Wishes to school graduates. Touching and beautiful wishes and congratulations to graduates

Saying goodbye to school or college may seem so cherished, but in fact it evokes a storm of touching and sweet emotions. After all, now graduates become full-fledged adults and must continue to choose their own path. And exactly cool teacher helped guide 9th or 11th grade students, show them possible options further development and training. Therefore, it is imperative that both parents and teenagers prepare a touching speech for last call. It needs to include words of gratitude and respect. Here are the director and administration educational institution may give a short formal speech. In the given ideas for writing text, video examples you can find useful information to create original texts.

A beautiful speech from parents on the last bell for 11th grade - ideas and examples of text

A parent’s speech at the last bell will help express respect and thank teachers for raising, teaching and helping children. It is better to entrust such a task to representatives of the parent committee.

Ideas for writing a beautiful speech for the last call from parents

In the speech they compose, parents should express gratitude for caring for their children and thank teachers for their hard work. Separately, you can include gratitude for the best teachers, director and administration.

I want to say a word from my parents

About our kind and dear teachers.

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart,

We have tears in our eyes from sadness!

May you work long and calmly,

May your students love you very much,

And they pay you what you deserve,

After all, for children you are like beacons!

We wish you good luck and patience.

We love you and are grateful to everyone

And we consider you the best of the best,

At least we’re parting with you for good!

Thanks to all the teachers who put so much effort into ensuring that our children graduated from school with such excellent results! Only we, parents, can understand how difficult it was for you with our children. God bless you and thank you again!

Just recently with tears of happiness

We took you little ones to first grade.

Now you stand before us with pride -

Not children anymore, but graduates.

And we wish you an easier path,

Find yourself and always be yourself,

Move forward in life without timidity

And with his head proudly raised to the sky.

Examples of speech texts for the last call from parents of 11th grade students

In the proposed examples, you can familiarize yourself with the features of composing a speech and possible transitions from general to individual thanks. If desired, some of the texts can be used to compose your own text.

The last bell has rung for you,

And there is no more need to learn lessons -

Now you can take off the thorny wreath,

For knowledge, for broad horizons

Thank all teachers

My favorite school, which has become my second home,

But they came a little taller than the gnomes!

Both time and effort have been invested in you,

Oh, a lot of nerves and finances!

But we just want to ask:

Give us the highest score in life

In studies, hobbies, in work,

Make friends, relax and fall in love,

Youth is in demand everywhere,

Be bold and don’t doubt yourself!

Today the last bell rang for our children. On behalf of all parents, I would like to thank the school administration and teachers for your diligence and participation in the upbringing of our children, the acquired knowledge and support. Let your strength not run out, let it be good health, and a bright and festive mood. And for the children we would like to wish them a successful path through adulthood, happiness and determination.

The last bell is ringing! On this festive, joyful day, on behalf of the parents, we would like to thank all the teachers and administration. Our children are in your caring hands, year after year. Thank you for your knowledge, resourcefulness, attentiveness and kindness. We wish you creative success, development, stress resistance, energy and kindness.

What speech to give at the last call to parents - for 9th grade school, college

Graduates of the 9th grade have a much harder time than graduates of the 11th grade. After all, they leave school earlier, they have to make new friends and meet teachers earlier. Therefore, the speech at the last bell after 9th grade on behalf of their parents should be both beautiful and touching.

Examples of a short speech for the last bell at school and college from parents of 9th grade students

It is better to compile the text collectively: with several parents of graduates at once. This will help create a beautiful text of gratitude and congratulations. You can take as a basis the parents’ speech at the last call from the following examples:

The exciting and touching moment of farewell to school has arrived, the last bell is ringing! Before my eyes are first grade, flowers, a line, a holiday, lessons, breaks, grades, vacations, friends, graduation, trepidation, sadness. Now the inevitability has repeated itself in children. Our relatives: graduates, teachers, director, all those who long years They walked diligently side by side together, making discoveries, learning, delighting. Happy holiday! May the world be friendly, all roads open, and the future exceed expectations. Be happy and remember the bright times of your school years.

Today the last bell rings for our children, today they open their doors to hot adventures summer days. On behalf of all parents, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the teachers and school administration, because these people have done a lot for our children and contributed to their upbringing and education. Let summer holidays They will fill us all with new strength and will certainly leave only happy and joyful memories in our hearts.

Your native school, dear teachers, beloved children, the time has come when you rise one more step higher. We wish your life path to be happy, fulfilling, successful and interesting. Don’t let your feet bleed on the stones that fate throws at you.

Touching speech from graduates for the last call - writing ideas, text examples

Graduates have a pretty tough time after graduating from high school and college. They feel a special attachment to their classmates, teachers, and friends from school. Therefore, a touching speech is perfect for them, in which they can beautifully express all their emotions.

Ideas for writing a touching speech for the last call from graduates

The text of the speech for the last call must include words of gratitude for teachers. They should also be congratulated on their well-deserved rest after school year. It is recommended to include funny stories from the life of students at school.

Dear teachers and dear friends and classmates. Today we, graduates, have to do one of the most important steps in our lives, parting with school. Behind best years - carefree childhood, youth, and further study and work lie ahead. I think that the best gratitude for teachers on our part will be the fruits of knowledge and life wisdom that we have grown from the seeds that they have sown in our hearts. One Latin proverb says that we study not for school, but for life. These words are deeply imprinted in our memory. And today we are parting with the building to which we owe so much, with the teachers who, with dedication and devoted all their strength to our education and upbringing. Therefore, on behalf of all today’s graduates, I say: thank you, school, thank you, dear teachers.

Today you and I are graduates, no longer children, but not adults either. Tomorrow we will take a step into independent life. There will be both sorrows and joys. Sometimes we will meet good and sympathetic people, and sometimes we will meet quarrelsome and angry people. But we must remember that our parents and teachers raised us to be kind, decent and cultured boys and girls. I would like to thank all my relatives and, of course, those who taught us over all these years. Thank you, teachers, for your help in difficult times, for good advice and the knowledge you shared with us.

Dear friends! Today we say goodbye to our native school! The day is exciting, joyful and sad at the same time. You have already taken the first step towards future achievements and success - and now you are on the threshold of serious, responsible decisions about choosing your future professional and life path. Great prospects are open to you. Your school years gave you a lot of new and interesting things - joy, comprehension of various sciences, loyalty of friends, first love and first disappointments. But your teachers also studied with you, your parents gained experience and wisdom. And may only the brightest and warmest memories of school remain in your memory, and may today be the start of a new adult and interesting life filled with events.

An example of a touching speech for the last bell from graduates

The texts considered are optimal for selecting the most beautiful and touching phrases and studying the rules of composing a speech. You should also pay attention to the features and structure of the text.

Today is your first prom, there will be others ahead, but this one is the most important and expensive. Remember it. We would like to wish you that your further studies become an interesting journey along the river of knowledge, that you receive only good grades, and that new subjects captivate you into the world of knowledge! As you cross this threshold, believe that the most interesting things await you ahead! Good luck to you!

Dear teachers! You are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, you led our graduates through the years of childhood and adolescence, invested knowledge, a piece of your heart into each of them, gave them your human warmth, your love. That is why they are all so kind, sympathetic and open. Thank you so much for our guys. And low bow to you.

I would like to address you, dear teachers.

I bow to you for your patience, for your skills, for loving our children and being wise mentors to them. We wish you to produce more than one generation of the same wonderful children as you made ours. And may the road of life be easy for our children. And may warm memories of these wonderful school years always live in the hearts of our children. Today you are releasing us into great life. Our schooling has ended, but there will be many more different lessons in life.

Original speech from the class teacher at school on the last bell - example text

Be sure to have a beautiful and touching speech class teacher should be heard at the last bell for all graduates. It will help them set themselves up to achieve new heights.

Examples of original speech texts from the class teacher for the last bell

In the proposed text examples, you can get ideas for writing texts for graduates. They will be very pleased to hear good words from your class teacher.

I won't say it's your day. I won’t repeat that you need to go to university - this is already a decided fact for me, I am one hundred percent confident in you.

Student life is a time of new relationships, new acquaintances, new love- a time when you can try, update, experiment with everything.

Adults often tell you: “In our time... We went to student years for potatoes, worked on a collective farm - and so on! What will you be proud of?”

Believe me, there is something! Proudly answer that you lived in the era of the exaltation of the Steve Jobs company, that you know what news is discussed in VKontakte, how to play Sims-2, and that Guf is actually alive! Many adults now are probably thinking, who is Guf?

Believe me, it is as impossible for some of the older generation to master even a second iPad as it is for you to understand the beauty of a trip to the potatoes!

Be proud of this and remember that any adult sitting in this room would now like to be in your place and find yourself again in this fabulous time - youth.

Dear children! Let me maybe in last time call you that - children...

I have already graduated several generations of students, they were all different. Of course, I remember everyone. But I remember some with special pride.

I wish you to live such an adult life that every teacher present in this room now (regardless of the grades given and attitude) will proudly say: “I remember this man, he was my student!”

I would especially like to address you, wonderful students. You are all smart and beautiful today, I look at you and regret that you cannot start life again...

And one last thing. I want your life motto to be simple phrase, the meaning of which everyone can understand in their own way: “Follow the dawn!”

Dear graduates! I want to wish you big pure love, creating a strong family, because this, I am sure, main support and support for every person! Of course, I wish you and your family health!

Always remember that you are unique, talented, cheerful, kind, open, worthy people! Be confident! Achieve the goals you have set for yourself in the future! And then you will become truly happy!

Well, now I’m incredibly happy, because I also achieved my goal - I’m graduating such wonderful kids! Thank you for all these years! I love you very much!

A short speech from the school principal at the last bell - ideas and video example text

At the line dedicated to the last bell, the director of the educational institution must say: congratulatory speech. He should wish success to the graduates and thank the teachers for their excellent work. The video example below will help you compose the director’s official speech at the last call.

Video example of a short speech by the director at the last bell at school

In the above example, you can see a short speech that is suitable for the last call. The director himself can include personal wishes and congratulatory words.

Official speech from the administration on the last call - examples and ideas for text

Other representatives of the administration can also congratulate graduates and other students on the completion of the school year: head teachers, psychologist or sociologist. You can make an official speech for the last bell for 11th grade or 9th grade using following examples.

Ideas and examples of a formal speech on the last call from the administration

Among the texts reviewed, you can easily select good options last call speeches. They can be used as a basis by all school administrators.

The school years are over,

Dear graduates! On this day you leave the walls of school to enter another world, into adulthood, where you will have to show more responsibility and courage. We are glad that we were able to invest in you all the love and knowledge that we ourselves have. All this time you have lived up to our hopes, now the time has come for you to decide what you want to do and receive from this life. We believe in your endurance, strength and aspirations. Thank you for these difficult, but interesting and fruitful years.

Congratulations on your last call. I wish you to free your head from all the lessons and homework, tune in to a new mood of a fun holiday and exciting summer adventures. Let the wind of luck blow you towards your dreams, let only you triumph good mood and a bright feeling of happiness.

It won’t be difficult to compose a beautiful and touching speech for the last call after reading the examples provided. In the tips you can find ideas for writing formal speeches for school or college administration, parents and graduates of 9th or 11th grade. Short texts can be used as a basis when composing a congratulatory text from the class teacher. A video example of a director's speech is suitable for all heads of educational institutions.

During the ceremonial part of graduation (grade 11), parents should thank teachers for the knowledge they gave them and for the years spent next to their children, give beautiful gift and reinforce sincere feelings an original response word in verse. The performance can be general for the entire teaching staff of the school or personal for each teacher. In any case, you should not learn primitive poems of gratitude or tearful odes to your native “alma mater”. Let the original response from parents to teachers in poetry at the 11th grade graduation be funny, funny, unusual.

Most often, the most active and sociable mothers and fathers are chosen for the organization. Parents make a plan for the performance in advance, assign roles and rehearse. A funny poem is told one by one, by stanzas or by lines. But even one bravest mother can express the general opinion of the entire parent corps.

Parents' response to teachers in the form of poems at the 11th grade graduation

There are horoscopes of all stripes in the world,
Adults and children adore them
Only Horoscope for teachers
No one has composed it on the entire planet.
It's time for us to correct this mistake
And draw up a teacher's horoscope.
Won't give us Aries bleat at the blackboard -
He's a real wolf in sheep's clothing
But Taurus- not formidable bulls,
And calves are kind by nature.
Everyone Twins couples are mercilessly sculpted,
Grumbling angrily: “What kind of baby talk?”
U Rakov very tenacious claws
They don’t let you leave the board for a long time!
If you show stupidity, they back away,
A Lions growl, but reward generously.
For Virgo appearance and diligence
Content is more important than answers!
Scales everyone wants justice
But the balance is unstable.
A Scorpion hides a terrible poison,
Suddenly it stings - and in the magazine there is a deuce!
Shoots with remarks Sagittarius,
Who can dodge - well done!
butt heads with Capricorn impossible,
The teacher is right - he knows in advance!
And with Aquarius It’s also hard to argue
It will flood - and who will save you?
And you remain silent when you go to the bottom, -
After all Fish They love silence very much!
Now we know everything about teachers
And we are not afraid of any flood,
After all, the student will be unsinkable,
When will he study this Horoscope!

Well, now, my main word,
For people whose hearts are ready to break,
To help, teach, advise,
Somewhere to guide, save, support.
How much effort did they all spend?!!
Every word is paid for with health.
Mothers, grandmothers, sisters and wives
How many hours are you at home?
How many minutes do you have to rest?
How often do you get to see your loved ones...?
Whatever I tell you today,
Everything will be pale and stingy and small...
There is no more work like this in the world,
Which the Planet would be proud of.
Only TEACHER with endless labor
Filled the planet with eternal pride.
Death and Life, the abyss of pain and happiness,
Peace and war, indifference, participation -
Everything in this world is in your hands:
In former and current students.
(You can talk for a long time and very beautifully)
Everyone who is sitting in this hall today,
They would tell you a lot of different things.
But from everyone whose faces you see here,
Let me just bow to you.

Musical response from parents at 11th grade graduation: remade song

It doesn’t matter what the age of the graduates is: the song always remains a favorite genre of all generations. Parents can take advantage of this and prepare a musical response for the 11th grade graduation in the form of a remake song. This number will certainly amuse both the children, the teachers, and the parents themselves. You can take one of the eternal hits as a basis and fill it with suitable text “from the heart.” Successful track options for reworking:

  • DDT "Autumn"
  • Animals "Districts-quarters"
  • Y. Shatunov “Ah, childhood, childhood”
  • M. Kristalinskaya “Top-top”
  • G. Leps “I will go to live in London”

The musical response from parents at the 11th grade graduation - a remade song - is an excellent opportunity for moms and dads to show their creative nature, take a creative approach to choosing images, and dream up outfits.

Song-remake in response to parents of 11th grade graduates

There's nothing left to catch
And even though my heart hurts a lot
We'll have to leave
The school period has ended
Our children's life is the door
Swung open - the way is clear
We are parting now
And they and we are leaving


And we leave, we leave beautifully
Ninth, tenth, last one mastered
And we leave, we leave beautifully

We will remember you all
our children's teachers
Children are our common success
we can't live without each other
Our children's life is a door
Swung open - the way is clear
We are parting now
And they and we are leaving

Ninth, tenth, last one mastered
And we leave, we leave beautifully
Ninth, tenth, last one mastered
And we leave, we leave beautifully

Everything ends in the world
But there will be no boredom at school
Other children will come to you
including our grandchildren
Our children's life is a door
Swung open - the way is clear
We are parting now
And they and we are leaving

Ninth, tenth, last one mastered
And we leave, we leave beautifully
Thanks from all of us to our native school
We're leaving, we're leaving beautifully
We're leaving, we're leaving beautifully

A response from parents with humor as a gift to the heroes of the occasion at their 11th grade graduation

The response from parents at the 11th grade graduation is not only an expression of gratitude to the teachers, but also an excellent gift with humor for graduates. It’s not often that kids get to see strict moms and dads dancing to a modern hit, making a short video with children’s nonsense, organizing an incendiary flash mob, or demonstrating funny themed scenes in ridiculous costumes. Such a gift will be remembered by your own children much more clearly than any material gift.

Of course, preparing each of the above numbers requires time, imagination, courage and out-of-the-box thinking. Modest and shy mothers are unlikely to be able to overcome themselves and perform a funny role in public. But if the parents don’t care about anything for the sake of the smile of the graduates, the performance will be a success! The most popular options:

  • A short dramatization on a school theme;
  • A remake of a fragment of a children's fairy tale or cartoon;
  • Dance flash mob;
  • Broadcasting a pre-filmed clip or funny video clip;
  • A beautiful waltz performed by moms and dads;
  • A medley song with dance elements;
  • Photo presentation with collective photographs of teachers and graduates;
  • Chats, poems, real stories-memories in prose from the school life of 11th graders;

Options for a response from parents to 11th grade graduates - clips with humor

With a little effort, you can compose a completely unusual response from your parents at your 11th grade graduation in a comic form. For example, a parody of modern pop artists. In it, each participant will become a double popular singer or a singer. This means that Lady Gaga, Ksenia Sobchak, Timati, and even Madonna will attend the kids’ graduation. Or you can rearrange a fragment from famous film and role-play him. Having enough time left, parents can easily make a fun video with congratulations for each hero of the occasion to demonstrate it in the midst of the prom. There are a lot of video ideas for preparing an unusual response from parents in a comic form. There would be a desire!

Video examples of a comic response from parents at an 11th grade graduation

The response from parents at the 11th grade graduation is gratitude to teachers in poetry or prose, a gift to graduates with humor in a comic form, a skit or a remade song in memory of another generation of children released from school. Prepare your speech in advance with our ideas and videos.

All words from parents to graduates of grades 4, 9 and 11 conveyed at the last bell celebration necessarily contain congratulations on the end of the school year and inspiring parting words for the future. Moms and dads express their admiration in poetry and prose for the children who have moved from primary to secondary school and express the hope that the children will show perseverance and diligence in their studies even in the fifth grade.

For boys and girls who have completed 9th grade, adults give them the choice to stay in school or leave and get a useful profession while simultaneously going to college. It is appropriate to say these words seriously and solemnly, or to present the speech in a cool, funny form, lifting everyone’s spirits and dispelling the slight sadness of parting with classmates.

Parting words touching to tears are prepared for 11th graders. Adults recite them at the assembly line or at prom, where smartly dressed children gather for a farewell school ball.

Kind words of encouragement from parents to elementary school graduates

Beautiful and kind words of encouragement from parents to primary school graduates inspire new achievements. Moms and dads congratulate fourth-graders on the end of another school year. They dedicate good, inspiring words to the children and recommend not to lose perseverance in studying science, to believe in themselves and not to be afraid of any obstacles. After all, elementary school graduates are no longer timid kids who have just started their studies. They won't be embarrassed by a difficult lesson, a lot of homework, or a request to take part in a talent competition. The guys fulfill all these requirements easily and don’t even ask for help anymore. Although, they are always happy if moms and dads show interest and attention to their school affairs.

Examples of kind parting words for elementary school graduates from parents

In this section we have collected best examples kind parting words for elementary school graduates. Moms and dads can take advantage of these developments and create their own original speech based on them. If time is short, it is quite appropriate to memorize these parting words, and then recite them with expression and congratulate the elementary school graduates on the successful completion of their studies.

Dear children, today you are graduates. And even though 11th grade is still a long way off, you have already successfully completed the first important stage study. Fifth grade is ahead, which means many new subjects, interesting lessons, exciting activities and fun, exciting changes await you. We wish you to remain a friendly class, help each other overcome any problems and certainly achieve great success in your studies.

Fourth grade is already over,

Your graduation is today, kids.

We wish you great success,

Let childhood beckon with bright light.

May everything succeed in your studies,

Let success be your reward,

May there be cheerful laughter and smiles

They will destroy obstacles on the way.

Health to you, new aspirations,

Big and small victories,

We wish you very beautiful,

Such fun school years.

Dear children, you have passed First stage school life and successfully overcame the first obstacles, made the first discoveries, and achieved the first victories. Today is your little graduation. You have completed the fourth grade, now your adult life begins and you have more serious goals ahead of you. May your future path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. I wish you true knowledge, strong friendship, diverse interests and excellent studies.

Happy graduation 4th grade!

We are glad to congratulate you.

A new path in life awaits you,

It leads to the pinnacle of knowledge.

We wish you aspirations,

New glorious adventures,

Only positive ratings

And have fun changes.

Develop yourself, don't be lazy,

Learn everything important.

Good luck, bright days,

And cool and loyal friends.

Dear children, the first stage of secondary education is behind you, you are already graduates of primary school! With which we sincerely congratulate you! Now new subjects and teachers await you, you will have to work harder and try harder. We wish you to gather your strength, relax, and then go ahead - “gnaw the granite of science”! We believe in each of you, you will definitely succeed!

What parting words from parents will 9th ​​grade graduates be pleased to hear at the last bell?

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine what parting words from parents will be pleasant for 9th grade graduates to hear at the last bell. This point is due to the fact that most children remain in school further, and some children go to college or a vocational school.

We decided to help moms and dads with writing the right parting speeches and prepared several options for successful congratulatory phrases with beautiful phrases and kind words, perfect for a festive greeting to ninth-graders.

The texts below contain parting words for both children leaving school and for children planning to continue their studies. Parents can memorize these examples and then read them to their children at the final graduation party.

If you want to show originality, you should use the proposed words as a template, and based on it, compose your own exclusive farewell speech containing wonderful congratulations and kind, inspiring wishes. Good words will move graduates to tears and inspire them to new achievements. After all, a child always wants to meet the expectations of his family and give them a reason to be proud.

Texts of parting words for the day of the last bell for 9th grade graduates from parents

It is not at all necessary that the texts of parting words on the day of the last bell for 9th grade graduates from parents be voluminous. It is enough to say a few phrases sincerely and from the bottom of your heart, and the children will feel the love and deep affection of adults.

You were together for nine years

Everything was divided in half

It happened, however, often

Poor teachers!

And now you've grown up

Became completely wise

So that your happiness in life

Surely you have found it!

It seems like just yesterday it was September 1st and the first bell in your life rang for you! 9 years have flown by, all the exams are behind us and today we celebrate your long-awaited graduation! You face a difficult choice, whether to continue studying or start building a career, but regardless of your choice, we want to wish you success in all your endeavors, happiness, courage, determination and sincere actions!

Ninth grade is over

Congratulations on this,

A special, interesting path awaits you,

Today we sincerely wish you

There’s no turning back from him now!

We also wish everyone patience,

Fun, joy and live without troubles,

And don’t lose your spirit guys,

And they are never afraid of difficulties!

Our dear graduates! Congratulations on graduating from 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who have decided to start a new, independent life, we would like to wish them easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to their intended goal. Let today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck to you, our beloved students!

Kind congratulations and parting words from parents to 11th grade graduates on the last bell

The kind words conveyed on the line from parents to 11th grade graduates penetrate deep into the soul and remain in the heart for the rest of their lives. Beautiful, to tears touching congratulations happy graduation from school, parting words for a happy future in prose and funny funny wishes the poems inspire children to new achievements and motivate them to persevere in achieving goals, never lose heart and confidently move along the chosen path. Listening carefully to their parents, children feel a surge of strength and powerful faith in themselves, and inside they have a strong desire to be sure to become a source of pride for their family, friends and loved ones.

Options for congratulations with parting words in honor of the last bell for 11th grade graduates from parents

A correctly composed parting word, spoken at the last bell or final graduation ceremony, gives the event special solemnity and significance. For variety, you can include some funny phrase, memory of primary school or a funny episode that happened to the guys in grades 9-11. This will make the parting speech more personal, and will make the children once again feel a slight regret that the carefree and fun school years are over and will never happen again.

We will never forget how little you were. It seems like just recently we were getting you ready for first grade, and today we’re already getting you ready for last. I remember your first meeting with school: everyone was fussing, afraid, worried, and we confidently led you to first grade, promising that everything would be fine. And now, after so many years, nothing will change - we will always be with you, we will be your support, support, your faith. After all, you are our children, our world, our happiness. Today not only you have matured, but we too have grown up together. Our dears, we wish you that this last call will be the beginning of a new life for you, in which you will definitely achieve success and make all your dreams come true!

Dear guys, today it’s time for you to go into adulthood! I would like to believe in your future successes, because this is the only way it should be. Your energy and youth will serve as a guarantee of this. We wish that each of you realizes your abilities to the maximum and is surrounded by good friends and managed to become happy.

Our dear children, today you are saying goodbye to school. Just one step separates you from adulthood. We wish you to boldly and confidently rise to a new level. Never lose faith in yourself, be persistent and persistent in achieving your goals, truly love and value friendship. And then everything will certainly work out. And we, your parents, will always be there to support you in difficult moment and share the joy of victory.

The children are cute, just recently funny and charming; you walked into first grade, holding tightly to your parents’ hands. Now, confident in your independence, you hold your classmates by the hand. And we still want to take a child by the hand, a story based on this difficult life, avoiding all obstacles, lending your shoulder. We understand that it is impossible, so we say, walk through life with dignity. Final exams are ahead - excellent grades and may your expectations come true.

Our dear graduates, congratulations on your graduation! You are already quite adults - 11 years of hard study are now behind you, and you can confidently move forward to higher knowledge, developing your qualities on your own. At such a young age, you are already great personalities. May each of you be truly happy in life and achieve everything you want. We wish you not to lose confidence in achieving your goals, to go through life easily with a ray of luck behind your back. Wishing you great achievements, true knowledge, iron will and success ahead.

The last bell in 11th grade is the line that divides life into “before” and “after”. For students, this is a “go” command; for parents, it is a signal that their children have grown up. And for teachers, a moment of farewell to their beloved students. Time will pass, and one of today’s graduates will bring a first-grader to the walls of their native school. This is the cycle of school life: teachers stay and wait, and students leave to return and bring with them a worthy replacement.

I would like to congratulate everyone present on this significant date. Our graduates are saying goodbye to the school today, and this last call is addressed to them. In their lives comes new stage when you have to make your own decisions. In the distant future, they will learn what nostalgia for their school years is. And now we are glad to see them so beautiful, solemn, slightly excited and looking forward!

Today is an exciting and solemn day. My heart is filled with emotions, because over the years we have become a family, my beloved children. We overcame difficulties together, joked, fell in love, dreamed and supported each other. I admire and am proud of you. It’s hard for me to let you go into the big, adult world, but I know for sure that you will succeed! Know that my doors are always open for you, I always wait and miss you!

Parting words to graduates from the class teacher in prose

As a class teacher, I would like to wish each of you smooth roads, open doors and good people. May the school of life favor you and send teachers on your path to success who are able to teach, understand, advise and correct. Strive for your dream, go forward and never stop there. Don’t forget that the doors of your home school are always open for you.

Dear graduates, I will remember your friendly class for its unique enthusiasm, glorious passion, wonderful characters and ability to make friends. I hope these wonderful qualities will help you in your adult life, which will begin soon for you! Happy last call! Let it resonate in your young hearts with the melody of good luck!

My dear children, today you will open a new door and step into adulthood. But there it’s the same as at school. I wish you to go through everything with honor life lessons and pass the exams of fate with flying colors. May there always be a faithful friend nearby who will give you a cheat sheet and loving heart, which will share with you the sweetness of victory. Happiness to you, my beloved guys, high achievements and well-deserved grades.

Parting words to graduates from the class teacher in verse

May you succeed in everything in life, and may all paths be open,
Good luck will smile on the one who walks, although it will be difficult ahead.
Dare, discover, find out, give birth to children. And the time will come,
I believe you will bring them to school and cross the threshold.
We will welcome them as relatives and raise them, teach you and your Motherland to love,
Life goes on, I know that for sure, and each of you has to be someone in it.
I will watch you furtively, I will be proud and worried,
And now, as a mother, I will be glad to see you on my doorstep.

My dear guys,
I wish you
Reveal your talents
Be loyal to friends.
Going through life is not easy,
But I believe in your passion,
If only with a fair wind
Your bold step coincided!

Graduates, you solved the problems,
We learned songs, did long jump...
The last bell is ringing! And good luck
I wish you, and more than one!

I'll open an empty classroom tomorrow,
It’s sad, I’ll smile quietly.
And proud of you guys
Sadness will immediately give way.

You were once chicks,
Now you are a flock of white birds.
May fate be good to you
And may life give you happiness.

At the Last Bell or at Graduation, according to tradition, parting words for eleventh grade graduates are heard from their parents. Of course, you need to think about this in advance, and not force one of the parents to improvise on the fly. It is worth deciding in advance who will give the speech. Not every class has a parent speaker who can give speeches, but this is not necessary. You can prepare your parting text in advance and print it on beautiful paper and put it in an envelope. When moms and dads are asked to speak, one parent can step up to the microphone and say the following: “Your parents have prepared a letter of encouragement for you, and I have the honor of reading it.” After this, the parent opens the envelope, unfolds the letter and reads it expressively. Thus, there is no need to improvise or memorize the prepared text.

We bring to your attention three versions of parting words from parents to graduates. You can use them or come up with something of your own. We hope our options will give you some interesting ideas of your own.

Parting words to 11th grade graduates from parents: option 1. “Stay a little kids”

Our dears!

Now you are all grown up and will soon fly out of the nest. From now on, in my own way life path you will go on your own. Life will make you wise and strong, failures will strengthen you, and successes will push you to new achievements. But today we want to give you advice to always remain a little childish!

All children are visionaries and dreamers. Don’t stop building castles in the air and dreaming about what seems impossible today! He who does not dream of the impossible will not achieve even a little.

All children are inquisitive. Stay that way in the future: strive to learn and grasp as much as possible. Be hungry for knowledge! After all, knowledge is power that will help you become successful.

All children are restless. Parents and teachers sometimes have such a hard time! But restlessness develops. Be restless - move, travel, play sports, dance, indulge in hobbies and interests. Live an interesting life!

A child, when faced with difficulties and troubles, always turns to elders for help and consolation. We hope you will continue this habit. Of course, you need to learn to be independent, but you shouldn’t refuse the participation of your elders! Parents will always understand everything and try to help, no matter what. difficult situation you don't turn out to be.

Our dear ones! Your teachers, parents and grandparents tried to fill you with intelligence, kindness and eternity. Remain a little child, do not lose everything that is beautiful and pure with which your young hearts and souls are full. Look at life with a smile - and it will smile back at you!

Farewell words to 11th grade graduates in prose: option 2. “Faith, hope, love”

Dear Guys! It seems like just yesterday we brought you to first grade, and today the last bell is ringing for you. Time passed quickly, but the path was not easy: it was filled with successes and failures, joys and sorrows. You did it and we are proud of you!

But the path continues - new heights and achievements lie ahead of you. Let faith, hope and love be your constant companions!

Believing in yourself is the key to success. Confidence in a bright future is the credo of an optimist. Faith will help you achieve your goals and not give up on your plans, and optimism will not allow you to become limp if something does not work out.

Don't let go of hope. It inspires and gives strength. Walking hand in hand with hope, you can overcome any difficulty.

Cherish the love. It is in each of you. Don't let her light go out. Keep your love for teachers, for knowledge, for your small homeland. Love your family, loved ones, friends, nature, music. Look at life with love, and it will love you back!

Believe! Hope! Love it! And you will succeed!

Parting words to 11th grade graduates: option 3. “Successful person”

Dear Guys! Today the last bell rings for you, as a signal of the beginning of a new stage in life. Together with our teachers, we accompany you to adulthood. The road will not be easy, but we are confident that you will cope and will definitely become successful.

But what does it mean to be successful? Money and career are not everything!

A successful person does what he loves. We wish you to choose a profession that will bring you joy.

The one who has time-tested friends is successful. Your class is close-knit, Friendly team. Appreciate and keep it!

Successful people always take care of their health. Lead a reasonable lifestyle and take care of yourself.

Those who are accompanied by success are not afraid to accept difficult decisions. Be decisive - the city takes courage!

A successful person knows how to say “No!” if he is asked to do something that is at odds with his principles. Learn it!

People who have achieved success are grateful to those who helped them along the way. Don't forget your teachers. Keep the good things they taught you.

And lastly: a successful person is one who is always and everywhere in time. So be punctual and don't forget to set your alarm.

Good luck to you, our adult children!