Charter of the Regional Public Organization “Moscow City Union of Motorists. changes and additions have been approved. Introduction of amendments and additions to the organization’s charter

All-Russian public organization


1.1. All-Russian public organization "", hereinafter referred to as the Organization, is a membership-based public association created on the basis joint activities to protect common interests and achieve the statutory goals of united citizens and legal entities - public associations.

1.2. Full name of the Organization in Russian: All-Russian Public Organization "", abbreviated name in Russian: ROO "", full name in language: "", abbreviated name in language: "".

1.3. The organization operates throughout the territory Russian Federation.

1.4. Location of the Organization: .

1.5. An organization is considered created as a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in the manner prescribed by federal laws.

1.6. An organization is created without a time limit.

1.7. The Organization can be a plaintiff and defendant in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, on its own behalf acquire and exercise property and non-property rights in accordance with the goals of the Organization’s activities, provided for by the Charter of the Organization, and bears the responsibilities associated with these activities.

1.8. The Organization has a round seal with the full name of the Organization in Russian, stamps and forms with its name.

1.9. An organization may have flags, emblems, pennants and other symbols. The symbols of the Organization should not coincide with the state symbols of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as with the symbols of foreign states. The symbols of the Organization should not violate the rights of citizens to intellectual property or offend their national and religious feelings. The symbols of the Organization are subject to state registration and accounting in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.10. The organization has the right to in the prescribed manner open settlement, currency and other bank accounts on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

1.11. The requirements of the Charter of the Organization are mandatory for fulfillment by all bodies of the Organization and its members.

1.12. The organization is not responsible for the obligations of its members. Members of the Organization are not responsible for the obligations of the Organization. The Organization is not liable for the obligations of the state and its bodies, and the state and its bodies are not liable for the obligations of the Organization.

1.13. The organization is liable for its obligations with its property, which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be foreclosed on.


2.1. The purpose of creating the Organization is to protect the common interests of its members in the field.

2.2. The subject of the Organization's activities is: .

2.3. The organization carries out the following activities (or several types of activities):.

2.4. Certain types of activities can be carried out by the Organization only on the basis of special permits (licenses). The list of these types of activities is determined by law.

2.5. The organization has the right to carry out entrepreneurial activity only insofar as it serves the achievement of the statutory purposes for which it was created, and in accordance with these purposes. Entrepreneurial activities are carried out by the Organization in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

2.6. An organization has the right to create business partnerships, societies and other business organizations, as well as acquire property intended for conducting business activities.

2.7. In the interests of achieving its goal, the Organization may create other non-profit organizations and join other public associations and non-profit organizations.

2.8. Interference in the economic and other activities of the Organization by government and other organizations is not permitted unless it is conditioned by their right to exercise control over the activities of the Organization.

2.9. The organization carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, the Federal Law “On Public Associations” and other legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.10. An organization, in accordance with current legislation, can join international public associations, acquire rights and bear responsibilities corresponding to the status of these international public associations, maintain direct international contacts and connections, and enter into agreements with foreign non-profit non-governmental organizations.

2.11. The organization takes part in elections and referendums in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


3.1. Members of the Organization may be citizens over 18 years of age and legal entities - public associations: .

3.2. The condition of membership in the Organization is: .

3.3. Admission of new members to the Organization is carried out on the basis of: .

3.4. A new member is admitted to the Organization upon submission of the necessary documents specified in clause 3.3 and fulfillment of the conditions specified in clause 3.2 of the charter, by decision of the general meeting of members of the Organization.

3.5. Grounds for leaving the Organization or loss of membership (exclusion from membership) of the Organization:

3.6. Registration of withdrawal from members of the Organization is carried out within days from the moment of submission of the necessary documents and fulfillment of the requirements specified in clause 3.5.1 of the charter, by decision of the general meeting of members of the Organization.

3.7. Registration of exclusion from the Organization or loss of membership is carried out within days from the moment of submission of the necessary documents or other circumstances specified in clause 3.5.2 of the charter, by decision of the general meeting of members of the Organization.


4.1. Members of the Organization have the right:

  • participate in the management of the affairs of the Organization in the manner established by the charter and other regulations of the Organization;
  • elect and be elected to the governing and control and audit bodies of the Organization;
  • in the prescribed manner, receive information about the activities of the Organization;
  • transfer property or rights to use property, intangible rights to the Organization.

4.2. A member of the Organization has the right to leave the Organization at his own discretion. Upon leaving, a member of the Organization (does not) have the right to demand the return of the property contributed by him, the termination of the rights to use property and (or) intangible rights granted to him, as well as the transfer of part of the organization’s property to him in the following order: . An expelled member or a member who has lost membership of the Organization shall be subject to the same rules applicable to members who withdraw from the Organization at their own discretion.

4.3. The entry into the Organization of a new member cannot be conditioned by his responsibility for the obligations of the Organization that arose before his entry.

4.4. Members of the Organization are obliged to:

  • comply with the provisions of the Charter of the Organization, other regulatory acts of the Organization, comply with the decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization;
  • take part in the activities of the Organization;
  • fulfill the obligations undertaken towards the Organization in a timely manner and in full;
  • provide information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the Organization;
  • provide assistance to the Organization in its activities.

4.5. Members of the Organization may also have other rights and bear other obligations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulatory documents Organization, as well as agreements concluded with the Organization.


5.1. The highest governing body of the Organization is the general meeting (Conference, Congress) of members of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the general meeting). The permanent governing collegial governing body of the Organization is the board, elected by the general meeting and accountable to it.

5.2. The main function of the general meeting is to ensure that the Organization adheres to the purposes for which it was created.

5.3. The exclusive competence of the general meeting includes resolving the following issues:

  1. changing the charter of the Organization;
  2. definition priority areas activities of the Organization, principles of formation and use of its property;
  3. formation of the Organization's board and early termination of its powers;
  4. approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet;
  5. approval of the Organization’s financial plan and amendments to it;
  6. creation of branches and opening representative offices of the Organization;
  7. participation in other organizations;
  8. reorganization and liquidation of the Organization;

5.4. The general meeting meets as needed, but at least once a year.

5.5. Each member of the Organization is obliged to attend the general meeting and take part in its work.

5.7. The general meeting of members of the Organization is valid if more than half of its members are present (represented) at the said meeting.

5.8. The decision of the general meeting is made by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

5.9. The decision of the general meeting on issues of the exclusive competence of the general meeting is adopted unanimously.

5.10. Minutes are kept at general meetings.

5.11. For the practical ongoing management of the activities of the Organization in the period between convenings of general meetings, the Board of the Organization is elected - the permanent governing body of the Organization.

5.12. The Board of the Organization is elected by the general meeting for a period of ___ years (years) from among the members of the Organization in the number established by the general meeting.

5.13. The Board of the Organization may be re-elected upon expiration of the term of office for new term. The issue of early termination of his powers may be raised at the general meeting at the request of at least 1/3 of its members.

5.14. The competence of the board includes resolving all issues that do not constitute the exclusive competence of other management bodies of the Organization. The Board regularly informs members of the Organization about the activities of the Organization.

5.15. The work of the board is organized by the chairman of the board elected at the board meeting. Minutes are kept at board meetings held at least in .

5.16. The Chairman of the Board acts on behalf of the Organization without a power of attorney.

5.17. The Board is located at the location of the Organization.


6.1. The organization maintains accounting records and statistical reporting in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The Organization provides information about its activities to state statistics bodies and tax authorities, members of the Organization and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3. Responsibility for the organization, condition and reliability of accounting in the Organization, timely submission of the annual report and other financial statements to the relevant authorities, as well as information on the activities of the Organization presented to members of the Organization, creditors and funds mass media, bears the board.

6.4. The organization stores the following documents:

  • charter of the Organization, changes and additions made to the charter of the Organization, registered in the prescribed manner, decision to create the Organization, document on state registration of the Organization;
  • documents confirming the Organization’s rights to property on its balance sheet;
  • internal documents of the Organization;
  • regulations on the branch or representative office of the Organization;
  • annual reports;
  • accounting documents;
  • accounting documents;
  • minutes of general meetings, meetings of the board, audit commission (auditor) of the Organization;
  • conclusions of the audit commission (auditor) of the Organization, the auditor of the Organization, state and municipal financial control bodies;
  • other documents provided for by federal legislation;
  • other documents provided for by the internal documents of the Organization, decisions of the general meeting, the board of the Organization, as well as documents provided for by legal acts of the Russian Federation.
The Organization is obliged to provide members of the Organization with access to the above documents.

6.5. To exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the Organization, the general meeting elects an audit commission consisting of ___ members from among the members of the Organization for a period of one year. The retirement of individual members of the audit commission, as well as the election of its new members, is not a basis for reducing or extending the term of activity of the entire audit commission. To organize the work of the audit commission, its chairman is elected.

6.6. The competence of the audit commission (auditor) of the Organization includes the following powers:

  • check (audit) financial economic activity Organization based on the results of activities for the year, as well as at any time on the initiative of the audit commission (auditor), by decision of the general meeting or at the request of a member of the Organization;
  • requesting from the management bodies of the Organization documents on financial and economic activities;
  • convening a general meeting;
  • drawing up a conclusion based on the results of the audit of financial and economic activities, which should contain:
    • confirmation of the reliability of the data contained in the reports and other financial documents of the Organization;
    • information about facts of violation of the procedure for maintaining accounting records and submitting financial statements established by legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as legal acts of the Russian Federation when carrying out financial and economic activities;

6.7. The procedure for the activities of the audit commission (or auditor) of the Organization is determined by the internal document of the Organization - regulations (regulations, etc.) approved by the general meeting.

6.8. By decision of the general meeting, members of the audit commission (auditor) of the Organization, during the period of performance of their duties, are (not) paid remuneration and (or) compensated for expenses associated with the performance of their duties by them. The amounts of such remuneration and compensation are established by a decision of the general meeting.

6.9. To audit the financial and economic activities of the Organization, the general meeting appoints and approves the auditor of the Organization.

6.10. The auditor carries out an audit of the financial and economic activities of the Organization in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Organization and the auditor. The amount of payment for the auditor's services is determined by the general meeting.

6.11. State bodies control the activities of the Organization in accordance with Article 38 of the Federal Law “On Public Associations”.


7.1. An organization may own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and recreational purposes, cash, shares, other securities and other property necessary to materially support its activities specified in the charter. The Organization may also own institutions, publishing houses, and mass media created and acquired at the expense of the Organization in accordance with its statutory goals.

7.2. The property of the Organization is formed on the basis of entrance and membership fees. Other sources of formation of the Organization’s property in monetary and other forms are:

  • voluntary contributions and donations;
  • proceeds from lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, sports and other events held by the Organization;
  • income from business activities;
  • income from civil transactions;
  • income from foreign economic activity Organizations;
  • long-term and short-term credits, loans;
  • dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;
  • income received from the Organization's property;
  • other income and receipts not prohibited by law.

7.3. The procedure for regular and one-time receipts from members of the Organization is established by the general meeting of the Organization

7.4. Income from the business activities of the Organization cannot be redistributed among the members of the Organization and must be used only to achieve the statutory goals.

7.5. The organization accepts donations in the form of cash and other property for activities related to the preparation and conduct of elections only in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law “On Political Parties” and the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections.

7.6. The organization does not have the right to pay remuneration to members for participation in the general meeting, with the exception of compensation for expenses directly related to participation in the general meeting.

7.7. Using targeted contributions from members and profits received, the Organization creates the following funds:

  • capital investments;
  • wages;
  • representative, reserve and others - by decision of the general meeting of members of the Organization.

7.8. The composition, purpose, size and procedure for the formation and direction of spending of the relevant funds are determined by the decision of the general meeting of members of the Organization.

7.9. The amount and procedure for payment of targeted contributions by members are established by the general meeting of the Organization.

7.10. The property of the Organization is protected by law.

7.11. The Organization may use its funds for charitable purposes.


8.1. The activities of the Organization may be suspended in accordance with Article 42 of the Federal Law “On Public Associations”.

8.2. The organization may be reorganized in accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law “On Public Associations”.

8.3. An organization may be liquidated voluntarily in the manner established by Articles 61–64 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the requirements of Articles 18–21 of the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”.

8.4. An organization can be forcibly liquidated in accordance with Article 26 or Article 44 of the Federal Law “On Public Associations”.

8.5. From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the Organization are transferred to it. The Board of Directors ceases its activities.

8.6. In the absence of a legal successor, documents of permanent storage that have scientific and historical significance are transferred for state storage to the archives of the association “”; documents on personnel (orders, personal files, personal accounts, etc.) are transferred for storage to the archive on the territory of which the Organization is located. The transfer and organization of documents is carried out by and at the expense of the Organization in accordance with the requirements of archival authorities.

8.7. Upon liquidation of the Organization, the property remaining after satisfying the claims of creditors, unless otherwise established by the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” and other federal laws, is directed to the purposes for which it was created and (or) to charitable purposes in the manner determined by the general meeting Organizations (this procedure may be established in the charter).

8.8. If the use of the property of the liquidated Organization in accordance with its constituent documents is not possible, it turns into state income.


9.1. The issue of introducing amendments and additions to the charter of the Organization is submitted to the general meeting for consideration on the initiative of the board or on the initiative of at least one third of the members of the Organization.

9.2. Changes and additions to the charter approved by the general meeting are subject to state registration.

9.3. State registration of changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization is carried out in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.4. Changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization come into force from the moment of their state registration.

regional (local) public organization of hunters


1.1. The regional (local) public organization of hunters “,” hereinafter referred to as the “Organization,” is a membership-based voluntary association of citizens united on the basis of common interests in hunting.

1.2. The organization carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Public Associations”, the Federal Law “On Wildlife”, other legal acts of the Russian Federation, and this charter.

1.3. The activities of the Organization are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government and legality.

1.4. An organization may join unions (associations) of public associations.

1.5. The organization is a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.6. The Organization may, on its own behalf, acquire property and personal non-property rights, perform duties, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, including arbitration and arbitration courts, in the interests of achieving the statutory goals, make transactions that comply with the statutory goals of the Organization and the legislation of the Russian Federation, as in the territory of the Russian Federation , and abroad. The organization has separate property and an independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in banking institutions, as well as a round seal, stamps, emblems, forms with its name and other symbols registered in established by law ok.

1.7. The activities of the Organization are public, and information about its constituent and program documents is publicly available.

1.8. The region of activity of the Organization is .

1.9. The location of the permanent governing body of the Organization (Board) is.


2.1. The objectives of the Organization are:

  • an association of hunters to actively promote the development of hunting, shooting and hunting sports and wildlife conservation;
  • educating members of the Organization in the spirit of hunting ethics, caring attitude towards nature and its resources, strict adherence to legislation on environmental protection;
  • carrying out measures to preserve, increase and enrich fauna;
  • rational exploitation of game animal reserves in the areas assigned to the Organization in accordance with a long-term license, management of hunting on a scientific basis;
  • active participation in measures to protect and rational use hunting and forest resources, reproduction of wild animals, and the fight against poaching.

2.2. To achieve its statutory goals, the Organization, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, performs the following tasks:

  • carries out work among members of the Organization and the local population to explain the goals of the Organization and respect for nature and its resources. Publishes magazines, books and other printed materials;
  • carries out business activities. Acquires, sells, rents, leases out necessary property, vehicles, equipment;
  • organizes hunting, industrial, trade and other enterprises for the manufacture, sale and repair of hunting equipment, as well as the production, processing and sale of hunting products, creates, in accordance with the procedure established by law, hunting farms (sites), shooting ranges and other sports complexes, shooting ranges, stations testing and kennels of hunting dogs;
  • carries out activities for the protection and reproduction of fauna in close cooperation with other public and government organizations, carries out work on growing and preparing feed for feeding wild animals;
  • organizes and conducts competitions in hunting sports, clay pigeon shooting;
  • conducts instructional and demonstration and collective hunts, special hunts for the extermination of harmful predators, exhibitions, broods, field tests and competitions of hunting dogs, exhibitions of hunting trophies;
  • organizes training to improve the qualifications and legal training of members of the Organization, as well as public instructors, public hunting trainers, skeet shooting judges, expert judges on hunting dog breeding and hunting trophies;
  • organizes hunting for members of the Organization and other citizens and conducts hunting and tourist tours for foreign citizens;
  • organizes the issuance of membership hunting tickets to newly joined members of the Organization after they pass tests on hunting rules, safety precautions during hunting, handling hunting weapons and payment of state fees;
  • provides assistance to foreign citizens in obtaining hunting tickets after signing an agreement (contract) for a hunting tour;
  • issues personalized one-time licenses to members of the Organization, citizens, and legal entities for the use of wildlife objects classified as hunting objects, within the established norms, quotas and limits.

2.3. Licensed activities are carried out only after obtaining a long-term license for the use of wildlife objects classified as hunting objects, in the manner prescribed by law. The organization, within its competence, cooperates with all interested enterprises, public and scientific organizations, legislative and executive authorities, foreign and international organizations and other legal entities and individuals.

2.4. An organization has the right to engage in entrepreneurial and foreign economic activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of its statutory goals and is consistent with them.

2.5. The organization has the right to represent and defend its rights, the legitimate interests of its members, as well as other citizens in government bodies, local governments and public associations.

2.6. The organization is obliged:

  • comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the norms provided for by its constituent documents;
  • carry out only the types of wildlife use specified in the license;
  • comply with established rules, norms and terms for the use of wildlife;
  • use methods when using the animal world that do not violate the integrity of natural communities;
  • prevent destruction or deterioration of the habitat of fauna;
  • carry out accounting and assessment of the condition of the objects of the animal world used, as well as assessment of the condition of their habitat;
  • carry out the necessary measures to ensure the reproduction of fauna;
  • provide assistance to government agencies in protecting wildlife;
  • ensure the protection and reproduction of fauna, including rare and endangered species;
  • use humane methods when using wildlife.


3.1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 can be members of the Organization.

3.2. Admission of citizens to the membership of the Organization is carried out on the basis of an application from the incoming citizen. Admission to membership of the Organization is carried out by decision of the Board of the Organization. Members of the Organization have equal rights and perform equal responsibilities.

3.3. Members of the Organization have the right:

  • engage in amateur and sport hunting in the prescribed manner;
  • use, in accordance with the established procedure, hunting grounds, bases and cultural and educational institutions of the Organization;
  • participate in competitions, exhibitions, competitions and other events held by the Organization;
  • purchase hunting weapons in accordance with the established procedure;
  • receive information about the activities of the Organization;
  • submit for consideration to the Board of the Organization and officials of the Organization any proposals to improve its activities;
  • elect and be elected to elected bodies;
  • freely resign from membership of the Organization.

3.4. Members of the Organization are obliged to:

  • comply with the requirements of the charter, decisions of General Meetings, the Board of the Organization;
  • acquire, in accordance with the established procedure, a hunting license and a permit to store and carry hunting weapons;
  • comply with the rules of hunting, fire safety in forests, as well as the rules for the acquisition, storage, use and registration of hunting weapons;
  • combat poaching and other violations of hunting rules;
  • to promote among the population a careful attitude towards nature and its resources; explain the goals and objectives of the Organization;
  • pay membership fees and state fees on time;
  • carry out biotechnical and hunting work in the hunting farms of the Organization according to the standards approved by the Board of the Organization;
  • comply with the charter of the Organization.
Members of the Organization who are actively involved in carrying out activities for the reproduction of game animals, in the fight against poaching and other violations of hunting rules, enjoy the advantage of receiving personalized one-time licenses for the use of wildlife objects classified as hunting objects.

3.5. Members of the Organization terminate their membership in the Organization by submitting an application (decision) to the Board of the Organization.

3.6. A member of the Organization is considered to have left the Organization from the moment the application (decision) is submitted.

3.7. Members of the Organization may be expelled from the Organization for violation of the charter, hunting rules, as well as for actions that discredit the Organization, causing moral or material damage to it.

3.8. The exclusion of members is carried out by decision of the Board of the Organization.


4.1. The highest governing body of the Organization is the General Meeting of Members of the Organization. The General Meeting meets as necessary, but at least once a year. Meeting General meeting valid if more than half of the Organization’s members are present.

4.2. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by decision:

  • Board of the Organization;
  • Audit Commission (Auditor);
  • 1/3 of the Organization's members.

4.3. The General Meeting has the authority to make decisions on any issues of the Organization's activities. The exclusive competence of the General Meeting includes:

  • approval of the Charter of the Organization, introduction of additions and changes to it with their subsequent registration in the manner prescribed by law;
  • election of the Management Board of the Organization, the Audit Commission (Inspector) and early termination of their powers;
  • approval of the annual plan and budget of the Organization and its annual report;
  • determining the amount and procedure for payment of entrance and membership fees by members of the Organization;
  • making decisions on the creation of commercial and non-profit organizations with the status of a legal entity, on participation in such organizations, opening branches and representative offices of the Organization;
  • resolving issues of reorganization and liquidation of the Organization and the creation of a liquidation commission.
Decisions on all issues are made by the General Meeting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Organization present at its meeting. Decisions on issues of reorganization and liquidation, on making additions and changes to the Charter of the Organization are made by a qualified majority of votes of at least 2/3 of the votes of total number those present at the General Meeting of members of the Organization.

4.4. For practical ongoing management of the activities of the Organization in the period between convocations of General Meetings, the Board of the Organization is elected - the permanent governing body of the Organization.

4.5. The Board of the Organization is elected by the General Meeting for a period of 3 years from among the members of the Organization in the number established by the General Meeting.

4.6. The Board of the Organization may be re-elected upon expiration of its term of office for a new term. The issue of early termination of his powers may be raised at the General Meeting at the request of at least 1/3 of its members.

4.7. The Board of the Organization performs the following functions:

  • manages the work of the Organization, conducts admissions to members of the Organization, accepts entrance fees, membership fees and state fees from members of the Organization, keeps records of members of the Organization, the hunting weapons and hunting dogs they have, as well as records of hunting products obtained by members of the Organization; draws up plans and estimates, submits them for approval by the General Meeting and ensures their implementation;
  • ensures the use of hunting grounds in accordance with the established procedure and a long-term license for the use of wildlife objects classified as hunting objects;
  • ensures the participation of members of the Organization in hunting, protecting wild animals and conducting biotechnical activities;
  • carries out cultural and educational work with members of the Organization, promotes hunting sport among the population and the need to take care of hunting resources;
  • carries out, in accordance with the established procedure, the construction of hunting bases on assigned lands, as well as other structures related to the management of hunting;
  • prepares candidates for membership of the Organization to pass tests on hunting rules, hunting safety precautions, handling of hunting weapons and conducts these tests;
  • checks the knowledge of hunting rules, hunting safety precautions, and handling of hunting weapons among persons joining the society without undergoing candidate experience;
  • controls and organizes the work of the Organization, exercises control over the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting;
  • reviews and approves the Organization's cost estimates;
  • manages the property of the Organization;
  • approves the staffing schedule;
  • prepares issues for discussion at the General Meeting of the Organization;
  • annually informs the registration authority about the continuation of the Organization's activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and information about the leaders of the Organization to the extent of information included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • carries out the admission and exclusion of members of the Organization;
  • resolves any other issues that do not fall within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of the Organization;
  • resolves issues of economic and financial activities Organizations;
  • hires and dismisses officials of the Organization’s administration, approves their job responsibilities in accordance with the staffing schedule approved by the Board;
  • exercises control over the activities of branches and representative offices of the Organization.
Meetings of the Management Board are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter, and are considered valid if more than 50% of the members of the Management Board participate in them.


5.1. Control of the financial and economic activities of the Organization is carried out by the Audit Commission (Auditor), elected by the General Meeting from among the members of the Organization for a period of two years.

5.2. The Audit Commission (Auditor) carries out inspections of the financial and economic activities of the Organization at least once a year.

5.3. The Audit Commission (Auditor) has the right to demand that officials of the Organization provide all necessary documents and personal explanations.

5.4. The Audit Commission (Auditor) presents the results of audits to the General Meeting of the Organization after discussing them at a meeting of the Board.


6.1. The organization has the right to open branches and representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in compliance with legal requirements.

6.2. Branches and representative offices are not legal entities, are endowed with the property of the Organization and operate on the basis of the Regulations approved by the General Meeting. The property of branches and representative offices is accounted for on a separate balance sheet and on the balance sheet of the Organization.

6.3. The heads of branches and representative offices are appointed by the General Meeting of the Organization and act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the Management Board of the Organization.


7.1. The Organization may own, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, land plots, buildings, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and recreational purposes, cash, shares, other securities and other property necessary for the material support of the statutory activities of the Organization.

7.2. The property of the Organization is formed on the basis of entrance and membership fees, voluntary contributions and donations, as well as proceeds from activities carried out in accordance with the Charter of the Organization; civil transactions; foreign economic activity of the Organization; other income not prohibited by law. Entry fees for members of the society are set in the following amounts:

  • with the right to hunt rubles;
  • without the right to hunt rubles.
Annual membership fees for members of the society are set in the following amounts:
  • with the right to hunt rubles;
  • without the right to hunt rubles.

7.3. An organization can create business partnerships, societies, and other business organizations with the status of a legal entity, as well as acquire property intended for conducting business activities.

7.4. Income from the business activities of the Organization cannot be redistributed among members of the Organization and must be used only to achieve the statutory goals of the Organization.

7.5. The Organization may make any transactions in relation to the property it owns that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter and are consistent with the statutory goals of the Organization.


8.1. The reorganization of the Organization is carried out by decision of the General Meeting, if at least 2/3 of the present members of the Organization voted for this decision.

8.2. The property of the Organization passes after its reorganization to newly established legal entities in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. The Organization can be liquidated either by decision of the General Meeting, if at least 2/3 of the present members of the Organization voted for this decision, or by a court decision. Liquidation or reorganization of the Organization is carried out in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.4. The property and funds of the Organization upon liquidation after satisfaction of creditors' claims are directed to the statutory purposes of the Organization and are not subject to redistribution among its members.

8.5. Documents of the Organization on personnel after the liquidation of the Organization are transferred for storage in the manner prescribed by law to the State Archives.

8.6. The decision to liquidate the Organization is sent to the body that registered the Organization to exclude it from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

8.7. The liquidation of the Organization is considered completed, and the Organization is considered to have ceased to exist after making an entry to this effect in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.


9.1. Changes and additions to the charter approved by the General Meeting are subject to state registration.

9.2. State registration of changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization is carried out in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.3. Changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization come into force from the moment of their state registration.

APPROVED at the General Meeting of Founders


Regional public organization

"Union of Veterans of Investigation"



1.1. The regional public organization "Union of Veterans of Investigation", hereinafter referred to as the Organization, is a membership-based public association created on the basis of joint activities to protect common interests and achieve the statutory goals of united citizens.

1.2. Full name of the organization: Regional public organization “Union of Veterans of Investigation”.

1.2.1. Abbreviated name of the Organization: ROO "SVS".

1.3. The organization in its activities is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Public Associations”, this Charter and carries out its activities on the principles of voluntariness, equal rights of members, self-government, legality and transparency.

Within the framework established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Organization is free to determine its internal structure, goals, forms and methods of its activities. The Organization operates on the territory of the city federal significance Moscow.

1.4. The organization is a legal entity from the moment of its state registration, has all property rights, separate property and is liable for its obligations with this property, can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, as in territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

1.5. The organization has an independent balance sheet, ruble and foreign currency accounts in Russian banking institutions, a seal, stamps and forms with its full name in Russian.

An organization, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, may have a flag, emblem, symbols and awards in accordance with the procedure established by law.

1.6. An organization can join Russian and international public associations, acquire rights and bear responsibilities corresponding to the status of these associations, establish direct international contacts and connections, and enter into agreements with non-profit organizations.


2.1. The objectives of the Organization are:

  • association of veterans of investigative bodies to promote the protection of their rights and legitimate interests;
  • mobilization of the Organization's intellectual, organizational, technical and financial resources to solve specific social, economic and professional problems that arise in the lives of pensioners and veterans of investigative agencies, members of their families, as well as providing them with all possible assistance (material, etc.);
  • facilitating the adaptation of pensioners and veterans of investigative bodies to changed living conditions, involving them in socially useful activities, taking into account their professional knowledge and experience.

2.2. To achieve the statutory goals of the Organization in accordance with current legislation

  • ensures the participation of pensioners and veterans of investigative bodies in expanding legal knowledge among the population, overcoming legal nihilism, instilling respect for the law and strict compliance with legal requirements;
  • interacts with the media and investigative authorities of the Russian Federation on the development and participation in events aimed at increasing the prestige of service in the investigative authorities, creating a positive public opinion around the activities of investigative bodies;
  • together with authorized government bodies, contributes to the education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, respect for public morals and ethics;
  • participates in interaction with investigative authorities in the development of proposals for improving the qualifications of investigators, improving the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of investigative bodies, based on an analysis of investigative and judicial practice;
  • takes the necessary measures to protect members of the Organization and their families, participates in the construction and maintenance of housing, medical, health and other social and cultural facilities;
  • interacts with others public associations, studies and summarizes their work experience;
  • establishes mass media and carries out publishing activities, within its framework organizes the publication of brochures, books, special magazines and other printed materials on its topics;
  • conducts lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, organizes concerts, holidays and other events;
  • carries out business activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the statutory goals for which the Organization was created in accordance with these goals;
  • creates business partnerships, societies and other business organizations with the status of a legal entity;
  • carries out other types of activities aimed at achieving the statutory goals of the Organization and not contradicting the current legislation and the Charter of the Organization;

To implement its statutory goals, the Organization may create a Fund to support the Organization, generate property and funds on the basis of voluntary contributions and other receipts not prohibited by law.


3.1. Members of the Organization may be citizens of the Russian Federation who are pensioners and veterans of investigative bodies, as well as employees of investigative bodies who have the length of service in these bodies necessary for granting a pension, who recognize this Charter, who wish to assist in the activities of the Organization and who have worked in the investigative bodies for at least 10 years. By decision of the Council of the Organization, persons who have worked in investigative units for less than 10 years may be accepted as members of the Organization.

3.1.2. Members of the Organization may be legal entities - public associations that recognize the goals of the Organization and provide assistance and support to its activities.

3.2. Membership in and withdrawal from the Organization is voluntary.

Admission to membership of individuals is carried out by the Council of the Organization on the basis of a personal application of the applicant.

Admission to membership of the Organization of public associations - legal entities is carried out by the Council of the Organization on the basis of a decision of the authorized body of the public association that has expressed its intention to join the Organization.

3.3. Members of the Organization - individuals and legal entities - public associations have equal rights and equal responsibilities. Legal entities - public associations participate in the activities of the Organization through their representatives.

3.4. Members of the Organization have the right:

  • take part in the activities of the Organization, the work of the General Meeting of Members of the Organization and the Council of the Organization, the development and adoption of decisions;
  • elect and be elected to the elective bodies of the Organization;
  • make proposals to all bodies of the Organization on issues of their activities;
  • take direct part in all activities of the Organization;
  • receive full information about the activities of the Organization;
  • on behalf of the Organization, represent it in public, state and other organizations;
  • use the material base of the Organization in the prescribed manner;
  • enjoy support social protection and assistance from the Organization;
  • freely withdraw from membership of the Organization.

3.5. Members of the Organization are obliged to:

  • comply with the Charter and implement the decisions of the Organization;
  • actively contribute to and personally participate in the implementation of public programs and activities of the Organization;
  • implement decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization adopted within their competence;
  • refrain from any action (inaction) that may harm the activities of the Organization, violate this Charter, the ethics of relations between members, as well as actions that cause material damage or damage to the business reputation of the Organization;
  • pay membership fees on time.

3.6. Membership in the Organization may be terminated in the following cases:

  • submission by a citizen - member of the Organization to the Council of the Organization of a written statement of resignation, and for legal entities on the basis of a written decision of the body of the legal entity;
  • death of a citizen or liquidation of a legal entity that is a member of the Organization;
  • failure to comply with this Charter, failure to comply with decisions of the Organization’s bodies adopted within their competence, or for committing an act discrediting the Organization.
  • The decision of the Council of the Organization on expulsion from members of the Organization can be appealed at the General Meeting of Members of the Organization.

3.7. The Organization establishes the title “Honorary Member of the Regional Public Organization “Union of Veterans of Investigation” (hereinafter referred to as “Honorary Member”), which is awarded to citizens of Russia, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have made a significant contribution to achieving the statutory goals and objectives of the Organization.

Admission decision Honorary members accepted by the Council of the Organization with the written consent of the candidate for Honorary Members

An honorary member can be either a member of the Organization or an individual who is not a member of the Organization.


4.1. The highest governing body of the Organization is the General Meeting of Members of the Organization, which is convened by the Council at least once a year.

An extraordinary General Meeting of members of the Organization is convened:

  • by decision of the Council;
  • by decision of the Chairman of the Council;
  • by decision of 1/3 of the members of the Organization.

The exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Members of the Organization includes:

  • approval of the Charter, approval of changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization with their subsequent state registration in the manner prescribed by law (the decision is made by ¾ votes of the members of the Organization present and constituting a quorum);
  • making a decision on the reorganization and liquidation of the Organization (the decision is made by ¾ votes of the members of the Organization present and constituting a quorum);
  • election of the Chairman of the Council, Deputy Chairman of the Council for a period of three years, early termination of their powers;
  • determination of the quantitative composition and election of members of the Council, the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) for a period of three years and early termination of their powers (the decision is made by ¾ votes of the members of the Organization present and constituting a quorum);
  • approval of priority areas of the Organization’s activities, principles of formation and use of its property (the decision is made by ¾ votes of the members of the Organization present and constituting a quorum);
  • approval of reports of the Council and the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor);
  • reviewing decisions on expulsion from membership of the Organization and making a final decision on cases of this kind;
  • making decisions on the amount and procedure for payment by members of the Organization of membership and other property contributions;
  • making other decisions.

4.2. The general meeting of members of the Organization is valid (has the necessary quorum) if more than half of the members of the Organization take part in its work. Decisions are made by open or secret (by decision of the General Meeting of Members of the Organization) voting, carried out by a simple majority of votes, except for cases specifically provided for by the Charter.

4.3. During the period between General Meetings, the permanent governing and collegial executive body The Organization is the Council, elected by the General Meeting of Members of the Organization from among the members of the Organization for a period of three years.

4.4.1. The council consists of:

  • Chairman of the Council;
  • Deputy Chairmen of the Council;
  • Council members.

4.4.2. Meetings of the Council are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter and are considered valid if more than half of the total number of Council members (50%+1) participate in them. Decisions are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the Council members constituting a quorum.

Meetings of the Council are chaired by the Chairman of the Council.

4.4.3. Advice:

  • reviews and approves the main directions, long-term programs and projects of the Organization;
  • decides to hold a General Meeting of Members of the Organization;
  • reviews and approves the main directions of interaction of the Organization with its members;
  • maintains lists of the Organization, admits and excludes members of the Organization;
  • recommends to the general meeting of the Organization the amount and procedure for payment of membership and other property fees;
  • carries out the organization of execution and control over the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Organization;
  • reviews and approves the estimates of income and expenses of the Organization, approves annual reports and balance sheets of the Organization;
  • approves the structure and staffing table the working apparatus of the Organization;
  • manages the property and funds of the Organization;
  • establishes symbols and awards of the Organization and makes decisions on awards;
  • makes decisions on the establishment or participation in business companies (including subsidiaries and dependent companies);
  • prepares questions for discussion at the General Meeting of Members of the Organization;
  • resolves any other issues that do not fall within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Members of the Organization.

4.5. The Chairman of the Council is elected by the General Meeting of Members of the Organization for a period of three years.

The Chairman of the Council is the sole executive body of the Organization and is accountable to the General Meeting of the Organization.

4.5.1. Chairman of the Council:

  • directly manages the work of the Council, develops a strategy for the development of the Organization;
  • manages the activities of the Organization, including making operational decisions on issues of the daily activities of the Organization, organizing the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Organization and the Council;
  • maintains contacts with Russian, international, foreign and other organizations and associations;
  • represents the Organization on all issues, convenes the General Meeting of Members of the Organization;
  • issues orders, instructions and other regulatory and administrative documents on the activities of the Organization;
  • signs any documents on behalf of the Organization, accepts obligations, and is responsible for the activities of the Organization in accordance with its Charter;
  • without a power of attorney, represents the Organization in all state, public institutions and organizations, in relations with third parties;
  • opens accounts in banking institutions of the Russian Federation;
  • makes decisions on other issues not within the competence of the General Meeting of Members of the Organization and the Council.

4.5.2. Deputy Chairmen of the Council:

  • lead areas of activity in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities assigned to them by the Chairman of the Council;
  • during the absence of the Chairman of the Council, one of the Deputy Chairman of the Council performs his duties in full in accordance with the order of the Chairman of the Council.

4.6. The Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) is elected by the General Meeting of Members of the Organization for a period of three years. Members of the control and audit commission (Auditor) cannot be members of the Council.

4.6.1. The Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) controls the financial and economic activities of the Organization, the condition and accounting of material assets through annual scheduled audits and submission of a report for approval by the General Meeting of Members of the Organization.

4.6.2. Meetings of the Control and Audit Commission are held as necessary. Decisions of the Control and Audit Commission are made by a simple majority of votes from those present.

4.6.3. The Control and Audit Commission (Auditor), if necessary, has the right to decide to convene an extraordinary General Meeting of members of the Organization.


5.1. The organization, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right:

  • freely disseminate information about its activities;
  • participate in the development of decisions of state authorities and local governments in the manner and extent provided for by current legislation;
  • hold meetings, rallies, demonstrations in the manner prescribed by current legislation;
  • represent and defend their rights, the legitimate interests of their members in government bodies, local governments and public associations;
  • take initiatives on various issues of public life, make proposals to government bodies;
  • exercise in full the powers provided for by the Federal Law “On Public Associations”.

5.2. The organization is obliged:

  • comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the norms provided for by this Charter;
  • annually publish a report on the use of your property or ensure accessibility of the said report;
  • annually inform the body that made the decision on state registration of the public association about the continuation of its activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and information about the leaders of the Organization in the amount of information included in the unified state register of legal entities;
  • submit, at the request of the body that made the decision on state registration of the public association, decisions of the governing bodies and officials of the Organization, as well as annual and quarterly reports on its activities to the extent of the information submitted to the tax authorities;
  • allow representatives of the body that made the decision on state registration of a public association to events held by the Organization;
  • provide assistance to representatives of the body that made the decision on state registration of a public association in familiarizing themselves with the activities of the Organization in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • inform the federal state registration body about the amount of funds and other property received by the public association from international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons, about the purposes of their expenditure or use and about their actual expenditure and use in the form and within the time limits established by the Government Russian Federation.

The organization is obliged to inform the body that made the decision on the state registration of this Organization about changes in the information specified in paragraph 1 of Art. 5 Federal Law “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs", with the exception of information about received licenses, within three days from the date of such changes.

5.3. The Organization ensures the accounting and safety of documents on the personnel of its staff and ensures the timely transfer of these documents to state storage in the prescribed manner in the event of liquidation of the Organization.


6.1. An organization, in accordance with current legislation, may own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, real estate, housing stock, equipment, property for cultural, educational, recreational and other purposes, fixed assets, vehicles, shares, other securities and other property necessary to ensure the activities of the Organization as provided for in the Charter. The organization may also own institutions, publishing houses, and the media.

6.2. The sources of formation of property and funds of the Organization are:

  • entrance and membership fees;
  • voluntary contributions, donations, targeted contributions from individuals;
  • proceeds from lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, competitions, cultural and other events, civil transactions;
  • income from publishing and other activities not prohibited by current legislation;
  • other receipts not prohibited by current legislation.

6.3. The Organization does not pursue the goal of making a profit and does not redistribute income from its activities among its members; the funds received are used to implement the statutory purpose of the Organization.

It is permitted to use the Organization's funds for charitable purposes.

6.4. The organization is liable for its obligations with the property it owns, which, according to current legislation, can be foreclosed on.

6.5. The state, its bodies and organizations are not liable for the obligations of the Organization, just as the Organization is not liable for the obligations of the state, its bodies and organizations.

6.6. Members of the Organization are not liable for the obligations of the Organization, and the Organization is not liable for the obligations of its members.

6.7. The subject of property rights of the Organization is the Organization as a legal entity. Each individual member of the Organization does not have the right of ownership to a share of the Organization's property.

6.8. The financial year coincides with the calendar year.


7.1. Proposals for amendments and additions to the Charter of the Organization can be made by any members of the Organization and are preliminary considered by the Council with subsequent approval at the General Meeting of Members of the Organization.

7.2. Changes and additions to this Charter are approved by the General Meeting of Members of the Organization, by decision adopted by at least ¾ of the votes of the members of the Organization present at the General Meeting and constituting a quorum of members of the Organization.

7.3. Changes and additions to this Charter must be registered in the manner prescribed by law. Changes and additions to this Charter are acquired legal force from the moment of such registration.


8.1. The Organization may be reorganized by merger, accession, division, separation, transformation by decision of the General Meeting of Members of the Organization, adopted by at least ¾ of the votes of the members of the Organization present at the General Meeting and constituting a quorum of members of the Organization.

8.2. During reorganization, all property and non-property rights of the Organization are transferred to the newly created legal entity (successor) in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. Liquidation of the Organization is carried out by decision of the General Meeting of Members of the Organization, adopted by at least ¾ of the votes of the members of the Organization present at the General Meeting and constituting a quorum of members of the Organization, or by a court decision in cases and in the manner provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.4. After the liquidation of the Organization, the property and remaining funds of the Organization after settlements with the budget are directed to the implementation of the statutory goals of the Organization, and in controversial cases - to the purposes determined by a court decision.

8.5. Upon liquidation of the Organization, documents on personnel in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation are transferred to state archival storage.

8.6. Documents for state registration in connection with the liquidation of the Organization are sent to government agency who made the decision to register the Organization.


General meeting of founders

Minutes dated January 11, 2015





Ufa, 2015


1.1. REGIONAL PUBLIC ORGANIZATION OF CIVIL-PATRIOTIC EDUCATION “I AM A PATRIOT” OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN, hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”, is a non-profit corporate organization created on the basis of joint activities to protect common interests and achieve the statutory goals of the united citizens.

1.2. The organization carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code, the Federal Law “On Public Associations” and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

1.3. The activities of the Organization are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government and legality.

1.4. The activities of the Organization are public, and information about its constituent and program documents is publicly available.

1.5. An organization can carry out entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the goals for which it was created and corresponds to these goals.


1.7. Abbreviated name of the Organization: ROO GPV “I AM A PATRIOT” of the Republic of Belarus.

1.8. Territory of activity of the Organization: Republic of Bashkortostan.

1.9. Status: regional public organization

1.10. Location of the Organization (permanent governing body of the Organization): 450054, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, st. Forestry Technical School, 26/2.


2.1. The main goals of the Organization are:

Civic patriotic education of residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

Increasing the dynamics of growth of patriotism among the population;

Promoting patriotic, spiritual and moral education of children and youth;

Promoting the prevention of socially dangerous forms of behavior of citizens.

Promotion of activities in the field of physical culture and sports.

Creation of networks of military-patriotic clubs.

2.2. The subject of the Organization's activities is:

Development of the material and technical base of patriotic education, including military-patriotic clubs, circles and sections, as well as museums;

Assisting in supporting the search movement;

Improving the legal, methodological and information support for the functioning of the system of civic and patriotic education of citizens;

Organization and conduct of events for civic-patriotic education of citizens;

Providing assistance to government authorities in the implementation of state policy in the field of civic and patriotic education of citizens;

Promoting the formation positive qualities citizen - patriot;

Assistance in organizing pre-conscription training of citizens;

Carrying out military sports games and other events aimed at military-patriotic education of youth;

2.4. The organization independently determines the directions of its activities, the strategy of cultural, aesthetic, economic, technical and social development.

2.5. Individuals and legal entities can take part in the activities of the Organization both by making voluntary donations, providing property for free use, and by providing organizational, labor and other assistance to the Organization in carrying out its statutory activities.

2.6. To implement the statutory goals and objectives in the manner prescribed by law, the Organization has the right to carry out the following types of activities in accordance with current legislation:

Organization and conduct of events on civic-patriotic education among children, youth and adults;

Festivals artistic creativity, competitions, exhibitions and competitions of a civil-patriotic nature;

Propaganda of civic-patriotic education of citizens;

Support for military-patriotic clubs, sections and museums;

Assistance in organizing training and retraining of organizers and specialists of civic-patriotic education;

Development and strengthening of relations with civil-patriotic organizations;

Conducting exhibitions, lectures, seminars, meetings on issues of civic and patriotic education of citizens;

Filming, demonstration and distribution of photos, videos, audio, and film materials on civic and patriotic education of citizens;

Participation in organizing and conducting scientific research in the field of civic-patriotic education of citizens;

Assistance in the construction and operation of military-patriotic clubs, sections and museums;

Assistance in the production of equipment, souvenirs, production of printed materials of a civil and patriotic nature;

Production of official commemorative and award attributes of the Organization;

Organization of production of methodological, reference, information and other printed materials of a civil and patriotic nature.

Licensed types of activities are carried out only after obtaining a license, in the manner prescribed by current legislation. The organization, within its competence, cooperates with all interested enterprises, public and scientific organizations, legislative and executive authorities, foreign and international Organizations and other legal entities and individuals.


3.1. The organization is a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. The Organization may, on its own behalf, acquire property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, including arbitration and arbitration courts, in the interests of achieving the statutory goals, make transactions that comply with the statutory goals of the Organization and the legislation of the Russian Federation, both in the territory Russia and abroad.

3.3. An organization may have separate property in its ownership, an independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in banking institutions, as well as a round seal with its full name in Russian, a stamp, emblems, forms with its name.

3.4. Description of the Organization's logo:

The emblem of the Organization is a figurative element in the form of a circle, in which the verbal designations “REGIONAL PUBLIC ORGANIZATION OF CIVIC-PATRIOTIC EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN” are depicted around the circumference; in the center of the circle are the verbal designations “I AM A PATRIOT”.

3.5. The organization has the right to enter into various types voluntary associations of public organizations in the forms provided for by current legislation.

3.6. The organization independently plans its statutory activities. The organization independently determines the paths of its development.

3.7. The organization has the right to engage any specialists on a contractual and voluntary basis to support its activities.

3.8. The expenditure of financial resources is carried out in accordance with the statutory goals according to estimates developed and approved by the Management Board.

3.9. The organization is liable with all its property, which, in accordance with current legislation, can be foreclosed on.

3.10. The Organization is not liable for the obligations of its members, nor are the members liable for the obligations of the Organization.

The Organization is not liable for the obligations of organizations (associations) of which it acts as a founder, just as these organizations (associations) are not liable for the obligations of the Organization.


4.1. Members of the Organization can be citizens who have reached the age of eighteen and legal entities - public associations.

4.2. Admission to membership in the Organization is carried out by a decision of the Board on the basis of a written application from a person to join the Organization as an individual or a decision of the governing body of a legal entity - a public association authorized to do so by its charter.

4.3. All members of the Organization have equal rights and responsibilities.

4.4. Members of the Organization have the right:

receive information about the activities of the Organization;

submit for consideration to the Board of the Organization and officials of the Organization any proposals to improve the activities of the Organization, aimed at solving its statutory goals and objectives;

participate in the activities of the Organization and its bodies;

elect and be elected to the governing and control and audit bodies of the Organization;

use, in the prescribed manner, property owned or leased by the Organization;

freely resign from membership of the Organization;

other rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.6. Members of the Organization are obliged to:

pay membership fees on time;

assist the Organization in achieving its goals and objectives;

comply with the provisions of the Charter of the Organization;

implement decisions of the Organization’s governing bodies adopted within their competence;

refrain from any action (inaction) that could harm the activities of the Organization;

other duties provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.7. Members of the Organization terminate their membership in the Organization by submitting an application to the Board of the Organization.

A member of the Organization is considered to have left the Organization from the moment the application is submitted.

4.8. A member of the Organization may be expelled from the Organization in the following cases:

if a member of the Organization violates the Charter;

does not take part in the activities of the Organization;

does not pay membership fees on time;

if the activities of a member of the Organization contradict the statutory goals of the Organization;

if the activities of a member of the Organization discredit the Organization, cause moral or material damage to it;

if you lose contact with the Organization.

The exclusion of members is carried out by decision of the Board of the Organization, by a simple majority vote of the number of Board members present at the meeting.


5.1. The highest (governing) body of the Organization is the General Meeting of Members of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the General Meeting).

5.2. The general meeting meets as needed, but at least once a year. The convening date, venue and agenda of the General Meeting are announced by the Board of the Organization no later than one month before the General Meeting.

An extraordinary meeting of the General Meeting may be convened on the initiative of:

Board of the Organization;

Head of the Organization;

Auditor of the Organization;

2/3 of the Organization's members.

The decision to convene an extraordinary meeting of the General Meeting is made by the Board of the Organization no later than two months from the date the Board of the Organization receives a request to convene an extraordinary General Meeting.

5.4. A meeting of the General Meeting is valid if more than half of the members of the Organization are present. If there is no quorum at the General Meeting on the appointed day, the General Meeting is postponed to another date, but not more than for 30 days.

5.5. The General Meeting has the authority to make decisions on any issues of the Organization's activities.

Decisions of the General Meeting, with the exception of issues falling within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting, are adopted by a simple majority of votes from the number of members of the Organization present at the General Meeting.

The exclusive competence of the General Meeting includes:

determination of priority areas of the Organization’s activities, principles of formation and use of its property;

approval and amendment of the Charter of the Organization;

determining the procedure for admission to membership of the Organization and exclusion from membership of the Organization;

formation of other bodies of the Organization and early termination of their powers;

making decisions on the creation of other legal entities by the Organization;

making decisions on the reorganization and liquidation of the Organization, on the appointment of a liquidation commission (liquidator) and on approval of the liquidation balance sheet;

election of an Auditor and early termination of his powers, appointment of an audit organization or individual auditor of the Organization

election of the Head of the Organization, members of the Board of the Organization, Chairman of the Board of the Organization and early termination of their powers;

making decisions on the amount and procedure for payment by members of the Organization of membership and other property contributions;

Decisions on issues falling within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting are made by a qualified majority of votes (2/3 votes) of the total number of members of the Organization present at the General Meeting.

Decisions of the General Meeting adopted in violation of the current legislation or this Charter are unauthorized from the date of their adoption and can be challenged in judicial procedure any member of the Organization.

5.6. For the practical ongoing management of the activities of the Organization in the period between the convening of the General Meeting, the Board of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Board) is elected - the permanent governing body of the Organization.

5.7. The Board is elected by the General Meeting for a period of 5 (five) years from among the members of the Organization.

The Board consists of at least 3 (three) members.

The Board is accountable to the General Meeting of the Organization.

The Board may be re-elected upon expiration of its term of office for a new term.

The issue of early termination of powers of members of the Management Board may be raised at the General Meeting at the request of a qualified majority of its members (2/3 votes).

5.8. Meetings of the Board are convened by the Chairman of the Board of the Organization as necessary, but at least once every 6 (six) months and are considered valid with the participation of more than half of the members of the Board.

Extraordinary meetings of the Management Board may be convened at the request of more than half of the members of the Management Board.

Decisions of the Management Board are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Management Board present at the meeting.

5.9. The competence of the Management Board includes resolving all issues (except those within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting), including:

control over the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting;

preparing issues for discussion at the General Meeting;

determining the timing and procedure for convening regular and extraordinary General Meetings;

making decisions on the admission and expulsion of members of the Organization;

Making a decision on the participation of the Organization in other organizations (legal entities);

approval of annual reports and accounting (financial) statements, annual balance sheet of the Organization;

making decisions on the creation of branches and opening representative offices and participation in other organizations, as well as on the creation of working groups and commissions in the areas of activity of the Organization;

approval of the Organization’s financial plan and amendments to it;

determining the types, sizes and procedures for using financial resources and funds of the Organization;

formation of the Organization's Board of Trustees and termination of its powers;

admission and exclusion of members of the Organization's Board of Trustees;

election of the Chairman of the Organization's Board of Trustees and early termination of his powers;

approval of the conclusion of the Organization's Auditor;

making a decision on an external audit of the Organization’s economic activities;

ensuring accessibility of the report on the use of the Organization’s property;

annual informing of the body that made the decision on state registration of the Organization about the continuation of the Organization’s activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and information about the leaders of the Organization in the amount of information included in the unified state register of legal entities;

submission, at the request of the body making decisions on state registration of public associations, decisions of the governing bodies and officials of the Organization, as well as annual and quarterly reports on its activities to the extent of information submitted to the tax authorities;

ensuring access of representatives of the body making decisions on state registration of public associations to events held by the Organization;

providing assistance to representatives of the body making decisions on state registration of public associations in familiarizing themselves with the activities of the Organization in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

informing the body that made the decision on state registration of the Organization about changes in the information specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Federal Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities”, with the exception of information about received licenses, within three days from the date of such changes;

resolving other issues not within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting.

5.10. From among the members of the Organization, the General Meeting elects the Chairman of the Board for a term of office of 5 (five) years. Chairman of the Board:

organizes preparation and holding of meetings of the Management Board;

manages preparations and conducts meetings of the Management Board;

manages the activities of the Board.

5.11. The sole executive body of the Organization is the Head of the Organization. The head is elected at the General Meeting of Members of the Organization for a period of 5 (five) years.

To carry out his activities, the Head of the Organization:

carries out operational management of the Organization’s activities in accordance with the decisions of the General Meeting and the Board;

has the right of first signature on documents of the Organization;

acts on behalf of the Organization without a power of attorney;

represents the interests of the Organization in all institutions, organizations and enterprises, state authorities and local governments;

issues powers of attorney on behalf of the Organization;

opens and closes the Organization's bank accounts;

concludes contracts, including labor contracts, on behalf of the Organization, and makes other transactions and legal acts;

manages the funds and property of the Organization;

carries out legally significant actions on behalf of the Organization;

attracts sources of financial and material resources to carry out the statutory activities of the Organization;

issues orders binding on employees of the Organization;

approves the staffing table of the Organization;

appoints the chief accountant of the Organization and resolves the issue of his early dismissal;

carries out the hiring and dismissal of other employees of the Organization;

implements incentives and penalties for employees of the Organization;

reports to the General Meeting and the Board on the results of the Organization’s activities;

exercises other powers that are not within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting and the competence of the Management Board.

Full-time employees of the Organization are subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor, social and medical insurance, and pensions.

5.12. Board of Trustees of the Organization.

5.12.1 The Board of Trustees of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Board of Trustees) is a collegial body whose main task is to ensure measures to attract financial and other resources necessary to ensure the activities and development of the Organization.

5.12.2. The Board of Trustees is formed by the Board of the Organization and consists of at least 3 people. The Board of Trustees is elected for a period of 2 years. Members of the Board of Trustees cannot be members of the Management Board.

5.12.3. The work of the Board of Trustees of the Organization is managed by the Chairman, who is elected by the Board of the Organization for a period of 2 years.

5.12.4. The competence of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees includes:

Formation of the agenda, convening of meetings of the Board of Trustees,

Organizing the work of the Board of Trustees and chairing its meetings,

Organizing the keeping of minutes at meetings of the Board of Trustees and signing them,

Preparation of materials for meetings of the Board of Trustees,

Organizational support for the activities of the Board of Trustees,

Representation of the Board of Trustees in relations with the governing bodies of the Organization, as well as, within the framework of its powers, in relations with third parties.

5.12.5. Meetings of the Organization's Board of Trustees are considered valid if more than half of the members of the Organization's Board of Trustees take part in their work. The decision is made by open voting. All decisions are made by the Organization's Board of Trustees by a simple majority of votes. Each member of the Organization's Board of Trustees has one vote when making decisions on the activities of the Board of Trustees.

5.12.6. A member of the Organization's Board of Trustees has the right to resign early by sending a corresponding notice to the Organization's Board.

5.12.7. Competence of the Organization's Board of Trustees:

Conducting consultations with sponsors, any legal entities and individuals, government bodies and local governments on issues related to the development of the Organization;

Raises financial and other resources.

5.12.8. To implement its functions, the Board of Trustees has the right:

Get acquainted with all internal documents of the Organization;

Receive clarifications from any persons related to the Organization’s personnel.

5.13. Control over the financial and economic activities of the Organization is carried out by the control and audit body - the Auditor of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Auditor).

The auditor is elected by the General Meeting from among the members of the Organization for a period of 5 (five) years. An auditor cannot simultaneously be a member of the Management Board.

5.14. The auditor carries out inspections of the financial and economic activities of the Organization at least once a year. Based on the results of the audit, the Auditor draws up a conclusion and submits it for approval at a meeting of the Management Board.

5.15. When conducting inspections, the Auditor has the right to demand that officials of the Organization provide all necessary documents and personal explanations.

5.16. The auditor is obliged to demand the convening of an extraordinary General Meeting if a serious threat has arisen to the interests of the Organization and (or) its members.

5.17. In the absence of an external audit, the annual report and balance sheet are presented to the Board only with the conclusion of the Auditor.


6.1. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Organization may own: land plots, buildings, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and recreational purposes, cash, shares, other securities and other property, necessary for material support of the statutory activities of the Organization.

6.2. The property of the Organization is formed on the basis of:

Voluntary contributions and donations, charitable and sponsorship income from citizens and legal entities;

proceeds from events held by the Organization, permitted in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation, including cultural events, entertainment, and sports;

civil transactions;

other income not prohibited by law.

6.3. The organization is the owner of the property it owns.

The organization owns, uses and disposes of the property in its ownership in accordance with current legislation, as well as the goals of its activities and the purpose of the property.

The Organization may make any transactions in relation to the property it owns that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter and are consistent with the statutory goals of the Organization.

6.4. The organization has the right to finance sports, charitable, economic and other events related to the implementation of its statutory goals and objectives.

6.5. The organization is the owner of its property. Members of the Organization do not retain property rights to the property transferred by them to the ownership of the Organization, including membership fees.

6.6. Members of the Organization are not liable for the obligations of the Organization in which they participate as members, and the Organization is not liable for the obligations of its members.


7.1. All changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization are approved by a decision of the General Meeting.

The initiative to submit a proposal to the agenda of the General Meeting on making changes and additions to the Charter belongs to the Head of the Organization, the Board, the Auditor, as well as 2/3 of the total number of members of the Organization.

The decision of the General Meeting on the issue of introducing amendments and additions is considered adopted if a qualified majority of its members (2/3 votes) present at the General Meeting votes for it.

7.2. Changes and additions to the Charter approved by the General Meeting are subject to state registration. State registration of changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization is carried out in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.3. Changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization come into force from the moment of their state registration.


8.1. Reorganization (merger, accession, division, spin-off) of the Organization is carried out by decision of the General Meeting, if a qualified majority (2/3 of the votes) of the members of the Organization present at the General Meeting voted for this decision.

An organization, by decision of the General Meeting, can be transformed into an autonomous association (union) non-profit organization or fund.

An organization is considered reorganized (except for cases of reorganization in the form of affiliation) from the moment of state registration of the newly emerged organization (organizations). When the Organization is reorganized in the form of another organization joining it, the first of them is considered reorganized from the moment an entry on the termination of the activities of the affiliated organization is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

8.2. After reorganization, the property of the Organization passes to the newly established legal entities in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. The organization may be liquidated by decision of the General Meeting or by a court decision. Liquidation or reorganization of the Organization is carried out in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.4. To resolve the issue of the property and funds of the Organization during its liquidation, a liquidation commission is created, elected by the General Meeting or appointed by the court.

From the moment of election or appointment of the liquidation commission, powers to manage the affairs of the Organization are transferred to it.

8.5. The property and funds of the Organization, upon liquidation, after satisfying the claims of creditors, are directed to the statutory purposes of the Organization and are not subject to redistribution among its members, unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

8.6. Documents on personnel (full-time employees) after the liquidation of the Organization are transferred for storage in accordance with the procedure established by law in archival institutions Russian Federation.

8.7. The liquidation is considered completed, and the Organization is considered to have ceased to exist after making an entry to this effect in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.


changes and additions approved:

Regional public organization

"Moscow City

motorists union"

Moscow, 2005

1. General provisions.

1.1. Regional public organization "Moscow City Union of Motorists"
(hereinafter referred to as MGSA) is a membership-based public association,
created in accordance with the requirements of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation,
Civil Code, Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On Public
associations" and the current legislation of the Russian Federation and Moscow.

1.2. Full name of MGSA: Regional public organization "Moscow
city ​​motorists' union.

1.3. Abbreviated name of MGSA: ROO "MGSA".

1.4. Full name of MGSA in English: Regional Рubliс Organization "Moscow Сity Union of Drivers".

Abbreviated name of MGSA in English: RPO "MSUD".

1.5. The region of activity of MGSA is the city of Moscow. Location of the permanent
governing body (Board): Moscow.

2. Legal status of MGSA.

2.1. MGSA is a legal entity from the moment of state registration, has
independent balance sheet, property, stamp with its name and other details
legal entity.

MGSA may have its own symbols: emblem, flag and pennant, registered in the manner prescribed by law.

2.2. MGSA can open current and foreign currency accounts in bank institutions in the territory
Russian Federation and abroad in accordance with current legislation.
MGSA operates on the basis of self-government and self-financing.

2.3. MGCA has the right, on its own behalf, to enter into contracts, acquire property and non-property rights and bear obligations, and be a plaintiff and defendant in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts.

2.4. MGSA is responsible for the fulfillment of its obligations with all property owned by MGSA.

In its activities, MGSA uses all types of economic relations permitted by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

2.5. MGSA independently owns, uses and disposes of its property,
acquired or obtained legally. Members and structural
MGSA divisions do not enjoy the rights of ownership and disposal of property and
objects related to the property of MGSA, including those transferred to them from MGSA to
use of property and facilities.

2.6. MGSA is not responsible for the obligations of its members, just as the members are not responsible for
obligations of MGSA.

MGSA and its structural divisions are not professional licensed custodians, do not charge fees for storage and are not responsible for the safety of vehicles and property in MGSA parking lots and garages (hereinafter referred to as MGSA parking lots).

3. Goals and directions of activity of MGSA.

3.1. The goal of the MGSA is to unite motorists based on common interests for:

Assistance in protecting the rights of MGCA and the legitimate interests of MGCA members - owners of cars, motorcycles and other individual vehicles;

Providing MGSA members with places to park and accommodate individual vehicles, thereby creating conditions for their maintenance and repair;

Assistance in preventing road accidents;

Assistance in environmental protection natural environment;

assistance in the development of auto tourism, motor sports and auto design.

3.2. The main activities of MGSA are:

attracting new members to the MGSA and creating new local organizations;

coverage in the press, radio, television, and other information materials and by

participation in exhibitions promoting and informing about the activities of MGSA,

explaining to motorists the benefits of joining the MGSA to protect their rights,

organized parking of vehicles;

making, in accordance with the procedure established by law, proposals protecting the rights and interests

members of the MGSA, state authorities and local governments;

Assistance in organizing the construction and operation of garages, parking lots, race tracks,
points maintenance, car repair shops, car washes, car camping sites, sections
young car enthusiasts through the efforts and resources of MGSA members, as well as those attracted
funds of interested legal entities and individuals;

promoting the expansion of services for MGSA members, creating for this purpose business partnerships, societies and other business organizations with the status of a legal entity, attracting organizations, sponsoring firms and investors;

Help improve safety traffic, reducing accident rates by

interaction with interested international and foreign public

(non-governmental) organizations, establishing direct international relations and

contacts, conclusion of relevant agreements;

studying and promoting advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field

road safety, maintenance, repair, maintenance and

parking for individual vehicles;

assistance in preventing pollution of the environment by motor vehicles,

improving the environmental situation in the city.

4. Structure, governing and control and audit bodies of MGSA.

4.1. IN The structure of MGSA includes local branches of MGSA, consisting of local organizations of MGSA.

4.2. The governing bodies of the MGCA are the MGCA Conference, the Moscow City Council (MGC) of the MGCA, and the MGCA Board.

Day-to-day management of the activities of the MGCA is carried out by the Chairman of the MGCA, who is the Chairman of the MGCA MGCA and the Board of the MGCA at the same time. branches and organizations of MGSA, a full-time executive apparatus is created in MGSA.

4.3. The control and audit body of the MGSA is the Audit Commission of the MGSA.

4.4. Local organization MGSA.

4.4.1. The local organization of MGSA is created, operates, transforms and is liquidated in
in accordance with this Charter.

The newly created local MGCA organization submits to the local branch of MGCA the protocol of the General Meeting (conference) on the creation of the organization and recognition of the current MGCA Charter, as well as on the election of the governing and control and audit bodies of the local MGCA organization.

4.4.2. The local MGSA organization unites MGSA members according to the place of parking and maintenance
vehicles in equipped parking lots,
intended for long-term (permanent) placement (maintenance)
vehicles, as well as at the place of residence, work or study.

A local organization is created with at least 3 members of the MGSA.

4.4.3. The local organization of MGSA is part of the local branch of MGSA on a territorial basis and works under its leadership.

4.4.4. The highest governing body of the local MGSA organization is the General Meeting (conference). The conference is held when the local MGCA organization has more than 150 MGCA members.

The general meeting is considered valid if more than 50% of the members are present

local organization MGSA.

The norm of representation at the conference of the local organization of MGSA is one delegate from

10 members of MGSA. The procedure for electing delegates is determined by the Regulations on Local

MGSA organizations. The conference is considered valid if it is not attended by

less than 75% of elected delegates. The term of office of delegates continues until the

next conference.

Presence of a representative of the local branch of MGSA at the Reporting and Election Meeting

(conferences) is a must.

Decisions at the General Meeting are made by a simple majority of votes

Elections of the Chairman of the Management Board, members of the Management Board and the Audit Commission at General

meetings (conferences) are carried out by 2/3 votes of those present at the meeting

MGSA members or conference delegates.

The reporting General Meeting (conference) of the local organization of MGSA is convened


The general reporting and election meeting (conference) is convened at least once every two

year and elects for this term, from among its members, the Chairman of the Board, members

MGSA bodies.

An extraordinary General Meeting (conference) of the local organization of MGSA is convened on

if necessary, by decision of the Board of the local MGSA organization. Board

local branch of MGSA and MGSA, at the request of the Audit Commissions of the local

organization of MGSA, local branch of MGSA and MGSA, as well as upon request of at least

1/3 of the members of the local MGSA organization.

The governing body of the local MGSA organization is the Board.

The daily management of the local MGSA organization is carried out by the Chairman


4.4.5. Local organizations, including those with legal entity status, organize and
carry out their activities on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, Moscow and the Charter

Local MGSA organizations operate on the principles of self-government and


concludes, within its competence, by power of attorney, MGSA contracts necessary

to ensure the functioning of the local organization of MGSA, according to which all members

the local MGSA organization bears full responsibility;

organizes (together with members of the Management Board) and conducts annual reporting, and through

every 2 years - reporting and election meetings (conferences) of the local organization of MGSA.

4.6.4. Chairman of the Board of the local organization MGSA, upon identifying facts of

of gross violations of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, the MGSA Charter, and other regulations of the MGCA may be removed from duties by a decision of the Board of the local organization of the MGCA, an order of the Chairman of the local branch of the MGCA, a decision of the Board (Council) of the local branch of the MGCA, the Chairman and the Board of the MGCA until holding a General Meeting (conference) and electing another Chairman of the Board.

4.6.5. If the local MGCA organization is left without a Chairman of the Board elected at the General Meeting (conference), the duties of the Chairman are assigned by the Board to one of the members of the Board until the next General Meeting, or appointed by the Chairman of the local MGCA branch from the members of the MGCA of this or another local MGCA organization. If the Chairman of the local organization of MGSA is removed by the Chairman of the local branch of MGSA, the Acting Chairman is appointed by him.

4.6.6. Acting Chairman of the Board of the local organization MGSA

carries out management of the organization until the holding of an extraordinary General Meeting (conference) and the election of a new Chairman of the Board.

The general meeting (conference) is held no later than 4 months from the date of appointment of the acting Chairman of the Management Board.

4.6.7. The Chairman of the Board of the local MGSA organization is personally responsible

for fulfilling the requirements of the Charter and the civil contract concluded with the local branch of MGSA,.

4.6.8. All orders and decisions of the MGSA Board, the MGSA Chairman, the Board (Council)

local branch of the MGCA and its head, as well as the General Meeting (conference) and the Board of the local organization of the MGCA, relating to the activities of the organization, as well as the norms of the Charter and other internal regulations of the MGCA are mandatory for compliance by the Chairman of the Board of the local organization of the MGCA.

4.6.9. Chairman of the Board of the local organization MGSA, in agreement with the Board,
may involve members of the local MGSA organization or other persons for work
as duty officers, treasurers (accountants), commandants and other specialists with
payment to them of remuneration from operating funds established by the Management Board
and approved by the General Meeting.

The persons involved in the work are not full-time employees of MGSA, but the Chairman of the Board of the local organization of MGSA has the right to conclude a civil contract with them, and they are required to independently declare their income to the tax authorities in the manner prescribed by law.

4.6.10. Chairman of the Board of the local organization MGSA for the period of his election (appointment)
MGSA certificate is issued.

4.7. Local branch of MGSA.

4.7.1. In accordance with the administrative-territorial division of Moscow,
local branches of MGSA.

The local branch includes local organizations of MGSA according to the principle


To carry out routine work, including managing the activities of local

organizations of MGSA, a full-time executive is created in the local branch of MGSA

4.7.2. The local branch of MGSA, including a legal entity, organizes and implements
its activities on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, Moscow and the MGSA Charter.

4.7.3. To achieve the goals of the MGSA, the local branch of the MGSA:

organizes the development and implementation of a work plan aimed at ensuring the functioning of the local branch of MGSA and its local organizations of MGSA; - develops cost estimates and staffing schedules for the local branch of MGCA and submits them for approval by the MGCA Board;

provides assistance in organizing financial and economic activities to local MGSA organizations; organizes and conducts inspections of the financial and economic activities of local MGSA organizations;

exercises control over the activities of local MGSA organizations; checks the correctness of the preparation and holding of General Meetings in local organizations of MGSA and the elections of their governing bodies. Representatives of the local branch of MGSA or members of its Board are required to attend these meetings; carries out organizational work to attract new members to the MGSA, admits members to the MGSA and expels them from it in accordance with this Charter;

maintains contact with district and regional authorities, with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, tax authorities, land authorities, etc., represents and defends the interests of the MGSA as a whole, the local branch of the MGSA and local organizations of the MGSA;

Draws up and provides assistance in formalizing land legal relations (lease agreements) for land plots, organizes and monitors the timeliness and completeness of payment of their lease (tax);

Carries out its work in accordance with the MGSA Charter, takes part in events held by MGSA;

Provides assistance in carrying out motor vehicle and civil liability insurance for MGSA members;

Conducts explanatory work among the population of Moscow about the goals of MGSA; organizes lectures and reports on road safety, motorsports and auto tourism;

Accepts entrance and membership fees;

Conducts sports competitions, car rallies and other public events, promotes the development of auto tourism;

Maintains records of MGSA members who are members of the local MGSA branch.

4.7.4. The local branch of the MGSA is responsible to the MGSA for its financial and economic activities.

4.7.5. Control over the activities of the local branch of the MGSA is carried out by the Audit Commission of the local branch and the MGSA, which act in accordance with the Regulations on the Audit Commissions of the MGSA.

4.7.6. Inspections of the organizational and other work of local branches of the MGCA are carried out by commissions created by order of the Chairman of the MGCA from full-time employees of the MGCA apparatus, local branches of the MGCA with the participation of members of the Audit Commissions of the local branches of the MGCA and MGCA.

4.8. Management bodies of the local branch of MGSA. Local Chapter Conference MGSA.

4.8.1. The governing bodies of the local branch of the MGCA are the Conference, the Council and
Board. Day-to-day management of the activities of the local branch of MGSA
it is carried out by the Chairman.

The highest governing body of the local branch of the MGCA is the Conference, which is convened at least once every 4 years. The conference elects the Chairman of the local branch of the MGSA, the Council, the Board and the Audit Commission. The Chairman of the local branch of MGSA is the Chairman of the Council, its Board and manages the staff.

In local branches of the MGCA, which are legal entities, the Conference, as well as the election of the Chairman, governing and control and audit bodies, are carried out in accordance with the Charter of the MGCA.

4.8.2. Norm for the representation of delegates to the Conference of the local branch of MGCA: one
a delegate from 150 MGSA members and one delegate from a local MGSA organization of
up to 150 people.

A conference of a local MGCA branch is considered eligible if more than 50% of the elected delegates nominated by local MGCA organizations of that MGCA branch are present. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the delegates present.

4.8.3. An extraordinary Conference of the local branch of MGCA is held by decision of the Council, agreed with the Board of MGCA, by decision of the Board of MGCA, at the request of

less than 1/3 of local MGSA organizations that are part of the local branch of MGSA, as well as at the request of the Audit Commissions of the local branch of MGSA or MGSA. The leadership of MGSA provides control over the process of its preparation and provides assistance in its implementation.

4.8.4. Time and place of convening the Conference of the local branch of MGSA, including
The extraordinary agenda and the agenda are determined based on proposals from the Board
local branch of MGSA in agreement with the Board of MGSA. Presence on
Conferences of the local branch of the MGCA representative of the MGCA MGCA are mandatory.

4.8.5. Delegates must be notified of the Conference of the local MGCA branch
at least 10 days before the appointed date.

4.8.6. The work of the Conference is led by a presiding officer, directly elected
voting by a simple majority of votes of the Conference delegates.

4.8.7. The following issues fall within the competence of the Conference of the local branch of MGSA:

Review of work reports for the past period, their approval and assessment of the work of the local branch of the MGSA and the Audit Commission in the period between Conferences;

Election and recall of the Chairman of the local branch of MGSA;

Election of members of the Council of the local branch of MGSA;

Election of members of the Board of the local branch of MGSA;

Election and recall of members of the Audit Commission of the local branch of MGSA;

Election of delegates to the MGCA Conference;

Making proposals for the transformation and liquidation of the local branch of MGSA;

The conference has the right to accept other issues for consideration in accordance with the MGSA Charter.

4.8.8. A report on the work of a regular or extraordinary Conference must be submitted to
in the established form to the office of the MGSA MGSA within 10 days from the date of its implementation.

4.9. Council of the local branch of MGSA.

4.9.1. The governing body of the local branch of the MGCA in the period between Conferences is the Council of the local branch of the MGCA, elected by the delegates of the Conference for a period of 4 years.

4.9.2. The quantitative composition of the members of the Council of the local branch of the MGCA is determined at the rate of 1 member of the Council from the members of the MGCA.

In local branches of MGSA with up to 5,000 MGSA members, the governing bodies are Councils of up to 6 people. Their boards are not elected.

4.9.3. Meetings of the Council are held at least once a year (at least once a quarter - in
local branches of MGSA with less than 5,000 members of MGSA, in which the Council
is a permanent governing body). The meeting is considered
competent if more than 50% of its members participate in the work. Decisions are made
by a simple majority of votes.

The presence of a representative of the MGCA local branch at the meeting of the Council of the local branch of the MGCA is mandatory.

4.9.4. Extraordinary meetings of the Council are convened on the initiative of members of the local Board
branch of MGSA, or its Chairman, the Audit Commission of the local branch of MGSA,
at the request of at least one third of the MGSA members in this local branch
MGSA, or at the request of the MGSA Board.

4.9.5. The following issues fall within the competence of the Council of the local branch of MGSA:

Review and approval of the report of the Board of the local branch of MGSA on the work for the year, on financial activities and on the results of consideration of complaints and applications; approval of the work plan of the local branch of MGSA for the next year; consideration of annual and long-term development programs of the local branch of MGCA within the framework of the decisions of the city Conference of MGCA and the Conference of the local branch of MGCA;

Submission of proposals to the MGCA Board on the merger or division of the local branch of MGCA;

Approval of the annual budget of the local branch of MGSA and the results of its implementation;

Early release of the Chairman of the local branch of MGCA from an elected position and election, in agreement with the Board of MGCA, of an acting Chairman;

Preparation, coordination with the MGCA Board and convening of the Conference of the local branch of MGCA.

4.10. Board of the local branch of MGSA.

4.10.1. The governing body in the period between meetings of the Council of the local branch of MGSA
is the Board, which is elected by the conference delegates for a period of 4 years from among
members of the Council.

The quantitative composition of the Board of the local branch of MGSA is no more than 50% of the number of members

Meetings of the Management Board are held at least once a quarter and are considered valid,

if more than 50% of its members participate in the work. Decisions are made simple

4.10.2. The following issues fall within the competence of the Board of the local branch of MGSA (including:
local branches of MGSA, in which the Board is not created, its powers
implemented by the Councils of these departments):

creation, transformation and liquidation of local MGCA organizations (with subsequent approval by the MGCA Board);

providing assistance in organizing the work of local MGSA organizations and monitoring them;

consideration of issues and adoption of decisions on proposals made by the Boards of local organizations of MGSA;

management of the economic and financial activities of the local branch of MGSA, quarterly review of reports of the local branch of MGSA on financial and economic activities; - setting the agenda and convening meetings of the Council of the local branch of MGSA, organizing its work;

Submits quarterly and annual reports on the financial and economic activities of the local branch of the MGSA, signed by the MGSA staff, organizational work, measures to ensure road safety and environmental protection;

Exercises other powers within the scope of the goals of the local branch of the MGCA that are not assigned by the Charter of the MGCA to the competence of the Conference, Council or Board of the local branch of the MGCA.

4.11.5. The chairman of the local branch has the right, if necessary, to
by order to remove from the duties of the chairman of the board of the local
organization and appoint someone temporarily performing these duties for a period of up to 4 months from
subsequent approval by the Board (Council) of the local branch of MGSA.

Within 4 months, the acting person is obliged to hold a general meeting to elect the chairman of the local organization.

The grounds for the removal of the chairman of the board of a local MGSA organization may be: evasion of duties, incompetent, dishonest, negligent performance, financial abuse; initiation of a criminal case; outstanding debt on rent payments and membership fees for more than 1 quarter; activities aimed at the exit of a local organization from MGSA; violations of statutory discipline; lack of transparency in business activities.

4.11.6. The chairman of the local branch of MGSA reports on the results of his work and
activities of the department led by him at Conferences, at plenums of the Council and
meetings of the Board of the local branch of MGSA, as well as during inspections of the Audit Office
the MGSA commission and the local branch of the MGSA.

Reports to the MGSA according to the periods and forms established by the MGSA Board

reporting on the implementation of decisions of the MGSA Board to the Chairman of the MGSA - about

carrying out his orders and instructions.

In case of dismissal from office and surrender of affairs and responsibilities, he reports to

specially created by the Chairman of the MGSA and the local branch of the MGSA joint

by commission.

4.11.7. In the event that the local branch of the MGCA remains without an elected
The Chairman, the Board (Council) of the local branch of MGSA is appointed, in agreement with
The Board of the MGSA, the acting Chairman, or the execution
responsibilities for managing the department by order of the Chairman of the MGSA, as agreed
with the MGSA Board, may be assigned to the Deputy Chairman of the local
branch of MGSA, one of the members of the Council, a full-time employee of MGSA, as well as a member
MGSA before the extraordinary Conference.

4.11.8. In case of liquidation of the local branch of MGSA, merger, division, including
legal entity, the full-time position of the Chairman of the local branch is eliminated,
urgent employment contract with the Chairman is terminated.

Before the Conference, the Acting Chairman of the local branch is appointed

by order of the Chairman of the MGCA, in agreement with the Board of the MGCA.

The Chairman of the reorganized local branch of the MGSA is elected at the Conference.

4.11.9. If the Chairman of the local branch of MGCA does not cope with his duties, or acts in violation of the Charter of MGCA, commits violations in financial and economic activities or commits offenses, he is removed from the duties of the Chairman by the Council of the local branch of MGCA, and from the regular position of Chairman of the local branch of MGCA - by order of the Chairman of the MGSA. When the Chairman of the local branch of the MGSA is released from performing his duties, the fixed-term employment contract with him is terminated.

If violations in financial and economic activities are confirmed, the documents are transferred to law enforcement agencies to take measures provided by law.

4.12. MGSA Conference.

4.12.1. The highest governing body of the MGSA is the Conference, which is convened at least
once every 4 years.

4.12.2. Delegates to the Conference are elected at conferences of local branches of MGSA
by a simple majority of votes, taking into account the norm established by the MGSA Board
representative offices.

The term of office of delegates lasts for 4 years.

4.12.3. Members of the MGCA MGCA and the MGCA Audit Commission who are not elected as delegates to the next MGCA Conference have the right to participate in its work with the right of an advisory vote.

4.12.4. An Extraordinary Conference may be convened by decision of the Plenum of the Moscow City Council of MGCA, the Board of MGCA, the Audit Commission of MGCA, at the request of at least one third of the local branches of MGCA, confirmed by the minutes of their Boards (Councils).

An Extraordinary Conference of the MGCA is convened no later than 2 months from the date of the decision of the Plenum of the MGCA, the Board of the MGCA, the Audit Commission of the MGCA or the requirement of local branches of the MGCA to hold it, including in connection with the dismissal of the Chairman of the MGCA or the decision of the Plenum of the MGCA to remove him.

4.12.5. The conference is considered eligible if more than 50% of the selected delegates participate in its work. Voting at the Conference, by decision of the delegates, is carried out openly or secretly. In case of open voting, the minutes of the Conference are signed, in addition to the presiding officer and secretary, by the chairman of the counting commission. In case of secret voting, the protocol of the counting commission is presented. Issues of electing the Chairman of the MGCA, the governing and control and audit bodies of the MGCA, as well as the reorganization and liquidation of the MGCA are adopted at the conference by 2/3 of the votes of the delegates present at the Conference. Decisions on other issues are made by a simple majority of votes of the delegates present at the Conference.

4.12.6. The work of the Conference is led by the presiding officer elected by the working presidium of the Conference.

4.12.7. The following issues fall within the competence of the MGCA Conference:

Introduction of amendments and additions to the MGSA Charter;

Adoption of the Regulations on the Moscow City Council of the MGCA;

Determination of the main activities of MGSA;

Election and recall of the Chairman of the MGSA;

Election of members of the Moscow City Council MGCA (hereinafter referred to as MGCA MGCA);

Election of members of the MGSA Board;

Election of members of the MGSA Audit Commission;

Approval of reports on the work of the IGU and the IGU Board during the period between Conferences;

Evaluation of the work of the MGCA MGCA and the MGCA Board;

Approval of the act of the MGSA Audit Commission;

Making a decision on the reorganization of MGSA as a whole;

Making a decision to liquidate MGSA as a whole, appointing a liquidation commission.

4.12.8. The term of office of the members of the MGCA MGCA, the Board and the Audit Commission of the MGCA is 4 years.

4.12.9. The decisions of the MGSA Conference are binding on all local MGSA branches, local MGSA organizations and MGSA members.

4.12.10. The Conference has the right to accept other issues for its consideration, in accordance with the MGSA Charter.

4.13. Moscow City Council MGSA.

4.13.1. The governing body of the MGCA during the period between Conferences is the Moscow
City Council of MGSA, the Plenum of which is convened at least once a year: no later than
3 months after the end of the financial year and no later than 1 month before the
MGSA conferences.

To carry out routine work, including managing the activities of local

branches of MGSA and local organizations of MGSA, a full-time staff is created in the MGSA

executive apparatus, led by the Chairman elected at the Conference

The term of office of the MGU MGSA is four years.

4.13.2. The quantitative composition of the members of the IGU MGSA is determined on the basis of 1 member of the Council from 5
thousands of MGSA members. From local branches of MGSA less than 5 thousand - 1 member of MGSA.

Representatives of government bodies, management and public organizations of the city of Moscow who are members of the MGSA can be elected to the MGCA MGCA.

4.13.3. The plenum of the MGCA MGCA is recognized as competent if more than 50% of its members participate in the work.

4.13.4. The work of the Plenum is led by the Chairman of the MGSA or one of his deputies.

4.13.5. Extraordinary Plenums of the IGU MGCA are convened on the initiative of the Board, the Audit Commission of the MGCA or at the request of at least one third of the members of the IGU MGCA.

4.13.6. The following issues fall within the competence of the MGSA:

Consideration of changes and additions to the MGSA Charter;

Review and approval of the report of the MGCA Board on the work done, on financial and economic activities and on the results of consideration of complaints and applications;

Convening the MGCA Conferences, approving the standards of representation at the Conference, determining the time and place of the Conference;

Approval of the annual work plan, annual budget and annual accounting report of MGSA;

Making decisions on joining (merging) into other public associations, associations and unions;

Removal of the Chairman of the MGCA and appointment of an interim Chairman of the MGCA.

4.13.7. In cases where the MGCA Board violates the MGCA Charter, does not comply with the decisions of the MGCA MGCA or the MGCA Conference, the Chairman of the MGCA or 1/3 of the members of the MGCA MGCA has the right to convene the Plenum of the MGCA MGCA and raise the issue of re-election of the Board at an extraordinary Conference.

4.13.8. MGCA MGCA has the right to accept for its consideration other issues within its competence, including issues referred by the Charter to the competence of the MGCA Board.

4.13.9. Decisions on all issues at the Plenums of the IGU MGSA are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the IGU MGSA present at the Plenum.

4.13.10. The organization and activities of the MGSA MGSA are regulated by the MGSA Charter and
Regulations on the Moscow City Council, which is approved by the Conference

4.14. MGSA Board.

4.14.1. The permanent governing body of the MGCA during the period between the Plenums of the MGCA is the MGCA Board, whose meetings are held on a regular basis at least once a quarter. The term of office of members of the MGSA Board is 4 years.

4.14.2. The quantitative composition of the MGCA Board is no more than 50% of the number of members of the MGCA MGCA.

4.14.3. A meeting of the MGSA Board is recognized as valid if more than 50% of its members participate in the work.

Decisions on all issues at meetings of the MGCA Board are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the MGCA Board present at the meeting. Extraordinary meetings of the MGCA Board may be held on the initiative of the MGCA Chairman, for the reasons specified in clause 4.14.5, as well as on the initiative of the MGCA Audit Commission or at the request of at least 1/3 of the members of the MGCA Board.

4.14.4. The following issues fall within the competence of the MGSA Board:

Checking the activities of local branches of MGCA and, if necessary, local organizations of MGCA and providing them with assistance;

Submitting questions and proposals to state and administrative bodies aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests of MGSA members;

Preparation of the annual budget of MGSA;

Preparation of a report to the Plenum of the MGCA MGCA on the work done, on financial and economic activities and on the results of consideration of complaints and applications;

Making decisions on the creation of business partnerships, societies and other business organizations;

Organizing, taking into account the rights provided for in this Charter, the economic and financial activities of MGSA;

Establishing the amount, procedure and timing for the payment and transfer of entrance and membership fees from structural divisions and members of the MGSA;

Review and approval of annual estimates and reports of local branches of MGSA;

Approval of the full-time executive apparatus of the MGSA;

Approval of the terms of remuneration for all MGSA officials;

Convening the Plenum of the MGCA MGCA and preparing the necessary materials for its work;

Approval of the Regulations and other internal regulations of the MGSA;

Making decisions on the creation, liquidation, merger or division of structural divisions of MGSA;

Making decisions on the acquisition of legal entity status by local branches of MGCA and local organizations of MGCA;

Management of the organizational and mass propaganda work of MGCA, publication of literature on the activities of MGCA and resolution of other issues related to the activities of MGCA, within its competence;

Preparation of amendments and additions to the MGCA Charter, submitting them to the Plenum of the MGCA MGCA;

Organization of experience exchange and training for MGSA staff members.

4.14.5. If facts of gross violation are revealed by any regular or non-regular employee
MGSA provisions of the Charter, other regulations of MGSA, labor and financial
discipline, committing offenses, as well as activities aimed at
weakening or split of the MGSA, Chairman of the MGSA, in agreement with the Board
MGSA has the right to remove a person who has committed a violation from performing duties
and appoint an interim person to perform his duties.

If necessary, the MGCA Board approves the composition of the commission to conduct an internal investigation into the violation. If violations in financial and economic activities are confirmed, the documents are transferred to law enforcement agencies to take measures provided by law.

4.14.6. Charters and other normative acts of business partnerships, societies, business organizations and other legal entities created by MGSA, or in which MGSA acts as a founder, must be agreed upon by the Board of MGSA.

4.14.7. The MGCA Board annually informs the body that made the decision on the state registration of MGCA about the continuation of its activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and information about its leaders.

4.15. Chairman of MGSA:

4.15.1. The Chairman of the MGCA is elected at the MGCA Conference for a period of 4 years.

4.15.2. The Chairman of the MGSA is the Chairman of the MGSA and the Board of the MGSA, acts from
on behalf of MGSA without a power of attorney.

4.15.3. Chairman of MGSA:

Provides day-to-day management of the activities of the MGCA in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, decisions of the MGCA Conference, the MGCA Charter, decisions of the MGCA Plenums and the MGCA Board;

Organizes and manages the work of the MGCA International City Council and the MGCA Board;

Organizes the work and interaction of all structural divisions of MGSA, directs their activities to increase its efficiency and meet the needs of MGSA members;

On behalf of MGSA, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, opens and closes accounts in the relevant bank institutions and disposes of funds and property within the limits of estimates approved by the MGSA Board;

Acts on behalf of MGSA in state, public and other organizations, organizes interaction and establishes connections between MGSA and regional and local authorities state power and administration, represents and protects the interests of MGSA in them;

Issues orders, instructions, approves instructions and other acts;

Hires and fires staff members of the MGSA staff;

Hires and dismisses deputy chairmen of MGSA but in agreement with the MGSA Board;

Encourages, imposes disciplinary action, brings to financial responsibility;

Ensures the fulfillment of all obligations of MGSA, including to financial and tax authorities, as well as business and labor contracts;

Takes measures to provide MGSA with qualified personnel, their rational use, improvement of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, compliance with the requirements of legislation on environmental protection;

Makes decisions on filing claims and lawsuits against legal entities and citizens on behalf of MGSA;

Controls the work of the structural divisions of MGSA;

Creates by its order, if necessary, a commission of full-time employees of the MGCA, members of the MGCA, the Board of the MGCA, with the participation of members of the Audit Commission of the MGCA and the local branch of the MGCA to audit the financial, economic, organizational and other activities of the local branches of the MGCA and local organizations of the MGCA;

If violations of financial and economic activities are detected in local branches of MGCA, violations of the Charter of MGCA, work aimed at undermining or splitting MGCA, offenses, as well as when the structure of local branches of MGCA changes, the Chairman of the local branch of MGCA is relieved of his regular position and terminates the fixed-term employment contract with him , appoints, in agreement with the MGCA Board, the Acting Chairman of the local branch of the MGCA and makes a proposal for his early re-election;

Bears responsibility for the state and results of the work of the MGSA, for the organization of accounting and safety of the material and monetary resources of the MGSA, for violations of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, gross or systematic violations of the Charter of the MGSA, for non-fulfillment (improper execution) of its job responsibilities, for offenses committed in the course of their work activities, for causing material damage to MGSA within the limits determined by the current legislation of Russia, for the consequences of decisions made;

Carry out personal reception of MGSA members, consider and make decisions on letters, applications and complaints;

Exercises other powers that do not contradict current legislation. The MGCA Charter, decisions of the MGCA Conference, plenums of the MGCA MGCA and the MGCA Board.

4.16. Audit Commission of MGSA.

4.16.1. The Audit Commission of the MGCA is elected by the MGCA Conference for a period of 4 years and is accountable only to the Conference.

The Audit Commission of MGSA audits the financial and economic activities of all structural divisions and governing bodies of MGSA.

4.16.2. The Audit Commission of the MGSA organizes and carries out its activities on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, the Charter of the MGSA, the Regulations on the Audit Commissions of the MGSA and other regulations of the MGSA.

4.16.3. Members of the MGSA Audit Commission from among their members elect the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Secretary of the commission by a simple majority of votes.

4.16.4. Members of the MGCA Audit Commission participate with the right of an advisory vote in the work of the MGCA Conference, Plenums of the MGCA MGCA and at meetings of the MGCA Board.

4.16.5. Members of the MGSA MGSA cannot be elected to the Audit Commission.

4.16.6. The Audit Commission of the MGSA gives an opinion on the annual report of the MGSA. Without the conclusion of the MGCA Audit Commission, the annual report cannot be submitted for approval by the Plenum of the MGCA MGCA.

4.16.7. Based on the results of inspections, the MGCA Audit Commission may come up with a proposal to convene an extraordinary meeting of the MGCA Board, the MGCA Plenum and the MGCA Conference, as well as the Board, Council and Conference of the local MGCA branch and the General Meeting (Conference) of the local MGCA organization.

4.16.8. External audit. To conduct an additional audit of the financial and economic activities of the MGCA, by decision of the MGCA Conference, the Plenum of the MGCA, the MGCA Board or the Chairman of the MGCA, specialized licensed audit organizations may be involved on contractual terms.

5. Activities of MGSA.

5.1. MGSA was created and operates on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government, legality and transparency. MGSA is free to determine its internal structure, goals, forms, methods and areas of activity.

5.2. To achieve the goals of MGSA in accordance with current legislation:

Freely disseminates information about its activities;

Ensures the protection of the rights of the MGSA, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of the structural divisions and members of the MGSA in government and administrative bodies, in public associations;

Participates in joint activities with other interested public associations, enterprises, organizations, citizens (including foreign ones);

Rents land plots for collective parking lots of MGSA members. Has parking lots using land plots with payment of tax;

Promotes registration and provides comprehensive assistance to local branches of MGCA and local organizations of MGCA in the registration of land and legal relations, in the use of parking lots, equipment, modernization, reconstruction and construction of multi-story garages and parking lots;

Promotes the organization and development of a network of driving schools, auto-motor clubs, courses, seminars and clubs with the aim of training MGSA members in management vehicles, improving driving skills and studying the design of new cars;

Promotes and promotes the organization of motor vehicle insurance and civil liability of MGSA members;

Participates in carrying out preventive measures to reduce road accidents, technical inspections and other activities carried out by the traffic police and aimed at improving road safety;

Promotes and promotes the dissemination of advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of road safety, auto tourism, motor sports, maintenance, repair, maintenance and parking of individual vehicles, amateur auto design and auto restoration;

Carries out measures to prevent pollution of the environment by motor vehicles. Takes part in various events held by state and public organizations in Moscow, the Russian Federation and foreign countries to improve the environmental situation in the city;

Carries out other activities not prohibited by current legislation and aimed at achieving statutory goals, including holding, in accordance with the law, rallies, meetings, demonstrations, processions, pickets.

10.6. The funds available to MGSA, including proceeds from the sale of property during liquidation, after settlements with the budget and creditors, payment of wages to MGSA employees and fulfillment of obligations to MGSA members, are used for statutory and charitable purposes, but are not distributed among MGSA members.

10.7. Upon liquidation of the MGSA, documents on personnel are transferred to state storage in the manner prescribed by law.

10.8. The information and documents necessary for the state registration of MGCA in connection with its liquidation are sent to the body that made the decision on the state registration of MGCA upon its creation.

Chairman of MGSA