, as well as getting into an accident, an accident. The dream also speaks of hard, but low-paid work that a person will have to do.

If many dead people from coffins unexpectedly come to life, this prophesies the arrival of distant relatives. See large number closed coffins - to tragic events in life.

Seeing a coffin in a dream foretells obstacles; for the elderly - the imminent death or loss of a dear relative; for family people - profit and prosperity; for the young - a wedding and a long, comfortable life.

A coffin seen in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. An open coffin is a sign of a cheerful celebration. Strewn with flowers - to failures and illnesses. Seeing a friend in a coffin means receiving important news. Lying in a coffin means acquiring a calm occupation and a long life. Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of an illness that will darken upcoming celebration. Seeing how others carry him is sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave - tragic death. Digging a hole for a coffin is a happy marriage. Burying a coffin is a chronic disease. To nail up a coffin means to be very frightened.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin means quarrels followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin means incurring large expenses.

Seeing a tomb in a dream means receiving protection in reality, and through it finding good luck. Being locked in a tomb in a dream means disappointment and withdrawal from business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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A dream in which a dead person appeared in a coffin often causes panic or discomfort upon awakening, even if the plot was far from frightening.

Many people who are usually not interested in dream interpretation rush to dream books in search of the correct meaning of a night vision with a dead person in a coffin. The good news is that most dream book compilers regard similar dreams in a positive way, the main thing is to take into account all the details of what you saw in order to interpret them correctly.

It is worth noting that any interpretations do not make sense for those people who recently lost someone close. In this case, dreams are part of feelings and longing for the departed, and in most cases cannot be interpreted as a special sign.

What does the dream book say about the dead in a coffin?

The plot of dreams with a dead person in a coffin is often warns sleeping people about something and sometimes promises interesting events ahead. Sometimes the dream book interprets the meaning of “a coffin with a dead person” as a quick change in the weather.

Funeral seen in a dream mark the offensive changes in life, and dreamed at that moment the weather gives a hint What will these changes lead to? cloudy- means troubles sunny- that means you'll be lucky.

A person may see sad or frightening episodes with the deceased in a dream at a funeral, at home, in church or under other circumstances, but it is important to take into account how exactly did the deceased appear? . Some see in a dream a living person in a funeral box, others see someone long gone. They may appear with eyes open, talking, rolling over or rising from a coffin- each of these meanings carries a certain sign.

If in a dream you dreamed of the funeral of a person living in reality , most interpreters assure that this promises him prosperity, and even help that will be provided to the dreamer by the hero of night vision in the near future.

Dreamed Liturgy for the deceased in church warns those people who are standing on the threshold the most important event in life that their choices may be wrong. This applies to brides and grooms, businessmen and creative people.

Carrying a coffin with a dead person in a dream can promise either financial success, or betrayal by someone from the environment. The meanings vary depending on the chosen dream book.

If you dream that the dreamer is being buried

If the dreamer dreams own funeral where he lies in a coffin or rises from it , the dream promises success in all endeavors, both in your career and in your personal life. Interpreters claim that the sleeper subconsciously “buried” the reasons for not being happy, and now all doors are open to him.

According to version Family dream book , see how the dreamer's body is sent to last path- to quarrels and failures at work and in the family, or to the occurrence of diseases.

Gypsy dream book assures that seeing yourself as a dead person is not bad sign. Such dreams promise long happy years life who saw a dream.

But lie down in the last cradle in a dream yourself - to failures in real life, which can be set up by imaginary friends, or other troubles, the way out of which will be difficult to find.

Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person?

Dream interpreters do not agree on this plot, so it is worth starting from the details of the dream and your own emotions.

Often the emphasis is on the dreamer’s experiences, which manifest themselves in this way on a subconscious level. Dreams in which the lid of a funeral box is open help us understand ourselves or tell us what to fear and what to let go of.

Coffin with a dead person without a lid dream book Miller proposes to consider it a sign warning of the dreamer’s imminent repentance for his deeds. If dreamed of stabbing him , then it will be possible to smooth over the guilt.

An old English dream book open coffin with a dead person refers to predictions of imminent troubles that cannot be avoided, but can be accepted with dignity.

Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person in the house? This may be a sign of approaching problems that will arise due to the dreamer's fault. When you wake up, you should pay more attention to your actions and words in order to avoid the tension of the situation. If this happened, the sleeping person saw a dead man lying in someone else's house , then the owners of the house are in for trouble.

Why do you dream of a closed coffin with a dead person?

In addition to predictions for the near future, there is another popular version of the interpretation of this dream. A closed funeral box is a demonstration of the dreamer's inner emptiness. Therefore, having seen such a dream, interpreters advise taking a vacation or a break from business, and trying to find new meaning in life, redrawing plans for the future and saying goodbye to the current stage of life.

Seeing a closed coffin in a dream - a subconscious projection of difficult events that once happened to the sleeper.

Burying a closed burial box - let go of painful memories that haunt the dreamer for a long time.

Open closed lid The funeral box promises the imminent publication of previously unknown facts of a long-ago incident that the sleeping person would like to forget.

French dream book adheres to his version - a dream with a closed lid of a burial box promises financial difficulties.

The meaning of a dream with a revived dead man in a coffin

Most interpreters interpret this plot of night vision either as the approach of big troubles, or as a major success.

If you dream of a dead person with open eyes , the compilers of dream books are confident that the dreamer has subconsciously “let go” of traumatic memories, and is now ready to start living again. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the return of a person with whom the person who saw the dream was once close.

The deceased lying calmly in a funeral box with a wide with open eyes may promise untold material support from which the dreamer did not expect. Some dream interpreters claim that this dream promises a pleasant purchase for your home.

If you dreamed that the dead man in the coffin came to life , dream book of Zhou-gong promises the speedy arrival of dear guests, or profit.

I dreamed about it a dead man suddenly revived in a coffin ? Gypsy dream book interprets this as a sign of impending failure.

The deceased who has come to life and speaks to the dreamer promises a lot of troubles in real life. Talking to the dead in a dream is almost always a bad sign.

Why do you dream that the dead man reaching out to the dreamer rose from the coffin ? Modern dream book warns of danger awaiting the dreamer in the near future. Among possible predictions Revenge of a person whom the dreamer once offended, health difficulties or accidents related to cars are noted.

Dead man crying in a burial box comes in a dream as a warning about an approaching large-scale scandal that will cut the ground from under the dreamer’s feet. Therefore, after such a dream you should be more restrained, and perhaps trouble will be avoided.

Body falling out of the coffin dead person dreams of a series of troubles.

Seeing a coffin in a dream foretells obstacles; for the elderly - the imminent death or loss of a dear relative; for family people - profit and prosperity; for the young - a wedding and a long, comfortable life.

A coffin seen in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. An open coffin is a sign of a cheerful celebration. Strewn with flowers - to failures and illnesses. Seeing a friend in a coffin means receiving important news. Lying in a coffin means acquiring a calm occupation and a long life. Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of illness that will darken the upcoming celebration. Seeing how others carry him is sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave is a tragic death. Digging a hole for a coffin is a happy marriage. Burying a coffin is a chronic disease. To nail up a coffin means to be very frightened.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin means quarrels followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin means incurring large expenses.

Seeing a tomb in a dream means receiving protection in reality, and through it finding good luck. Being locked in a tomb in a dream means disappointment and withdrawal from business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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