Who is Ksenia Borodina married to? Winter in summer: Borodina’s wedding in the style of “The Snow Queen. Relationship crisis

The host of the Dom-2 program, Ksenia Borodina, married Dagestan businessman Kurban Omarov. The wedding ceremony took place on July 3 at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow, reports the portal 7days.ru.

On your page in Instagram the TV presenter posted a photo of herself and her fiance. In a black and white photo, lovers are sitting in a car. For the special moment, the 32-year-old bride chose a classic fluffy dress and a long veil. The 35-year-old groom wore a black suit, tie and white shirt.

Ksenia invited her girlfriends to the wedding - singer Bianca, Alena Vodonaeva, Olga Buzova, Aiza Dolmatova. “To the loud applause of the guests, when leaving the registry office, Borodina released an inscription with her last name into the sky - the presenter decided to take her husband’s last name,” the publication notes.

From the registry office, the loving couple went to one of the Moscow restaurants. Here, the newly-made spouses and numerous guests were entertained by performances by a Caucasian dance group, the Pizza group and other artists.

Ksenia and Kurban met about three years ago at the birthday party of their mutual friend. The presenter recalls that a spark immediately jumped between them, but at that moment both of them were in relationships with other people.

Last fall, Ksenia broke off relations with her common-law husband Mikhail Terekhin and started an affair with Omarov. Now the newlyweds are expecting their first child.

(33) and Kurban Omarov(35) getting divorced - now there is no doubt. Yesterday Xenia officially announced this by sharing with subscribers on Instagram proof of her husband’s infidelity - correspondence with the person who allegedly “covered up” Kurbana. To figure out what really happened to the seemingly ideal couple, we decided to remember how the story began Ksenia And Kurbana.

The romance began a year and a half ago. It all started like in the movies - Xenia hid her chosen one, signing mysterious photographs on social networks with the letter Z, and shared expensive gifts that the mysterious young man did not skimp on. Fans tried their best to declassify their beloved Borodina and they argued about who he was. Herself Ksyusha didn't say anything new young man, and when asked by journalists about her personal life, she answered that she simply dreams of getting married again.

But a few months later, she finally decided to introduce her fans to her mysterious lover. The TV presenter published in Instagram post that answered all the questions about her new relationship. “It’s time to clarify the name of my man (future husband, beloved). His name is Kurban, his friends have called him Winter since childhood.” It turned out that KurbanDagestan businessman, with him Ksyusha met at a participant's birthday “House-2” by Stepan Menshchikov three years ago, but then everyone was busy with their family.
It seemed that there was complete harmony in their relationship. Kurban I was able to find common language with my daughter Ksenia – Marusya, and she, in turn, became friends with his son.

Despite the fact that they were together for only six months, on their 32nd birthday Borodina Kurban proposed to her. And already in the summer of 2015 they got married, and at the end of December Ksyusha gave birth to a daughter to Theon.

Surprisingly, just two months ago the couple posted photos together (especially Ksyusha) and confessed their feelings. In May, the couple vacationed on Maldives. But already in June Ksyusha abruptly stopped sharing pictures and made ambiguous notes: “Everything that is done is for the better”. Kurban I posted photos with children, but didn’t write anything about Ksenia.

After some time Borodin began to hint at changes in life in her Periscope. During the live broadcast, she did not answer fans' questions, but everything was very clear: “To be honest, I’m pleased that people care and think about me. But the personal will remain personal.". And in the next broadcast she shared: “It happens that people sometimes cheat. You completely trust a person, but he betrays you.”.
The day before the wedding anniversary Ksyusha posted in Instagram photo with the caption: “Don’t trust someone who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things."

anniversary Borodin I met without my husband - with friends and children, and on social networks the spouses did not even hint at a joint holiday.

But the situation changed five days ago. It all started with a photograph (now it will be unexpected) Nastasya Samburskaya! How did she get into this story? Let's talk! Over the weekend the actress was in Spain and sipped wine in one of the resort's restaurants. And he photographed her Kurban, whose subscribers Nastya figured out by the case with the inscription "Winter", included in the photo. Of course, the photo caused a heated discussion.

She did not remain silent - an old friend Borodina. She immediately published a post on her Instagram where she clearly talked about Samburskaya: “Actress of 15-second roles”, “A woman who doesn’t know that black socks with white sneakers is generally not very good”.

It turned out that Nastya and Kurbana just a joint project, since his name also appeared on the video Samburskaya, but this only revealed new details.
Xenia finally told me what was the reason for the divorce from my husband. On her profile, she shared a screenshot of the photo, which Lobsters published in December, right before the birth Theons, and next to it I attached correspondence with my wife good friend Kurbana, who “covered up” all his infidelities.

Borodin stated that she was breaking up with her husband because of his infidelities and love for wild parties and accompanied this a detailed story about his "adventures". Naturally, everyone immediately thought that it was all to blame Samburskaya, who reacted with the following post: “I’m very glad that I didn’t get out into people at the expense of fame ex-husband. Dear, I’ll divorce you, tell everyone what an asshole you are, and I’ll become, for example, a fashionable social weed smoker, then I’ll come to my senses and become a diligent, super-stylish mother-shit businessman. She began to abandon dubious projects quite a long time ago, although one or two are still present in her filmography. I'm glad I don't sell fake Chanel to people. I have the conscience to carefully approach the issue of advertising and not turn the page into a market.”

It seems that it’s getting hot... We don’t know how this story will end, but now it clearly concerns not only Ksyusha and Kurbana. By the way, because of this commotion, everyone forgot that, in fact, Nastya I have a lover - a singer Alexander Ivanov, with whom they have been together for almost six months. So Samburskaya She clearly became an accidental witness to family squabbles.

Well, we will continue to monitor developments and hope that Ksenia and Kurban It will be possible to solve all problems peacefully.

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina (at birth - Amoeva; in her second marriage - Omarova). Born on March 8, 1983 in Moscow. Russian TV presenter, actress and DJ.

Ksenia Borodina was born on March 8, 1983 in Moscow. In one of her interviews, she noted that she is Armenian on her father’s side.

According to the official website of Ksenia Borodina, her parents are Armenians.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov

Since the beginning of 2016, rumors about discord in the family relationships couples. In July, Ksenia. However, then she decided to forgive her husband for the sake of saving the family.

Ksenia Borodina combines her career as a TV presenter with business. She is developing her own chain of beauty salons. At the end of October 2015, Ksenia opened a second beauty salon in the center of Moscow.

Filmography of Ksenia Borodina:

2008 - Zaza - the main character’s girlfriend
2011 - Lavrova Method (TV series, season 1, 3-4 episodes) - episode
2013 - Deffchonki - as herself, a reporter in Zvonarev’s apartment (episode 36)
2014 - Happy March 8, men! - girlfriend main character.

Bibliography of Ksenia Borodina:

2007 - “House-2. Laws of love"
2011 - “Losing weight with Ksenia Borodina”

From an interview with Ksenia Borodina:

"I hope I managed to maintain my natural gentleness. It is generally accepted that it is easier to be a bitch. But what is bitchiness? It is a shield with which you close yourself off from reality. I would not want to become like that. I like everything to be like in fairy tales, when good wins evil".

“There are no and cannot be laws of love. And making any plans is simply stupid. All people are so different! That’s why you behave one way with one man, and completely differently with another. The main thing is to be sincere and trust your soul mate.”.

“It happens that very unpleasant things are said about me. For example, they take a phrase out of context and inflate a cheap sensation. I try to refute such “revelations”. But it would be strange to complain about popularity. Any public person wants to be talked about. Don’t believe it , if someone says: “Oh, I wish they would leave me alone.”.

“In a relationship, you need to look for a middle ground. You can’t be weak – with such men, men quickly become bored. But you can’t be strong either – men don’t like it when their leadership is challenged.”.

Ksenia Borodina's height is 165 cm.

“Many sites have appeared on the Internet where, allegedly on my behalf, they give recipes for monstrous diets. Probably everyone has seen banners from the series “How to lose forty kilograms in half an hour”... In short, Borodina’s “super method” looks like this: twice a week fitness a club, sometimes a swimming pool, and the biggest “secret” is to eat less".

Ksenia Borodina spoke quite openly about many of her secrets, including relationships with men, in the program " Sincere confession" in January 2013.

Ksenia Borodina in the program "Sincere Confession"

Ksenia Borodina (Ksenia Kimovna Amoeva) was born in the Russian capital on March 8, 1983. Ksyusha’s parents, Armenians by nationality, divorced when the girl was only a year old. Almost immediately, her mother became the wife of an Italian architect who was engaged in the construction business in Italy, and moved to her husband’s homeland. Ksenia remained in Moscow, where she was raised by her grandparents (the future TV presenter spent her entire childhood in the Moscow district of Kuntsevo).

Ksenia visited her mother and stepfather in Italy constantly, but she could not stay in the country of the “new” father for more than a couple of weeks, because she missed Russia and immediately returned to her homeland.

Ksenia Borodina studied at the capital's school No. 749 until the ninth grade, and the last two classes the girl studied at a private lyceum with in-depth study of foreign languages. after graduating from school, seventeen years old future star“Doma-2” continued her studies at the “Multilingual” summer school in England. Here Ksenia lived in a simple family of a builder and a nurse. However, soon the girl returns to her homeland in Russia, unable to bear the separation from her beloved. Ksenia dated Sasha, the boy from next door, for more than two years. IN school years the couple saw each other every day, but spending one month away from each other turned out to be unbearable.

Despite the persuasion of her mother and stepfather, Ksenia leaves a prestigious European school. In Russia, the girl enters the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism. And immediately into the second year. After some time, Ksenia and Sasha break up, but later Borodina did not regret it. Separation from her lover did not dissuade the girl from the fact that refusing to study in England was the right decision.

The beginning of the career of Ksenia Borodina

Already in her university years, Ksenia Borodina set herself a goal - to become a TV star. That is why she constantly sent out her resume everywhere, constantly went to auditions and castings, but could not conquer Russian television channels and win the love of her compatriots.

Ksyusha Borodina was so upset that she accepted her stepfather’s offer to move to Italy. A few minutes before the flight to her parents, Ksenia received a call from television and said that she had passed the casting of the presenters and was invited to filming. Without hesitation, Ksenia refused her parents’ invitation and became a foreman at the love TV show “Dom-2” (after which the girl had a big quarrel with her family).

Ksyusha Borodina “Monologue to an Egoist”

In May 2004, Ksenia Borodina debuts as a TV presenter of a reality show on the TNT channel “Dom-2”. Her co-host was the famous socialite Ksenia Sobchak. The television project is quickly becoming popular not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. Alena Vodonaeva, Stepan Menshikov, May Abrikosov, Evgenia Feofilaktova and many other project participants become famous people. The popularity of the presenters is also growing. On the project where love is built, Ksenia herself found her soul mate. True, not for long.

Borodina met with participant Oscar Karimov a little more than a year. After breaking up with a young man, the president of the insurance company Prime Insurance, Nikita Isaev, appears in Ksenia’s life, and then the capital’s DJ Anton became the girl’s chosen one. After Ksenia Sobchak left the project, Olga Buzova became Ksenia’s new co-host.

Ksenia Borodina - writer

In the fall of 2007, Ksenia made her debut as a writer and presented to the world her book entitled “The Laws of Love.” After this publication, Borodina promises to release another book, which will be fundamentally different in content and genre from the first book. According to the TV presenter herself, the book will be autobiographical, which will describe in detail how Ksenia got on television and became the host of the most popular and longest-running show in the country. In 2011, the book “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina” was published.

Ksenia Borodina - entrepreneur

In 2008, Ksenia and the famous stylist Sergei Zverev opened a beauty salon. And in parallel with running “House 2” and business, the girl performs at private parties as a guest star.

Personal life of Ksenia Borodina

On the day of three eights, August 8, 2008, Ksenia Borodina married businessman Yuri Budakov. The TV presenter met her future husband on the set of the program Comedy Club. The future spouses were invited there as guests.

“Our tables were next to each other,” recalls Ksenia. “We communicated for a long time at the “hello-bye” level, until chance brought them together. One day, in my car, right in the middle of the road, the brake pads broke and I asked Yura where they were You can change it. Without answering, he took the car and returned it completely repaired. After that we started dating.”

Ksenia Borodina in the program “Pravda 24”

However, the couple tested their feelings for quite a long time. The wedding took place only three years after they met. The celebration itself was organized modestly. Only the closest friends and relatives of the newlyweds were included in the number of invitees. Even Ksenia Borodina’s co-host on “House-2” Ksenia Sobchak did not raise a glass to the happiness of the newly-made family. By the way, at the wedding itself, Ksenia appeared not in a white traditional dress, but in a golden evening dress.

Immediately after Borodina’s wedding, there was talk about children. He was the first to tell journalists about the TV presenter’s pregnancy. former member TV project "Dom-2" Stepan Menshikov.

“From conversations with her, I realized that she is not going to leave the post of presenter for a long time,” said Stepan. “Ksyusha has already found a nanny for the unborn baby. Since filming takes her about three hours a day, she will be able to combine work with caring for the newborn ".

The baby was due at the end of May 2009. Ksenia Borodina herself really wanted the baby to appear on June 8, since the eight, says the presenter, is her lucky number. However, the baby was born a day later than the desired date - June 9, 2009. Ksenia Borodina and her husband named their daughter Marusya. A little later, the young mother immortalized the name of her first-born on her body. The inscription “Marusya” appeared tattooed on Ksenia’s hand.

However, the permanent presenter of the TV show “Dom-2”, who teaches young people how to build love correctly, did not save her marriage. At the beginning of 2011, information appeared that 28-year-old husband Yuri Budakov was demanding a divorce from Borodina. As the man said, the couple different concepts about family, and the time for love has long passed. And he added that he plans to complete the divorce process without his participation.

Friends of Ksenia Borodina claim that the reason for the breakup was the TV presenter’s excessive passion social life. The girl appeared more often at the project and at parties than at home. And I was in no hurry to spend time with my one-and-a-half-year-old daughter and husband. Immediately after filing the application for divorce, the couple went to different apartments. A few weeks later, Ksenia Borodina and Yuri Budakov were divorced.

After an unsuccessful marriage, Ksenia dated Mikhail Terekhin, a participant in the Dom-2 show, for three and a half years, but their relationship fizzled out, and now, in July 2015, Ksenia got married again. Her chosen one was the famous businessman Kurban Omarov. On December 22, 2015, the couple had a daughter. Ksenia Borodina also became known as an author effective way losing weight. Thousands of girls follow her method and achieve, by their own admission, stunning results. However, along with success came negativity - Ksenia Borodina was accused of fraud more than once. Many Internet resources used the star’s name for their own purposes. Ksenia made refutations on the program “Let Them Talk” by Andrei Malakhov.

After giving birth, the TV presenter gained a lot of weight. After a short maternity leave, Ksenia returned to the airwaves, as they say, “in body,” but in a matter of days she returned to normal, losing dozens of kilograms in a month and a half, which surprised not only her fans, but also the project participants.

However, there is no secret to losing weight. The TV presenter does not limit herself in food and even plays sports from time to time. The girl achieved her “pre-pregnancy” slimness thanks to her love of work. “I’m spinning like a squirrel in a wheel,” said Ksenia Borodina.

Ksenia Borodina with her family at a car exhibition

Ksenia Borodina (Ksenia Kimovna Amoeva), - born March 8, 1983, according to the horoscope of Pisces. Born in the capital of Russia, she has Armenian roots on her father’s side. Ksenia is known in Russian show business as the TV presenter of the scandalous project “Dom-2”, the host of the “Reboot” program, an actress and a DJ.

Childhood of Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia was born in full family, her parents' marriage broke up a year after her birth. Ksenia Borodina’s mother, Inna Bulatovna, is Russian by nationality, and her father, Kim Dzhioev, is Armenian. After some time, Ksyusha’s mother married an Italian businessman - an architect, after which she moved to his homeland. Ksenia did not want to live in Italy, so it was decided to leave the girl in the care of her grandparents, who lived in the Moscow district of Kuntsevo.

Once, Ksenia Borodina shared with journalists about how she was raised by “second parents.” Galina Ivanovna, Ksenia’s grandmother, taught her good manners from childhood. She constantly insisted that we always need to help those who have a more difficult life than us.

Ksyusha’s grandfather’s name was Bulat Bilyalovich - he loved animals, so he always brought home stray, sick dogs. As soon as he was healed, the grandmother would send the dog out into the street, but the grandfather would always bring the next one. This is how Ksenia was brought up.

Periodically, Ksenia visited her mother in Italy; the girl practically did not see her father. At the age of 16, Ksenia finally stopped communicating with him. As soon as Ksenia turned 18, she took her mother’s surname - Borodin. In 2015, information appeared in the media that Ksenia’s biological father was detained by the police, the man was caught in the company of criminal authorities.

Ksenia has a cousin Nikita Grigoriev, an aspiring rapper under the pseudonym “Stakhat”. In 2016, a relative of the star gave a short interview where he talked about his relationship with his sister. Nikita and Ksenia have not communicated for about 8 years; they were close friends when he was 12 years old. Since then they have been strangers to each other. On at the moment Ksenia’s brother is approximately 20 years old. Nikita is studying at the Faculty of Law at the Russian State University for the Humanities, in free time is diligently pursuing a music career.

Ksenia Borodina: youth

Until grade 9, Ksenia studied in Moscow, in high school No. 749. Then she continued her studies at the Lyceum, where she studied foreign languages and was preparing to enter university. Having received secondary education, Ksenia was sent to study at summer school"MultiLanguage", in England. But soon she left the English school and returned to Moscow.

The reason for this was Ksenia’s youthful love for the guy from the next door. The young man’s name was Alexander, they had been friends since school. As they grew older, the couple began dating, but before serious relationship didn't arrive. Ksenia did not regret that she left a prestigious school and went to college hotel business and tourism. Borodina also has a second higher education an economist by profession, which she received at the capital's University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics.

Ksenia Borodina on the show “Dom-2”

Back in teenage years Ksenia planned to realize herself in show business in the future - to become a TV star. After studying at universities, the girl began actively sending out her resume for TV presenter vacancies, but all efforts were unsuccessful.

In 2004, Ksenia decided to go to Italy to visit her parents to build her future there. On the day of departure, Ksenia Borodina was invited to scandalous show“Dom-2” as a presenter together with Ksenia Sobchak. After 4 years, Sobchak was replaced by the bright participant Olga Buzova. Ksenia Borodina works with her to this day.

Ksenia Borodina wrote 2 books

In 2007, Ksenia appeared before the public in an unusual role for herself - a writer. She wrote her first book called “The Laws of Love.”

In 2011 she presented next book, dedicated to losing weight - “Losing weight with Ksenia Borodina.” Due to the tricks of the scammers, they tried to make Ksenia out to be a swindler several times. In her name, gullible people were offered unreasonable ways to lose weight.

Career of Ksenia Borodina in the film industry

Ksenia got her first experience as an actress in 2008 on the set of the comedy film “Zaza”, where she played the role of Vicky, the protagonist’s girlfriend.

In 2011, Borodina starred in an episode of the detective series “The Lavrova Method”, in season 1, episodes 3 and 4. In 2013, she played herself in the famous comedy series"Deffchons." In 2014, she played the role of the main character’s girlfriend in the film “Happy March 8, men!”

Personal life of Ksenia Borodina

On May 12, 2014, new participants, the Karimov brothers, came to the Dom-2 show: Stanislav and Oscar. The young people immediately found a common language with the team; the handsome twin brothers were worthy competition for many male participants. Oscar immediately took a liking to Ksenia. The guy courted the presenter for a long time, but Ksenia tried to maintain subordination.

At one point, the project administrators confronted Oscar with a choice: participation in Dom-2 or a relationship with Borodina outside the show. Karimov, without hesitation, chose the second, for this reason, in one of the men’s votes, he was sent out of the gate. A little later it became known that Ksenia and Oscar were together; if you believe sources on the Internet, they dated for about a year.

Then Borodina began an affair with influential person, President of the insurance holding "Prime Insurance" - Nikita Isaev. There were rumors that the couple was going to get married, but the wedding never came to fruition. One of the versions of their separation was Ksenia’s work. Allegedly, Nikita Isaev’s status did not make it possible to marry a girl working on a scandalous project.

In 2008, Ksenia began to be noticed in the company of Moscow DJ Antonio. When the couple started communicating, the DJ had a girlfriend. Soon their friendly relationship developed into a romantic one, but the relationship with him did not last long.

For some time Borodina met with Russian singer Leonid Nerushenko. A Dynamite band member died in a motorcycle accident.

Ksenia Borodina got married

On August 8, 2008, the TV personality became his wife successful businessman Yuri Budagov. The couple met on comedy show Comedy Club. After a month of dating, Ksenia and Yuri met again when Ksenia’s car broke down. Budagov gladly helped her, from that moment he began to look after Ksenia. The couple's relationship developed safely and quite rapidly. As a result, the man proposed marriage to Ksenia. Mostly relatives were invited to the newlyweds' wedding.

On June 10, 2009, Ksenia became a mother for the first time. The TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, who was given Slavic name Marusya. With the birth of her child, Borodina began to pay less attention to her husband; she was torn between working and raising her daughter. Yuri was jealous husband, so the couple began to have serious conflicts. On April 4, 2011, the couple divorced.

Ksenia Borodina and Mikhail Terekhin

September 24, 2012 at scandalous project Mikhail Terekhin came. Ksenia met him when the man came to the casting. The presenter was in a hurry to filming, and Mikhail was sitting in his car waiting for the upcoming interview with the administration of Dom-2. Terekhin was not at a loss and started talking to Borodina, and their communication began. When he became a participant in the show, he began to seek Ksenia’s favor. Soon the TV personality reciprocated his feelings and the couple began dating.

Mikhail was divorced, with ex-wife he was bound by his son Daniel. The lovers constantly quarreled and even broke up, but Borodina had strong feelings for him and therefore quickly moved towards reconciliation. Terekhin left the television project on December 6, 2012, but continued to build relationships with the presenter outside of it.

The couple dated for about 2 years, but one fine day Ksenia Borodina finally broke up with him. In one of her interviews, Ksenia admitted that the reason for the break with Mikhail was his wild life. She suspected him of treason, and Terekhin had a rather hot-tempered character, which Borodina could not come to terms with.

Second marriage of Ksenia Borodina

After breaking up with Mikhail, Ksenia was not alone for long. On June 3, 2015, the star married businessman Kurban Omarov. Ksenia hid his identity for a long time. At first, Borodina began publishing joint photographs in social networks, where only some parts of Kurban's body were visible. A little later, the couple began to appear together at social events.

Kurban Omarov did not think long and made Ksenia an offer to become his legal wife. On December 22, 2015, their daughter Thea was born together. In 2016, Ksenia and Kurban broke up due to alleged infidelity. The couple separated for some time, the presenter was going to file for divorce, but it didn’t come to that. Omarov was able to convince Borodina that he never betrayed her; perhaps she did not believe him, but she gave him one last chance to save the family.

Kurban Omarov is a Dagestani by nationality, born on August 25, 1980 in the Levashinsky district, village of Khadzhalmakhi. The businessman is raising his son Omar, who was born in a civil marriage. The boy's date of birth is February 1, 2008. Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov live together to this day and have three children. The couple shares moments from their family life on social networks. Mutual understanding and love reign in their home.