The concept of classicism in literature is brief. School encyclopedia

Classicism is an artistic and architectural style that dominated Europe in the 17th-19th centuries. The same term served as the name for the aesthetic direction. The objects created during this period were intended to serve as examples of the ideal, “correct” style.

Classicism is based on the ideas of rationalism and adheres to certain canons, therefore almost all projects implemented in the era of classicism are characterized by harmony and logic.

Classicism in architecture

Classicism replaced Rococo, which was subject to public criticism for excessive complexity, pompousness, mannerism, and excess of decorative elements. At the same time, European society increasingly began to turn to the ideas of enlightenment, which was expressed in all aspects of activity, including architecture. The architects' attention was attracted by the simplicity, conciseness, clarity, calm and rigor characteristic of ancient architecture, primarily Greek. In fact, classicism became a natural result of the development of Renaissance architecture and its transformation.

The goal of all objects created in the classicism style is the desire for simplicity, rigor, and at the same time, harmony and perfection - which is why medieval masters often turned to monumental ancient architectural forms. For classical architecture Characterized by regularity of layout and clarity of forms. basis of this style became the order of ancient times, in particular spatial compositions, restraint of decor, a planning system according to which buildings were located on wide straight streets, proportions and strict geometric shapes were observed.

The aesthetics of classicism were favorable for the creation of large-scale projects within entire cities. In Russia, many cities were replanned in accordance with the principles of classicist rationalism.

The tectonics of walls and vaults continued to influence the character of architecture. During the period of classicism, the vaults became flatter and a portico appeared. As for the walls, they began to be separated by cornices and pilasters. In the classic composition, following the composition of antiquity, symmetry prevails. The color scheme is predominantly light pastel colors, which serve to highlight architectural elements.

The most large-scale projects of the late 18th and first half of the 19th centuries are associated with classicism: new cities, parks, and resorts appear.

In the 20s of the 19th century, along with classicism, the eclectic style was popular, which at that time had a romantic overtones. In addition, classicism was diluted with elements of the Renaissance and (beaux-arts).

Development of classicism in the world

Classicism arose and developed under the influence of enlightenment progressive trends in social thought. The key ideas were the ideas of patriotism and citizenship, as well as the idea of ​​value human personality. In antiquity, supporters of classicism found an example of an ideal government structure and harmonious relations between man and nature. Antiquity is perceived as a free era, when the individual developed spiritually and physically. From the point of view of classicists, it was an ideal time in history without social contradictions and social conflicts. Cultural monuments have also become role models.

Three stages in the development of classicism in the world can be distinguished:

  • Early classicism (1760s - early 1780s).
  • Strict classicism (mid-1780s - 1790s).
  • Empire style

These periods are valid for both Europe and Russia, but Russian classicism can be considered a separate architectural movement. In fact, like European classicism, it became the opposite of Baroque and quickly supplanted it. In parallel with classicism, there were other architectural (and cultural) movements: rococo, pseudo-gothic, sentimentalism.

It all started with the accession of Catherine the Great. Classicism harmoniously fit into the framework of strengthening the cult of statehood, when the priority of public duty over personal feelings was proclaimed. A little later, the ideas of the Enlightenment were reflected in the theory of classicism, so that the “class classicism” of the 17th century was transformed into “enlightenment classicism.” As a result, architectural ensembles appeared in the centers of Russian cities, in particular St. Petersburg, Tver, Kostroma, and Yaroslavl.

Features of classicism

Classicism is characterized by a desire for clarity, certainty, unambiguity, and logical consistency. Monumental structures of rectangular shapes predominate.

Another feature and fundamental task was to imitate nature, harmonious and at the same time modern. Beauty was understood as something born of nature and at the same time surpassing it. She must portray truth and virtue and engage in moral education.

Architecture and art are intended to promote personal development so that man becomes enlightened and civilized. The stronger the connection between different types of arts, the more effective their action and the easier it is to achieve this goal.

Predominant colors: white, blue, as well as rich shades of green, pink, purple.

Following ancient architecture, classicism uses strict lines and smooth patterns; the elements are repeating and harmonious, and the shapes are clear and geometric. The main decorations are bas-reliefs in medallions, statues on roofs, rotundas. Antique ornaments were often present in the exterior. In general, the decor is restrained, without frills.

Representatives of classicism

Classicism has become one of the most widespread styles throughout the world. Throughout the entire period of its existence, many talented craftsmen appeared, and it was created large number projects.

Main features architectural classicism in Europe were formed thanks to the works of the Venetian master Palladio and his follower Scamozzi.

In Paris, one of the most influential architects of the classicism period was Jacques-Germain Soufflot - he was looking for optimal solutions for organizing space. Claude-Nicolas Ledoux anticipated many of the principles of modernism.

In general, the main features of classicism in France manifested themselves in such a style as the Empire style - the “imperial style”. This is the style late classicism in architecture and art, which is also called high. It originated in France during the reign of Napoleon I and developed until the 30s of the 19th century. after which it was replaced by eclectic movements.

In Britain, the equivalent of the Empire style was the "Regency style" (in particular, John Nash made a major contribution). Inigo Jones, an architect, designer and artist, is considered one of the founders of the British architectural tradition.

Most characteristic interiors in the style of classicism were developed by the Scot Robert Adam. He tried to abandon parts that did not perform a constructive function.

In Germany, thanks to Leo von Klenze and Karl Friedrich Schinkel, public buildings in the spirit of the Parthenon.

In Russia, Andrei Voronikhin and Andreyan Zakharov showed special skill.

Classicism in the interior

The requirements for an interior in the classicist style were actually the same as for architectural objects: monolithic structures, precise lines, conciseness and at the same time grace. The interior becomes lighter and more restrained, and the furniture becomes simpler and lighter. Egyptian, Greek or Roman motifs are often used.

Furniture from the Classical era was made from precious woods, great value acquired a texture that began to perform a decorative function. Wooden carved inserts were often used as decoration. In general, the decor has become more restrained, but of higher quality and more expensive.

The shapes of objects are simplified, the lines become straight. In particular, the legs are straightened and the surfaces become simpler. Popular colors: mahogany plus light bronze finish. Chairs and armchairs are upholstered in fabrics with floral patterns.

Chandeliers and lamps are equipped with crystal pendants and are quite massive in design.

The interior also contains porcelain, mirrors in expensive frames, books, and paintings.

The colors of this style often have clear, almost primary yellows, blues, as well as purple and green tones, the latter being used with black and gray flowers, as well as with bronze and silver jewelry. White color is popular. Colored varnishes (white, green) are often used in combination with light gilding of individual parts.

Currently, the classicism style can be successfully used both in spacious halls and in small rooms, but it is desirable that they have high ceilings - then this method of decoration will have a greater effect.

Fabrics may also be suitable for such an interior - as a rule, these are bright, rich varieties of textiles, including tapestries, taffeta and velvet.

Architecture examples

Let's consider the most significant works architects of the 18th century - this period marked the peak of the heyday of classicism as an architectural movement.

In Classical France, various public institutions were built, including business buildings, theaters, and commercial buildings. The largest building of those times was the Pantheon in Paris, created by Jacques-Germain Soufflot. Initially, the project was conceived as the Church of St. Genevieve, patroness of Paris, but in 1791 it was turned into the Pantheon - the burial place of great people of France. It became an example of architecture in the spirit of classicism. The Pantheon is a cruciform building with a grandiose dome and a drum surrounded by columns. Main facade decorated with a portico and pediment. The parts of the building are clearly demarcated; one can notice the transition from heavier to lighter forms. The interior is dominated by clear horizontal and vertical lines; the columns support the system of arches and vaults and at the same time create the perspective of the interior.

The Pantheon became a monument to enlightenment, reason and citizenship. Thus, the Pantheon became not only an architectural, but also an ideological embodiment of the era of classicism.

The 18th century was the heyday of English architecture. One of the most influential English architects of the time was Christopher Wren. His work combined functionality and aesthetics. He proposed his own plan for rebuilding downtown London when the fire of 1666 occurred; St. Paul's Cathedral also became one of his most ambitious projects, work on which lasted about 50 years.

St. Paul's Cathedral is located in the City - the business part of London - in one of the oldest areas, and is the largest Protestant temple. It has an elongated shape, like a Latin cross, but the main axis is located similar to the axes in Orthodox churches. The English clergy insisted that the building be based on a design typical of medieval churches in England. Wren himself wanted to create a structure closer to the forms of the Italian Renaissance.

The main attraction of the cathedral is its wooden dome covered with lead. Its lower part is surrounded by 32 Corinthian columns (height - 6 meters). At the top of the dome there is a lantern topped with a ball and a cross.

The portico, located on the western facade, has a height of 30 meters and is divided into two tiers with columns: six pairs of columns in the lower and four pairs in the upper. On the bas-relief you can see statues of the apostles Peter, Paul, James and the four evangelists. On the sides of the portico there are two bell towers: in the left tower there are 12, and in the right there is the “Great Floor” - the main bell of England (its weight is 16 tons) and a clock (the diameter of the dial is 15 meters). At the main entrance to the cathedral there is a monument to Anne, an English queen from a previous era. At her feet you can see allegorical figures of England, Ireland, France and America. The side doors are surrounded by five columns (which were not originally part of the architect's plan).

The scale of the cathedral is another distinctive feature: its length is almost 180 meters, the height from the floor to the dome inside the building is 68 meters, and the height of the cathedral with the cross is 120 meters.

The openwork grilles by Jean Tijou, made of wrought iron (late 17th century) and carved wooden benches in the choir, which are considered the most valuable decoration of the cathedral, are still preserved.

As for the masters of Italy, one of them was the sculptor Antonio Canova. He performed his first works in the Rococo style. Then he began to study ancient literature and gradually became a supporter of classicism. The debut work was called Theseus and the Minotaur. The next work was the tombstone of Pope Clement XIV, which brought fame to the author and contributed to the establishment of the classicism style in sculpture. In more later works The master can be observed not only focusing on antiquity, but also the search for beauty and harmony with nature, ideal forms. Canova actively borrowed mythological stories, creating portraits and tombstones. Among his most famous works are the statue of Perseus, several portraits of Napoleon, a portrait of George Washington, and the tombstones of Popes Clement XIII and Clement XIV. Canova's customers included popes, kings and wealthy collectors. From 1810 he served as director of the Academy of St. Luke in Rome. IN recent years life master built his own museum in Possagno.

In Russia, the era of classicism was created by many talented architects - both Russian and those who came from abroad. Many foreign architects who worked in Russia were only able to fully demonstrate their talent here. Among them are the Italians Giacomo Quarenghi and Antonio Rinaldi, the Frenchman Wallen-Delamot and the Scotsman Charles Cameron. All of them mainly worked at the court in St. Petersburg and its environs. According to the designs of Charles Cameron, the Agate Rooms, Cold Baths and Cameron Gallery were built in Tsarskoe Selo. He proposed a number of interior solutions in which he used artificial marble, glass with foil, earthenware, and precious stones. One of his most famous works - the palace and park in Pavlovsk - was an attempt to combine the harmony of nature with the harmony of creativity. The main facade of the palace is decorated with galleries, columns, a loggia and a dome in the center. At the same time, the English park begins with an organized palace part with alleys, paths and sculptures and gradually turns into the forest.

If at the beginning of a new architectural period While the still unfamiliar style was represented predominantly by foreign masters, by the middle of the century original Russian architects appeared, such as Bazhenov, Kazakov, Starov and others. The works show a balance of classic Western forms and fusion with nature. In Russia, classicism went through several stages of development; its heyday occurred during the reign of Catherine II, who supported the ideas of the French Enlightenment.

The Academy of Arts is reviving the tradition of training its best students abroad. Thanks to this, it became possible not only to master the traditions of architectural classics, but also to introduce Russian architects to foreign colleagues as equal partners.

This was a big step forward in the organization of systematic architectural education. Bazhenov got the opportunity to create Tsaritsyn’s buildings, as well as Pashkov’s house, which is still considered one of the most beautiful buildings in Moscow. A rational compositional solution is combined with exquisite details. The building stands on the top of a hill, its façade faces the Kremlin and the embankment.

St. Petersburg was more fertile ground for the emergence of new architectural ideas, tasks and principles. At the beginning of the 19th century, Zakharov, Voronikhin and Thomas de Thomon implemented a number of significant projects. The most famous building of Andrei Voronikhin is the Kazan Cathedral, which some call a copy of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, but in its plan and composition it is an original work.

Another organizing center of St. Petersburg was the Admiralty of the architect Adrian Zakharov. The main avenues of the city tend towards it, and the spire becomes one of the most important vertical landmarks. Despite the colossal length of the Admiralty facade, Zakharov brilliantly coped with the task of its rhythmic organization, avoiding monotony and repetition. The Exchange building, which Thomas de Thomon built on the spit of Vasilievsky Island, can be considered a solution difficult task– preserving the design of the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, and at the same time being combined with the ensembles of previous eras.

Classicism (from Latin classicus - “exemplary”) - artistic direction(current) in art and literature XVII- the beginning of the 19th century, which is characterized by high civic themes and strict adherence to certain creative norms and rules. In the West, classicism was formed in the struggle against the magnificent Baroque. The influence of classicism on artistic life Europe XVII - XVIII centuries. was widespread and long-lasting, and in architecture continued into the 19th century. Classicism, as a specific artistic movement, tends to reflect life in ideal images that gravitate toward the universal “norm” and model. Hence the cult of antiquity in classicism: classical antiquity appears in it as an example of perfect and harmonious art.

Writers and artists often turn to images of ancient myths (see Ancient literature).

Classicism flourished in France in XVII century: in drama (P. Corneille, J. Racine, J. B. Moliere), in poetry (J. Lafontaine), in painting (N. Poussin), in architecture. At the end of the 17th century. N. Boileau (in the poem “Poetic Art”, 1674) created a detailed aesthetic theory of classicism, which had a huge impact on the formation of classicism in other countries.

The clash of personal interests and civic duty underlies the French classic tragedy, which reached ideological and artistic heights in the works of Corneille and Racine. Corneille's characters (Sid, Horace, Cinna) are courageous, stern people, driven by duty, completely subordinating themselves to serving the interests of the state. Showing contradictory mental movements in their heroes, Corneille and Racine made outstanding discoveries in the field of depicting the inner world of man. Imbued with the pathos of exploring the human soul, the tragedy contained a minimum of external action and easily fit into the famous rules of the “three unities” - time, place and action.

According to the rules of the aesthetics of classicism, which strictly adheres to the so-called hierarchy of genres, tragedy (along with ode and epic) belonged to the “high genres” and was supposed to develop especially important social problems, resorting to ancient and historical subjects, and reflect only the sublime heroic sides. “High genres” were opposed to “low” ones: comedy, fable, satire, etc., designed to reflect modern reality. La Fontaine became famous in the fable genre in France, and Moliere in the comedy genre.

In the 17th century, permeated with the advanced ideas of the Enlightenment, classicism was imbued with passionate criticism of the orders of the feudal world, protection of natural human rights, and freedom-loving motives. It is also distinguished great attention to national historical subjects. The largest representatives educational classicism are Voltaire in France, J.W. Goethe and J.F. Schiller (in the 90s) in Germany.

Russian classicism originated in the second quarter of the 18th century, in the works of A. D. Kantemir, V. K. Trediakovsky, M. V. Lomonosov, and reached development in the second half of the century, in the works of A. P. Sumarokov, D. I. Fonvizina, M. M. Kheraskova, V. A. Ozerova, Ya. B. Knyazhnina, G. R. Derzhavina. It presents everything the most important genres- from ode and epic to fable and comedy. A remarkable comedian was D. I. Fonvizin, author of the famous satirical comedies"Brigadier" and "Minor". Russian classical tragedy showed an ardent interest in national history(“Dimitri the Pretender” by A.P. Sumarokov, “Vadim Novgorodsky” by Ya.B. Knyazhnin, etc.).

At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. classicism both in Russia and throughout Europe is experiencing a crisis. He increasingly loses touch with life and withdraws into a narrow circle of conventions. At this time, classicism was subjected to sharp criticism, especially from the romantics.

Among artistic styles, classicism, which became widespread in the advanced countries of the world in the period from the 17th to the beginning of the 19th century, is of no small importance. He became the heir to the ideas of the Enlightenment and manifested himself in almost all types of European and Russian art. He often came into conflict with the Baroque, especially at the stage of its formation in France.

Each country has its own age of classicism. It first developed in France - back in the 17th century, and a little later - in England and Holland. In Germany and Russia, the direction was established closer to the middle of the 18th century, when the time of neoclassicism had already begun in other countries. But this is not so significant. Another thing is more important: this direction became the first serious system in the field of culture, which laid the foundations for its further development.

What is classicism as a movement?

The name comes from the Latin word classicus, which means “exemplary”. Main principle manifested itself in an appeal to the traditions of antiquity. They were perceived as the norm to which one should strive. The authors of the works were attracted by such qualities as simplicity and clarity of form, conciseness, rigor and harmony in everything. This applied to any works created during the period of classicism: literary, musical, pictorial, architectural. Each creator sought to find his place for everything, clear and strictly defined.

Main features of classicism

All types of art were characterized by following features that help you understand what classicism is:

  • a rational approach to the image and the exclusion of everything related to sensuality;
  • the main purpose of a person is to serve the state;
  • strict canons in everything;
  • an established hierarchy of genres, the mixing of which is unacceptable.

Concretization of artistic features

Analysis of individual types of art helps to understand how the style of “classicism” was embodied in each of them.

How classicism was realized in literature

In this type of art, classicism was defined as a special direction in which the desire to re-educate with words was clearly expressed. The authors of works of art believed in a happy future where justice, freedom of all citizens, and equality would prevail. It meant, first of all, liberation from all types of oppression, including religious and monarchical. Classicism in literature necessarily required compliance with three unities: action (no more than one storyline), time (all events fit within a day), place (there was no movement in space). More recognition in this style was given to J. Molière, Voltaire (France), L. Gibbon (England), M. Twain, D. Fonvizin, M. Lomonosov (Russia).

Development of classicism in Russia

The new artistic direction established itself in Russian art later than in other countries - closer to the middle of the 18th century - and occupied a leading position until the first third of the 19th century. Russian classicism, in contrast to Western European, relied more on national traditions. This is where his originality manifested itself.

Initially it came to architecture, where it reached its greatest heights. This was due to construction new capital and the growth of Russian cities. The achievement of the architects was the creation of majestic palaces, comfortable residential buildings, and country estates of the nobility. The creation of architectural ensembles in the city center, which fully make it clear what classicism is, deserves special attention. These are, for example, the buildings of Tsarskoe Selo (A. Rinaldi), the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (I. Starov), the Spit of Vasilievsky Island (J. de Thomon) in St. Petersburg and many others.

The pinnacle of the architects’ activity can be called the construction of the Marble Palace according to the design of A. Rinaldi, in the decoration of which natural stone was used for the first time.

No less famous is Petrodvorets (A. Schlüter, V. Rastrelli), which is an example of landscape art. Numerous buildings, fountains, sculptures, the layout itself - everything amazes with its proportionality and cleanliness of execution.

Literary direction in Russia

The development of classicism in Russian literature deserves special attention. Its founders were V. Trediakovsky, A. Kantemir, A. Sumarokov.

However, the greatest contribution to the development of the concept of what classicism is was made by the poet and scientist M. Lomonosov. He developed a system of three styles, which determined the requirements for writing works of art, and created a model of a solemn message - an ode, which was most popular in the literature of the second half of the 18th century.

The traditions of classicism were fully manifested in the plays of D. Fonvizin, especially in the comedy “The Minor.” In addition to the mandatory observance of the three unities and the cult of reason, the features of Russian comedy include the following points:

  • a clear division of heroes into negative and positive and the presence of a reasoner expressing the position of the author;
  • the presence of a love triangle;
  • the punishment of vice and the triumph of good in the finale.

Works of the era of classicism in general became the most important component in the development of world art.

Details Category: Variety of styles and movements in art and their features Published 03/05/2015 10:28 Views: 9974

"Class!" - we talk about what causes us admiration or corresponds to our positive assessment of an object or phenomenon.
Translated from Latin the word classicus and means "exemplary".

Classicismnamed the artistic style and aesthetic direction in European culture of the 17th-19th centuries.

What about as a sample? Classicism developed the canons according to which any work of art. Canon- this is a certain norm, a set of artistic techniques or rules that are mandatory in a certain era.
Classicism is a strict movement in art; it was only interested in the essential, eternal, typical; accidental signs or manifestations were not interesting to classicism.
In this sense, classicism performed the educational functions of art.

Buildings of the Senate and Synod in St. Petersburg. Architect K. Rossi
Is it good or bad when there are canons in art? When is it possible to do this and nothing else? Don't rush to a negative conclusion! The canons made it possible to streamline the work of a certain type of art, give direction, show examples and sweep away everything that is insignificant and not deep.
But the canons cannot be an eternal, unchanging guide to creativity - at some point they become obsolete. This is what happened at the beginning of the 20th century. V fine arts and in music: norms that had been rooted for several centuries had become obsolete and were torn apart.
However, we have already gotten ahead of ourselves. Let's return to classicism and take a closer look at the hierarchy of classicism genres. Let's just say that classicism as a specific movement was formed in France in the 17th century. The peculiarity of French classicism was that it affirmed the personality of man as the highest value of existence. In many ways, classicism relied on ancient art, seeing in it an ideal aesthetic model.

Hierarchy of classicism genres

Classicism established a strict hierarchy of genres, which are divided into high and low. Each genre has certain characteristics, which should not be mixed.
Let's look at the hierarchy of genres using examples various types art.


Nicolas Boileau is considered the largest theoretician of classicism, but the founder is François Malherbe, who carried out the reform French and verse and developed poetic canons. N. Boileau expressed his views on the theory of classicism in the poetic treatise “Poetic Art”.

Bust of Nicolas Boileau by F. Girardon. Paris, Louvre
In dramaturgy it was necessary to observe three unities: unity of time (the action must take place within one day), unity of place (in one place) and unity of action (there must be one storyline). The leading representatives of classicism in drama were the French tragedians Corneille and Racine. The main idea of ​​their work was the conflict between public duty and personal passions.
The goal of classicism is to change the world for the better.

In Russia

In Russia, the emergence and development of classicism is associated primarily with the name of M.V. Lomonosov.

M. V. Lomonosov at the monument “1000th anniversary of Russia” in Veliky Novgorod. Sculptors M.O. Mikeshin, I.N. Schroeder, architect V.A. Hartmann
He carried out a reform of Russian verse and developed the theory of the “three calms”.

“Theory of three calms” M.V. Lomonosov

The doctrine of three styles, i.e. the classification of styles in rhetoric and poetics, distinguishing high, middle and low (simple) styles, has been known for a long time. It was used in ancient Roman, medieval and modern European literature.
But Lomonosov used the doctrine of three styles to build a stylistic system Russian language and Russian literature. Three “styles” according to Lomonosov:
1. Tall – solemn, majestic. Genres: ode, heroic poems, tragedies.
2. Intermediate – elegies, dramas, satires, eclogues, friendly essays.
3. Low - comedies, letters, songs, fables.
Classicism in Russia developed under the influence of the Enlightenment: ideas of equality and justice. Therefore, in Russian classicism a mandatory author's assessment of historical reality was usually assumed. We find this in the comedies of D.I. Fonvizin, satires by A.D. Kantemir, fables by A.P. Sumarokova, I.I. Khemnitser, ode M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavina.
At the end of the 18th century. The tendency to see art as the main force for educating a person has intensified. In this regard, the literary movement sentimentalism emerged, in which feeling (and not reason) was declared to be the main thing in human nature. French writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau called for being closer to nature and naturalness. This call was followed by the Russian writer N.M. Karamzin – let’s remember his famous “Poor Liza”!
But works in the direction of classicism were also created in the 19th century. For example, “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedova. Although this comedy already contains elements of romanticism and realism.


Since the definition of “classicism” is translated as “exemplary,” then some kind of example is natural for it. And supporters of classicism saw it in ancient art. This was the highest example. There was also reliance on the traditions of the High Renaissance, which also saw its model in antiquity. The art of classicism reflected the ideas of a harmonious structure of society, but reflected conflicts between the individual and society, ideal and reality, feelings and reason, which indicate the complexity of the art of classicism.
The artistic forms of classicism are characterized by strict organization, balance, clarity and harmony of images. The plot should develop logically, the composition of the plot should be clear and balanced, the volume should be clear, the role of color should be subordinated with the help of chiaroscuro, and the use of local colors. This is what N. Poussin wrote, for example.

Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665)

N. Poussin “Self-Portrait” (1649)
French artist who stood at the origins of classicism painting. Almost all of his paintings were created on historical and mythological subjects. His compositions are always clear and rhythmic.

N. Poussin “Dance to the Music of Time” (circa 1638)
The painting depicts an allegorical round dance of Life. Circling in it (from left to right): Pleasure, Diligence, Wealth, Poverty. Next to the double-headed stone statue of the Roman god Janus sits a baby blowing soap bubbles - a symbol of the fast-flowing human life. The young face of the two-faced Janus looks to the future, and the old face looks to the past. The winged, gray-bearded old man, to whose music the round dance spins, is Father Time. At his feet sits a baby holding an hourglass, reminiscent of the rapid movement of time.
The chariot of the sun god Apollo rushes across the sky, accompanied by the goddesses of the seasons. Aurora, goddess of the dawn, flies ahead of the chariot, scattering flowers along her path.

V. Borovikovsky “Portrait of G.R. Derzhavin" (1795)

V. Borovikovsky “Portrait of G.R. Derzhavin", State Tretyakov Gallery
The artist captured in the portrait a man whom he knew well and whose opinion he valued. This is traditional for classicism ceremonial portrait. Derzhavin – senator, member Russian Academy, statesman, his uniform and awards speak about this.
But at the same time, he is also a renowned poet, passionate about creativity, educational ideals and social life. This is indicated by a desk littered with manuscripts; luxury ink set; shelves with books in the background.
The image of G. R. Derzhavin is recognizable. But inner world it is not shown. Rousseau's ideas, which were already actively discussed in society, have not yet appeared in the work of V. Borovikovsky, this will happen later.
In the 19th century Classical painting entered a period of crisis and became a force holding back the development of art. Artists, preserving the language of classicism, begin to turn to romantic subjects. Among Russian artists, first of all, this is Karl Bryullov. His work occurred at a time when works that were classical in form were filled with the spirit of romanticism; this combination was called academicism. In the middle of the 19th century. The younger generation, gravitating toward realism, began to rebel, represented in France by the Courbet circle, and in Russia by the Wanderers.


The sculpture of the era of classicism also considered antiquity as a model. This was facilitated, among other things, by archaeological excavations ancient cities, as a result of which many Hellenistic sculptures became known.
Classicism reached its highest embodiment in the works of Antonio Canova.

Antonio Canova (1757-1822)

A. Canova “Self-portrait” (1792)
Italian sculptor, representative of classicism in European sculpture. The largest collections of his works are in the Paris Louvre and the St. Petersburg Hermitage.

A. Canova “The Three Graces”. St. Petersburg, Hermitage
The sculpture group "Three Graces" belongs to late period creativity of Antonio Canova. The sculptor embodied his ideas about beauty in the images of the Graces - ancient goddesses personifying feminine beauty and charm. The composition of this sculpture is unusual: the graces stand side by side, the two outermost ones face each other (and not the viewer) and the friend standing in the center. All three slender female figures merged in an embrace, they are united by an interlacing of arms and a scarf falling from the hand of one of the graces. Canova's composition is compact and balanced.
In Russia, the aesthetics of classicism include Fedot Shubin, Mikhail Kozlovsky, Boris Orlovsky, Ivan Martos.
Fedot Ivanovich Shubin(1740-1805) worked mainly with marble, sometimes turning to bronze. Most of his sculptural portraits are executed in the form of busts: busts of Vice-Chancellor A. M. Golitsyn, Count P. A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, Potemkin-Tavrichesky, M. V. Lomonosov, Paul I, P. V. Zavadovsky, a statue of Catherine II -legislators and others.

F. Shubin. Bust of Paul I
Shubin is also known as a decorator; he created 58 marble historical portraits for the Chesme Palace, 42 sculptures for the Marble Palace, etc. He was also a master bone carver of Kholmogory carved bones.
In the era of classicism, public monuments became widespread, in which military valor and the wisdom of statesmen were idealized. But in the ancient tradition it was customary to depict models naked, but moral norms modern to classicism did not allow this. That is why figures began to be depicted in the form of naked ancient gods: for example, Suvorov - in the form of Mars. Later they began to be depicted in antique togas.

Monument to Kutuzov in St. Petersburg in front of the Kazan Cathedral. Sculptor B.I. Orlovsky, architect K.A. Tone
Late, Empire classicism is represented by the Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen.

B. Thorvaldsen. Monument to Nicolaus Copernicus in Warsaw


The architecture of classicism was also focused on the forms of ancient architecture as standards of harmony, simplicity, rigor, logical clarity and monumentality. The basis of the architectural language of classicism was the order, in proportions and forms close to antiquity. Order– a type of architectural composition that uses certain elements. Includes a system of proportions, prescribes the composition and shape of elements, as well as their relative position. Classicism is characterized by symmetrical axial compositions, restraint of decorative decoration, and a regular city planning system.

London mansion Osterley Park. Architect Robert Adam
In Russia, representatives of classicism in architecture were V.I. Bazhenov, Karl Rossi, Andrey Voronikhin and Andreyan Zakharov.

Carl Bartalomeo-Rossi (1775-1849) – Russian architect Italian origin, author of many buildings and architectural ensembles in St. Petersburg and its environs.
The outstanding architectural and urban planning skills of Russia are embodied in the ensembles of the Mikhailovsky Palace with the adjacent garden and square (1819-1825), Palace Square with the grandiose arched building of the General Staff and triumphal arch (1819-1829), Senate Square with the buildings of the Senate and Synod (1829-1834), Alexandrinskaya Square with buildings Alexandrinsky Theater(1827-1832), the new building of the Imperial Public Library and two homogeneous extended buildings of Teatralnaya Street (now Architect Rossi Street).

The General Staff Building on Palace Square


The concept of classicism in music is associated with the works of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, who are called the Viennese classics. They set the direction further development European music.

Thomas Hardy "Portrait of Joseph Haydn" (1792)

Barbara Kraft "Posthumous Portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" (1819)

Karl Stieler "Portrait of Ludwig van Beethoven" (1820)
The aesthetics of classicism, based on confidence in the rationality and harmony of the world order, embodied these same principles in music. What was required of her was: balance of parts of the work, careful finishing of details, development of basic canons musical form. During this period, the sonata form was finally formed, and the classical composition of the sonata and symphony parts was determined.
Of course, the path of music to classicism was not simple and unambiguous. There was the first stage of classicism - the Renaissance of the 17th century. Some musicologists even consider the Baroque period as a particular manifestation of classicism. Thus, the work of I.S. can also be classified as classicism. Bach, G. Handel, K. Gluck with his reform operas. But the highest achievements of classicism in music are still associated with the work of representatives of the Viennese classical school: J. Haydn, W. A. ​​Mozart and L. van Beethoven.


It is necessary to distinguish between concepts "music of classicism" And « classical music» . The concept of “classical music” is much broader. It includes not only the music of the classical era, but also the music of the past in general, which has stood the test of time and is recognized as exemplary.

The main features of Russian classicism

Appeal to the images and forms of ancient art.

The characters are clearly divided into positive and negative, and have meaningful names.

The plot is usually based on love triangle: heroine – hero-lover, second lover (unlucky).

At the end of a classic comedy, vice is always punished and good triumphs.

The principle of three unities: time (the action lasts no more than a day), place (the action takes place in one place), action (1 storyline).


The first classicist writer in Russia was Antioch Cantemir. He was the first to write works of the classic genre (namely satires, epigrams and others).

The history of the emergence of Russian classicism according to V.I. Fedorov:

1st period: literature of Peter's time; it is of a transitional nature; the main feature is the intensive process of “secularization” (that is, the replacement of religious literature with secular literature - 1689-1725) - the prerequisites for the emergence of classicism.

2nd period: 1730-1750 - these years are characterized by the formation of classicism, the creation of a new genre system, in-depth development of the Russian language.

3rd period: 1760-1770 - further evolution classicism, the flowering of satire, the emergence of prerequisites for the emergence of sentimentalism.

4th period: the last quarter of a century - the beginning of the crisis of classicism, the formation of sentimentalism, the strengthening of realistic tendencies (1. Direction, development, inclination, aspiration; 2. Concept, idea of ​​presentation, image).

Trediakovsky and Lomonosov

Classicism received the next round of development in Russia under Trediakovsky and Lomonosov. They created the Russian syllabic-tonic system of versification and introduced many Western genres (such as madrigal, sonnet, etc.) The syllabic-tonic system of versification is a system of syllabic-stressed versification. It includes two rhythm-forming factors - syllable and stress - and implies a regular alternation of text fragments with an equal number of syllables, among which stressed syllables alternate with unstressed ones in a certain regular way. It is within the framework of this system that most Russian poetry is written.


Derzhavin develops the traditions of Russian classicism, being a successor to the traditions of Lomonosov and Sumarokov.

For him, the purpose of a poet is to glorify great deeds and censure bad ones. In the ode “Felitsa” he glorifies the enlightened monarchy, which is personified by the reign of Catherine II. The intelligent, fair empress is contrasted with the greedy and selfish court nobles: You are the only one who does not offend, You do not offend anyone, You see through foolishness, Only you do not tolerate evil...

The main object of Derzhavin’s poetics is man as a unique individual in all the wealth of personal tastes and preferences. Many of his odes have philosophical character, they discuss the place and purpose of man on earth, the problems of life and death: I am the connection of worlds existing everywhere, I am the extreme degree of matter; I am the center of the living, the initial feature of the deity; I decay with my body in dust, I command thunder with my mind, I am a king - I am a slave - I am a worm - I am a god! But, being so wonderful, when did I come from? - unknown: But I couldn’t be myself. Ode "God", (1784)

Derzhavin creates a number of examples of lyric poems in which the philosophical tension of his odes is combined with emotional attitude to the events described. In the poem “The Snigir” (1800), Derzhavin mourns the death of Suvorov: Why do you start a war song like a flute, dear Snigir? With whom will we go to war against Hyena? Who is our leader now? Who is the hero? Where is the strong, brave, fast Suvorov? Severn thunder lies in the grave.

Before his death, Derzhavin begins to write an ode to the RUIN OF HONOR, from which only the beginning has reached us: The river of times in its rush carries away all the affairs of people and drowns peoples, kingdoms and kings in the abyss of oblivion. And if anything remains Through the sounds of the lyre and trumpet, It will be devoured by the mouth of eternity And the common fate will not leave!

The Fall of Classicism

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