Psychoanalysis based on a drawing of a person. Interpretation and psychological meaning of color. Ears and nose

Many young parents know how their children love to draw. All kinds of markers, pencils, paints and crayons are used. Sometimes not only paper becomes a canvas for children's drawings, but also walls, wallpaper, a tired dad or a cat who did not have time to escape. But don’t rush to destroy and remove all the “art” of your child, try to take a closer look at them.

Sometimes a child, due to his age, cannot or does not know how to explain what worries him, what he would like. Children preschool age seek to express their needs through play. Therefore, in psychology, nonverbal methods are often used to diagnose children. The most informative are drawing of a person, drawing of a family. child in game form communicates his needs, experiences, fears and aspirations.

Remember, when entering school, a child is given a piece of paper and asked to draw a person. This is done not only to soften the knowledge assessment procedure, but also to determine the level mental development and study personal characteristics child.

The norm for children 3-4 years old there is a picture of a person not completely, but only head (in the form of a circle) and limbs (stripes - dashes, extending to the sides of the head). The drawing may include eyes, mouth, nose and hair.

Beginning from 4-4.5 years old a person is depicted with a torso, but all the “elements” of the character are not interconnected, the arms are drawn from the middle of the body.

IN six years old children try to draw a man in vertical position (before this it was depicted at an angle), arms and legs gain shape and thickness(depicted by two lines), minor details appear in the picture: ears, hair, fingers, eyebrows, eyelashes, neck, clothes.

Children aged 7-9 years combine schematic(body parts are connected by straight, rough lines, as if glued) and plastic image(parts of the body are connected by smooth, rolling lines, the drawing is complete). Beginning from 10 years old, plastic elements predominate in drawings.

The first thing you should pay attention to is location of the drawing on the sheet:

at the top of the sheet - indicates high self-esteem and the desire for high achievements;

at the bottom of the sheet - low self-esteem;

in the corner of the sheetdepressive state, low mood;

goes beyond the edge of the sheet, Some parts of the picture don't fit– impulsiveness, acute anxiety.

An important indicator is pencil pressure:

strong pressure indicates emotional stress, difficulty switching from one activity to another, a tendency to get stuck on specific experiences and actions;

super strong– hyperactivity, sometimes aggressive behavior;

weak pressure, the lines are barely visible(thread-like) – decreased activity, nervous exhaustion, low mood, shyness, lack of self-confidence;

pressure changes– mood swings, unstable condition;

pay attention to picture size:

- much more than half a sheet indicates anxiety, hyperactivity, stress, impulsivity;

less than half a sheet– depression, low self-esteem.

The presence of monotonous details, excessive accuracy of the drawing, an emphasized outline indicate high self-control(the desire to hide one’s experiences and problems from others).

For availability anxiety the child may indicate multiple lines, shading, frequent corrections, unfinished lines.

Dense shading of the eyes(strikethrough) or image of eyes without pupils(empty circles) indicates the presence obsessive fears.

The arms pressed tightly to the body, the angularity and thinness of the depicted figure, the sad face of the depicted character indicate isolation, unsociability, concentration on one’s experiences. About availability communication problems may testify poorly defined facial features, small hands, hands in pockets, arms crossed over the chest or hands behind the back. If the hands are drawn and emphasized, this indicates to a strong need for communication, which for various reasons is not satisfied.

Arms spread wide to the side(as if the little man wants to hug someone) and legs, the smile of the depicted character indicates sociability, self-confidence, cheerful character, absence of communication problems.

Demonstrativeness manifests itself in drawing additional details: hairstyle, outfit (inscriptions on clothes), jewelry, eyelashes. Such children love to be seen; they have a great need for attention and praise. It is they who recite poetry with great pleasure, standing on a stool, and participate in school plays. Parents need to pay more attention to such children when they behave well and react as less emotionally as possible to negative moments.

Exaggerated human head size, may indicate a particularly valuable value mental abilities for a child, a tendency to fantasize and daydream. Greatly reduced head size, on the contrary, indicates low intelligence for a child.

Excessively enlarged feet in the figure may indicate need for support and support, A reduced their image indicates weak everyday orientation of the child, about ineptitude in social contacts.

On increased aggressiveness may indicate the presence of such elements in the drawing as: special drawing of hands, fists, weapons, angry facial expression, emphasized signs of strength and courage. Image teeth and sharp elements in the figure indicates a tendency to verbal aggression(shouting, threats, curses); aggressive postures and raised hand about the tendency to use of physical force.

When interpreting children's drawings, two main points should be taken into account: 1) based on the data in the figure, no diagnoses or conclusions can be made; this requires additional research (using reliable diagnostic methods); 2) you need to interpret not individual parts of the picture, but their connection with each other, try to put the whole picture together.

Love and take care of yourself!

There are a number general provisions, which must be taken into account when interpreting drawings.

Regardless of the content of the drawing, extremely important and informative indicators are: manner, character, images, quality of lines. All this has the same meaning as the content of the drawings.

When analyzing drawings, it is very important to look at the whole picture as a whole and draw conclusions regarding the following characteristics.

Line quality (pressure)

Smooth, moderate pressure indicates a flexible and adaptive personality; balance, self-control, tendency to think about one’s actions. Unusually strong pressure, leaving marks on the back of the sheet, is a sign of great stress and. high energy level, manifestations of assertiveness, will, tendency to overcome resistance.

Very light, weak, superficial, abrupt lines are often characteristic of an indecisive, timid, defenseless person. This most likely indicates that the person has a lack of self-confidence and a lack of self-esteem.

In children's drawings, light pressure can. reflect restraint, restrictions in personal manifestations or low level of energy.

The size of the drawing should be considered in accordance with the size of the sheet of paper.

Unusually, large drawings occupying almost the entire sheet reflect either aggressiveness or expansiveness.

Small drawings reflect feelings of humiliation, shyness, defenselessness and ineffectiveness.

Children who draw small figures are usually shy in expressing their feelings and tend to be reserved and somewhat inhibited when interacting with people. Small figures may also indicate depressive and withdrawn behavior as a result of stress.

Position of the drawing on the sheet

If the drawing occupies a central position on the sheet, this indicates a normal person who feels safe and quite prosperous. Especially if, at the same time, several more figures are depicted on the sheet and they are well balanced and proportional to each other. If the picture is located on the right side of the sheet, then this indicates that. That a person in his behavior is mainly guided by the principle of reality, whereas, if the drawing is on the left side of the sheet, there is a tendency to impulsive emotional actions. The location of the picture at the top of the sheet indicates a high level of aspirations and optimism, while if the picture is at the bottom of the sheet, then this is associated with a feeling of defenselessness, low self-esteem and a lack of self-esteem.

Orderliness of drawings

Children with good psychological organization usually draw complete pictures in which the individual parts are proportional and interconnected.

Children who are depressed or with a low intellectual level often depict unconnected figures, or figures with minimal connections.

Erasing what you've drawn

Erasure in drawings is associated with uncertainty, indecision and anxiety. As a rule, these are children with low attention levels. disinhibited, hyperactive.

Unconscious scribbles can reveal a lot about a person's psychological state.

Let's look at the pictures that we automatically draw at meetings or during business conversations on the phone.

At work we make a lot of calls. As a rule, we have a notepad in front of us, in which during a conversation we automatically draw various figures, lines and even entire pictures. And at meetings, my hand often draws patterns on sheets of paper. It turns out that each such sign can indicate hidden experiences, joys, and some even a predisposition to one or another type of activity.

The images that we display on paper reflect the internal state of a person, says practicing psychologist Vera Bekreeva.- Events happen in everyone’s life, as well as certain emotional reactions to these events. The need to draw is the need to transfer these emotions outward. We make drawings unconsciously when we are busy with something. When we automatically distract ourselves from this matter, then we manifest what is really inside us.

Let's look at groups of drawings that can tell about your emotional state.

Geometric figures- figures of our emotional reactions. There is even a psychogeometric test that determines the type of person based on their emotional state: a triangle person, a circle, a square, etc. You can also determine a person’s emotions by drawings on automatic.

Circles or information circled- such a person tends to smooth out corners, avoid conflicts and difficulties, they are in favor of not provoking any conflict or difficult situation. But any drawing has two polarities. The second interpretation of the image of circles is that a person cannot cope with the current situation, task, and tries to circle it in order to give integrity. He seems to circle the negative feelings and experiences associated with the inscription.

Square- efficiency, consistency, focus, clarity, consistency. People who depict such drawings are accustomed to living according to plan; they are not characterized by spontaneous emotionality and unpredictable reactions to events. Such people in to a greater extent They are predictable themselves and want the same from others. Any event that goes beyond the system causes internal discomfort in them. They usually choose professions that pose specific solvable problems. Moreover, when such people are given emotional tasks instead of specific ones, they get lost. For example, system administrators belong to this type. It is better to give them clear tasks: the keyboard, mouse, etc. does not work. In this case, a specialist will quickly solve everything. If they call and say: “Something is broken here, I can’t understand what, there’s some kind of nonsense on the screen” - in general, they give emotions - then the system administrator will not understand what they want from him.

Triangles- people who know what they want and how to achieve it. They are committed to achieving a goal. If a leader automatically draws triangles, then he is moving towards his goal, while his subordinates in this case an unexpressed ability to show one’s capabilities is manifested. These are people who can do a lot of things, but don’t know how to say it. Afraid of not expressing themselves at all, they grab onto many things. Such people need to clearly define the vector of their movement and direct all their efforts to where they can easily make a successful career.

Straight lines- a person wants peace and balanced thoughts. Such people have a lot of worries in their heads, they take on a lot. Drawing lines calms them down, thereby balancing themselves, putting everything in its place, within its framework.

Nature paintings (flowers, plants, sun)- people with positive emotionality, energetically strong, internally tuned to constant positivity, aiming to move forward. Such people always have a need for beauty, joy, they strive to bring into their lives positive emotions. If at a meeting a person begins to draw flowers or the sun, this indicates that he wants to complete this task as quickly as possible, he wants everything to end well. It is not typical for such an employee to get stuck in one state, he does not like long negotiations or meetings, he needs a change of activity.

If the sun and flowers often appear together in a drawing, then such people are usually called “saviors of humanity.” They are ready to give all their energy to others and make them happy. Sometimes this need to make everyone happy turns into the concept of selflessness and sacrifice. But we should not forget that if you want to make others happy, you must first be happy yourself. Giving energy to people, in the end you yourself will need recharge, and others are no longer ready for this: after all, you give them energy, they see you exclusively as a giver. You need to love yourself, and then you will involuntarily give joy to others, think about yourself.

Abstractions usually draw creative people who can find the unusual in ordinary things. Such people can look at things from a different angle. It is extremely difficult to work in the system because they can achieve results in their work different ways. For example, a boss gives a task, and people drawing an abstraction can achieve the goal using different solutions. They are not used to working given schedule, they will be able to be successful in work where the result is important. Creative employees will find their own ways to achieve goals. Therefore, it is important for a boss to see such people and allow them to create.

Images, faces, emoticons- human observer. The internal state and emotions are important for him; he is more inside himself, creates a protective shell - he does not take his experiences and impressions outside, and is not ready to share them with others. Drawings of faces are a search for yourself, new facets of your soul. Smiley- fixed emotions, most often people draw smiling emoticons when they feel good and calm.

Circled dates, numbers, names- the need to focus attention on this, “I want to remember this.” Writing and Tracing own name speaks of insufficient attention to oneself, a person does not value himself. Therefore, it is necessary to respect your actions, praise yourself for them, and pay more attention to yourself than to other people.

They don’t draw on the machine at all- people are as secretive as possible, they keep everything to themselves, they control everything. Such people are afraid that their actions may be assessed and used against them. Therefore, they do not draw, do not show their feelings and emotions, so that, God forbid, someone would declassify them. They are also secretive in life, living in such a way as to fit in. general requirements and norms, without particularly standing out, to be good and correct.

By the way

A person can identify a pattern in his drawings,” Vera Bekreeva sums up. - If for several years he draws the same images, it means that he is accustomed to this state and remains in it, he needs to reconsider his attitude towards his life. Also, the same drawings that have been accompanying your life for a long time may indicate that you do not want to change anything in it, that you have no need to stand out and you do not know how to behave if you take the initiative.

Nothing in life happens for nothing. Everything we do or don’t do speaks about our character, secret desires, hidden complexes... For example, drawing, as it seems to us, out of nothing to do, figures, spirals, diamonds, faces or lines, we don’t even suspect that These seemingly meaningless scribbles can tell a lot about us, our character, our hidden desires, secrets, complexes, and childhood grievances. Our portal will tell you how scientists “read” a person’s character from a drawing.

The scientific basis for how you can determine character from a drawing

Doodles are the most natural way for children to express their emotions and feelings. And since there is a child hidden in every adult, then we are not alien to the thoughtless, as we believe, desire to move a pencil on paper. British psychologist Jack Goodman claims that 65% of people, when talking on the phone, draw various designs with a pen on a piece of paper - flowers, figures, spirals, circles...

British psychologist Jack Goodman claims that 65% of people scribble on paper when talking on the phone. These drawings come from the subconscious and have the same basis as dreams.

Psychologists sometimes call these drawings, which are born subconsciously when a person is doing something else, waking dreams. These creations come from the subconscious and have the same basis as dreams. These “oil paintings” are a reflection of the artist’s momentary feelings: joy, fear, mistrust... And although the drawing must be interpreted only in unity with the personality of the “artist,” there are some common nuances that concern each person. Our portal will tell you about them now.

Butterflies and birds are drawn by those who do not feel solid ground under their feet, who lack stability. In addition, butterflies symbolize an attempt to escape from problems.

Geometric figures are drawn by people of science. Prudent, reasonable, they say about such people: they know what they want. Fans of geometric shapes will measure seven times before taking scissors, sometimes thereby putting a spoke in their own wheels. They are persistent, taciturn, have their own opinion about everything, and always formulate it clearly. Circles and spirals reveal hidden passion and secret plans.

At home they paint personalities who combine creativity and rationalism. They are very inventive, sensible, live in harmony with themselves, which is probably why they have no problems with feeling their own safety. A symmetrical house speaks of a love of order and planning. The “artist” knows what he wants, persistently striding towards the goal.

The eyes in this case are literally the mirror of the soul. Large, expressive eyes depict sociable people. Staring - people who are not particularly polite, as well as those who feel like they are being watched too closely. The authors of little eyes are, as a rule, reserved individuals who prefer action to ranting. Incredible long eyelashes Lovelaces are painted.

Animals are preferred to be portrayed by people who give the impression of being reserved. But with those they trust, they are open, friendly, reliable; justice and honor are not an empty phrase for them. They love children, animals, nature. Caring for others comes naturally to them, like breathing. They can boast of strong family ties, but sometimes they want to be alone with themselves. A mouse drawn by a woman is evidence of a lack of intimacy. Tiger, wolf symbolizes internal anger, irritation, conflict character. The pluses are bursting energy, the ability to think and analyze. Fox - plans for something not entirely legal; squirrel - the need for support, care; the bear is an exemplary family man, a conscientious employee. Cats are drawn by people with good taste, but conservative, prone to melancholy. Loyal, fair, sociable, honest, surrounded by friends, they prefer to portray dogs. The snake is a symbol of wisdom, so crawling creatures are depicted by people who are reasonable, taciturn, and accustomed to relying on themselves. It also happens that by constantly drawing the same animal, a person demonstrates a desire to follow its habits.

As a rule, squiggles are drawn by very impressionable people who are sensitive to changes in mood in others.

The stars are preferred by those who want to be the center of the universe. However, if the stars have many rays or they are drawn not in the middle of the sheet, but in the corner, from the edges, this may indicate depression.

Saw teeth, symbolizing aggression, a hidden inferiority complex, betray an egoist.

Initials, first name, last name are the favorite motifs of daring individuals, focused solely on themselves. If this is someone else’s name, it means that the “artist” thinks about this person more often, more than about others, giving him either love or... hatred, not knowing how to deal with it.

Caricatures: the biological age of the “artist” does not coincide with the internal one. Thinks too much about the future and plans for growth. He has a critical view of things and is sometimes angry.

Crosses symbolize feelings of guilt—either your own or those of friends/colleagues.

Circles, no matter what - located nearby, creeping on top of each other - always speak about one thing: a person is in search of his “I”. Needs support, not only from friends, but even from strangers. Also, circles are evidence of nobility.

The leaves, especially those clearly drawn, simply scream: the female author wants a child. The thick stem reveals the “artist’s” desire to become a wonderful housewife.

Smiling faces come from the pens of people who are cheerful, energetic, with a good sense of humor, but not too picky about their means when it comes to their goals. They seem to be ready to do anything for their loved ones, but it is difficult to rely on them. Unsmiling faces depict secretive melancholic people who keep their distance, have high self-esteem, and are ambitious.

Weapons speak of passion. Love for such a person is struggle and decisive action. In friendship he is cordial and devoted.

The web is a trap. The man found himself in difficult situation, perhaps even hopeless. The web is also drawn by those who want to end the relationship, but do not know how to do it.

Hairstyles are painted by reflective individuals who love to philosophize. Their feelings are noble, they notice beauty in everything, because they are gifted with artistic abilities.

Profiles (faces in profile) display on paper individuals who are overly cautious, reserved, and who like to give evasive answers.

Honeycombs are painted by calm, non-conflict people who dream of a quiet family life.

Stains and blots testify, no matter how paradoxical it may be, to the intelligence, prudence, and goodwill of a person who is always ready to help, who is not afraid of risk and struggle - but only an honest one.

Plant motifs are chosen by moderate natures, who tend to stick to the golden mean in everything.

Faces reveal a humorous, positive individual who knows how to laugh at himself.

Hearts. On the one hand, this may be evidence Have a good mood, complacency; on the other hand, naivety. And, of course, hearts are drawn by those in a romantic state.

Spirals speak of suppressed emotions, secret plans that the artist does not want to put on public display. Fans of “twisted plots” are often very sensitive.

The arrows symbolize the goal that the artist wants to achieve. Arrows pointing upward are evidence of sociability and team spirit; an arrow pointing down indicates a single person. An arrow pointing to the left hints: its creator is stuck in the past; the one whose arrow went to the right looks confidently into the future.

Flowers, clouds, sun - idyll. This means that the “artist” has peace in his soul, he is positive, lives in harmony with himself, everything is fine with him and he expects only pleasant surprises from the future. The sun with long rays is depicted by dreamers, with short or no rays - stubborn people who are often withdrawn.

Fantastic creatures are a sign of distrust. A person hesitates, feeling a lack of determination, which affects both in work, where he is often bypassed by more skillful employees, and in life, which does not shine with success. Choosing friendly but decisive people as friends, he often depends too much on their opinions.

People, oddly enough, are portrayed as feeling lost, helpless, or trying to evade responsibilities. Figures from the “stick, stick, cucumber” series reveal an emotionally unstable personality who seeks to isolate himself from society.

Chessboard, tic-tac-toe: a man found himself in a very unpleasant situation. An often repeated motif is an unfinished job, the “artist” person does not have a very good idea of ​​how to finish it, fearing that it will turn out badly in any case.

Pundits say that “involuntary” drawing, out of nothing to do, is a very useful thing. Improves concentration, stimulates creative thinking. It is no coincidence that the margins of the manuscripts of many great writers are full of scribbles.

Scientists say that “involuntary” drawing, out of nothing to do, is a very useful thing. Improves concentration, stimulates creative thinking. It is no coincidence that there seem to be many such drawings in the margins of the manuscripts of great writers. Pushkin, for example, depicted self-portraits and human figures on manuscripts, thereby revealing to his descendants the secret of his character. And if the character of the great poet may not interest you very much, then it’s worth taking a closer look at your close people and employees. What do your friends draw there?

  • Sex and children's drawings
  • Children's drawing and color
  • Recommendations for parents
  • Sometimes it happens that parents, having received kindergarten conclusion of a psychologist, they fall into bewilderment: anxiety, aggression, rejection... and is this all from cute children's scribbles? “All psychologists are charlatans!” - parents decide, and do not pay attention to their conclusions.

    Let's find out what exactly psychologists see in children's drawings?

    At what age can children analyze drawings?

    Up to three years young painters are at the “cephalopod” stage - they draw “bubbly” people with protruding lines symbolizing arms and legs. Drawing details is not yet available to them; moreover, often first a “masterpiece” is born, and only then its proud author begins to think about what exactly he depicted.

    Starting from 3.5-4 years Children first plan the drawing (its concept appears) and only then begin to execute it. By the age of four, the child is already quite good at using a pencil, and the “cephalopods” evolve into “cucumber people” - two ovals with stick-like limbs.

    Five years the artist was already skilled enough to draw large details (arms, legs, eyes, mouth), and by the age of six smaller details appeared in the drawings: nose, fingers. Children often draw in the manner of Picasso - the character's head in profile, but with two eyes.

    Finally, by the age of seven the drawn people turn out to be dressed, and in accordance with their gender and age, they have hats and hairstyles and even necks!

    Drawings of children from 4 to 7 years old the best way suitable for analyzing their psychological state.

    Analyzing the family drawing

    The most popular topic is drawing your own family. It can tell an experienced psychologist a lot, but ordinary mothers and fathers can also learn a lot from the drawing. useful information. First, look out for warning signs.

    Location of figures in the figure

    The location of family members in the picture very accurately indicates their relationship. Often children “remove” an unwanted character from their work, explaining that “dad is at work” and sister is “in the next room.” This does not mean that the relationship is completely destroyed; often the brother or sister is sent “to another room” in the picture after a heated quarrel.

    Conversely, beloved relatives may appear in the picture even if they live far away, as is often the case with grandparents.

    The child depicts his closest and most beloved relative next to him. If one of the characters turns out to be separated from the others, then, most likely, the child mentally excludes him from the family circle. This could be a working dad, a brother or sister who is much older in age.

    A bad sign - if this “outcast” turns out to be the child himself, this is a really alarming situation!

    Self image

    The child, as a rule, depicts himself either in the center of the picture (this is a common situation for a family with an only child) or next to the central figure. By depicting himself on the edge of the composition, separately from his parents, the child shows that he feels isolated from his family. Sometimes he gives a plot explanation for this that confirms the observer's fears: “Everyone is celebrating, but I am punished (having to sleep, read, play alone).”

    The pose of a happy and self-confident child is as open as possible: arms and legs spread apart. If a child takes the trouble to draw himself with his arms pressed to his body, this symbolizes his lack of self-confidence. Arms that are too short or lack thereof are fears of one’s own ineptitude. Maybe you criticize your baby too often?

    Usually the child depicts the sizes of the figures proportionally real characters: more parents, less myself, younger brother and sister - very small. Minimizing the picture of oneself speaks of insecurity, a need for care, and perhaps fear.

    Another situation that speaks of uncertainty is the “lifting” of a child from the ground, when all the characters are drawn in the correct proportions, but the child seems to be hanging between the parents: his head is at the same level as the adult, and his legs do not reach the floor. Often parents of such little artist They don’t even realize that he is experiencing discomfort: after all, they communicate with him as equals!

    Fear and aggression in children's drawings

    Psychologists know about signs of fear and aggression in children's drawings, which often remain invisible to parents.

    Large, simply huge rake hands appear in that family member who is different aggressive behavior. If a child portrays himself this way, then he probably constantly has to suppress his anger.

    Clearly drawn bright pupils are a sign of a child’s anxiety, as is hard shading with pressure.

    Finally, hypertrophied fists, teeth, sharp nails are the clearest evidence of aggression. If a child portrays himself this way, then most likely he feels a constant need for protection that the family cannot provide him with.

    Sex and children's drawings

    Contrary to popular fears, the depiction of genitals in the drawings of 3-4 year old children does not at all indicate that someone is corrupting the child, but rather about his interest in his own body and the difference between the sexes, which he has just learned about.

    But if a 6-7 year old child portrays himself with the physiological attributes of an adult: a girl with a clearly defined bust, a boy with a beard and mustache - this can be alarming. However, most often such drawings indicate the child’s need for attention, the desire to embellish himself by any means. That is why children, pretending to be a family, pay Special attention their figure: carefully draw clothes, accessories, jewelry (babies often add crowns to themselves). This picture screams: “Hey, everyone, finally look at me! I’m a prince (princess)!”

    However, you should still pay attention to your child's environment again. Is it clear that no one is showing suspicious attention to him, has the child been exposed to information that is inappropriate for his age (for example, a porn film, a porn magazine), which could frighten him?

    Children's drawing and color

    A child's drawing is usually multi-colored and variegated - usually children use 5-6 colors, this is considered the norm. The more confident the child feels, the brighter the colors he uses. Of course, not everything is so simple: a child can shade dad black, because dad really has a favorite sweater of that color, but if some pencil is among the favorites and one or two colors clearly predominate in the drawing, then it’s worth paying attention to this factor.

    Most experts rely on the interpretation of colors by Max Lüscher, a psychologist and color researcher. He concluded that the choice of color reflects psychological state a person and even indicates his physical health.

    Here's how to determine the meaning of color in a child's drawing.

      Navy blue- focus on internal problems, need for rest;

      green- balance, independence, perseverance, desire for security;

      red- willpower, aggression, increased activity, excitability;

      yellow- positive emotions, spontaneity, curiosity, optimism;

      violet- fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);

      brown- sensory support of sensations, slowness, physical discomfort, often - negative emotions;

      black- depression, protest, destruction, urgent need for change;

      if the child prefers a simple pencil and does not color the drawing- indifference, detachment, desire to close down.

    Experimenting with self-analysis children's drawing, try to ensure that the child fulfills it with desire, in a calm environment, without distractions.

    Please note the following factors.

      Composition drawing. Are the characters placed in the center of the picture or in the corner, is there enough space for everyone in the picture, in what order are the family members drawn.

      Which colors used by a child.

      What details he pays extra attention. How the arms, legs, faces of the characters are drawn, is the pressure of the pencil always the same?

      Which unusual elements is in the picture. Is there something extra (for example, sun in the room, a non-existent pet or family members), or, on the contrary, is something missing (someone from the family).

      Like a child portrays himself what details he pays special attention to, where he sees himself in the family hierarchy.

    We hope this little experiment will help you achieve mutual understanding with your child!

    Children's drawings for illustration are taken from free sources