Low-calorie diet menu for weight loss with recipes. Menu - low-calorie diet for a week

Today, there are many methods for losing weight using food restrictions. This article will discuss in detail the low-calorie diet, its effect, advantages, nutritional rules and much more.

The essence of the diet

Low calorie diet is balanced diet, which minimizes the amount of calories consumed, which helps you lose weight fairly quickly.

The main feature of this is that the reduction in calorie content of food occurs due to a strong restriction of the intake of fats and heavy carbohydrates. In order to maintain the necessary balance of nutrients in the body, the consumption of protein foods increases significantly, so a person on such a diet retains energy, does not starve and feels normal.

On average, this diet should be followed for five to seven days. However, if the results were disappointing, then it can be followed for ten days, after which you need to take a break to allow the body to regain some strength.

Advantages and disadvantages

Losing weight through a low-calorie diet has the following advantages:

  1. There is no need to go hungry and refuse food, since this menu includes a wide variety of foods that can completely satiate a person.
  2. You can achieve very good results in losing weight in just enough time. short term.
  3. The body will not experience stress, since it will receive different and not the same type of microelements with food.
  4. Weight loss occurs gradually, so folds, stretch marks, etc. will not appear on the skin.
  5. It’s not difficult to stick to this regimen, so Bad mood and irritability, as happens in very strict diets, will not affect you.


  1. If you go off the diet incorrectly, the lost weight can return very quickly.
  2. Due to low-calorie foods, a person may feel lethargic and lack of strength.
  3. If you stick to this diet for more than a week, your metabolism may be disrupted and weight loss will slow down.
  4. Such a diet can harm the stomach, liver and kidneys.

Basic principles

A low-calorie diet will only work when a person consumes no more than 1,500 calories per day. In addition, this diet has the following principles:

  1. The basis of the diet should be low-fat protein foods in order to compensate for the lack of nutrients and strengthen muscle mass.
  2. Simple and easily digestible carbohydrates should be completely excluded from the menu (sugar, sweets, sweet carbonated drinks).
  3. The amount of fat eaten per day should not exceed eighty grams.
  4. Salt consumption should be minimized.
  5. You are allowed to eat five times a day in small portions.
  6. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of vegetable fats (olive, sunflower oil and etc.).
  7. The total volume of liquid you drink, including tea, juices and water, should not be more than one and a half liters per day.
  8. The last meal should be no later than seven o'clock in the evening.
  9. Food should be steamed or boiled.

Low calorie foods

With this weight loss method, you can eat the following foods:

  1. Bread (wheat, rye, bran, oatmeal) no more than one hundred grams per day. Preferably. So that it is a little dry.
  2. Vegetable soups (no more than three hundred grams per day). You can also eat soups with potatoes and beetroot soup. Consumption of fish broth is allowed twice a week.
  3. Meat (except pork) can be consumed up to one hundred grams per day. It is preferable to steam, bake or boil it. You can't fry.
  4. Fish (low-fat). It needs to be cooked in the same way as meat.
  5. Seafood.
  6. Hard cheese and fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese) can be eaten, but they should all be either low-fat or have a low fat percentage.
  7. Eggs (boiled) no more than two per day. You can also make omelettes from egg whites alone.
  8. Cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, rolled oats). Consume without bread.
  9. Vegetables. You can eat them every day. Half of the vegetables should be served raw, and the other half boiled. The following vegetables are considered the lowest in calories: zucchini, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, beets, etc.
  10. Fruits and berries (sour). You can also make jellies and cocktails with them. Cook compotes that are not sweet.
  11. Sauces (mushroom, sour cream and white sauce for meat).
  12. Fresh juices.
  13. Black and .
  14. Coffee with milk.

The following products are prohibited:

  1. Cookies made from shortbread or puff pastry.
  2. Bread made from premium white flour.
  3. Fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk and hard cheese.
  4. Pasta.
  5. Legumes.
  6. Potatoes as a separate dish.
  7. Fatty meat (pork, duck, goose, lamb).
  8. Sausages and sausages.
  9. Canned food and semi-finished products.
  10. Oily fish (trout, sole, salmon).
  11. Caviar, herring, smoked fish.
  12. Fried eggs.
  13. Rice and semolina.
  14. Pickled and canned foods.
  15. Carrots, green peas.
  16. Hot sauces and snacks.
  17. Fruits: bananas, raisins, dates and figs.
  18. Chocolate, jam, ice cream and other sweets.
  19. Kissel.
  20. Alcohol.
  21. Salo.

Diet options

There are three calorie options:

  1. Hard low-calorie. It is considered the most difficult and therefore lasts only four days. During this time, a person can receive only 600-800 calories per day, which is a very small figure. The basis of such a diet should be meat and vegetables. You can only eat three times a day. In case of severe hunger, you are allowed to eat one fruit and nothing else. This technique promotes strong weight loss, but at the same time it is very harmful to the body.
  2. Average diet in terms of calories. It is less rigid, but nevertheless also strict. Every day a person can consume no more than 1200 calories. It lasts from five to seven days. During this time you can eat fish, vegetables, fruits and a little honey. If a person follows such a diet for more than a week, a loss of strength and energy occurs.
  3. Gentle option characterized by a less restrictive diet in terms of permitted food. You can eat seafood, meat, fish, eggs, bread, fruits and vegetables. The total number of calories should not exceed 1600. Duration – from a week to two weeks.

Menu for the week

The first day:

  • Breakfast – boiled egg, coffee.
  • Lunch – boiled meatballs, tomato, tea.
  • Afternoon snack – kefir.
  • Dinner – baked fish, boiled beets, compote.

Second day:

  • Breakfast - bread, dried fruit broth.
  • Lunch – seafood with lemon juice, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack – orange juice.
  • Dinner – vegetable stew, fish cutlets steamed, tea.

Day three:

  • Breakfast – boiled egg, hard cheese, greens, tea.
  • Lunch – borscht without meat, berry compote.
  • Afternoon snack – apple.
  • Dinner – boiled veal liver with sauce, one potato, kefir.

Day four:

  • Breakfast – apple, nuts.
  • Lunch – boiled veal, boiled beet salad with onions.
  • Afternoon snack – grapefruit juice.
  • Dinner – cottage cheese, tea.

Day five:

  • Breakfast – oatmeal porridge with honey, tea.
  • Dinner - meat cutlets steamed, cabbage salad.
  • Afternoon snack – orange juice.
  • Dinner – baked fish, tomato juice.

Day six:

  • Breakfast – protein omelet, green tea.
  • Lunch – shrimp with sour cream sauce, bread.
  • Afternoon snack – berry compote.
  • Dinner – steamed fish with vegetables, water.

Day seven:

  • Breakfast – oatmeal with water, orange, coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch – vegetable soup, baked chicken.
  • Afternoon snack – apple juice.
  • Dinner – vegetable salad, turkey stew.

Quitting the diet

The correct way out of a low-calorie diet is very important, since the body will subconsciously absorb all incoming calories well. Therefore, their quantity must be added gradually.

In the first two weeks after losing weight, you need to add only three hundred additional calories and follow this menu for a certain time (about a week). Then you can add another two hundred calories and gradually return to your usual diet. However, this does not mean at all that you can also eat fatty and fried foods as before, since in this case the lost kilograms will return as quickly as they went away.

You should eat a healthy diet and limit your intake of fats and alcohol.


If you follow this diet correctly, you can lose up to seven extra pounds in a week of diet. If you repeat this method after another two months, you can also lose ten to fifteen kilograms.

Reviews from people losing weight and opinions of experts

Let's look at the reviews of people who have tried this diet to better understand whether it is actually effective:

  1. Nika, 26 years old.“Before pregnancy, I stuck to it, but when I became pregnant, I gave it up and started eating whatever I wanted. As a result, over these ten months I gained twenty-two kilograms and already weighed more than a hundred. After giving birth, I tried many diets, including eating juices alone, but I never managed to lose more than two kilos. On the advice of a nutritionist, I started counting calories again and within two months I had already lost twelve kilograms. Now I’ll take a short break and repeat again. I recommend this type of weight loss to everyone because it works.”
  2. Svetlana, 34 years old.“I’ve been on this regime for the second week now, and I like everything so far. I've already lost five kilograms. I only eat 1,500 calories a day, and that’s enough to fill me up.”
  3. Daria, 24 years old.“Only this diet really helps me. By nature, I cannot tolerate food restrictions, because I break down and eat even more sweets than I lost. This doesn't happen when counting calories, because I know exactly my limit of what I can eat per day. My overall result for several courses of such nutrition is fourteen kilograms.”
  4. Anastasia, 24 years old.“I was on a low-carb diet for seven days. I ate meat, fish and vegetables three times a day. I drank juices. During this time, I lost only two kilograms and was disappointed, because I expected a better result. I won’t repeat the diet again.”
  5. Tatyana, 31 years old.“A year ago I weighed 110 kilograms and blamed everyone in the world for it except myself, but when I met my current boyfriend, I decided that I needed to get myself in order and finally achieve a normal figure. So gradually I began to limit myself in food and counted calories. The first two weeks I was on a strict diet and ate only seven hundred calories, in the next month I increased them slightly to 1200. During this time (in total, I lost weight for five months) I lost twenty-five kilograms, which I am very proud of. At the same time, I have no folds on my skin, it is tightened and does not hang at all. Now I feel much better and healthier. Now I recommend this method to everyone, because it has already been tested by me.”

As a result of the reviews, we can say that this weight loss technique brings very good results in the form of lost pounds. In order to achieve significant weight loss, you need to follow this diet for several courses with short breaks.

Doctors' opinion

Nutritionists prescribe this diet for severe obesity (more than one hundred kilograms) and believe that if a girl weighing up to seventy kilograms adheres to a low-calorie diet, it can cause harm.

Firstly, as many doctors say, vitamins will begin to be absorbed worse, which can lead to breakdowns and depression, and secondly, metabolic disorders will occur, as a result of which the lost weight can quickly return.


  1. Kidney and heart diseases.
  2. Ulcer.
  3. Infectious diseases.
  4. Hepatitis and other liver diseases.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  7. The period after stroke and heart attack.
  8. Ages up to sixteen and after sixty years.
  9. Alcoholism.
  10. Cholecystitis.
  11. Asthma.

Diet recipes

Fish soup with vegetables


  • pollock – three hundred grams;
  • broccoli – two hundred grams;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • water - three liters;
  • cauliflower;
  • potatoes - two pieces.


  • Wash and clean the fish. Cut into pieces. Boil until done.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut into strips. Add to soup.
  • Add finely chopped broccoli, parsley and dill. Add a little salt. Serve warm without bread.

Diet cabbage rolls with mushrooms

To prepare them you will need:

  • eight cabbage leaves;
  • salt;
  • three hundred grams of champignons;
  • tomato paste – two spoons;
  • salt;
  • buckwheat – one hundred grams.


  1. Boil cabbage leaves in boiling water for two minutes. Then remove from the water and cool.
  2. Wash and boil the mushrooms. Cut into small cubes and mix with tomato paste and boiled buckwheat. Add a little salt.
  3. Wrap a tablespoonful of mushroom filling in cabbage leaves and simmer the cabbage rolls over low heat for another ten minutes. Serve with cucumber salad.

Nepalese style fish


  • half a kilogram of cod fillet;
  • tomatoes - four hundred grams;
  • nuts - fifty grams;
  • basil, parsley;
  • salt;
  • lemon juice.


  1. Rub the fish fillet with salt and lemon juice.
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Place in a baking dish. Top with nuts and chopped tomatoes.
  4. Cover with foil and bake for half an hour.
  5. Five minutes before cooking, remove the foil and sprinkle with basil and parsley. Serve with vegetable side dish.

Liver with sauce

To prepare this dish you need to prepare:

  • beef liver - two hundred grams.
  • flour - one tablespoon;
  • salt;
  • kefir – two tablespoons;
  • non-spicy mustard - one teaspoon;
  • dill.

Prepare this way:

  1. Wash the liver and remove the film.
  2. Cut into long thin pieces.
  3. Simmer until half cooked with flour for eight minutes.
  4. Place the liver in a baking dish and bake until done.
  5. Mix salt, kefir, mustard and dill to make a sauce. Serve the dish by pouring the sauce over it.

Salad "Hearty"


  • cherry tomatoes – two hundred grams;
  • cottage cheese - one hundred and fifty grams;
  • green onion – fifty grams;
  • salt.


  1. Wash and cut the tomatoes into halves.
  2. Add cottage cheese and onion. Add salt.
  3. Mix everything well and the dish is ready.
  1. Before starting, you should consult a nutritionist;
  2. For best effect you need to do physical exercise or at least in the morning;
  3. It is recommended to plan your menu for the week in advance so that you don’t have the desire to snack on something high-calorie and tasty outside of your plan.

When a person sets a goal to lose weight, most often, he does not turn to nutritionists for help and tries to independently find a diet that will help cope with the problem. Some prefer rather strict methods, limiting the diet minimum quantity products. Of course, with such a diet, losing weight is quite easy, but at the same time, deterioration in health is possible, since the body does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals. In order to get rid of excess weight without harm to health, you should turn to a diet such as a low-calorie diet for weight loss.

If a person who wants to lose weight turns to a nutritionist, the specialist selects individual program, which takes into account many factors. The following is taken into account: a person’s weight, age, health status and the presence of chronic diseases are taken into account, whether the person plays sports and what kind of sports physical exercise are present in his life. This option is the most correct and guarantees success in the rather complex process of losing weight. But if a person has a goal, he can cope on his own if he learns the rules of a low-calorie diet, what foods should be consumed and how.

A low-calorie diet works as follows: you should reduce your daily calorie intake. Such nutrition cannot be called dietary, but rather correct and properly balanced. With a low-calorie diet, a person receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but due to the fact that low-calorie and low-fat foods are consumed, the body begins to consume energy not from food, but from fat deposits, which leads to weight loss.

When on a low-calorie diet, you should count the calories you consume, for this you can use the table below. Once a person knows the approximate indicators, the diet should be designed in such a way that the daily ration is reduced by 20-30% kcal. But you can’t limit yourself completely or change your usual menu; this reduction in calories consumed occurs by reducing fats and simple carbohydrates.

What you should pay attention to:

  • you should stick to 5 meals a day, and the portions should be small;
  • you must consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • with a low-calorie diet, protein should be present in the diet every day;
  • you need to give up simple carbohydrates such as baked goods, sugar, White bread, they quickly turn into fat cells;
  • the daily diet should consist of proteins - 30%, fats - 20%, carbohydrates - 50%;
  • You should only consume complex carbohydrates before 12 noon;
  • exclude very salty foods and minimize salt intake;
  • Drinking alcohol is prohibited.

What are the pros and cons of the diet?

The benefits of a low-calorie diet include:

  • No fasting required, the menu contains varied and tasty foods;
  • If the rules are followed, it is guaranteed in a short time effective reduction weight;
  • Thanks to protein and carbohydrate foods, the body will not experience stress, and weight loss will not be a painful process for a person;
  • Eliminating high-calorie foods does not in any way affect a person’s mental and emotional state.

The disadvantages of a low-calorie diet include:

  • If the diet is not prepared correctly and the nutrition is not complete, this can affect health, primarily on the stomach, digestive system, kidneys and liver;
  • The permissible duration of the diet should be observed; it is designed for a week; a longer period can lead to metabolic disorders;
  • If a person is accustomed to fatty and high-calorie foods, changing the diet may cause a feeling of fatigue;
  • If you exit a low-calorie diet incorrectly, the effectiveness and results will be short-lived.

Possible food options and menu

There are different diet options that differ in duration and number of calories consumed.

  • The most difficult option is a strict low-calorie diet, which lasts 4 days. With this option, a person consumes from 600 to 800 calories per day, the menu consists of meat and vegetables. Enough effective option Low-calorie diet, but at the same time harmful to health, the body experiences stress.
  • A less complex version of a low-calorie diet is a medium one, lasting from 5 to 7 days. The diet includes fish, fruits and vegetables, the permissible calorie intake is up to 1200. It is not recommended to exceed the duration of such a diet.
  • The easiest and most correct option is a gentle low-calorie diet; such nutrition can last up to 2 weeks. The diet with such a diet is quite varied, and the amount of calories consumed should not exceed 1600 kcal.

Below is a menu for a week of a low-calorie diet, but this diet is an example. You can also create your own menu based on individual preferences.

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch/afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Coffee, boiled egg Meatballs, tea, tomato/kefir Baked (lean) fish), beets (boiled), compote
Tuesday Dried fruit compote, bread Seafood (dressed with lemon juice), vegetable salad/orange juice Fish cutlets (steamed), vegetable stew, tea
Wednesday Hard cheese, boiled egg, tea, greens Borscht (do not eat meat), compote/apple Veal liver (boiled), sauce, kefir, 1 potato
Thursday Nuts and apple Flock veal, beet salad, onion/grapefruit juice Cottage cheese and tea
Friday Hercules (porridge) with honey, tea Steamed cutlets, cabbage (salad)/orange juice Baked fish, tomato juice
Saturday Omelette (white), green tea Sour cream sauce, shrimp, bread/compote Fish (steamed), vegetables (steamed), water
Sunday Oatmeal, coffee, orange Vegetable soup, baked chicken meat/apple juice Turkey (stewed), vegetable salad

How to get out of a diet

The day after finishing a low-calorie diet, you should not greatly increase your intake of high-calorie foods, as the body will absorb everything well and the lost kilograms will quickly return. You should gradually add calories, for example, in the next 2 weeks you can add 300 kcal, then another 200. But it is important not to return to junk food, which brings nothing to the body except excess weight. The best option is to stick to proper nutrition and balanced, which will help you not gain excess weight and have excellent health.

How to build a diet

The table below will show a list of products and their calorie content, so you can create your own menu.

Products Calorie content
Cooked beef 267kcal
Cooked pork 560kcal
Cooked chicken 160kcal
Cooked fish From 70 to 160kcal
Wheat bread 203kcal
Rye bread 190kcal
Baking 300kcal
Milk, kefir (3%) 59kcal
Cream (20%) 206kcal
Sour cream (30%) 294kcal
Cottage cheese 9% / full fat cottage cheese 156kcal/226kcal
Low-fat cottage cheese/cheeses 86kcal/315kcal
Processed cheese/hard cheese 270kcal/350kcal
Brynza 260kcal
Vegetable oil 898kcal
Butter 748kcal
Mayonnaise 627kcal
Ice cream 226kcal
Potato 83kcal
Vegetables From 10kcal to 40kcal
Compote, juice From 50kcal to 100kcal
Fish in oil/fish in tomato (canned) From 220kcal to 280kcal/from 130kcal to 180kcal
Uncooked/semi-smoked sausage 500kcal/from 70kcal to 450kcal
Sausages, boiled sausage 260kcal
Egg 157kcal per 2 pcs.
Jam From 240kcal to 280kcal
Halva 510kcal
Cake From 350kcal to 750kcal
Marshmallow, marmalade From 290kcal to 310kcal


When dieting, you can use the following low calorie recipes for weight loss:

  • Can be cooked fish soup, with the addition of various vegetables. For cooking, it is better to use pollock, approximately 300 g. Add broccoli cauliflower and potatoes, after cooking add dill and parsley;
  • A dish like cabbage rolls can be made less caloric, but no less tasty. To do this, you need to replace the meat with champignons, first boil them and mix with tomato paste.
  • To diversify your diet, you can cook beef liver with sauce. To begin with, the liver must be stewed, then placed in an oven dish and baked until cooked. For the sauce, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of kefir, 1 teaspoon of mustard and dill, and add a little salt. Pour this sauce over the prepared liver.

Have you decided to get your figure in order for summer? Or do you want to look good at the upcoming holiday? What menu should you choose in this case?

It will be a good way to quickly get rid of unnecessary kilos. How to create a diet, how much and what you can lose in a week by adhering to a low-calorie diet plan, what are the consequences of such a diet and how to get out of it wisely so that the lost kilos do not return - this will be discussed in this article.

What are the benefits of a low-calorie diet?

Rapid weight loss is the main benefit that a low-calorie diet will give you. The menu with recipes for dishes for such a nutrition plan will also delight you with a variety of options, in contrast to the mono-diets that are fashionable today. You will be able to choose a diet in accordance with your preferences and will not splurge on something tasty. And another advantage of a low-calorie eating plan is that it won’t take you much time to get rid of those hated wrinkles. Typically, such a diet is recommended for 5 to 10 days, after which it is important to exit it correctly so that what was lost does not return.

Cons of a low-calorie diet

Why is this so bad? diet menu? A low-calorie diet is not suitable for those who care not only about the number of kilograms lost, but also about the quality. Do you want to lose fat, not muscle? Then this meal plan is not for you, and here's why. By sharply reducing the number of kilocalories incoming, you put your body into the so-called emergency mode.

Instead of fats, the body will be in to a greater extent leave muscle mass and water. This is explained by the fact that muscles are essentially not involved in the survival of the body. From an aesthetic point of view, it is muscle mass that makes the body attractive. But in cold or hungry times, it is precisely this that the body will “shed” faster than fat. Muscles do not heat and cannot serve as energy fuel. The fact that it is with them that a person looks like a god from ancient greek mythology, nature doesn't care. The fat layer will protect internal organs from hypothermia and will help to use energy sparingly if there are not enough calories.

Worst of all, in women, fat is lost from the most important places for procreation - the hips and abdomen, where the reproductive organs are reliably protected. Whatever menu you choose, a low-calorie diet will first of all deprive you of volume in your chest, your cheeks will go away and your face will lose weight, but the bulk of the fat on your waist and butt will remain.

Beware of disruption

Another disadvantage of this method of losing weight is the possibility of failure. You will have to fight with yourself, and it is unknown who will emerge victorious in this heated battle - your desire to be more beautiful or your body’s desire to be healthier. After all, the body will consider a sharp reduction in calories a threat to its own existence, which means that you need to fight with all your might and prevent the depletion of your fat depot. Get ready that every day you go on a diet, your mind will be increasingly filled with thoughts of quitting this diet plan and finally eating normally, nourishingly and tasty.

How to make a low-calorie diet more effective

Get physically active. Even a carefully and intelligently designed menu of a low-calorie diet for weight loss is not able to preserve muscle mass while reducing incoming calories. But sports will significantly help, you will lose more fat, your skin will not sag, your body will remain in good shape. Try to burn at least 1,000 calories a day while doing any activity. It could be running fast walk, swimming, dancing or going to the gym.

Carefully develop a meal plan that includes a low-calorie diet. The weekly menu (1200 calories daily) gives plenty of room for imagination. Albeit with restrictions. The day before the “operation” begins, write down your personal low-calorie diet menu for weight loss with recipes. What do you love and hate about food? If you approach this issue carelessly, you will break down in 3-4 days.

Pay close attention to the macronutrients that will form the basis of your menu. Low-calorie diet will not work if you consume carbohydrates, even within the daily calorie limits. Leave sweets, pastries, and candies for later (ideally, forget about them altogether). The basis of nutrition on such a diet should be protein, slow carbohydrates, and healthy vegetable fats.

Try not to eat anything three hours before bed. Towards the end of the day, metabolism slows down and the body digests food more slowly. Good way Drinking pure water or herbal tea without sugar will help drive away the feeling of hunger.

Drink enough fluids. Drinks and juices do not count, as only pure water is able to quickly remove waste products from the body. During weight loss, the processes of breaking down internal tissues and fat begin. If you don't drink water to remove such compounds, your weight loss process will be slow.

How many calories can you eat per day on a low calorie diet?

Each of us has our own number regarding daily calorie intake for weight loss. Let's take for example two girls, each 20 years old, 170 cm tall and weighing 70 kg. Both girls decided to lose five kilos.

The first one works as an accountant five days a week, and after work she likes to watch her favorite TV series at home with her cat on the couch, hugging her. The second one is working sales agent six days a week from morning to evening, on his feet all day, and besides, he cannot live without a barbell - he works out three times a week in the gym with free weights.

When people talk about a low-calorie diet, they most often mean 1200 calories. This figure guarantees weight loss for any lifestyle, even the most sedentary one. But in our example it is clear that for the first girl such a figure will be appropriate and effective. But for the second, such a nutrition plan will become torture already on the first day; her rhythm and way of life prescribe a different caloric intake for weight loss, higher than that suggested by a low-calorie diet. The weekly menu (1200 kcal per day) will help you achieve results if your daily calorie burning rate is no more than 1800. If you have an overly active lifestyle, then with such a restriction you will not have enough energy, vigor and energy will disappear. good location spirit, and a breakdown is inevitable.

Some nutritional features

A low-calorie diet involves a huge variety of dishes, the main thing is not to exceed the established calorie limit. It is proposed to divide the entire daily amount of food into five meals of 250-300 kilocalories. Below we will look at the options for dishes that you can combine at your discretion and preferences.

Avoid fast carbohydrates for quick results

Of course, you won’t find any confectionery products on the list. Why, since the same Mars or Snickers bar contains no more than 250 kcal? The fact is that all flour products, sweets, and fatty fast food are filled with carbohydrates and fats. A low-calorie diet puts stress on the body, but high-protein foods will allow you to confidently lose weight. As soon as you eat something very sweet or fatty, the loss of pounds will slow down. If it’s unthinkable for you to give up your favorite sweets or chops, try the Kremlin or chocolate diet. There are also restrictions, but they don't affect macronutrient percentages like a low-calorie diet does.

Low-calorie diet: menu for the week

Minus 5 kilograms - these are the real results of the majority of men and girls who decide to try this nutrition plan. For some, the number of kilos lost is even greater if the diet was accompanied by exercise. What can you eat these days and what menu should you stick to?

So, you can choose any food options and eat them 4-5 times a day at approximately equal intervals:

  • oatmeal, buckwheat or millet porridge, boiled in water without sugar (a portion of the finished product is 200 grams);
  • a serving of cottage cheese 200 grams (1-5% fat) + a spoonful of unsweetened yogurt;
  • chicken breast (250 grams), steamed, boiled or grilled;
  • any type of fish (250 grams), boiled, steamed or grilled;
  • beef, 250 grams, steamed or boiled;
  • two boiled eggs;
  • salad (250 grams) of green vegetables: cabbage, celery, cucumber, greens, onion with a spoon of any vegetable oil, you can also add sesame seeds, flaxseed, several pieces of crushed nuts to the salad.

How many kilos can you lose in a week?

What results does a low-calorie diet promise (menu for a week)? Minus 5-7 kilos - is it real? It all depends on what your initial weight is, what kind of lifestyle you lead and how strictly you follow the instructions. The greatest losses will occur in people with a lot of excess weight. If you engage in sports along with your diet, the plumb line will be smaller, but of better quality. Then the lost weight will be largely accounted for by fat deposits and will not return. Don't forget to drink water between meals to remove waste products, and excess weight comes out with them.

How to get out of a low-calorie diet?

Some nutritionists joke that keeping a good number on the scale is more difficult than getting it. When you are obsessed with the desire to lose weight and know that in 5-7 days the agony of dieting will end, then sticking to the chosen nutrition plan is tolerable for many. But when the diet ends, you amaze everyone with your appearance at the holiday, then you can again indulge in gluttony. The lost kilos come back in a matter of days, and, what’s most offensive, they come back as fat.

In the first week after finishing the diet, it is strongly recommended not to consume carbohydrates in the form of sweets, as well as a combination of fat and carbohydrates. An example would be a cutlet with potatoes, pizza, or a piece of cake. At the same time, you need to increase the number of calories you eat. You can eat all the same permitted foods, increasing the serving weight in each meal by 50-70 grams. You can add sour cream and other vegetables to the salad. It is acceptable to eat lean meat or poultry fried in a small amount of vegetable oil. For a snack, choose one fruit - apple, orange, banana.

A constant healthy diet or endless swings - the choice is yours

It must be recognized that as soon as you return to your old eating habits, the weight you lost will return with them. Articles that offer diets with quick results are silent about this. Do you want to have a beautiful body every day without diets and seasonal weight gain? You will have to eat the same way as after leaving the low-calorie diet, allowing yourself small joys and excesses from time to time. Otherwise, you will be in a constant swing between weight loss on a diet and the rapid return of kilograms in the form of fat.

We present to your attention a classic low-calorie diet.

Any therapeutic nutrition for obesity, as a rule, involves the use of such a “classical” low-calorie diet. And its main goal is to influence metabolism specifically to eliminate some excess fat deposits.

General characteristics of a low-calorie diet

  • The purpose of such a diet is of reduced energy value directly due to fats and also partially due to simple carbohydrates, however, containing all the necessary and essential nutrients. So, when determining the energy value of any diet, it is the individual need for energy (directly taking into account gender, as well as age, and intensity of work, and just normal body weight) that is usually reduced by approximately 20 or 30% or even more, depending on the degree of obesity, and the same on the patient’s condition, and on the effectiveness and, of course, on the place of treatment (say, a hospital, or a sanatorium).
  • A completely normal or just a slight increase in protein content in the diet. This, as a rule, prevents the loss of tissue protein, and also increases energy consumption directly due to the absorption of protein foods, and, of course, creates a feeling of absolute satiety. So egg whites (or protein omelettes), when digested, increase the total energy consumption much more than, say, meat or even cottage cheese.
  • Significant restriction of carbohydrates, and, first of all, due to the complete exclusion of sugar, as well as confectionery, and, of course, sweet drinks and everything else. It is also worth knowing that the reduction in carbohydrate content below 100 grams should not be permanent or systematic. So bread is limited to only 100-150 grams per day, and if there is an urgent need to reduce the energy value of the entire diet, sometimes up to 50 grams or even excluded altogether. Protein-wheat or protein-bran bread is also desirable. But sugar in dishes and also in drinks can be replaced, say, with xylitol or sorbitol (no more than 30 grams per day) with a clear account of their energy value.
  • But the amount of fat in the general diet is reduced to 80 grams. Fats, as a rule, stay longer directly in the stomach and significantly reduce the excitability of the food center, thus eliminating the feeling of hunger. Also, fats, and mainly vegetable ones, also increase the activity of enzymes that actively stimulate the breakdown of fat in general in the body.
  • A serious limitation on the amount of table salt.
  • Among other things, the exclusion of alcoholic beverages, which, by the way, also weaken self-control over food consumption in general and are often themselves quite high-calorie foods.
  • Complete exclusion of foods and dishes that greatly stimulate the appetite.

The mode of such nutrition: 5 or 6 times a day, and with a sufficient volume specifically for a feeling of complete satiety.

Characteristics of various foods and methods of preparing different foods specifically for a low-calorie diet

All bakery products. During the diet, rye and wheat bread necessarily from wholemeal flour, as well as protein-wheat or protein-bran bread - 100-150 grams per day. Products made from flour of the highest or first grade are completely prohibited, as well as all products made from butter or puff pastry.

Various soups. In an amount of no more than 250 or 300 grams per dose. Soups can be made from different vegetables, say with a small addition of perhaps potatoes or cereals. These include cabbage soup and borscht; okroshka or beetroot soup will do. It is possible to consume 2 or 3 times a week soups based on weak low-fat meat or fish broth with various vegetables or meatballs. All milk soups are completely prohibited. Also included in the category of prohibited foods are potatoes, legumes, cereals, and, of course, pasta.

About meat and poultry. Up to 150 grams per day is allowed. In this case, it can be lean beef, rabbit, or veal, possibly chicken, or turkey. As limited as possible - lean pork and even lamb, the meat should be consumed mainly boiled, or stewed, possibly baked in large or small pieces. The meat itself can be fried after boiling. Beef jelly will do.

Absolutely Fatty meats are prohibited - this includes goose and duck, as well as ham, sausages, and any sausages, except boiled and smoked, and canned food.

About fish. All low-fat types are perfect in amounts up to 150 or 200 grams per day. Boiled, baked, or fried. Also many non-fish seafood products. All fatty types are completely prohibited - these are salted, smoked fish, as well as all canned fish in oil, and of course caviar.

About all dairy products. Both milk and low-fat fermented milk drinks are perfect. Low-fat sour cream is suitable for various dishes. Cottage cheese is also low-fat and has a maximum of 9% fat content (no more than 100 or 200 grams per day) - and only natural cottage cheese is possible in the form of cheesecakes, or even puddings. Some low-fat cheeses - but still limited. Fatty cottage cheese is completely prohibited, as well as all sweet cheeses, or sweet, fermented baked milk is not suitable, or, as well as all fatty and salty cheeses.

About eggs. Use 1 or 2 pieces per day. They should be hard-boiled, or egg white omelettes. Also omelettes with vegetables. Scrambled eggs are completely prohibited.

About cereals. Used to a limited extent only for adding to some vegetable soups. Suitable crumbly porridge, say from buckwheat, barley or pearl barley, but only by reducing bread. Other cereals are completely prohibited, especially rice, as well as semolina and oatmeal, all pasta, and of course legumes.

About vegetables. They are consumed in almost all forms, and some of them are always raw. All types of cabbage are desirable, as well as fresh cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, and turnips. Fits sauerkraut- but only after washing. They try to limit dishes made from potatoes, green peas, or beets, as well as carrots and rutabaga (total up to 200 grams per day), as well as all salted and pickled vegetables.

About various snacks. All salads made from raw and pickled vegetables are perfect, including vinaigrettes and vegetable salads, say, with boiled meat or fish, possibly seafood. They eat aspic from fish or even meat. Low-fat ham is also suitable. All fatty or spicy snacks are completely prohibited.

About fruits, sweet dishes, and sweets. Fruits and berries of various sweet and sour varieties, both raw and boiled. You can prepare different jellies and mousses by replacing sugar with methylcellulose, xylitol, or sorbitol. Unsweetened compotes are also acceptable. Grapes, bananas, raisins, dates, or figs, as well as very sweet varieties of many other fruits, are also prohibited, sugar, all confectionery, also jam, honey, and even jelly, and, of course, ice cream is not allowed.

About sauces and spices. Tomato, red sauces, or white with vegetables are suitable; a weak mushroom sauce or vinegar is possible. Fatty and spicy sauces, as well as mayonnaise, and absolutely all spices are completely prohibited.

About drinks. Tea and black coffee with low-fat milk are suitable. Also all unsweetened juices. Grape juice and other sweet juices, as well as cocoa, are completely prohibited.

About fats. They use butter (but in limited quantities) and also vegetable oils- but only in dishes. All animal or cooking fats are completely prohibited.

Approximate one-day menu (1635 kcal) of a low-calorie diet

The very first breakfast: includes calcined cottage cheese - up to 100 grams, stewed carrots - up to 200 grams, coffee, possibly with milk, but without sugar - up to 200 grams.

For second breakfast (or lunch): Fresh cabbage salad is suitable without salt and with low-fat sour cream - up to 170 grams.

For lunch: choose vegetarian cabbage soup (precisely ½ serving) - up to 200 grams, plus boiled meat - up to 90 grams, add green peas, but without oil - up to 50 grams, plus fresh apples - up to 100 grams.

For afternoon tea: Calcined cottage cheese is suitable - up to 100 grams, plus rosehip decoction - up to 180 grams.

For dinner: choose boiled fish (for example, pike perch) - also up to 100 grams, plus vegetable stew (also ½ serving) - which will be up to 125 grams.
Directly at night: a glass of low-fat kefir - up to 180 grams.

Almost all day: rye bread - up to 150 grams.

First of all, it has three options. And they all differ in a certain energy intensity (or calorie content). So, at the very first stage of normalizing body weight, it is customary to prescribe a diet that is more consistent in calorie content with the physiological norm, thus eliminating overeating. Often this is exactly what is enough, but if this measure still does not lead to some reduction in body weight, then, of course, one has to resort to greater restrictions in the calorie content of food, mainly due to a reduction in the amount of fat itself, and so on. same carbohydrates.

Approximate chemical composition of different low-calorie diet options

Low-calorie diet options Proteins, in gr. Fats, in gr. Carbohydrates, in gr. Energy intensity, in kcal.
Basic low-calorie diet From 100 to 110 From 80 to 90 From 120 to 150 From 1600 to 1850
From 70-80 From 60 to 70 From 70 to 80 From 1100 to 1270
Moderately restrictive low-calorie diet From 70-80 From 60 to 70 From 70 to 80 From 1100 to 1270
Maximally restrictive low-calorie diet From 40-50 From 30 to 40 From 50 to 70 From 630 to 840

Diets are always associated with dietary restrictions and prohibitions. Daily calorie counting is a method of losing weight, in which it is not prohibited to eat your favorite foods, but you must follow their strict dosage. Thanks to the established calorie norm, you can either lose unwanted pounds or simply maintain your weight at the optimal level.

The essence of the diet

The principle of losing weight on a calorie diet is that during the day the body should receive fewer calories than it burns. Thus, energy will begin to be wasted from fat deposits.

This method is considered the safest, since the kilograms will disappear slowly.

“Nothing tastes better than feeling thin”
Kate Moss


To achieve maximum results, the following principles must be observed:

  • Diet variety
  • Predominance
  • Compliance daily value fat (80 g) and carbohydrates (100 g)
  • Limiting simple carbohydrates
  • Avoiding sweet drinks and strong alcohol
  • Reducing salt intake
  • Drinking large quantities of water (at least 1500 ml per day)
  • Small meals 5-6 times a day

Calorie calculation

The opinions of nutritionists on this issue are divided: some are convinced that the calculation is individual for each person, others offer average options.

By formulas

The most common weight loss options are based on the number of calories per day, which depend on the height, weight and age of the person wishing to lose weight. There are several formulas for calculating optimal calorie content:

Option #1

(1.8 height, cm) + 655 + (9.6 weight, kg) – (4.7 age, years)

The resulting figure is the amount of energy required to maintain the body’s systems.

The second stage of calculations will be to determine the physical activity coefficient. You can determine it by assessing your lifestyle:

  • Passive lifestyle (sedentary) – 1.2
  • Low-intensity activity (physical exercise 1-2 times a week, walking) – 1.4
  • Moderate level activity (exertion more than 3 times a week) – 1.5
  • Activity high level(work on your feet, systematic sports) – 1.7
  • Excessive activity (heavy daily long-term exercise) – 1.9

The number after the first stage is multiplied by the selected coefficient.

The result obtained is weight stability. In order for weight to begin to decrease, you need to subtract another 400-500 kcal.

Option No. 2

30 (height, cm – 105)

The resulting number is to save weight. To reduce it, we take away another 300-600 kcal, depending on the activity of our lifestyle.

On average

Weight loss methods from this group do not imply individual calculations, but consist of following a diet of a certain calorie content.

These include diets of 800, 1000, 1200 calories per day and other options.

What is possible and what is not

A low-calorie diet is not strict regarding the names of products. But still, there are both more and less suitable foods.

Ideally, the diet should include:

  • Buckwheat and pearl barley porridge
  • Lean meat, poultry and fish
  • Cutlets, steamed meatballs
  • Egg white
  • Mushrooms
  • Vegetable soups with light broth
  • Rye bread, bran bread or wholemeal bread
  • Vegetables, raw or steamed
  • Low calorie fruits (oranges, etc.)
  • Unsweetened tea, coffee, fresh
  • Fermented milk products (yogurt, cheeses)

Unwanted Products

If you wish, you can create your own diet and count calories. But it is important to remember that there are prohibited foods. If there are any, then the weight loss process will be slowed down. Among these:

  • Preservation and salinity
  • Smoked meats
  • Sausages
  • Fatty meat, poultry and fish
  • Potatoes in any form
  • Egg yolk
  • Nuts
  • Pasta
  • Baking
  • White bread
  • Margarine, butter
  • Cocoa
  • High-calorie fruits and dried fruits
  • Sweets (except marshmallows and marmalade)
  • Sauces

You can create a menu by combining products taking into account their energy value and portion size.

Calorie content of individual products

For the convenience of calculating acceptable food combinations, you can use the table of caloric content of permitted foods.

Calorie content is indicated for the product in its raw form.

Calorie content of dishes

It is impossible to create a high-quality menu for every day without knowing the calorie content of already prepared dishes.

Calorie table for ready meals:

On a note. For convenience, it is better to print the tables and keep them for quick access.

Rules for creating a menu

One of the principles of the effectiveness of the diet is to eat small portions, but often. It would be optimal to split the daily diet into five times. An important point is correct percentage calories between meals.

Regardless of whether the calculation is based on 1000 calories per day or any other option, the right ratio counts:

  1. 25% – breakfast
  2. 10% – second breakfast
  3. 35% – lunch
  4. 10% – afternoon snack
  5. 20% – dinner

It is advisable to include in different combinations at each meal:

  1. For breakfast: porridge, fruit, eggs, cottage cheese, tea or coffee
  2. For second breakfast: fermented milk products, fruits
  3. For lunch: broths, soups, meat, bread, vegetables, fish, salads
  4. Afternoon snack: dairy products, fruits
  5. For dinner: meat, vegetables, fish, salads, tea

If you have a desire to eat something from the list of not recommended foods, then you don’t have to deny yourself this. The main rule is not to go beyond the daily energy value.

A person who has decided to lose weight in calories, first of all, must decide on the value of the diet. The safest option is considered to be individual payment. daily norm. This is due to the fact that the personal characteristics of a particular person are taken into account.

If you like diets with a set calorie content, it is important to consider the following points:

  • To lose weight without stress, it is better to alternate a week with critical caloric intake with a week of weight stabilization.
  • It is not recommended to immediately set the bar low (800 calorie diet), as this can lead to exhaustion.
  • Without harm to health, it is better not to lower the bar below 1200 kcal.
  • As an exception, you can vary your daily calorie intake based on physical activity. If the day is spent passively, then you can do a fasting day and reduce the value of the diet. If the day is physically difficult, then it is appropriate to increase the calorie content to 1400 or even 2000 kcal.
  • It is not advisable to be on a low-calorie diet for a long time (more than a month).
  • The exit should be smooth, gradually increasing the daily calorie content by 300-500 kcal.
  • Ideally, the weekly menu should include a variety of foods to get all the vitamins and minerals.

The most the right decision choosing both the diet itself and calculating the optimal daily calorie intake requires consultation with specialists. A gastroenterologist will indicate whether there are any contraindications, and a nutritionist will competently describe the nutritional scenario.


This food system is contraindicated for children. There are no absolute contraindications for adults. But in the presence of chronic diseases, especially those related to digestion, the menu should be drawn up taking into account the advice of a doctor.

Calorie diet - effective method in the fight against extra pounds. Its great advantage is the ability to arrange products and create a menu yourself. Thanks to calorie tables and kitchen scales, your desire to lose weight is sure to be crowned with success.