Summary of music lessons "in the world of musical instruments." Summary of an open thematic lesson in the middle group on the topic: “The use of musical instruments in music classes at preschool educational institutions

The principle of continuity (the lesson was built on the basis of previous joint actions of the teacher and children).

The principle of activity (motivation and interest were maintained).

The principle of accessibility (compliance age characteristics).

The principle of psychological comfort

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""Introduction to percussion musical instruments" Lesson summary of the OO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" for the middle group"

Topic: "Introducing Drums" musical instruments»

Lesson notes for the NGO “Artistic aesthetic development»


Explanatory note

The lesson of artistic and aesthetic orientation, the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” is compiled in accordance with the main educational program DOW. using ICT, as well as collective education technology.

During the lesson, the following educational areas were integrated: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “ Cognitive development»».

The principle of continuity (the lesson was built on the basis of previous joint actions of the teacher and children).

The principle of activity (motivation and interest were maintained).

Principle of accessibility (age-appropriate).

The principle of psychological comfort

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall with a dance step and stop in a circle.

Educator: Good morning! Smile quickly, and today your whole day will be more fun. Say “Hello” to everyone nearby. Hello, hello say it again.

Guys, you and I will now find ourselves in a new country. This country is not on any of geographical maps, but it exists where they love music. This is the country of “musical instruments”. And we will get to this country with the ringing of bells.

“Exercise with bells” by T. Vilkoreiskaya.

After the exercise, the children sit on chairs, and percussion musical instruments appear on Slide 3.

Musical director: Look how many musical instruments there are - a whole country.
And this country is ruled by the Drum King.
- Look carefully and tell me what needs to be done to make these instruments sound? (Children's answers)
M.R. - Hit correctly.
-Listen and guess the riddle.

Slide 4
When I play it, when I rehearse,
The whole house is scared and thinks that I am repairing the roof.

Children: drum
-Yes, this is the Drum King himself.
-Who can say why the drum was chosen as the king of the country? (lead the children to the answer that you can play the drum very loudly, but this cannot be done on other instruments.)

Slide 5
-Look at what kind of drums there are. (during the show, 2 types of drums are involved: one-sided and two-sided)
-The drum has one or two membranes, depending on this they are called one-sided or two-sided.
-How to play the drum? Who can show? (children show, clarify how to properly hold the sticks and hand when playing the drum.)
-Drums occupied a very important place in military music. Previously, drums were used on the battlefield to transmit signals to troops to maintain morale and to intimidate the enemy.
-What else are drums for? Listen and tell me.
Listening to “The Beat of the Drums” by L. Schwartz.
-Yes, drums are used for marching, so that the soldiers march evenly.
-Remember, we talked about character. About the character of a person, about the character of music.
-But each musical instrument also has its own character, sound character, or also called sound color.
-What is the sound or tone of the drum?

Children's answers: loud, rattling
-Now you and I will try to march like soldiers to the beat of a drum.

Walking to the sound of a drum.

In the middle of the hall there are 2 for each person lying on the floor. wooden sticks. Children march towards the instruments.
-But these are sticks. But they will now turn into percussion instruments, and you listen and help me.
Poem "Stick Stick"
For rhythmic accompaniment of the text.
Knock-knock-knock-knock - what is that sound? (hit stick on stick)
Wooden is the sound of knock-knock-knock-knock.
Knock-knock-knock-knock - what is that sound? (Hit the chopsticks on the floor)
The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow
The oak hammered like a chisel, knock-knock-knock-knock.
Knock-knock-knock-knock - what is that sound? (Strike crosswise with chopsticks
Wooden hammer on the floor)
Kicks your heel knock-knock-knock-knock.
Knock-knock-knock-knock - what is that sound? (Hit the chopsticks crosswise
Someone knocked on our door. on the knees)
That's where this knock-knock-knock-knock sound comes from.
-Now tell me, are these simple sticks?
Children: No, these are musical percussion instruments.

M.R. Let's classify them as our percussion instruments. (children go to their seats and put their chopsticks on the table)

Slide 6
M.R.-Look at the following instrument and tell me what it is called? Children: metallophone
-Do you know why they called him that? It consists of metal tubes that sound when struck with a hammer. Metal sounds like a metallophone.
-Can this instrument be called a percussion instrument?
Children: Yes, this is a percussion instrument,

M.R. You can play a melody on it, which means it is not just a percussion instrument, but a percussion-melodic instrument.

The chant “Hey blacksmith” is a play on the glockenspiel.
-Who can say what the sound character of a metallophone is?

Children: Voiced
-Can you play this instrument by hitting it very hard with a hammer?

Children: No
M.R. Guys, what is an orchestra? This is when many different instruments sound simultaneously or alternately. And in order for us to create our own orchestra of musical instruments, we will play “Cap”.
I have instruments hidden here under caps, whoever guesses them by sound will play that instrument in our orchestra.

Musical and didactic game for the development of timbre hearing
-Does everyone have tools? Our orchestra is ready! Then let's start, but don't forget that we have instruments playing in the bridge between the verses in the song.
Song "Wonderful Song"

Well, we met and played percussion instruments. The king of this country sent us a task. Here is a cassette on which excerpts of various pieces of music are recorded. We must listen to the music and find out where the king himself sounds percussion instruments, (explain to the children that when a familiar instrument sounds, we will march)

Identification by ear of a musical instrument - drum.
Select the sound of a drum from the variety of sounds of instruments.

Playing a song with a drumSlide 7
M.R. -You did a great job and deserve prizes (distribution of souvenirs in the shape of a drum)
- Guys, I’m sure that you will never forget such a beautiful country “The Land of Musical Instruments”, which introduced us to percussion instruments. We will definitely come back here.

In the meantime, let's sing - Goodbye!
The children leave the hall.

Dominant musical activity in the middle group: Traveling through the country of “Unusual Musical Instruments”

Target: Introducing children to non-traditional musical instruments and their classification.
Introduce children to new musical instruments (traditional - kantele, non-traditional),
Develop the ability to play along with them.
To promote the development of emotional and figurative performance of musical works, a sense of rhythm
Develop an interest in music and a desire to listen to it;
Enrich musical impressions, contribute to the further formation of the foundations of musical culture.
Create a desire to play musical instruments.

Children enter the hall. Musical greeting.

You guys came to visit me in the music room today. Let us say hello not just, but musically. (children's answers). Oh, did you bring musical instruments with you? (answers) How can this be?, After all, every person has several tools with him. Look, I have prepared tips for you.

M.R.: Guys, I invite you on a journey. Let's go to the land of unusual musical instruments. What can you travel with?
(Children's answers)
M.R. Maybe we can go by bus? (Yes)

Exercise “Bus” Zheleznova.

M.R. So we arrived at the first station.

Station "Udarnaya".
M.R. I wonder why it's called that.
Children come to the table where percussion musical instruments are laid out. We look at musical instruments. Questions: what are they made of? How to extract sound?
Conclusion: this is why the station is called UDKANAYA.
M.R. It's time for us to continue our journey. Let's go on a plane.

Exercise "Airplane"
M.R. I wonder what awaits us next?
M.R. Station "DUHOVAYA".
We approach the table and examine the wind instruments. We look at musical instruments. Questions: what are they made of? How to extract sound?
M.R. Shall we go further by train?

Select a driver (cap) Exercise “Train”

M.R. Station "STRING"

M.r.. brings the children to the table there, the kantele. Guys, look what unusual instrument, I think I know him. This instrument is called a kantele. What kind of instrument do you think is the kantele? (string)

A long time ago I went on a boat to Väinämöinen to fish. But the boat got stuck in the mouth of a huge pike.
Then Väinämöinen cut the huge monster with his sword and made a kantele from its jaws.
Väinämöinen gave many people a chance to try playing an unprecedented instrument:
But no one was able to extract beautiful sounds from the kantele.
Väinämöinen was even advised to... drown the instrument! - until, finally, the kantele itself begged:
I don't want to go into the water
Dive into the depths of the sea;
Let the master play on me
With his own skillful hand.
Then the master, the wise Väinämöinen, took the kantele into his hands.
He takes Kantele in his hands,
Brings you to your knees,
Holds the kantele with his hands,
He says the following words:
"Come here to listen,
Who hasn't heard it before
I will delight these eternal strings
Along with the kantele chant!”
But a storm of unprecedented force occurred and the kantele disappeared in the “depths of the sea.”
And Väinemöinen decided to make a second kantele - from Karelian birch.
Väinämöinen took the pegs and nails for the new kantele from the cuckoo that cuckooed “five tones.” But where can I get the strings? The strings were donated by the blacksmith Ilmarinen
Finally, “the kantele was ready.” The master tuned the instrument, took it on his lap and began to play.
M.R. performs "Cow Dance"
M.R. You listened to the music called “cow dance”, and it was written by the Karelian composer Sergei Stangrit.
M.R. I want to show you a cartoon, which, like the music you listened to, is called Cow Dance.
(Watch the cartoon)
M.R. Did something happen to the sound? It doesn’t matter, we have musical instruments that will help us voice the cartoon.
Sunbeams - voice
Breeze - pipes
Weed - kinders
Cow – kantele and bars
Rain - keys
Well, what shall we try?

Early in the morning the sun woke up and gave its rays to everyone. (children ah-ah)
One of the rays woke up a mischievous breeze (blowing on pipes)

The breeze woke up the grass (kinders)

Then a cow came out into the clearing, dancing. (kantele + bars)

Suddenly a cloud flew into the sun. (blow on horns)

And the warm summer rain began (keys).

The wind got tired of getting wet in the rain, it blew even harder and drove the cloud out of the clearing. (blow on horns)

Ah, the cow moved on. (kantele + bars)
M.R. What a wonderful cartoon we got. So, what helped us voice it?
(musical instruments)
M.R. What tools have we met today? (answers)
We said hello with the help of our muses. tools, maybe they will help us say goodbye.

Song “Goodbye Hands” (Kartushina)

Summary of a lesson on familiarizing children in the senior group of kindergarten with the world around them, topic of the lesson: “Journey to the land of musical instruments”

Program content:

1. Foster a love of music, careful attitude to musical instruments, a culture of communication with peers.
2. Learn to distinguish the timbres of musical instruments, listen carefully to music, play rhythmically on children's musical instruments, continue to learn to play the metallophone, develop singing skills, sing harmoniously in an ensemble, and clearly pronounce the words of songs.
3. Develop the ability to move in accordance with the music, develop a sense of rhythm.


Children's musical instruments: spoons, castanets, bells, bells, drum, tambourine, rattles, metallophones; violin, balalaika.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall and greet the guests.
Presenter: (draws the children’s attention to the bird). Look, guys, a bird flew to us today. And she brought us something.
(Takes the letter and reads it.)

“Dear guys, I know that you love music. I invite you to visit me, to the Land of Musical Instruments.
"Skripochka girl."

Well, guys, do we accept the invitation? Then let's take castanets, they will help us on the way.
(A voice is heard behind the door: “Wait, wait!” Parsley runs in).


Don't leave without me! Hello!
Take me with you!
I also love music.
Listen to me sing.
(sings out of tune)

I'm Petrushka - well done
There is a bell on the top of the head.
I'll go out, I'll go out, I'll dance,
I'll amuse you, make you laugh.


Wait, wait, Petrushka, you're not singing correctly. Let's take Petrushka with us so that he can learn to sing and play different musical instruments from us. Is everyone ready? Let's go!
(Children move to the music and tap the rhythm on castanets).

1. walking - music. Shulgina,
2. running into the loose - music.
3. alternate stamping of feet - Russian. adv. chalk.
4. alternately placing the legs on the toes - Russian adv. chalk.


Here we are. Look how beautiful the gate is.


Let's go quickly!


You need to call first. (Rings, Violin comes out).


Hello guys! Did you receive my letter? Come in, please.
(Children pass through the gate to the music of Sviridov “Music Box”. The violin removes the blanket from the tables with instruments).


Look, guys, how many different musical instruments live in Musical country. And I see that you did not come to me empty-handed. What are the names of your instruments? (castanets). What are they made of? (Made of wood). So they... (Wooden). Right. These are percussion instruments because they are struck when played. Here we also have wooden percussion musical instruments, look - these are spoons.


We are familiar with these tools. And we even know how to play them. Guys, how do they play on spoons? (Heels). We can show you, Skripochka, and even sing a song about spoons.


I'll be happy to listen.


Can I try it too?


Of course, Petrushka, watch how the guys play and repeat.
(Children sing and play on spoons. Music by Tilicheeva).

I thought they were slurping cabbage soup with a spoon.
They've been playing with spoons for a long time!
Hey, run quickly!
Here is an ensemble of spooners.


Well done. And you, Petrushka, are doing quite well. But here we have metal musical instruments, look.


What tools do you see here? (bells, bells, metallophone). Why are they called metal? (Made of metal).


Do you know how to play them?


But I can’t. Well, you can ring bells and bells, but how can you play a metallophone?
(Hit hammers on records, carefully).


Please show me, Anya, teach Petrushka. (The child plays). And now we will take all the instruments and play and sing.
(They sing the song “In Spring” - music by Nasaulenko, they play to lose).


And in our country there are also these bells, crystal ones. Listen to how they ring. (Plays).


Guys, what does this bell sound like? (A little bit). Right. Spring has come, icicles are dripping from the roofs. Let's remember our song about playful icicles. (They sing the song “Playful Icicles” - music by Borovik, play along on crystal bells).


Violin, we showed you how we can play, and now we would like to listen to you.


Well, have a seat.

Every violin has a bow
He is a loyal, devoted friend.
When the violinist leads the bow,
And the violin cries and sings.
(Plays “Ancient French Song” on the violin - music by Tchaikovsky).


Thank you, Skripochka. Did you guys like it? What was the music like? (Children's answers). That's right, well done. The violin is a stringed musical instrument because it has strings. Violin, can I ask you to play again? (Rehearing).

Violin: But my friends came.

(Children enter preparatory group- “Drum”, “Tambourine”, “Ratchets”).


There are different drums
Small and giant.
It's easy to walk with a little one,
It's fun to knock on it.


From the countries of the ancient East
Tambourine came to us.
Italians and Spaniards
He fell in love.
How do you shake a tambourine with your hands?
Your legs will dance on their own in an instant.


What kind of conversation is this?
Either a quarrel or an argument.
Like magpies they chattered,
Did you recognize this tool?
Talking like an aunt
It's called a ratchet.


Let's play.

Didactic game “Find your instrument”

Russians are being reproduced folk melodies with characteristic parts of musical instruments, children must correctly identify the instrument.


Thank you, friends. (“Tools” go away). And I also have very small bells.


Amazing! We'll dance with them now.
(“Dance with bells” - music by Bokach).


They danced very merrily. Well done. And here’s an instrument that lives in our country.\Shows a balalaika.\Maybe you know what it’s called? \balalaika\. Right. What do you think, what kind of musical instrument is the balalaika? \stringed\ Correct. Like a violin, it has strings.


Violin, guys, can I play it?


Parsley, can you really do that?


I think I've already learned a lot from you. Really, Skripochka?


Well done, Petrushka. Well try it. \plays the balalaika Russian Nar.mel. “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”\


And suddenly I learned! But we also learned a lot in the Land of Musical Instruments. Let's organize an orchestra. \Orchestra d.m.i. “The moon is shining” - Russian. adv. chalk.\


Skripochka, thank you for inviting us to visit you. Our journey has come to an end and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.


As a parting gift, I want to give you a book, it’s called: “In the Land of Musical Instruments.”

Leading: Thank you. We will definitely read it. Goodbye.
\to the music Sviridov’s children “return” to kindergarten.\


Our journey is over. Did you like it? What instrument did we listen to today? \violin\. You were wonderful musicians today. Even Petrushka was taught to play. What instrument did Petrushka play?\balalaika\. IN free time we will read the book that Skripochka gave us and find out what other instruments live in the Land of Musical Instruments. \say goodbye\


Can I take you to the group?


About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for middle group.

Scenario for the lesson “Musical Instruments”»

Consolidation, formation and development musical abilities children, allowing them to apply the acquired knowledge in playing various children's musical instruments and in creative endeavors (necessary for learning to play musical instruments).

1. Consolidate and systematize knowledge on the classification of musical instruments.
2.Enrich vocabulary musical terms.
3. To develop the ability to identify musical instruments by sound; sing consistently and expressively, conveying the character of the song in singing.
4.Develop musical and creative abilities through various types musical activity.
5. To develop communication skills, interest in musical instruments and the desire to play them.

Preliminary work:
listening to different instruments, getting to know the instruments.

TV and Internet (for listening and viewing)
Musical instruments: drum, accordion, spoons, tambourine, guitar, balalaika;
Visual aid: tables - pictures depicting musical instruments

Educator: Guys, today we will go to unusual country. Such a country is not on any geographical map, but it exists where they love music. This is the Land of Musical Instruments. And we will go to this country via the Internet.
Educator: Guys, look how beautiful our country of musical instruments is. How many different musical instruments are there (we list them). They are all so different, but they can still be combined into four main groups. What are these groups called?

Children classify musical instruments into groups: drums, winds, strings, keyboards.

Educator: Well done, guys!

The first ones we will visit will be percussion musical instruments, because they were the first to appear on Earth, and are the simplest and most unpretentious.

Game "Musical Guess"

The teacher asks children riddles about musical instruments.

Who in the orchestra will help you,
He can knock on a complex rhythm.
Any rhythm, from different countries.
Well, of course………… (Drum)

The child who has guessed the riddle points to a picture of a drum.

Educator: In ancient times, the drum was made from the skins of animals obtained by hunting, and it was important in people’s lives. They used it, for example, as a telephone in order to transmit information to long distances, or warn your neighbors who live very far away about the danger.

Wooden chips,
Knock a little.
You can slurp cabbage soup with them,
Or you can play “The Lady”. (Wooden spoons)

points to a picture of wooden spoons

The palm knocks on it,
shakes freely.
And it rings and thunders.
It doesn't hurt him at all. (Tambourine)

Take me in your palms.
Shake my hand.
And you will hear my voice,
Wooden, mischievous. (Ratchet)

Educator: The rattle not only sang along with the tambourine and spoons on folk holidays, but also protected the garden from pests. It crackled loudly in the wind and scared away crows and rooks.

Take it in your palm
A chime will be heard.
Ding-ding-ding, dong-dong-dong,
Whose is this ringing? (Bell)

A card with a picture of a bell is placed in the table.

He looks like a rattle
Only this is not a toy!.. (Maracas)

Guys, wind musical instruments have also prepared a game for you. The game is called "Guess who's singing?" First of all, let's remember what wind instruments we met in previous lessons?

Children list the wind instruments that they became acquainted with in previous lessons: flute, trumpet, saxophone, pity.

Educator: Wind instruments They will take turns singing for you, and you must find out which instrument sang for you?

Game "Guess who's singing?"

The teacher gives the children to listen to phonograms of the sounds of various wind instruments.

Smooth bow movements
The strings make you tremble.
The motive sounds from afar,
Sings about a moonlit evening.
How clear the sounds are overflowing.
There is joy and a smile in them.
It sounds like a dreamy tune
Its name is violin!

It's time, guys, to talk about string instruments.

Slide 1
Every violin has a bow.
He is a loyal, devoted friend.
When the violinist moves his bow
And the violin cries and sings.

Slide 2
“The harp is a magical instrument” -
Said the thoughtful poet.
As soon as the hands touch the strings -
And gentle sounds will flow.

Slide 3
Guitars sounds by the fire.
There is so much light and goodness in them.
Like my deepest friend,
Her melodious, gentle sound.

Slide 4
Under the gusli ringing tunes
Young men and maidens fell in love.
At weddings the harp sang,
And the young were blessed

Slide 5
Louder than a balalaika
Not in the whole world.
She is originally Russian
Folk instrument.
They sang and danced to it
And they were sad and sighed.
On holidays to the oohs and oohs
The buffoons had fun.

Keyboard instruments.

Educator: The first place of honor should be taken by our good piano.

Card with a picture of a piano
Educator: This instrument is otherwise called a piano. If its name is translated into Russian, it will sound like “loud - quiet”. Inside keyboard instruments live hammers that strike taut strings and give birth to beautiful sounds of music that can tell about a beautiful morning and cold winter, about a kind grandmother's fairy tale and the evil Baba Yaga, about beautiful butterflies and wonderful flowers.

Educator: Guys, what other keyboard instruments do you know?

Children's answers: Piano, accordion, synthesizer.

Goal: To foster interest and love for music in older preschoolers, to develop elements of creativity in singing, dancing and playing children's musical instruments, to develop musical perception using innovative technologies.

1. Foster interest in vocal and instrumental music, develop the ability to distinguish the nature of music, express judgments about them.

2. Acquaintance with the work of E. Grieg and his work “In the Cave of the Mountain King”.

3. To develop the ability to convey the character of music when playing children's musical instruments.

4. To develop the ability to convey the character of music with the help of dance movements.

5. To accustom children to expressive singing without tension, with a light sound, accompanying the singing with improvised dance moves.

6. Develop ear for music, sense of rhythm, singing creativity, ability to play children's musical instruments.

Bilingual component: children name wild animals: asyr-wolf, tlke-fox, ayu-bear, tyshan-mouse, kbelek-butterfly, oyan-hare; greeting and farewell: ayirly ta - good afternoon, sau bolyyz - goodbye.

Equipment: musical instruments according to the number of children; didactic games“Determine the character of the music by color”, “I get up early in the morning”, “Clap the rhythmic pattern”; portrait of E. Grieg: illustration depicting the nature of Norway, trolls, gnomes; caps for wild animals and gnomes according to the number of children.

Decoration: in the center of the hall there are tables in a circle with musical instruments; improvised zone concert hall, where there are chairs in a semicircle.

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle, with a musical instrument prepared next to each one. Children join hands.

Greetings are psycho-gymnastics.

Someone came up with a simple and wise idea:

When meeting, greet: “Good morning! »

Good morning to the sun and birds.

Ayirly tan - smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind and trusting.

May good morning last until evening!

Children nod to their neighbors on the left, on the right and affectionately say: “Good morning, ayirly tan. »


In one big city there was a small musical instrument store. A variety of instruments lay and stood on its shelves. Each of them came here from some country. From Kazakhstan - asyks and asatayaki, from Russia - wooden spoons and rattles, and maracas and all kinds of pipes were brought from all over the world.

Musical instruments were very missing on the shelves during the day because no one played them. But at night, when the sellers went home to sleep, the instruments organized a disco called “Tararam-shurum-burum.” They jumped off the shelves and began to play and dance, trying to show what each of them was capable of.

Children disassemble the instruments, prepared in advance for each of them.

Disco "Tararam-shurum-burum"

A game to develop creative improvisation.

The roles of the instruments are played by children, the role of the conductor-teacher.

Each child plays their own instrument, accompanying the game with dance movements. The game goes on without musical accompaniment.


After dancing, the instruments started the game “Freeze and die!” »

Improvisation game “Freeze, die! »

This is an improvisation game in which children learn to express cheerful and sleepy moods with the help of musical instruments. One child comes out with his instrument to the center and plays soporific music, the rest of the children freeze in sleepy positions. Then the soloist starts playing loudly and vigorously, and the children dance. The game ends with the “sleepy” part.

This game helps children to be more confident in themselves and not be afraid to be a leader.


One day a very famous conductor came into the store. He wanted to buy some instruments to complete his orchestra. But, seeing many different instruments on the shelves, the maestro was confused. To do right choice, he challenged the instruments to show what they could do. Each instrument had to say a musical greeting. For example: “Hello! I am Tambourine! I'm very cheerful! " or "Hello! I am a triangle. I'm as loud as a bell! My sounds are like raindrops! »

Game "Musical greeting"

A game for the development of song creativity, i.e. the child independently comes up with a melody and sings it.


After praising all the instruments, the conductor invited them to play the game “Carousel”.

Game "Carousel"

Children stand in a circle, each with an instrument. The teacher says the words together with the children, the children play rhythmically. Slowly at first, then faster and slowly again.

A game to develop a sense of rhythm, to speed up and slow down the pace.

Barely, barely, barely,

The carousels are spinning

And then-then-then

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two

The game is over!


And yet the conductor was not able to fully study all the instruments: this time he asked them to start a round dance.

Game "Round Dance"

During the first part of the music, children walk one after another in a circle, clapping their hands. For the second part of the music, children take the instrument they find themselves near. After which all the children play impromptu.

A game to determine the two-part form of a musical work.


The conductor thanked the instruments for good game and decided to invite all the instruments into my orchestra.

And then the day of the first real concert arrived. And now we are invited to the concert classical music. I'll give you tickets, and you sit down comfortably.

Children sit on chairs.

The teacher gives cards to the children different colors: warm and cold.

Teacher. Review your tickets. What color are they? Pink and red, yzylt and yzyl. Right. When you listen to the music to the end, show me a ticket of a color that, in your opinion, reflects the mood conveyed by the music.

Listening piece of music“In the Cave of the Mountain King” by E. Grieg.

Ask the children what they would call the piece they listened to. Accept any children's answers. Say what the composer called his work.

Show a portrait of the composer.

Teacher. Edvard Grieg was born and lived in Norway. This is a country of wild rocks and dense forests. The Norwegian people have created many songs, fairy tales, and legends about fantastic creatures, good and evil gnomes, and trolls. Peer Gynt is the hero of E. Grieg's work - a handsome and brave young man, but an incorrigible dreamer and adventurer. One day he went in search of happiness, despite the fact that he had a beautiful bride named Solveig. For many years he wandered and acquired wealth. But it so happened that one day he lost everything. Many years later he returned to his homeland, Norway. But no one recognized him, Peer Gynt has long been forgotten in his area and no one needs him. And only in the forest hut does the faithful Solveig wait for him, still loving him passionately. Peer Gynt repented of everything: he realized how meaninglessly he had lived his life.

When Peer Gynt traveled, he found himself in the underground kingdom of trolls (evil gnomes). They wanted to marry him to their princess, but our hero refused - after all, he has a bride! Then the enraged trolls attacked him, threatening to tear him to shreds. but suddenly a bell sounded and all the evil spirits disappeared. Peer Gynt was saved.

Show illustrations depicting trolls and the nature of Norway.

Teacher. E. Grieg's play is written in the march genre. It starts quietly, as if mysterious sounds are coming from underground. But now the music becomes louder, faster, it seems that even the mountains have begun to dance wildly. Gradually the sound of the music fades away and the gnomes move away.

Many years have passed since then, and the evil trolls have turned into kind gnomes who live in the forest and bring no harm to anyone. On the contrary, they love guests, jokes, and games. Do you guys like to play? Then repeat after me.

Game song “I get up early in the morning”

I go out early in the morning, I breathe deeply. Active breathing.

I stretch my palms up and sing my song. Palms up, stretched.

And a hundred guys sing along with me in harmony. They clap their hands.

A hundred hedgehogs sing along, hands clasped, fingers spread.

A hundred snakes sing along. Palms together, wave-like movements.

And the bunnies sing it. Ears.

And the little foxes sing it. Paws.

Under the ground, an old mole sings this song. Squinting my eyes.

And there are cubs in the den. Hands to the sides.

And in the swamp there are baby frogs. Frog legs.

A very important hippopotamus sings with pleasure. Hands on stomach.

Even the scary crocodile learned this song. Crocodile's mouth.

The cat purred a song to us, sitting on the window! Paws under the chin.

And what is it sung about? What a fun life we ​​have!

The gnomes in the forest did not have musical instruments and they amused themselves with their cheerful, ringing palms. And one of my favorite games was the game “Echo”

Game "Echo"

The teacher claps the rhythm, the children repeat. You can interview any child individually. Then the children clap the rhythmic pattern shown on the cards.

A game to develop a sense of rhythm.

Teacher. Guys, let's be artists. We put on caps and headbands. Everyone will choose the role that he likes. Let's sing the song "Motley Cap". We accompany our singing with dance movements.

Children put on caps and headbands and are located around the hall.

Song "Motley Cap"

Singing is accompanied by improvised movements.


Well done, guys!

Tell me, please, where have you been today? (In a musical instrument store, at a classical music concert, we sang and danced ourselves.) And you and I did all this to the music. Guys, where do you think music comes from? (It is written by a composer.) And who performs it? (Musicians.) What do they perform it on? (On musical instruments.) And if there were no musical instruments in the world, what would happen? (It was boring, not interesting.) That's right, we wouldn't be able to play musical instruments, we wouldn't be able to sing and dance.

Wonderful music is always with us

She made us friends with beauty.

Let us remain faithful to music,

We will take care. We love her too!

Music helps us stay cheerful, cheerful, and never lose heart.

Reflection “We are the best guys”

We guys are the best

We love games and laughter.

We eat and dance all day long

In our music room.

He was sometimes low, sometimes high.

We'll sing like little mice,

And now, like bear cubs.

Hee hee hee, ha ha,

This is such nonsense.

Children sing the words, repeating after the teacher.

The teacher says goodbye to the children.