Dream interpretation winding road. Why do you dream about the road according to the dream book?

Every day, in one way or another, we find ourselves on the road that leads us to work, home, on business, to our loved ones. What does it mean if you dream about the road at night? To interpret similar dream, let’s turn for help to the most authoritative dream books of our time.

Why do you dream about the road?: dream book of Gustav Miller

This dream book states that in a dream it is very important to pay attention to what the dreamed road looks like. If you are moving along an unfamiliar and rocky road, then in reality you will face things that will bring trouble or will simply be a waste of your time. If you see a lot of trees or flowers on the sides of the road, then real life unexpected luck may smile on you. If you walk along the road side by side with friends, this is a symbol of great family happiness and prosperity. If you lose your way in a dream, then you risk making a serious mistake in business or at work. Such a dream signals the need to be more vigilant and diligent in business.

Why do you dream about the road?: Vanga's dream book

If you dream of a crooked road, then this is clear evidence of your bad thoughts or actions. Think about it, perhaps you are not going in the right direction, for which you may pay. If in a dream you see a straight and wide road, then in real life you have chosen the right, although at times difficult, path that will allow you to have a strong family, a stable job and material well-being. If the road in your dream is deserted, then most likely in reality you suffer from loneliness. If you pave the way, then through perseverance, perseverance and work you will achieve great heights in life. If the road you walk along in a dream is dusty, then in reality you are surrounded by evil and deceitful people who possible ways trying to harm you and discredit your good name. If the road in a dream is narrow, then your path to happiness and prosperity will be difficult, but in the end you will be able to achieve what you want.

Why do you dream about the road?: intimate dream book

This dream book states that the road you dreamed about is a reflection of your life path. If the road is not smooth, but, on the contrary, consists entirely of bumps and potholes, then your personal life is very confusing and difficult. You have to constantly overcome obstacles and barriers, the occurrence of which in most cases is your own fault. If the road is flat and smooth, and ideally goes uphill, then very soon you will achieve everything you want.

Why do you dream about the road?: old French dream book

If in a dream your road is replete with obstacles and it is difficult for you to walk along it, then in real life the path to achieving your goal will be far from easy. If the road is beautiful and shady, then your life will be long and serene. If the road is full of twists and turns, then failure awaits you. Why do you dream about a straight road? Such a dream is a very good sign and foretells quick success and the fulfillment of your desires. Also, close happiness is symbolized by what you see in a dream. railway.

When you see a road in a dream, try to remember as many details of your dream as possible, because... when interpreting it from several dream books at once, every detail is important. Be sure to look in the dream book for other “objects” from your dream. Only by putting together all your memories can you interpret your dream and get a unified picture of what it portends...
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: Road

  • Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are carefully hiding something. And in vain. Only the intervention of any person in your affairs will help you.
    Paving a road in a dream means that in the future you will make a great discovery, which will earn the respect of a large number of people. If you dreamed that you had many assistants, then such a dream suggests that unknown, very rich lands will be discovered in the not too distant future.
    Seeing three parallel roads at the same time in a dream is a sign that you are in danger car accident which will happen through your fault. IN in this dream number 3 can be interpreted in different ways: 1) it means the number of people injured in the accident; 2) three cars will collide in an accident and 3) the accident will occur at an intersection.
    Seeing a crooked road in a dream is a sign that your future life will be unstable. Perhaps such a dream means that an incompetent person is in power in the state in which you live. This ruler is gradually destroying the state because he knows absolutely nothing about economics and politics.
    Walking along a dusty road in a dream is evidence that in the future you will fall under the influence of bad people who will try to convince you to join their sect. If you dreamed that you were walking along a dusty road large number people, then such a dream means that in the future a large and very influential sect will appear in the world, the goal of which will be to lure as many people as possible into it.
    Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a good omen. You are walking on the right road, although different from the roads of other people. Such a dream indicates that you are a bright, original personality who will achieve great success in your life.
    Walking along a cobblestone road in a dream is a sign that in the future you will do something bad, for which you will regret your whole life. Most likely, you will even be sure that for this sin you will go to hell after death.
  • Freud's Dream Book: Road

  • A road in a dream most often symbolizes your fear of death, but it can also symbolize your other fears and phobias.
    A fork in the road is an independent symbol and speaks of your difficulties that arise when choosing or changing a sexual partner.
    A crossroads symbolizes sudden changes in your sex life, and it is not at all necessary that these changes will be in better side.
  • Hasse's Dream Interpretation: Road

  • Life without worries;
    direct - slow execution of plans;
    bad-uneven - obstacles;
    paved - luck will come later;
    very difficult - you have the only opportunity to achieve the goal;
    a forking road - a difficult choice between good and evil.
  • Vanga's Dream Book: Road

  • Seeing a crooked road in a dream is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions make you want the best. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. If you don’t come to your senses, then two paths await you: to the cemetery or to prison.
    If you dreamed of a straight, wide road, then in real life you are on the right, albeit not entirely easy, path. After some time, you will have a stable job, a stable financial situation and a beloved family.
    Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands or loves you, but this is far from the case. Find peace by turning to God, and your life will improve.
    Paving a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life, becoming a truly great person. But having achieved high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remembering your hard times.
    If in a dream you are walking along a dusty road, this means that there are many deceitful people around you. evil people, seeking to harm you by any means, discrediting your good name in the eyes of your loved ones.
    Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a prophecy that you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and financial situation. But everything will work out in the end.
    Walking along a cobblestone road in a dream is a sign that you are walking a slow but sure path towards your goal.
  • Miller's Dream Book: Road

  • Traveling along a rocky, unfamiliar road in a dream means new things to do, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time.
    A road with trees and flowers growing along the sides portends unexpected luck.
    If you are accompanied by friends while walking along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family home, where the children will be happy and the husband and wife will be devoted to each other.
    Losing your way in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and will suffer financial losses as a result.

    Which you can’t get out of your head, why not find out its meaning in the most known to the world interpreters? After all, maybe a person’s consciousness is simply not yet capable of understanding and perceiving everything that is perceived by the subconscious. And there is nothing wrong with listening to the signals of your own subconscious.

    A dream related to the road: what could it mean?

    In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to highlight the main details that most attracted the attention of the sleeper. And if in your dream the road was rather a secondary object, special attention You shouldn’t pay attention to it; it’s better to find the meaning of the main objects of your dream that appeared in it and influenced the course of events that caused your emotional reaction.

    Why might you dream about the road? A dream about a road can only be interpreted after detailed analysis and other objects and details of your dream. Any detail can be important: was the road narrow or wide, was it a real highway or does it look more like a path. But most often, a dream about a road does not foreshadow distant events; it talks about present affairs, about situations that worry you here and now, about events that will occur from day to day.

    The road may only appear as part of the landscape in your dream and be a secondary symbol. In this case, it is better to look in the dream book for the meaning of more meaningful and memorable objects.

    When looking for an answer to the question of what the road is about in a dream, you need to understand that often such an image is a reflection of the perception of your own life. Thus, a wide and flat modern highway is a symbol of a stable, prosperous life. But let us also consider it taking into account some clarifying details.

    Why do you dream about a long road?

    So, why do you dream long journey? Such a dream may mean that your goals are unattainable. Or that your idea will be very difficult to implement, so be prepared to work hard and for a long time to achieve the desired level of results.

    In search of an answer to the question of why you dream about a long and distant road, you should also pay attention to how you saw it. If it was smooth, beautiful, and climbed uphill, it means that we should expect climbs in real life, and an improvement in our material condition is possible. If the road slopes sharply downwards, you should expect some problems that will be associated with the implementation of your ideas.

    It’s good if you saw a flat and wide road with flowers along its entire length - such a dream suggests that good luck in business is just around the corner. So the answer to the question of what a new road means in a dream is the same - to success and long-term friendship with Lady Fortune.

    What if there were obstacles on the road?

    We don't always dream of a smooth road. If you saw her with serious obstacles that were so difficult for you to overcome, be prepared for some problems in real life. Why do you dream of a road strewn with stones? To problems and difficulties that you will very soon have to face face to face. Have you dreamed of a narrow road that looked more like a path? We will have to solve some serious problem based on sufficient disabilities. If the obstacle in your dream was animals or even people, then you will have to meet real rivals in life, and it is possible that they will cause you a lot of problems and worries. But if the road was covered with large puddles, be prepared to soon deal with minor everyday problems.

    The condition of the road also matters

    Why do you dream of an asphalt road covered with a thin layer of ice? This is your difficult, precarious position that you will find yourself in or have already found yourself in. If in a dream you move along such a difficult road without special effort and even with pleasure, it means that you will overcome the difficulties that already await you very easily, so there is no need to worry. If the road was covered with snow, then perhaps the business you started is not worth your efforts and time spent, or its result will not be as impressive as you would like.

    A road that constantly twists and turns promises you sharp turns of events in life, so you need to weigh every serious decision with special attention.

    Why do you dream about a dirty road? Only to losses and serious unrest. If you dreamed that you were walking along such a road, then you should reconsider your attitude towards close friends, because because of your actions you may lose them.

    And there are different types of roads

    Perhaps very soon all your most difficult and exciting problems will be solved if you dreamed of a modern asphalt track along which you rushed forward with the breeze.

    Strengthening relationships with a loved one or possible new romantic encounters for those who have not yet met their soulmate - this is what dreams of a beautiful and smooth road, surrounded by green grass and berries.

    If the grass near the road is so high that it does not allow you to walk or drive along it normally, then some difficulties await you, most likely in the material field, which you can overcome, but you will need to try.

    If along the road there was not only grass, but also high thorns, then such a road in a dream means intrigues on the part of the people around you. Perhaps your enemy is hiding under the mask of a friend, take a closer look at your surroundings.

    What did you do on the road in your dream?

    Often what is more significant is not the presence of a road in a dream, but your actions that you perform on it.

    If you dreamed that you were looking for a way for a long time, then you better prepare for minor disappointments. They are associated with circumstances that will not turn out the way you would like.

    You dreamed of road repairs or you yourself were engaged in repairing it, then you should weigh everything again if you are going to make a serious decision in the near future. Perhaps it’s worth reviewing it again and making practical adjustments so that the future result does not disappoint you.

    Did you cost a new road in your dream? Get ready for the fact that your level of popularity in some circles will soon increase significantly if you put the right effort into it.

    If you dreamed that you were going on a trip somewhere, then most likely in real life you are striving for change. Also, with such a dream, the subconscious can push you to take your spiritual and moral self-development more seriously.

    Why do you dream about so many roads, among which you are trying to determine the one you need? Not the most fun events await you soon, and therefore it would not hurt to make sure that at the right moment there will be people near you who will help, at least with their support and understanding. If in such a dream someone tells you the way, analyze this image more carefully: does it remind you of someone from your environment? It is from this person that you should expect help in difficult times, even if he is not the closest to you right now.

    If the dream was that you were seeing someone off on the road, but this did not make you feel sad, then your expectations in real life will not be met.

    What could a dream mean in which you are seen off? Try to remember how everything happened. If many people saw you off, there were flowers and even music, then, most likely, material losses await you. Did you feel sad? Then we should expect not the best events and incidents in the future.

    How did you get along the road?

    If you were driving somewhere, you should pay attention to the method of transportation, because it is very important in order to understand exactly what the road is about in your dream. Driving by car means very quick changes in life. If you were driving at that moment, then it is you who, through your actions, will provoke the upcoming changes. If you just stand and watch how cars drive quickly and easily along the road, then future changes do not depend on you at all. If you are crossing the road while cars are rushing along the road, it means that you are ready to take that step that can radically change your life, for example, throwing out everything unnecessary from your life.

    Why do you dream of a road that you quickly cross in a car against the rules? traffic? Such a dream promises very drastic changes that you did not even expect. If in a dream you drove safely, without problems or accidents, it means that in life such drastic changes will only be for the better.

    If you were running away somewhere...

    Running from someone, from something along the road in a dream is evidence of the manifestation of your desire for change. If you walked or ran along the road barefoot, remember how you felt? If you have experienced pleasure and freedom, then good luck awaits you in your affairs. But if the lack of shoes brought only discomfort or even pain, then get ready for the deterioration of your affairs.

    The road went down sharply and you couldn't stop while running along it? You cannot avoid material losses. But if the road climbed rapidly upward, and you were heading, albeit with difficulties, but still forward, then prosperity awaits you, ascent in all vital areas.

    If you dreamed that you were moving along the road at night...

    To understand why you dream of driving along the road at night, you need to pay attention to the following details: was it easy for you to drive, were there any obstacles. If in a dream you were driving or walking on a dark night, hardly distinguishing the path, it means that in the near future you will face a rather difficult, and maybe even frightening, choice, which must be made only after weighing all the important factors.

    If the road was also shrouded in fog, then you should be wary of new acquaintances, because you have not yet figured out their true intentions.

    Walking uncertainly down a dark path can represent your hesitation in life. A similar dream can also be dreamed by a person who should have committed some important act long ago, but still hesitates and is not sure of the correctness of his decisions.

    The road home: what does the dream book tell us?

    Why do you dream about the road home? Most often, if in your dream you were driving or walking home, then you simply feel longing and nostalgia for your childhood, or you really want to see your relatives, whom you perceive as your home. If you are going home to solve some problems, then you are still worried about mistakes made in the past, which led to a deterioration in the relationship between you and a loved one, perhaps even with your significant other.

    Is seeing blood on the road in a dream a bad sign?

    In most cases, when you dream of blood, such a dream does not bode well. Why do you dream of seeing the road covered in blood? If you see traces of someone else's blood, in real life you better not rush into the decisions you would like to make, because the consequences can be disastrous not only for you, but also for those around you or loved ones. If your blood drips onto the road, your strength level has dropped significantly, and health problems are possible, so you should take care of yourself.

    Sharp turns on the highway: what could such a dream mean?

    If in a dream you are rapidly moving along a road that winds heavily, or on which you had to overcome a very sharp and difficult turn, then quick and very drastic changes in life await you. If you dealt with turns easily in a dream, then you shouldn’t be afraid of changes in life, but if a turn in a dream made you nervous and worried, then possible changes in life will bring you a lot of worries that you will have to deal with on your own.

    Railway and trains: meaning

    If in a dream you saw a railway, that is, you were traveling by train somewhere, then a significant overall improvement in the state of your affairs awaits you. If you were shaking all the time, or maybe even the train broke down and you could not leave the carriage, most likely you will be disappointed or even the destruction of a friendly union.

    It’s good if you dreamed that you saw people setting off on a journey by rail, such a dream promises prosperity or an improvement in your financial condition for you. And if you saw a bride near the railway, happiness awaits you very soon. And if you meet a person from a train in a dream, then, perhaps, very soon things at work will go uphill.

    What if in the dream there was no road at all, but you were going somewhere?

    The absence of a road is a bad sign. This may be a reflection of your inner restlessness and desire to get out of difficult situation. You want peace, but you yourself are looking for the right path. If you dreamed that you were walking the wrong way and it was unclear where, then you have become too indifferent to what is happening in your real life. You urgently need to change your personal attitude towards the “road” you are walking on, towards your life path. If in your dream you walked off-road for a long time and finally found a good road, then in real life you were still able to cope with all the difficulties, the main thing now is not to lose your true path so as not to end up off-road or in complete darkness again.

    If you saw a road in a dream, be sure to pay attention to what it was like: busy, long, narrow, deserted, foggy, and the like. The dream book attaches very important importance to these details of the dream. Do you want to know why you have such a dream? Read all the interpretations carefully and choose the one that suits you best.

    Walk along the road

    Walking along an uneven pavement in a dream means following the wrong path in real life. Before it’s too late, think about what you could and would like to change in your life. As soon as you understand what you did wrong, you will begin to live completely differently.

    Grishina’s interpreter also explains why one dreams of walking along the road. If the path was long, then the goal will not be achieved soon. To get what you want you will have to work hard. A short road predicts quick achievement of the desired results.

    Walking barefoot along an asphalt road means an absence of problems and worries in life. Whatever you think of, you can easily bring to life. Universal dream book states that this life period is extremely favorable for searching new job and real estate purchases.

    If you dreamed that you were walking along a dirty road, get ready to encounter unscrupulous people. They will try to deceive or slander you. Don't give in to their provocations. Act only in your own interests.

    Drive along it

    Moving on the road surface in a car means taking in real life important decision. This will not be easy to do. You will have to suffer and doubt for a very long time, but you will be able to find the only correct solution.

    Miller explains why you dream of driving on a dirt road. In this case, Miller’s dream book warns that you will have to face many difficulties on the path to success. The more dirt you see in front of you in a dream, the more injustice and deception you will have to endure. But all trials will be duly rewarded.

    Did you dream of driving on a slippery road in the forest? In reality, a certain person whom you trust with great confidence is trying to use you for his own purposes. Another option for interpreting a dream is betrayal by friends or the “other half.”

    Cross the path

    Aesop has an explanation of why such a dream occurs. Aesop's dream book says that crossing a road in a dream means in reality not having clear life goals. You should definitely think about what you would like to achieve and come up with a plan that you need to adhere to in order to achieve what you want. A clear plan guarantees half the success.

    Crossing a dangerous intersection means getting into a difficult intersection. life situation. The universal dream book recommends having patience and strength and gradually solving all the problems that have arisen. If in a dream you managed to cover this road without incident and calmly get out onto the sidewalk, then in life you will be able to cope with all the troubles.


    If you dreamed of running long road, get ready for numerous worries and empty deeds. Sometimes it will seem that you are caught in a vicious circle. But this is just an illusion. After some time, events will radically change for the better. Hosse's dream book advises to be patient.

    Crossing a wide highway means actually facing risk. You will take part in a risky business quite consciously, pursuing your own benefit.

    Seeing yourself running along a snowy road in a dream means repentance for your own sins. The modern dream book claims that certain events will force you to look differently at previously committed actions and experience a bitter feeling of remorse. If you dreamed of a very snowy road, then in addition to repentance you will plunge into depression for a long time.

    Running quickly along the road uphill means easily achieving your goals. If you dreamed of a dirty road surface, then the approach to the goal will be clouded by the presence of obstacles. If in your dream you also saw a hole and even accidentally fell into it while running, then get ready to face serious difficulties.


    Why does a girl have such a dream, explains Eastern dream book. If a young woman saw a railway in a dream, then soon she will have to go on a journey. Most likely, the journey will be long. If the dreamed train was very comfortable, then the trip will be pleasant.

    Seeing a departing train in a dream is not a very favorable sign. Miller's dream book predicts missed opportunities.

    If you dreamed that the rails were going up, then your life will change for the better. Moreover, quite quickly. You will successfully change jobs, get a promotion, or make a lucrative deal.

    In Grishina's interpreter there is an explanation of why a broken railway is dreamed of. Grishina's dream book suggests that the poor condition of the paths reflects your internal state. You cannot understand what you really want and how you can achieve it. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with this condition on your own. Contact a psychologist.

    Getting ready to go

    If you dreamed of getting ready for the trip, then it’s time to move forward. Lately, you have not devoted enough time to self-development and have been avoiding change in every possible way. Don’t be afraid to get rid of relationships that torment you, dead-end jobs and unnecessary friends. Their place will certainly be taken by new faithful friends, strong mutual feelings and a business that brings decent money and joy.

    The interpreter of the 21st Century also talks about why you dream of collecting things. The 21st Century Dream Book says that right now is the best moment to start life with clean slate. There is another interpretation of why such a plot is dreamed of – a slight malaise.

    Packing a suitcase and trying to fit as many things into it as possible means trying to do as many things as possible in real life.

    Packing a bag for a trip and searching for a long time to find where this or that needed item is means that in reality you are in search. Most likely, you cannot understand what you want to do in life or with whom you should build a relationship.

    Various interpretations

    A new cable car seen in a dream is a symbol of an unstable situation. In the near future, some unusual situation will “unsettle you” and make you feel insecure. Aesop's Dream Book advises not to quarrel with a loved one. His support will be vital.

    Returning home along a forest path and seeing a cliff ahead of you means a long business trip. You will have to leave home for a long period.

    Have you dreamed of repairing or building an asphalt road? Look for an explanation in Modern dream book. Road repairs promise major life changes. If in a dream you saw the construction of a roadway, then thanks to your efforts you will be able to begin a new, successful and interesting stage of life.

    IN Women's dream book it explains why you dream of two roads at once. Seeing a fork in a dream means you need to make a choice in reality. The main thing is to take your time when deciding what to do.

    The distant mountain trail promises a rich professional life. If there were obstacles in the dream, then the path to career heights will not be easy. Lying on the path means losing your job. Idiomatic dream book encourages you not to lose hope and believe that your true work is waiting for you.

    If you dreamed of a narrow icy road, then you should exercise increased caution when conquering career peaks. Dreaming of fog or snow is a warning. When trying to take a desired position, do not trust anyone, even those you have known for a very long time. There is a high risk of deception.

    There is another option to explain why white is dreaming. winter road. Symbolic dream book believes that such a plot promises a start to life “from scratch.” You will have a chance to radically change your destiny. Take advantage of it.

    Washing the road surface with water means numerous attempts to change your life. Perhaps one of them will end in success.

    A dream about an accident on the road promises good luck in your endeavors. If you see a (turn) on the highway, get ready to change your job, place of residence or partner. Any change that occurs will bring joy and happiness.

    Seeing the road to a cemetery in a dream means feeling slightly unwell. Be sure to see your doctor as soon as possible.


    • I dreamed of an icy road rising up and curving, people climbing along it. It was a road in the middle of Vladivostok. I doubted whether to go? Will I be able to get up? There were two people nearby - they appeared unexpectedly - a guy and a girl. The girl smiled kindly and said: are you coming? We're going up, are you with us? And I went, and I climbed. They were nearby, and then disappeared, just as they appeared. I found myself at the top of a road, like an island, washed by the waves of the ocean. I was breathing deeply. The weather was not great, but I felt very good and calm. I looked, and there was an endless sea around me, and the beautiful Vladivostok bridges were visible in the distance. And ahead there was a passage somewhere, where I was in no hurry. I felt so good, I knew that I would go there next. And then I woke up... I’ve been impressed for two days now.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Miller's Dream Book

    If you are accompanied by friends on a walk along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family home, where the children will be happy and the husband and wife will be devoted to each other.

    Losing your way in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and will suffer financial losses as a result.

    If you dream that you have lost your way, this is a warning: you need to throw out of your head thoughts about happy past operations, since your business is in danger of failure. The dream encourages you to show great diligence in your work.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Freud's Dream Book

    A road in a dream most often symbolizes your fear of death, but it can also symbolize your other fears and phobias.

    A fork in the road is an independent symbol and speaks of your difficulties that arise when choosing or changing a sexual partner.

    Crossroads - symbolizes sudden changes in your sex life, and it is not at all necessary that these changes will be for the better.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Seeing a crooked road in a dream is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions make you want the best. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. If you don’t come to your senses, then two paths await you: to the cemetery or to prison.

    If you dreamed of a straight, wide road, in real life you are on the right, albeit not entirely easy, path. After some time, you will have a stable job, a stable financial situation and a beloved family.

    Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands or loves you, but this is far from the case. Find peace by turning to God, and your life will improve.

    Paving a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life, becoming a truly great person. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remembering your difficult times.

    If in a dream you are walking along a dusty road, this means that there are many lying, evil people around you who are trying to harm you by any means, discrediting your good name in the eyes of your loved ones.

    Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a prophecy that you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and financial situation. But everything will work out in the end.

    Walking along a cobblestone road in a dream is a sign that you are walking a slow but sure path towards your goal.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    The road is life without worries; direct - slow execution of plans; bad, uneven - obstacles; paved - luck will come later; very difficult - you have the only opportunity to achieve the goal; a forking road - a difficult choice between good and evil; wide - life without obstacles; narrow - you will be tempted; drive along it - you will achieve the goal of your aspirations; leaving the path - loss of property or honor; walk along it - good views; lying on it means a pleasant life; beautiful, green - a happy marriage.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Family dream book

    If in a dream you walked along an unfamiliar rocky road, new difficult things await you.

    A road with trees and flowers growing along the sides is a dream of unexpected luck.

    If you are accompanied by friends while walking along this road, you will be lucky in family matters.

    Lost your way in a dream - you may make a mistake in solving some business issue and suffer financial losses as a result.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    Any road in a dream symbolizes your destiny, as well as matters with which you are somehow connected or intersect in life.

    Losing your way in a dream is a warning about certain mistakes that you risk making.

    Seeing an obstacle ahead of you on the road is a harbinger of imminent difficulty.

    If obstacles are visible not only in front, but also behind you, this is a sign that your past mistakes may soon seriously hinder you.

    If in a dream the road leads you to level ground, beautiful place- this is a sign of a quick improvement in your affairs.

    Trees planted along the road mean certain things or events in which you can be involved in one way or another. Beautiful, healthy trees are a sign that these things will be useful for you.

    Flowers planted along the road, if they are beautiful, portend unexpected good luck.

    A busy highway - symbolizes business activity and production affairs in a dream.

    A crossroads in a dream means that your interests may conflict with the interests of others, and this is fraught with conflicts.

    Crossing the road is also a sign that you are at risk of getting into a dangerous confrontation with someone.

    If the road forks in two, such a dream foreshadows a difficult choice that you have to make.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

    Build - to prosperity; walking along the road means successful career growth; driving a car on the road is a dream hint: you should rest outside your home.

    The road is to diseases of the legs, respiratory organs, and digestion. This time you will make a fundamentally wrong decision, which will have a very negative impact on your personal life.

    Building a highway means prosperity; walking along the road means successful career growth; driving a car is a dream hint: you should relax outside your home.

    Railway - to long journey, business trip.

    Road signs are various obstacles associated with insufficient education for your job.

    A traffic jam is a disappointment.

    If you go astray, you will be led astray.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    A dream in which you are walking along the road portends hard work. Asking for directions from passers-by means getting bad advice in reality.

    Getting lost or going astray means domestic confusion and quarrels. A rough road means incurring losses from an undertaking that has not justified itself. A good main road, straight as an arrow, portends joy, prosperity, success.

    Curve, winding, with many sharp turns- such a road in reality will turn into obstacles in the execution of plans.

    A difficult road - you have no choice in how to achieve your goal. Diverging in different directions - stand in front of difficult choice between good and evil. A cobblestone road means that good luck will come to you after some time. If in a dream you are walking along an unfamiliar road, it means that in reality you will switch to a new business, more profitable and promising, and failures will leave you.

    Walking along an abandoned road overgrown with grass and weeds - in reality you will receive evidence of someone’s intention to slander you.

    A road along the sides of which there are rows of densely leafed trees and various flowers promises you unexpected luck. If at the same time you walk along it in fun company friends - such a dream foretells you the creation of an ideal family home in which love, harmony and mutual understanding will never go out, both between spouses and between parents and children.

    Walk along the road to heavy fog or a snowstorm and go astray - in real life you will make a mistake on an important issue, which will cost you dearly. Finding a horseshoe on the road and picking it up means that in reality you will unexpectedly receive funds from a source that you didn’t even suspect about.

    Riding along the road on a horse means the fulfillment of desires; riding on some other animal portends fleeting hobbies and frivolous entertainment.

    Driving along picturesque roads among an unusual landscape in an old horse-drawn carriage means long-term success, material prosperity and awareness of the vanity and fleetingness of one’s efforts in the face of death, as inevitable as the change of seasons.

    Driving along the road by car, bus, etc. - strive for quick success and the slower you will achieve it. Driving and seeing a railway portends an urgent matter. Seeing road pillars is a sign of success in business; a road map is a sign of trickery and deception.

    A small road, i.e. a path, portends a life without obstacles. If it is very narrow, it means that in reality you will be tempted. Driving along it means you will achieve the goal of your aspirations. Stepping off the path threatens the loss of honor and property. Walking along the path will open up a good prospect in terms of work. The path has long been untrodden and overgrown - foreshadows a happy marriage.

    Lying on the sidelines means leading a pleasant life in all respects.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Road pillar - change for the better.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

    If you dreamed about what you saw in front of you or were walking along a wide road, a serious loss awaits you.

    You saw in front of you or were walking along a country road - the dream predicts losses.

    A dream in which you saw in front of you or walked along a narrow road predicts minor grief.

    In a dream, you saw in front of you or walked along an abandoned road - family troubles lie ahead.

    Seeing in front of you or walking along a winding road means a wide streak of bad luck.

    If you dreamed about what you saw in front of you or were walking along a dirt road, troubles await you, which will ultimately bring you benefits.

    You paved the road - know that you yourself are the architect of your own happiness.

    You watched the road being paved - your happiness is in the hands of your loved ones.

    Fill up the road - soon you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to deal with your enemies.

    Watering the road is a waste of time.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Esoteric dream book

    The road is wide - you are going in the wrong place.

    Bumpy - it will be a pleasant journey.

    Narrow, winding - there will be a surprise along the way.

    Going into the distance, into the fog - the future is uncertain. You have to be careful! The moment of choice is approaching. Crossroads, forks, do not change the decision that has already been made. You will be provoked and persuaded, but do not give in.

    A road sign means good prospects in any business you undertake. If there are several signs, then there is a choice: money to the left; to the right is glory; straight trips. What you choose in a dream will prompt your choice in reality.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream interpretation of a modern woman

    If you dream of a straight, wide road, in real life you are on the right, albeit not entirely easy, path. After some time, you will have a stable job, a stable financial situation and a beloved family.

    Traveling in a dream along a rocky, unfamiliar road means new things to do, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time.

    A road with trees and flowers growing along the sides portends unexpected luck.

    Losing your way in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and will suffer financial losses as a result.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Azar's Dream Book

    The road is wide - glory; narrow - poverty.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

    Walking along the road means sadness, hard work; crooked, in potholes - losses; railway - successful business; new - a change in business, a crisis.

    A narrow road is a temptation; wide, straight - long-term future success; sandy, grassy, ​​beautiful path - personal happiness.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Modern dream book

    Traveling in a dream along an unknown bumpy road portends new beginnings that will bring you nothing but trouble and loss of time.

    If trees and flowers grow along the road, unexpected luck awaits you.

    If you are accompanied by friends, a happy family life with obedient children, a faithful wife (or a reliable husband) awaits you.

    Going astray means that you will make a mistake in resolving a trading issue, and this will subsequently bring you losses.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Eastern dream book

    A straight, wide road is a symbol that you are on the right path.

    Walking along a deserted road is evidence of your loneliness; walking along a dusty road is a warning: there are many deceitful, evil people around you who are trying to harm you by any means.

    Paving the way is a sign that, thanks to strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

    wide, smooth and beautiful - success and glory; narrow and dirty - poverty and hard life.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    Road - It’s as if you are walking along an unfamiliar road - the efforts that you have made will not lead you anywhere; you waste time - you kill him; you will take a risk, but it will not be worth the risk because you will achieve nothing; Avoid getting involved in dubious activities. The road along which you seem to be walking in a dream is rocky and deserted - new tempting prospects will actually open up before you; nothing will distract you from the important task, and you will complete your plans on time. Along the sides of the road - flowers, bushes, trees - everything was fine with you, and then new luck appeared; your business will prosper; your prospects are boundless. It is as if you are walking along the road with friends - this dream is a favorable sign for your home; a large and happy family will grow up near your hearth; children will be obedient; marital relationships are based on love and fidelity. You have lost your way - you have to make an important decision; most likely your decision will be wrong; hence the disruption in business and quite large material losses. You dream of a railway - success in business awaits you; When making decisions, you will be guided by old proven rules and will not make mistakes; your principles are like straight rails; they will lead you and your loved ones to prosperity - you just have to wait a little. You ask about the road - a dream means that you will receive advice that you will need in real life, but this advice will be bad; try to make a decision yourself.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    Pavement of the road is praise.

    Walking along a magnificent straight road means support from society, good career opportunities.

    Such a road either goes down or goes up - difficulties in life caused by reasons beyond your control, historical events.

    The road twists and turns - the detour will lead to success faster.

    A waypost on the road is a sign of decisive changes, a warning about the possibility of taking the wrong path.

    A barely noticeable path is to become a pioneer in something and experience great difficulties from this.

    An overgrown road means your unpopularity.

    A very dusty road - experiencing a feeling of being lost in the crowd, suffering from the inability to stand out.

    Walking on a very bad pavement means there will be difficulties and conflicts in public life.

    To walk a winding path means you must rely entirely on your own strength.

    Walking along a cobblestone street is a rough path, an opportunity to rely on someone’s help and experience.

    Any obstacle on the road is usually a symbol of fear of life.

    To see a railway - there is a certain path ahead; way “into oneself” / to remain alone.

    Lokomotiv - feeling bad among friends and acquaintances.

    Traveling by rail is a long journey, there will be obstacles and dangers; great danger from love and for love.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    The forest road is a symbol of a lonely journey through life; delusion.

    The field road is a fateful period of life.

    Forest path - unknown ahead.

    Cobblestone, stone (pavement) - difficult knowledge; minor disturbances and difficulties.

    Railway, rails - symbol spiritual path, a strictly defined direction of development and course of life, which does not allow any personal freedom of action. Railway - unlike ordinary road, laid earlier, it is straight and level. And therefore, if you move along it, it will report the most favorable or forced course of the circumstances and affairs of the sleeper.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream book of healer Akulina

    You dreamed of the Road - New opportunities and good prospects. Imagine yourself walking along a wide, bright road, along the edges of which lie magnificent meadows. Or you are driving along the road in a car.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Combined dream book

    If you see yourself competing on a treadmill in a dream, this may mean that you are quite happy with the current state of affairs, although some of your close people do not approve of your views on life.

    Seeing a treadmill overgrown with grass is a sign of new tempting projects that will take up almost all your free time.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

    A cross stands by the road - good news or rare and important event in life.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Folklore dream book

    To cross someone's path is to interfere and cause anger.

    They crossed your path - to hindrance, failure.

    A hare or wolf crosses your path - bad luck.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

    The road - To the wedding, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Ladies' dream book

    Potholes are a nuisance; minor obstacles or troubles.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

    You see four open roads. - Glory and profit. You find wealth on the road. - To success, achieving the goal. There is dirt, thorns, thorns on the road. - The matter will not end in success. You are driving along a highway and fall into a hole. - Portends loss of wealth.

    Road - To dream of a straight road stretching into the distance - to the upcoming long and long road to achieving success.

    The highway you dreamed of is a harbinger of a serious and responsible meeting on which your future will depend.

    A lot of dirt on the road means failure in business.

    Seeing a dusty road in a dream means that you will experience a feeling of being useless to society, of the absence of like-minded people, but your opinion will turn out to be wrong.

    A dream in which you see a road covered with asphalt means that you will encounter obstacles when solving issues that seemed quite simple or insignificant to you.

    Walking in a dream along a straight and good road is a harbinger of joy, prosperity and success, along a broken road - to losses, along a curve - to sadness, along a highway - to a pleasant trip or business trip, along a pavement - to difficulties and conflicts at work, along cobblestones pavement means that you will have to solve your problems on your own, you should not count on someone.

    Walking along the road for a long time, and then finding out that you are going in the opposite direction, means that failures await you, things will turn for the worse.

    A smooth bend in the road seen in a dream is a sign that you will be able to adapt to changed circumstances; a sharp bend or turn in the road is an omen of events that will dramatically change your life.

    To unexpectedly find yourself on the highway in a dream means that with your persistence and determination you will be able to convince others of the correctness of your views and proposals.

    Walking through back streets and a roundabout road in a dream means that on the way to achieving your goal you will encounter great obstacles and problems.

    Walking or driving off-road in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in a person whom you considered a very reliable friend or authoritative adviser.

    Stopping at a fork in the road is a sign that you have to solve a number of serious and complex problems on which your later life, to stand at a crossroads - to be unable to at the moment make the right decision.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Big dream book

    Road - Walk - labor; asking about her is bad advice; not level - losses from the enterprise; getting lost or going astray - domestic troubles.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Intelligent dream book

    To dream of walking the road - Labor; asking about her is bad advice; uneven road - losses from enterprises; getting lost or going astray means trouble at home; the railway is a urgent matter.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Phoebe's Great Dream Book

    You dreamed of the Road - new opportunities, good prospects, the fulfillment of an old dream. Imagine a flat, wide, straight road. If you dream of new heights, career growth, imagine that the road goes uphill. If you want to successfully complete what you have started, imagine that at the end of the road you see a house or a door behind which your goal is waiting for you. If you dream of unlimited prospects, imagine that the road goes beyond the horizon. If you want serious positive change, imagine a crossroads. Then imagine that you are walking along the road. It is easy and pleasant for you to walk, you do not encounter any obstacles. There are blue skies above you and magnificent natural scenery all around you. You enjoy life and expect only good things from your path.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Ancient Russian dream book

    Walking the road straight and comfortable is a sign of joy, prosperity and success; walking along a slippery and difficult road portends loss, displeasure and grief; To walk along a narrow and cramped road means sadness and fear; but, having gone through whatever it may be, to finally come to a level and clean place is a very favorable dream, which signifies all the good things that can be expected in this life.

    Road pillar - Change for the better in everything

    Road - Seeing in a dream means new concern.

    Country road - Driving along a country road - up - happiness, down - failure.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

    Road – The road symbolizes your life path at this stage. Straight wide road - good opportunities, success. A narrow, crooked, uneven road - difficulties, obstacles in life. Crossroads - big changes.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Russian dream book

    What does the Road mean in a dream - the path of life; straight - straightforwardness, wide - breadth of soul, winding - cunning, bumpy - difficulties in life path; dirty - you are surrounded by slanderers and gossipers.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream book of E. Ericson

    What does the Road mean in a dream - a wide straight one - to a successful life, a narrow one - to a modest existence, a dirty one - to painful situations. A road with many curves - moving through life in the wrong direction. Moving along a deserted road is a sad loneliness in the course of life. A road paved with cobblestones is a difficult but sure way to move towards your goal. Getting into potholes means suffering losses.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Jewish dream book

    You dreamed of a Road - Walking along a wide road. A dream you had on Monday night means that you will experience joy, you will be lucky; if you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that in the coming days you will receive tempting offers; and on Saturday or Sunday night - to dreams and fantasies that are unlikely to come true. Walking along a narrow road A dream you had on Monday night means that you have to expect difficulties; if you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you will be discriminated against, deceived, and you will encounter unexpected obstacles; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to uncertainty, fears, sadness. Forking Road A dream on Monday night means that you will have to make an important decision on which your position in the next few months will depend. If you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means alternating luck and failure; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to anxiety, doubts and fears (most likely unjustified). A road that leads to a dead end A dream you had on Monday night means that you will be confused and it will seem to you that you did everything wrong. If you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you will need a change of environment; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night, foretells the end of torment. Losing your way A dream on Monday night means that you will suffer from loneliness. If you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream foreshadows the feeling that your loved ones do not understand you at all; On the night of Saturday or Sunday, a dream brings news of deliverance from serious danger. Tired of long journey A dream you had on Monday night means that you will understand that in lately made several mistakes; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - an attempt to change your lifestyle. Having a dream on Saturday or Sunday night, this dream says that you will most likely come to terms with the current state of your affairs.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Women's dream book

    Road - If you dream of a straight, wide road, in real life you are on the right, albeit not entirely easy, path. After some time, you will have a stable job, a stable financial situation and a beloved family.

    Paving a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remember your difficult times.

    Walking along a crooked road is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions leave much to be desired. You are moving in the wrong direction in life.

    A deserted road is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands or loves you, but this is far from the case.

    Traveling along a rocky, unfamiliar road in a dream means new things to do, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time.

    A road with trees and flowers growing along the sides portends unexpected luck.

    If you are accompanied by friends on a walk along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family home, where both parents and children will be happy and devoted to each other.

    Getting off the road in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and will suffer financial losses as a result, this is how the Road dream book interprets it.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Housewife's Dream Interpretation

    The road is the direction in life. Behind you is the past; ahead is the future; fork in the road - decision making; crooked road - uncertainty the decision taken; straight and wide road - the right way; pave the way - perseverance in achieving the goal; the cobblestone road is a slow but sure path; deserted road - feel lonely; dusty road - there are many envious people around you spreading gossip; narrow road - difficulties and limitations in achieving the goal.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

    The road symbolizes the unknown, obstacle, expectation.

    If you see a road in a dream, do not rush to get ready for the journey.

    If in a dream you see yourself on a deserted road, it means that you have a difficult life choice ahead of you.

    Seeing a long road means the unknown and surprise.

    A dream in which you are walking along the road not alone, but with some companion, predicts the appearance in your life of a person who will share your life's hardships with you and walk this path next to you.

    To see in a dream how you are climbing a narrow mountain path is a symbol of an unexpected obstacle in your affairs.

    Walking along a flat and smooth path in a dream means happiness and prosperity.

    If you saw someone coming towards you on the road close person or a friend, it means you will receive unexpected news from loved ones.

    A dream in which you are lost and cannot find your way means that in reality you cannot determine your path in life.

    Seeing yourself walking along a dirty, broken road means that in order to achieve what you want from life, you will have to overcome many difficulties and problems.

    If in a dream you are building a new road, it means that in reality they will make you a very important and promising offer.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Psychotherapeutic dream book

    Walking the road is labor; asking about her is bad advice; uneven road - losses from enterprises; getting lost or going astray means trouble at home; the railway is a urgent matter.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Mayan Dream Interpretation

    Good meaning: If you dreamed of an empty road, then in the near future you will easily realize any of your ideas. To avoid any problems, draw a yellow circle on a piece of paper, stand in the center of the circle and say: “Spirit of the Sun, help me!”, then burn this sheet.

    Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were going somewhere, then get ready for unpleasant changes to happen in your life - dismissal, forced relocation... To protect yourself, when you wake up, immediately drink a glass of salted milk.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream book of catchphrases

    ROAD – “the roads that we choose”, “at the crossroads”, “the bright path”, “the dark (demonic) path”. “Our path is in darkness” is the wrong direction in life; “highway” - where the majority goes; “take (something) on ​​the road” - thrifty, specific interpretation depending on the subject. “Middle of the road”, “middle way” - moderation; “edge (of the road) - to go to extremes. “End of the road” is the end of a period or a dead end. “Take the warpath” - conflict. “Take the high road” - robbery, robbery; “to run across, to cross someone’s path” - to interfere; “go off the rails”, “go off track”. See add. path.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Italian dream book Meneghetti

    A wide and good road indicates a state of internal dissatisfaction of the subject with the results obtained, while a narrow, impassable or just emerging one speaks of the possibility of a person’s functional self-creation.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Old Russian dream book

    walking on the road means sadness, hard work; crooked, in potholes - losses; railway - successful business; new - change in business, crisis; to meet the train - a business proposal: someone gets off the train - an offer through a friend; being on the train is a very important invitation.

    Why do you dream about the road?

    Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer