How to check alcohol for authenticity using a tax stamp. Methods for checking alcohol excise stamps

An excise stamp on alcoholic beverages is a confirmation of its quality. It is worth paying attention to the presence of excise tax on alcohol products close attention– after all, a low-quality alcoholic product often becomes the cause of serious poisoning, and drinking alcoholic beverages produced “underground” can even lead to death.

It is important not only to make sure that there is an excise tax stamp on the product, but also to keep in mind that unscrupulous businessmen can also falsify excise taxes. Therefore, it will be useful to know how to identify counterfeit alcohol by excise stamp.

Also find out how to spot counterfeits of popular alcoholic beverages: , | | | |

Excise duty value and useful information about him

An excise stamp or parcel post is a kind of quality mark for alcoholic products (and other types of goods), meaning that the product has been certified, manufactured in accordance with the requirements of state standards and its quality characteristics are at the highest level.

To avoid counterfeiting, excise stickers are printed using various innovative technologies: parcels are made on special paper, have different systems protection.

Usually, underground bootleggers, when producing a low-quality alcohol product, do not even try to forge all the protective excise marks, because this requires significant financial costs.

Maximum - the simplest protective levels are copied and therefore, if desired, counterfeit alcohol can be easily distinguished from high-quality products: you just have to look carefully at the pasted parcel. How to distinguish a fake excise tax stamp for alcohol - read detailed instructions in the next section of the article.

How to spot fake alcohol video.

How to spot a fake alcohol tax stamp

Such an important quality indicator as the excise stamp for alcohol can be checked for authenticity right in the store. Special equipmentspecial kind a scanner that recognizes the authenticity of a parcel is available in any large hypermarket, shopping center or a specialized boutique of alcoholic beverages.

To carry out a check, contact an employee of the administration of the retail outlet and ask for a quality test. If the scanner shows that the brand on the product has inconsistencies, you should definitely refrain from purchasing such a product. But you need to know that special scanners do not always cope with their task of determining the authenticity of the excise tax.

If the technology did not reveal any violations in the protection of the parcel, but did not dispel your doubts about the poor quality of the product, you have the right to apply to check the authenticity of the mark at the Forensic Expertise Center.

The center’s specialists will conduct an expert study and, based on it, will issue you a conclusion, which will indicate the quality of the product and the presence (absence) of violations in the protection of the excise parcel.

Attention! The examination initiated by the consumer is paid for by the consumer, but subsequently the costs of the examination may be compensated to you by persons guilty of selling a product that is obviously of low quality.

But is it possible to check such a quality mark as an excise stamp for alcohol independently, without the use of technology and the involvement of experts? There are ways to independently check the excise parcel on alcohol products - let's talk about them in detail.

There is microtext at the top of the stamp. The word “brand” is written in the negative, and “FSM” is written in the positive.

The hologram represents complex drawing, in the center of which the inscription “RF” is located in rhombuses.

Check alcohol by excise stamp online

It is much easier to take advantage of the achievements of modern information technology and check alcohol by excise stamp online. The Rosalkogolregulirovaniya service has created a special online service called “Brand Check”.

On this resource you can check the existence of a particular excise tax and find out whether you purchased a quality product or not. There are other resources where a similar service is available.

Check the excise stamp for alcohol by number on the website

A quick excise tax check for authenticity online will allow you to find out whether you have purchased a quality product, and thereby avoid the tragedies and troubles that come with consuming an illegal alcohol product.

Most often, expensive elite alcohol is counterfeited. There is no point in spending money on counterfeiting budget wine: you won’t make as much money on it as on branded whiskey or cognac. But the first in terms of the number of counterfeits is vodka. What should you pay attention to so as not to run into a counterfeit?

First, let's understand what the factory label looks like. They are cut and pasted on automatic lines. Using an automatic machine, the glue is applied in transverse strips located at the back. The width of the strips is 1.5 mm and they are applied at intervals of 2.5 mm. There is equipment with other parameters for applying glue: tape width 4 mm, frequency 5 mm. But when sticking at home, labels have their own characteristics: the glue on the back side is not applied in transverse stripes, but in a continuous layer or in some other way.

  • Extends beyond the label.
  • There is no release date on the back of the label.
  • There are traces of label shifting on the surface of the bottle.

This is not possible when gluing on an automatic line: the pressure roller can only rotate the label once. Glue residues on the glass may have air formations and folds. Low-quality paper catches your eye. Labels are dull, with blurry inscriptions.


The label always contains information about the plant that produced the alcohol and its contact information. If you receive a bottle without this information, return the drink. Also look for information such as bottling date, license number, certification. They must be on every bottle. Moreover, they are printed clearly so that it is easy to read. Labels on alcoholic drinks must be marked with a stamp, the seal of this enterprise. The sealing date on the label and the date indicated on the side of the cap must match.


Bottles must be tightly closed. Do not leak when turned over. The bottle cap is pressed well to its neck. It should not warp on the sides or move off the thread.

Excise tax

Excise duty stamps are made from special paper. Each stamp contains information about where the alcohol was imported from: it is imported or domestic. How to check excise tax? The six-digit numbering is done in black paint, and on the reverse side it is red. The stamp has microtext from the word “Ukraine”, repeated many times. On legal products, the excise stamp is placed only on the neck side. It is glued so that the excise tax breaks if you open the container.

The color of the excise stamp always corresponds to the type of alcohol. If the domestically produced product is green. Alcohol was brought “from over the hill – purple”. The coat of arms is located in the central part of the excise stamp. It provides relief, which is noticeable if you run your hand over the excise tax.


When a tax stamp is faked, they try to imitate it with a simple foil tape, simply sticking it on top. Twist it in the light: you won’t see any hologram effect – just a candy wrapper.

Qr code

You can check the validity of the tax stamp using mobile phone. Download the excise stamp scanner program, point at the code and find out whether it is counterfeit or not.

Laser marking

To protect their products from counterfeits, some factories install a modern laser complex. They burn indelible black dots inside the cap. They make up the information about the spill on the bottle caps


How to check alcohol for authenticity? Try to carefully uncork the bottle by rotating the cap counterclockwise. If the perforation is not broken, the cork is rotated around the rim in a circle and, as a result, is completely removed - this is a fake.


Elite alcohol cannot be cheap. It is usually imported. Plus export costs and seller's markup.

How to test vodka

Turn the bottle over and look at it in the light. If it is factory-made, the liquid will be clear. There should be no sediment or white residue at the bottom. Do you see the sediment? Before you is a surrogate. Turn the vodka bottle upside down and shake slightly. The air will rise up. If the bubbles are large and disappear almost immediately, it is counterfeit. For real alcohol, such a snake will consist of many small bubbles.

How to check wine

Don't buy something that's too cheap. Alcohol may contain harmful additives that add a fruity taste. Are you purchasing luxury wine? Twist the cork in your hands. It should be made of wood, not plastic. On the bottle itself you will definitely find information about the vineyards, region, and harvest time.

How to test cognac

Its quality is in its density. It should flow down the bottle. So turn the bottle over and watch how this drink flows. The cap will also tell you a lot about the cognac. For counterfeiting, they do not stand on ceremony; they use a “vodka” lid, and a wine shell. Look at the volume. For example, Hennessey is not produced in the popular 0.5 liter container. If you see such a bottle, you will immediately know that this is Hennessy on Odessa bottling.

How to check whiskey for authenticity

Don't expect to buy aged whiskey for pennies. A truly good drink is one that has been aged for at least 12 years. Before buying an elite drink, look online and read the features that the bottle should have. Manufacturers usually provide this information to users. When shaking the bottle, large bubbles should form.

Do not purchase alcohol from an online store until you read customer reviews. Study the presented goods: if you are often offered elite products at fabulous prices, the store is clearly selling counterfeit alcohol.

Alcohol products, along with such consumer goods as tobacco and gasoline, are subject to excise tax - special type tax With the help of excise tax, the state can regulate prices, sales volumes and quality of products, which is especially important in relation to alcohol.

In light of recent events related to mass poisoning of the population, quality control of alcoholic products is an important area of ​​the country's policy. What consumer protection mechanisms are currently in place, from what date are sellers inspected, and what rules for the sale of alcoholic products are mandatory for the market of alcohol-containing products?

Excise duty value

According to the Tax Code, namely Chapter 22 “Excise Taxes”, alcohol is recognized as an excisable product, which significantly affects pricing in this area.

Because this type tax is included in the final cost of products sold; changes in the cost of excise duty are felt primarily by the end consumer.

Ethyl alcohol, according to a special list, is classified as excisable goods, which obliges the inclusion of excise duty in the price of the following products:

  • alcohols (anhydrous ethyl, food, non-food, denatured);
  • distillates (whiskey, calvados, fruit, wine, grape, cognac);
  • guilt;
  • liqueurs;
  • cognacs;
  • vodka;
  • beer.

The excise tax rate on alcohol increases annually, as reflected in Article 193 of the Tax Code. So, for example, since 2107, rates for alcoholic products (ruble per liter) are as follows:

Drinks containing ethyl alcohol<9%

Wines with Protected Geographical Indication

Wines other than beverages with protected geographical indication

Sparkling wines with protected geographical indication

Sparkling wines, excluding beverages, with protected geographical indication
Beer with alcohol content >8.6%

According to current legislation, any alcoholic product, except beer and its derivatives, must contain an excise stamp on its packaging. Excise stamps can be obtained by organizations that have permitting documentation for the production or sale of alcohol-containing products. In addition, the organization must be able to document a shipment of excisable goods.

In addition to the fact that alcoholic products are designated, as well as the fact that the product meets current quality and safety standards, excise stamp carries a very important information about the product:

  • country of origin;
  • Name;
  • proportion of ethyl alcohol content;
  • packaging volume.

Legislation in 2019

In 2019, alcohol sales must be carried out by persons connected to the Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS).

This system allows you to collect information on each unit of alcohol sold, from its composition, strength and volume, to the country of origin, as well as the date and place of sale.

In the future, EGAIS should become a universal tool for identifying counterfeits and maintaining records of all alcoholic products in the country. Connecting to a single system complements and in no way cancels compulsory licensing. Both manufacturers and sellers of alcohol-containing products are subject to licensing.


A state organization that exercises control over the circulation of alcoholic products, as well as performing the functions of a licensing authority, is Federal service on the regulation of alcoholic products.

A person producing or selling alcoholic products is required to submit an application and the corresponding package of documents to the territorial office of the FSRAR for timely receipt.

In addition to submitting an application, manufacturers and sellers must pay a state fee, which, depending on the applicant, is equal to:


Changes in the retail trade of alcoholic products associated with the Unified State Automated Information System allowed the state to significantly increase budget revenues in just six months. Thanks to the forced legalization of some manufacturers and sellers, the volume of manufactured products increased by 30%. As for the increase in payments to the federal treasury, they amounted to about 120 billion rubles over six months, which is almost 20% more than in the previous year.

Changes in the alcohol retail trade dictate their requirements already at the stage of purchasing products from suppliers. In order for alcohol to appear on the counter. It is necessary to match the data on the products of both parties to the transaction. If, after verification, the unified system confirms the fact of delivery, then the alcohol can be sold; otherwise, information about discrepancies in information is reflected in the Unified State Automated Information System.

When selling alcohol to the end consumer, the seller is obliged to conduct the transaction through EGAIS. Only after reading the information about the product, the system allows the sale to be made and issues the buyer a receipt with a barcode confirming the quality of the product.


Persons selling alcoholic beverages by the glass are also required to join the unified system. In addition to this requirement, sellers must adhere to the following rules:

  • Only permanent premises should serve as points of sale of draft alcoholic beverages, with the exception of temporary catering establishments;
  • the point of sale should be located away from educational, medical and cultural institutions;
  • The point of sale should not be located at gas stations, train stations, markets and other crowded places;
  • persons can buy alcohol at least 18 years old, from 10.00 to 22.00.

It is worth noting that the implementation draft beer, cider, mead, etc. can be carried out individual entrepreneurs and without a license, which cannot be said about the sale of strong draft drinks.

How to spot a fake product

Despite the fact that excise stamps are made using various security technologies, bootleggers manage to successfully counterfeit them. At first glance, such brands do not differ from the real ones and do not raise any doubts. However, having looked at the container more carefully, and also having several recommendations at your disposal, you can easily distinguish counterfeit products from quality products.

Visual inspection

First of all, you should carefully examine the container of the alcoholic product - often this is enough to recognize the counterfeit:

  1. If, when you touch a tax stamp, the paint on it smears, leaving marks on your hand, you should definitely be wary.
  2. Stamps are made at Goznak, so their appearance must be appropriate.

Scanner check

In many large networks retail And specialized stores In alcoholic beverages, you can see so-called scanners - devices that read barcodes, displaying information about the product on the screen. Such a check can allow you to check the quality of the selected alcohol without going to the cash register.

Dimensions of current stamps

  1. Excise stamps have the following dimensions: 9cmx2.6cm and 6.2cmx2.1cm. If the packaging of alcohol contains brands of different sizes, then most likely the product does not correspond to the declared quality.
  2. In addition, it is worth paying attention to how tightly the stamp holds, and whether there are any uneven or crumpled edges.

Receipt and barcode

When purchasing alcohol in a store connected to EGAIS, the buyer is provided with a special receipt with a QR code. By scanning the code or clicking on the link below it, you can go to the Federal Tax Service website, where it will be indicated detailed information about the product, its seller and manufacturer.

Among other things, the stamp must have the following features:

  • luminescent inscription “alcohol products”;
  • microtext negative/positive “brand/FSM”;
  • hologram in the shape of a diamond, inside of which is the inscription “RF”;
  • fibers, like those used for banknotes.


In order to easily distinguish a counterfeit tax stamp from a real one, you need to carefully examine a known high-quality bottle of alcohol and pay attention to the signs indicated above. Since a good fake will require significant costs, it is unlikely that all security features will be present on such a tax stamp. For clarity, it makes sense to put real and fake products side by side.

Checking alcohol by excise stamp online

The Federal Service for the Regulation of Alcoholic Products has launched an online service “Stamp Check”, which allows you to use the excise stamp number to compare whether the information in the Unified State Automated Information System corresponds to the information that is actually available. In addition, some manufacturers of alcoholic beverages offer connoisseurs of their brands to check the quality of purchased drinks using their unique services.

Video: Checking the excise stamp

Vodka is a truly Russian drink. And who, if not the Russians, knows how to produce it. But unfortunately, the alcohol market is literally flooded with counterfeit products or so-called burnt vodka. This product contains various impurities and even methanol - a poison for the human body. To stay healthy while drinking strong drinks, you need to know how to test vodka and learn to recognize a fake.

Main indicators of vodka quality

There are various ways, allowing you to check at home what was purchased in the store - high-quality vodka or a substitute. After all, the fake product is bottled in the same bottles as the original. It contains no less beautiful labels and excise stamps. The only difference is that if you consume such vodka, you can remain disabled for the rest of your life.

Price reduction - promotion or deception

Every person who has entered a large supermarket has more than once seen yellow or red price tags on goods indicating a discount. Most often, prices are reduced on products with expiring dates. But can vodka spoil?

Like anyone food product, vodka has an expiration date. But reducing the price of a popular brand of vodka is not always a marketing ploy. The store, by reducing the price, seeks to sell a fake.

To determine the average price of alcohol, you need to go to several stores. Their prices may vary, but not by more than 10%. If the difference is significant, you should refuse to purchase alcoholic beverages.

Determining a surrogate by cover

Alcohol is a rapidly evaporating substance. Therefore, each bottle of strong drink is carefully sealed. Of course, the lid is no more difficult to fake than the container itself. But craftsmen very rarely manage to achieve factory quality.

There are two types of caps used to seal vodka bottles:

  • screw;
  • “peakless” cover.

How to identify burnt vodka by the lid? When purchasing a product with a screw cap, you need to check how tightly it fits around the neck. It should not spin, and the control notches should not be torn off. The liquid is poured into containers with screw caps to the middle of the neck.

The cap-less cap should also fit tightly around the neck without moving. In the factory, the liquid is poured into the container just above the hanger.

Content quality check

Holding the treasured product in your hands, and making sure of the reality of the cost and the quality of the closure, you do not need to immediately run to the checkout and pay. First, you should check the degree of transparency of the alcohol and make sure there is no sediment, indicating a low-quality product.

Now you can start shaking the contents. The appearance of small bubbles indicates a quality product. If the bubbles are large, or even foam appears, it is better to put such a bottle in its place. There is no point in checking it further.

How to check the quality by the label and appearance of the container

Having picked up the bottle, you need to look through it at the back of the label. In the factory, glue is applied in horizontal, even stripes that are clearly visible through the contents.

Now you need to start studying the information on the label. It should be easy to read. The label always indicates information about the manufacturer, GOST standards, the composition of the product indicating the quality of the alcohol, etc.

There is another way to distinguish burnt vodka from real one. The date of manufacture will help with this. It should be located on the label, cap and excise stamp. The bottling date must be the same in all locations. There must also be a barcode and a holographic image.

The type of bottle is no less informative. An indicator of quality will be the presence of production protection, which is cast along with the bottle. The product is protected by a coat of arms, a personal sign of the manufacturer, special markings or relief. In artisanal conditions, they will not falsify the protection, since this process is too expensive.

Home methods for identifying counterfeit products

The absence of external signs of a fake is not a reason for fun. Having poured vodka into a glass, you need to deeply inhale the alcohol vapors emanating from it. If they contain foreign odors (acetone, gasoline, etc.), it is better to throw out such a product.

Other testing methods are also applicable at home.

Weighing. According to all laws, a liter bottle must contain 1000 g of product. But if during the preparation process the proportions of alcohol and water are correctly observed, the specific gravity of the finished product will be 953 g. A deviation from this weight up or down is allowed, but not more than 5 g.

To understand whether it is fake or not, you should weigh the bottle

Setting fire. This method is used by moonshiners. The liquid is poured into a spoon and set on fire. When high-quality vodka burns, a small blue flame is formed. The surrogate flares up or does not light up at all. The appearance of a green flame indicates the presence of methanol.

After the alcohol burns out, a clear, odorless liquid should remain in the spoon. The remaining oily consistency indicates the presence of fusel oils.

Copper wire. Using a copper wire, you can test vodka for the presence of methanol. First, it is heated over an open flame, and then lowered into a container with a strong drink. If, when the wire cools, a sharp odor reminiscent of formaldehyde appears, this means that the vodka contains methyl alcohol.

Freezing. This is the simplest one, but effective way determining product quality. Place the bottle in the freezer for 1–2 hours. Then, they take it out and check the contents. A drink prepared in accordance with the technology will acquire a viscous consistency.

The formation of ice crystals indicates the presence of impurities and excessive amounts of water.

Chemical test

This method involves the use of litmus paper or sulfuric acid. If you dip the edge of litmus paper into a glass of strong drink, it should not change color. If the color of the paper changes to red, you should not drink this drink.

Sulfuric acid is mixed in equal proportions with vodka and stirred. Black coloring of the liquid indicates the presence of fusel oils.


Knowing how to recognize burnt vodka and applying these methods in practice, you will be able to avoid a hangover, provided you drink alcohol in moderation. But most importantly, a high-quality product is not hazardous to health. And to minimize the risk of buying a surrogate, you need to not only check the vodka, but also choose a container with a roll-on dispenser. It is practically not counterfeited.

Unscrupulous manufacturers use various methods to save on the production of vodka. For its production, low-quality alcohol is used, the number of filtration stages is reduced, and harmful substances are added. The consequences of consuming counterfeit alcohol will always be negative: you cannot avoid a severe hangover, health problems, and in especially severe cases, death is possible. How to check the authenticity of vodka yourself?

Alcohol classification

The alcohol that is the basis of vodka comes in several categories. Types differ in the quality of purification from methanol and impurities, as well as in manufacturing technology. The alcohol category is indicated on the product label. Using this classification, you can determine the approximate quality of vodka. There are 4 categories of alcohol.

  1. Economy Such vodka can attract only its low price. It's easy to spot by its cheap bottle and simple label. Vodka of the “Economy” category is prepared from highly purified alcohol, but few filtration measures are carried out during the production process. Many harmful impurities remain in the drink, including an increased percentage of methanol. Vodka in this category is the easiest to counterfeit.
  2. Standard. This drink is prepared on the basis of “Extra” alcohol, which passes more degrees cleaning. The quality of this vodka is acceptable, it is bottled in more expensive bottles and uses interesting labels.
  3. Premium Vodka in this category belongs to elite drinks. It is prepared from “Lux” alcohol, which contains an acceptable percentage of methanol (0.02-0.03%). The water used to make such vodka is completely purified from toxic impurities.
  4. Super premium. It’s clear from the name that this vodka contains absolutely no harmful additives. Alcohol is used to make it highest quality, and also apply some secrets. It is highly valuable and very difficult to counterfeit.

Vodka made from Alpha alcohol belongs to a separate category. It contains a very low percentage of methanol: 0.003%. This alcohol is made from rye, wheat or a mixture of these cereals. You should choose vodka with Alpha alcohol, which does not have additional ingredients. The price will be lower, and the quality will suffer.

Excise stamp

A distinctive sign such as an excise stamp will protect consumers from purchasing low-quality alcohol. How can you independently identify a fake from this sticker?

First, you need to carefully examine the excise form. It must contain information about the manufacturing plant, production date and brand number. The excise tax also necessarily contains a barcode and a holographic image. Bottles with low-quality or counterfeit vodka usually do not have such data.

Secondly, checking using a scanner is possible. Such a device should be present in any large store selling alcoholic beverages. Currently, there are applications that can be installed on a smartphone in order to be able to scan the excise stamp online at any time (on the website This process will allow you to obtain all the data about the product and determine whether its sale is legal.

Thirdly, the excise stamp must be assessed externally. A bottle with a high-quality alcoholic drink will have a neat sticker with strict dimensions: 90 by 26 mm or 62 by 21 mm.

Other verification methods

How to determine the quality of already purchased alcohol? You can check the authenticity of vodka at home using a number of indicators.

  1. Weight. The vodka label indicates that its strength is 40 degrees. This means that water and alcohol are present in it in a strict ratio of 60:40. You can check the correctness of these proportions at home in a simple way: Just weigh the vodka. If alcohol and water are added in the specified volume, 1 liter of finished vodka will weigh 953 g.
  2. Smell. The first glass you pour must be judged by its smell. The aroma of vodka should be inhaled deeply: if it turns out to be sharp, very unpleasant, this product should not be consumed. Most likely, the drink turned out to be counterfeit; in addition to food grade alcohol, it contained industrial alcohol, which is dangerous to human health and life.
  3. Combustion. How to check the quality of vodka using fire? You need to pour the drink into a spoon and set it on fire. Burnt vodka will flare up sharply or not at all. High-quality alcohol will produce a low blue flame. The sediment remaining in the spoon after burning real vodka will not have an unpleasant odor.
  4. Freezing. It is common knowledge that alcohol does not freeze. However, if you keep vodka in the freezer for an hour or two, you can see pieces of ice in it. This proven method will show: if there are a lot of ice floes, the vodka is fake, since it is foreign impurities and water that freeze.
  5. Chemical analysis. To determine the presence of harmful impurities in vodka you will need sulfuric acid. Mix equal parts of alcohol and sulfuric acid. If the liquid turns black, it contains an increased amount of fusel oils. Such a drink will be harmful to the body. If there is no sulfuric acid, you can check the quality of vodka using litmus paper. It is necessary to dip its edge in alcohol and immediately evaluate it. If the paper turns red, the vodka contains acids that are added to the drink during the production process in order to increase the degree.

These methods are proven and the most effective for independently determining the quality of vodka. But even after making sure of the authenticity of the drink, you should drink it in moderation, assessing your state of health, age, and body characteristics.