How to add a new OKVED to the EGRUL. Instructions for adding OKVED for IP. Changing and adding OKVED codes

As the business develops, an individual entrepreneur can either abandon any initially planned activities or begin to develop new ones that were not previously envisaged. This natural process. But all these adjustments must be reflected in a timely manner on paper - they are entered into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP). Each type of occupation has its own OKVED code, and to change the set of these codes reflected in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a special bureaucratic procedure is provided.

What's happened OKVED codes and why are they needed

OKVED codes are combinations of numbers consisting of at least four characters and provided for each line of business in the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED). The state needs them for statistical accounting - it is with their help that representatives of competent government agencies understand what a specific economic entity, including individual entrepreneurs, does.

If an individual entrepreneur has employees, OKVED also affects the rates of contributions paid for them to the Social Insurance Fund.

It is clear that the individual entrepreneur may not care about this. But in such a case, the state provides incentive measures in the form of fines.

When should an individual entrepreneur add new codes?

An individual entrepreneur must add an OKVED code to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for each new area of ​​activity within three days after I actually started doing it. If he is caught violating this legal requirement, for the first time he faces a fine of five to ten thousand rubles in accordance with Art. 14.25 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
The fine for untimely change of OKVED codes ranges from five to ten thousand rubles

In case of repeated violation, the same article provides for punishment in the form of disqualification, which for individual entrepreneurs in practice means a ban on carrying out entrepreneurial activities for a period of one to three years.

How to add a new OKVED code: step-by-step instructions

When an individual entrepreneur needs to expand the list of OKVED codes, the following sequence of actions is provided:

  • Select the new OKVED code to be added. You can add several types of activities at the same time by immediately indicating them in the application. In this case, there is no need to write a separate statement for each new code.
  • Select the method of submitting documents.
  • Prepare the package necessary documents. The main attention is paid to the application in form P24001.
  • Submit documents using the chosen method to the inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service (IFTS) of Russia.
  • In due time, receive a record sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, reflecting changes in the list of codes.
  • Selection of a new OKVED code

    Adjustments to the list of OKVED codes are carried out by existing individual entrepreneurs. This means that the procedure for selecting them is already familiar to each of them. After all, it precedes filling out an application for state registration. In 2018, when selecting new codes, you need to rely only on the OKVED-2 classifier. All the rest were outdated a year earlier.
    In the directory, a section and subsection are selected sequentially, and the digital code of the type of activity will be displayed

    It is worth recalling that the OKVED code consists of at least four characters. If you want to specify the type of activity, the classifier makes it possible to immediately specify both a general four-character code and a narrower code with additional numbers. However, neither one nor the other option will be considered an error.

    Selecting a document submission method

    An individual entrepreneur can submit an application in the following ways:

    • personally;
    • through a proxy;
    • by mail;
    • electronic .

    In the first case you will need minimum set documents, so this method is the least troublesome. A representative can submit an application only with an official power of attorney from the entrepreneur. A postal item requires notarization of documents. They are sent by letter with a declared value and an inventory of the attachment.

    Submitting an application electronically is possible when the individual entrepreneur has a valid enhanced qualified electronic signature. If it is not there, a notary can attest to the digital document, but this will require additional costs and time.
    You can apply to change OKVED codes on the Federal Tax Service website

    Formation of a package of documents

    The set of documents depends on the chosen submission method and includes:

  • Application form P24001.
  • IP passport. For all options, except for a personal visit, a notarized copy of it is used instead of a passport.
  • Certificate of assignment of TIN or its notarized copy. This document is not required everywhere, so it is better to check with the Federal Tax Service or the MFC whether it is needed.
  • Notarized power of attorney, if the documents will be submitted not by the individual entrepreneur himself, but by his representative. The tax office does not accept powers of attorney in simple written form.
  • There is no state fee for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, so you do not need to pay for it or include a receipt in the package of documents.
    You can fill out form P24001 to add OKVED codes either on a computer or by hand

    How to fill out form P24001

    When filling out an application on form P24001, you must keep in mind the following nuances:

  • Compulsory filling is required only title page, where the full name, ORGNIP and TIN of the entrepreneur are indicated. All others - only as needed. Sheets that have nothing to write on remain blank. When changing OKVED codes, the number 1 is indicated in the corresponding column of the title page.
  • When making adjustments to the OKVED list, sheet E is filled out, consisting of two pages: on page 1 the codes that should be added are indicated, on page 2 - deleted.
  • If the individual entrepreneur does not change the main OKVED, clause 1.1. on page 1 of sheet E is not filled out. When changing the main code (this should be the one that brings the most money to the individual entrepreneur) in paragraph 1.1. the new main OKVED code is indicated, and the old one is indicated in the corresponding paragraph of page 2 of sheet E.
  • Sheet G indicates the contact telephone number of the individual entrepreneur and his preferred method of obtaining a document on the result of the provision of public services to him for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • Form P24001 must be signed in the presence of a tax inspector, an MFC employee, or a notary if you plan to submit documents through an attorney or by mail.

  • New OKVED codes fit only into digital designation, without decoding

    Form P24001 is filled out by hand in capital letters using a ballpoint pen with black ink. When entering data using a computer, use the Courier New font, height 18. A sample will help you better navigate the procedure for filling out form P24001 for changing OKVED IP codes.

    To generate and send an electronic application, a special program “Preparation of a package of electronic documents for state registration” is used. It can be installed on your computer from the Federal Tax Service website for free use.

    Video: preparing documents to change the list of OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs Submitting documents

    Documents are submitted to the same Federal Tax Service as for individual entrepreneur registration. In most cases, this is the same inspection where the entrepreneur is registered as a taxpayer. But in major cities this may be a separate registration inspection, such as the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate-46 for Moscow in the capital.

    Submitting documents to the MFC is possible if the center provides registration services to businesses. It is better to clarify this point in advance at the selected MFC.

    Step No. 5: receiving documents

    You can receive a registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs with a new set of OKVED codes in the same ways as submitting documents:

    • in person at the Federal Tax Service or MFC;
    • through an attorney;
    • by mail.

    The method of receipt is indicated in the application itself.

    Deadline for making changes

    The law gives tax officials exactly five working days to make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, including adding OKVED codes. After this period, they must issue the applicant a document confirming the provision of the service or informing about the refusal, indicating the reasons. If there are no grounds for refusal, the individual entrepreneur receives a registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs with a new list of OKVED codes.

    But when submitting and receiving documents through the MFC or by mail, you need to add time for their transfer or forwarding. And this is usually a few more days.

    The procedure for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, in terms of the list of OKVED codes, is formal in nature, especially if the individual entrepreneur does not have hired workers. But this does not mean that it can be neglected. Besides, there is nothing complicated about it. This means that all that remains is to do everything on time.

    When registering as an individual entrepreneur, in the registration application it is necessary to enter the selected types of activities, indicating the codes from the OKVED directory.

    In the course of your activities, it is often necessary to add, or, conversely, exclude certain type activities. Let's find out how to add the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

    According to Article 5 of Law No. 129-FZ of 08.08.2001, within 3 working days after changing the OKVED codes in the activities of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, it is necessary to make changes to the registration documents.

    There are certain risks if OKVED codes do not correspond to the types of activities that are actually carried out:

    1. The Federal Tax Service may consider such an organization unreliable.

    2. The Federal Tax Service can challenge expenses for such an organization or individual entrepreneur and refuse VAT deductions.

    3. The licensing authority has the right not to issue or revoke a license.

    4. The counterparty company may terminate cooperation.

    Responsibility for non-compliance of OKVED codes with actual activities is provided for in Art. 14.25 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation No. 195 - Federal Law as amended on July 6, 2016:

    • in case of untimely submission of information about an individual entrepreneur or legal entity - a fine of 5,000 rubles for officials;
    • in case of failure to provide or provision of false information about an individual entrepreneur or legal entity - a fine of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles for officials.

    Is not full list sanctions, but quite sufficient to timely exclude unnecessary OKVED codes or add the necessary ones to information about types of economic activities in order to avoid fines.

    There are no restrictions on the number of changes to OKVED codes. This can and must be done (in case of changes in actual activities) an unlimited number of times.

    How to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

    To make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, you must fill out and submit an application to the tax authority with which you were registered:

    • For legal entities according to form No. P14001 (fill out page 001 - title page; when adding codes, fill out sheet L, p. 1; when deleting codes, fill out sheet L, p. 2, sheet M);
    • for individual entrepreneurs according to form No. P24001 (fill out page 001 - title page; when adding codes, sheet E, p. 1; when deleting codes, sheet E, p. 2, sheet G). Since July 2017, it is necessary to select OKVED codes from the new reference book OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2), approved by Order of Rosstandart No. 14-st dated January 31, 2014.
    Fee for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

    Regarding changes to OKVED codes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, no fee is paid. Tax authorities make such changes free of charge.

    Step-by-step filling out form No. P24001 to add or exclude OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs:

    1. Download form No. P24001. It is available using the button below:

    2. Decide on OKVED codes: which ones need to be excluded or added. Also determine which type of activity will be the main one. The main activity is one whose annual income is at least 70% of total income.

    3. Fill out page 1. In it indicate your full name, ORGNIP, INN. In paragraph 2, put the number “1”.

    4. We do not print out sheets A, B, C, D, E; in this case they cannot be filled out.

    5. Fill out sheet E. To enter new OKVED codes, you need to fill out page 1 of sheet E. Moreover, you can change both the main and additional types of activity. To exclude OKVED codes, you must fill out page 2 of sheet E.

    6. Fill out sheet J. You can sign the application only in the presence of an inspector when submitting the application, if the application is submitted personally by the individual entrepreneur. If the individual entrepreneur has instructed another person to submit the application, then it is necessary to notarize the individual entrepreneur’s signature on the application in form P24001.

    7. After 5 working days, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a certificate of amendments can be collected from the registration authority.

    IMPORTANT when filling out an application on form P24001:

    • enter codes containing at least 4 digits;
    • print the form, selecting one-sided printing only;
    • fill out the form on a computer or in black ink, in capital letters only;
    • The application cannot be stapled; it can be secured with a paper clip.
    How to apply to add or remove an activity type for an individual entrepreneur

    There are three ways to submit an application to add or remove an activity type for an individual entrepreneur:

    1. In person, with a Russian passport in hand.

    2. Through a proxy, the proxy must present his passport. In this case, the application and signature of the individual entrepreneur must be notarized.

    3. Custom by post. In this case, the application must be notarized.

    4. Via the Internet, if the individual entrepreneur has an electronic digital signature.

    Encodings and abbreviated names constantly catch the eye of those who conduct entrepreneurial activity. One of the varieties of such encodings is . This is a general classification of types of economic activity. Further registration actions largely depend on what code the entrepreneur chooses.

    Right choice will be made easier thanks to several accessible recommendations from experts. Among them main principle– an approach where the general comes first, and then the specific. There is the easiest way:

    • the choice begins with determining the main area of ​​activity
    • after that they proceed to the definition of the corresponding section
    • followed by subsection, class and subclass
    • the following are group and subgroup
    • finally, the type of activity itself is determined along with the direct code

    For individual entrepreneurs, it is necessary to determine the type of activity from which the largest. According to OKVED, it is this that becomes the main one. But you can choose additional types of codes. It is acceptable to use special classifier applications if difficulties arise. Licensing is required for some types of activities.

    Internet services for automatically selecting codes are available to every user. Just enter keyword associated with the proposed type of activity. The next step is to generate a list with codes from which the appropriate option is selected.

    Possibility of changing OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs

    An entrepreneur must prepare a certain package of documents if it is necessary to change information about codes. The list of actions will look like this:

  • First, fill out the prescribed form.
  • Next comes the selection of codes for the main and additional types economic activity.
  • An individual entrepreneur must also fill out an application with information about himself. After which the documents are submitted to the tax office.
  • Changing codes for individual entrepreneurs: procedure
    Adding a new activity to existing ones

    It is important to decide which code needs to be added. Only after this can you begin to fill out the official application on form P24001. The application is given to tax officials.

    Step-by-step instruction for filling:

    • filling – mandatory requirement to page 001. Other sheets are an additional option
    • enter your information in sheet A Foreign citizens in case the name is changed
    • Sheet B is needed for those who are changing citizenship. Individuals are responsible for providing the person
    • sheets G and D are needed for foreigners and those who have not received citizenship
    • two parts make up sheet E. In the first section you need to indicate the OKVED codes that are added. The second contains codes that require exclusion

    The sheet designated by the letter Z also becomes mandatory. A personal signature and data for contacting the applicant are placed here. Notaries, together with tax inspectors, fill out sections designated by numbers 2 and 3.

    Documents and submission rules

    Eat different ways in order to send an application tax authorities:

    • confidant
    • by post
    • on one's own

    Notarization is not necessary if the individual entrepreneur submits it independently. Then the tax inspector is only required to put a signature on sheet G. Copies of the passport and must also be presented to the tax service. If necessary, a set of documents is shown to confirm the legality of the last name change.

    A receipt is issued to applicants after all documents have been accepted. Papers confirming changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs must be issued a maximum of five days after contacting the tax service. The receipt indicates the date when everything was received.

    A power of attorney is required if an intermediary is involved in the process. Then a copy of the passport along with the application is certified by a notary. Documents are signed in any case. Firmware becomes mandatory.

    Main activity according to OKVED

    This issue requires a particularly careful approach. Tariffs developed for the main type of activity are used to protect employees from accidents with insurance. The more dangerous the job is, the more expensive the insurance will be.

    To confirm that the activity complies with the codes, documents must be submitted by April 15 of the year that follows the reporting period. Organizations must complete this package of documents annually. Individual entrepreneurs need this only if there are changes in their core business.

    The main activity is that from which the maximum benefit is obtained. In the absence of an application, setting tariffs becomes the right of employees, and then the cost is really inflated. Excessively specified codes lose their relevance.

    About deadlines and possible penalties

    The main thing is that every entrepreneur and manager promptly informs the tax authorities about all changes that are related to their main activities. If the application is submitted for the second time later than expected specified in the legislation, then activities may be suspended for a period of 1 to 3 years.

    For a single violation, a fine of 5-10 thousand rubles is imposed. Now 1 year is the period for which an individual entrepreneur can be held accountable.

    Economic activity codes are needed in order to obtain certain statistical data. This helps, for example government agencies understand what the new economic entity will do. An entrepreneur will be refused if the application contains incorrect codes.

    Write your question in the form below

    OKVED is an all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity. Any organization carrying out entrepreneurial activities is obliged to report the nature of the work performed to the tax service in order to assign it an OKVED code. In the event that the direction of work has changed, or the company’s functionality has expanded, it will be necessary to make appropriate changes to the information stored in the Federal Tax Service.

    For violation of the deadlines established by law for making changes (3 days from the date of their adoption), a fine of 5,000 rubles is imposed on the organization. How to independently change or add a new OKVED code in the tax service?

    To add information about new types of activities of an organization, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

    Prepare a documentation package

    According to current legislation, this includes:

    • Minutes of the meeting of founders, which contains the decision to add an additional type of activity;
    • a new edition of the Charter (if changes have been made to it) in two copies;
    • application in form P13001, filled out by the General Director of the Company;
    • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

    In the event that changes are not made to the Charter, the list of mandatory documents is significantly reduced: the representative of the LLC must submit an application in form P14001, signed by the general director.

    Have the application certified by a notary

    Compiled by established by law The application form will need to be certified by a notary. This must be done personally CEO Society, because it is his signature that must appear on the submitted application. In the event that the preparation of documentation will be carried out not by the general director, but by his representative, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney, notarizing its authenticity. In addition, the notary will need to present a document received no more than 30 days before the date of application.

    Submit documents to the Federal Tax Service office

    The prepared documentation must be submitted to the territorial Federal Tax Service. It must be submitted personally by the general director of the LLC or his representative with a power of attorney certified by a notary. Having handed over the documents to the tax inspector, you must receive from him a receipt containing a list of documents accepted by him. Registration of changes is made within 5 working days from the date of submission of documents.

    Submitted documents are checked for compliance with the following requirements:

    • the correctness of the form of the application submitted by the representative of the organization;
    • correctness of filling out the application: it is necessary to fill in all the required fields, not limited to entering information on the first page of the document;
    • at the same time, the columns containing information about the change of LLC participants, changes in the size of their shares in authorized capital organizations, etc. no need to fill out (if they are not subject to changes);
    • information about the changes being made is indicated on page 43 of the application (sheet H, page 1), and only one code can be indicated as the main type of activity, and all others are marked as additional;
    • the second category of sheet H is intended for entering codes of activities that the organization refuses to conduct. In the event that codes are only added and not excluded, this page does not need to be filled out.
    Receive ready-made documentation from the Federal Tax Service office

    Within the period specified by the inspector, it is necessary to visit the branch of the tax service to which the documents were submitted and present to the inspector the issued receipt of their acceptance. If the submitted package of documentation complied with legal requirements and there were no errors in the completed application, the inspector will issue the applicant new documents:

    • a new edition of the Charter (provided that changes have been made to it);
    • entry sheet in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    In case of refusal to accept documents, you will need to correct all errors and inaccuracies, then re-certify the application with a notary and re-apply to the territorial tax office.

    So, adding an additional type of activity of an organization must be accompanied by changes to the information stored in the Federal Tax Service. To add an additional OKVED code, you need to make changes to (if at the stage of its preparation the possibility of carrying out additional types of activities was indicated, it will not be necessary to change it) and fill out an application, the form of which depends on the need to change the Charter. The application must be notarized, after which the prepared documents must be submitted for registration to the tax authority.

    Before opening an individual entrepreneur, you need to decide on the field of activity. There may be several of them, but you must indicate the main one by selecting it from OKVED.

    Restrictions on types of activities apply to private security organizations; in other cases there are practically none.

    The types of activities of an individual entrepreneur can be defined as follows:

    • The main type of activity indicating the OKVED code.
    • Additional types of activities indicating codes.

    When registering an individual entrepreneur, it is worth considering possible directions which the company can engage in in the future. This will get rid of unnecessary problems and will save time. But no one has the right to force an entrepreneur to work exclusively in his chosen field. An individual entrepreneur can change the types of activities at any time. Currently, there is no state fee for this service. The type of activity must be reflected in the organization’s Charter and in an extract from the register.

    Subtleties of taxation

    The issue of taxation is one of the most important for any entrepreneur. Therefore, businessmen want to know how the types of economic activities of individual entrepreneurs and their number affect the amount of taxes. If you choose types according common system or on the simplified tax system, the amount of payments will not change. When selecting activities for UTII or the patent system, you need to take into account that taxation depends directly on the types and their quantity.

    Entrepreneurs often think about whether it is necessary to indicate in the charter document those areas that require a license, but the company does not have one. The enterprise has the right to record them even if it is not planned to obtain a license in the near future. But this does not apply to organizations with special statutory tasks.

    To choose the right types of activities from OKVED, an individual entrepreneur can contact a lawyer. If necessary, specialists will help you change the codes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or correct the constituent documents.

    How to choose a type of activity?

    When registering, a businessman must indicate what he will do. Even if the chosen area is innovative and creative, its implementation must be carried out in accordance with the law. OKVED contains all the information about the types of activities that are permitted in a specific territory. They are divided by industry, which simplifies the search task.

    Also in this document you can view all the codes that will need to be indicated when submitting an application to open an individual entrepreneur.

    What is the activity code for?

    Entrepreneurs inevitably face the question: “How to choose the right activity code?” It is important to remember that it should contain maximum information about the work and functions of the organization. For these purposes, you can use the OKVED directory, which contains transcripts various types activities. There may be several of them, but one must be the main one. It is this type that influences the taxation system.

    The main types of activities of an individual entrepreneur allow statistical authorities to classify an entrepreneur as a specific industry in their reports. When choosing a code, an entrepreneur must take the task seriously and analyze all the consequences, since with its help you can influence the taxation system. Making the right choice can significantly improve business performance.

    Direction and scope of work

    The types of activities of individual entrepreneurs that are included in OKVED are divided depending on their direction and specificity into three groups:

    • Regular.
    • Activities that are subject to mandatory licensing.
    • Areas requiring permits and approvals.
    Simple activities

    This includes those areas in which functions can be carried out immediately after registration of an individual entrepreneur. No special documents are required. A businessman independently determines what property he needs and how many staff he should have. Many entrepreneurs who want to register and open an individual entrepreneur choose these types of activities.

    When is licensing required?

    All these areas are listed in the Law “On Licensing”. When choosing such an activity, an entrepreneur will need to obtain a license, which is issued by an authorized body.

    To do this, it is necessary to collect and provide a package of documents that confirm compliance with the stated requirements.

    Working without licenses entails criminal or administrative liability. But an individual entrepreneur can change the types of activities at any time.

    Activities requiring permits

    Some areas require approvals and permits from government agencies and authorities local authorities. There are also closed areas in which individual entrepreneur can't work. These may be areas related to the life and health of people or their safety.

    Is it possible to change the selected direction?

    The law provides for the opportunity to remove or add a type of activity of an individual entrepreneur. You can change both the main and additional directions. To do this, the entrepreneur needs to contact the tax office and provide a package of documents and a list of new areas. The application must be legally certified, having previously received an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

    Changes will be made within seven working days. It is not necessary to justify the reasons for the changes; it is enough that all documents are drawn up correctly. The number of additional areas of activity can be any.

    Entrepreneurs should know that the statistical service does not indicate a number greater than 30, so it is advisable to have fewer directions. By identifying priority activities, the individual entrepreneur will protect himself from unnecessary hassle and problems.

    In what areas can an individual entrepreneur not work?

    There are certain areas in which an entrepreneur does not have the right to open a business. These include:

    • Private security activities.
    • Production and sale of alcoholic beverages, psychotropic and narcotic substances.
    • Production of medicines and medicines.
    Do I need to report starting a business?

    To avoid fines, an individual entrepreneur must know what types of activities cannot be engaged in without prior notice. It must be done after registration, but before the start of activities.

    • Services in the hotel business.
    • Photo studio.
    • Hairdressers and salons.
    • Retail and wholesale trade.
    • Other types of activities specified in the legislation.

    The simplified taxation system can be used by every entrepreneur whose field of activity meets certain conditions.

    To work in the UTII mode, the individual entrepreneur must select types of activity in the field of consumer services, catering, retail trade, transportation and other areas. Applicable this system only in the territory where the authorities introduced it.

    Thus, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to independently consider tax payment options and choose the most suitable option for themselves.

    Businessmen who plan to engage in licensed activities must note this fact in the application. You also need to indicate the direction in which the UTII will be applied. When collecting documents, you must ensure that all papers are filled out according to the rules and do not contain errors. All codes must be indicated according to the classifier, so as not to be refused to open an individual entrepreneur.