Program of the circle "in the world of literature". School literary club: program, description, topics

Literary education develops and creates the need for continuous self-improvement. Studying classical prose and poetry can only be achieved through systematic reading and memorization of poems. But the value of the book is lately dropped significantly. To introduce children to reading, a literary club is organized at school, the program of which goes beyond the compulsory one.

Why don't modern children like to read?

Even in the age of high technology and computerization, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the book. Recently, a trend has been discovered in which interest in reading declines rapidly after finishing primary school. Often, a child who shows interest in books in the first years of school loses it when moving to fifth grade. The reason, as a rule, lies in the ubiquity of the Internet. It absorbs all the attention of children and teenagers.

How to solve this problem?

The student stops reading, as a result of which his cognitive potential decreases. Teachers note that recently the number of students reading literature outside the scope of the school curriculum has dropped monstrously. Both teachers and parents are unhappy with this situation. But how to solve this problem? First of all, the child does not need to be forced, he needs to be captivated. A literary circle, the program of which includes books by Russian and foreign authors, is organized by teachers in order to introduce children to reading and develop their creative potential and broadening your horizons.


Activity literary circle is aimed at solving problems that are essential in the overall educational process. Parents, for lack of free time, do not often pay attention to what their child is reading, if he picks up any books at all, with the exception of educational materials. Why is a literary circle created at school? The program pursues the following goals:

  • development of perception ability work of art;
  • enriching the understanding of the world around us;
  • developing an understanding of figurative language and various expressive means, which writers and poets use in their work;
  • formation aesthetic taste;
  • broadening your horizons.


Any extracurricular activities should be based on the involvement of children in the educational process. Topics in literature included in the compulsory program are difficult to master if they do not arouse any interest among students. However, with regard to optional education, the most important task here is to gain the attention of schoolchildren. What topics are covered by children attending the literature club? The program may include both the study of works not included in the required course, and topics related to those covered in literature lessons.


What knowledge should a schoolchild acquire by attending a literary club throughout the year? The program, compiled by experienced teachers, includes in addition to reading and analysis fiction and studying the theoretical part. Students must understand the basic literary terms, which, however, is also provided for in the mandatory program.

By organizing a literary circle at school, the program of which involves an in-depth study of the theory of prose and poetry, the teacher seeks to instill in his students the importance of understanding such terms as composition, plot, metaphor, gradation, and so on. But no information can be useful without practical training. Therefore, the work program of a literary circle often includes a creative part.

Schoolchildren study the works of Shakespeare. Sonnets by the English playwright are one of the topics that eighth-graders study in literature classes. But not every adult can answer the question of what this poetic form is. Perhaps the fact is that many schoolchildren are frankly bored during literature lessons? Literature classes would have a more significant effect if the theoretical part was reinforced with a small creative task. Not every student is capable of composing a poetic work in the sonnet genre. But getting involved in literary creativity is a wonderful way to instill in a teenager a love of reading, develop his potential, and increase self-esteem.

Literature and life

The literary circle program may vary. Some teachers focus on literary criticism. For others, introducing students to the creative process is more important. In both the first and second cases, elective education involves reading fiction.

But why do many teenagers experience difficulties in perceiving this or that work? The fact is that the plot, created by a brilliant author more than a hundred years ago, seems somewhat detached and abstract to a modern schoolchild. But literature is an artistic reflection real life. and Dostoevsky’s works are popular all over the world, so many years after their publication, because they contain truth and authenticity.

A person who can read (not put letters into words, but perceive and analyze what he read) sees in people like Anna Karenina, Rodion Raskolnikov, Katyusha Maslova, Dmitry Karamazov something close, familiar, dear. But only those who already have life experience behind them, at least several dozen books read, or an extremely developed imagination are capable of this.

How can fourteen-year-olds who spend most of their time on social networks read books by great classics? The answer is simple. The teacher must transfer the plot created a century and a half ago into modern reality. It is necessary to explain that even today, somewhere, perhaps, there lives a person who spends all his time on the sofa, because it is easier for him to hide in his dreams and dreams than to decide numerous problems. Oblomov, Khlestakov, Manilov - all these are artistic images created on the basis of the life experience of great Russian writers. That’s why people like them still exist today.

The work program for the literary circle also covers works that are not given time to study in literature lessons. Schoolchildren read with great interest books by authors of the 20th century. These can be like works Russian literature, as well as novels and stories. Of particular interest to teenagers is the work of John Tolkien, an author whose books have become a cult favorite for several generations of readers around the world.

Biographies of writers

The program of the Literary Living Room circle involves an in-depth study of the lives of Russian and foreign authors. Such activities develop communication skills and foster interest in literary works.

Of course, a teacher must be an excellent storyteller. Narrating the lives of Pushkin, Yesenin, Tyutchev, he is able to engender a love of poetry in his students. The biography of the great masters of words includes many interesting facts. However, the information about the life and creative path that the teacher provides should not be exhaustive. Main task storyteller - to arouse the interest of listeners in a particular topic. on this topic is not just a biography of one of the poets, which a student can easily find in the public domain. Written work involves elements of personal observation.

Rich material for creative assignments on the topic “Biography of Great Writers” is the life of Mikhail Bulgakov. Many articles and books have been written about how close the hero of one of the most famous novels of the last century, “The Master and Margarita,” is to the author’s personality. Students are advised to read some of them and, based on the material, write an essay on any topic proposed by the teacher.

Literature and cinema

Club program " Literary reading» aims to introduce schoolchildren to reading high-quality fiction. This task is also difficult because for children (and often adults) it is easier and more exciting to watch a film based on a famous plot than to read the original source. “Literature and Cinema” is an extremely interesting topic. By discussing it, children learn to see the connection between the two forms of art. Much has also been written on this topic. interesting books that can be recommended to high school students. One of them is “Cinema between Hell and Heaven.” The work of the famous director is intended for future screenwriters, but the story in it is told in such a fascinating form that it will also be interesting to students in the tenth and eleventh grades.


The literature program includes dramatic works. Besides the fact that the plot of many of them is not easily perceived by modern schoolchildren, reading the play can hardly bring pleasure. Visit good theater Not everyone can afford it today, but watching a film-play based on the work of Ostrovsky, Chekhov, Griboyedov, Gorky is not at all difficult. And, perhaps, it is a theatrical production with the participation of outstanding actors that can encourage reading the works of Chekhov and other Russian playwrights.

Explanatory note

“Post scriptum” is a literary club that united 7th grade students of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 292 with an in-depth study of mathematics in the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg. The main goal of the association is to identify, study and develop the creative abilities of children.
Poetry is of great importance in the formation of a spiritually rich, harmoniously developed personality. Unfortunately, young reader complex poetry, requiring thought and tension of feelings, is often repulsive. And in order for a reader to leave school who will certainly try to understand and make sense of this complex poetic world, a circle is needed. “Post scriptum” provides an opportunity to practice in such a difficult task as creative work on literature.

By acquiring practical skills (writing poetry, literary works), children learn to convey their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and express their personal qualities. The “Post Scriptum” club classes are aimed at 7th grade students, numbering 5-15 people, and are held once a week. A total of 34 hours are planned per year.

In the circle classes, students must learn to show their authorial position, read poems expressively, observing the norms of literary pronunciation. Members of the circle should become active participants in school-wide events, promote creative activities, participate in school and city reading competitions, and submit creative works to city competitions.

The purpose of a literary circle, as well as literary education in general, is to develop a person’s spiritual world, to create conditions for the formation of the individual’s internal need for continuous improvement, for the realization and development of one’s creative abilities. At the same time, the student masters the skill of a reader and his own free and vivid speech.

The study of literature as the art of words involves systematic reading of works of art. The need to communicate with a book can only develop with a broad and skillfully directed acquaintance with literature and other forms of art. home country, the region and the world, in constant attention to the students’ emotional perception of the text, to their thinking about the problems posed by the author.

The reality of the modern world is such that we have to admit that interest in poetry is constantly declining throughout the world. To understand and love poetry, a person must think about the meaning of everything that exists, listen to the music of words that expresses the feelings of another person.

Working with poetic texts is not limited to reading, analysis, and the search for visual and expressive means. The practical orientation of the activity will undoubtedly interest not only traditional connoisseurs of poetry - girls, but will also allow boys to show their talents. It is no secret that boys are more prone to independent artistic creativity, while girls prefer to act according to finished sample.

In the process of activity, the circle members will have to select poems of their own composition for the release of a literary and artistic collection, justifying their choice, illustrate them, learn to read poems expressively, and speak to the public.

Program Goals

    Through familiarization with the aspects of poetic skill, learn to create your own works on a given topic: poetry, short prose, based on knowledge of literary theory.

    Analyze lyrical works of your own composition and other authors, learn how to interpret them.

    Learn the principles of communication, becoming sociable people, competent in the field of poetry, and creative individuals.

    To teach students the techniques and skills of working with poetic text, the ability to basicly analyze the text, and see the means of expressiveness of poetic language.

    To develop a sense of beauty in children; the ability to see pictures of nature drawn by masters of the poetic word and illustrate these pictures orally and on paper.

    To teach students to expressively read poems that paint pictures of their native nature; introduce students to the art of artistic expression.

    Instill a feeling of love for native nature through comprehension of a poetic line.

    Highlight in the text the main figurative and expressive means of language provided for study in the literature program for grade 7 (epithet, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, litotes, personification, etc.)

    Illustrate poetic works, feeling the mood conveyed by the poet.

Program objectives

Within the framework of a school poetry club, I would like to solve two interrelated problems: the moral education of students and their literary development.
The defining direction in the upcoming work is to teach students to think creatively. This can help a lot:

· holistic analysis poetic work

· ability to read a work and see the word in context

· comprehension of a poetic idea

· acquaintance with various aspects of poetic skill

In general, what we have achieved today should be an obligatory element of the normally organized work of the school, because in addition to lessons, schoolchildren develop an interest in the subject, their knowledge of the subject is expanded and deepened:

· better assimilation of program material

· improve text analysis skills

· linguistic horizons expand

Developing a sense of language

· creativity develops

· language culture is improving, etc.

To achieve the educational goal, the following tasks are defined:
development of children's creative abilities, their literary gift
assistance in self-expression for each club member
stimulating interest in the spiritual wealth of Russia, the Urals, and world culture
development of the child’s emotional sphere as the basis for the formation of a “culture of feelings”
introduction to the world of art
education of aesthetic taste
formation of research skills
developing communication skills in different situations.

Students' skills and abilities

Expanding the literary horizons of students, mastering the skills of analyzing poetic works, performing creative tasks and written works of a research nature, composing their own poems will help to introduce students to independent work, to the ability to find, assume, prove, compare, and show their creative activity. The combination of breadth and depth of content is important, preference mass forms work, taking into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, various forms of classes, flexibility of their use.

Expected result

As a result of studying in the circle classes, students become prepared to participate in school and city reading competitions. As a result of working in a circle, students enrich vocabulary, develop creative abilities, master the norms of literacy oral speech.

Work plan for the 2014 -2015 academic year

Target: development of children's creative abilities and their literary gift.

    development of the child’s emotional sphere as the basis for the formation of a “culture of feelings”;

    developing communication skills, stimulating interest in the spiritual wealth of Russia and world culture;

    introduction to the world of art; education of aesthetic taste.

Three areas of work:

creative: writing poetry;

educational: release of poems of one's own composition;

mass: participation in competitions, literary and musical festivals, quizzes, Olympiads.

Thematic planning mug« Postscriptum»

The work of the circle is aimed at developing the following knowledge in students:

    expressive reading skills

    the ability to see the aesthetic function of linguistic means and artistic details works

    ability to independently analyze works and their fragments

    the ability to competently construct monologue statements of various forms

    ability to create creative research papers

Since the work of the circle also involves the co-creation of students, it is advisable to conduct some classes as individual ones.

Educational and thematic plan

Lesson topic

Key Content Elements



Planned learning outcomes (personal, meta-subject, subject)

Planned timing/date

Theory of literature.Meters, feet and verse sizes(iamb, trochee).

Meters, feet and verse sizes(iamb, trochee). How to determine poetic size.

Working with poems

Meters, feet and verse sizes

Meters, feet and verse sizes(dactyl, amphibrachium, anapest).

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Understanding poetic meter, the ability to determine it in an unfamiliar text.

Workshop. Reading and writing poetry.

Creating your own texts. Expressive author's reading.

Reading your own texts.

Club meeting dedicated to the work of S.Ya. Marshak

A story about S.Ya.Marshak.

Drawing up a plan, answering reproductive questions

Make a lecture plan,

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Rhyme and its varieties

Methods of rhyming (cross, ring, pair). An algorithm for determining the type of rhyme in a given text.

Working with poems, identifying types of rhymes

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Theory of literature. Rhyme system

The concept of female and male rhyme, how to determine the rhyme system.

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Understanding rhyme, the ability to identify it in an unfamiliar text.


Generalization of knowledge on types of meters and rhymes in poems

Working with poems, identifying types and systems of rhymes

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

Test work.

Understanding rhyme, the ability to identify it in an unfamiliar text.

Understanding poetic meter, the ability to determine it in an unfamiliar text.

Landscape autumn lyrics (A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev)

Acquaintance with the poems of A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev. Determining the features of the autumn image.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Landscape autumn lyrics (S. A. Yesenin, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova).

Acquaintance with the poems of S. A. Yesenin, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova. Determining the features of the autumn image.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Literary theory. Stanza(quatrains, octaves).

The concept of stanza. Types of stanzas: quatrains and octaves.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Autumn lyrics

Creating your own texts on a given topic. Expressive author's reading.

Writing your own works, including those based on given principles.

Reading your own texts.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Stanza (terza, Onegin, ballad)

The concept of stanza. Types of stanzas: terza, Onegin, ballad.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Literary theory. Stanza(odic, sonnets, limericks).

The concept of stanza. Types of stanzas: odic, sonnets, limericks.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Test "Rhymes and stanzas".

Control lesson on the topic “Rhymes and stanzas”

Test work

Independent work

Theory of literature.Varieties of Poems(acrostic, free verse).

Types of poems. Acrostic, free verse. Main features.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Theory of literature. Stanza (quatrains, octaves, terzas).

Summarize knowledge about the types of stanzas. The principle of working with stanzas in a poem.

Working with poems

Compiling a table “Types of stanzas”, working with poems

Theory of literature. Varieties of poems (acrostic, free, free verse, etc.)).

Types of poems. Acrostic, free verse, free verse. Main features.

Working with poems

Drawing up a diagram “Varieties of Poems”

Ability to analyze and systematize one’s own knowledge

Winter in the poems of S. Yesenin, A.S. Pushkin, K. Balmont. Practice. Illustrations.

Acquaintance with the poems of S. A. Yesenin, A. S. Pushkin, K. Balmont. Determining the features of the image of a winter landscape.

Working with poems.

Working with illustrations

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Creative laboratory dedicated to the winter landscape.

Writing text on a given topic, the concept of “keywords”.

Word drawing

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature.Requirements for a writer's style(clarity of speech, accuracy of speech, synonyms).

The concept of the poet's style. Clarity and accuracy of speech are the basic requirements for a writer’s style.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Spring is a wonderful time. Working with texts. (O. Mandelstam, S. Yesenin, N. Klyuev)

Acquaintance with the poems of S. A. Yesenin, O. Mandelstam, N. Klyuev, features of the image of spring nature. The concept of mood in a poem.

Working with poems.

Working with illustrations

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Figurative speech. Epithets.

Expressiveness of speech as a basis in poetry. The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Epithets.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Comparisons.

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Comparisons.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Paths (metaphor, personification, allegory).

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Paths. Metaphor, personification, allegory.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Tropes (metonymy, synecdoche, irony).

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Metonymy, synecdoche, irony.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Figures (repetition, exclamation, antithesis). Control.

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Syntactic figures. Repetition. Exclamation. Antithesis.

Working with poems.

Test by searching for examples in texts.

Independent work

Poems about war. Genre of the poem. R. Rozhdestvensky. “210 steps. War"

Genre of the poem. The specifics of the theme of war in poetry using the example of R. Rozhdestvensky’s poem “210 steps. War"

Working with a poem. Collective reading of the poem, breaking the text into semantic parts. Expressive Reading

Setting educational goals and objectives.

Group work.

Ability to analyze and correct your work.

Ability to work in a group.

Summer landscapes (M.Yu. Lermontov, M. Tsvetaeva, S. Yesenin)

Features of the depiction of summer nature using the example of poems by M.Yu. Lermontov, M. Tsvetaeva, S. Yesenin. The concept of the mood of a poem.

Working with poems. Expressive Reading

Setting educational goals and objectives.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Summer landscapes.

Creating your own poetic works on a given topic.

Writing texts. Expressive reading.

Setting educational goals and objectives.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Reserve lessons

List of literature for teachers

1. A brief dictionary of literary terms. M., “Enlightenment”, 1985.

2. V.P. Medvedev “Studying lyrics at school M. “Enlightenment” 1985.

3. M.M. Girshmon “Analysis of poetic works by ASP, M.Yu. Lermontov, F.I. Tyutchev, M. “Higher school 1981”

4. N. Gordeev, V. Peshkov “Tambov path to Pushkin.”

5. A.I. Revyakin “History of Russian literature of the 19th century.” M. "Enlightenment" 1981

6. Literary reference materials. Moscow. "Enlightenment" 1989

List of literature for students

1. Works by A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, A. Koltsov, O. Mandelstam, S. Yesenin, M. Tsvetaeva, N. Klyuev, K. Balmont, S. Klychkov, L. Tolstoy, V. Astafiev , M. Prishvina.

2. V.G. Belinsky “Works of A.S. Pushkin.” M. " Soviet Russia» 1984

3. Dictionary. 4. A brief dictionary of literary terms.

« Private creative plan »

The work of the circle reflects activities to improve their own professional pedagogical qualifications, as I am working on the topic “Personally-oriented and developmental teaching technologies and lessons of the Russian language and literature.” I believe that the goal of modern education, the main value of which is the recognition of individuality in each student, is to create psychological and pedagogical conditions that allow working in a single classroom team with a focus on the average student, and with each individual, taking into account individual cognitive abilities, needs and interests. This makes it possible to develop the student’s individual abilities, form a comprehensively developed personality, acquire skills and abilities based on cooperation between teacher and student, mutual understanding; development of creative knowledge, involving the integration of subjects (literature, Russian language, history, music, painting).

Class appendix

Lessons 9-10

Landscape autumn lyrics, its artistic features.

"Golden autumn has come"


    show the beauty and diversity of nature through poetry.


    introduce the works of A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev, S.A. Yesenin, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova, dedicated to autumn;

    teach rhyme selection;

    teach how to use a dictionary;

    teach how to compare different works.

    develop a sense of language;

    cultivate love for native nature;

    cultivate a love for the poetic word.

I. Checking homework. At the last poetry meeting we worked with texts by S.Ya. Marshak and wrote quatrains dedicated to our little brothers. We agreed to finalize what we wrote at home, and now I would like to listen to your texts.

Reading children's work.

II. Today's meeting is dedicated to autumn, a wonderful time of year. Let's see what definition S.I. Ozhegov gives to the word “autumn”. Autumn is the time of year following summer. Meager lines that carry only specific information and do not reflect the speaker’s attitude to the subject of conversation.
III. Let's turn to poetic texts and see what autumn looks like in verse.

1. A.S. Pushkin

Autumn (excerpt)

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your beautiful beauty -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In the canopy of the wind there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

2. F.I. Tyutchev

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -

Only a web of thin hair

Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But the first winter storms are far away -

And pure and warm azure flows

To the resting field...

3. S. Yesenin


Quietly in the juniper thicket along the cliff.

Autumn - red mare - often mane

Above the river bank cover

The blue clang of her horseshoes can be heard.

Skhemnik - the wind with a cautious step

Crumples leaves along road ledges.

And kisses on the rowan bush

Red ulcers for the invisible Christ.

4. A. Blok

Golden Valley

You leave, dumb and wild.

The crane melts in the sky

A receding cry.

Freezes, it seems, at its zenith

Endlessly pulls the threads

Triumphant Spider.

Through transparent fibers

The sun, the light is not melting,

Idlely hitting blind windows

Empty housing.

For elegant clothes

Autumn gave up the sun

Fledgling hopes

Inspirational warmth.

5. A. Akhmatova

An unprecedented autumn built a high dome,

There was an order for the clouds not to darken this dome.

And people marveled: the September deadlines were passing,

Where did the cold, humid days go?

The water of the muddy canals became emerald,

And the nettles smelled like roses, but only stronger.

It was stuffy from the dawns, unbearable, demonic and scarlet,

We all remembered them until the end of our days.

The sun was like a rebel entering the capital,

And the spring autumn caressed him so greedily,

It seemed like a transparent snowdrop was about to turn white...

That’s when you approached, calm, to my porch.

After reading each poem, a conversation is held according to the following approximate plan:

1. What mood does this poem evoke?

2. What is autumn in the description of this poet? What does this mean?

3. Are all the words clear?

A number of “definitions” of autumn are written on the board (comparisons, epithets,...) We conclude that each poet has his own autumn. Often poets convey their state of mind through descriptions of nature. It must be said that poetry cannot talk about anything without relating it to a person. Any description of an object or landscape will in one way or another speak about the poet.

IV. Music is close to poetry. Listen to how Vivaldi expressed his feelings, showed his understanding and perception of autumn. A fragment of “The Seasons” is played.

V. And, of course, I would really like you to try to write something right now. I offer you a form of terzen (three lines) based on past tense verbs.

For example:

Autumn. The leaves have turned yellow

The birds have flown away

Only eight kopecks. Autumn!

The guys write and read the resulting poems. A fragment from Tchaikovsky's "Seasons" is played.

Lesson 4

A meeting of the poetry club dedicated to children's literature and the works of S. Ya. Marshak.


    involve students in the work of a poetry club, showing the possibility of developing speech, co-creation, creativity.


    introduce the life and work of S.Ya.;

    develop a sense of language by showing the beauty of the poetic word;

    develop students' creative abilities;

    cultivate a love of literature and the poetic word;

    cultivate love for our smaller brothers.

I. Poetic speech is unusual. Even the Bible gives an explanation for its occurrence: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Indeed, well-known Christian motifs are close to the poetic speech. We hear poetic speech from the cradle, falling asleep to the songs of our mother, listening to the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, riddles and jokes.

II. Today we will get acquainted with children's poems, and maybe we will remember something that is painfully familiar from childhood.

So, Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887 - 1964). This greatest poet, playwright, translator, creator of great poetry for little ones. This is what I want to talk about today in more detail.

In Marshak’s works for children, one is struck by both the diversity of the content of the books and the variety of their literary genres. He wrote funny poems about children, about their games, toys (“Giant”, “Ball”, “Vanka - Vstanka”, “Mustachioed - Striped”, “Good Day”, “Children of our Yard”, etc.) and poetic educational books (“Yesterday and Today”, “A Fun Journey from A to Z”, “ All year round”, “A Multi-Colored Book”, “How a Plane Made a Plane”), and heroic stories about the exploits and work of man (“Passport”, “Mail”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Ice Island”.)

Marshak’s works also reflect the exciting events in the life of our people: “War with the Dnieper” (about the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station), “Military Post (about the fighting

for the Motherland), “Fairy tale” (about pre-revolutionary life). He also wrote humorous books: “The Absent-Minded Man”, “Luggage”, “Poodle”, Based on folk art He created the wonderful fairy tale “Ryaba Hen and Ten Ducklings”, fairy tales and plays “Teremok”, “Cat’s House”, “Twelve Months”, etc.

He translated many works from English: sonnets by Shakespeare, poems by Burns, Byron. Characteristic feature His creativity is that his poems are read with pleasure not only by children, but also by adults. And this is a sign of true word art!

Why do you think this serious man wrote poetry for the little ones?

(A funny plot, a good joke help to present material for cultivating the best qualities of a person).

V.G. Belinsky wrote: “Write, write for children, but only in such a way that an adult will read your book with pleasure.” Marshak himself believed that “there is no need to make any discounts on children’s literature. We don't feed children the worst products than adults. The demand for simplicity and value in a children’s book should not lead to a simplification of thoughts and an impoverishment of feelings.”

III. Expressive reading of the works of S. Ya. Marshak

1. Mustachioed - striped.

2. Giant.

3. The Tale of a Stupid Mouse.

4. Children in a cage.

5. All year round (calendar).

6. About everything in the world (ABC in verses and pictures).

Which poems did you like best and why?

What means of expression does the author use most often? (epithets and comparisons).

IV. Today we will try to “put” our “children in cages”, we will try to write poems about the animals that we know best, which are closest to us.

I offer you possible beginnings of poems.

Where are you, little gray mouse?

How much can you squeak?

Disturbing the kids' sleep?)

I am a naughty kitten.

(Where is your book, my friend?

A notebook will do:

Tearing its leaves is sweet...)

I am a red, perky, cheerful puppy.

(To you, dear friend, I am flying with all my might.

I wait for you faithfully at the door.

Give me a bone or some candy quickly!)

Cowardly, gray and oblique

(I didn't want to be friends with the fox

And just one time

He ran past us.)

Red-tailed cunning -

(The biggest liar.

Wagging his tail - deception,

Every word is all fog).

Silly gray wolf cub

(He often howls in his sleep.

Just look at the moon

The howl goes to the bottom).

When preparing at home, the teacher plays out the suggested beginnings of the lines himself and sees what is easier for the children to cope with.

The creative process can be accompanied by Shainsky's music.


Analysis poetic text

    Really biographical and factual commentary.

    Genre (drama, lyricism, lyric epic, epic).

DRAMA- one of the four types of literature. In the narrow sense of the word - a genre of work depicting a conflict between characters, in a broad sense - all works without author's speech. Types (genres) of dramatic works: tragedy, drama, comedy, vaudeville.
LYRICS- one of the four types of literature, reflecting life through a person’s personal experiences, feelings and thoughts. Types of lyrics: song, elegy, ode, thought, epistle, madrigal, stanzas, eclogue, epigram, epitaph.
LYROEPICA- one of the four types of literature, in the works of which art world the reader observes and evaluates it from the outside as a plot narrative, but at the same time the events and characters receive a certain emotional assessment from the narrator. A ballad is a lyric-epic poetic work.
EPOS- one of the four types of literature, reflecting life through a story about a person and the events that happen to him. The main types (genres) of epic literature: epic, novel, story, short story, short story, artistic essay.

    Topic (what the poem is about).

    The meaning of the title (the title reflects the main theme and idea of ​​the poem).

    Basic images.

    The use of figurative and expressive means of language (tropes, artistic techniques, synonyms, homonyms, antonyms).

    Color scheme.

    Features of construction.

    Poetic size Coachman x O dit, iambic, trochee (disyllabic)

Am e ba d A amphibrachium, dactyl,

But not everything I kaya.anapaest (trisyllabic)

    Rhyme (paired - AABB, cross - ABAB, ring or encircling - ABAB).

    Intonation, semantic and rhythmic pauses.

    Conclusion (my assessment).


Work program of the "Literary Lounge" circle.

Explanatory note.

“Children's books are written for education,
and education is a great thing.”
V.G. Belinsky.

It's no secret what last decades A negative trend has emerged in our country: a significant decline in reading books in general and fiction in particular. In our opinion, there are a number of factors that caused this phenomenon.

Firstly, global informatization of the objective space surrounding every person: through the Internet, both children and adults can freely and without much difficulty obtain any data on any topic, including "compressed" version of any literary work.

Secondly, dominance in the media (television, press) advertising that forms a child’s idea of ​​pseudo-values ​​in a person’s life. Children know a lot about consumer electronics, cars, cell phones. They are sure that real man is a successful businessman who certainly gets out of a luxury foreign car and gives instructions to his subordinates using the latest model of telephone.

Thirdly, objective economic and financial difficulties lead to the fact that adults are forced to devote all their thoughts and time to earning material wealth. They don't even remember books! Psychologists have proven that it is parents who are role models for children. If parents don't read, they can't expect their children to.


The child begins to get acquainted with literature in early age. A child's interest in books appears early. At first, he is interested in turning the pages, listening to an adult read, and looking at the illustrations. With the advent of interest in the picture, interest in the text begins to arise. One of the features of children’s perception of a literary work is empathy for the characters. Perception is extremely active. The child puts himself in the place of the hero, mentally acts, fights his enemies.

But not everyone can construct a detailed and coherent story, come up with their own fairy tale, or compose a poem. Not everyone can even understand the author’s idea and answer questions about the content of what they read.

How can I help him?

One of the researchers children's creativity noticed that a child will never compose own fairy tale, if he has not met at least one of the existing ones.

Works of art in symbolic form reveal to children the meaning of human relationships and experiences.

Children's books are considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental basis of education. Fiction shapes moral feelings and assessments, norms moral behavior, cultivates aesthetic perception.

Works of literature contribute to the development of speech and provide examples of Russian literary language. E.A. Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of the image, and definitions with which the child operates.

N.S. Karpinskaya believes that a fiction book provides excellent examples of literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness. From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they listen to, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expressiveness when familiarizing themselves with a book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development clearly appears, language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Mastery of linguistic and visual-expressive means serves to develop artistic perception literary works.


This program is aimed at ensuring the construction of a holistic pedagogical process aimed at the comprehensive development of the child: physical, cognitive, speech, social-personal and artistic-aesthetic in conjunction. To expand the range of children's ideas through artistic images. The system of work outlined in this program helps to combine the education of a child as an individual, the formation of interest in books and the intellectual development of preschoolers.

The novelty of the program lies in the fact that it contributes to the expansion of reading space, the implementation of differentiated learning and the development of the individual capabilities of each child, and the education of a child reader. A group lesson will help solve the problems of the child’s emotional, creative, literary, intellectual development, as well as problems of moral and ethical education, since a book for a child is creativity, new discoveries, pleasure, and self-education.

The goal of this work program is to increase children’s interest in working with books and further develop their cognitive and speech skills based on their favorite works, including works by children’s writers and poets of the Murmansk region, and works of oral folk art.

The main objectives of the program are:

  1. Parenting preschool age positions of an active reader, interest and respect for the book as a source of culture and information.
  2. Maintenance and development of children's emotionality.
  3. Activation of speech and mental creativity of children.
  4. Development of memory, attention, basic cognitive and speech skills of preschoolers.

A distinctive feature of the program.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “To prepare a person spiritually for independent life, we must introduce him to the world of books” .

Turn preschool education "face" to actively work with a book is not at all a reason to abandon learning tasks, the number of which has recently increased due to the complication of school programs, for which we must prepare a child in kindergarten. On the contrary, systematic and varied work with fiction will help to teach children more successfully, to make this learning easier and more interesting, which is extremely important for optimizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions. Distinctive feature program is that the teacher in the classroom constantly creates situations aimed at maximizing the independent speech activity of children, self-production children of the characters of the works and their performance. The work program for introducing preschoolers to books has been developed taking into account the requirements and individual provisions of regulatory documents governing the activities of preschool educational institutions:

The work is carried out in coordination with the children's library "Bullseye" No. 17, Murmansk Contents are intended for children aged 5 - 6 years. The implementation period for this work training program is 1 year. Forms and mode of classes. This work is organized in the senior group from November to April of each academic year inclusive in the form of circle work, complementing and enriching the implementation educational field « Speech development» . The circle is held once a month in the afternoon for 25-30 minutes. Educational and artistic material includes works of Russian, Soviet and foreign writers and poets.

Forms of organizing classes:

  • Complex lesson.
  • Occupation-travel;
  • Drama activity;
  • Literary entertainment
  • Lesson-quiz

Working methods: visual: use of multimedia (watching DVD films, slides), display of illustrations, thematic albums.

verbal: Teacher reading from a book or by heart. This is a literal rendering of the text. The reader, preserving the author’s language, conveys all the shades of the writer’s thoughts and influences the mind and feelings of the listeners.

Teacher's story. This is a relatively free text transmission (words can be rearranged, replaced, interpreted). Storytelling provides great opportunities to attract children's attention. Practical: Dramatization. This method can be considered as a means of secondary familiarization with a work of art.

Learning by heart. Choosing a method for transferring the work (reading or telling) depends on the genre and age of the listener.

Expected result: development of the personality of each child, his creative potential, abilities, interests, teaching children the elements of artistic and figurative means of expression (intonation, facial expressions, pantomime), improving the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, as well as their performing skills.

To determine the effectiveness of the work carried out, a diagnostic map was developed for the implementation of the work program:

Main control "tools" are: observation of a child’s work in the process of studying a particular work of art. In cases of difficulties in assessing the mastery of the program, individual conversations with the child.

When organizing observation and conversation, a technique developed by psychologists G.A. is used. Uruntaeva, Yu.A. Afonkina, presented in the publication “Workshop on Child Psychology: A Manual for Students of Pedagogical Institutes, Students of Pedagogical Schools and Colleges, Kindergarten Teachers Ed. G.A. Uruntaeva, - M.: Education: Vlados, 1995.

Observation is a systematic and purposeful recording of results in the natural conditions of everyday activity. When observing, certain conditions must be met:

Before any observation, the teacher formulates a goal for himself: what skill, quality of the child will be studied when working with fiction, for example, the ability to see and use means of verbal expression (ambiguity, comparisons, etc.).

Depending on the purpose of the study, the structural component of the circle lesson in which observation will be carried out is selected. For example, "Speech exercise" .

When observing, it is necessary to maintain the natural, familiar atmosphere of a circle lesson, without focusing on the fact that the teacher "checks" of this child. The teacher does not interfere with the child’s activity or response.

Observation provides objective data if carried out consistently and systematically, that is, the child is observed for a given structural moment of the lesson for at least 2-3 lessons in a row. This is also due to the fact that the observed facts are not separated from many related phenomena (the child’s mood, his motivation for activities, the complexity of the task, etc.).

The teacher determines in advance how to record data - the child’s statements, without distorting or embellishing them. Such results can be recorded junior teacher or a second teacher of the group, so as not to disrupt the natural flow of the lesson. The protocol also notes the child’s emotions and reactions to what is happening, which will provide additional data to determine the child’s attitude towards what he read.

There is no strictly defined form for recording the results - the teacher chooses a convenient, understandable option for himself, on the basis of which the final diagnostic table presented below will be filled out.

The conversation method is used independently or combined with observation. For example, when studying a child’s attitude to what he read, the teacher observes him during 2-3 lessons, and then asks questions individually:

What was most interesting to you about this fairy tale? Who do you disagree with? And if you were in this fairy tale, what would you say to the characters, how would you help them? Do you want to change anything in this fairy tale? Why? The effectiveness of the conversation depends on compliance with the following requirements:

Preparing a conversation requires the teacher to set a specific goal, select material for it, for example, a specific fairy tale, illustrations for it.

Questions for conversation should be clear, concise, specific, and should not suggest ready-made answers. You should avoid using words with double interpretation in questions that have a meaning that is unclear to the child.

The teacher learns questions by heart and asks the child in a strictly defined order, stimulating him to give detailed answers. It is possible to use clarifying questions if the need arises during the conversation.

The conversation should not exceed 10-15 minutes so that the child does not lose interest in it.

Before starting a conversation, it is necessary to establish a trusting relationship with the child and motivate him to talk. To do this, you can first talk with your child about a topic that interests him and only then proceed to pre-written questions. The conversation should be conducted casually, tactfully, unobtrusively and in no case be in the nature of questioning. It is very important that the researcher shows the child a personal interest in talking with him.

A method for recording data is first thought through. You can record, as in the process of observation, you can use technical means (dictaphone). Based on the recorded data, the final diagnostic table presented below will be filled in.

Block No. 2

These difficult 30s.

Block No. 3

Years of repression.

Block No. 4

The theme of memory of the living and the dead. The theme of historical truth in E. Nosov’s story “Bonfire in the Wind.” The image of a young soldier. (V. Kondratyev “Sashka”. “Written in the blood of the heart...” (Story by K. Vorobyov “This is us, Lord...”. Woman and war. Poems by Yu. Drunina. “Afghan and Chechen prose”

Block No. 5

Take care of the person in you.

B. Ekimov “Night of Healing”.

Block No. 6

Man and nature.

Block No. 7

Teen problem

"The Avengers"

Block No. 9

Block No. 10

Man on Earth.

Block No. 11

Creative meetings.

Block No. 12

V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Letters about the good and eternal.” 45 letters, studying important issues.

Block No. 13

Essays of different genres.

Block No. 14

Expected results

Students who have completed the circle course will more freely and competently structure their oral presentations in front of an audience, freely comment on the texts they read, create feedback and reviews, and most importantly, understand the text and create their own texts (poetic) and texts of articles, essays, etc.

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"Program of the circle "In the world of literature""

Club program “In the world of literature”

The head of the circle is teacher Pyankova N.S.

Explanatory note

The circle’s approach to this topic is not accidental. In our time of technological progress, universal computerization, and connections to the Internet, there has been a significant decline in interest in books and fiction. In addition, violence and cruelty are propagated almost every day on TV screens, which cannot but affect the moral state of children.

And also changes in the final certification of students in grades 9 and 11 in literature and the Russian language force teachers to look for new forms and ways of preparing for this type of activity not only in graduation, but also in intermediate parallels.

The program is multifaceted. Compiled on the basis of N.N. Glebova’s program “Elective course program for students in grades 10-11. Modern Literature" (“Profile Education”). Collection elective courses. Literature 10-11 grades. Compiled by G.M. Vyalykh. Publishing house "Teacher" - 2009

The program is modified, partially changed taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of students, both in terms of content and forms of implementation.

The course of the circle involves systematic reading of fiction, familiarization with the latest in modern literature and journalism. A variety of forms of presenting material increases the efficiency of the teaching and educational process and its effectiveness, and makes it possible to intensify the activities of students and the teacher himself. This program helps solve the problems of literary education related to both the reading activity of students and the aesthetic function of literature; it is aimed at the joint work of student and teacher, the joint work of the mind, will, feelings, and the education of a reading, literate citizen.

The selection of works is subordinated to these tasks, and also helps students select arguments for an essay when passing the Unified State Exam.

The peculiarity of the texts included in the program is that, by genre nature, these are stories and short stories. Such works are convenient for textual analysis. The program allows for reduction or increase in material.

The program indicates the approximate distribution of study time by blocks, however, during the lessons it is possible to vary the material: deepening, shortening and replacing them, using the freed time for various kinds of practical literary works, meetings, trips, etc.

Testing of knowledge, skills and abilities is carried out in the form of tests, practical tasks and other forms.

The program is designed for 3 hours per week.

    The formation of the human spiritual world

    Creating conditions for continuous improvement and development of one’s creative abilities

    Mastering the skill of a reader, free and bright own speech

    Assisting students in preparing for the State Exam and Unified State Exam

    Using interdisciplinary connections when creating educational projects

    To raise a reader who knows how to reflect on what he reads, drawing lessons from it

    Develop students' creative abilities through different forms of work

    Prepare students for better performance of the creative part of the exam

    Improve the quality of public speaking at various student competitions and conferences

Educational and thematic plan

Topic name

Total hours

Introductory lesson. Goals and objectives of the circle.

Student suggestions

Moral strength ancient Russian literature . Review of works. Great power parables

Express repetition with summary

These difficult 30s.

"That's how it was on Earth." The theme of “de-peasantization” in the novels by B. Mozhaev “Men and Women” and S. Antonov “Ravines”.

Lecture. Seminar.

Group interview

Years of repression.

“My memories are stronger than hope.” Life and work of V. Shalamov. " Kolyma stories" O. Volkov “Plunge into darkness.” The fate of the Russian intelligentsia.

Lecture. Readers' conference

Remain human in the flames of war.

Oral journal.

Text research.

Book presentation

Competition of poetry reciters by Yu. Drunina

Take care of the person in you.

The word that Russia needs. In Rasputin “Farewell to Matera” and “To the same land.” Connection with history, with ancestral roots.

Moral beauty a simple person. E Nosov “Apple Saved.”

B. Ekimov “Night of Healing”.

The problem of human conscience. Stories by V. Rasputin.

About morality in the language of poetry.

Lecture. Round table.


Literary living room.

Essays (arguments for essays on topics)

Man and nature.

Topic: “Man and nature in modern literature.”

Images-symbols and their role in the works of V. Rasputin

In Astafieva.

Pain for my native land.

Environmental and moral problems.

The beauty of nature “heals” the human soul.

Man, nature and the future of civilization.

Articles for the newspaper.


Research works

3 photo exhibitions (according to seasons). Landscape paintings, poems by poets and writings by children

Teenage problems

B. Okudzhava, A. Galich, V Vysotsky, A. Rosenbaum and others.

Writing educational and research papers and participating in literary and local history competitions (according to a special plan)

Man on Earth.

Questions about the meaning of life. F Abramov “Wooden horses”, “Pelageya”, “Alka”.

A man with his family. G. Baklanov “Kondraty” and others.

Heartfelt understanding of the world. B. Ekimov “Shepherd Star”

Conversation. Dispute.

Literature review.

Meetings with Ocher poets

V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Letters about the good and eternal”

Textual study of letters (preparing extracts from the text)

Create Sukhomlinsky's notebook

Essays of different genres

Reporting activities

The moral force of ancient Russian literature. Review of works. The great power of a parable. Parable of the Prodigal Son. Content, plot, meaning. Argumentation for the essay.

Block No. 2

These difficult 30s.

"That's how it was on Earth." The theme of “de-peasantization” in the novels by B. Mozhaev “Men and Women” and S. Antonov “Ravines”. The collapse of the dream of “universal happiness.”

Block No. 3

Years of repression.

“My memories are stronger than hope.” Life and work of V. Shalamov. "Kolyma Tales". O. Volkov “Plunge into darkness.” The fate of the Russian intelligentsia.

Tragic fate person in totalitarian state. The fate of the Russian intelligentsia. The theme of memory of the living and the dead.

Block No. 4

Remain human in the flames of war.

The theme of memory of the living and the dead. The theme of historical truth in E. Nosov’s story “Bonfire in the Wind.” The image of a young soldier. (V. Kondratiev “Sashka”. “Written in the blood of the heart...” (Story by K. Vorobyov “This is us, Lord...”. Woman and war. Poems by Yu. Drunina. “Afghan and Chechen prose”

V. Zakrutkin “Mother of Man”

Deepening the theme of the Second World War in modern literature. Spiritual sources of mass heroism of the people in defense of the Fatherland. The image of a young fighter. The harsh truth of war.

Block No. 5

Take care of the person in you.

The word Russia needs. In Rasputin "Farewell to Matera" and "To the Same Land". Connection with history, with ancestral roots.

The moral beauty of the common man. E Nosov “Apple Saved.”

B. Ekimov “Night of Healing”.

The problem of human conscience. Stories by V. Rasputin.

About morality in the language of poetry.

Block No. 6

Man and nature.

Topic: “Man and nature in modern literature.”

Images-symbols and their role in the works of V. Rasputin, V. Astafiev.

Pain for my native land. Environmental and moral problems.

The beauty of nature “heals” the human soul.

Man, nature and the future of civilization.

Journalism and lyricism in the works of V. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”, V. Astafiev’s “Tsar Fish”.

Environmental and moral problems of our time.

Block No. 7

Teen problem

"The Avengers"

B. Okudzhava, A. Galich, V. Vysotsky, A. Rosenbaum and others. The relevance of creativity. V. Vysotsky's anniversary (January) is an open event.

Block No. 9

Writing educational and research papers and participating in literary and local history competitions (according to a special plan)

Block No. 10

Man on Earth.

Questions about the meaning of life. F Abramov “Wooden horses”, “Pelageya”, “Alka”.

A man with his family. G. Baklanov “Kondraty” and others.

Heartfelt understanding of the world. B. Ekimov “Shepherd Star”

The problem of a person’s responsibility for his life behavior (the problem of life choice).

Block No. 11

Creative meetings. Trips. Excursions. Exhibition design. Anniversary dates. Articles for the newspaper.

Block No. 12

V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Letters about the good and eternal”. 45 letters, studying important issues.

Block No. 13

Essays of different genres.

Block No. 14

Reporting activities (according to a special plan)

Expected results

During the training process, the children will receive theoretical knowledge that will help them when performing creative works: writing educational research papers, writing essays (part C) for the exam, organizing and holding exhibitions, theme evenings;

Students who have completed the circle course will more freely and competently structure their oral presentations in front of an audience, freely comment on the texts they read, create feedback and reviews, and most importantly, understand the text and create their own texts (poetic) and texts of articles, essays, etc.

Literature for students and teachers.

    In the world of literature. Benefits for grades 7-11. M., Bustard, 2008

    Literature. Non-standard lessons for grades 5-11. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

    Chudinova G.V. Creativity of B Ekimov school study. Methodical recommendations, Perm, 2009.

    Didactic material for lectures on modern literature. Perm Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers. Perm-2003

    Collection of elective courses. Literature 10-11 grades. Compiled by Vyalkova G.M. Volgograd: Teacher -2009

    Magazine publications (magazines “New World”, “Sovremennik”, “Roman-newspaper”, “Znamya”, etc.