The basics of positive thinking and start living a better life. How to think positively: tips and exercises

Is the harm of positive thinking complete nonsense? If only... Let's talk about an overly positive outlook on the world and what approach to life will work better.

In the literature on human psychology, the idea is often proven: “You should always look at life with optimism.” is that even the most unsightly situation can be looked at with hope best outcome. As if everything will definitely get better tomorrow, even if there are problems today.

But in fact, positive thinking every day can lead not to victory in all situations, but to real depression.

A person who studiously “ignores” difficulties ultimately faces disappointment. His problems do not disappear on their own, and his dreams about a wonderful future dissipate, leaving only bitterness in his soul. Is it really so bad to be an optimist who holds his tail with a gun?

The Power of Human Positive Thinking

Positive thinking, by definition, is beneficial.

First of all, when a person needs to switch from tormenting unpleasant thoughts to something more life-affirming. For example, a man lost his job. Naturally, it will be better if he begins to look for a new vacancy with confidence in his abilities. In this case, self-confidence will play into a person’s hands. It would be worse if instead of optimistic searches new job, the man began to drink from the bottle, whine, and consider himself a failure. That is, the power of positive thinking can help a lot if in a difficult life situation you look at the problem calmly, with the belief that everything will work out.

How positive thinking can get in the way

But positive thinking every day, paradoxically, can lead to a real mental disorder - depression. If you diligently pretend that problems do not exist at all, and you still come out of any situation as a winner, over time you will definitely get a feeling.

For example, a woman lives with her husband. Everything is bad for them: the husband does not work, drinks, insults her, hurts the children. Instead of breaking up with the tyrant-idler, she assures everyone, including herself, that everything is in order. He smiles, jokes, tries to put things in order in the house, prepare something “delicious”, distancing himself from reality. That is, it saves the family, although it is high time to start living in a new way. Who is this woman ultimately deceiving? Only yourself, of course. So, unfortunately, you won’t get by on positive thinking alone.

The harm of positive thinking also lies in the fact that often optimist-dreamers conquer peaks only in their own dreams.

They invent something, embellish it, and openly lie. In reality, they do nothing that would lead to real, rather than fictitious, success. Optimists spend all their potential on dreams, but not on the implementation of specific plans. Those who doubt their abilities and prefer not to share the skin of an unkilled bear are more likely to achieve their dreams.

Let's say the situation is this: there is a person who wants to achieve a lot in life (find good job, advance along career ladder, gain financial well-being etc.). But instead of concrete actions, he only dreams that when his time will come, he will accidentally meet a well-wisher on the street who will offer him his dream job with an excellent salary. It is not surprising that such a person will be successful only in his thoughts. But in fact, those who did not wait for manna from heaven, but literally worked until they sweat, will get a good place. The optimist will remain in his own thoughts until he finally understands that his dreams of soon finding a good position and a high salary are self-deception and nothing more.

The harm of positive thinking is obvious, especially if you constantly resort to embellishing problems and dreams.

Positive thinking and depression go hand in hand

Positive thinking every day prevents people from truly struggling with difficulties. This comes from the fact that changes in life can be made only by realizing the need for it, by admitting to yourself that it’s time to fix something (leave an unloved partner, stop communicating with unpleasant people, find a job you like, etc.). But if you deceive yourself every day that everything will work out on its own, that everything is not so bad, then the difficult situation is unlikely to change on its own. The unloved person will still be around, the annoying acquaintances will still be present in life, you will still have to go to the hated job. In such a situation it is not far from neurosis.

Trying to think only in a positive way

They also lead to the fact that a person at some point breaks away from reality.

To escape from unsightly moments, he invents his own “positive world” where everything is fine. And this is already a failure, since such an approach will sooner or later break down against “harsh reality.” And you will have to admit to yourself that everything you lived before was nothing more than far-fetched illusory thoughts. And then the high mood is replaced by apathy, dissatisfaction with oneself, and depression.

"Mental contrasting"– an alternative to groundless optimism

So, the essence of positive thinking is to find advantages even in obviously unpleasant things.

As we have found out, all-encompassing optimism does not always really help a person - due to his psychology. It's more likely good way will calm down, but not a way out of all life's difficulties.

However, looking at the world only in black terms is also unwise. All that remains is to put all your efforts into finding the golden mean. Great trick - mental contrasting. Its task is to give a person the opportunity to see positive and negative aspects situations at the same time.

Let's say a man wants to open his own business. He should not only indulge in dreams of making a good profit, but also analyze all the risks: the possibility of “not getting promoted,” unscrupulous partners, and so on. Having thought in advance about all the difficulties that may be encountered along the path of life, it will be easier not to make many mistakes. In other words, mental contrasting– a positive, but quite realistic view of things.

Method WOOP vs. Inclusive Positivity

WOOP method, similar to mental contrasting, was proposed by American scientists. Its name is based on the initial letters of the words “wish”, “outcome”, “obstacle”, “plan” (translated as “desire”, “result”, “obstacle”, “plan”).

  1. First you need to formulate your desire.

    Let it be a girl's dream to get happily married.

  2. Afterwards you will need to decide on the result.

    In our case, the girl will think about meeting with good man, a strong union with him, children.

  3. Then it’s time to think about the obstacle.

    Possible rivals, lack of management skills household, the girl’s difficult character.

  4. Finally, it's time to make a plan.

    The young lady will have to work hard on herself, become not only pleasant externally, but also internally versatile, learn to cook deliciously, be able to make concessions and listen to her partner.

Using the WOOP method, you don’t have to dwell in idle dreams. A person, knowing about possible obstacles, will know in advance how to get out of the situation as a winner.

Results: Planned Positive Thinking Every Day

So, positive thinking is a good way to temporarily stop being sad by detaching yourself from your worries. Great way to shape positive attitude to what is happening. But at all perfect way perceive life. This is not a panacea or a way out of all troubles.

It is much more productive to dream, but at the same time not to break away from the realities of life. No wonder they say: “Who is forewarned is forearmed.” Seeing the situation from all sides makes it easier to do the right thing. Positive thinking also has its negative sides and can also be harmful and interfere with achieving goals and living a happy life. Therefore, do not focus only on the positive, look also at reality.

Who among us has not heard the statement that nothing is impossible when people strive for their goal? But how many of us agree with this statement and firmly believe in the achievability of the intended goal?

Almost all people love to give advice. Because it is the cheapest material. We are so accustomed to being constantly advised to do something that we almost automatically try not to follow most of the advice, dismissing it as unnecessary and useless. However, you should still listen to the thoughts and advice of successful people.

The American psychologist D. Carnegie convincingly proved that not only his relationships with other people, his state of health, but also success or failure in his affairs depend on a person’s moral attitude. , help not only to find positive aspects in any unpleasant situation, but also to solve almost any problem. And he suggested effective training called “Exactly today” to acquire a positive attitude. When you wake up every morning, do not rush to jump out of bed and rush headlong and furiously to solve the next problem. Slowly repeat out loud positive thoughts for each day for a few minutes:
Today I will become happy.
Today I will accept everything that surrounds me as it is, without trying to adjust the surroundings to myself.
Today I will take care of my health, avoiding as much as possible harmful influences and thoughts.
Today I will treat others kindly, without criticizing them, without scolding them.
Today I will stop hiding from life, from myself, from my happiness. I will rejoice in beauty, harmony, love. Therefore, everyone I love will love me.

Trainings for every day

Perform this simple training every day, and the results will immediately appear. Many people have constant fears. What are we afraid of? - Illness, criticism, poverty, old age, loss of someone's love.

Confronting your fears gives you confidence. every day give a person the strength to fight these fears. A person is his thoughts. Here are some examples of positivity that relieves fears:
I'm healthy, I feel good.
I am successful, and other people’s criticism of me is their desire to see me more successful.
I'm self-sufficient. The safety net I have created keeps me going.
At any age, I am young in body and soul.
I love and am loved. People treat me the way I treat them. I am kind, generous and cheerful.
I live and am happy with it.
I am completely safe, in harmony with the world around me and myself.
I'm happy and calm.
I have good life, easy fate.

The most important thing is not to doubt success. There should be no place for the particle “Not” in your thoughts and statements. Only positive! Even if at first these thoughts seem like nonsense to you. Just repeat them and follow them. And you will soon see how much easier it has become for you to solve your problems and cope with problems.

What is positive thinking? This is a special view of the world, the ability to isolate yourself from troubles and not plunge into them when they happen. Positive people always attract the attention of others. It seems that they vital energy overflowing, they achieve everything without much effort. In fact, everyone has enough difficulties. A positive person simply does not allow himself to become limp or give up. He is completely focused on achieving the goal and does not give himself the right to retreat. The psychology of positive thinking implies that a person works on himself, becomes strong and self-sufficient. A positive person is responsible only to himself and therefore knows how to concentrate on the main thing. In fact, positive people deserve all praise, because they have to overcome themselves a lot and work on their feelings. What are the benefits happy life? How to learn to think positively?


A positive person really attracts attention. He begins to live the most vibrant and rewarding life. His days are filled with laughter, joy and new experiences. Positive thinking every day brings a person closer to realizing his true purpose, to understanding the essence of his stay on earth. Let's take a closer look at these advantages.

Self Confidence

Positive people differ from others in that they are the owners of colossal inner strength. This energy helps them achieve any goals, successfully decide complex tasks. It is possible to change your life when a person has such an intention. Positive thoughts will materialize, you just need to start developing the habit of thinking positively. A positive person is always confident in his abilities. He is well aware of the significant prospects awaiting him. Self-confidence really makes you believe in yourself, choose an individual path that you want to follow, despite numerous difficulties.

Changing your thinking to positive means gaining additional joy in life. Positive attitudes fundamentally change a person’s worldview, his ability to think and make decisions. Along with self-confidence comes a special joy in life, which is truly incomparable. When a person learns to tune in to positive thinking, his whole life will definitely begin to change. And these will be positive changes! From somewhere a supply of additional strength will come, self-confidence will come, constructive thoughts will come that will help you achieve your goal faster. Such achievements are worth a lot!

How to learn it

The theory of positive thinking describes an attitude towards life built on a harmonious worldview. The method of causal-positive thinking is aimed at revealing the internal potential of the individual. It is difficult for pessimists to understand how it is possible to rejoice and have fun at a moment when everything in life is not going well. in the best possible way. They are used to withdrawing into themselves from resentment and a sense of oppressive injustice. How to think positively? How to tune in to positive thinking? How to become ready to accept significant changes in your life? Let's try to figure it out!


A very powerful technique that makes external events unfold in such a way that they truly bring joy. Visualization is great for developing positive thinking. This technique helps to understand that all a person’s thoughts materialize, regardless of whether he believes in them or not. If such a mood constantly prevails in the mind, there is a possibility of the rapid materialization of all planned plans and intentions. Being a positive person is great. Appears huge amount free energy that can be used for the benefit of yourself and those around you.

How to develop positive thinking? A person can experience true spiritual satisfaction in communication with his own kind. Live interaction with a person who truly shares his views and aspirations allows you to feel truly happy. Pleasant communication fills you with energy, incredibly inspires you and inspires you to new achievements. The method of causal-positive thinking allows you to understand how significant specific values ​​and beliefs are for an individual. If a person is able to share his experiences with another person, then there is a chance to gain peace of mind. The feeling of inner harmony will come naturally.

Favorite activity

How many people in the world really do what they are meant to do? Unfortunately no. Most live simply by the thought of making money. They don't realize that they've been robbing themselves for years. When a person's thoughts are subordinated only to external duty, he cannot develop internally. He stops enjoying his own source of inspiration, forgets why he lives. In fact, such a person does everything mechanically, without much enthusiasm or joy. This is sad, especially when there is no longer any strength left for significant changes. Having thought about how to start thinking positively, you should reconsider your attitude towards your profession and hobbies. You need to find time to do things that actually bring you joy. It can become an inexhaustible source of inspiration for a person.

Spiritual practice

How to learn to think positively? There are special exercises for developing positive thinking. Spiritual practice can truly transform a person from the inside, help make his life bright, fulfilling and holistic. This includes meditation, yoga, relaxation. When giving preference to one method or another, you should remember that it needs to be practiced regularly. Occasional exercises will not bring the desired effect, although they will give you the opportunity to feel positive influence. Spiritual practice should become an integral part of a person’s everyday life. Only then will consciousness gradually begin to change, filling with new thoughts.

Refusal of criticism

The method of causally positive thinking implies that you need to try to treat your own actions and actions with approval. Healthy self-esteem and self-love can work wonders. In this case, bright thoughts become the natural state of a person. If you try to hold them longer and more, your life will become bright, fulfilling and truly positive. Refusing criticism is a necessary step in order to form a new attitude towards yourself. After all, if a person constantly scolds himself for some mistakes and blunders, this circumstance does not allow him to see any significant changes taking place in his real life. It is necessary to understand that criticism does not provide an opportunity for self-improvement, does not allow one to become better, spiritually richer and stronger. Real strength A person achieves a change in his way of thinking only when he begins to live in accordance with his inner beliefs.


They are an integral component of a happy and self-sufficient life. It is necessary to move as much as possible, ideally to play sports. Then there will be more free energy that can be used for peaceful purposes. Exercise help you stay in in great shape and maintain good health.

Thus, the question of how to be positive deserves special attention. A person must strive for self-development in order not to lose touch with his inner essence, to be aware of his true aspirations and intentions.

Positive thinking- this is the most main feature self-improvement. It has a lot of benefits if managed correctly. For example, if a person intends to seriously work on himself and his personality, then he should always be positive. Despite the delusions, his thoughts will be pure, but a person should not look at all surrounding things through rose-colored glasses and deceive yourself when in reality the opposite is true.

Positive thinking is not just pure optimism. Since a person must always be positive, resourceful, and even in the most difficult time have iron will, never lose heart.

Positive thinking for every day, benefits

If a person is charged positive emotions, then he sees all the surrounding things as real, and he is ready to solve any situations, including the most difficult ones good mood and with confidence in the success of the business. He must be calm and confident that everything will be resolved well. This is how the main benefits of positive thinking manifest themselves. There are many reasons to take positive thinking seriously and practice it every day.

Positive thinking improves attention

By using positive thinking, you can concentrate on solving important problems, eliminating any negative emotions that waste your energy and time. This way you quickly return to your working condition and think in such a way that the state is not exhausted, think and act. Never replay the emotions of anger, regret and irritation in your head several times, but search for solutions with a creative approach.

Control yourself with positive thinking

Positive thinking will help keep you from reckless behavior and bad decisions, dark thoughts and stupid behavior, loss of control and negative emotions. Almost every person reacts this way when they are in a bad mood or angry at someone. Have you ever had situations when you got irritated and responded with negative emotions to a bad incident, and in the end everything turned out worse than it was before? Think about how much effort and time you wasted because of this. Therefore, one should not underestimate the importance of constantly monitoring oneself and not doing stupid things again. The worst thing you can do is get yourself into trouble.

You are a magnet and attract everything you want.

Gives you exactly where your attention and intentions are directed. For example, if you always have negative emotions and are focused on negative events, you will only get troubles in life. And if you think positively, you will attract only good, positive events to yourself. After all, positive thinking directs your thoughts into better side. Constantly practice positive thinking and get a better reality for yourself. This pattern is explained by the fact that positive thoughts towards oneself lead to positive actions. In turn good deeds lead to the achievement of set goals.

Positive thinking improves a person's perception and awareness

If you practice positive thinking, then the simplest things will appear to you in a different light, and strangers will become noticeable to you. This pattern is explained by the fact that your focus and mindset changes. For example, if something terrible happens in your life, then you will see not only one negative, but also the other side of this situation. Perhaps you will benefit from this. By practicing positivity, you will begin to pay attention to positive aspects events that took place, as well as how it all looks in general concept peace.

If a person is used to always being negative, then in all situations he will see only the negative, and all the good will leave him, even if the advantages of the event are obvious. If a worldview has already been built, then it is difficult to understand things that are far beyond its boundaries. Moreover, the most important thing is not to eliminate negative prospects, but also to concentrate charity and positivity, you should always be in peace of mind, faith and knowledge that all situations in life are excellent life experience, even if it is bitter.

I advise you to watch an educational video about how to become successful, happy and how to develop only positive thinking.

Moreover, everything that you get in the future after using positive thinking will give you a lot of benefits. If you manage to build the right mindset, then you will develop the habit of positive thinking and become simply fearless. You will stop being afraid that something terrible will happen to you, you will face any adversity with positivity and good mood. With determination, you will face life's situations without fear, and such a quality is worth its weight in gold today.

I don't like carefree people who smile forever. These immediately cause mistrust. There is a feeling that they are just putting on a mask, they just want to seem happy, but inside... But experience tells me that there are sincere people among them. Those that are for everyone life situations looking for positive aspects. They do not dwell on failures and, despite difficulties, develop. And positive thinking helps them with this.

Let's start with a very kind, positive and educational cartoon on our topic.

I am sure that among the readers there will be skeptical ones who will say: « Yeah, we know this thinking! What is this, to rejoice at every flower? There is a crisis everywhere, diseases are raging, the ruble is falling, oil is getting cheaper, global warming... And in general, we are all going to die». Great, guys. Yes, this is our reality. But there are things that can bring good emotions and evoke warm feelings. If you don't want to notice them, then what's the problem?

The development of the theory of positive thinking began in the second half of the nineteenth century in America as a philosophical trend. Nowadays, the influence of our desires is increasingly talked about in the framework of popular psychology, and used as the right motivation in business literature.

Positive thinking concept

It is not possible to be sad and happy at the same time. This is a fact. We are given one life. This is another fact. We independently choose how to live our path. We also choose whether to be happy or sad.

Why are children full of energy and smile often? What is their secret? It's simple: they know how to enjoy every little thing, pay attention to everything, and are ready to see the good. What happens to adults? Why are we losing this ability?

Adults are constrained by prohibitions and restrictions, filled with fears and uncertainty. Often we do not allow ourselves to become happy, coming up with complex theories, not paying attention to simple joys.

Good attracts good

Many people have heard about positive thinking or the law of attraction. Thanks to the movie "The Secret" for this. Someone even tried it on themselves. But it’s not enough to want to get what you want. We still need to do it right! So, what can you do to make the law of attraction work for you:

  1. Start thinking and approaching life positively. Saying “no” is always easier than saying “yes” (remember the movie “Always Say Yes”).
  2. Set yourself achievable goals. The principle: “I want this, I don’t know what” - usually does not work for the universe.
  3. Use the power of visualization: imagine in every detail what you want.
  4. Address your values: write down the ten most important things.
  5. Be grateful for what you already have.
  6. Don't forget to repeat your affirmations every day. They will remind you of your goals.
  7. Review your life: if something in it brings suffering or pain, do not hold it, let it go.

It sounds easy. Even if you don't believe in the law of attraction, would practicing at least one of these points cause harm? Just try it.

The right attitude in life will help not only cope with bad mood, but also to overcome many difficulties, give strength and energy, improve the condition of your body, and cope with serious illnesses. The power of positive thinking can work real miracles. For example, if you look at life path Louise Hay, you can see how she beat cancer.

"How to be happy every day"

This book contains the basic life concept of Louise Hay. It became a bestseller all over the world and helped many people get out of a mental crisis.

Thinking positively every day - this is what he sees as the secret successful life Louise Hay. When we think negatively, we set ourselves up for failure. If we set our thoughts in a positive way, then life itself will become better.

Observe the following points and you will change your thoughts:

  • Live here and now, do not regret the past, which is irretrievably gone.
  • Stop counting yourself bad person, learn to love yourself.
  • If you don't want to get sick, learn to forgive and let go.

Learning to forgive and love yourself are good things. But how to do this?

Affirmation, meditation, visualization

Here are three methods that answer the question: “How to develop positive thinking?”

Affirmation– usually a simple sentence that contains one positive thought. When repeated many times, it can restructure your entire way of thinking.

In my life I have come across two of the most effective affirmations: “ Everything will be fine" And " Development is the main thing" But this is my life. For yours, you can come up with your own statements.

How to determine what positive statements have their effect? Very simple. You will feel irritated and in denial. This should be a signal that you have hit the nail on the head. Never give up the practice, keep repeating. By the way, the most effective way: Say the affirmation while facing the mirror. This way you can observe the emotions on the face.

Meditation- an attempt to stop the mind, discipline it, let go of all negative thoughts. This process is similar to cleansing the body, when we flush out everything unnecessary.

Visualization is a frequent representation of what you want. Important point: You imagine as if you already have what you want. The more details you see, the easier it will be to come to a result.

Visualization helps to concretize dreams and makes them more real. For example, if you want your own home, think about what it should be like. How many rooms does it have? What items will you furnish your apartment with? Who will live there? The clearer the picture, the faster thoughts will come into your head on how to get it all.

Techniques for Focusing on the Good

Here are a few effective exercises positive thinking, which will help you focus on the good, will gradually wean you from focusing on the bad.

  1. Reward yourself when you cope difficult situation with a positive attitude. Punish yourself when you think bad thoughts. Don’t overdo it: let there be some small joy as a reward (eating candy, for example), and as a punishment, put an elastic band on your hand, pull it back, and slap yourself on the hand. You will unlearn how to think negatively at the reflex level.
  2. React to any event with the words: “That’s great, because...”. Any reasonable explanation will be the best one that can be found for any situation.
  3. Make it a habit to say within yourself the phrase: “Thank you for...” at least once a day.
  4. Keep a happiness notebook: write down things for which you can praise yourself. For example, you did something on your own that you were previously afraid of.

So, I don't see anything wrong with taking some elements of positive thinking to apply. You just need to have the courage to change something. Be the helmsman of your life and think positively!

A must watch.

Best regards, Alexander Fadeev.

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