When is Egor Creed's friend. Yegor Creed in childhood. Video about Creed's current relationship

KReeD (Egor Creed) is an author and performer of R&B music, who gained his popularity thanks to the Internet, in particular, social networks. Since 2011, he has been making videos that are posted on YouTube.
Egor Creed is from Penza, born on June 25, 1994. Despite his rather young age, this young man is distinguished by his special tenacity, hard work and, of course, incredible luck, thanks to which he has now managed to gain large number fans of his work throughout Russia.

Biography of Yegor Bulatkin (Egor Creed)

KReeD ( real name Egor Bulatkin) was born in Penza on June 25, 1994. Until the age of 17 (the moment he graduated from school) he lived in Penza, after which he moved to Moscow. He had an interest in music since childhood; he was inspired to write music on his own at the age of 11, after hearing a number of compositions by the famous American rapper 50 cent. Then Yegor composed texts and recorded them on a regular voice recorder.
Creed recalls the following about his introduction to the hip-hop/r&b style:
One day I was sitting with a friend on a bench, playing chips. This game used to be popular. And then a guy in wide pants and boots, the so-called “patrol shoes,” walks past us, and the track “50 CENT – CANDY SHOP” is playing at full volume from his mobile phone. I was ten and I heard HIP-HOP for the first time. It was at this moment that I fell in love with this musical style, its culture. By the way, at that time I was listening to the group “King and the Clown”. I was greatly inspired by HIP-HOP and subsequently had a strong influence on my musical creativity. At the age of 11, I first recorded my first song “Amnesia” using a microphone from headphones...

Initially, his work was purely personal; no one knew about him beyond his friends and relatives. However, in the summer of 2011, on the advice of friends, he posted one of his texts on the popular YouTube service in the form of a video clip. Unexpectedly, his debut video Love on the Internet entered the top of YouTube and brought the 17-year-old performer popularity and recognition from fans.
In 2012, I met Timati, who became interested in KReeD’s work and gave him a recording contract in the Black Star Inc. studio.
In the same year he became the winner in the competition “VKontakte Star - Channel Five” in the category best performer in hip-hop style.
In 2013-2014, he released a number of singles, including Starletka, Is it necessary, Samaya Samaya, etc., which entered the top most popular songs by listening to social networks vk.com and Odnoklassniki.

In 2012, the Black Star label signed hip-hop artists L"One, KReeD, Artem Shel and artist Pavel Galanin.

Egor Creed (kreed) - the most (clip premiere 2014)

Egor Creed and Victoria Bonya - Nado Lee (clip premiere, 2014)

Egor Creed - Bride (Clip premiere, 2015)

Yegor Creed's school years

Egor Bulatkin, better known as KReeD (Creed), co- school age I felt a special reverent attitude towards music and the creative field in general. He was interested in many musical trends, but hip-hop, represented by the world famous 50 cent, helped him develop his creative abilities. His music and performance style helped Yegor reveal not only the talent of a performer, but also the gift of writing quite interesting texts that touch the soul of all his listeners. Yegor's entire teenage period was inextricably linked with the creation of songs dedicated to problems in relationships between people and love experiences. The lines of the songs come from the heart, supported by the experiences and feelings of the author himself. In each new text, Yegor put his own thoughts and attitude towards life, his worldview. Yegor also made recordings of his first experiments in performing the texts he wrote.

The creative path of Yegor Creed
Like any poet, Yegor wanted to share his emotions and feelings not only with best friends, but also with the whole world. In 2011, he finally decided to reveal his work to the world. On the advice of his best friends, he posted the now famous “Love Online” video. It is unlikely that Egor and his friends could then have imagined what would happen after the video appeared on the Internet. Millions of people who watched this video were amazed at how much emotion the young man put into every line of his text; some were able to recognize themselves and their lives in the words of the song. This video could not leave any of the listeners indifferent. After such success, it was obvious that Yegor had every chance of gaining fame in music industry, and for this it was necessary to try myself in many musical projects. In 2012, Creed participated in the VKontakte Star competition, where his competitors were more than a thousand young talents, just like himself, striving to find their way to fame. However, Yegor manages to cope with the experiences and difficulties on his way to winning the “Best Hip-Hop Project” nomination. Soon the production center “Black Star” drew attention to such a promising talent, and in 2012 Egor already received an offer to sign a contract with him.

Egor Creed
Yegor's concert schedule currently looks quite daunting, given the fact that he is now a very popular performer. Numerous fans, and especially female fans, want to see Yegor on the stages of their city. Unlike many arrogant young performers, Creed loves to communicate with his fans, happily signs autographs and shares positive emotions with your favorite fans.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

Egor loves to communicate with his fans on any topic, but conversations about his personal life, unfortunately, interest him little. On at the moment the young man is more passionate about revealing his creative potential, rather than beautiful girls. Despite the fact that his personal life is shrouded in secrets, until he has the “married” status on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks, any of his fans has real chances take the still vacant place in the heart of Yegor Creed.

Egor Bulatkin personal life 2015
Egor Creed personal life 2014
Egor Creed Wikipedia
Yegor Creed is it necessary?
Egor Creed songs
Yegor Creed do I need text?
Egor Creed Instagram
Egor Creed and Nyusha

Real name: Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin
Date of birth: 1994-06-25
Occupation: performer, songwriter
Country: Russia
Spouse: no
Children: no
Height: 185 cm

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Diana Melison PORN

The future star and performer of popular songs, invariably included in the tops of various music channels and radio stations, Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin, better known as Egor KreeD, was born on June 25, 1994 in the city of Penza. WITH early childhood Yegor knew that his life would be connected with music and creativity. All my free time was devoted to writing music and lyrics dedicated to relationships between people, love experiences and self-determination in life, while simultaneously recording my tracks at an amateur level, for myself.

External changes future star from primary school to this day

Take the most important and much-needed first step towards musical career His friends persuade him after watching Yegor’s self-shot video for his song “Love on the Net.” Having received positive feedback and support from loved ones, Creed decides to post his creation on Youtube. Unexpectedly for the aspiring performer, his first public creation was noticed and received very favorably. Beginning of the ascent to musical Olympus it was supposed to.

A still from the video “Love on the Net”, shot by the aspiring performer himself.

Creative career and recognition

After the “Love on the Internet” video was noticed and favorably received by the Internet community, Egor decides to take further steps and takes part in the “VKontakte Star - Channel Five” competition and, having become the winner in the “best hip-hop artist” category, receives an invitation to perform a new song “Inspiration” on the main stage of St. Petersburg - in concert hall October.

In April of the same 2012, the eminent label Black Star Inc. turned its attention to the aspiring artist after Creed performed a cover of the track “Don’t Go Crazy,” which received more than a million views on Youtube.

Still from Yegor Creed’s cover video for Timati’s track “Don’t Go Crazy”

Further career development young singer was rapid, just a couple of years, during which material was written for a new album (The Bachelor, released in 2015), performances take place at venues of various sizes, from elite clubs to festivals at the most big stages country, and then the track “The Samaya” was released, which blew up all the charts and took all the first places in them, overnight making Yegor Creed the favorite of all the girls in the country, a real idol of the younger generation.

The video for the track “The Samaya” received rotation on all music TV channels in the country and received more than 70 million views on Youtube

In the same year 14, Egor received confirmation of his national recognition and love, having received several prestigious awards and nominations, including the “Performer of the Year” award at the “Oops Choice Awards 2014”, “Breakthrough of the Year” at the “ZD awards 2014” ceremony and victory in the nomination for best video with the video “The Most” at the Love Radio Awards 2014.

Egor with one of the many awards received in his significant year 2014

What now

Creed, in addition to successful solo tracks, scored several successful duets with young stars Russian stage, including the popular Hannah and. More recently, the artist released a wonderful joint track“Where are you, where am I” with the most popular rap artist Timati, and a few days ago a cool video was presented, shot by the famous video director Pavel Khudyakov. In the mini-film (and I can’t even call this thoughtful creation a clip), the plot revolves around beautiful girl, who values ​​expensive trinkets and a luxurious life more than true feelings. The main characters were played, naturally, by Timati and Yegor Creed, and they were accompanied by the popular fashion designer Irina Slonevskaya, who played a greedy and cold lover of generous men. You can enjoy the creations of popular artists and a cool video director.

Timati and Yegor Creed at the RU.TV awards

All we can do is wish good luck to the young star and together follow Egor’s fruitful collaboration with Black Star Inc. and look forward to the singer’s new creations.

Egor Creed is a favorite of the female audience, a talented performer and songwriter, one of the members of the Black Star label. By the age of 20, Yegor had become one of the most sought-after Russian pop performers.

In his youth, Egor’s love of music and personal experiences led him to the Internet, from which his career began. Creed is stage name, which Egor came up with at the age of 14. Real name performer - Bulatkin.

The childhood of Yegor Creed

Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin June 25, 1994 in the city of Penza. Egor's father, Nikolai Bulatkin, who is now known as the owner of a large nut processing factory, started his business when Egor was still a baby. Free time he devoted himself to creating songs in the “chanson” genre. Mother, Marina Bulatkina, helped her husband in business and practiced singing in her spare time.

Egor's 3-year older sister Polina is now known as Polina Michaels and Polina Faith - she is an aspiring actress. In 2012, she sang a duet with her brother in the song “Distances.”

The guy’s family was considered quite wealthy and very musical, which contributed to Yegor’s early immersion in the world of music. But the young man had many other hobbies: he studied at a lyceum with in-depth study of the English language, was fond of chess, played football, basketball, tennis and billiards.

Despite the family’s prosperous financial situation, their son’s parents did not spoil him and forced him to achieve everything through his own work. Mobile phone He was the last one in his class, he never had fancy gadgets at home, but now the performer knows the value of every penny and doesn’t throw money around.

To get 10 rubles from my dad for my favorite ice cream, I had to work hard: wipe the dust, wash the dishes.

IN high school The guy was fascinated by rap culture. Egor listened to the compositions of rapper 50 Cent, which managed to awaken in the guy the makings of a talented author of “songs that come from the heart.” At the age of 11, Bulatkin first wrote lyrics and recorded his song on a tape recorder - it was called “Amnesia.”

In 2008, when Egor was 14 years old, he invented the pseudonym KreeD. According to the author himself, his stage name is just a consonant combination of letters; it has no deep meaning.

Start of a career

Yegor Creed received his first fame thanks to the Internet. In 2011, he posted a song on his VKontakte page own composition– “Love on the Internet” (originally it was called “The word “love” has lost its meaning”). With the help of friends, Egor shot a video in 2 days, which gained a million views in a few weeks. At that time these were huge figures.

Egor Creed – Love on the Net (2011)

In the same year, the 17-year-old rapper recorded a cover version of Timati’s song “Don’t Go Crazy” and shot a video for it. This was brought to the attention of one of the producers of Timati’s Black Star Inc. label. and contacted Egor.

Around the same time, friends persuaded Yegor to take part in the “VKontakte Star” competition. The guy won the “Best Hip-Hop Project” category, leaving behind thousands of talented performers. After a resounding victory, the guy began to be invited to perform at the best concert venues in Penza, and in April 2012, Yegor Creed signed a contract with the Timati production center and moved to Moscow.

In the capital, he entered the production department Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins, but in 2015 he took a sabbatical leave, citing a busy touring schedule.

Career blossoming

In 2013, Egor sang a duet with popular singer Alexey Vorobyov. The composition was called “More than Love.”

In April 2014, Creed presented listeners with the single “The Most” - it conquered everyone Russian charts and became the singer’s most recognizable hit.

Egor Creed - “The Most” (2014)

In February 2015, Yegor Creed won the “Breakthrough of the Year” nomination in music award"Soundtrack".

At the beginning of April 2015, the performer released his debut solo album“Bachelor” which included the songs “The Samaya Samaya”, “Bride”, “Jealousy” and others. In total, the album included 19 compositions. A month later, the song “The Samaya Samaya” won a winning place in the nomination “ Best Song of the Year" at the 5th RU TV Awards.

June 2015 added to Yegor’s awards the prestigious Muz-TV award in the Breakthrough of the Year category.

The “Egor Creed” project is successful in every sense - in 2015 he won 4 awards and became one of the most sought-after artists of the Timati music label.

At the 2016 New Year's Blue Light, Egor performed the song “Nadezhda” together with Joseph Kobzon. In the same year, the joint song “Where are you, where am I” by Creed and Timati was released; later a video was released for it, which received millions of views on YouTube. This composition was included in Timati’s album “Olympus”.

Timati ft. Egor Creed - “Where am I, where are you”

In May 2017, Yegor Creed’s second album, “What They Know,” was released, which included 12 songs, including a duet with rapper Mot, “Go to Sleep.”

Soon the singer presented a joint composition with Olga Seryabkina “If you don’t love me”, and later recorded the song “Team 2018” with the participation of DJ Smash and Polina Gagarina.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

The hero of girls' dreams, Yegor Creed has no shortage of women, but he has still not been able to build a strong family, although the singer himself already dreams of trying himself as a father.

In 2012, on the set of the “Starlet” video, Creed began a relationship with actress Miroslava Karpovich, who was 8 years older than the singer, who was still a schoolboy at that time. The lovers dated for six months and broke up due to enormous busyness and conflicting schedules.

In the spring of 2013, Yegor Creed began dating VKontakte star, model Diana Melison. As the girl recalled, Yegor was an incredibly romantic lover, he showered her with flowers and carefully thought through every date, trying to surprise her. Alas, the relationship did not last long - the singer was against the fact that his beloved was starring in candid photos sessions and was terribly jealous. Melison stated that Yegor is not yet mature for an adult relationship.

Then for several months Creed dated his stage colleague, singer Victoria Daineko, but they turned out to be too different characters so that feelings result in something serious.

Egor Creed (real name - Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin). Born on June 25, 1994 in Penza. Russian singer.

Father - Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin, businessman, director of the company Unitron Firm LLC.

Mother - Marina Petrovna Bulatkina, deputy director of Unitron Firm LLC.

Sister - Polina Nikolaevna Bulatkina, actress, producer, screenwriter, lives in the USA.

As a child, he was involved in sports - he went to the karate section, and was also interested in basketball, football and tennis. I also attended the chess section and have a second rank.

Until the fifth grade, he was an excellent student, and then, he said, “he got a little worked up, got into music and the Internet,” which, as it turned out, was the right decision. His parents did not impose their decisions on him and allowed the guy to chart his own path. “I am grateful to my parents for giving me the freedom to choose a profession,” noted the artist.

Unlike most of his peers, Egor s early years set ambitious goals for himself.

Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a musician and was fond of hip-hop. Graduated from the Lyceum modern technologies department number 2 in the city of Penza.

In 2011, Internet users saw his first video, “Love on the Internet,” which he shot himself.

In 2012, he won the “VKontakte Star - Channel Five” competition in the “Best Hip-Hop Project” category, after which he performed his song “Inspiration” at one of the main stage venues in St. Petersburg - in the Oktyabrsky concert hall.

At the age of 17 he moved to Moscow. Within a year, he began earning money himself. “My father taught me that you need to rely only on yourself and know the value of money. I don’t understand big guys who just spend and hang out,” noted the performer.

Label Black Star Inc. turned his attention to Yegor Creed after the release of his cover of Timati’s song “Don’t Go Crazy,” the view count of which crossed the million-view mark. In April 2012, Yegor Creed signed a contract with the Black Star Inc music label.

In addition to direct music studies, he entered the production department of the Music Academy in Moscow. Gnesins.

In 2014, the artist released the single “The Most Samaya”, which occupied all the first lines of the charts and music charts.

On April 2, 2015, he released his first studio album, “Bachelor.” Yegor’s new hit from this album was the song “Bride”.

On July 25, 2015, he performed at the Europa Plus LIVE 2015 festival, which took place in Moscow, in sports complex"Luzhniki".

On January 1, 2016, at the “New Year's Blue Light 2016” he sang a remake of the songs “The Samaya” and “Nadezhda” together with. Having performed on television, Yegor reached a wide audience who previously did not know about the existence of such a singer.

On March 26, 2016, Yegor Creed was not allowed into the territory of Ukraine. The reason for the refusal of entry could be that the singer began selling tickets to his concerts in Crimea.

Egor Creed - Alarm clock

Yegor Creed's height: 185 centimeters.

Personal life of Yegor Creed:

The singer had a relationship with model Diana Melison. They starred together in a photo shoot for a clothing collection. In 2013, the couple separated. According to the model, the reason for the breakup was Yegor’s jealousy and his dissatisfaction with the fact that she regularly posed for lingerie collections. Creed dedicated his songs “Flew Away” and “I Don’t Stop” to Melison.

At the end of 2016, the artist began a relationship with St. Petersburg model Victoria Odintsova.

Discography of Yegor Creed:

2015 - “Bachelor”

Singles by Yegor Creed:

2011 - “Love on the Net”
2012 - “Distances” (feat. Polina Faith)
2012 - “Starlet”
2012 - “More than love” (feat. Alexey Vorobyov)
2012 - “I’m hooking you”
2013 - “Start My Pulse”
2013 - “Only you, only me”
2013 - “Is it necessary”
2014 - “The Most Most”
2014 - “Being modest is not in fashion” (feat. Hannah)
2015 - “Bride”
2015 - “Daddy’s Daughter”
2015 - “Silence”
2015 - “Alarm Clock”
2016 - “Where are you, where am I” (feat. Timati)

Video clips of Yegor Creed:

2011 - Love on the Internet
2012 - Start my pulse
2012 - Starlet
2012 - More than love (feat. Alexey Vorobyov)
2012 - Distances (feat. Polina Faith)
2014 - Being modest is not in fashion (feat. Hannah)
2014 - Is it necessary?
2014 - The most
2015 - Bride
2015 - I will stay (feat. Arina Kuzmina)
2015 - Alarm clock
2016 - Daddy's Daughter (OST Breakfast at Daddy's)

Even girls far from contemporary art The name of this artist is familiar. He is one of the most popular representatives of the Black Star production center. Housewives recently watched him for an entire season as the country's leading Bachelor. And now only the lazy don’t think about who Yegor Creed is dating.

Artist biography

On June 25, 1994, a son, Yegor, was born into the family of Nikolai Borisovich and Marina Petrovna Bulatkin. He loved music since childhood. He took this trait of his character from his father, who, although he was not publicly famous artist, however, he was always close to music. To this day he leads musical group, writes songs and performs at charity concerts.

  • The artist's real name is Bulatkin, pseudonym Creed. Creed- Credo) he came up with for his first video on the YouTube channel.
  • The guy has a warm and friendly relationship with his mother. Her opinion is very important to him and he almost always listens to it.
  • Yegor also has an older sister who graduated music school in his hometown, and now lives in the States and is actively pursuing a solo career.
  • The future artist grew up as an interested child, studied English language, played chess, played basketball. But the love for music was stronger than anything. As a teenager, he wrote his first hip-hop song and came up with the stage name “Creed.”
  • Mine hometown Yegor loves Penza. He often comes there for concerts and to visit his parents, who still live there.

Rising to the top of chats

  • First, he posted the song “Love on the Net,” which he wrote himself, on one of the social networks;
  • Then he won one of the music competitions, but with a different song;
  • As a result, a well-known production corporation noticed him and offered to sign a contract.

Today, the artist has two recorded albums, many videos, awards, and prestigious awards. His income is in the millions.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

For fans, Yegor’s participation in the “Bachelor” project came as a surprise. The artist has never had problems with girls. His charismatic appearance and huge amount money cannot leave any girl indifferent.

Before Egor's project there was a relationship with many famous and beautiful female representatives:

  1. Diana Melison. The famous model drew attention to the singer during the filming, where they starred with Yegor. The relationship lasted almost six months. The reason for the breakup was jealousy. Creed did not want to see his beloved in candid photos, but Diana refused to follow his conditions;
  2. Nyusha. For almost two years, secretly from everyone, Creed met with Nyusha. Their romance received wide publicity after its completion. According to Yegor, he had serious intentions, but they failed to come true due to interference in the relationship of the singer’s parents. Nyusha refutes this fact;
  3. Ksenia Delhi- a model from Los Angeles entered Egor’s life first in social networks, and then they met a couple of times. Evidence of their connection - joint photos - disappeared from the Internet literally two months later. And a little later, Ksenia married another, more promising man;
  4. A short romance with an Instagram star Victoria Odintsova many consider it nothing more than PR necessary for both;
  5. Fans argue whether Creed had an affair with Carla Di Bello, a representative of the world's highest circles and Kardashian's friend. IN Egor's Instagram There were several photographs that raised suspicions during that period. However, later the artist denied fans’ speculations.

Thus, all these wonderful women, for one reason or another, were unable to build relationships with the young singer. And at the time of participation in a popular TV project Creed was really lonely.

The story of season 6 of the Bachelor project

Egor accepted the invitation to take part in the project, albeit with caution, but joyfully. According to the project rules to a young artist they had to choose one, that very girl, among eighteen pre-selected by the organizers.

During the project, it was impossible to determine Yegor’s sympathies. He said goodbye to the eliminated participants with difficulty and continued to look for his only one among the remaining ones.

Throughout the project, the singer’s relationship with Daria Klyukina was ambiguous. At first Yegor liked Dasha. She already had experience participating in similar show and this time she really helped the main character understand himself and other girls, distinguish truth from lies.

Then something happened that no one expected: Yegor kicked Klyukina out of the project because she did not take into account his request to stop smoking. Compared to the feelings of both, the reason seemed insignificant. The artist himself realized that he could not say goodbye to the participant. After Dasha left in a black car, Yegor chased after her, stopped her, and a little later returned her to the project.

As a result, Dasha reached the final and snatched victory from her rival Victoria Korotkova. However, it is known that the couple separated without even fulfilling the terms of the project. Dasha is accused of having unclean intentions on the project, that her only goal was PR.

There is information in the media that immediately after the project, Dasha signed several lucrative contracts to work as a model and almost doubled her fees. However, no one except herself knows whether she loved Yegor or not.

Who is Yegor Creed dating after “The Bachelor”?

There is no reliable information about Yegor’s personal relationships after the project. However, many fans believe that the true winner of the project is still became Victoria Korotkova, who, unfortunately, did not receive the ring.

There are several facts in favor of this version:

  1. Even during the project, it was clear that both had feelings and when leaving, Victoria knew for sure that this was not the end;
  2. After the project, the couple attended several events together;
  3. Young people wrote down working together under the leadership of the production center “Black Star”;
  4. Victoria’s tattoo, made for Yegor during the project, not only remained on the model’s body, but also appears on many posts on her Instagram page.

All this can be considered indirect evidence of the relationship between Yegor Creed and Victoria Korotkova. However, it’s worth waiting a little and we will still, sooner or later, find out who Yegor Creed is dating. This is carefully hidden both by the singer himself and his PR agency. In the meantime, we can only speculate and enjoy the work of our favorite artist.

Video about Creed's current relationship

This video will provide irrefutable evidence that after the show “The Bachelor,” Yegor began dating V. Korotkova: