Why do you dream about chicken bones? Why do Bones dream? If you dreamed that they buried a bone

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about Bone according to the dream book:

Seeing a Bone in a dream - “Washing the bones” - slander someone, gossip; “throw a bone” - to force silence with a small tip. “lie down with bones” - use all conceivable possibilities to achieve the goal; “white bone” (nobility); “skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “to stand like a bone across the throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle; “you will rattle your bones” - you will suffer inevitable defeat; “backbone” - the basis; “gnaw a bone” - solve a difficult problem, insatiability; "Bonebreaker".

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Bone according to the dream book:

Bone - To see a dog chewing a bone in a dream means visiting a friend.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Bone according to the dream book:

Bone - Gnawing a bone in a dream means poverty.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why does Bone dream:

Interpretation of sleep by dream book: Bone

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does Bone mean?

Bone - In the old days they said: “God grant that in youth one can gnaw bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.” If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health. A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time. If you chew a bone in a dream, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply vital energy. Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means death loved one. Old, dried bones mean premature old age. Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointments. If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times. A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands. Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified. If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties. Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk. A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve problems for a long time days gone by. If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts. A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely you will stay in all alone. In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Bone:

Bone - If you dream of a pile of bones, there is a lot of work waiting; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Bone according to the dream book:

Bone - Seeing a bare bone means death.

Dream Interpretation Kostochka - Surprise, surprise.

Culinary dream book If you dream of a Bone in a dream:

Pit - The pit of a cherry, or apricot, or plum that you see in a dream predicts unexpected resistance, which will be stronger the less prudent you are.

Why dream of a broken bone - Prosperity and benefit

Why do you dream about Ivory - Prosperity and benefit.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Bone according to the dream book:

Why do you dream about Bones - Seeing your bones protruding from your body means betrayal of imaginary friends. Piles of bones dream of hunger and harmful influences.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does bone mean?

Bones - Lying on the ground, skeleton - marriage to a doctor (for a woman); the danger of intrigue, conspiracy, unpleasant adventure (for a man), as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Bone?

Seeing in a dream

Bones – Seeing the bones of the dead in a dream means that you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you. Decorating yourself with them means having fun, throwing them means leading have a fun life. Gnawing bones - to care, need. Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Bone:

Why do you dream of Bones - Dead Men - labor, danger; collect - prosperity // ruin; theirs – illness; broken bone - losing a friend; human remains - unpleasant work, conspiracy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of Bones - A symbol of poverty, discord, lack, hunger; death. Gnawing is useless knowledge; need, poverty. A pile of bones - mass disasters, epidemics; accident; hunger. The bones of a dead man are a big, difficult job; danger. Skeleton - vain, false fears; marriage to a doctor; the condition of your spine. Skull – original, creative idea, someone's historical authority; inheritance; symbol of demonic spiritual power.

Big dream book Why do you dream about Bone:

Bones - Lying on the ground (skeleton) - marriage with a doctor (for women), danger of intrigue, conversation, unpleasant adventure (for men)

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why do you dream of Bones - Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success. Gnawing bones means poverty. A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster. Playing or throwing dice is cheating.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why does Bone dream:

Bones - Seeing your bones protruding from your body means that the betrayal of imaginary friends is ready to strike your spirit. Seeing a pile of bones means hunger and harmful effects, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Bones - A difficult and long journey

Why do you dream of Bones - Animals for the harvest of apples and pears. Person to finds (money, jewelry, things).

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Bone in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream about Bones - Seeing - a lot of work awaits you - gnawing bones - lack of food - collect bones - achieve prosperity through frugality - break - lose a friend - burn - sadness awaits you - fish - an unfortunate incident - bones of the dead - envy, disputes

Bones of the dead - Signify great work and mortal danger; collecting them means inevitable ruin.

Dream Interpretation Dice (dice) – Seeing - living in carefully regulated conditions - playing - bad time - winning - envy, disputes

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Bone:

Why do you dream about dice? Fate provides a choice. Be careful!

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Bone in a dream

Dice - See - you live in carefully regulated conditions; playing is a bad time; to win - envy, disputes.

Bones - See Bones - a lot of work awaits you; gnawing bones - lack of food; collect bones - through frugality you will achieve prosperity; break - you will lose a friend; burn - sadness awaits you; fish - an unfortunate incident; bones of the dead - envy, disputes.

An ancient dream book Why do you dream about Bone according to the dream book?

Seeing in a dream Why do you dream about your bones? - Seeing your bones in a dream means a cold.

Why does Bone dream, dream book What does it mean to see a bone in a dream?

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Bone, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Bone in a dream - Bones dream of betrayal of imaginary friends and hunger. A dream about a pile of bones promises hunger and harmful influences.

Rib - Ribs seen in a dream foreshadow deprivation and poverty.

Summer dream book

Why see Bone in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Bone - Gnawing a bone in a dream means poverty.

Clavicles - Strongly protruding collarbones mean fatigue.

Autumn dream book

Bone - To see a dog gnawing a bone in a dream means to a friend, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Clavicles - Seeing strongly protruding collarbones is a sign of illness.

Gnaw bones (dog). - Seeing a dog gnawing bones in a dream means your friend is in trouble.

Spring dream book

Why see Bone in a dream?

According to the dream book Bone, what does it mean in a dream - Bone - seeing a bare bone means death.

Collarbones - Seeing collarbones in a dream means poverty.

Dreamed/dreamed of Gnawing bones (dog, bone). - Seeing a dog gnawing bones in a dream means hungry guests.

Gnawing on bones means getting very sick.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does Bone appear in a dream?

Seeing a Bone in a dream means - Rib - to the addition of a family, but for business it is a symbol of loss, loss, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Bone in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Rib - Dreaming of ribs signifies poverty and even destitution.

Dream Book of Lewis Carroll

What does it mean to see a Bone in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Bone - Bones can obviously mean death in both a literal and metaphorical sense. They are also a symbol of a state of depression or loss of something (for example, being "skinned to the bone" or being left in the "company of skeletons"). In a less sinister sense, bones can simply signify the structure of something.

Universal dream book

Bone in the dream book:

Bones (See also Body Parts) - Brief interpretation: structure; warp; get to the point. Popular expression: to settle scores with someone; not a shadow of doubt; work until you sweat.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about Bone in a dream?

To see a bone in a dream book is a symbol of poverty and danger. Saturn.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If you dream about Bone, what does it mean:

Bone - Gnawing a bone in a dream, eating meat from it, is a sign that soon you will be overcome by sorrows and worries caused by failures in your trade transactions. Understand and fully realize the fact that business is absolutely not your element, and entrepreneurship is not your strong point, so switch your abilities to another, closer branch of knowledge. You are a creative person, so take up art instead.

If in a dream you throw a bone to a dog, and it immediately begins to gnaw it into small pieces, it means that in the near future you will begin to study foreign languages, in which you will greatly succeed, because you have pronounced abilities to master them. Soon, perhaps, you will speak several languages ​​at once, communicating fluently in each of them, like a real polyglot.

You are going to have lunch, but on your plate you see only bones and nothing else, then this dream means that you will soon receive stunning news that will completely unsettle you, and after that you will no longer be able to live your usual measured life. Now everything will be different, not at all the same as before, before the latest events took place.

Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

Why do you dream about Bone according to the dream book:

Bone - Seeing a bone in a dream is a sign that your financial situation will improve dramatically. As a rule, such a dream foreshadows help from relatives, unexpected cash gains, or the return of old debts. Breaking a bone in a dream means you will have to work hard before getting the first real profit from your own enterprise that you decide to organize, but the amount of profit will justify all your bold expectations.

Choking on a bone in a dream means that in reality your financial affairs will conflict with your personal relationships. You will have to make a choice between your loved one and your insatiable thirst for increasing income, for which you are ready to sacrifice even rare meetings with the object of your adoration. If in a dream your bones ache, you will not find a place for yourself due to anxiety about the outcome of the business you have planned, on which the well-being of your future business will depend. The bone of a large animal in a dream is a harbinger of a big feast, where you can meet your soulmate, who at the same time will be a very profitable match for you.

Finding a bone in the ground means you will miss your chance to replenish your material expenses through the profitable sale of things that you have long wanted to find a place for. Human bones dream that your financial situation will depend on the person with whom you meet and establish business contacts.

Human bones

Dream Interpretation Human Bones dreamed of why you dream about Human bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Human bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Stroking human bones

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Dream Interpretation - Bone

"white bone" (nobility).

"backbone" basis.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Fish bones

Dream Interpretation Fish Bones dreamed of why you dream about fish bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Fish Bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke some bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens you with loss good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and prosperity awaits you great deals. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

Bones cemetery

Dream Interpretation Bones cemetery dreamed of why Kostya dreams of a cemetery? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a cemetery in Bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

If in a dream you find yourself in a cemetery and sitting on a bench, this is a favorable sign; you will be entrusted with a responsible task. Walking through the cemetery means that in reality you will fail this matter. If the events in the dream take place in winter, the situation will be aggravated by the departure of the husband, friend or lover, who could help with practical advice or specific deeds. The summer cemetery foreshadows complete success and celebration on this occasion.

An old cemetery means that your grief will be premature and everything will turn out for the better. A modern cemetery means the ingratitude of children who will not help you in old age, throwing the care of you onto the shoulders of complete strangers.

For a young person in love, a dream in which she sees herself in a cemetery with her friend means sincere love on his part, but your feigned indifference will lead to the fact that such possible and close happiness will melt away like smoke. Seeing yourself in a cemetery alone foreshadows the opportunity to get married and bitter regret about what you have done.

If a young woman is preparing to get married, and in a dream she sees that her wedding procession is walking among the graves, such a dream predicts the death of her future husband as a result of an accident. If she lays flowers on the graves, this means for many years good health to both spouses.

If someone recently acquired the status of a widow, and in a dream visited her husband’s grave, it means that in reality this person will have to remarry.

Talking in a dream with your husband lying in the grave means health, success in business and long life are waiting ahead for her and her new chosen one. If her husband expresses dissatisfaction or condemnation in his conversation, new worries and regrets await her.

For older people, to see a dream associated with a cemetery foreshadows a quiet and peaceful departure to another world, but not earlier than after the period necessary to complete all planned important matters.

Seeing fresh graves in a cemetery means that in reality someone dishonest act will cause you severe torment. Seeing dug up graves in a cemetery portends troubles and illness. Looking into an empty grave means the loss of loved ones.

If, while walking through a cemetery in a dream, you find a grave with your last name, first name and patronymic - this is a sign of danger, bad news, loss of friends and loss of a loved one.

A dream in which you see cheerful children in a cemetery portends favorable changes and a long life. happy life. Seeing huge ones in the cemetery, stretching into the sky tombstones- to bad changes and unhappy love.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

Walking through a cemetery or churchyard in winter is a long and desperate struggle against poverty; but if you notice any signs of spring - a pleasant atmosphere and enjoyment of the company of friends;
for lovers - to see yourself in a cemetery or in a churchyard - you will never get married, but you will see your beloved ones under the aisle with others;
to see yourself in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery - unexpected news about the recovery of someone whom you have already mourned; your right to the land taken from you will be recognized;
old, neglected cemetery - you will live to see the time when everyone you loved will leave you and you will be left in the care of strangers;
for young people - wandering through the silent alleys of the dead - gentle and loving attitude friends, but sorrow and sorrow await you, in which friends will be powerless to help;
for the bride - to see that the wedding procession is crossing the cemetery - you will lose your husband as a result of an accident;
for the mother - bringing fresh flowers to the cemetery - long-term good health for the whole family;
for a young widow - to visit a cemetery - soon you will change your mourning clothes to wedding clothes;
seeing yourself sad - worries, regrets;
for old people - to see a cemetery - last trip to the land of eternal peace;
seeing small children picking flowers and catching butterflies among the graves is a favorable change. For the one who sees this dream, health will allow him to enjoy life for a long time, and his friends will not leave him in the middle of life’s journey.
Also see Grave, Children, Mother.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

A dream in which you walk through a cemetery foreshadows a long and desperate struggle against poverty.

Perhaps you will live far from your home, separated from friends. But if you walked through the cemetery in the spring, a pleasant atmosphere and pleasure in the company of friends await you.

For lovers, a dream about a cemetery means that they will never get married, but will see their beloved ones down the aisle with others.

If in a dream you saw yourself in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will receive unexpected news about the recovery of someone whom you have already mourned.

I dreamed of an old, neglected cemetery - you will live to see the time when everyone you loved will leave you.

For young people, a dream in which they wander through silent cemetery alleys means the tender and loving attitude of friends. But they will also face sorrow and grief, in which their friends will be powerless to help.

If a mother dreams that she brought fresh flowers to a cemetery, then her family will be healthy and happy.

A young widow who dreamed that she visited a cemetery will soon change her mourning clothes to wedding clothes.

If she sees herself sad, new worries and regrets await her.

A dream in which small children pick flowers and catch butterflies in a cemetery promises favorable changes.

For those who see this dream, health will allow them to enjoy life for a long time.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

Finding yourself in a cemetery in bad, gloomy weather in a dream is a sign that your hopes for improving circumstances in your work or personal life are in vain. A long walk through the cemetery foretells a long life. Wandering among the graves in a dream is a harbinger of lovesickness and hopelessness. A dream in which you saw that your path lies through a cemetery foretells failure in any business and the collapse of your plans. For newlyweds, such a dream predicts that their life together will not last long due to an accident. For lovers, such a dream predicts a quick separation and a meeting with a happy rival. A dream in which you saw that you were reading inscriptions on gravestones predicts that you will receive news that will be fatal to your well-being. See interpretation: tombstone.

Seeing or building a cemetery monument in a dream means the end of a long complicated matter and an improvement in the situation. See interpretation: statue.

Seeing a neglected, destroyed cemetery in a dream means trouble, poverty, humiliation, frustration and loss of spirit. Well maintained beautiful cemetery in a dream means peace and tranquility. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving good news from your loved ones who were in a deplorable state. In addition, this dream portends a successful resolution controversial issue about the ownership of property or anything else in your favor. Bringing flowers to a cemetery in a dream means that you will come to terms with your situation.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

If you dream that you are wandering through a cemetery in winter, this promises you loneliness. However, if you notice signs of spring, this means that you will meet your loved one.

Lovers who dream that they are in a cemetery, in real life will never get married.

If you dream of an old cemetery, it means that your spouse, with whom you have lived for a long time, will turn his back on you and leave your life.

If young people dream that they are walking in a cemetery, it means that their friends love them. However, such a dream also promises sadness that friends cannot resolve.

If a bride dreams that she is getting married in a cemetery, it means that her husband will die in an accident.

If a young widow dreams of a cemetery, this foreshadows her remarriage.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

A close meeting, or a danger to the life of a loved one, or an indication that you need to repent of your sins and be patient, or a thirst for peace.

Someone speaks in the cemetery - a sign that you recognize the person who will provide decisive influence to your fate.

Find yourself in a well-kept cemetery - such a dream promises to receive unexpected news about the recovery of the one you mourned as dead. In addition, what was illegally taken from you will be returned to you.

Walking through a cemetery is a sign of well-being.

Walking with someone around the cemetery among the graves and reading the inscriptions on the slabs means being tested and becoming disillusioned with family life.

Walking along the deserted alleys of a cemetery - for young people, friends will treat them with love and tenderness, but they will have to face sadness, from which friends will not be able to protect them.

Walking past a cemetery and trying to pass it - for a girl, the groom will woo her, but then leave her.

Fish bones in the throat

Dream Interpretation Fish bones in the throat dreamed of why you dream about Fish bones in your throat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Fish bones in your throat in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Throat

If you suddenly dream of someone’s throat with a strongly protruding Adam’s apple, it means that in reality, expect an improvement in your affairs.

If in a dream you feel a sore throat, this indicates your mistake in assessing your friend, which will soon become the cause of your concern.

If you think that in a dream your throat hurts due to a sore throat, in real life you will have to complete an unpleasant task or do an unbearably boring task.

Having a sore throat affected by scarlet fever in a dream means that in reality you are threatened with illness or you will be forced to submit to the conditions dictated to you by your enemy.

If your child complains about his throat and it turns out that he has croup, in real life this will bring joy and prosperity to your home.

Scratching your throat in a dream means sadness, cutting yourself means winning a trial, seeing a woman’s throat open means a failed marriage or a scandalous incident.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Throat

“there is a lump in the throat”: annoyance, resentment, rejection.

"grab by the throat" coercion. “I’m fed up” - refusal of some activity as a result of overexertion, reluctance. “Standing across the throat” is very annoying, an obstacle. "Shut someone's throat" to force them to remain silent.

"tinned throat" eloquence.

There is a lot of “up to our necks” work.

“like a bone in the throat” problem, obstacle.

“to tear your throat”, to strain unnecessarily, to speak loudly in vain, to shout.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones means a lot of work awaits you; gnawing bones - lack of food; collect bones - through frugality you will achieve prosperity; break - you will lose a friend; burn - sadness awaits you; fish - an unfortunate incident; bones of the dead - envy, disputes

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dead Man's Bones

Dream Interpretation: Dead Man's Bones dreamed of why you dream about Dead Man's Bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Bones of a Dead Man in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

There is trouble in the house.

Talking dead man - bad weather.

Moving a dead person is a shame or a disease.

Stepping on it is news of death.

Sleeping with him is a success.

The living dead - the return of the lost.

A dead man asking for a drink means lack of remembrance.

Dressing a dead person is a disease.

Lying among the dead means a serious illness.

And carrying a dead man is death.

Seeing the dead is a new love.

Seeing someone killed is hard work.

Dying in a dream means having shortcomings.

Holding onto the rope of a strangled person is happiness.

To remove the noose from him is death.

Kissing is a profitable business.

To strangle someone means to extinguish the matter.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

seeing oneself alive among the dead in a dream means living among hypocrites whose hearts do not perceive the words of the Truth. The Koran says: “You will never make the dead hear” (Sura-Rum, 52). To see yourself dead among the dead means to die from some innovation or to go far and not return.

Touching a dead person in a dream means becoming a victim of a vile and vile act. Carrying the dead means wealth. Accompany during dead man's dream going on a long journey and acquiring a lot of good things there.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

A dead person dreams of rain, in general - a change in the weather, or the unsuccessful completion of some business, or an unexpected danger.

A quiet or cheerful dead man is a good sign.

Noisy or sad is bad.

Giving something to a dead person is a bad dream.

Taking something from a dead person is good.

If you dreamed that you were dead and were being carried to a cemetery, you would lose your job.

If a dead person comes to life, unexpected news or the return of something lost awaits you.

Moving or dressing a dead person means illness.

Taking off his clothes means the death of a relative.

Sleeping with a dead man is a sign of success.

Kissing means an affair with a famous person.

Wearing it means death.

If a dead person disintegrates, crumbles, it is good sleep promising relief, liberation from evil.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Herring bones

Dream Interpretation Herring Bones dreamed of why you dream about herring bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Herring Bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Herring

Buying herring in a dream foreshadows the reception of invited guests. Salted herring- to tears, pickled - you will lose independence, freshly frozen - cooling of love feelings.

Boil or fry herring - you will make a serious mistake, salt it yourself - you will not end up with hassle with the children, cut it for the table - your dearest husband will ruin your mood.

Rotten herring - you will be deceived.

Dream Interpretation - Herring

Herring - Seeing and eating means frivolous actions that you will later regret. Catching herring with nets means you are ready to fall for deception and be seduced by false promises. (Invest money in a phantom enterprise, lend it or lend it for “temporary” use). They treat you to herring - they want to deceive you. You are giving a treat - you yourself are going to commit a dishonorable act. You will have to pay for it with interest.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Herring

Cutting and eating herring - such a dream means that you will successfully cope with financial problems.

Imagine that you wash down the herring with beer (see Beer).

Dream Interpretation - Herring

If you dreamed of a herring, then financial problems may befall you. You will have to spend a lot of effort solving them, but in the end you will successfully deal with it, and everything will work out.

If you ate herring in a dream, an event will happen soon that will awaken in you a desire for renewal and the search for exotic things. All your feelings and desires will be subordinated to this desire.

Dream Interpretation - Herring

Salted herring in a dream: a sign of dissatisfaction with one’s position. It seems that your business is not particularly reliable, and it doesn’t hurt you to look for a more reliable income.

At the same time, delicious herring in vegetable oil: suggests that you have no particular reason to be dissatisfied.

If you don’t give up and don’t give in to negative emotions, luck will definitely come to you.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Rib bones

Dream Interpretation Rib Bones dreamed of why you dream about rib bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see rib bones in a dream by reading below free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ribs

The ribs represent women.

The top and largest ones are wives, and the bottom ones are relatives and associates.

If someone dreams that his upper ribs are broken or depressed, which portends a quarrel with his wife, this, of course, will not do him any honor or pleasure.

If he sees in a dream that his lower ribs are damaged, this means oppression of his relatives and friends.

To dream that your ribs have become stronger and wider than usual means pleasure with your wife or respect and profit for the one who manages your affairs and estate.

The ribs, like the walls and fences of the body and the main internal organs, represent those people to whom we have entrusted the protection of our condition.

Therefore, every dreamed misfortune with ribs should be attributed to the persons they represent in dreams.

Dream Interpretation - Ribs

Ribs in a dream mean our loved ones. It is believed that the upper ribs mean close relatives, and the lower ones - all other relatives and friends.

Damage to the upper ribs in a dream foreshadows quarrels and scandals in the family, and damage to the lower ribs indicates to you that you are being unfair to one of your loved ones. If you dream that your ribs have become stronger and stronger, then peace will reign in your home. Such a dream also promises profit and success in business. If you dream that you have an extra rib, then expect an increase in your family or profit from a profitable business. Bare ribs in a dream are a harbinger of poverty and deprivation. See interpretation: wounds.

Dream Interpretation - Rib

Seeing your ribs thin means the birth of a child.

Seeing a broken rib means a quarrel in the family.

A woman sees a broken rib - a symbol strong love husband

If a man sees himself breaking a rib, it is a symbol of his love for his wife.

A girl sees her ribs broken and feels pain in a dream - she will marry a good man.

Dream Interpretation - Rib

Symbolizes problems related to home, family and personal well-being.

Seeing yourself emaciated, with protruding ribs: a sign of intuitive premonitions that your well-being may be shaken.

The dream encourages you to take care of tomorrow.

A broken rib in a dream: foreshadows a very difficult conflict with a loved one, which could end in a break in the relationship. After such a dream you should avoid family quarrels and look for ways to reconcile.

To dream that your number of ribs has increased: promises more troubles and, possibly, a new addition to the family.

Meeting a person with protruding ribs: a sign of possible failure.

A skinny man indicates that some business proposal may be ruinous for you.

An overly thin woman: means that some of your feelings, hobbies or passions can cause big losses.

The uglier a woman looks.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Ribs

An extra rib means an addition to the family, a broken rib.

Dream Interpretation - Rib

A rib in a dream means an increase in family.

Whose family? It was Adam’s family that grew: Eve was made from his rib. And you? Although after the brother, perhaps a younger sister will appear?

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Bones of the dead

Dream Interpretation Bones of the Dead dreamed of why you dream about the Bones of the Dead? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Bones of the Dead in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.

Burning Bones

Dream Interpretation Burning Bones dreamed of why you dream about Burning Bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Burning Bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.

I am the youngest research fellow at some research institute. There are people in white coats walking around. The watchwoman (female cop) sits in a glass booth and chews a bun. A man in a white coat walks along the corridor of the research institute building: Interior for an apartment: soft armchairs, TV, wooden wall cladding: a girl in a red dress trails behind the man a few steps and fiddling with something in her hands. The phone is ringing. A man comes up to the wall (the phone looks like a street pay phone under a visor), picks up the receiver, says something, and then the wall pulls him in (without unnecessary sounds like slurping). For a moment, the professor's muffled scream is heard. In the same corridor the same phone rings. A man in a dressing gown approaches him (with his back to me), picks up the phone and disappears into the wall as quickly as the professor. Employees of some security service arrive, but definitely not cops. They walk everywhere, everyone asks: The phone is ringing. A researcher is walking down the corridor (and I know who he is in real life- some actor, but I don’t remember who), picks up the phone: His face contorts in horror. Disappears. I run around with the security guards for a while. The security girl and her partner climb into the attic. She opens some window (or hatch) and looks in. She whistles and calls her partner. He comes up. . Mountains of (human) bones, and one: one thing that still looks like a person, only without skin. He moves and moans. A commotion breaks out and the girl calls an ambulance. (Everyone is running and fussing). I'm sitting in a car sporty look(at least from the inside) in the aisle between the seats (backward facing). That girl in red is sitting in the back seat right in front of me. The window is curtained by something lilac (probably my jacket). We are passing through some kind of cordon. I'm hiding. . We are driving along the road in this car. I ask the driver (he looks like the operator from Matrix) to let me drive the car. He agrees. I get behind the wheel. But the car somehow doesn’t listen to me well, so the driver holds the steering wheel for some time, and someone from behind advises me to arm it. The road is kind of strange: there is snow all around and the sun is blinding: We drove up a mountain, and I stopped the car. Someone behind me praised me, but said that it would be better if I parked the car not here, but in another place. I nod, a team of six people poured out of the car, shouting the sea. There is bustle on the snowy slope. Some guy (for whom we followed all this distance) is tied up and put on a chair, someone interrogates him. That “actor” drags the explosives to the place where the tied up man is sitting, and swears terribly (!?!) He stumbles, falls, breaks a bottle with an explosive mixture and flies up into the air along with the man and the chair. Moreover, this happens as in Disney cartoon. p.s. Nah: The beginning looks like a script new series x-philes: Further, however, the dregs and show off of my sick imagination. And it all ends, strangely and unexpectedly: Why would it be: Saturday, August 21, 1999.


I dream that I am in an apartment and I understand that this is my apartment, but not the one I live in now, but another. I am sitting on the carpet and going through something, then my friend comes into my room and we start something discuss, he takes out a bow and shoots at me, but misses (it’s clear from the plot, there was something like a dispute, if he doesn’t kill me, he’ll kill himself), and so it happened - he kills himself, I don’t remember how, then I see that there are a lot of bones under the carpet, that’s how I understand it. I go to my parents in another room, I say that everything will not be the same as before and I say that a man killed himself in that room, they come into the room and the dream ends

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you.

Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health.

Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend.

To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency.

Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property.

Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident.

Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you.

Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate.

Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing Bones in a dream

Seeing your bones protruding from your body means that the betrayal of imaginary friends is ready to strike your SPIRIT.

Seeing a pile of bones means hunger and harmful influences.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does Kostya's dream mean?

Lying on the ground, a skeleton - marriage with a doctor (for a woman), danger of intrigue, conspiracy, unpleasant adventure (for a man).

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

Seeing Bones in a dream

Seeing bones means a lot of work awaits you; gnawing bones - lack of food; collect bones - through frugality you will achieve prosperity; break - you will lose a friend; burn - sadness awaits you; fish - an unfortunate incident; bones of the dead - envy, disputes

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What do Kostya's dreams mean?

If in a dream you play dice, it means. Serious tests await you related to the very risky business in which you will take part. After such a dream, a woman needs to think again whether her choice is correct. What if her chosen one is just a player? Having realized this in time, she will avoid fruitless suffering in the future. This dream should also alert the young man. After all, he warns about how easily you can lose the trust of people whose attention you value so much.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about Bones

Bones in a dream mean poverty and need. If they are partially covered with meat, it means that you will gradually begin to get rich and, in the end, perhaps succeed. If you dream human bones- Means. You will soon become rich by receiving an inheritance.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does Bones mean in a dream?

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of Bones dreams

Dead people - labor, danger; collect - prosperity // ruin; theirs – illness; broken bone - losing a friend; human remains - unpleasant work, conspiracy.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What does Bones mean in a dream?

If you dream that your bones are protruding from your body, this promises betrayal on the part of a loved one, which will shock and stun you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Bones

Seeing your bones protruding from your body is a sign of betrayal of imaginary friends. Piles of bones dream of hunger and harmful influences.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Bones

Symbol of poverty, discord, lack, hunger; death. Gnawing on useless knowledge; need, poverty. Pile of bones mass disasters, epidemics; accident; hunger. Dead Man's Bones is a big, difficult job; danger. The skeleton is vain, false fears; marriage to a doctor; the condition of your spine. The skull is an original, creative idea, someone's historical authority; inheritance; symbol of demonic spiritual power.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does Kostya predict in a dream?

For a woman - marriage, for a man - intrigue.

Imagine putting the bones in a coffin and burying them.

Interpretation of dreams from

After you dream about any bones, try to remember your dream in detail and look in the dream book.

One of the main nuances of such dreams is exactly whose bones you dreamed of. Also consider your actions and feelings in your night dreams. So why do you dream about bones?


As the dream book writes, human bones foreshadow a turning point in the dreamer’s life. Most likely, pleasant changes regarding your personal life and financial condition await you. There is a possibility that you will meet a reliable, loyal person and win a large amount enter the lottery or find a profitable job.

The dream book interprets the dream in which a skull appeared to you as the beginning of a favorable period for engaging in creativity. In the near future, inspiration will definitely come to you, and you will be able to create a brilliant, inimitable masterpiece. Also, a person’s skull speaks of your wisdom, which will not allow you to take rash steps.

  • Human bones - take care of your health.
  • Seeing them in a museum means your loved ones are proud of you.
  • They were on the x-ray - you are too worried about your health.

Remember how you felt when you saw the bones. If you are afraid of them, then an unexpected gift or recognition awaits you. And a dream where human bones did not evoke any special emotions in you, the dream book explains as your indifference to what is happening.

What were your actions in the dream? To conduct excavations and find a skeleton or its fragments means to find out someone else's secret. And if you dreamed that you were gnawing bones, then experts talk about heavy mental stress from which you should take a break.


Chicken bones in night visions warn of possible material troubles. For example, a dream where you served them to guests reminds you that it’s time to pay off your debts. Otherwise, you risk ruining your relationship with the person who lent you the money.

Gnawing chicken bones means making an unnecessary purchase. After such a dream, the dream book recommends thinking carefully about all actions related to spending money. And gnawing on them means trying to save money in order to buy what you dream of.

  • Chicken bones on a plate - to uninvited guests.
  • They fell to the floor - to surprise.
  • Raw bones - you will see distant relatives.

If you dreamed that you were cooking, but in the end you only got bones, then the dream book advises you to carefully monitor your jewelry and finances. The time has come when you risk becoming a victim cunning scammers. Only attentiveness and distrust of suspicious strangers will protect you from this.


Why dream of bones if they are a fish skeleton? The main meaning of such visions is the successful completion of a long-started task. But numerous nuances of sleep bring other points into this interpretation.

The dream book interprets fish bones scattered on the ground as your hidden talents. If you rushed to raise them, then soon you will be able to prove yourself in a previously unfamiliar industry. And to trample on bones means to become fixated on old job, not wanting to change anything.

  • Removing the skeleton from a fish means wealth.
  • Giving it to a cat means being frank with a stranger.
  • Pricking a bone means finding out stunning news.

A dream where fish bones stick out of fried fish, suggests that the time has come to realize what was planned. If you are unable to bring your plans to life on your own, seek help from caring people. This way you will not only complete the task, but also do it many times faster.


Bones seen in night dreams speak of your high position in society, well-being and stable financial condition. For example, raw seeds promise a profitable business in which you will be the main one. actor. And boiled ones foreshadow an act after which your loved ones will respect you even more.

A successful marriage and a cloudless family life- this is what dreams of the bone of a huge beast mean. Such a dream can often be seen before a wedding or a new acquaintance (for unmarried people). Also good sign considered to be the skull of an animal. It symbolizes the wisdom and intelligence of the dreamer.

  • I dreamed of gnawed bones - for the arrival of relatives.
  • Cooking them means chores around the house.
  • Chopping them with an ax means ending a boring relationship.

If you dreamed of frozen animal bones, then the dream book promises fateful meeting with a person you haven't seen long time. Perhaps it will be a classmate, former employee or distant relative. Experts say that in the near future this person will play an irreplaceable role in your destiny.

If you see bones in a dream, you don’t need to be scared. They often foreshadow quite pleasant events or warn of danger in a timely manner. Therefore, correctly interpreting similar visions, you can avoid misunderstandings and troubles in your destiny. Author: Vera Drobnaya

ABC of dream interpretation

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the core of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.

English dream book

Bones in a dream mean poverty and need.

If they are partially covered with meat, it means that you will gradually begin to get rich and, in the end, perhaps succeed.

If you dream of human bones, it means you will soon become rich by receiving an inheritance.

Idiomatic dream book

“To wash the bones” - to slander someone, to gossip; “throw a bone” - to force silence with a small tip; “lie down with bones” - use all conceivable possibilities to achieve the goal; “white bone” - nobility; “skin and bones” (thinness, poverty), “standing like a bone across the throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle; “you will rattle your bones” - you will suffer inevitable defeat; “backbone” - the basis; “gnaw a bone” - solve a difficult problem, insatiability.

Maly Velesov dream book

Bones of the dead - labor, danger; collect - prosperity / ruin; theirs - illness; broken bone - losing a friend; human remains - unpleasant work, conspiracy.

Newest dream book

What does Bone mean in a dream?

Bones - exacerbation of the disease if you are sick; in other cases, you should prepare for future troubles.

There is only one bone - you have a negative program, you should get rid of it!

New dream book 1918

Bones lie on the ground (skeleton) - marriage with a doctor (for a woman), the danger of intrigue, conversation, an unpleasant adventure (for men).

Russian folk dream book

Bone - difficulties, losses, old age.

Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone - struggling with a difficult problem; giving a bone to a dog means enlisting the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumph over them; playing dice is an unjustified risk.

Dream Interpreter

Bones of the dead - signify great labor and mortal danger; collecting them means inevitable ruin.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Bone?

Bones is a difficult and long journey.

If you dream that bones are protruding from your body, traitors will try to lure you into a trap.

Seeing a pile of bones in a dream predicts hunger and devastation.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A bone is a reflection of uncertainty in the basis, the basis, the rationale for something.

Dream book of the 21st century

What did Kost dream about in a dream?

Seeing the bones of the dead in a dream means that you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with them means having fun; throwing them around means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnawing bones - to care, need.

Dream book for lovers

If you dream that your bones are protruding from your body, this promises betrayal on the part of a loved one, which will amaze and stun you.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream book for a bitch

Bones - those close to you, whom you are used to always trusting, will let you down.

A pile of bones - you will feel the bad influence of dubious friends.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream is a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing exposed bones in a living person is a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle, or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones, the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful - this can lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing bones means problems with the skeletal system; gnawing - to a lack of minerals in food - micro and macroelements.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To see a dog gnawing a bone in a dream means visiting a friend.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Gnawing a bone in a dream means poverty.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a bare bone means death.

Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Bone in a dream?

Seeing bones means a lot of work awaits you; gnawing bones - lack of food; collect bones - through frugality you will achieve prosperity; break - you will lose a friend; burn - sadness awaits you; fish - an unfortunate incident; bones of the dead - envy, disputes.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing your bones protruding from your body means that the betrayal of imaginary friends is ready to strike your spirit.

Seeing a pile of bones means hunger and harmful influences.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Bone in a dream?

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to your deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing the bones of the skeleton means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones - portend injury as a result of an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you.

Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Broken bone - prosperity and benefit.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing your bones protruding from your body is a sign of betrayal of imaginary friends.

Piles of bones - dream of hunger and harmful influences.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Bone according to the dream book?

Bones are a symbol of poverty, discord, lack, hunger; death; gnawing - useless knowledge, need, poverty; a pile of bones - mass disasters, epidemics, accidents, famine; dead man's bones - big, difficult work, danger; skeleton - vain, false fears; a skull is an original, creative idea, someone’s historical authority, inheritance, a symbol of demonic spiritual power.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you swallowed a bone and did not choke, a quick wedding awaits you, and you already know your future husband (wife), although you do not suspect it.

In a dream, you choked on a bone - very pleasant events lie ahead.

A dream in which someone choked on a bone in front of you - someone from your loved ones will unexpectedly please you.

Gnawing a bone means big profits.

You dreamed that you threw away a bone - a loss awaits you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The bones lie on the ground, the skeleton means marriage to a doctor (for a woman); danger of intrigue, conspiracy, unpleasant adventure (for a man).

Aesop's Dream Book

The appearance of a bone in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously.

Bone - can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain. In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If you chew a bone in a dream, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Medieval dream book

Seeing the bones of the dead means labor, ill will or enmity.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster.

There is a skeleton on the ground: for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Gypsy dream book

Bone - you will engage in unusual activities.

Esoteric dream book

Animal bones - for the harvest of apples and pears; person - to finds (money, jewelry, things).

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Bone according to the dream book?

You see the bones - in order to find a solution to a problem, you should understand it thoroughly, and only then will you be able to completely resolve it.

If you dreamed of a pile of bones, expect grief and misfortune.

If they are from a person, some untold wealth awaits you, which you will unexpectedly inherit.

Choking on it means soon making some irreparable mistake.

Gnawing a bone in a dream means you will be solving some serious problem for a long time. If a dog gnaws at it, the dream book warns you that soon some events may serve as the beginning of a big scandal.

If it is ivory, your whole life will soon change dramatically.

If you dream about making bone broth - in reality, all your experiences will not bring you anything good except mental trauma and great disappointment in life.

Human bones - discover valuable items that have either been stolen by someone or lost.

A dream in which you come across fish bones means that some events are in store that will not let you sleep peacefully.


Human bones

Dream Interpretation Human Bones dreamed of why you dream about Human Bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see human bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Dream Interpretation - Bone

"white bone" (nobility).

"backbone" basis.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Gnawing bones means poverty.


Chicken bones

Dream Interpretation Chicken Bones dreamed of why you dream about Chicken bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Chicken bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.


Legs and bones

Dream Interpretation Legs and Bones dreamed of why you dream about Legs and bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Legs and bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.


fish bone

Dream Interpretation Fish bone dreamed of why you dream about a Fish bone? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Fish bone in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.


Beef bones

Dream interpretation Beef bones dreamed of why you dream about beef bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see beef bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.


Gnawed Bones

Dream Interpretation Gnawed Bones dreamed of why you dream of gnawed bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Chewed Bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.


Bones water

Dream Interpretation Bones water dreamed of why Kostya dreams of water? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see water in Bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God forbid that in youth one gnaws bones, and in old age – something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumphing over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.