Why do you dream about a white owl with spots? The meaning of Owl dreams. Why do you dream of an Owl, dream book Seeing an Owl in a dream means

The owl and the eagle owl are interpreted almost identically in various dream books. An owl flying overhead in a dream often warns of an approaching dark streak in life, its cry promises misfortune, and aggressive behavior birds indicate the presence of an enemy in the dreamer’s close circle. At the same time, a dream of an eagle owl with large prey portends victory over ill-wishers and success in business. If you dream of an owl with owlets, then the man will expect profit and promotion, and the woman will expect a desired pregnancy.

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    General interpretations

    Often an owl flying in a dream is a sign that a person will have to show wisdom and patience in relation to others in life. Some people close to him see him as their spiritual mentor and role model. Or the sleeper wants to gain wisdom in order to solve some everyday problems. Such a dream reveals a person’s hidden need for wise advice or an experienced mentor.

    A night bird flying to a window in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s strong desire for truth and openness. IN real life they treat him with distrust or he himself does not trust his social circle. Here we can see the desire for mutual understanding with the people around us.

    A dream about a nest with owlets is a sure sign for a man early success at work or in business. You can expect big profits or a long-awaited promotion. For a woman, this is an undoubted sign that it is time to have children or that the desired child is already on the way. Here important point is the presence of a mother owl in the nest. If the owls are with their mother, then the woman is morally and psychologically ready for the birth of a child; if they are alone, then the pregnancy was a surprise for her and she is worried about the future.

    An eagle owl flying low overhead is a warning of danger. A “black streak” is possible in life. Having seen such a dream, you can not expect success at work or the prosperity of your own business; success in love affairs is also very doubtful. Don't wait for new pleasant acquaintances to appear. If you are planning a wedding, then you should postpone it. The dreamer no longer trusts his partner or there are reasons to suspect infidelity.

    Seeing a bird in a cemetery means fear of loneliness and death. It is also possible that someone close to you has a serious illness or is exposed to another danger, it is likely imminent death. This explanation of the appearance of an owl indicates to the dreamer the need to properly say goodbye to this person. Such a dream does not bode well for a woman. It can be dreamed of by a lonely woman, without a family, or separated from her loved one. On the day before which you had such a dream, you should expect losses and minor failures.

    A bird sitting on a tree under which a person is sitting means fear of being disgraced. Someone is dissolving evil rumors about a person with the aim of slandering him. The sleeper is afraid that he will be used for selfish purposes, that his trust will be betrayed, or that he will be set up with a threat not only to his reputation, but also to his life. Such a dream, which a woman had, indicates the presence personal enemy, which will seriously offend her. It's worth being alert.

    If an eagle owl sits on your hand in a dream, it means that a person is under strong guardianship. For both men and women, such a symbol indicates an inextricable connection with the mother. A similar dream can be seen by young people who are just entering adulthood and are afraid of losing their mother’s care and being left without help. If the bird has left wounds on its arm, you should reconsider your relationship with the parent. Her overprotectiveness makes a person uncomfortable. A bird flying into a house threatens to cause discord in family relationships.

    Dreaming of an owl with a broken wing is a sign of difficult changes in life. An emergency is expected at work or in other matters that require enormous physical and moral costs. The broken wing here symbolizes the inability of the sleeper to rise above the problems that have arisen and move away from them. Overwork, insomnia and malaise are possible. You need to watch out for depression and suicidal thoughts. For a woman to see an owl with a broken wing is a warning about possible gynecological health problems. There is a need to undergo examination and tests.

    Coloring and actions of a bird in a dream

    The interpretation of night vision with an owl largely depends on the color of the bird’s plumage and its actions in a dream.


    To correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to take into account the color of the bird:

    • gray owl symbolizes new knowledge, acceptance important decisions;
    • black speaks of the need for changes in life;
    • the white eagle owl is a sign of the dreamer’s curiosity and lively mind.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books


    The cry of a night bird in a dream often prophesies misfortune. If in a dream a person hears a dull hoot, one should expect troubles and bad news. He is probably already waiting for news about some event or person; the bird only betrays his inner excitement.

    A dreamer who is frightened by the cry of a bird will receive unexpected news, and not always negative character. Hearing the dull, drawn-out cry of an owl is a sign of imminent illness. If in a dream an owl screams, and when the dreamer approaches, it takes off sharply, you should expect death loved one. If a woman hears the cry of an owl near her house in a dream, an addition to the family is expected. A hooting night predator foreshadows a pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance. This is an experienced and intelligent person who is a role model, and the dreamer sincerely respects him.

    Carrying loot

    Seeing an eagle owl hunting means fear of becoming a victim of a crime. There is not just fear here, but a real phobia. Such a dream can be dreamed by a suspicious person who constantly experiences stress even in everyday situations. The fear of becoming a victim of a criminal, personified in such a vision by the night huntress, develops into mania, which the dreamer finds difficult to get rid of. For a woman, this is the fear of being raped.

    Seeing a bird carrying prey means fear of being exposed. In life, a person has secrets that he does not share with anyone, which depresses him, and the fear of revealing these secrets weighs heavily on him. If there is nothing to hide, such a dream warns that you should not be too frank in conversations about matters of the heart, especially if they concern other people.

    Watching from the side how an eagle owl hunts, attacking small prey, means that in reality you need to be prepared for injustice. This applies to both the owner of the dream and strangers to him. Present inner feeling grievances, someone treated him unfairly, humiliated him, demonstrating his power. All this depresses a person and results in nightmares. A dream with a bird flying overhead carrying large prey in its beak has the opposite meaning. Such a vision promises a major victory in business or affairs, especially if the process is at the negotiation stage. In more in a general sense, a person will receive what he has been striving for for so long: he will defeat an opponent or overcome an ill-wisher who has been annoying him for a long time.


    A bird showing aggression towards the dreamer is a harbinger of conflict in life. A person has a strong and insidious enemy whom he should be wary of. Someone is trying to knock the ground under your feet, make you make mistakes and lose the respect of others.

    An owl pecking at the head means disturbing thoughts that haunt a person, torment him and return in the form of a similar dream. A person who tries to escape from an attacking bird most likely fears that his rights will be violated. He may be the victim of an unfair accusation or persecution for false reasons. Here lies the fear of being caught or the fear that someone will use the dreamer's words or thoughts against him.

    If in a dream a person watches from the side as an eagle owl attacks his acquaintance or friend, it means that the person in the dream should not be trusted. It is worth taking a closer look at it so as not to become a victim yourself. A dream may be a subconscious projection of hatred towards this acquaintance, a desire to “peck” him, to cause pain. There is a possibility that in reality there is a confrontation with a dreamed acquaintance, and it is worth resolving it peacefully.

    An owl beating on an apartment window speaks of troubles in the family. Problems in relationships may already be present, or a tense atmosphere promises future misunderstandings and resentments. After such a dream, it is better to sit down and talk with your other half, find out the reason for the disagreement and try to find a compromise.

    sits on your hand

    A night bird sitting on your hand is a warning of trouble. Often a harbinger of fires and accidents. For woman similar dream means problems in relationships with relatives.

    If you managed to tame an eagle owl in a dream, you should expect great achievements, new knowledge and impressions. The eagle owl, as a symbol of wisdom, will bring patience and prudence into the dreamer’s life, saving him from making hasty decisions. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted as a solution to old problems that have tormented a person for a long time.

    A bird landing on a girl's hand promises an engagement to her lover or speaks of an imminent love that should meet on life path. Catching an owl by the wings means big trouble with money and property. If in a dream a person is also injured, in life one should expect that one of his ill-wishers will want to “bleed” him.

    A bird perched on its head carries a mysterious, mystical meaning. A person will have to face inexplicable phenomena and forces that can have both positive and negative character.

    Interpretations of popular dream books

    Compiled by famous dream books offer their interpretations of dreams with owls.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Seeing an eagle owl in a dream threatens to bring false accusations against a person , slander and disgrace. If an owl screams in a dream and this causes fear in the sleeping person, danger is creeping up on him in real life. You should be careful and protect not only yourself, but also your loved ones. You need to expect bad news and be prepared for it.

    A dead bird, paradoxically, is a sign that a person will be able to avoid a serious and even fatal illness. A bird with prey in its beak promises big financial success and all sorts of material benefits. An owl sitting by the window foreshadows a new addition to the family or the arrival of distant relatives or friends.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    An owl in a dream is a sign of an imminent meeting with a stranger who wields dark magic. This meeting can end badly for a person, so such a dream should be taken as a warning.

    Many birds flying in the same direction herald the onset of dark times. Perhaps a civil conflict, political destabilization, etc. is brewing in the country. Owls are not migratory birds, so such a dream speaks of the need to leave for another city or country.

    Killing an eagle owl in a dream is a bad sign. It is worth waiting for bad news that will bring a person many troubles and misfortunes. This interpretation is similar to the one Vanga gave to this dream.

    To see in a dream how a nocturnal predator hunts means to be afraid of aggression from strangers. Perhaps the person is afraid of meeting new people.

    Freud's Dream Book

    In this dream book, an owl and an eagle owl are interpreted as symbols of death and illness, so their appearance in a dream does not bring anything good.

    The appearance of an eagle owl in male dream speaks of a man's aggressiveness. Perhaps he shows excessive assertiveness towards close people, takes out his anger on subordinates or passers-by. Such a dream may also have sexual overtones. According to Freud, if the bird was with prey, the man should settle down and choose one sexual partner, otherwise he faces illness or death. This can also be interpreted as sexual aggression. A man strives to dominate, show and prove his strength through sex.

    If a woman dreams of a night bird , she should beware of her new acquaintance. It is necessary to be careful when choosing a sexual partner. Perhaps closer communication will reveal his most unpleasant sides, which the woman is already beginning to guess about. There is a possibility of an unplanned pregnancy if a bird brings a dead mouse in a dream.

    Esoteric dream book

    A dreaming gray owl is a symbol of melancholy and sadness. Most likely, the owner of the dream looks at life too gloomily, has a melancholic character, and is prone to soul-searching and depression. You should stop looking only at the negative aspects of life and start looking for the positive aspects in everything.

    A screaming bird warns a man about negative impact bad society. The people around him pull him down, belittle his dignity and ruin his talent. After such a dream, you should reconsider your social circle and think about whether you have the right people nearby.

    A white eagle owl flying during the day is a sign of great happiness that will soon await a person. The dream is also interpreted as a sign of danger that a person will avoid, remaining unharmed.

    An owl sitting on a hand speaks of the secret side of a person, which he is forced to hide from others. In this way, it manifests itself in a dream, giving a person the opportunity to accept those qualities that he has refused for a long time. The dream indicates a person’s spiritual quest, an understanding of the essence of what is happening and the meaning of his life.

The owl, like many symbols of the night, has always been both attractive and frightening for people. This bird has long been considered the personification of wisdom, but its cry of superstition is attributed to unlucky omens. All these beliefs are reflected in the interpretations of why an owl dreams.

Seeing an owl in a dream can be an omen of both spiritual growth, the pursuit of knowledge, unexpected material enrichment, and some not-so-pleasant news. In order to understand what your owl vision is saying, you need to interpret the details of the vision quite accurately. Below are the most common versions of dreams with owls.

  • You are simply watching the owl from the outside.
  • The night bird in your dream finds itself both in its usual environment and in an unusual place - for example, in a house.
  • Is the feathered predator hunting? Or maybe it’s already carrying prey in its beak?
  • The owl turns out to be an albino.
  • You dream of an owl.
  • In a dream, you hear the cries of birds of the owl family or voices addressed directly to you.

As he says Modern dream book, an owl often appears in human dreams not to scare, but to warn about some problems that already exist in life or may be about to occur. In any case, you need to take a close look at such a dream to understand what life questions you should decide as soon as possible.

Truth indicator

There are a great many interpretations of what an owl dreams about. For example, if in the plot of a dream you are simply observing an owl in its natural habitat, this may mean that at the present period of your life you are accumulating certain knowledge, and you cannot stop in this process in order to achieve certain heights in life. Also, watching a lonely owl may mean that in reality you should not behave like an owl, because a secluded lifestyle may not be beneficial for you.

Sometimes seeing an owl in a dream means that you need to learn to more accurately interpret the behavior of others in order to distinguish when people are being truthful with you and when they are not. Agree, this is a very useful skill in our turbulent times. If you don’t learn this, interprets the dream book of the healer Evdokia, even stagnation in business is possible.

Did you see the owl in your dream outside of school hours - in the morning or during the day? It is likely that in the near future some problematic issues will arise in business, which, however, will be resolved fairly quickly. According to the Indian Dream Book, an owl also symbolizes a person’s transition to a new stage of life. The arrival of a night bird to a sleeping person shows that some attitudes and values ​​“die off” in him, making way for a new round of spiritual and intellectual development.

In general, we have already found out why an owl dreams in its natural habitat. But if you dreamed of an owl that, while you were walking, suddenly unexpectedly took off from under your feet, be prepared for the fact that you will soon receive completely different news than you expected.

What does a Russian think? People's dream book If you saw an owl through the window from the room, this promises positive news soon. If a bird in your dream knocks on the window, as if trying to get into the house, in reality this foreshadows the replenishment of the family.

However, Simeon Prozorov's Dream Book says that a nocturnal feathered predator on the hunt is a good sign. If you dream of an owl chasing prey, it means that you will be able to win the case in court, perhaps not without the participation of a serious patron. The Feng Shui dream book interprets the dream in which you managed to catch an owl in the same way.

The vision when the bird is already carrying prey is also interpreted differently. According to the Modern Dream Book, an owl carrying prey in its talons is a warning: be impeccable in a work environment so as not to give ill-wishers a chance to “sit on” you. If in a dream you saw that the owl’s prey was not in its claws, but in its beak, this promises cash receipts or some gifts, or perhaps good news that you can turn to your advantage.

In a dream, such a representative of owls as an eagle owl may appear to you. The eagle owl has always been considered the embodiment of wisdom and secret knowledge, and a dream with such a bird means that you need to find the answer to some vital question for you. You need to analyze your own life situation and relationships with others in order to avoid annoying mistakes - this is what the eagle owl is talking about in your dream.

If you happen to see a white owl in your night dreams, this may mean that in the near future some secret will be revealed to you that will have a significant impact on your life. Some peoples White Owl in a dream it is interpreted as a sign of an upcoming meeting with your soulmate, and for family people - as a symbol of a new stage in a relationship.

Also, a white night bird in a dream can mean a meeting with a wise person who will have a great influence on you. A white owl can also mean that your good thoughts will have positive influence for your life. You see that a white owl is flying away from you - the problem that worries you now is far-fetched, it does not pose any threat.

Hearing the cries of an owl or the hoot of an eagle owl in a dream, according to most dream books, is not the most favorable sign. This dream is explained as follows: in the near future you will receive important news that will not make you too happy. But at least now you have been warned about this, which means that this news will not take you by surprise.

But if you dreamed that an owl was talking to you in a human voice, it is very important to remember what exactly the bird told you. Perhaps it will be very important information, which you need to use to avoid danger. Or the information you receive will help you improve your life.

An owl is considered a wise bird, but in real life a meeting with it or an eagle owl does not always bode well, especially in the dark. For a long time people have not rejoiced at the cry of an eagle owl near the house. It is interesting to find out whether these sensations in a dream coincide with the interpretation of what an owl dreams about in reality.

An owl is considered a wise bird, but in real life a meeting with it or an eagle owl does not always bode well.

D. Loff's dream book suggests that it is no coincidence that an owl is dreamed of: a person is destined for longevity and the purpose of doing something important in this life. Next, the interpreter suggests remembering every detail of the dream.

Every little detail is important:

  • how does a bird behave?
  • what color is she
  • whether she is alive or dead.

The absolute 100% explanation of what you see in a dream depends on this.

In the dream book from A to Z, an owl means the illness of a close relative, and the opportunity to avoid danger in life.

Tip: When you wake up, remember what the owl looked like in your dream.

Why do you dream about an owl (video)

Seeing an owl in your hands in a dream, in the house, outside the window

A predator can be seen anywhere in a dream: caught in a cage, flying and not giving in to your hands, calmly sitting on a tree branch outside the window.

  1. If in a dream an owl suddenly decides to sit on your hand, it means that you are approaching your acquaintance with your love. Positive news will come and old problems that existed before will soon be safely resolved.
  2. Holding a bird in your hands means other troubles may occur in anticipation of an incident involving a fire. But all this will only unite the dreamer’s relatives and friends.
  3. If you managed to tame an owl and feed it from your hands, the dream says that in reality the sleeper has wisdom.
  4. The “wise little head” decided to perch on the roof of the house or dared to fly inside it. Such a dream does not bode well; you should expect trouble.
  5. If, in its flights around the house, the bird hits windows and walls, it means that difficult times are approaching for the whole family, and possible illnesses should be expected.
  6. The owl presented its face in the window or knocked on the window - a child will be born, good news will arrive.

If this bird is in a cage, the dreamer has abilities that he does not use.

Why do you dream of an owl sitting on a tree?

An owl is, of course, a bird, so you can dream of it either flying or sitting on a tree

An owl is, of course, a bird, so you can dream of it either flying or sitting on a tree. It is impossible to say that you can see more often.

  • If an owl is perched on a tree, this may mean that someone seems to be watching the dreamer, exerting an influence on him. Negative influence. Nobody likes being spied on. But this is still a small problem.
  • If an owl leans out of its hollow, the one who sees this dream will face a lonely life.
    Such interpretations are obvious, and the help of dream books may not be needed.

Owl with prey in its talons

If a person sees prey in his claws, this indicates that he himself is afraid of becoming a prey to someone’s dirty hands

If a person sees prey in his claws, this indicates that he himself is afraid of becoming a prey to someone’s dirty hands. Maybe you should be afraid of this, because there is a high probability of revealing carefully hidden secrets. If the bird managed to catch large prey, you should rejoice: the evil will go away, and very soon it will be possible to celebrate the victory.

Why do you dream about an eagle owl?

The eagle owl is a nocturnal bird, it is difficult to imagine that it could end up in a person’s house of its own free will

The eagle owl is a nocturnal bird; it is difficult to imagine that it could end up in a person’s house of its own free will. But this doesn’t happen in a dream. Therefore, if you dream that this bird is in the house, the person who sees such a dream will soon experience indifference from the person closest to him.

  1. The owl suddenly decided to show his character and grabbed his hair - this is the meeting approaching that the dreamer has been waiting for so long.
  2. If you dream of an eagle owl's claws, you should soon expect a quarrel in the family. By the size of the claws you can tell whether it is large or not. Thus, long claws speak of jealousy, and short ones symbolize minor everyday troubles. The owl decided to settle on his shoulder - a test should be expected soon.

What does an owl mean according to Miller's dream book

Miller's Dream Book is considered one of the main interpretive books that people turn to for help. How does he interpret the owl and everything connected with this bird?

  • According to this dream book, hearing the hoot of an owl in a dream symbolizes that sad times, troubles, and misfortunes lie ahead. In this case, it is worth paying attention
    on loved ones and try to warn them from impending threats.
  • If you dreamed of a dead owl, then in reality you will be able to avoid the disease or ensure that it does not develop in a severe form.
  • Miller interprets just seeing an owl as a warning: someone is plotting behind the dreamer’s back and trying to slander him in every possible way; there is even the possibility of an attack by ill-wishers.

The owl is ambiguously represented by this dream watcher.

Advice: In your dreams you need to look for clues, but not dogma for action.

Why do you dream about a black owl?

A black owl is not so bad, it’s a chance to change everything for the better

A little earlier there was a conversation about the color of a bird, how it can influence the meaning of a dream. Just like in life, there is black and white, there is negative and positive. And in a dream it is presented like this:

  • If the dreamed owl has grey colour, then news may appear that will bring with it some discoveries.
  • The black color of the feathers means that you will have to rethink old decisions, it will appear A New Look for many things.
  • White color predicts a romantic date.

So, a black owl is not so bad, it is a chance to change everything for the better.

Tip: be sure to remember the color of the owl.

Why do you dream that an owl is attacking?

Not in all dreams the owl and eagle owl behave kindly. They can behave completely unpredictably, because this is still a bird of prey. But in a dream, this behavior is explained not by predation, but by the dreamer’s warning.

You can explain why you dream about this:

  1. The owl behaves aggressively and furiously attacked the one who is dreaming, biting him with its powerful beak. Such a dream may mean that in reality somewhere there is a very cunning and incredibly smart enemy. It is worth preparing for his actions and protecting yourself.
  2. If you run away from this night bird or feel fear, then the enemy is not asleep behind your back, but is just waiting for new brilliant ideas to be born, and then he will steal them in any way.
  3. The owl attacks someone else, and not the dreamer - it’s worth taking a closer look at him then, he can commit evil to the owner of the dream and it’s better to stop communicating with him. The bird points to this person who can masterfully disguise himself.

Interpretation of dreams about an owl (video)

There is no need to be afraid of dreams, you need to act correctly. Study the interpretation and try to act in accordance with the warnings that the dream book predicted.
There are plenty of both positive and negative interpretations of dreams with owls. Moreover, each dream book has its own vision of this problem. But any dream is dreamed only by a person who can change something in his destiny.

Attention, TODAY only!

The owl symbolizes wisdom. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, peace and the arts, was depicted with an owl on her shoulder.

The owl is considered a mysterious bird and has some evil power, since, unlike others, it is a night bird. The appearance of an owl in a dream can be interpreted in two ways.

Hearing an owl's cry, in the old days people crossed themselves, believing that with its cry the owl was calling evil spirits. About loud talking man They say: “Creats like an owl.”

If in a dream you tame an owl and feed it from your hands, this is a sign of your wisdom and worldly experience.

A dream in which an owl attacks you means that you have a smart and cunning enemy who will try to confuse all your plans.

Seeing an owl in a cage in a dream is a sign of your unrealized potential.

If in a dream you heard the hoot of an owl, then major troubles and problems await you.

To see in a dream how an owl is trying to attack a small bird means in reality to witness how a stronger and more powerful person uses the weaker. People say: “An owl is a godfather, a sparrow is a son-in-law.”

A dream in which you found an owlet in the forest promises you unexpected and wise advice.

Seeing an owl without feathers in a dream means that something will happen to you that will take you out of peace of mind and will cause rash actions.

If in a dream an owl landed on your head, this is a sign that in real life you will encounter an evil and mysterious force.

A dream in which you heard the cry of an owl near your house means that an addition is expected in your family.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation white owl

A white owl in a dream is a good symbol. Such a vision promises a quick solution to all troubles, gaining the patronage of influential people, and good luck in business.

For women, this symbol promises a romantic date.

Owl with white feathers

At times, the dream book says, a white owl can also be a harbinger of gossip, troubles, and conversations behind a sleeping person’s back. True, if you wish, you can easily cope with all the troubles that befall you.

To find out why you dreamed about a white owl, you should consider your vision in detail.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

I dreamed of a bird of prey with white plumage

Seen in a dream White bird- a sign that you are in danger. Evil tongues will try to slander you. You may be attacked for which you are completely unprepared.
At the same time, white feathers indicate that serious trouble will not happen. You know how to prevent a disaster.

What will other interpreters say?

The owl itself is a symbol of wisdom. Therefore, no matter what the prediction is, dream interpreters will emphasize that you should show the full strength of your character. Use yours mental capacity to the maximum.

Newest interpreter

This dream book believes that an owl with similar plumage promises a romantic pastime. You can expect a meeting with interesting person what will happen late at night.

Seeing a feather falling out of a bird in a dream

Interpreter of prophetic dreams

This source gives an extremely negative prediction. It is believed that a white owl is dreamed of if the dreamer is in danger of death.

Interpreter Prozorov

If in a dream an owl dropped a white feather on you, then luck will smile on you soon.

Holding a bird in your hands means you will be able to do everything you planned. In addition, you will even be able to exceed your plan.

Positive interpretations

A dreaming owl may indicate that the sleeping person has an upcoming a difficult situation. At the same time, White color means that you have enough internal resources and knowledge to cope with all the troubles and obstacles along the way.

Holding a bird in your hands in a dream

The main thing that the dream interpreter says is that you should not make a decision intuitively. First you need to think things through carefully.

This symbol indicates that your intuition will become sharper and you will be able to recognize the truth.

A dream about an owl may warn that there is gossip going around you. True, white plumage means that you can easily find an ill-wisher and deal with him.

Negative dream

Why do you dream about an owl? This symbol may warn you of impending danger.

What exactly can a dream symbol warn you about:

Actions of a night bird

Why you dream about an owl is more or less clear. But what if you remembered her actions, could that change the prediction dramatically?

The cry of an owl is always a negative sign; it warns of impending danger. In real life, you have to be extremely careful.

If you were scared by a sudden scream, you will soon learn stunning news. True, interpreters do not undertake to say what exactly they will be, positive or negative.

Dreaming of prey in the claws of a bird

If you dream of the lingering cries of an owl, poverty, misfortune, and illness await you.

When a bird screams near your house, there will be an addition to the family.

If the bird did not scream, but hooted, then in reality you will meet an interesting person who will be able to convey to you his invaluable experience. The dream book advises you to listen to his advice, they will be useful to you in the future.

An owl carries prey in its talons - your secrets will become the property of society. After such a dream, you must be extremely careful; you should carefully monitor what and to whom you say.

Why do you dream that an owl is attacking a small bird? In real life, you will witness how a person occupying high position in society will exploit a weaker person without a twinge of conscience.

The owl in your dream caught large prey - you will be able to cope with your more strong enemies. They will get what they deserve.

Bird in the house

A bird from dreams tries to fly into the house

If an owl sits on the roof in night vision, or is indoors, then you should prepare for a difficult period in your life.

If she flew around the room, hitting glass and mirrors, then the dreamer’s family will experience Hard times. Relatives will begin to get sick, and the financial situation will deteriorate significantly.

An owl tries to fly into the house, hits the glass - you will receive good news or, finally, you will learn about the long-awaited pregnancy.

Seeing her caged means you are not using your capabilities to the maximum, in the end you will greatly regret it.

I dreamed about a baby

What if you dreamed of an owlet? If in a dream you found him in the forest, then soon you will receive wise advice. Dream books advise you to listen to him.

Seeing an owlet in a dream means petty intrigues, secrets, slander, which, however, will not cause you any special worries.

Dream interpreters say that owls often leave behind negative emotions, but the dreamer should not panic. Always remember that this bird is a symbol of wisdom. Don’t act rashly, and you will be able to cope with all the troubles that life throws at you.