Autumn, what awaits twins in love

The surrounding secrets will begin to be revealed to Gemini in 2016. This will fill the representatives of the sign with some new understanding of reality. Don't worry, the events prepared for you by the Monkey will be extremely positive. You will have exciting conversations with many people. Some of them will become your friends, the rest will show respect and respect, which you undoubtedly deserve, although you yourself do not yet know about it.

The fact is that your talents and abilities will be fully revealed in personal meetings and conversations. Charm and the ability to sincerely empathize with others will rapidly grow your image. They will listen to you, think about your advice or just an inadvertently dropped phrase. Many on own experience will feel what it means to be a recognized leader in society.

The stars recommend taking the moment to expand inner world, absorb new information, acquire the necessary “life knowledge”. Perhaps no one will hear as many other people’s stories and ups and downs as you do. Learn from their mistakes so as not to make your own, adopt the experience of your interlocutors. You will probably find it useful. You need to keep your soul open to new experiences. This position will allow you to fill it with extraordinary harmony and magical feelings.

2016 prepared for Gemini as incredible adventures, and tests in the field romantic relationships. But, first things first. The stars recommend taking a responsible approach to expressing your own emotions throughout the year. You know, they can cut like a sharp knife. Remember this, then life will delight you with the stability of feelings and the constancy of relationships.

Some single Geminis (strange expression) will be lucky enough to meet a soul mate who is ideally suited to their looks. Unbridled passion can burst into a calm and measured life. Meet her without regard to others. Let them not envy! It doesn’t happen often that people understand almost at first sight that they are meant for each other! You can create your own world and fill it with extraordinary emotions. The stars warn against jealousy. It will be completely unreasonable, but very painful. Throw away this “emotional trash” right away. You don't need it.

Married people will feel calm and comfortable with their spouse until about mid-summer. But then some of them may encounter a “skeleton in the closet.” Don't make hasty decisions. It’s easy to lose your spouse, only he was given to you by fate. Better go on vacation. Let everything melt away, let the pain be covered with new impressions. What happened is long gone and overgrown with mud! Show your characteristic generosity and wisdom. Everything will definitely work out.

Money and career horoscope for Gemini

Reasonable sociability will lead to the fact that the attitude towards you at the place of duty will begin to change in better side. Even those Geminis who, until 2016, were quite happy with their position will feel this. There is no limit to perfection! The authorities will favor you, sensing an equal in you. You will have to take the trouble to give advice to your manager. It is clear that this is a serious and responsible matter. Don’t worry, you have enough strength and wisdom, as you will be surprised to see. Get down to business with confidence.

Many representatives of the sign will not just grow, but soar career ladder. Change will happen without difficulty or obstacles. Representatives of the sign who have such a chance must exercise reasonable caution when making decisions. The rest will happen on its own. It is clear that in this situation there are problems with financial side not expected.

The situation will be different for free creators. They will have to make their way with their minds. Sponsors or caring patrons will appear only in the fall. Until then, follow a saving regime, regularly pampering yourself with excesses so as not to get bored. You will be lucky in your creativity if you boldly defend your views. Don't listen to critics and alarmists. You personally will not have any crisis. Loans and trading on the stock exchange are not recommended for Gemini in 2016 due to the instability of the general financial system. You need to be especially wary of currency risks.

Health horoscope in 2016

The year 2016 of the Monkey will bring some loss of energy for persistent Gemini. This is already clear to those who are familiar with the laws of energy circulation between people. You will spend a lot on communication and empathy, experiencing regular “hunger”. In order to prevent your body from getting sick, try to monitor your diet. The stars advise eating seasonal fruits every day. And in winter, lean on apples.

In summer, it is advisable to spend a lot of time outdoors. Since the Fire Monkey has prepared a “year of communication” for you, does it matter where you follow her plan? Invite your interlocutors to the park or to the river, let them pour out their souls there. Among the trees energy level will not be subjected to the same tests as in a closed space. For those who experience regular fatigue and sleep problems, flowing water is recommended.

In warm weather, swim in the pond available in your area. When it’s cold, take a contrast shower. Such procedures will help to “wash away” the negative, keep your energy sufficient for normal life level. Then you won't have to worry about serious illnesses.

Gemini woman horoscope for the year of the Monkey

The stars strongly recommend that beautiful ladies born under the sign of Gemini start learning something. This is a great period for learning new knowledge. Choose the topic yourself. It must correspond to the inner needs of the soul. If you can’t figure out where to start, then listen to one of those who comes to pour out their soul to you. Believe me, with your intuition it is simply impossible not to grasp the topic. Warning: you are used to arguing with yourself. In the year of the Fire Monkey, give up this activity. It is unproductive and even harmful. This way you can “bet” all your incredible chances of success!

The stars also believe that whether you agree with them or not, it’s up to you to decide that you should not refuse foreign business trips. There you will get a lot useful information. It will replenish your personal store of wisdom and help you make the right decisions for a long time. Don't miss this opportunity!

From the beginning of the year, married women need to pay increased attention to their significant other. It may happen that by the end of the period you will understand that he is not the second, but the first figure in your alliance. The feeling of enthusiastic pride in the person who gave you his heart will be a reward for your efforts. In addition, you will receive some charming surprise from him, your beloved.

Gemini man horoscope for 2016

Men who have the honor of being born under this sign will feel like Napoleon. No, you won’t have to surround the capitals and then flee from the peasants in shame! You will try on a different part of the fate of this great commander. Throughout the first half of the year, you will accumulate strength, carefully and scrupulously collecting information and selecting associates. And by autumn you will begin an “attack” in the right direction.

In 2016, Gemini men will climb to the top career growth. For some, this will be promotion at their current place of service, others will look for another place (with big income and prospects). Still others will start their own business. Any undertaking can become not just successful, but also fateful. With good preparation, you will be able to rest on your laurels for many years to come. But you will have to do the preliminary work yourself, very pedantically, trying to calculate all the nuances. In this case, success is guaranteed!

“Napoleons” - Gemini should not forget about loved ones in the whirlwind of brilliant plans and desperate assaults. Believe me, your loved ones will become your most faithful corporals and lieutenants, and your friends will become soldiers. Pay attention to them, do not offend them with coldness and neglect.


No, it is absolutely impossible to keep up with you! While those around them were just about to say “gop,” Gemini had already jumped over this barrier, twice. You are able to organize everything from scratch in half an hour, having found during this time common language with a dozen people. You manage to do not two, but four things at the same time, and all of them ultimately bring resounding success. You are always up to date latest news, you grasp everything on the fly and even in the farthest corner of the planet, without knowing a word of the local dialect, you are able to immediately make friends with the natives. You are admired, idolized and even hated lovingly. It’s just that you often lack real depth and true spirituality in your life. You scatter yourself over trifles, waste yourself, rush into details - and in this race you can, alas, miss something very important.


As in everything, in nutrition you also prefer variety, similar to confusion - hence possible problems with the stomach. Among your “typical” diseases are asthma and bronchitis, so take care of your respiratory system, walk through coniferous forests more often, go on vacation to the sea or to the mountains - but just don’t stay in the city! Avoid drinking too many stimulants, including coffee and tea. Your healthy foods and supplements: whole milk, oranges, fish.


Keyword Variety is for you. For some Geminis, this means that you change partners like gloves, but, in fact, in your personal life, even within the same relationship, you strive for constant discoveries and new horizons. Friends mean a lot to you; It’s quite possible that your other half doesn’t like it too much. With all this, your personal life, as a rule, develops rapidly - just as you dream about.

Work and career

Staying too long in one position or in one company is not your style. And if you have already decided that it has become crowded here, you cannot be lured back by any promises. Your bosses love you for your fresh ideas, quick reaction, and ability to work, but don’t expect, dear Gemini, that they will forgive you for your inconstancy. The best option You will have your own business, which you can develop at your own discretion, without looking at anyone in particular.


Life without constant communication is no life for you at all, so you are ready to make friends with everyone who comes into your field of vision. What can you do if not everyone is as friendly as you? With “your own kind” - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, and most often with Cancer and Taurus - you are always pleasant, easy and interesting; even the most whirlwind romance can start with a simple exchange of views. You terrify Pisces and Scorpios; they cannot keep up with you even if they try. But Capricorns and Virgos already cause horror in you: you are too different, and upon closer acquaintance this becomes too obvious to both sides. However, even these unions can become fruitful, because, let’s not forget, you are able to find a common language with everyone. And in general, Gemini should also be the first to make contact with extraterrestrial intelligence! With your communication skills, you certainly won’t let us down!


You are quite free in your clothes, sometimes even careless, yet you manage to never change own style. And let sometimes those around you shake their heads at you in bewilderment: a bright person should dress brightly! Your problem is that you don’t like to take care of your clothes, so they quickly deteriorate. But what does this matter if you know how to make a splash with your appearance in any situation?!

2016 will bring you a lot positive emotions. You will spend a lot of time communicating with pleasant people and from these conversations you will draw a lot of useful and interesting information. Many secrets will be revealed to you. Also, people around you will come to you for advice. Surely this period and such events will bring quite a lot of changes into your life, which will further affect your future. Thanks to the fact that you will begin to enjoy special trust and respect among those around you, not only your personal life, but also your official affairs will improve. Representatives zodiac sign Geminis will feel like very important people, collected, intelligent and will become popular. You will constantly be in the hustle and bustle of meetings, because of this you will be constantly busy and your time will be scheduled to every minute, and despite this you will be able to have a great rest and enjoy life, since fate will give you everything that you are so excited about dreamed for a long time.

Also, for representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign, 2016 will be a real adventure. You will plunge into the world of the unknown, you will experience many new feelings that were unfamiliar to you until now. You will be able to achieve a lot, no matter what you undertake, only luck and success will accompany you. It will seem to you that it is during this period that you will be able to move mountains. You will move towards your goal firmly and confidently without noticing any obstacles in front of you. Creative representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will achieve special peaks in their creativity, which will be able to put those around them into a state of shock with delight. They will begin to treat you with some caution, but not because they will not trust you as an individual, but because they will be afraid of harming your inspiration.

Love horoscope for 2016 Gemini

2016 will provide representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini with the opportunity to completely reconsider their personal relationships. For single Geminis, a special period of time will come, you will be overwhelmed by love with full force and bright colors this feeling. You will be subject to crazy actions for the sake of your soulmate. It may even happen that the people around you will simply be perplexed by your actions. There is no need to pay attention to anyone, everything depends only on you. Listen to your heart and follow its call. The person you meet will also completely lose his head over you, will idolize you and eagerly count the minutes until your meetings. Most likely, you will decide to connect your life with this person. But before you take such a step, you should think carefully about all the pros and cons. Since you will have to spend every new day with this person and continue your family line.

For family representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign, the beginning of 2016 will be good period, in order to resolve all arising family conflicts and achieve a golden mean in relationships. Try to spend more time at home, pay attention to your children, and rejoice at their successes together. Also, don’t forget about your parents, they will also need your attention. Moreover, my father will have a difficult period. Therefore, you should pay special attention to this. Support him, and if you ever need help, you will be answered with the same kindness and understanding.

The middle of 2016 will also not be able to pamper representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign. There are no significant changes in personal relationships for the better. Some information from the past will come to light in the family, which could play a role fatal role in your family life. To resolve this situation, you will have to make every effort, otherwise the relationship will be severed. The best way out from this situation it will become long trip. You should leave your home for a while and give your significant other time to think. If you start to escalate the situation, it will have a bad effect on your family relationships. Trust your friends less, as they are the ones who can interfere in your personal life and start giving unnecessary advice to anyone. This can especially affect the correctness of your loved one’s decision. Trust only yourself and your intuition, it will not let you down!

The end of 2016 heralds improvements in personal relationships. The heart of your loved one will melt and be filled with feelings of love with renewed vigor. All problems will slowly begin to disappear from your family. Children will bring you joy. Family life will slowly be filled with trust, understanding and warmth. There will come a period of bright and sincere feelings, thanks to your joint efforts with your loved one and the desire to always be there!

Gemini career in 2016

Thanks to the fact that everyone will admire you, you will begin to achieve significant achievements in the professional field. Your boss will pay attention to you, and you will enjoy special favor. Changes will begin at work, and you will have to completely reconsider your attitude towards your professional activity. Of course, after all, when every person climbs the career ladder, he immediately begins to change his attitude not only towards his colleagues, but also towards all the people around him. Even if the moment comes that you have time to relax, you will not be able to spend time with loved ones. Since proposals will come from different sources, permanent contracts, you will be confused by this choice. Only one situation can save you; how you know how to communicate with people, your ability to learn and strive for something new will play a big role. Representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will have to become more than just popular. The beginning of the year 2016 will be a period of fateful changes for Gemini; you will not only achieve success, but also beat your rivals in any business.

At the end of 2016, the situation will become a little tense. But this will not scare you, and you will continue to achieve your goals with even greater positivity. Each of the Geminis realizes how deeply and grandiosely their position in the professional sphere will change. Don’t stop, if you continue to act just as actively and confidently, an excellent future is guaranteed for you.

Gemini finances in 2016

In 2016, representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will have a constantly changing financial situation. If you act persistently and confidently, you can overcome a very unfavorable money situation. Show more confidence in your actions, this will help you restore stability in material well-being. You should not spend a lot of money at the beginning of 2016, as you will need it to implement your plans in your professional activities. No matter how successful a person is, everyone must have initial capital. In mid-2016, a major financial loss may occur that will be associated with the family, so refrain from taking an ill-considered and chaotic step.

The decent amount you have accumulated will be seriously tested in the middle of the year. But you will cope with this situation, and it will not greatly affect either your professional activity or your financial situation. Therefore, you will overcome it with ease. Don’t worry if your reserves decrease a little; in any case, by the end of 2016 you will be able to earn the entire lost amount. Judging by the situation that will develop at the beginning of the year, you should find a part-time job or a source that can bring you additional income. So how to implement your plans and support your family on one wages it will turn out to be very difficult.

The beginning and middle of 2016 will be quite cloudy financially. But you should not stop at anything, if you are offered to invest money in a large business, you can confidently completely trust this person, you will not be deceived, and it is this investment that you will increase several times by the end of 2016. But under no circumstances try to get involved in a currency transaction, this could mean complete bankruptcy for you. You can invest money, as mentioned above, in developing plans only in those enterprises that employ people you have known for a long time and have been verified by you in partnership affairs.

The end of 2016 will give representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign the opportunity to understand that business is their strong point. Only during this period will they be able to completely solve all problems related to the professional and financial sphere. By the end of the year, you will already have a completely stable financial situation. And you will experience complete satisfaction from the fruitful work you have done. Your accumulated capital will serve good start in the near future, in which you can develop your business and further improve your financial situation.

Gemini health in 2016

The beginning of 2016 portends not very good health for representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign. This may concern emotional disturbances, which may be accompanied by headaches and sleepless nights. Try to relax more time, communicate with people you like, find time for walks fresh air. This will help you not only get rid of emotional stress, but also relieve you from headaches and insomnia.

In mid-2016, be more careful on the roadway. Since this period can become dangerous for you, injuries are possible. There is also an assumption that chronic diseases may worsen. Try to devote as much time as possible to your health. The cardiovascular system from representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini will require special attention. Walk more, take a contrast shower, drink vitamin tea, all these actions will help you get rid of discomfort and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

At the end of the year, pay attention to your immune system. Try to lead healthy image life, do physical exercise, eat only healthy and vitamin-rich foods. Don't forget that your health is in your hands!

Horoscope for 2016 Gemini man

The first six months will be a kind of acceleration for you. You will slowly collect information, acquire the necessary acquaintances and connections, and accumulate knowledge. But due to such activities, your family life, your significant other may be offended because you devote too little time to her. Try to take this into account and properly distribute time between work and family.

The summer of 2016 promises changes in behavior for Gemini men. Some people may take up bookkeeping at home, trying to save money or solve financial problems, while others will discover their talent as a cook. The main task of those around you during this period is to take these changes seriously. The Gemini man will really need support during this period of time.

Horoscope for 2016 Gemini woman

The Year of the Monkey for Gemini women will be filled with useful acquaintances and impressions. This year is good for advanced training courses or language learning. Gemini women are encouraged to expand their horizons. This will help you significantly advance your career and replenish your family budget.

In the year of the Monkey, women born under the sign of Gemini are recommended to go on business trips abroad, and in July you can show off and win honor, respect, and possibly worthwhile prizes. And at the end of the year, the main thing for you will be the successes of your other half.

The most curious and easy to communicate sign, which Mercury pushes on an eternal search. They are very sociable, they love to learn and gain new knowledge, they get along well with people and know how to carry on a conversation on any topic. These are broad-minded people and they always have the necessary connections in a variety of industries. They approach life easily, make decisions very quickly and change them just as quickly. They are very susceptible to the influence of others, because the opinions of others are important to them. Despite such frivolity, Geminis are very practical. Always be sure that their point of view is the most correct and do not try to convince them of this.

They are very fickle in their passions, and therefore they have a lot romance novels, and in the family they do not always remain faithful. Twins they value freedom very much, therefore, they will always try to relieve themselves of the burden of obligations and be obligated to no one.

What awaits Gemini in 2016

A year of trials and difficult decisions. Despite the frivolity and ease of behavior, this sign is considered the most powerful in spiritual terms. And in 2016, many values ​​will have to be reconsidered. If externally everything seems to remain in its place, then global changes will occur in the inner world. You will enthusiastically take on any job, but doubts will settle in your soul - is this the right path for you?

There is a big risk that Gemini will take on many things rather out of inertia, without showing sincere interest in them.

A charming Gemini, on the one hand, will demonstrate friendliness, intelligence, understanding, and on the other hand, will sometimes be irritable and sarcastic. Keep your mouth shut - it's easy to lose friends this year because of your backbiting. If you direct your communication skills in the right direction, then success in any field is guaranteed.

The year opens unlimited growth opportunities, which not all Geminis will use, because they simply will not see them.

Love horoscope for 2016. Twins

The beginning of 2016 promises to be calm for Gemini. Complete harmony with family and friends. There is peace and quiet in the family. Perhaps Gemini will rediscover how dear they are to close person. This will awaken new feelings and relationships. You shouldn’t delve too much into your mental world and sort things out, this can lead to a protracted conflict.

The middle of 2016 is a very stormy year for sorting out relationships; this is the time when Gemini will constantly experience mood swings.

Lonely Geminis should be careful and attentive. The Red Monkey, the symbol of the year, will constantly provoke this sign to go to great lengths, you will start a relationship that will not last long, but you will not experience any regret in this regard. A year will pass in search of that personality who can appreciate your deep inner world and come to terms with your duality and impermanence. There is a very high probability of a wild life and several novels at the same time. This will add a certain drive to Gemini’s life and raise adrenaline in the blood. But we must learn to stop in time, because such a situation will not lead to anything good.

Gemini will have to make a serious choice, because it is simply impossible to constantly work on several love fronts. Those who cope with this task will find a reliable soul mate.

The end of the year will be emotionally empty. After a stormy summer, you will want to be alone, and this is a great chance to sort yourself out.

Money horoscope for 2016. Twins

Geminis take material possessions lightly and calmly part with money. But this is the year when money will simply flow into your hands. No matter what area you take on, the stars everywhere promise profit and prosperity. There is a risk that Gemini will get too carried away with making money and sometimes will not be able to stop in front of dubious transactions. After all, in order to be free, Gemini also needs material independence, and therefore sometimes they will embark on dirtier adventures, without experiencing any pangs of conscience. For Geminis, there is nothing wrong with deceiving someone and then atone for their sins in church.

A year when financial flows will be generous, but you will have to work very hard to replenish your budget. There are many opportunities, and Gemini will not want to miss any of them.

good time for doing business, there are practically no risks. If you want luck not to turn away from you, you should appease it. It’s great if you spend part of the funds on charitable purposes, helping the weaker. A time when big money needs to be spent quickly, because as soon as you start saving, your income will begin to decrease. A good time for acquisitions of the most serious kind, from buying an apartment and a car to a variety of small things.

The year when you can safely open new projects and work in several directions at once. Financially, Gemini will not know failure, but such a tense rhythm can have a negative impact on overall well-being and mood.

Career horoscope for 2016. Twins

Good time in yours professional activities. Thanks to Gemini's sociability and sociability, very high patrons will appear who will help in their career and business. It is only important to be aware of what they want from you in return. Along with good promising proposals, very dubious ones will appear, bordering on the law. Know how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

There will be an opportunity to quickly climb the career ladder. But the second half of the year will be tense. Firstly, Gemini will lead a stormy personal life, and fate will also give them new opportunities at work, and there will be no time left for rest. This may contribute to the fact that, against the backdrop of an excellent prospect, Gemini will be overwhelmed by depression.

The most important task for this period is manage your time correctly. If you encounter a problem at work, do not close your eyes to it, but boldly solve it. And then your career will take off. If you leave everything in the same place, then you will miss your chance, which will not happen again soon.

Serious offers will be received to take a new position or change the field of activity, and Gemini will respond positively to this. In terms of work, this turn is very encouraging, but you may miss some important points in family or relationships with friends. Don't let a new, exciting and promising job completely consume you. Some Geminis will be faced with a choice - family or career. It is worth noting that most representatives of this sign will choose the second, because they really value their independence, and a high position allows them to feel this to the fullest.

Health horoscope for 2016. Twins

A stormy personal life, an excellent financial situation and success at work will have a very adverse effect on the health of Gemini if ​​you do not leave time for rest and relaxation.

Gemini's weak point is the gastrointestinal tract. Many Geminis will have to see a gastroenterologist in 2016. Do not delay your visit and carefully follow all his recommendations. This year you should pay special attention to your nutrition. Moreover, you should monitor not only the quality of food, but also the timing of meals. Try to follow a diet to avoid serious consequences.

Also skin problems may occur- the busy life of Gemini does not allow time for rest and relaxation, which has a very adverse effect on appearance. Try to give yourself 2 hours at least once a week for masks, skin cleansing, and spa treatments. The 2016 horoscope highly recommends Gemini to give up bad habits.

The likelihood of nervous overload and stress is very high. This may lead to depressive state and complete loss of strength. Therefore, find opportunities to rest and relax more often. Set aside at least a few days a month for complete rest from work. Do not overestimate the capabilities of your body, which is by no means made of iron and needs rest. During your vacation, try to turn off all phones and completely forget about work.

There is also a high probability of frequent colds. Take vitamins and immediately begin treatment at the first indisposition.

Celebrities who were born under the sign of Gemini:

Peter I, Count Cagliostro, Conan Doyle, Mikhail Sholokhov, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Joseph Brodsky, Johnny Depp, Maxim Galkin, Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman, Daria Dontsova, Naomi Campbell, Anzhelika Varum.

Eastern horoscope for 2016

Other horoscopes for 2016

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