Master class on drawing “Red Rowan Fire”. Drawing of rowan berries by children of the senior group of kindergarten. Unconventional drawing. Abstract of GCD drawing on the topic My favorite fairy-tale hero. “Rowan branch” outline of a drawing lesson (prepare

Lesson summary on fine arts:

"Drawing a rowan branch from life"

Lesson type: drawing from life.

Goals and objectives:

    Educational: teach to convey the structure, shape, color of nature; mastering painting techniques (stroke).

Educational: develop visual skills, cognitive needs; practice solving riddles; improve skills of sequential work.

    Educational: bring up artistic taste, emotional responsiveness, a sense of admiration for the beauty of nature, love and respect for it.

Art materials: watercolor paints, brushes, paper, a simple pencil, a bouquet of rowan in a vase, a rowan branch with fruits attached to a board on a white sheet of paper, illustrations, children's drawings, step-by-step drawing of a rowan branch, crossword puzzle, multimedia presentation.

Lesson plan.

    Organizational moment(1 min.)

    Introduction to the topic of the lesson (5 min.)

    Conversation on the topic of the lesson (10 min.)

    Physical education minute (1 min.)

    Working on the assignment (15 min.)

    Lesson summary (3 min.)

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment (checking absentees, readiness for the lesson)

Hello guys, sit down, I see that you are all ready for the lesson, well done. And to find out the topic of today's lesson, you need to solve a crossword puzzle (crossword puzzle on the board).

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

I will ask riddles and write the answers in the empty cells of the crossword puzzle. The word that will be highlighted in red will be the topic of our lesson.

Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now? Right. Autumn. So there will be riddles autumn theme. So, let's start, be careful!


    Antoshka stands on one leg.

    Same with a fist, a red barrel,

Touch it smoothly, bite it - sweet.

    What kind of ceiling is this? Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high.

Sometimes it is grey, sometimes whitish, sometimes slightly bluish.

And sometimes so beautiful, lace and blue, blue.

    Gold coins fall from a branch.

    Leaves fall in a gentle breeze,

When do birds fly away?

    A painted yoke hung over the river.

Well done, you guessed the riddles correctly. The topic of our lesson is ROWAN. Today we will draw a rowan branch with fruits from life. But first I’ll tell you a little about this amazingly beautiful Russian tree. Sit properly and listen.

III. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

For more than two months, rowan flowers have been fragrant throughout Russia. When it blooms, white caps of inflorescences cover the tops of the trees. Lacey foliage and white flowers draw attention to this tree. The bright nights in summer were popularly called “rowanberry nights, fragrant nights.” Then, instead of white flowers, berries appear; as they ripen, they turn red and become this red. Bright, juicy. They taste sourish-bitter. They are used to make jam, syrup, and make kvass, since rowan fruits are very healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins.

Each season gives us its own unique beauty: spring - the first tender flowers, summer - lush greenery and bright hot sun, and autumn - fruits.

Autumn. Our whole poor garden is crumbling,

Leaves, yellowed, fly in the wind.

Only in the distance they show off there, at the bottom of the valleys,

The brushes are bright red withering rowan trees.

Take a look at the rowan branch, all the berries are collected in a bunch, it seems that each one contains a ray of sunshine. Rowan is a symbol of Russian beauty. It delights the human eye with the flaming red color of its fruits.

Place a rowan branch on the table in a glass,

And in the darkness the trembling light will not stop

Flows from its fruits, flickers alarmingly...

Rowan is a Russian beauty. Poets sing about her, songs are written about her.

Artists love to paint rowan because it is especially beautiful in the fall. Now take a closer look at the rowan branch (shown on the board).


How are the berries arranged? (collected into a brush, bunch)

What shape is the berry? (round, apple-like beads; girls in villages used to string rowan berries on a thread and wear them as decoration)

What color are the berries? (bright red, purple)

Pay attention to the rowan leaves, how are they arranged? (on one cutting there are several leaves, like an acacia)

What shape are the leaves? (oblong, oval)

Why are they called lace? (because the edges of the leaves have teeth, they are carved)

What color are the leaves? (yellow)

Look at the picture. A white spot is visible on each berry. This is reflected light. When you draw the berries, leave a white spot on each one to show the reflected light. Look, on one side the paint is lighter, and on the other it is darker, this is a shadow on the berry, it also needs to be conveyed in the drawing.

Stages of work:

Guys, let's determine the sequence of work when drawing from life (showing the stages of drawing a rowan branch one by one).

At the first stage we make a sketch with a simple pencil, we place the leaf horizontally, the drawing of the branch is in the middle of the leaf, jagged oblong leaves extend from the cutting to the right and left, then we draw the stalk with a bunch of berries, under the weight of which it bent. The size of the berries should not be too small. At the second stage, we apply color with strokes on one and the other side of the berry, leaving white spot(teacher demonstrating drawing techniques). At the third stage, we draw the cloves and veins on the leaves, put black dots on the berries and apply darker paint to one side of the berries. Do you understand the stages and techniques of drawing? Then let's take a short break and rest a little.

IV. Physical education minute

V.Work on the task ( independent work students)

Now guys, sit down correctly and start drawing. Do not disturb the drawing sequence and pay attention to nature, since your branch should be similar to the one hanging on the board. Good luck to you! ( individual work teachers with students)

VI. Lesson summary

(works are posted on the board)

Guys, do you think you completed the task? Are your drawings similar to nature? (children's answers) I think you did it all, well done! They wonderfully conveyed the color and shape of the rowan branches, like real artists. Your berries in the pictures reflect the sun, they are bright, juicy, and the leaves are really lacy, so everyone gets an “excellent” rating.

Admire your works, and I will end the lesson with a poem by V. Stepanov

"Farewell to Rowan"

Quietly the rowan leaves rustle,

The rowan tree is sad with me.

Scarlet brushes, like a flame of fire,

They won't warm me anymore in the cold,

I will no longer be a warm spring

Sing songs under the thick mountain ash.

The time has come for friends to part ways,

We just don’t need to be sad.

The first lesson will begin at school,

The rowan tree will send you an autumn leaf

Our lesson is over, thank you all for your attention!

Municipal budget preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 272 ​​of the city district

Ufa city of the Republic of Bashkortostan


directly educational activities

Educational area"Artistic and aesthetic development"


on the topic

"Rowan branch in a vase"

Preparatory group for school

Prepared by:

Fattakhova L.R.


Program content


    1. Educational.

F formation of ideas about the beauty of nature through means visual arts using the example of a rowan tree.

Expand children's understanding of nature, in particular the rowan tree.

    1. Developmental.

To develop the ability to draw from life, to compare the drawing with nature.

To develop the ability to convey in drawing characteristic features Rowan branches: branch structure, shape and color of leaves, berries.

Strengthen different techniques of painting with a brush (all bristles and ends).

To develop the ability to build a composition of a drawing.

Develop memory, imagination, creativity.

    1. Educational.

Nurturing a sense of beauty through visual arts.

Upbringing careful attitude to nature.

Equipment :

Technical means: projector, laptop, music - background Cycle “Seasons”: “October”, P.I. Tchaikovsky;

Methodological tools: branches autumn trees(birch, rowan, maple, aspen), rowan branch in a vase, green tablecloth;

Organizational tools: green sheets of A4 paper, a simple pencil, brushes No. 1, No. 3, watercolor paints, napkins.

Preliminary work with children : observing autumn phenomena in nature, looking at bushes and trees colored in autumn. Reading stories and poems about autumn, about rowan in particular.

Interaction with families of pupils : recommendations were given to parents to organize family walks in the forest, parks, and public gardens; while walkingdraw the child’s attention to what time of year it is, what changes have occurred in the weather;carefully examine the trees, their trunks, branches, leaves;draw the child’s attention to the change in leaf color in autumn; collect tree leaves different colors; teach your child to see beauty in nature and talk about it.

Methodical techniques:





Experimentation technology

    Mixing paints

Musical influence technology - use musical accompaniment

    Relaxation exercise to music

    Drawing to music

Vocabulary work: sketch, still life.

Developmental environment: exhibition of books, design of a corner of nature on the theme “Autumn” (natural material: cones, acorns, leaves of various trees, etc.).

Preliminary work: collection of theoretical and practical material on the topic, preparation necessary equipment and material.

GCD move

1.Organizational moment:

Target: create a favorable atmosphere for communication, prepare children for upcoming activities


Ensure the mobilization of children's attention;

Educator: This morning, when I was driving to work, I met the owner of the forest - the goblin. He asked me to give you a gift from him from the forest. Look - these are the branches of autumn trees.

Educator: Tell me, which tree branches did he give?(children's answers).

Educator: Why do you think he gave them to you?(children's answers).

Educator: The goblin asked me to tell you so that you are not late to see the magical transformation of nature, when it changes its outfit and gives us its fruits. And he called all of you to the forest, to the parks, so that you could walk there and enjoy the beauty autumn forest, colorful decoration of nature, collected leaves for your future works.

2. GCD move:

Educator: Did you like the devil’s gift?(children's answers).

Educator: How will he know that we received a gift from him? Look at your tables(children's answers).

Educator: Let us turn into artists and draw one of the branches of the autumn tree.Which one, listen to the riddle and guess:

Turned green in spring

Sunbathed in the summer

I put it on in the fall

Red corals.

What kind of tree? (children's answers).

Description and examination of illustrations depicting rowan in different times years (slide 1-8).

Getting to know folk signs about rowan:

There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if there are few - dry.
If the leaves on the rowan tree wither and remain for the winter, there will be severe frosts.

The more rowan trees there are, the more snow will fall.

Physical education minute:

A goblin walked along the path,

I found a mushroom in a clearing(walking in place).

One fungus, two fungi,

Here's the full box(squats).

The goblin groans: tired

From doing squats.

The goblin stretched sweetly,(stretching - arms up)

And then he bent backwards

And then he bent forward

And reached the floor(bending forward and backward).

He turned both left and right.

That's nice(torso turns to the right and left ).

Leshy performed a warm-up

And sat down on the path (children sit at tables ).

Vocabulary work:still life.

Poem “Still Life”, Grigory Gladkov.

If you see in the picture

Cup of coffee on the table

Or fruit drink in a large decanter,

Or a rose in crystal,

Go bronze vase

Or a pear, or a cake,

Or all items at once -

Know that this is a still life.

Examine a rowan branch in a vase with children, clarify its features, activating the children.

How will a rowan branch be placed in a vase on a sheet of paper?

Is the branch longer than the vase or not?

How many branches with leaves extend to the sides from the main branch?

How many bunches of berries?

What shape are the leaves?

What color?

Explanation and demonstration of the order of drawingfrom life: rowan branch in a vase.

Vocabulary work:sketch - a sketch of the future drawing.

Children performing a still life with background musicCycle “Seasons”: “October”, P.I. Tchaikovsky. During the activity, the teacher helps children if necessary.

Physical education lesson after children finish drawing:

There is a rowan tree on the hill,

Keeps your back straight and level (p pull-ups - arms up).

It’s not easy for her to live in the world -

The wind is twisting, the wind is twisting (in rotation of the body to the right and left).

But the mountain ash only bends,

Doesn't grieve - laughs (n tilts to the sides)

The free wind blows menacingly

For young mountain ash (d The children wave their arms, imitating the wind).

3. Results. Lesson Analysis

After finishing work, invite the children to visit art gallery and look at all the drawings, highlight the works that are most similar to nature and select those that should be sent by mail to the owner of the forest - the devil. When analyzing children's works, seek a detailed justification for the choice of a particular drawing.

What did we draw today?

What methods did we use today?

What did you like most?

Do your drawings look like a rowan branch in a vase?

What kind of work will we send to the devil? Why?

Surprise moment. Presentation of medals “Young Artist”.

List of used literature:

Komarova T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten: Preparatory group for school. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2016.

Komarova T.S. Teaching preschoolers drawing techniques. – M., 2005.

From birth to school. Sample general education program preschool education/ Ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2015.

Internet resources

Topic: “Rowan twig.”

Program content: Introduce children to unconventional technology drawing with cotton swabs. Strengthen the techniques of painting with a brush (practice in painting with gouache, using a brush with all the bristles and the end of it). Develop a sense of composition and color during use various techniques, to create an expressive image of a rowan bunch, develop cultural and hygienic skills. To instill in children an interest in visual arts and a love of nature.

Integration of educational areas: " Cognitive development", "Speech development".

Preliminary work: Looking at the rowan tree while walking, looking at illustrations, autumn paintings; poetry reading, didactic and word games.

Materials and equipment: Posters “Autumn Park”, audio recording (Tchaikovsky “Autumn”), illustration “Birds on the Rowan Tree”, cotton swabs; red, orange, brown gouache; brushes, napkins, glasses of water - for each child.

1. Organizational moment. The teacher reads a poem:

Lingonberries are ripening,

The days have become colder,

And from the bird's cry

My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea.

All the trees are shining

In a multi-colored dress. (K. Balmont)

What time of year is this poem talking about?

How did you guess?

What happens in the fall?

What autumn months do you know?

Name the first autumn month, the second, the third?

Guys, do you want to visit the autumn park?

Guys, close your eyes, and we will now be transported to the park. (Children cover their eyes with their palms, music sounds, the scenery changes in the group: trees appear: spruce, birch, rowan, maple...).

Children open their eyes (the teacher puts an autumn wreath on their head).

Guys, who am I? (Autumn)

Children, together with Autumn (the teacher), take a tour of the park.

2. Excursion around the park.

Guys, now we are walking along the alleys of the autumn park, and to find out what trees grow in the park you will need to solve riddles.

Yellow and red clothes,

Each leaf is like a palm.

In autumn it is brightest.

Did you guess it? This is... (maple)

Look how beautiful, colorful leaves the maple tree has?

White bottom, green top -

The summer grove is the most beautiful!

There are stripes on the trunks.

Good... (birch trees)

What color are the leaves of a birch tree?

Decorated by their people

Every time on New Year's Eve.

Instead of leaves - needles.

Name the trees! (Christmas trees)

How is spruce different from other trees?

Guys, tell me, what kind of tree is this?

He grows up like a knight in the park and in the forest,

He will give you acorns on time.

Both the forester and the lumberjack

We are familiar with him. This is... (oak)

Autumn: - Guys! And now you and I will continue to walk along the alley. Look how many beautiful trees there are around, some have yellow leaves, others have red leaves, that’s what “golden time” means.

Autumn: - Guys, let's play?

3. Outdoor game “Autumn Leaves”. Children stand in a circle. Leaves are scattered on the floor. Children, together with the teacher, pronounce words and perform movements:

The wind is blowing,

Blows and blows. (Swing left and right, arms in front of you.)

yellow leaves

Blows off the tree! (Waving their hands from top to bottom in front of them.)

And the leaves are flying

Straight along the path, (They spin around in place.)

Leaves are falling

Right under our feet! (Stop, squat down, hands down.)

Guys, look how beautiful the leaf fall is, how many colorful leaves are falling from the trees!

Let's collect them!

Ulya, Arisha, Seryozha, Semyon collect the leaves. Ulya collects oak leaves, Arisha collects maple leaves, Seryozha collects birch leaves, Semyon collects rowan leaves.

Well done, you collected all the leaves correctly.

Guys, let's remember what our leaves are called.

What kind of leaf does a birch have? - birch. What leaf does maple have? -...What leaf does oak have? -...What leaf does mountain ash have?-...

4. Examination of the rowan tree. The teacher asks a riddle:

In May it was warm, green,

I put the bunches on in the fall.

There is bitterness in the scarlet berries.

What kind of tree? (Pock)

Autumn: - And in the fall, rowan trees grow in the park; berries ripen on them in the fall - a favorite delicacy of bullfinches. In winter, the forest is cold, hungry, and the birds have food on the branches.

Look carefully at how friendly her berries are, growing one next to the other. There are a lot of berries, they are collected in a brush or bunch.

Tell me, what color are the berries? (red) and shape (round)

Guys, look, there are few berries on this rowan tree.

Why do you think? (Rise up strong wind and picked all the berries on the rowan tree, they fell to the ground, and the birds ate them).

And soon the bullfinches will arrive, but there is no favorite delicacy! Let's help the bullfinches and draw a rowan branch with berries?

5. Examination of the sample: “Rowan twig.”

– Guys, look what bright, colorful rowan branches autumn has prepared for us. A rowan branch consists of berries and leaves. The leaves have an oblong shape (oval), the berries on the branch are round - red; large and small. Guys, please note that the berries are collected in an inflorescence.

6. Demonstration of drawing techniques.

Today we will draw a rowan branch. We will paint the branch with brown gouache - a brush. We will paint the leaves of the rowan branch with orange gouache using a brush, and the berries with red gouache using cotton swabs.

Dip the tip of the brush into brown gouache and draw the main rowan branch from the lower left corner to the upper right corner. Using the same gouache we draw small branches for the rowan brushes. On small branches we paint autumn leaves with orange gouache. Pay attention to how the rowan leaves are arranged: parts of the leaf are opposite each other. To draw rowan berries, we need a cotton swab. Let's take it cotton swab and dip the tip into red gouache and draw the berries “with pokes”.

7. Independent work of children. Invite the children to draw a rowan branch. Pay attention to children's posture.

8. Finger gymnastics: “I’ll rub my palms hard...”.

9.Analysis of work. Reviewing children's work. Pay attention to the most striking works. Praise the children.

10.Return to the group.

Autumn: - Guys, it’s time for me to return to my fairy forest, and you guys join the group!

Guys, close your eyes...(music sounds, children close their eyes and the children find themselves in the group again).

Drawing lesson notes
Topic: “Rowan twig.”
Goal: Learn to depict a rowan branch with watercolors on a sheet of paper using different techniques drawing: dabbing, brush tip, finger painting.
Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper or on a palette.
To develop the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in drawings.
multilingualism: mountain ash - sheten - mountain asc.
equipment: image of a rowan branch

Progress of the lesson

Riddles about rowan:
Lots of berries - lights
It will be on it in the fall.
And he will give it to Marina
Red beads...(Rowan)

Examination of a rowan tree branch with children: the structure of the branch. The teacher suggests drawing the same branch yourself. Draws children's attention to what they will draw in an unusual way.
Putting watercolor on a brush brown and diagonally draw a drawing of a rowan branch. With the same paint and brush we draw small branches at the end for the first rowan brush and for the second. Use green paint to paint the base for the leaves.
Drawing berries:
To draw rowan berries, we will use the “finger drawing” technique. We dip the pad of one finger into red gouache (as if we were putting paint on a finger). We make a fingerprint in the place where we planned to draw the berries.
Thus, we form rowan brushes.
TEACHER: What beautiful berries they turned out to be!
Your fingers are tired, wipe them off the paint
fingers with napkins, and let's
Let's do exercises for them:
(Children pronounce the words together with the teacher, squeezing and unclenching their fingers):
TEACHER AND CHILDREN: “They drew, they drew!
Our fingers are tired!
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's draw again!"
TEACHER: Your fingers have rested, they can draw again.
Guys, who can tell me that we haven’t yet drawn a rowan tree near the branch?
Children's answers (Leaves).
TEACHER: That's right, leaves.
We will draw the leaves by “dipping”, i.e. Apply the brush with paint to the place where you planned to paint the leaves. Draw children's attention to the complex shape of the leaf. The small parts of the leaf, which we paint with a brush, are located opposite each other. To mix paints, you can first put on a brush yellow paint, then add more green to the tip. The leaves will be multi-colored, real autumn. into a friend. Without waiting for the leaves to dry, we begin to paint the veins on the leaves with dark paint (brown, dark green).
The teacher monitors the children’s work and helps with difficulties.
To make the berries look exactly like real ones, use the tip of a small brush to paint one black dot on each berry.
TEACHER: Well done guys, look how beautiful our rowan branches turned out. The teacher invites the children to hang their drawings on the stand.

Tatiana Zvegintseva
Summary of GCD for drawing from life in the preparatory group “Rowan Branch”

Topic: “Rowan branch” (from life)

Program content: Learn to decorate a sheet of paper with a large branch with curls; use various familiar elements to decorate the branch; practice painting with watercolors, a brush (all bristles and its end, in an unconventional way(printing berries with fingers).

Integration: Educational area “Cognition”; Educational area “Reading fiction”.

Materials and equipment: Demonstration material: Easel, “rowan” illustrations, rowan sprig. Handout: Landscape sheet, watercolor paints, simple graphite pencil, brushes, rags.

Progress of the lesson


Guys, today we will take a closer look at the amazing and extraordinary beautiful tree. It decorates the streets of our city.


It turned green in the spring,

Sunbathed in the summer

I put it on in the fall

Red corals.

What kind of tree? (Children's answers). That's right, it's a rowan.

And here's one folk sign associated with rowan: There are a lot of rowan in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if there are few - dry. Have you noticed, guys, that the rowan trees that grow on our site have a lot of ripe clusters this fall that decorate the branches of the trees. And remember, there was a lot of rain. A sure sign. Yes, guys? Can you explain why and why rowan is considered a beauty? What do you think is beautiful about this tree? (Children's answers).


Guys, look at the rowan branch. What color are the berries? What shape are they? What shape are the leaves? How are the berries arranged? (Children's answers)

Now listen to the poem by V. Rozhdestvensky:

I knew you, my rowan,

You sat on the outskirts of the village,

Above the gray barn roof

It grew under the northern sky.

You were tormented by bad weather,

And you are in spite of all the sorrows

Grew and grew stronger year after year,

Looking into the lake glass.

Educator: There are a lot of rowan trees in our city. In autumn, streets, courtyards and squares are decorated with rowan beads. But did people plant rowan trees in our city just for beauty? (Children's answers). Birds (namely titmice, starlings and even crows) feed on rowan berries. Bears and moose also love berries. Rowan is friends with everyone, tries to feed everyone, and if anyone gets sick, he will heal them. And although rowan fruits taste bitter, they are still good.

Berries are not sweetness

But it's a joy to the eye

And decoration for the gardens,

And a treat for friends.


And now you guys and I will try to draw a rowan branch. Think about the placement of a rowan sprig on a piece of paper. Where do we depict it? (Children's answers). Yes, that's right, in the center of the sheet.

And before we start work, let's stretch our fingers and relax at the same time.

Finger gymnastics (Winter walk):

(Bend your fingers one at a time)

One, two, three, four, five

(“Walk” along the table with your index and middle fingers)

We came to the yard for a walk.

(We “make” a lump with two palms)

They sculpted a snow woman,

(Crushing movements with all fingers)

The birds were fed crumbs,

(We lead index finger right hand on the palm of the left hand)

Then we rode down the hill,

(Put your palms on the table, first one side, then the other)

And they were also lying in the snow.

(Shake off our palms)

Everyone came home covered in snow.

(Moves with an imaginary spoon, hands under cheeks)

We ate soup and went to bed.

Okay, now let's get to work.

Explanation and demonstration of the order of drawing on a pedagogical sketch.

Stage 1. Draw the main branch diagonally across the sheet with a pencil. The branch will hold leaves and a bunch of rowan berries.

Stage 2. At an angle from the branch in one direction from above and below, we draw lines on which there will be leaves. We don't draw leaves.

Stage 3. From the branch vertically downwards we draw a line - a branch with berries. The berries are held on a branch-tassel. Invite the children to place their hand down with their fingers and see how the fingers are attached to the palm. Compare with rowan brush. Draw a rowan brush. We don't draw berries.

Stage 4. Color the drawing. Drawing leaves.

Stage 5. We print the berries with a brush.

Independent work of children. Helping children with difficulties. Posture correction.

Summary of the lesson. Analysis of finished works.

Questions: Which tree branch did we draw today? Do you like your drawings?

Educator: Are you tired, guys? Let's stretch our arms and legs. Let's get up and stretch.

Physical education lesson “Rowanka”

There is a rowan tree on the hill, stretching - hands up.

Keeps your back straight and level.

It’s not easy for her to live in the world - Rotate her body left and right.

The wind is twisting, the wind is twisting.

But the mountain ash only bends, tilts to the sides.

He is not sad - he laughs.

The free wind blows menacingly. Children wave their hands, imitating the wind.

For a young mountain ash.

Children admire the painted rowan branches. The teacher reads a poem.

Our whole poor garden is crumbling,

Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind;

They only show off in the distance, there, at the bottom of the valleys,

Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees.

Educator: Well done guys, you did a great job. It seems as if Autumn itself visited us and left its colorful mark. And your mountain ash turned out like a real one!