Anastasia Kozhevnikova, husband. Anastasia Kozhevnikova: “VIA Gra” is my dream come true

Anastasia Kozhevnikova born in the spring of 1994 in the city of Yuzhnoukrainsk in the Nikolaev region. The girl has been performing on stage since childhood: when she was six years old, she sang in children's choir With telling name“Droplets”, two years later she became a piano student at a music school. Moreover, young Anastasia Kozhevnikova studied the basics acting and choreography at the pop song theater “Galatea”.

The creative path of Anastasia Kozhevnikova / Anastasiya Kozhevnikova

For as long as she can remember, she has always taken part in numerous creative competitions, in an effort to get to big stage. She has behind her the projects “Running on the Waves”, “First Swallows”, “Young Galicia” and others, but all of them did not bring Anastasia Kozhevnikova desired success.

When the girl turned sixteen, she attended castings television programs“Super Star” and “X Factor”, but never made it past the qualifying round. Then Anastasia Kozhevnikova abandoned her dreams of fame and became a student at the National University of Technology and Design in Kyiv.

She lived in a hostel and worked part-time as the Snow Maiden during New Year's holidays and built her personal life in the company of photographer Avaz Ibragimov. Everything changed on the day when her mother persuaded her to attend the casting of the show “I WANT V VIA GRU”.

For the sake of this event, Anastasia Kozhevnikova boarded a plane for the first time and checked in in a huge line in front of the doors of the media center. Within a couple of months, she became a star of Ukrainian television: producer Konstantin Meladze and the audience chose the most talented and “folk” trio in the history of the VIA Gra group.

The winners of the television competition and new faces of the VIA Gra group were Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erica Herceg, a trio led by Nadezhda Meikher (Granovskaya).

Anastasia Kozhevnikova I couldn’t contain my emotions at the final ceremony:

Dear friends, you have given us absolutely new life, the one we want, thank you very much!

Anastasia Kozhevnikova does not look like the standard charming beauties who have ever performed as part of the group. She has the type of Turgenev young lady, which is rare for VIA Gra, but is not inferior to her colleagues in the initial data. Options Anastasia Kozhevnikova: 85-60-88.

Despite her relative modesty, the girl sometimes pleases fans in in social networks candid shots. In addition, VIA Gra with its new lineup took part in a photo shoot for New Year's number edition "XXL".

There were rumors that Anastasia Kozhevnikova had to break up with her boyfriend as soon as she signed a contract with the group's producer Konstantin Meladze. The girl herself claimed that this was not so, and continued to post joint romantic photos on Instagram.

However, in February 2014, on the eve of Valentine's Day, the couple broke up. They did not stand the test of glory:

This is how the situation developed, it just happened that way. That's what I was thinking. That is, both me and him - we simply could not dock. I became very busy and did not have enough time to pay attention to him. Unfortunately.

Participant's name: Kozhevnikova Anastasia Dmitrievna

Age (birthday): 26.03.1993

City: Yuzhnoukrainsk, Kyiv

Family: single

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Anastasia was brought up in a simple Ukrainian family, her parents had nothing to do with art and creativity, but tried to comprehensively develop their daughter. Kozhevnikova sang in the choir from the age of six, then enrolled in music school. The girl learned to play the piano and honed her vocals. In order to fully correspond to her musical idols, the girl asked her parents to take her to a choreographic studio.

Having matured, Anastasia decided to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. She attended various castings and wanted to take part in musical projects, but at first she was constantly unlucky. However, this did not upset her at all; Kozhevnikova confidently walked forward towards her goal.

Having received a matriculation certificate, the girl decided to leave her hometown for the capital. There she entered one of the country's prestigious universities, where she studied the basics of management.

Realizing that in Kyiv she has a better chance of catching luck by the tail, Anastasia again went to storm the castings. Among the unsuccessful projects are: “Super Star” and “X Factor”.

In the capital, the future pop diva found herself completely alone, without the support of family and friends. Anastasia took her failures very hard. It got to the point that the girl decided to take a break, take a break from fruitless campaigns. At this moment, Kozhevnikova’s mother intervened, supported her daughter, and insisted on continuing the search for her place in the sun.

So Anastasia, plucking up courage, went to win the heart of Konstantin Meladze and other judges in the show “I Want VVia-Gru”. This time, luck was on the side of the diligent girl; she ended up in the top three with Misha Romanova and Erica Hertz. So, the girls reached the finals and are the current members of the Via-Gra group.

The updated project was very popular with the fans, who greeted it warmly and still support it to this day. The first video was called “Truce” and within a few days of release on YouTube it received several million views. At the same time, ill-wishers rushed to discredit the girls, calling them an unsuccessful copy of the former “Via Gra”. However, Anastasia, Erica and Misha managed to prove the opposite, getting into several nominations at once at the “Real MusicBox Award”.

The following year, the Via-Gra group released a touching, lyrical song called “It was wonderful.” This work was highly appreciated not only by fans, but also music critics. Among latest clips The following videos deserve attention from the updated “Via-Gra”: “So much”, “Who are you to me?”, “My heart is busy”.

Now Anastasia Kozhevnikova continues to perform as part of a popular group. The modest girl prefers to remain silent about her personal life, considering it not a topic for discussion with strangers. IN free time she visits her parents in Kyiv and meets with friends. There are rumors that Anastasia got married, but there are no photos from the event.

Photo by Anastasia

Anastasia has more than 590 thousand subscribers on Instagram. On the page you can see photos from events and performances, as well as personal shots.

The soloists, as before, included three girls: a brunette, a blonde and a brown-haired one.

The youngest participant was the sizzling brunette Anastasia Kozhevnikova, whose photo can be seen below.

The path to victory for Anastasia Kozhevnikova from Yuzhnoukrainsk

It is worth noting that Anastasia Kozhevnikova “I want to join VIA Gro” won primarily due to her beautiful voice and talent, which was noted by the girls’ teachers from the age of 6. Born in sunny Yuzhnoukrainsk, the girl began studying vocals at the age of 6 in the children's choir “Kapelki”.

Two years later, the singer entered a music school to study piano, studying at the same time in exemplary theater pop song called "Galatea".

However, this was not enough for young Nastya. Still a very young performer, she began regularly attending acting and choreography classes. All acquired skills future star honed in on big stage, participating in children's competitions: “Running on the Waves”, “First Swallows” and “Young Galicia”. Despite the fact that in none of them the performer took prize places, she did not despair, continuing to hone her skills. Participation in several years in a row various competitions also did not bring results until a girl studying at the Kiev National University of Technology and Design heard about the fateful casting.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova decided to change her biography and applied for the “I want to join VIA Gro” competition. And this was truly a turning point in the fate of the young talent. Thanks to her strong voice, memorable appearance and excellent figure, the girl not only won the love of fans, but also became part of the updated group of Konstantin Meladze.

Personal life and biography of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Despite winning the show, the artist does not want to quit studying at the University, but really realizing that it was impossible to combine the terms of the contract with her studies, she transferred to the correspondence department.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova is in no hurry to talk about her personal life. The only thing fans can speculate on are photographs of a girl with a young man posted on microblogs by her colleagues. It was this bright man who could be seen at the head of the girl’s support group and in photographs with Nastya. But when asked if he is her boyfriend, the girl remains silent. Avaz Ibragimov, on the contrary, says that before meeting Nastya and her participation in the project, he was not interested in the work of VIA Gra. Despite the girl’s heavy workload and revealing outfits, the young man supports Kozhevnikova and is glad that she has made her dream come true.

But what Anastasia Kozhevnikova, whose photo is on our website, is not going to hide, is her beautiful figure. Fresh photos, incl. in a bikini, the girl does not hesitate to post it online, showing off perfect proportions body: 85-60-88.

Konstantin Meladze believes that Anastasia Kozhevnikova glorified Yuzhnoukrainsk not only thanks to her talent, but to a greater extent thanks to diversified development and creativity, which were laid down in childhood.

Creative plans and photos of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

In early November, the VIA Gra soloists should begin filming a new video, which all fans are eagerly awaiting. Afterwards they will have a photo shoot for a famous magazine, rehearsals and concerts, the first of which is rumored to take place at the State Kremlin Palace. Fans are sure that Nastya was initially the most promising girl on the project with the most in a strong voice and excellent vocal abilities, and therefore are looking forward to the tour.

Anastasia Dmitrievna Kozhevnikova – former member“VIA Gru”, one of the three winners of the reality show “I Want V VIA Gru”.

The childhood of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Anastasia was born in the city of Yuzhnoukrainsk, Nikolaev region, in the family of photographer Dmitry and choir soloist Tatyana Kozhevnikov. Anastasia has no siblings.

WITH early childhood Anastasia loved to compose songs and perform with them in front of her family. Already at the age of two she firmly decided that she would become a singer. Therefore, at the age of six, Nastya was sent to children's choir“Droplets”, and two years later the girl was enrolled in a piano class.

Comprehensive school also helped the baby open up creative potential. As a child, Nastya was a mischievous girl, she preferred to play with boys, and grew up, in her own words, as a “tomboy.” She studied well at school, without any C grades, studied choreography, was interested in acting, and sang in the theater of the pop song “Galatea”. Anastasia's idol in those years was the singer Beyoncé.

Trying to make her dream come true, Anastasia participated in various children’s and teenage competitions: “Running on the Waves”, “First Swallows”, “Moloda Halychyna”, “Super Zirka”, “X-Factor”. Alas, none of them brought Nastya Kozhevnikova victory and recognition, although many spectators sympathized with her and her talent.

At the age of 18, Anastasia Kozhevnikova entered the Kiev National University of Technology and Design to major in organization manager. Starting university studies marked the beginning of adult life with its difficulties and problems. Anastasia lived in the KNUTD dormitory. To earn a living, the girl worked as a consultant in a pet store, distributed advertising leaflets, and worked as a Snow Maiden during the New Year holidays.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova in VIA Gre

The beginning of Anastasia’s professional career and, without exaggeration, her new life is associated with her victory in a competition organized by Konstantin Meladze. In 2013, the producer launched a reality show, according to the results of which the three finalists were to become the new composition of VIA Gra. The previous “version” of the group, which by January 2013 included only Eva Bushmina and “veteran” Albina Dzhanabaeva, according to Meladze, had exhausted itself and was disbanded.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova at the casting for the show I want to join VIA Gro

The green-eyed, brown-haired girl with curly hair with parameters 86-60-88 won the hearts of the jury and successfully passed the casting. During the show, she had to endure many tests, but in the end she, as well as Erica Herceg and Misha Romanova, won - not without the help of their mentor Nadezhda Granovskaya. Their composition became the most durable in the entire history of the project.

The first performance of the updated VIA Gra, consisting of Misha Romanova, Anastasia Kozhevnikova and Erica Herceg, took place on November 4, 2013 in the Kremlin. After the first concert, the trio began filming a video for the song “Truce”.

As part of the VIA Gra trio, Anastasia began her career pop singer. The repertoire of the updated group was selected from the eight main hits of the legendary “VIA Gra”: “Deceive, but stay”, “Diamonds”, “There is no more attraction”, “Kisses”, “Crazy”, “Get out!”, “L. M. L.”, “Ocean and Three Rivers”, as well as several new masterpieces by Konstantin Meladze: “Truce”, “I Believe in Love”, “It was wonderful”, “Oxygen”, “I got another one”, “So strongly".

“VIA Gra” – “I don’t believe you”

In 2013, Nastya Kozhevnikova, who successfully combined studio recordings, filming and touring with her studies, was recognized as the most beautiful student at her native university. True, after the victory she had to transfer to correspondence courses, but she deservedly received her bachelor’s degree. In 2014, the ensemble received the “Song of the Year 2014” award and the “Golden Gramophone” award for the single “Truce”. 2015 was also rich in hits, victories and awards. The song of the creative team “I have another one”, performed together with beatboxer Vakhtang, won the TopHit nomination “The most ordered song on the radio” and received the “Fashion People Awards” in the “Fashion Duet” category.

"VIA Gra" ft. Vakhtang - “I got someone else”

The single “Oxygen”, performed together with rapper Mot, presented in 2015 “ VIA Gre"Muz-TV award for the best duet, as well as the Golden Gramophone figurine.

Anastasia’s personal achievement in 2015 - the singer took 95th place among the hundred sexiest girls in the world according to English men's magazine"For Him Magazine".

In October 2016, Anastasia Kozhevnikova and her friends from VIA Gre, Elena Temnikova, Tatyana Reshetnyak and other stars staged a flash mob in support of the new album by Max Barskikh. Each quail covered one of the compositions from the new record.

Personal life of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

IN student years the girl met photographer Avaz Ibragimov. Their relationship developed rapidly; the young man supported his beloved in all her endeavors, was present at the casting and on all the broadcasts of “I Want V VIA Gro”. Filming the video “Oxygen”

Anastasia's life changed dramatically after she became one of the soloists of VIA Gra. From an interview with the singer, it became known that she and the girls from the group have to work a lot, and there is practically no free time left. The day is busy with filming, rehearsals, photo shoots, beauty salons, choreography classes, and stage speech. Anastasia is a hardworking and modest girl. Most likely, she would rarely be seen at parties and social events, if they were not related to the working moments of the creative team of “VIAGRA”.

In August 2018, the media reported the wedding of Nastya and her lover, young man named Kirill. He is a businessman who sells cocoa beans, but after the wedding the couple decided that he would try his hand at producing solo project to your beloved.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova now

Two months after the wedding, Anastasia’s 5-year contract with VIA Groi expired. During this time, the girl realized that she had had enough of “teamwork.” Together with her husband Kirill, she decided to develop her solo project.

Singer Date of birth March 26 (Aries) 1993 (26) Place of birth Yuzhnoukrainsk Instagram @anastasia_k_official

Anastasia Kozhevnikova is known to the general public as a member of the updated composition of the bright group “VIA Gra”, which she joined thanks to her victory in the reality show “I Want V VIA Gra”. In 2013, Konstantin Meladze initiated the start of a reality show. If they won, the girls received a great prize - participation in the new lineup of the country-famous VIA Gre. The girl was able to withstand the most severe selection and the competition itself. For the first time, the updated composition of the group was presented at a November 2013 concert, held in the large Kremlin hall. As a singer, Anastasia Dmitrievna Kozhevnikova announced herself precisely at this performance.

Biography of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Nastya was born in the small Ukrainian town of Yuzhnoukrainsk. The girl's father was a photographer, and her mother was a soloist in a local choir. Anastasia was the only child in the family.

Little Nastya composed songs herself and then presented them to her relatives. The girl decided from the age of 2 that she would be a singer. Her mother listened to her wishes and after Nastya was 6 years old, she was enrolled in the “Kapelki” children’s choir. A little later - at the age of 8 - she entered a music school.

The girl's vocal talent is revealed at school. Kozhevnikova studies well, at the same time she attends choreography and acting classes and sings.

Anastasia does not forget about her childhood dream, and therefore takes an active part in all kinds of music competitions. Unfortunately, without success.

At the age of 18, she applies to the Kiev University, choosing the profession of “organization manager.” And for her, adult life begins with all the difficulties. To earn money, the girl takes on any job. Then there was the reality show “I Want V VIA Gro!” and victory in it, which completely changed Kozhevnikova’s life. From that moment on, the life of the charming provincial woman became completely different: fame came to her.

Lost your nerves? Misha Romanova broke a store window

The names of the winners of the show “I want to go to Meladze” have become known

Personal life of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Before participating in the project, the girl met with a young man, Avaz Ibragimov. Everything was going towards the wedding, but it was tight tour schedule and the girl’s popularity reduced the relationship between the young people to nothing. In February 2014, they separated.

There were reports in the press that Vladislav Ramm or Tsoi could become Anastasia’s new young man. Young people also became winners of Konstantin Meladze’s project. But these turned out to be just rumors.

Information regularly appears in the media about Kozhevnikova’s marriage. But the girl persistently refutes them, declaring that she does not plan to enter into a new relationship. This is explained by being busy with the project.