The leader of the Russian iTunes chart, singer Alekseev: “The song “Drunk Sun” is about the girl with whom I broke up. Who is Nikita Alekseev? What does he do? How many years

Name: Alekseev Nikita

Age: 25 years

Place of Birth: Kyiv, Ukraine

Activity: Ukrainian singer. Semi-finalist of the Ukrainian project “Voice of the Country”

Singer Nikita Alekseev became a supernova on the horizon of Russian show business, so his biography and personal life were under close attention a large army of fans. Handsome young man in Once again proved that talent, multiplied by perseverance and attractive appearance, is capable of achieving the highest results.

As the young handsome man said in an interview with a glossy publication, now he is in demand and happy, surrounded by the attention of thousands of fans and confidently doing what he loves. All this might not have happened if 23 years ago his mother had made a rash decision in the process of a difficult choice between her beloved man and her long-awaited child...


The vocal boy was born in 1983, in a single-parent family. The conflict between the future parents of singer Nikita Alekseev left a huge mark on his future biography and attitude towards the personal life of people close to him. After all, the artist’s mother made Difficult choice between a promising relationship with a talented doctor and an unborn child. Refusing to get rid of the baby, the woman devoted her entire life to him, trying to raise not only a healthy person, but also a purposeful and persistent man in his desires.

Nikita Alekseev, photo

Helped her with this Native sister. Nikita’s aunt was unmarried and worked in Spain, where many residents of Kyiv went in search of higher salaries. The boy also ended up there for the first time at the age of three - his mother strived for better life for my son, I wanted to help him learn foreign language, the baby ended up absorbing it like a sponge.

In a distant Mediterranean country, the family where he lived during the holidays became attached to the boy. On one of his visits to his homeland, Kiev, Nikita loudly declared that he did not want to live in Ukraine, moreover, these relatives persuaded the single mother to hand over the boy to them to raise, motivating their desire by the woman’s financial insolvency. This outraged the parent so much that she ended all relationships with distant failed parents in one day. As the artist says in an interview, he is immensely grateful to his mother for such a decision.

At the age of 10, the smart boy began studying vocals with a famous teacher in Kyiv. In order to instill physical endurance and a desire to win in her child, the mother also sent the boy to tennis. These activities require not only a lot of effort, but also significant material investments, so the woman had to leave medicine for cosmetology.

For all the efforts spent on his upbringing and education, Nikita never tires of thanking his mother and her sister, who invested all their unclaimed love into the boy.

The young man earned his first money by participating in the open air, where Alena Vinnitskaya was the headliner. The twelve-year-old child was then praised by Alexei Bolshoi himself for his choice of songs - the guy grew up listening to music Western rock bands and sang several hits from Queen and Scorpions at his performance. This inspired the boy to long years persistent music studies.

Nikita Alekseev earned his first money by participating in open air

By the way, Nikita Alekseev’s mother once tried to ask his biological father for help, finding the phone number of her former lover through mutual friends. The time was difficult and she wanted a man to participate in her son’s life at least one time. However, Nikita's father flatly refused to help the rebellious woman, saying that everyone is responsible for their decisions independently.

And although he lives abroad, has a decent medical practice and a stable income, he is interested in problems ex-lover and the man does not want his unwanted son. Nikita knows that his two half-twin brothers are growing up in distant foreign countries, whom the young man really wants to meet. The guy does not hold a grudge against the failed parent, claiming that the time has not yet come for a personal meeting.

The path to the pinnacle of glory

After graduating from school, Nikita Alekseev entered the Kiev University of Economics to study marketing. This decision was provoked by self-doubt and the desire to have a more practical education. According to the young student, this would not only allow him to have a stable and decent income, but also make life easier for his loved ones, who have worked for his future for many years.

Nikita Alekseev attended directing courses

In parallel with his main studies, the guy continued to be interested in the world of show business - he attended directing courses as a free student, trying to learn more about the technical side of working on stage. And he became more and more convinced that performing in front of an audience was more interesting to him than exchange rates on the world market.

Here at the university the guy organized his own ensemble called “Mova”. Alekseev and his like-minded students chose a very advantageous direction - popular rock. This allowed young people to gather their own audience within the Ukrainian capital.

It should be noted that at the time of studying mathematical disciplines and stock market reports, Alekseev did not sit on the neck of his mother and aunt - an independent young man earned money by singing in nightclubs, and worked a lot as an employee of call centers. Therefore, I never depended on pocket money or the necessary funds for independent living.

The desire to win

Nikita Alekseev participated in the castings of the “Voice of the Country” show several times. He first tried his hand at a song competition at the age of 18 - then the guy was “rejected” for very specific reasons - the master did not like his style of performance. Try again young talent It happened under very sad circumstances - just before the casting for the X Factor show, the guy lost his voice. He persuaded the wiretapping manager to let him through further, but to restore his abilities in short term it didn’t work out, and Nikita refused to participate in the show.

Ani Lorak responded to Nikita Alekseev’s speech.

For the third time Alekseev came to blind audition“Voices of the Country”, being at a decisive stage in his biography and personal life - the guy was finishing his studies at the university, he wanted to make sure of his own failure as an artist. And here luck smiled on the persistent singer - Ani Lorak responded to his performance.


Not only did she believe in Nikita Alekseev’s abilities as a singer, but the young talent calls Irina Bilyk her second stage mother. It was these artists who changed his biography, predetermining changes in his personal life for many years.

Nikita Alekseev considers Irina Bilyk his second mother

The young man himself is incredibly grateful to them, because with the help of his star mentor he was able to shoot a video for the song “ drunken sun", which still occupies a leading place on all Russian charts. And the response of the Ukrainian “diva” Bilyk to the singer’s cover version of the song “And I Plivu” inspired him with confidence in his own abilities and future success on the big stage.

unrequited love

As singer Nikita Alekseev says, his personal life in his biography is now in limbo - the artist devotes all his strength to work, trying to prepare as best as possible for the future performance at Eurovision 2018 from Belarus. Not long ago, he broke up with a girl who refused to continue a long-term relationship with a guy because of his popularity. The girl did not want to share her beloved with a large army of fans, which increases in proportion to his fame.

The guy was incredibly worried about everything that was happening, because after working on the video that made him popular, he went with his lover to Spain, wanting to propose to her. It all ended with another quarrel over the prospects for musical Olympus And family relations. Therefore, the artist considers his triumphant work, which talks about the pain of separation, to be prophetic.

The girl did not want to share him with an army of fans

He is generally considered a fatalist in the artistic community, despite his youth and lack of experience. Nikita Alekseev always believes that everything in his life happens for a reason.

This also applies to his last name - in the singer’s family there is a legend about a fighter who overshadowed Nikita’s grandfather during the Great Patriotic War. In gratitude to his deceased comrade, the ancestor took the hero’s surname. Therefore, Nikita is confident that this will bring him good luck in the future.

Scandal involving participation in Eurovision

Problems with young talent arose due to his violation of the rules of the competition - you cannot perform a song at the competition that you have heard at least once during the year. Now all fans of Nikita Alekseev are waiting for BGTRK’s decision on this issue. It will be announced on February 18.

The 23-year-old handsome man has a whole army of fans besieging his dressing room after the concert... Nikita is in demand and happy, but all this could not have happened if our hero’s mother had compromised and made a wrong decision...

- Nikita, I heard that Alekseev is a pseudonym, and yours real name another.

My passport says the surname Alekseev, but it’s not quite mine. My grandfather, whose last name was Chumak, took the last name Alekseev after a soldier with that last name shielded him from a bullet at the front. Since then we are all Alekseevs. I am sure that there is some kind of magic in this surname and many of my successes are connected with this story.

They say you're in great demand. I arrived in Kyiv this morning, and already at night you have another flight. It’s good, at least we won’t meet at the airport.

Yes, this happens. Unfortunately, I rarely visit Kyiv, but, fortunately, there is a lot of work. I've done about 50 gigs in the last three or four months.

- Where are you performing?

In Ukraine, Estonia, Moldova, Israel... I visited all the CIS countries.

- Are there differences in the reaction of the Estonian audience compared to, for example, Israel?

Mostly girls come to my concerts, so there is a warm welcome everywhere. I don't even know what this is connected with. Maybe I can reach their hearts, or maybe there is some special energy exchange between us...

Nikita, maybe you manage to reach people’s hearts, but don’t you think that you owe such a warm welcome to the girl audience primarily to your appearance? You do realize that he's handsome, right?

(Laughs) For this, of course, I am grateful to my mother, she is my most beautiful. I thank her so much for making girls like me. But without a good song, without music that can awaken emotions, nothing would have happened. No amount of appearance will help here. Be that as it may, people know and love artists not only for beautiful eyes. There must be something more here. Sometimes I read very sincere words in the comments... It's worth a lot when people believe you. This helps a lot in achieving the goals you set for yourself.

- And what, Nikita, is your highest goal? What do you see as the pinnacle of your creative path?

It's so far away that I don't have enough notes to reach it.

- Too abstract. Let's be more specific: Grammy, world tour, 10 platinum albums?

And the Grammy, and the world tour, and big stadiums - all this is my dream. I'm with early childhood imagined myself going out big stage and people sing along with me.

- What songs did you sing in front of the mirror with your mother’s hairdryer “microphone”?

I grew up on Western music: Queen, Led Zeppelin, from pop music: Michael Jackson, Timberlake, George Michael. Another question is how it sounded in my childhood performance. I tried very hard, studied with the teacher. There was one song that I learned for four months. In the end, I finally mastered it. It was Lenny Kravitz.

- And did you have enough patience?

I was raised in such a way that you need to go towards your goal, you can’t stop. Perhaps this hardening remains from the time when I played tennis. Sports have significantly influenced my character. After all, sometimes a game of tennis can last three to four hours. My personal record is an hour and a half; I was training at an amateur level. But, believe me, it was very difficult, because tennis is not a team game, basically everything depends only on you, on the soloist. This is very energy-consuming, enormous stress - both physical and psycho-emotional. But you cultivate a sports spirit and endurance.

Listen, your mother not only gave birth to you as a handsome boy, but also provided you with a luxurious education - tennis, vocal lessons... Didn’t you take up horse riding and fencing?

(Laughs) No. This set was enough for me.

- Who is your mother?

She is a cosmetologist.

That is, everything she earned was invested in her beloved son. It’s not for nothing that at your solo concert in Kyiv you addressed so many warm words to your mother from the stage.

This is true. I will always remember the good that she did for me, keep the warmth that she gave me as a child. This is a man who dedicated his entire life to me, so I owe him a favor. I must say that not only my mother played an important role in my destiny. This is my aunt - my mother's sister. It so happens that she has no children, and she treats me like a son. I also call her mom. So I have two mothers in life and two in show business.

- Who are your parents in show business?

This is the one that pressed the fateful button on the “Voice of the Country” project. She was the only one of the four coaches who believed in me, and I will always remember that. Well, and whose song “And I’m floating,” sung by me, strengthened my belief that I can become famous singer. I am sure that these two moments became decisive in my life. If I hadn’t gotten into this project and then sung this song, I would have given up on music. It was a period of doubt, and I was finishing university.

- What specialty?

Marketer. I never stopped playing music and played in a student band. But I began to understand that I couldn’t keep up with two birds with one stone and I still needed to decide what my path was - music or marketing?

- I would be sitting in the office right now...

Yes, that would be true. Although I can’t imagine myself in this field. Of course, I would work, perhaps I would become a professional, but happy man- No. I have something to compare with. When I went as a free student to the Institute of Culture to study as a stage director, I realized that I was in my element - acting, the basics of directing... When I was really interested in listening, watching, observing, experimenting during the lectures, I realized what a mistake I made when I decided to study to become a marketer. Then I thought that I should have a real profession in my hands, that applied education would not be superfluous. It was self-deception, as it turned out, a delusion. I endured for a year, two, three. By the fourth year, I had already gotten used to the fact that I would have to work as a marketer. It was sad. I went to Golos Krainy, realizing that there I should get an answer to my question - what next? And in fact, Caroline answered, showed me the world of show business, which I immediately fell in love with and grabbed onto it so much that nothing could get me off.

- If you had such an opportunity, would you change something in your destiny?

No. Firstly, at the university I met the guys with whom we created music group. It was mine creative family, the only joy at that moment in life. After classes, I immediately ran to the rehearsal and spent all my time there. I grew up a lot with the guys and professionally and in the spiritual.

I believe in fate and understand that everything in this world is not accidental. You should never regret anything. Any mistake is made so that a person can then analyze it and draw conclusions. This is the only way to gain experience. I wouldn't change anything in my life.

Tell us about your happiest moments in life? When did you realize that you were absolutely happy? I already understood about “The Voice”.

When, as a child, I learned one of the first songs and performed it either at school or at camp. Seeing that people liked it gave me such a rush of adrenaline!

You are talking about creativity. What if it’s about something material? A child is happy when they buy him his first phone or tablet, bicycle, or sneakers. Have you ever had such moments when you received what you had long dreamed of?

Of course, it was a bike that I was really looking forward to, and I got tired of it after two days (laughs).

-Are you even a material person? Are things important to you? Rider? Comfort?

Recently the administrator was making a new rider and asked what I would like? I say: “Pistachios.” She laughs: “Is that all that will make you happy?” In fact, I can't eat them before a show. And after the performance they are no longer there - the guys eat them up, the team is big. And so I don’t need anything else, I have everything.

- What other sacrifices do you have to make for the sake of star status?

My career took off so quickly that I had to transfer straight from the subway to planes. I had to get used to this very quickly. What “deprivations”? I was forced to give up chocolate after twelve, and this is very difficult for me. Also, I can't afford to sleep anymore extra hour. Unfortunately, in Lately I rarely see my family, but again, we all understand that this lifestyle is for my good. I talked about the fact that there is a debt to loved ones. And everything that happens to me is for the benefit of my professional development.

- Do you remember your first income? Why was it received?

For singing. I was 12 years old, I performed at an open air, where the headliner was. I performed a couple of world hits by Queen and Scorpions. I remember Alexey Bolshoi praised me and said that for a 12-year-old boy I did an excellent job with such an adult repertoire. This compliment greatly encouraged me and became decisive in my desire to continue vocal training. I was paid 50 or 100 euros for the performance. But I didn’t spend them - my mother said that the first fee should remain as a keepsake, and hid them somewhere in a book. Perhaps they are still kept in the home library.

- Do you like to spend money?

Yes, I'm a terrible spender. I don't know how to save at all. In this I took after my aunt. Mom laments that I waste money and don’t know how to save it. And to be honest, I never bother about this at all. When I was a student, it used to be that I would get some money for a song in karaoke or for working part-time as an operator in a call center - and immediately go to a nightclub with my girlfriend or friends. I’ll spend it all and go around without money all week again: I sit at home, read, listen to music. I know for sure: the more you spend, the more will come to you.

- Are you and your mother friends?

Yes. This is a person very close to me. I probably talk about this a lot in interviews. But all because she really made me a person. She dedicated her life to me.

Mom tried to do everything so that you did not feel left out. After all, you grew up without a father. Sorry if I touched on a topic that is painful for you.

It's OK. My story is the most common one. This is absolutely true. I don't know my father. He didn’t want a child, he abandoned me before I was born. We don’t know each other, but maybe I’ll be able to talk to him someday. At least that's what I really want. And I’m not at all offended by him. I have no anger, negativity, or hatred. Everything happened as it should have happened.

I know that he does not live here - abroad, he has a family and two twin children. So I have two brothers. I really want to meet the guys, it’s interesting to talk to them. Mom says that I am very similar to my father. I would like to look at them too. Honestly, I probably found them on Facebook. I know their first and last names. True, I can’t say for sure whether it’s them. And I'm also not sure if now is the right time to meet them.

- Did he leave when it became known that your mother was pregnant with you?

He didn’t want a child and insisted that my mother have an abortion.

“I’m sure if he had known in advance that such a wonderful boy would be born, everything would have been different.”

It was my mother's decision. She did not accept her father’s ultimatum: either he or the child. They quarreled over this and the father left. And soon he moved abroad altogether. I once met with good friend father, he greeted me very cordially! And he said: “If father saw you now, he would want to change everything.”

This man offered to help me talk on the phone with my father. But I was 15 years old, and I was not ready to communicate. Difficult age. I doubt I could have a normal conversation with him. Even now I am not sure that I will be able to construct a dialogue correctly. It should happen spontaneously.

- Has your mother communicated with him all these years?

She called him once when I was a teenager. It was hard for us financially, we didn’t have enough money, and my mother asked my father for help - he is a fairly wealthy man, a successful doctor, he has his own business. But he refused. He said: “You had a chance for everything to be fine, you didn’t use it. Now solve your problems yourself." That is, he didn’t mind the money, it was just a matter of principle - to punish his mother for disobedience.

- I know that you spent your entire childhood in Spain. How did you get there?

I lived in Spain from the age of 3. It was my aunt’s initiative who wanted me to know the language. And indeed, I spoke Spanish as if it were my native language. After all, on one of my visits I lived in Spain for eight months. For several years in a row I was sent to the same family. They didn’t have children of their own, and they treated me like one of their own. At some point they wanted to keep me. They called my mother, said that they loved me, convinced me that I would be better off with them, because it was difficult for her to raise a child alone. Moreover, I added fuel to the fire: I once again flew to Kyiv and started whining that I wanted to go back. Right in Boryspil he said that it was bad here and I would happily return to Spain. Mom burst into tears and had a very strong fight with her aunt. After all, it was her idea that I go to Spain to learn the language. In a word, one fine year I didn’t fly anywhere - my mother cut off all communication with the Spanish family.

But again: everything happens as it should happen. I was destined to be born - I was born. Destined to stay in Ukraine - and here I am. Who knows what would have happened to me if my mother had made a completely different decision at one time... But I understand the value of this chance and appreciate even more all the benefits that I receive from life today. I am ready to fight every second for myself, my loved ones and friends and to thank every day for the fact that it has come.

Tatiana Vityaz

© Press service

The first big solo concert of the star of the show will take place on May 18 Voice of the Country". This date was chosen for a reason, because on this day the artist will celebrate his 23rd birthday.

At the end of the year, each person sums up the results, where they note what they managed to do and what they should do next year. Nikita Alekseev will do the same; on this day he will present the results of his work in the form of his debut album “ drunken sun”.

It was the most happy year in my life. My cherished dream- I became an artist. On my birthday, May 18, I want to thank everyone who played an important role in my destiny: from my parents, my first teacher, classmates and friends, to the people with whom we together conquer the expanses of Ukrainian and foreign show business today. I will be glad to present my first solo album- "Drunk Sun"


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The producer also shared his protégé’s achievements Oleg Bodnarchuk. He named not only those charts in which Alekseev was able to take leadership positions, but also victories. He said whether investors had invested in Alekseev’s promotion.

The story of the artist Alekseev is the embodiment of the dream of one very capable guy who knows how to trust and work hard. By multiplying the qualities of an artist by the talent of a composer and the experience of a director, we get the result that we have today. When they ask us how many millions we spent on promoting the singer and who our investor is, we laugh loudly in response, since there are no investments in this project other than the professional work of our team. Over the course of a year, we have achieved a lot: leadership positions in all charts in Ukraine and the CIS, several months in the top of iTunes, in the Shazam search engine - we were the first Russian-speaking artist to get into the world hundred and stayed there for a month, and, of course, became the "Discovery of the Year 2016" "according to the Yuna Award. Since the new year, we have been actively touring and over the past few months, about 50 Alekseev concerts have taken place throughout Ukraine and abroad. In May, Nikita is touring in Belarus and the Baltic states. It's time to give big concert in Kyiv, to take a new level and prove, first of all, to ourselves that we can achieve this height

Oleg Bodnarchuk.

© press service

So it turns out that the whole team worked for the future? If so, then they did it well.

We invite you to watch Alekseev’s video “Drunk Sun”:

Participant's name: Nikita Vladimirovich Alekseev

Age (birthday): 18.05.1993

City: Kyiv

Family: not married

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Nikita Vladimirovich Alekseev was born on May 18, 1993 in Kyiv into a family of doctors. In the same year, the family moved to Chita. When Nikita was 2.5 years old, the family returned to Ukraine to their hometown.

Nikita went to school in Kyiv. IN school age for the first time he demonstrated his vocal talent and excellent ear for music. At the age of 10, the boy began to become seriously interested in music. His parents took him to lessons with the famous Kyiv teacher K. Pon, who taught the future artist to understand music and feel it. This man instilled in Alekseev a wonderful musical taste.

Nikita Alekseev took part in the selection for Junior Eurovision from Ukraine. But the first serious experience was unsuccessful. The young talent decided that he needed to study more music. Nikita put together a group called “Mova”.

Having completed training in high school, Alekseev went to study at a university as a marketer. Only after a while did he realize that this was not his path. He returned to music studies and became a free student at the Kyiv Institute of Culture. M. Poplavsky. Here he took up the study of the skills of a director and actor, seriously mastering the art of stage movement and speech.

Music career

While studying vocals, the young guy was able to improve musical literacy. Nikita Alekseev took part in television project"Voice of the Country-4". In 2014, he joined the Ani Lorak team. He was able to pass the “Fights” stage, reached the “Knockouts”, where he presented S. Vakarchuk’s song. In the first live luck turned away from Nikita.

To reward the show's favorite for his efforts and work, singer Ani Lorak undertook to help Alekseev in the filming of the first video. And so in 2015, a video for the song “Drunk Sun” was released which became business card popular artist. The track topped iTunes for 6 long weeks. This is how the new artist Alekseev was born.

In 2016, Alekseeva’s debut album entitled “Hold” was released. It earned positive reviews even from Russian stars, such as F. Kirkorov and singer Glucose. In 2016, 2 more new tracks “OMA” and “Snov Oskolki” were released. The artist's popularity grew every day. In 2017, the track “Forever” was released.

Alekseev performs at the show, gives solo concerts, touring Ukraine and the CIS countries. His popularity is growing, and Nikita does not plan to stop with the results achieved. Popular tracks by ALEKSEEV: Oceans have become, I feel with my soul, Drunken sun, Dream fragments.

Hobbies and interests

Alekseev’s idol was actor Eddie Murphy. With it he can watch movies all day long. He also likes the talent of Jim Carrey, as well as the actor’s filmography.

Nikita goes in for sports and reads books. He wants to go diving, but some health pathologies prevent him from devoting time to this interesting hobby.

Personal life and photos

Nikita is still so young, but he is already familiar with the feeling of breaking up with a loved one. For 3 years he was in serious relationship With girl. In 2015, the couple went on vacation to Spain, where the artist wanted to propose to his chosen one to become his wife. Only on vacation the relationship was spoiled, and therefore the young people decided to break up forever.

Nikita is now left alone. After participating as a guest star on New Factory Stars and performances with factory owner Ulyana, rumors began to circulate that an affair had developed between them. Nikita only fueled interest by posting joint photos with Ulyana, signing the post: “I was glad to see you at my concert among thousands of others...”.

Singer ALEKSEEV takes youth from his benefactor

Singer ALEKSEEV takes youth from his benefactor

Sweet-voiced Nikita ALEXEEV, better known by his pseudonym ALEKSEEV, is called the new sex symbol of our stage. The 22-year-old Ukrainian lad quickly burst into show business, and his song “Drunk Sun” immediately took the top lines of all kinds of charts. Many call him lucky, but Nikita himself assures that in order to achieve success, he had to work hard.

- “I was born in Kyiv, in a family of doctors,” the story began. Alekseev. - As a child, I always had many responsibilities: studying, training, vocal lessons. And since I have been singing since I was ten years old, few amateur performance evenings were complete without me.

- Why, after school, did you suddenly go to study to become a marketer, and not to a cultural institute or conservatory?

It seemed that it would be better this way. And I didn’t see any prospects in creativity. At school, the boys and I had our own group, we gave concerts in art pubs, where mostly our friends came. We composed the songs ourselves. By the way, they even wanted to buy one of them from us for decent money. We went with her to the qualifying round of Junior Eurovision, and one of the jury members offered us three thousand dollars for our “hit”. As a result, we never sold the song, and after a while we stopped rehearsing altogether. At university I met musicians from a local rock band. I joined them and, largely thanks to this, received a diploma - otherwise studying would have been completely boring.

Ani LORAK was the only one who turned to Nikita at the blind audition of the Ukrainian “Voice”. Photo:

Of course, you can’t go anywhere without luck, but 80 percent of success is patience and work. I dreamed of going on stage at “The Voice”; I felt that something significant was going to happen to me on this project. I first came to the casting four years ago, but Konstantin Meladze, having learned that I had barely turned 18, delicately wrapped me up. I was terribly upset, but now I understand that everything is for the best: then I was not ready for such a serious test. Two years later he came back to the project. At the pre-casting, the editor did not want to let me through to the producers - it seemed to him that I was not professional enough. I had to persuade the girl administrator to sneak me in. She did it at her own peril and risk, and that evening I met people who believed in my talent - Oleg Bodnarchuk And Ruslan Quinta.

- Often graduates similar shows then they disappear somewhere, and you “shot”, even though you didn’t reach the final.

The day after I left the project, Oleg called and offered to collaborate. This is how mine began Solo career. My producer is strict and demanding, but everyone sees the result of his work. Oleg and I were respectfully using “you”, but recently he asked to switch to “you” - they say, this is how I take away his youth. True, I still cannot overcome this barrier. I'm afraid of him!

- Parents with peace of mind let you go to show business?

They always support me. I haven't felt any dirt yet. I don’t allow myself to stoop to the level of discussing someone behind their back and I don’t give myself a reason to talk badly about myself. Although, I admit, the first year was quite difficult for me. Almost everyone tried to trick me - it seemed that everyone saw me as “rich Richie”. It's a shame, because in reality this is not at all the case.

A year ago ALEKSEEV could not even dream of participating in the URGANT show. Photo:

- What did you spend your first fee on?

On vacation with friends.

- Surely you have more fans now.

I'm a very amorous guy. And for the first time I fell in love with a classmate. She has eastern name And unusual appearance, because her dad is from Cambodia. We were 13 years old. We dated for only three months, and then she left me and went to my friend. I was very worried.

- And with whom did you become a man?

With my the last girl. Our love lived for three years. I had never had such a long-term relationship before. I felt that she needed me, that without each other it was very difficult for us. We wanted to get engaged, but instead we broke up. This happened right after “The Voice” during our holiday in Barcelona. She was probably not ready for the fact that she now had to share me with music. By the way, I dedicated the song “Drunk Sun” to her. It's all about us. Now we hardly communicate, but I know that she is never dating anyone.