Draw characters from Soviet cartoons. Three from Prostokvashino

And the idea, the image, the script, the pencil, the film, the voice. This set, if handled skillfully, gets screen life. The cartoon character lives his cartoon life - he is upset and surprised, gets into trouble and emerges victorious. Everything is on the screen. But on the other side of the screen, the cartoon characters have a sea of ​​love. Children's. When the child grows up, it gives way to nostalgia, but remains in the memory. And it comes up at the moment when your children meet the hero of your childhood. About heroes from Soviet childhood - Natalya Letnikova.

Hedgehog in the fog. The best cartoon of all time, according to a poll of 140 animators and film critics different countries. 35 awards worldwide. Favorite cartoon of the famous Japanese animator Miyazaki. A leisurely narrative, shrouded in fog. Hedgehog-philosopher, Little Bear - a faithful friend, a mysterious horse, an owl as an element of surprise, tea with juniper branches and stars...

Carlson. The man is in the prime of his life, although he is not tall enough, but he has more than enough prowess, and his acting talent is obvious. The skillful manipulator, tamer of housekeepers, invented by Astrid Lindgren, became familiar to all Soviet children and one single Kid. After all, you can’t argue with the argument “I’m better than a dog,” especially when you fly onto the roof.

Troubadour. The hippie minstrel is shaggy and charming. And even with the voice of Muslim Magomayev in the main ballad. An unheard of thing: a Soviet cartoon with elements of a rock opera and Oleg Anofriev singing in all voices. A main character so informal and romantic that even the princess in a bold mini without a second thought exchanged the palace for the roof - “the sky is blue.”

Cat Matroskin. And embroider, and sew on a typewriter, and cook raspberry jam, and draw up a financial plan for the survival of a child with four-legged pets in the village. Unconditional authority for Uncle Fyodor’s parents and a reason for philosophical reasoning: “If I had such a cat, then maybe I wouldn’t get married.” Dangerous for the institution of marriage.

Cheburashka. "Topl" in English, "Plumps" in German, "Drutten" in Swedish. Touching and once nameless, the toy gained worldwide fame after the release of the cartoon in 1969. The continuation of the story about the furry animal and his faithful friend the crocodile was filmed in Japan. And the Russian Olympic team has made Cheburashka its symbol several times.

Winnie the Pooh. The bear is a poet, a lover of honey and “sit a little longer”... Unlike his Western colleague, good-natured and touching, the Soviet is a practitioner with elements of philosophy. The image, created by director Fyodor Khitruk, was considered inaccurate by Boris Zakhoder, the father of the Russian Pooh. But a bright picture in style children's drawing, wheezing and the funny bear himself were liked by the children.

Mowgli. Hero of the first heroic epic» "Soyuzmultfilm". In Japan, it is included in the list of the best anime in the history of animation. A human cub who managed to tame wolf pack, tactically win the battle with the army of dogs and defeat the treacherous tiger. This is what it means to grow fresh air, learn from a real bear and be friends with a panther.

Wolf and Hare. A charming hooligan and a touching altruist. Animated series “Well, wait a minute!” - as unity and struggle of opposites. Where one character is impossible without the other. The Wolf in each episode tries to get to the Hare, simultaneously violating public order, and the Hare, a clever strategist, avoids danger from series to series. Voices add charm to the characters

20-09-2016, 17:15


This year the Soyuzmultfilm studio celebrated its 80th anniversary. Over the years, within the walls of the studio was born huge amount cartoons, the characters of which each of us has known since childhood. Next, we suggest taking a look at the process of creating popular ones, or rather at their working sketches.

"Three from Prostokvashino"

Favorite cartoon that surpassed in popularity literary basis. The heroes of the first series were invented by studio artist Nikolai Erykalov, the second artist of the film was Levon Khachatryan, who illustrated the magazines “Pioneer”, “Rabotnitsa”, “Ogonyok”, and also created political cartoons in “ Soviet Russia" and "Izvestia". This is what your favorite characters originally looked like

This is what the storyboard for the film looked like

In the second and third parts, Uncle Fyodor and his friends were drawn by Arkady Sher, an artist who worked with Vladimir Popov on his best films. Cher said that he would like to make the characters completely different, but he couldn’t go far from the first cartoon

Well, wait a minute!

A shaggy guy with a guitar on his back, in bell-bottomed pants and an untucked shirt, and a small but cunning dirty trickster. Wolf and Hare. The best animated duet in the entire history of Soyuzmultfilm

“I immediately got a hare,” said V. Kotenochkin, “with blue eyes, rosy cheeks, generally very positive.”

“But the Wolf didn’t succeed for a long time. Then on the street I saw a guy leaning against the wall of the house. He had long black hair, a cigarette stuck to his thick lips, his belly was hanging out, and I realized that this is exactly what the Wolf must have been like.”

Kotenochkin wanted Vysotsky to voice the Wolf and tested his voice with a hoarseness. But it didn't work out. As a greeting to Vysotsky in the first episode, the Wolf whistles the melody of the song “Vertical” (“If a friend suddenly turned out to be ...”) - when he climbs the rope to the Hare

“None of the creators of “Well, wait a minute!” thought that the cartoon would become so popular,” said Alexander Kurlyandsky. “We, the authors of the first issue - Kamov, Hight and I, I remember, all the time wondered what episode it would all end with: on the third, on the fifth, on the seventh? Then bags of letters from children began to arrive at Soyuzmultfilm asking for a continuation. I especially remember one letter in which a child asked Kotenochkin to film “Well, wait forever!”

38 parrots

Director Ivan Ufimtsev’s fairy tale “38 Parrots,” which writer Grigory Oster brought to the Soyuzmultfilm studio, was hooked by the dialogue between the Monkey and the Boa Constrictor: “Where are you crawling?” - “Here, here I crawl.”

The characters were developed by artist Leonid Shvartsman, who later admitted that he spent the longest time working on Boa Constrictor: he went to the zoo, drew snakes that were unpleasant to him, and spent hours trying to give them human features. The keys to success were freckles, raised eyebrows and an elongated head. Daisies were added to the scales of the Boa constrictor so that children would not be so afraid of him

Bremen Town Musicians

The idea to create this cartoon came to the creators suddenly and completely spontaneously. Young, no one famous composer Gennady Gladkov, poet Yuri Entin and director Inessa Kovalevskaya decided to make an animated musical for children. The script was written quickly and immediately taken to the Soyuzmultfilm studio. They brought it on Friday, and on Monday the cartoon went into production. From such unsightly sketches the film was born. Artist Max Zherebchevsky proposed this version of the main characters - Troubadour

and Princesses

In the draft version, all the cartoon characters looked more than decent. A princess in lush lace, a Troubadour in a jester's cap, elaborate palace chambers. But this did not suit the director. In her opinion, they were completely inconsonant with either the music or the genre of the film. Members artistic council were also surprisingly unanimous in their opinion that these characters do not match the script, and especially the music

As a result, the image of the Troubadour was taken from some foreign magazine

In the same magazine, the director spotted a girl in a short red dress, and decided to make her a Princess. Although Y. Entin claims that the prototype of the princess’s image was his wife, Marina, and her red dress. “I bought the same red dress that you see in the cartoon for Marina for 40 rubles. She wore it at the wedding. And Gladkov and Livanov were our witnesses.”

Winnie the Pooh

Director Fyodor Khitruk, before creating his “Winnie the Pooh” in 1969, had not seen the famous Disney version, released three years earlier, and used only Alan Milne’s book as material. Khitruk deliberately abandoned the owner of the bear cub, Christopher Robin. The presence of the boy emphasized the toy nature of the other inhabitants of the forest.

But the bear cub’s characteristic gait, ambling (where the left leg moves, goes there too) left hand) is an accident, the result of a cartoon mistake that gave the character additional charm

Soviet officials refused to buy the film rights to Milne's book, which made the Soviet Winnie the Pooh travel restrictions. He couldn't get to any festival in the world

Cheburashka and crocodile Gena

One day, director Roman Kachanov, visiting the screenwriter Adzhubey, saw that the children were enthusiastically reading a book. It was "Crocodile Gena and His Friends" by Uspensky. The next day he bought the same book at the store, brought it to Soyuzmultfilm and said: “That’s it, we’re making a film based on it.”

Here's how Leonid Shvartsman talks about the creation process: “I came up with the crocodile pretty quickly. The script said: “The crocodile worked as a crocodile at the zoo. And when the working day ended and the bell rang, he put on his jacket and hat, picked up the phone and went home. “That was enough for me to get the image of a gentleman with a bow tie and a white shirtfront.”

With Shapoklyak, everything turned out to be simple too. Shapoklyak is, as you know, the name of a folding cylinder. This is the 19th century, and everything else came from here: a black formal dress, a frill, white lace cuffs, high-heeled pumps. Since she is such a mischievous woman, Schwartzman gave her a long nose, rosy cheeks and a prominent chin. A gray hair and borrowed the bun from his mother-in-law

“Five months was the preparatory period for the film, and half of this time I was busy with Cheburashka,” continues Leonid Shvartsman. “I immediately made his eyes childish, surprised, human. Although large, but not “like an owl’s.” In Uspensky’s in the “preface, which is not necessary to read,” it is said: “When I was little, my parents gave me a toy: fluffy, shaggy, small. With big eyes like an eagle owl. With a round hare's head and a small tail, like a bear's." That's it. Not a word about big ears.
I started drawing Cheburashka’s ears: first at the top, then they gradually began to slide down and grow larger. Kachanov regularly came to me, I showed him sketches, we discussed them, argued, he expressed his wishes, I redrew them. Thanks to such joint efforts, the final sketch emerged. On it, however, Cheburashka still has a bear tail, which was later greatly reduced. And the legs were longer at first, but Norshtein advised making them small, as they are now. After creating a sketch in color, I made a drawing, and the master puppeteers made Cheburashka, and he took on a life of his own."

Baby and Carlson

In 1968, the first two cartoons about Carlson were released: one in Czechoslovakia, and the other in the USSR. A man in the prime of his life was luckier than Winnie the Pooh: the rights to the film adaptation were officially acquired. Astrid Lindgren, by the way, was delighted with the picture, especially with Carlson’s voice. During a visit to Moscow, she insisted on a meeting with Vasily Livanov, who voiced it

After viewing the sketches, Livanov noticed that his character looked like director Grigory Roshal, so he did not just voice the character, but created a parody of a specific person. But in the role of Freken Bock, director Boris Stepantsev saw only Faina Ranevskaya, but the actress did not agree for a long time. She was offended external resemblance with the heroine. She ended up taking the role, but kicked the director out of the studio during the dubbing, saying she knew better how to do everything. However, Freken Bock’s last phrase “Dear, dear!” the editor had to say it because Ranevskaya didn’t like the parody of the film “Spring”

The Adventures of Leopold the Cat

This cartoon was born at another cartoon studio - "Creative Association Ekran". It was created on the wave of success of “Well, wait a minute!”

Reznikov told Hight his idea about an intelligent cat who draws, listens to Oginsky's Polonaise and is annoyed by mice

“We immediately latched on to the idea of ​​a shapeshifter - it’s not the cat that runs after the mice, but the other way around,” recalls Reznikov. “For the first time in animation, an intelligent cat appeared that could deal with the mice, but didn’t want to, no matter how much they messed with him. But that alone was not enough, I needed an idea. And I came up with it: there is no alternative to the world. We thought for a long time about how to show it, and finally the phrase “Guys, let’s live together!” It was born out of necessity, and became a reprise of the film.

“Mowgli” by Roman Davydov was released in 1967, almost simultaneously with the Disney version of Rudyard Kipling’s book, but was radically different from its American counterpart

During the creation of the film, Davydov forced the animators to get used to the images of animals, “get into their skin and feel the muscles that should move the tail.” “Do you have a cat at home? Look, study her,” the director said to the animators who created Bagheera’s movements

For some scenes in the film, the animators were inspired by episodes of the Animal World program. Thanks to this preparatory work the animals in “Mowgli” turned out to be very realistic in manner and movements, but at the same time the creators managed to give them human traits

Holidays Boniface

"Boniface's Vacation" owes its appearance to chance. While cleaning the studio, director Fyodor Khitruk found a couple of sheets of typewritten text in one of the drawers and, before throwing them away, he saw the phrase “Just think,” the circus director was surprised, “I forgot that lions also have grandmothers!” So Khitruk became infected with the idea of ​​a new film about a circus lion

Boniface became special thanks to the artist Sergei Alimov. He gave the character a living mane, which did not have a rigid closed contour. This mane was created by a whole group of specialists using sponges in each scene.

Hedgehog in the fog

The cartoon about a hedgehog lost in the fog, which received more than 35 awards, was made by nine people, three of whom were voice actors. The image of the Hedgehog did not appear in one day. Norshtein's wife, artist Francesca Yarbusova, made large number sketches, but the director did not like any of them. “Francesca redrew a lot of Hedgehogs, and one day everything got so hot! I shouted: “It should appear for 1/12 of a second and imprint!” The profile must be absolutely clear, clear! “And after all these terrible screams, heart-drops, she suddenly sat down and drew,” - this is how Norshtein describes the story of the appearance of his hero. Francesca Yarbusova said that at some point she put together individual body parts drawn on celluloid, and the Hedgehog came to life. The most important thing at this moment was not to blow away the resulting image.

Return of the Prodigal Parrot

Initially, the image of Kesha the parrot was somewhat different

Adventures of a brownie

Coloring books + DVD" - new look children's educational sets. This unusual product is created for preschool and younger children. school age. All children love to watch cartoons and draw. With the help of "Coloring Books + DVD" sets, a child will be able to combine two favorite activities: watching a cartoon and coloring the main characters of the story. The sets are designed to develop visual memory, develop fine motor skills, learn to check the image and colors for consistency with the original. Thick landscape paper allows you to color drawings with pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens and paints. Thanks to large drawings and clear outlines, such coloring books are suitable even small child, just starting to get acquainted with colored pencils. The series features cartoons for every taste: fascinating TV series, foreign fairy tales, collections of domestic cartoons, classics of world animation. But it’s not limited to cartoons: for those who like to listen rather than watch, “Coloring Books + CD” sets have been published, including a set of coloring books and the best children’s audio fairy tales. WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE COLLECTIONS OF DOMESTIC CARTOON FILMS COLLECTION OF CARTOON FILMS "MERRY VEGETABLE GARDEN" Merry vegetable garden (new version). A musical story about two children who were tending a vegetable garden and a garden scarecrow. SoyuzMultfilm, 1974. Scriptwriter: V. Suteev; Director: V. Suteev; Composer: A. Sokolov-Kamin. Fox the Builder (new version) The cartoon is based on Krylov's fable. Leo hires Fox as a builder to build a reliable poultry house for chickens. The story ends with an instructive moral, given that Lev's manager is a donkey... Soyuzmultfilm, 1950 Scriptwriter: S. Nagorny; Director: P. Sazonov; Composer: I. Kovner Wonderful bell (new version). The cartoon is based on Russian folk tales. The girl ends up in the bear's house. A mouse helps her get out of captivity, giving the girl a wonderful bell for her kindness... Soyuzmultfilm, 1949 Scriptwriters: M. Erzinkyan, I. Filimonova; Directors: V. and Z. Brumberg; Composer: V. Oransky. Validub (new version) Cartoon based on the Czech folk tale . The young man Validub has heroic strength. He dreams of a feat that would help him win the heart of his beloved girl, Marishka. In the forest, Validub defeats the Bear and uproots a century-old oak tree. Soyuzmultfilm, 1952 Scriptwriter: L. Vepritskaya; Director: D. Babichenko. SHOTS FROM THE CARTOONS "VALIDUB" AND "CHERRY VEGETABLE GARDEN" MOIDODYR Moidodyr The cartoon is based on a poetic fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky. Soyuzmultfilm, 1954 (new version) Scriptwriter: I. Ivanov-Vano Director: I. Ivanov-Vano Composer: Yu. Levitin Duration: 17 min. The Frog Princess Russian folk tale about Ivan the Tsarevich and the sorceress Marya the Princess, bewitched by Koshchei the Immortal. Soyuzmultfilm, 1954 (new version) Scriptwriter: M. Volpina. Director: M. Tsekhanovskaya Composer: Yu. Levitin Duration: 39 min. Geese-swans Soyuzmultfilm 1949 (new version) The cartoon is based on a Russian folk tale. Geese-swans, servants of Baba Yaga, kidnapped the girl's younger brother. The girl sets off on a long journey... Scriptwriters: I. Ivanov, A. Snezhko-Blotskaya Directors: I. Ivanov, A. Snezhko-Blotskaya. Composer: Yu. Nikolsky Duration: 19 min. The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish Soyuzmultfilm, 1950 (new version) Tale of A.S. Pushkin about an obstinate old woman who wanted to become the mistress of the sea, a weak-willed old man and a talking fish, who for the time being fulfills all the fisherman’s wishes. Scriptwriter: M. Volpina. Director: M. Tsekhanovsky Composer: Yu. Levitin Duration: 30 min. SHOTS FROM THE CARTOONS "MOYDODYR", "THE TALE OF THE FISHERMAN AND THE FISH", "GESE-SWANS" COLLECTION GRAY NECK Gray neck Soyuzmultfilm, 1948 (new version). The cartoon is based on a story by D. Mamin-Sibiryak. Scriptwriter: G. Berezko; Directors: L. Amalrik, V. Polkovnikov; Composer: Yu. Nikolsky. Duration: 20 min. Miracle Mill The cartoon is based on the Russian folk tale "Millstones" Scriptwriter: M. Bulatova; Director: O. Khodataeva; Composer: T. Potapenko. Duration: 20 min. High Hill Soyuzmultfilm, 1949 (new version). Based on the fairy tale "Red Hill" by V. Bianchi. The siskin, having quarreled with the sparrows, flies out of the forest and makes its nest on the roof of the barn, without caring about its safety. Scriptwriter: K. Koltunov; Directors: L. Amalrik, V. Polkovnikov; Composer: V. Oransky. Duration:20 min. Three bags of tricks Soyuzmultfilm, 1954 (new version). Based on a Ukrainian folk tale. Scriptwriter: Z. Filimonova; Directors: O Khodataeva, L. Arisov, P. Nosov; Composer: I. Boldyrev. Duration: 10 min. SHOTS FROM THE CARTOON "THE GRAY NECK", "THE MIRACLE MILL" COLLECTION GOLDEN ANTELOPE Golden Antelope Based on Indian fairy tales. Soyuzmultfilm, 1954 (new version). Scriptwriter: N. Abramov Director: L. Atamanov Composer: V. Yurovsky Duration: 30 min. Sister Alyonushka Russian folk tale. The boy disobeyed his older sister, drank the magic water and turned into a little goat. Soyuzmultfilm, 1953 (new version). Scriptwriter: V. Danilova Director: O. Khodataeva Composer: A. Alexandrov. Duration: 10 min. The Scarlet Flower Soyuzmultfilm, 1952 (new version) The cartoon was based on a fairy tale by S. Aksakov. Scriptwriter: G. Grebner Director: L. Atamanov Composer: N. Budashkin. Duration: 42 min. Strela flies into a fairy tale The aircraft model "Strela", having flown a record distance in the competition, is lost in the "Fairy Tale" forest reserve. Pioneer Vova, whose model took second place, is doing everything to prevent the Strela from being found. Soyuzmultfilm, 1954 (new version). Scriptwriter: V. Suteev. Director: V. Amalrik Composers: M. Starokadomsky, Y. Nikolsky Duration: 29 min. SHOTS FROM CARTOON MOVIES "SISTER ALENUSHKA", "THE SCARLET FLOWER" REVIEWS: Coloring books + DVD: famous animated series: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Adventures of Willy Fog, Asterix and Obelix "Smeshariki": books, cartoons, coloring pages, games Luntik: books, films, coloring books Street Sesame: books, films, coloring pages Cartoons from Walt Disney Studios DVD-strips “Our Good Tales” SERIES: Coloring books + audio stories Color the cartoon: coloring pages based on cartoons

Watch a cartoon and color the picture: Soyuzmultfilm


Gray neck
Soyuzmultfilm, 1948 (new version).
The cartoon is based on a story by D. Mamin-Sibiryak.
Scriptwriter: G. Berezko; Directors: L. Amalrik, V. Polkovnikov; Composer: Yu. Nikolsky.
Duration: 20 min.

Miracle mill
Soyuzmultfilm, 1949 (new version).
The cartoon is based on the Russian folk tale "Zhernovki"
Scriptwriter: M. Bulatova; Director: O. Khodataeva; Composer: T. Potapenko.
Duration: 20 min.

High slide
Soyuzmultfilm, 1949 (new version).
Based on the fairy tale "Red Hill" by V. Bianchi. The siskin, having quarreled with the sparrows, flies out of the forest and makes its nest on the roof of the barn, without caring about its safety.
Scriptwriter: K. Koltunov; Directors: L. Amalrik, V. Polkovnikov; Composer: V. Oransky.
Duration:20 min.

Three bags of tricks
Soyuzmultfilm, 1954 (new version).
Based on a Ukrainian folk tale.
Scriptwriter: Z. Filimonova; Directors: O Khodataeva, L. Arisov, P. Nosov; Composer: I. Boldyrev.
Duration: 10 min.


On June 10, 1936, the largest studio in the USSR was created animated films"Soyuzmultfilm". Then it was called “Soyuzdetmultfilm”, and it was renamed “Soyuzmultfilm” in August 1937.

Whatever one may say, the best cartoons of Soviet childhood can be safely called the work of the Soyuzmultfilm studio. Over the years of its existence, it has released a huge number of cartoons for every taste, which we show to our children and never tire of watching ourselves. In addition, most cartoons contain many secrets and details that are noticeable only to the most attentive. Let's get to know them.

Post sponsor: Cartoons for every taste.

Winnie the Pooh

The first film adaptation of the book about Winnie the Pooh belongs to the Walt Disney Studio: in the early 60s, several episodes were released about the funny little bear and his friends. Before starting work on the domestic Winnie the Pooh, Fyodor Khitruk had not seen the Disney version.

However, he wanted to move away from the images that were depicted in the book, to create his own, new and original characters. Of course, he succeeded. Everyone who has seen both the Disney and our versions clearly speaks out in favor of the latter.

It is curious that initially Winnie the Pooh was very shaggy, his ears looked a little “chewed”, and his eyes were different sizes. At first, the artists turned out Piglet to look like a thick, appetizing sausage. A lot of different bear cubs and piglets were drawn before the characters acquired the appearance we are familiar with.

By the way, in the second and third series, the drawings of the characters were simplified: the black “glasses” on Winnie the Pooh’s face acquired clear outlines, and Piglet’s rosy cheeks began to be indicated by a single red line. While working on the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, Fyodor Khitruk did not know about the existence of animated films about the funny bear from the Disney studio. Later, according to Khitruk, Disney director Wolfgang Reiterman liked his version. At the same time, since Soviet cartoons were created without taking into account the exclusive film rights owned by the Disney studio, their showing abroad was impossible.

Baby and Carlson

Soviet cartoon“Kid and Carlson” directed by Boris Stepantsev, based on the story Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, which appeared on television in 1968, was enthusiastically received by both young and adult viewers.

In total, two episodes about Carlson were released: “Kid and Carlson” (1968) and “Carlson is back” (1970). Soyuzmultfilm was going to make a third one, but this idea was never realized. The studio archives still contain film that was planned to be used for filming a cartoon based on the third part of the trilogy about the Kid and Carlson - “Carlson Plays Pranks Again.”

If you watch the cartoon about Carlson very carefully, you will notice the following detail: at the beginning of the cartoon, when the Kid is crossing the road, an Air France advertisement is visible on a bus passing by.

The detectives from the cartoon about the adventures of the pig Funtik are very similar to the underwear thieves from the cartoon about Carlson. In addition, the Soviet parents of Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino are very similar to the Swedish parents of the Kid.

Leopold the cat

The Soviet animated series about Leopold the cat and the hooligan mice pestering him was filmed at the Ekran Creative Association from 1975 to 1993. At the time of the creation of the animated series there was no art workshop yet. Therefore, the first two episodes (“The Revenge of Leopold the Cat” and “Leopold and goldfish") were not drawn, but were made using the transfer technique.

Small details of characters and scenery were cut out of paper and placed under glass. After each frame, the details moved a tiny distance, which created the illusion of movement. Further episodes of the cartoon were realized using hand-drawn animation.

The creators of the cartoon spent a long time racking their brains over the name of the main character. The authors really didn’t want to call him too simply - “ordinary” Barsik or Murzik. According to their plans, the name had to sound beautiful and at the same time be easy to pronounce.

There is a version according to which the good-natured and charming cat was named by the son of the scriptwriter Arkady Khait. While working on the plot of the cartoon, the boy tried to do two things at once: follow the adults and watch “The Elusive Avengers” on TV. The name of White Guard Colonel Leopold Kudasov, one of the heroes of The Elusive Ones, gave rise to the idea of ​​naming the cat the same. Hooligan mice are also not nameless, as many people think. The plump gray rodent is called Motey, and the thin white animal is called Mitya. However, in the cartoon the mice are never called by name.


The Soviet cartoon about Cheburashka was filmed by director Roman Kachanov based on the book by Eduard Uspensky, or rather, according to their joint script. And although Uspensky wrote 8 stories about Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and their friends, a total of 4 episodes were made.

The cartoon image of Cheburashka, known today - a cute creature with huge ears, large trusting eyes and soft brown fur - was invented by cartoonist Leonid Shvartsman. This is exactly how he first appeared in Roman Kachanov’s cartoon “Crocodile Gena” (1969) and won the hearts of children and adults.

According to the preface to the book by Eduard Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and His Friends,” Cheburashka was the name given to the defective toy that the author of the book had in childhood, depicting an unprecedented animal: either a bear cub or a bunny with big ears.

According to the book, the author's parents claimed that Cheburashka is an animal unknown to science that lives in the hot tropical jungle. Therefore, in the text of the book, the heroes of which, as the writer claims, are Uspensky’s own children’s toys, Cheburashka really appears to readers as an unknown tropical animal.

In one of his interviews, Eduard Uspensky said that he once came to visit a friend who had a little daughter. At the time of the writer’s visit, the girl was trying on a fur coat, which was dragging along the floor. “The girl kept falling, tripping over her fur coat. And her father, after another fall, exclaimed: “Oh, I screwed up again!” This word stuck in my memory and I asked what it meant. It turned out that “cheburahnutsya” means “to fall.” That’s how the name of my hero appeared,” the author admitted.

Three from Prostokvashino

The animated series “Three from Prostokvashino” based on the story by Eduard Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat” was directed by Vladimir Popov. A total of three episodes were released. Much of what is in literary source, was not included in the cartoon, but the popularity of the film adaptation was several times greater than the popularity of Uspensky’s story.

The work on creating the screen images of the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino” was divided between production designers at the request of director Vladimir Popov. The image of Galchonok did not work out for a very long time. Therefore, everyone who entered the artist’s room at Soyuzmultfilm was asked to draw this character. The artist Leonid Shvartsman, who came up with the cartoon Cheburashka, even had a hand in its creation.

Uncle Fyodor is the only type for which the team that worked on the creation of the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino” never came to a common decision. Therefore, his on-screen image changes greatly from episode to episode. Such a move, which is unacceptable from the point of view of Western animation, was accepted in our country completely calmly.

By the way, Matroskin’s cat could have been named Taraskin. The fact is that when Eduard Uspensky wrote his story, he wanted to name this character by the name of Anatoly Taraskin, an employee of the film magazine “Fitil,” but he did not allow him to use his name. True, he later regretted it and admitted to the writer: “What a fool I was! I regretted giving my last name!”

Well, wait a minute!

“Well, wait a minute!” - this is not just an animated series, it is a real legend on which more than one generation has grown up. In 1969, “Well, wait a minute!” was a government order. Officials decided to give our answer Disney cartoons and allocated a fairly serious budget. The customers' demands were limited to a request to do something funny.

With this request, the management of Soyuzmultfilm turned to famous comedians Alexander Kurlyandsky, Arkady Khait, Felix Kamov and Eduard Uspensky.

The creators of the cartoon had a lot of controversy about the 12th episode of the famous cartoon, when the Wolf finds himself in the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Ramses. It was even assumed that the Egyptian government might protest in this regard. But everything worked out.

In the animated series “Well, wait a minute!” amazing music selection, which uses popular recordings of Western and Soviet pop music. But they were never specified in the cartoon's imprint. It was not accepted then.

The music that plays during the credits is the title track “Well, just wait!” - called Vizisi (“Water skiing”) and was published on a collection of Hungarian pop music by Melodiya in 1967. Its author is a Hungarian composer named Tomás Deák.

Last year's snow fell

As composer Grigory Gladkov mentioned during his performance in humorous program“Around Laughter,” the cartoon “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling” had the original working title “Fir-trees, sticks, thick forest,” and the main character in it was the janitor from “The Plasticine Crow.” Then the visual concept of the main character was finalized, as was the title of the film.

The role of the narrator in the cartoon “Last Year's Snow Was Falling” was originally planned to be given to Lia Akhedzhakova. She even voiced the cartoon, but director Alexander Tatarsky didn’t like it. As a result, both roles - the man and the storyteller - were given to Stanislav Sadalsky.

Sadalsky, who voiced the roles of the man and the narrator in the cartoon Last Year's Snow Was Falling, was not listed in the credits. Shortly before the release of the cartoon, the actor was detained in the restaurant of the Cosmos Hotel with a foreign citizen, after which a denunciation followed to the chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company S.G. Lapin. As a punishment for communicating with foreigners, it was decided to remove the actor’s last name from the credits.

The cartoon “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling” could not be avoided close attention censorship. “At the delivery of “Snow,” I was in a pre-heart attack state,” recalled the cartoon director Alexander Tatarsky. “They told me that I was disrespectful to the Russian people: you have only one hero - a Russian man, and he’s an idiot!..”

Hello dears.
We all watched cartoons as children, and completely different ones. I’m almost exclusively Soviet, plus CMEA countries, and very rarely foreign cool things, like “Around the World in 80 Days.” And I can say that growing up with Russian animation definitely benefited me. I still treat it with reverence, and I’m glad that modern Russian animation is also very up to par in some places.

But the Soviet one was different. Kind, nurturing, touching, sometimes bantering. Various. And I can remember a lot of really cool works. Which is what I do sometimes :-))
But today I would like to remember some of the heroes of hand-drawn (and puppet) cartoon shows. But those who, in theory, should have been negative, were so bright and interesting that I personally often worried about them much more than about the main character. Not everyone made it to my final list. They missed it a little Bluebeard, Barmaley from " Blue Puppy", Ares from the cartoon about the Cossacks, Rasp - "About Vasya Kurolesov", negative heroes series " Baba Yaga against" ,Crocodile from "Aibolita", Signor Tomato, bad cowboy from" One cowboy, two cowboy" And Karbofos from "The Koloboks are conducting the investigation".

But there are many other interesting characters :-)
So, let's go :-))

15th place- Tobacco. Seems like a minor character from a great one animated film "Mowgli"(1973, director Roman Davydov).

I honestly admit that after watching “The Jungle Book” and being told off by Rudyard Kipling, I fell in love with our cartoon even more. there are a lot of cool characters there. Bagheera and Kaa alone are worth it :-)) But for some reason, as a child, I paid attention to this particular jackal (in every sense of the term), and the minion Shere Khan. And his phrase “we’ll go north” became a personal meme for me. And yes, Tabaki was voiced by Sergei Martinson himself. And so Tabaki became common noun. This is the name of a sycophant and a scoundrel.

14th place- Wolf from tape "Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf"(1978 Directed by Witold Bordzilovsky). It's a remake, but it's fun.

Gave us 2 memes: "four sons and a daughter, a kidney" And "alarm, alarm, the wolf carried away the rabbits":-) The cartoon still looks good. There are 2 negative characters, but I didn’t really like the crow, but the wolf in Papanov’s voice acting is cool :-)) By the way, he looks like the character of the same name from “Well, wait a minute!” Apparently a relative :-))

13th place- Monkey from m/f " Home for the Leopard". This is the highest aerobatics of an animated episode. A sort of Yarmolnik and Gottlieb Roninson rolled into one :-)))

12th place - John Silver from a super mega blockbuster "Treasure Island"(1988, directed by the brilliant David Cherkassky). A very cool film that I only fully appreciated years later.

Although at school some people called me “Doctor Livesey” :-))) In this cartoon, many people liked Pugh, Billy Bones or even Israel Hands, but my sympathies were on the side of old John in the voice of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. A very cool cartoon, which I will definitely look into in more detail :-)

11th place - Old lady Shapoklyak(from a series of cartoons (3 pieces) about Cheburashka and Crocodile Gennady). As they say, veterans never grow old at heart :-)))

A broken woman of 60+, for objective reasons, hiding her real name, dressed in an old-fashioned way with a hat (which gave her her nickname) and with a reticule in which she carries a special trained fighter - a rat named Lariska. Excellent ability to use a slingshot. She is agile, intelligent, dexterous and fast, she has a good imagination. And yes, he does nasty things out of boredom. After becoming friends with Gennady and Che, I even started helping them :-)

10th place - King Last from "Castle of Liars" (1983, director Gennady Sokolsky).

A funny cartoon based on the book by Lithuanian children's writer Vitaute Zilinskaite, and edited to the music of the group "Orange" and with the voice acting by Evgeniy Steblov. I really liked this as a child. Especially the King of Liars. Troll level 80 :-))

9th place - Veselchak U from "The Secret of the 3rd Planet"(1981. Directed by Roman Kachanov). An excellent animated adaptation of one of Kir Bulychev’s books, with a bunch of cool and very memorable characters.

How could you not love Gromozeka? Well, or the first Soviet emo captain Zeleny? Well, the Govorun bird, which you know is different....:-)))
There were 2 villains: Glot from the planet Katruk, who disguised himself as Professor Verkhovtsev, and the charming half-pig (in every sense of the term) Veselchak U, voiced by Grigory Shpigel. Very cool :-)

8th place - Little mice from the series about "Leopold the Cat" (there are 11 cartoons and they are different). But the essence is the same - 2 hooligan mice, who seem to be like Mitya and Motya, get a harmless cat with an old Austrian name.

There is a clear allusion to the stupid rednecks who attack the old intelligentsia, but due to their lack of education and stupidity, or vice versa, due to an excess of desire, the mice always fail, and Leo the cat in the end always forgives them with a sacramental phrase "Guys, let's live together!" The first picture where I saw the “Goldberg machine” with my own eyes. Now I'm a big fan of them :-)

7th place - Robbers from the duology "Musicians of Bremen" and "In the footsteps Bremen Town Musicians". One of the most stylish, cheerful and amusing domestic cartoons, which is not surprising.

Vasily Livanov was a great joker and rebel :-) In general, if he’s not a character, he’s just super. Even the robbers, who have as many as 2 musical numbers. They were copied from the trinity “Coward-Dooby-Skilled” (Vitsin - Nikulin-Morgunov), popular in those years, and their leader Atamansha was copied from the ballerina from the Operetta Theater Tamara Vishneva, the wife of director Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin. Overall, great!

6th place - Big Eeh from "Wow, talking fish!" (1983, directed by Robert Sahakyants). All Sahakyants' cartoons are something. Once you see them, you definitely won’t forget them. And this is perhaps the most severe. How can you confuse a sucker at the market and not confuse the Rams :-))

The evil wizard “Good Big Eeh” with his second-by-second transformations drove me into a stupor :-)) as well as the Adidas suit. In general, “Do good and throw it into the water” :-)))

5th place - Brilliant detective from "In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians."

Gorgeous, simply gorgeous character with a memorable musical number and lovely appearance. With a nose like a dog and an eye like an eagle :-)))

4th place - Mistress Belladonna from the series " about the pig Funtik"Funtik himself, of course, is a rare pig who could have made good money in the early 90s, but his conscience awoke.

With the help of cute friends Uncle Pocus with the monkey Bambino and the hippopotamuses Chocolate. But all the salt and charm of this series of cartoons, of course, is in Mrs. Belladonna, a cunning and calculating millionaire who is used to siphoning money from children and their parents just on such Fountiks. Despite bad character and unsightly properties - a gorgeous character voiced by Olga Arosieva

3rd place- Boyarin Polkan from an animated film "Flying Ship"(1979, directed by Harry Bardin). One of my favorite childhood cartoons.

I sang the part of Vodyanoy all the time :-)) In fact, a stylish, cool, powerful cartoon, with excellent characters and simply beautiful musical numbers. I still watch it with great pleasure. Boyarin Polkan (the name is not simple, but significant, if you look at our fairy tales and stories) in a gorlat hat with a strange mustache and beard, a kind of forerunner of Russian oligarchs. It was the first one who thought through their lifestyle in the dialogue: “Will you build a “Flying Ship”? I’ll buy it...” :-))) Wonderful, simply wonderful. Especially in the composition about happiness :-)

2nd place - Gangsters from "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel". Another brilliant film from David Cherkassky. Simply very cool! And the main villains are so colorful and charismatic that they win you over from the first second! Va bene! :-))

Julico Banditto and De La Voro Gangsterito is 2 orders of magnitude more interesting than in the book. And they are remembered forever, because they constantly drink Cinzano, always well-fed and drunk :-)) Voiced by Semyon Farada and Alexander Burmistrov.

1st place - Wolf from "Well, wait a minute!" I think no comments?

How can you not like a former sailor, now a dude, who can do a lot with his hands and owns a Java motorcycle, made in Czechoslovakia. Handsome, and nothing more :-))

Which ones are your favorites? negative characters at yours? :-)

And yes, as I said, sometimes I remember cartoons in more detail. If you're interested, here it is.