Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles girl name. What are the names of the Ninja Turtles?

    I remember when I was about ten years old, the first video clubs appeared - places where they installed a simple (I now understand what it is) VCR and played videos. Including cartoons about ninja turtles. Since then I have remembered their names well - Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo.

    The names of the Ninja Turtles are: Leonardo (their leader, armed with two swords, wears blue armbands), Donatello (a smart guy and a technician with a pole, purple armbands), Michelangelo (the most reckless of them, prefers nuntyaku and orange color) and Raphael (owns sai and wears red). These names are given in honor of the great artists of the Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci (14521519), Michelangelo Buonarotti (14751564) and Raphael Santi (14831520) and the sculptor Donatelo di Niccolo di Betto Bardi (c. 13861466).

    The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic features 4 turtles! They are brothers and always support each other! They are named after great people! They fight for justice and law!

    Leonardo This main character this comic who wears a blue headband and fights with two swords! They named him in honor of Leonardo da Vinci.

    Raphael- he is among them as a philosopher who reasons more or less correctly! Raphael is depicted wearing a red bandage (mask). Fights with daggers-sai! They named him in honor of Rafael Santi.

    Michelangelo he is the most cheerful and active among his team! Works out a lot and loves to eat pizza! He is wearing an orange headband (mask)! Fights with nunchucks (1 pair)! His name was given in honor of Michelangelo Buonarroti.

    Donatello presented to everyone as a scientist, in one word - a genius! The most peaceful, as he always tries to resolve the situation peacefully! Wearing a purple headband (mask)! He fights with a pole-bo (stick). Named after Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi!

    All children love the Ninja Turtles. All children learned to distinguish and know the name of turtles by color. This is due to the blindfolds that are tied over their eyes. There are only four turtles, but they are very similar to each other and can only be distinguished by their bandages.

    Michelangelo - orange headband;

    Donatello - purple bandage;

    Leonardo - blue bandage;

    Raphael is the one with the red armband. Everything turns out to be easy and simple in reality.

    There are four Ninja Turtles and their names are:

    Leonardo. He is very determined and brave. Named after Leonardo da Vinci. He wears a blue headband and wields two swords.

    Raphael. At first the turtle had an aggressive character, but later it was changed and he became a philosopher. The headband is red and he uses a weapon: sai.

    Michelangelo. He is cheerful, good-natured and carefree. Loves to eat pizza and loves extreme sports. His bandage orange color, weapons: nunchucks.

    Donatello. He resolves conflicts peacefully. He is a scientist - a genius (interested in science and mechanics). Wears a purple headband and his weapon is the Bo Pole.

    The Ninja Turtles are named after 4 great Renaissance artists: Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael. This cartoon is very popular among children and teenagers; comics and toys in the form of Ninja Turtles are also produced. Recently, a series of Lego Ninja Turtles constructors has also appeared.

    Teacher Hamato Splinter- the sensei of the ninja turtles gave them the following names

    • Michelangelo, the main joker and merry fellow of the team, was born on November 24. Wears an orange headband and wields nunchucks.
    • Donatello, the brain of the team is an amateur scientist. Born on July 1st. Wears a purple mask and fights with a bo pole.
    • Leonardo, leader of the turtles, determined, brave, stubborn, born on August 12th. Wears a blue bandage and wields two swords.
    • Raphael The most suspicious turtle, a philosopher, with a very strange sense of humor, was born on September 20th. Wears a red mask and wields sai daggers.
  • I think everyone knows that there are only four Ninja Turtles, list by name:

    1.. LEONARDO or simply LEO, he has a blue headband and wields his own unique weapon - two balls, the leader of the quartet and the main strategist.

    2.. RAPHAEL or simply RAF, has a red bandage and wields its own unique weapon - two sai daggers.

    3.. DONATELLO or simply DON, or DONNY, has a purple bandage, wields his unique weapon - a pole (staff or just a stick for presentation).

    4.. MICHELANGELO or simply MIKEY, or MIKI, has an orange bandana, wields his own unique weapon - two nunchucks (short sticks connected by a chain).

    Their main enemy- SHREDDER, by the way, he is Japanese by nationality.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are comic book and cartoon characters, a fictional team of four mutant turtles whose task is to fight the evil that flourishes on the streets of their hometown.

The turtles were created by two artists Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. Let's remember the names of all the ninja turtles.


Leonardo (Leo) - a ninja turtle with a blue headband, is considered the informal leader of the turtle team - he is always brave, determined and disciplined. Leo strictly follows the rules of honor, his weapons are swords.


Rafael (Raph) wears a red mask - he is a little aggressive, suspicious and has a very peculiar sense of humor. Raf often quarrels with Leo, which, as a rule, leads to the former's excessive temper. Raph's weapon is the sai - a bladed melee weapon that looks like a trident with an elongated middle tooth.


Michelangelo (Mickey) is a turtle with a yellow bandage. Mickey is the most cheerful and frivolous turtle. Mickey is very witty, kind and loyal. Mickey's weapons are nunchucks, he wields them masterfully, but sometimes in battle he uses chains with hooks.


Donatello (Donnie) wears a purple mask and has a reputation as a very smart guy. Donnie is the least aggressive member of the team and always prefers to resolve conflicts peacefully. However, Donnie also often "turns" into crazy professor- his inventions usually lead to terrible devastating consequences. Donnie fights with what is called a bo pole.

The turtles are named after four great artists and sculptors: Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael Santi, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Donatello.

The story that has captivated more than one generation of viewers, telling about incredible fighters from the sewer - the Ninja Turtles, has been around for thirty years, but few people know that it was invented by two simple but talented illustrators from New Hampshire. For many viewers, this story became real; more than once, many glanced warily at the drain holes and sewer hatches, imagining how familiar turtles with names got out of there famous artists Renaissance.

For many generations there were no such children, no matter who knew the history of the appearance of green mutants, with a noble heart and high feeling humor, always ready to help everyone in need. At the same time, it turns out that mass interest among viewers appeared with the release of an animated series on television in 1987, from which the image of the heroes of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles began to be formed. But few people know that the story began with comics in 1984, and the series that followed was already adapted for a children's audience and received many additional characters that were absent in the original.

Despite this, the concept of the entire franchise remains unchanged and lies in the story of the mutation, under the influence of a mutagen that fell into the sewers of Manhattan, of a number of animals that became intelligent creatures the size of an adult physically developed person. The first person to feel the changes was Splinter, a sewer rat who, after mutation, comprehended the ninja philosophy. It was Splinter who found four mutant turtles and taught them martial arts, instilling a philosophy of goodness and justice. At the same time, friends are faced with the forces of evil in the person of Shredder and his servants.

This concept united all the published works dedicated to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, be it cartoons or feature films, comics or computer games, souvenirs or promotional materials, but unfortunately, not many can name the names of the creators of the thirty-year-old legend, which has not lost the interest of the audience, but their names are Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman. This is how it happened that the characters of a fascinating graphic work overshadowed the popularity of the authors, leaving them in the shadow of their glory.
Therefore, it is necessary to talk about the heroes of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” in order to get to know in detail the characters who have become a legend among all age groups viewers for many years.

List of characters (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Leo is the unofficial leader of the team, distinguished by prudence and balance, preferring to think things through first and then take action, as a result of which he can be incredibly boring. Distinctive feature Leonardo is using two katanas, which are very dangerous weapons, and wearing blue armbands. Splinter names him after the author of the masterpieces works of art « last supper" and "La Gioconda". Generally in at the moment there are two options for the appearance of names for turtles: the traditional one is that Splinter found a color printed booklet dedicated to the Renaissance and took the names of his students from there; the second version, modern, presented in the 2014 film, tells the viewer that the names were given to April O'Neil.

This character is rightfully responsible for the intellectual side of the team, has incredible mental abilities, which allow you to analyze current events and effectively find all sorts of ways out of current situations. Using his high intellectual potential, Donatello provides the team with various technological devices, such as a van, a computer, an airship and other technological innovations.

He spends all his time with laboratory experiments and experiments, periodically enveloping the turtles' headquarters in smoke from explosions. In the traditional view, a mutant who is nothing different except for intelligence, in the IDW Publishing comics Donatello appears as a cybermutant, and in the 2014 film he is equipped with modern special equipment, expressed in a unique backpack, electronic multifunctional glasses and a headset with a video camera. In battle he uses a boken - a long bamboo stick, and wears bandages purple.

Raf has the greatest physical strength in the team, and at the same time has a difficult character, periodically wearing a hot-tempered, cruel tone. He wears a red headband, is quiet and gloomy, uses sai daggers in battle, and in extreme cases prefers shurikens or a fighting chain.

Considers himself undeservedly ignored when accepting important decisions, often comes into conflict with Splinter and Leonardo, disagreeing with their conclusions and ideas. The willfulness he shows in decision-making leads, as a rule, to constant problems, sometimes causing global character, but in the end he takes the side of his friends, repenting of his rash actions.

In the story, he has the short name Mike, orange headbands, and his main weapon is the nunchaku. He is distinguished by his carelessness and spontaneity, and has an incredible sense of humor, which results in constant teasing, practical jokes and jabs at his friends, often not understood by them. Doesn't like to work or participate at all public life, preferring TV, video games, and other entertainment, including skateboarding; his main hobby is eating pizza. He is also cold towards training, therefore, as a rule, he does not participate in discussions of upcoming events and is not involved in most responsible operations. At the same time, in battle he is ruthless, thoughtful, and never reveals his allies, trying to conduct the battle within the framework of tactical necessity.

The image of Mike is due to his creation, he is the first character of the four who received a visual embodiment, while the creators of the graphic comic made him with a humorous slant, which influenced his character. Mike originally had no fingers, and Eastman drew the nunchaku simply strapped to his paws.

Trainer, mentor, spiritual father of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the first mutant to fall victim to the mutagen. He developed his abilities in martial arts to perfection, the skills of which he passed on to the turtles. Splinter, according to the developers themselves, became collectively sensei, taken from Daredevil by Frank Miller.
There are several options for the appearance of Splinter in the history of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; it is traditionally believed that he was a pet of a ninjutsu master, involuntarily remembering all the training, and after mutating, reproducing them. According to the 1987 and 2012 animated series, Splinter is a martial arts practitioner who, having been expelled from his clan, ends up in the Manhattan sewers, where the whole story begins.

Jonathan Liebesman and Michael Bay decided to keep it simple storyline and made Splinter a simple rat who turns out to be the victim of a failed experiment in Dr. O'Neill's laboratory.
However, in all works, he is the opponent of Shredder, his archenemy, who goes by the name Oroku Saki. It is worth noting that Splinter dies in the finale of the fourth volume of comics from the Mirage Studios company, but the story of death, even from old age, was not liked by the audience and further in all the works, despite the creator company, this theme was not played up. Splinter's philosophy is the only source of morality on which the plot of the story is built.

A young promising journalist with irrepressible energy is constantly in the know, periodically gets into troubles that the Ninja Turtles have to sort out, risking their lives. The character appeared in 1984, while O'Neill had nothing to do with television; she was an employee of a company producing robots designed to hunt mice. April received her career as a TV presenter in the 1987 animated series. Despite minor differences in various options franchise, it stands out yellow clothes, red hair, and boundless love for the main characters, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Actress Megan Fox was chosen for the role in the film, and she did an excellent job with her acting duties, accurately conveying the character’s character.

Shredder throughout the history of the turtles is a permanent villain, hiding his appearance and real name Oroku Saki under impenetrable armor. In history, he had several appearances; it is traditionally believed that he killed Master Hamato Yoshi, after which Splinter ended up in the sewer and began his path of revenge. According to another version, he seeks the expulsion of Master Hamato from the clan, after which the fate of a mutant rat awaits him. At the same time, Shredder ranks 39th in the world ranking of villains.

It is worth noting that the prototype for Shredder’s costume was ordinary vegetable graters, and death overtook him in the first issue. But the popular comic grew into a second issue, and it was decided to resurrect the villain to continue the story.

Viewers first met these mutants in 1987 in the animated series. These two brutal, cruel creatures were created by Shredder and are his permanent assistants throughout history.

The appearance of the mutants corresponds to the evil characters, one is a black punk jock, the second is a blond man pumped up to incredible sizes, who does not even have the rudiments of intelligence. The 2014 film did not feature these characters in the plot, but according to the film's producers, Rocksteady and Bebop will definitely appear in the sequel.

Krang is the most unusual character in the history of turtles; he is a certain substance endowed with eyes and intelligence. In the end, it turns out that this is a representative of a race of aliens from the Tenth Dimension.
In 1987, the creators of the animated series made Krang an ally of Shredder, instilling in him anger, irritability, aggression and intransigence towards earthlings. Although before this, Krang appeared in the company of similar creatures, representatives of the Uthrum race, who had a completely friendly character.

His main task in history is the distribution of orders, which he carries out from the Technodrome fortress, while most of them remain unattended by the Shredder. In 2010, Krang reappears surrounded by his compatriots who pose a threat to the Earth, and in the 2014 film this character is not mentioned at all.

The story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is familiar to almost every child from the nineties. The most amazing thing is that it does not lose its relevance today. Let's remember it as a whole and focus on the most unstoppable and cheerful turtle - Michelangelo.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Project

TMNT, Teenage Mutant - an adapted title for Russia) is a story about a team of turtles - anthropomorphic mutants who master the art of ninjutsu and constantly improve their fighting skills under the guidance of a master (sensei) - the mutated rat Splinter. Throughout the entire series of animated series and parts of the films, the team of turtles fights against all sorts of evil forces attacking New York.

Readers of the turtles first learned about them in 1984 in a graphic novel (comic book) published by Mirage Studios. Their creators were young artists Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

Fame overtook the armored heroes in 1988, when they began producing toys - figurines of turtles. After this, images of turtles were used anywhere - on T-shirt prints, on toothpaste tubes, on skateboards, etc.

At first, all four heroes were black and white with red armbands. Then, when the story became popular enough, each turtle was given a different color bandana. The red color of the bandage was due to the fact that the species of the heroes before the mutation was a red-eared freshwater turtle.

Turtles in popular culture

Throughout their history, turtles have appeared in:

  • six different comics;
  • four animated series;
  • five feature films and two animated films;
  • one television series.

The last appearance of the heroes on the screen today was the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, released in 2016.

Based on the story, board and video games (of the “kill them all” genre, fighting games) were released. Since 2010, a thematic publication “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Battle Four” has been published in Russia, each issue of which comes with a set of collectible cards.

In the late eighties, the American company Playmates Toys developed hundreds of action figures of heroes, including the Michelangelo Ninja Turtle toy.

The heroes also appeared on the packaging of many food products: corn flakes, chewing gum, pudding pies, gelatin, Cranchabungas pizza.

In the nineties, a concert tour took place, the heroes of which were musicians dressed as turtles (Raphael - saxophonist/drummer, Donatello - keyboard player, Leonardo - bass guitarist, ninja turtle Michelangelo - guitarist). The playlist consisted of ten songs, among which were: Coming Out of Our Shells!, Pizza Power, April Ballad.

Ninja technique

Ninja, shinobi (忍者 - hiding, hiding) - a medieval Japanese spy, infiltrator, assassin. These people, even in childhood, mastered the technique of ninjutsu, and also had to be able to obtain the most secret data, use any object as a weapon, defend themselves even with their bare hands, be unsurpassed spies, and be sure to understand medicine, acupuncture, and homeopathy. Murders were not the profile of the “demons of the night”; their business was espionage and sabotage.

A mandatory set of ninja equipment is a towel, a container for carrying embers (tsukedake), medicines (yakuhin), a stylus or inkwell with a brush, a kaginawa (“cat”) and a wicker hat.

Weapons used by ninjas:

  • shooting bow;
  • sword (ninja);
  • brushes;
  • spiked rings;
  • kusarigama (sickle, scythe);
  • shuriken (a throwing metal star with spikes; there were also types with a powder charge);
  • makibishi (spikes to stop a mounted enemy);
  • single-shot squeaks;
  • poisons: gyoku-ro - slowly affecting, with an effect after a short period - arsenic, zagarashi-yaku - killing with lightning speed.

Art of Ninjutsu

Ninjutsu is the art of secrecy, espionage, sabotage technique, and a technique of survival in extreme conditions. IN popular culture - martial art Japan. Ninjatsu has its own philosophy, which, in particular, teaches that no one can achieve perfect security; every action violates the harmony of the world, and the one who committed it receives a change of the same magnitude in response.

The teaching of the art of stealth consists of the following blocks:

  • tompo - disguise;
  • fighting the enemy - mastery of the body and weapons;
  • Nimpo-mikkyo is a spiritual practice of achieving new states of consciousness.

Fighting Four

Team Ninja Turtles:

  1. Donatello (hatching July 1) is a turtle named after the Renaissance sculptor Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi. An abstruse guy, a research scientist, but at the same time a “mad” professor. Most conflicts prefer to be resolved peacefully. Purple bandana, wields a pole-bo.
  2. Leonardo (hatching August 12) is the namesake of Leonardo da Vinci. The leader of the brave four, brave, decisive, devoted to his brothers. Strictly respects the laws of honor. Blue mask, weapon - katanas.
  3. Raphael (September 20) - in honor of Rafael Santi. In the first part of the story he was suspicious and aggressive, then the creators made him a philosophizing warrior with a peculiar sense of humor. Red mask, two sai daggers.
  4. Michelangelo (November 24) - Named after the great artist, this turtle is the most carefree, energetic, good-natured and cheerful of the team. He considers himself the most enlightened, because it was he who won the Nexus battle. Michelangelo's weapon from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is nunchucks, his mask is orange.

Michelangelo's personality

Mickey, Mikey is the most cheerful, energetic, fickle and frivolous turtle, a party regular, a party star. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Michelangelo changed during his life large number places of employment - "Party Dude" mainly worked as a children's animator. In any situation, he has a sense of humor and fun, but in an important matter he is always very serious.

The most best friend believes Donatello, appreciates him for his kindness, devotion and wit. He often trains with Rafael, but considers the latter a bore and constantly makes fun of him, which often offends the latter.

Michelangelo's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figurine was drawn first. Initially, they wanted to name the warrior with nunchucks Leonardo, but then they suggested a turtle with katanas for this name.

In the feature film about the heroes, it is said that Mikey was the oldest among the brothers and was the first to speak (“pizza” was his first word). In the cartoon, however, on the contrary, he seems to be a carefree little brother - this can be judged by the attitude of the other turtles towards him. He is the most innocent and sincere of all the heroes, he has a pure and kind heart.

Facts about Michelangelo

Main characteristics of the hero:

  1. Name: Mike(s), Mike L. Angelo, Kawabanga Carl, Titan Turtle, Miketron 6000.
  2. Date of birth: in the comics of the eighties he was 15, as in films and cartoons until 2008, in the 2007 cartoon he is already 19.
  3. Weight: 65-85 kg.
  4. Height: 145-155 cm.
  5. Bandana: orange, yellow in some series and films.
  6. Places of appearance: comic book magazines "Mirage", "Image", "Archie", "Dreamwave", films "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1,2,3", animated series 1987-1996, 2003-2009, 2012, cartoons "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (2007), "Turtles Forever" (2009), television series "New Mutation".

What weapon does Michelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have?

The main weapon is nunchucks, but besides them, the hero uses:

  • chains with hooks;
  • kusarigama;
  • the arts of kobudo and ninjutsu;
  • bow and arrows;
  • throwing knives;
  • blasters;
  • tonfa;
  • manriki-gusari;
  • kama;
  • shurikens;
  • superchucks of the future.

The main combat equipment of Michelangelo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) is nunchucks. The tool consists of two short sticks connected by a chain. This is a Japanese edged weapon, the main functions of which are strangulation and impact-crushing action.

The technique that Michelangelo must master is called nuntyaku-jusu - these are basically interceptions. Much attention is paid to meditation and working on oneself. With continuous interceptions, it is almost impossible to take away the nunchucks; in addition, the rotational movement of the weapon when changing the angle of movement increases the impact force many times over.

In training great attention give a counter blow aimed at the attacking arm or leg of the opponent. Techniques of strangulation, clamping, holding, and throwing are also practiced. With nunchucks, with proper preparation, you can easily disarm an enemy with a pistol, gun, spear or sword.

Mikey in films and animated series

The image of Michelangelo, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (his photo confirms these changes), was transformed depending on the time when the story about the turtles was created:

  • 1987 - optimist, daring, courageous, reckless. But at the same time, he is the most humane and kind, and treats people better than all the brothers. His worst phobia is embarrassing himself in front of an audience. Likes pizza, comics and watching TV.
  • 2003 - a funny, cheerful younger brother - the ninja turtle Michelangelo, with his frivolity, bragging, and gaiety, sometimes annoying those around him, especially Raphael. As before, he loves comics and superheroes. In some episodes he is shown to be a rather aggressive brawler.
  • 2012 - the turtle's cheerfulness and kindness are sometimes perceived by those around him as self-confidence and stupidity. However, despite his annoyingness and constant jokes on his brothers, he is a fairly smart character. His idols in these series are The Little Mermaid and Thor.
  • 2014 - in the film, some of Michelangelo's jokes seem completely absurd; he, as before, is the main funny guy, trying to make friends with people.

Turtle heroes, ninjas, nunchucks, Michelangelo and all his brothers - we tried to cover as broadly as possible information regarding these topics. We hope that the article was useful to you and you learned something new about your favorite story.

  • In 1985, the young artists were joined Jim Lawson, which expanded the images of turtles, Ryan Brown, Stephen Murphy, Dan Berger, Craig Farley And Mark Martin.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles owes much of its success to a licensing agent who suggested that Eastman and Laird build on the comic's success by releasing related merchandise. In January 1988, Playmates Toys Inc., a small California company, released turtle toys. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have also made their mark in the history of pop culture. Soon the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were everywhere: from mugs to skateboards, toothbrushes and clothing.
  • Originally, all of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were in black and white, but Eastman suggested drawing only red bandages. However, when turtles became popular in the '80s, Laird and Eastman allowed each turtle to have its own bandana color: only Raphael had a red bandana, Leonardo had a blue one, and two unusual colors- purple for Donatello and orange for Michelangelo.
  • Created based on comics
    • 1 series (1997)
    • 3 animated series (1987, 1996, 2003)
    • 6 different comic series
    • 4 movies:
      • 3 of them are feature films (1989, 1991, 1993), 1 is animated (2007).
  • In 2011, a new feature film about turtles is being prepared. The exact name is still unknown, the working title is Untitled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Project.

Main characters

  • Splinter(English) Splinter) - the sensei of the turtles, who practically replaced their father, a mutant rat. In some versions (comic book, first film adaptation), Splinter is a pet rat who learned the art of ninjutsu from his owner Hamato Yoshi. In others (cartoon) Splinter - former person Hamato Yoshi, under the influence of a mutagen, turned into a rat-like creature. Splinter's name is a parody of Stick, Daredevil's mentor.
  • Shredder(English) Shredder) is an evil ninja master named Oroku Saki, who is the leader of the Foot Clan. Opponent of Splinter and the Turtles. In the comics and the first film adaptation, Shredder is the culprit in the death of Hamato Yoshi, in the 1987 animated series - the mutations of the turtles and Splinter, in the 2003 animated series - the evil one in the morning (alien criminal).
  • April O'Neil(English) April O'Neil) - in the first animated series - Channel Six reporter, friend of the Turtles, red-haired beautiful girl. In the second series, a scientist who worked with Baxter Stockman was rescued by the Turtles from robots. IN full-length cartoon 2007 - archaeologist.
  • Irma- the heroine of the first animated series, an employee of Channel Six. An unattractive, but very amorous girl, April's friend.
  • Casey Jones(English) Casey Jones) is a lone hero who has become the turtles' closest friend. Casey fights with sports equipment (baseball bat, golf club, hockey stick, etc.). He wears a goalie's hockey mask to hide his face. Named after the Wild West folk hero, locomotive engineer Casey Jones. He appears only once in the 1987 animated series, but becomes the main character in the 2003 animated series.
  • Krang(English) Krang) - a character in the first animated series - an alien from Dimension X, an ally of Shredder. Lives at his station in Dimension X, later in the ice of the Arctic. Looks like a brain with tentacles. Moves by controlling the exoskeleton robot in which it is located. In the 2003 series, Shredder is Krang's body.
  • Bop And Rocksteady(English) Bebop and Rocksteady) - characters of the first animated series - a rhinoceros and a mutant boar, Shredder's assistants, former punks. Role - “stupid henchmen of the main villain.” The names are the names of the musical genres, bebop and rocksteady, respectively.
  • Baxter Stockman- a mad scientist, distinguished by his special hatred of animals, created mouse robots - Mousers, killers of rats and turtles. In the 1987 animated series, he is a psychopath who always interferes with Shredder, Shredder's henchman. In the 2003 animated series, he is a brilliant scientist for whom April used to work.
  • Rat King- a character who appears in several episodes, usually plays the role of an antagonist. Outwardly, he is a man and has power over rats. The image is more likely to correspond to the Flute Player of Hammel than to the Rat King.


Mirage Studios

The cover of the first issue is a parody of Ronin Frank Miller

Premiere of the first issue of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic ( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) took place in May 1984. The comic was published in a limited edition of 3,000 copies in newspaper format with black and white drawings on cheap paper by Mirage Studios, organized by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. The small circulation made this comic a real find for collectors, as a result of which over time the price of the first issue increased several times. Eastman and Laird chose the name "Mirage Studios" for their studio because they did not yet have their own professional art studio when the first issue was published.

Mirage subsequently produced additional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics called Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with art by Ryan Brown and Jim Lawson. These issues were supplements to the main comic book series, and filled in gaps in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe.

When the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles phenomenon began to spread to other formats (movies, games, etc.), Eastman and Laird had to devote a lot of time to selling licenses and rights to distribute toys, clothing based on famous cartoons, comics and other merchandise. For this reason, the two artists were unable to participate in the writing and drawing of the monthly comics. Their place was taken by other artists who got the opportunity to show their talent in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe. Various directions, appearing in separate stories, made the series fragmentary and constantly changing. However, later the creators returned the series under their control, and from issue 48 of the original series, comics were published under their supervision and direct participation. After the release of issue 62, the First Volume of the comics was completed, and the subsequent thirteen issues of the Second Volume were published in color. The series then ceased to exist, and Mirage Studios officially announced the end of comic book releases.

TV series

To date, the first 139 episodes are available on

Turtle Heroes: The Next Mutation (1997)

“The Next Mutation” did not find fans and was canceled after the first season, consisting of 26 episodes.

The first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, released by the company with teleporters to various parts of the map and patrolling squads of enemies. The game was released on the NES video game console and a number of home computers.

With the progress of the Turtles series of games, programmers tried to make the turtles as different friends from each other in terms of their fighting techniques. When Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' popularity waned in the mid-90s, video games based on them changed focus. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters" became a fighting game with familiar heroes in the style of "Street Fighter".

Konami also acquired the rights to the 2003 animated series and brought it into video games. The released games have the same beat 'em up gameplay. Besides

Concert tour

Album cover “Coming Out of Their Shells”

In the wake of the popularity of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a concert tour took place in 1990 called “Coming Out of Their Shells.” The music at the concert was performed by musicians dressed in Turtle costumes (Donatello - keyboards, Leonardo - bass guitar, Raphael - drums and saxophone, Michelangelo - guitar). Scenes about April's kidnapping and battles with Shredder were also played out on stage during the concert. The following songs were performed at the concert:

  • Coming Out of Our Shells!
  • Sing About It
  • Tubin"
  • Skipping Stones
  • Pizza Power
  • Walk Straight
  • No Treaties
  • Cowabunga
  • April Ballad
  • Count on Us

Impact on culture

The success of two amateur artists who became incredibly rich from the Turtles inspired thousands of artists to self-publish their comics, usually in black and white.

Although the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were originally intended to be a parody, soon after their success they themselves became the target of parodies in Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters, Pre-Teen Dirty-Gene Kung Fu Kangaroos, and many other comics. Dark Horse Comics Boris the Bear was released in response to these clones; The first issue was called "Boris the Bear Slaughters the Teenage Radioactive Black Belt Mutant Ninja Critters." Parodies of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles also made it into humor magazines"Cracked" and "MAD Magazine".



In support of its parody of the "creepy and violent" comics of the early '80s, there was quite a bit of violence in the pages of early issues of Mirage comics. When the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles broke into the mainstream, they dramatically changed their focus on younger audiences, causing negative reaction fans.