Monuments of artistic culture of ancient Rus'. Kievan Rus: where in Ukraine to find the oldest monuments of the past The most beautiful Transfiguration Cathedral in Yaroslavl

Despite the progress in our time and the constant discoveries being made, very few facts have reached us about the architecture of the ancient Slavs. All this because in those days, basically all buildings were built from wood, and since this material is short-lived, the main historical monuments not preserved.

The ancient Slavs had good construction skills. And with the establishment of Christianity in Rus', many stone structures began to be built, such as temples and churches. The construction of cross-domed cathedrals was very developed at that time. All this is due to the fact that Christianity came to us from Byzantium, and accordingly, the construction of temples was carried out on the basis of Byzantine design schemes.

Story architecture Ancient Rus' began with the creation of the Kyiv state and this stage ended only with the advent Russian Empire. The first churches are considered to be Novgorod, Kyiv and Vladimir. The reign of Yaroslav the Wise (12th century) is considered to be the heyday of architectural architecture. In the 13th century, the development of church architecture in Rus' slowed down, this is due to the emergence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. And in the 15th century, already during the reign of Ivan III, the rapid development of architectural architecture began again.

Hagia Sophia in Novgorod

The history of this cathedral is very interesting. It was built in honor of the Novgorodians, who at one time helped Yaroslav the Wise sit on the throne of the Grand Duke. It took seven years to build and the temple was consecrated in 1052. The son of Grand Duke Yaroslav, Vladimir, who died on October 4, 1052, is buried in the Kyiv Church of St. Sophia.

It is worth noting that the cathedral was built from mixed materials - stone and brick. Its design is strictly symmetrical, and there are no galleries. Initially, the walls of this cathedral were not whitewashed. This is due to the fact that Slavic architects primarily focused on Byzantine designs, in which preference was given to mosaic and marble cladding. A little later, mosaics were replaced by frescoes, and marble by limestone.

The frame of the composition looks like a cross-domed church with five naves. This type of construction is characteristic only of temples built in the 11th century.

The first cathedral painting was carried out in 1109, but most of the frescoes could not be preserved to this day, with the exception of “Constantine and Helena”. Many frescoes were lost during the Great Patriotic War.

Several iconostases were constructed in the Hagia Sophia Cathedral, or rather, there were three of them. The main icons located in the cathedral: the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”, Euthymius the Great, Anthony the Great, Saint Savva the Sanctified, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. It was possible to preserve the remains of holy books, of which the most surviving are six books: Princess Irina, Prince Vladimir, Princes Mstislav and Fyodor, Archbishops Nikita and John.

The cross of the central dome is decorated with a figure in the form of a dove, which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Hagia Sophia in Kyiv

The history of this cathedral begins in 1037, when it was founded prince of Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise. Sophia of Kiev has been very well preserved to this day; even picturesque decorations, such as frescoes and mosaics, have survived. These are two types of painting, combined not only in the Hagia Sophia, but also in almost all architectural monuments of Ancient Rus'. There are currently 260 in the church square meters mosaics and almost three thousand square meters of frescoes.

The temple contains a huge number of mosaics with images of the main saints. Such works are made on a golden background, which helps to highlight the richness of these masterpieces. Mosaics include more than 177 shades. But the names of the creative masters who created such beauty remain unknown to this day.

The main cathedral mosaics: Our Lady of the “Unbreakable Wall”, Annunciation, John Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great.
In addition, fresco and mosaic paintings have been preserved large number graphic images (graffiti). There are more than seven thousand graffiti on the walls of the cathedral.

Five princes are buried in the St. Sophia Church: Yaroslav the Wise, Vsevolod, Rostislav Vsevolodovich, Vladimir Monomakh, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich.

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

One of the outstanding architectural monuments of Ancient Rus'. The church is entirely made of stone and is considered the pinnacle of white stone architecture. It was built in 1165, by order of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, in honor of his deceased son, who was killed by the Bulgars. The temple was erected in the Vladimir region, on the interfluve of the Nerl and Klyazma rivers.

This is the first monument in the history of architecture of Ancient Rus', which is dedicated to the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The design of the church is quite simple. It consists of four pillars, a cruciform dome and three apses. This is a one-domed church with exquisite proportions, due to which from a distance it seems as if the temple is floating in the air.
The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir

The date of foundation of the cathedral is considered to be 1197. This temple is famous among other architectural monuments of Ancient Rus' for its execution technique - white stone carving.

The temple was built personally for Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest and his family. Later, the church was consecrated in honor of the heavenly patron - Dmitry of Thessalonica.

The composition is based on the typical designs of Byzantine churches (four pillars and three apses). The dome of the church is gilded and topped with a neat cross, the weather vane of which is depicted in the form of a dove. The construction of the temple was carried out exclusively by Russian architects, but the decoration was carried out by Greek craftsmen, which is why in the cathedral you can find features characteristic of Western basilicas. Elements of Romanesque architecture are clearly expressed in the masonry technique and decoration.

The walls of the cathedral are decorated with various mythical images, horsemen, psalms and saints. The temple houses a sculpture of David the musician. His miniature symbolizes the idea of ​​a god of a protected state. Also in the church there is an image of Vsevolod the Big Nest and his sons.

Although Demetrievsky Cathedral does not have external beauty, its interior is quite rich inside. Unfortunately, of the frescoes, only “The Last Judgment” has survived to this day.

Golden Gate of the city of Vladimir

The composition was erected in Vladimir, the basis for the construction of which was the order of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1164. A total of 5 gates were built, of which only the Golden ones have survived to this day. They served as the entrance to the princely part of the city, which was considered the richest. The construction of the gate was carried out by Vladimir craftsmen.

There are rumors that at the end of the construction work, they fell on twelve people involved in construction. The townspeople thought that the masters had died, and then Bogolyubsky decided to turn to the icon with prayers Mother of God. When the collapse was cleared, the people littered with the remains of the gate were pulled out safe and alive. After this incident, a white stone chapel was built above the gate.

The height of the triumphal arch of the Golden Gate reaches fourteen meters. The main purpose of the structure was to protect the city of Vladimir from raids. The design was based on a combat platform from which enemies were fired upon. The remains of the site are still in the gate. It was possible to enter and exit the site using a stone staircase adjacent to it.

The Golden Gate is symbolic image princely power and greatness.

During the Mongol-Tatar invasion, many monuments from the Golden Gate were hidden by the townspeople. Most of them are included in the UNESCO list and are recognized as destroyed monuments. In 1970, a group of Japanese archaeologists came to the Soviet Union with the goal of clearing the bottom of the Klyazma River. At the end of the expedition, many objects that archaeologists considered lost were found. Among them were precious doors taken from the Golden Gate of Vladimir. Although this version is still more perceived as a legend. Because historical facts they say that the residents of Vladimir did not have enough time to hide the relics, much less take them out of the city. If the doors were found, the location of the gold plates is unknown to this day.

Tithe Church

This is the first Russian church that was built of stone; it was consecrated in 996. The church is illuminated with the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Its name is due to the fact that Grand Duke Vladimir allocated a tithe of the state budget, that is, a tenth, for the construction of the church.

The history of the church is directly related to the baptism of Rus'. The fact is that it was erected on the site where a clash between pagans and Christians took place. The building itself is a symbol of religious strife.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Another unique architectural monument of Ancient Rus' is the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. This monastery is included in the list of the first ancient Russian monasteries. Its construction was carried out in 1051, during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Its founder is considered to be the monk Anthony, whose roots came from Lyubech.

The location of the monastery is the city of Kyiv (Ukraine). Located on the coast of the Dnieper, on two hills. At first, on the site of the monastery there was an ordinary cave, into which the clergyman Hilarion came, but when he was appointed Metropolitan of Kyiv, the cave was abandoned. Around the same time, monk Anthony arrived in Kyiv, he found Hilarion’s cave and stayed in it. A little later, a church was erected over the cave, and already in 1073 it was lined with stone. In 1089 it was consecrated.

The frescoes and mosaics decorating the church were made by Byzantine masters.

Kirillovskaya Church

It is considered the oldest monument in the history of architecture of Ancient Rus'. The date of its foundation is considered to be 1139. The name of the church is associated with the names of Saints Athanasius and Cyril. The church is one of the main components of the composition of the Kirillov Monastery, which is located near Chernigov, in the village of Dorogozhychi. The Kirillovskaya Church was built under Prince Vsevolod Olgovich and subsequently became the tomb of the Olgovich family. Vsevolod’s wife, Maria, who was the daughter of Mstislav the Great, was buried there. Prince Svyatoslav was also buried in this church in 1194.

In 1786, the lands of the church were confiscated in favor of the state, and this was the end of the history of the Kirillov Monastery. The church was converted into a hospital church.

Church of the Savior on the Nereditsa River

The cathedral was built in the city of Novgorod and the date of its construction is 1198. The style of construction stands out for its unusually simple design and strict motifs; it is worth noting that all Novgorod buildings are made in this style. The church is in perfect harmony with the landscape due to the simplicity of the composition. The Cathedral of the Savior on the Nereditsa River, like most buildings of that time, is white stone. The interior of the church fully matches the external style.

The execution of paintings is of a strictly strict nature, with a predominance of clear forms. In the images of the saints, open views can be traced; one gets the impression that the images are not simply depicted on the walls of the temple, but are, as it were, boarded up in them. Overall, the cathedral is a symbol of power and strength.

Novgorod Kremlin

The basis of every ancient Russian city was considered a strong Kremlin, which could protect the townspeople and withstand the defense from enemies. The Novgorod Kremlin is one of the oldest. For the tenth century he has been decorating and protecting his city. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that the Kremlin of the city of Novgorod is an old building, it still retains its original appearance. The Kremlin is made of red brick. On the territory of the Kremlin there is the Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral, which is also included in the list of architectural masterpieces of Ancient Rus'. His appearance and the interior is designed in a sophisticated style. The floor is decorated with mosaics, which were worked on by the best craftsmen of that time.

The Novgorod Kremlin is an ensemble of the best architectural monuments that city residents can be proud of even today.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the Spassky Monastery in Yaroslavl

The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the Spassky Monastery is the oldest of the stone churches in Yaroslavl that have come down to us. Founded in pre-Mongol times, under Prince Konstantin Vsevolodovich, it was rebuilt in 1515-1516. The new cathedral combined traditional forms of ancient Russian architecture with Italian influence, characteristic of Russian architecture of the late 15th - early 16th centuries. History of formation architectural ensemble The cathedral, its icons and frescoes, books and church utensils are full of unique facts and give researchers more and more new discoveries. The names of the holy Metropolitan Macarius, the formidable Tsar Ivan IV, the liberators of Russia Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, the first Tsar of the Romanov dynasty Michael and the disgraced Patriarch Nikon are associated with the history of the cathedral. Finding Famous poetic work Russian literature "Tales of Igor's Campaign" is also associated by many researchers with this cathedral. The cathedral's paintings are one of the few fresco ensembles from the time of Ivan the Terrible that have survived to this day without significant losses.

Tithe Church (Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) in Kyiv - the first stone church of the Old Russian state, erected by Saint Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles, on the site of the death of the Russian first martyrs Theodore and his son John. The Tale of Bygone Years dates the beginning of construction of the Tithe Church to 989. Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich allocated a tenth of his income for the maintenance of the church and metropolis - tithe, which is where its name came from. At the time of its construction, it was the largest Kyiv temple. In 1240, the hordes of Batu Khan, having taken Kyiv, destroyed the Tithe Church - the last stronghold of the people of Kiev. According to legend, the Church of the Tithes collapsed under the weight of the people who climbed onto the vaults, trying to escape from the Mongols.

St. Sophia Cathedral
in Kyiv, built in the first half of the 11th century by Prince Yaroslav the Wise on the site of the victory in 1037 over the Pechenegs. At the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, it was externally rebuilt in the Ukrainian Baroque style. Inside the cathedral, the world's most complete ensemble of original mosaics (260 sq. m.) and frescoes (3000 sq. m.) from the first half of the 11th century has been preserved. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 1240, the St. Sophia Cathedral was plundered by Batu's soldiers. After this it remained a metropolitan residence until the end of the 13th century.

St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod- main Orthodox church Veliky Novgorod, created in 1045-1050 by Yaroslav the Wise. It is a cross-domed church. Remained a spiritual center for centuries Novgorod Republic. On the cross of the central dome there is a lead figure of a dove - a symbol of the Holy Spirit. According to legend, when Ivan the Terrible brutally dealt with the residents of Novgorod in 1570, a dove sat down to rest on the cross of Sophia. Seeing the terrible carnage from there, the dove was petrified with horror. During the occupation of Novgorod Nazi troops The temple was damaged and looted, after the war it was completely restored and became a department of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve.

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl- a white stone temple, an outstanding monument of architecture of the Vladimir-Suzdal school. It was built in 1165 by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in memory of his deceased son Izyaslav. The church was consecrated in honor of the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, established in Rus' in mid-XII century on the initiative of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Unique feature - built on a man-made hill. The usual foundation was continued by the base of the walls, which were covered with clay soil of a mound lined with white stone. This technology made it possible to resist rising water during river floods. The walls of the church are strictly vertical, but thanks to the exceptionally well-found proportions, they look inclined inward, which achieves the illusion of a greater height of the structure. The walls of the church are decorated with carved reliefs. The church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Arkhangelsk Cathedral- an Orthodox church located on Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin, was built in 1505-1508. under the leadership of the Italian architect Aleviz Novy. Built of brick, decorated with white stone. Architectural motifs are widely used in the treatment of walls. Italian Renaissance. It is the tomb of rulers from the Rurik and Romanov dynasties: he was the first to be buried here Grand Duke Ivan Kalita, the last - Emperor Peter II. Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.

Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir- the white stone cathedral was built under Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1158-1160. Before the rise of Moscow, it was the main temple of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus', where the Vladimir and Moscow princes were married for their great reign. A unique monument of Russian architecture of the 12th century. One of the few churches in which unique frescoes by Andrei Rublev have been preserved. Included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Golden Gate in Vladimir - built in 1164 under the Vladimir prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. In addition to defensive functions, they served as the main entrance to the city and served a direct religious purpose - they housed the active Church of the Deposition of the Robe. After the capture of Vladimir by the Tatar-Mongols, in 1238, the oak gates covered with gilded copper were removed from their hinges, loaded onto a cart, and an attempt was made to take them out of the city to the Horde. However, the ice on the Klyazma River collapsed under the cart, and the gate sank. UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Golden Gate in Kyiv- a monument to the defensive architecture of the Old Russian state during the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise. They got their name from the Golden Gate of Constantinople, which performed similar functions. This was probably a kind of rivalry with the great Byzantine Empire. The Golden Gate is a fortress tower with a wide passage. The height of the surviving walls reaches 9.5 meters. In 1240, the gate was badly damaged during the siege and capture of the city by Batu's hordes. Completely renovated in beginning of XXI V.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir - the court cathedral, erected by Vsevolod the Big Nest at the end of the 12th century. It is a white-stone cross-domed temple of the Vladimir-Suzdal architectural school. Famous for its white stone carvings. Included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin- an Orthodox church located on Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin. Built in 1475-1479 under the leadership of the Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti. Main temple Russian state. The famous icon painter Dionysius took part in the painting of the cathedral. In 1547, the crowning of Ivan IV took place here for the first time. The Zemsky Council of 1613 was held in the building of the cathedral, at which Mikhail Fedorovich was elected tsar. During the St. Petersburg period, it continued to be the place of coronation of all Russian emperors, starting with Peter II. In 1812, the cathedral was desecrated and looted by the Napoleonic army, although the most valuable shrines were evacuated to Vologda.

Annunciation Cathedral- the temple on Cathedral Square was built in 1489 by Pskov craftsmen. The cathedral was very badly damaged in the fire of 1547 and restored in 1564. In 1572, a porch was added to the cathedral, which later received the name Grozny. The original iconostasis of the cathedral contained icons painted in 1405 by Andrei Rublev and Theophanes the Greek. After the fire of 1547, two ancient rows were selected for the iconostasis - Deesis and Festive, from the era of Theophanes the Greek and Andrei Rublev. The floor of the cathedral is unique: it is made of soft honey-colored jasper. Until the 18th century it was the home church of the Moscow sovereigns. Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.

Chamber of Facets- the main ceremonial reception hall of the Grand Duke's palace. It hosted meetings of the Boyar Duma, sessions of Zemsky Sobors, festivities in honor of the conquest of Kazan (1552), victory at Poltava (1709), conclusions Peace of Nystadt with Sweden (1721). Here, at the Zemsky Sobor in 1653, a decision was made to reunite Ukraine with Russia. Built in 1487-1491 by order of Ivan III by architects Marco Ruffo and Pietro Antonio Solari. It got its name from the eastern facade, decorated with faceted “diamond” rustication. On the south side of the facade there is a staircase, which is now called the “Red Porch”. Russian tsars and emperors passed along it for their coronation in the Assumption Cathedral. In the 21st century, the Chamber of Facets is one of the representative halls at the residence of the President of the Russian Federation. Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra- the largest Orthodox monastery in Russia, founded by Sergius of Radonezh in the 13th century. It was the spiritual center of the Moscow lands and supported the Moscow princes. Here in 1380, Sergius blessed the army of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, who was going to battle with Mamai. On September 8, 1380, during the Battle of Kulikovo, the monks and heroes of the Trinity Monastery - Peresvet and Oslyabya - entered the battlefield. The monastery has been a cultural and religious center for several centuries Russian state. In the monastery, chronicles were compiled, manuscripts were copied, and icons were painted.

Outstanding icon painters Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny participated in the painting of the Trinity Cathedral of the monastery; the famous “Trinity” was painted for the iconostasis of the cathedral. During the Time of Troubles, the Trinity Monastery withstood a 16-month siege by Polish-Lithuanian invaders.

The architectural ensemble of the Lavra is included in the List of objects world heritage UNESCO.

Andronikov Monastery (Spaso-Andronikov) former monastery within the city of Moscow. The monastery's Spassky Cathedral is the oldest surviving Moscow temple. Founded in the mid-14th century by Metropolitan Alexy. In the interior of the Spassky Cathedral, fragments of frescoes painted by Andrei Rublev have survived. In the XIV-XVII centuries, the Andronikov Monastery was one of the centers for the correspondence of books. In 1812, the monastery was destroyed by the French. In 1985 the monastery became the Central Museum ancient Russian culture and art named after Andrei Rublev (CMiAR). Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.

The first detailed historical information about the life of our ancestors, the Eastern Slavs, dates back to the 9th - 10th centuries. There is also more ancient evidence, but it is so vague that scientists are still arguing whether it is talking about the Slavs or some other peoples. Of course, this does not mean that in the 9th century. our ancestors did not have their own history. It’s just that the natural and social conditions in which they lived were not conducive to the preservation of information. The Slavic lands are mostly fertile and humid, forested plains. There is not much stone here, but there is a lot of wood. So, for centuries the main building material served as a tree. Stone buildings appeared in Rus' only with the adoption of Christianity, at the end of the 10th century. It is from this moment that the story about East Slavic architecture should begin. Of course, there is every reason to believe that even before baptism, Slavic builders erected magnificent structures, but wood is a very fragile material, and we have almost no information about the architecture of pre-Christian Rus'.

Reconstruction of St. Sophia of Kyiv

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Chernigov

Tithe Church in Kyiv. 989-996 Attempt at reconstruction by Yu. S. Aseev

The first stone building known to us in Rus' was the so-called Tithe Church, erected in 989 - 996 by order of Prince Vladimir the Saint in Kyiv. Unfortunately, it has not been preserved, and now we can only see the lines of its foundation and reconstructions made by scientists. The church was created by Byzantine builders and almost completely repeated the classical Byzantine cross-domed design.

The oldest Russian Christian temple that has survived to this day is the famous Sophia of Kiev, erected in 1037 - 1054 by order of Yaroslav the Wise. Byzantine churches also served as a model for it, but here peculiar features are already evident. national traits, the surrounding landscape is taken into account. Over the centuries since the reign of Yaroslav, Sofia was rebuilt several times, and its original appearance was changed. We will talk about it in more detail in an article specifically dedicated to the architectural monuments of Ukraine. One of oldest monuments The architecture of Kievan Rus is also the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov, built by Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich.

Spaso-Reobrazhensky Cathedral in Chernigov

The next stage in the development of Russian architecture is no longer associated with Kiev, but with Novgorod, a large trading city on the northwestern border of the Slavic lands. Here in 1045-1055 its own Sophia was built. The basics of its design are similar to Byzantine prototypes, but the appearance and general impression that the temple produces are far from these prototypes. The main volume of the building is close to a cube in shape, but each of the five naves has its own rounded ceiling. The church is crowned with six domes; at first they were helmet-shaped, and then were replaced with a bow-shaped one. The helmet-shaped dome is the oldest in ancient Russian architecture. Later, hipped and onion-shaped domes appeared. The massive walls of Sofia Novgorod are devoid of any decoration and only in a few places are cut through by narrow windows. The temple is the embodiment of strict and courageous beauty and is in amazing harmony with the northern landscape.

Apse of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Chernigov

Church of St. Nicholas on July near Novgorod. 1292 rub.

In the 12th century A republican form of government was established in Novgorod. This political event was reflected in the development architectural style. Instead of large monumental cathedrals, relatively small churches are beginning to be built. At this time, a type of one-domed church emerged, which later became classical.

A typical example of such an architectural structure is the Church of the Savior - Nereditsa, built near Novgorod at the end of the 12th century. It is a simple cubic volume topped by a single dome on an octagonal drum. Such churches were built in Novgorod in the 14th century. The architecture of the neighboring Pskov Principality is very similar to that of Novgorod, although its monuments are more massive.

Sofia Novgorodskaya

Novgorod. St. George's Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery

Pskov. Cathedral of the Ivanovo Monastery. First half of the 12th century.

All this time in Rus' they continue to build not only from stone, but also from wood. This is indicated by the fact that in the development of stone architecture styles, a noticeable influence of wooden architecture is obvious. However, most of the wooden monuments that have survived to this day were built later, and will be discussed separately.

After the fall of Kyiv in the 12th century. stone construction also actively developed in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. During the reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who made the city of Vladimir his capital, many wonderful monuments were erected there. Vladimir cathedrals served as models for Italian masters when in the 15th century. built the cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin.

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. Vladimir - Suzdal Principality

Church of Fyodor Stratilates on the stream in Novgorod (1360-61)

The architecture of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality was not as severe as northern Russian architecture. The facade here could be decorated with thin semi-columns connected by small arches and complex ornaments. The most ornate temple of the style is considered to be the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir. Among his decorations we see stylized leaves, and even fantastic animals, griffins.

Moscow Kremlin and its famous cathedrals

Vladimir. Golden Gate

In the 15th century The East Slavic lands are gradually gathering under the rule of the princes of Moscow. From a provincial fortress, Moscow turns into the capital of a huge state, and the prince begins to be called a tsar. In this regard, extensive construction is taking place here. It was at this time that the Kremlin was erected, the walls and towers of which are familiar to us all from childhood from numerous drawings and photographs. The famous Kremlin cathedrals were also built at the same time. As already mentioned, they used the churches of Vladimir and Suzdal as models. However, Moscow architecture of this period is not just similar to its predecessors. New motives were also introduced. Yes, it was during this period that bell towers began to be built, standing separately from the main church building. In the first half of the 16th century. Stone churches with a tent roof, that is, crowned with a dome that has the shape of an elongated pyramid, have gained popularity. Until now, such covering was typical only for wooden architecture or secular construction. The first stone tent church was the Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow, it was erected by the Tsar Vasily III in honor of the birth of his son, the future Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Now this monument is located within the city.

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir

Moscow. Bell tower Ivan the Great. 1505-1508

Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

1475-1479 RUR. Architect Aristotle Fioravanti

A special place among the architectural monuments of Muscovite Rus' is occupied by the Intercession Cathedral, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral, built in the 16th century, but already during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. It is located on Red Square in Moscow, and everyone has seen at least a picture of it. The cathedral consists of nine pillars that rise from the ground floor, surrounded by a single gallery. Each of them has a coating that is different from the others. Above the central pillar there is a tent covering, the others are topped with onion-shaped domes. Each of the domes has a unique outline and is painted in its own way. The bright temple gives the impression of a painted, patterned toy, but at the same time seems majestic. After all, St. Basil's Cathedral was built in honor of the great military victory The Moscow state - the capture of the capital of the Kazan Khanate.

Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. 1475-79 Plan and analysis of proportions

Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. 1484-1489

Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye

During the 16th century. The Moscow state waged a constant armed struggle with the neighboring Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In addition, the Swedes threatened her from the north, and from the south Crimean Tatars. Therefore, many fortifications were erected during this period. Monasteries located in strategically important areas of the country often took on the role of military fortresses. Such monasteries-fortresses include the Trinity Monastery near Moscow,

St. Basil's Cathedral

Kirillo - Belozersky monastery in the Vologda region, Solovetsky monastery on the White Sea.

Moscow. Trinity Church in Nikitniki (1631-1634) General view and plan

The 17th century was a time of economic and political decline of the Moscow state. It is torn to pieces by internal wars, in which external enemies willingly participate. Therefore, no major construction is currently underway. But small buildings are erected, the modest size of which is compensated by a large number of decorations. To decorate them, special figured bricks are made, from which decorative details are laid out. Small protruding parts are painted in white, and they stand out brightly against the red brick background. The structure is surrounded on all sides by small pediments, piled on top of each other. The decoration covers the walls so thickly that this style is often called "patterned". Such monuments include the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Putinki and the Trinity Church in Ostankino. In the second half of the 17th century. A decree was issued by Moscow Patriarch Nikon on the fight against too worldly decoration of churches. In this decree, by the way, the tent covering of religious buildings was prohibited, as borrowed from secular architecture. According to the patriarch, Orthodox churches should be crowned with traditional onion-shaped domes. After the order, tented churches disappeared in the capital, but they continued to be built in provincial cities and especially in villages. In the second half of the 17th century. there is a partial return from “pattern frequency” to a more strict Old Russian style. An example of such architecture can be the Kremlin ensemble in Rostov the Great.

Yaroslavl. Ensemble in Korovniki

Yaroslavl. Church of St. John Chrysostom in Korovniki. Plan

Tiled panel around the window of the middle altar (late 17th century)

But this time the artificially introduced severity did not last long in the architecture of the Moscow state. A new impetus for the development of an elegant, bright style was the annexation of Ukraine, where Western European baroque was already widespread and a distinctive national version of this style was born. Through Ukraine, Baroque came to the Russians.

Cathedral on the territory of the Rostov Kremlin

Multi-tiered buildings Topped with turrets and towers Presence of extensions Artistic wood carving Cross-dome Based on a square, dissected by four columns Rectangular cells adjacent to the under-dome space form an architectural cross Wooden architecture Pagan Rus' Stone Architecture Christian Rus' CHURCHES ARCHITECTURE OF ANCIENT Rus'

Europeans called Rus' “Gradariki” - a country of cities. Medieval cities were centers of culture. The largest in Europe were Kyiv, Novgorod, and Galich. Behind the fortress walls, crafts developed, numbering about 70. Many goods were for sale. 1. Urban development. Torzhok. Engraving from the 16th century.

Inside the Kremlin there were monasteries, churches, and princely mansions. Often the fortresses were divided by internal walls. 1. Urban development. The townspeople were literate people and had broader horizons than the villagers. They traveled to other countries and received merchants. Plan of Kyiv in mid. 12th century.

Entering the city symbolized its power. As a rule, the Golden Gate was built at the entrance. The education of the townspeople helped them build complex architectural structures. Scientists find many inscriptions on the walls and birch bark. 1. Urban development. Golden Gate in Vladimir. Reconstruction.

In the 11th century, stone mansions of princes appeared in large cities. On the 1st floor there were small rooms, and the second floor was occupied by a spacious hall. The outside of the building was decorated with arches, stone carvings, and colonnades. 2.Architecture.Painting. Princely mansions in Chernigov. Reconstruction.

ADOPTION OF CHRISTIANITY - The pagan period in the history of the ancient Slavs was not an example of a highly developed civilization and did not leave examples of outstanding cultural monuments. - The adoption of Christianity was a necessary step for the Slavs to enter the community of Western European countries, which were at a higher stage of development - Architectural monuments of Ancient Rus' reflect the development of religious ideas, and the main historical stages of the formation of a unified Russian state. Stone cathedrals were built in honor of the most important events in the history of Ancient Rus'. The legend of Vladimir’s choice of the Christian religion is told in The Tale of Bygone Years

In the temple, not only divine services and sacraments were performed (baptism, communion, etc.), but also secular ceremonies, for example, the solemn accession of the prince to the throne. In the temple building there was the residence of the metropolitan (head Orthodox Church). In the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv there was the first library, archive, and school in Rus'. Princes and metropolitans were buried here. Yaroslav the Wise himself was buried in this temple in 1054. This temple in Kyiv has survived to this day. QUESTION: Which building was at the same time an archive, a library, a school, a hall for social ceremonies and a cemetery?

ORTHODOX TEMPLE CONSTRUCTION AND INTERNAL DEVICE Together with Christianity, Rus' adopted the cross-domed design of the temple from Byzantium. This type of church is square in plan. Its internal space is divided by four pillars into three naves (from the Latin ship): central and side. The two vaults intersect at right angles, forming a cross, the most important symbol of Christianity, in the space under the dome. At the intersection of the arches there is a light drum topped with a dome. It rests on pillars connected by arches (they are called girth arches). Upper part The walls of the temple are completed by zakomaras (from ancient Russian komar komar vault). They are semicircular, as they follow the shape of the vaults.

The first domes in Rus' were low and semicircular. They repeated the shape of the domes of Byzantine churches. Then helmet-shaped domes appeared (helmet, an old military metal headdress), and even later bulbous ones. The number of domes had symbolic meaning. Two domes meant the divine and earthly origin of Christ, three domes symbolized the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit), five Christ and four evangelists, thirteen Christ and 12 disciples-apostles. Each dome is completed Orthodox cross, always facing east.

Usually the temple has three entrances: the main (western) and two side (northern and southern). In Ancient Rus', galleries or walkways (from the word “walk”) were built around the church. They were erected on three sides - north, west and south. Some churches had annex chapels, each of which had its own altar and could perform services. The extension on the western side of the temple (where the main entrance was) was called the narthex.

Under the floor of the church there were basements in which noble people and clergy were buried. The eastern part of the temple has apses (from the Greek apse arc) semicircular projections. Depending on the size of the temple there may be one or five apses. Each is covered with a semi-dome. The apses contain an altar (“altar”). Only men can enter the altar.

In the center of the altar there is a throne - a square stone table, a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher. According to the Orthodox faith, during worship the Lord is invisibly on the throne. In the southern part of the altar there is a sacristy (deaconnik), a room where church utensils and vestments (robes) of priests. To the left of the throne, in the northern or northeastern part of the altar, there is a special altar table. During the service, consecrated bread and wine for communion are placed on it. The altar is separated from the rest of the church by an iconostasis (a partition with icons). In front of it there is a raised platform. On the sides of the solea there are choir rooms for singers. The ledge in the center of the solea, opposite the Royal Doors, is called the pulpit (from the Greek “to ascend”). Sermons are preached from the pulpit and the Gospel is read.

Church of the Tithes According to the chronicle, Grand Duke Vladimir the Red Sun “thought to create a church Holy Mother of God and sent the masters from the Greek to bring them." The brick church was founded in Kiev next to the princely court in 989. Prince Vladimir gave it a tithe of his income, so the church was called Tithe. This is the oldest monumental building known to us in Rus'. The multi-domed Tithe Church consisted of three naves, separated by three pairs of pillars; It had three apses. Its dimensions were 27.2 x 18.2 m. It was surrounded on three sides by galleries. Inside the temple there were choir balconies for the prince and his entourage. The church building was built from plinth. Plinfa is a flat brick measuring 30 x 40 x 5 cm. In Kyiv, the plinth was special, thin, only 2.5-3 cm thick. Greek craftsmen brought with them many marble details of interior decoration (Rus did not yet know marble). On the square in front of the temple they placed “four horses of copper”, trophy sculptures from Korsun. The church collapsed during the capture of Kyiv by the Mongols in 1240, when the surviving inhabitants of the city took refuge in it. Only the remains of the foundation have survived.

New Tithe Church (architect Stasov)

During the time of Yaroslav the Wise () Old Russian state with its center in Kyiv reached a special peak. Metropolitan Hilarion wrote: “We see the city shining with majesty, the leader of the church is blooming, the leader of Christianity is growing, the leader of the city is illuminated with icons of the saints... and we announce the praises and divine songs of the saints. And having seen everything, rejoice and be glad, and they called... everyone for this builder.” Architecture of Kievan Rus

Hagia Sophia in Kyiv “He, like a helmet, pulled down the heads.” “He, like a helmet, pulled down the heads And put up the walls like a shield. And he put up the walls like a shield. He is all - tight proportionality, He is all - tight proportionality, The ratio of heights, The ratio of heights, Asymmetry, heaviness, fidelity Asymmetry, heaviness, fidelity And the arches are a slow flight. And the vaults are in slow flight. V. A. Rozhdestvensky (“Novgorod Sofia”) V. A. Rozhdestvensky (“Novgorod Sofia”)

St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv In 1019, Yaroslav, nicknamed the Wise (), became the sole ruler of the Russian land. In 1037, construction began on the grandiose main temple of the capital, St. Sophia Cathedral. Thus, Yaroslav the Wise proclaimed Kyiv equal to Constantinople, where main cathedral was also dedicated to St. Sofia.

The central dome (symbol of Jesus Christ) is surrounded by four smaller domes (symbols of the four evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), and the remaining eight domes adjoin them. There are 13 of them in total, according to the number of students and their teacher. Four chapters around the main dome.

The cathedral was built by Russian craftsmen under the guidance of architects from Byzantium. The material for construction was pink plinth. The columns were made of brick. The cornices, fences, and floors were made from local slate, the so-called red slate, which has a beautiful crimson purple. The floors were covered with mosaics. The outside of the cathedral was decorated with niches and windows, crosses and meanders made of plinth - geometric patterns, masonry with a hidden row and stripes of rough, untreated stone. In the XVIII-XVIII centuries. The cathedral underwent alterations. Nowadays, ancient masonry is visible only in areas where the plaster has been specially removed.

The bright, wide choirs of the cathedral chambers open into a central, cruciform space with the help of a series of arches. These arches are located in two tiers in the form of arcades and rest on pillars. The area of ​​the choirs is 260 m. The premises under them in the first tier are covered with domed vaults. The same domed vaults cover twelve square rooms in the ground plan and the same number on the second floor of internal galleries.

The magnificent interior of the St. Sophia Cathedral has largely been preserved. These are mosaics and frescoes. The pieces of smalt (colored opaque glass) from which the mosaics are made have different inclinations and therefore sparkle in the light, creating the impression of a “shimmering painting.”

The main dome depicts Christ Pantocrator with the Gospel in his left hand, framed in a round medallion. He is surrounded by archangels (a mosaic image of one of them has been preserved, the rest are painted in oil). In the drum of the central dome in the walls between the windows there are figures apostles-disciples Christ, as if floating in the air. On the pillars supporting the dome are images of the four evangelists.

Christ, archangels, apostles symbolize the heavenly Church. The image of the Mother of God the Intercessor is a symbol of the earthly Church. The figure of the Mother of God is placed in the central apse on a golden background. Its height reaches five meters. She is depicted with her hands raised in prayer to the Savior. This image of the Mother of God is called Oranta (from Lat. praying). Huge; The internal strength of the image of the intercessor led to the fact that during the years of trials, people began to call her the Unbreakable Wall.

The cross-domed church is a type of Christian church that originated in Byzantium and was used in the temple construction of Kievan Rus. Four, six or more pillars in the plan formed a cross, above which a dome rose. The eastern part had projections - apses, making up the altar of the temple; in the western part there was a balcony - the choir, where the prince and his family were located during the service. The altar is separated from the hall by a partition with icons (iconostasis).

Architectural schools of Rus' XII-XIII centuries Southern (Kiev, Chernigov) Novgorod Vladimir-Suzdal Ordinal brickwork, plinth Multi-tiered, abundance of elongated arched windows Traditions of Byzantine architects Gray flagstone masonry Simplicity and geometric shapes, temples-fortresses An original version of Orthodox architecture Masonry from slabs white limestone Arcature belts made of half-columns, stone carving The art of fitting buildings into the landscape

Sophia of Novgorod The oldest monument of stone architecture in the north of Rus', Sophia of Novgorod is only a few years younger than Sophia of Kyiv. Built in the years by Prince Vladimir Yaroslavich, the son of Yaroslav the Wise, the St. Sophia Cathedral already from the 30s of the 12th century became the main temple of the Novgorod Veche Republic: “Where is St. Sophia, there is a city!” 57

Vladimir school Novgorod school The churches of the Novgorod school are more squat, as if rooted into the ground. Vladimir's churches, on the contrary, tend to the sky. Novgorod churches have a dome, a drum and an apse below. The Novgorod churches are not decorated, but the Vladimir ones are decorated with an arcature-columnar belt, they have carved zakomaras and a portal.

The churches of the Novgorod school are more squat, as if rooted into the ground. Vladimir's churches, on the contrary, tend to the sky. Novgorod churches have a dome, a drum and an apse below. The Novgorod churches are not decorated, but the Vladimir ones are decorated with an arcature-columnar belt, they have carved zakomaras and a portal. Vladimir school St. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir Novgorod school Church of the Savior on Nereditsa in Novgorod

St. George's Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery in Novgorod. This temple is characterized by the dismemberment of form and the liberation of internal space.

The new form of the temple is a three-lobed finish. The facades are decorated with many windows with their frames - edges. Lancet windows also create a sense of upward movement. This desire is emphasized by the triangular completion of the three layers of the building’s wall. Novgorod churches of the 14th century Church of the Transfiguration in Novgorod Church of Fyodor Stratilates in Novgorod. 1361

Vladimir school This school developed in the 12th century, when the Vladimir-Suzdal principality became one of the leading ones. Temples are built from white stone. They are characterized by elongated proportions and an upward tendency. Vladimir churches are richly decorated. Five-domed Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir Golden Gate in Vladimir