Folk genres: fairy tale and epic: similarities and differences. What is the difference between an epic and a folk tale?

Similarities: 1.Both fairy tales and epics existed in oral form. 2.Both genres have existed since ancient times. 1. A fairy tale is a prosaic, artistic fantasy story of a magical or everyday nature. 2. The main feature of a fairy tale is fiction. 3. Fairy tales are created in prose form. 4. Fairy tales were “told.” 1. Description of the exploits of heroes (epics are called heroic epics). 2. The epic is not characterized by accurate transmission historical facts, it captures historical reality in generalized images. 3.Epics have a song and poetic form. 4. The epics “said” - they sang or spoke, accompanied by the harp. Fairy tale Bylina

Originality art world epic: The epic includes a certain type of “formula” (“clean field”, “white tents”, “sharp spear”, “good horse”, “corner tower”, “worn tablecloths”, “silk bowstring”, “cloud walker” ), on the basis of which the epic verse is largely built: Beginning (indicates the time and place of action) Ending Repetitions Exaggerations (hyperbole) No rhyme (impedes the natural flow of speech)

1. Answer the questions of the test proposed to you (see handout). 2. Write a mini-essay (based on the painting “Bogatyrs” by V.M. Vasnetsov) “ Epic heroes as an expression of the national idea of ​​heroes." 3. Make a quotation plan for the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale - the Robber”, based on its structural parts. Departure of Ilya Muromets from Murom to Kyiv Victory in the first battle The story of the Chernigov residents about the Nightingale the Robber Meeting with the Nightingale the Robber Victory of Ilya Muromets Meeting of Ilya Muromets with Prince Vladimir Doubts of Prince Vladimir Two orders to the Nightingale the Robber Reprisal against the Nightingale the Robber

Bylina - this is Russian folk song about notable cases national history, epic song. Fairy tale - This interesting story O incredible adventures or events.

What are the differences?

The similarities and differences between a fairy tale and an epic occur in specific key points. As a rule, a fairy tale is based on fiction, and an epic, in turn, conveys the realities of a certain time. In other words, an epic differs from a fairy tale in that it tells about ancient times and almost all the information is reliable.

In a fairy tale, the characters do not have a direct connection with real heroes, they have an abstract meaning and the entire plot of fairy tales is fiction, which tells the story of the mystical adventures of the main character, about mysterious world and other performances.

The epic specifies heroes who played an important role in historical events or received great fame due to special merits.

The epic often describes the exploits of heroes, heroes, princes, etc. A fairy tale tells a story of a fantastic, magical or everyday nature. It is also worth noting that a fairy tale most often occurs in a prose work, and an epic in a song and verse form.

Many fairy tales were created as educational and entertaining stories. They were often told among close friends or among household members. Bylinas exalted heroic heroes. They were told in front of large crowds of people, in squares or in the city center.

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What are the similarities?

Fairy tales and epics are a form of Russian oral folk art. These two genres have existed since ancient times, they are very popular and famous to this day.

Initially they existed only orally. They were sung, told and told. The epic and fairy tale reflected the battle between good and evil, the generosity of the heroes and their moral values.

The epic and fairy tale are folklore genres, in contrast to the story, which is a strictly literary genre. This means that neither an epic nor a fairy tale has an author as such. The author in this case is considered to be consciousness; This is a kind of generalized image of the author. The author invariably accompanies the story. For example, Chekhov’s “The Bishop” or Edgar Allan Poe’s story “The Mask of the Red Death”.

The story and tale are epic. The epic, despite the epic plot, still does not lose touch with the lyrics, since it is presented in poetic form.

The time depicted in the epic is always the past. The story allows the plot to be placed at any time. The space of a fairy tale is timeless and universal.

The hero of the epic is a hero. But this is a collective image, it captures the appearance of the entire people. The heroes of a fairy tale are also collective images. This may be evidenced by the absence of any precise indication of the time and place (chronotope) of the action that is described. In addition, the names of the heroes “wander” from the fairy tale to, the names of the heroes of fairy tales about animals are accompanied constant epithets. That is, the heroes of the fairy tale are simply transferred popular consciousness from one plot space to another. The hero of the story is unique (mostly), an episode from his specific life becomes plot-forming.

The epic reflects certain historical events and even heroes (mainly the figure of the prince), but with a predominant share of fiction, because, despite the seemingly historical background, this component real story people are being rethought. Here the epic partially intersects with the story, which can also be reflected real facts(both modern and distant in time), familiar to the author. Otherwise, the story, being a genre of literature as special type art is fiction, another reality, intersecting, of course, with reality, but rather weakly (otherwise the essence of art as a type of activity disappears). In this, a fairy tale is adjacent to it, which represents unreality in pure form and which is opposed to the epic, which allows “reality” into itself.

To the question: What is the difference between an epic and a fairy tale and what do they have in common? given by the author hospitable the best answer is Bylinas - Russian folk songs about the exploits of heroes, preserved in the north of Russia in the memory of singer-storytellers.
The form of the epic is unrhymed verse with 2–3 stresses. Bylina is special genre Russian folklore. This is a story about legendary heroic deeds performed by brave, noble heroes. Not sparing their lives, the heroes fight for native land and save her from enemy invasions.
Fairy tale:
1) a type of narrative, mainly prosaic folklore (fairy-tale prose), which includes works of different genres, the content of which, from the point of view of folklore bearers, lacks strict authenticity. Fairytale folklore is opposed to “strictly reliable” folklore narration (non-fairytale prose) (see myth, epic, historical song, spiritual poems, legend, demonological stories, tale, blasphemy, legend, epic).
2) genre of literary storytelling. A literary fairy tale, or imitates a folklore one ( literary fairy tale, written in a folk poetic style), or creates a didactic work (see didactic literature), based on non-folklore subjects. Folklore tale historically precedes literary.
The word “fairy tale” is attested in written sources no earlier than the 16th century. From the word “to show”. What mattered was: a list, a list, an exact description. Modern meaning acquired since the 19th century. Until the 19th century, the word fable was used, until the 11th century - blasphemy.
The word “fairy tale” suggests that people will learn about it, “what it is” and find out “what” it, a fairy tale, is needed for. The purpose of a fairy tale is to subconsciously or consciously teach a child in the family the rules and purpose of life, the need to protect his “area” and decent treatment to other communities. It is noteworthy that both the saga and the fairy tale carry a colossal information component, passed on from generation to generation, the belief in which is based on respect for one’s ancestors.

Answer from Inna[guru]
The epic is a heroic song, the main characters of which are heroes. There is fiction in it, like in a fairy tale.

Answer from Caucasian[guru]
It was a true story. This is what happened (or could have happened) with a slight exaggeration. For example; a man of average height became a hero. He saved the child, but they tell the story of the village, etc. A fairy tale is all fiction on a certain topic. What generalizes them is that they are interesting to listen to, read, and watch filmed cartoons and films. movies. And we grew up on fairy tales and epics

Answer from silence[guru]
Fairy tales tell about what happened, but no one remembers what it was, but epics tell about what happened, and some people still remember about it...

Answer from Ask for time off[guru]
1 is in poetic form and in words, and 2 is prose and written in a medium (in ancient times)

Answer from Matvey Klimenko[newbie]
um yes you are all right there is nothing to say) who agrees like)

Answer from Masha Vasilyeva[newbie]
The epic is a folk epic song, and the fairy tale belongs to the small narrative epic genres.
The plot of fairy tales is fiction, epics always have historical background And real prototype hero.
Used in the fairy tale conversational style narration, the epic is performed in recitative.
Fairy tale - prose works oral folk art, the epic has a poetic meter.
The main technique of the epic is hyperbole, repetition, stable formulas and speech patterns. More details: link

Answer from Yoman Ruchkin[guru]
general - mythological difference - epic usually on a historical or pseudo-historical plot, epic tale - on a magical, everyday or animal plot

    The epic and the heroic tale differ from each other in the form of presentation. So, an epic is not just a text, but a song that has a poetic form (initially it was a dactyl and a trochee, later the epics consisted of anapests). Although there is no rhyme in it, it sounds melodious and harmonious.

    The epic uses not only heroes, but also other heroes as the main characters (for example, the merchant Sadko in the epic of the same name).

    Heroic tales are essentially just tales that tell about the exploits of heroes. The only thing in common with epics is that heroes with the same names appear, although at the same time in the fairy tale they may be ascribed new qualities, new feats that have never been seen before. The essence of fairy tales is, of course, primarily entertaining.

    An epic is a folk song-tale, an epic song about the exploits of heroes. The main plot of the epic is some real a heroic event, a remarkable episode of Russian history... At the very root of the name is the word true story, i.e. a story about an actual event. In the epic only some embellishment is allowed, but no more

    And the heroic tale is also based on a real event or on a real character, but it introduces fabulous, fictional characters , or real characters are endowed incredible properties and abilities

    As the poet said: The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson

    If you can characterize the main difference between a fairy tale and an epic as genres folk literature, then a fairy tale is a work of entertainment that aims to amuse the listener; irony and allegory are very often used in it; often fairy tales ridicule certain human vices. The epic is a serious work, this heroic epic, which is designed to evoke in listeners, if not reverence for the exploits of heroic heroes, then at least serve educational purposes. Not all epics are based on real historical events, and if they are, then these events are also conveyed in an exaggerated form, but completely seriously.

    To begin with, any epic and any fairy tale are fundamentally different literary genres. We will not quote the definitions of both now. They are well known. Let us concentrate the answer on those differences that can be found when analyzing epics and heroic tales:

    1. The tale is entertaining. Bylina - no.

    2. The image of the fairy-tale hero is completely abstract. The character's name may be kept historical, while the image is abstracted. In epics it is more specific.

    3. The heroic tale is magical in many ways. In the epic, the element of implausibility lies mainly in the fact that the strength of the heroes is sharply exaggerated. Just like the negativity of their rivals is exaggerated.

    4. Heroic tales and epics have completely different artistic and stylistic characteristics.

    An epic and a heroic tale - two absolutely different genres. And they have many differences. As a rule, epics talk about real events, or at least really possible ones, they just may contain exaggerations. A fairy tale is most often magic, an unreal event, it did not exist and is not possible in reality. The epic is based on facts, the fairy tale is fiction.

    The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint of truth in it, that is, something could have happened if not for the intervention magical powers. And the epics tell about real miracles performed by real Russian heroes, the epic tells about what happened.

    The heroes in the epics actually existed - Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, Vladimir Monomakh, Sadko, Tugorkan, Batu...

    The fairy tale is invented from beginning to end and there will definitely be parting words, a hint of truth or lies. Tales told by the people reveal the attitude of the people to the events taking place in those days.

    The plot of an epic is usually some historical event which actually happened before. They were usually written or memorized, passed on from mouth to mouth in poetic form. So that they can be sung. Epic stories describe the exploits of heroes and heroes, but the basis is always the event that actually happened.

    In heroic tales, the plot, events and characters are fictitious. And they are written in prose

    There is a difference, it is that the epic is a highly distorted version of what really happened in the distant past, so it is not worth accepting the epic as a serious fact. But the heroic tale is pure fiction, that is, the same fairy tale story as well as fairy tales on other topics. Both versions of the story are perceived by children as fairy tales.

    The epic is an epic song about heroes. It carries serious tales about the exploits of these same heroes.

    A fairy tale is a fictional event. Which can carry an entertaining theme. About everything in the world, let it be a bun or some kind of animal.

    An epic is a story that was reality in ancient times. An epic always comes in short sentences in poetic form.

    Heroic tales are more different from epics - these are the exploits of various heroes, plus those exaggerated by the author. Heroic tales are based on the exploits of heroes.

    In my opinion, the answer lies on the surface. The epic tells about an event that actually took place in the past. The epic may be a little embellished, but it is always based on facts. And a heroic tale is a tale about heroes, that is, a fictional story.