Eternal bachelor Timur Batrutdinov. Timur Batrutdinov and his wife. Career, personal life

Timur Batrutdinov is a popular and talented comedian, famous TV presenter, born in the village of Voronovo near Moscow on February 11, 1978.


The boy was born into a military family and early childhood He moved quite often with his family. Perhaps this was partly one of the reasons why its manifestations back in preschool age artistic inclinations began to actively develop. Moreover, my parents also encouraged this in every possible way.

Moving from school to school, he was forced each time to re-gain authority among his classmates. And the easiest way to do this was by taking an active part in all kinds of school events.

Timur in childhood

It so happened that Timur practically grew up on stage. He really enjoyed performing in front of audiences. The boy was especially good at comic scenes and parodies. But he did not intend to connect his life with the theater.

A matter of chance

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Timur decided to continue his studies in St. Petersburg, choosing a new and very promising specialty for that time - personnel management. Somewhere in the depths of his soul, a first-year student already saw himself as a serious boss, organizing big interesting projects. But everything turned out completely differently.

It was all due to KVN, which student years Batrutdinova was at the peak of popularity and in every educational institution There was always one, or even several, of their own teams, whose members were always super popular among their fellow students. With one of these teams, Timur entered the KVN stage. But his first performances did not bring him popularity.

But the guy’s humorous talent was quickly noticed by the “St. Petersburg Team” and they invited him to write texts for several sketches. Mini-productions based on Timur’s scripts were received with a bang by the audience! and over time, Timur began to do this semi-professionally. At the same time, he worked part-time organizing and hosting weddings and corporate events.

Comedy club

Immediately after receiving his diploma, Timur was drafted into the army, where he continued to amuse his comrades, periodically organizing humorous evenings. But he did not plan to continue performing in KVN, although his love for this program remained for the rest of his life.

He decided to celebrate his demobilization with a trip to the famous Sochi festival “Voting KIVIN”, and then planned to go to work at a large automobile company.

And again chance intervened. At the festival, he met with an old KVN acquaintance, Dmitry Sorokin, and he invited Timur to become a member of the professional KVN team “Ungolden Youth,” which had been playing in the major league for a long time and had many fans. Considering this offer a chance for new life, Timur agreed and soon moved to Moscow.

There he met and very quickly became friends with another talented comedian and screenwriter Garik Kharlamov. For some time the guys worked very closely. They wrote scripts together and went on stage as a pair. In the same tandem, after some time, they moved to a project of a completely new format, “Comedy Club,” where they quickly became super popular.

Successful performances and excellent contact with the audience attracted the attention of famous television personalities to Timur. Soon he began to receive offers to try himself as a presenter of music and other popular programs.

At the moment, being a resident of the Comedy Club, Timur manages to act in comedy series, host several programs and often go on tour.

Personal life

Journalists constantly gossip about Batrutdinov’s personal life. Moreover, if earlier he tried not to appear with his girlfriends at social events, now he can quite often be found with representatives of the fair sex. But he still doesn’t have a serious relationship with anyone.

For the first time, Batrutdinov took his close friend to a social event in 2013. His companion was a girl about whom the press only managed to find out that her name was Katya, and she had nothing to do with show business. But pretty soon after that they broke up, and Batrutdinov said that his heart was broken.

He decided to heal the heart wound in an original way- taking part in a scandalous famous project"Bachelor". Of the 25 contenders for his hand and heart, Timur chose two, but then settled on Daria Kananukha, who captivated him with her sincerity and spontaneity.

With Daria Kananukha

But again the artist was disappointed - the couple’s relationship ended along with the contract. Immediately after the show, their paths diverged.

Now he devotes a lot of time to work and does not study active search, believing that love should come on its own. Although Timur has a fairly clear idea of ​​what his chosen one should be like and, perhaps, that is why he is still alone. It’s not easy to meet a girl who meets such serious criteria these days.

Let's hope that the artist will be lucky in the near future. In the meantime, he regularly becomes the godfather of the children of his comrades in the Comedy Club.


Date of death: Place of death:

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Profession: Career:

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Timur (Chestnut) Takhirovich Batrutdinov(born February 11, Voronovo, Moscow region, RSFSR) - Russian comedian and TV presenter.


Born on February 11, 1978 in the village of Voronovo, Podolsk district, Moscow region. Batrutdinov spent his childhood in the city of Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. Father - Tahir Khusainovich, engineer; mother - Natalya Evgenievna, economist.

At the age of six I went to Voronovskaya secondary school. After school, he entered the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance at the Faculty of Labor Economics and Personnel Management, from which he graduated in 2000. After graduating from university, he was called up for a year of military service in the signal troops.


In the student club of the university he participated in numerous skits, played for the KVN team of FinEka, wrote scripts for the KVN team of St. Petersburg.

After the army, he worked in Moscow at PSA Peugeot Citroën in his specialty, from where he quit due to an offer to participate in the KVN team “Ungolden Youth”.


Participates in the Russian television project Comedy Club, performs in a duet with Garik Kharlamov, who also performed for the Ungolden Youth team.


Film roles

  • 2002 - Knife in the Clouds - underground parking security guard
  • 2005-2007 - Club - Grisha Loser
  • 2005 - Sasha + Masha - cameo role
  • 2006 - My Pig - cameo role
  • 2006 - Happy together - Vasya Dyrkin
  • 2009 - Two Antons - Anton Krutov, main role
  • 2009 - The Best Film 2 - "Actor", main role
  • 2015 - Horoscope for luck - Lyokha
  • 2015 - Concerned, or Love of Evil - Philip, hiker, friend of Glory
  • 2015 - Bartender - Club partygoer

Voice acting

  • 2008 - Horton - Elephant Horton (voice of the Russian version)
  • 2010 - I love you, Phillip Morris - Steve (dub)

Personal life

Timur Batrutdinov has never been married.

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Excerpt characterizing Batrutdinov, Timur Takhirovich

I again became a little distant from my school friends, because in lately they almost constantly had the same conversations - which boys they liked best, and how they could “get” one or the other... Frankly speaking, I could not understand why this attracted them so much then, that they could mercilessly spend such free hours, dear to us all, on this, and at the same time be in a completely delighted state from everything said or heard to each other. Apparently, for some reason I was still completely and completely unprepared for this whole complex epic of “boys and girls”, for which I received an evil nickname from my girlfriends - “proud girl”... Although, I think that it was just a proud woman I wasn’t... But the girls were just annoyed that I refused the “events” they offered, for the simple reason that I honestly wasn’t interested in it yet, but throwing away my own free time It was in vain that I did not see any serious reason for this. But naturally, my school friends did not like my behavior in any way, since it, again, set me apart from the general crowd and made me different, not like everyone else, which, according to the guys, was “anti-human” according to the school students. ..
This is how my winter days passed, again half “rejected” by school friends and girlfriends, which no longer upset me at all, since, having worried about our “relationship” for several years, I saw that, ultimately, in this makes no sense, since everyone lives as they see fit, well, what will come of us later is, again, a private problem for each of us. And no one could force me to idly waste my “valuable” time on empty conversations, when I preferred to spend it reading most interesting books, walking along the “floors” or even riding along the winter paths in the Purga...
Dad, after mine honest story about my “adventures”, for some reason suddenly (to my great joy!!!) he stopped considering me a “little child” and unexpectedly gave me access to all his previously unauthorized books, which tied me even more to “loneliness at home” and , combining such a life with grandma’s pies, I felt absolutely happy and certainly in no way alone...
But, as was the case before, it was clearly “contraindicated” for me to quietly engage in my favorite reading for a long time, since, almost without fail, something “extraordinary” was bound to happen... And so that evening, When I was calmly reading a new book, crunching with pleasure on freshly baked cherry pies, an excited, disheveled Stella suddenly appeared and declared in a peremptory voice:
– It’s so good that I found you - you should come with me now!..
- What happened?.. Go where? – I asked, surprised at such an unusual rush.
– To Maria, Dean died there... Well, come on!!! – the girlfriend shouted impatiently.
I immediately remembered little, black-eyed Maria, who had only one friend - her faithful Dean...
- I'm already on my way! – I was alarmed and quickly rushed after Stella to the “floors”...

We were again greeted by the same gloomy, ominous landscape, which I almost didn’t pay attention to, since it, like everything else, after so many trips to the Lower Astral, had become almost familiar to us, as far as one could get used to such a thing in general. ..
We quickly looked around and immediately saw Maria...
The baby, hunched over, sat straight on the ground, completely drooping, not seeing or hearing anything around, and only affectionately stroked the shaggy, motionless body of the “departed” friend with her frozen palm, as if trying to wake him up... Severe, and bitter, completely not childish tears flowed in rivulets from her sad, extinct eyes, and, flashing with brilliant sparks, disappeared into the dry grass, watering it for a moment with clean, living rain... It seemed that this whole already quite cruel world had now become even more cruel for Maria colder and even stranger... She was left completely alone, so amazingly fragile in her deep sadness, and there was no one else to console her, or caress her, or even just protect her in a friendly way... And next to her, a huge , a motionless mound lay her best friend, her faithful Dean... She clung to his soft, furry back, unconsciously refusing to acknowledge his death. And she stubbornly did not want to leave him, as if knowing that even now, after death, he still loved her just as faithfully and also sincerely protected her... She really missed his warmth, his strong “furry” support, and that familiar, reliable, “their little world”, in which only the two of them lived... But Dean was silent, stubbornly not wanting to wake up... And some small, toothy creatures were scurrying around him, trying to grab at least a small piece of him hairy “flesh”... At the beginning, Maria still tried to drive them away with a stick, but, seeing that the attackers were not paying any attention to her, she gave up on everything... Here, just like on the “solid” Earth, there existed “ the law of the strong,” but when this strong one died, those who could not get him alive, now with pleasure tried to make up for lost time by “tasting” his energy body, at least dead...
From this sad picture my heart ached sharply and there was a treacherous pinch in my eyes... I suddenly felt wildly sorry for this wonderful, brave girl... And I couldn’t even imagine how she, poor thing, could, completely alone, in this terrible, sinister world, stand up for yourself?!

Timur Batrutdinov was born on February 11, 1978 into a Tatar family in the village of Voronovo near Moscow. The boy spent his childhood not surrounded by gloomy faces scurrying here and there in a dusty and stuffy metropolis, but among unique nature parks, squares, endless sandy beaches the greenest city in the Kaliningrad region, Baltiysk, where his father, a military man, was transferred for service.

Timur's school time began at the age of six. In elementary school, in third grade, he became creative path, successfully playing his first role as the Primer Man in a first-grade production. Timur Batrutdinov, a high school student, became famous for his brilliant play in the school KVN team.


Despite his love for literature, KVN and creativity in general, Timur Batrutdinov, having received the long-awaited certificate of secondary education, decided to follow in his mother’s footsteps: he entered the Faculty of Labor and Personnel Management in State University economics and finance of St. Petersburg.

As a student, he played on the KVN team of the highest-rated state economic university in Russia, and wrote scripts for the city team. The Major League remained a pipe dream; due to a personal conflict with one of the team members, it was not possible to get into the St. Petersburg KVN Team as an actor. He was content with scripts and “back-up dancers,” but did not give up KVN. Of course, Timur Batrutdinov at that time had no time for economics, for which he paid with academic leave.

After graduating from university in 2000, the young man was sent to the army in the Podolsk region for a year. The fighter Timur Batrutdinov decided to turn the army into a continuous Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. It was with him light hand the team became the champion of the Moscow military district.

Having conscientiously repaid his military duty to his homeland, Timur Batrutdinov remembered his diploma as an economist and went to Moscow, where he was immediately hired in his specialty at the Peugeot company. However, the company’s joy did not last long: economist Timur Batrutdinov was found by old friends from KVN, and he became a full-fledged player, already as an actor in the “Ungolden Youth” team in the Major League. The dream has come true.

True, “the emphasis in the team was already distributed, so I had to fight my way from the back rows and prove to myself and everyone...”. Apparently, it was not possible to prove to everyone: now no one can really remember what Timur Batrutdinov did in “Ungolden Youth”; in short, in KVN he simply did not have time to reveal himself 100 percent.

"Comedy Club"

But the avid KVN player managed to show himself to the fullest, becoming a resident of the "Kashtan" show " Comedy Club"At first, he joined the third duet of Garik Kharlamov, a native of the Ungolden Youth, and the famous TV and radio host Evgeniy Agabekov. Through natural selection, the original trio was nevertheless reduced to the size of the duet - Batrutdinov-Kharlamov.

It is this duet of two gifted people that is one of the main highlights of the current Comedy. At first, the bright comedic performance of Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov certainly draws attention to himself in the duet’s performance, but that’s why he has such a nickname – “Bulldog”. But Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov with the magnificent middle name Takhirovich is a comedian by nature and can prove it at any moment. Periodically, the actor performs with Garik Martirosyan, Oleg Vereshchagin and Le Havre, Pavel Volya and Alexander Revva.

While on tour in the USA, Timur Batrutdinov and Alexander Nezlobin once went into the holy of holies - the Comedy Store, where the American Comedy began more than 60 years ago. It was there that, among others, they performed Jim Carrey, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker , Andy Kaufman. For a long time the actor had the feeling that he was in the scenery Hollywood films either in the role of an undercover police officer or a spy intelligence officer.


However, “Comedy Club” did not become the main thing in Timur Batrutdinov’s life; he was eager to go on big television. Luckily, Batrutdinov was noticed by employees of the Muz-TV channel and invited to the program “Hello, Kukuevo!”, for daily 15-minute episodes of empty chatter, but the program was still a success.

One of the main residents of the "Comedy Club" had his childhood dream to play romantic hero, successfully embodied under the circus dome in the lyrical image of Andrei Bolkonsky, unusual for him, in the project "Circus on the First", receiving maximum quantity points and a flurry of applause.

In addition to participating in the Comedy Club and television, Kashtan did not give up his authoring activities. He successfully wrote scripts for KVN, humorous broadcast on NTV, for Sergei Mandrik, director of the "Street Jazz" ballet and host of the "Dance Floor Star" program. It is Timur’s merit that in the continuation of the popular program, the speech of the presenter Sergei was a little livelier, and jokes slipped into the repertoire, at least a little, not only to work with the body.


The first filming of the lively KVN player happened in St. Petersburg, while working part-time as an extra. His first role was in a Canadian film. Then future star"Comedy Club" "deftly took the Winter Palace" in a huge pile of sailors. And the next day he was already a White Guard, defending the same Winter Palace. At that moment, the magic of cinema threw the seed into fertile soil, then subconsciously beckoned for a long time, but Timur Batrutdinov steadfastly refused, most likely, he was not ready internally.

The director of the series "Masha + Sasha", who was also the director of "Comedy Club", Ksenia Chashey invited "Kashtan" to play the role of a resident of Prague in her sitcom.

Then Timur Batrutdinov took a direct part in the series “Club” on MTV, playing the role of Grisha Loser. It turned out, however, that everything was not as truthful as the actor himself expected, who knew club life firsthand, and the series had certain film standards.

But, nevertheless, the first serious experience of working in cinema was a success: the actor discovered creative like-mindedness with the performer leading role Peter Fedorov, with the professional actors from the “Club,” he felt free, there was no fear of filming, he simply “took the image itself.”

"The best movie-2"

In the film parody "The Best Film-2" on the images of the main characters in the highest-grossing domestic films of recent times: "Heat", "12", "The Irony of Fate. Continuation" Timur Batrutdinov got the role of Actor.

He even managed to hit Sergei Lazarev in the face in the frame, according to the script it was supposed to be so. But it was not a blow to defeat, a blow to the modern stage, but rather a friendly one, like “Guys, try harder.”

The self-critical Timur Batrutdinov was not very pleased with his role, and the image did not seem to have enough depth, and his hero is a rather stupid creature. Of course, the role of the Actor, a parody of the hero Arthur Smolyaninov in “Heat,” cannot definitely be called an Oscar-winning one, but still it was an important event in the resident’s film career, because it was Batrutdinov’s first full-length work.

The parody genre is new to Russian cinema. An absolutely Zuckerian parody, of course, could not be made due to a lack of art material, but the creators of "The Most best film-2" tried to take into account the shortcomings of "The Best Film", inviting, among other things, new actors from Comedy: Timur Batrutdinov and Dmitry Khrustalev.

Timur Batrutdinov himself would not mind trying himself in dramatic role. But for this, and the actor always understood this very well, he would first need to get an education at least somehow related to theater and cinema.

Personal life

One of Timur Batrutdinov’s favorite sayings is “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” He did not plan to perform at the Comedy Club, and much more, but, nevertheless, everything turned out that way. Fate was kind to him, and he accepted her gifts with joy. But this does not mean that the actor was just waiting, no, of course, he was always doing something.

In many ways, the actor depended on the success of his family, on how things were with the main women in his life - his sister and mother. They always restrained him from more fraudulent, crazy actions.

In general, everything that is not banal, and sometimes even absurd, is very close to this person. Everyone just watched the stupid Tom and Jerry, and Timur managed to learn Polish while sitting in front of the TV screen. And he acquired both standard English and non-banal Polish languages.

The actor has a character trait: it’s interesting to live in different images. It's always different. One for parents, another for friends, and a third for girls. But he is always an open person, not a hypocrite. The world is so unpredictable for Timur Batrutdinov that he never knew what the next day might turn out for him.

The most unforgettable thing at the noisy party for Timur Batrutdinov’s 30th birthday was the surprise that the guests prepared for everyone’s favorite resident. Large quantity The waitresses serving this event at some point grabbed Timur and, singing the song “Winged Swing,” began to undress him. The false waitresses turned out to be pre-hired strippers who were supposed to decorate the evening of the hero of the day.

Timur Batrutdinov published memoirs, an autobiographical tragicomedy about the year spent in the armed forces - “The Year in Boots.”

The Comedy Club resident, an economist by training, always proposed to approach the process of the global economic crisis philosophically: a change of priorities, after prosperity there should always be not just extinction, but simply a turning point.

Probably all romantically minded girls in Russia know about Timur Batrutdinov. Thanks to the famous TV show “The Bachelor,” in which he appeared as an eligible bachelor in 2015, he won more than one girl’s heart. Reflections and conversations about how life will turn out next famous comedian and the actor of the most popular project “ComedyClub” and whether 23-year-old Dasha Kananukha will become the wife of Timur Batrutdinov after winning the fight for his favor was enough everywhere: at work, at home and among her friends.

Dasha, a beautiful and smart girl from Tatarstan, was one of 25 contenders for Timur’s heart. She decided, just before the State Exams at the Kazan Federal University, to rush into the unknown world of television illusions and took part in the 3rd season of the show. Determined that she would not win, Dasha even took a day off from work for only 1 week. However, when she saw Timur, she fell under his charm and decided that she would fight to the end.

It is unknown whether Kanauha knew that long before this Timur had already participated in a similar project on Russian TV. It was the “Let's Get Married” program in 2009. Then, out of three contenders: a figure skater, a singer and an actress, Timur chose Sasha Savelyeva, a singer from the Factory group, however, there was no further relationship between them. If Dasha had known about this, perhaps Batrutdinov’s appearance as a groom on the new show would not have seemed serious to her. Although, on the contrary, it could have added excitement. In any case, Dasha entered the battle for him decisively, but very wisely.

Despite her youth, she showed amazing patience and ability to get her way. Having closed herself off from the other contenders, the girl very wisely avoided all the intrigues and tricks in this difficult women's team and became friends only with ex-girlfriend Timur - Alina Chus. In the end, Dasha remained one of two contenders, along with Galya Rzhaksenskaya, and managed to resist the temptation to confrontation: the relations of the main rivals remained “militantly neutral.”

According to the opinion and desire of the majority, Galya should have become the winner in this competition. But Timur himself chose Dasha and showed towards her, as she admitted, the most best qualities of your character. However, their fabulous relationship, in her own words, did not end with a wedding: Timur was never able to decide on his desires. Dasha was more interested in their union than he was. Therefore, she let go of the situation and started organizing her personal affairs: exams, moving to Moscow, looking for work. She has a surprisingly strong sense of common sense.

Timur, who has long had a reputation as a womanizer who does not want to commit himself, again meets with girls, changing them from time to time. After the end of the show, it turns out that he saw Galya Rzhaksenskaya more than once, then he was noticed together with Playboy star Rodilina Sambrish at the presentation of Glukoza’s new video. But whether the obvious mutual sympathy of this couple has developed into a warmer relationship is difficult to say: without hiding from public attention, Batrutdinov is not too frank about his intimate feelings.

Timur more than once announced his serious attitude to the institution of marriage and expressed a desire to have children, but has not yet gone beyond these assurances. There are often random girls in his life, as gossipers say, but he does not enter into long-term relationships with them. Sometimes he jokes that he is “married to his job,” which takes up too much time and effort. Combining work with marriage, according to Timur, is not only inconvenient, but also dishonest: something will have to be sacrificed from time to time.

However, Batrutdinov is the godfather of the children of Garik Kharlamov, his close friend and colleague, who is no less busy with work than him, and has married for the second time. Maybe his example just dampens the “playboy groom” Timur? Recently, rumors have appeared that Batrutdinov started an affair with actress Natalya Rudova from Comedy Club and this could end in a legal marriage. At least, he himself hinted that he was not free by appearing with her on Valentine’s Day. But this is still only an assumption, just like the fact that any of the many fans of the famous Don Juan, having tried, has a chance to become the wife of Timur Batrutdinov.