Astrological forecast for September for the year of Gemini. Love horoscope for Gemini for September

Astrological forecast recommends that representatives of the zodiac sign not put their interests and desires above other people. There is a great risk that you will be caught in deception and insincerity. Balance your capabilities, distribute your forces wisely, and then success will not keep you waiting. Try to get rid of pride in September; it has always undermined your relationships with loved ones. Geminis should behave more restrained emotionally. Be gentler towards people who respect and love you.

Gemini women must learn to control their finances. Distribute things according to their priority, what is important to you, and what you can do without. In a relationship with a stranger, do not open up completely. It is likely that you have met an insidious person who will use what was said against you. If your partner treats you unworthy, then stay away from him.

Gemini men will be able to strengthen their financial situation. Eat big chance that an increase should be expected at the end of the month. But you shouldn’t immerse yourself in work. Don't forget to pay attention and time to your loved ones. They need to communicate with you.

Finance horoscope for Gemini

The stars recommend that representatives of the zodiac sign be more economical financially. Start collecting money for real estate. Be extremely careful when working with documentation. Double-check several times before submitting your report. On the way to achieving your goal, a lot of obstacles will await you. But the main thing is not to give up and believe in your own strength.

Gemini women will spend the first half of the month productively, and in the second they will want to take a short vacation to restore their internal reserves and pay attention to loved ones.

Gemini men will begin to doubt whether they are doing what they want. Representatives of the zodiac sign will have to choose an activity to their liking. Don't skimp on gifts for your loved ones.

Love horoscope for Gemini

In the romantic sphere, representatives of the zodiac sign can expect unexpected declarations of love and happy time with their significant other. In the first month of autumn, you will have a tense situation, since both chosen ones will become expensive. You will have to make difficult choices.

Gemini women will find inner harmony because they will be able to find mutual language with your lover and cope with a conflict situation. You know from your own experience that you must always seek a compromise.

Gemini men should consult with their significant other more often and come to general decision. She will feel important, the relationship will strengthen and move to another level. Family representatives of the zodiac sign should deal with everyday troubles and pay more attention to children.

Health horoscope for Gemini

In the first month of autumn, representatives of the zodiac sign should improve their health. If you have the slightest ailment, you should contact a qualified specialist and under no circumstances self-medicate. It is likely that Gemini will have depressive state. Take a short break from work and focus only on yourself. Normalize your daily routine, control your diet. Consume more vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs and dairy products. Buy a subscription at Gym. This will not only speed up metabolic processes in the body, but also improve the condition of the skin and hair. Communicate more with positive people. They will bring joy and optimism into your life. In your spare time, read books, listen classical music and watch educational films.

Changes await Gemini and they are primarily associated with personal growth representatives of the sign. It is September 2017 that will become a turning point and a period of awareness of the need for self-realization. Positions are strengthened, goals are achieved, and energy potential is replenished, giving greater self-confidence and the opportunity to conquer new heights.

A reassessment of internal values ​​will be accompanied by changes in all aspects of life.

However, Gemini, due to their inherent duality, may regard the changes not so rosyly and accept them as a relaxed and contemplative position. But excessive relaxation can lead to irreparable consequences, so be vigilant and don’t miss the opportunity.

Previous victories will lose their relevance, and inaction will not contribute to new achievements. In September 2017, everything depends on Gemini.

The stars recommend taking a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps the people around you are trying to take advantage of your warm and sincere feelings and the inability to say “no”. Try to control your emotions and don't let them guide your actions.

Family life and personal relationships of Gemini in September 2017

Many Geminis will associate September with family. This is an excellent time when you can give full attention to your loved ones, building new happy relationships.

Family representatives of the sign will appreciate this opportunity and direct efforts to improve the microclimate in the family:

  • demonstrate the sincerity of their feelings;
  • they will trust and thank you;
  • will talk, laugh and spend more time together.

For couples lucky enough to become parents, September will not be easy. Small children will cause a lot of trouble, and in this case the main thing is to correctly distribute household responsibilities in order to avoid misunderstandings, overwork and the accumulation of negative emotions. Families with teenage children will face the problem of mutual understanding, and at first glance, a common situation that can lead to disastrous results if approached incorrectly.

As you can see from the horoscope for September 2017, Gemini will experience a lot of changes, and their career field is no exception.

The financial situation will gain long-awaited stability. Despite the numerous expenses, the profit will offset them and there will even be an opportunity to save and accumulate cash. In the second half of the month, you can expect the emergence of sources of additional income or career advancement.

For representatives of the sign holding leadership positions, the stars recommend bringing clarity to relationships with subordinates, creating an optimal and favorable atmosphere conducive to common achievements. This will require a lot of work, but the results are expected to be good.

September is a great month to decide financial issues, competent distribution of responsibilities and putting the documentation in order. This month, solving problems that previously caused difficulties will be easier, as you will learn to slowly understand the nuances and subtleties of your professional activity.

The profit that will accompany Gemini this month will be a good income and reward for performing a full range of professional services.

The horoscope for September 2017 advises Gemini to take a closer look at their colleagues and partners. You shouldn't trust people who haven't earned your trust. It is likely that in their ranks there will be envious people who do not benefit from your successes.

To those representatives zodiac sign who feel like they are moving in the wrong direction, the stars recommend:

  • direct efforts to unlock potential;
  • pay attention to early achievements;
  • analyze possibilities;
  • determine further steps for successful self-realization.

Gemini health in September 2017

In September, Gemini experiences a decrease in their overall energy potential, which is primarily associated with active changes and changes in their life position.

Fatigue, stress and depression are easily eliminated in a favorable atmosphere. To do this, you need to pay attention to proper rest fresh air, which will have positive influence for general well-being.

Geminis may notice a weight gain trend in September. You can prevent the consequences by adjusting your diet in time and setting aside time for moderate physical activity.

The month is ideal for reconsidering your current plans and aspirations and making the necessary adjustments to them, says the horoscope for September 2019. Gemini, listen more often to the needs of others and, if possible, satisfy them.


Much depends on your behavior with colleagues and management during this period; now you can set the right tone for the next six months, and it is better if your life is filled with fruitful cooperation rather than fierce competition with colleagues.

In the middle of the month, make every effort to maintain composure in some conflict situations in the work team. Don't take sides, just watch what's happening from the outside. This practice will allow you to maintain your business reputation; very soon you will receive information that will show how wrong your spontaneous conclusions were.

If you have a business trip or a business trip coming up, feel free to hit the road. Now you are in good fighting shape, so you won’t have to return empty-handed. The financial situation of the representatives of the zodiac house is quite stable, but an increase in earnings is not expected in the near future.


In mid-September 2019, the powerful influence of Jupiter bursts into the sector of your home and family. This will make a great start to the next six months, which will be ideal for improving your living conditions and normalizing family relationships. Having transformed their home into a cozy fortress, many representatives of the zodiac house will find peace and a sense of confidence in the future, which they so needed in the future. Lately. Having a reliable rear, it will be equally easy for you to solve small problems that arise every now and then and make fateful decisions.

In September 2019, many representatives of the sign will have to make significant financial expenses to update their wardrobe, purchase household appliances or repair. It is better to avoid large purchases now.

Communication with loved ones will charge you with positive energy, which will be good fuel for accomplishing work feats. But in all this barrel of honey there will not be a fly in the ointment: there may be some rough edges in relations with the relatives of your significant other.

Gemini Woman

Horoscope for September 2019: the Gemini woman will shine like a well-cut diamond. She will be able to do everything, both in the professional field and within the walls of her home. Now you feel so much physical and emotional strength that you can easily become a source of inspiration for many people around you.

In the middle of the month, many representatives of the zodiac house will be completely absorbed by charitable or social activity. She will have to actively help strangers, without even counting on their gratitude. In the process of such work, the Gemini woman will easily overcome cultural or age barriers and emerge victorious in the fight against the bureaucratic machine.

Gemini Man

At the end of the first ten days, allow yourself to relax a little and let off steam - the horoscope for September 2019 advises. The Gemini man deserves it, a short time-out will be completely justified. Enough long time you gave your best, it bore fruit, so you can take a short vacation and spend it the way you have long dreamed of. Enjoy every minute of respite, because very soon you will have to get back on track, your vacation may end earlier than you planned.

IN everyday communication Make every effort to maintain openness and directness in communicating with others, especially close people. Do not spare kind words and compliments, your loved ones will return them to you a hundredfold. At the end of the month, you may receive news from distant relatives or a friend from distant childhood.

Gemini Children

In September, Gemini children will try to get out of parental control; many of them will try to set their own rules at school and at home. If these attempts are not stopped now gently but persistently, later parents of representatives of the zodiac house will have to spend a lot of energy and health to find mutual understanding with their own child. Take the time to sort out any situation that has arisen in which your son or daughter is not behaving correctly. Older relatives - grandparents - can have a good influence on a Gemini child.


The health of Gemini is not particularly worried, although many representatives of the sign do not even try to make efforts to maintain this state of affairs. But, if in September 2019 a representative of the zodiac house already developed the first symptoms of the disease, the best thing to do is to immediately consult a specialized doctor. At the beginning of autumn, illness is an unaffordable luxury for Geminis; they have a lot to do and have absolutely no time to get sick. A timely visit to a doctor will prevent the development of the disease, as well as its transformation into a chronic form.

The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract causes some concern, but this situation is provoked by frequent overeating, night meals, a sedentary lifestyle, and constipation. All these troubles can be avoided, you just have to stick a little healthy image life. Geminis do not accept any restrictions in their habits, so they have great difficulty in forcing themselves to exercise or go on a diet, even if this is required according to doctor’s indications. But without this, good physical form. Only representatives of the zodiac house who have learned to overcome laziness can hope to be in good physical shape.

Horoscope for September 2019, Gemini, do not take sides in conflicts in the team.
Do not make large purchases in September 2019.
The Gemini woman is active and full of energy.
Horoscope for October 2019 Gemini.

Gemini in September 2017 will be very modest, despite the fact that their role is almost the main one during this period, which is also very good, because modesty always decorates and elevates in the eyes of others. Be prepared to be hit with Laurel wreath and they will thank you for everything you have done. Due to your modesty, all former competitors of Gemini will become comrades and followers who will benefit from the ideas and experience of representatives of your zodiac sign.

In the first ten days of September 2017, Gemini will quietly and calmly achieve their goals, avoiding publicity and excessive curiosity. However, when the first results of your work become noticeable to others, fame cannot be avoided. Geminis do not like to show off and demonstrate their own abilities, which further elevates them in the eyes of those around them. But at the same time, there is a risk of developing low self-esteem, so try not to convince yourself that all achievements are not your merits and should not be attributed to someone else. Unless you can have your little ones and big victories dedicate to your nearest and dearest who inspire you to new achievements. Be confident in your irresistibility, your strengths and potential. You have all this, and in abundance. During this period, Gemini will have excellent motivation for new achievements, to overcome all obstacles and obstacles. In this way, they will prove their importance to themselves. You will have many opportunities to realize your plans and implement cherished dream. The main thing is to understand that there must be order in everything - in thoughts, in soul, at work, in documents, at home. The stars strongly recommend that Gemini get rid of old and unnecessary things during this period of the month in order to free up space from stale energy and make room for a flow of new, fresh energy. The beginning of September is a prosperous period when you can easily resolve all the accumulated issues, complete unfinished repairs in the apartment, adjust all the reports, mend damaged relationships, and also engage in self-development and improvement. Do your work slowly, enjoying every moment, experiencing pleasure from every little thing done, filling your life with harmony and happiness. Avoid analyzing situations from the distant past. You may not be objective. And remember, what a person believes in comes true. Believe in the best.

In the second ten days of September 2017, in the field of work and professional activities, as well as education and finance, those born under the Gemini zodiac sign will be very lucky. The influence of Saturn and Mercury will have a positive effect on job searches, which will certainly be crowned with success. Unemployed Geminis will find a job they like with a decent monthly salary and favorable conditions labor. But those who are satisfied with their current place of work can safely expect pleasant changes. There is a possibility that changes will occur in the management team, and you will be offered to take one of the management positions for your services to the development of the company and competence in solving business issues. You will also be appreciated for your friendliness and reliability in helping your colleagues and colleagues, who also achieved good results thanks to your participation. Overall, Gemini will be able to achieve a lot. And, despite modesty, universal recognition will be well deserved. The only thing that is required of you is to keep your finger on the pulse of events, to always be aware of what is happening, to monitor changes in production and administrative policy, carefully look at those around you and soberly assess the situation. This tactic will help you always be in right time V in the right place, offer your help in a timely manner, and take an active part in the development of the company. And this is much more than the dry fulfillment of one’s job responsibilities. Avoid solo projects; the greatest success awaits you in teamwork.

In the third decade of September 2017, the presence of Venus and Mars in the Virgo zodiac sign will have a beneficial effect on the personal relationships of Gemini. Even those relationships that seemed doomed will receive a positive outcome, where each of the partners will be satisfied and happy. Those representatives of your zodiac sign who are happy only in tandem with their betrothed should listen to his wishes and plans, find compromise options and act together. Remember that opposites attract? So, even if you are completely different people with your loved one, then your union can result in a golden mean. And we need to strive for this. At the end of September 2017, Gemini should learn to value themselves, increase their self-esteem and love themselves for who they are. Be kind to yourself as well as to those around you.


We offer you a Tarot forecast for Gemini. It allows you to prepare for the events of September 2017, accept right decisions and avoid mistakes. Covering the most important topics of love, health and finance, we wish you pleasant surprises, and we will try to warn you against unpleasant ones.


For Gemini, the love tarot horoscope for September 2017 promises stability current relations. You shouldn’t expect any unpredictable changes, strengthen what you have now and you and your loved one will have complete mutual understanding in the future. Avoid quarrels. Be sincere with the one you love - this is what both you and your significant other need now. And if you don’t have a relationship yet, then the love that flared up during this period may well develop into a big and serious feeling. Take a close look at the people around you - perhaps your destiny is lost among them!


The financial tarot forecast for Gemini for September 2017 promises a lot interesting ideas, which can bring good profits. Huge prospects open up before you, the main thing is to control the situation and use the chance given by fate in time. This is a great time to set meaningful goals and achieve the heights you have long dreamed of.


You won’t have to complain about your health in the near future - the Tarot forecast for Gemini for September 2017 tells you. Yours Vital energy hits over the edge. You are cheerful and active as never before. But it’s still not worth overexerting yourself. Better think about where to direct this energy. A good option will be playing sports.