How to become very popular

Glory, power, material well-being- these are perhaps the most beloved “delicacies” of all mankind. Why not? Agree that you also sometimes thought about how to become famous. Let's talk about how realistic this is in the modern world.

Is the thirst for fame good or bad?

Some people condemn the desire to become famous - they say that there is something of pride in this, and pride, as we know, is sinful in all religions. Let's think logically. Bad is causing harm to other people.

Fame can be used in different ways. A considerable number of stars, actors, performers lead healthy image life, promote sports, call to help the sick all over the world, open hospitals and special centers for children. It is unlikely that these people would have achieved even one percent of the results from their actions if they were not famous. So fame can be a ladder to right life. Feel free to ask yourself the question “how to become famous” and achieve your goal.

When does this desire arise?

Perhaps still in early age there is a desire for universal fame. "How to become famous in kindergarten? How to become famous at school? - these questions arise in the minds of very young people.

Popularity is quite beneficial - people recognize you, they want to be friends with you, boys carry briefcases, girls treat you to sweets. Further more. The older a person becomes, the more benefits he can derive from the fact that he is famous, even within one educational institution or the area where he lives.

At what level can you become famous?

Let's expand the scope and look at the situation on a larger scale. You can gain schoolwide fame by performing in KVN, amateur clubs, or by being a desperate hooligan.

At university or at work, things are about the same. Famous people include both kind, cheerful and resourceful people, as well as evil, scandalous personalities. What if we talk about a city or country? Is it possible and how to become famous for citizens of your state or the whole world? Of course. Let's figure out what needs to be done for this.


We live in an amazing time when everyone can become famous and famous, regardless of age, gender, nationality and place of residence. Also, your occupation, appearance, skills and abilities do not matter. Do only the beautiful and talented achieve fame? Haha, not at all! Thanks to the ever-expanding influence of television and the Internet, anyone can become famous. Therefore, the answer to the question “where” is incredibly simple - within walking distance from each of us!


Striving for fame is striving for big money. Psychologists around the world never tire of repeating: “You don’t need to desire big money, wish your dreams come true, and the money will come!” It's about the same with fame. Don’t ask yourself the question: “How to become famous on the Internet?” or “How to get worldwide fame? It’s better to set yourself the desire to find your path and follow it. Each of us is talented in something. Singing, dancing, the ability to play music, compose, draw, cook, make people laugh, create - these are not divine skills, but completely human abilities. Don't chase fame, even if you don't mind being famous - chase possible self-realization. This is what will make you happy, and this is what will bring you fame.

Why don't many talented people become famous?

Part of the reason lies in the fact that a person interferes with himself with the question: “How to become famous?” Instead of doing what he likes, he rushes from side to side. “Look, Dima made a video about cats and became famous. Cats have power, I’ll start making videos and become famous!” And instead of going your own way and doing what you do well (for example, writing poetry and lyrics), you shoot mediocre videos in the hope of success. What will happen? There will most likely not be a positive result.

Read biographies and so-called “success stories.” Not a single celebrity has ever asked the question: “How to become famous actress? or “How to become famous?” It’s just that a person discovered his talent and did not hesitate to express it, to go his own way. And, like all talented people, fame came to him.

Believe me, Leonardo DiCaprio or Brad Pitt were not tormented by the question: “How to become famous actor?”, otherwise they would not have come to anything. They simply did what was close to their spirit.

Path to glory

So, we have already figured out that in order to become famous, it is not necessary to go somewhere (for example, to conquer Moscow or other famous capitals of the world). We also concluded that an empty, unfounded desire for fame is a mistake that will not lead to anything good.

What to do in this case? How do people become famous?

First of all, you have to figure out what you're really good at. Let it be something that you really consider “yours”, not related to work. Believe me, every person is talented. Sometimes someone thinks that he does not have any innate abilities for the reason that he simply does not give them any outlet, does not develop his talents. What do you do best, what do you like to do, what makes you “high”? The answer to this question is the first step on the path to fame.

The second step is to give up the desire to become famous, replace it with the desire to become happy and the best in your business. How are these concepts related? It's very simple: when you do what you love, you should experience a flow of happiness. Do what you like to do every day - play sports, dance, sing, write, draw, cook, sculpt, play... Perhaps you are happy when you communicate with people or children or maybe make someone laugh? This is also a talent, so do it. If necessary, quit the job you hate - this way you will definitely not achieve what you want.

Stage three - let's release your creative energy. This means that you should not sing in the shower, but go on stage - participate in shows, shoot videos and post them on YouTube, look for producers, who, in turn, look for talents... The same goes for all other types creativity. Think about where you are missing and boldly go there.

Stage four - be open to everything. Nobody knows how life works. But here’s the paradox - it’s definitely designed so that we find what we’re looking for. Believe me, when you implement the previous three steps, opportunities will knock on your door. The main thing is to be open to them, to let them in.

Do not be afraid!

A huge obstacle is fear. Many people lack self-confidence even when they do something exceptionally well.

Either my parents raised me that way, or external environment influenced, but the person is afraid to express himself loudly. And it may happen like this: one day you (endowed, for example, with the gift of singing) will perform a song in karaoke. That same evening, a famous producer will be in this place. He will be delighted with your singing, come up to meet you and offer working together. And you will refuse. Not because you don’t want to, but because you’re afraid. Therefore, another component of success is not to be afraid! Take risks, climb, make mistakes, fall - and still get up and try again. And those people who are afraid may never achieve anything at all, and all because of ephemeral fear.

About good and bad fame

Remember, at the beginning of the article we noted that you can become famous not only by being a kind and sympathetic person, but also by having an evil disposition? So it is, and therefore there is good and bad glory.

If you are interested in how you can become famous, then strive for good fame. Commit good deeds, do what is dear to your heart. Scandal will not do anything good for you - you will not find real friends, comrades-in-arms, like-minded people. Imagine that in order to become famous, you will argue with your boss at work. Colleagues will treat you with caution and distrust, and the boss, instead of tolerating your antics, will simply say goodbye to you. Many individuals turn to crime not only for profit, but more for fame, and do not receive anything good except a prison term in places not so remote. This is not at all interesting, so go your own way.

Summing up

If you want to know how to become famous or how to become famous on the Internet, then you need to do the following: do what you like, create and be happy at the same time, be open to opportunities and not be afraid of anything.

Nothing can stop you from becoming famous except one person - yourself. And you can be both the greatest supporting force in your success and the biggest and most powerful hindrance. Always remember that luck and success favor the brave, so be open to everything and everyone. And one day the world will know about you and your talent.

Don't wear a mask. People can tell right away that you're faking it. You have to be authentic, so be who you are and be proud of it. Think about your strengths. By the time most people start college, they have outgrown the person they were in high school. If you haven't already, you need to do a good job of growing up. Your time in college is ideal for getting to know yourself better. And by the time you decide on the choice of your specialty, you should be proud of it because it can become a determining factor in the development of your personality and career.

Please. Open doors for people, don't hesitate to help carry books, offer to help with homework, help a person find their way around college. Only your kindness can help you do this.

Be friendly. Try to make small talk with everyone. Make an effort to talk to someone or help someone you wouldn't normally do. Don't be a bone person. Try to chat about things like: weather, sports, studies, student life, travel, hobbies, weekend or vacation plans, movies, music and favorite TV shows. Stay up to date latest gossip about celebrities, news and sports events, so you always have something to talk about. Talking about the weather gets boring really quickly.

Have a good sense of humor. Don't tell stupid, ingrained jokes. Be witty. Search for funny material online or watch funny TV shows or movies to get ideas.

Dress in fashionable clothes. You don't have to imitate Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian to look stylish, but you don't have to dress like you just rolled out of bed (which is what some students look like). After all, some could be seen in pajamas even at school. For guys good option could be a button-down shirt, T-shirt, pullover or sweatshirt with jeans or shorts. A hoodie with a hood will also work. For girls - interesting top, pretty haircut, modest makeup. Try to dress appropriately for the climate and terrain. Many students, having decided on their specialty, begin to dress as they would at work, for example: business clothes - for business specialties, more elaborate clothes - for artistic specialties. This rule is observed especially carefully during internship, practice, etc. Many students wear their work clothes to college, especially if they work after school. Some specialties will require you to wear a special uniform, for example, a robe and cotton trousers for nursing and dental specialties, a police uniform for law enforcement, etc. There are girls who went to Lately to school in attractive dresses and skirts - if you have such a good and attractive dress, then don't be afraid to wear it to college.

You are not required to attend parties. Only amateurs attend parties all the time. Drinking alcohol is a sign that you are insecure and therefore turn to alcohol to feel confident. A truly stylish and “cool” person does not need this doping. Attend a nice party once in a while (like a relative's wedding), but don't make it a lifestyle choice. Typically, students who celebrate parties the way Toby Keith does in his "Red Solo Cup" video get a lot of laughs.

Don't get too involved a large number of clubs. Joining too many clubs is a sign that you are desperate and just want to be accepted everywhere. Only participate in clubs and activities that you are genuinely interested in or that are related to your major. Do not join a nursing club unless you plan to continue doing so in the future.

Don't try to hide your shortcomings. College is exactly the place where they cannot be hidden. Don't be afraid to do something that you will later regret because it was "not cool." No one has yet defined a standard by which to judge what is “cool” and what is not. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what is "cool" and there are many other aspects that determine this, such as where you live. So, don't try too hard, relax. Who cares if you like Justin Bieber, or like watching Tom and Jerry, or even listening to Lawrence Welk in your dorm. If you like Justin Bieber, don't be afraid to blow up your speakers with his compositions. College students today like to be "ironic" anyway.

Earn good grades. Grades are not an attribute exclusively for “nerds”. Grades will make you “cooler”: after all, this is a future job that will allow you to earn money to buy cool cars, houses, etc.

Don't be addicted to Facebook and other social networks such as MySpace. Time spent on Facebook is usually wasted time. When you are on the Internet, listen to music, enjoy funny jokes and photographs, watch YouTube, and if you get tired of all this, start studying.

You don't need a girlfriend/boyfriend or sex to look "cool". Sometimes having a girlfriend/boyfriend in college can distract you from other interesting activities, or from achieving your main goal - getting an education for a future career. But if you find someone you like, don't be afraid to make the first move. But remember that you may well expect dramatic consequences.

Don't be afraid to express yourself. Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in and do what you think is right, even though it may not be popular. Every person has their own opinion, so be sure to respect other people's differences and treat everyone equally. If you don't think that sex or partying is "cool", or that voting for a certain political candidate is not "cool", then act in accordance with your beliefs.

Instagram can distinguish real users from automated bots. If you are caught using a bot, your account may be shadowbanned. This means that your posts will only be visible to your followers, but will not be found through hashtags and recommendations.

The user does not immediately notice the changes. Owners especially suffer from this. You can find out if your Instagram is in a shadow ban through special programs.

2. Post no more than one post per day

Posts on Instagram are no longer shown in chronological order, but depending on the interests of the user. That is, first we see the most interesting entries, according to special algorithms. They may appear in the feed for a longer period of time.

Some users check their feed once a day or even less often. And at the top of the feed, those posts that they have not yet seen are displayed. If you post several photos a day, they will compete with each other. This means that there is a chance that not many people will see both posts.

If you want to share with the world more often what is happening in your life, use.

3. Choose the right time to post

This will determine how much response your post will receive. Choose a time when most of your followers are likely to be online.

Often this is 8:00-9:00 - the time after waking up, around 13:00 - a lunch break, and 18:00-20:00 - rest after a working day.

4. Identify popular hashtags that suit your account

Hashtags allow your posts to appear in the recommendations of other users - they may turn out to be your potential followers. Therefore, approach this choice more thoroughly.

Identify the 15–30 most popular ones. Instagram has a limit on using more than 30 hashtags. In addition, spam like #likeforlike can easily result in a shadow ban. Don't write thoughtlessly. Based on the interests of your and potential audience.

5. Join groups with other users

Such groups (English: Instagram Pods) bring together people who want to get more likes. In Instagram chat they share their posts. Each group member likes the photo and leaves a meaningful comment.

Typically, a like from an account with a large number of followers is highly valued by other users. A person becomes interested in what good such a popular user found in this account.

6. Use a call to action

Very few users like to leave comments on posts. Therefore, in the posts under the photo, call your subscribers to action. Ask them questions, ask for their opinion, discuss something.

7. Hold a competition

Contests are a great way not only to “wake up” old subscribers, but also to acquire new ones. To attract attention, you can use a photo of some expensive product or a beautiful resort. Immediately indicate what it is free competition. Make the rules clear. This usually means liking, following other accounts, and commenting to tag a few friends. The winner is selected at a certain time among those who have fulfilled all the conditions.

Tired of being a gray mouse and want to finally prove yourself and come out of the shadows? Then your time has come! Try to follow our recommendations and you will succeed!

How to become popular at school

Most remember their school years as the most carefree and wonderful. But for many students this is not the case at all. Popularity among other students plays a significant role in school life. How to become popular in class and at school? Let's try to give you some tips!

Stay neutral! You should not give your preference to a certain group of people. If you want to become popular, expand your social circle! Try to become a part of every school group, communicate with everyone and do not ignore a person just because others don’t like him.

Try to be friendly! It is unlikely that evil and aggression can achieve positive popularity. Remember that people are drawn to those with whom they can make friends and have pleasant conversations.

Always be in good mood! Nothing attracts a person more than his sincere smile and good mood.

Find something interesting and exciting for yourself! Draw the attention of the surrounding guys to your person with some unusual hobby. Sign up for the section modern dance, photo studio or learn to play rare musical instrument. Become successful in one activity or another.

Take care of your appearance! They greet you based on their clothes, so you have to try hard. First, take the time and effort to care for your skin, hair, and nails. Make sure your clothes are clean, tidy and, of course, stylish and attractive. It is very important to show your individuality; do not try to look like others.

Make friends with high school students! A student who has the trust of his elders will always be popular among his peers.

How to become popular on the Internet

How to become more popular in contact

Many people want fame, but not everyone is able to achieve it. If you want to become popular among users social network VKontakte, try to follow our advice.

Millionaire group! Administrators popular groups arouse great interest among users. If you want people to add you as friends and write a large number of messages, create a group that can arouse keen interest among the social network audience.

Creation! If you are talented in any creative activity, don't be afraid to show it off. By posting your own song, video, poetry or story, you can gain a lot of fans. However, be objective with yourself, think about whether your creativity is worth other people’s attention.

How to become popular on Twitter

To ensure that your Twitter is read as much as possible more people, blog posts should be relevant and interesting. Then many people will want to discuss your posts and learn more about you.

How to become a popular girl

What girl doesn't dream of popularity? Let's talk about how you can make people around you interested in your personality.

How to become popular among guys

Communicate! Don't be shy to talk to guys. In order to become popular, you will have to forget about modesty and shyness. Guys really like sociable girls with a good sense of humor. Be relaxed in your communication, but do not go too far, because some young men are afraid of girls who are too relaxed.

Watch how you look! Take care to always look neat and well-groomed. Clothes should look stylish and highlight your individuality. Makeup should not be too provocative.

Be kind! Try to avoid scandals and intrigues. Don't use people to achieve your goals. Don't offend guys. Show that you can be trusted.

Don't sit at home! To learn how to communicate, you need to spend more time in the company of friends. Go to concerts, movies and cafes. Meet new people. Remember that experience comes with practice!

How to become the most popular

If popularity among friends and students of your school is not enough for you and you want to be known throughout the city, and maybe even throughout the country, you will have to try hard! It's no secret that only the most talented and beautiful people. Try to prove yourself at castings or well-known Internet resources. It is unlikely that an interesting and talented person will go unnoticed!

Popularity is a thing that many people want and try to achieve. When you study at university, popularity plays an important role for you.

Almost each of us wants to be on the crest of the wave, to somehow stand out from the crowd. Almost everyone tries to be the center of attention.

And it doesn’t matter that only a few actually end up in this center. The more important thing is that all people, regardless of their temperament and character, desire the day when they will shine in the rays of glory and praise will fall on them from all sides. Even the quietest people want this long-awaited “finest hour” to come in their lives.

However, have you wondered why everyone strives so much for popularity? What's so good about it?

To answer this complex issue you need to look at the consequences of popularity. Or, in simple terms, it is necessary to find out the positive effects that occur when a person becomes popular. With the onset of popularity, the student really receives a lot of advantages.

Firstly, if you are popular, then your opinion will be significant to many. You, so to speak, have your own contingent, which, in fact, makes you popular at the university.

Accordingly, much of what is proposed by a popular person will be heard. But it’s always nice when others listen to your opinion. This makes you almost a god among people.

The next positive thing about popularity is that you have certain concessions in your studies if your popularity is also based on the views of your teachers.

If you have proven yourself well in front of your teachers, then rumors will certainly spread about you as a good student. Accordingly, you will no longer be treated as an ordinary “green student”, but as someone who means something more than the average student.

Many students take advantage of this unspoken privilege. This is their right, they deserve it and no one has the right to condemn them.

Another consequence of popularity is that it is easier for a popular person at a university to make his way in life.

Let's give an example: if you curry favor with your teacher in some competition or scientific seminar, win it, or simply perform well, then next time the teacher will take you to a conference in another city.

Not someone from the outside, but you! Because he is sure that you will not let him down. And he will recommend your candidacy to other teachers at any teaching council.

Because little by little you will be “pushed” to some positions at the university. You will become the chairman of the student council. Or you may be asked to take the reins of some other position in student government.

In any case, you will gain invaluable experience that will undoubtedly be useful to you in adulthood. Plus, you will “grow” some connections with representatives from other circles (you will speak or represent your university at various events).

Therefore, in in this world, popularity will certainly play into anyone’s hands.

Of course, everything in the world has negative sides. But within the framework of this article we will not focus your attention on this.

After all, now our goal is to prove to you that popularity does not fall from the sky like manna from heaven, is not bought (students are not show business) for money, but is earned for your specific actions.

Then next logical question There will be such a question: is popularity still the destiny of a few or can almost anyone learn it?

Is it possible for a simple student like me to gain popularity?

Why not? Who is stopping you from doing this? After all, our country is full of opportunities, as all means are trumpeting now mass media right and left.

Therefore, to be popular or not is a purely personal decision for each person. Since you are reading this article, we therefore believe that you have decided to gain popularity among your peers or teachers.

Congratulations! You are on the right track! A little more “water”, and we will tell you what techniques exist on this moment to become popular at the university.

If you are an ordinary student, but dream of fame within your university or even in a wider audience, then you have to choose which way you will win people's favor with you. You can write a lot about different ways to gain popularity.

We will only focus on what we think are the simplest ways that you can use after reading this post.

So, decide: which role suits you best?

1) Expert.

This is a way of gaining popularity in which you will act as some kind of expert on certain issues. For example, if you are strong in law or some other science, then you can advise your comrades on various issues from your field of knowledge.

Thus, a certain group of people will form around you, who will already know that this guy or girl is “rummaging around in this.” At the same time, as mentioned above, your classmates will recommend you to their friends and so on.

Thus, you will gain the reputation of a true professional in your field and will be popular in your educational institution.

2) Bad-bad-boy.

If you want to gain popularity only among your peers, you can take on the role of the bad boy/girl. And this does not mean at all that you should destroy everything in the area. No.

We mean this type of your behavior in which it is simply impossible to remain unnoticed. For example, you can use an old trick and start talking like a tough guy.

Something like “yes, yes, baby.” At the same time, do not be rude, do not swear anywhere, but simply present to people your own feature, which will distinguish you from students like you.

People are designed in such a way that they are drawn to “bad guys” more than to good ones. Apparently, people have a program for thrills in their genes. Therefore, your peculiar character and behavior will attract a large number of fans and with it the fame of a bad guy.

But be careful! This path is the easiest and at the same time the most dangerous. Don’t get used to the role too actively, otherwise in the future you will live like a bad-bad boy all your life.

3) Hard worker

Hardworking people are always loved everywhere, always and by everyone.

Such students are the “life preservers” to whom they cling during tests, tests, and similar important certifications.

If you choose this path to gaining popularity, then it is worth saying the following about it. This is the path we believe is the most difficult and responsible in terms of maintaining your popularity rating.

You will just need to do everything that is asked of you at the university every day. If you relax even a little, and God forbid, do not help your friend, then you will almost instantly lose all your popularity, which you have earned with your hard work that is too hard for many.

This path is somewhat reminiscent of the path of an expert, with the only difference that it is enough for an expert to know something perfectly only from a limited area, while a hard worker must have decent knowledge of everything that he encounters during his studies at a university.

The image of a hard worker is most suitable for really strong students who study excellently or almost excellently and who are able to carry all the other lagging behind comrades.

Teachers show increased interest in such hardworking people. It will be easier for you to gain their trust, and, accordingly, receive certain bonuses if you unquestioningly complete almost any task that is given to you.

If you truly have the natural ability and skill to persevere labor activity(or, as in our case, educational), then the role of a hard worker is right for you!

It will be easier for you to make your way through life, you will occupy high positions, first at the university, and then in other organizations where you will continue to work. It is your hard work that will allow you to become not only popular, but also a very successful person in life.

Therefore, next time, instead of immediately sitting down at the computer after studying and accessing your favorite “contact”, think about the fact that perhaps you are capable of more than you currently have and can do.

Do more volunteer work, work hard while you are young, and don’t mindlessly sit around talking on social networks.

Remember popularity loves those who stubbornly stick to their line for a long time. Or, as it’s fashionable to say now, it holds the brand.

So, you have learned about three ways to gain popularity at a university. Whatever you like, in any case, we will not leave you without our traditional advice. Today, as you probably already guessed, they will relate to popularity.

We did not divide advice for each of the paths discussed above, but brought them all into a single list. So much the better for you, since there is no completely “clean” way to achieve popularity. Each path complements the other. The same applies to councils.

We have selected the best for you, so read more carefully and absorb everything like a sponge.

No matter what genius of thought you are, all people first evaluate you by appearance. If you don't take special care of yourself, then your chances of gaining popularity are noticeably reduced.

Moreover, if you are a young man or girl, then they practically drop to zero, provided that you do not dress with taste. You don't need bright and fluffy outfits every day! This sometimes even irritates others. It’s enough just to look good, wear clean and neat clothes that will emphasize your status.

The more you are in the public eye, the more likely you are to be remembered, and this is the first step towards gaining popularity in college. If you are a regular member various events(concerts, KVN, student council), then there is a very high probability that you will have a favorable influence on your teachers.

What an active student he is, he participates everywhere!” — the teachers will discuss among themselves. This will result in a gradual increase in your popularity among teachers. Well, we have already written above about the privileges that you will receive if you become a prominent figure among the teaching staff.

If you are asked something, always try to complete any task to the maximum. We explain why it is necessary to do this: the fact is that when you almost always do homework completely and in a timely manner, you gain, firstly, practical problem-solving skills (nowadays few are able to force themselves to do something), and, secondly, you gain fame as a person from whom you can always ask for advice or simply simply write off d/ h.

People always love when there is a person next to them who is able to help. Therefore, your popularity among, first your own, and then other students, will grow exponentially. The most important thing in this case is not to overstrain yourself and do not keep parasites near you.

Conclusion: Anyone can become a popular person now. The example with +100500 clearly demonstrates this. However, in order to gain this popularity, you need to make some efforts to gain the favor of your comrades.

Remember: popularity is hard work, which forces you to maintain your brand every day. But, if you are ready for difficulties, if you have confidence that you can become popular, then go for it! And then all the privileges that popularity gives will be yours.