Several exercises for losing weight. The best home exercises for weight loss

Hello everyone, today’s article we will devote to exercises for losing weight at home. Of course you can go to gym and perform all kinds of exercises there with a barbell and dumbbells, run on a treadmill or “ride” an exercise bike. But what should those who do not have access to such beauty as a gym do? It is for them that we dedicated this article, and since you are reading it, then you probably do not have the opportunity to visit a gym. Therefore, read carefully and remember everything we write about.

Below we have listed seven for you. effective exercises for weight loss at home, all of them are easy to learn and most of them do not require additional equipment. Only two of them will require a Swedish ball, but if you don't have one, you can skip these exercises or find an alternative to this ball.

Of course, an integral part of the weight loss process is proper nutrition, which will help build muscle and burn subcutaneous fat. But we’ll talk about nutrition a little lower, but for now we’ll watch and remember the exercises.

Effective exercises for losing weight at home

Well, are you ready for training? If yes, then remember some rules that need to be followed:

  • train 3 – 4 times a week;
  • perform all exercises one after another without resting between them;
  • do not drink water during training;
  • do not take long pauses between approaches;
  • try to follow the technique and do the exercises efficiently;
  • add running to these exercises. Run 1 – 2 times a week in the nearest park or stadium.

So, let's start with the first exercise.


The exercise will make your abdominal muscles work. Lie on your back, lift your legs and arms slightly (A), this will be your starting position. The next movement will be to lift your legs and torso up, while trying to touch your legs with your hands (B).

In this exercise, especially at the beginning, the main thing is not to rush, do it under control and lower yourself to the starting position as slowly as possible. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise and move on to the next one.

Kick back

Quite a difficult exercise, but extremely effective. Stand in a prone position (A), then push your legs and buttocks up with all your might (B). Push yourself up as high as you can. If, at first, you do not succeed well, do not despair, do as best you can, “Moscow was not built in a day.”

It is advisable to perform 10 repetitions of this exercise.

Jump Squats

This is very good exercise for losing weight on your legs at home. Ordinary, at first glance, squats, but with one nuance. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head (A), squat down as if you were doing regular squats that you did at school (B), but don’t stand up, but jump up, and as high as you can ( WITH). Your hands should be behind your head at all times.

Do this exercise 10 times and, without rest, move on to the next one.


Abdominal exercise again. Sit on your butt, tilt your back slightly, hold your arms in front of you, and lift your legs off the floor and keep them suspended (A). While remaining in this position, rotate your torso to the right (B) and then to the left (C), and return to the starting position. You've done one rep.

Do 15 repetitions of this exercise and begin the next one.

Jumping to higher ground

You will need a low chair or stool. Place it in front of you, at a distance of 30 - 40 centimeters (A), jump on it, trying not to swing your arms too much (B). Go back down to the starting position.

Do 10 of these jumps.

Ball boat

Now it's time for exercises with a Swedish ball. The first is a boat. Lie on your stomach, rest your elbows on the floor, and hold the ball between your legs, bending them at the knees (A), this is your starting position. Now we raise our legs together with the ball as high as possible (B), feel how your buttocks and hamstrings work.

Complete 10 reps.

Crunches on the ball

Another exercise with a ball. Stand in a lying position, with your legs thrown over the Swedish ball, so that your shins are on it, not your feet (A). Then begin to twist the ball towards you with your feet, lifting your hips and buttocks up (B). Go as high as you can and then slowly return to the starting position (A).

Do as many repetitions as you can. Then rest for a few minutes and repeat all the exercises from the beginning. This is only a small part of the effective exercises for losing weight at home, there are more large number, and we will talk about them in the following articles.

In the meantime, let's talk a little about nutrition.

Nutrition for weight loss

Certainly, physical activity, this is a great way to keep your figure in excellent condition, but if you add proper nutrition to them, then the weight loss process will be quick and, most importantly, effective for you. You don't need to stick to some hellish diet, starve yourself, or, worse, take some pill that you saw in the "Shop on the Couch."

Want to add variety to your workouts? Then for you. All about weight loss exercises with fitball in this article.

Yours main task, this means reducing the consumption of all kinds of buns, chocolates, sugar, fast food, in general, you need to completely eliminate “bad carbohydrates” from your diet. Instead of all this, start eating oatmeal, buckwheat or some other porridge. Instead of sweets, eat fruits, start eating more vegetables. Steam, grill or oven the meat. Drink as much water as possible. Water speeds up your metabolism, allowing your food to be digested faster.

These are some simple exercises and tips that, if you do them, you can easily lose excess weight without putting much effort into it. Train, eat right and you will succeed.

    How many calories are burned in one workout?

    I’ve only been doing these exercises for the 2nd day and I don’t know the result for the week yet, I’ll send you the result but I eat whatever I want. I’m 8 years old and I weigh 31 kg. I want to lose 3 kg. I have scales, if you need to know.

    After giving birth, I’m now getting into shape) I’ve found a very cool system of exercises for myself. It's called "Slender Mom". It was developed by Irina Turchinskaya. There are already results) I’m also reading her book “ New life V perfect body" It also talks about food)

    I don't consider myself too fat. But I only dreamed of a beautiful waist. And I really want to be slim and beautiful, so that my figure causes admiration. For destruction extra pounds I was constantly doing exercises and dieting. The result was, but barely noticeable. And then everything came back again. A friend recommended this corset, which she is crazy about. I also decided to try it out when I read positive reviews from here I ordered it online and used it within a week. I was amazed because without special effort, I was able to significantly change my figure. And what struck me most was that using the corset (thanks to the special greenhouse effect) I began to reduce fat deposits on my sides. It's impossible to put into words. You need to try this for yourself. Buy only from the official store.

    The exercises are good, I tried them, but I still need to add a diet. I usually eat protein, although constipation can sometimes bother me. As an option, there is regulamine. I like that the taste is pleasant and that you can drink it both for constipation and as a preventive measure. In general, this is how I lose weight.

    I want to lose 5-7 kg and I can’t lose weight, I gained a lot of weight after my fourth birth, but after fattening for two years I started losing weight according to the -60 program, I did exercises on the Internet with Anna Kukurina, I lost 12 kg in 7 months, but then, unfortunately, my back pain returned, I need simpler classes. I found yours, they seem to be effective, after I’ve been doing it for a month I’ll write the results. Good luck to everyone.

    Thank you, otherwise it’s just that the diet gives a little complications. The first time I lost weight, in principle there was a result, but now I have problems with stool. I hope the exercises do their job. But I would like to directly recommend a laxative. Well, I really liked it, because I know that many people on a diet face this. It’s called regulamine, I dissolved the sachet in water, it turned out so tasty orange, two pieces and after that I had a stool. It can also improve digestion; it is also called “fitness” for the intestines (on the box). But for now I’ll try with exercises)

    Thank you for such a detailed collection of exercises. I was especially interested in exercises with a fitball. I'll definitely try it. For me, in general, in order to lose weight, I need to stick to both sports and a strict diet. I also make sure to do intestinal cleansing. There is a good enterosorbent that I always use in such cases - Enterosgel. It will remove all the nasty things from the body. And then in the process of losing weight, acne on your face will not come out. You will agree that this is very important! Otherwise, as it used to be, if you lose weight, you’ll lose weight, but your whole face was covered with acne, and all because you didn’t cleanse your intestines in time.

    Strangely, at the beginning there are points that are somehow confusing, 3-4 workouts a week won’t work right away, the body needs recovery, and only after the body begins to quickly recover can you increase the number of sessions, secondly, don’t drink water during training, stop spreading This myth is possible and necessary, exactly as much as the body requires, this has long been proven. The break between approaches should occur until the heart rate drops to 100 beats, otherwise the second approach will be extremely difficult, but as for running, yes, I agree, 1-2 times a week on separate days from training

    thanks for the exercises. All that remains is to find a suitable diet. Overall, I think there will be a good result

    Thank you. I will try. Health and good luck to everyone!

    Is it possible to lose 15 kg in 2 months without harm to health?

    • I've been doing this for a week now and the results are really great:
      -5 cm at the waist
      This is just great

    impressive))) how much can you lose in 2 months without harm to your health?

    I didn’t need anything to lose weight except for the drug Lida Maximum, which I took for 40 days and was able to lose 12 kg.

    • Anna, please tell me where to buy Lida maximum?

    Your exercises are complete nonsense! Some of the exercises you suggested are difficult to perform. A full person, such exercises will become available only when he loses weight.

    It’s in vain that you say that a 100 kg aunt won’t be able to do such exercises, I weighed 112 and did more, and ran, and worked out better than some skinny people. and the article is good, the main thing is desire!

    I’ve been involved in sports all my life, I’ll be honest, these exercises are difficult for unprepared beginners, especially the first one on the abs. And the exercise with jumping, the second one is nonsense, you will never get out of such a position as drawn. Or it will work out, but not in such a stance

    Please tell me, if you follow a certain diet, how important is it and is it necessary to cleanse the intestines? Because I read that this should be done when dieting. Are regular laxatives like Lavacol suitable for this?

    All these exercises are familiar to me. I've been working out in the gym for half a year now and I look great, everyone started complimenting me))) I'm in good mood I’m leaving the gym, my advice: give up any flour, exercise + protein diet

    Of course, the exercises presented in the article are not suitable for those girls whose weight exceeds 100 kilograms. If you have been diagnosed with some degree of obesity, then first you need to take care of your diet and perform only light aerobic exercise, for example, walking or shopping. treadmill and walk on it at a slow pace. I personally have a completely different situation. I can’t call myself fat, but some excess of extra pounds has upset me since childhood. About six months ago I weighed 63 kilograms with a height of 163 centimeters. That is, the excess weight was about 10 kilograms. I decided to take my figure seriously, since summer was just around the corner, and everyone wants to look good on the beach. I didn’t follow any diets, I just switched to a healthy diet. I got rid of eight kilograms, and realized that I also needed to put in physical activity. I can’t go to the gym, so I started looking for exercises on the Internet and as a result I came across this set of exercises. I can say that after a month of training I lost five kilograms. But the most important thing is that the muscles became more toned and the relief of the figure appeared. The main thing is not to be lazy and then you will be guaranteed a beautiful figure.

    • Tell me, what did you eat, what did you lose weight and did you do these exercises once a week or did you do your own?

    Do you think a hundred-kilogram lady is able to perform these exercises?))))) Fire your trainer!

Without a trainer, exercising is many times more difficult and dangerous to your health. But many people think differently. This article is just for those who want to lose weight, but do not want to work out with a trainer.

What workouts will help you lose weight

First, let's figure out which workouts in the gym are most effective. Maybe cardio? Or is it still power loads?

If you choose long-term low-intensity cardio (slow long running, walking, riding an exercise bike), your body will get used to the load after just a few sessions. As a result, you only burn calories while running.

In the case of strength training, things are a little different. After it (with sufficient intensity), the metabolism at rest remains elevated for a long time - sometimes more than 20 hours. And all this time, your body burns calories faster.

Thus, even if the same amount of calories is spent during strength training and cardio training (I emphasize once again that we are talking about low-intensity cardio, and not heavy interval training or sprints), after strength training you still burn more. Read more about the effects of cardio, HIIT and strength training.

To speed up metabolism and pump up all the muscles of the body, we will combine circuit training with interval cardio.

Rules for creating a workout

To create an effective circuit training for the whole body, follow a few rules:

  1. Include exercises for different muscle groups. This will allow you to load your entire body evenly.
  2. Alternate exercises based on the “push” and “pull” principles. Push exercises are those in which you push off the ground (lunges, squats, push-ups) or push free weights away from you (dumbbell bench press, barbell bench press). When performing pulling exercises, you pull either yourself (pull-ups) or implements (deadlifts). Pulling and pushing exercises provide different loads. By alternating them, you will not overwork your muscles and will be able to do more.
  3. Finish your workout with high-intensity cardio.
  4. Start with a warm-up, end with stretching and rolling on a massage roller.

Now let's move on to the training itself.

The first workout option for weight loss

Our workout will include five weight-bearing exercises: two for the lower body, two for the upper body, one for the abs.

Each exercise is performed 10 times without a break. This is one circle. In total, you need to perform five circles, resting between circles until complete recovery (but no more than three minutes).

For beginners, it is better to perform the easy version; it will be indicated for each exercise in the “How to simplify” paragraph.

1. Lunges with weights

You perform 10 lunges on each leg for a total of 20 reps.

Target muscle group: gluteal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings.

How to simplify: lunges without weights. If you find it difficult to perform lunges with weights, you will most likely not complete the complex or will reduce the number of lunges. Therefore, if you are just starting to train, lunges with your own body weight are enough.

What to replace:

  • Side lunges.
  • Back lunges with weights.
  • Walking lunges around the hall.

Features of the technology:

  • The angle between the knee and hip in a lunge should be 90 degrees.
  • In a lunge, the knee does not extend beyond the toe.
  • The knee is directed forward, looking at the toe, not turning inward.

2. Push-ups

Target muscle group: triceps, chest muscles, abs.

How to simplify: push-ups from a hill, push-ups on rubber fitness bands, push-ups from your knees.

What to replace: other option .

Features of the technology:

  • Your elbows should be close to your body (unless you choose wide-arm push-ups).
  • Constantly keep your abs tense - this will help avoid arching in your back.

3. Deadlift

Target muscle group: hamstrings, gluteal muscles.

How to simplify: deadlift with an empty bar, with dumbbells.

What to replace: deadlift with a barbell or dumbbells.

Features of the technology:

  • Keep the barbell close to your body, almost sliding the bar along your legs.
  • Do not hunch your back, otherwise the load will be placed on the lumbar spine.
  • During the deadlift, the knees practically do not bend, which allows for a good stretch of the hamstrings.

4. Dumbbell row

Target muscle group: latissimus dorsi muscles.

How to simplify: take light dumbbells.

What to replace: pull of the lower block.

Features of the technology:

  • Keep your elbow close to your body and try to point it further behind your back.
  • Keep your back straight, don't round it.
  • Try to pull the dumbbells with your back muscles, not your arms.

5. Plank on balls

Target muscle group: core muscles.

How to simplify: classic plank on the floor, plank on the elbows.

Features of the technology: keep your abs in constant tension to prevent arching in your lower back.

The second workout option for weight loss

This workout is more difficult than the previous one, but it can also be made easier by using lighter weights or doing the exercises a little differently. The rules are the same - 10 repetitions, 5 circles, rest between circles - until complete recovery.

1. Barbell Squats

Target muscle group: quadriceps, gluteal muscles, hamstring muscles.

How to simplify: squat without weights, with a lighter weight.

What to replace: leg press.

Features of the technology:

  • Keep your back straight, don't slouch.
  • When squatting, move your pelvis back.
  • Spread your knees - they should not curl inward.

2. Dumbbell chest press

Target muscle group: pecs, triceps, deltoids.

How to simplify: take light weight.

What to replace: Barbell chest press.

Features of the technology:

  • Do not arch your lower back or lift your pelvis off the bench.
  • The dumbbells should move synchronously.
  • Try to lift the dumbbells by tensing your pectoral muscles.

3. Single leg deadlift with dumbbells

Target muscle group: gluteal muscles, back extensors, quadriceps and hamstrings, latissimus dorsi.

How to simplify: deadlift on two legs with a lighter weight.

What to replace: deadlift on two legs with dumbbells or barbell.

Features of the technology:

  • Keep your back straight, do not slouch or round your lumbar region.
  • The knee of the bending leg looks forward, does not turn inward.
  • Lower the dumbbells to mid-calf.
  • The back leg does not fall to the ground until the end of the approach - it is constantly in a hanging position.

4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Target muscle group: latissimus dorsi, chest muscles, biceps brachii.

How to simplify: pull-ups on the horizontal bar using a rubber fitness band. The tape is thrown over the horizontal bar, you step on it with your feet and hang, stretching the tape. As you develop strength, you can change the tension of the band.

What to replace: pull of the upper block to the chest.

Features of the technology:

  • If you are a beginner, you should not help yourself by swinging. First you need to install correct technique pull-ups and only then use inertia to pull yourself up several times more.
  • Try to keep your head in one position, do not point your chin up.
  • Keep your legs straight.

5. Pulling your legs to the horizontal bar

Target muscle group: core muscles.

How to simplify:

  • Raise your knees to your chest without straightening your legs at the top.
  • Limit the amplitude of the lift, for example, raise straight legs to an angle of 90 degrees.

What to replace: different plank options.

Features of the technology: if you have poor physical fitness or are overweight, you should replace this exercise with a static plank. It perfectly pumps the rectus abdominis and other core muscles and does not overload the iliopsoas muscle.

You can watch the full workout with two variations in this video.

Interval cardio at the end of your workout

The workout ends with 15-20 minutes of interval cardio. You can use this scheme: 4 minutes of running at a speed of 8 km/h, a minute at a speed of 12 km/h.

If your treadmill has an interval running mode, select a timed workout, set it to 20 minutes and set the level to 8-10 depending on your fitness.

Typically, the machines offer a variety of different interval workouts, alternating between slow and fast running, as well as different angles track inclination.

Workout and Diet

Alternating strength exercises, you can compose your own effective complex for weight loss.

Of course, don't forget about nutrition. Even without a diet, exercise will strengthen your muscles and improve your fitness, but losing weight will happen much faster if you learn to count calories.

Here are some helpful articles on how to change your diet to get quick results.

This will help you lose weight by reducing your calorie intake, and you will find out how many calories you need for different types training. Here's another good one - calculate your norm using different formulas, taking into account physical activity.

For those who don’t want to give up delicious food for the sake of a beautiful figure, here’s a bonus in the form of, with which your diet will be low-calorie, but no less tasty.

Enjoy your training and rapid progress!

For a good result, you need to approach your training wisely, that is, prepare for several important aspects. Let's list the most important things:

  • First of all, decide what you want to achieve. If this is general weight loss, then aerobic activities, such as running, fitness, and jumping rope, must be included. If it is important to reduce the volume of certain parts of the body, then you will need to choose targeted exercises for them.
  • Second important factor– determination of load. Each of us wants to see results as quickly as possible, but squeezing the maximum out of the body from the very beginning is harmful and even dangerous. You risk overexerting yourself, creating heart problems and being out of action for a couple of weeks from unbearable muscle pain.
  • The third thing you need to pay attention to is the place to study. Sometimes its absence becomes the reason for skipping and quickly abandoning original plans. Therefore, make sure that it is always at your disposal, provides you with room to swing, and is located away from fragile objects.
  • Fourth is nutrition. Its importance cannot be written off, especially in people with slow metabolism. The diet needs to be adjusted at least minimally.
  • The last thing is inventory. For convenience, it is recommended to purchase a mat, dumbbells, and a fitball (sports ball), but the mat can be replaced with any non-slip floor covering, and the dumbbells can be replaced with water bottles. Leave the purchase of a fitball at your own discretion.

Exercises for weight loss

The exercise program for losing weight at home for anyone who decides to lose weight quickly and effectively should include two types of training: aerobic and strength training. The first ones are designed to warm up the body and increase blood circulation. They increase metabolism, make a person sweat, and when performed well for a long time, lead to noticeable weight loss in all parts of the body. The second will be aimed at specific muscle groups. This will allow you to “dry” the body, removing fat deposits from each muscle and working out the relief.


This type of exercise is popular among all those involved in bodybuilding, because it helps to create a beautiful muscular figure. When it comes to losing weight, strength training is useful for working individual muscles, but there is no need to worry about your muscles growing by leaps and bounds. No, a good load will tighten them and make the body more elastic. The essence of strength training is to work with weight (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, or your body weight). Each type is performed n number of times from 2 to 5 approaches.

When performing this type of training, it is important not to overload yourself. The load must be increased gradually, otherwise the ligaments, tendons, and muscles may suffer due to strong stretching. This will allow your body to confidently gain strength and increase endurance. Alternate inhalations and exhalations correctly. The program of exercises for losing weight at home includes basic strength elements, among which are squats with weights, bench press, working out the arms, chest, and shoulders using dumbbells.


As opposed to strength training, aerobic exercises involve all muscle groups. When performing them, a person consumes a lot of oxygen and expends a lot of energy. Their second name is cardio training, because they give a good load on the entire cardiovascular system. For this reason, it is very important to calculate the intensity of such training. Beginners or people with an initial level of training should not, from the very first lessons, bring themselves to exhaustion, severe shortness of breath and the inability to move their legs, since out of habit you put a lot of strain on the heart.

Sports trainers recommend choosing the intensity of aerobic exercise depending on your heart rate. This will allow you to calculate the most effective and at the same time safe pace. It is recommended to include aerobic exercise in weight loss programs three times a week, alternating with strength training. You can choose the type of activity at your discretion: running, walking, dancing, swimming, cycling or exercise bike.


One of the most popular methods to achieve good physical performance is to conduct interval training. They represent an alternation of increased and decreased activity with minimal time for rest. Nothing burns fat better than this type of approach, but it also takes a lot of energy, so not everyone can withstand a heavy load at once. Even an aerobic activity can be turned into an interval activity by running, jumping or pedaling at a high or low pace.

How to create a workout program for weight loss at home

A properly designed training program for losing weight at home is half the success of the whole endeavor. Insufficient and irregular exercise will not produce results, too intense will lead to overwork. It is important to decide on the three components of a good workout: frequency, intensity and exercise selection. In order to start losing weight, it is best to alternate between strength and aerobic training, using small weights of equipment and a higher number of repetitions. This will ensure an even load and a constant reduction in fat reserves.

In what order to perform

Another important factor on which good health and results depend is consistency. Whatever exercises your workout program for weight loss at home includes, perform them in the same order:

  • Warm up. Most avoid it, considering it a waste of time. Meanwhile, warming up is very important. It warms up muscles and ligaments, protects joints and spine from injury. You need to start every workout with it, spending 5-10 minutes on intense arm swings, bends, and turns.
  • The most difficult thing. Energy-intensive exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and push-ups are best done at the beginning of the workout, otherwise you won’t have any strength left for them later. Those types that need to be carefully worked out should go first, otherwise you will also not be able to perform them well in the end.
  • Load on muscle groups. The general basic one always comes first, then the corrective one.

How to alternate the load correctly

Sustainable weight loss can be achieved through properly distributed load. You need to tune in for 40-60 minutes of training, because fat begins to be consumed after the first half hour of training. During weight loss training, pay attention to:

  • Gradual increase. This applies to load and intensity.
  • Number of approaches. There should be no more than 5. In the future, the muscles become exhausted.
  • Alternating exercises for different groups muscles distant from each other. For example, first on the arms, then on the back. If you need to work out a particular area well, do several different exercises focusing on it.
  • Load reduction. Don't let this happen to you. Once you feel used to it, try harder.

Home workout schedule

The speed of weight loss will depend on the frequency of exercise. It is best to prescribe strength training to work different muscle groups three times a week, create a daily table and follow the regime. For example, on Monday, choose exercises for the upper body. On Wednesday - emphasis on the legs, on Friday - a complex for the buttocks and abs. Devote the remaining days to rest or light aerobic exercise, starting with 15 minutes a day, gradually increasing to 1-1.5 hours. You can combine strength and aerobic exercise in one workout, then you can safely rest 4 days a week.

A set of exercises for losing weight at home

A competent training program for losing weight at home should provide an even load on the entire body, including aerobic. An hour and a half training session is enough for this. There is no need to be overtired, because you can always regulate the number of hikes and give yourself a 5-minute rest. Your workout schedule should definitely include a warm-up, a few basic exercises, and a cool-down that will allow you to relax and retain strength afterward. sports activity.


Warm-up is designed to warm up the body and supply the muscles with oxygen. Don't avoid it if you don't want to get injured, tear your lower back, or overstrain unheated muscles. To warm up, you can do several body movements, which should take no more than 15 minutes:

  • any swings of arms and legs;
  • jumping rope;
  • easy running;
  • rotational movements for the joints of the arms and legs.

Basic exercises

The main forces of the body and the lion's share of time need to be devoted to working out all zones. These are legs, thighs, buttocks, stomach, arms. Here are the basic exercises that everyone can do at home:

  • squats;
  • swing your legs to the sides;
  • swing your legs back;
  • press;
  • bends;
  • raising your arms up and to the sides;
  • push-ups.


Athletes also have a term called a cool-down. It refers to a set of exercises that are performed at the end of a workout and takes up to 10 minutes. The purpose of the cool-down is to move from an excited to a calmer state, remove lactic acid from the muscles, and reduce the pulse. As a cool-down, you can do a slow jog, which will end with walking and pull-ups.

For a thin waist

If you want to slim your waist, it's important to set achievable goals. So, the generally accepted norm of 60 centimeters is correct only if your height is 160. This means that your waist circumference is the number that is obtained if you subtract 100 centimeters from your height. So, in order for your waist to become slim, you need to include in your classes:

  • Hoop or hula hoop. The weight of the projectile is important. It must be at least 2 kilograms, and it must be rotated for at least an hour.
  • Tilts. It's simple and effective exercise can be done in different variations (forward/backward, right/left).
  • Mill. The arms are placed to the sides and intense swings are made.

For slimming thighs and buttocks

Legs are one of the problematic parts of many people, especially girls, women, and much less often men. Cellulite, riding breeches, wide calves – all this requires correction. The following list will help you make your legs and buttocks beautiful:

  • forward lunges;
  • side lunges;
  • swing to the sides;
  • abduction of legs to the sides from a lying position;
  • deep squats with dumbbells.

For slimming the belly and sides

Scheme general weight loss the body will help reduce the volume of the abdomen and sides. This process can be helped by adding a few exercises that will tighten the skin and muscles in this area:

  • bike;
  • lifting the torso or twisting (better and more effectively performed on a fitball, on which you need to hold your legs);
  • roller skating (to begin with, you can do it from your knees, do not forget that you cannot bend your back - it must be straight all the time);
  • lifting the legs at an angle of 90 degrees from the starting position lying down (performed with lowering the legs without touching the floor so that the stomach is in constant tension).

What exercises should you do to lose weight on your arms?

Several exercises with and without equipment will help make your arms beautiful and give them a toned shape. Each works different parts of the arms, so it is recommended to alternate them from workout to workout or do them all one by one:

  • push-ups;
  • reverse push-ups (to do this, you need to rest your hands on the bench behind you, bend your elbows, lower and raise your torso);
  • pulling dumbbells to the chest.


When choosing an active and often tough training regimen, many of us completely overlook stretching exercises, but they are also very useful for losing weight in problem areas, even taking into account the static nature. Stretching forces you to linger for a few seconds in each position, which helps to work out every cell of the body, develop flexibility and consolidate the result. Anyone who is familiar with yoga, even at a basic level, knows how energy-consuming, that is, effective for weight loss, the following exercises are:

  • dog looking down;
  • active pigeon;
  • cobra.


Problem excess weight relevant today.

Men and women torture themselves constantly fasting days and starvation diets, but still can’t remove centimeters from the waist.

The question arises: why does a person eat little, but still not lose weight?

It has been proven that even the most effective diet will not give the desired result if you neglect minimal physical activity.

Exercises for fast weight loss at home is a set of activities that anyone can do.

A simple workout plan combined with proper nutrition will help you get rid of those extra pounds in such a way that they won’t come back later.

Frequency of training and necessary equipment

If a person has not previously trained, it is impossible to perform exercises for quick weight loss at home every day. The muscles are not used to stress, so excessive effort will cause them to immediately begin to hurt. The optimal training frequency for beginners is 3 times a week for 30 minutes. At the same time, the optimal time intervals for classes are from 11:00 to 13:00 and from 19:00 to 20:00.

Necessary equipment for training

1. Rug or bedding. The flooring is very hard and may cause back pain. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to lay out some small rug and practice on it.

2. Dumbbells. For beginners, dumbbells weighing 1-1.5 kg each are suitable.

3. Comfortable clothes that will not hinder movement.

4. Narrow small bench. If you don’t have it, you can “hide” your legs under the sofa to develop abdominal muscles.

Exercises for quick weight loss at home: basic rules for training

1. Each session should begin with a warm-up to prepare the muscles. This could be squats, push-ups, or running in place. The total duration of the warm-up is 5-7 minutes.

2. It is recommended to perform exercises for quick weight loss at home two hours before meals or an hour after.

3. Maintain proper diet and do not overeat. This is not about a diet, but about basic rules. It is advisable to exclude high-calorie foods as much as possible from the diet, do not eat after 18:00 and, of course, follow drinking regime(1.5 liters of water per day).

4. The first 4 weeks of the load should be the same. After this time, the muscles will get used to it and the intensity of exercise can be increased.

5. Positive attitude - exercise should definitely be fun. It is important for a person to tune in to the result and understand that regular exercise will help him cope with the problem of excess weight.

Exercises for quick weight loss at home for abdominal muscles

The abdomen is one of the most problematic areas; this is where the most fat deposits accumulate. No diet will help you get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin. Pumping up your abs and getting a beautiful belly is a task that regular training can handle. However, you should not expect results in a few days. This is painstaking work, which over time will definitely give desired result.

The most effective exercises for abdominal muscles

1. "Twisting"

The exercise is aimed at working the muscles abdominals, the main thing is to perform it with a small amplitude. You need to lie on the floor and press your back tightly against it. Elbows point to the sides, legs bend at the knees. We take a deep breath, at the same time raise the head and shoulder blades, and as we exhale we return to the starting position. The number of approaches is 10-15 for the first few days, then gradually increase.

2. Exercise with a chair

You need to sit on a chair and lean your hands firmly on it. Legs extended in front of you. Slowly they bend at the knees and stretch towards the body. Then exhale and the legs return to their original position. Number of approaches – 15.

Leg workout: exercises for weight loss

The first thing to do is to decide which part of the legs does not suit the person. Exercises for the muscles of the thighs and calves are different, so it is important to build a set of workouts correctly.

Exercises for quick weight loss at home: legs:

1. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Alternately, the legs are raised up, bent at the knees. The main thing here is not to rush, the person should feel how his muscles work. The number of approaches is 15 for each leg.

2. Very often, cellulite accumulates on the inner thighs, due to which women develop many complexes. A simple exercise will help make your skin more toned and beautiful. You need to lie on your back, raise your legs up and slowly spread them to the sides. The person lingers in this position for 1 minute, then returns to the starting position. After resting for 15 seconds, the exercise is repeated.

3. Running in place is a universal and most effective exercise against excess fat deposits in the legs. Just 15 minutes a day, and in a month a pleasant surprise awaits you. The skin becomes tightened, sagging and cellulite disappear.

Beautiful and elastic hips are the dream of every girl. However, a person does not always have what he wants. Excess weight is deposited in this area for various reasons - due to poor nutrition or an inactive lifestyle. To solve a problem you need not to complain about its presence, but to take action.

Exercises for quick weight loss at home for thighs

1. Starting position – horizontal. Hands must be placed on the buttocks, legs must remain straight. Slowly the legs rise up until they form right angle with the body, separated and brought back 10 times.

2. Starting position – standing. Your legs should be spread wider than your shoulders, your toes should be placed to the sides. Now squats are carefully done to tighten the thighs and buttocks. Number of approaches – 10. Regular execution this exercise eliminates cellulite and promotes skin tightening.

3. Starting position - lying on your side, head resting on your hand. First, one leg rises up, then you need to lie on the other side and perform the exercise with the other leg. The number of approaches is 10 on each side.

Exercises for quick weight loss at home for the buttocks

Making your buttocks firm and beautiful is not difficult if you exercise regularly and don’t forget about proper nutrition.

Workout for the buttocks: universal exercises for every day

1. Starting position – sitting on a chair (on its edge). The feet are spread out to the sides until a soccer ball can be placed between the legs. The ball must be squeezed tightly with your feet, and the muscles of your buttocks must be tense. Hold this for 20 seconds, then relax for a minute and squeeze the ball again.

2. Starting position – kneeling, hands on the belt. You need to alternately move your legs and sit first on one buttock, then on the other. You need to perform the exercise until the muscles start to hurt, but at least 5 full approaches.

3. Squats. Simple squats can tighten the skin not only on the thighs, but also on the buttocks. It is enough to do 10 squats every day in the morning and 10 in the evening to get rid of cellulite within a month and see the result of losing weight.

Exercises for losing weight on your arms

Sagging skin on the hands often prevents women from wearing the clothes they want. At any age, the situation can be corrected if you exercise regularly.

Exercises for quick weight loss at home for arms

1. Training with dumbbells. Using the equipment allows you to quickly pump up muscles and rid a person of sagging skin. A dumbbell weighing 1.5 kg is taken with both hands, then the arms are slowly raised in front of you, then above your head, then returned to the starting position.

2. Push-ups. Of course, it’s much more difficult for girls to do them than for men, but that’s the whole charm. You need to train yourself to try to do 10 push-ups every day in the morning so that your muscles work. Within a few weeks the skin will become tightened.

By doing exercises for quick weight loss at home regularly, you will never have problems with overweight and saggy skin.

Every girl wants to look slim and beautiful, but only a few can lead a healthy and athletic lifestyle.

Even if you are not into dancing or aerobics, or go to the gym, you can have a slim and toned figure. To do this, you need to spend 20–30 minutes a day playing sports.

You need to take care of your body and it will make you happy good health, as well as excellent appearance.

Here you will find a practical set of exercises that will help you lose weight at home without exercise equipment. Knowing them, you can create your own individual training schedule.

Before you start training, you should do a warm-up. It will help you warm up your muscles and joints, and also protect you from damage and injury.

You need to start it from top to bottom, gradually moving from warming up the neck, shoulders and arms to the lower back, buttocks, thighs, knees and feet.

If you don't know how to warm up, it doesn't matter. Start making circular movements with each joint. First one way, then the other. Work all parts of the body in this way.

Then you should warm up thoroughly. To do this, rub your palms vigorously until they become hot. After this, warm up your face, neck, ears, and nose with them. Next, rub your entire body from head to toe with warm palms.

Warm-up for arms and shoulders

Rotate your shoulders forward and backward. You can rotate your shoulders one by one, or you can rotate them simultaneously. At the same time, the arms remain straight, the hands are collected as if they are on a support (for example, if you are leaning on a table or machine) - this way the arm muscles will work more efficiently. Rotate your elbows in opposite directions. Next, we rotate our hands, clenched into fists.

Warm-up for the back

Stand up straight. Start turning left and right. When performing turns, the part of your torso that is below the waist, as well as your legs, should remain in one place and not move.

During twisting, the neck muscles should not tense. Always look straight, no matter which way you turn. Do this for 20–30 turns.

With the next exercise, we will bring the lower back, including the lower back, into combat readiness. Stand up straight. Begin to rotate your body around its axis in a circular motion to the left. Do this 10 times and start repeating in the opposite direction.

From the outside, this should resemble the movement of a boxer in the ring, dodging his opponent’s blows. As with the previous exercise, your hips and legs should remain in place.

Leg warm-up

The feet are warmed up like this: put the toe on the floor and rotate the foot in different directions. Standing on the toes of both feet, rise and lower yourself without resting on your heels. Do this several times.

To make the challenge more challenging and the warm-up more effective, rise up on your toes as high as possible and squat with your legs bent without bending your back.

Training program

So, the warm-up is over, and it’s time to start the main exercises. Below is an effective complex for losing weight at home.

We quickly and correctly remove the sides and belly at home.

Do you want a beautiful and toned butt? See an effective technique.

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Toning the buttocks

  • Static squats. To perform the first exercise, place your feet wider than your shoulders. While standing, bend them in knee joints. The angle should be such that you can put a cup on your foot and not be afraid that it will fall (i.e., an angle of about 90 degrees). Freeze and remain in this position for as long as possible.
  • Regular squats. This is the best exercise for achieving a slim butt with toned buttocks. It is better to perform squats in several approaches of 20-50 times.
  • Jumping. Squat down. Jump up sharply and return to the starting position. You need to jump as high as possible. 20 such repetitions will be enough.

Making your legs slender

  1. Reduction and extension of legs. Lie with your back on the floor and, placing your hands under your buttocks, lift your legs straight up. Bring your raised legs together and spread them apart. Repeat this exercise ten times.
  2. Squats from a kneeling rack. Stretch your arms forward while kneeling. Now sit on each buttock in turn, tilting your body to the side. Perform the exercise quickly so as not to lose your balance.
  3. Sumo squats. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your feet and knees outward. Squat down slowly to feel the muscles in both thighs working. Stay in the half-squat position for as long as possible. Then try to smoothly return to the starting position.
  4. Swing your legs. Lie on your side and bend your lower leg at the knee, bringing it forward. With your straight upper leg, lift up with a large amplitude, trying to move as slowly as possible. Then roll over to the other side and repeat with the other leg. This exercise will help correct and pump up the shape of the inner thighs.

You can perform the following exercises with an elastic band, as shown in the picture, which will significantly improve your results:

Create a flat tummy

  • Crunches. Lying on your back, place your hands behind your head and keep your legs straight. Raise your body, touching your knees with your chest. Slowly return to the starting position, being careful not to squeeze your neck. To simplify the exercise (if you are unable to do this option), do small lifts: the main thing is to lift your shoulder blades off the floor.
  • Twisting with rotation. Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your hands behind your head. Now try to twist so that your elbow touches the knee of the opposite leg.
  • Raising your legs. We do not leave the starting position of the previous exercises. Raise your straight legs to an angle of 45 degrees and try to keep them in a raised position longer. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times. In this position, you can swing your legs up and down with a small amplitude or perform “scissors.”
  • A more complicated version of leg raises. Lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides and slowly raise your straight legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Lower your legs very slowly too - this will put more strain on your abdominal muscles. Also try swinging your legs from side to side and returning them to a perpendicular position. The exercise cleans the stomach and sides well.

If the above exercises are not enough for you, you can do the following:

Strengthen your back and make it graceful

№1. To perform the first exercise, lie on your back with your arms extended. Bend your knees. Then rhythmically raise your pelvis as high as possible and lower it, trying to stay in the raised position for as long as you can.

To complicate the exercise, one of the legs standing on the floor can be raised up or placed on the knee of the other leg. This will help you strengthen your back and pump up your abdominal muscles.

№2. From the same position, raise your arms straight up, then raise your legs straight. Do this so that your hips lift off the floor. Slowly lower your legs.

Now stretch out following your raised arms, trying to lift them off the floor. top part housings. Following this order, try to repeat the exercise several times.

№3. Lie on your stomach. At the same time, try to lift your arms and legs off the floor. Do this 30-40 times.

Pull up your arms

  • Push-ups from the floor. Take a lying position. But, unlike the man's stance, place your knees on the floor. Try to do 10 push-ups.
  • Bench push-ups. For the next exercise you will need a chair or the edge of a sofa. Stand with your back to him and put your hands on him. Legs need to be straightened and relaxed. Begin to bend your arms at the elbow joints. At the lowest point, you should almost touch your butt to the floor. Then straighten your arms completely. Repeat this 10-15 times.
  • Static exercise. Stand straight, stretch your arms out in front of you parallel to the floor. Try to keep them in this position for as long as possible.

Accelerate results with proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is no less important a component of the weight loss process than physical activity. Your results depend on what and in what volumes you eat, so if you want the reflection in the mirror to begin to please you, you must adhere to the following principles.

Maintain a calorie deficit

(655+ (height, cm *1.8)+ (weight, kg*9.6)-(age*4.7))*activity factor

This coefficient is:

  • 1.2 for a non-exercising person
  • 1.38 - from 1 to 3 sports per week
  • 1.55 - from 3 to 5 lessons
  • 1.73 - more than 5 workouts

To lose weight, you need to subtract 400-500 from the resulting figure.

Example: height 167 cm, weight 55 kg, age 25 years, activity factor 1.55.


Subtract 500, and it turns out that for safe weight loss with such introductory meals you need to consume 1617 calories per day. Naturally, it is impossible to calculate everything down to the calorie, but still try to keep an accurate count.

Comply with BZHU standards

Proteins should make up 30-40% of total calories, fats 15-20%, and carbohydrates 30-40%. Try to eat food containing mainly carbohydrates in the first half of the day or at lunch. In the evening, give preference to protein foods.

Products with a high protein content include:

  • Chicken, lean meat
  • Cottage cheese
  • Almond
  • Soy products (eg, soy meat, tofu).

Avoid "bad" foods

If you want to lose weight, you will have to give up sweets, fast food, sweet soda and packaged juices, mayonnaise, fatty and fried foods. Despite the fact that everyone knows this, few people conscientiously follow this principle and, as a result, continue to carry the hated kilograms.

By the way, there is an alternative to almost everything harmful. So, you can add a substitute to tea instead of sugar, and a salad dressed with Greek yogurt will be no less tasty than a salad with mayonnaise.

Eat 5-6 small meals a day

Eating infrequently leads to a slowdown in metabolism, so in order to speed up metabolism, you need to eat often, without exceeding your limit. daily norm calories.

Don't get carried away with mono-diets

The consequences of mono-diets can be very negative. IN best case scenario, this is a decrease in metabolic rate and a return to previous (if not greater) volumes after the end of the diet.


  1. Remember that losing weight = regular exercise + proper nutrition. Don't neglect either one or the other. Of course, you can lose weight only through diet, but as a result this will lead to a significant slowdown in metabolism.
  2. Set aside time every day to devote exclusively to home workouts. Do not delay or reschedule them under any circumstances - the result is impossible without regularity.
  3. Set realistic goals and don't expect "7 kg in a week" results.
  4. Remember your motivation and don't let others bring you down." true path". Do not listen to the persuasion of “caring” friends who assure you that nothing will happen from chocolate or cookies.
  5. Take photographs more often and, if you have honestly worked on yourself, after a while you will happily begin to notice changes.