Detailed instructions - how to properly run on a treadmill with health benefits? How to properly run on a treadmill to lose weight

Did you know that exercising on a treadmill is just as effective as exercising outdoors? You can walk, jog or run fast at the same speed and heart rate while getting all the benefits of regular exercise, but at home. So why not use treadmill running to lose weight and shed a few pounds?

Many people think that working out on a treadmill is quite boring. However, most modern treadmills are already equipped with iFit technology, which allows you to run in virtual world, competing with other athletes and training under the guidance of world-renowned coaches. Read on to find out more!

Why is losing weight on the treadmill becoming more and more popular? There are many reasons. Firstly, treadmill easy to use. If we are talking about a treadmill for the home, then it has a timer that calculates the distance traveled, which is displayed on the display. Those treadmills that are installed in gym, of course, more complicated. Most of them even have special sensors heart rate, which allows you to find out whether a person is training the cardiovascular system or working on burning fat.

Additionally, some treadmills have the following options:

  • Personal trainer,
  • Burning fat
  • Strength training.

5.5 km/h for 30 minutes burns 121 calories

The expected results always depend on the walking speed. At average speed 1 mile burns 100 calories. According to recent research, than more people weighs, the more weight he/she loses: the faster he/she moves, the more calories are burned.

In any case, it is important to maintain a pace where the person is slightly out of breath but still able to talk to someone else. Once you set the pace, you need to maintain it, which is very useful for any type of training.

Do Treadmills Really Help You Lose Weight? Yes, it is, but only if you are resilient, resilient, and able to make conscious decisions to push the button to slow down or speed up.

How to properly exercise on a treadmill to lose weight?

You must have heard about in various ways training, but the best option is alternating types of training. Any treadmill provides several types of workouts to help you lose weight and get fit. physical fitness, and it is a huge mistake to believe that using only one type will help you. Using different types helps you stay motivated to exercise regularly. physical exercise. What does this process involve? One day you can choose walking mode, another day you can choose jogging. Some people prefer to train 3-4 times a week in a walking mode and the rest of the week in a jogging mode.

Important! It has been proven that performing short but very intense exercise promotes the breakdown of fats and slows down the formation of new fat deposits.

The greater the variety of types of training, the more motivated you are, since your body does not have time to adapt to new loads. If you're bored but don't want to stop training, you can use the following:

  1. TV. Modern treadmills provide the ability to watch your favorite shows. When you are at home, this is even easier to do. In case you are at the gym, connect your headphones to the treadmill and select a TV channel.
  2. Music. Choose energetic music or a melody that you like best. Many people create a selection of musical compositions for themselves to perform exercises on the treadmill.

Effective exercises for burning fat

Treadmill - best way for weight loss as long as you know which exercises are best for you. We have a list of exercises that will help you lose weight.

Interval training program on a treadmill for weight loss

Interval · Distance (in miles) Speed ​​mode
· Warm-up · 00.0 - 1.00 · 6.5 - 7.0
· 1 · 1.00 - 1.25 · 8.0
· Rest · 1.25 - 1.30 · 3.5
· 2 · 1.30 - 1.55 · 8.0
· Rest · 1.55 - 1.60 · 3.5
· 3 · 1.60 - 1.85 · 8.0
· Rest · 1.85 - 1.90 · 3.5
· 4 · 1.90 0 2.15 · 8.0
· Rest · 2.15 - 2.20 · 3.5
· 5 · 2.20 - 2.45 · 8.0
· Rest · 2.45 - 2.50 · 3.5
· 6 · 2.50 - 2.75 · 8.0
· Rest · 2yu.75 - 2.80 · 3.5

Interval training is now seen as very effective way get rid of excess weight. What does it mean this type training? It means a combination of different types of exercises that are performed in alternation with short breaks. To achieve the best results, you need to perform several short exercises, and then several more short exercises, but of a different type.

You must break the intervals into segments. Start with simpler types, performing exercises for 10-40 seconds. Then move on to more difficult types, which should last between 10 and 30 seconds each. So, the entire workout should be so difficult that at the end you will not be able to perform any exercise.

Important information! Such intense training should be done 3-4 times a week. Make sure that difficult workouts are really difficult, and they will not be easy for you.

The most important thing to know about interval training is that it is better to start the training process with the simplest exercise. In most cases this is walking. Your job is to pick a pace and run at that pace for 30 seconds, then slow down and walk for 40 seconds. Run and then walk again. Repeat the same thing again and again at regular intervals. As a result, your metabolic rate will increase and calories will be burned twice as fast.

Exercise "Weight loss"

This is another one good guy exercise on a treadmill for weight loss. This is an ideal option for those who do not like running in place. Start with a 3-minute warm-up at a steady pace. We suggest starting at 5 mph. Then turn to the left and continue running for half a minute, then turn your torso to the right and run in this position for another half a minute.

When performing this exercise, do not cross your legs. Rearrange them. After you have done the exercise, turn forward again and continue jogging for 3 minutes, then turn to the side again. At the end, jog for 3 minutes to cool down after a 30-minute workout.

Repeating the same type of exercise will reduce your performance level

  • Run-Walk Workout

If you are not a beginner, you can try the next option. This type The workout is a kind of combination of running and walking. This is a kind of alternative option between jogging, walking and slow running.

The main advantage of this option is that it burns up to 300 calories.

  • Workout to burn 500 calories

In order to burn about 500 calories a day you will not need more than 40 minutes. This is the so-called high-intensity interval training, which should be done approximately 4-5 times a week. What do you get as a result? About ½ pound minus over 7 days.

  • Full body muscle workout
    This is perhaps the best way to burn fat on the treadmill, developed by New York City trainer Melissa Paris. This type of workout provides numerous benefits for your stomach, arms, and legs. There are a variety of running exercise options that can help you burn tons of calories in 35 minutes a day and 3-5 pounds over 10-14 days.

Why a treadmill best choice for beginners? This method is more suitable for joints than running on concrete sidewalks and asphalt roads. Therefore, it is better to buy a treadmill for your home. Regular training reduces the load on the joints, thereby reducing the possible risks of injury. This is especially helpful for those who have already damaged their joints and are trying to get back into regular exercise.

The best way for beginners is a 30-minute workout

If you are a beginner, start with:

  • Exercises for beginners

This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete initially. Increase your speed by 3.0 units each workout. If you feel absolutely comfortable in this mode and no longer want to continue in this spirit, we recommend that you increase your training time to 15 minutes at a speed of 5.0 units. You can increase the speed up to 3.5 units during training and then gradually reduce it. Add another 5 minutes when you reach a 20 minute workout.

  • Increasing load.

If you have been doing exercises on a treadmill for 1 month, then you can already change the type of training. Walking is the best exercise in in this case. Walking is ideal for stabilizing your heart rate and training your leg muscles. Start with 20-minute workouts and increase the inclination angle - the position of the track. Increase the incline angle to increase the load, or decrease the incline angle to reduce the load.

The main requirements in this case are:

  1. The usual duration is 20 minutes;
  2. Tilt angle - up to 2.0-3.0;
  3. Increase speed from 1.5 to 3.5 units within 5-7 minutes.

Benefits of a Treadmill

Some of the most popular walking methods include the Staircase and the Endurance Path. The first option, the ladder, helps to get rid of excess weight, strengthening the calves and hamstrings. This means it is ideal for training all the large muscles of the legs.

The Endurance Pathway is a very simple type of exercise, but it is very effective because it builds endurance while adding something fun and fresh to the training process. This is a great opportunity for you to strengthen all the leg muscles and increase your metabolic rate of fat burning.

Running is one of the most natural types of physical activity for humans.

It is included in training programs for any sport, mobilizing the body to physical activity and bringing undoubted health benefits.

However, in order not to harm yourself, you need a thoughtful approach to training on the treadmill, a balance between your training goals, how to achieve them and your physical capabilities. Let's talk about this.

Why do you need to run at all?

Why do people even start treadmilling? Everyone will answer this question differently. But among most common reasons there will definitely be the following:

  • Strengthening various groups body muscles. Of course, the main emphasis of the load falls on the legs, hips and buttocks. But they're not the only ones who get tense during a run. With regular exercise, the entire muscular skeleton of the skeleton is gradually strengthened, the muscles acquire tone and become stronger. This is described in detail here.
  • Training the lungs, heart and blood vessels. Not only skeletal muscles take on the load during training. Don't forget that a treadmill is, first and foremost, a cardio machine. Regular stimulation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems helps strengthen them and increase endurance, normalize blood pressure, and generally improve well-being.
  • Losing weight and correcting figure flaws. This is a problem for many modern people leading a sedentary lifestyle and eating haphazardly. Running on a treadmill improves metabolism, which promotes the gradual “melting” of fat deposits on the sides, buttocks, waist and helps against cellulite. Thanks to the exercises, not only weight is lost, but also the condition of the skin, including those affected by cellulite, improves. Therefore, many people today use and.
  • Relief from stress. Stress, negative emotions, accumulated internal aggression, as well as psychological and mental fatigue - active rest on a treadmill can relieve all these conditions, which is guaranteed to increase performance and improve mood.

The photo shows 7 facts about running.

6 Basic Running Options

How and how much to train on the treadmill depends on your goals and physical fitness for the expected level of load.

What can you achieve by training according to a specific scheme, how not to harm yourself during training, and what types exist on a mechanical, magnetic and electric treadmill? Let's take a closer look.

1. Fast walking

Walking for 30 minutes to an hour every day with a 5-minute warm-up 5 days a week at a pace of 5-6 km/h is the optimal load for those who aim to improve their overall health through walking.

2. Running with a constant load (tempo training)

Tempo training, or otherwise AnP training, stretch running or threshold running, unlike easy walking, refers to loads of intensity above average. In such training, the connection goes to the AnP - anaerobic threshold.

This is the boundary of the internal resource, starting from which the product of carbohydrate metabolism in the form of lactic acid (lactate) produced faster than it can be neutralized, and its concentration in the body remains stably high for a long time - an hour or more.

In practice, this factor determines a runner’s performance when covering a long distance of tens of kilometers at the same pace. AnP is an individual indicator with a corresponding pace and pulse.

Peculiarity! A stretch run is running at a uniform intensity and pace, 10% below your maximum and at 85-90% of your maximum heart rate. This is the maximum pace that a runner can maintain for a long time.

Who and why should choose this option? It is suitable for:

  • those who are preparing for a marathon or half marathon;
  • wants to achieve increased endurance;
  • determined to burn fat deposits - long movement at high speed helps to use fat as an energy source.

From a physiological point of view With the development of skills in managing the lactate removal system, by training you:

  • develop the ability to maintain increasingly higher intensity over an increasingly longer period of time;
  • teach your muscles to produce more and more energy aerobically;
  • increase capillary density.

But these are difficult workouts, their intensity is rated as comfortable-hard and requires regularity, serious endurance and patience.

Sample training program:

  1. warm-up and cool-down – 5-6 minutes each;
  2. continuous running for 30-40 minutes, observing ANP intervals - alternating with short rest (jogging for 2-3 minutes) short runs for 10-15 minutes.

Technique proper running presented in the diagram.

Psychological and physical endurance are the main goals of tempo training. But do not forget about it from a psychological and physiological point of view.

3. Interval running

The difference from regular running is that during each workout you alternate intervals of a calm pace of jogging (jogging) and working at the limit of the body’s capabilities. The maximum speed is the one at which the pulse is 85% of the heart rate (100% equals 220 minus the runner’s age).

A type of interval training is pyramidal - a scheme where the load increases gradually, from cycle to cycle throughout the workout and does not cause a feeling of rejection due to overload. This is a more gentle pace of exercise, because not everyone can force themselves to regularly work to their full potential.

This lesson plan is suitable for:

  • a gradual increase in the speed of your running, and over a distance of any length;
  • acceleration of metabolism in muscle tissues, trying to replenish the balance lost during the unusual “torn” load due, among other things, to fat depots;
  • for weight loss without loss muscle mass– training in start-stop mode lasting only 10-12 minutes can “accelerate” the metabolism so much that after it the calories taken from lipids will “burn” for another 12-20 hours, and the muscles will gain elasticity from session to session and relief.

An approximate training program consists of 5-8 cycles with equal periods of rest (low-intensity movements - walking at a good pace or jogging) and acceleration at high intensity, for example, a minute after a minute.

An example of an interval running workout plan:

Peculiarity! You can exercise at this pace every day. If muscle recovery is passive, this, compared to active recovery, increases the time of “acidification” with lactic acid several times. This fact scientifically explains the need to do a cool-down after training.

Extreme accelerations put a lot of stress on the heart and blood vessels, ligaments, muscles and joints. To interval training you can start only after at least six months of regular running, having thoroughly prepared your body during this time. It’s easy to determine your readiness: if you run a kilometer in 6.5 minutes without giving way in your legs or being unable to put two words together, and more or less comfortably, you’re ready for interval training.

Don't forget about making the right choice.

4. Fartlek

“Speed ​​game” is how this word is translated from Swedish. Such a run - a kind of game version of interval training. The only difference is that the alternation of periods of acceleration and calm running is arbitrary both in time and intensity.

On the street, it is better to practice fartlek as part of a group of like-minded people, periodically accelerating to a selected object in the distance in a race. On a treadmill, it looks like a workout with arbitrary program changes in the speed settings and inclination angle of the belt (like running up a hill).

Pros fartlek:

  • psychological relaxation;
  • improved understanding of one's own body;
  • increasing endurance.
Peculiarity! 30 minutes to an hour of fartlek three times a week will gradually help you achieve these goals. But such a cyclical training not suitable for lazy runners or beginners: the former will find it difficult to force themselves to act without a clear lesson plan, the latter may take on excessive loads and quickly become exhausted at the very beginning of the lesson.

5. Incline training

Adjustable incline is a popular option on running cardio equipment. The angle can be from 3 to 15 degrees or not set at all. Like changing the speed of movement, adjusting the angle of inclination of the canvas affects the level of load - running uphill increases it many times over.

At the same time it helps:

  • give variety to the training (especially the “Hills” program, which simulates not only going up, but also going down by alternating changes in the position of the track);
  • increase endurance;
  • in addition to aerobic, include a strength training element;
  • increase coordination – the biomechanics of lifting are quite complex and require coordination of movements;
  • due to increased load, burn more calories in a given unit of time.

By increasing the incline angle by just 5% from the standard position, you will save an additional 100 calories.

Peculiarity! The incline running program is suitable for those who strives for dry, strong and clear legs- like professional athletes. A 40-minute run three times a week with a warm-up and a cool-down can give you this result, and at the same time your abs will be toned.

6. Sprinting

Sprint is a type of running that is distinguished by very high pace and short distance(V athletics– maximum 400 m). It is an effective strength exercise and triggers a metabolic response that lasts up to two days.

Such training is designed to:

  • increase strength and speed;
  • trigger a mechanism for increasing muscle mass of the muscles involved.

Sample program:

  1. warm-up – 2 minutes of light jogging, rubbing joints and lower back;
  2. quickly accelerate to your maximum pace, run a distance of 20-30 m, without stopping after that, but continuing to run slowly for the same amount;
  3. just go until breathing and heart rate are completely restored to 90-105 beats per minute.

Do 2 to 8 approaches, depending on your level of training. The number of classes per week is no more than three.

How effective are exercises for losing weight?

The best option is interval training with alternating running and walking according to the following scheme:

  1. intense running (7-14 km/h) – minute;
  2. jogging or brisk walking (5-6 km/h) – a minute.

After six repetitions, you should run a 30-second sprint at maximum speed, and after a couple of minutes of walking, repeat the sprint again.

This workout will burn about 200 Kcal. The workout can be done with weights, or practice running with dumbbells.

Presented here.

There are many contraindications for exercise:

  • osteochondrosis and joint diseases;
  • persistently elevated blood pressure;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels;
  • obesity;
  • pregnancy (must be carried out taking into account the recommendations).
If there is something wrong with your health, and you suspect that it is serious, do not get on the treadmill. without doctor's consent.

There is no need to deal with headaches, seasonal infections, or signs of fatigue. Just in these cases, temporarily select more gentle options. For example, half-hour walks. Remember: running prolongs life, but running around shortens it.

Hello my dear readers. I think you know very well that running is effective means for weight loss. Exercising in the fresh air is very useful, but not everyone has the opportunity. But running on a track right at home is much more convenient for many. Today, I want to tell you how to run on a treadmill correctly. Only such activities will benefit you and help you lose weight.

This exercise machine has a healing effect.

  1. Exercises on it improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. At the same time, blood pressure normalizes.
  2. Regular exercise has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. If you exercise regularly, you will become more resilient.
  3. exercises have a fat burning effect. Just think, you can burn up to 700 calories on this machine.

I will give you a rather interesting study. At King's College London, researchers followed 324 twin sisters. The observation lasted for 10 years! They tried to find out how the load on the leg muscles affects the cognitive activity of the brain.

The experiment proved that regular exercise on the leg muscles slows down brain aging. This means that people who engage in this sport are less at risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

While running, you need to straighten your chest and shoulders, keep your abs tense. Don't forget about your arms, they need to be bent at the elbows and held at a right angle. Then they will act in the opposite direction. In this position, blood circulation will increase.

You don’t need to take a high tempo right away, start smoothly and gradually increase speed. You need to breathe through your nose, take deep breaths. This way the blood will be well saturated with oxygen.

What is the best time to exercise?

There is no clear answer. In any case, it is better to study at any convenient time than to sit on the couch. If you don’t have time to do this in the morning, you can do it in the evening after work. If you have time for morning workouts– take a contrast shower and go for a run. The only thing is that it is better not to do this on an empty stomach. You need a light breakfast, say a few spoons of oatmeal. After your run, you can have a full meal. Evening classes are also helpful. This helps relieve stress and switch away from work.

To make it happen better burning fats, there is no need to give maximum load. Fat burning occurs within 65-75% of the maximum permissible heart rate. This is what I'm talking about.

How long to run on a treadmill

The ideal time is from 40 minutes to 1 hour. It happens that you can’t keep your pulse in effective zone. Then you can increase the duration of classes by 20-30 minutes.

The only thing you need to start without fanaticism. Especially if you are 40 years old or older. Choose a slow pace and gradually increase the load.

The frequency of exercise also affects weight loss. It is a mistake to believe that grueling daily workouts will help you lose weight quickly. I advise you to practice according to all the rules 3 times a week.

If more often, the body does not have time to recover. There will be dizziness, fatigue, muscle pain. It’s very difficult to force yourself to get on the exercise machine again and again.

Walking for weight loss on a treadmill

Running on a treadmill the most popular activity for weight loss. For beginners, warm up for 10 minutes at a leisurely pace. The next 15-20 minutes increase the pace and reach an effective heart rate.

Walking at a fast pace burns fat perfectly. It works on all muscles, so you can tone your entire body. Start with 20-30 minutes of vigorous walking. Gradually increasing classes to 1 hour.

Exercises on an incline exercise machine- an effective way to increase the load. Which means you burn more calories. Change the angle of inclination as you wish.

Interval training- alternate between rest and acceleration, this will allow you to lose weight much faster. Start with a warm-up, then 30 seconds of sprinting, 1 minute of slow walking.

Training program

If you develop a training program correctly, running on a treadmill for weight loss will be very effective. I will give general recommendations, and you will adjust them to suit yourself. For beginners, it is recommended to increase the load by 5% every week. If you feel that it is still sufficient, increase the duration of the workout.

The main rule is that you cannot simultaneously increase the intensity and time of training!

So, our training program aimed at losing weight:

  • Warm-up will take 5-10 minutes.
  • slope 0%
  • running speed 5-6.5 km/h.

Start at a minimum comfortable speed and increase it by 0.3-0.5 km/h every 30-60 seconds. Gradually increase to 6.5 km/h. Next we move on to the training itself.

Program for firm buttocks

Very often girls are interested in whether it is possible to tighten their buttocks on a treadmill. Of course you can. The platform allows you to set the “walking uphill” mode, in which our fifth point works perfectly))

I immediately recommend that you buy breeches for weight loss. They have a sauna effect, you will lose weight and fight cellulite. This clothing does not get wet thanks to the special material. Therefore, working out in it is comfortable.

  • The duration of the lesson after warm-up is 10 minutes;
  • Then increase the incline to maximum and go into vigorous walking mode. Keep the speed constant and walk like this for 4 minutes;
  • Reduce the slope of the simulator to 0 and reduce the speed to 2 km/h. Walk at this speed for 1 minute;
  • Repeat the previous 2 points.

How to lose weight by 5 kg

There is such a program! Fat people will lose weight faster and can lose even more within a month. If your weight is average, weight loss will be slower. I suggest two ways:

Workouts by the hour. A moderate pace is selected. Heart rate is about 60% of maximum. Choose either brisk walking, or easy jogging. Such workouts are suitable for people with large body weight. Since the load is small, you can practice at least every day. Thanks to systematic exercise, you can lose 10 kg in three months. It’s true that diet is also important here.

Interval training. Here you can alternate running and walking with rest. You need to start at an accelerated pace for 1 minute.

Then choose a moderate pace and do this for another three minutes. Gradually train your endurance and make the tasks more difficult. Make the speed interval longer and the recovery period shorter.

For beginners, intervals can be selected in a ratio of 1:1, then 2:1. It is very important not to overdo it. Alternate interval training with strength training. If you start too intensely, you will run out of steam before you achieve results.

Treadmill reviews for weight loss

Now let's look at the reviews.

Elena: She toned her figure very well. My legs became slimmer, my hips tightened, and fat disappeared from my stomach. I really didn’t lose much - 3 kg in a month.

Margo: I work out at a slight incline. Within a week the muscles on my calves became visible!)) the relief improved, maybe it’s because I do a massage after training

Shura: I bought a trainer for my home. I exercise every day for 40 minutes. While jogging, I watch a movie or listen to music, it’s not boring to exercise)) I lost 4 kg in a month - I’m very happy.

Irena: Don’t listen to anyone who says you need to run on the treadmill for an hour! I study for 30 minutes. I don’t go on diets, but I don’t eat after 6 p.m. I run after 20:00, 4 times a week. I run 3.5 km at a speed of 8.3 km/h, then walk quickly at a speed of 5.5 km/h. I also work out my abs after a run. I exercise with dumbbells for about 15 minutes. in 4 months I lost 15 kg, my pulse never exceeds 110 beats

Alenka: after such runs, my legs became more beautiful, my back stopped hurting. I work out 2 times a day. In the morning I run for about 2 minutes at a speed of 12 km per hour. And in the evening I practice for 15 minutes, alternating different speeds. After just a few runs I began to feel better. The fat is gone, the body is toned.

Dashunka: This is my favorite exercise machine and it’s good for the legs and the heart. With regular exercise, the abs are pumped up. I don't have any extra pounds.

Svetik: I’ve been working out for a month and don’t eat at night. I walk and run on the track for 20 minutes in the morning and evening. I sweat a lot during exercise, my hips, waist, and legs have decreased in size. Satisfied.

As you can see, the treadmill gives good results. But it is also important to follow a diet. If your diet contains a lot of carbohydrates, you will not lose weight. Also, the exercise machine will be of little effectiveness if eaten at night. Therefore, physical activity should be combined with a low-calorie diet. And don’t forget, if you exercise very intensely, eat protein. Otherwise, you won’t see an elastic butt, the skin will hang.

Perhaps you have your own effective program training on a treadmill? Let's discuss. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. Bye bye.

Women and men looking to burn fat and lose weight should know how to run on a treadmill to lose weight. Yes, you heard right, you can simply run on the exercise machine, or you can perform certain exercises that promote enhanced weight loss. Proper training using a treadmill not only helps you lose weight and make your figure beautiful, but also helps restore breathing, blood pressure, and improves heart function.

Treadmill for weight loss

Many people can exercise for hours on such a machine, and the weight does not come off or comes off very slowly. For more intense results, you need to know how to properly exercise on a treadmill to lose weight. Trainers recommend performing a number of special exercises depending on your needs and the amount of excess weight. Running in the morning is beneficial not only for burning fat, but also for overall health.

If you do not have the opportunity to jog every day, then training on a treadmill for weight loss will suit you perfectly. Modern models of exercise machines allow you to control your heart rate and the number of calories burned. The treadmill training program for weight loss, laid down by the manufacturer, perfectly replaces a trainer, but if you wish, you can install and practice according to your own regimen.

You can increase the effectiveness of exercise by following a certain diet, adhering to proper nutrition. Avoid fatty, fried, smoked foods, minimize the consumption of sweet and starchy foods, or better yet, replace them with dried fruits. Cook food in a steamer, oven or boil, create your menu so that it is dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables. Eliminate sugary carbonated drinks completely from your diet, drink only pure mineral water without gas.

How to run correctly

Before you start exercising, you need to do a little warm-up and warm up your muscles. You can’t start exercising right away with a jog; the first 10 minutes should be spent walking, this way you will prepare the body for stronger loads. Next, set the device to a small load (up to 75% intensity) and increase it gradually, every 2 minutes.

Once you reach maximum running strength, slow down and run for 2 minutes, then increase the intensity again to maximum. This way you will give your muscles the necessary load, but without overworking. Work out with maximum speed needed within 5 minutes. You can’t end your workout abruptly; it should end with a cool-down (running at a slow pace, then walking), and then rest.

The duration of the entire lesson is 30-60 minutes. It is not recommended to run longer, since excessive stress on the spine and joints can lead to undesirable consequences. For beginners, it is better to start with a 20-minute jog. During training, you need to monitor your pulse; its frequency is calculated according to the following scheme: 220-age in years. To feel comfortable during exercise, choose comfortable shoes and loose clothes.


Walking on a treadmill for weight loss is very effective in the fight against excess weight and body fat. This type of cardio training takes place at different paces and with different intensities. First, you need to warm up and start walking at a slow pace on the horizontal surface of the simulator. Next, the incline function will come to the rescue, with the help of which you change the degree of inclination of the base of the treadmill. Every 2-3 minutes it needs to be increased by two divisions.

The entire lesson should last at least half an hour, preferably an hour or more. After half the lesson, the degree of inclination of the canvas must be reduced (every 2 minutes by 2 degrees). The training pace is 5-7 kilometers per hour. Control your breathing while walking to lose weight; if it gets confused, reduce the intensity. Maintain fluid balance in your body before and after training.

Exercises on the treadmill

Those who are wondering how to use a treadmill to lose weight should know that this machine is not only used for running or walking. It can be used to perform many other cardio exercises that can help you lose weight. Having chosen the appropriate intensity for yourself, try doing:

  • lunges (you can use dumbbells);
  • side step running;
  • running, overwhelming the shin;
  • interval running;
  • walking at an incline;
  • jumping out of a sitting position.


Before you start running on a treadmill to lose weight, you need to do a warm-up. This way you will prepare your body, muscles and joints for the upcoming loads. Beginners should do light exercises: bending the torso and head, walking, raising the knees high, etc. Warm-up duration is at least 10 minutes. Experienced athletes can warm up by doing strength exercises and do muscle stretching. Their preparation for the main training should last up to half an hour.

Walking uphill

This type of treadmill workout consists of two workouts: strength and cardio. This combination helps strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and also helps you lose weight much faster. Load on different types muscles grow with an increase in the angle of inclination of the base of the treadmill, giving a much greater effect and benefit than walking on a flat plane. Thanks to this, walking uphill has earned many positive reviews from those losing weight.

Greetings, dear readers! Running can not only “revive” the body and keep it in good shape, it can help you lose weight. But not everyone is ready to regularly go to fresh air for a run, justifying it by lack of time or bad weather. In some cases, running may be contraindicated for health reasons. But there is a way out of this situation. Which? You will find out very soon! After all, the topic of our conversation today is a treadmill for weight loss and how to exercise on it to lose weight.

If we compare running on rough terrain or on asphalt and running on a treadmill, the latter has a number of advantages:

  • The cardio machine puts less impact on the joints and spine, since the movable belt of the track has a shock-absorbing effect
  • You can train without leaving your home. Any bad weather will not be able to interfere with your activities!
  • Wide range of adjustments that will allow you to train with different intensities and loads
  • The ability to clearly monitor training parameters: speed, incline, running time, calorie consumption, heart rate and even blood pressure. And this is only a small part of what modern simulators can do.
  • Many tracks have built-in running programs: running of varying intensity, training with alternating walking and running, and interval training. You don’t have to waste time creating a program, the simulator will do everything for you

How to exercise to lose weight?

When you dream of a slim figure, don’t immediately run to the gym. First, get your diet in order.

  1. Provide your body with essential macronutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates), as well as vitamins, minerals and fiber
  2. Create a calorie deficit to lose weight
  3. Make it a habit to drink water regularly - 1.5-2 liters per day

And after that, go on the treadmill!

The first thing you need to know to lose weight is at what pace to train. In fact, fat burning can occur with any physical activity, but there are types of cardio training that burn fat faster.

In relation to the treadmill, I would distinguish three types of training:

  1. Low intensity training. The longest, because to achieve tangible results you need to run for 60-90 minutes. The speed is not high - 6-10 km/h. The pulse lies in the range of 90-110 beats per minute. If desired, running can be replaced by walking with a positive inclination of the track surface
  2. Moderate intensity workouts. The exercise time can be reduced to 40-60 minutes, and the pulse should be 110-140 beats per minute. Running speed 10-15 km/h. You can reduce the speed, but increase the slope of the track, so you simulate running uphill
  3. Interval training. The most effective type of cardio for fat burning. It is a combination of low- and high-intensity training, or rather alternating them. I will tell you how to practice according to this scheme correctly in the next chapter. Your heart rate and running pace will change. Try not to increase your heart rate above 160 beats per minute during periods of intense work. During low-intensity running intervals, do not drop your heart rate below 90 beats per minute.

You should not start this last type of training if you are a beginner or your endurance level is low. Usually, in order to simply prepare your figure for the summer season, low- and medium-intensity loads are enough.

Treadmill training program

Whatever type of training you choose, you need to start your training with a light load. As your fitness increases, increase your running pace and time from workout to workout.

Example of low and medium intensity activities

If you want to get the maximum benefit and eliminate harm to health, then I advise you to follow simple instructions:

  • For exercise, choose sportswear that will not restrict movement. It is preferable that it be made of cotton. Choose comfortable sports shoes
  • Start your workout with a warm-up. Perform rotational movements with all parts of the body and swing your arms. Do some crunches and a couple of sets of squats or lunges. Spend 5-10 minutes warming up
  • Start your treadmill workout by walking for 5 to 10 minutes. After this, you can increase the speed and incline to operating values.
    If you are a beginner, then walking at a speed of 5-7 km/h for 40 minutes will be enough. For more experienced people, I would advise you to devote at least 60 minutes to the lesson for low-intensity training (speed 6-10 km/h) and at least 40 minutes for moderate-intensity training (speed 10-15 km/h)
  • Don't forget to drink water during your workout. Stock up on at least a half-liter bottle!
  • Since most paths are equipped with handrails, you can hold on to them. But you can’t put the load on your hands. It is advisable if you learn to walk on a path without support from your hands
  • Watch your posture. Your shoulders should be straight and your back straight. The gaze is directed forward. Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and swing them rhythmically back and forth to the rhythm of your run.
  • Finish your workout with a cool-down. Restore your breathing and stretch (torso bends, lunges)

Be sure to check it out interesting video dedicated to the main points of running on the track.

If you follow these rules, you will see the first results in just a few weeks! I recommend training 3 days a week, setting aside a separate day for running.

Interval training example

Interval training will allow you to reduce your workout time and increase your calorie burn. The lesson will take you no more than 30 minutes. But you have to work hard!

  • Do a warm-up
  • Start running. To begin, run for 8 minutes at a warm-up pace, heart rate 90-100 beats per minute. Then make a smooth acceleration, bringing your heart rate to 140-160 beats per minute, the duration of the running segment is 1 minute. Then gradually reduce the pace to warm-up and run for 2-3 minutes. Speed ​​up again for 1 minute, and again slow down to the warm-up pace. Perform 3 such intervals. After the last acceleration, run another 5 minutes at a calm pace. That's it, running training is over! Hooray!
  • Don't forget the cool down!

As I already said, such a workout is not suitable for beginners, because it puts a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system. They are used mainly by experienced runners.

Is there any result?

In theory, everything is smooth and beautiful, you say, but what about the real results? Therefore, to prove all this beauty, I asked my real, completely ordinary and non-sports (previously) friends to write a short review and their story.

Ira, 29 years old, mother of two children: childbirth did not leave its mark on my figure, as a result I even had to change my wardrobe. But then I decided to pull myself together. After reading smart advice, I started with proper nutrition and, of course, added training on the treadmill. The weight went down, but slowly. But I didn't give up. As a result, after three months of training 3 times a week for 50-60 minutes, I lost 10 kg!

Natalya, 35 years old: I decided to lose weight because overweight became a heavy burden. I started with walking on the track. Gradually increased the duration of walking and the inclination of the path. I especially liked walking on an incline - you get very tired, and how much sweat comes off is terrible. I can boast that in the first month I lost 5 kg and continue to train!