How to open a small cafe/eatery. Equipment and furniture. Competitive advantages of business

Are you worried about how to open a snack bar from scratch? We will provide step by step instructions and we'll explain where to start. After all, such a business, even in the presence of high competition, is considered profitable and profitable. Financial investments pay off within the first year. And if you think through everything correctly, you can get a net profit much earlier.

Such snack bars fast food appear in large numbers in a variety of cities and regions. It’s understandable, because to modern man there is no time to stand at the stove and cook, and there is not enough money for gourmet meals and trips to restaurants. It’s much easier to go to the nearest catering establishment and eat inexpensively.

Business Features

Don't think that the diner is close organizational issues with a restaurant. There are quite a few nuances here, without paying attention to which you will have to spend a lot of money and be left without the expected profit. Let us list the important differences between a small eatery and fine dining establishments:

  1. The main clients are students, young families with average incomes, office workers, factory workers. That's why pricing policy your eatery should be within their financial means.
  2. But do not try to save on the cost of dishes due to the low quality of products. Your clients will not forgive this. You must cook deliciously and not harm the health of your visitors.
  3. The ability to take food with you and order it by phone is a good marketing ploy, since not every student or office worker has time for a full lunch.
  4. Even before opening a diner, you need to decide on the main direction and theme of your establishment. It must meet the wishes and needs of your future clients.
  5. Choose a location with high traffic, otherwise there will be very few visitors, which will affect the rate of return on investment for the business.

If you are just deciding what type of catering establishment to open, we will list the main pros and cons. Among the advantages of the snack bar are:

  • thanks to high level attendance, you will quickly reach large capital turnover even at low prices for ready meals;
  • unlike restaurant business requires less investment at the start;
  • such establishments are relevant even in small towns, and not just in big cities;
  • a sufficiently small size of the total area;
  • simplicity in preparing main dishes does not require a highly qualified cook, which makes it possible to save on wages;
  • In order to reduce costs, it is allowed to purchase inexpensive furniture, a simple interior, and also have cheap dishes.

But to be objective, we need to consider the other side of the coin. Disadvantages of the snack bar:

  1. This is a mini-project that, even if successfully implemented, will not bring much wealth to its owner.
  2. When registering a small catering establishment, you will have to complete complex registration in many authorities.
  3. It will not be possible to save on renting premises, since it is advisable to look for a suitable location in the central areas of the city with high traffic.

Types of snack bars

Where to start? From determining what exactly and in what format you will offer your clients. Today the following establishments of this kind are popular:

  1. General type diner - unpretentious interior, varied but simple menu, low prices and cheap furniture. It is in this form that we often see this version of catering in American films.
  2. Specialty snack bar - characterized by a main dish that may not even be complemented by anything else. Usually they have a name corresponding to what is being prepared - varenichnaya, cheburechnaya, kebab, etc.
  3. – differ from a regular snack bar with a simple self-service system. There is no need for waiters here, and the dishes are prepared very quickly. They became famous thanks to the American McDonald's.
  4. On wheels - a mobile version of a moving kitchen. To do this, rent or buy a special van or trailer, which has a place for cooking simple dishes. Their variety is small, but such a business wins minimum investment and ease of finding clients by moving the van. You just need to check with the authorities in advance which places you are allowed to stay.

You can download a free sample here.


To register a business, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is suitable if you do not intend to sell alcoholic beverages and also hire a small staff. Otherwise, registration is required legal entity and payment of taxes in the UTII form. OKVED is indicated as standard for similar establishments catering – 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes.”

Before opening the premises, it is necessary to prepare it in accordance with the requirements of the SES and GPI. Only after checking them and issuing permits can the establishment be opened. If you have specific equipment, it is advisable to have certificates for it, and also take care of the relevant documents for the supplied products.

It is necessary to draw up agreements in advance for the supply of goods, for waste removal, with utility services, etc. Special licenses will be required only in the case of the sale of alcohol, otherwise - only permission from Rospotrebnadzor. Each employee is required to undergo a medical examination and have a health certificate.

Don't forget the cash register and its correct registration.

Search for premises

As already mentioned, it is fundamentally important for your establishment to have a high traffic volume of people. And this can be achieved by choosing a building next to:

  • shopping center;
  • Universities;
  • offices;
  • train stations;
  • dormitories;
  • road junctions, highways for truckers;
  • plants and factories;
  • on the central streets of the city.

The size of the room can be small, within 30-50 m2. Be sure to highlight a food preparation area, a hall for visitors, a toilet and a storage area. Expensive renovations will not be required, since this type of eatery can use a simple, discreet interior.

Furniture and equipment

Once you have decided on the menu, it is easy to make a list of what you need to prepare the specified dishes. We offer a wide range of equipment, allowing you to expand your range as much as possible.

Equipment and inventory Cost, in rub.
1 Plate 40 000
2 deep fryer 20 000
3 Coffee machine 20 000
4 Fridge 100 000
5 Toaster 1 500
6 Grill 10 000
7 Food processor 30 000
8 Oven 30 000
9 Hood 50 000
10 Work surfaces 30 000
11 Equipment (pots, pans, etc.) 70 000
12 Dishes for clients 40 000
13 Trade showcase 40 000
14 Cash register 10 000
Total: 491 500

Also worry about the availability of plastic tables, chairs, stands, simple hangers for clothes, air conditioning for the summer, etc. And although this constitutes the main initial expenses, you still need to familiarize yourself with the full picture detailed example business plan with calculations. Keep in mind that if you are preparing only one type of dish, you will need much less equipment.


With a schedule from 10.00 to 22.00, you should take care of having two shifts, working, for example, three days in a row.

Each of them requires a cook (3 people), two waiters, a cashier and a cleaning lady. An accountant and manager are hired only at the request of the owner, since he can perform their functions himself.


When compiling a list of dishes that will be prepared in your establishment, be guided by the wishes of visitors. To do this, you can first go through local catering establishments and take a closer look at the most popular items. Also, the variety of assortment depends on the chosen focus. For example, if you only sell hot dogs, then it doesn't make sense to cook anything else.

When opening a general type of eatery, focus on the following recommendations for creating a menu:

  1. Soups (2-3 types).
  2. Salads (5-6).
  3. Main courses of meat, fish, poultry and vegetables (up to 10 options).
  4. Side dish (2-3).
  5. Desserts (up to 5 varieties).
  6. Drinks (with or without alcohol).

It is important to take into account the various requirements of visitors in this list. Try to include in the list several types of vegetarian dishes, low-calorie dishes, for children, etc. If you sell some alcoholic drinks, then you can add related products to them (for example, nuts and chips for beer).

So that you can always ensure the preparation of all specified items, draw up contracts in advance with reliable suppliers of semi-finished products and fresh products. It is profitable to enter into contracts with local manufacturers. The markup is set at 30% of the cost.

Financial calculations

Obviously, to bring such an idea to life, you need a certain start-up capital. Which one will largely depend on the availability of suitable premises in your property, the range of products offered and the appropriate equipment for its preparation.

We will offer average statistical figures for opening a general eatery from scratch.

In addition, you need to take into account the monthly costs of running the establishment:

If you calculate that about 100 people will visit your diner per day and the average check will be within 200 rubles, and on weekends the figures will be half as low, then monthly income will be approximately 520,000 rubles. Thus, even in unforeseen situations, the initial investment will be fully recouped within six months.

Smart marketing

It is advisable to take care of advertising your business at the stage of its organization and preparatory work. You can place advertisements on the territory of the same offices and universities near which you will open, and also make full use of the Internet - create a website, register on city forums, make a page on social networks. This is enough to attract attention.

To increase your chances, increase your competitiveness and expand your customer base, apply the following strategies:

  • Set low prices that are affordable for most people who want to eat on the go.
  • At the same time, ensure the high quality of the dishes, their appetizing appearance and the freshness of the products used. Remember that a variety of spices, sauces and herbs can significantly transform even simple potatoes.
  • Your employees should be as friendly and polite as possible.
  • Create a discount program for holidays, various events, reduce prices for regular customers, or offer interesting bonuses.
  • Maintain perfect cleanliness in the kitchen and living room.
  • Think over the menu so that you can find a suitable dish for a variety of visitors - vegetarians, believers (for example, during Lent), families with small children, etc.
  • Very important point– good location of the establishment.
  • Don't forget to decorate the windows, entrance and hall according to the upcoming holidays.
  • Run promotions, for example, sell freshly prepared meals at the end of the day at a discount.
  • With all the savings and simplicity of the interior, think about the original and pleasant design of the room. Perhaps some theme or romantic setting for a date would be suitable.

All you have to do is use your imagination and you will make your establishment the most popular in the city. And this will provide enough good profit for a long period.

Video: , diner?

A business based on satisfying basic human needs is always profitable. Looking at Maslow's pyramid, we can understand that the most popular human need is the need for food. This is why novice businessmen are wondering: how to open a snack bar. With the right approach, it will not be difficult to find clients, especially if you organize your business correctly. IN this material we'll tell you how to do it.

First steps

How to open a snack bar and where to start? As in any other business, you need to start with a solution legal issues. Since the business is related to food, there will be many of them.

First of all, you should register as an LLC if you plan to sell alcohol in a snack bar; if not, you can open an individual entrepreneur, which is much more profitable and simpler.

  • Production control program;
  • Deratization agreement;
  • Disinfestation agreement;
  • Conclusion of the SES;
  • Assortment of food products sold;
  • Garbage removal agreement;
  • Fluorescent lamp recycling agreement;
  • Book of complaints;
  • Agreement for the use of laundry and dry cleaning.

Also, before submitting an application, you should lease or purchase ownership of the premises where your eatery will be located.

Selecting a room

When opening a diner, you need to carefully consider the issue of choosing premises. You should analyze the level of competition and the need for such an establishment in the region where you plan to do business.

It is profitable to place eateries near markets, universities, train stations and office centers, metro exits and public transport stops.


The main expense when opening a diner is the purchase of equipment and furniture. Equipment needed: refrigerators, counters, cabinets, display cases, grill, pancake maker, hot dog makers, microwave oven, kettle, deep fryer, donut maker, coffee makers.

Of course, the choice of equipment directly depends on the assortment. When compiling a menu, you should analyze the offers of competitors and choose what they do not have and what is in greatest demand. Intuition also plays a significant role in these matters.

As a rule, snack bars prepare dishes from semi-finished products. However, do not forget about the quality of food preparation.

The menu should include several types of first and second courses, sandwiches, meat and vegetable salads, hot and cold drinks.


Quantity employees depends on the type of eatery. If you intend to sell hot dogs and burghers from the counter, then you can get by with one employee.

If you want to open a diner that offers first and second courses, you will need a cook, a cashier, and a waiter (if there are a lot of orders, there may be several cooks and waiters). For an additional fee, the main staff can be assigned to work as a cleaner.

According to the law, all employees must have a health certificate and undergo timely medical examinations.

Business promotion

It’s not enough to open a cafe and snack bar; you also need to provide the establishment with a constant influx of customers. Speaking of promotion, first of all, you should take care of a bright sign that will be visible from different angles from afar.

Having clarified the city rules regarding the placement and installation of outdoor advertising, it would not be amiss to place a pillar along the road. If your eatery is located near an office center, you can arrange at the checkpoint or reception to place business cards.

Cafe on wheels

Many businessmen wonder how to open a snack bar on wheels. This format is quite interesting, as it allows you to move to crowded places and attracts attention thanks to the original appearance. In addition, in this case there is no question of renting or purchasing premises, which is a cost-effective solution.

Remember that your bus should attract attention. It should be colorfully decorated and equipped with comfortable furniture. The pleasant music flowing from the windows allows you to create a feeling of celebration.

The target visitors of such cafes, as a rule, are students, young people and parents with children. The image of such establishments is close to that of a bistro; therefore, the pricing policy should be democratic and the dishes appropriate. In addition to its main purpose, the bus can be used for corporate events, youth and children's parties.

Making the right menu

Since you won’t be able to cook on the bus, you should stick to semi-finished products that can be reheated: hot dogs, hamburgers, hot sandwiches and pastries. If you plan to cook, you should take care of the power supply. This could be a small power station or a diesel generator. A snack bar on wheels is a business subject to strict criticism from inspection authorities. In field conditions, you cannot use reusable dishes; you have to use disposable ones, although this is much more expensive.

Interior and route

The number of visitors directly depends on these factors. If you plan to work in winter, take care of thermal insulation and heated seats. The route should be laid out along the sights, crowded places and beautiful landscapes.


Make sure you have an experienced driver. You will also need a bartender-waiter and a cook. Since your establishment will not have strict coordinates, you should hire a person who will call people over the loudspeaker.

Possible problems

First of all, the problems are related to regulatory authorities, since by law any catering establishment must be connected to water supply and sewerage systems. The next difficulty is Russian roads. Their imperfect condition is not conducive to eating.

Some people think where to have a bite to eat, others wonder how open a snack bar so that the society is well-fed and it’s nice in your pocket.

Let us pay attention to the nuance that eighty percent of the population today cannot take advantage of full-fledged restaurants, due to sky-high prices. pricing policy compared to their income. And many people, due to their busy work schedule, do not have time for a quiet meal. And this does not depend on the person’s location and the situation in which he finds himself. IN rural areas, question of opening a diner not as global as in urban settings.

The audience in such public catering places can be very diverse. From schoolchildren, because today not every educational institution can provide meals to its students. Especially, it's average and high school. Right there, the administrative staff of enterprises, that is, office plankton. Workers with production capacity, technical staff of the same offices and just a random passerby.

In order to start your own business in this direction, you must clearly understand what contingent will be served, what association emerges for you.

Don't forget the difference between cafes and fast food establishments. They only cook food instant cooking.

Snack bars can be divided into two types:

general nutrition

- specialized

Establishments general nutrition include a wide range of products. In principle, alcohol and tobacco products can be included here.

Specialized establishments can specialize in a specific dish or several, for example; kebab, dumplings, dumplings.

Before open a snack bar You will decide whether you will build a new building or rent an existing premises. Are there sewerage and water supply, is the electric main far away? Deal with maximum number visitors that the interior space of your eatery can accommodate. The area must be at least 30 m2, but in principle this is an optional requirement for this type food points. To do this, conduct marketing research on similar taverns in the area where you plan to start your business, that is, your competitors.

Whatever they are today, this cannot happen. So, pay attention to these aspects:

— Do they have time to serve the entire flow of customers and determine how many people you can potentially get who want to eat?

— Study the menu of competitors and determine which dishes are popular

— Also study the quality of products and customer service in competing establishments.

— Conduct a small survey on the street under the guise of a sociological survey, find out what people like best and what they lack.

Next, you need to take care of a good advertising campaign, which will also help open a diner . This is a bright, colorful sign with an appetizingly chosen name for the establishment, which will be visible from different sides of the street. You also need to install a sign on the sidewalk near the road, it is also called a sign. Print a certain number of advertising flyers to distribute to people. In this way you will inform many people in direct and indirect ways.

If there are enterprises, government agencies, schools, dormitories, offices nearby, then leave, if possible, your advertising leaflets, or at least business cards, at the watch, checkpoints, and reception.

Also provide comfort and good mood for your client. Comfort depends on correct design internal environment of the room. The originality of interior decoration is another step towards the successful implementation of your business project. If you have problems with creative imagination, hire a specialist designer, provided that your financial limit allows it. Alternatively, you can find a graduate art school, or technical school. The guys will develop a design for you with pleasure and interest, and it will be much cheaper.

Seating and tables should be comfortable and not cause discomfort to the client. Build the color scheme of the room on the basis of nuanced tones, no sharp, contrasting transitions, very bright or dark colors. The visitor wants to eat in peace and relax a little, and not turn his head in different directions and think about what annoys him.

For a tavern that will specialize only in chebureks or hot dogs, tables and counters will suffice.

Now let's move on to the production equipment that you will need for work. If possible, never buy used ones; they often get rid of them because they no longer stand up to criticism. Today there are high-quality products from domestic manufacturers, they are much cheaper than imported ones, but they are not inferior to them. You can, of course, rent if your budget is not very large. Renting looks more reliable than buying used

Here is a preliminary list of equipment. This does not mean that you will need to purchase everything; the need for one or another depends on the type of your public catering facility:

— Ovens;

— Microwave ovens;

— Deep fryers;

— Donut machines;

— Electric or gas stoves;

— Showcases;

— Coffee makers;

- Pancake makers;

— Refrigerators and freezers;

— Mixers;

— Juicers;

— Racks;

- Chairs;

— Cash register;

— Kitchen equipment;

- Dishes;

— Overalls;

And now about the employees. Your catering will require from one to five employees. This number can vary depending on the type of tavern, as well as popularity and your greed. The standard set of employees consists of:

— Seller – cashier (also accountant);

— Dishwasher;

- Waiter;

- Cleaning woman;

Fast food dishes on display should whet your appetite just by looking at them. Be careful when developing your menu, don’t forget about your marketing research and a small sociological survey. Take into account all the shortcomings of your competitors, the wishes of your potential clients, so that they want not only to see, but also to eat at your place. But don't forget that you are opening a diner a fast food establishment where all dishes are prepared quickly and eaten, just as quickly, or even on the go. Choose dishes for your menu that can be prepared quickly and with high quality. Because it’s unlikely that Uncle Sasha, a welder with OJSC “Forge Iron, Tear Metal,” will wait for you to kill a chicken, bring it to a state of cooking and cook his favorite chicken broth, and so will Vasil Vasilich from the statistics department of the bank “Money is Yours.” , our happiness."

In theory, your menu should look like this:

— Soup (preferably several varieties);

— Second (several types);

— Salads

— Sandwiches and various quick snacks;

- Tea, coffee, juices... - in short, all sorts of drinks.

As we all understand, the food products in these taverns are semi-finished products, but you should always pay attention to their quality, because the popularity of your tavern depends on it.

It is better to purchase products from a food base in terms of pricing and profitability of doing business. And one more nuance than longer way delivery, the more expensive it is. So, you need to look for bases or stores that will provide you with food, rather than closer to your catering establishment.

But there is one more nuance, probably the most time-consuming and exhausting, before open a snack bar, this is paperwork and registration of a private enterprise. Let's look at these steps:

Stage No. 1 – Register your business activity.

Stage No. 2 – Select a tax system and register a cash register.

Stage No. 4 – Close communication with the sanitary and epidemiological station and obtaining permission to operate.

Stage #5 – Also close communication with public service emergency situations and obtaining permission.

Stage #5 – Go to the local administration (city, district) and register the outlet.

Stage No. 6 – This step requires that if you plan to sell tobacco products and alcohol, you must obtain a license to sell them.

Stage No. 7 – Registration of a trademark, provided that you have a desire to do so.

Now let's take a look full list all documents that you need to have after completing all stages of registration and registration of an emergency:

— Production control program;

— Agreement on disinfestation and deratization;

— Sanitary epidemiological report;

— Agreement for waste removal;

— Book of reviews and complaints;

— Agreements with dry cleaning and laundry;

— Purchase – sale or lease agreement;

— Permits from the State Emergency Service and the SES;

— License for the right to trade in alcohol and tobacco products.

— Certificate of registration of private entrepreneurship.

— Registration of a retail outlet;

— Sanitary and epidemiological records of your employees.

— Charter of the enterprise and safety instructions (general and official).

To implement your project, you will need from 10,000 to 15,000 conventional units.

There is another option, this is a snack bar on wheels. To do this, you need to convert a car - a small truck, a van, a minibus trailer. First, buy a used car.

Install kitchen and refrigeration equipment and propane cylinders. Distribute the internal space into zones:

— Cooking area;

— Food serving area;

— Food storage area.

Documents and registration are basically the same as for stationary points, of course, there are some differences;

— Vehicle registration;

- Insurance.

All other documents and the system for registering your case are discussed above.

Otherwise, the principle of organizing and developing a snack bar is the same and is described above in the article.

Business plan for a snack bar

An important aspect in business endeavors is the business plan. Let's expand on this concept. It provides instructions for step-by-step actions and development of your small private business. It is provided to investors and authorities when registering a state of emergency and more.

Its main tasks:

— building development strategy and tactics;

— determination of optimal goals in commercial activities enterprises;

— Development of marketing policy;

— Creation and sale of products.

Let's consider the general business plan for a snack bar

Observation point

Includes information about products, what will be produced, the specifics of the enterprise, and attraction of financial investments

Point of description of an establishment, private enterprise

Form of ownership, menu, legal and actual address,

Production point

Includes a project of a capital or non-capital building in which the establishment will be located, a design project. Equipment of the kitchen, hall for clients, number of employees and information on the costs of all this.

Financial settlement point

Here are the costs for;

— Procurement and acquisition of equipment, products;

— Renting premises or building a new one;

— Expenses for wages employees;

— The total amount of expenses for all items.

This is short indicative business— plan of a diner.

Well, that’s all for now, you can’t specify all the nuances, because there are a lot of them, foreseen and unforeseen. We, future and aspiring entrepreneurs, have revealed the theory to you in simple words. We hope that our article will be very helpful in starting your own business. The main thing is that there is a goal to strive for.

seduces you own business from scratch in the catering industry, but not enough money to open a cafe? Turn your attention to organizing a snack bar. This will not require large investments, but will be a good experience in order to expand the business later. Practice shows that some private entrepreneurs like the business of fast food establishments so much that over time they open an entire chain of eateries and make a good profit. Such establishments are popular among the population, so such a business from scratch quickly becomes profitable.

But how to open a snack bar and where to start a catering business? The main component of success is a detailed and well-written business plan.

  • We are deciding whether the snack bar will be in a stationary building or whether it will be a mini-cafe on wheels. It should be immediately emphasized that mobile points are less popular and bring profit mainly in the warm season.
  • It’s worth starting with determining the direction of activity. Cheburechnaya is also a snack bar, like a shawarma shop, a pirozhka shop, and a sandwich shop. Think about what you like best. They differ in their assortment.
  • We choose a place for the establishment in a well-traveled and crowded area, next to a factory or educational institution, For example.
  • We decide on the design of the room; it should be attractive and create comfort. For furniture, you can choose a counter and high chairs; plastic items are quite appropriate.
  • At the first stage, when drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to decide on the policy of the institution. This will determine what form of registration you need - individual entrepreneur or LLC. The latter will be required if you sell alcoholic beverages.
  • Get legal advice on what package of documents you will need in order to open, and what government inspections you need to visit. This is important because the most serious requirements are placed on catering facilities.


Before you think about how to open a snack bar, you need to find a place for it. It was already noted above that the room may be small. It is enough for the hall to be at least 14 meters, in total about 20 are needed square meters . You can also buy a stationary kiosk, they are often sold.

Assortment of dishes in eateries

You won’t have a varied menu, and you don’t need it. The diner will sell dishes made from semi-finished products: pasties and belyashi, hot dogs, hot sandwiches and even dumplings.

In a snack bar, you must have cold and hot drinks, possibly low-alcohol ones, such as beer. The purchase of semi-finished products is also a costly part.

Snack bar equipment

To prepare dishes, you need special equipment - a cheburek maker, a mantosh maker, a microwave oven, a coffee machine, a refrigerator, an electric kettle and a full set of dishes. All this should be included in the list of costs.

Operating mode

Here you need to study the intricacies of the area where the point will be located. It all depends on customer visits. If the eatery is located at an ATP where truckers constantly come, then it makes sense to work around the clock.


This is also an expensive item in the plan that you decided to develop from scratch. But without a reliable team of professionals, it will be difficult to develop a business. You can't do it alone either. Sellers, a cashier and a cook will be needed. All three positions can be held by one person, but they will have to work in two shifts, therefore there must be at least two salespeople. Hire a dishwasher separately, she can also clean tables and the room. Thus, the diner’s team will be at least five people, all of whom will have to pay for their work.

What does profit consist of?

Prices for food in a diner opened from scratch are low, and therefore your task is to attract as many visitors as possible.

Thus, before wondering how to open a snack bar, you need to run through the authorities and obtain numerous permits. Next, it is necessary to conclude agreements with suppliers for the delivery of semi-finished products and waste disposal authorities, since waste disposal is of great importance in the country.

A snack bar is one of the types of establishments catering, which is designed for quick service large quantity visitors, and the menu mainly has a limited number of simply prepared dishes. In fact, these are varieties of canteens in its classic style. This format of establishments came to us from the times of the USSR, when they were especially popular. Nowadays, this type of establishment has evolved a little, due to technical solutions, modern renovation and an interesting menu, but the philosophy has remained the same.

In this article we will look at a business plan for a snack bar, with the help of which you can open such an establishment in your city.

Competition in this segment is high, but at the same time, narrow specialization in one area of ​​​​dishes can allow you to stand out among competitors. Unlike modern cafes, in the diner, the menu is dominated by homemade dishes that everyone is used to eating, and the price tag for lunch is quite low, these are the factors that make them so popular among both young people and the older generation. Some craftsmen even organize such establishments on wheels, in mobile kiosks, segmenting, for example, dumplings or dumplings.

Institution format

Snack bars are divided into two main types: general and specialized. The first type implies the presence of a wide range of menus, and the second, profile, presents in its assortment certain types of dishes, for example, dumplings, dumplings and others.

The choice of establishment format depends on many reasons, such as competition, initial capital, target audience.

We will focus on a universal type of diner, with full meals that will include first, second and drinks.

We prepare documents

In order to comply with all legal requirements and work according to the law, you need to complete a package of documents.

Here's what you'll need:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur.
  • indicate OKVED for the activity. For Russia it is 55.30. For Ukraine – 56.10.
  • Permits from SES and fire supervision are required.
  • lease or purchase and sale agreement for premises.
  • to register personnel for work, employees must have medical records.
  • visitor's corner with a book of complaints.
  • waste removal agreement.
  • certificates for products and equipment.

This basic set documentation. The best thing to do when starting a business in the format of a fast food restaurant is to contact an experienced lawyer who will help you obtain all the permits and certificates, and you will be sure that you did everything correctly.

We are looking for premises

Finding premises for a snack bar is a very important step. After all, it depends on him whether your establishment will be successful.

The first and most important thing is the location of your establishment.

1.) Passable crowded place. Good options there will be premises near universities, office buildings, stations.

2.) Study the level of competition. If there is already one in your area general type a snack bar, then perhaps you should think about a specialized establishment like a dumpling shop.

3.) Your windows and entrance should face a thoroughfare, and there should be a bright sign above the entrance, and a stand with the menu for today near the entrance.

The second is the requirements directly for the premises. Before opening a diner, it is important to make sure that the premises meet the requirements of inspection services, namely the SES and firefighters. And only then begin the final repairs. Otherwise, you will have to redo it, and this will be additional expenses not included in the business plan.

Here are the main parameters of the room:

1.) The area of ​​the premises must be at least 100 sq.m.

2.) Availability of space for a kitchen, restroom, staff room and, of course, a hall for guests.

3.) Availability of communications (water supply, electricity, ventilation, heating and sewerage).

4.) Convenient access and parking for cars, or the presence of transport interchanges nearby.

Also take care of fire safety by installing an alarm.

Working on a menu for a diner

The first thing you should pay attention to is the most popular types of dishes. Potato pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, various salads. All this should be present in your assortment.

An excellent solution would be set lunches or breakfasts. If there are office centers or universities nearby, then the demand for such solutions will be constant.

After final approval of food and drinks, order a design for your menu. Try to arrange everything according to a certain structure, for example, hot dishes - side dishes - desserts, etc.

If you do not plan to have your own bakery, you can order delivery bakery products, as well as semi-finished products from suppliers in your region.

Remember, your food must be delicious and home-cooked, then a stable flow of visitors is guaranteed.


After drawing up the menu, you will see a clear picture of the equipment that will be needed to prepare them. Let's look at what you will need to open a small diner.

  • hobs – from $250
  • gas oven – from $500
  • mixer – $70
  • toaster – $25
  • coffee maker – $200
  • juicer – $150
  • deep fryer – $300
  • refrigeration equipment – ​​$1500
  • display cases and racks – $2000
  • furniture – $3500
  • dishes - $400
  • tureen - $200
  • kitchen equipment and workwear - $600.

The list of equipment is far from complete, and it should be supplemented to suit your own needs. In total, at the start you need to have at least $10,000 – $15,000.

In addition to equipment, you will need furniture for the living room and kitchen. The hotel's cost item will be dishes.

You also need to buy fixtures for bathrooms and audio equipment.


For the stable operation of the diner, you will need to hire qualified staff. It is advisable that people be responsible and already have experience in catering. Pay special attention to finding a chef, since the reputation of the establishment will directly depend on his work, and do not spare money on his salary.

The staff may be as follows:

  • cook.
  • waiters.
  • cleaning woman.
  • accountant.

You can handle the supply of products to the café and snack bar yourself, and you can also perform the duties of an accountant yourself. Your main task at the start is not to inflate the budget with extra employees and work as much as possible yourself. In the future you will be able to delegate these tasks.

How much does all this cost?

Now let's touch on the question starting capital to open a diner. You will calculate all these points in your business plan; we will indicate the main expense items.

Starting investments:

  • redecoration of the premises – $110 per 1 sq.m.
  • purchase of furniture, dishes and equipment – ​​$14,000
  • documentation – $300
  • corporate identity (signboard, flyers) – $200
  • starting purchase of products – $1900

Monthly investments:

  • rent for the premises – $10 – $15 per 1 sq.m.
  • utility bills – from $300
  • taxes – $200
  • staff salaries – from $200 per employee.
  • Product replenishment – ​​$1100

You also need to take into account transportation costs if you independently deliver the products to your establishment.


The profitability of this business is estimated at 35% - 50%.

With a well-constructed marketing plan and high quality food, you can recoup your investment in 1 – 1.5 years.

Conclusions. Opening a diner from scratch is difficult, but quite profitable business. The success of a business depends on the location of the establishment and delicious food. Promotion occurs through recommendations to friends and an adequate pricing policy.