How to open an art studio? Art school business plan. How difficult it is to open your own beauty studio - a real story

Today, creative studios are opening for both children and adults. There they teach the basics and tricks of any direction, master handicraft techniques, artistic skills, and make crafts. Similar establishments provide an opportunity to escape from the drabness of everyday life and discover your own creative abilities.

Relevance of the idea

Let's start the description with what it is. Workshops for children or adults offer not only something interesting and new to do in their leisure time, but also, with the help of special techniques of the chosen direction, they discover inner talents and promote the development of creative thinking and practical skills.

If the master is focused on a children's audience, then this is quite a promising business, since many parents today pay Special attention to kid. They are ready to spend any money just to keep their baby busy with something interesting and useful. Lessons for adults are also in demand, because at any age there is a desire to try something new, learn to draw if you have never been able to, master some kind of needlework technique, etc.

Earlier development children were taught in special institutions, where the rules and requirements for students were clearly outlined. Children were forced to perform certain actions, the training process was strict and tough. In modern creative workshops they prefer to use the play method, a flexible individual approach and the gradual disclosure of the child’s inner potential.

Collecting documents

A creative workshop as a business does not require a complex registration procedure. It is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneurship), for which you submit copies of your passport and TIN, an application in a ready-made form and pay a small state fee. The decision and relevant documentation are issued within a week.

Please note that when working with children, the OKVED code 80.10 is often indicated. But then you will have to get a license to conduct educational activities, which is a difficult process for a new entrepreneur. Therefore, experienced professionals recommend specifying codes 85.32 (child care, if you are recruiting children’s groups) or 92.51, which determines the club type of work.

When designing and preparing the premises, it is imperative to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological control and fire inspection. To do this, it is better to initially find out all the requirements in order to immediately meet them. When renting, a competent agreement is drawn up indicating terms, prices, and other conditions.

When you hire staff, you become an employer. Therefore, you will definitely have to register with the pension and social funds, pay insurance premiums. And also with each employee there is an agreement employment contract. Teachers must have health certificates. Before starting activities, you will have to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the opening.

Deciding on services

A creative workshop can combine several areas or specialize in one. It is believed that if you immediately choose all available options, it will turn out to be too difficult for a novice entrepreneur in organizational and financial terms. Therefore, perhaps at first it makes sense to offer only master classes of one type, but of varying complexity.

Over time, when a regular client base is formed and the establishment’s popularity grows, you can open groups different directions. Today the following services are considered the most popular and interesting:

  1. Artistic drawing various techniques.
  2. Scrapbooking.
  3. Knitting.
  4. Embroidery.
  5. Sewing.
  6. Sand painting.
  7. Making toys with your own hands.
  8. Quilling.
  9. Modeling.
  10. Decoupage.
  11. Bead weaving.
  12. Drawing with hot wax.
  13. Candle making, soap making, etc.

Usually, a novice master who decides to take on his own project chooses something for training that he is most passionate about. If you hire experienced teachers from outside, then you can choose any direction that is in high demand in the market.

Classes do not need to be structured in such a way that in one master class you can teach everything - from the basics to complex techniques. It is enough to build each lesson with gradual development of skills. Then basic skills are best learned, and students are able to cover a small amount of knowledge offered.

Pay attention to creating a convenient lesson schedule. Consider your customers' life processes. Thus, adults are most often busy at work on weekdays, and children are in kindergartens and schools. Therefore, the most profitable hours for conducting master classes are weekends and evenings.

It’s better to immediately decide what audience your classes will be designed for – children or adults. This will greatly influence the choice of more comfortable furniture for certain age groups, as well as teaching methods.

To increase the profitability of the project, you can additional services offer to hold children's birthday parties, organize holidays, theme parties, sell handicraft materials, or finished works masters

Setting up a studio

Think carefully about where exactly you are going to open a creative workshop. After all, it should be convenient for your clients to get to. Therefore, the presence of nearby stops public transport and a small parking lot will be a clear advantage.

If you rent premises in the city center, this is not always profitable, since the monthly payment will be prohibitively high. It is considered more preferable to choose residential area, where the main potential clients live. The proximity of the development studio to home will be an attractive factor for most of them. You can also locate the workshop near kindergartens, schools, and office buildings.

Next, think about the design. Any company is perceived much better if all the little details are correctly selected relative to each other. By creating a logo, sign, interior and even a website in the same style, you declare yourself as a serious center with development prospects. Clients should feel comfortable in the studio, comfortable and cozy. Then they will want to return to this calm and pleasant atmosphere more than once.

Often, new entrepreneurs complain that the monthly rent of a suitable space is too expensive for them. Therefore, pay attention to this option - you can rent a room only for certain hours or days a week. It is much cheaper and pays for itself literally for every master class held.

When designing a studio, it is very important to take care of the availability of all communications - water, electricity, ventilation, heating, sewerage. Also, install a fire alarm and follow sanitary standards - clean the room daily, or better yet, after each group of students.

When choosing furniture, it is not necessary to give preference to expensive and pretentious options. When buying special equipment or tables and chairs for students, it is important that they are made of high-quality materials, have the required strength and meet some certain standards according to the chosen direction.

Depending on the technicians being trained, different equipment will be needed. Sometimes these are special tables and projectors, and in some cases ordinary school furniture and supplies are sufficient. As a result, there will be differences and starting investments.

We are hiring teachers

The staff should not be too large. To begin with, you can conduct classes and practice on your own organizational issues and only over time find helpers. Sometimes you don't even need a security guard or a cleaning lady. If you rent a room in an office center, then these are the owner’s concerns, not yours.

The most important personnel in this matter are teachers and masters. Make strict demands on them:

  • A person must have a very good understanding of the needlework technique being taught and be a professional.
  • Be able to transfer your knowledge to other people, find an approach to students, and have teaching talents.
  • Be sociable, friendly, and win people over.
  • Be patient and not get irritated, even if you have to repeat the same thing many times.

It is also important not just the ability to do something with your own hands, but also “the sparkle in the eyes,” that is, the master must love what he teaches other people, rejoice at their successes, and inspire creative deeds. And the presence of any higher education plays a minimal role here. Sometimes the best teachers in a creative studio are people without a professional diploma.

Keeping accounting records can be daunting for any budding entrepreneur. And although when opening an individual entrepreneur, documentation and taxes are not something complicated, sometimes it makes sense to hire a specialist or outsource this function. Then you won't have to worry about filling out forms on time.

We are looking for clients

The most important and the hard part any business – searching for the target audience. Depending on what age group you are guided, you can use different advertising ways:

  1. Install a sign above the entrance that attracts the attention of passersby.
  2. Print printed products - business cards, posters, leaflets and distribute them in places where your potential clients gather (cafes, schools, kindergartens, offices, beauty salons, shops for handicrafts).
  3. Let's advertise in local media.
  4. Post them at entrances, bus stops, and on public transport.
  5. Pay for publication in specialized publications and magazines that your potential clients read.
  6. Represent your center at various fairs and festivals that are organized in the city or region.
  7. Offer the former free lesson.
  8. Make the most of the Internet - create a website, groups in in social networks, communicate with clients on city forums.
  9. Sometimes invite groups from kindergartens and schools to free master classes or holidays.
  • Even in a rented space, try to create a cozy atmosphere that encourages creativity and unleashing your inner potential. People should feel comfortable and pleased to be in the workshop and they will definitely return.
  • Create photo reports of classes and post them on social networks or on the website.
  • Do not try to immediately combine all available and known directions. Start with one thing and expand gradually as your profits, popularity and experience grow.
  • If it takes too long for a group to be formed, then it is better to hold a lesson for 2-3 people than to miss them too. Don't wait too long until those interested disappear altogether. Even if only a few people come to the master class, they will definitely be satisfied.
  • Since your main activity is related to learning any skills, pay special attention to this point close attention. It’s not enough just to be a friendly teacher, you really need to be able to teach, inspire, and reveal the talents of students.
  • Communicate with clients after they complete the chosen course. Always be interested in their successes, achievements, and offer lessons to improve their skills.
  • Constantly engage in self-development. Look for various master classes for professionals, master new techniques and directions. Also develop your pedagogical, psychological and organizational skills. Read specialized literature, stay up to date with fashion trends.

You can download it here for free as a sample.

Project profitability

Be sure to draw up a business plan with calculations at the first stage. This is the only way to be sure that all the nuances have been taken into account, there is enough money to open the studio and the development plan has been outlined in detail. The most important point in this case there are initial costs. They can differ significantly depending on the direction, the selected premises, the need for repairs, etc.

But you can get by with less investment. For example, if you rent a ready-made office only for the period of classes, and you don’t need special equipment for master classes, then you just need to purchase supplies for exactly one lesson. Then, to start, you can limit yourself to an amount of 200-250 thousand rubles.

When opening a serious center, you need to take into account monthly expenses:

The payback and profitability of the project will differ in many ways from the organizational approach chosen marketing strategy, established prices. For example, in large cities and small towns the cost of the same lesson will differ significantly. This should always be taken into account. Sometimes such creativity centers charge a subscription fee for visiting.

With small investments, where initially you only need to spend money on consumables, and outside teachers are not hired, the return on business comes quite quickly - after the first lessons or after 1-2 months. If you make a large investment to create a full-fledged creative center with a wide range of services, expect a return on your investment in 6-12 months.

Video: creative workshop of Evgenia Voronina.

Photo salons, photo studios - at first glance, it may seem that this type of business has lost its popularity. All those who think so are deeply mistaken. It would seem that what new things can be done when digital technologies burst into our lives. Now almost everyone knows how to take photographs and print pictures. Then why do we need salons where masters work miracles?

IN modern world The photo services market is developing by leaps and bounds. Photography has long won our hearts and has become an integral part of everyone’s life. This type of product enjoys constant success among the population of all social classes and positions.

The leading place in the segment of this market is deservedly occupied by private entrepreneurs and enterprises in need of advertising products, as well as simple people who give preference to high-quality professional photos. We present to your attention a business plan: “How to open a photo studio?”

The relevance of this type of business

Home purpose of this type creative activity person is to provide everyone with good photographs that meet high aesthetic requirements.

Priority task– provision of services of the highest quality.

Photo salons and photo studios are especially relevant among novice businessmen. If desired, an amateur can develop into a real pro and open a photo studio from scratch with a list of various services. For example, you can offer clients to use the services of a professional makeup artist - everyone will want to make their appearance even more attractive. The owner of the salon will be able to get double benefits from this.

To sum up the above, we can safely say that the most relevant area today is the service sector, which includes photography.

Analysis of the photography services market and competitors

Analyzing this area entrepreneurial activity, on this moment its state can be described as transitional. This is due to the fact that the digital technology market is just emerging and taking shape in Russia.

Several can be defined indicators characterizing the development prospects of this type of business.

  • Russian Association of Trading Companies and Manufacturers household appliances conducted research which revealed that approximately 40% of Russian families have cameras. At the same time, there are significantly more film cameras than digital cameras.
  • The modern market is not sufficiently saturated with new generation equipment. There is a fairly high risk of purchasing low-quality products.
  • Sales volumes of digital cameras are steadily growing, which indicates that the consumer market is not fully saturated.

Today we can state the following fact: with an increase in the number of sales of cameras, the need for the provision of photo workshop services is significantly reduced. Photo processing and printing technologies have become more accessible. Almost everyone has an inkjet or laser printer at home. Scientific developments make it possible to obtain high-quality images at home at an affordable price.

Analyzing the industry market in this area, we can conclude that a surge of interest in this type of business is still ahead. These forecasts are associated with an increase in sales of professional equipment. There is no strong competition in the market at the moment. Therefore, my advice to everyone is to get involved right now.

An analysis of competitors suggests that there are not many professional studios in Russia that are ready to compete with European standards. Therefore, when starting your own business in this area, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. If you decide to try your hand at creating beautiful photographs, you need to attend courses or seminars of famous artists, learn from them how to take high-quality photographs, try to create a creative atmosphere in your team and try to find a creative approach to each client.

What does it take to open a photography studio?

In order to open a photo studio, it is not necessary to have a license, it is enough to be an individual entrepreneur. As in any other business, it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing premises and recruiting personnel.

Premises and decoration

At the very beginning of a business, it is preferable to rent space for a photo studio.

The location of the salon should correspond to your work preferences. If you plan to carry out only corporate orders, then it is quite possible to use premises in an industrial zone.

To serve private clients, you need to choose a building closer to the city center, close to a large number of people. It can be educational establishments or government agencies. Do not forget about convenient parking spaces - if they are absent, it is unlikely that a wedding procession will be able to drive up to your salon.

The main requirement for the premises for a photo studio is the ceiling height - it must be at least 3 meters, the area - at least 50-60 sq.m. Largest quantity square meters will have to be allocated for shooting space. The equipment will take up a lot of space, so you won’t be able to save money. You will also need a place for a make-up artist and an area for the administrator.

It is not possible to convert an ordinary apartment into a professional studio - the height of the ceilings will not allow this. If the ceiling is not high enough, it will be impossible to install lighting for high-quality photography.

The design of the studio will depend entirely on the preferences of the photographer. Walls are usually painted white or gray colors- the main thing is that they are in the same tone. The windows are covered with blinds or thick curtains - this is necessary for long exposure photography.

The wedding business requires a lot of dedication and significant investment. But nonetheless, this type business is known for its profitability. , how to open your own wedding salon and make money from it.

Costs and profits

How much does it cost to open a photography studio?

In addition to the costs of opening a studio, you will need to invest some money in equipment, props, furniture and some elements to create additional coziness.

From own funds you will have to invest about 250 thousand rubles, and you will also have to attract bank loans.

The main assets are:

  • camera – about 70 thousand rubles;
  • lens – 100,000 rubles;
  • flash – 20,000 rubles;
  • lighting equipment – ​​150 – 200,000 rubles;
  • details - 25 - 30,000 rubles;
  • computer and household appliances - about another 80 thousand rubles.

According to approximate calculations, in the first few months you will have to spend about 500 - 600 thousand rubles.

Is it profitable to open a photo studio?

At first, you will work at a loss, since in order to attract customers you will have to reduce prices. A photo studio can only make a profit if it is fully loaded, with an 8-hour working day for the staff and your full dedication.

With proper loading, a photo studio can work up to 12 hours a day within a year. All initial investment will pay off in about a year.

The profitability of a photo studio is about 80% - this is a pretty good figure. With competent and efficient organization of work, in a year you can make a profit of up to 200,000 rubles. per month.


There are so many good specialist photographers on the market. In order not to make a mistake when choosing personnel, you need to carefully read the resume of the applicant for the position.

A document designated as a “resume” should always be at hand for every specialist. It describes the professional “life” and abilities of the applicant. Finding an employee using this document is much easier.

Thus, a well-drafted business plan for opening a photo studio will allow you to calculate all the pros and cons in advance. of this enterprise, will help in choosing equipment and recruiting personnel.

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04.10.17 29 538 3

How to open a painting studio

And make money on creativity

My friend Nastya worked part-time as a painting teacher in an art studio.

Victor Sikirin

is friends with the owner of the studio

When the owner decided to close, Nastya bought the studio with personal savings and named it “Lamp”. For Tinkoff magazine, I asked Nastya how much it costs to run a painting studio and how much they earn from it.

Painting studio format

Painting studios can be either amateur or professional.

Amateur studios are designed for creative relaxation. They don't teach academic drawing and painting, but you can have an interesting time: draw a simple picture, drink tea and take photographs.

Such studios make money through master classes for people who want to draw but don’t know how. The client pays a couple of thousand rubles and within a couple of hours draws something simple together with the teacher. If the guest liked it, he will come to a few more master classes, and gradually he will get bored. Such a studio is forced to constantly look for new clients and come up with new entertainment formats so that the old ones don’t get bored.

At the other extreme are the workshops of professional artists. Here masters teach beginners. Master classes here last for months - until the picture is painted. Classes are strictly by subscription or acquaintance, random people No. If there is paid training, it costs tens of thousands of rubles. These workshops complement or compete with art schools; their output is artists of difficult fate.

Nastya has an entertainment studio. She makes money for those who do not want to be artists, but want to develop the creative sides of their souls.

Studio buyout

Three people worked in the studio: Nastya, an administrator and a manager. The manager decided to focus on his core business and close the studio. And Nastya decided to leave her permanent job in order to work in the studio full-time.

Nastya changed the studio format. The previous leader did not recruit training groups, and the format of the master classes was one-time and more entertaining. Nastya decided to conduct more long courses in painting. Therefore, not everything that was already in the studio was useful. I had to buy a lot of new ones.

You can just rent

If you don’t have money for your own studio, you can rent space from an existing studio. This is not always convenient: classes should not overlap with landlord training courses. If you have not promoted yourself as an artist, it will be difficult to gather an audience for one-time master classes.

This option is suitable for artists and organizers: if all you need is space, then you can safely rent someone else’s studio.


If you do not issue diplomas, registering an individual entrepreneur and opening a painting studio is easy. Lampa does not issue diplomas. After the master class, guests simply take away the paintings they painted. Therefore, Nastya’s studio license is not needed.

To accept cash in the studio, you need an online cash register with a connection to the OFD. To accept card payments, you need a merchant acquiring - a terminal that accepts cards and issues a slip about transactions.


The studio space is very important: it should be comfortable and in a decent location. People rarely come to master classes by chance, so traffic and the first line are not critical. But it will be bad if, on the way to a master class, students cross a landfill or wander through the basements of a dilapidated factory.

From the point of view of daily work in the studio, the main thing is light. Almost all paintings are painted in daylight, so the studio should have large windows on the sunny side. Electric light destroys the shape of an object and distorts colors.

For oil painting, a thinner is used - it dissolves the paint and has a chemical smell. The master class lasts 3-5 hours - during this time guests will want to go to the toilet, the room may become stuffy, and the thinner may cause a headache. Therefore, the studio should be spacious, well ventilated, preferably with a storage room and its own bathroom.

Nastya was lucky: the studio initially rented a suitable room with large windows, a bathroom and a storage room and did not have to move.

“Lamp” is located in the building of the cultural center. In the Palace of Culture building itself, the room is located behind the stage: you need to walk through the assembly hall, look behind the scenes, and slip past the piano.

The disadvantages are obvious: when there is a concert in the assembly hall, it is more difficult to find a studio and the teacher has to personally meet clients.

Therefore, Nastya is looking for a new premises. Renting something suitable in the center of Voronezh costs 18-25 thousand rubles per month. After opening, you need to have enough money to pay rent for several months in advance.

25,000 R

How much does it cost to rent a studio space per month?

Repair, furniture and equipment

Nastya did not have to do any repairs after buying out the studio. She saved RUB 50,000 on repairs. But equipment and furniture had to be purchased.

To paint, you need easels. These are stands on which canvases are placed while working. Nastya bought ten simple easels from the former owner for 1000 R each.

The room already had a desk for the teacher, soft ottomans, chairs, a hanger and a small table. Nastya paid the former owner 10,000 RUR for them. This is less than if you buy everything again. For applied arts classes, Nastya bought two large tables for 3000 R and six wooden stools from Ikea for 300 R each.

A small dining area is a must-have element for creative studios. Students should feel comfortable drinking tea, talking, and relaxing. Hard training for 10 hours at an easel is a different genre. The dishes and kettle cost Nastya 1000 RUR.

Most classes are held in daylight, so Nastya did not buy special lamps.

Costs for furniture, equipment and utensils:

  • easels - 10,000 RUR;
    various furniture - 15,000 RUR;
    dishes - 1000 RUR.

Painting materials

Students come to Lamp empty-handed: all the supplies are provided by the studio. In order for clients to be satisfied, Nastya must provide them with high-quality paints and tools.

Professional paints, brushes, canvases and painting tools are expensive. Nastya tries to buy them in bulk to save money. A regular purchase costs Nastya 30,000 RUR - these materials will last for 3-4 months. But still, every month you have to buy little things: paints, pencils, paper.

For classes in classical painting, you need to collect a still life fund. These are objects that are interesting to draw: vases, ceramics, household utensils, models of vegetables and fruits, fabrics, draperies, and so on.

Not all objects are suitable for a still life collection: you can’t just pick up the first ones you come across from the mezzanine. Items should be easy to draw. To make a composition out of them, they must be combined with each other in color and shape. At first, Nastya spent 5,000 RUR on the still life fund.

The still life fund must be constantly replenished. The richer it is, the more opportunities for painting and the more interesting it is for students. That’s why Nastya is constantly looking on Avito for jugs, vases, and utensils that would be great to draw. Some students and colleagues share their finds with Nastya.

Fabrics for drapery, plaster figures, artificial flowers and fruits are more expensive. Nastya buys all this gradually, whenever possible. On average, she spends 1000-2000 R per month on this.

Every month Nastya spends another 5-10 thousand rubles on materials, products, household items, disposable aprons, little things for a pleasant atmosphere, and small interior items. If the limit is reached this month, the purchase is transferred to the next one. Exceptions are only for the most necessary for classes.

Costs for painting materials:

  • materials for painting - 30,000 RUR;
    still life fund - 5000 RUR;
    monthly expenses - 10,000 RUR.


After the director left, the studio was left with two dozen students and a small group on VKontakte. Nastya changed its name and added new services. All promotion had to be done from scratch.

Nastya came up with the design herself. She paid only for a small amount of advertising printing: booklets, leaflets, business cards. Everything cost 2000 R - this is a monthly expense.

Nastya does not spend money on promoting the studio. Clients come through social networks and based on recommendations and reviews. Many clients come after master classes on the side: in a hobby market, tea club, in schools and shopping centers.

Giveaways through VKontakte groups turned out to be ineffective. They did not bring real clients: many unsubscribe as soon as they find out that they did not win. Of those who do not unsubscribe, most do not reach the studio.

Nastya believes that a group with live subscribers and high-quality regular content attracts the attention of people who help with promotion. These are journalists, administrators of creative and cultural public pages, and festival organizers. That’s why Nastya posts notes about painting, drawing lessons, and reviews of master classes on VKontakte.

In the spring, the studio was invited to local television. Nastya recorded two master classes, one of the teachers starred in the morning program. This gave a new experience and brought new people to the studio.


In addition to Nastya, two more teachers work in the studio. They are not on staff, but rent a studio for their own classes. Nastya receives a percentage of rent from them and helps attract clients.

Nastya herself conducts oil painting master classes, draws with children, performs administrative work, and helps as an assistant at her colleagues’ master classes.

Clients and earnings

Most clients are women from 25 to 45 years old and children. A significant proportion of women are teachers. Men come much less often.

There are separate groups for children and many master classes in different techniques: drawing on water, oriental painting, right-hemisphere drawing and others. They do not generate the main revenue, but they help attract new customers.

Often studio guests return and become regular customers. After the master class, many people sign up for a course.

The most popular master class and the main source of revenue is oil painting. It costs from 900 to 2000 RUR depending on the size of the canvas. A master class on pastels costs 450 RUR, on oriental painting - 650 RUR, on right-hemisphere drawing - 1500 RUR.

1500 R

worth a master class on right hemisphere drawing

A course in watercolor painting of 12 lessons costs 5760 RUR with studio materials and 5000 RUR with student materials. A drawing lesson for children costs 300 RUR.

Lampa has 60-80 students per month. At large outdoor master classes, as well as in holidays and holidays, the number of students increases 2-3 times: 15-20 people come to one master class.

Master classes open up painting to people and spark interest in classical art. For example, the first time I painted in oils was in Nastya’s class. Afterwards, my wife and I bought canvas, brushes and a palette. Now in free time We are drawing.

Spending at the start

The minimum amount to open a painting studio is RUB 150,000 without repairs. This amount is enough to operate the studio for three months. If everything is done correctly, the studio should be profitable during this time.

When the studio first opened, an online cash register was not required. Now it is required by law. Therefore, 30,000 RUR must be added to Nastya’s expenses - the cost of the box office.

Private art schools are not very common nowadays, as many entrepreneurs do not consider such a business to be serious. This is due to the fact that for many years art courses were provided free of charge. Even now, on the basis of regular schools, there are drawing clubs in which children study for a nominal fee. But, despite the fact that there are many free art sections, this business is quite in demand.

The target audience

In order for the opening of an art school to generate a stable income, it is necessary to choose the right target audience. You need to think about who the classes will be held for. To accept correct solution, it is advisable to assess the demand and supply of these services in a specific territorial unit. As a rule, children's art clubs are available in sufficient quantities, but classes for adult artists are very rare. So how to open art studio?

Business registration

Before starting work, an art school must be registered. If you plan to recruit staff and issue official certificates to graduates, you need to obtain the status non-governmental institution. This costs a lot of money and is associated with many difficulties. Not every entrepreneur will risk investing in such a risky project.

The main difference between art school and other educational courses is that most people take classes for fun rather than to earn a degree. Therefore, it is more advisable to register as individual entrepreneur, at least for the first time. This will save money.

Selecting a room

It is worth approaching the choice of premises for a future studio with great responsibility. First of all, you need to calculate your own financial opportunities. The cost of renting a room depends on many factors, so it is worth considering various options. The school does not have to be located in the city center; it can also be in a remote area. It is important that there are residential complexes nearby, as well as good transport links. It’s unlikely that people will want to travel for hours to get to class, especially after a hard day’s work.

The interior of the room also deserves attention. The room should be quite spacious and bright. To avoid choking odors of paint and solvents, it is advisable to take care of the presence of a hood.

The area of ​​the premises depends on the number of students planned. It is not necessary to invite a lot of people at once, as this will additionally cost easels and other necessary supplies. If the school will hold lectures, you need to purchase desks.

A mandatory requirement for a room that will be used as an art studio is the presence of a sink with running warm water. This is necessary for washing your hands and arms after classes. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for an art school, it is necessary to include utility costs.

Basic operating principles

Before opening an art studio, it is necessary to think through the basic principles that will underlie all work. Most schools require students to purchase all materials themselves, but they will still need to make some supplies.

Easels, paper, brushes, paints and other supplies can be purchased at wholesale prices, this will help reduce costs. But you shouldn’t choose low-quality materials, it’s not in the best possible way will affect the reputation of the school. But you can buy furniture that is not new, but in good condition. The total cost depends on the number of students.

Staff Recruitment

Before opening an art studio, you need to calculate the number of students who will be able to study at the school. In the case where there are no plans to recruit staff and classes will be conducted by the entrepreneur’s own resources, you should not hire more than 6-7 people. After all, during training, everyone will need to pay attention, helping to correct mistakes. The duration of the lesson can be from 1.5 to 2 hours.

You need to take staff selection very seriously. A teacher who loves what he does and enthusiastically involves other people in drawing is a godsend for an art studio. He is able to create creative program, which will not only give students knowledge, but can also contribute to their relaxation and rest. Such a school will definitely have regular customers and also make a profit.

A class schedule must be drawn up so that students can plan their time. If the main audience is working adults, then it makes sense to conduct training only in the evening. If you wish, you can find property owners who will agree to rent out the premises for certain hours. With this issue, you can turn to existing schools for help by renting classrooms from them. This will significantly reduce costs.