Additional information about the internship. Law on internship. How long does the internship last: terms and procedure

Internship in the workplace on labor protection in 2019 is carried out in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-2015. Its order has been significantly changed compared to the previous standard. Let's talk about the current rules.

Read in the article:

Who is exempt from on-the-job training?

The requirement for an internship in labor protection is not applicable to employees who are engaged in work of hazard classes 1 and 2. There is also no need to pass for employees who move to other structural units within the same organization, unless this is related to a change in job responsibilities. But if an employee moves to a job where working conditions deteriorate (and they become harmful or dangerous), an internship is necessary.

Duration of on-the-job internship

The legislation does not regulate the duration of the internship process: this issue remains at the discretion of the head of the organization, as well as the number of internship shifts at the workplace. At the same time, they take into account not only the “harmfulness” of production, but also the work experience of the trainee (including this enterprise), his education and qualifications. It is clear that the less practice a person has, the longer he should intern.

Duration is set:

  • for blue-collar professions with no work experience – no less than a month, but no longer than six months;
  • personnel belonging to junior service and blue-collar professions - from 3 to 19 shifts;
  • managers and specialists – within 2-4 weeks.


GOST regulates the procedure for passing through general outline, leaving many decisions to the discretion of the employer. In particular, this is the appointment of mentors. Mentoring can only be carried out by experienced workers (qualified as occupational safety instructors), industrial training instructors, and immediate supervisors. Managers and specialists can only learn from higher-level personnel appointed by the first person in the organization.

In order to conduct an internship in labor protection, you first need to draw up a program. It includes:

  • Data on the duration of the procedure.
  • Tasks and goals.
  • The content of the training is the knowledge and skills that will be acquired.
  • Familiarization with documents such as regulations on the structural unit, internal standards and regulations, LNA on occupational health and safety at work.
  • Information about working conditions.

The mentor carefully observes how he works new employee, if necessary, intervenes and helps to avoid mistakes. In conclusion, he must write a free-form review of his student, summing up the results of the training.

After this, the employee must. Junior service personnel or workers are examined by a special qualification commission. Managers and specialists apply to the certification commission. The form of the examination is at the discretion of the employer. It is important that in the end both the practical and theoretical knowledge of the employee and his understanding of labor protection requirements are assessed.

The commission should be composed of an odd number of employees to avoid controversial assessments. Usually this is three people. If the commission confirms the qualifications of the subject, . On its basis, the employer issues an order on admission to independent work.

If the knowledge is considered insufficient, the employee has the opportunity to undergo a second internship within a month and try to pass the exam again. If the commission does not consider the exam passed the second time, the question arises about the employee’s suitability for the position held.

How to apply for an internship at your workplace

It is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

Everyone who... This applies to the youngest service personnel, workers, specialists, managers.

This process must be organized for the listed categories of workers in the following cases:

  • When hiring.
  • In case of internal transfer, if it entails a change in job responsibilities or position.
  • In a situation where an employee is preparing to replace an absent permanent employee (sick leave, long business trip, vacation).

Also, the head of the enterprise has the right to establish the obligation to undergo an internship in other cases, if he considers it necessary for the transfer of experience and more efficient organization of work.

The best learning comes from hands-on experience. In working conditions, such a period when theoretical knowledge and skills are “tested” in practice is called “internship”.

  • Is it mandatory for every employee?
  • How should an employer formalize this process correctly?
  • Is it possible to fire an employee due to unsatisfactory results of an internship?
  • To pay or not to pay wages for this period?

Many participants labor relations They confuse the concept of internship with a probationary period and initial instruction. There are many nuances, they need to be clarified.

What is the internship for?

The main point of an internship is that an employee learns directly in the process of his production activities. This period, when both study and activity occur simultaneously, helps the employee to practically master work skills in new conditions. Most often, the need for an internship is obvious in the following situations.

  1. First job. Yesterday's student received theoretical training in his specialty, but he certainly lacks practical skills due to lack of experience. Under the guidance of an experienced mentor in real working conditions, practical training will take place quickly and effectively.
  2. Harmful and dangerous conditions. If a person starts working under such working conditions, then he needs a period of supervision by experienced curators who will help him navigate and avoid possible incidents industrial injuries and harm to health.
  3. Change of workplace. If a person did not change employer, but only a position, for example, moved to another department, received other responsibilities, or even went for a promotion, he will need time to understand the new working conditions. An internship will provide this opportunity.

PLEASE NOTE! An internship is necessary in any situation when a person starts new job, regardless of his experience and theoretical training.

What the law says about internships

The provisions on employee internships are enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and related documents. The regulations set out the regulations for internships, as well as the categories of workers for whom this process is mandatory, including the responsibility of the employer. The internship procedure is defined in the following legislative acts:

  • Art. 212 Labor Code Russian Federation;
  • Resolution No. 1-29 of the Ministry of Education of January 13, 2003;
  • Order No. 37 of Rostechnadzor dated January 29, 2007;
  • GOST 12.0.004-90 clause 7.2.4;
  • Letter RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12.

Positive aspects of the internship for both parties

Practical activities under the guidance of a more experienced specialist bear great benefit for both sides of the labor process. Thanks to the internship employee:

  • acquires or improves practical work skills in his specialty;
  • can evaluate himself in the context of new working conditions;
  • clarifies the range of his immediate responsibilities and requirements for them;
  • joins the team, begins to build relationships with colleagues, superiors or subordinates;
  • gently adapts to new working conditions, schedule, workplace, routine requirements and discipline.

Pros of an internship for the employer:

  • compliance with legislation regarding requirements for creating safe working conditions;
  • increasing employee efficiency by reinforcing theoretical training with practical skills;
  • increasing the level of training and qualifications of employees, and therefore their productivity;
  • reducing the risk of harm to health at work;
  • direct acquaintance with the employee’s work style, development of management strategy.

ATTENTION! The only negative aspect of an internship can be its incorrect organization, when the employee’s rights are violated or the process is carried out with violations, and therefore ineffective.

For whom an internship is inevitable?

The law talks about mandatory internships for certain categories of people just starting work. These include:

  • young specialists;
  • employees who came to work in harmful and/or dangerous conditions;
  • operators of technological and/or industrial installations;
  • drivers public transport(minibus taxis, trolleybuses, trams, buses).

IMPORTANT! For other categories of employees, the internship must be carried out in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which speaks of the need for the employer to provide safe training labor practices and organizing workplace safety training and internships. Many employers believe that in other cases an internship is not required, although this is not the case. The law only allows for a reduction in training time.

How long does the internship last?

The law does not provide precise regulations for the duration of internships. This period is established by the internal rules of the enterprise for specific positions and categories of employees. The minimum time that a new recruit should work under the supervision of a mentor is 2 shifts. The upper limit of the internship is 15 working days.

Documentary organization of the internship

To legally complete an internship, the employer must take care of the timely execution of the following documents:

  • regulations on internship, developed and approved by the enterprise;
  • internship programs for various specialties and qualifications;
  • order for internship;
  • an order stating that the internship has been completed and the employee can be allowed to independently perform work duties.

Features of the program

The internship program is individual for each category of employee, position, specialty, and qualification. It is developed by the internship supervisor (mentor appointed by order) and approved by superiors. The content of the program necessarily includes the following items:

  • the purpose of the internship;
  • requirements for the trainee;
  • the names of the documentation that he must study;
  • the duties that the intern will perform, his job description;
  • a set of training activities: familiarization with the workplace, the territory of the organization, study of work processes (by competencies), etc.;
  • ensuring the acquisition of practical skills (taking into account labor protection);
  • test based on the results of the internship.

Each stage should have a specific time planned (in hours or shifts), which can be adjusted if necessary.

Internship procedure

  1. Conclusion of an employment contract: fixed-term with a student intern, regular with an internship clause for a transferred or newly hired employee.
  2. Conducting initial briefing on labor safety and health (with recording of its completion in the appropriate journal).
  3. Appointment of a mentor-supervisor: an experienced employee who observes and provides training in practical skills.
  4. The internship itself is work under the supervision and guidance of a mentor.
  5. Test based on the results of the internship: performance testing can be in the form of an exam, test, survey, performance assessment, or other, provided for by the internal Regulations on the internship and its program for a specific position.
  6. Admission to permanent independent work on a general basis, issuance of an internship certificate.

Internship pitfalls

The most difficult aspect for interns who do not fully know their rights is that an unscrupulous employer may try to take advantage of their free labor by not paying them for the period of the internship and firing them at the end of it.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly states that the internship period must be fully paid; moreover, mentoring activities are also subject to additional payment.

You can appeal this situation to the commission on labor disputes, trade union organization or contact government agencies, for example, the labor inspectorate.

Employer, established at the legislative level. But the law itself contains very little information regarding how such procedures should be carried out and how long the internship lasts. Therefore, it is worth understanding this phenomenon in more detail.

Why do you need an internship at a company?

IN in this case It is worth using Articles 225, 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as support. They say that the main purpose of an internship is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to a new employee. His training should be organized by an experienced mentor. This is especially important when ensuring compliance with labor safety standards.

An internship is often confused with one of the following:

  1. Student internship.
  2. Probation.
  3. Discipleship.

An internship order is issued immediately after the same document informing about employment. The testing time itself is included in the main length of service.

Internship time must be reflected separately in timesheets and work schedules. Payment also becomes mandatory requirement. The amount of remuneration is described in the initial agreements.

Internship can also be called one of the forms of fulfilling requirements regarding labor protection and safety regulations. More complex working conditions lead to greater responsibility for results. And internships become more necessary.

An internship is required for some professions if they are related to:

  • serving people in areas like catering, education, medicine;
  • processing of dangerous objects and substances;
  • the use of sophisticated technology, the use of complex production processes;
  • servicing people using vehicles.

Internship: proper registration

The organization must have a certain set of internal documentation so that regulatory authorities have as few questions as possible:

  1. Regulations on internships. The general procedure for assigning and passing tests, establishing results - these are the issues that this provision is devoted to. It also determines the period that the test lasts.
  2. Internship program. Specific activities for a particular company that are included in the internship are described in detail here. The deadlines and responsible persons are described.
  3. Internship order. Must be issued separately for each employee who goes through the corresponding period.
  4. Order for permission to work independently. This document is issued if the result of the internship is positive. And if all the employee’s knowledge and skills meet the requirements set by management.

The Regulations should provide for the following items:

  • equipment requirements, if used;
  • verification, registration of test results;
  • description of responsible persons along with criteria for responsibility;
  • goals, procedure for carrying out control activities;
  • features of internships for employees of certain categories;
  • procedure for admission to work after completion of the test;
  • goals, order of the event;
  • requirements for mastery and professional skills;
  • general provisions(this part is also called introductory).

Features of different categories of employees

Features of internships for different professions

For some, the duration of the tests is prescribed only in regulatory documents. For example, you can’t do without it:

  • drivers of passenger transport;
  • arbitration manager;
  • notaries, lawyers, lawyers in various fields.

“Fundamentals of Notary Law” defines the internship for notary work. For example, the test can take a whole year when it comes to specialists planning to obtain a license to carry out official activities. Only a decision by the Ministry of Justice together with the Federal Notary Office can change this figure downward.

An internship at the bar can take from 1 to two years. Otherwise, it will be impossible to acquire the official status of a lawyer.

If it is necessary to join a self-regulatory organization, then the organization itself sets the duration of the internship, individually. The minimum term is two years. At the same time, internal documents can change the time upward.

The requirements of industry legislation regulate the rules for drivers of passenger transport. In this case, the internship can last from 1 day to 1 month. It all depends on the transport and the complexity of its management.

The specifics of the enterprise’s activities and the characteristics of specific employees are the factors that determine how long a particular internship will last. Standard terms range from 2 to 14 working days or full shifts.

Training may take longer long term when it comes to creating safe working conditions. The more complex and responsible the work required, the more time it takes to test.

There are also external legislation and industry regulations that may govern specific areas of activity. In other cases, employers can decide for themselves how long the test will last.

Exemption from internship: is it acceptable?

Article 212 of the Labor Code, where the need to undergo an internship was initially established, does not provide for any exceptions to the rules. But the legislation provides only general wording, which requires looking for additional support in the form of industry regulations and subordinate documents.

In one form or another, internship is required for all employees newly hired for a particular position. This is especially true for industries with hazardous or harmful working conditions.

But an analysis of existing standards allows us to identify those that can still count on exemption:

  1. Those who have at least 3 years of experience in their specialty. And people moving from one workshop to another, whose nature of work and type of equipment remain approximately the same. In this case, the management itself must make a decision regarding exemption from the internship.
  2. Lawyers who want to become attorneys have at least two years of experience and plan to become licensed.

What about paying for internships?

How are internships paid?

When applying for an internship, it is important to ensure that relationships with subordinates are formalized using one of the following types of contracts:

  • indefinite ;
  • urgent work type agreements;
  • civil law (for example, it is allowed to draw up a contract).

The document must separately specify the terms and conditions associated with payment. The latter must be present in any case at least in minimum size. The only exception to the rule is students who are sent to work by the educational institution.

Drawing up a plan, types of internship

There are no clear regulations for organizing an internship. All important points indicated in internal documentation legal entity or enterprises. Large organizations often develop this document in advance, making the plan suitable for employees at the same time various categories and levels.

But often the program requires taking into account individual characteristics this or that citizen. Then the document must be drawn up with the participation of the trainee and the supervisor at the same time.

Supervision by a supervisor is mandatory during the internship, as is recording of this procedure in a special journal. When the orientation course ends, special exams can be scheduled.

There are two main types of internships:

  1. General. One of the most important types of practice in production. Is that managers describe basic rules, labor protection and safety standards. Based on the results, an exam is prescribed, the main purpose of which is to check how the knowledge was previously acquired.
  2. Special. Such internships are often necessary for representatives of technical, “complex” specialties. Here they already talk about the immediate responsibilities of each specific employee. The rules for using equipment and all necessary equipment are described.

But you can refuse on-the-job instruction after completing the tests. It is usually carried out before introductory practice begins.

After listening to the instructions, the employee signs in a special journal, confirming familiarity with the rules and requirements. If the test is passed successfully, then the manager can independently draw up and sign an order regarding admission to independent work.

An internship is an opportunity for workers to gain the necessary skills and knowledge. Moreover, they get at least a rough picture of what working conditions are created at a particular enterprise.

And the employer will be able to make sure that new person able to cope with his responsibilities in a new place. And that the requirements for both internal and external standards will be met.

Watch this video about canceling an internship at your workplace:

Form for receiving a question, write yours

Government and commercial structures are in dire need of professional staff capable of performing assigned tasks. In order to create an optimal team, internships are carried out for newcomers - potential employees.

Today we will talk about the features of the above event, advantages, purpose, characters, legislative regulation.

Internship is the process of obtaining theoretical and practical skills, the need for the development of which is dictated by the specifics of job responsibilities.

The duration of the training event, remuneration, and approved training program depend on the complexity and degree of danger of production.

The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates only general provisions on the conduct of internships; most questions about the program and duration are of an individual nature.

You will find out whether an employee’s internship at a company is paid in this video:

Purpose and objectives of workplace internship

Any phenomenon is subject to a cause-and-effect relationship; staff training is beneficial for both parties.

The trainee receives:

  • a set of labor qualities and abilities that facilitate the process of further employment;
  • converting theoretical knowledge into practical application;
  • increasing the level of qualifications;
  • the opportunity to verify the correctness of the chosen profession, to assess one’s strengths in the conditions labor activity.

The employer receives:

  • true information about the theoretical basis of a potential employee, his abilities and potential;
  • the opportunity to correlate the trainee’s current performance with the range of tasks provided for job responsibilities;
  • shortened adaptation period for the trainee.

Experts and experienced managers highlight several distinctive features learning process:

  1. The event is strictly limited in time.
  2. Internship is a type of work activity, paid, in accordance with current legislation, under a fixed-term contract.
  3. The salary of a “temporary” worker is less than that of his colleagues.
  4. The actions of authorized persons are documented.
  5. The training program is developed in advance and corresponds to the specifics of the organizational structure in question.
  6. A mentor is assigned to the trainee - an authorized person who supervises the process of advanced training.

The retraining process is intended for inexperienced employees, those encountering industrial practice for the first time, and students.

  • drivers of intercity and urban transport;
  • applicants whose job responsibilities include contact with production equipment;
  • officials whose work activities involve danger to life;
  • graduates of higher educational institutions.

The employer, in addition to documentation trainee is obliged to approve the candidacy of the mentor supervising the training process. As a rule, these are experienced and highly qualified employees of the organization in question.

Objectives and goals of on-the-job internship.

Legislative regulation

The Labor Code, as mentioned earlier, approves only general provisions and grounds for conducting internships. Article 59 identifies several cases when retraining is necessary:

  1. During the initial labor activity of graduates of specialized institutions and universities.
  2. In case of promotion/demotion of an employee.
  3. Due to a long absence, transfer to a structural unit, the labor process of which is radically different from the previous workplace.

The rules and requirements for retraining are regulated by paragraph 9 of GOST 12.0.004-2015. The specifics of labor cooperation are specified in Article 225 (Part 3). Rostechnadzor has approved a regulation on organizing training and testing the knowledge of potential employees, the content of which we will talk about a little later.

The Labor Code also regulates the lengthy learning process, the size wages(not less than the minimum).

Important to know! Management may exempt the applicant from completing the internship. A sufficient condition is the presence professional qualities and level of qualifications corresponding to job responsibilities.

Procedure and main stages of the internship

The internship procedure requires the employer to go through several stages:

  1. Development of a training program that takes into account the specifics of the applicant’s theoretical base, his level of training and experience.
  2. Familiarization of the subordinate with: the staff of the structural unit, working conditions, expected job responsibilities, safety requirements in the conditions of the technological cycle. You will learn what rules are used for introductory training on labor protection.
  3. Explaining to the intern the provisions of the regulatory package of internal documentation: instructions, regulations, labor safety acts.
  4. Monitoring the completion of tasks assigned to the newcomer, supervising the improvement/optimization of the work process.
  5. Preparation of a report on the results of the internship.

The final process is the collection of a commission, on whose decision the result of the training process depends.

After studying the testimony, the mentor awards a positive (admission to independent work) or unsatisfactory (requires repeated retraining) assessment.

The internship procedure consists of several stages:

  • appointed with a supervisor who announces the conditions for completing the training (duration, responsibilities, salary). An official decree is issued to retrain the applicant in question;
  • development of a program, a journal for recording results, a responsible person is appointed;
  • urgent employment contract, the main feature of which is the duration of work. Then the applicant’s internship order is signed. Upon completion of the training activities, a review is formed, the level of qualifications and professional suitability are determined.

Internship program

Training activities must meet the following list of objectives:

  • the subject is obliged to apply theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • development of practical skills in managing production equipment;
  • familiarization with the activities of the enterprise, the technological cycle, and manufactured products;
  • obtaining a level of qualifications that would correspond to job responsibilities.

The structure of regulated documentation consists of the following elements:

  1. Labor protection.
  2. Provisions of sanitary, hygienic, fire safety.
  3. Ability to use personal protective equipment and provide emergency medical care.
  4. List of employee actions in the event of an emergency or man-made disaster.

The legislation provides for several types of internships.

Order on the appointment of a person responsible for the internship.

Occupational safety practice

Involves obtaining theoretical and practical knowledge of compliance with labor protection rules, in accordance with the job responsibilities performed.

The learning process comes down to explaining safe mechanisms for implementing the labor process. The duration depends on the level of danger, the complexity of the technological cycle, and the workplace.

Internship by specialty

This type of training is used for positions whose responsibilities do not involve interaction with special equipment, hazardous work. An authorized person monitors the professionalism of the applicant and makes a verdict on his professional suitability.

The legislation does not provide a clear template for the design of an internship program, its provisions and content. However, the issues being studied must take into account the specifics of the enterprise.

Completion is considered an exam designed to test the quality of the acquired skills and abilities.

Regulations on retraining

An official document regulates the internship process, is developed by the head of the structural unit, and approved by higher-ups. Its structure consists of:

  • instructions for coordinating the learning process, responsible persons;
  • goals, objectives, procedure;
  • list of tests and exam papers designed to confirm the success of the internship;
  • training programs;
  • an order initiating an internship, a decree on the employee’s admission to independent work.

Training highlights

The internship registration process is accompanied by the publication of the following documentation:

  1. Application for admission for a probationary period - the applicant first familiarizes himself with the provisions and job obligations.
  2. A fixed-term employment contract differs from a standard one only in the presence of a clear time frame for hiring an employee.
  3. Order for enrollment in an internship - here the following is indicated: the duration of stay at the industrial facility, the position held by the employee, responsible persons, links to articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, information about the applicant and mentor, date and document number.

Duration of probationary period and payment

The duration of the internship varies depending on the characteristics of the enterprise and position. The average value prescribed in the Labor Code is from three to ten working days. The maximum duration of training is two weeks.

The trainee has the right to receive a salary; it is paid one-time after completing the training activities. Its size corresponds to the minimum wage (minimum wage determined by the norms of the Labor Code).

The main thing in the article:

  1. Internship is required for workers employed in harmful and dangerous conditions
  2. Those who do not undergo initial instruction can be exempted from internship
  3. The duration of the internship depends on the qualifications of the employee
  4. Without successful completion internship, the employee will not be able to start work

Training of workers in labor protection consists of theoretical and practical training, followed by testing of acquired knowledge and skills. To gain practical skills at a specific employee’s workplace, an internship under the guidance of a more experienced employee is needed. We'll tell you how to organize it.

Who should do the internship?

The employer is obliged to conduct on-the-job training for employees entering work in harmful or dangerous working conditions (Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 7.2.5 GOST 12.0.004–90, clause 2.2.2 of the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29). For other employees not associated with hazardous conditions, the employer himself determines the need for internship.

Please note: Internship is carried out only after occupational safety training

An internship is required if:

the work is subject to increased labor safety requirements;

work is carried out at facilities that are subject to industrial safety requirements.

Example. The company entered into an agreement to install utility systems to the building. To do this, it is necessary to dig trenches 2 m deep. Such work is classified as high-risk work (Appendix 1 to POT RO 14000-005-98). Therefore, the employer can allow only those employees who have completed an internship in this species activities.

If an enterprise has approved a list of professions exempt from on-the-job training, then they are also exempt from internships.

An employee with at least three years of experience in his specialty who moves from one structural unit to another can be exempted from internship. At the same time, the nature of its work and the type of equipment should not change.

Who conducts the internship

The internship is carried out by an experienced employee who is appointed by order or instruction of the employer. In some cases, there is a limit on the number of interns per internship supervisor. For example, when working at height there should be no more than two. A requirement for the qualifications and work experience of the internship supervisor may also be introduced.

Example. During the internship, the driver is assigned to a mentor for the entire duration of the training. Mentors are selected from among the most experienced and disciplined workers with at least five years of experience working on buses, taxis and trucks - at least three years. Mentors should not have violations of the Rules traffic and road accidents in the last three years. In addition, they must undergo pre-training at a training center and have a certificate for the right to train bus drivers.

Who usually does the internship?

Among working specialties, internships are carried out by:



Boiler room operators;

Drivers engaged in passenger transportation;

High-altitude installers, etc.

Maintenance, operational, operational and repair personnel and operational managers also undergo training. The rest of the employees need an internship if they cannot immediately be allowed to work independently due to the characteristics of a particular enterprise or technological process.

What documents to prepare before the internship

Important: The regulations on the internship will help to draw up RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12 “Guiding document. Regulations on improving professional skills and training of drivers"

The minimum required list of documents for completing an internship looks like this:

  • internship regulations;
  • internship program;
  • internship order;
  • order for permission to work independently.

The Internship Regulations describe in detail the rights and responsibilities of the employee and the internship supervisor, the terms, procedure and features of the internship.

The internship program determines:

  • procedure and duration of internship in a specific profession;
  • typical actions that an employee must learn;
  • the amount of theoretical knowledge that he must obtain;
  • procedure for conducting control checks during the internship, etc.

Templates and samples

An example of an order for the appointment of persons responsible for conducting an internship:

The beginning and end of the internship are formalized by order or instruction of the employer. The order to begin the internship indicates the basis for the internship and its duration, lists the employees who must undergo the internship and their mentors - the internship supervisors.

What is included in the internship program

During the internship, the employee must:

  • master the rules of regulatory and technical documents on labor protection, learn to apply them in the workplace;
  • study diagrams, operating instructions and labor protection instructions, knowledge of which is mandatory for working in a given position (profession);
  • practice clear orientation in your workplace;
  • acquire the necessary practical skills in performing production operations;
  • study the techniques and conditions for trouble-free, safe and economical operation of the equipment being serviced.

The internship lasts from 2 to 14 shifts. The duration in each case depends on the level of professional training of the employee and the nature of the work performed. Sometimes specific internship requirements are specified in industry occupational safety and health regulations.

Example. For a bus driver who has not worked as a driver before and has just received a bus driving license, the internship will be 224 hours:

61 hours - pre-trip internship;

163 hours - route internship.

An experienced driver who is transferred from one brand of bus to another will do without pre-route training. He only needs a route internship - 32 hours.

If an accident occurs due to the driver’s fault, he will be sent to an eight-hour internship followed by passing test exams.

How are the internship results assessed?

The internship ends with an exam. If an employee is unable to pass the knowledge test, he is given additional time to prepare and pass the exam for a period of no more than 30 days. In this case, the employee is not allowed to work. The decision is formalized by order. An entry “failed” is entered into the knowledge test protocol, but a certificate is not issued.

Only after a successful knowledge test, documented in a protocol and a certificate, can an employee be allowed to work independently. The completion of the internship is recorded in the workplace briefing log.

What happens if you don't get an internship?

If you do not complete the internship, you will face a fine (Part 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

official and individual entrepreneur- from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;

organizations - from 110,000 to 130,000 rubles.

It is important to follow the procedure and timing of the internship and complete all documents correctly. Otherwise, the State Tax Inspectorate may consider that the internship was not carried out (conducted with violations) and fine the employer.

Example. One of the Moscow companies was visited by GIT inspectors. They identified several violations of labor protection, including the lack of internship for workers. They issued an order to remove these employees from work. After conducting a second inspection, inspectors found that the violations had not been eliminated. Therefore, the employer was fined under Part 1 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (at that time, Part 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation did not come into force). The employer tried to appeal the decision in court. But he failed (decision of the Moscow City Court of February 18, 2015 in case No. 7-1299).

When investigating industrial accidents, an internship for the victim, along with occupational safety training, will be one of the underlying factors to establish the employer's guilt.