Presentation on the topic of unconventional drawing techniques. Presentation is an unconventional drawing technique. Presentation - Unconventional drawing technique

Non-traditional visual techniques are effective remedy images, including new artistic and expressive techniques for creating an artistic image, composition and color, allowing for the greatest expressiveness of the image in creative work, so that children do not develop a pattern. 2

Palm drawing Age: from two years. Means of expression: spot, color, fantastic silhouette. Materials: wide saucers with gouache, brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: a child dips his palm (the entire brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both the right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, wipe your hands with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off. 3

Finger painting Age: from two years. Means of expression: spot, dot, short line, color. Materials: bowls with gouache, thick paper of any color, small sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger in the gouache and puts dots and specks on the paper. Each finger is painted with a different color. After work, wipe your fingers with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off. 4

Foam rubber impression Age: from four years. Means of expression: stain, texture, color. Materials: a bowl or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, pieces of foam rubber. Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the foam rubber onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To change the color, use another bowl and foam rubber. 5

Imprint with crumpled paper Age: from four years. Means of expression: stain, texture, color. Materials: saucer or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper. Method of obtaining an image: a child presses crumpled paper onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, change both the saucer and the crumpled paper. 6

Leaf prints Age: from five years. Means of expression: texture, color. Materials: paper, leaves of various trees (preferably fallen), gouache, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: a child covers a leaf of wood with paints different colors, then applies it to the paper with the colored side to make a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted on with a brush. 7

Wax pencils + watercolors Age: from four years. Means of expression: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: wax crayons, dense white paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child draws with wax pencils on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. The drawing with wax pencils remains unpainted. 8

Subject monotype Age: from five years. Means of expression: spot, color, symmetry. Materials: thick paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor. Method of obtaining an image: the child folds a sheet of paper in half and on one half of it draws half of the depicted object (objects are chosen symmetrical). After painting each part of the object while the paint is still wet, the sheet is folded in half again to make a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing several decorations. 9



Unconventional drawing techniques in different age groups kindergarten Junior group(2-4 years) drawing with a hard, semi-dry brush with a finger, drawing with the palm, drawing with a cotton swab, stamps made from potatoes, imprinting with a cork Middle group(4-5 years old) foam rubber imprint imprint with stamps made from an eraser, leaves wax crayons + watercolor candle + watercolor drawing with crumpled paper monotype subject Senior and preparatory group(5-7 years) monotype landscape drawing with a toothbrush combing paint splattering air felt-tip pens blotography with a straw photocopy – drawing with a candle scratch paper black and white, color drawing with threads, drawing with salt, drawing with sand 12

Use recommendations for teachers different shapes artistic activity: collective creativity, independent and playful activities of children to master non-traditional image techniques; in planning lessons visual arts observe the system and continuity of the use of non-traditional fine arts, taking into account the age and individual abilities of children; improve your professional level and skills through familiarization and mastery of new in unconventional ways and image techniques. 13

Recommendations for parents materials (pencils, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, etc.) must be placed in the child’s field of vision so that he has a desire to create; introduce him to the surrounding world of things, living and inanimate nature, objects fine arts, offer to draw everything that the child likes to talk about, and talk with him about everything that he likes to draw; introduce him to the surrounding world of things, living and inanimate nature, objects of fine art, offer to draw everything that the child likes to talk about, and talk with him about everything that he likes to draw; do not criticize the child and do not rush; on the contrary, from time to time encourage the child to practice drawing; do not criticize the child and do not rush; on the contrary, from time to time encourage the child to practice drawing; praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual! praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual! 14

List of used literature Davydova, G.N. Unconventional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part I. -M.: Scriptorium, p. 15

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Non-traditional visual techniques are an effective means of depiction, including new artistic and expressive techniques for creating an artistic image, composition and color, allowing for the greatest expressiveness of the image in creative work, so that children do not develop a template. *

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Palm drawing Age: from two years. Means of expression: spot, color, fantastic silhouette. Materials: wide saucers with gouache, brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: a child dips his palm (the entire brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both the right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, wipe your hands with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off. *

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Finger painting Age: from two years. Means of expression: spot, dot, short line, color. Materials: bowls with gouache, thick paper of any color, small sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger in the gouache and puts dots and specks on the paper. Each finger is painted with a different color. After work, wipe your fingers with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off. *

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Foam rubber impression Age: from four years. Means of expression: stain, texture, color. Materials: a bowl or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, pieces of foam rubber. Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the foam rubber onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To change the color, use another bowl and foam rubber. *

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Imprint with crumpled paper Age: from four years. Means of expression: stain, texture, color. Materials: saucer or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper. Method of obtaining an image: a child presses crumpled paper onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, change both the saucer and the crumpled paper. *

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Leaf prints Age: from five years. Means of expression: texture, color. Materials: paper, leaves of various trees (preferably fallen), gouache, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it to the paper with the painted side to obtain a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted on with a brush. *

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Wax pencils + watercolors Age: from four years. Means of expression: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: wax pencils, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child draws with wax pencils on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. The drawing with wax pencils remains unpainted. *

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Subject monotype Age: from five years. Means of expression: spot, color, symmetry. Materials: thick paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor. Method of obtaining an image: the child folds a sheet of paper in half and on one half of it draws half of the depicted object (objects are chosen symmetrical). After painting each part of the object while the paint is still wet, the sheet is folded in half again to make a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing several decorations. *

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Non-traditional drawing techniques in different age groups of kindergarten Junior group (2-4 years) drawing with a hard, semi-dry brush with a finger, drawing with the palm of the hand, drawing with a cotton swab, stamps made from potatoes, imprinting with a cork Middle group (4-5 years) imprinting with foam rubber, imprinting with stamps from an eraser, leaves, wax crayons + watercolor candle +watercolor drawing with crumpled paper subject monotype Senior and preparatory group (5-7 years) landscape monotype drawing with a toothbrush combing paint spraying air felt-tip pens blotography with a tube photocopy – drawing with a candle scratch paper black and white, color drawing with threads drawing with salt, drawing with sand *

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Recommendations for teachers: use different forms of artistic activity: collective creativity, independent and playful activities of children to master non-traditional image techniques; when planning classes in visual arts, observe the system and continuity of the use of non-traditional visual techniques, taking into account the age and individual abilities of children; improve your professional level and skills through familiarization and mastery of new unconventional methods and techniques of image. *

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Recommendations for parents materials (pencils, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, etc.) must be placed in the child’s field of vision so that he has a desire to create; introduce him to the surrounding world of things, living and inanimate nature, objects of fine art, offer to draw everything that the child likes to talk about, and talk with him about everything that he likes to draw; do not criticize the child and do not rush; on the contrary, from time to time encourage the child to practice drawing; praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual! *

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List of used literature 1. 2. 3. details/ 4. 5. 6. articles/313479/ 7. 8. 9. upload/preview/klyaksa.jpg&imgrefurl 9. 10. 11. /authorposts/id/414093 12. Davydova, G.N. Unconventional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part I. -M.: Scriptorium, 2003. - 80 p. *

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Preschool childhood is a very important period in the lives of children. It is at this age that every child is a little explorer, discovering the unfamiliar and surprising with joy and surprise. the world around us. The more diverse children's activities are, the more successful the child's diversified development is, his potential capabilities and first manifestations of creativity are realized. That is why one of the closest and most accessible types of work with children in kindergarten is visual, artistic and productive activity, which creates conditions for involving the child in his own creativity, in the process of which something beautiful and unusual is created.
Since many points of view regarding the pedagogical and artistic conditions for the formation of abilities are rapidly changing, children’s generations are changing and the technology of teachers’ work must change accordingly preschool institutions. To do this, it is necessary, along with traditional methods and methods of depiction, to include non-traditional drawing techniques.

When introducing children to art, it is necessary to use various techniques unconventional drawing. Among them there are many that provide the most unexpected, unpredictable options. artistic image and a colossal boost to children's imagination and fantasy.

The more diverse the conditions in which visual activity takes place, the content, forms, methods and techniques of working with children, as well as the materials with which they work, the more intensely children’s artistic abilities will develop.

It is necessary to diversify both the color and texture of the paper, since this also affects the expressiveness of the drawings and confronts children with the need to select materials for drawing, think through the coloring of the future creation, and not wait for a ready-made solution.

Opportunities for working with children using non-traditional drawing techniques are based on the use of various signets. This type of drawing does not require any special skills: you only need impressions of finished forms smeared with paint.
The signet can simply be dipped in paint or pressed against a painted “stamp pad”, a flat piece of foam rubber, or lubricated with paint or paints, specially selecting their combination. A signet can be made from a cotton swab, cork, raw potato, eraser, piece of foam rubber, crumpled paper, wood sheet, etc.

To ensure that children do not create a template (draw only on a landscape sheet), sheets of paper can be of different shapes: in the shape of a circle (plate, saucer, napkin), square (handkerchief, box).

Monotype is one of the simplest printing techniques. Using monotype, a symmetrical image of an object or object is created. To do this, a sheet of paper is folded in half vertically or horizontally, taking into account the depicted object. Color spots (abstract drawing) or half of a symmetrical object (concrete drawing) are applied to one half of the sheet. The colors are selected bright and rich so that the print is clear. After applying the colorful image on the first half of the sheet, the second half of the sheet is overlapped to create an imprint on the other half of the sheet. When you unfold it, you will see the entire symmetrical image - the butterfly has spread its wings, the flower has fully blossomed, and the crown of the tree has become more luxuriant. The finished print can be modified or decorated with additional details. The monotype technique brings pleasure to children different ages, especially for younger preschoolers.

The basis of experience and the use of non-traditional visual techniques is the idea of ​​learning without coercion, based on achieving success, on experiencing the joy of learning about the world, on the sincere interest of the preschooler in performing creative assignment using non-traditional imaging techniques. Such a task puts the child in the position of a creator, activates and directs the children’s thoughts, and brings them close to the line beyond which the emergence of their own artistic ideas can begin.

Mastering non-traditional preschool education artistic techniques help enhance expressiveness artistic images in the drawings of preschoolers, maintaining them positive attitude to visual activities, helps to satisfy children's needs for artistic expression and the development of children's visual creativity. Selection and sequence of introduction of non-traditional art technician into the practice of preschool education is based on the fact that mastery of each previous technique is and acts as a propaedeutic stage in the mastery of more complex artistic tasks and is aimed at the development of children's visual creativity.

Teaching non-traditional drawing techniques must be observed age characteristics children.

The teacher needs to help the child find himself, offer him as much as possible different ways self-expression. Sooner or later, he will definitely choose his own path, which will allow him to fully show himself. That is why the child must be introduced to a wide variety of visual technologies. Not everyone is given the ability to wield a brush or pencil; some find it difficult to express themselves in line; others do not understand and do not accept the variety of colors. Let everyone choose a technology that is close to them in spirit and does not make them suffer when comparing their work with the work of more capable children.

The child’s artistic activity will become even more successful if adults, teachers and parents evaluate it positively, not comparing children’s work with each other, but noting the individual manner of performance. That's why special attention It is necessary to devote attention to discussing children’s works, and it is imperative to introduce into practice the analysis of a child’s drawing in an individual conversation with him. At the same time, try to evaluate the child’s achievements in accordance with his personal capabilities and in comparison with his previous drawings, thoroughly justify the assessment and give it positive character to open the way to correcting errors.

Each child is a separate world with its own rules of behavior, its own feelings. And the richer and more varied the child’s life experiences, the brighter and more extraordinary his imagination, the more likely it is that the intuitive craving for art will become more meaningful over time.
“The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at the tips of their fingers. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child,” stated V.A. .Sukhomlinsky.

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MKDOU "Oktyabrsky" kindergarten“Firefly” Moshkovsky district NON-TRADITIONAL DRAWING TECHNIQUES

“And at ten years old, and at seven, and at five, all children love to draw. And everyone will boldly draw everything that interests him...” Valentin Berestov

the most important means aesthetic education. The most important task of aesthetic education is ways of creating a new, original work of art in which everything is in harmony: color, line, and plot. This is a huge opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment. And most importantly, express yourself. Drawing Unconventional drawing techniques

The use of non-traditional techniques in art activities helps to enrich children's knowledge and ideas about objects and their use, materials, their properties, methods of application; stimulates positive motivation in the child, causes a joyful mood, removes fear of the drawing process; provides the opportunity to experiment; develops tactile sensitivity, color discrimination; promotes the development of hand-eye coordination; does not tire preschoolers, increases performance; develops unconventional thinking, emancipation, and individuality.

Methods of depiction Non-traditional methods of depiction in drawing Drawing with your own hands (fingers, palm) Drawing with a stamp (pin drawing, imprint) Drawing with a candle Blowing paint Drawing with duct tape Monotopy And much more Plasticineography Scratch Drawing with a comb Blotography

Drawing with your own hands (fingers, palm) Age: from two years. Means of expression: spot, color, fantastic silhouette. Materials: wide saucers with gouache, brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: a child dips his palm (finger) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both the right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, wipe your hands with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

Foam rubber impression Age: from four years. Means of expression: stain, texture, color. Materials: a bowl or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, pieces of foam. Method of obtaining an image: a child presses polystyrene or foam rubber onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on paper. To get a different color, change both the bowl and the foam.

Leaf prints Age: from five years. Means of expression: texture, color. Materials: paper, leaves of various trees (preferably fallen), gouache, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it to the paper with the painted side to obtain a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted on with a brush.

Tamponation cotton swabs Age: from 2 years. Means of expression: stain, texture, color. Materials: saucer or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper. Method of obtaining an image: a child applies paint to paper using cotton swabs (using the poking method).

Wax crayons (candle) + watercolor Age: from four years. Means of expression: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: wax crayons, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child draws with wax crayons on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. The chalk drawing remains unpainted. Materials: candle, thick paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child draws on paper with a candle. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. The candle drawing remains white.

Regular blotography Age: from five years. Means of expression: stain. Materials: paper, ink or thinly diluted gouache in a bowl, plastic spoon. Method of obtaining an image: the child scoops up gouache with a plastic spoon and pours it onto paper. The result is spots in a random order. Then the sheet is covered with another sheet and pressed (you can bend the original sheet in half, drip ink on one half, and cover it with the other). Next, the top sheet is removed, the image is examined: it is determined what it looks like. The missing details are completed.

Blotography with a tube Age: from five years. Means of expression: stain. Materials: paper, ink or thinly diluted gouache in a bowl, plastic spoon. Method of obtaining an image: the child scoops up gouache with a plastic spoon and pours it onto paper. Then blow on this stain from a tube so that its end does not touch either the stain or the paper. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The missing details are completed.

Drawing with grains (salt) Age: from six years. Means of expression: volume. Materials: salt, clean sand or semolina, PVA glue, cardboard, glue brushes, a simple pencil. Method of obtaining: Child prepares cardboard desired color, with a simple pencil applies the required design, then smears each item in turn with glue and gently sprinkles with salt (cereals), pours the excess onto a tray.

Scratchboard (primed sheet) Age: from 5 years Means of expression: line, stroke, contrast. Materials: semi-cardboard or thick paper white, candle, wide brush, black mascara, liquid soap (about one drop per tablespoon of mascara) or tooth powder, bowls for mascara, stick with sharpened ends. Method of obtaining an image: the child rubs a sheet with a candle so that it is completely covered with a layer of wax. Then mascara is applied to it liquid soap, or tooth powder, in which case it is filled with mascara without additives. After drying, the design is scratched with a stick.

Drawing on wet Age: from five years. Means of expression: point, texture. Materials: paper, gouache, hard brush, piece of thick cardboard or plastic (5x5 cm). Method of obtaining an image: 1. drawing on a specific topic: landscape, walk, animals, flowers, etc. - when the drawing is created on a wet sheet, 2. drawing a background for the future drawing, when the colors spread, connecting and shimmering with each other, creating a pattern , which determines the theme of further drawing “dry”

Drawing with electrical tape Age: from 5 years Means of expression: line, contrast. Materials: semi-cardboard, or thick white paper, gouache, insulating tape. Method of obtaining an image: the child glues the elements of the picture using electrical tape. Paints a sheet of paper. After complete drying, the isolette is carefully removed.

Plasticineography Age: any. Means of expression: volume, color, texture. Materials: cardboard with contour pattern, glass; plasticine set; hand wipe; stacks; waste and natural materials. Method of obtaining an image: 1. Applying plasticine to cardboard. You can make the surface a little rough. For this purpose they are used various ways applying relief dots, strokes, stripes, convolutions or some curly lines to the surface of a plasticine image. You can work not only with your fingers, but also with stacks.

2. A thin layer of plasticine is applied to the cardboard, leveled with a stack, and the design is scratched with a stack or a stick.

3. Draw with plasticine “polka dots”, “droplets” and “flagella”. Peas or droplets are rolled out of plasticine and laid out in a pattern on a primed or clean surface of cardboard, filling the entire pattern. The “flagella” technique is somewhat more complicated in that you need to roll up flagella of the same thickness and lay them out on the drawing. You can connect the flagella in half and twist them, then you will get a beautiful pigtail, the basis of the outline of the drawing.

4. A design is applied to the cardboard, the flagella are rolled up, smeared towards the middle with a finger, then the center of the design element is filled. You can use mixed plasticine for a wider range of colors. The work can be made in relief by placing veins of plasticine on the leaves or using strokes

Various techniques combine perfectly with each other Drawing with salt and cellophane

Recommendations for teachers: use different forms of artistic activity: collective creativity, independent and playful activities of children to master non-traditional image techniques; when planning classes in visual arts, observe the system and continuity of the use of non-traditional visual techniques, taking into account the age and individual abilities of children; improve your professional level and skills through familiarization and mastery of new unconventional methods and techniques of image.

Let the children draw, create, and fantasize! Not every one of them will become an artist, but drawing will give them pleasure, they will learn the joy of creativity, and learn to see beauty in the ordinary. Let them grow up with the soul of an artist!

Prepared by teacher of the 1st qualification category Nikulchenkova Galina Viktorovna Thank you for your attention!