Analysis of the prose work novel fathers and sons. Analysis of the work "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev

In February 1862, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev published his novel entitled “Fathers and Sons.” In it he tried to show the reader of that time tragic character growing social conflicts.

In this article we will conduct “Fathers and Sons”, find out what problems are addressed in this novel, what is the author’s idea.

We are faced with economic troubles, the disintegration of traditional life, the impoverishment of the people, and the destruction of the peasant's ties with the land. The helplessness and stupidity of all classes threatens every now and then to develop into chaos and confusion. Against this background, a dispute unfolds about how to save Russia, waged by heroes representing the two main groups of the Russian intelligentsia.

Family conflict

Domestic literature has always tested the strength and stability of society through family relationships, which should be noted when analyzing the work “Fathers and Sons.” The novel begins with a depiction of the conflict in the Kirsanov family between son and father. Turgenev goes even further, to a clash of a political and social nature.

The main relationships of the characters are revealed mainly in terms of ideas. This is reflected in the way the novel is constructed, in which the arguments of the main characters, their painful thoughts, and passionate speeches play a large role. Ivan Sergeevich did not turn the characters of the work into exponents of the author’s ideas. The achievement of this writer is the ability to organically connect the movement of even the most abstract ideas of the characters with their life positions.

Attitude to modernity of the main characters

The analysis of the work “Fathers and Sons” should also include the attitude of its various characters to modernity. One of the main criteria in determining human personality for the writer it was how she relates to the life around her and current events. The first thing that strikes us if we pay attention to the “fathers” - Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, is that, in essence, they are not such old people, but at the same time they do not accept and do not understand what is happening around. Analysis of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" confirms this idea.

Pavel Petrovich believes that the principles he learned in his youth distinguish him favorably from those who listen to modern times. But Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev shows that in such a stubborn desire to express contempt for modernity, this hero is simply comical. He plays a certain role that looks funny from the outside.

Nikolai Petrovich, unlike his older brother, is not so consistent. He even notes that he likes young people. But, as it turns out, he understands in modernity only that which interferes with his peace. For example, he decided to sell the forest for felling only because it was supposed to go to the peasants in a few months.

The position of a major personality in relation to modernity

Ivan Sergeevich believed that any major personality is always in a natural relationship with his time. This is how Bazarov is. Dependent, petty people live in an eternal feeling of discord with their time. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov accepts this disharmony as the wrongness of modernity, that is, he denies the very passage of time, thereby freezing in his conservatism, and people of a different type (we will write about them separately below) are trying to catch up with him.

Sitnikov and Kukshina

In his novel, Turgenev brought out several such images that tend to rush with the rapidly changing passage of time, which must certainly be noted when analyzing the work “Fathers and Sons.” These are Sitnikov and Kukshina. In them this trait is expressed unambiguously and very clearly. Bazarov usually speaks to them dismissively. It’s more difficult for him with Arkady.

He is not as petty and stupid as Sitnikov. Talking with his uncle and father, Arkady explained to them quite precisely such a complex concept, how the character is interesting simply because he does not recognize Bazarov as “his brother.” This attitude brought the latter closer to him, forced him to treat him more gently, more condescendingly than towards Sitnikov and Kukshina. Arkady, however, still has a desire to catch something in nihilism, to somehow get closer to it, and he clings only to external signs.

Irony in the work

It should be noted the most important quality of Ivan Sergeevich’s style, which is also present in the novel “Fathers and Sons”. Analysis of the work shows that in it, as from the very beginning of its literary activity, this writer widely used the technique of irony.

In the novel “Fathers and Sons,” he awarded this quality to Bazarov, who uses it in a very diverse way: irony for this hero is a means of separating himself from another whom he does not respect, or serves to “correct” a person who does not yet respect him. indifferent. These are his ironic techniques when communicating with Arkady.

Evgeniy also masters another type of irony - self-irony. He is ironic about both his behavior and his actions. Let us recall, for example, the scene of the duel between Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov. In it, he sneers at his opponent, but no less evilly and bitterly at himself. Analysis of the duel scene in "Fathers and Sons" allows us to better understand Bazarov's character. IN similar moments The charm of this character is fully revealed. No narcissism, no complacency.

Bazarov's Nihilism

Turgenev leads this young man through the circles of difficult life trials, which with real objectivity and completeness reveal the degree of rightness and wrongness of this hero of the novel “Fathers and Sons.” An analysis of the work shows that denial, “complete and merciless,” can be justified as the only possible attempt to change the world, while putting an end to contradictions. But for the creator of the novel, it is also indisputable that the logic present in nihilism inevitably leads to freedom without any obligations, to searches without faith, to action without love. The writer cannot find a creative, creative force in this movement: the changes that the nihilist envisages for really existing people are essentially tantamount to their destruction, as the analysis carried out by the writer shows. "Fathers and Sons" reveals these contradictions by the very nature of the hero representing this movement.

Having experienced love and suffering, Bazarov cannot again be a consistent and integral destroyer, unshakably self-confident, ruthless, simply breaking other people by right of the strong. But this hero is also unable to subordinate his life to self-denial, to humble himself, to seek solace in a sense of duty, in art, in love for a woman - he is too proud, angry, and unbridledly free for this. Death turns out to be the only way out.


Concluding our analysis of "Fathers and Sons", we note that this novel caused fierce controversy in XIX literature century. Turgenev believed that his creation would contribute to the unity of various social forces, that society would heed the writer’s warnings. But the dream of a friendly and united Russian society never came true.

This concludes our analysis of the work “Fathers and Sons.” It can be continued by noting other points. We will give the reader the opportunity to reflect on this novel for themselves.

The most important feature of the amazing talent of I.S. Turgeneva – acute feeling of his time, which is the best test for an artist. The images he created continue to live, but in another world, the name of which is the grateful memory of descendants who learned love, dreams and wisdom from the writer.

The clash of two political forces, liberal nobles and raznochintsy revolutionaries, found artistic embodiment in a new work, which is created during a difficult period of social confrontation.

The idea for “Fathers and Sons” is the result of communication with the staff of the Sovremennik magazine, where the writer worked for a long time. The writer had a hard time leaving the magazine, because the memory of Belinsky was connected with him. The articles of Dobrolyubov, with whom Ivan Sergeevich constantly argued and sometimes disagreed, served as a real basis for depicting ideological differences. The radically minded young man was not on the side of gradual reforms, like the author of Fathers and Sons, but firmly believed in the path of revolutionary transformation of Russia. The editor of the magazine, Nikolai Nekrasov, supported this point of view, so the classics left the editorial office fiction- Tolstoy and Turgenev.

The first sketches for the future novel were made at the end of July 1860 on the English Isle of Wight. The image of Bazarov was defined by the author as the character of a self-confident, hard-working, nihilist person who does not recognize compromises or authorities. While working on the novel, Turgenev involuntarily develops sympathy for his character. In this he is helped by the diary of the main character, which is kept by the writer himself.

In May 1861, the writer returned from Paris to his Spasskoye estate and made his last entry in the manuscripts. In February 1862, the novel was published in the Russian Bulletin.

Main problems

After reading the novel, you understand its true value, created by the “genius of proportion” (D. Merezhkovsky). What did Turgenev love? What did you doubt? What did you dream about?

  1. Central to the book is moral problem relationships between generations. "Fathers" or "children"? The fate of everyone is connected with the search for an answer to the question: what is the meaning of life? For new people it lies in work, but the old guard sees it in reasoning and contemplation, because crowds of peasants work for them. In this fundamental position there is a place for irreconcilable conflict: fathers and children live differently. In this discrepancy we see the problem of misunderstanding of opposites. The antagonists cannot and do not want to accept each other, this impasse is especially evident in the relationship between Pavel Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov.
  2. The problem is just as acute moral choice: whose side is the truth on? Turgenev believed that the past cannot be denied, because only thanks to it the future is built. In the image of Bazarov, he expressed the need to preserve the continuity of generations. The hero is unhappy because he is lonely and understood, because he himself did not strive for anyone and did not want to understand. However, changes, whether people of the past like it or not, will still come, and we must be prepared for them. This is evidenced by the ironic image of Pavel Kirsanov, who lost his sense of reality while putting on ceremonial tailcoats in the village. The writer calls for a sensitive response to changes and trying to understand them, and not indiscriminately criticize, like Uncle Arkady. Thus, the solution to the problem is in a tolerant attitude different people each other and an attempt to understand the opposite life concept. In this sense, the position of Nikolai Kirsanov, who was tolerant of new trends and was never in a hurry to judge them, won. His son also found a compromise solution.
  3. However, the author made it clear that there is a high purpose behind Bazarov’s tragedy. It is precisely such desperate and self-confident pioneers who pave the way forward for the world, so the problem of recognizing this mission in society also occupies an important place. Evgeniy repents on his deathbed that he feels useless, this realization destroys him, but he could have become a great scientist or a skilled doctor. But cruel morals the conservative world is pushing him out because they feel threatened by him.
  4. The problems of the “new” people, the diverse intelligentsia, and difficult relationships in society, with parents, and in the family are also obvious. The commoners do not have profitable estates and a position in society, so they are forced to work and become embittered when they see social injustice: they work hard for a piece of bread, while the nobles, stupid and mediocre, do nothing and occupy all the upper floors of the social hierarchy, where the elevator simply does not reach . Hence the revolutionary sentiments and the moral crisis of an entire generation.
  5. Problems of eternal human values: love, friendship, art, attitude to nature. Turgenev knew how to reveal the depths of human character in love, to test the true essence of a person with love. But not everyone passes this test; an example of this is Bazarov, who breaks down under the onslaught of feeling.

All the interests and plans of the writer were entirely focused on the most important tasks time, went towards the most pressing problems of everyday life.

Characteristics of the characters in the novel

Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov- comes from the people. Son of a regimental doctor. My grandfather on my father’s side “plowed the land.” Evgeny makes his own way in life, gets a good education. Therefore, the hero is careless in clothes and manners; no one raised him. Bazarov is a representative of the new revolutionary-democratic generation, whose task is to destroy the old way of life and fight against those who hinder social development. A complex man, doubtful, but proud and adamant. Evgeniy Vasilyevich is very vague about how to correct society. Denies old world, accepts only what is confirmed by practice.

  • The writer depicted the type in Bazarov young man who believes exclusively in scientific activity and one who denies religion. The hero has a deep interest in natural sciences. From childhood, his parents instilled in him a love of work.
  • He condemns the people for illiteracy and ignorance, but is proud of his origin. Bazarov's views and beliefs do not find like-minded people. Sitnikov, a talker and phrase-monger, and the “emancipated” Kukshina are worthless “followers”.
  • A soul unknown to him is rushing about in Evgeny Vasilyevich. What should a physiologist and anatomist do with it? It is not visible under a microscope. But the soul hurts, although it - scientific fact- No!
  • Turgenev spends most of the novel exploring the “temptations” of his hero. He torments him with the love of old people - his parents - what to do with them? What about love for Odintsova? The principles are in no way compatible with life, with the living movements of people. What remains for Bazarov? Just die. Death is his final test. He accepts her heroically, does not console himself with the spells of a materialist, but calls his beloved.
  • The spirit conquers the enraged mind, overcomes the errors of the schemes and postulates of the new teaching.
  • Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - bearer of noble culture. Bazarov is disgusted by Pavel Petrovich’s “starched collars” and “long nails”. But the hero’s aristocratic manners are an internal weakness, a secret consciousness of his inferiority.

    • Kirsanov believes that respecting yourself means taking care of your appearance and never losing your dignity, even in the village. He organizes his daily routine in the English manner.
    • Pavel Petrovich retired, indulging in love experiences. This decision of his became a “retirement” from life. Love does not bring joy to a person if he lives only by its interests and whims.
    • The hero is guided by principles taken “on faith”, corresponding to his position as a gentleman - a serf owner. The Russian people are honored for their patriarchy and obedience.
    • In relation to a woman, strength and passion of feelings are manifested, but he does not understand them.
    • Pavel Petrovich is indifferent to nature. Denial of her beauty speaks of his spiritual limitations.
    • This man is deeply unhappy.

    Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov- Arkady's father and Pavel Petrovich's brother. He failed to make a military career, but he did not despair and entered the university. After the death of his wife, he devoted himself to his son and the improvement of the estate.

    • The characteristic features of the character are gentleness and humility. The hero's intelligence evokes sympathy and respect. Nikolai Petrovich is a romantic at heart, loves music, recites poetry.
    • He is an opponent of nihilism and tries to smooth out any emerging disagreements. Lives in accordance with his heart and conscience.

    Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov- a person who is not independent, deprived of his own life principles. He completely obeys his friend. He joined Bazarov only because of his youthful enthusiasm, since he did not have his own views, so in the finale there was a break between them.

    • Subsequently, he became a zealous owner and started a family.
    • “A nice fellow,” but “a soft, liberal gentleman,” Bazarov says about him.
    • All the Kirsanovs are “more children of events than fathers of their own actions.”

    Odintsova Anna Sergeevna- an “element” “related” to Bazarov’s personality. On what basis can this conclusion be made? The firmness of her outlook on life, “proud loneliness, intelligence - make her “close” to the main character of the novel. She, like Evgeny, sacrificed personal happiness, so her heart is cold and fearful of feelings. She herself trampled on them by marrying for convenience.

    Conflict between "fathers" and "children"

    Conflict – “clash”, “serious disagreement”, “dispute”. To say that these concepts have only a “negative connotation” means to completely misunderstand the processes of social development. “Truth is born in dispute” - this axiom can be considered a “key” that lifts the curtain on the problems posed by Turgenev in the novel.

    Disputes - main compositional device, allowing the reader to determine his point of view and take a certain position in his views on this or that social phenomenon, area of ​​development, nature, art, moral concepts. Using the “technique of debate” between “youth” and “old age,” the author affirms the idea that life does not stand still, it is multifaceted and multifaceted.

    The conflict between “fathers” and “children” will never be resolved; it can be described as a “constant”. However, it is the conflict of generations that is the engine of development of everything on earth. On the pages of the novel there is a heated debate caused by the struggle of revolutionary democratic forces with the liberal nobility.

    Main topics

    Turgenev managed to saturate the novel with progressive thought: protest against violence, hatred of legalized slavery, pain for the suffering of the people, the desire to found their happiness.

    The main themes in the novel “Fathers and Sons”:

  1. Ideological contradictions of the intelligentsia during the preparation of the reform on the abolition of serfdom;
  2. “Fathers” and “sons”: relationships between generations and the theme of family;
  3. A “new” type of person at the turn of two eras;
  4. Immense love for the homeland, parents, woman;
  5. Human and nature. The world around us: workshop or temple?

What is the point of the book?

Turgenev's work sounds an alarming alarm bell over all of Russia, calling on fellow citizens to unite, sanity, and fruitful activity for the good of the Motherland.

The book explains to us not only the past, but also the present day, reminds us of eternal values. The title of the novel does not mean the older and younger generations, not family relationships, and people of new and old views. “Fathers and Sons” is valuable not only as an illustration of history; the work touches on many moral issues.

The basis of the existence of the human race is the family, where everyone has their own responsibilities: the elders (“fathers”) look after the younger ones (“children”), pass on to them the experience and traditions accumulated by their ancestors, and instill moral feelings in them; younger ones - honor adults, adopt from them everything important and best that is necessary for the formation of a person new formation. However, their task is also the creation of fundamental innovations, impossible without some denial of past misconceptions. The harmony of the world order lies in the fact that these “connections” are not broken, but not in the fact that everything remains the old fashioned way.

The book has great educational value. Reading it at the time of forming your character means thinking about important life problems. "Fathers and Sons" teach serious attitude to the world active position, patriotism. They teach from a young age to develop strong principles, engaging in self-education, but at the same time honor the memory of their ancestors, even if it does not always turn out to be right.

Criticism about the novel

  • After the publication of Fathers and Sons, a fierce controversy erupted. M.A. Antonovich in the Sovremennik magazine interpreted the novel as a “merciless” and “destructive criticism of the younger generation.”
  • D. Pisarev in “Russian Word” highly appreciated the work and the image of a nihilist created by the master. The critic emphasized the tragedy of character and noted the firmness of a person who does not retreat from trials. He agrees with other authors of critical articles that the “new” people may cause resentment, but it is impossible to deny them “sincerity”. The appearance of Bazarov in Russian literature is new step in lighting socially - public life countries.

Can you agree with the critic on everything? Probably no. He calls Pavel Petrovich “a small-sized Pechorin.” But the dispute between the two characters gives reason to doubt this. Pisarev claims that Turgenev does not sympathize with any of his heroes. The writer considers Bazarov his “favorite child.”

What is "nihilism"?

For the first time, the word “nihilist” is heard in the novel from the lips of Arkady and immediately attracts attention. However, the concept of “nihilist” is in no way connected with Kirsanov Jr.

The word “nihilist” was taken by Turgenev from N. Dobrolyubov’s review of a book by the Kazan philosopher, conservative professor V. Bervy. However, Dobrolyubov interpreted it in a positive sense and assigned it to the younger generation. The word was introduced into widespread use by Ivan Sergeevich, which became synonymous with the word “revolutionary.”

The “nihilist” in the novel is Bazarov, who does not recognize authorities and denies everything. The writer did not accept the extremes of nihilism, caricaturing Kukshina and Sitnikov, but sympathized with the main character.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov still teaches us about his fate. Every person has a unique spiritual image, whether he is a nihilist or a simple layman. Respect and reverence for another person consists of respect for the fact that in him there is the same secret flicker of a living soul that is in you.

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The writer’s first thoughts about writing the novel “Fathers and Sons” appeared while he was in England in 1860. Turgenev had to spend the whole night at the railway station. It was there that he met a young doctor, with whom he talked the whole night. This conversation became fundamental for writing the conversation of the main character of the novel, Bazarov.

At the same time, after returning to France, Turgenev begins to write the initial chapters of the novel. Upon arrival in home country, in the summer months of 1861, the writer completes work on the novel. In the spring of 1862, the novel “Fathers and Sons” was published in the “Russian Bulletin”.

From the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons” you can immediately understand that main idea works are family relationships, or rather the long-known conflict of generations. Different views, different concepts life - all this has been causing controversy for many times among adherents of one point of view or another. When writing a work, the author seems to incline the reader to choose what is more important for the subsequent development of life, inactive contemplation of what is happening or the struggle for a developed modern future.

The conclusion suggests itself that the work is educational in nature, the main thing is to understand the essence, because everyone has freedom of choice, and the author only guides to the right, without imposing his personal opinion.

Turgenev depicts in detail the experiences of the characters, their emotions, mood and feelings. This gives the novel a psychological overtones.

The main character of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is Bazarov, a young student at a medical university, the son of a military doctor. Bazarov is a follower of natural sciences. He is laconic, self-confident, and not without irony and self-love. Of the novel's 28 chapters, he is absent from only two.

The author uses the principle of opposition when writing a work. It matches the main character with the personality of each character. Turgenev contrasts Bazarov not with individual heroes, but with life in its fullest extent, the patriarchal foundations with which he is trying to fight main character. Even Bazarov's first appearance demonstrates how clearly different he is from the nobles around him. The well-groomed nails of Pyotr Petrovich Kirsanov against the red hands of a young student.

The plot of the novel “Fathers and Sons” itself revolves around Bazarov’s conflict with society, which refutes his views and ideals.

The main point of the narrative is the arrival of Bazarov together with Andrei Kirsanov, a young nobleman, to the Kirsanov family estate, where the main character meets Andrei’s father and uncle. When communicating with other characters, there is a clash of opinions and points of view that test the strength of Bazarov’s convictions. This also happens during love relationship the main character with Odintsova.

The end of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is the death of Bazarov. Thus, Turgenev wanted to show the collapse of the thoughts expressed by the main character in the plot of the work.

The novel “Fathers and Sons” became an indicator that, in addition to political differences and ideologies, there is another life in which traditions, real and deep feelings are a priority.

Analysis 2

The novel “Fathers and Sons” takes the reader to the times of serfdom. The events in the work take place in 1859 and end in 1869. And this was not done by chance by the author, since it was during this period that an acute crisis occurred. serfdom in Russia, the relations between the “fathers,” that is, liberals, and “children,” that is, revolutionaries, are becoming particularly strained.

During that period there arises new type people - common democrats. And the main character of the novel, Evgeny Bazarov, is from this circle. Initially, Bazarov is a contrast to all the other heroes of the work, because he is different from them, he comes from a completely different environment. Bazarov speaks with pride about his grandfather: “My grandfather plowed the land.” The origin of the character is manifested in literally everything - in his views, judgments, relationships with loved ones.

In the scene of Bazarov's very first appearance, we understand that he is not like the nobles around him. Having seen the nails of Kirsanov Jr., and comparing them with his red hands, Bazarov sarcastically remarks that these nails could even be sent to an exhibition. Nikolai Kirsanov, being a delicate person, pretends that he does not notice the plebeian behavior of the guest, although such behavior somewhat confuses him.

A sharp dispute arises between Kirsanov Sr. and Bazarov. The young man says that his opponent has been out of work for a long time, and his song, unfortunately or fortunately, has long been sung. But Pavel Petrovich is tearing up and rushing, because it was because of Bazarov that Kirsanov Sr.’s whole life went downhill. Having given everything he has to Princess R., he also loses everything and remains with broken trough. But the younger brother, who nevertheless dared to go against the will of his parents and marry a simple girl, is absolutely happily married and has a beloved son.

Let's move on to the image of Bazarov. The character is unhappy not only because of loneliness, but also because of unhappy love. Bazarov is endlessly in love with Anna Sergeevna, but his love is rejected. Before the fatal meeting with this woman, Bazarov did not take love seriously; for him it was something at the physiological level, just a reason for procreation.

Anna Sergeevna evokes respect by the fact that she not only became Bazarov’s interlocutor and, in some way, adviser, she managed to make him look at many things that were ordinary for the hero in a completely different way. Bazarov, with indignation and even disgust, begins to see himself as a romantic.

The hero's life ends stupidly and tragically. Suffering from unrequited love for Odintsova, Bazarov completely devotes himself to work, and during the next autopsy of the dead body of a peasant, he wounds himself with a scalpel and becomes infected with typhus. This death of Bazarov shocked many readers. But Turgenev, with such an ending, tells us that the time of such people has not yet come, and the best, only way out for the hero becomes a dignified death in my parents' house, surrounded by close people.

Option 3

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” reflects on the eternal contradictions of the new and old generations. It often happens that in a family children have conflicting views with their parents. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev tried to analyze and illuminate this topic in his novel.

While in England in 1860, the writer had to spend the whole night at the station, where he met a young surgeon. Their conversation was so fascinating that they sat there for the rest of the night. It was this meeting that subsequently prompted Ivan Sergeevich to write the work. The character of the surgeon transferred to the pages of the book in the form of the main character of the future masterpiece - Bazarov. The antagonist is a certain critic Dobrolyubov, whose constant disputes with the writer became the prototype of the dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanov. For almost two years, “Fathers and Sons” were written and published.

The main character of the novel, Bazarov, is a typical representative of youth who rejects the old order and despises the established order of life. He doesn’t like it, and he wants to fight for what he sees as his bright future. Pavel Kirsanov is a bright representative of a hereditary nobleman who saw the old foundations as the only correct and possible ones for this country.

The author tried not to make a choice for the reader, showing his point of view. He carefully provides evidence of the correctness of both one and the other hero. The book serves only as a guide to this issue, the route and end point of which the reader must choose for himself.

The work is made in the genre of a novel, but far from what is familiar to the average person. This psychological novel, which indicates experiences on each side. Moreover, the author does not write in detail about the experiences themselves; he speaks only about the final outcome of such experiences.

For example, this is clearly expressed in the feelings of Arkady Kirsanov. This person is little inclined to make hard efforts both in life and in love. Using his example, the author tried to reveal the overly mediocre personalities of people who are not very ready for change and are hard-willed to change.

Yet the main theme is the opposing sides of Bazarov and Kirsanov. The struggle between their views on life leads to complete contradiction and misunderstanding each other.

This novel also described a new type of person - a nihilist, who appeared in the mid-nineteenth century. This type denies the generally accepted principles and manners of behavior, spiritual and cultural values ​​of society.

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Most often, the title of a work is the key to its content and understanding. This is what happens with I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” Just two simple words, but they contained so many concepts that divided the heroes into two opposite camps. Such a simple title reveals the essence of the novel “Fathers and Sons” in complex issues.

The main issue of the novel

In his work, the author not only raises the problem of the collision of two opposite generations, but also tries to find a solution, to indicate a way out of the current situation. The confrontation between the two camps can be seen as a struggle between old and new, radicals and liberals, between democracy and aristocracy, determination and confusion.

The author believes that the time has come for change and tries to show it in the novel. The old representatives of the noble system are being replaced by the young and restless, searching and fighting. The old system has already outlived its usefulness, but the new one has not yet formed, and the meaning of the novel “Fathers and Sons” clearly indicates the inability of society to live either in the old or in the new way. This is a kind of transitional time, the border of eras.

New society

The representative of the new generation is Bazarov. It is he who plays the main role, which creates the conflict in the novel “Fathers and Sons”. He represents a whole galaxy of young people who have accepted a form of complete denial as faith. They deny everything old, but do not bring anything to replace this old.

A very clearly conflicting worldview is shown between Pavel Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov. Straightforwardness and rudeness versus manners and sophistication. The images in the novel “Fathers and Sons” are multifaceted and contradictory. But Bazarov’s clearly defined system of values ​​does not make him happy. He himself outlined his purpose for society: to break the old. But how to build something new on a destroyed foundation of ideas and views is no longer his business.
The problem of emancipation is considered. The author shows this as a possible alternative to the patriarchal system. But only the female image of the emancipe is given as unsightly, completely different from the ordinary Turgenev girl. And, again, this was not done by chance, but with a clear intention to show that before destroying something established, it is necessary to find a replacement for it. If this does not happen, then the changes fail; even what was clearly intended to be a positive solution to the problem may change in a different direction and become a sharply negative phenomenon.

The novel “Fathers and Sons” is still relevant today, the characteristics of the heroes in it are a kind of confirmation of this. This work contains the most a large number of problems that the author poses to his generation. But even today many questions of Turgenev’s novel have not been answered.

The materials posted on this page will help 10th grade students prepare an essay on the topic “The meaning of the novel “Fathers and Sons”.”

Work test

In the sixties of the 19th century it was published novel by Ivan Turgenev"Fathers and Sons". This book became iconic for its time. The image of Bazarov - the main character - was perceived by young people as an example to follow. More than 150 years have passed since its first publication. Turgenev's novel is still popular. What is main idea books? Why is it relevant even today, in the 21st century? Detailed analysis The work “Fathers and Sons” will help you find answers to these and other questions.

On the eve of the Reform

The events that Turgenev told readers about took place in June 1859. Very soon serfdom will be abolished in Russia. An event will occur that will radically change Russian society. This will happen in 1861. However, a special mood and a thirst for change are already in the air. First of all, enlightened young people are susceptible to it. Such sentiments are alien to old landowners. When analyzing the work “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev, it is certainly necessary to make a small historical digression.

The problem of fathers and children

The main character of the novel is Evgeny Bazarov. He treats his friend Arkady Kirsanov with some disdain. However, when reading Turgenev’s novel, one gets the impression that the main character is not capable of deeper feelings. However, this is a misleading impression.

The analysis of the work “Fathers and Sons” usually begins with deciphering the title. A book by a Russian classic about the clash of two generations. Fathers don't understand their sons. Children are convinced that their parents’ views are backward and irrelevant. So it was, is and will be. But this is not the main idea of ​​the work “Fathers and Sons”. Analysis novel by Ivan Turgenev allows you to feel and understand the depth of the protagonist’s mental torment.


Bazarov spends several weeks at his friend's family estate. Here the main character clashes with one of the Kirsanovs, Pavel Petrovich. Evgeny is a nihilist, that is, a person who has no authority. He does not accept a single principle, and he is completely indifferent to how respect this principle is surrounded. This point of view is shocking to the older generation.

Bazarov despises art, music, poetry. And he calls all this contemptuously “romanticism.” Bazarov studies natural sciences. I am sure that you should only do what will bring benefits. He is the son of a doctor and plans to treat men himself. One day he proudly says: “My grandfather plowed the land.” In fact, this person is very ambitious. And it is unlikely that he would be satisfied with the modest work of a rural doctor.

Bazarov is convinced that he will never be inflamed with passion for a woman. After all, this is a weakness that can lead you astray true path. But one day he meets Anna Odintsova and realizes how much he was mistaken. The aristocratic widow does not reciprocate his feelings. And then a terrible, all-consuming emptiness settles in the soul of the main character. It is unknown what such experiences would have led to if not for sudden death.

One day, while conducting experiments, the main character gets infected. He soon realizes that his days are numbered. Bazarov dies. They forget about it after six months. True, old people very often come to a rural cemetery, to a modest grave, who madly loved and were proud of their son. These are the parents of Yevgeny Bazarov.

History of writing

When analyzing the work “Fathers and Sons,” it is imperative to say at least a few words about how this imperishable novel was created. The idea for the book came to the writer in 1960. At this time he was in England.

Of course, the author in his book primarily wanted to raise the issue of the abolition of serfdom. Russian landowner society looked rather pitiful against the backdrop of progressive European society.

Shortly before starting work on the novel, Turgenev stopped collaborating with the Sovremennik magazine. One of the young critics spoke very unflatteringly about the work “On the Eve”. Turgenev first thought about the huge gap between generations.

Many in Russia did not understand the commoners, these strange young people who talk about the bitter fate of the Russian peasant, about equality, about freedom. Even with brief analysis The work “Fathers and Sons” is worth emphasizing: the writer devoted his book not only to the problems of misunderstanding between fathers and sons. Turgenev raised the issue of the conflict between new views and conservatism.

Arises logical question. Serfdom was abolished in 1861, and Turgenev’s book is still read today. Why? The fact is that, in addition to the above-mentioned problem, Turgenev touched on the topic of love, friendship, and loneliness. Questions that will always be relevant were raised by the writer in this work. Analyzing the novel “Fathers and Sons” is a difficult but interesting task. After all, the book speaks not so much about politics as about simple human feelings.

What is Bazarov's tragedy?

This is another one important question, which is worth answering in a brief analysis of Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons”. Bazarov denies the beauty of nature, love, music, poetry. He also does not recognize philosophical thinking. Art is just “nonsense” for him. He calls the elder Kirsanovs “old men,” “retired people.” The tragedy of the main character is due to his nihilistic views. He is convinced that everything old should be destroyed in order to build a new one in its place. Evgeny Bazarov even considers love to be something that is subject to destruction - a feeling without which a person cannot exist.

Bazarov's tragedy, of course, lies in its lack of fulfillment. Before his death, he was suddenly visited by doubts. Does Russia need it? Bazarov does not find an answer to this question. Turgenev's attitude towards his hero is contradictory. On the one hand, he does not share Bazarov’s views. On the other hand, he feels sympathy and pity for him, which is especially readable in the last lines of the novel.

Other characters

A complete analysis of the work “Fathers and Sons” includes characteristics of each character. Special attention It’s worth paying attention, perhaps, to Nikolai Petrovich, the father of Arkady Kirsanov. After all, this hero is opposed to Bazarov.

Nikolai Petrovich does not adhere to strict political and public views. He is not at all ambitious. Kirsanov does not read German philosophers, but reads Pushkin, which causes clear disapproval from Bazarov. Moreover, the landowner liberal views loves music and even plays the cello occasionally.

The main difference between him and the lonely nihilist, of course, is not his bookish tastes. Nikolai Petrovich knows how to love. And then at the end of the story, he is one of the few who finds happiness.

Anna Odintsova

There are several in the novel female images. But the most interesting of them is undoubtedly the image of Anna Odintsova. The rich widow became interested in a young man who was making rather strange but interesting speeches. But not more.

Anna could not share Evgenia’s feelings. She, like him, rejects love. But if Bazarov was previously convinced that love would prevent him from achieving his goal, which, by the way, turned out to be quite vague, then Odintsova refuses love only for the sake of peace of mind. This cold woman likes her measured, calm life without feelings and worries.