Aquarius man woman cancer unusual horoscope. Roles in relationships. Marriage problems

The compatibility of Cancer man and Aquarius woman tells us that these two zodiac signs rarely find common language, and build happy and harmonious relationships. The partners in these relationships have too different temperaments and characters, and it is extremely difficult for them to find mutual understanding among themselves. For a Cancer man, it is very important to follow certain rules, preserve traditions and family values, while the Aquarius woman is very committed to the future - she lives by it, and wants tomorrow to be better than today.

And if the Cancer man is a set of guidelines, restrictions and rules, then the Aquarius woman is an unbridled element, freedom-loving and unpredictable in her behavior. Yes, at the beginning of their romantic relationship, Cancer will be drawn to the mysterious and amazing Aquarius woman, and she will see him as a representative male tribe, which can give her some stability. But over time, most likely this initial interest will fade, and the couple will begin to distance themselves from each other emotionally, and the matter may well end in divorce. Over the years, misunderstanding and rejection of these two can reach an extreme point if they do not consciously resist it.

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A Cancer man is a person who values ​​his loved ones and family very much, and he initially strives for a strong and long-term relationship with a girl. He is not looking for entertainment for one evening. But the Aquarius woman is more flighty, and most likely she will not be able to satisfy his desires. She is too disgusted to spend all her evenings only at home, she languishes in boredom and monotony - what she considers quiet and routine home and family life to be. , and Aquarius is a social animal, striving to communicate outside the walls of the house.

The views on life of a Cancer-Aquarius couple are very different - and there are not so many points of intersection of interests. Save similar union is possible only if the feeling of love between them is very strong, and both are trying in every possible way to smooth out sharp corners, and overcome misunderstandings and different points of view.

Positive compatibility - Cancer man and Aquarius woman

The ideal compatibility of this couple is a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman; this is a marriage or union in which there is a lot of love and tenderness, and the desire to adapt to the other person. Since they are very different psychologically, both must be great and wise diplomats, and build their relationships very carefully and thriftily.

It’s great if this couple is united by some common idea or dream that they strive for. In this case, they seem to begin to look in one direction, and those disagreements that usually arise between Cancer and Aquarius smooth out on their own, as the couple begins to concentrate on something else, more important to them. If they are connected by a common mission, such a love union may well survive even after many years, despite not the best psychological and moral compatibility.

Another possibility for building harmony and peace in this couple is when a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman live at a distance. These can be either different rooms or different houses. In this case, many everyday problems that exist between them will disappear by themselves, and positive qualities their union will remain. Cancer will be drawn to a woman who is unpredictable and interesting to him, she will find in him warmth and comfort, and a certain stability that will balance the restless disposition of the Aquarius woman. She will intuitively feel in him a certain wisdom and restraint, which she really lacks, and sometimes ask his wise advice on the path of life.

Negative compatibility – Cancer man and Aquarius woman

Cancer and Aquarius will experience serious problems in their relationship - and you can easily tell why they will appear. that Aquarius will give up his antics, calm down, and take care of the house, children, and family. But all the time he will be eager to get into society, try to achieve something and will strive for constant communication outside the home. After all, her strong point is sociability, a friendly character, openness, and the ability to find a common language with different people. All this can be fully revealed only in society.

The Cancer man will be greatly burdened by the huge number of new friends of the Aquarius woman - for him it’s all too much vanity. He is much more cautious, and seeks to limit his social circle to only the closest people. He is much more comfortable in such an atmosphere. Plus, Cancer is quite jealous, and of course, when his wife constantly communicates with strangers, including men, all this will cause him great anxiety and a feeling of dissatisfaction. But he won't know how to change it.

The Aquarius woman will be annoyed that Cancer is trying to put her “on the hook” of household responsibilities, and constantly lectures and tells her how she should behave and how to live.

She, not feeling the support of her chosen one, will experience cold emotions and move away from her man. Cancer can begin to manipulate, blackmail and apply various pressures in order to win a woman over to his side, but all this will not help, and will only cause Aquarius to smile and sometimes compassion. If this goes too far, then the Aquarius woman may well decide that she is tired of such a relationship and leave the family for freedom. Especially if she is interested in someone outside her close social circle - from the men she met.

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Horoscope Cancer-Aquarius - well-being of the union

The compatibility horoscope between Cancer and Aquarius says that in order to achieve complete harmony and happiness in this love union, the Aquarius woman will have to accept one undoubted thing: Cancer likes to be in his experiences, his inner world, and he does not strive to go anywhere. then again. This brings with it both negative consequences (Cancer does not like society, and strives to remain either alone or with those closest to him), as well as positive ones - he knows how to see the essence of things well, since he devotes a lot of time to reflection and philosophy.

If the Aquarius woman listens more to Cancer, values ​​his opinion, and expresses gratitude to him for the thoughts expressed, he will open up more and more and trust his chosen one. At the same time, this should not be done out of hypocrisy - Cancer can really tell a lot of interesting and unusual things, often hitting the nail on the head. The Aquarius woman sometimes lacks such insight, and she may look at surrounding events too superficially.

It is also important that the Aquarius woman does not try to flaunt her independence and freedom in front of Cancer - this will not cause a fit of joy in him, but will only irritate him. But if you express original thoughts and show originality of thinking, then this may surprise him and attract him very much. He enjoys intellectual conversations, and the Aquarius woman copes very well with the role of a wise and attentive interlocutor.

If Aquarius begins to feel any... Most likely he is not doing this out of malice. He is just trying to find ground under his feet, because he began to worry and doubt - do you love him? Is it important to you? All these thoughts cause anxiety in him, and an instinctive desire to attract and tie his partner to him. But he simply doesn’t know how to do this with the freedom-loving and wayward Aquarius, and begins to play incomprehensible manipulations and games that can simply destroy the relationship.

How an Aquarius woman will interest a Cancer man and attract him

At the very first dates, the Cancer guy will very quickly pay attention to the Aquarius girl - she will show her sociability, openness and kindness, and he will undoubtedly like it. Plus, Aquarius can listen very carefully and show that the interlocutor is extremely interesting to her - and this will also melt the ice in Cancer’s soul - and will greatly impress him. And since Cancer is always aimed at long-term relationships, and is looking for a woman for life, he will begin to think through his head about how to win such a girl and make him his.

In any case, he will represent Aquarius as his wife first and foremost. But as soon as this couple gets together, and the Aquarius woman becomes closer to him, it’s as if he begins to entangle her with bonds and restrictions - all in order to tie her to him as closely as possible. Aquarius will perceive this as pressure and a desire to limit her freedom. And it’s very difficult for her to endure.

Such pressure can only push away and cool the ardor of the Aquarius woman. She is ready to take the side of her chosen one, but only if this does not happen by force. Respect and the ability to compromise are very important to her. But you can’t always expect this from Cancer.

As a result, it may well turn out that the first, most romantic stage of the relationship between Cancer and Aquarius will seem to them the best in their personal and family life.

Marriage can bring much less emotion and satisfaction for both. On the other hand, it can happen differently, and this couple will be happy - since both love to develop spiritually, and if their energy in this area coincides, and they strive for common spiritual values, then it is quite possible that they will completely satisfy each other friend, and be in harmony. Everyday life will be in the background for them, and will not be able to destroy such a family.

Friendly compatibility between Cancer man and Aquarius woman

A Cancer man and an Aquarius woman can be friends, but it’s difficult to call it a full-fledged friendship. More likely it's some business union, which unites when there is something to do it for. There is a common goal for which they are ready to communicate - they communicate, and the couple exists. As soon as the goal disappears, both Cancer and Aquarius begin to doubt - is it even worth wasting time on each other?

Unfortunately, in such “friendly” relationships there is a great lack of care for loved ones, warmth, sincere emotions - everything that can strongly bind true friends. In the union of Cancer and Aquarius this is exceptionally small. The Cancer man is too closed and immersed in the inner world, the Aquarius woman loves freedom and openness. There will most likely not be very much trust in such a couple.

There are also not many opportunities for this friendship to turn into a romance. They usually do not experience physical attraction to each other, so there is not much to wait for a romantic period. They just don't need it.

Work and career - how compatible are Cancer and Aquarius?

The working couple of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman is a pretty good match, and can usually achieve good results if they work well together. Yes, they work completely differently, they have different styles and paces of work, but this is their secret: having agreed, they can complement each other if they very clearly divide their responsibilities and follow the agreements in the future.

If Cancer and Aquarius cannot find a common language, and this is quite likely, then they will general work will only bring disappointment. It’s as if they will put spokes in each other’s wheels, and such business cooperation is more likely to harm the overall result than to move it forward. In this state, it is better to place them in different corners - this way they will be much more useful.

The biggest difficulty in such a working couple is that Cancer and Aquarius simply cannot understand each other. They seem to speak the same language, but everyone means something different. The Aquarius woman is usually friendly and open, and can tolerate Cancer for a while, but this will not last long.

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Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of the zodiac signs Aquarius man and Cancer woman is the most full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

If someone says that these zodiac signs have nothing in common, they are mistaken. They have a lot in common! The main thing is that they are, how can I put it... equally strange. That says it all. They're both unpredictable. True, Cancer’s mood swings can be somehow correlated with the phases of the Moon. And Aquarius is under the protection of the mysterious Uranus. Who can know what and when helium-hydrogen hurricanes and thunderstorms rage on this giant seventh planet! True, Aquarius himself does not consider himself unusual. And if suddenly he does not coincide with reality, then he stubbornly thinks: it is the World that is out of step and crazy, and he, Aquarius, is a model of normality.

To the Crab woman, Waterbearer seems an incomprehensible creature (which is not surprising), since it is the eighth House for her. The Aquarius man considers the Moon woman to be very useful in practical matters (she is the sixth astrological House for him). He also really likes to make fun of her (well, he likes to watch how she reacts!). This couple manages to be friends and cooperate. And closer relationships are striking, at first glance, with their unpredictability.

There is one surefire way to break up with an Aquarius: ask in passing where he put the change from the bakery. And add that in the evening he should be home exactly at 18.45. Aquarius will not tolerate such an attack on personal freedom. Although, in general, he likes to be taken care of, but without fanaticism. And no reports or restrictions! At any age, he needs a gentle, forgiving mother. A flighty Aquarius can leave, slam the door and show up only a month later, when he wants mushroom soup and cannot find a dry cleaning receipt. He’ll come as if he wasn’t the one who broke poor Krabik’s heart, and he’ll even blame her for everything:

It's your fault that I fell in love with you mushroom soup! I felt terrible discomfort without him. I had to go back because of this. And why, pray tell, was it necessary to teach me to take things to the dry cleaner? How do you tell me to live now?

Aquarius is impractical, doesn't walk straight, loses things, and doesn't know how to plan finances. Although it is he who earns money in the Aquarius-Cancer alliance, and Cancer plans, directs and manages the money. (Learn more about Cancer's attitude towards money and career) Their sexual attraction is something special and incredible. The male sign of Aquarius is patronized by the “male” planet Uranus. He is magnetically drawn to the feminine Moon, he considers the Moon Maiden extremely sexy! Aquarius will not experience such crushing tenderness with anyone else. And the Moon Maiden will never experience with anyone else such a magnetic passion as the lunar obsession that Water Bearer awakens in her.

Perhaps, with age, Aquarius will become more restrained and will arrange fewer “surprises” that Cancer does not know whether to cry or laugh at. But more often, nevertheless, the Cancer woman laughs. Her sense of humor is one of the qualities that simply bewitches an Aquarius. Even if he leaves her (yes, he is a flighty), her silver laughter rings in his ears, and he remembers her for the rest of his life.

A Cancer woman who has ventured into an alliance with Aquarius must clearly understand: he will never become “like everyone else.” You can’t expect any tangible evidence of love or gifts from him either. Aquarius' love is expressed in other ways, in immaterial and immaterial spheres; he knows how to open doors to the future and give stars from the sky. A rare gift, by the way!

Aquarius Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility

The Aquarius man and the Cancer woman are free artists who agree with each other based on the same views on life. They cannot stand attachments, obligations or routine, and with all their might they strive to decorate their life, to make it much brighter and more interesting. The flight of dreams of an Aquarius man will so fascinate his companion that she will unexpectedly discover new horizons to which she will rush with all her soul. The Cancer woman is more cautious and pragmatic than her chosen one. She is more concerned than he is about the financial situation of the family, worries about financial savings for the future, creating a strong and stable base for these relationships.

Sometimes a partner will have the desire to call his companion overly pragmatic or materialistic, although this is not true - the Cancer woman is only trying to gain confidence and stability in life, without putting material values ​​at the forefront. The Aquarius man, striving for independence and freedom, will violate the rules that his partner is trying to establish in the family. Over time, this confrontation can lead to conflicts, although partners prefer to resolve all misunderstandings peacefully, without leading to family squabbles.

The Aquarius man does not want to be tied to his family - he considers himself a “man of peace”, and is in a hurry to bring benefit and joy to all the people around him. The Cancer woman will sometimes accuse him of excessive frivolity, a complete lack of attention and feelings on his part, but these accusations also have no basis - the partner always loves his family very much, but tries to bring everyone out big world. His love is expressed in the fact that he opens doors to the future, gives his beloved ideas and dreams. The Aquarius man is sincerely perplexed when he is accused of insensitivity - of course, but “Darling, I will give you this star?!”

Compatibility of Cancer woman and Aquarius man in love and marriage

Psychological compatibility of Cancer woman and Aquarius man in a relationship

A very difficult partnership in which serious trials may await the spouses. The injured party usually turns out to be Cancer, who drew erroneous conclusions from the initial fervor of Aquarius, while he very soon begins to openly manipulate his partner. Cancer women have increased sensitivity, and this behavior of an Aquarius man can affect not only their emotional state, but also their physical health. Everything can end in a serious nervous disorder or psychosomatic illness. Meanwhile, partners often really experience a serious attraction to each other, based on a common interest in the unknown. Issues of the human psyche, esotericism, and so on. But the Aquarius man will extremely dislike those earthly attachments that Cancer will definitely want to throw on him. There is a complete mismatch of temperaments - the Cancer woman is immersed in emotions, she lives by them, while the Aquarius man, on the contrary, is extremely cold-blooded, he is only interested in events. Emotions are simply inaccessible to an Aquarius man, and therefore he is not able to appreciate his partner. Material wealth can play some role in strengthening a marriage when a Cancer woman understands why she needs to endure and agrees with it. This union can end completely unexpectedly, when even partners who have lived in a long marriage simply separate. different directions as if they had never had anything in common.

Sexual compatibility of Cancer women and Aquarius men

The strong sexual attraction that arises between representatives of these two signs is primarily explained by the fact that Cancer is ruled by the feminine planet, the Moon, and the Aquarius man is ruled by the very masculine Uranus. In the bedroom, there is complete harmony between these partners, which they cannot achieve in ordinary life. An Aquarius man is able to awaken in a Cancer woman a strong and unbridled passion, which she can mistake for an obsession. Therefore, the intimate life of these signs is full of true joy. Unfortunately, marriage cannot rest on sex alone.

Business compatibility between Cancer woman and Aquarius man

These partners work best when collaborating somewhere in the field of art. Cancers understand people better, literally at the level of intuition, so they should take on a leadership role. However, both the Cancer woman and the Aquarius man are also endowed with practical acumen, which helps to cope with many financial problems. Partners can establish general business and are always ready to lend a helping hand to each other, especially if they are moving towards a common goal. But they are unlikely to have a heart-to-heart conversation, although on the other hand, they simply won’t have time for it.

What a Cancer woman needs to know about an Aquarius man

Like all men, Aquarians dream of a devoted girlfriend, the trouble is, Cancer, that your devotion is the size of an ocean. An Aquarius man becomes too wet and uncomfortable in it. Aquarius does not tolerate restrictions on his freedom, otherwise he simply will not have enough fresh air. He is not ready to exchange his independence even for the most tender hugs. And even more so, he will not accept it if these hugs become more like shackles. You will not wait for the Aquarius man to come home exactly at the appointed time, and it is useless to remind him of this. Aquarius is always in free flight; it is useless to cry about this. Otherwise, it will simply fly away forever.

What an Aquarius man needs to know about a Cancer woman

A woman born under this sign may forever remain a sealed secret for you, Aquarius. Some consolation can be the fact that it is not only for you - after all, the Cancer woman is ruled by one of the most mysterious planets - the Moon. It is under her influence that the Cancer woman becomes so soft and gentle, but at the same time so mysterious. She will never open up completely to you - she will always have her own corners where you will be closed. And you shouldn't poke your curiosity into it. Cancer women do not tolerate this and will only close their shells more tightly.

Compatibility of Cancer woman and Aquarius man: chances for the future

The Aquarius man is unpredictable and extremely freedom-loving, the Cancer woman is mysterious and cautious, these partners are initially so different that it is not very clear why they are so attracted to each other. Unfortunately, life is not limited to the confines of the bedroom and when they leave it, it turns out that the conservative Cancer is frightened by the changeable nature of Aquarius, and it is impossible for him to understand her attachment to stability, and he is not too keen on marriage. The more time passes, the deeper these contradictions become and the union, as a rule, falls apart.

How compatible is a Cancer woman in a love relationship with other zodiac signs?

How compatible is an Aquarius man in a love relationship with other horoscope signs?

Aquarius and Cancer compatibility

Both of these partners tend to idealize and overestimate each other’s character, but, meanwhile, the union of an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman can be very interesting and favorable. The combination of two elements in it - Air and Water - shows the visible differences between the partners, but at the same time, they are not inclined to contradict each other. The differences in the characters of these two allow them to successfully complement each other - both in family life and communication, and in the professional sphere, creativity or business.

The Aquarius man and the Cancer woman are free artists who agree with each other based on the same views on life. They cannot stand attachments, obligations or routine, and with all their might they strive to decorate their life, to make it much brighter and more interesting. The flight of dreams of an Aquarius man will so fascinate his companion that she will unexpectedly discover new horizons to which she will rush with all her soul. The Cancer woman is more cautious and pragmatic than her chosen one. She is more concerned than he is about the financial situation of the family, worries about financial savings for the future, creating a strong and stable base for these relationships. Sometimes a partner will have the desire to call his companion overly pragmatic or materialistic, although this is not true - the Cancer woman is only trying to gain confidence and stability in life, without putting material values ​​at the forefront. The Aquarius man, striving for independence and freedom, will violate the rules that his partner is trying to establish in the family. Over time, this confrontation can lead to conflicts, although partners prefer to resolve all misunderstandings peacefully, without leading to family squabbles. The Aquarius man does not want to be tied to his family - he considers himself a “man of peace”, and is in a hurry to bring benefit and joy to all the people around him. The Cancer woman will sometimes accuse him of excessive frivolity, a complete lack of attention and feelings on his part, but these accusations also have no basis - the partner always loves his family very much, but tries to bring everyone into the big world. His love is expressed in the fact that he opens doors to the future, gives his beloved ideas and dreams. The Aquarius man is sincerely perplexed when he is accused of insensitivity - of course, but “Darling, I will give you this star?!”

The relationship between an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman is like eternal tests of each other, experiments and puzzles. The partners will either come together in a passionate impulse, or diverge, taking offense at each other - and this game can continue for years until the feelings really dry up. The salvation of the relationship between an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman lies in the goals that the couple should set for themselves, as well as in the correct distribution of roles. If a partner can take care of new ideas and directions, then his companion will become the stabilizing factor that will give aerial structures special stability and practicality. The Aquarius man earns money in this family, but the Cancer woman saves and increases it.

He is Aquarius, she is Cancer - compatibility with other signs

Compatibility horoscope for women and men with the zodiac signs Cancer and Aquarius

Love compatibility of a couple Cancer woman and Aquarius man

Compatibility is highly questionable in love relationships. Most often, these two zodiac signs have completely different views on building relationships and creating a family. The Cancer woman strives to create stability in relationships and she wants to know what will happen next. She loves to make plans for the future and discuss it with her loved one.

But an Aquarius man in love is not ready to plan his life, and tries to live only by today’s desires and needs. She will not receive the stability she needs so much from her loved one. Frequent doubts and torment will torment both partners. The couple is not the most successful for building love and life under one roof.

He cares little about his financial situation and devotes more time to his spiritual development.

The compatibility of a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man will leave them virtually no chance to be together. This will be wild for a Cancer girl who wants to feel stability not only in feelings, but also financially.

This difference may become the main stumbling block due to which the alliance will fail. A Cancer woman cannot be tender and understanding when her man does not care about her peace of mind.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Cancer

The similarity in temperament is immediately noticeable

Although the signs belong to different elements, the compatibility of Aquarius and Cancer is based on the similarity of their temperaments. Each of them looks at the world through rose-colored glasses and is carried away by everything mysterious.

Common interests give Aquarius and Cancer a good chance of compatibility in love. If only the couple can avoid the pitfalls that the love horoscope warns about.

Compatibility of Cancer and Aquarius in love relationships

Quarrels and conflicts have not been canceled

To find out whether Cancer and Aquarius are compatible enough, the astrological characteristics of both zodiac signs will help. The Sun passes through the first of them from June 21 to July 22, through the second - from January 21 to February 18.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and belongs to the element of Water. This is a very calm sign that does not like to “muddy the waters”, preferring to quietly lie down in a cozy family nest. It is not for nothing that its astrological symbol is depicted as a mother with a child. Attachment to home is aggravated if a person is born with the Moon or Ascendant in this zodiac sign. It is very difficult to stir up the hermit in this case. In addition, his sentimentality and tendency to get hung up on trifles only limits his movement through life.

Monotony does not scare him; he is happy to live slowly, away from turbulent events. In love, the same calm signs are suitable for a hermit: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo. But the compatibility of the signs Cancer and Aquarius is not always ideal. This sign relates to Air, which gives a person an unimaginable breadth of soul. He is interested in everything, he is open to communication. In a word, he strives to be at the center of all events. But in a locked room, he will quickly get bored and instantly slip away from the passionate but stuffy embrace.

CANCER + AQUARIUS – Compatibility – Astrotypologist Dmitry Shi

Compatibility of Cancer man and Aquarius woman. In joint

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Cancer woman. In joint

possible marriage relationship of Cancer, couple in love Cancer ko

00:06 – Characteristics of Cancer 01:48 – Cancer – Aries 03:08 – Cancer – Body

LEO + AQUARIUS – Compatibility – Astrotypologist Dmitry Shi

Among the zodiac signs, Pisces, Gemini, Aries, Libra are suitable for him. The contradiction in temperament of Cancer and Aquarius hardly makes them compatible. And yet the stars are not so categorical and give them a chance for well-deserved happiness.

The relationship between Aquarius and Cancer, oddly enough, is built on a successful combination of the opposites of their characters. The slowness and indecisiveness of the latter is compensated by the wild imagination of the former, his ability to maneuver on the crest of a wave and be self-confident. At the same time, Cancer is fascinated by the courage, talents and willpower of Aquarius; the compatibility of the signs benefits from their mutual complementation of each other.

It should be borne in mind that a water sign is very susceptible to the influence of the Moon, its mood and aggressiveness change following the change of lunar phases. Knowing about this pattern, you can cleverly use the moment and smooth out the rough edges in the union of Aquarius with Cancer. This is especially easy to do if he is Cancer and she is Aquarius; the compatibility of such a couple is very high.

Another feature of the pair of Aquarius and Cancer is the latter’s desire for dominance in the relationship.

His air partner will not like excessive leadership and being forced to make the necessary decision, and he will hasten to retreat. It will be possible to soften the confrontation in a pair of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman. If the girl gives up her desire for independence, and the guy reduces the pressure on her, then the stars’ reviews about compatibility in the pair “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” will be positive.

Compatibility between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man

Partners love to be together

Cancer man and Aquarius woman at first glance seem to be an example ideal family. The husband provides household income; his other half, with his magnificent appearance, evokes envious glances from surrounding men and their wives. In fact, behind the seemingly successful compatibility of the Aquarius and Cancer woman there is a misunderstanding and opposite characters.

The sentimental Cancer man lives by past stories and values ​​age-old family foundations; his compatibility with the progressive Aquarius woman becomes more doubtful with each passing year. If at the beginning of a romantic friendship a guy was excited by the girl’s unbridledness and extravagance, then years later life together this delight subsided, revealing misunderstanding and rejection of such unpredictability.

Quiet family evenings and seclusion - this is the ideal life for a homebody hermit. But the cozy homely little world lovingly built by the Cancer man shudders from the Aquarius woman’s attempts to pull her husband out of his shell. Bored, she tries to reform literally everything: from his clothing style to interior decoration Houses.

Naturally, a conservative man will zealously defend his right to the usual order of things. He does not share his friend’s love for noisy companies and parties; he is even wary and hostile towards guests. If the spouses do not understand that there are personal boundaries that cannot be questioned, then compatibility in the pair “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” will develop dramatically.

For example, become vegetarians, become interested in esotericism or astrology, and introduce innovative ideas in raising children into practice. This can be any activity that will unite the spouses and direct their energy into the peaceful direction of the patroness of love and the house of Venus.

A joint business can support compatibility in a couple of Aquarius and Cancer women if the partners are able to correctly divide responsibilities among themselves. Busyness at work, combined with the ability to restrain impulses and give in, will ensure an alliance where “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” harmonious compatibility married. But concessions must be mutual and supported by strong love and the desire of the partners to be together.

An equally favorable option for compatibility between an Aquarius and Cancer woman is a situation where Aquarius and Cancer live separately from each other. For example, a man may have another family or live with his parents (the latter is typical for this sign even in adulthood). In such relationships there are advantages for each of the signs: everyday life does not become a cause of quarrels, which makes the impractical Aquarius girl incredibly happy, and their compatibility with Cancer in sex comes to the fore.

When the stars sweat, they do not predict surprises for the couple: both signs do not experience uncontrollable physical attraction to each other, their sexual games will even seem boring to other zodiac signs. Are Aquarius and Cancer sexually compatible? Definitely yes.

Cancer woman and Aquarius man

Romantic and dreamy

The romance between a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man begins quickly. The girl likes that her chosen one is bursting with ideas and showers her with pleasant surprises and gifts. It is not difficult for Aquarius to win a Cancer girl; their horoscope compatibility, however, is not the easiest.

Both signs are seen by others as eccentrics, romantic dreamers, poorly adapted to life. Many people do not understand the compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Cancer girl. At first, the relationship of this couple really develops harmoniously. Soft in communication and at the same time active, multifaceted lover attracts a fan. Hardly others zodiac signs as compatible in sex as Cancer and Aquarius. However, soon after declaring their love for each other, they will see the differences between them.

The Aquarius man will be surprised by the Cancer woman’s attempts to take a leading position in their relationship, and her desire for financial stability may even be regarded by him as greed. In fact, for a girl of this sign it is important to provide herself with an insurance fund, and her saving of every penny “for tomorrow” is due precisely to this desire. Acquisitiveness is more developed in Cancers born in the year of the Dragon or Monkey according to the eastern horoscope.

In turn, the girl does not want to put up with her partner’s carelessness. She is attached to home and does not want to exchange it for dubious adventures and long journeys. The Cancer woman will try to tie the Aquarius man to her, constantly involving him in solving everyday problems: from shopping for groceries to renovating the house. But Aquarius is unlikely to be compatible with the quiet joys of Cancer. He will happily trade watching TV together for a meeting with friends.

Their compatibility in a love relationship can be disrupted by everyday issues.

An economical and practical girl will be annoyed by the carelessness of her life partner. Quarrels over scattered things and furniture rearranged from their usual places are unlikely to make Cancer and Aquarius compatible in marriage. She doesn’t understand her partner’s desire to stand out from the crowd (at least with original laces on his shoes, or even better – by challenging social rules).

However, Aquarius’ actions turn out to be a mystery to himself. His spontaneity and inconsistency only complicate compatibility in the pair “he is Aquarius, she is Cancer.” His absent-mindedness and inattention to established order in the house is regarded by the wife as a challenge to her. The situation is also heated by the Aquarius man’s tendency to make fun of his chosen one; the Cancer girl is hardly compatible with this and will respond with violent indignation. Fortunately, their quarrels do not last long. Both signs are easy-going and after some time can communicate quite peacefully.

Another reason for problems in the compatibility of the couple “she is Cancer, he is Aquarius” is the frivolity of the latter. Without giving of great importance family values and marital responsibilities, a man can cheat, dooming the union of Aquarius and Cancer to a break in relations. Moreover, there is no need to guess who abandoned whom. A jealous and constant girl will not forgive her betrayal of her chosen one, and thick armor will protect her from too strong an emotional shock.

To maintain love and strengthen the compatibility of an Aquarius and a Cancer woman, both of them should learn to talk to each other and convey their grievances in a calm tone. A mutual search for compromise is this couple’s chance for happiness in family life. A woman should abandon her habit of imposing her standards and habits on her beloved, and her chosen one should treat his beloved more respectfully and seriously. In marriage, partners born under these zodiac signs should give each other more freedom, pacify their curiosity and not demand that their spouse turn their soul inside out.

Often in a couple where he is Aquarius and she is Cancer, the girl surrounds her beloved with essentially maternal care. This quality is generally characteristic of hermits. Oddly enough, in the case of Aquarius, this technique is exactly what is needed. Her endless reminders about important meetings, preparing him food for a snack at work, clearing away debris from his clothes - all this does not anger the man, but helps him become more organized. This is a big plus of compatibility between an Aquarius man and a Cancer girl. Without his neat and punctual life partner, a man risks remaining an absent-minded and always late eccentric.

If someone says that these zodiac signs have nothing in common, they are mistaken. They have a lot in common! The main thing is that they are, how can I put it... equally strange. That says it all. They're both unpredictable. True, Cancer’s mood swings can be somehow correlated with the phases of the Moon. And Aquarius is under the protection of the mysterious Uranus. Who can know what and when helium-hydrogen hurricanes and thunderstorms rage on this giant seventh planet! True, Aquarius himself does not consider himself unusual. And if suddenly he does not coincide with reality, then he stubbornly thinks: it is the World that is out of step and crazy, and he, Aquarius, is a model of normality.

To the Crab woman, Waterbearer seems an incomprehensible creature (which is not surprising), since it is the eighth House for her. The Aquarius man considers the Moon woman to be very useful in practical matters (she is the sixth astrological House for him). He also really likes to make fun of her (well, he likes to watch how she reacts!). This couple manages to be friends and cooperate. And closer relationships are striking, at first glance, with their unpredictability.

There is one sure way to break up with someone: ask in passing where he put the change from the bakery. And add that in the evening he should be home exactly at 18.45. Aquarius will not tolerate such an attack on personal freedom. Although, in general, he likes to be taken care of, but without fanaticism. And no reports or restrictions! At any age, he needs a gentle, forgiving mother. A flighty Aquarius can leave, slam the door and show up only a month later, when he wants mushroom soup and cannot find a dry cleaning receipt. He’ll come as if he wasn’t the one who broke poor Krabik’s heart, and he’ll even blame her for everything:

- It's your fault that I fell in love with your mushroom soup! I felt terrible discomfort without him. I had to go back because of this. And why, pray tell, was it necessary to teach me to take things to the dry cleaner? How do you tell me to live now?

Aquarius is impractical, doesn't walk straight, loses things, and doesn't know how to plan finances. Although it is he who earns money in the Aquarius-Cancer alliance, and Cancer plans, directs and manages the money. (More about) Their sexual attraction is something special and incredible. The male sign of Aquarius is patronized by the “male” planet Uranus. He is magnetically drawn to the feminine Moon, he considers the Moon Maiden extremely sexy! Aquarius will not experience such crushing tenderness with anyone else. And the Moon Maiden will never experience with anyone else such a magnetic passion as the lunar obsession that Water Bearer awakens in her.

Perhaps, with age, Waterbearer will become more restrained, and will arrange fewer “surprises” that Cancer does not know whether to cry or laugh at. But more often, he still laughs. Her sense of humor is one of the qualities that simply bewitches an Aquarius. Even if he leaves her (yes, he is a flighty), her silver laughter rings in his ears, and he remembers her for the rest of his life. A Cancer woman who has ventured into an alliance with Aquarius must clearly understand: he will never become “like everyone else.” You can’t expect any tangible evidence of love or gifts from him either. Aquarius' love is expressed in other ways, in immaterial and immaterial spheres; he knows how to open doors to the future and give stars from the sky. A rare gift, by the way!

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Responses (54) to Aquarius man and Cancer woman: compatibility

    While I was reading the article, I remembered my affair with an Aquarius man, everything was written word for word! The strangeness of both signs is different, but that’s what attracts partners. As for banter, it’s worth saying separately that Aquarius men cannot live without it, but at the same time, their jokes are not evil. There should be no mistrust in such relationships, otherwise Aquarius will run away. And regarding attraction, it has been accurately noted that Aquarius men are attracted precisely by the femininity of Cancer women.

    There is one couple I know, funny guys, we’ve known each other for probably 6 years, they’ve been together for 10 years, they have a child. He is Aquarius, she is Cancer. I don't understand them at all.
    They call their family Italian)))
    The passions there are no joke, she tried for a long time to marry him to herself, then he left - came back - left - came back, then there was peace and harmony, then they divorced))) Now they live together again, have a joint budget, are planning another child, they don't plan to get married. Happy!

    From personal experience I will say that living with a wife whose zodiac sign is Cancer is more happiness than a household necessity. Don't know. Maybe I’m lucky, but I constantly feel her care and support, although sometimes I even doubt my ideas and thoughts. And as for strangeness, people are all strange, Aquarians are the most outlandish in this regard.

    • Vova... It’s strange that my Aquarius is also Vladimir, but we are not married and I may be an exception, but I’m not really eager, I still enjoy my own freedom.
      Well, that's what I'm talking about!
      Your comment is already 2 years old and I hope everything is fine and with the consequences it would not be possible without it, but the most important thing is that it really made me happy for you.
      Since in in this case you have met a Cancer Woman who is aware of all her versatility, where she managed to find a balance in herself and her absolutely unearthly nature because
      You feel good because she feels good and that’s the main thing.
      Don't hurt each other to hurt each other, that's not the solution.

      • Hello Polina! You are right 100 out of 100! You are a fairly conscientious person! By the way, you need to bring specifics and stability to your relationship! For yourself! Now this is my third family! I walked for a long time to my happiness, it was white and black! Conclusion: I LIVE AND BREATHE LOVE FOR MY THIRD WIFE AND I THINK HOW I LIVED WITHOUT HER! JUST EXISTED! I TREASURE HER! SHE IS THE MEANING OF LIFE! SHE IS MY GODDESS AN ANGEL IN THE FLESH!!!

    I read the article and was amazed at how accurately the Cancer(F)-Aquarius(M) relationship was described. My MCH is Aquarius. Every word in this text is about us. And I often take jokes as a joke, but today the limit has come to this. And I put an end to it. Although I love him very much, and he me too. And I’m thinking whether to continue the relationship or try to forget him. If you continue, then in fact you will have to walk through a “minefield” all your life. This article would provide advice on how to prevent these “inconsistencies.”

    • Don’t give up, we are Aquarians and this is not out of malice. On the contrary, we are very afraid of offending and love very much. These jokes just pop out) If they didn’t love you, they wouldn’t exist, or they would be rude and not nice. Believe me, your martyr did not want to offend you, this is just a character trait 😀

      It's up to you to decide. I just can’t quit the 16th year. I’ll say right away that you will have to earn money for yourself and for your children, and this will be taken for granted, while all housework is done by women, at the age of 37 I already had a hypertensive crisis, I’ve been going to a psychotherapist for 7 years, loss of strength, in general It's up to you to decide. Only, if yes, then immediately realize that he helps you in everything, otherwise you will overstrain yourself. Good luck and happiness, whatever you choose.

    Yes, you never know exactly what's on his mind. But that’s what’s exciting about it. With my husband, I really feel different from everyone else. Maybe because he is “weird” or makes me “weird”, who knows? Before him, I had two and these relationships were not particularly memorable. I felt some kind of... ordinariness, ordinariness with them, as if like in a book - they met, fell in love, date, quarrel, make up, and the next logical step, again like in a book, is a wedding. But she stopped in time, looked back, and then saw Him. Well, what am I talking about?..
    He is unlikely to tell you everything that is on his soul. By nature he is quiet and calm, although it would probably be more correct to say “keeping everything to himself.” Still, it ceases to be quiet, at least with me :) This is how to find out, again, about interesting book, or rather, walk past it, hear about it from friends and finally buy it, but put it on the shelf to read later. And when he is silent, you begin to speak. And oh miracle! Where were you before, little book :) Every page in you becomes more interesting and informative, encourages you to learn about you and talk to you more and more, until he, such a bastard, shuts up again :) And it’s definitely noted about the stars. I will never forget how we went out of town and lay in the open air all night, admiring these very stars. And each other of course)

    Fufufu scorpions... Don't run to them, crustacean girls. Two exes are Scorpios, rabid psychos, breaking dishes or whatever comes to hand and breaking noses if something is not to their liking. Now I have a Scorpio friend who is trying to hook me up. It starts to shake when once again the phone flies into the wall just because I didn’t have time to answer the call... But my little Aquarius is a miracle.

    My God! I read it and just understood everything that this gentleman is not mocking me, but loves me! I constantly hear him bantering at home, constantly touching and hinting at a meeting! Thank you, I understood everything!

    Yes, a good article. A lot of things were pointed out that are present in our relationship with Aquarius. I especially liked the one about “it’s your fault that I’m used to your mushroom soup!” I felt terrible discomfort without it! Well, pray tell, why did you need to teach me to take things to the dry cleaner? I had to come back because of this :)) oh this looks so much like Aquarius!! Sometimes we heat each other up without memory, exactly 4 days pass, Well, a maximum of a week, his complaints have all disappeared somewhere and he feels bad and is unbearable when he’s the only one left, let me call and don’t give me a pass! Although during a quarrel he splashes out such things that he’s there and he can’t be with me and it’s better to part with... Well, we parted, everything is as you say, dear, she left... And then we immediately start to miss the mushroom soup)))) Oh, in fact, at first it’s like you leave and come back , you quarrel and make up, but now, to be honest, it’s not funny anymore... I’m really tired of it! It’s just that I just can’t muster the strength to get away from him (

    • It's very difficult for me too. It feels like my experiences are unnecessary and no one believes in their seriousness. I had to give it to my husband on March 9th wedding ring, then I realized that it was serious.

      • Yes, you won’t even mention that it’s time to formalize the relationship, and he will live happily ever after without thinking about anything! This frivolity is very infuriating! “Dating endlessly” is not in my plans, although we have already been living together for a little over a year. For me, this is enough to understand whether you want to continue with a person or not. I had to take all the initiative into my hands. We had a serious relationship with him conversation that either he somehow moves and so that our relationship with him moves to another level, or why is all this necessary then, is it just a waste of each other’s time?! I believe that there should be a family, for that matter, a serious relationship. But a civil marriage is just a waste of time, we lived together and then separated, we don’t owe each other anything. I don't want this. Well, if he has doubts, then he needs to draw the appropriate conclusions. I’m not going to marry anyone and, moreover, I don’t want this with all my soul. I want male initiative.

    And I probably won’t be able to stand it anymore. I agree to the difficulties, but the lack of attention is killing me. I can't do it anymore. I’m a Cancer, my husband is an Aquarius, we’ve been together for 15 years, we have two children, but my strength is gone. Think carefully before you say yes.

    • Inattention kills, that's for sure. I dated an Aquarius for 2.5 years. He fell in love with me, and then all hell broke loose. The man talked very little about himself, disappeared for months, no texts, no calls, basically zero attention. In addition to everything, it later turned out that I was not alone with him.

    It's all true. He doesn't need a wife, he needs a "mommy". I've been dating my Aquarius for over three years. How we quarrel! Sparks fly from the eyes. And sometimes a rude word is enough for a little cancer to cry into his pillow. I used to be captivated by this passion, but I can’t anymore. No romance or tenderness, just jokes and laughter. Yes, you can’t expect any tangible gifts from him, but there were no intangible ones either. What star from the sky? Serious relationship? What are you doing, my love, it’s not time yet. Apparently three years is not enough to understand whether he needs me or not, we don’t even live together, we’re just dating. Well, what about attraction? Any woman will understand me: when there is no warmth, love, tenderness and romance, passion fades very quickly.

    • It’s the same with us... in the third year, I don’t understand why, my patience ran out. All! I don’t want to, I can’t, I’m tired of it! If you stay with him, you can fray your nerves endlessly... he still won’t appreciate it, won’t understand! I have the feeling that the person doesn’t bother at all and isn’t embarrassed in his actions and expressions.. Explaining something is a dead issue! he will always do everything his own way anyway!

    If you just started dating an Aquarius... Run, run as far as possible... Marrying him is only a victory. Problems begin later, when you are treated like a friend, all femininity in you is killed, your care is taken for granted (in the end you feel like a servant).
    Having offended you with another of his “joke”, when you have demonstratively not spoken to him for half a day (why would that be?), he will follow you and ask you to wash his shirt every 2 minutes, sincerely not understanding why it takes you so long ask for it. And he will definitely remember that you need to pay attention when the closet runs out of clean socks and when he cannot find a comb.
    Gifts are a separate topic. The article is written too optimistically about stars from the sky and so on. For example, for the New Year, a gift was given to me on March 8th and then on the 10th, taking in at the same time the birth of my daughter. It was worth it (!), he gave me *drum roll* money, saying go buy yourself something (wtf).
    As a result, Aquarians are very cheerful; you really won’t get bored with them, but you should think a thousand times whether your nervous system all this excitement.
    For eight years I looked after and cherished my Aquarius, and in return I received a lot of nothing.

    • Girls, I agree with every word you say. 4 years of useless, indescribable relationships. Whether he thinks he’s serious or is always joking is not clear. If you talk seriously, he turns everything into a joke. You think: what a fool? You're kidding - he'll stir up such serious conversations and get so offended that you'll think again: aren't you a fool, huh?
      He watches my reaction all the time. How I say, what I do, how I move - everything in general. He's really tickled by everything that's in me. I don’t know what I personally should do about this. Living together - sorry. It won't take long to move. For any trifle, he will immediately say a bunch of nasty things, say things that should never be said at all. There is NEVER money (attention!), even when there is some. And plus, he immediately, without leaving the cash register, begins to count your own, considering you a terrible spender, even if you buy yourself panties and tights.
      You can be friends. But it doesn’t work out, I want intimacy (on which everything rests, as well as on the hope that he will change and become different over time - don’t believe it, he won’t).
      I don’t know who such a man is for, but it’s unlikely for us. There are so many problems with Aquarius that it’s just a nightmare. You really have to endure so much if you decide to do it that you will then be counted among the martyrs. Now I communicate with an Aquarius man as a friend and NOTHING MORE. Because hoping for something serious is very stupid and even dangerous. It will simply be collected endlessly. I have been hearing this nonsense for 4 years now that he will have everything, that he will receive a lot of money, that at least now he will buy land and a car (so what’s the matter?!).
      They also have this joke called: “You don’t deserve this.” For example, you go to bed with him and they start lecturing you about how bad you are and how you behave, what you don’t do. Well, very appropriate! In general, you will hear notations from him at any time and anywhere. He doesn't skimp on them. For an Aquarius, you always do everything “out of your mind”, incorrectly. And it’s okay that he himself didn’t even think about behaving correctly, the main thing is that he knows HOW to behave correctly and tells you about it. It is his sacred duty to teach you.
      You will buy gifts for yourself, but! as a bonus, he will definitely help you choose it (this apparently is such an intangible gift). A sweet Aquarius can drive you crazy with sincere feedback that he doesn’t like the way you look, the way you dress, and generally how old you are. At the same time, he walks around in a shabby Chinese T-shirt, brushing his teeth is not his thing, his pants are darned, his cap faded 2 years ago, and he clearly skimps on shampoo, so his hair is always dirty. I am horrified to see how he buys himself creepy sweatshirts with the inscription Kiss my as baby! or again, Chinese bullshit. At the same time, he will immediately tell you that your sneakers from Sportmaster suck, your T-shirt is crappy, your jeans are unfashionable, etc. And in general, you, woman, would wear a dress. And she will definitely find a dress to go to the shoot in. This is just right, he likes it.
      A FRAME SUCH is something. He will definitely throw something out, don’t expect peace with him. Either give up on it (it might work out every now and then) or dismiss him as a man for your s/o and just communicate with him as a friend (again, if you succeed). In any case, the Cancer - Aquarius combination is so difficult to live with that it is better to think 1000 times whether you need it or not.

      • I received a notification in the mail that a comment had been added and I immediately remembered how I wrote my “cry from the soul” here) A year later, I can say one thing: “If you went through the same gimmick: “it’s bad with him and without him,”” I can’t love, but how to leave.” doubts and everything like that, then, in my opinion, the time has come to think everything over carefully and ask yourself one main question - “Do you need this?” This very life with this person - necessary?. At one time, after a 3-year relationship, I answered myself - “Don’t!” And yet I plucked up the courage to leave this vicious circle. Because nothing had changed. To say that it was not easy is to say nothing. I don’t want to say that I have such a long-term relationship, people have much more serious problems. But I became attached to that person, I doted on him, but the disappointment only became stronger each time. In general: it’s difficult, but you can understand yourself and find strength. Now my life is in full swing, seething, full of color and smell, and I’m glad!.. I’m glad that that relationship is over. Painful relationships.
        I agree with the above comment. Of course, horoscopes are such an abstract thing and everything is individual for everyone, but mine personal experience, alas, did not end well either. Therefore, think for yourself, decide for yourself... but you don’t need to be afraid to let go! In my case, it was for the better, which I’m incredibly happy about)

    Almost all of my guys were Aquarius (I am a Cancer) and I already know all their behavior and character by heart. And here something is not said. For example, Aquarians have one disgusting trait of saying what you think and not thinking what you say. They are often unable to control the connection between their thoughts and speech. And then you seem to make up, but the words he said remained in his memory, leaving some kind of aftertaste, although maybe he doesn’t really think so.
    As for the relationship itself... Aquarius is perhaps my favorite sign. If I meet a guy and for some reason I don’t understand, I’m drawn to him, then he’s absolutely definitely an Aquarius. But relationships with them always develop according to two scenarios:
    1) Aquarius falls in love with a Cancer girl because she is interesting to him for her unpredictability and slight coldness, which does not violate his comfort zone. He loses his head and is ready to do anything for her, and she loses interest in him because he is no longer a mystery to her. This is where it all ends.
    2) either a Cancer girl falls in love with an Aquarius and runs after him, but this only annoys him and all her femininity is lost in her attempt to get him completely.
    This is probably why this couple will always either have different paths, or will always have Mexican passions. But it’s not a fact that they don’t need it...

    By the way, I just remembered that my grandparents are also Cancer (f) and Aquarius (m), and so they recently celebrated an emerald wedding (55 years together)

    Of all the relationships, only with my Aquarius man do I finally feel comfortable and calm. (Previously there were Scorpios, Virgos, Libras) He takes care of me, solves all my problems. All my requests are fulfilled without unnecessary words, sometimes I forgot what I asked, but he remembers and will definitely do it. I don’t agree about the frivolity, I’m the absent-minded and frivolous one in our couple. I am a typical cancer, in fairness I must say that for his sake I had to moderate my touchiness and emotionality, but it was worth it, it was such a pleasure to be with him. The most harmonious and trusting relationship in my life.

    I’ve been living with my Aquarius for five years now. Two children have made money... anything can happen... and we fight and make up... the main thing is not to go too far. He blew me away from the start, it was love at first sight. I had to run after him... to be honest. Well, he also did not leave me unattended, showed concern, and made a choice in my direction (he still had a Virgo girlfriend at the time), although when I learned about this, I, like a true Cancer, backed away. I understood one thing, the main thing for him is understanding and care, but within reasonable limits, money is not an important attribute of existence, so dear Rakinis will have to work, work, and work to maintain the well-being and stability of the family. You shouldn’t really count on full financial support. Jokes also need to be taken correctly. Don't show doubts Bad mood, you always have to be on top - they love it. Well, if it’s really bad, go for a walk with the children, take your mind off the rushing thoughts, or sit somewhere with your friends. But under no circumstances make you jealous. In general, there should be ease and everything will be great!

    Everything is correct in this article and thanks a lot for everyone's comments. I am now at the very beginning of my journey with Aquarius; by nature I am a classic raki. Aquarius and I are having an office romance. It all started with friendship, sincere communication, compliments, attention from him, care... I had a boyfriend (Pisces), Aquarius managed to take over my mind, heart and body in a month. This is the first time in my life and his life. He writes poetry as a gift, but also takes care of material things, and does not spare money if he has any. We've been dating for a month, but it seems like a year. There was so much...tears of misunderstanding are replaced by tears of happiness and tenderness. I take heart drops almost every day))) we are a strange couple... We even call ourselves a little crazy...

    • Natalya, after 4 years we no longer began to think that we were “a little crazy”, we simply became really “sick in the head” because of these exhausting relationships for ourselves. This is waiting for you too. A sweet misunderstanding turned into a permanent nightmare. Neither wants to listen or hear the other. It is impossible to agree on even the simplest little things with him, because IN HIS UNDERSTANDING this is so, but in NORMAL it is completely different. And everything will steadily flow into HIS understanding. At first it can really be interesting and funny. But when it becomes clear that this has gone on for too long, it’s too late to break off the relationship, as well as to get something from them. I have a Pisces guy friend, in any case, he can give you a compliment NOT FOR ANYTHING, but just like that. He’s waiting for Aquarius’s praise - this means you have to work at least all day, and even then he won’t always notice it: this is how it should always be, and he also reproaches you, lying on the sofa, saying that you’re not doing it wisely. Good words he always seems to feel sorry for you. Along the way, even on holidays, you won’t deserve them, just like understanding and sympathy. It's terribly annoying. It's annoying in every way. For comparison. I'm going for a walk with the fish guy. We walk, talk, find a bunch of common topics, sit casually sipping tea at his house and looking at his new furniture, which he willingly tells everything about. And this is really interesting to me! Because I wouldn’t refuse one myself, but he bought it at a profit. In general, no matter what happens to the fish, it goes easily, without wasting nerves, unnecessary explanations, etc. bullshit. In the evening he sees you off and says with pleasure that he spent a wonderful evening with you - and it’s true. You go for a walk with an Aquarius guy. The walk begins with the fact that someone calls him and he RIGHT NOW needs to be somewhere else. you begin to boil with anger, the tension increases. Fine. Like a fool, you agree to wait for him (well, it’s not his fault, well), to take a walk with yourself. As a result, you walk for an hour or two, go to the deli, eat salad and pies with tea, it’s gone. Then he comes running, out of breath and disheveled, and urgently calls you outside. After an hour or two of waiting, you don’t really need it anymore, but you agree. For some reason, Aquarius decides to tell you almost down to the smallest detail who this guy is, what he suddenly called and how he’s doing. You patiently look for a grain of truth in this, but it is not there. Then he inevitably meets some old acquaintance and imposes her company on you (well, you don’t mind). As a result, they talk exclusively about their own things and about mutual friends, you just don’t care, but patiently walk alongside, expecting a miracle. She finally leaves. You breathe a sigh of relief. You think: “Well, finally! THIS IS IT!” - you offer him somewhere to sit, because you are pretty tired and want to drink coffee. He suddenly remembers that he won’t be able to drink coffee, he has no money TODAY, and his home is such a mess that he won’t dare invite you. Cursing to yourself, you agree to the mess and go to him, still waiting for your miracle. And then suddenly you realize that, bitch, he didn’t lie about the mess, he even embellished it - it’s just a den. He doesn't even have coffee, or even tea. Well, I didn’t buy it, so what? As a result, you listen to his stories again (here he will definitely remember the army, thinking that it is wildly interesting and will laugh all the time). It's already late evening. This stupid phrase: “Can you catch the bus?” “After that, I don’t want to be here for a minute longer.” He doesn’t see you off, even though he’s tired today, and why don’t you come there yourself? In response to any expressed dissatisfaction on your part, like he could have been nicer to you, he immediately begins to quarrel, like you yourself are to blame for everything, why don’t you go to him right away, you could at least sleep, Having spent a useful and pleasant time, you are not a fountain yourself and why did you come to me then, you should go home. You are very offended and swear that this idiot will no longer have your legs. But precisely because you are a cancer, you do the opposite, trying to justify it again and again, that he will change and become better, more attentive, that you will “get used to it.” Dear girls, this is NOT HAPPENING. You will always have this kind of bullshit like the first day you met, it will be even worse. For comparison: the Pisces guy has already renovated his entire apartment, found himself a second job, bought a new car and gives me a ride home, and doesn’t mind solving some of MY problems. It's not difficult for him. Not a bit. I'm his girlfriend. Similarly, Aquarius will never agree to solve your problems, even if you have an emergency. Your problems are your problems. I can still hear his stories about how he’s about to buy himself a car and build himself a two-story (so why waste time on trifles) house, that all the girls are running after him, the handsome guy, and that I’m not worth a penny of his precious attention , despite all that time and patience on my part, despite all the good things that happened. For him this was not the case at all. So run ANYWHERE, but most importantly, away. It should be GOOD AND SIMPLE, COMFORTABLE with a person without any requests or holidays. You must understand each other from word to word. And it’s not like you spend an hour explaining to Aquarius what you really want, but in the end you yourself remain extreme for it. It's up to you to decide, of course. If you want to be an eternally misunderstood victim and wear out all your nerves, then don’t read my comments, for your health’s sake, of course. but if you have at least a drop of common sense and basic observation, then you will draw the appropriate conclusions that you definitely don’t need such a friend.

      • Thank you, Anna, for your story. I hope my powers of observation and intuition will not let me down and I will soon make the right choice. Perhaps I’ll also consult a personal astrologer..

        Dear girls, do not feel sorry for these “cute” creatures under any circumstances. Don’t be afraid to strain them (they won’t break), ask and demand what you think is due to you, otherwise they will happily sit on your neck and hang their legs and they feel comfortable doing this))) My “precious” today blew her sponge on mine for about ten minutes request, but I did it anyway, and it took all of 5 minutes (longer than my lips blowing). But no matter what you say, it will be difficult, and always 🙁 (I’ve been married to my Aquarius for 10 years out of 3)

    Awww girls :)))
    My story is similar to a love story that was cut short by the will of fate, dividing us on both sides of the planet. We met when I just turned eighteen and I didn’t immediately notice him in the crowd of guys, but at that very moment when I caught his eye…. The girls literally threw me into a fever.
    We dated for about a year and then broke up and got back together and he was always the one who returned.
    I was so naive and pure, I wanted serious relationship and love, which, as they describe him, very truly frightened him.
    He didn't come to my graduation because... Played billiards with friends... I also found an alternative, although maybe I didn’t want to meet my relatives face to face :)) it’s not all that serious here. I was very offended by him, of course, but I couldn’t do it any other way. Immediately after graduation, I bought a ticket to London to visit my sister. So what do you think? I missed the plane back and I'm left hanging.
    4 years passed, I met another Aries, also nothing... But he found me, after all this time we both thought about each other and even broke up with ours, love is all there, but there is also a lot of rudeness and foul language, although I allow myself, but there is too much. Now we correspond almost every day and in 4 years we will meet again 🙂 let's see what happens next.

    I am Cancer, he is Aquarius. I am water, he is air. We are different, but at the same time we are somehow similar, like the sky mirror image lies on the surface of the ocean, and we look into each other’s souls and see a mysterious, inexplicable spiritual kinship.
    But let's put the lyrics aside. In fact, Cancer and Aquarius, as stated in the article, are both strange. Indeed, my partner and I are not of this world. And that's what attracted us to each other from the very beginning. We met online and didn’t fall in love at first sight, but our liking appeared instantly. First friendship, and then the turning point that made us lovers.
    But then the passions subsided, we began to live together, everyday life began, and with it the first “graters”.
    However, I will say that there was nothing critical during the 4 years of living together.
    Yes, it’s written correctly: Aquarians love freedom, but even though I’m a Cancer, I’m used to space. No harassment. With partners of other signs, problems constantly arose on this topic: they controlled me, were jealous, watched what I was doing, and simply stuck out over my soul, which irritated me extremely. Only with Aquarius I found harmony, felt unfettered and open to new impressions.
    About the jokes. It’s precisely said that Aquarians love to make fun of us with crayfish. But that’s what I like: I respond to his jokes in kind, joke about him, trying to show a bit of wit. Aquarius appreciates this.)
    Regarding the frivolity and uncertainty, I can’t say that I agree. People are different. My Aquarius, for example, was the first to talk about marriage, the first to admit that he sees me as a wife, and not just a girlfriend.)))
    It’s interesting with Aquarius, charismatic guys, they good friends. I see Aquarius first and foremost as a friend, and only secondarily as a lover.
    In general, speaking in a broad sense, for Aquarius ALL relationships are friendly, not love. They have nothing tied to sex or instincts.
    Gifts?)) He asks directly what I want and where to get it. There were situations when we had problems with finances, then he asked for forgiveness that he could not give a gift. But he gave it later, and even with interest. 🙂
    In general, I'm happy with my Aquarius. We are on the same wavelength, we just need to tune this wavelength.
    The horoscope is not the main thing, it only superficially describes the picture, but in life everything is purely individual and situational, so compromise and compromise again.)))

    Ohhhh, there’s no time to be offended by your Aquarius and bother with petty jokes, sooner or later you realize that it’s more expensive for yourself. You can’t take hurtful words too close to your heart and let them pass through you.
    My Aquarius loves to demonstrate his intellectual superiority over me (hence all sorts of jokes, jokes, etc.). The first time it led to a terrible scandal, because His Majesty did not like the fact that his wife doubted his mental and genius abilities.
    But when the scandal ends, the hot head cools down, and the heart begins to beat more steadily, you realize that the bulk of your quarrels are based on air, real reasons There’s no point in swearing, it’s like a soap bubble—inflated out of nothing and burst.
    Alternatively, try talking to him and sincerely admit that some of his words hurt you. In my case it worked well, otherwise Aquarius is punished. After all, if a person values ​​you, he will listen to your opinion and try to make at least some effort, you just need to see it and encourage it.
    On the issue of leadership. All my life I have heard about the power of crayfish. This, I think, is only until cancer finds someone whose decisions will make them delighted, or at least approve. He likes to make decisions in our couple for both of us, but I think you can’t pull the blanket over yourself everywhere and everywhere, in this I allowed him to rule the roost. Although you can suggest: today you choose, tomorrow I choose.
    In our relationship, I had a hard time, because I had to find my niche in a couple, otherwise the relationship would not be saved. It's like: he plays the guitar and you sing along with him, or he sings and you accompany him.
    What about the love of freedom of Aquarius - I haven’t encountered this yet (and thank God, I also didn’t have enough to fight with my jealousy), we have all the entertainment together, meetings with friends are also joint. His sociability does not bother him at all.
    But in general, I feel like the wife of a Decembrist, where the wind blows, it carries you there and you yourself will be there. Just have time to slam the windows so that it doesn’t get too much in someone’s head). I encourage his hobbies, even if they are new every week, it’s not for me to judge these quirks. And in general, a person needs to be loved here and now simply for who he is, and not wait for something and hope.
    Just in case, there is a reminder in my head - a hackneyed phrase, but it keeps our relationship on top: do not make decisions when you are upset, do not answer when you are angry, do not make promises when you are happy. Slowly and surely you can sculpt figures even out of thin air, I mean air sign Aquarius.
    I wish everyone to come to compromises and understanding in relationships, to conduct a constant dialogue.

    But with us everything is somehow very, very upside down! I'm an Aquarius, she's a Cancer. I read your comments and see that our union seems to be in them, and it seems that ours are not quite similar to yours. We met her, tried to meet a couple of times but didn’t succeed, she started clearing my brain too much right away, I’m like this here and not like that there, then there’s one thing wrong with me or another. I thought that I would get involved in a relationship and live under a stick, why is this necessary? But I was drawn to her “foolishly.” And once I started courting her a year later, she rarely and very rarely reciprocated, in any quarrel she easily got rid of me, she simply said that we are not suitable, let’s break up. In the end, a year passed - correspondence, meetings, since we already lived in different cities and I eventually came to her, we argue again, we disperse, we get back together, everything is as always, I have already begun to get used to it, I can’t tell my heart to let go The head understands that a person bends the frame of respect with a couple and, just like that, he always let it go for a while and sometimes for a couple of hours until I return to myself. Can you imagine!? A month passes, I’ve already stopped going too deep into her, stopped saying how much I love her, giving her compliments, I did but rarely, and one day we had a conversation like it’s happened a hundred times, that let’s all put up and live normally, a week passes , everything is clear with us, we laugh, we get high from each other, exactly what I was waiting for happened, so that they would stop teaching me, saying that everything was wrong here and there, it all seemed to have gone somewhere, and I hardly believed it because I was waiting there's a catch... this fun week goes by, it started again, she's not in the mood, she talks like she's talking to no one, cold and faceless, well, I thought, wait for trouble. I started to gain strength to come and say that’s it! I no longer have the strength to run after you, carry everything through my soul again, believe again, and then again get a blow to the head that not everything is so and wonderful, it’s just the mood was good and it’s not me that has changed. I come and say that let’s remain friends, it just got her into stupor, I even saw facial convulsions)) after which I heard other things, I had a difficult week at work, and I didn’t want to reproach you with anything, and I wasn’t even offended by anything, I was just very tired. And that conversation should have made me understand that she really gave in and accepted me for who I am. Accordingly, I got into trouble) what I was trying to achieve at the moment of truth, I came and refused. Question! girls (rakini), you can really only say in hints that yes, I loved you for who you are and this is my real attitude! ? why not say back then that Misha, you were exhausted, I gave up) I mean that now there is no trust in me again that I will be around. And reading all these lines that you wrote about Aquarius, in complete bewilderment, maybe I was brought up differently !? yes, we easily relate to what you can digest for days and days, forgetfulness is also noticed, I don’t know why this is so, I also like to joke, but not with evil, with kindness, I can’t stand reproaches, I begin to lose my temper, become unbalanced and try to hide from view at least for half an hour, or better yet, more. Money!? They exist, but they are not there)) I have never spared a penny for my beloved, I spent everything with her and we were both happy with it, what you need to earn, earning money is not a question at all) by the way, I work in a good company and am engaged in promising things, the main thing is not to give up) ) as written in the last comment, you are a very wise woman, since you can really build a future out of thin air, something not given to everyone and not to everyone. I still believe with all my heart that mine will think it over and understand that I just didn’t know... good luck to everyone in alliances and more openness, otherwise you may not convey your feelings to the person and he will leave against the backdrop of old grievances.

    • Well, we are characterized by a certain “delicacy”, we don’t like to talk directly... But in practice, even solving problems using the “report directly” method with the accompanying instructions for subsequent actions does not always work, and more often it doesn’t even work))))

    Such varied comments about this union! Both good and bad... I’m a Cancer, I’ve been dating a Capricorn for a year, and then I accidentally met an Aquarius. I’m like a typical cancer - I’m stable and I won’t crawl out of my shell for anything. BUT... Aquarius persistently, to say insanely insistently demanded and demands meetings. For the sake of “to leave behind,” she agreed to one meeting, with the clarification that this was not a date. A couple of hours - and he told me how wonderful I am and how he likes me and what a cruelty of fate it is that I have a boyfriend. I explain to him that I will not show any impulses, I am firmly holding on to my Capricorn. I asked for a second meeting. Again persistently. I say that I’ll be with a guy in the evening - he writes, “Well, please, I don’t care, you don’t want it as you want,” then 10 minutes later he says that he’s jealous, that he’s fallen in love and that he wants to meet. We met for the second time - I don’t even know how it happened, but I had such an incredibly romantic time. They were very drawn to each other. Very much. I am a wall - I would never touch myself, but he, like a real seducer, persistently achieved his goal. And it was this persistence and self-confidence that struck me. Kisses are alluring. Touches excite. He says he wants me madly. But I'm a cancer! Immediately it’s offensive that he only needs one thing! He gets confused and promises that, out of principle, even if I really want, HE won’t give it to me)))) And even though you can fight the desire for bodies, but communication... completely overwhelms you. Only 4 days, and more than a thousand SMS! Communication as if on the same wavelength! I want to talk, get to know him, listen... The jokes are all understandable, mine, for my understanding... it’s even difficult to explain. We just chat and laugh. We intrigue each other. He teases me and I can’t stop him. I tell him that all this is pointless, and nothing will ever happen - he writes what will happen, he will beat me off if I want. But I can’t decide to do this... I read the comments and understand that Aquarians are so cheerful and passionate. That it won't be boring with them. That there will always be some kind of love affair, a game... And you don’t even know whether it’s better or worse! After all, Capricorns are very stable in themselves. Everything is stable for them. Quiet home love, care, understanding, respect... but sometimes it gets so boring! That’s why Aquarius attracts, but at the same time pushes away... Even though they’re just like sultans - they have many wives, but here at least get two husbands!!!))))

    • Dear Alina, I was faced with a similar situation. Only I’m married to a Capricorn. So it’s better for us crayfish not to get involved with Capricorns.

      • Why? Capricorns seem to be stable, gentle, and make good fathers and if they love you, they will love you and care for you all your life. Isn't this what every girl dreams of? Are they really so boring in their feelings?

    • Dear girls, I read comments on different sites and am amazed at how everything fits together word for word and action for action. I am Cancer, he is Aquarius. We met in July and got married in February. We are 18 years apart, I’m older))...but I look great, objectively).I was going to go live for permanent residence in another country and he stopped me and pursued me like crazy. For 2 months I only courted him luxuriously, sex happened only after the proposal and the ring. He even said that if I were married, he would still get me.
      Well, I’ve achieved it-))) I’ve already slammed the door 100 times, I stopped it at first... so as not to wander around at night. Then she stopped—he hesitated. It feels like every time through scandals we need proof of love for him. Although I control my emotions and am incapable of tears in front of a man, I still have nerves inside - I lost weight, got worse, and gave up in 2 months. Now I just let him go and don’t run after him. He’s trying to control me over the phone: where, with whom, when... like a husband... (until I don’t understand what he’s pretending to do or what he wants).
      About gifts... at first there were. But it’s realistic: he’ll give it for 100 rubles, and take 1000 in change. Zhmotyara.
      I'm an adult girl. There have been many relationships, but these are the worst. I know for sure that nothing good will come of it. I like being married, so I will for now, but I will definitely look for a man with whom I won’t have to explain and understand his pigish behavior. And it’s really swinish - keeping silent, slamming the door, leaving your wife, punishing with lack of sex, unkindness, inattention,
      Run from them! Don't buy it! It’s more reliable with a goat!

    Oh, I read the comments and I don’t know what to do. I'm a cancer. I recently met a guy who turned out to be an Aquarius. We met on the Internet, literally from the first messages there was an interest (I liked his style of communication, sense of humor), we exchanged phone numbers. I call, he may not pick up the phone, after a couple of hours he writes an SMS as if nothing had happened, saying that he was very busy. Ok, anything can happen. And so on for several days in a row. I calm down, he appears with messages like: “Hey, are you offended or something?”... Again the correspondence... interest increases... bam... silence again. It really infuriates me. I understand that it will be more difficult further, especially for me emotionally, but curiosity is bursting...)))

    Hello, Svetlana. Yes, you are absolutely right. I deleted all his contacts. I think in two weeks or a month he will show up as if nothing had happened... I won’t take it anymore, I’m tired of it. How long have you been with Aquarius?

    How to say “was”? Probably wasn’t by and large and it couldn’t be called a relationship, but we met in March 2013 and literally in the last days of the past year, 2015, I put another point. The person disappeared and appeared when he needed it, but he had to do one thing - it’s not hard to guess what. I understood everything, but I was very much in love and now, to be honest, not a day goes by without thinking about him. But this is the road to nowhere.

    • And how did he take it? Tried to get you back? Mine, two months after I sent him, began to knock out wedges, became again so affectionate, attentive, asked to give him a chance... but soon became insolent again.

    As always, silently, he never apologized for his behavior and did not even look for banal excuses. In general, from the very beginning I set it this way (and it’s my fault for allowing this) that I need all this, not him. It’s going to take a long time to tell and explain everything, understand one thing - PEOPLE DO NOT BEHAVIOR LIKE THIS WHEN THEY LOVE and it’s unlikely that - that will change.

    One piece of advice - don't start this hell! Not even a year has passed since the problems started. They stopped going out, he comes to me only for sex. And when he doesn’t want to talk about problems, he can rather not call, and say that we are breaking up, then he will return it, then he will leave again. He reproaches me for forcing me to have sex. I told him how we’ll live together, that we’ll get married, but now he’s backing down. Nothing bothers him, I can cry for hours, he’ll say it’s manipulation

Cancer and Aquarius rarely find mutual understanding with each other, although by their nature they are not conflicting signs. But speaking figuratively, the heaviness of Water and the lightness of Air impede the harmony of relationships. Even if a tandem arises between representatives of these zodiac signs, there will not be complete mutual understanding between the partners. Relationships between Cancer and Aquarius rarely work out successfully. The conservatism of Cancer repels the life-loving Aquarius who strives for everything new. Both partners are so different that they simply cannot understand each other, despite their efforts.

Cancer man and Aquarius woman – compatibility

A Cancer man and an Aquarius woman can unite in tandem only if they are connected by common causes. But even in this case, they are unlikely to be able to achieve great success, so strong can be the misunderstanding. First of all, disharmony can arise due to the fact that a man does not have enough determination, and Aquarius is characterized by natural irresponsibility. But it should be remembered that even with incompatibility of characters there are exceptions.

In love relationships (love compatibility 52%)

The compatibility of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman in love relationships is average; they are based on the novelty of emotions and impressions. This happens due to significant differences in natural characters.

Usually the initiative comes from the girl, since she is very attracted to a partner who is unlike her. Most likely, such attraction can be considered interest. Opposites, of course, attract, but in order to stay together, partners need to find some common cause.

Public interests can keep the Cancer guy and the Aquarius girl together; together they can successfully solve the most difficult problems of public life. Working in this direction, the Aquarius woman will be able to fully demonstrate her own humanism. In this case, her natural sociability and good intellectual abilities will come in handy. Love relationships will develop very successfully if the partner supports her activities and becomes her like-minded person. In a love tandem, the relationship will be very intense and active. Representatives of these zodiac signs have many common topics for discussion. They won't be bored together.

The main danger is that a guy can quickly get tired of his hectic life, and he will begin to strive for solitude, increasingly closing himself off in his own inner world. The partner will not be able to understand this and this will cause serious disagreements.

In bed (sexual compatibility 46%)

Compatibility between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman in bed is quite complicated. The difference in natural characters has negative influence and to the intimate sphere. It is always important for a man how his partner feels emotionally in bed. He prefers romantic ones sexual relations filled with deep sensuality.

The Aquarius girl is little interested in feelings; she is much more interested in her partner’s thoughts. But at the same time, she strives to dream up and is always ready to participate in experiments. Sex is not very important to her in life. If her thoughts are occupied with problems happening in real life, then she remains cold and dispassionate. This attitude towards sex is unacceptable for a Cancer man, so cooling begins very quickly between partners.

The intimate relationship between a Cancer guy and an Aquarius girl is very often unpredictable. The novelty of feelings at the beginning of a relationship can overwhelm both partners, and sex will turn into a fairy tale. And after a while, the partners will completely lose interest in each other and will simply start sleeping in separate beds. But after a while, they can again become inflamed with feelings for each other and the sexual attraction will recur again.

Married (compatibility in family life 27%)

Compatibility between Cancer and Aquarius in marriage is very low. Although they create families very often. But such family unions are not stable. The partners are not suitable for each other, but, unfortunately, they do not realize this right away. This is why the divorce rate is very high.

In the family life of representatives of these zodiac signs there are a lot of obstacles and surprises that people cannot always cope with. It is very difficult for a husband to come to terms with his wife’s chaotic lifestyle. She prefers to be active social life, she is surrounded by a lot of acquaintances, among whom there are very few real friends.

You can save a love relationship when the spouses strive to find compromises. To do this, a man should not accumulate grievances, but should directly express them right away. This will make it clear to your partner how to behave. If there is love in her soul, she will definitely make concessions.

To avoid divorce, partners must maintain interest in each other. If this cannot be done, then divorce is inevitable. It is noteworthy that representatives of these zodiac signs cannot be kept together by children. But when people break up, the man continues to provide all the necessary assistance to the child and communicate with him.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 52%)

The friendly relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man is reminiscent of business cooperation. Friendship can be strong when partners are united by common goals and interests. Friendly tandems develop very successfully if representatives of these zodiac signs work in the field of education. But in any case, the friendship between Aquarius and Cancer lacks that special warmth that is inherent in sincere friendships.

In ordinary life, partners simply repel each other. The friend quickly gets tired of communicating with her withdrawn friend. This is why friendships often fall apart before they even begin.

Aquarius man and Cancer woman – compatibility

The relationship between a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man is always very difficult. Natural compatibility between representatives of these zodiac signs is very low. But in rare exceptions, relationships between partners develop very quickly, but their ending is always unpredictable.

In love relationships (compatibility in love 35%)

The compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman in love relationships is low; strong unions arise very rarely. The initiative always comes from the partner. When he meets, he immediately pays attention to the Cancer woman, who attracts him with her mystery. In addition, the changeability of her mood is interesting to him. He wants to understand her inner world.

On the other hand, the Cancer young lady is attracted to her partner because of his unusual perception of the world around him. She likes his desire for everything new, unconventional thinking, and broad outlook.

Compatibility between Aquarius and Cancer in love is poor. Relationships in such a tandem are characterized by the fact that at a certain moment a crisis occurs in them. If the partners manage to survive it, then everything will be fine with them. The thing is that representatives of these zodiac signs simply learn to appreciate each other over time. They will make ideal companions. A woman will be an ideal conversationalist and will be able to carry on conversations on any topic, and a man with his optimism will be able to paint any event with bright colors. This is where partners will find harmony in a love relationship.

In bed (sexual compatibility 52%)

Compatibility between Cancer and Aquarius in bed is average. Intimate life, as well as relationships in marriage, is quite complex. But at the same time, at the beginning of a relationship, sex between representatives of this zodiac sign is always enchanting and emotional. This is facilitated by the novelty of feelings, which is always present in such a tandem.

The Cancer girl really likes the eloquence that her partner showers in bed. He flirts very beautifully, and this cannot leave his partner indifferent. A man really likes love play, and this attitude allows a Cancer woman to open up as much as possible and feel like a queen.

Unfortunately, sexual games quickly get boring for a partner, because his intimate life is always in the background. Therefore, pleasantries in bed can give way to indifference. A cold attitude greatly offends a partner, as she may perceive it as a loss of love. Lovers should try to avoid complete cooling towards sex, as this will provoke a break in the relationship. If partners are able to understand each other’s needs in a love relationship, then their intimate life will improve.

Married (compatibility in family life 39%)

The compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman in marriage is low. As a rule, the decision to marry is made spontaneously by lovers. It is more likely connected with mutual interest in each other than with sincere feelings. That's why family relationships Representatives of these zodiac signs are characterized by instability.

Ideally, family relationships can be strengthened if partners engage in social activities. In this case, the Aquarius husband is interested in global and large-scale problems, setting a goal for himself to resolve them, and his wife is a good support for him.

Moreover, she does not necessarily have to be next to her husband at public events. She may well become his reliable support, doing household chores and creating comfort and coziness in the house. It is important that she is always interested in her husband’s affairs and is aware of all his affairs.

Aquarius and Cancer in the family remain faithful to each other. Life in such a tandem is never overshadowed by jealousy. But at the same time, some problems can be created by the fact that the spouse perceives events in the world around him very dramatically and this can tire a man who is alien to excessive emotions for any reason.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships is 25%)

Compatibility in friendship between an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman is very low. This is caused by different natural characters. A Cancer woman always needs time to completely trust a friend; she must be convinced of his sincerity. Aquarius is always open and friendly, so he expects understanding right away and draws the conclusion that the woman does not want to be friends with him.

But if he is patient, which is extremely rare, he will soon realize that in his girlfriend he can acquire a reliable and faithful friend. If friendship takes place, it will never develop into love, so soul mates have nothing to fear.

Friendly relationships will never contribute to the development of business ties. It is very difficult for partners to work on one task due to the fact that the Cancer friend is distinguished by conservative thinking, and the Aquarius friend always strives for everything new.

It is not easy for a Cancer woman to win the heart of an Aquarius man. First of all, in order to attract attention, you need to pay attention to your appearance. When meeting, you should always look perfect, and every nuance in clothing should be thought out to the smallest detail. Sloppy and unkempt women, even if they have developed intelligence, will never attract the attention of an Aquarius man.

In addition, you can conquer your chosen one with openness of character. Of course, such a trait is not natural for a Cancer woman. But she can successfully hide the lack of openness with her ability to easily and naturally talk on any topic.

The Aquarius man is a selfless person. Therefore, next to him there cannot be a mercantile companion who is looking for benefits in a relationship. This means that the chosen one will definitely like the responsiveness of the Cancer woman, as well as the fact that she is always ready to rush to help if necessary.

The natural emotionality of the Cancer woman will not scare away the Aquarius man; on the contrary, she will interest him. This is due to the fact that the chosen one has a stable character and he is always interested in the novelty that the Cancer woman brings. He considers her to a certain extent a person from some fantasy world and this attracts him very much.

How an Aquarius man can conquer a Cancer woman

An Aquarius man rarely has the desire to win the heart of a Cancer woman. These people do not attract each other when they meet, but, on the contrary, on a subconscious level they simply avoid each other. But if love has awakened in the soul of an Aquarius man, then he will naturally strive to attract the attention of the mysterious chosen one.

First you need to study the natural traits of the Cancer woman. Representatives of this sign are smart and have developed intuition. This means that a Cancer woman should never be deceived. Honesty is main factor success. Cancer woman, despite her inner strength she needs a companion nearby who will become her life support.

An Aquarius man may well prove his worth by demonstrating his success in various areas of life. Moreover, it is very important to interest your chosen one in the business in which he is engaged. A common hobby or job can be the starting point for starting a relationship.

The heart of a Cancer woman can be won if she understands that her chosen one is ready to become a leader in tandem. This approach may mean to her that she can count on care and support from her chosen one. And most importantly, you need to behave in such a way that she sees in the Aquarius man the father of her future children.

Representatives of these zodiac signs form a complex union. They are different in character. The Cancer woman is thorough and practical. The Aquarius man is dreamy and unpredictable. It is difficult for them to understand each other. Partners are often offended and conflict.

To find happiness together, both need to learn to find compromises.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Cancer woman and Aquarius man have low compatibility in love and marriage. They have different characters. The lady is careful and reasonable. The representative of the stronger sex is unpredictable and freedom-loving. It is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding.

Partners often get offended and make claims against each other. The Aquarius man is annoyed by a measured and calm life. He is not able to provide the lady of his heart with stability. It is difficult for him to decide on marriage. The Cancer conservative cannot accept a creative and controversial gentleman with all his shortcomings. She is depressed by attention deficit. She also doesn’t like her partner’s refusal to follow her rules.

A competent distribution of rights and responsibilities in a couple will help build a happy relationship. The horoscope recommends the Aquarius man to become a breadwinner, and the Cancer woman to take on household chores. A common hobby will strengthen the union.

Sexual compatibility

Cancer woman and Aquarius man are sexually compatible. Both are liberated and love to experiment in bed.

However, the partner is in no hurry to open his feelings. Therefore, at the beginning of an intimate relationship, a partner for whom emotional intimacy is important may remain dissatisfied.

The Cancer woman is an owner. She wants her partner to always be there. Over time, the freedom-loving Aquarius man gets tired of his partner’s desire to control him. This may cause a break in the relationship.

Business compatibility (in work and business)

Representatives of these zodiac signs have mediocre business compatibility. They work differently. The Cancer woman is a conservative. She doesn't like change and reckless experiments. She constantly worries and worries about everything. Wants to control every little detail. Aquarius man - creative person. He is drawn to everything new. It is difficult for such people to find a common language.

Productive joint activities is possible with the correct distribution of roles and the presence of a common interest in cooperation. The horoscope recommends the Aquarius man to generate ideas and start projects, and the Cancer woman to bring them to the end.

Compatibility in friendship

Representatives of these zodiac signs rarely become strong friends. The Cancer woman establishes relationships only with selected people. She has one or two close friends. The Aquarius man, on the contrary, is a sociable and sociable person. He has many friends.

When meeting a lady, she is attracted by the sincerity of Aquarius. But she is in no hurry to open up to him. She needs time to get to know the person better. A man may perceive this behavior of a young lady as a reluctance to be friends and lose interest in her.

Such people usually become just friends. Sincere friendship is possible if there are common goals and interests.