Fun quizzes at the table. Original birthday contests for adults. "What's the prize?"

The presenter brings a bag into the hall, and in it are tokens with different letters. Guests sitting at the table take turns taking a “letter” out of the bag and, without hesitation, name any word starting with this letter. The effect of surprise and the high rate of responses give a comical result. Moreover, at the end of the competition the presenter says: “Now we know who is thinking about what now!”

Each number is unique

Each of the guests takes turns pulling out their own forfeit from the hat, which contains any number from 1 to 15, for example. As soon as all the guests have learned their numbers, each participant in turn names this “his” number and begins to list everything that exists and does not exist in the world associated with this number, for example, if a guest pulled out the number 1, he can list: the saying “Alone in the field not a warrior"; catchphrase “One to One”; name any player who plays number 1; name the first element in the periodic table - hydrogen; sing a song with the number 1 “Once a year the gardens bloom” and so on, if, for example, a guest comes across the number 7, he can also remember some athlete with number 7; remember that there are 7 wonders of the world in the world; catchphrase “On 7th heaven”; the saying “Seven do not wait for one” and so on. The main thing is to use your wits and rummage through your memory, and then you can find your own unique “stories” for all the numbers: movies, songs, sayings, numbers of players and elements, catch phrases, and so on. Whichever guest can name the most facts about their number will win.

A lot of words

Each of the guests takes turns pulling out their own forfeit from the hat, in which any letter of the alphabet is indicated. And at the “start” command, the presenter sets a time for the participant - a minute, and during this minute the participant must name as many words as possible starting with the letter he pulled out. At the end of the game, the title of winner and the prize will be taken by the participant who can name the most words starting with “their” letter.

Cinema on the table

You need to print out notes in advance with famous catchphrases from a movie and preferably about food, for example, “What disgusting thing is your jellied fish“,” “He who doesn’t work, eats,” “Sit down to eat, please,” and so on. The presenter announces the beginning of the competition and the guests look with their eyes for the notes on the table, read and guess the films from which the phrases are taken - “The Irony of Fate”, “The Adventures of Shurik” and so on. Whichever guest finds the most notes and guesses the most movies will win a prize.

Traveling by country

The presenter prepares “compromising evidence” on the countries for this competition - any two pictures characterizing a specific country. The presenter takes turns showing two pictures, and the guests at the table guess the country itself. Whoever has the most guessed countries is the winner. Examples of pictures:
1. Bear and balalaika (Russia);
2. Carnival and coffee (Brazil);
3. Sombreros and maracas (Mexico);
4. Pizza and gladiator fights (Italy);
5. Tulips and cheese (Holland);
6. Banks (institutions) and watches (Switzerland) and so on.

Full spoon

Each participant receives a tablespoon (the same). There is a bowl of grapes (olives) on the table. At the command “start”, each participant collects grapes in his spoon. Whichever guest fills his spoon with the most grapes in one minute is the winner.

In conjecture

For some time, all guests are transformed into certain heroes, and which ones will be determined by the forfeits. So, everyone in turn pulls out their phantom, in which the name of the hero is indicated (perhaps from real history, and fictitious). Guests do not say anything to anyone about the name of their hero, but only for a while transform into a fantasy role, for example, Jack Sparrow, Julius Caesar, Stalin, Terminator and so on. Using phrases and behavior of celebrities, guests should show the characters as believably as possible. This way it will be very interesting conversation at the table, and whichever guest can guess the most heroes among the guests will also receive a prize.

Ten minutes of transformation

The presenter announces that 10 minutes of transformation will now begin. Each guest takes turns pulling out a forfeit from a bag in which some hero or status of a person is indicated, for example, a hussar, a drunken watchman, funny clown, Ivan the Terrible and so on. Guests become familiar with their new role and begin to communicate and have fun in the appropriate style. Well, when will so many diverse and so interesting characters. And the funniest guests who can prove themselves best will receive prizes.

Feed all your neighbors at once

Participation is accepted by guests who have neighbors both to the right and to the left, for example, the second at the table, the fourth, and so on. In front of the participants there are plates with the same contents, for example, mashed potatoes or sour cream, and each participant has two spoons in their hands: one in the left hand, the other in the right. At the “start” command, participants begin to feed their neighbors, simultaneously working with both their right and left hands. Whichever participant feeds the contents of his plate to his neighbors the fastest will win. The most patient and diligent “neighbor” who may have to eat from the hands of two participants at once will also receive a prize.

When people gather at the table good company, the party promises to be fun!

But the guests drank and ate... talked latest news from the lives of our loved ones and the country as a whole... we danced... and some prepared to be bored... But that was not the case!

Good hosts always have something in stock that will not only relieve boredom, but will also bring the guests of the holiday closer together, and will also be remembered by everyone for a long time with fun and humor - these are, of course, various competitions.

They are very different:

  • movable (with and without objects),
  • musical,
  • drawing,
  • verbal, etc.

Today I will introduce you to those that can be carried out without leaving the table.

NOTE! They can be performed in different options, change the rules, add items, increase or decrease the number of participants - in a word, take a creative approach to drawing up a program of fun and amusing table competitions for adult company sitting at the table.

Let's start with the simple - what's at hand (literally and figuratively!)

"The alphabet is near us"

The presenter names any letter of the alphabet, except four Y-Y-L-B(you can agree to exclude the letter E as well).

Players playing in a circle name objects - products - things starting with this letter, which are located directly next to them and which can be reached with their hand or touched.

Option! - add adjectives to the list of nouns: B - incomparable salad, incomparable lipstick (from a neighbor), endless pasta, C - nice vinaigrette, sugar cake...

The game continues until the words are exhausted. The last one to call wins.

Here's another game with letters.

"Burim in order"

Starting with the first letter of the alphabet, the players come up with a mini-congratulation (depending on the occasion of those gathered) or simply sentences that are appropriate for this holiday.

The phrase should begin first with the letter A, the next one with B, then C, and so on. It is advisable to come up with funny phrases like:

- How great it is that we have gathered today!
- It happened that...
- Here it is...
- Gentlemen...

Attention! What is important here is the sequence of letters in the alphabet and the meaning of the invented sentences. It is clear that some letters (ь-ъ-ы) are skipped.

The winner is the one who came up with the most funny phrase. Decided by unanimous vote.

There was the ABC - it was up to the poetry!

“Tell me what’s in the package!”

If there are people at the table who can write poetry (the level of poetry, of course, will be taken into account, but the main thing here is different), then offer the next competition.

Several poetry masters are given an object, which is packed in an opaque fabric box-bag. They should quietly look at what they got and write a poem about the item. Guests listen and guess.

Important! You cannot name what is hidden, you can only describe its purpose in poetry, appearance

The writer of the longest and most original piece wins.

Everyone loves fairy tales!

"Modern fairy tale"

Equipment: sheets of paper, pens.

The players are divided into two teams. Usually they are divided according to the “we sit next to each other” principle. Each chooses (option: the driver assigns) a profession. For example, cooks and truck drivers.

After 5-7 minutes of preparation, the teams must voice any fairy tale they have chosen (option - assigned by the driver) to modern style using professional vocabulary and terminology.

For example, the fairy tale of a brave cook begins with the words: “Once upon a time, grandma had a piece of ham worth two and a half kilos...” We advise the program compiler to come up with starting phrases in advance for different professions participants.

Everyone has fun! The winning team receives a prize: sweets, a bottle of champagne for everyone...

Try this too! It is not teams who play, but individual participants. Then more time is given for preparation, and the winner easier for guests will highlight.

Everyone’s favorite since childhood, “Broken Phone”

Here's what more people, the better.

The driver (or the first person sitting) thinks of a word (phrase), writes it on a piece of paper (for the purity of the experiment!))) and passes it along the chain, whispering in each other’s ears.

Everyone remembers that you need to whisper quietly and as close as possible to what you heard. The latter speaks the word out loud.

The funny thing begins at the moment when, if there is a mismatch between the input and output, a “showdown” begins - at what stage, for whom what went wrong.

Robot YES-NO

The host prepares cards in advance with the names of the animals and announces that the guests will guess them by asking any questions that he can answer only with the words YES-NO (in extreme cases, “I can’t say”).

The game continues until the animal is guessed and the presenter shows a card with the correct answer.

Questions can be about hair (short or long), about legs, about whether there is a tail (fluffy or smooth), about claws, a neck, about what it eats, where it sleeps, and so on.

Game option! It is not the animal that is being riddled, but the object. Then the questions will be about size, color, appearance, purpose, presence in the house or on the street, ability to pick it up, presence of numbers, presence of electricity in it...

Another version of the game is frivolous. You can wish for items from men's or women's wardrobes, underwear, or for the most daring, from the assortment of adult stores.

Competitions with paper

And here’s another game where the funniest thing is the mismatch.

Chipmunk Speaker


  • nuts (or orange, or bread),
  • paper,
  • pen.

Those sitting at the table are divided into pairs: “speaker” and “stenographer”.

The “speaker” puts nuts (orange slices, a piece of bread) behind his cheeks so that it is difficult to speak. He is given a text (poetry or prose), which he needs to pronounce as clearly as possible (as far as the contents of the “cheek pouches” allow). The “stenographer” is trying to write down, as he understands, what he heard. Then they compare it with the “source”.

The winner is the couple whose “transcript” is the most correct.

Option! One “speaker” is selected, and everyone is recorded.

"Explain in 30 seconds"

  • pens/pencils according to the number of players,
  • small pieces of paper
  • box/bag/hat.

We play like this:

  1. Guests are divided into pairs. It can be by lot, it can be at will, it can be next door at the table. Each pair is a team.
  2. Players receive pens/pencils and pieces of paper (each has several of them - 15-20).
  3. Everyone writes 15-20 (discuss this in advance with the players) of any nouns that come to mind: on one piece of paper - one noun.
  4. Leaves with words are hidden in a box/bag/hat.
  5. First, the first pair-team plays: they take turns taking out sheets of words and must explain to each other the word that they came across, but in no case naming the noun itself.

For example, the word “cart” is a horse-drawn carriage, “frying pan” is a pancake maker.

After the first word is guessed, you can take out a piece of paper with another.

You have 30 seconds to do everything. You can agree on a minute - depending on the state of the company)))

The number of words a team guesses is how many points it will receive.

Then the turn passes to the other pair of players.

The time limit makes this competition spectacular, loud, noisy and fun!

The team that guesses the most words wins.

Fun table competitions with answers

Prepare: a box containing pieces of paper with various questions written on it.

Attention! In winter they can be made in the form of snowflakes, in summer in the form of apples, in autumn in the form of colored leaves, in spring they can be flowers.

We play like this:

Everyone takes turns pulling out paper pieces of paper with questions and answering them not only as truthfully as possible, but also funny.

Questions could be:

  • What was your favorite toy as a child?
  • What was your most memorable vacation?
  • Have your New Year's wishes ever come true?
  • What's the funniest thing that happened to you in childhood that you remember?
  • What's the funniest purchase you've ever made?
  • If there is an animal at home, which one? funny incident can you remember (what he ate)?
  • What did you dream about as a child and did it come true?
  • What's the funniest prank you can remember?
  • Do you love your housemates and why?

Questions for the story can be very different, taking into account the degree of frankness of the company.

The winner is the one whose story pleases the most guests.

Are you asking? I answer!

Let's prepare:

  • cards with questions,
  • answer cards,
  • 2 boxes.

We play like this.

One box contains questions, the other contains answers.

The players sit down, if possible, alternating: man-woman-man-woman... This will make the answers more interesting!

The first player takes out a card with a question and reads it aloud to his neighbor at the table.

He takes, without looking into the box, the sheet with the answer and also reads it out.

Sometimes the question-answer coincidences are very funny)))

Questions could be like this (assuming that the company is close and everything is on a first-name basis):

— Do you like watching horror films?
— Can you say that you like shopping? (it doesn’t matter whether a man or a woman answers here)
—Are you often hungry?
-Can you look me in the eyes and smile?
— What do you say when you step on people’s feet in public transport?
— How do you react to your friends’ clothing experiments?
- Tell me, do you like me?
— Do people often knock on your door at night?
— Is it true that your husband/wife likes to look at other people’s women/men?
— Do you like to swim under the moon?
- Why do you smile so mysteriously?
— Is it true that you preferred to go to the village rather than to the Maldives?
— Why do you sometimes travel on public transport without a ticket?
—Have you ever read thick books?
— In an unfamiliar company you can easily find common language with guests?
— Are you a fan of exotic cuisine?
— Does alcohol often appear on your table?
-Can you deceive me right now?
— Do you like to walk on rooftops? hometown?
— Why are you afraid of small dogs?
— When you were a child, did you sneak into your neighbors’ house to pick raspberries?
- If the phone rings now and they say that you have won a trip to the sea, will you believe it?
— Do others like your cooking?
— Why are you afraid to drink milk?
— Do you like receiving gifts?
— Do you like to give gifts?
- Would you like a drink right now?
— Do you rest a lot at work?
- Why did you ask for my photo?
— Do you like to eat meat products?
—Are you a very temperamental person?
— Why do you eat pickled bread crusts on Sundays?
-Can you lend me a thousand dollars right now?
— Do you often wink at strangers in public transport?
— Do you like to take a bath in your clothes?
- Do you really want to answer my question now?
— Do you like to dance with married men/married women?
— Why did you say that you have to eat a lot when visiting?
—Have you ever woken up in an unfamiliar bed?
— Why do you call throwing a pebble from a balcony at passers-by your favorite sport?
— Do you often delegate your work to others?
— Why do you like watching striptease so much?
— Do you like to eat delicious food when visiting?
— Do you often meet each other on the street?
— Do you fall asleep at work?
— Why do you hide your age?
— Do you snore at night?
— Do you like fried herring?
-Have you ever run away from a policeman?
— Are you afraid of taxi drivers?
— Do you often promise too much?
— Do you like to scare others?
- If I kiss you now, what will your reaction be?
— Do you like my smile?
-Can you tell me your secret?
— Do you like to draw?
— Why do you often take time off from work?

Sample answers:

“I can’t live a day without this.”
- How can I live without this?!
-Only on your birthday.
- When not at home, why not.
- I won’t tell you this now.
- Not now.
“I’m embarrassed to answer anything now.”
— Ask my husband/wife.
- Only when I'm well rested.
- I can, but only on Mondays.
- Don't put me in an awkward position.
— I’ve loved this business since childhood.
- Well, yes... things happen to me...
- I can rarely afford it.
- Yes, I am capable of anything for your sake!
- If I rest, then yes.
- Who doesn’t it happen to?
— I’ll tell you about this a little later.
- Fortunately, yes.
- If they really ask me.
- Nowadays this is not a sin.
- Do you really think that I will tell the truth?
- As an exception.
— After a glass of champagne.
- So I told you the truth just now!
- This is my cherished dream.
- Let's dance better!
- Unfortunately no.
- This is my passion!
— I’ll tell you about it when you give me your phone number.
- With great pleasure!
- I blushed - this is the answer.
- And I'm proud of it.
— My years are my pride.
- I can’t stand it.
- How dare you ask me about this?!
- Only if they pay me.
- How can you miss such an opportunity?
- Only in the mornings.
- It's quite simple.
- If I get a salary.
- How could it be different?
- Of course!
“I’ll say this only face to face.”
- Exclusively on holidays.
- How great it is!
- They told me it was good.
- Only in good company.
— I consider this a political issue.
- Who do you take me for?!
- And you guessed it.
- Let me kiss you better.
- Only when no one is looking.
- You're embarrassing me.
- If there is no other way out.
“And you’ve been trying to ask me about this all evening?”
- And at least now I can tell you the same thing.

Two truths and a lie

This fun competition at the table for an adult company does not require any preparation. Best suited for a company where the participants do not know each other very well.

Each player must say three statements or facts about themselves. Two true, one false. Listeners vote to decide which one is false. If they guess correctly, the player (the liar) wins nothing. If you guess wrong, you receive a small prize.

Variant of this: everyone writes down their statements on pieces of paper, marking the false ones, give them to the presenter (the host of the party), and he reads them out in turn.

One more?

Several competitions for a drinking group that wants to become even more drunk.

Find the crocodile

This game can be played during other games, as an additional game. It essentially lasts the whole evening, but at the very beginning you need to tell the guests its rules.

At some point in the party, the host secretly gives one of the guests (the “hunter”) a clothespin (crocodile) and he must attach it discreetly to the clothes of a “victim” he has arbitrarily chosen (or put it in a lady’s purse or a man’s jacket pocket). Then he gives a sign to the leader that the task is completed.

As soon as the clothespin has found a new owner, the presenter says, “The crocodile has escaped!” Who did he get into? and starts counting out loud from 10 to one. Guests are looking to see if they are the target of a prank.

If, within 10 seconds of the countdown, the “victim” finds a lurking “crocodile hidden in a bag or clinging to his collar,” the “hunter” drinks the penalty glass. If he doesn’t find it, the “victim” must drink.

You can limit the search area (the crocodile only clings to clothing) or give it more time.

Drinking alphabet chain

To conduct the competition you need: glasses with your favorite drinks, memory for names and knowledge of the alphabet.

The game goes in circles. The first player names the celebrity's first and last name. The next person must also name a celebrity whose name begins with the first letter of the previous one.

To make it clearer, look at the example:

The first player makes a wish for Cameron Diaz. The second by Dmitry Kharatyan. Third Hugh Grant. The fourth is by Georgy Vitsin. And so on.

You can name any famous people, politicians, actors, athletes. A player who cannot find the correct name within 5 seconds (approximately) must drink his glass. Then the glass is filled, and the turn passes to the next player.

The longer the game lasts, the more difficult it is to select new names (you cannot repeat yourself), the fun and company are rapidly gaining degrees.

Insert your two cents

The organizer of the competition needs to prepare sheets with phrases that are far from the theme of the feast or birthday. Give each guest a card with a phrase at the very beginning of the party.

Phrases could be:

The task of each participant is to insert “their” phrase into the conversation so that others do not understand that this is a phrase from a piece of paper. After the player has said his phrase, he needs to wait a minute, after which he says “Win!!!” During this time, any other guest who, during the conversation, suspects that a phrase from the sheet was uttered can try to incriminate the player. He must repeat the phrase that he thinks was used. Of course, there is a chance that he will not guess correctly.

If the accuser makes a mistake, he drinks a “penalty glass.” If you guess correctly, then a penalty kick is awarded to the person who was caught using the phrase from the sheet.

Guess the brand

If the company name is included in the slogan, then you can shorten it. For example: Who goes where, and I (to Sberkassa). This slogan is included in the retro section of our list. In a young company, you can at least invite guests to guess whose advertising slogan it might be. You can come up with hints or several possible answers.

For example: Who goes where, and I... (at VDNKh, to Moskvoshway, to get married, to Sberbank).

Find your soul mate

If the company is about half women and men, then you can play this game. Although, it will fit, with some degree of conditionality, in other cases.

To do this, you need to prepare small cards in advance on which to write the names of famous couples. One name per card. For example:

  • Romeo and Juliet;
  • Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin;
  • Dolphin and mermaid;
  • Twix stick and Twix stick;
  • Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt...

Each guest receives a card with a name - this is his “image”.

Task: everyone must find their soul mate by asking the other guests in turn questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” Direct questions like “Is your name Angelina?” or “are you Brad’s wife”? prohibited. Questions like “Do you have children with your significant other?” are allowed; “Are you and your significant other married?”; “Do you and your significant other live in...?”

The winners are those who find their soul mate by asking minimum quantity questions. The more cards of pairs you prepare, the better. Since only half of the guests will play in the first round (when they find their soul mate, they are deprived of the opportunity to look for theirs). Therefore, after the first round, new cards are dealt and the second round begins.

Option: in the first circle they are looking for a woman's soul mate, in the second - men.

Do you have..?

This game is suitable for big company and for celebrating a variety of holidays.

The company is divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. We must try to have the same number of women in each.

The presenter, starting with the words “Do you have...?”, reads out the list of things you are looking for. Members of each team need to find this thing and show it to the leader.

Team members search in pockets and purses, those who find them show the item they are looking for, the team gets a point for each item found. For one named item, the team gets only one point (no matter how many five-thousandth bills the team members have, the team can only get one point for the item with the bill).

So, do you have...?

  • 5000 ruble banknote;
  • notebook;
  • photo of the child;
  • mint chewing gum;
  • candy;
  • pencil;
  • keychain with at least 7 keys;
  • penknife;
  • 7 (or 5) credit cards per person;
  • small change in the amount of at least 95 rubles (for one person);
  • hand cream;
  • flash drive;
  • nail polish;
  • shoe sponge...

The list of things can be supplemented at will.

Play and have fun with your guests at the festive table!

Don’t forget that each competition can be creatively reworked to suit your company.

Let this day be remembered by your friends not only delicious dishes, but also the funniest and coolest competitions.

Eat! Drink! And don't be bored!

When a large and noisy company gathers for your birthday, you always want to play some fun games. Your guests will not be bored at your party. We have selected fun competitions suitable for both a large noisy company and a close group. You can hold our cool competitions both outdoors and at home. Have fun, relax, play fun games and your friends will remember your birthday for a long time.

1. Best competition "Blowing the Balloon"
An inflatable ball is placed in the middle of the table. The two participants are blindfolded and sit down at the table. They are invited to compete in blowing up this balloon. Carefully remove the ball and place a plate generously filled with flour in its place. When they begin to blow forcefully on this plate, they are amazed, and when their eyes are untied, they are indescribably delighted.

2. Competition "Fun Replacement"
The competition requires a girl and a guy. The girl lies down and the host lays out cookies and nuts (anything edible, but not large) on her. Meanwhile, the guy is blindfolded and told that with his eyes closed and without his hands he must eat the girl’s food. The trick is that during the explanation of the competition, the girl is replaced by a guy (discussed in advance). With the host's permission to begin the competition, the guy begins to get creative, collecting pieces of food, unaware of the replacement.
He begins to suspect that something is wrong only when a wild laugh is heard))))

3. Competition "Touchables"
The boys take turns entering the room with the girls. Boys must be blindfolded and have their hands behind their backs. The young man needs to guess all the girls who are present. Your hands are tied behind you, you have to use your head in the literal sense of the word. Everyone just falls out of laughter when a young man simply sniffs, licks, or does something else with her.
At the end of the competition, the total is calculated: how many correct and incorrect answers there are. Based on this, first place is awarded .

4. Adult competition "Train Schedule"
Required: a bottle of vodka and a train schedule.
The presenter announces: “The next station is Lanskaya” (for example). Everyone drinks a glass. Next - “Next station - Udelnaya”. Everyone drinks another glass. Gradually, the participants “leave” the route, and the one who goes further wins...

5. Fun competition "Cucumber"
One driver is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle (shoulder to shoulder). Moreover, the players’ hands should be behind. The essence of the game: you need to pass a cucumber behind your back unnoticed by the host and at each opportunity take a bite out of it. And the driver’s task is to guess whose hands the cucumber is in. If the leader guesses right, then the player he caught takes his place.
The fun competition continues until the cucumber is eaten. It's a lot of fun!!!

6. Competition "Burglars"
Necessary: many different keys and 2-3 locks.
Participants in the competition are given a bunch of keys and a locked padlock.
Necessary As quickly as possible, pick up the key from the bunch and open the lock. You can put a lock on the cabinet where the prize is hidden.

7. Competition "Dress each other"
This is a team competition. Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple chooses a pre-prepared package containing a set of clothes (the number and complexity of items must be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the pair must put clothes on the other from the package he received by touch in one minute. The winner is the couple that “dresses” faster and more correctly than others. It's fun when there are two men in a couple and they get a bag of purely women's clothing!

8. Best competition "Balls"
The number of players is not limited, but the more the better. Composition - better equally: girl/boy. Props - a long inflatable balloon (sausage type)
The ball is squeezed between the legs. Then it should be transferred to other participants without hands in the same place.
Who loses - a fine (set by the company)
To make the competition fun, you can split into two teams.

9. Fun competition "Horses"
Need several pairs and large room where there are no breakable objects. In the future, everything resembles a competition that is well known to everyone since childhood, one sits opposite the other and... And then a piece of paper with a written word is attached to the person sitting on his back. The players must read what is written on the backs of the opponent’s pair and, at the same time, not allow their own to be read.

10. Competition "Transfusion"
Place two glasses on a table (chair or other surface). There is a straw nearby (well, through which they drink). The task of the competition participants is to pour water from one glass into another as quickly as possible.
You can use something alcoholic instead of water, but there is a danger that after pouring there may be nothing left in another glass. :))

11. Cool competition "Barrel of Beer"
For the competition you need to purchase a 5-liter keg of beer (for example, “Baltika”).
A judge is appointed and everyone is invited.
The goal of the competition is to grab the barrel from above with one hand and hold it suspended for as long as possible. Whoever can hold the barrel the longest gets it as a reward.
Believe me, not everyone will be able to hold it in their hands, although it seems very easy.

12. Competition "Alcohol relay race"
Required: 2 chairs and 2 bottles of wine
Two teams with an equal number of participants are assembled. At the end of the hall there are two chairs, and on the chairs a bottle of wine (vodka) and a glass. The first participants run up to the chairs, pour a glass, run back and stand at the end. The next participants run up and drink the contents of the glasses. The next ones run up and pour again - etc.
Winner: the team whose bottle empties the fastest.
It is recommended to dial odd number participants.

13. Fun game "Football"
A string with something heavy at the end (for example, a potato) is tied to the participants' belts. Each participant is given a box of matches or something similar. The task is to swing a tied object, you need to hit a matchbox and thereby move it along the floor. You can come up with a route around the chair, or just in a straight line.
Winner: Who will reach the finish line first?

14. Cool competition "Collect kisses" for a large company
Two (male) persons are invited to participate.
The goal of the competition is to run around all the guests in a certain amount of time and collect as many kisses as possible. The results of the competition are determined by counting kiss marks on the cheeks.
Winner: owner of more traces. .

15. Competition "Guess where the vodka is"
5-6 men are invited and each is given a glass of water and only one glass contains vodka. To the music, everyone takes turns drinking the contents, trying not to show with emotion that they have drunk.
And other players must guess by facial expression who drank the vodka.

16. Competition "Who can sew faster"
Two teams of players must quickly “seam” all team members to each other. Instead of a needle, a spoon is used, to which a thread or twine is tied. You can “sew on” through a strap, a strap, a loop on your trousers, in a word, through something that will not offend your partner’s dignity.

17. Best competition at the birthday party "Sweet Tooth Drum"
Props: a bag of sucking candies. Two people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag, putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed) and after each candy they call their opponent “Sweet Tooth Drum.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and at the same time clearly says the magic phrase wins

18. Competition "Tear off the hat"
Two players can compete, or two teams can compete. A circle is drawn. The circle includes players, each of them left hand tied to the body, and on the head is a hat.
The task is simple and difficult - to take off the enemy’s hat and not allow him to take off his own. For each cap removed, the team receives a point.

19. Fun competition "What's behind you?"
Clear pictures (drawings) and paper circles with numbers, for example: 96, 105, etc., are pinned on the backs of two opponents. The players converge in a circle, stand on one leg, tuck the other under the knee and hold it with their hand. The task is to stand, jump on one leg, look behind the opponent’s back, see the number and see what is drawn in the picture.
Winner: the one who first “deciphered” the enemy.

20. Birthday game "Push the Cannonball"
Required: balloons, chalk
1/3 cup of water is poured into several balloons. The balloons are then inflated to the same size. In the room (hall), circles with a diameter of 1.5 meters are drawn with chalk.
Balloon- the participant must push the “core” as far as possible, as is done in athletics. The one who pushed it the farthest wins.

21. Fun game "Blow on the Box"
Empty the box of matches. Pull it out halfway and, putting it to your mouth, blow hard. The box can fly quite far. Hold an "air shooters" competition. With this paper box flying out of the box you can:

  • try to get into the small circle outlined in chalk,
  • shoot down a light paper target,
  • get the box into a basket installed on the floor,
  • try to set a record, i.e. “blow” the box through some kind of bar.

22. Cool competition "Who is faster?"
Necessary: 2 empty boxes
The players are divided into two teams. The presenter gives two empty boxes without an inner paper drawer. Task: quickly pass the boxes to your teammates...with your nose. If the box falls, it is picked up, put on the nose, and the competition continues. Everything seems simple, but you can’t do it without dexterity.

You must choose two adults who are blindfolded. They need to be seated at the table and the rules of the game explained.

The task is to inflate the balloon. As soon as the eyes are blindfolded, replace the ball with a plate of flour. During the game, the participants will definitely be amazed, and when their eyes are untied, they will receive a positive charge.

A cheerful replacement girl will surprise the player

Need to pick up beautiful girl. It should lie on a pre-agreed surface. You need to put something edible on the girl. A guy is selected who will have to eat all the food that will be on the girl during the time.

The guy needs to be blindfolded. At this time, another guy takes the girl’s place. The player does not need to talk about this - this secret will be revealed amidst wild laughter. If your company values ​​a sense of humor, it will be indescribably delighted with such a prank.

Get to know a girl using your sense of smell and sense of humor

There must be girls in the room. The young men are taken in with their hands and eyes blindfolded. The guys' task is to guess the girls' names without using their hands. To do this, you will have to get used to it and use your head. The participant who guesses the most girls will win.

We follow a certain route while drunk

For this competition you need to take a bottle of vodka or other alcoholic drink and a train schedule. When announcing a certain station, you need to drink a glass of alcoholic beverage. The most persistent ones will reach the last station. Women in this game can be offered weaker alcoholic drinks.

A fun competition for an adult company with a cucumber

Participants should stand in a tight circle and hide their hands behind their backs. A presenter is selected. Participants pass the cucumber behind their backs and, if possible, bite off a piece. The presenter must guess who is holding the cucumber. If he did this, then he stands in a circle, and the player with the cucumber is the new leader.

You need to play until at least a piece of the cucumber remains, so you first need to choose the largest possible vegetable.

Fun competitions for a drunk group of adults

A difficult task in selecting keys for a single lock

A specific time is agreed upon. Two participants are selected and given a bunch of keys. Each participant also receives a padlock.

One of the keys must fit the lock. Whoever can open the lock first wins. You can make the competition even more interesting if you attach a lock to the closet, where a pleasant surprise will be hidden.

Team competition to dress a partner for prizes

You need to first prepare two bags of clothes. Participants are blindfolded. The essence of the competition is to achieve the maximum short term put on your partner. After a specified period of time, participants are untied and assessed how correctly they put on their partners.

Pass the sausage-shaped ball or lose

Playing a funny game “Horses” for a group of adults

It is advisable that there are no breakable objects in the room where the game is played. Adults must sit opposite each other and pieces of paper are attached to their backs.

Competition with a straw to pour liquid into a glass

You need to put two glasses with any liquid (you can take an alcoholic drink). The player's task is to pour liquid from one container to another. Several people can participate in this competition and whose glass is full first wins.

When pouring liquid, use a straw. Funny and cool birthday contests require specially prepared prizes. IN in this case You can provide an alcoholic drink as a gift.


Entertaining a noisy group with funny quizzes

Endurance game with a full five-liter keg of beer

You will need one five-liter keg of beer. One judge is appointed and invites participants.

Men are asked to hold a keg of beer with one hand from above. Whoever holds it longer wins the prize. The keg of beer can be replaced with another heavy object, which will later become a prize.

We go through the alcohol relay race with humor and positivity

The participants’ task is to drink all the alcohol that will be allocated to their team as quickly as possible. However, not everything is so simple. The first participant must pour a glass of alcohol and run back, the second must drink it, and the third must pour it again.

To make this game more fun and for everyone to drink a glass of drink, you need to choose an odd number of participants.

Reach the finish line first and win a prize

Each participant needs to tie a rope with something heavy, such as a potato, around their waist. You need to take a small box or even a matchbox and, hitting the box with it, be the first to move it to the finish line. The route must be agreed upon in advance. The winner is given an original and funny gift.

Collecting the largest number of kisses from holiday guests

Men must participate in this competition. Within a certain time they must run around all the guests and collect greatest number kisses. It’s very good if a trace of lipstick remains after kissing. Whoever collects the most kisses wins.

Guessing the alcoholic drink in a glass based on emotions

Up to ten men can participate in the competition. First you need to put identical glasses of water. One of the glasses should contain vodka. No one should know where the glass of vodka is.

Participants in the competition are asked to drink the contents of a glass without showing any emotions. Guests of the holiday must guess who drank the vodka.

Contests and competitions for guests with a sense of humor

“Sew” your neighbor at speed without a needle and thread

The players need to be divided into two teams. Each of them is given a spoon with a long thread. You need to “seam” all the players to each other as quickly as possible.

You can sew on your team members by the belt or sleeve or other protruding parts of clothing. The thread used in this game should be very strong.

Competition with lollipops and friendly name-calling of the opponent

Prepare two containers of caramels in advance. Two players are selected. Each of them must take a candy into his mouth and call his opponent. Candies should not be chewed or swallowed! With each name-calling, there will be more candy in your mouth and it will be more difficult to pronounce the words clearly.

The winner is the one who, with the most candy in his mouth, can pronounce the words clearly.

Intensified fight for the opponent's hat on team

Two people can play this competition. You can have a team competition. You need to draw a circle in which the players are located. Everyone has a hat on their head, and one hand is immobilized.

To win this competition, you need to rip off your opponent's hat and try to keep yours on your head. If the game is played by teams, each cap is equal to a point. Hats with brims are ideal for this competition.

Decipher your opponent while standing on one leg

Any number of people can participate in the competition. Everyone needs to attach a picture with a drawing and a number to their back. All players must stand in a circle. One leg should be tucked and held with your hand.

Standing in this position, the player must look at what is drawn on the back of his opponent and at the same time not show what is on him. You cannot go beyond the outlined circle.

Fun game with water balloons

You need to take several balloons, which are filled one-third with water. After this, you need to inflate the balloons a little. Circles are drawn in the hall, the diameter of which will be at least a meter. The players' task is to push the ball as far as possible and get into the circle. The competition is best held outdoors.

Game with a matchbox for accuracy and clarity

We empty several boxes of matches. Pull the box halfway out and blow into it. The box can fly relatively far.
Hold a competition to see who can hit a certain target or circle with a box, which is pre-defined on the floor.

You can come up with funny and cool competitions at the table for adults’ birthdays yourself, changing the rules of the game. So, instead of a box, you can take a piece of paper.

Cool competition for speed with paper boxes

We prepare two empty boxes. They should not have an inner drawer. Players must pass the boxes using their noses. If the box falls, it is put on the nose and again passed to another person, while receiving a penalty point. Despite its simplicity, winning this competition is not so easy and requires dexterity, resourcefulness and attentiveness.

Well, our magazine picked up best competitions, quizzes, jokes for small fun company.

The main thing in the article

Modern table fun competitions for a small cheerful company of adults

The beginning of a feast is always characterized by a little awkwardness, since familiar people do not always gather at the table. Therefore, proceed to cool competitions and it’s too early for fun with “interesting” subtext. Great for starting the fun intellectual competitions, where a sober mind is still involved.

  • Questions and answers. Prepare papers with questions and answers in advance. For example, questions: “Do you drink often?”, “Do you like to laugh at others?” answers: “Thinking about it makes me ecstatic” or “If no one sees.” On the Internet you can find thousands of questions and answers for this game. Having prepared the pieces of paper in advance, separate them and let those sitting at the table choose a piece of paper from each “pile”. All guests must take turns reading their question and answer.
  • Fanta. Everyone present takes one item (keys, ring, watch). Everything fits into one bag. Each of those present makes a task that must be completed by the one whose item the presenter pulls out of the bag.
  • Not really. Depending on the type of activity or passion of those gathered, choose a topic (animals, movies, colleagues). Someone alone makes a guess about an animal or a person on the topic and answers the questions of those gathered only yes or no. Everyone else asks leading questions and guesses the mystery.

Table quizzes for a small group of adults

Interesting fact: For the first time such a concept as a quiz appeared in our country as a column in the Ogonyok newspaper in 1928. Afterwards, intellectual competitions began to be held in schools, universities educational institutions and even on television in the form of a TV show (Field of Miracles, What? Where? When?).

Today, quizzes are actively used at dinner gatherings to entertain adult groups. The most popular include:

  • Ask a question. Cards with humorous questions and answers are prepared in advance. They are placed in two piles. The first participant takes the card with the question and reads it. The person sitting next to you must take the answer card and answer asked question. Next, the person who answered takes a card with a question, and so in a circle, all the guests must answer funny questions.
  • Historical bones. Those gathered are given two dice. Each of the guests throws the dice, and when a certain number comes up, he tells what significant event happened in the year ending with the number that fell out. For example, if the dice roll is 2, the player must tell what significant thing he remembers from 1982, 1992 or 2002.
  • Guess. Each of those present writes his wish on a piece of paper. All notes are placed in a jar. The presenter takes out one piece of paper and reads the wishes. The guest who wrote is silent, and everyone else is trying to guess who made such a wish.

Funny jokes for a cheerful group of adults

You can make fun of those present at the feast, thereby raising the spirits of everyone around you. For example:

  • A funny argument. You can bet with someone invited that you can drink 10 or even 20 cups of tea with lemon (the more daring ones might suggest drinking weak alcohol with lemon). The joke is that a whole lemon goes into a cup, so there is very little liquid in it.
  • Mind reading. Pieces of songs are prepared in advance. The host approaches each guest and seems to read their thoughts, and at this time excerpts from songs are played (“I want to get married, I want to get married...”, “Take me quickly, take me 100 seas away and kiss me everywhere...”, “Walk crazy.” Empress..."). It turns out very funny and fun.
  • Boxers. Choose from those present two guys with a strong physique who don’t mind testing their strength. Give them boxing gloves and “prepare” them for battle. When the gloves are tied, the presenter will have to give the guys each chocolate candy and say that the first one to unwind the candy in boxing gloves will win.

Table humorous competitions and games for a group of colleagues at a corporate event

No company can do without corporate events. It is these events that allow colleagues to get to know each other better and open up in completely unexpected ways. Team competitions with symbolic gifts are usually used for this purpose.

  • Tell a story. The competition is aimed at writing funny story. If colleagues are sitting at one long table, then you can make two teams on the right and left side table. The presenter writes on a piece of paper a word or sentence on a certain topic related to work, production, and relationships in the team. Next, the piece of paper is passed around the table and everyone writes 1-3 words on the topic. At the end, the presenter reads the resulting stories. Whose story is funnier is the team that wins.
  • Crocodile for colleagues. The game differs from a regular crocodile only in that everyone present writes their name and position on a piece of paper, which they put in one container. In turn, each colleague goes to the center, takes out a piece of paper and tries to imitate the colleague written on the piece of paper. The one who guesses goes to show the next colleague.
  • Kiss the bird (bunny). The players stand in a circle and say where they are kissing an imaginary bird (bunny); the places for kissing cannot be repeated. When the circle is completed, the leader announces that now everyone kisses their neighbor in the place where they kissed the bird (bunny).

Outdoor fun games for an adult small group

In an adult company, as the temperature rises, sexual energy heats up and games begin to acquire ambiguous overtones. Therefore, to have a fun time, you can invite those gathered to play outdoor games.

  • Track. The game involves two teams. It will be more interesting if it is a separate team of boys and girls. The rules of the competition provide for folding a path from the belongings of team members. In a drunk company, such a competition can lead to unexpected undressing. The team with the longest track wins.
  • Paste or fishing for adults. Several pairs are selected for the game. Men are given pencils tied to a rope, and girls clutch empty champagne bottles in their knees. The men's task is to hit the neck of the bottle with a pencil from a distance.
  • Guess where I am. A piece of paper with the location where they are located is attached to the contestants' backs. The presenter asks questions with leading words. The contestant must answer questions until he guesses where he is. You can watch this competition in the fun video below.

Table jokes and fun games for an elderly group

Elderly people also like to have a good rest, but competitions with double meaning are not always appropriate in such companies. Therefore, you can offer people to play for... such games.

  • Fun dressing up. You need to prepare a bag with props in advance. Place hats, cool glasses, handkerchiefs, bibs, hospital masks, caps, children's scarves, clown noses, etc. in the bag. Now the host should approach each guest and invite him to take out a little thing and try it on. All guests must remain in their attire until the end of the game.
  • Why did I come to the holiday. Funny answers are prepared to the question: “Why did I come to the holiday?” (to eat, to walk a new dress, it was boring at home). The papers are distributed to those present, who take turns answering why they came to the holiday.

Funny table competitions and games for a small group of women

Women's small companies not only gossip at the table, but also have fun in competitions and different games. The topics of fashion, gifts, family, and boyfriends will be relevant. Play beautiful world this can be done in such games:

  • Smile. 3-5 girls are selected from the company and each of them is given the task of smiling:
    - to a loved one;
    - as if I had won a million;
    - as if I saw an expensive gift, etc.
    The remaining company of ladies must guess what formed the basis of the smile they saw.
  • Women's handbag. Props are prepared in advance for this competition. Various things are put into the bag (keys, cosmetics, accessories, not exactly feminine things). The woman participating in the competition is blindfolded. She takes an object out of her purse with one hand and tries to guess what it is. The other hand cannot be used.
  • Fashionistas. The girls are given lipsticks or lip pencils. Blindfolded, everyone must paint their lips or make a contour with a pencil. For more fun, you can offer to paint each other's lips.

Table entertainment for a drunken, cheerful company

The fun begins when the company gets a little tipsy. Then shyness and stiffness “hide”. Such a company can be offered the following options for competitions and “intellectual” quizzes.

  • Sobriety test. Have tipsy people sitting at the table take a sobriety test. To do this, ask everyone to repeat the tongue twister or difficult words(router, lilac, etc.). Since the host or presenter may also be slightly tipsy, for this competition it is better to prepare pieces of paper with tongue twisters written on them.
  • A sea of ​​vodka. The glasses for guests who agree to play this game are filled with water and only one with vodka. Everyone is given a straw. While drinking the drink in glasses, guests try to guess where the vodka is. The same “lucky guy” who got vodka does his best to pretend that he is drinking water.
  • Deer. One of the company is taken to another room and asked to show the deer to those present without words. At the same time, ask everyone present to pretend that they do not understand who the previously brought out person is showing. With his attempts to show the deer, the guest will cause a storm of laughter and positive emotions from tipsy guests. Instead of a deer, you can wish for a kangaroo, a hare or any other interesting animal.

Fun video competitions for wedding feasts

Fun activities for house guests for a birthday or anniversary

To keep your guests from getting bored at your party, offer them fun competitions and games.

  • Chamomile. Very popular. An improvised daisy is made from cardboard. Various tasks for guests are written on the sheets of paper (depict a March cat, kiss the person sitting third on the left side of the table, etc.). The guest tears off a petal and completes the task written on it.
  • Who am I? Prepared in advance funny pictures with various funny funny characters, animals, cartoons. Cards are also made with questions of the following nature: “In the morning I look like..”, “At work I’m like...”, etc. After the question has been read, the reader picks up the card with the picture and shows it to those present.
  • Who knows the birthday boy (hero) better? The presenter asks questions about the birthday person or hero of the day (year of birth, favorite dish, what weight he was born with). Each person who answers correctly is given an imaginary coin. The one who collects the most coins wins.

Family feast: comic competitions, games, quizzes for the family

Since a family feast involves the presence of both the youngest guests and older people, competitions should be universal and appeal to all relatives present. You can invite your relatives to play the following games:

  • Guess. The participant is blindfolded and a plate with some object is placed in front of him. Using a fork, the participant must recognize what is on the plate.
  • I look like... The game consists of preparing questions based on “I look like” (at work I look like..., in the morning I look like...) and put them in one little bag. In another, answers are prepared: elephant, hedgehog, bus, etc. Each participant draws out a question and answer, after which the funny combination is read out loud.
  • Guess the proverb. The presenter thinks of an inverted proverb, and those present must guess it. Here are some examples of proverbs.