Quickly pickle herring at home. Delicious homemade salted herring

Nowadays you can find literally everything in the store. But the strange thing is: the more choice, the less likely it is to buy a truly high-quality product. Even affordable salted herring can be stuffed with preservatives for better preservation and a pleasant presentation. Well, it’s time to go to the fish store for fresh frozen fish, and we will tell you how to pickle herring so that it turns out both tasty and healthy.

When choosing a herring, inspect the carcass for integrity of the skin. If you salt in pieces, then nothing bad will happen, but for salting whole carcasses, intact skin is very important - the fish may turn out to be over-salted. Of course, it is better to take ocean herring, large, fatty ones. And defrost it correctly: on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, without speeding up the process with hot water and a microwave. Let it thaw slowly.

There are many options for salting herring, but they are all divided into two types: salting whole carcasses (slow) and salting pieces (fast and sometimes super-fast method). Let's start with the quick ones so we can try it quickly.

Dry pickling of herring

2 large herrings,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. rock salt,
1 tsp ground black pepper,
1-2 bay leaves.

Remove the head and gills from the thawed herring, remove the entrails and place the carcasses in a saucepan with cold water for an hour. Mix salt, sugar, pepper and chopped Bay leaf. Remove the fish from the water, remove excess moisture with a paper towel and rub with the resulting mixture inside and out, wrap in cling film and leave at room temperature for one and a half to two hours. Clean the finished herring from excess salt, cut into pieces and mix with chopped onion and vegetable oil.

Another method of dry salting, but it will make you wait longer for the results

Dry salting of herring whole carcass

1 whole herring,
1 tbsp. coarse salt,
1 tsp Sahara,
½ tsp. black ground pepper.

If you want to salt more herring, increase the amount of spices accordingly. Remove only the gills from thawed fish. There is no need to cut off the head and gut it. Rinse the carcass and pat dry with a paper towel. Rub the fish with the curing mixture, add salt to the places where the gills were. Wrap the carcass in several layers of cling film and place in the refrigerator for two days.

Classic recipe for pickling in brine

2 fresh frozen herrings,
1 liter of clean water,
200 g rock salt,
1 tbsp. Sahara.

Thaw the fish in the refrigerator, remove the gills and rinse. Prepare the brine: dissolve salt and sugar in hot water, bring to a boil and cool. Important - the fish and brine must be at the same temperature. Place the fish in a glass or enamel bowl, fill with brine, cover with a plate and set pressure. Keep the dish with fish at room temperature for a couple of hours and then put it in the refrigerator. If you like lightly salted herring, soak the fish in brine for a couple of days; if you like a more pronounced taste, salt the herring for 3-4 days.

This recipe can be modified and the herring cooked in a spicy brine.

Herring spicy salting

2 large herrings,
1 liter of clean water,
3 tbsp. with a pile of rock salt,
1.5-2 tsp. Sahara,
10 black peppercorns,
10 peas of allspice,
4-5 bay leaves,
5 buds of cloves.

Thaw the fish, remove the gills and rinse. Dissolve salt and sugar in water, add all the spices and put on fire. Bring to a boil, let simmer briefly over low heat and remove from heat. Cool the brine to room temperature and pour over the fish. Set the pressure, leave it on the table for an hour, then put it in the refrigerator. After two days the fish is ready. Can be stored for no more than a week.

Salting herring in spicy brine with mustard

1 kg fresh frozen herring,
1 liter of water,
4 tbsp salt,
5 black peppercorns,
4 buds of cloves,
2 bay leaves,
1 tsp coriander seeds,
1 tsp dry mustard.

Place the prepared fish in a salting container. For this type of salting, the fish must be gutted. Dissolve salt in water, add all spices except mustard and boil. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes, add mustard and remove from heat. Pour the cooled brine over the fish and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Herring in a jar

2 fresh frozen herrings,
1 onion head,
1 tbsp. salt,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
500 ml water.

Thaw the fish, gut it, remove the fins and cut into pieces. Cut the onion into half rings. Place the herring pieces in a jar, topping with onions. Prepare the brine: dilute the salt in warm water and cool. Pour the fish into a jar, pour vegetable oil on top, close the lid and leave in a cool place for a day. Then put it in the refrigerator for another day.

2-4 herring carcasses,
2 tbsp. coarse salt,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
4-6 pcs. bay leaf,
10-15 peas of allspice,
2 lemons.

Fillet the defrosted fish and remove the skin. Cut the lemons into slices. Place the fish fillets in a deep glass or plastic bowl, arranging them with lemon slices and sprinkling them with salt, sugar and spices. Cover with a small plate, set pressure and place in the refrigerator for a day. Then transfer the lower layers of fillet to the top, and place the upper ones on the bottom, put them under pressure again and keep them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

These are just a few options for how to pickle herring. The salted herring should be served by arranging the pieces on a platter, topped with thin onion rings (preferably red or blue), transparent lemon slices and sprinkled with herbs. Instead of lemon, you can take vinegar and lightly sprinkle the herring with it. All that remains is to boil the potatoes, cut some black bread, put a fat slice of herring on it... Mmm...

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Hi all! Today I suggest you learn how to properly, quickly and tasty pickle fresh frozen herring at home different ways. This can be done in different ways, for example with spices, mustard, vinegar and other ingredients.

After all, you must admit that you can’t set a festive table without salted herring, especially if you make it, because this is its main component. You can even simply place such a fish very beautifully on a serving plate, and then eat it.

I think that many of you probably buy herring in a supermarket or store; of course, this can be done in a couple of minutes. But it’s better to buy fresh frozen fish and salt it yourself so as not to run into trouble.

Do you think it is difficult to do this? Absolutely not, the main thing is to choose the right pretty fish. How to do this correctly, I suggest you watch a video from the YouTube channel.

To salt fish you only need a few ingredients: coarse salt, bay leaf and your favorite spices. You can salt fish using just salt.

There is one more little secret that I often use: it’s best to salt the herring sea ​​salt, since the fish will turn out more tender, because ordinary salt is coarser, and the taste is more salty, but with sea salt it is softer, I would say lightly salted.

The fish is prepared according to this recipe very quickly, after all the steps it can be consumed within a day, i.e. 24 hours.

We will need:

  • water - 1 l
  • sea ​​salt - 150 g
  • allspice - 1 pc. peas
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • coriander seeds - to taste 1 tsp
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp
  • table vinegar 6% - 2 tbsp
  • fresh frozen herring - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the brine; to do this, pour water into a saucepan or saucepan, add salt, allspice, coriander and sugar. Bring this mixture to a boil. Once it starts to boil and 3 minutes have passed, add bay leaves, add vinegar, stir and boil for another minute.

2. Prepare the herring by removing it from the refrigerator to defrost. Wash, trim all fins, remove intestines. After that, put it in another saucepan or bowl.

3. Pour the resulting aromatic mixture over the fish. Then be sure to place some kind of press, for example, you can put a plate and put a jar of water on the plate.

4. In this form, our sea friends must rest for one day.

Important! Herring should be pickled at home at room temperature, not in the cold.

5. Well, then drain the brine, cut into pieces and decorate temptingly and beautifully. In addition to everything, you can add chopped lemon for brightness, and add a sprig of parsley or dill.

Interesting! In this way you can not only salt herring, but also mackerel, capelin and even herring.

Cooking quick and tasty herring pieces

Now there is another method, but not an easy one, in terms of preparation it is not complicated, it’s just that the fish will not be marinated whole, but already cut into pieces. The main thing is to do all the work first, and then you can make things out of it various dishes, or just eat with anything, such as mashed potatoes or

We will need:

  • Herring - 2 pcs.
  • Water - about 1 liter
  • Salt – 2 tbsp
  • Sugar – 1 tsp
  • Black pepper – 5 peas
  • Allspice peas - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

2. Now make a fragrant marinade or you can say brine. To do this, take a clean saucepan and pour 1 liter of water into it. Bring the liquid to a boil, and then add everything according to the list one by one (allspice and black peas, salt, sugar, bay leaf), stir and leave to simmer for another couple of minutes.

After all the manipulations, the marinade will have to be cooled, just leave it for an hour, stand and brew at room temperature. Only after this, throw in the pieces of cleaned fish. Cover the pan with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Notice! That the fish is prepared in this way without vinegar essence, which is very important for many.

3. The next step is that you will have to place it from the pan into a glass jar for convenient storage. Do this after 24 hours. Another day will pass and the herring will be completely ready for consumption.

Interesting! You can store it this way for about ten days, just imagine whether it will survive until then, usually it is eaten in 1-2 days.

You can prepare it differently, a little faster in time; read about such a masterpiece a little lower in this article.

Herring in a jar with butter and onions

A less interesting and rather piquant recipe would be herring with onions; many also add carrots. Yes, and undoubtedly someone directly mixes the onion with the herring and pickles it, and someone pickles it separately and then serves it with the herring. What do you do as usual?

In this post I'll show you two different options, so if you don't like this option, read on.

We will need:

  • herring - 3 pcs.
  • onions - 3 pcs.
  • vinegar essence 9% - 3 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • ground black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Select three small onions and peel them. Then cut with a sharp knife into half rings, or into rings, as you prefer.

Important! Chop the onion as finely as possible, it will look more elegant and attractive.

2. Pour cold water over the chopped onions, then stir with your hands and drain all the water. This way you will save yourself from unnecessary tears.

3. Wash the fish, then remove the head, fins and unnecessary parts inside the abdomen. The main thing is not to damage the gallbladder, otherwise the fish will taste bitter; if this happens, rinse thoroughly with water.

4. Cut the fish into pieces, try to make them the same size.

6. This is what you will get approximately, as shown in this photo. Now soak the fish fillet in water (1 liter), add salt, all the spices and 2 tbsp vinegar, pour out the vegetable oil. Let stand in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Important! Taste the marinade; it should not be too sour, but slightly acidified.

Onion pour boiling water and add 1 spoon of vinegar essence, after 10 minutes, drain the water and add vegetable oil.

7. After the required amount of time has passed, you can mix the herring with onions.

8. Store in this form in the refrigerator and use as any appetizer on any table. Bon appetit!

Video on how to pickle herring in marinade

When I was preparing for this article, I didn’t even suspect that there were such marinades without water; it turns out that you can flavor the fish very well with vegetable oil and it will marinate perfectly. If you don’t believe me, see for yourself, I’ve already tried it, it’s just delicious, am-am, I really want to cook it again:

I also found a recipe for herring in Dutch style, I also really liked this option, the fish just melts in your mouth. I was really hooked on this type of pickling, because the herring turned out juicy, breathtakingly tasty, moderately sweet and a little salty.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fish, you will need to remove all the intestines from it, cut off the fins and tail with the head. And then you will need to remove the bones from the ridge and cut them into pieces of approximately the same size.

2. Grate fresh juicy carrots; you can use a grater for this. Korean carrots. The onions will need to be cut into half rings. Cut half a lemon into slices. Place the pieces in layers, namely, first pour salt and sugar into a separate cup, mix, you will get a dry mixture for pickling.

At the bottom of the jar, it is advisable to take a liter one, first put chopped onions, salt it with salt and sugar, throw in a bay leaf. Layer of fish fillet. Salt again with the dry mixture. Place a slice of lemon and a little grated carrot and onion on the fish. Again add the dry mixture, pieces of fish, peppercorns, a slice of lemon and a bay leaf, add salt and so on until all the ingredients are gone.

3. After this, add a little sunflower vegetable oil and refrigerate for 2-3 days, cover with a regular lid.

Important! Last layer should be a vegetable made from onions, carrots, peppers, lemon and bay leaves, remember this.

Recipe for pickling fresh frozen herring at home

We will need:

  • herring - 4 pcs.
  • salt - to taste
  • black or red pepper - to taste
  • vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • onions - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Clean the herring, remove the head, tail, fins, and everything unnecessary. Cut into pieces. Caviar and milk can also be used, also cut into plastics. Cut the onion into half rings.

2. Take a large bowl and place the herring pieces with onions in it. First fluff the onion, gut it and add everything else according to the list.

3. Now mix this mixture thoroughly with your hands, onion juice will come out. It turns out fabulously fragrant. Take the bowl deeper to make stirring easier.

4. Now pour a little cold water so that it is just a little on the surface. Stir. When you press the fish with your hands, the water should cover just a little of your fingertips, this is how it should be, there is no need to add more. When you press, you should see water, and then it should disappear.

After this, cover the container and bowl with a plastic lid and place in the refrigerator and eat after 2 hours. Those who wish, who have time, can do this, use this method, prepare this preparation in the evening, and consume it the next day.

A simple recipe for pickling herring

By the way, you can also add spices to this version (a mixture of peppers or special compounds are good for this purpose; you will see them in the seasoning departments) and you will get a spicy salted herring instant cooking. Very, very tasty, incomparable taste, just like in the store. Anyone can eat it, even those who are losing weight or on a diet.

Instant herring slices

Who still can’t decide how much salt he needs to put in, then I can offer you this GOST version, the proportions are as follows: for 1 kg of herring add 20 g of coarse table salt and 20 g of sugar, you get lightly salted herring, if you like saltier, then put 30 g of salt and sugar per 1 kg of fish. It is better to take 5% wine vinegar, you will need 2 tbsp.

We will need:

  • herring 2-3 pcs.
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • bay leaves - 3-4 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp
  • salt - 20 g
  • French mustard - 1 tbsp
  • sugar - 20 g
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • wine vinegar 5% - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Cut up a fresh fish, remove the skin, bones, cut off the fins, head, tail, intestines, chop the fish into pieces. Cut the onion very thinly into half rings to make it easier to cut and avoid tears, first place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Take a deep glass bowl and place pieces of herring on the bottom. Place onion, bay leaf and black peppercorns on top, which is best ground in a mortar, it will be much more fragrant.

2. Then sprinkle with salt and sugar, and add mustard, which will add an indescribable taste to the dish. Well, mix the ingredients with your hands and transfer to a container with a lid, it is best to use a glass one, it is safe for health. And in general, glass will not smell like fish later, but plastic will remain odorous for a long time))).

Place the container in the refrigerator for 24 hours, during this time shake it a little 5 times so that all the marinade is evenly saturated with the fish. Serve with potatoes or mashed potatoes. Bon appetit!

Delicious salted herring pieces in 30 minutes

Well, here we come to my favorite proven recipe, which I got from my grandmother. I also found something similar on the Internet, and as it turned out, it was not in vain. Because all those who tried this type of salting were satisfied, especially since everything is done in a matter of minutes, and only one salt is used, i.e. the fish will be salted by dry salting. And what will happen next, read below.

Such fish can be cooked in 30 minutes, but it should take much longer for it to be marinated and well-salted; after all, thirty minutes is not enough for salting herring fish.

We will need:

  • herring - 1 pc.
  • salt - 30 g for lightly salted fish or 50 g for well-salted fish
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • sunflower oil
  • 0.5 l can

Cooking method:

1. As usual, cut the herring. If you don't know how to do this, look

2. Place the completely cleaned fish fillet, cut into two halves, in a plate and sprinkle it with salt, first on one side, then on the other. Next, leave this beauty in the kitchen on the table for 1 hour, or 1.5 hours if you like it saltier.

Important! Be sure to cover the fillet with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.

After the time has passed, remove the film, take dry paper towels and dry the herring with them. They shouldn't be wet after all. Cut into slices in your usual way.

3. Cut the onions into half rings and separate them with your hands. Take a glass jar and start laying the first layer of onions, followed by pieces of fish fillet. Please note that no spices are added.

By the way, mackerel is marinated very well this way.

There are onions on top of the fish again, and it is very important to simply throw the prepared products into the jar; under no circumstances should they be clotted. So until all the ingredients disappear. The onion should be the last layer.

4. Now take the vegetable oil and carefully pour it into the jar. There should be a little oil on top of the jar. Cover with a lid and refrigerate for 3 hours. Well, if it sits all night, it will be even tastier.

5. Well, then put everything on a serving plate and eat to your health. The onions also turn out quite tasty, pickled. Don't forget to garnish with dill when serving. Such a delight can stand and be stored for a week in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

Recipe for dry salting whole lightly salted herring

Do you want to quickly salt this seafood product so that there is plenty in the refrigerator? free space. For this there is such an option, as they say, for all occasions.

We will need:

  • herring - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp
  • dry garlic - a pinch
  • coarse salt - 1.5 tsp
  • pepper mixture - a pinch
  • ground coriander to taste - a pinch

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the fish for work, defrost, trim off what you won’t need. Take out the intestines, bubbles and other unnecessary items.

Can! It is not necessary to cut the fish; you can simply defrost it and wash it with water.

Combine salt, sugar and all other products on the list, mix them, and then rub the herring with them.

2. And now the most interesting thing, wrap it up, or rather, wrap it in a plastic bag, quite tightly.

Important! For this purpose, it is best to use two bags so that the released brine does not run over the edge.

3. In this form, the fish should lie in the refrigerator for 2 days. Then it is ready to eat.

Salt herring fish in a jar

Another cool and cool option has been tested, really awesome. The main thing is that it is prepared without adding vinegar, and even so quickly. Agree, it’s doubly pleasant.

We will need:

  • defrosted herring - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • bay leaf - a pinch for each layer
  • sugar - a pinch for each layer
  • salt - a pinch for each layer
  • coarse pepper -

Cooking method:

1. First cut half a lemon, carrots and onions into thin rings.

2. You will have to prepare the herring in advance, peel it and cut it into pieces.

3. Place carrots, a slice of lemon, bay leaf, onion at the bottom of the jar, then cubes of herring, salt on top, add a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar and pepper, then carrots, onions, lemon, fish, you can put caviar if you like, a little salt, sugar and pepper, bay leaf. So further do not fill the jars yet. The final layer should be vegetable. Tamp down each jar.

Close with a nylon lid and leave to marinate for 2-3 days.

4. Every day you will need to turn the jars over, several times a day, so that everything is evenly salted.

Important! The herring should be in the refrigerator at the time of salting.

5. After the time has passed, start tasting the product. Wow, very tasty, lick your fingers. Super! And don’t buy fish with preservatives in stores, this is 100 percent better and deserves your attention to be eaten))).

Well, once again, bon appetit everyone! I want you to succeed very delicious snack to any table, or as an addition to dishes.

Have a nice day and good mood, write your reviews and wishes, add to the group in contact and stay up to date with events. Bye everyone!

As a product for human nutrition, herring is always included in the diet, for some more often, for others less often. The question of how to pickle herring in order to quickly eat it often arises even just by looking at it. You will find the answer in this article with detailed description in many ways delicious cooking"Queens" festive table from historical times around the world.

At home, you can pickle herring simply and quickly. Today we salt the whole fish, and you’ll find out how to salt it in the next article.

How to pickle whole herring in brine

The recipe is very simple and straightforward, the result is a very tasty herring.

Wash the fish, cut off the tail and place in an enamel container.

We will carefully remove the gills. We will need: 4 tbsp. spoons of salt, 500 ml of boiled and cooled water, bay leaves and 1 teaspoon of black peppercorns.

Dissolve salt in a saucepan. Place bay leaves and black peppercorns in a container. Pour water and salt over the herring.

There is no need to be surprised by a saturated salt solution - the fish will take as much salt as it needs.

The fish needs to be turned over periodically. So it should lie for 3 - 4 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for 4 days. On day 5 you can eat it.

A simple recipe for salted fish (herring) whole in spicy brine

There are different situations in people's lives, and if possible, people buy their favorite frozen herring in packages (in layers), put it in the freezer and use it as needed. Find out how to pickle herring correctly and differently from the first recipe right now.

Select 3 frozen fish for salting. It is clear that the fish is fresh and fatty.

We remove scales and debris from each fish under running water.

You need to pour water into the pan and put spices at the rate of 1 liter of water: put 3 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, allspice 5 pcs., black peppercorns - 1 teaspoon, bay leaf - 4 pcs.

In our case, we pour 2 liters of water, so we double everything.

We put black pepper on the eye, without a teaspoon - it’s homemade.

Mix everything and put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Then cool to room temperature.

Place the fish in a container and fill it with chilled spicy brine.

The herring should be completely covered with brine. Cover with a lid and place in a cool place for 2 days. In 2 days the herring will be lightly salted and tasty. If you need a saltier taste, leave it for 3 days. Pickling the herring was quite simple.

We peel the herring, cut off the head, remove the insides and cut into pieces.

We put it on a plate, the fish oil glistens, our mouths water, we taste it and say: Delicious!

How to pickle whole herring in a glass jar

Homemade jar salting is similar to making real barrel salting. The recipe is suitable for salads and others.


Wash the herring and put it in a 3-liter jar.

IN in this example There are 6 fish in the jar.

Take chilled boiled water, add salt and stir well until the salt dissolves.

Place bay leaves and pepper in a jar with fish and fill with brine to the top.

Close the lid and put it in the refrigerator.

On the second day you can try it, the tender herring will be ready.

If you need saltier fish, leave it for another 1 to 2 days.

The herring is ready to eat. As you can see, pickling herring is very simple.

Peel it and use it in the menu to prepare delicious dishes.

Video recipe for pickling herring in a plastic bottle

Dry salting herring - a simple and tasty recipe

Learn how to dry salt herring with mustard. A delicious recipe with a taste guarantee.

We will need: Herring - 2 pcs., rock salt - 3 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, Provencal herbs - 1 tbsp. spoon, dry mustard - 1 teaspoon.

We cut off the head and tail of the herring and remove the entrails.

Put in a bowl: rock salt- 3 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, Provencal herbs - 1 tbsp. spoon, dry mustard - 1 teaspoon. Mix everything well. The pickling mixture is ready.

Place the sprinkled fish on paper and wrap it.

We wrap it as you see in the photo.

Then we put the paper packaging with the fish in 2 plastic bags and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days.

After 2 days we take it out, unwrap it and the herring is ready to eat.

Now it needs to be washed with cold water, cut into pieces, sprinkled with onions and served with potatoes.

You have learned the classic ways to pickle herring at home. It remains to wish the readers to save folk traditions, cook for yourself and teach children culinary skills.

Nowadays, any festive feast is incomplete without lightly salted herring. Absolutely everyone loves this snack. It's impossible not to love. Recipes on how to prepare salted herring there is so much that you can’t tell everything at once.

In my opinion, you don’t have to wait for a holiday to pickle herring.
My family eats this fish very often. We especially love it with potatoes.
Potatoes can be any, but I like herring under fried potatoes.
No one can resist such a tempting dish.

Everyone's favorite salad New Year"" simply cannot exist without herring. At any festive feast, there is always salted herring.
Definitely, salted herring will be loved by everyone.

Our supermarkets sell delicious herring almost everywhere, but in Lately people salt their herring themselves. It’s clear that homemade food is always tasty and healthy. And that's a fact.
Therefore, in this moment We will look at several options for salting herring.

Salt herring different options. Some people like herring in brine, others like dry salting; the latter, by the way, is the simplest recipe. Fish is salted, both cut into pieces and whole. They use mustard, oil, onion, lemon, vinegar, and sometimes salt with carrots.

If you want your herring to be lightly salted, do not keep it in brine for more than a day. The longer the fish is in the brine, the more salty it will be. Usually the herring is salted for up to a day, and some even eat the herring after two or three hours.

If you want your pickled herring to taste delicious, you also need to select it when purchasing. Your fish will taste better if you take away the best option fish.

How to choose the right herring for pickling

I always choose the bigger and fattier herring. Sometimes you even come across it with caviar, as an added bonus. When choosing, make sure that the herring is intact, not torn skin, not damaged, the fins must be intact. Good fish should be whole, even, not yellow. The taste of the herring depends on your choice.
You can determine if a fish is fresh by looking at the eyes and gills.

Fresh herring are identified by their red gills and light, protruding, shiny eyes. There are cases when the fish is not the freshest. The head is removed so that it is not noticeable that the fish is spoiled. Be careful when choosing and purchasing such herring.
Avoid buying herring that has been frozen and thawed several times.
This fish is not suitable for salting. Such fish are dangerous to eat.
Never salt frozen herring; be sure to defrost it naturally, without using water or other means. Most The best way The bottom of the refrigerator is considered defrosting.

Herring salted in brine at home is very tasty

I believe that people like the recipe for pickling herring in brine more.
Although there are other options for how to pickle herring a large number of.
Sometimes you hear some work colleagues boasting about a new recipe.
They treat their friends to delicious herring, copying recipes from each other.

Right now we will look at some recipes for pickling herring.

Classic way of salting Herring - spicy salting, whole salting


  • Two Herrings
  • Water one/liter
  • Two table/l of salt
  • Two tables/l of sugar
  • Ten peppers/peas
  • Five pieces of allspice/pepper
  • Five little things (cloves)
  • Three pieces of laurel/leaf

How to pickle Herring

1) Clean the herring, remove the insides, and rinse well with water. We remove the gills, they will cause bitterness in the brine, but we leave the head. It happens that fish are caught with caviar and that’s good. We wash the caviar and salt it with herring.

If you come across milk, you can also pickle it. Although this is not for everybody.

2) It’s time to prepare the brine (brine).
Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire until the water boils.
When the water boils, add salt, sugar and other spices.
We wait three to four minutes for it to boil.
After this, remove from the stove and leave the brine to cool.

3) Prepare dishes for pickling herring. The size must match the fish.
Place the herring in this bowl and pour out the cooled brine.
Put caviar and milk there (if you left them)
Leave the fish in the brine for three to four hours.
The temperature should be room temperature. Then we put it in the refrigerator.

4) After two days, the herring can be eaten. Caviar and milk are ready in a day. It is not recommended to keep milt and caviar for more than a day; they will be over-salted.

How to salt Herring in brine with oil


  • Two pieces/herring
  • Two table/l of salt
  • Two tables/l of sugar
  • One table/l of vegetable oil

How to cook:

1) Clean the herring, cut the bellies and remove everything inside, along with the gills.
We also leave the milk with caviar, we will salt them too. Rinse the fish with caviar.

If desired, you can cut the herring into pieces, or leave the fish whole.
It all depends on your personal desire. I like it cut into pieces.
In this option, all the pieces are completely saturated with oil.

2) Pour water into a saucepan and place it on the stove.
When the water starts to boil, add sugar and salt.
Mix everything thoroughly. Remove the pan from the stove and leave to cool.

3) When the water has cooled, add oil.
We put our fish in a plastic or glass container and fill it with brine.
Close the lid.

4) Let it stand for three to four hours (the temperature should be room temperature). Then we put it in the refrigerator for three days.

Spiced herring in brine with mustard


  • Two pieces/herring
  • One l/water
  • Five tbsp salt
  • Three tbsp sugar
  • One tbsp coriander beans
  • One tbsp dill (you can add dried)
  • Eight pieces/bay leaves
  • Fifteen pieces/black pepper (peas)
  • Four pieces/ allspice
  • Two tbsp mustard

How to pickle spicy herring in brine with mustard

1) Cut the belly of the herring, pull out everything inside, rinse.
You can leave the head, but then you need to remove the gills.
They will cause bitterness in the brine and fish.

At your request, you can make fillet parts and cut them.
Believe me, herring in pieces is very tasty.
All the pieces will be mixed with mustard, and it’s incredibly delicious.

2) Now boil water, add sugar, salt and other spices (do not add mustard). We wait three to four minutes until it boils. Turn off the stove, remove the pan with brine, and cool.

3) Coat the fish completely in mustard.
Place in the prepared bowl and cover with a tight lid.

Mustard will give the herring a special, unforgettable taste.

4) When the brine has cooled, pour in our herring.
Leave it for two to three hours, and then put it in the refrigerator for two days.

Another recipe with mustard


  • Two pieces/herring
  • One l/water
  • Five tbsp salt
  • Three tbsp sugar
  • Fifteen pcs/ black pepper (coarsely crushed if desired)
  • One tsp dry mustard
  • Five pcs/bay leaves

Let's start cooking:

1) Clean the herring. If the head is left, the gills must be removed.
Rinse thoroughly clean water.

2) Boil water, add sugar, salt and other spices.
Leave to simmer for three to four minutes, remove from heat.
Leave the brine to cool.

3) Place the fish in the prepared dish and pour in cool brine.
Add mustard and stir. The mustard should become wet.

4) Let it sit for two to three hours. Place in the refrigerator for two days.

How to salt herring with vinegar


  • Two pieces/herring
  • Three hundred ml/water
  • One tbsp salt
  • One and a half tbsp vinegar 9%
  • Ten pcs/pepper (peas)
  • Four pcs/bay leaves
  • One tbsp coriander seeds
  • Three tbsp vegetable oil

Let's start cooking:

1) Clean the fish, remove the head. If you salt the head, remove the gills.
Wash in clean water. Of course, you can salt the herring without gutting it.
Then be sure to remove the gills.

2) Boil water. When the water boils, add salt and spices.
We wait until it boils for three to four minutes, remove from the stove, and leave the brine to cool.

3) Add vinegar to the cooled brine.

4) Place the herring in the prepared container, pour in the brine.
Let it stand for four to five hours.
Then we put it in the refrigerator for seven to eight hours.

Quick salting of Herring with vinegar and onions


  • One piece/herring
  • Five hundred + two hundred fifty ml/water
  • One tbsp vinegar 9%
  • Three tbsp salt (heaped)
  • Eight pcs/pepper (peas)
  • Two pcs/bay leaves
  • One onion
  • Two tbsp sunflower oil

Let's start cooking:

1) When you use frozen herring, I recommend leaving it slightly frozen, this makes it easier to gut it. Let's remove the head.

2) The skin is peeled off and the bones are removed.
Cut the fillet parts into pieces.

3) Add salt to Five hundred ml/water (room temperature), stir. Pour in the chopped herring, set aside, and salt for an hour and a half.
After this time, drain the water.

4) Mix vinegar with two hundred and fifty ml of water, pour this liquid over the herring. Let stand for five minutes and drain the water.
Leave it aside, we will need it.

5) Add onion with bay leaf, chopped peppercorns into large pieces. Fill everything with the remaining liquid and oil.

6) Let’s wait for thirty to forty minutes. Serve to the table.

How to quickly and tasty pickle whole herring in brine

You won’t believe it, but according to this recipe, the herring will be pickled in a day.

We need ingredients:

  • Two pieces/herring
  • One l/water
  • Three tbsp salt
  • Two tbsp sugar
  • Ten pcs/pepper (peas)
  • Ten pcs/pepper (allspice)
  • One tsp seeds (coriander)
  • Three pcs/bay leaves

Let's start cooking:

1) Remove the gills from the herring and rinse everything thoroughly.
There is no need to gut the herring.

2) Place a saucepan on the stove, boil water, add all the spices, sugar and salt. Boil for three to four minutes, remove the pan from the heat, and cool the brine.

3) Place the herring in a container prepared for salting.
Pour in chilled brine.

4) Place in the refrigerator for 1 day.

After 1 day, the herring can be served and eaten.
The herring turns out very tasty, you'll lick your fingers.

How to salt Herring at home - the simplest dry salting

Let's prepare the products:

  • Two pieces/herring
  • Two tablespoons/l of coarse salt
  • One table/l of sugar

Let's start cooking:

1) First of all, we gut the fish, separate the head, and remove the skin.
We divide the herring into two identical parts, select the bones and the backbone, we don’t need them.
We got two fillets.

2) Combine sugar and salt, mix.
Coat the herring fillets with this mixture.
Place on a plate and let sit for six to seven hours.

3) The last step is to place the fish in the prepared dish (preferably in a container) and close it with a lid so that it is tight. Place in the refrigerator for 2 days.

How to salt Herring in a bag - spicy salting

For this we need:

  • Two pieces/herring
  • Two table/l of salt
  • One table/l of sugar
  • One tsp of coriander (grain) is possible (ground - 1 tsp)
  • Eight pieces/black pepper (peas - crushed)
  • Two pcs/bay leaves

Let's start cooking:

1) The first step is to gut the herring, separate the head, remove the skin, remove the larger bones. Divide the herring into two equal parts.

2) Combine the spices and mix. We coat all the fish.

3) Place the herring in bags, wrapping them carefully.
We put it aside to lie down for five to six hours.
After this, put it in the refrigerator for two days.

Salting Herring at home quickly - an express method


  • Two pieces/herring
  • Two table/l of salt
  • One table/l of sugar
  • One/third/tsp black pepper
  • Two pcs/bay leaves (chopped)
  • To pickle herring according to this recipe, fresh herring is required.
  • Because the herring will take two hours to salt.

How to cook:

1) The first step is to gut the fish and remove the gills.
Then pour cold water into the prepared dishes.
Place the herring there for one hour.

2) Combine all the spices and mix.

3) Now take the fish, rub it with spices, salt and sugar.

4) Wrap it in a bag and set it aside to salt for two to three hours.

Herring is salted in a similar way with the addition of sugar and salt.
No spices are used. The only request is for this recipe.

5) Remove spices from the fish, cut the herring into pieces.

Dry salting Herring using onions and butter


  • Two pieces/herring
  • Five tbsp salt
  • Two bulbs
  • Six tbsp vegetable oil

How to cook:

1) The first step is to clean the herring, separate the head, remove the bones and skin.
We got fillet.

2) The second step is to cut the onion into thin half rings.

3) In the third step, rub the sirloin with salt.
Place in prepared dishes; a jar will also work.
Arrange in layers, herring, onion.

4) The fourth step is to fill everything with oil.
Let it brew for one hour and put it in the refrigerator for two days.

Lightly salted spicy Herring with lemon


  • Two pieces/herring
  • Two tbsp salt
  • One tbsp sugar
  • Two lemons
  • Five pcs/bay leaves
  • Ten pcs/black pepper (peas)
  • Five pcs/allspice

How to cook:

1) The first step is to gut the fish, separate the head, skin and bones.
Rinse thoroughly with water.

2) The second step is to combine sugar and salt and mix.
Cut lemon into slices.

3) The third step is to place the herring and lemon in layers in a bowl, sprinkling everything with the prepared mixture of sugar, salt and spices.

4) The fourth step is to place the dish, and put a weight on top for the press.
Place in the refrigerator for two days.

5) The fifth step, after a certain time, take out the dishes with fish, mix everything and put them in the refrigerator again for one to two days.

Please note that salted herring is popular not only in our country.
The Dutch also salt herring very tasty and love it very much.

Dutch-spiced herring

We need products:

  • Two pieces/herring
  • Six tsp sugar
  • Two pcs/bulbs
  • Half/lemon
  • One piece/carrot
  • Ten pcs/laurel leaves
  • Ten pcs/pepper (peas)

How to cook Herring in Dutch style with spicy salting

1) The first step is to defrost and gut the herring.
The head, skin and bones are separated.

2) Cut the loin into pieces, two centimeters wide.

3) Cut the lemon into thin circles, roughly rub the carrots through a grater

4) B glass jar Layer the ingredients of onions, bay leaves, slightly grated carrots, lemon, sugar (a pinch), and a little pepper.
Then lay out a layer of fish.

5) In this way, lay all our products in layers in order of priority.

6) Close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for three days.

7) Serve, drizzle with oil and add salt to taste.

Herring prepared according to this recipe turns out very tasty!

Rollmops in German


  • Two lightly salted herring (four fillets)
  • Five pcs/pickled gherkins
  • One red pepper (bell pepper)
  • One onion
  • Two tbsp mustard
  • One hundred ml/wine vinegar (white)
  • Two tsp mustard seeds
  • Four pcs/studs
  • One tsp salt
  • One tsp sugar
  • Half a tsp ground pepper (black)

How to cook Rollmops in German

1) The first step is to make the marinade.
Boil water in a saucepan, add the following ingredients: cloves, pepper, salt and sugar. You need to boil for about two to three minutes. Cool (a little)

2) The second step is to add mustard and wine vinegar.
Stir and leave until completely cooled.

3) In the third step, we will cut the onion, bell pepper and gherkins into thin strips.

4) Slowly beat the fillet parts and coat them in mustard.
If the fish is larger, carefully cut the fillets into two equal halves.

5) Place onion, pepper, and gherkins on the layer of herring (across).

6) Roll up and secure with a toothpick.

7) Place in a special bowl and add brine.
We leave it to salt for one day, no less.
It is advisable to age it for two to three days in the refrigerator.

Secrets of preparing delicious pickled herring at home

It is believed that the best herring for pickling is oceanic. Other types of herring live in more polluted waters and are less valuable. Herring can be either chilled or frozen.

You need to pay attention to what to keep the fish young.
A good, fresh herring has a silvery tint and bulging eyes. light color. The fins and gills are pressed tightly against the body.

If you buy herring, it is better to buy it with the head. Always choose large fish that are not damaged. The big ones are mostly “boys”. If you compare the sex of the herring by taste qualities, choose “girls”. The meat of “girls” herring is more tender, tastier, and lighter in color. Herring caught in winter is fattier.

The surest way to defrost is at room temperature, or at the bottom of the refrigerator. The herring should defrost naturally.
The process of salting herring can be different. You can salt whole fish without removing the insides. But then the head of the fish is not separated, we only remove the gills. The gills produce bitterness at the time of salting.

When you have cleaned the fish, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the herring with clean, cold water. There are many options for salting herring; you can salt it either whole or in pieces. It is possible to cook with the skin and bones, or, on the contrary, to clean everything. Usually, whole, cleaned fish is kept for 30 minutes to one hour, placed in cold water.
This makes the herring juicy.
It is not recommended to salt herring with iodized salt.

When you use dry pickling, use food bags and film.

You cannot keep fish at room temperature for a long time.
It should be stored in the refrigerator.

The most delicious herring is considered to be the one that is salted whole, not gutted. This herring should be salted for 3 days.
Such herring can be stored in this brine for about a week.

For those who don't want to wait long time salting, can clean the fish into fillets, cut into pieces and salt. With similar options, pickling in pieces will be ready in two to three hours.

When you have uneaten herring, we recommend taking it out of the brine, cutting it into pieces, putting it in a container and pouring oil on it.

At the moment when you have added a lot of salt, as an option, it is recommended to soak the fish in cold milk, placing the fish in the milk for two hours. The milk will remove excess salt, and the fish will become delicious again.

How and with what to serve lightly salted herring

When serving herring on the table, it naturally needs to be cleaned.

You understand how ugly a bony, untreated herring will look. I am sure that your guests will not like it, they will appreciate what kind of hostess you are.

Processing herring is not difficult if you know elementary methods.
We make a cut on the back of the fish, take the corner of the skin and pull it together.
Thus, peeling the skin off the herring is quite simple.
Bones with a ridge are also easy to remove. I think you can easily cope with this.

– salt herring at home from frozen or fresh fish. Moreover, herring salted at home turns out to be unusually tender and tasty.

To do this, you will need a little time, salt, sugar and spices, which you probably always have on hand.

If you haven’t caught the herring yourself, try to give preference to whole carcasses with entrails and head. Only by looking at its eyes (and gills) can you know for sure whether the fish is fresh or not.

Immediately before salting frozen herring, give it time to thaw thoroughly on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

There are many recipes for salting fish, but I offer you 11 proven recipes on how to pickle herring at home and get a tasty result.

1. Lightly salted herring- dry salting recipe

We will need:
1 fresh frozen herring
60 g salt

The herring must be thawed, thoroughly washed and cut, and the insides removed.
Rub the fish thoroughly with salt inside and out. Then wrap the herring in gauze, put it in a bowl and place it in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Now the lightly salted herring is ready. The longer the herring sits in salt, the saltier it will be. Now it needs to be washed from salt, peeled and boned, cut and served.

2. Dry-salted herring - quick results

1 herring
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons salt

Let's take a fish, remove the head and giblets. Let's put it in cool water for an hour or two.
Take the herring out of the water, dry it, rub it with salt and sugar (you can add a little ground pepper if you wish). Wrap the fish in a couple of layers cling film and leave for two to three hours at room temperature.

After 2-3 hours, unwrap the carcass, wash off the remaining mixture, cut into portions and serve. Lightly salted herring goes well with black bread and onions, boiled potatoes and sunflower oil.

3. Dry pickled herring in a bag

There is one more interesting option dry salting of herring.

2 medium sized fish
2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp seasoning for salting fish (sold ready-made in the store)

Mix 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of seasoning in a cup. Prepare two strong plastic bags in advance and immediately above the bag we begin to sprinkle the herring with the curing mixture, don’t forget about the gills, you need to put them in them too. After this, we place the fish in bags, one inside the other, for strength. Tie and put in the refrigerator for two days. It is advisable to turn the bag over after 24 hours. So that the fish lies on both sides in the resulting brine. After this, the herring will be ready, even if the fish remains in the brine for a longer time, it will not be over-salted.

4. Lightly salted herring - recipe with brine

You will need:
1 kg fresh frozen herring
2 tbsp coarse salt
1 tbsp g sugar
3 bay leaves
10 allspice peas
10 black peppercorns
1 liter of water

Thaw the herring, wash it thoroughly, and peel off the scales. Pour salt, sugar, spices into boiling water, simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes and cool.

Place the whole fish, along with the head and entrails, in a clean oblong container (plastic container, tray, etc.) that will not oxidize, and fill it with chilled brine. Cover the herring and leave it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for 3 days.

Lightly salted herring is ready. You can check the readiness of the herring by making an incision on the back. After this, you can remove the herring from the brine, remove skin and bones and cut into pieces. If you plan to store the herring longer and do not want it to become too salty, dilute the brine in which it was salted with water in a 50:50 ratio.

This recipe for pickling herring is also good for salting mackerel and red fish at home.

5. Spicy pickled herring

Herring – 1-2 pieces
For the spicy marinade:
Water – 0.5 liters
Salt – 2 tablespoons
Sugar – 0.5 teaspoon
4-6 peas black and allspice
2 clove buds
3 bay leaves
0.5 teaspoon coriander seeds (cilantro)
0.5 teaspoon dill seeds (you can use dried herbs)

Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, add all the spices and boil for five minutes. Then leave to cool.

We cut up the herring. We cut off the tail, head, remove the insides, rinse the herring under cold water, remove the inner black film. Cut the herring into not very thick pieces.

Place the herring in a jar and fill it with the prepared brine. In four to five days you will have a delicious, spicy-salted herring ready.

6. Herring marinated with vinegar

Herring marinated with vinegar is not only quick, but also fabulous delicious recipe salting fish. The herring turns out to be the most tender, lightly salted, not sour, just like butter and melts in your mouth. Very tasty recipe.

Fresh frozen herring - 2 pieces
Fresh dill
For the marinade:
Water – 0.5 cups
Vegetable oil – 100 ml.
Salt – 1 heaped teaspoon
Sugar – 1 teaspoon
9% vinegar – 1-2 teaspoons (you can add 1 teaspoon to vinegar, and the next day try the herring and marinade, and if necessary, add another 1 teaspoon)
Ready mustard – 1 teaspoon
You can add a few more black allspice peas and some coriander seeds to the marinade.

Mix boiled cold water with all ingredients.

Defrost the herring, but not until soft. We cut off the head and tail, remove the entrails. Carefully scrape off the black film on the abdomen with a knife. Remove the skin from the fish. Cut along the ridge, divide into halves. We remove the spine and, if possible, all the internal bones. Cut the herring into pieces. Place in a jar, sprinkle with chopped dill.

Pour the prepared marinade over the herring and close the jar with a lid. Place the jar in the refrigerator. In a day or two, the herring will be ready to eat.

7. Korean herring

1 kg herring
0.5 cups sunflower oil
1 onion
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1 teaspoon adjika
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon Korean salad seasoning
0.5 cups 9% vinegar

To pickle herring in Korean, fillet is used, that is, the bones and skin must be removed. Cut the resulting fillet into pieces 4 - 5 cm long. sunflower oil you need to fry finely chopped onion. Then remove the onion from the oil and add all the other ingredients to it. Mix everything and pour the resulting marinade over the herring fillets. Place the pickling container in the refrigerator for a day.

8. Pickled herring in oil

You will need:
1 large herring (or 2 medium ones)
0.5 cups refined vegetable oil
0.5 onions
3 clove buds
4 allspice peas
3 bay leaves
1 teaspoon salt

We gut the herring, wash it and cut off the fillets. We cut the fillet into pieces approximately 1 cm wide. Place in a glass half-liter jar. You can use any airtight container with a lid, but ensure that the herring pieces are completely covered with oil.

Let's move on to preparing the marinade. Add onion, bay leaf, allspice and salt to the vegetable oil. Heat the oil over the fire until blue smoke appears. Turn off and let the marinade cool to room temperature. Then pour the marinade over the herring and leave it in the refrigerator for three days. After this, the herring can be eaten.

9. Pickled herring in mayonnaise

We will need:
1 large frozen herring
200 g mayonnaise
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper

Thaw the herring, gut it, wash it, remove the backbone. Cut the resulting herring fillet into pieces and place in a jar.

Add salt, sugar, pepper to mayonnaise. Mix. Pour in the mayonnaise marinade and cover with a lid. Leave in the refrigerator for two days. That's it, now you can eat...

10. Herring in vinegar sauce

You will need:
1 kg fresh frozen herring
1 teaspoon vinegar essence
1 cup vegetable oil
1 glass of cold boiled water
Garlic, onion, salt

We gut the herring, wash it, cut off the head and fins. Cut into pieces. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic finely. Place a layer of garlic and onions in an enamel bowl, then a layer of fish, again garlic and onions, etc. Each layer needs a little salt. The top layer should be garlic and onions. Now add vinegar to cold boiled water. Pour the resulting mixture over the herring and leave to marinate for 1 hour. After this, add vegetable oil and mix, being careful not to damage the fish. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for a day. After this, the herring can be eaten.

Buy fresh frozen herring and pickle it yourself at home, it turns out much tastier and much more economical store-bought.

Bon appetit,