How to salt herring at home: the best recipes. Lightly salted herring at home

With potatoes - real Russian food. You can buy fish in the store, but it is best to cook it at home. Today we will talk about how to deliciously pickle herring.

general information

Salted herring is one of the favorite Russian snacks. It is eaten not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. The fish is served on the table along with boiled potatoes. And if you complement the dish with pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut, then it will be a real feast.

Many residents of our country are confident that salted herring is a Russian invention. Unfortunately, it is not. Holland is considered the birthplace of this snack. It was here in the 15th century that an ordinary fisherman, Willem Beukelzoon, came up with a way to process herring. The fact is that the fish had a bitter taste, which is why it was not popular among local residents. Salting herring in brine helped get rid of this problem. First, the gills were removed, and then the marinade was prepared.

Nowadays salted herring can be purchased at almost every step. But Russians are not always satisfied with their purchase. By appearance and it is very difficult for smell to determine the freshness and degree of salinity of the product. Therefore, you have to rely on Russian maybe.

Having bought over-salted, dry or tasteless fish once, a person loses all desire to buy it in the store. In this regard, people decide to salt fish at home. At first glance, this process seems simple and understandable: I simply cleaned the herring, sprinkled it with salt and dill, waited a few hours and served it with boiled potatoes. The main thing is to cook good pickle for herring. Each housewife has her own recipe. Some people generously season the fish with oil and vinegar, while others use a large number of spices and herbs. About being in a pickle different ways, we will tell you further.

Benefits for the body

Many of us love to eat salted herring. But not everyone knows about the benefits it brings to our body. But this is very important.

The main component of salted herring is protein. It participates in metabolic processes occurring in the body. Without it, tissue growth and restoration is impossible.

Salted herring also contains:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids (needed for the normal functioning of the entire cardiovascular system);
  • selenium (minimizes the number of oxidation products in

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • bay leaf - 4 leaves;
  • 900 ml water;
  • fresh frozen herring - 4 pieces;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt.

We offer you instructions on how to pickle whole herring:

1. Defrost the fish. In the morning we transfer it to the middle or top shelf of the refrigerator. And in the evening you can start processing the herring. We take scissors in our hands and carefully cut off the upper fins and one tail fin. We remove the gills. We take out the insides. We don’t throw away the caviar and milk, but wash it and put it back in the belly. What's next? Wash each fish with tap water. We wait until the liquid has completely drained. Rinse the herring with water and vinegar (1 tbsp per liter of water).

2. Prepare the brine using sugar, bay leaf, salt and peppercorns. All this for 900 ml of water. Transfer the fish to a pan and fill with cooled brine. In this form, the herring should stand for 6 hours and then the same amount in the refrigerator. You can try the fish in a day.

Salting herring in brine in a jar

We will need the following grocery set:

  • a pack of table salt;
  • 3 kg of fresh herring;
  • seasonings and spices.

    Let's find out how to make brine for jars):

    1. Let's start with processing the fish. You can pickle the whole thing, but in this case It's best to gut it. We cut off the tail and fins, remove the entrails.

    2. We wash each fish with water and place it in a deep bowl for further salting. A wide bowl or an ordinary enamel basin is perfect for this purpose. We place the carcasses not too closely so that there is brine for the herring between them. The recipe calls for the use of 3 kg of fish. Therefore, you need to decide in advance on suitable utensils.

    3. Make the brine. We take 170 g of salt per liter of water. Pour the resulting solution over the fish. Place the dishes and contents in a cool place for 24 hours. No pressure is required.

    4. Remove the herring from the solution and rinse it with tap water. Now we make a softer and more flavorful brine. For 1 liter of water, take 100 g of salt. Add spices (for example, coriander, a few black peppercorns, etc.). Drain off the old solution. The dishes need to be rinsed. Place the fish in the same jar and fill it with new brine. Place the weight on top. We send the container to a cool place. Salting herring in brine is not a quick process. But the result is worth it. In a week you will be able to treat your household to delicious and aromatic fish.

    Spicy-salted herring

    Consider the list of necessary products:

    • 1 tbsp. l. mustard seeds and coriander;
    • two buds of cloves;
    • herring - 3-4 pieces (about 1 kg);
    • 4 tbsp. salt;
    • 5-7 sprigs of thyme;
    • 1 tbsp. l. mixtures of black, allspice and white pepper;
    • bay leaf - 2 leaves;
    • 150 ml sugar.

    For the marinade we will need:

    • 100 ml table vinegar;
    • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
    • 300 ml water.

    So, we suggest finding out how to deliciously pickle herring:

    Step #1. Mix water with vinegar. Place on the fire and wait until it boils. When the solution has cooled, you need to pour it over the pre-cleaned fish. Place a weight on top and place the container in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

    Step #2. Grind the peppercorns and mix with other spices. These include: thyme, cloves, coriander, mustard, bay leaf, a mixture of peppers. Pour half of the mixture into the bottom of a plastic container. Place the herring in the same bowl. Sprinkle it with the rest of the spices. Cover with a lid or wrap with cling film. We put a small load and put it in the refrigerator for a week. Before serving, cut the herring into pieces, sprinkle with onion rings and chopped dill.

    How to choose herring for pickling

    Following the recipe is only half the success. To make it work delicious snack, need to use products highest quality. The ideal option for salting is freshly caught fish. But it is not available to everyone. Russians living in regions without access to seas and oceans have to be content with freshly frozen herring. It is also suitable for pickling.

    If there is a wide selection, it is advisable to choose Pacific or Atlantic herring. How to determine the quality of a product? The eyes of the fish should be light, without any spots or streaks. If the gills fit tightly to the carcass, then this is a fresh herring. Experts do not recommend buying fish with the head removed. This is how many sellers try to sell old goods.

    An appetizer made from fish caught during the winter season is especially tender and tasty. And all because it contains more fat. Do you want to cook excellent fish? Then choose heavy carcasses with rounded sides.

    Storage rules

    Herring, like other fish, contains fat. When exposed to oxygen, it quickly oxidizes. As a result, the fish acquires bad smell and rancid taste. To avoid this, you need to properly store salted herring.

    Pieces of fish can be put in the refrigerator, but for no more than 2 days. It's good if you eat them the next day. As for uncut fish, salted whole, here you need to proceed as follows. Pour beer into a small saucepan. Add two bay leaves and a few black peppercorns. Bring to a boil and then cool completely. Place the whole herring in a jar and fill it with the prepared brine. Pour a little vegetable oil on top. Close the lid. To prevent the fish from spoiling, the brine must completely cover it.


    We talked about how brine for herring is made. You can choose the recipe yourself depending on your taste preferences. Salted fish can act as a dish on its own, or as an ingredient in salads (for example, herring under a fur coat).

Salted herring, and in common people, herring is a favorite snack in most families. Neither a feast rich in pickles, nor a modest snack in a warm family atmosphere is complete without this delicacy.

The cheap and nutritious product presented in the photo can easily diversify the monotony of the daily menu, because it goes equally well with various side dishes, as well as with dressings and spices. Salted herring has a low calorie content compared to other types sea ​​fish and a good ratio of the BJU index, which allows it to be used (albeit in small quantities) in various diets.

Due to its versatility, salted herring is in greatest demand. By taste qualities it is not inferior to more expensive fish. Unpretentious at first glance, the fish easily copes with the task of saturating the body with useful substances and vitamins. It's no secret that sea fish is rich in vitamin D3, which is contained in fish oil and has a beneficial effect on the immune system and the condition of the human body as a whole.

The habitat of herring is quite wide, and scientists indicate that in the waters of our planet there are about two hundred species and varieties of fish of this family. On the shelves of most stores you can currently see the following varieties of herring:

  • Atlantic;
  • Pacific;
  • Norwegian;
  • Baltic;
  • iwasi;
  • Caspian;
  • Azov;
  • Black Sea

Each subspecies of fish has its own external differences, different degrees of fat content, aroma, but each of them is tasty in its own way. There is a buyer for every product, because you won’t find a better delicacy than herring and potatoes!

How to choose?

How to choose tasty and high-quality salted herring is useful for every housewife to know.

The first criterion that you need to decide on when purchasing is the degree of salting of the fish: some consumers do not like it very much. salty product, while others find highly salted herring more tasty.

The easiest way to find out is in a product sold by weight. In this case, it is not difficult to distinguish fish of different salting even at first glance, and to do this you just need to evaluate the color of the eyes and gills of the salted product. Lightly salted herring always has red eyes and pink gills, but a well-salted fish will “look” at the buyer with gray eyes, and the gills will have a gray-red tint. If the herring does not have a head, then it will be impossible to determine the quality of the product by eye. Unscrupulous sellers resort to such techniques as gutting the fish and then selling the filleted herring. This is all done based on the laziness of our consumers and the desire to get as little dirty as possible when cutting fish. We would like to warn readers: do not be led by your own weakness, and if you really want to buy a similar product, then purchase pieces of such herring only in the form of preserves, and always check the factory seal on the packaging. Be sure to carefully read the release date and expiration date of the product.

The second criterion that experienced cooks follow is the GOST standard for salted herring. According to established tradition, food industry regular herring and spicy salting. The latter can never be lightly salted, but it always has a more pronounced aroma and original taste.

In any case, please note that high-quality fish, regardless of the degree of salting, should be:

  • elastic;
  • dense to the touch;
  • shiny outside;
  • fragrant.

Always pay attention to the brine in which the herring “floats”. It should be slightly brown, free of flakes and foreign inclusions, except for droplets of fish oil on the surface. The liquid should smell like salted fish, and the latter should not come into contact with air (that is, it should be completely covered with water).

Properly prepared and stored herring should not have:

  • sunken (failed) eyeballs;
  • cloudy look;
  • shriveled (shrunken) skin;
  • yellow gills;
  • "rusty" stripes;
  • torn off, and even more so shredded, fins;
  • skin tears;
  • foreign or unpleasant odor, including the aroma of old fish oil.

Even in one bucket there may be fish of varying degrees of saltiness. This depends on the initial fat content of the product in the bookmark. It has long been proven that herring with caviar (“girl”) will always be drier and saltier than fish with milk.

Many will ask how to identify a “boy” among all the fish, since both milk and caviar are quite dense to the touch? We would like to say that it is easy to distinguish the sex of a herring. Buyers just need to do a simple test: lightly press two fingers on the belly of the salted fish. The milk will definitely come out into the hole at the base of the tail, while the eggs will remain inside the fish. The gender of the fish is another most common criterion for evaluating a product when purchasing.

In order to be confident in the quality of salted herring, you need to learn how to prepare this delicacy yourself. You don’t need any special skills to prepare the dish, and we will reveal the secrets of getting the best-tasting fish in this article.

How to cut and store salted herring?

Read in this section how to store and properly cut ready-salted herring.

Most in a simple way Fish storage is freezing. Ready salted fish can be frozen in the freezer without gutting it. It will be stored there quite well in this form. long time. But this should be done only if you do not plan to eat the fish immediately after salting, or if the quantity of the prepared product is large.

But most often the fish is not going to be stored for too long, and therefore it is cut up immediately.

Like salting methods, there are also many cutting methods. We will tell you about one of them with great pleasure. This method is very simple and does not require any skills. To carry out the operation you will need the following equipment:

  • cutting board;
  • sharp thin knife;
  • waste collection bag;
  • plate for cut fish;
  • gloves (optional);
  • paper napkins.

So let's get started. Fish salted by wet or dry salting is washed in cold water or thoroughly wiped with napkins to remove spices and salt residues. After this, the herring is peeled. They do it like this:

  1. Fins are cut off.
  2. At an angle of 45 degrees, carefully cut out the head along with the gills.
  3. A longitudinal incision is made along the back to the base of the ridge.
  4. The skin is removed in the direction from the tail to the head, and then the belly of the fish is cut open. The entrails, with the exception of milt or caviar, are discarded.
  5. Carefully blot the inner walls and remove the black film.
  6. Fatty areas of the abdomen are trimmed.
  7. Carefully, holding the fillet with your fingers, remove the backbone and ribs, moving from head to tail.
  8. After this, boneless pieces of fish are blotted with paper napkins and cut into portions.

Fish cut in this way is poured with sauces or dressings. Most often, housewives choose the following options:

Pieces of fish are placed in a container of suitable volume, interleaved with sliced ​​rings or half rings onions, and then poured with a marinade of vegetable oil and vinegar. The amount of ingredients is determined based on your own preferences. Such a preparation can be stored for a week, and tightly sealed in sterile jars - even longer. But only in the refrigerator.

Boneless herring pieces are seasoned with marinade prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Cold boiled water – 300 ml;
  • Granulated sugar – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Table vinegar 9% – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Table salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • Flavored sunflower or corn oil - 2 tablespoons.

All ingredients are mixed until the components are completely dissolved, and then the herring and onions are poured with this mixture. Herring can be stored in this filling for about seven days in the refrigerator.

Pieces of fish are mixed with onions and carrots, grated on a “Korean” grater, and then mixed with tomato sauce, for the preparation of which you will need to mix tomato paste, deodorized vegetable oil, vinegar, garlic, granulated sugar, soy sauce, seasoning for Korean carrots or a mixture of coriander, black ground pepper, red hot pepper, cloves, paprika and chopped walnuts.

The most common proportions are::

  • tomato paste - three parts;
  • vegetable oil - one part;
  • table vinegar - one part;
  • granulated sugar - two parts;
  • soy sauce - one part;
  • spices, garlic and nuts to taste.

A delicacy prepared according to this recipe can not only be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks, but also takes on a new taste. The dressing proportions vary and depend on the amount of fish fillet available.

Cleaned fish is seasoned with homemade fatty mayonnaise with double the amount of mustard, or smeared with sweet mustard without adding mayonnaise. The disadvantage of this method of preparing herring is that the delicacy should not be stored for longer than forty-eight hours.

The first three of these storage methods allow you to turn an ordinary herring into an unusual snack, but last option Serving the delicacy allows you to prepare all sorts of delicious salads with such fish.

Use in cooking

Salted herring can be widely used in cooking. Herring with vinegar and onions (with butter or mayonnaise) and boiled potatoes are simply divine, although you don’t need any superpowers to prepare this masterpiece.

Salted herring goes well with:

  • carrots;
  • beets;
  • potatoes;
  • apples;
  • canned peas;
  • butter;
  • black bread;
  • green onions.

There is hardly a person who is unfamiliar with the “Herring under a Fur Coat” salad, because no one could do without this delicacy before. New Year's feast. And what is the appetizer of herring in mustard sauce worth!

Salted and fresh herring is used to prepare a delicious stuffed appetizer in Korean style, with carrots, spices and soy sauce. On the shelves of culinary departments of supermarkets, such a delicacy can often be found under the name heh.

A real decoration of the table will be herring in Dutch style, with simple recipe which you can familiarize yourself with by watching the video recipe for this article.

Today, the range of herring delicacies is simply huge, and enterprising housewives have long been preparing all kinds of rolls with fillings and spreads from the tender fillet of this fish. In almost any store you can buy “Ocean” or “Rusalochka” pasta, which are made from caviar or herring milt. A piece of bread and this improvised pate, generously spread on top, will be an excellent snack, with which a cup of regular black tea or coffee will turn into a full breakfast or a very nutritious dinner. With a piece of spicy herring you can prepare spicy canapés and improvised pickled cucumber rolls.

What to do with very salty herring?

There are situations when herring purchased or salted at home turns out to be too salty. In this case, housewives are looking for information on how to eliminate such a problem. To make the search easier for our readers, we will try to group information on how and in what composition to soak herring in a table.

What to soak in?

What should be done?

Tea brewing

Place the fish fillet in a cooled brew of unflavored black tea, prepared at the rate of one teaspoon of tea per three hundred milliliters of boiling water. Soak the highly salted herring in the infusion for at least one hour, and then rinse the fish and use it in accordance with the chosen method.

This “reanimation” method is suitable for both whole fish and already cut herring.

This method is good if the fish is not gutted or, in extreme cases, has not been skinned. Place the fish in milk for two hours and place the vessel in the refrigerator. After the time has passed, drain the milk, add clean cold water to the fish and leave for another half hour. Heavily salted fish may need to be soaked twice or soaked again, but in a different composition.

To soak one medium-sized fish, you will need three hundred milliliters of milk and the same amount of water.

Water with vinegar

It is used if the herring needs to be served to the table within a short time.

The proportions for soaking are as follows: two tablespoons of table vinegar, dissolved in two hundred grams of boiled water. A highly salted product can be served in just one hour.

If these methods did not help achieve desired result(which is unlikely!), do not despair. Use herring to prepare mincemeat with potatoes, popularly called “Jewish herring.”

You will need:

  • boiled potatoes (preferably in their jackets) – 3 pieces;
  • large herring – 1 piece;
  • boiled chicken eggs- 3 pieces;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • hard cheese – 50 grams;
  • sour green apple- 1 piece;
  • dill greens (for decoration) – 10 grams;
  • ground walnuts (raw kernels) – 1 tablespoon;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • butter – 3 tablespoons.

And preparing this delicacy is very simple: peel the apple, onion, potatoes and eggs and cut up the herring, and then pass all the ingredients (except dill and ground black pepper) through a meat grinder and mix thoroughly with the addition of butter. Taste the mincemeat and then season with pepper to your liking. Place the finished delicacy in a fish-shaped salad bowl, garnish with dill and serve.

How to pickle herring at home?

Delicious herring is easy to pickle even at home. Modern technologies cooking allows cooks to do this in several ways. We'll talk about them below.

The most popular option for preparing herring, of course, is “wet” salting. It is based on filling the herring with brine, which, in turn, can be either multi-component or consist only of salt and water. The filling can also be prepared either with or without boiling.

You can salt herring in brine in plastic, enamel or glassware, the main thing is that this container can then be washed to remove the specific aroma of fish.

In order to understand the difference and choose the most suitable option for yourself, read the information in the plate. We will try to explain the recipes for marinades for salting fish as clearly as possible. By the way, all these options are also acceptable for preparing any other sea fish.

Brine (marinade):

For one liter of cold water you will need:

How to cook?

Regular Ambassador

Without boiling and with boiling

  • 4 tablespoons salt.

Boil raw water with salt and cool or dissolve the salt in cool boiled water, and then pour the resulting brine over the fish. Be sure to place a weight on top of the workpiece. Cover the container with a lid and then place it in the refrigerator.

The salting time for fish is one day for lightly salted herring and two days for standard salted fish.

Spicy Ambassador

With boiling

  • 3-4 tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 pieces bay leaf;
  • 3 peas of allspice;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 4 buds of cloves.

Dissolve salt and sugar in water, and then put all the spices there. Bring the brine to a boil over low heat and simmer for about five minutes. After this, remove the broth from the heat and cool.

Pour the herring into a suitable sized container. Place pressure on the fish and place it in the refrigerator for three days.

Salting herring in brine allows you to prepare a large amount of appetizer at one time. The amount of water required to fill the fish is determined experimentally. To do this, first fill the laid fish with water, and then drain it and measure it. After this, bring the volume of water to the whole value in liters (to make it convenient to calculate the proportions) and add the required amount of spices and bulk ingredients into it.

Whichever method of “wet” salting appeals to the housewife, you should know the following:

  1. Only fresh or completely thawed fish can be salted. Proper defrosting is carried out naturally (in water or in a cool place) and always lasts at least four hours.
  2. Thawed fish should be firm and shiny, free of deformation, signs of aging and unpleasant odor.
  3. When salting at home, it is advisable to gut the fish and cut it into pieces. If the priority is to obtain a whole herring, then in any case you need to remove the gills, and along with them a blood clot that can spoil the taste and smell of the fish if it is not salted enough.
  4. You only need to fill the fish with cooled brine.
  5. From time to time, the fish needs to be turned from side to side, unless you salt it in a jar, where the fish do not fit tightly to each other, and the brine evenly envelops the herring.
  6. If the brine becomes cloudy, turns white, or acquires an unpleasant odor, then the fish that was chosen for salting was initially of poor quality. This product should be avoided.

The second, no less popular method of salting herring is the dry salting method. It involves rubbing the fish with salt (or a mixture of salt and crushed spices) and then salting the fish. This method is preferred by many cooks because the fish cooks much faster and is more dense.

Cooking such fish is no more difficult than in previous recipes, and the proportions for salting one kilogram of fish are as follows:

  • coarse table or sea salt - 6 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons.

With this simple composition, thoroughly rub the outside of fresh or previously defrosted herring, and also pour a little of this composition into the place of the cut out gills. After this, the fish is placed in a plastic bag or wrapped in cling film, placed in a deep bowl and placed in the refrigerator for several hours. To speed up salting, the herring carcass can also be pressed with a weight. Using the same method, you can salt a carcass without entrails and head.

Ground black and allspice, crushed Bay leaf and other spices are added to taste, and the ready-made mixture for dry salting sea fish is added at the rate of four tablespoons (2 packs) per kilogram of raw fish.

The requirements for selecting fish for dry salting are exactly the same as for the product for salting in brine.

In order to understand which method is most suitable, you definitely need to try them all. Only in this way will the housewife choose the most reliable method for herself, following the recommendations of which she will get a tasty and aromatic salted herring.

Contraindications and restrictions

Contraindications and conditional restrictions for eating salted herring are the following conditions and diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • chronic gastritis, especially in the acute stage;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the urinary system and renal failure;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes.

Much of the limitation is due to the high amount of salt contained in the product. A medium-sized standard salted herring contains about twenty grams of salt, and each of them is capable of retaining about one hundred milliliters of liquid. Hence, edema, which complicates the life of hypertensive patients, and stress on the kidneys, as well as obesity (as metabolic dysfunction), which can not only provoke the development of pancreatitis, but also lead to persistent disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, including diabetes.

The lack of heat treatment of herring and sodium benzoate, which is a preservative in a product produced under industrial conditions, can have an adverse effect on the human body. The most vulnerable category in this regard are children early age(from infants to preschoolers), pregnant and lactating women. The restriction on the use of salted herring for young mothers is due to the fact that milk after eating herring acquires a salty taste and can also carry E. coli. It is precisely because of the fear of intestinal upset that it is worth limiting the consumption of delicacies for children and pregnant women, although it is the latter of the listed categories that you want herring every day, and the first one is very necessary for proper development. In this case, salting the fish should be done independently in compliance with all sanitary conditions and technological methods.

Benefits and harms

The benefits and harms of salted herring can be assessed based on the quality indicators of the product.

Salted herring is used as food as an independent product; it does not require heat treatment or long-term cooking in general. The rich mineral composition of herring, which remains unchanged in salted fish, has a positive effect on many systems and organs of the human body.

Chemical analysis of herring fish meat revealed the following content:

  • iodine;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc;
  • chromium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • sulfur;
  • cobalt;
  • molybdenum;
  • nickel;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins A, C, E and D.

This healthy and very cheap fish must be included in the diet of children and adolescents who are experiencing active skeletal growth. Regular consumption of treats allows you to:

  • improve vision;
  • dissolve cholesterol plaques in blood vessels;
  • relieve inflammatory diseases;
  • strengthen the immune system and increase the overall protective functions of the body;
  • speed up recovery from colds;
  • increase performance and improve mental activity;
  • fight the manifestations of psoriasis;
  • remove toxins.

There has long been controversy about the dangers of salted herring. From the point of view of microbiologists, eating such a product can affect people's health. This is not only to blame high level radiation contamination of the fish habitat, but also other contamination, which you read about below.

If you find suspicious threads, ribbons or lumps inside the fish, try to examine them carefully. If they do not move, then the danger can be eliminated. Although, in order to completely protect yourself from infection with helminthiasis, it is best not to eat such a product.

In any case, in order not to harm yourself, before eating salted herring, you must definitely peel the fish from the skin, remove the black hymen lining the inside of the abdomen, and also do not eat the head of the fish.

We hope that this article helped you learn more about such a popular product as salted herring, and now this healthy fish will appear on your menu more often.

Hearty salted herring has long been considered a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. Although the recipe for pickling herring was invented far beyond our borders vast country- in Holland - it is firmly entrenched in the menu of Russians, and today almost no celebration or dinner party is complete without a plate full of pieces of salted herring. Salted herring is good with boiled potatoes, and with mashed potatoes, and with a slice of fragrant Borodino bread, and with sauerkraut, and with vodka and as an ingredient for canapés and the famous “Herring under a fur coat.” Due to the fact that not every woman knows how to salt herring at home, many prefer to buy this product in the store. In fact, everything is not so complicated, and you can easily prepare this tasty and healthy dish on one's own.

Properly prepared salted herring is not only incredibly tasty, but also very healthy. This fish improves digestion, normalizes the secretory function of the stomach, and also maintains the health of the intestines and pancreas. Thanks to high content squirrel salted herring keeps you feeling full for a long time. In addition, herring is a real storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements vital for our body. But most importantly, herring contains a large amount of valuable Omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties.

The quality of the fish chosen for salting will directly affect the taste of the final product, so it is best to buy fresh fish, paying careful attention to the carcass - it should be firm and elastic without any cuts, cracks or plaque and have a uniform color. Fish with milt is considered fattier and meatier, while fish with caviar can be dry due to the fact that all the fat reserves of the fish were spent on the production of caviar. Freshly caught fish that has not been frozen is an ideal option for salting. But since fresh fish is not always available, you can use fresh frozen fish. It is better to avoid buying frozen headless fish, since there is a high risk that this fish is not the freshest - it’s not for nothing that they say that fish rots from the head, remember? You need to defrost the herring only at room temperature - a microwave and hot water are not suitable for this.

Even a novice housewife can pickle herring at home - it’s a simple and uncomplicated task. There are many recipes for pickling herring yourself, but all of them can be divided into two types - dry pickling and pickling in a marinade with salt, sugar and spices. Some people like to salt the whole fish, others prefer to first cut the fillet into pieces - this is not at all important. Before salting, the herring must be thoroughly washed and gutted, if necessary. If you decide to leave the head, be sure to remove the gills, otherwise it may ruin the taste ready-made dish. Remember that the herring will salt much faster if you gut it and remove the head.

It is also important to choose suitable containers for pickling herring. It is best if it is enamel, glass or plastic dishes. You should not salt fish in a metal bowl, especially an aluminum one, as this may cause chemical reactions, which will negatively affect the quality of the fish. As for the salting time, 2-3 days are enough for small fish, about a week (5-9 days) for medium fish, and 7-11 days for large fish. Finished fish should be stored in the refrigerator and should not be frozen under any circumstances. Dry-salted herring can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 days. Herring cooked in brine can be stored for a week. If during this time you do not have the opportunity to eat it, you need to divide the fillet into pieces, place in a separate bowl and pour over vegetable oil- this will avoid over-salting the fish. Herring can be stored in oil for two weeks.

for 1 herring:
3 tablespoons salt,
1 tablespoon sugar,
a few peas of allspice,
2 bay leaves,
3 buds of cloves,
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper.

Mash the bay leaf in your hand. Place the fish with salt and all spices in a plastic or plastic bag. Close or tie the bag and shake thoroughly to coat the fish evenly with salt. Place the bag on the top shelf of the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

Knowing how to dry salt herring, you can experiment with recipes - for example, change the amount and variety of spices. So, to get spicy herring, you should use coriander or cumin seeds. If you don't have any spices on hand at all, just rub the herring with 2-3 tablespoons of salt and put it in the refrigerator. Very tasty salted herring homemade obtained according to the following recipe.

1 kg herring,
4 tablespoons salt,
2 tablespoons sugar,
10 peas of allspice,
10 bay leaves,
4 lemons.

Gut the fish, remove the skin and fillet it. Cut the lemons into thin slices, mix salt and sugar, chop the bay leaves. Place a layer of herring fillets in a container, place lemon slices on top, then sprinkle with salt, sugar and spices. Repeat until the fish is gone. Cover the container with plastic wrap, place a weight on top and put it in the refrigerator for 1 day. Then turn the fish over and put it in the refrigerator for another 2-3 days.

Salted herring is a very tasty and healthy cold appetizer, but only if properly prepared. Store-bought fish often turns out to be a harmful product due to excessive salt content, but when preparing fish at home, you can adjust the amount of salt yourself to get a tasty, healthy dish - in this case, lightly salted herring fully meets these requirements.

3 herrings,
1.5 teaspoons salt,
0.5 teaspoon sugar,
3 bay leaves,
1 tablespoon vegetable oil,
juice of 1/4 lemon,
1 large red onion (for serving)

Mix salt, sugar and chopped bay leaf. Rub the herring with the mixture on both sides and inside. Place the herring in a glass container, close and refrigerate for 2 days. After one day, turn the fish over to the other side. Before serving, cut the herring into slices about 2.5-3 cm thick, pour over lemon juice and sprinkle with chopped onions. Serve herring cold or at room temperature.

Having learned how to salt herring at home, you can delight your loved ones with various original dishes that include this ingredient. In addition, salted herring itself is an excellent filling snack that will help diversify your diet.

4 herrings,
1 liter of water,
4 tablespoons salt,
1.5 tablespoons of sugar,
80 ml vinegar,
1 teaspoon coriander seeds,
10 juniper berries (optional)
5 buds of cloves,
10 peas of allspice,
1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns,
10 bay leaves.

Combine all brine ingredients and water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and stir until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool completely. Gut the herring, cut off the head and rinse well. Place in a container, add brine and leave in the refrigerator for 48 hours, turning the fish over from time to time. After two days, the herring is ready. Store herring in brine in the refrigerator for no more than a week, without brine - about two weeks.

Salted herring in mustard marinade

1 kg fresh herring,
0.5 l of water,
3 tablespoons salt,
1.5 tablespoons of sugar,
3 bay leaves,
1 teaspoon dry mustard,
cloves and allspice to taste.

Gut and wash the fish thoroughly. Mix water with salt, sugar and other spices and bring to a boil. Cool the prepared marinade, pour it over the fish placed in a container and refrigerate for 3-5 days.

Many of us are accustomed to purchasing ready-made herring in stores, which you only need to cut, add onions, pour over oil and serve. But often the taste of the finished product does not meet our expectations - the fish may be under-salted or, conversely, over-salted. In addition, the freshness of the product can be very difficult to determine. Using our tips and recipes, you will know how to salt herring at home so that it turns out tasty and appetizing to the delight of your loved ones and guests.

Homemade pickled herring in marinade

You will need:

  • four fresh frozen herring, with a total weight of approximately one kilogram four hundred grams
  • one liter of water
  • two or three bay leaves
  • five allspice peas
  • ten black peppercorns
  • two tablespoons of salt
  • one tablespoon of sugar
  • five carnations

Salt herring at home We start by preparing a spicy marinade. To do this, bring water to a boil, add salt, granulated sugar and spices and simmer for five to ten minutes over low heat, first covering with a lid. Leave the brine to cool and start preparing the fish.

Defrost the herring first on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Now clean each fish from the entrails and remove the head. Rinse the herring under running water and let the remaining water drain. Place the fish in a small saucepan (if there was milk and caviar in it, salt them along with the fish) and pour over the cooled marinade.

The herring salting recipe suggests that you keep the fish at room temperature for at least an hour and then place it in the refrigerator for three to four days.

After a day, you can remove the milk and caviar from the water: they will become lightly salted and ready for use. Serve the fish along with onions and herbs.

How to dry pickle herring

You will need:

  • one herring
  • one teaspoon of sugar
  • two teaspoons of salt

How to deliciously pickle herring at home This recipe is a no-brainer. Take a fish, remove the head and giblets. Place it in cool water for an hour or two.

Remove the herring from the water, dry it, rub it with salt and sugar (you can add a little ground pepper if you wish). Wrap the fish in a couple of layers cling film and leave for two to three hours at room temperature.

After the time has passed, unwrap the carcass, wash off the remaining mixture, cut into portions and serve.

Recipe for salting whole herring in brine

You will need:

  • one kilogram of herring
  • six tablespoons of salt
  • three tablespoons granulated sugar
  • three to four bay leaves
  • ten allspice peas

How to salt herring at home You will find out in full below. Pour water into the pan and bring it to a boil. Now add spices, salt and sugar and simmer the brine for a few minutes. big fire.

Leave it to cool and work on the fish. Rinse each carcass thoroughly under running water and place in a small container for marinade. Leave the head and entrails in place.

Place the container with fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for about three to four days. After the time has passed, you can take out the fish and serve it to the table.

Please note that in almost every fish you can find milt or caviar, which will be thoroughly salted along with the fish, and you can use it to make delicious sandwiches.

Few people know how to salt herring deliciously. After all, most often such a product is purchased in a store ready-made. It should only be cut into pieces and served along with some side dish. That is why in this article we decided to cover this difficult culinary topic.

How to choose the right fish (herring) for subsequent salting?

Before salting the herring, it should be purchased “correctly”. After all, the choice of fish determines how your holiday lunch or dinner will go.

It should be noted that salting fish at home is not as difficult as it seems from the very beginning. Moreover, today there are many recipes for its preparation. The most important thing to remember is that you should buy fish with a fatty and thick back. In addition, at the time of purchase you must pay Special attention on her belly. It should not have a yellowish tint.

I would also like to say that before salting the herring, it must be defrosted (if it was frozen). However, some chefs argue that it is not recommended to wash such a product before salting. Although we still recommend rinsing the fish under cold water.

How to salt herring: the fastest and easiest recipe

As mentioned above, there are quite a few ways to deliciously salt fish at home. For the simplest and fastest, you should use a minimum of components, namely:

Pre-treatment of fish

Below we will tell you how to salt herring at home. Now I would like to tell you exactly how it should be processed. To do this, frozen fish must be completely defrosted and then rinsed thoroughly under cold water. Many housewives salt this product along with the entrails. However, we strongly do not recommend doing this, since in this case the herring will be ready for consumption only after three days. Moreover, fish salted together with its entrails may taste bitter, which, of course, will certainly affect its taste.

Thus, before salting herring at home, it must be thoroughly washed and gutted. As for the tail, fins and head of the fish, you can leave them.

Salting process

How to salt herring quickly? The presented recipe may well serve as an answer to the question posed. After all, using this method, you will be able to eat fish within 24 hours. To do this, whole but gutted fish should be thoroughly rubbed with fine table salt (both inside and outside). After this, the product must be placed in a container with a lid and left at room temperature for exactly one day. After the specified time has passed, the herring should be turned over on the other side, placed in the refrigerator and kept for about 12 more hours. During this time it should be completely salted.

How to serve delicious salted fish?

We talked about how to quickly salt herring at home. But this is not enough to feed your family tasty and satisfying food. After all, in order for them to appreciate the dish you have prepared, it should be presented correctly for lunch. To do this, the salted herring must be removed from the container and then cut into portions 2 or 3 centimeters thick. If you feel that the product contains too much salt, it is better to rinse it in cold water before slicing.

After the fish is prepared, it must be placed in a large bowl, seasoned with half rings of sweet salad onions and any vegetable oil. After mixing the ingredients with a large spoon, they should be presented to the table along with boiled or baked round potatoes.

How to salt herring at home: recipes for cooking with brine

If you want to quickly and easily salt fish, then you better use the above method. If you want to get a juicier and more flavorful dish, then you will need to prepare much more ingredients for this. You will need:

  • large fresh herring - 1 pc.;
  • boiled water - a full faceted glass;
  • deodorized vegetable oil - 3 large spoons;
  • black peppercorns - 3 pcs.;
  • bay leaves - about 2 pcs.;
  • not very coarse iodized salt - use at discretion.

Food preparation

Before salting the herring in brine, you should carefully process the fish and also make a fragrant marinade. We talked about how to clean the main product a little higher. Now it remains to tell you the secrets of preparing the marinade. To do this, you need to pour drinking water into a saucepan, add black peppercorns, bay leaves, deodorized oil and salt to it, and then bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool completely.

Salting the product

How to salt herring deliciously at home? To do this, place the cleaned fish in a container and then pour in the cooled marinade. Next, the filled container must be tightly closed and left at room temperature for exactly one day. After the specified time has passed, the product must be placed in the refrigerator and kept for another day.

Serve salted herring to the table

After the fish is soaked in the aromatic marinade and becomes juicy and tasty, it should be removed from the brine and thoroughly blotted with paper towels. Next, the herring must be cut into pieces and immediately presented to the guests along with a side dish of boiled potatoes or other vegetables.

Cooking delicious and aromatic fish in brine

There are many recipes for how to salt herring deliciously. However, the presented method is noticeably different from others. After all, it should make your dish more flavorful. For this we need:

Preparation of marinade and processing of fish

Before salting herring at home, it should be well processed. To do this, the herring must be gutted, washed thoroughly in cold water, and then cut off all the fins, tail and head. Since sliced ​​fish marinates much faster than whole fish, it needs to be divided into pieces using a sharp knife.

As for the marinade, it is prepared just as easily and simply as in the previous recipe. To do this, pour filtered water into a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. During this process, you need to add peppercorns, salt, bay leaves and not very coarse sugar to the liquid. After the water begins to boil strongly, the dishes must be removed from the heat and cooled thoroughly.


To make the herring pickle delicious and quick, it is recommended to place it in 750-gram glass jars. Next, the containers filled with fish should be seasoned with a few pinches of dry mustard and filled with aromatic marinade. Finally, all jars must be closed with lids and left indoors for 26-30 hours. After the specified time has passed, the product must be placed in the refrigerator and kept for several more hours.

Serve delicious herring to the table

After the fish is well salted, it should be removed from the brine and presented to family members along with some side dish. If desired, such a product can be additionally flavored with deodorized vegetable oil and bitter onion half rings.

Salting herring using spicy brine

This recipe is especially popular with those who love and appreciate spicy or hot dishes. To implement our plan we will need:

  • large fresh herring - 2 pcs.;
  • filtered water - about 500 ml;
  • sugar is not very coarse - ½ small spoon;
  • not very coarse iodized salt - 2 large spoons;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • dill and coriander seeds - ½ small spoon each;
  • table vinegar - 2 large spoons.

Cooking method

To salt fish for a tasty lunch, we recommend processing it exactly as described a little above, that is, cutting it into pieces. After this, you should start preparing the brine. To do this, boil water with sugar, salt, black pepper, coriander and dill seeds in a saucepan, then cool them completely and add vinegar. Next, the processed and chopped herring needs to be placed in glass jars and filled to the top with the prepared marinade.

After all the described steps, the filled containers should be tightly closed with plastic lids and placed in the refrigerator. There the herring must be kept for two days. After this, the pickled fish must be discarded in a colander and completely rid of the brine. Before serving, the finished salted product should be flavored with any deodorized oil (vegetable) and red onion half rings. If desired, you can serve the fragrant herring with baked or boiled round potatoes. Bon appetit!