Navalny. The whole truth about who he was and who he became. Alexey Navalny latest news, rumors, gossip

Alexey Navalny– representative of the non-systemic opposition, founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), professional lawyer and Chairman of the Progress Party. He came to the attention of the official media at the end of 2011 - then the young politician was presented to the general public as one of the leaders of the protests that swept across the country as a result of mass discontent with election fraud.

But the television audience managed to get to know him as the editor-in-chief of the “Fight Club” program, broadcast on the TVC channel. However, it did not last long and was soon taken off the air. Internet users learned about Navalny’s activities even earlier, thanks to revealing publications on LiveJournal. The blog, which was blocked today in 2008, quickly aroused interest and gained subscribers.

In 1997, Navalny graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, receiving a diploma in law, and began labor activity. In parallel with work, in 2001 he received a second specialty at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation - economist. Despite the fact that the politician is also credited with Yale University, Navalny limited himself to two diplomas from Russian universities, having attended only a six-month course at Yale in 2010.

At the end of the 90s, he managed to open his own company offering hairdressing services (Nesna LLC), worked at Aeroflot Bank, worked on currency control and antimonopoly legislation, and traded shares professionally. Navalny has a stake in family business – 25% authorized capital LLC "Kobyakovskaya wicker weaving factory".

The acquisition of small blocks of shares in the largest Russian corporations served as the basis for the first anti-corruption investigations. Being a minority shareholder, he was able to demand reporting information on the activities of management companies and even seek the initiation of criminal cases. The anti-corruption official targeted the managers of the famous VTB Bank, as well as the largest corporations in the gas and oil sectors:

  • Gazprom;
  • Rosneft;
  • Transneft;
  • Gazpromneft;
  • Surgutneftegaz;
  • TNK-BP.

In 2009, Navalny was appointed as a freelance adviser to the governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, in the Kirov region he received lawyer status and a year later became a member of the Moscow international bar association “Mezhregion”.

In 2012, the popular blogger was included in the Board of Directors of Aeroflot OJSC, where he deals with issues of personnel policy and audit, bonus and reward systems. In his new capacity, Navalny will try to implement his own program, introduce the principle of financial transparency and a system of anonymous notifications from staff about all observed violations and abuses. But such cooperation will last only until 2013.

Navalny's political activities

The founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny, was doused with brilliant green outside his office

The leader of the non-systemic opposition took an active part in the activities of such parties as Yabloko and RPR-Parnas. It is with membership in Yabloko that Alexei Navalny’s official political career begins. He submitted an application for membership back in 2000, while working as a member of Yabloko he became acquainted with other representatives and activists of the liberal democratic movement, and in 2001 he represented the Union of Right Forces party in the elections in one of the district election commissions.

During the period of his membership in Yabloko, Navalny defended the interests of citizens in the framework of the fight against compaction development, and in 2003 he led the Duma election campaign in Moscow. With the participation of Maria, Gaidar created the youth movement “YES” - the Democratic Alternative, and as part of it participated in the project “Police with the People” and for freedom of the media. A year before his expulsion from the party, Yabloko created another project - “Political Debates”.

However, after 7 years of friendship, the paths diverge - Navalny is dissatisfied with Grigory Yavlinsky, and the Yabloko party no longer wants to see Alexei in its ranks, blaming him for his excessive passion for the ideas of Russian nationalism. On December 14, 2007, Navalny was officially expelled from the party, with the wording: “for causing political damage.” Soon after this, the first large-scale anti-corruption project, Rospil, was launched, which immediately attracted the attention of network users. It was followed by no less spectacular, but more practical “RosYama” - about the problems of Russian roads, and “RosZhKH”. Navalny himself considers the results of these projects to be his achievements:

  • more than 20,000 users of the RosYama service were able to not only complain about poor-quality roads, but also receive feedback from the authorities and get the road surface repaired.
  • More than 100,000 complaints were sent by citizens participating in the RosZhKH project, while a significant part managed to achieve timely and high-quality provision of services (repairs, cleaning, etc.).
  • More than 700,000 billion rubles were disputed by Navalny’s team in the courts as part of the Rospil project after careful consideration of tenders and purchases, and were retained in the Russian budget.

Currently, the politician heads his own Progress Party. Shortly after the 2013 Moscow mayoral elections, Navalny entered into political party"People's Alliance", which was renamed on February 8, 2014. The Progress Party was not allowed to participate in the 2016 Duma elections - it was officially excluded from the electoral process, but single-mandate voters and participants in regional election campaigns managed to circumvent the ban. The party has more than 60 regional branches registered, but by decision of the Ministry of Justice on the eve of the Duma elections it was excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). legal entities). The impossibility of participating in the elections is also justified by the criminal cases opened against its participants.

Anti-corruption investigations continued on YouTube - in 2016, the exposé film “Chaika” was released, about the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and his business empire, where the emphasis is on clanism and the illegal enrichment of Chaika’s sons, as well as on the family’s criminal connections. The demonstration of the film did not evoke responses or refutations from the main character himself, and the official media did not show it, limiting themselves to only pointing out the lack of evidence in court and the possible unreliability of the facts. On YouTube, the number of viewers reached 5 million.

Assessing the popularity of this format, throughout the year the politician releases short videos exposing the corruption of the country's top officials. These include sensational materials about the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister transporting her dogs on a private plane to participate in exhibitions, and investigations about the Russian and foreign real estate of persons close to or included in the leadership.

In the spring of 2017, a new film will be released dedicated to the current Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. “He’s not Dimon for you” was viewed by 25 million Russians in the very first days, and on April 26, both coordinated and uncoordinated rallies and actions against corruption took place in Moscow, St. Petersburg and 80 other Russian cities. Many participants made a toy duck and sneakers their symbol - as a sign of protest against theft and dishonest enrichment.

Personal Beliefs

If Alexei Navalny’s dislike of corruption is widely supported, then his other beliefs cannot but alarm both supporters of the ruling party and the opposition. First of all, this is commitment to nationalist ideas and participation in “Russian marches”. Alexey himself explains in an interview that his beliefs and principles are “not for deportation, but for assimilation” - and in this his thoughts are in tune with many far-right Western European populist politicians. However, in a multi-ethnic state, such as modern Russia, such statements do not find understanding and approval among everyone.

Navalny’s position is aimed at tightening migration and visa policies, including protecting the rights of migrant workers. In defiance of the activities of Sergei Sobyanin, who flooded the capital with labor migrants from neighboring countries, the politician proposed introducing visas with countries Central Asia and quotas for jobs (). Whether the founder of FBK expressed his ideas insufficiently correctly, or, on the contrary, involuntarily let slip his true principles, is unknown, but such a position not only added to his popularity among certain segments of the population, but also seriously quarreled with his former comrades.

Public opinion about Navalny

According to the results of a poll conducted by VTsIOM in May-June 2017 among 1,600 respondents, Navalny’s trust rating was 1.4%. Levada Center data for 2017 show that the number of people aware of Navalny decreased from 50% in January 2015 to 47% in February 2017, and the number of sympathizers dropped from 7% in October 2013 to 4% in February 2017. Hostility increased significantly over the same period - if in October 2013 only 3% of respondents experienced these emotions, then in February 2017 the figure increased to 10%.

In the spring, these figures changed slightly - the politician’s recognition reached 55% by the beginning of April 2017, and in the elections 10% of the population are already ready to give him their votes.

Unofficial data is also ambiguous - some doubt Navalny, considering him a project of one of the Kremlin towers, others, while fully supporting anti-corruption activities, are not sure that they want to see the politician as president. It is curious that participants in unauthorized rallies that swept across Russia in March and June 2017, when asked by independent media correspondents about support for Navalny, often answered that they took to the streets not for him, but against corruption. At the same time, part of the non-systemic opposition, on the contrary, calls to distract from criticism of Navalny’s personality and unite with him, since they see in this political figure the only real driving force for change.

Supporters of the ruling party are convinced that Navalny’s funding comes from abroad, by forces who want to forcibly change political system Russia.

The authorities' opinion of the oppositionist

Although interest in Navalny has increased over the past month, the official position of the current leadership has not been announced - what is happening in all major cities The protest actions were not commented on in any way by the Kremlin press service, and the pressing question about the activities of the oppositionist and the attitude of the authorities towards him was not asked at the latter.

He gave a short commentary on the released film “He’s Not Dimon for You” main character this video, separating this type of fight against corruption from the real one and hinting at the order and financing of the project by circles hostile to Russia. Medvedev also pointed out the fact that the author of the film himself “is a convicted character.” The Prime Minister also condemned the organization of protests, pointing out that Navalny put young people “under the law enforcement machine.” There was also a reproach about the opposition leader's desire to try to take the presidency himself.

To date, Alexey Navalny remains a defendant in 2 criminal cases – “Kirovles” and “Yves-Rocher”. In the first case, charges were initially brought against blackmail and extortion of a bribe, but this charge was dropped and a new one was opened - Navalny is accused of stealing Kirovles products on an especially large scale. Currently, the head of FBK has been found guilty of embezzling 16 million rubles and sentenced to 4 years of probation, with a fine of 500 thousand rubles. (Part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code).

In the second case (“Yves Rocher”), about the theft and laundering of funds from the injured party, Alexei Navalny’s brother, Oleg, who is currently serving time in prison, was convicted. On February 20, 2014, Alexei Navalny himself was placed under house arrest, and on December 30, 2014, like Oleg Navalny, he was sentenced to 3.5 years, but a suspended sentence. The head of FBK transferred the case materials to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

Plans for the future: Navalny's presidential program

Despite the fact that Alexei Navalny is involved in criminal cases, today he can still participate in the presidential race.

According to the law (Article 4, paragraph 3.2a of the 67th Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights”), citizens sentenced to imprisonment for committing serious crimes, whose convictions have been withdrawn or expunged, do not have the right to be elected.

It turns out that he was sentenced to a suspended sentence of imprisonment and, according to the Federal Law, cannot participate in elections, but on the other hand, he is not being held in prison by a court verdict.

The Constitutional Court itself explains that this situation only partially complies with the Federal Law.

The Constitutional Court ruled: restriction of the right to vote is not a criminal punishment, but can be applied in the mechanism of general legal consequences of conviction without special indication in the sentence.

The legislator indicated that he has the right to formulate the very concept of deprivation of liberty differently so that restrictions on voting rights are not imposed on persons who are not held in prisons or under escort in places of deprivation of liberty.

On his website, Navalny’s election program is briefly outlined and consists of several main points:

  • The fight against corruption and transparency of anti-corruption processes. If an official’s standard of living runs counter to his official income, an investigation must be conducted publicly, and a criminal case must be initiated against such an official.
  • Transparency of state-owned companies. Navalny’s team has already developed a bill to stop nepotism and theft of the budget in state corporations.
  • Changes in tax legislation. Such changes should be aimed at, for which tax burden will be relieved. Individual entrepreneurs should be completely exempt from paying taxes, and the tax itself should be accepted on a progressive scale.
  • Salaries and pensions. The growth of citizens' well-being will be ensured by establishing a higher minimum wage - 25 thousand rubles, and pensions should become higher.
  • Health and education. The budget should be redistributed in such a way that spending on these most important components of the country's well-being is increased.
  • Subsidizing mortgage programs and debureaucratization in housing construction. This part of the program should increase the availability of housing and lead to a reduction in its cost.

⇒ Navalny gained the greatest fame during the election campaign for the post of mayor of Moscow in September 2013 - during meetings he held in various districts and districts of Moscow and solving pressing problems of Muscovites. The results of this acquaintance made it possible to be far ahead of other candidates - Ivan Melnikov (10.69%), Sergei Mitrokhin (3.51%), Mikhail Degtyarev (2.86%) and Nikolai Levichev (2.79%). However, the palm had to be conceded to the current mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin - he was ahead of his competitors, gaining 51.37%, while Alexei Navalny himself received 27.24% of votes.

⇒ Navalny does not attend most of the announced and organized rallies and actions. His participation was hampered by house arrest or police detention before he could join his support group. During the last protest action, the oppositionist was detained when leaving his own entrance and left in custody for 15 days.

⇒ If the beginning of Navalny’s anti-corruption activities was marked by several striking victories and criminal cases, now the head of FBK increasingly has to appear in court on filed libel claims, and in some of which the decision was not in his favor (for example, a libel case was carried out in accordance with the claim against Navalny from).

Alexei Navalny is one of the most notorious Russian politicians, businessman, lawyer, born in the Moscow region (Odintsovo district, town Butyn), 06/04/1976.


Alexey's father is Ukrainian by birth, graduated military school and after several years of service he received a transfer to Moscow. There he met his fate - a simple Russian girl originally from Zelenograd near Moscow, who after school also moved to the capital. But the career she had hoped to build failed, and Lyudmila went to work at a woodworking plant.

Alexey in childhood

In the early 90s, when a severe crisis began in the country, Alexei’s parents managed to get their bearings and, on the basis of a bankrupt workshop, they created their own small enterprise that produced exclusive products from wicker. This allowed the family not only to stay afloat, but also to make their first capital.

Meanwhile, Alexey successfully completed school and also moved to Moscow. Before that, he lived most of the time with his grandmother, since his parents were practically not at home - they put all their efforts into providing for financial well-being families.

Having graduated with an excellent certificate, Alexey submitted exams to the law department of Moscow State University, but he only needed one point to receive the coveted student card.

The next year he continued to actively prepare for exams, while helping his parents in business. This year has played a major role decisive role in his future career. He did not give up his dream of becoming a lawyer, but at the same time became interested in economic disciplines.

A year later, the exams were passed successfully, and he began studying at the Institute of Friendship of Peoples. In his senior years, he simultaneously studies at the Government Finance Academy, choosing finance and lending as a specialization. Navalny was also one of the first in Russia to receive a diploma in stock exchange business and is a professional broker.


Navalny began his career with a modest position as an ordinary lawyer at Aeroflot, where he was invited while still student years after a successfully completed internship. In 1998, he officially registered his first private company, Allekt LLC, but worked mainly for another company.

But a year later, immediately after defending his diploma, he begins to actively engage in his own business, while simultaneously continuing to build a career at Aeroflot. The young lawyer established himself as an excellent specialist there, and his deep knowledge of economic disciplines helped him solve the most difficult problems. complex tasks on the highest level, and just a few years later he was included in the directors of Aeroflot.

My political career Navalny started in 2000 by joining the Yabloko party. Quite quickly he showed his leadership qualities and already in 2004 he began to manage its Moscow regional branch. However, already in 2007 after loud scandal with the leaders of the party, Navalny is expelled from its composition.

Then he creates another political movement, “The People,” and positions himself as a fighter for the rights of the people and against the abuse of power by officials. Several more are being created in this vein public organizations and around the same period he begins to actively appear on television screens.

Having first appeared on the “Political Debates” program, Navalny interested the audience so much that he later became a regular participant.

Since 2008, Navalny has been actively involved in anti-corruption activities and even created a special committee. His attention in those years was directed to fraud with oil, which, contrary to all antimonopoly laws, was sold abroad only through one joint-stock company.

In order to have funds for independent investigations, a fund is established in which independent entrepreneurs invest.

In 2011, Navalny’s company became the object of research Russian roads, which are still in a catastrophic state, despite constant funding for their repairs. A year later, he would organize an independent election monitoring system.

At the same time, he is investigating and publicizing facts about the illegality of the acquisition of expensive real estate, airplanes and other luxury items by people whose official income does not allow them to do so.


His investigations affect the interests of the highest echelons of power and, naturally, begin to irritate them greatly. But at first, “precautionary measures” were taken against him. Several times he was arrested for 15 days for illegally holding rallies.

But already in 2011, the first criminal case was opened against him, which, however, was dropped less than a year later due to the lack of corpus delicti.

In July 2013, by a court decision, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison and a half-million fine for the activities of the Kirovles company, of which he was one of the leaders. But this verdict had political motives. At that time, elections for the post of mayor were underway, and Navalny could well have won them. Later, his lawyers proved the sanctions were illegal, and Navalny was released.

The situation was repeated with precision in 2016, and again he receives a similar sentence, and again his lawyers prove the connection of this case with the political situation in the country. Nevertheless, Navalny is again seeking to have the sentence overturned, since he has openly declared his intention to take part in the 2018 presidential race.

According to unverified data, he can count on the support of 70% of voters.

Personal life

Navalny is married and values ​​his family very much. He met his future wife Julia while on vacation in Turkey in 2000. And very soon the young people got married. And a year later a girl was born into the family. In 2008, Navalny’s long-awaited son was born.

With his wife Yulia and children

Zinoviy Tenenboim : repetition is not the mother of not teaching

ZT (Zinovy ​​Tenenboim). From a long time ago.

Stanislav Belkovsky: underground casinos of the Moscow region. 100 thousand Swiss francs – Navalny’s loss in one go 27 Sep. 2010 "to Vanka Nazarov."

ZT (Zinovy ​​Tenenboim). That is: in the intervals of his struggle with the dishonesty of the fifties, tenths, and twenties, he (Alyosha) with a clear conscience spent his time with his underground friend “Vanka Nazarov.”
ZT. I don't understand why no one is outraged by this?
Ivan Nazarov: 10% of the casino chain’s income comes from Navalny’s losses. Search on the Internet.
Search the Internet for Navalny’s words: “I lost the little money I had” (this is located, but in too large a resource about Navalny).
ZT. Anyway passionate nature The player remains with Alyosha. Having come to power in some Monaco, he will squander our pension fund at roulette. There was such a player F.M. Dostoevsky, so will “president” Alexei Navalny.

05/02/2017 ZT. I once came across Navalny and “Vanka Nazarov” in (url removed) where there is a lot, a lot of stuff about Navalny, I highly recommend everyone to watch it. There: Stanislav Belkovsky: underground casinos of the Moscow region. 100 thousand Swiss francs – Navalny’s loss in one go 27 Sep. 2010 "to Vanka Nazarov." Ivan Nazarov: 10% of the casino chain’s income comes from Navalny’s losses. (url removed).
ZT. It’s not my fault that the last reference doesn’t open now.

repetition is not the mother of not teaching
05/02/2017. Question: where is the proof on the Internet, the url of the following? -
Stanislav Belkovsky: underground casinos of the Moscow region. 100 thousand Swiss francs – Navalny’s loss in one go 27 Sep. 2010 "to Vanka Nazarov." Ivan Nazarov: 10% of the casino chain’s income comes from Navalny’s losses. (url removed) 05/02/2017 this link no longer opens. ZT. Question: where on the Internet is the proof of the URL given. I'm waiting for an answer from the Internet like the nightingale of summer.

Yu Yub:  I am a descendant of the Palmyra Queen Zenobia, clan of Cleopatra7 (guardian-regent of the young VabAllAt, illegally removed by the Danube commander, soon slaughtered by Avrilian Goth-Hood-Hun, who became after Quintilus and Claudius the Gothic and united 5 empires including the Roman one as part of) - “Ma” and “Shah "-"Adoh-diAdoh" as a descendant of Adenat recognized by the Sheikh of the Sheikhs -ShakhinShah after the peaceful campaign in India, he is Shapur Parthian Kingdom Sasonid Dynasty his city of Aden, the fortress of Sira and the mosque of Al-AidaRus, their son Vaballat with Zenobia is VA of the Gudy clan - Gods cities of the Guda family, GudaUta, GudaUri, GuderMes, 15 cities of Guda in Belarus and 150 in Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Garmania. I submitted an Application to the Supreme Court to declare the 2018 elections illegal. I believe: 1) V.V. Putin. not the line of the King of Kings David and cannot be a leader and manager of property of this level. 2) The Central Election Commission is not a Council of 12 Heads of the Tribes of God-Apostles. 3) Secrecy in elections is made for fraud, but each man can be identified by “U” DNA to one of the 12 Tribes of God and cannot be deprived of an appeal challenge in the application of vote-will. Here is my Application dated 03/23/2018 (before the inauguration) to the Supreme Court, motivated by my kinship to the King of Kings David, I demand consideration on the merits with the examination of the “DNA of the Knee Kinship: Kinship”: file/d/1C_faKQFt1Ll66MNeFtNyJ6_2p5acStA4/view?usp=drivesdk

My mail for media [email protected] I’m explaining my point of view, the first general DNA test proved that my scientific research required a procedural “U” DNA examination. I’m sure of what I’m saying, there is only one person of different religions called the Antichrist-MaShaah-MahDi, it’s me. I have 2 DNA lines to Noah-Nuh-David, the court is obliged to check the relationship based on a reasoned statement, not only from Sheikhs.

Open the link and follow the legality, according to the Council Law, of the arrival of the Ruriko-Romanov Crown, which the Council did not accept." Last Supper". Without the Council-candidates from birth, the Elections 2018 is a Revolution, and this is bad: “Re” is a repetition of the unfulfilled return to the Ol-Al-Council of all families 12 “U” DNA of God according to the identity of each man. Only a peaceful Council competent for all genders full in the right.

The other day, Alexei Navalny, who is tipped to be the leader of the opposition and almost the future president of Russia, registered the Anti-Corruption Foundation and began collecting legal donations.

Lord of the "hamsters"

You could say that as a politician Alexey Navalny was born on the Internet. There he started a blog, which later grew into the mega-popular online resource about corruption “RosPil”.

It would seem that it has never been a secret to anyone that in Russia there is theft and rampant corruption. But it was on this platform, trampled many times by the independent press, politicians, and even the authorities themselves, that popularity began to grow rapidly Alexei Navalny. “Respect!”, “You are doing an important job,” “It’s good that such a person exists” - the virtual wrestler was quickly elevated to a virtual pedestal by his virtual friends.

Navalny hit the target clearly - the audience was waiting for such a lone fighter who, with facts and figures, would call all the unsightly things his own true names. Virtual Robin Hood quickly assembled his own small combat-ready online army, which, as if on command, immediately “tears” on the Internet everyone who doubts the radiance of Navalny’s image.

Navalny not the smartest of bloggers, not the bravest, he’s not even the first - before him there were sites and blogs exposing corruption (for example, Zakupki news by Alexander Malyutin. - Ed.), but it’s a blog Alexei Navalny became number one on this topic. For people familiar with political technologies and the basics of PR, it is obvious that serious efforts and, probably, funds were involved here to promote this blog, says an expert from the Center for Political Conjuncture Dmitry Abzalov.– In addition, it is not without reason to assume that initially the blog had not so much political as business goals: Navalny became a minority shareholder in many state-owned and blue-chip companies, received and partially published internal information, and also started lawsuits, in during which access was opened to documents that had not previously been made public. The Transneft company openly called these actions “industrial espionage.” Such technologies were widely used in the USA in the 80–90s and, perhaps, have reached us.

Navalny really brought horror to the hitherto “unafraid” and all-powerful structures - VTB, Sberbank, Gazprom.

Internet “hamsters” (a stable expression in relation to the Internet crowd) began to dedicate poems, websites and enthusiastic posts to Navalny throughout the vast space of the Internet. The voices of individual experts who considered Navalny’s activities to be camouflaged “greenmail” (corporate blackmail) sounded quieter and more boring.

Virtuality and reality

Online Alexey Navalny received everything: the position of “mayor of Moscow” according to Internet users, maximum trust according to online polls, the delight of bloggers. But the blogosphere, by definition, is the most critical and distrustful audience, so in a bright guise Navalny not immediately, but there were spots.

A pleasant young man with a short and transparent biography is an ideal option for the role of a “Teflon politician” who is not in danger of any exposure.

– You’re probably talking about Lesha? Of course, I remember him,” the former classroom teacher Navalny Irina Vakhrusheva. “He was from a very good family: his father was a military man, his mother worked in the administration of a large furniture company, was on the parent committee and was always worried about Lyosha, interested in all his affairs. But he gave no reason for worry: he was always smart, balanced, serious, very calm, although not always convenient for teachers - he could disagree and argue with the teacher.

Alexey Navalny grew up in a small military town near Moscow. The times were the most difficult for the army - the 90s. On the one side - wealthy family, on the other hand, there is widespread talk about “traitors who ruined the country.” The opposition vector was given Navalny since school days.

Navalny entered the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, after graduating from which he went to the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation to study stock exchange business. As they say, ambitious applicants enter the “Belodom” university in order to acquire useful connections from the criminal institute.

Having received two prestigious diplomas, Alexey Navalny did not pursue a career in the generally accepted sense. He was caught up in politics. He joined Yabloko, but in 2007 he was expelled from the party with the wording “for causing political damage to the party, in particular for nationalist activities.” To this day, there are videos from “early Navalny” circulating on the Internet, where he demonstrates the advantages of a fly swatter, a slipper and a pistol, which can be used to deal with a fly, a cockroach and a Caucasian, respectively.

“Believe me, I don’t have a tattoo with Hitler,” Navalny jokes about the topic of nationalism, which is inconvenient for him now, which has become a dragging burden for a federal politician, where he is aiming.

But it is known that Navalny is a participant in all “Russian Marches” without exception. Old Yabloko members tell how Navalny, when he lacked arguments, could interrupt his party colleague, an Armenian woman: “But your place is in the market!” And in 2007, during a debate at the Gogol club Navalny shot several times from a traumatic pistol at car mechanic Timur Teziev, which is why a criminal case was opened, which was closed six months later.

U Navalny No work history in a general sense: he doesn’t go to the office or the workshop, but rather to rallies and marches. Almost his only official place of work was as an adviser to Governor Nikita Belykh in the Kirov region in 2009–2010. Assisting the most liberal head of the region in Russia is a good thing, but it is unlikely that Navalny himself likes to remember that period: the director of the local enterprise Kirovles accused Navalny of imposing an unprofitable contract and actually ruining the enterprise, and the head Navalny The Foundation for Supporting Initiatives of the Governor of the Kirov Region was disgraced by letters to entrepreneurs asking them to make a financial contribution.

Skeletons in the closet

A revolutionary on the Internet, in real life Navalny is a well-fed bourgeois who drove around Kirov in a gold Lamborghini, around Moscow in an Infiniti, and New Year celebrates in a country that is not the cheapest for tourist trips from Russia - Mexico.

“The Lamborghini is not mine, they let me drive it,” Alexey innocently parries the questions of Internet users.

It is known that Navalny lived in the United States for about six months, studied at Yale University and often visits the States. In America, they say, Navalny’s wife also lives most of the time.

It turns out that fighting for a just cause with proper organization can become a good business. Navalny’s project “RosPil” has already collected 5 million rubles in donations, some of which came in large contributions.

"It is clear that Navalny We've scrolled through the dough - and we need to somehow legalize this grant. But it’s not that oaky, yeah. SUDDENLY a million. In a day,” the political scientist commented on his blog Timofey Shevyakov.

Opponents Navalny they wonder how a professional fighter for truth lives and supports his wife and two children, and they wonder whose Navalny project – the USA or the Kremlin?

“The United States, of course, has a long-standing “image of the enemy,” and the Kremlin may be trying to channel the opposition under Navalny, lead it in circles, let it off steam,” says Dmitry Abzalov.

Alexey Navalny- This is the first Russian attempt to create a professional “white-gloved” politician. And so it was. But exactly until the virtual image acquired the features of a real person.

Public figure and investment activist. Advisor to the Governor of the Kirov Region and head of the Foundation for Supporting Initiatives of the Governor of the Kirov Region since 2009. Co-chairman of the National Russian Liberation Movement "People" since 2007. In 2004-2007 he was deputy chairman of the Moscow branch of the Russian United Democratic Party "Yabloko", in 2007 he was expelled from the party for nationalism.

Alexey Anatolyevich Navalny was born on June 4, 1976 in a military town - the village of Butyn, Odintsovo district, Moscow region. In 1993 he graduated from Alabinsk high school in the military village of Kalininets in the vicinity of the village of Taraskovo near Moscow. In the same year (according to other sources - in 1992) he moved to Moscow.

In 1993-1998, Navalny studied at the Faculty of Law of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University (RUDN), in 1999-2001 at the Faculty of Finance and Credit of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, from which he graduated, in his own words, with a degree in securities and stock exchange business" (some sources claim that such a specialty was not available at the academy).

While still studying at the academy, in 2000 Navalny joined the Russian United Democratic Party Yabloko. At the end of 2001, he worked at the headquarters for the elections of deputies of the Moscow City Duma (at the same time, he was a member of one of the district election commissions as a representative not of Yabloko, but of the Union of Right Forces party).

In 2002, Navalny was elected a member of the regional council of the Moscow branch of Yabloko. In 2003, he already led the Yabloko election campaign in the elections to State Duma in Moscow. Sources noted that in Moscow at these elections, Yabloko showed the best result among all regional headquarters.

In April 2004, Navalny became chief of staff of the Moscow branch of Yabloko and remained in this position until February 2007. In addition, from 2004 until the summer of 2007, he was deputy chairman of the Moscow branch of the party (the branch at that time was headed by Sergei Mitrokhin).

In the summer of 2004, Navalny was elected executive secretary of the Committee for the Defense of Muscovites, created under Yabloko, which opposed infill development (Mitrokhin was also the chairman of the committee). In 2006-2007, Navalny was a member of the federal council of Yabloko.

In August 2005, Navalny was included in Public Council Central Administrative District of Moscow, created as “an instrument of public influence on decision-making by government structures” on the eve of the start of the campaign for elections to the Moscow City Duma. In November of the same year, Navalny became one of the initiators of the creation of the Youth Public Chamber, an organization whose goal was the participation of young people in legislative initiatives. At the Moscow City Duma elections themselves, held in December 2005, Navalny ran on the Yabloko-United Democrats list. At this time, in particular, he met one of the leaders of the Union of Right Forces party, Nikita Belykh, who participated in the list.

In 2005, Navalny was one of the organizers of the youth social movement"YES! - Democratic Alternative" (Maria Gaidar and Natalya Morar were also among the organizers of the movement). In this movement he participated in a number of projects. In particular, Navalny was mentioned as the coordinator of the project "YES! For media freedom!" (the main coordinator of the project, however, was Gaidar) and the “Police with the People” project. In connection with the movement's law enforcement project, Navalny and his associates conducted raids on police stations to check whether the rights of detainees were being observed.

At the beginning of 2006, Navalny, Gaidar and Sergei Kazakov created another project - “Political Debates”, within which public meetings between politicians and public figures. Already the second debate, in which, in particular, the press secretary of the Nashi movement Robert Schlegel and the leader of the Yabloko youth organization Ilya Yashin participated, caused a great resonance in the press. In addition to the “Political Debates” itself, Navalny also organized a parallel project for the TVC channel - the “Fight Club” program. In April 2007, after only two episodes showing high rating, the program was unexpectedly taken off the air. Navalny himself linked the closure of Fight Club to the existence of a “stop list” compiled by the authorities that prohibited the appearance of certain people on television.

In the fall of 2006, the press indicated Navalny as one of the organizers of the “Russian March” prepared by nationalist organizations, but he himself categorically rejected this. Nevertheless, Navalny participated as an observer in meetings of the organizing committee of the demonstration, explaining this by protecting the right of citizens to peaceful assembly.

On June 23, 2007, Navalny became one of the founders of the “People” movement, whose ideology was “democratic nationalism” - the fight for democracy and the rights of Russians. Navalny, as well as writers Sergei Gulyaev and Zakhar Prilepin, were elected co-chairs of the movement. Navalny subsequently described himself as a “national democrat.”

In connection with his participation in the creation of the “People” movement, already in July 2007, Navalny was forced to resign from his post as deputy head of the Moscow “Yabloko”. At the same time, the question began to be discussed that Navalny should have left the party. In December 2007, at a meeting of the party bureau, Navalny demanded “the immediate resignation of the party chairman and all his deputies, the re-election of at least 70 percent of the bureau” and was expelled from Yabloko with the wording “for causing political damage to the party, in particular, for nationalist activities.” .

In 2007, Navalny also twice appeared in scandals related to the “political debates” he conducted. In February, at a debate between publicists Yulia Latynina and Maxim Kononenko, radical nationalists appeared, led by Maxim Martsinkevich (nicknamed “Cleaver”), to whom Navalny gave the floor, confirming his nationalist beliefs. Nevertheless, after the debate, Navalny was among those who filed a police report against Martsinkevich. In October, after a debate between Gaidar and the writer Eduard Bagirov, which was accompanied by a violation of order in the hall, Navalny fired a traumatic pistol at car mechanic Timur Teziev. According to Navalny, Teziev tried to disrupt the debate: his victim was allegedly sent by “the Kremlin structures responsible for” domestic policy“and “work with youth,” in connection with which even the name of President Vladimir Putin’s assistant Vladislav Surkov was mentioned. According to some sources, after a six-month trial, the case of Navalny’s attack on Teziev was dropped.

Beginning in the second half of the 2000s, Navalny (who was once a professional stock trader) became interested in rights issues minority shareholders. In 2008, he began to actively engage in so-called “investment activism.” Navalny bought small blocks of shares in large companies - in particular, he was a minority shareholder of Surgutneftegaz, Transneft, Rosneft, Gazpromneft, TNK-BP, Sberbank and VTB - and then demanded disclosure as a shareholder information about the activities of management, on which the income of shareholders and the transparency of companies could depend. At the same time, Navalny indicated the Gazprom corporation as his main opponent. In particular, he achieved the initiation of a criminal case against one of the corporation's managers.

Navalny himself noted the futility of investment activism due to the lack of independence of the law enforcement system. He lost lawsuits demanding disclosure of information filed against Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz and Transneft. At the same time, in 2009, thanks to Navalny, a criminal case was opened against the managers of Mezhregiongaz for causing damage to the company when selling gas to intermediaries, and details of the unprofitable purchase of VTB Leasing drilling rigs were revealed, as a result of which the director of the bank was forced to resign . In December 2009, Navalny, together with the Russian version of Forbes magazine, organized a project to protect the rights of minority shareholders - the Center for Shareholder Protection. Thanks to these activities, in the same month the Vedomosti newspaper named Navalny “private person of the year.” At the same time, he was recognized as “person of the year” by the stock exchange review “Stock In Focus”.

Back in early 2009, shortly after his appointment as governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh appointed Navalny as his freelance adviser. In the summer of the same year, Navalny headed the non-profit organization Foundation for Support of Initiatives of the Governor of the Kirov Region.

Navalny is an active blogger. Among his musical preferences, he pointed out the group Rage Against The Machine, and also drew parallels between himself and the famous rock musician Yegor Letov. Navalny's wife's name is Yulia. In 2008, the couple had a son.