Create a horoscope based on your date and time of birth. Individual horoscope

Natal chart, horoscope, astrology - these concepts have a very close relationship and are parts of a single whole. Astrology is an ancient science that is based on the laws of the Universe and about the Universe. She studies and analyzes the influence of various cosmic bodies.

A horoscope is a schematic representation of a site starry sky, which can only be seen at a certain geographical point and only during a certain period of time. Usually predicts events that are associated with a certain point in space and time and is the basis of many traditions rooted in astrology.

Natal (astrological) chart is a symbolic diagram reflecting the state of the Cosmos at the moment of birth. This is like a photograph of the part of space where man was born. The natal chart contains an image of cosmic spheres with the Sun, planets of the solar system, the Moon and even comets that are located at certain points on the earth's horizon.

As researchers suggest, the first rudiments of astronomy began to emerge back in the Stone Age, when people began to observe the movement of the Sun and Moon, as well as record various important features in their movement. At the same time, primary counting skills and some elements of geometry began to develop.

First documentary evidence practical application astrologies were found in the oldest written sources of ancient Sumer. Arcade and Babylon. They date back to the end of the 3rd century BC. e. Then the priests of some cults often used a rather primitive “astrology of omens” as a basis, which served as a basis for various natural phenomena, solar and lunar eclipses, falling meteorites, the appearance of comets and the like. This type of astrology is known as "mundane astrology". Basically, it consisted of predictions of global events affecting entire states.

Drawing up individual horoscopes with characteristics largely similar to modern ones historical sources began to appear only at the end of the 5th and beginning of the 6th centuries. BC era. But the complete formation of such concepts as astrology, horoscope, natal chart, ended only in the 1st century. n. era.

The uniqueness of astrology lies in the fact that it treats everyone very individually and does not tolerate an average static approach. For example, if you draw up a natal chart individually for one person, it will never repeat the astrological chart that was drawn up for another. Even if you build natal charts for twins, it’s easy to find significant differences. Since their birth occurs in different time periods, even if the difference in their birth is several tens of seconds, this is already an inevitable indicator of differences in their horoscopes.

The most accurate compilation astrological chart, plays a vital role in the further dynamic development of horoscope drawing. But if a person has forgotten or does not know exact time own birth, what to do in this case? In this case, you need to tell the astrologer everything about yourself in more detail. Especially about those events that are most significant to you. A professional astrologer, based on the information you provide him, will compile and restore your date of birth with an accuracy of a few minutes. A similar process in astrology is called - rectification. Even if you know everything about the time of birth, an experienced astrologer will suggest telling him about those events that played an important role in your life. This will all help to more accurately draw up a natal chart and horoscope.

The main basic indicators for an astrologer are events that have happened in life; he uses the method of elimination to reject all unpromising options, which helps to compile the required time accuracy. When known exact date and time of birth, then using modern technologies It is easy to calculate the compiled map of a person’s birth, in other words, to reproduce the location of certain celestial bodies accompanying the moment of a person’s birth in relation to the Earth.

But deciphering the compiled birth chart is a completely different action and calculation; here it is necessary to interpret the astrological chart as accurately as possible in relation to life and destiny. If a birth chart can be calculated within a few minutes, then it will take several hours or even a day to decipher it and compile a horoscope accordingly. This is a very delicate matter that only an experienced astrologer can handle.

If we consider this aspect in more detail, then astrology does not answer what exactly can happen to this or that person.

It only compiles and states in detail the very moment of birth, shows what connects a person with certain celestial bodies, which were located at a certain geographical point at the time of birth of a person. When compiling a complete natal chart, the astrologer needs to resort to “predictive astrology.”

One of important sections astrology is "astropsychology", it is she who is intended to reveal character. Astropsychology is based on the relationship between space objects and humans, their influence on behavior and psyche. Therefore, based on an analysis of the positions of cosmic bodies in the signs of the zodiac, and the influence they exert through aspects on the human psyche and behavior, a conclusion is drawn.

Those events that are possible in a person’s life and reflected in the horoscope of events are controlled by the 12 houses of the horoscope, which influence almost all areas of life.

According to the trends accepted in the astrological school, astrology, horoscope, natal chart do not thoroughly and accurately determine fate in its smallest details. Since the astrological school is dominated by the principle that states that general judgments cancel private ones.

In the ancient medieval work “The Book of Judgments about the Stars” relating to XII century there is a current example. Almost in the same place at the same time, 2 people were born. One was born into the family of a bread merchant, the other into the family of a powerful nobleman. The natal chart predicted enormous wealth, influence and power for these two; they would both rise greatly during their lives. However, their rise will not be equal, one of them will become a king and rule over the entire country, and the other will become a successful rich merchant, of course the son of a nobleman will become a king, and the son of a bread seller will become a merchant. This is an example of a confirmation of the principle that general judgments cancel particular ones.

All three concepts, astrology, horoscope, natal chart are closely related to one another. So that make a natal chart it is impossible to do without calculations, but in itself it is static and does not carry any predictions. But the dynamics of the development of the horoscope completely depends on predictive astrology and only then will it be compiled as much as possible accurate horoscope for a person, by his date of birth. It will reflect the predisposition and purpose of a person all important events his life, family relationships psychological portrait And. etc. Having such information, it becomes possible to influence events to some extent own life, but of course a person will never be able to completely change what is destined from above.

So, you have decided to learn how to make astrological forecasts. For beginners, this topic is quite complex and requires thoughtful study. So let's get straight to the point. From this article you will learn what types of horoscopes there are, how the elements and signs of the Zodiac relate, what astrological houses are.

We would like to warn you right away that astrology for beginners is not the easiest science. If you do not have the time or desire to understand its intricacies, then you can use simpler methods of predicting the future. For example, use or learn.

Types of horoscopes

1. Natal chart . This is a schematic image of the starry sky, compiled at the time of human birth. The natal chart allows us to determine the character of an individual and the main milestones of his life path. With its help, even a novice astrologer will be able to find out what the client (the person for whom the horoscope is being drawn up) will experience and what difficulties he will face. When studying predictive astrology for beginners, it is recommended that you first master natal horoscopes.

2. Transit map . Compiled at a specific point in time associated with an important event. For example, this could be enrolling in a university, registering a marriage, or opening a company. Its goal is to identify astrological factors that can positively or negatively influence the situation.

3. Chart of Lunar and Solar Returns . It somewhat resembles a transit map. An astrologer needs to compare a person’s natal chart with a prediction made more late period(when the Moon or Sun takes a similar position).

Houses in astrology

A small disclaimer. There are two astrological systems- modern heliocentric (the Earth revolves around the Sun) and the more ancient geocentric, in which the Earth is taken as the reference point, and the Sun and planets revolve around it. We are considering the classic geocentric model.

Pay attention to figure No. 1, which shows a standard natal chart. As you can see, it is a circle divided into 12 sectors, each of which is 30˚. Moreover, this circle is divided inside by the signs of the Zodiac, and outside by houses.

The lines dividing houses in astrology are called cusps. To get comfortable with numbering, you need to understand two important points called the ascendant (As) and the descendant (Ds).

The numbering of houses begins with the ascendant. The sector located below As will be considered the first house, and the section above this point will be considered the twelfth. When compiling astrological forecast has great value, in which house certain planets were located.

Zodiac signs and elements

Almost everyone who is interested in astrology for beginners knows that there are twelve signs of the Zodiac. The following symbols correspond to these signs:

In addition, when drawing up a horoscope, nine major planets are plotted on the map solar system, which also have their own designations:

And finally, the novice astrologer needs to know how the signs of the Zodiac relate to the four elements. Pay attention to this table:


Zodiac signs



Connection with past incarnations

You will be interested to know that in addition to the predictive direction, there is karmic astrology. She studies reincarnation (rebirth) and human destiny.

As part of the course on studying horoscopes, we will touch on some aspects of karmic astrology and its application. In particular, issues of choosing a profession, problems in personal life, and predisposition to diseases will be considered. You can also study astrological symbolism and find out what other heavenly signs mean.

A personal horoscope is an astrological portrait of a person, containing information regarding his temperament, natural features, and character traits. The formation of personality, in addition to hereditary data, is significantly influenced by the position of the planets in a specific period of time. Therefore, the most accurate, from an astrological point of view, is an individual horoscope that takes into account the date, time and place of birth of a person. Based on these data, it is possible to identify weak and strengths character, find out your purpose and even change your destiny. An astrological portrait not only reveals a person’s individuality, but also allows one to make predictions for the future. This is a golden opportunity to adjust your behavior to achieve success.

Individual horoscope

Gender Male ♂ Female ♀

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1 995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 46 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1 921 1920

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59


Find out Horoscope!

How does this work...

At the core personal horoscope lies a natal chart built on specific data: time, date, place of birth. As a result, a unique, one-of-a-kind picture is formed from many elements, giving an idea of ​​a person’s personality. The most accurate decoding of astrological information is provided by the interpretation of several sources at once. Western astrology takes into account the position of the Sun, Moon and 8 major planets in relation to the signs of the Zodiac at the time of birth. Chinese calendar based on a 12-year cycle, each year corresponds to a specific patron animal. No less important in Eastern philosophy is belonging to one of the 5 natural elements, ultimately forming a 60-year cycle. The combined horoscope combines Western and Chinese signs Zodiac, which allows you to reveal a person’s personality in different aspects. More detailed information information for each item can be obtained by following the links provided.

To receive an individual horoscope, fill out all fields of the form. First, enter your name, gender, and date of birth. The astrological portrait will be as accurate as possible if you indicate the time of birth (hour, minute). If the data is unknown, skip this step, the field will remain question marks. The place of birth is no less important; the coordinates affect the appearance of the astrological chart. To do this, indicate the city or select the appropriate option from the list. Once you select a city, the fields for latitude and longitude will be filled in automatically, but you can enter them manually or using a map. The accuracy of the calculation of your individual horoscope depends on the correctness of the information you provide. Finally, click the “Find out horoscope” button. To receive a personal horoscope by date of birth, SMS and registration are not required.

Individual horoscope by date, time and place of birth, as opposed to general zodiac horoscope, is calculated by the location of the planets for a certain geographic latitude and longitude at a given point in time. An individual horoscope, by determining and analyzing the position of the planets at the moment of a person’s birth, more accurately and in detail describes the fate, character, characteristics, weaknesses and strengths, inclinations and potential of the individual.

An important part of the birth horoscope is also the analysis of the main trends and predispositions that will begin to manifest themselves in the process of human development and life. Based on this information, you can better understand own capabilities and learn the ways by which success, happiness and harmony are achieved.

To know better inner world(your own or another person), characteristics of character and behavior, opportunities and paths of development, you can create an individual horoscope for free online by date of birth using the form on this page. If you are interested in the future and want to know what the stars personally advise you, turn to, which describes positive and negative periods in such areas of life as business, health, love and relationships.

You can also receive it for free, without registering or sending SMS and.

Instructions for filling out the form

To get your individual horoscope by date of birth:

1. Type your name (it will be indicated in the text of the interpretation of the individual horoscope by date of birth).

2. Enter your date and time of birth. If the time is unknown, select 12:00.

3. Indicate your place of birth (for example, Moscow), select a country from the list (for example, Russia).

4. Click the City button.

5. If a settlement is found, the message “Similar cities found.” will appear. Click on the name of the city in the list, after which the fields “Region”, “Latitude, Longitude:” and “Time Zone:” will be filled in automatically. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

6. If the locality is not found, enter only the first few letters with which the name begins and click the “City” button.

7. The message “Similar cities found.” will appear. and a list of found settlements. Click on the name of the desired city, the fields “Region”, “Latitude, Longitude:” and “Time Zone:” will be filled in automatically. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

8. If the locality could not be found, select the city that is closest to the desired locality. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

You can independently enter the coordinates and time zone of the desired location.

I think you will agree that there are special days in every person's life. You have a business meeting on this day, you get a new job or ask for a salary increase. Or maybe you are proposing marriage? Of course, you want everything to go smoothly, so you just can't help but worry. What can I tell you? What should I do? If we determine the vibration of this special day and the forces that you receive, you just have to think through your tactics and - you can relax, with the knowledge that you are in control of the situation.
So, to determine your personal day number, you should add the following numbers (remembering that numerology only operates with single-digit numbers from 1 to 9, that is, January corresponds to 1, September to 9, October to 1 again, and so on):
the day of your birth month;
the number of your birthday;
date of the current year;
date of the current month;
date of the current day.
For example:
You were born on March 2nd. Let's say you want to know the vibration of a date like September 8, 2014.
You should add the numbers of the month, day and year: 8 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6.
Then you need to add the number “6” with the numbers of the month and day of your birth.
6 + 2 + 3 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 - personal number of the day.
Do not forget that a personal day lasts only a day, and you need to re-define the vibration as the dates change.

Day number 1
The number 1 always means a beginning: thus, this is a great day for some kind of activity, for the implementation of something planned. You will wake up in the morning full of strength and ambition - you are ready to start the day, and today you will surpass everyone in the world!
The worries of the previous nine-day cycle are forgotten - you have “turned the page”, you are determined to ensure that the upcoming new nine-day cycle brings you success. It's really nice to know that you can start over and try again where you failed before.
One is invariably the vibration of enterprise, and therefore devote all your time and energy to the implementation of some large task, regardless of whether you are doing big things or not. If you are in a leadership position, any questions you may have creative ideas can be implemented without delay. If you occupy a subordinate position, the spirit of creativity will not bypass you either - share your plans with a person who has the opportunity to implement them. Among other things, the day is favorable for those who would like to receive a promotion or increase in salary - their chances are very high.
If you are in trade, dedicate today to expanding your clientele. Profitable deals await you, you will open new accounts. You should definitely put negotiations with people important to you on your agenda if your line of work includes such activities.
On such a day, creative forces manifest themselves in a variety of ways - keep this in mind. New ideas may dawn on you, you are able to master new skills. Wherever your imagination takes you, follow it and new roads will open before you.
No matter what you do, there is always the opportunity to expand your horizons, and in this sense, the day could not be more suitable. Even a homebody can take advantage of the forces associated with the vibration of “one” for self-development and enroll in some circle, make new friends, join a club, plant or redesign a garden, travel, read a new book.
Expansion of interests and activities will result in increased authority for you both in business sphere, and in your social circle. Be sincere and pleasant with people. Forget old disputes and grievances. Grudges have never made anyone happy. “Forget and forgive” is your motto from now on. And if you follow it, you will have many well-wishers, and thanks to a feeling of inner peace, you will gain what you tried in vain to achieve, consumed by hatred of those who offended you. Be tolerant and patient, self-possessed and decisive, let nothing and no one disturb the peace in your soul - otherwise what you have achieved will turn to dust.

Day number 2
Two is the number of cooperation, so today you will not put pressure on others with your authority. Let others have the deciding vote today - your boss, partner, friends, spouse. This does not mean that you can remain indifferent and indifferent; on the contrary, it is important that you provide support and coordinate, to the best of your ability, the plans and activities of others. Your give-and-take attitude will impress them and they will repay you with loyalty. Be tactful if you disagree with something and try to guide people in the right direction of thinking and right actions without resorting to strong-willed methods and dictatorship. You need flexibility and diplomacy.
Even if you are a dynamic person by nature, slow down and give others the opportunity to express themselves. Listen, and don't be a nightingale: today main role it didn’t go to you, so it’s better to prompt and encourage everyone with whom business or chance brings you together. Those who listen learn a lot, even if the news is not earth-shattering. The moment you pause, when you direct your attention to people, you learn something important about them. Perhaps you will notice some facet that previously eluded your gaze.
Time is passing slowly for you today. No rush or fuss. Don't let yourself be pushed. The result of haste on the second personal day will be wrong decisions and actions.
Two is also a number that means you will easily find common language with women. If you follow the spirit of cooperation that marks today, you will succeed in all matters, at work and at home, in which women are engaged. Time favors petitioners - you will be provided with a favor. It’s better to wait with purchases - you have everything you need. Dedicate the day to what was started the day before, on your first personal day.
Charm, understanding, tact and willingness to help - this is what is valued today. If you have been proposed, you should accept it on your second personal day, because marriage, after all, is a long-term partnership, isn’t it?
Intuition will unmistakably tell you what is the right thing to do today. Trust your intuition - on such a day it is especially strong. But if you are negative and argumentative, if you act contrary to the vibration of cooperation inherent in the second personal day, your actions will turn against you. Calm! Relax and be happy.

Day number 3
Today your personal beginning triumphs - you will sparkle as a star of the first magnitude. Everything that makes up your “I” must be expressed, because the “three” stands for self-expression. Joy, fun, charm, tenderness and inspiration - that's what suits you today. People will be drawn to you like a magnet. And since you are especially attractive today, is there a better day to socialize or talk about the position you would like to take, about a salary increase?!
Go to the party, to dinner party, for dinner. The day is conducive to vigorous activity in societies and companies. If your third personal day falls on a weekend or holiday, do not sit within four walls - there will be time for relaxation. Go to a club, play golf, tennis - visit any crowded place. Are you a homebound person? A great day for you to invite friends over or go shopping. Today you are distinguished delicate taste, because self-expression is “in focus”. Why not buy gifts for birthdays, weddings, holidays - those that you will need soon? It’s better to do this today, when the vibration of the day gives you the ability to make the right choice, because on some other day you won’t be in the mood, but today you will be able to purchase something that will make the right impression.
On this day love and affection are celebrated. You will undoubtedly feel a special tenderness for those you love. Express your feelings without concealment, and people will answer you with double love. Everyone wants warmth and special attention, and the person you caressed will be grateful to you - you will be even more closely connected with him by bonds of love.
Serious questions, worries - all this has no place today: the day of pleasure and fun has come. Whatever happens, accept it lightly and things will get better. Brush off adversity. Nothing can shake you unless you give in, and today you cannot give in. Your positive attitude will help you overcome everything, and you will be surprised that any crisis is not difficult to deal with if one does not focus on the negative side of things.
Do not waste your time and attention, although the festive nature of the day may lead to such temptation. The forces of self-expression and attractiveness that dominate on the third personal day should be directed towards achieving the goals you have set. It is a sin not to take advantage of this gift - do not neglect anything to achieve what you want. At work, at home, in society - everywhere, rely on self-expression and your undoubted charisma - the day will pass, but you will remain a winner forever and will constantly increase it.
The love of art may prompt you to go to an exhibition, watch a play or a movie today. Be sure to do this - you will get a rare pleasure like no other day. Choose your toilet carefully and invite someone for company. Enjoy every moment of this day, and at the end of it admit: the day is beautiful.

Day number 4
Work is the order of the day, so forget about fun. Take on things you haven't gotten around to before. Get up early, work late, and stick to a rigid routine. You will have the strength and motivation to do everything that you usually put off due to lack of interest. However, you simply need to do a lot, so it’s better today than ever later. All your efforts will pay off in the future.
Any large-scale activity today will be successful - signing contracts, concluding partnership deals. Today your intellect is strong, and you can easily cope with the responsibilities assigned to you.
The vibration of the fourth personal day also turns a person towards home, so housewives will have a whole mountain of urgent matters. Spouses can make plans together for the future of their children: they may consider it necessary to open a trust fund, prepare children for school; Other suitable topics include savings, home expansion and remodeling, and relocation. Anything that requires a strong mind and detailed planning is better decided today - it is unwise to miss the opportunity and not take advantage of the favorable vibration of the day in this regard.
A visit to the dentist or a general medical examination is also recommended. We really don’t like to do this and always put off such things - to our own detriment. Tell yourself: the day has come - and go with the whole family to your doctors. And if this is not possible, make an appointment on the next day. Health cannot be neglected. If nothing hurts, then you don’t want to see a doctor, but an examination by a doctor can promptly reveal a disease that you don’t even suspect about.
Look around your wardrobe - somewhere you need to sew on a button, fix something, wash something, iron something. Go down to the basement, look into the garage - put things in order. What's the state of your budget? Check your checkbooks to see if there are any errors? And bills for public utilities check it carefully too. Are you spending too much? If so, then today is a good day to carefully review expense items and cross out unnecessary ones. Talk about them with your family, stock up on compelling arguments, in a businesslike tone - and everyone, without a doubt, will support the changes you propose. Carelessness and poor management of financial affairs can result in an economic crisis that will drag on for a long time - for the entire nine-day cycle.
Spend your money wisely, if you need to spend it at all. Be frugal. Luxury items will wait for another day.

Day number 5
Don’t be surprised if the meeting scheduled for today is suddenly cancelled, because the essence of the “five” is variability and action. However, knowing about the nature of the fifth personal day, you will not be upset, you will perceive the change of plans lightly and take on something else. You will be rewarded, because on this day one thing is lost, another is found - again, completely unexpectedly. In fact, such a rapid change of events may push you to cancel a planned meeting - suddenly some more urgent and important matter arises.
Take advantage of the curious vibration of the fifth personal day and plunge into the flow of life. "Diversity" - that's it keyword by this day, and you will gain variety by communicating with many of the most different people. Go where you have never been before, where you will certainly meet new circle faces - you will find among them a person you like. Throw all precautions aside, forget about your habits and do everything - or at least something that you have always wanted to do. Put on some exotic outfit, get involved in some new game- everything that goes beyond the boundaries of the “norm” for you will bring you pleasure and pleasantly invigorate you. If you want action today, why not try something that puts you on speed? Yes, you remember wise saying: “Hurry without haste.” But if you enjoy the speed “slowly”, with caution, nothing bad will happen.
Speed ​​also involves making hasty judgments, and this is where you need to be careful. Don't get involved in any adventure without thinking carefully about your step, especially if it concerns your career or home. Have fun, but don't get reckless!
You will spend most of the day talking - reports, discussions, negotiations and... quarrels are possible. A smart and witty conversation will bring you interest, but the vibration of speed, under the influence of which an argument will begin, is not good for you, and therefore refrain from arguing. All types of art and media mass media, related to speech, will give you special pleasure today - performances, films, literature, radio and television programs, as well as lectures. Be sure to allow yourself at least something from this list and enjoy your choice in pleasant company. Since the fifth personal day is very suitable for entertainment, why don’t you and your friends go to the theater?
Write all the necessary letters today. Are you overwhelmed by the desire to write a story, a play, a poem? Follow your instincts, because today the most suitable vibration for this. Even if you don’t end up with a literary masterpiece, a note or just a few lines on a postcard to someone you value will make the right impression on the person.

Day number 7
This is the only day in the nine-day cycle when you should remain calm, remaining alone. Deep thinking is the key to this day, so when left alone, take the opportunity to think about current problems, your present and desired future. Clear work of thought and subsequent conclusions and decisions will help you understand yourself and get on the right path to success.
Now is not the time for action - words come to mind slowly, gestures are slow, because every step needs to be carefully considered before taking. This is exactly the mood of this day. Perhaps reflection will help you cope with some kind of discord in your soul, with weakness of spirit, since the number “7” is associated with religion and spirituality. You are also attracted to the occult sciences; interest in mysticism, in unknown world laws will push you to master secret knowledge.
You will improve your skills, and the new methods you discover that give good results should be introduced into general practice or recommended to authority figures. As for your home, all your discoveries can find a variety of applications here, which will make life easier, reduce the cost and make housekeeping more efficient.
Intelligence and creativity are given to you in full measure today - take advantage of your advantages at your own discretion. Any of your creative proposals will be duly appreciated by your boss or spouse and will elevate you in their eyes. It’s great if you can spend this day quietly in the lap of nature - outside the city, on the seashore. The seashore is an ideal place to relax on the seventh personal day. How good it is to swim if you have a day off! And if only the evening is free, you will get great pleasure from some kind of “cultural program”. Your thoughts today will also be partly occupied with home and all domestic problems, and if you have the opportunity to sit down and discuss matters with everyone concerned, do not miss this opportunity.
Take everyone's opinions into account before forming your own, and try to find a solution that is practical and will satisfy the majority. Today, analysis reigns supreme - you are gifted with the ability to think clearly and comprehend things through the power of intuition. However, under the influence of the same vibrations of the day, you risk falling into pettiness and being somewhat unfair. Criticism makes no one happy, and some may be seriously offended if you do not show tact and diplomacy. Avoid showing your moral superiority, otherwise you will make enemies.
The day is not favorable for investing money in stocks, bonds and other financial transactions. But it is even advisable to think about it, since your ability to foresee everything will undoubtedly help you accept the right decision which you will carry out tomorrow, on the eighth personal day, most suitable for this type of activity.

Day number 8
Don't waste a minute on this day of material success. You woke up in the morning to enjoy all the benefits; may it not change you from dawn to dusk good mood, because the most financially successful day of the cycle has come.
The number 8 indicates entrepreneurial activity and finance, and also serves good sign in this sense - provided you make the proper effort. You will be given determination and energy will flood into you so that you can cope with your tasks. If you are working hard to implement a plan, then today is the day to reap the rewards.
Your efforts should be aimed at improving your financial situation, and therefore do not neglect the chance to achieve an increase in salary or promotion - go to your boss.
Don't wait for a lucky break - take the initiative and grab any offer. Be sure to meet people who can help you, and don't hesitate to ask for the position you want to fill. Courage and confidence are what you need, and then you will certainly get the desired place or at least “get closer” to it. He who does not take risks does not win.
Carefully analyze the state of affairs - maybe you overlooked some opportunities to make money more money or advance in your endeavors. Change the direction of your activity if it does not generate income, and direct the freed-up funds to something else that will bring you profit.
Today is favorable for investing capital, as well as for lending transactions: lend money or take out a loan in order to develop your business.
All yours business relations should be built on diplomacy - show tact, be attentive to people and do not hurt their feelings, otherwise you will harm yourself.
It will be great if you engage in charity, since the number "8" also implies support and help, even if it is only good advice that will allow someone to get out of a difficult situation. Suppose you cannot make a contribution to the fund of some charitable society - in this case, provide personal assistance to the society by taking part in its programs.
Today your intuition is heightened - rely on it in all your endeavors and especially when it comes to money and entrepreneurship. Calculation again? Yes, you cannot miss a favorable time, no matter what you do, no matter what you think about, because the case is also “programmed”. You are simply following the instructions of a higher and more powerful force.
Be sure to pay attention to the people you care about today and devote part of the day to taking care of your appearance. Today all this is more important to you than usual. If you decide to visit your loved one - and today is favorable for such visits - take some souvenir that will testify to your affection.

Day number 9
Nine always means a “big cleaning” of the house, so to speak: you should put things in order and prepare for a completely new cycle, which begins tomorrow, from your first personal day. Give up any endeavors that don't bring you desired results and seem hopeless. Such things should not “clutter up” your life - value your time and energy. The same applies to dating, both business and personal. Find the courage to abandon burdensome relationships, but at the same time show honesty and nobility.
Be generous, but don't be hesitant. Unsolvable situations weigh you down, and obsessive and selfish people cling to you like leeches and draw blood from you without giving anything in return. You should avoid such situations and protect yourself from such people.
You have a great many things to do, too many to count. interesting people, whom you can meet on your life path, and time flies... Treasure time as a priceless treasure and do not waste it.
Thus, the ninth personal day is intended for “cleaning”, which will clear your personal space and allow you to function unhindered. Don't compromise if you've already made a decision.
Nine also indicates distances, and therefore you may go on a trip or someone from afar will appear on your horizon. Everything will become clearer during the day, and you should treat this turn of affairs with due attention. Send the necessary telegrams, letters and other papers that are expected of you. If you suddenly need to go somewhere, don’t think about it, but immediately get ready and go: you will be rewarded.
The vibrations of the "nine" suggest mysticism, and today you may want to delve into the occult sciences - you will discover a lot of new things. The facets of the world are innumerable, and you can peer into any one, without necessarily subordinating your whole life to this activity - just satisfy your curiosity.
Another important aspect of the “nine” is the impulse for creativity. If you are a housewife, then today you will bake some unusual cake and start arranging your home or garden. Or maybe the day will be marked by inspiration and takeoff mental abilities- for those who are busy solving intellectual problems. In any case, give vent to these forces - and you will experience pleasure.
All kinds of confidential conversations are also on the agenda. Under no circumstances should you divulge any secrets that have been revealed to you. Give advice without prevarication, but do not allow yourself to be drawn into any deception, refrain from lying.
Today is a day marked by the spirit of competition, and you have a chance to overtake others, and therefore you can take part in some kind of sports tournament or do something worthwhile. Charity on your part will be highly appreciated by those whom you support, and will elevate you in their own eyes: it is a worthy step in anticipation of the new nine-day cycle; the time will come and your efforts will pay off.
(According to the Jeri Bauer method)