Who are the Aryans and how do they relate to the “Aryan race”. The ancient Aryans are our direct ancestors

Ancient arias


According to mythological ideas, races previously existed on Earth: brown, yellow, black, and red. Our white race is the last, Aryan, and its most characteristic representative, who has preserved to a greater extent the purity of Aryan blood, is the Russian people. The mythologies of all the peoples of the Earth include the legend of the Flood. One can, of course, imagine that the birth of such a myth could have been facilitated by the local experience of an accidental very large river flood, but the similarity of details about the salvation on the ark still speaks more in favor of a real event of world significance. The question of glaciation and the death of mammoths so quickly is not clear that frozen carcasses with the remains of undigested plant food in their stomachs are found in the permafrost of northern Siberia. A comparison of disparate sources of information suggests the following:

Russians are one of the oldest nations that inhabited the Earth and had a previously developed civilization before the grandiose global cataclysm. The ancient Aryans are our direct ancestors. Russians lived in the territory today occupied by tundra and permafrost in the Northern Urals region more than ten thousand years ago. In those days the climate there was completely different, tropical. Abundant vegetation covered vast spaces, and the forests were full of animals and birds, the rivers - with fish. It was literally a golden age. The Russians worked moderately, did not lack anything, and the development of production was due only to an organic fusion with nature. But not by preparations for wars and civil strife, so characteristic of our period of civilization. The Russians did not have slavery, just as there were no wars of conquest. However, they were always ready to repel enemy attacks thanks to the developed hierarchy of the state management system, a sense of community, innate courage and extraordinary fortitude. At that time they already owned metallurgical production and urban planning. Only recently the scientific world was shocked by completely unexpected finds of a number of remains of ancient cities in Siberia and the Northern Urals, obtained as a result of special photography of the territory from space. The antiquity of the buildings is undoubted, and there is no doubt that our ancient ancestors could erect structures that were not inferior to the buildings of Ancient Greece many millennia before it. The excavations are already waiting for their discoverers.

The first Trans-Ural city, whose name was given to Arkaim (after the name of a nearby mountain), in which excavations had already begun, showed that it was inhabited by artisans, farmers, and hunters. The residents themselves were fans of the cult of the sun, as evidenced by swastikas (the sign - Kolovrat), the oldest stylized image of the sun, applied to ceramic dishes and other material remains. This symbol was extremely common among ancient peoples. In plan, the city is a regular circle with radially diverging streets. (The echo of that architecture undoubtedly affected the urban planning of Moscow). For some reason, figurines were found very similar to the statues from Easter Island. According to radiocarbon analysis, ancient tools made of mammoth bone and wood found in permafrost are 9-10 thousand years distant from us. And yet this is not the main thing. Major discoveries are still awaiting archaeologists. The fact is that the found buildings represent a post-culture that arose on the remains of the previous one, lost civilization Aryans as a result of a global catastrophe that occurred 11.5 thousand years ago. It was then that the mammoths became extinct, and the descendants of the Aryans managed to survive the disaster thanks to a fairly strong and developed culture.

Presumably, the reason for such rapid glaciation is the rotation of the earth's axis, which occurs from time to time. The earth is an ellipsoid figure. Every schoolchild knows that the earth rotates around its axis with a period of a day (i.e. they are precisely caused by rotation). But not everyone knows that the earth’s axis is also circular. This movement is called precession in mechanics. For clarity, look at how a children's top or spinning top rotates. The axis of rotation does not remain strictly vertical and motionless. She also draws a small circle with her movement, and the time to complete one revolution is much longer than for the revolution of the top itself. So the time of precessional rotation of the Earth's axis is 44 thousand years. In addition, the Earth's axis tends to swing from its equilibrium position in both directions by one and a half degrees with a period of 25,776 years. That is, there are mechanisms that swing the Earth’s axis and, under certain conditions, a situation with the appearance of an unstable balance of the axis is quite possible. This could be the impact of a powerful meteorite, a comet, the deflection by the gravitational field of a nearby massive cosmic body, or even the growth of ice caps at the poles, which happens all the time. With the growth of ice caps at the poles, the Earth seems to take on the shape of a dumbbell, which also leads to a position of unstable equilibrium. Most likely, it was the rotation of the Earth’s axis that occurred 11.5 thousand years ago that was the cataclysm that caused irreversible phenomena, a sharp cooling in previously climatically favorable areas, with all the accompanying phenomena - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, subsidence and rise of continents, i.e. e. "The World Flood".

It was in those times, 11-12 thousand years distant from us, that there was a great battle between the hostile civilization of the Atlanteans and the Aryans in which our ancestors crushed the Atlanteans. Information about this battle through the initiates has found its way into our century. It was the rotation of the Earth's axis that caused the death of Atlantis. Some of the Atlanteans escaped by settling on the American continent and mixing with the red race, some on the African continent, subsequently founding the civilization of the Egyptians. Aryans, according to a number of legends, come from the Northern Urals. Probably, the Ural Mountains contributed to survival, and a developed culture helped to overcome hundreds of years of life in the resulting icy desert. It is to this period that the beginning of the settlement of the Aryans on the planet can be attributed. One way or another, the cataclysm forced them to look for new, more suitable lands and go on long hikes in search of them. By that time we must attribute the appearance different languages. Before the cataclysm, there was one common language on the planet.

So gradually our ancestors mastered the spaces of first the Trans-Urals, Siberia, and then Europe. Some went to India, founding there a center of ancient culture. Some, through the strait between Asia and America, crossed to the American continent, assimilating with the red-skinned race, which also remained partially. This was the most difficult period of development, associated with battles for the territories being developed, with the hardships of campaigns, with leading a nomadic lifestyle. In relation to the remnants of other races that survived after the rotation of the earth's axis and by that time were cave dwellers of the Stone Age, the Aryans were the bearers of civilization. They managed to preserve part of the culture and knowledge that they had previously owned. The scientist of the late 16th - early 17th centuries, Mavro Orbini, author of the book, was able to put forward a guess about the origin of the Slavic people "Slavic kingdom" claimed that the Slavic race was much older than the Egyptian pyramids and “it was so numerous that it populated half the world”...

Ancient Aryans and their migrations to the south. Society and culture of the ancient Aryans.

From the end of the 2nd millennium BC. to this day, the majority of the population of Iran and India ethnically descends from a special branch of Indo-Europeans - speakers of the so-called languages. Indo-Iranian group Indo-European languages, which in turn is divided into two subgroups - Iranian and Indo-Aryan. Finding out the ancestral home of the pan-Indo-Iranian unity, the history of its disintegration into communities of Indo-Aryans and Iranian-speaking tribes, their habitats and the course of settlement is one of the most difficult problems in the history of antiquity. There is currently no generally accepted and fully proven solution to this problem. We can only say with a reasonable degree of certainty that by the end of the 3rd millennium BC, the Indo-Iranian ethno-linguistic unity still existed and inhabited the vast expanses of steppes stretching from the Danube to Altai through the Northern Black Sea region and modern Kazakhstan.

At the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 2nd millennium, within this unity, the Proto-Iranian and Proto-Indo-Aryan tribal communities separated from each other, as a result of which their languages ​​finally diverged into Indian and Iranian by the middle of the 2nd millennium. The common self-name of the Indo-Iranians, preserved by both of their branches, was Aryans (a term with the general meaning of “ritually pure, highest, best person”; terms with the literal meaning of “real people” were accepted as a self-name by many ethnic groups primitiveness). The ancient Aryans of this time were cattle breeders who stood at the pre-state stage of development; Previously, their main occupation was agriculture (as evidenced by their preservation of common Indo-European agricultural terminology), but due to climatic changes it faded into the background. During the 2nd millennium BC, the Aryan tribes settled south in several waves, occupying the territories of Iran and Northern India. Archaeological and linguistic materials incline researchers to argue that the Iranians came to Iran through the Caucasus rather than from Central Asia.

At a more hypothetical level, a more detailed picture can be recreated. Apparently, in the beginning. II millennium BC, the ancestors of the Indo-Aryans settled in the western part of the steppes, in the Ciscaucasia, and the ancestors of Iranian-speaking tribes - in the east. Judging by the relic ideas that survived in the Avesta - the sacred book of the late Iranian religion, Zoroastrianism - the world originally known to the Iranian-speaking tradition stretched from Altai and Tien Shan to the sources of the Volga from east to west and from Western Siberia to the Amu Darya from north to south; this huge space was divided into seven parts, the central of which was Khvanirata - the homeland of the Iranians themselves. Archaeologically, this is the time of the dominance of the catacomb culture between the Dnieper and the Caucasus.

In the XVIII-XVII centuries. BC, as excavation data show, there is a massive displacement of tribes through the Caucasus to the south, along the route Ciscaucasia - Northern Iran - further east all the way to the Indus. The decisive role in this migration was apparently played by the Proto-Indo-Aryans of Ciscaucasia; on their way they ravaged the natives of Iran and drove them before them; they shifted to the east, crowding each other and causing new chain migrations. As a result, a strip of Indo-Aryan settlement arose, stretching from the Caucasus through north-central Iran and Afghanistan to the borders of India, which were reached by the “advanced” detachments of the Indo-Aryan migration. Along the way, some groups of Indo-Aryans lagged behind the main flow; in particular, one of their groups at this time came to the Armenian Highlands and settled on the Upper Euphrates, near the borders of Upper Mesopotamia, where it is recorded under the name “Manda warriors” by Western Asian sources of the 18th – 17th centuries. BC (in science they are known as the Central Asian Aryans). From here the Aryans - “Manda”, entering into symbiosis with the Hurrians, penetrated deeply into the Hurrian world: from their midst in the 17th - 16th centuries. BC came the dynasts of Mitanni and some kingdoms of Hurrian Palestine). The Upper Euphrates region of the Aryans retained the name “Manda”, and the Armenian princely family that ruled it many centuries later was called Mandakuni after it. Some of the Indo-Aryans remained in the Ciscaucasia and existed there even in the ancient era (as studies by O.N. Trubachev showed, the relict Indo-Aryans turned out to be the Sindians and Meotians, well known from ancient sources).

As a result, in the second quarter - mid-2nd millennium, the zone of Proto-Indo-Aryan settlement lies mainly south of the Caucasus-Caspian line, and the Proto-Iranian zone lies north of this line, so that there is a significant territorial gap between them. It was at this time that their languages, according to linguistics, completely diverged. For the steppe, this is the time of the existence of two main archaeological cultures - the multi-roller culture in the steppes west of the Urals - Volga and the Andronovo culture in Kazakhstan; there is every reason to associate the latter with pan-Iranian ethnocultural unity.

In the XVI / XV – XIV centuries. BC the second major migration of the ancient Aryans takes place approximately along the same circum-Caspian route as the first: the Andronovo tribes move west from beyond the Volga and, mixing with local tribes, form a special Timber-frame culture here (while to the east of the Volga the Andronovo proper continues tradition); At the same time, Iranian-speaking tribes spread from beyond the Caucasus into northwestern and northern Iran, bringing with them the beginning of the Iron Age in Iran and the characteristic gray pottery. At the end of this period of migrations, the Iranian-speaking tribes moved east all the way to the later Bactria (the very name of Bactria means “eastern country” in Iranian, so the Iranians came here from the west) and the Amu Darya valley inclusive. It was probably under their gradually increasing pressure that the Indo-Aryans moved to Northern India in the 14th – 13th centuries. BC In Iran, the Indo-Aryans were largely displaced or assimilated by their alien Iranian-speaking relatives, although at the junction of their areas a wide strip of interstriated Iranian-Indo-Aryan existence and symbiosis was preserved, which included a significant part of modern Afghanistan. Thus, the same territory with a center in the later Kandahar is known from Indian sources as the Indo-Aryan kingdom of Cambodia, and from Iranian sources - as a country with the Iranian name Harakhati (ancient Arachosia).

As a result of this, the second cycle of Aryan migrations, the settlement of Iranian-speaking tribes took the following form, which remained in general terms at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 1st millennium BC: to the east of the Urals and the Volga lived the bearers of the Andronovo culture - the ancestors of the Scythian-Saka tribes, known first of all, according to ancient data, and the “tura” tribes, about which the “Avesta” tells; to the west of the Urals and Volga, the steppe was occupied by the bearers of the Srubnaya culture, the immediate ancestors of the tribes whom the Greeks collectively called “Cimmerians”; most of west-central and northern Iran was occupied by a community from which the Median and Persian (West Iranian) tribes later emerged; under the Amu Darya - Hilmend, a group of tribes became isolated, known in science as the “Avestic Aryans” (they called themselves “Arya”, their territory - Aryanam-Vaija, “Space of the Aryans” and Aryoshyana, “Country of the Aryans”, and it was with them that the events reflected in the Avesta, the core of which was formed in their own environment). The Avestan Aryans were the descendants of the head, the farthest advanced part of the same migration flow to the east, the main part of which, remaining in central Iran, was represented by
Medo-Persian tribes. However, the Avestan Aryans, moving east, broke away from their Western Iranian relatives and found themselves separated from them by the regions of the South-Eastern Caspian region with the indigenous non-Iranian population, described in the Avestan tradition as terrible and powerful enemies, and the Dasht-i-Kevir salt desert. This prevented the Avestan Aryans from maintaining contact with the Iranian-speaking tribes of the Iranian plateau and led to their history developing in two independent streams over the next few centuries.

As a result of the gradual assimilation of the aboriginal population of Iran by Iranian-speaking tribes, the entire space between the Tigris, Indus and Amu Darya around the middle of the 1st millennium began to be called “Aryanam”, “Aryan (land)”. The later form of this word is the modern “Iran”. Early Iranian (as well as Indo-Aryan) societies are characterized by the same three-class organization, which goes back to common Indo-Iranian practice: society was divided into hereditary classes of priests, warriors and ordinary community members - cattle breeders and farmers. At the level of tribal unions, corresponding roles were often assigned to entire tribes: for example, in the six-tribe union of the Medes, priestly functions were monopolized by the tribe of magicians (hence the meaning of the word “magician” in European languages). The mentality of the Indo-Iranians was characterized by ritual-linguistic ethnic self-identification: those who performed the correct rituals in pure language, honoring the corresponding gods, were considered ethnically “their own”, regardless of blood relationship. This greatly facilitated the assimilation of the aboriginal population. The priests were considered the most revered class, but the power of the leader (later the king) should normally have been exercised by someone from the warrior class; leader and was considered primarily as the head military organization tribe.

The religious ideas of the Indo-Iranians are reconstructed based on data on the beliefs of individual Indo-Iranian peoples. The gods were clearly divided into two classes - daivas and ahuras (Iranian asuras), to some extent opposed to each other (this division is known in many mythologies, including Sumerian-Akkadian). By the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, among the Indo-Aryans, and independently among them, among the Iranians, this division was rethought as a value one: the gods of one of the classes began to be considered “good” (spreading joy, life, creation), and the other - as “evil” (inflicting death, suffering and destruction). At the same time, the Iranians regarded the Akhur as good gods, and the Daivas as evil, and the Indo-Aryans - on the contrary. Accordingly, the most powerful and clearly beneficent gods, such as Mithras, the god of the sun and human justice, the guardian of oaths, were credited different peoples into different categories: among the Iranians Mithra is ahura, among the Indo-Aryans it is daiva. All Indo-Iranians revered Yama (Yima), the ancestor of humanity and the ruler of the kingdom of the Dead, as well as the Wind, Sun, Moon and fire.

As the Avesta narrates, along the shores of the Voorukasha Sea (“Milk Sea” of the Mahabharata) and Rankha (Volga) there were a number of Aryan countries - from Aryan-Vedzh in the far north to seven Indian countries in the south, beyond Rankha. These same seven countries are mentioned in the Rigveda and Mahabharata as the lands between the Ganga and the Yamuna, on Kurukshetra. It is said about them: “Illustrious Kurukshetra. All living beings, as soon as they come there, get rid of their sins,” or “Kurukshetra is the holy Altar of Brahma; holy brahmanas - sages - appear there. Whoever settles in Kurukshetra will never know sorrow.” The question naturally arises: what are these rivers - the Ganga and Yamuna, between which the country of Brahma lay? We have already found out that Ranha-Ganga is the Volga. But ancient Indian legends call the Yamuna the only major tributary of the Ganges flowing from the southwest. Let's look at the map, and it will become clear to us that the ancient Yamuna is our Eye! Is this possible? Apparently - yes! It is no coincidence that along the course of the Oka here and there there are rivers with the names: Yamna, Yam, Ima, Imyev. Moreover, according to Aryan texts, the second name of the Yamuna river was Kala. So, to this day the mouth of the Oka is called the mouth of the Kala by local residents.

Mentioned in Rigveda and Mahabharata and others large rivers. Thus, not far from the source of the Yamuna (Oka) was the source of the Sindhu River flowing to the east and south and flowing into the Red (Red) Sea (“Sindhu” in Sanskrit means stream, sea). But let us remember that in Irish and Russian chronicles the Black Sea was called Cheremny, that is, Red. This, by the way, is still called the part of its water area in the north. On the shores of this sea lived the Sind people and the city of Sind (modern Anapa) was located. It can be assumed that the Sindhu of the ancient Aryan texts is the Don, whose sources are located not far from the source of the Oka. In the Volga-Oka interfluve there are many rivers, the names of which have been lost for millennia. To prove this, no special effort is required: it is enough to compare the names of the Poochya rivers with the names of the “sacred springs” in the Mahabharata, more precisely, in that part of it that is known as “Walking along the springs.” It is in it that a description is given of more than 200 sacred reservoirs of the ancient Aryan land of Bharata in the Ganges and Yamuna basins (as of 3150 BC):

Krinitsa River in Poochie
Agastya Agashka
Aksha Aksha
Apaga Apaka
Archika Archikov
Ashita Asata
Ahalya Akhalenka
Vadawa Vad
Vamana Wamna
Vansha Vansha
Varaha Varah
Varadana Varaduna
Kaveri Kaverka
Kedara Kidra
Kubja Kubja
Kumara Kumarevka
Kushika Kushka
Manusha Manushinskaya
Pariplava Plava
Crybaby Crybaby
lake Rama Lake Rama
Sita City
Soma Som
Sutirtha Sutertki
Tushin Tushina
Urvashi Urvanovsky
Ushanas Ushanets
Shankhini Shankini
Shona Shana
Shiva Shivskaya
Yakshini Yakshina

It is also surprising that we are dealing not only with an almost literal coincidence of the names of the sacred springs of the Mahabharata and rivers Central Russia, but even with the correspondence of their relative positions. Thus, in both Sanskrit and Russian, words with the initial “F” are extremely rare: from the list of rivers of the Mahabharata, only one river has an “F” at the beginning of its name - Falguna, which flows into the Sarasvati. But, according to ancient Aryan texts, Saraswati is the only big river flowing north of the Yamuna and south of the Ganga and flows into the Yamuna at its mouth. It corresponds only to the Klyazma River, located north of the Oka and south of the Volga. So what? Among hundreds of its tributaries, only one has a name starting with “F” - Falyugin! Despite 5 thousand years, this unusual name has remained virtually unchanged.

Another example. According to the Mahabharata, south of the sacred forest of Kamyaka, the river Praveni (that is, the Great River) flowed into the Yamuna, with Lake Godowari (where “vara” means “circle” in Sanskrit). What about today? As before, to the south of the Vladimir forests the Pra River flows into the Oka and Lake Godd lies. Or another example. The Mahabharata tells how the sage Kaushika, during a drought, irrigated the Paru River, which was renamed in his honor. But further the epic reports that ungrateful local residents still call the river Para and it flows from the south to the Yamuna (i.e., to the Oka). So what? The Para River still flows from the south to the Oka and the locals call it the same as many thousands of years ago.

The description of the springs five thousand years ago speaks, for example, of the Pandya River, flowing near Varuna, a tributary of the Sindhu (Don). But the Panda River even today flows into the largest tributary of the Don - the Vorona (or Varona) River. Describing the path of pilgrims, the Mahabharata says: “There are Jala and Upajala, the rivers flowing into the Yamuna.” Are there rivers Jala ("jala" - "river" in Sanskrit) and Upa-jala flowing nearby somewhere today? Eat. These are the Zhala (Tarusa) river and the Upa river, flowing nearby into the Oka. It was in the Mahabharata that the Sadanapru (Great Danapr) - Dnieper river flowing west from the upper reaches of the Ganga (Volga) was first mentioned.

But if the names of the rivers have been preserved, if the language of the population has been preserved, then perhaps the peoples themselves should be preserved? And, indeed, they exist. Thus, the Mahabharata says that to the north of the country of Pandya, lying on the banks of Varuna, is the country of the Martyas. But it is precisely to the north of Panda and Vorona along the banks of Moksha and Sura that lies the land of the Mordva (Mortva of the Middle Ages) - a people who speak a Finno-Ugric language with a huge number of Russian, Iranian and Sanskrit words. The country between Yamuna, Sindh, Upajala and Para was called A-Vanti. That’s exactly what Arab travelers, Byzantine chronicles and Russian chronicles called the land of the Vyatichi between the Oka, Don, Upa and Para. The Mahabharata and Rigveda mention the Kuru and Kurukshetra people. Kurukshetra literally means “Kursk Field”, and it is in its center that the city of Kursk is located, where “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” places the Kursk people - noble warriors.

chariot of the ancient Aryans

The warlike Krivi people are also mentioned in the Rig Veda. But Latvians and Lithuanians call all Russians “Krivi”, after the neighboring Russian ethnic group Krivichi, whose cities were Smolensk, Polotsk, Pskov, and present-day Tartu and Riga. Well, what about the ethnonym Rus itself - Russian land? Are they mentioned in ancient texts that are thousands of years old? Rusa, Rasa, Rasyane are constantly mentioned in the Rig Veda and Avesta. As for the Russian land, it’s a matter of translation. The lands of Bharata, lying along the Ganges and Yamuna, on Kurukshetra, were otherwise called Sacred, Holy or Bright Land, and in Sanskrit “Rusa” means “bright”. Once Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin wrote: “The river of times, in its rush, carries away all the affairs of people...”.

We were faced with an amazing paradox when real rivers seemed to stop the flow of time, returning to our world those people who once lived along the banks of these rivers and their affairs. They gave us back our Memory.

A. VINOGRADOV economist, ecologist, geographer
S. ZHARNIKOVA candidate historical sciences, art critic, ethnologist.
Newspaper “New Petersburg”, 18 (485), 04/26/2001


At that time, people were born already possessing noble qualities and amazing powers. To gain special powers, people of this yuga did not necessarily have to perform yogic practices or recite mantras that would provide amazing achievements. These people, by sheer devotion to dharma, were siddhapurusas, or people endowed with supernatural powers.
These were virtuous people with knowledge and wisdom. They could naturally move through the sky at the speed of the wind at their own will. They all had the eight supersensible achievements, which are now called supernatural, known as shrinking to a tiny size, growing to a gigantic size, becoming extremely heavy, becoming weightless, being able to get anything you want, being able to completely get rid of desires, gaining the highest achievements, gaining amazing flexibility.

When we hear the word “Slavs”, a chain of association images is immediately involuntarily born: Slavs - paganism - witches - wise men - divination - spirits of nature - epic warrior warriors - round dances of girls in embroidered kokoshniks - jumping over the fire on the night of Ivan Kupala - farewell to winter - Maslenitsa, etc.
However, these dear ideas about the Slavs, our ancestors, brought up with children's fairy tales and epics, refer to those of them who lived approximately 3 - 5 thousand years ago, before the Christianization of the Slavic peoples. We will talk about more distant ancestors, who lived about 5 thousand years ago and even more than 8 - 10 thousand years ago, in the pre-glacial period - about the Aryans, god-people who have an unearthly origin, who gave rise to most of the current earthly civilizations and cultures, in particular Indo-slavs
Indo-fame - the Aryans were the highest civilization of immortals, a civilization of people-gods who owned the secrets of controlling space-time, could freely move into parallel dimensions, bending space, traveled on vimanas - flying vehicles reminiscent of UFOs, owned ray weapons that surpassed the latest achievements humanity in this area, actively explored near and far space, mastered the technologies of alchemy, methods superior to modern nanotechnology, and traveled to the Moon.
Professor of the Sanskrit Faculty of the University of Madras V. Ragavan believes that the heroes of the epic “Mahabharata”, “Ramayana” - the Aryans, our ancient ancestors - are representatives of a more ancient civilization.
“I have come to the conclusion,” says V. Ragavan, “that there are living beings on other planets who visited the earth in 4 thousand BC. This is indicated by the huge number of references in the Vedas, ancient Indian epics and other Sanskrit texts about amazing flying machines and incredible weapons.”

Aircraft of the Aryans

Indeed, in the ancient Indian epic “Mahabharata”, “Ramayana” and other texts in Sanskrit, flying machines are mentioned countless times - vimanas, ray weapons, the analogues of which humanity now has no analogues - “divine lightning”.
The Vimanika Shastra states that in Satya Yuga (1,728,000 years) the first three classes of vimanas did not exist, i.e. the first vimanas did not contain coarse material particles, i.e. they consisted of subtle material elements inaccessible to humanity at the current level.
But as human minds coarsened in the Treta Yuga (1,296,000 years), vimanas were created through mantras - sound vibrations and were called “mantrika”.
In the Dvapara Yuga (864,000 years), the vimanas were condensed and created through magic and tantric methods. Such vimanas were called “tantrika”.
In Kali Yuga (432,000 years), as human consciousness became denser and more and more immersed in the material and lost contact with the worlds of the gods, the technology for making vimanas became increasingly coarser, and the vimanas became artificial, i.e. made of coarse matter, they were called "kritaka".
There were no differences in the form of movement and speed of the “mantrika” and “tantrika” vimanas. There was a difference in the use of energy from heaven and earth. According to the Shaunaka Sutra, there are 53 types of tantric vimanas.

“According to the ancient sages, in the Krita Yuga, or the first era, there were no three classes of vimanas.
In the Vimana-chandrika it is said: “I will speak in general terms about the varieties of vimanas. In Treta Yuga, when people were versed in mantras and powerful hymns, vimanas were created through mantric knowledge.
In Dvapara Yuga, when people developed significant tantric knowledge, vimanas were produced through tantric knowledge.
Since in Kali Yuga the knowledge of mantras and tantras became insufficient, the vimanas created at that time are known as kritaka, or artificial.”
Bodhananda Vritti, commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Thus, the ancient seers mention in the shastras about three classes of vimanas.

The history of the creation of vimanas by the ancient Aryans

According to the Vimanika Shastra, the art of creating vimanas was revealed to the Aryan sages as a divine revelation by the Great God himself, the creator of our universe, who taught the sages the art of mantras.

“The human mind has become denser, and the concept of Vedic truths, the inner essence of man and supernatural forces has become impoverished. Due to the fact that Dharma, or righteousness, became cracked, people lost the ability to fly in the sky like the wind.
The Great God wished to grant the twice-born the ability to correctly understand the Vedas and mercifully descended to Earth in the form of a young man facing the south. Through Sanaka and other initiates, He classified the mantras of the Vedas and then gave them Vedic perception.
The Divine Youth God, delighted by the perceptive powers of the ascetics, praised them, saying: “From now on, having attained Knowledge, you will be known as seers (rishis). You will begin to improve in the art of sound vibrations and live in celibacy.
You will begin to worship the heavenly Goddess of the Vedas, master her energy and, plunging into samadhi, approach the Great God - the Creator and understand his plan.
Having learned, you will create moral codes (Dharmashastras), mystical stories (Puranas and Itihasas), as well as the sciences of physics and mathematics for the benefit of humanity. As for celestial travel, you will impart the art of constructing vimanas. So that the vimanas can reach the speed of the wind, you will develop methods based on the Kalpashastras, or scientific treatises.”
Later, the munis, in accordance with the Vedas, created Dharmashastras, or ethical codes, epics, chronicles, ritual manuals, treatises on arts and sciences, codes of rites and sacrifices, and distributed them among people. It is said that among these works of ancient seers, there are six treatises devoted to the construction of vimanas. They describe three classes of vimanas, known as those consisting of sound vibrations, magical and artificial, capable of flying anywhere.”
Bodhananda Vritti, commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Description of vimanas in ancient texts

Various texts such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata often and in detail describe vimanas that move at high altitudes through the air on vortex engines and operate using mercury. Vimanas are described as two-deck aircraft having round portholes. Outwardly, they resembled a modern UFO. They move “faster than the wind”, emitting melodic sounds. Vimanas were stored in special places - hangars.
According to the descriptions of the Ramayana, the Aryas of Indo-glory traveled on vimanas, moving both within the Earth and to other planets of the Great Cosmos. There is also an episode detailing a trip to the moon and a battle with other flying ships belonging to another race. The Mahabharata also contains no less amazing descriptions: “Rama, with a terrible roar, ascends into the sky in his amazing chariot, surrounded by clouds of smoke and fog.”
An important source describing the achievements of the Aryans is the Vimanika Shastra, a text found in 1875 under mystical circumstances. The Vimanika Shastra is attributed to the sage Masarishi Bharadwaja, who lived in the 4th century BC and wrote it down in a state of trance.
Professor of aeronautics Krishna Murthy from a research institute in Bangalore, studying ancient texts, concluded that the gods, aliens from outer space, taught the Aryans to build Vimana aircraft. Ancient texts are replete with numerous descriptions of the battles of gods fighting on vimanas. “Pushpaka's chariot resembles the sun and belongs to my brother. This wonderful machine is transported by itself through the air to any place over any distance,” says one of the chapters of the Ramayana.
The Mahabharata often mentions the “dart of Indra” - a beam of light emanating from a round reflector, which is aimed at any target, guided by sound. It was with this that Krishna struck the vimana of his enemy Salva.
Vimanas and their capabilities are described in texts such as:
1. “Vimana-chandrika”
2. “Vyomana Tantra”
3. “Yantra-kalpa”
4. “Kheta-yana-pradipika”
5. “Vyoma-yana-arkaprakashika”
6. "Kriya-sara"
7. “Yantra-sarvasra”
8. “Manibhadra-karika”
9. "Saunaka Sutra"
10. “Lohatantra” and others.

Possibilities of vimanas

The vimanas described in the Vimanika Shastra had abilities inaccessible to earthlings today:
~ the power of “gud” allowed the vimana to be invisible to the enemy
~ the power of “paroksha” could disable other aircraft
~ the power of "pralaya" could emit electrical charges and destroy obstacles
Using the energies of space, vimanas could also bend space and create visual or real effects - starry sky, clouds, etc.
According to descriptions, Vimanas mainly use seven sources of energy: fire, earth, air, energy of the sun, moon, water and space:

“There are seven: the moon, water and sky. These seven types of energy are called solar heat, solar electric dozen, kuntinee and original power."
"Saunaka Sutra"

Vimana movement

“The vimana can perform 12 kinds of impressive movements, also 12. These movements and forces include: forward movement, shaking, ascent, descent, circular movement, movement at high speed, movement around something, sideways movement, backward movement, movement counterclockwise, full stop and demonstration of tricks.”
Bodhananda Vritti, commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

The authors of ancient Indian treatises write about amazing flying machines and their abilities as a matter of course. Vimanas are said to have 32 supernatural powers.

Unusual abilities of vimanas

The Vimanika Shastra lists 32 secrets that an aeronaut should learn from knowledgeable mentors. Only such a person can be entrusted with management aircraft, and not to anyone else. These secrets provide the key to mastering supernatural powers.
All these secrets are explained by Siddhanadha as follows:
- mastery of the art of mantras, medicinal herbs, hypnotic powers, powers of magic,
- ability to create visual effects,
- destroy enemy ships using vibration power
- know routes and air flows,
- possess the secret powers of the sun's rays and be able to use them to hide, to be invisible,
- by manipulating various energies of space with the help of a system of mirrors, be able to disguise the vimana,
- have the ability to attract energy from the sun and primary elements, and with its help bend space, changing its topological characteristics - dimensionality, etc.
- immobilize hostile energies, completely depriving them of the ability to perceive
- create visual effects in space, for example, such as a starry sky, etc.
- create a thunderous roar, and suppress hostile energies with the power of vibration
- move in zigzags like a snake
- instantly “throw” the vimana from one place to another, using knowledge of astral energy flows
- create a shock wave that generates shaking vibrations
- be inaccessible due to rapid rotation
- hear conversations and sounds coming from other vimanas
- through a “photographic yantra” installed on board, receive television images of any objects located outside the vimana, including what is happening on the ground, track the approach of other ships
- merge with the sky, take on the appearance of a cloud, become indistinguishable
- paralyze hostile creatures on other aircraft

Air routes

Also in the Vimanika Shastra, in the chapter on air routes, the five atmospheric layers of space and 519,800 air paths are described along which vimanas travel through the seven worlds (lokas). These lokas are called: Bhu-loka, Bhuvar-loka, Svar-loka, Maha-loka, Jana-loka, Tapa-loka and Satya-loka.

“According to Saunaka, there are five layers in the sky, which are called Rekhaapathha, Mandala, Kakshya, Shakti, and Kendra.
In these five atmospheric layers there are 519,800 air paths by which the vimanas travel through the Seven Lokas or worlds known as Bhur-loka, Bhuvar-loka, Svar-loka, Maha-loka, Jnana-loka, Tapa-loka, Satya-loka." .
Bodhananda Vritti, commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Air vortices, which are prescribed
vimana pilots beware
The chapter “Air Vortexes” talks about five energy flows that are destructive to vimanas, which the pilot must beware of and take the vimana away from them to a safe place.

“Aavartaa, or air vortices, are innumerable in the upper layers. Five of them are on vimana routes. These whirlwinds are destructive to the vimanas and should be avoided.
The aeronaut must know these five sources of danger and be able to move the vimana away from them to a safe place.”
Bodhananda Vritti, commentary on the Vimanika Shastra

Energy sources

The chapter “Sources of Energy” talks about the energy that makes the vimana move and about the seven types of devices that produce and extract these energies. These include:
- Devices that absorb solar energy
- extracting energy from opposing forces (from alien aircraft)
- main driving energy
- twelve groups of solar forces that help to take off, land, absorb solar heat, curb other people's power and move in space.

The amazing information about vimanas, existing in a huge number of sacred texts of ancient India, is of enormous value as documented, material evidence that our ancestors - the Aryans, in ancient times had colossal achievements both in the field of spiritual knowledge and in magic, scientific and technical areas. The descriptions of vimanas that have reached us are late fragments containing insignificant grains of that truly limitless potential, those mystical capabilities that our ancestors - the Aryans - of Indo-glory possessed.

According to Valmiki Ganita, the 1st and 2nd sections of the Rekhaapathha layer are suitable for the vimanas of our world (Bhu-loka). In the Mandala layer, areas 3 and 5 are suitable for the vimanas of the inhabitants of the astral world and the world of gods (Bhuvar-loka, Svar-loka and Maha-loka). The 2nd and 5th sections of the Kakshya layer are suitable for the Jnana-loka vimana. For the inhabitants of Brahma-loka, according to the shastras, the 3rd and 11th sections of the Kendra layer are most convenient.”

In the Re-khapathha layer, the "Shaktyaavarta" or energy vortex is found. In Mandala-pathha there is a wind whirlwind. In Kakshyaa-pa-thha there is a whirlwind of sun rays. In Shakti-pathha there is Shytyaavarta, or the vortex of cold streams. As far as Kendra-pathha is concerned, there is a gharshanaavartha, or a whirlwind created by the destructive force.

Several centuries after sunset Harappan civilization Aryan tribes came to the valleys of the Indus and Ganges rivers (from Aryans - “noble”). The Aryans were nomads, but, having appeared in the upper reaches of the Ganges, they began to gradually develop the valley of this river, pushing aside or assimilating the small tribes of the aborigines. High level material culture- familiarity with metals, the use of plows, fertilizers, irrigation devices, means of transport, developed crafts - all this contributed to their rapid and successful consolidation in the occupied territories. It was their language and culture, including its religious and ideological fundamentals, that for many millennia, right up to the present day, determined historical path Indian culture.

With the arrival of the Aryans, a new Indo-Aryan period began in Indian culture. It was the Aryans, with their great attention to religious symbolism and mythology, to cults and sacrifices, with the leading role of the Brahmin priests and the deification of sacred texts, that gave the entire Indian culture a religious and spiritual character, which also became the quintessence of the artistic culture of India. The priority of religious and spiritual problems led to the fact that in India of this period, socio-historical memory is presented only in a religious-epic, mythological-cult form. Chronicles and writing as such were simply not needed. All knowledge necessary for life was learned by heart and passed on from generation to generation. This is how the most important sacred books of India appeared - the Vedas (from the verb “to know”, “to know”).

The Vedas are a collection of religious texts - hymns, chants and magical formulas. They are written in the oldest form of Sanskrit. The Vedas consist of four parts: the Rig Veda (Book of Hymns), Samaveda (Book of Songs), Yajur Veda (Book of Sacrifice), Atharva Veda (Book of Spells). Vedic literature also includes the later commentaries of the Vedas - the Brahmanas and Upanishads.

Thus, the idea of ​​karma, one of the main ones in the Indian mentality, became a regulator of individual and social behavior Indians. The concept of samsara protected India from social upheavals for centuries: need, poverty, and labor were perceived as the result of a previous sinful life and bad karma, as the fault of the person himself.

The goal of Indian life, however, was not simply improving karma, but completely falling out of the circle of rebirths and achieving liberation - moksha. This state could only be achieved by an ascetic Brahman who, over the years of abstinence, acquired enormous energy (tapas), which allowed him to rise above the law of karma, reach the divine worlds and dissolve in them. Therefore, a huge number of hermits resorted to severe ascetic practice in the hope of dissolving in Brahman and never incarnating in this world again.

ABOUT artistic culture India Vedic period we judge mainly by literature - the Vedas, their commentaries, as well as the epics that were emerging at that time. The appearance of the largest epic works of India - the Mahabharata (The Great War of the Descendants of Bharata) and the Ramayana (The Tale of the Adventures of King Rama) occurred in the second half of the 1st millennium BC. e. They included myths, tales about the life of the peoples of India, legends about its gods and heroes. These truly grandiose tales filled Indian fine art with their dramatic stories, introduced new lively and emotional motives into it. Pictures of nature, amazing adventures, rituals and games are intertwined in them with descriptions of titanic feats, battles and heroes endowed with divine, superhuman strength.

The plot basis of the Mahabharata was the story of the struggle for power of the descendants of the mythical king Bharata - the ancient families of the Kauravas and Pandavas. This struggle takes on the dimensions of a grandiose battle, in which everything living on earth and in heaven participates - gods and spirits, people and animals, and the battle itself takes on a cosmic scope. The artistic value of the Mahabharata is given by the descriptions of the palaces of the rulers, with transparent pearl nets on the windows, floors made of precious stones, hundreds of doors, carpets and decorative trees, studded with gems. These descriptions express the wonderful dreams of the people of that time about the magical beauty of the world

The Ramayana is based on the story of King Rama's campaign to the island of Lanka to rescue his beloved Sita, who had been kidnapped by the demon king Ravana. Rama, with the help of the king of monkeys, fights the king of demons, whom the gods cannot cope with - this is only possible for humans. The poem glorifies the subordination of the younger to the elder, the submission and fidelity of the wife. Each of the heroes is the personification of one of the positive qualities person. The heroes of the Ramayana today remain a symbol of nobility and high moral ideals.

Who are the Aryans? Modern science confidently says that these are related tribes that lived one hundred thousand miles ago in the territory of Persia and India. Okay, at least she partially recognizes geography.

In the picture: Aryavarta. The country of the Aryans, described in the Rig Veda.

Today we can say with confidence that Persia, like India, was inhabited by people genetically identical to the Slavs. And we also know that the Indians themselves say that a long time ago, white Gods came to them from the north and taught them everything that they then began to teach the rest of the world. And there are thousands of irrefutable evidence that those whites came to Hindustan not from heaven, but from the Russian north, from the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Vologda and Arkhangelsk.

Map 1542 Sebastian Munster.

It turns out that we are talking about our ancestors, common to some of today’s Indians, and numerous small tribes of white people preserved in the mountains of the Caucasus, northern Iran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
For clarity, here are photographs of representatives of the tribes of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nuristan:

By the way, in I-RA-ne, there is a tribe that calls itself the Khazars. And this is a white tribe, with pronounced Slavic features, clearly having common cultural roots with us.
That's why I don't believe that the Khazars are Jews. No. Modern DNA genealogy clearly defines Jews as immigrants from northern Africa, the closest relatives of the AR-abovs. They moved to Europe in the same way as the Arabs are moving there now. They had and do not have anything to do with the Khazars. The real Khazars are one of the Slavic tribes, and they never knew the Jewish faith.

Here they are, the “terrible” Khazars:

Well, what will our authoritative faithologists now say about the Khazars belonging to the Jews? One people? You don't even need a DNA test to say confidently: - NO.
And the reading of the word “Khazars” (Khazary) is most likely distorted by the Latin transcription. It would be correct to read K(x)-AS-Ary, where K is a diphthong sound preserved, for example, in the Georgian language and some Turkic dialects, such as Kazakh.
Well, there is not a single documentary evidence of the existence of the Khazar Kaganate within the limits in which the TORICS placed it. And generally within no limits. There is Scythia, Sarmatia, Mithridatia, Nesiotia, everything except Khazaria...

But Khazaria seemed to exist! Or is “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg” lying to us? Well... Actually, all these “ancient” epics raise huge doubts about their authenticity, and besides, the Khazars could have been just a small tribe at that time. So small that they were not even marked on maps.

You can check it yourself. In the place where the historians placed Khazaria, there was always the kingdom of the Pyatigorsk Circassians (Chirkassi Petigorski). In modern terms - Terek Cossacks.
So, the Khazars in Rus' were just one of many tribes, most likely southern Russians, from the Kuban, or North Caucasus, but they are part of the Kuban Cossacks, Circassians, or Alans.
Do you remember the name of the most famous Aryan, the King of Persia, the invincible commander?
His name was D'Arius!

Darius the Great. Will anyone doubt that he is God? He is sitting, taller than the standing people... And all sorts of secret devices in the office...
But bad luck... One day, the invincible Darius was completely defeated by the King of Scythia, Ariant. Arius+ANT. Ants = Russians, which means that the name of the glorious Scythian king is translated into understandable terms as “Russian Aryan”. And who would argue!

Everything fits, these are the descendants of the Aryans, and the memory of the newcomers from the north has been preserved in many sources, including written ones. And the attitude of the ancestors towards the Aryans was completely unambiguous. In any language, in any culture, an Aryan is:
- Mine,
- Free,
- Noble (descendant of the Gods),
- Freeborn,
- Relative,
- Noble,
- Saint,
- Comrade,
- Pious,
- Courageous.
- Friend.

Not one epithet with a negative attitude! Everyone loved the Aryans.
Among the Armenians to this day, Ara is a Friend, and the self-name of the Armenians suggests that they are also Aryans. Ariy + Man (human) Ahriman = Armenian (in). And among the Hindus, Aryaman is the deity of friendship, hospitality and weddings! Oh how!

And here’s another interesting observation: Buddhists call themselves “Aryapuggala”. This translates as "Aryan people", but it is difficult to convince us of this at first. Where to put the “scarecrow”? And the point, most likely, is not that someone was trying to intimidate someone. Probably, this or another word with the same root was used to call all the statues, including those in the garden, to scare away the boys from Mishka Kvakin’s gang (the birds are not scared anyway).

You can also remember about the Amu Darya river, flowing through the territory of Tartaria, where Tamerlan ruled, who was also a direct descendant of the Gods, and was appointed ruler by the Gods. Only he didn’t like the word “Tartaria”, cosmopolitanism is everything, that’s why the “Tartars” themselves called their country TURAN. And it’s quite a suitable word if you know that the sacred animal in Rus' was the Tur. Otherwise Veles. Eh, it’s just a pity that real tours haven’t survived to this day. The latter, they say, was killed by Vladimir Monomakh himself in 1627. in Polyania. At the same time, miraculously he did not die.

The Hindus also have H’are Krishna, who is probably Ariya Kryshen, and also H’are Vishnu, possibly the call sign Ariya Vyshenya, and of course, H’are RA – MA. RA is the Sun God, MA is the Mother, just as the Sun is the Creator of all things, father and mother in one incarnation. Everything is entirely Vedism, or more precisely the Slavic sun-centric worldview, which is mistakenly considered a proto-religion, called paganism and shamanism.

And this is not a mythological consciousness, and not superstition. This is the responsibility of the RA. Whole, unified, not divided into branches and sub-sectors, knowledge about the structure of the world, and the laws of its harmonious existence and development.

Peace, not in the sense of the absence of war, but peace as a universe, is the sacred Mount Meru, which the Indians were told about by the Gods who came from the north, and which was located in the center of the Earth, in Arctida - Hyperborea.

Knowing one feature of the worldview of our ancestors, we can trace a lot of wonderful things lying on the surface that help to penetrate the meaning of the words that we use every day, using them as a set of sounds. This peculiarity is that a certain positive concept acquired the opposite meaning when simply reading it backwards. But this is so logical! Then many words with the root AR are clear.

If RA is the Sun, then AR is the complete opposite. This is darkness. And if Ra is good, then Ar, of course, is evil.
MARs is the God of War, and even if you read it in the opposite direction, it comes out in general: - SHAM. Well, that's how it is, isn't it?

Then the ARchAngels are the dark side of the Angels? After all, it may be that the word “angel” was pronounced aspirated, “h’angel”! But somewhere I’ve already come across that “Allah” was originally pronounced as “h’alla’h.” Then no matter which way you read it, it turns out the same thing. Ideal God, that... All sides in one vessel...

You can also speculate about the meaning of the word “gate”. In RA – ta, or entrance to Paradise. And if it’s the other way around, IN AR-ta, or VATRA. Do you know that the concept of “bonfire” used to have many different meanings? So here it is. A bonfire, like a flame, was previously designated in Rus' by the word “vatra”. It is still used to this day in Ukraine and Belarus. Then, if you do not deny the possibility of existence, at first glance impossible, everything begins to be filled with meaning.
This is no longer a set of meaningless sounds, these are images that, by their very sound, give an idea of ​​​​the essence of an object, concept, or event. The gate is the path to heaven, and vatra, on the contrary, is the path to hell. Gehenna is fiery, isn't it? Just don’t fill this word with such a negative meaning. Hell was invented by Christian preachers, whose goal was the unconditional submission of the masses through intimidation. Speaking modern language, with the help of terror.
But in fact, the opposite did not mean something terrible at all. It assumed the presence of a different point of view, in modern terms - pluralism. That's all. No underworld, with sinners in frying pans and in boiling resin.

Then how can one interpret the meaning of the word "Aryavarta"? (see picture at the very beginning). Can be read as a fiery Aria, i.e. the country of the Aryans, where it’s hot (of course, after Vologda it’s absolutely scorching hot there). Or it can be like the Country – hell (again, figuratively speaking) for the Aryans. But doesn’t the European name of our country T-AR-T-Aria have a similar meaning? Tartar... Tar-tar-ry... Who benefited from making the world tremble in horror at the sounds of Tar-tar-y?
Is it not those who made every effort to make the “demo(no)cratic” world groan at the mere mention of the USSR? Has the situation changed now? In the Baltics, trenches are already being dug on farmsteads, in anticipation of “Russian aggression”!
But it’s just... TART. Do you know what TRT is? No? And the cake? So there you go! The word cake, clearly not foreign, returned to us from Europe like a boomerang. At first it was a sacrificial pie of the Slavs, brought to the Sun God of RA on the day of the vernal equinox (Yar Day, also known as Maslenitsa) March 21-22 (the name of the month appeared thanks to the God of War Mars/Shame).

Tarta. It's a cake. If the tart belongs to an Aryan, then whose is it? Correct answer: Tarta aria, i.e. Tartary.

Truly, nothing is new under this Sun. Just as in the Middle Ages they frightened children west of the Danube with Tartary, so now they frighten the mentally unstable part of the Jewish population with Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to know history...
Or are you tired of living?

Andrey Golubev


The materials and results of research by A. Klesov and his colleagues, genetic scientists, to determine the haplogroup - clan affiliation, made it possible to destroy many myths created around the history of peoples.

MYTH FIRST - THE TRUE ARYANS ARE GERMAN PEOPLES, and the Slavs recently came from dugouts.

Genetic studies have shown that more than 50% -70% of the population are Eastern Slavs and are direct descendants of the ancient Aryan tribes of the R1a genus who lived in Eurasia. Modern Germans have only 18% Aryan descendants. In addition, it is clear to archaeologists that the Aryan Slavs already lived in cities 3,500 years ago.


Of the six world religions, the Proto-Slavs created three: Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and improved the fourth - Christianity. They laid down the Vedic Indian, Trypillian, Etruscan, Hittite, Cretan-Mycenaean and Greek civilizations. For more than 5 thousand years, the Slavic-Aryans had a written language from which the writing of many Eurasian countries originated; they left an endless variety of valuable written sources.

MYTH THIRD: - “TRIPOLIAN CULTURE” - as if created by unknown peoples.

Genetics have established that “Tripolye” is a civilization of Aryan origin, the direct descendants of the “Tripillians” still live and speak dialects of the Russian language.


Genetics did not find any traces of the presence of “Mongolian genes” among the Slavs - up to 75% of the male population of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus have clear genetic evidence of origin from the great-ancestor of the R1a genus who lived more than 3,500 years ago. In addition, direct relatives belonging to the genus R1a are found in India, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, the Balkans, even on the islands of England and many other countries in which the Slavic-Aryans lived at different times, of which there are now more than 500 million people on the planet.


Genetic practice has established that those who consider themselves a “biological Jew”, go to the synagogue, preach Zionism, may turn out to be by blood Eastern Slav-Aryan, Turkic and even Chinese. In total, out of 18 genera-haplogroups, seven are found among modern Jews.

The "Aryan" problem is the problem of origin and ancestral home, cultural role and historical heritage Aryan tribes ranks world science more than two centuries. Who are the Aryans-Aryans?

Aryan people are people who speak the languages ​​of the Iranian and Indian groups of the Indo-European language family, as well as the Kafirs (Nuristanis) and Dards. Their ancestors had a common name - “arya”, “aryana”, similar culture and way of life, lived in the same territory, but several thousand years ago they left their cradle and began to move to lands far from each other; Gradually the Aryan unity disintegrated. Currently, the peoples of the Iranian group live in Ossetia, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Pakistan, as well as in neighboring countries. Representatives of Indo-Aryan ethnic groups inhabit India - mainly its central and northern regions, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, the Maldives, eastern and southern Pakistan. Migrants, descendants of the Indo-Aryans, formed large colonies in Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia, on the islands of Mauritius in the Indian and Fiji in the Pacific Ocean, in the West Indies (Caribbean Sea) and in Guiana, in South Africa and on the coast of East Africa. A considerable number of them settled in North America and in Europe. The Dardis and Nuristanis live in Kashmir and the adjacent provinces of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The total number of Aryan-speaking peoples is about 1 billion people, they make up approximately a seventh of the total population of the Earth. Of this billion, there are approximately 900 million Indo-Aryans, more than 90 million Iranians, 5-6 million Dards and Nuristanis.

The ancient Aryans created three highly developed and unique civilizations - Persian, Indo-Gangetic and Turano-Scythian, and had a significant influence on the cultures of Western and Southeast Asia, the Caucasus, China, Turkic, Mongolian, Slavic and Finno-Ugric peoples. Their contribution to the treasury of spiritual values ​​of humanity is of extraordinary weight. Arias- Indo-Iranians burst into world history at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. - in an era when the great civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Harappa (Indus Valley) and the islands of the Eastern Mediterranean (Creto-Mycenaean world) were experiencing a deep internal crisis. Tribes of Aryan origin contributed to the renewal of ancient societies and gave a powerful impetus to the world cultural and historical process. For two millennia - up to the 3rd-4th centuries AD. - they were the main characters of world history - until they grew old and gave way to younger peoples.

Among the Indo-Europeans, the “Aryans” were not an isolated group devoid of family ties. Slavic, Baltic (Letto-Lithuanian), as well as Armenian and ancient Greek languages ​​are close to their dialects. The speakers of these languages ​​had many common ethnographic features, cult-mythological ideas, and psychological traits with the Indo-Iranians, going back to a single ancestral source. This indicates that the ancestors of the Greeks and Armenians, Balto-Slavs and Indo-Iranians constituted one cultural and historical bloc in ancient times. However, the proto-Greeks and proto-Armenians separated from this bloc very early and did not maintain such close family ties with the Indo-Iranians as the ancestors of the Balto-Slavs. Much further away than the listed peoples are the speakers of other Indo-European dialects, in particular the Germans and Celts, from the Aryans. Therefore, the Slavs and Balts (Lithuanians and Latvians) have much more reason to be called Aryans than the Germans, Scandinavians, French and other European peoples.

What was ancient Aryan society like? The study of various sources suggests that long before the start of large-scale migrations, the Indo-Iranians were pastoral tribes. The cornerstone of their social life was the large patriarchal family, typical of the pastoral peoples of Eurasia. The basis of the economy was the breeding of cattle and horses. The number of cows and bulls was the main measure of material well-being and wealth; a cow was considered the best sacrifice that the gods could wish for. The foundation of the military power of the Aryans was military cavalry and magnificent chariots. A thoroughbred horse was worth a whole herd of ordinary ones. All other animals were inferior in importance to cows and horses, and in addition to them, the Indo-Iranians bred goats, sheep, and Bactrian camels. Pig breeding was almost unknown to them; it was considered a lowly activity; pigs were not sacrificed to the gods. The Aryans were also engaged in agriculture, but it was a secondary occupation for them.

The Indo-Iranian tribes were semi-sedentary; every few years they moved their villages to a new place, which were, as a rule, not far from their previous camp. The Aryans did not know the potter's wheel; they sculpted ceramics “by hand” and fired it not in a forge, but in special pits or on a fire. Their ritual utensils were wooden.

The Indo-Iranians lived in large houses sunk into the ground, they also used dwellings on wheels - like vans or tents; they knew many metals and alloys - copper, gold, silver, bronze, and made weapons and utensils from them. The Aryans were good at the art of woodworking; it was they who perfected the technique of building chariots.

The Indo-Iranians were warlike people, and war booty - livestock, pastures, captives - was one of the most important sources of their well-being. Wars were fought almost constantly - both between the Indo-Iranians themselves, and between them and other peoples.

The Aryans were experienced collectors of wild honey, which was an essential element of their diet. The main food for them was fresh cow's milk and products obtained from it: sour milk and butter, as well as cereal dishes like porridge and boiled meat. For various rituals and religious celebrations, the Indo-Iranians made "sauma" - a drink that led to a state of sacred ecstasy. On secular holidays, public and family, the intoxicating “sura” was used. These holidays opened with equestrian competitions, followed by a collective feast.

The Aryans wore leather pants, boots and jackets, as well as a bashlyk - clothing that later became traditional for the masses of Eurasian nomads.

The Indo-Iranians either cremated their dead, buried them under burial mounds, or (much less often) left them to the elements and carrion eaters in the territory of burial grounds set aside for this purpose.

The most ancient Aryans did not know specialized, focused on market relations, crafts, money trade and cities, did not build any fortresses, palaces, or temples, and probably had no religious images or writing.

In their midst, three social groups took shape, which were called “flowers”. The most numerous of the “flowers” ​​were community herders. The second group was represented by warriors, the third by priests. They were the most respected social stratum. The kings, the “sons of the Sun,” who crowned the entire system of social organization of the Aryans and headed individual tribes and tribal unions, were considered warrior-priests.

Various branches of the Aryans created great monuments of ancient religious thought, the Indo-Aryans - the Vedas, the southern Iranians - the Avesta. Judging by these monuments, they worshiped a host of gods, believing, at the same time, that behind all the diversity of life phenomena lies a single and eternal Basic Principle, the spiritual and creative principle that created this world, God the Absolute. Each of their many gods embodied different aspects of this Absolute.

There were very few female deities in the Indo-Iranian pantheon, and a harsh patriarchy reigned in it. The Aryan gods were shepherd gods. Their most frequent epithets are “lord of vast pastures”, “sender of beautiful horse wealth”, etc. The gods were asked to irrigate pastures and give herds of horses and bulls. In the Indo-Iranian hymns, the gods were depicted riding on horse-drawn chariots; their most important function was to protect livestock from demons or their servants in the earthly world.

Sacrifice was the main element of the religious practice of the Aryans. Sacrifices were made not only to the gods, but also to the ancestors. In addition to animals, they donated ghee, sauma and milk to the gods. In honor of their ancestors, mounds with stone altars were built.

The cult of the horse was extremely developed among the Indo-Iranians, along with it there was probably a less widespread cult of the beaver.

An essential component of the Aryan religion was also the veneration of fire and the worship of the Sun. It is possible that the name "Arya" itself goes back to ancient name Sun - Svar, Svara.

In the Indo-Iranian environment, a sacred mythopoetic language developed, which was used when performing rituals and addressing the gods. The poetics of the Aryans was based on pastoral terms. Images of a cow, a bull and a horse permeate the Indian Vedas and the Iranian Zend-Avesta. On their basis the entire symbolic system of religious texts is built, shimmering with alliterations and hidden meanings, using large number epithets and synonyms. Only in the "Rigveda" - the main one of the "Vedas" - to designate key images- horse, bull and cow, at least 10 - 15 different synonyms are used.

Where is the ancestral home of the Aryans, which the peoples of the Indian branch called “Arya Varta”, the peoples of the Iranian branch called “Aryana Veja”, i.e. "Aryan space"?

As already mentioned, the search for it has continued for more than two centuries, however consensus There is still no information in science about where it is located. The Aryan cradle was searched for in the Himalayas and India, the Middle East and Central Asia, Europe and the Caucasus, the Arctic and Tibet. Supporters of the most authoritative and well-founded point of view believe that it was located in the strip from the Carpathians to the Volga.

It is known that the ancestral home of the Aryans occupied the eastern part of the common Indo-European hearth, was located in a zone of temperate, relatively dry and continental climate, and was replete with open, extended spaces. All this seems to indicate in favor of the localization of the Aryan ancestral home precisely in the steppes and forest-steppes of the Great Russian Plain, but many facts suggest that it was located further east - on the slopes of the Urals and in the Trans-Urals.

Firstly, based on linguistic data, it has been established that mountains lay near the center of formation of the Indo-Iranian peoples. In that segment of the Eurasian steppe belt, where theoretically the ancestors of the Aryans could have lived, such mountains could only be the ridges of the Urals; there are no other areas with mountainous terrain there.

Second. The Indo-Iranians were familiar with the phenomena occurring at high latitudes: snowy, cold winters, the phenomena of the polar day, polar night and polar dawn, and the northern lights. Their information was very accurate. If they lived in Southern Russia, which is too far from the Arctic regions, they could not have such information. On the contrary, if the ancestors of the Aryans lived in the Urals and beyond the Urals, they should have been well aware of the nature of the North, since there the border of the forest-steppe is located not far from the latitudes where polar phenomena are regularly observed.

Third. The Indo-Iranians had very early and very close contacts with the ancestors of the Finno-Ugrians. Their connections with speakers of other non-Indo-European dialects were later and less representative. The maximum similarity in the sphere of language and culture, sometimes reaching complete identity, is found among the Aryans with Ugric tribes, who lived in the Trans-Ural taiga from ancient times, and who did not exist in Eastern Europe during the era of the existence of the Indo-Iranian community.

Finally, archaeological research last decades identified in the steppe and forest-steppe Trans-Urals a large cultural and historical community that could belong to the ancient Aryans, since its creators, like the Indo-Iranians, belonged to the Paleo-European race, ran an economy based on the breeding of horses and cattle, and the period of existence of this archaeological community and the time of existence of a single mass of Indo-Iranians practically coincide. Horse breeding among the Trans-Ural tribes was more ancient and more developed than among the inhabitants of Eastern Europe, and the cult of the horse, so characteristic of the Aryans, spread very early among them. These tribes maintained lively connections with the inhabitants of the Siberian taiga, in whom various scientists see the Paleo-Ugrians. In addition, the territory on which the monuments of this archaeological community were located became the core of the formation of the cultures of the Andronovo circle, which undoubtedly belonged to the Indo-Iranians; Moreover, the complexes created by the Asian predecessors of the Andronovo people were an important component in the formation of their culture.

The combination of all these and many other facts suggests that the homeland of the Aryan peoples lay in the Asian steppes, in the Southern Urals and in the Trans-Urals.

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Genetics today allows scientists not only to create genetically modified products. Genetics allows, among other things, to study the history of the peoples of the world. This became possible thanks to a number of discoveries in the field of biology.

All men and women on Earth have 46 chromosomes, 23 chromosome pairs. They are organized in pairs, paired, and arranged into chromosomal DNA in the nucleus of every human cell. Only one of the pair, 23 chromosomes, are placed in the head of the sperm, and are delivered to their destination. After successful delivery, the DNA molecules unwind and intertwine, which is how they are copied. This is a way of transmitting hereditary information. This is how DNA is transmitted from parents to children, precisely by unwinding, copying, weaving.

One chromosome pair is a sex pair. She transfers gender to the child. In a man, this pair consists of Y and X chromosomes. In women, they have only two X chromosomes.

The sperm carries only one chromosome, equally likely - X or Y. The X chromosome slipped through, intertwined in a woman with her X chromosome (and women do not have another sex chromosome), the result was an XX chromosome pair - a girl was born. The Y chromosome slipped through, intertwined with X again, the result was an XY chromosome pair - a boy was born.

In this story we will talk mainly about boys. This means about the Y chromosome. The one that transmits heredity from father to son. And from the son - to his son. And so on, thousands and tens of thousands of years. But there is only one chromosome, the same original Y-chromosome, and it is passed on for hundreds and thousands of generations, through hundreds and thousands of women. The child's mother has nothing to do with her if the child is a boy. She simply takes him into her womb, unravels him, intertwines him with hers, and bears a boy. And the Y chromosome remained the same from the father, no matter who the father was.

That's sorted out. The male Y chromosome “shoots through” thousands of women over tens of thousands of years, carrying hereditary information from the very first people, their direct ancestors. Women cannot change her. The fact that, for example, in Jewish law, Halacha, Jewishness is determined by the mother, has nothing to do with the transmission of the Y chromosome. The boy could have been born from a Roman legionnaire, but was considered a Jew according to Halacha, was raised as a Jew, carried the genes of a Jewish mother (and, consequently, a large part of his mother’s appearance), but his Y-chromosome was shot from the darkness of millennia, from distant ancestors Roman legionnaire. And it will go to the children of this boy himself if he has boys.

By the way, about genes. There are almost no of them on the Y chromosome - only 27 genes per 50 million nucleotides. The remaining 45 chromosomes contain approximately 30 thousand genes, with an average of 670 genes per chromosome. Thus, gender has virtually no effect on the composition of genes, and vice versa, at least quantitatively. That is, we are talking here about the transmission of genealogical heredity, leaving aside the transmission of genes. We are talking about a record “in the genealogical record book,” a “cuff record” of DNA.

But this record defines our ancestors forever. And descendants in the male line.

Moreover, using this record, ancestors can be found. It is possible to determine where they lived for a long time, where their tribes came from in ancient times, in what directions they moved and migrated, and the tribes themselves can be identified. And all this because the composition, structure, and characteristics of the Y chromosome change from time to time over the course of millennia. Change due to mutations. Mutations in this case are the body’s mistakes when copying the Y chromosome. Enzymes, and with them the entire molecular biological “machine,” when copying, sometimes make mistakes, malfunction, and replace one nucleotide in the DNA chain with another, allow gaps in the copied chain, or make unnecessary insertions of nucleotides and their sequences. If this were in the gene zone, then the child would either be born dead, or would not live long, or would receive a hereditary disease, one or the other, depending on which gene is damaged. Or, on the contrary, it would acquire useful characteristics, like this, “at random.”

But there are almost no genes on the Y chromosome, so the “records on the cuffs” simply change. But as soon as it has changed, it is in this form that it is copied and passed on to the son and his sons, grandchildren, and so on. Until the next mutation, when the “cuff notes” change slightly again. But modern methods molecular biology - and this is what molecular genealogy, or DNA genealogy, uses - even the slightest changes “on the cuffs” of DNA are easily identified.

It is with the help of such mutations in the Y chromosomes that the history of ancestors is revealed. These “records” in the Y chromosome are akin to the history of the military path of a military unit. If absolutely nothing had happened to the unit, there would have been no combat path. It is the movements of the military unit and the events associated with these movements that make it possible to trace its chronology... .

According to the statement of our scientists, in 2009, a complete “reading” (sequencing) of the genome of the representative was completed Russian ethnicity.

“The decoding was carried out on the basis of the national research center “Kurchatov Institute” on the initiative of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” Mikhail Kovalchuk. The institute spent 20 million dollars on the purchase of special equipment. A complete genetic portrait of a Russian man became the eighth in the world ".

What did this expensive scientific research reveal?

The Aryans are not at all an invented people, as some historians believe, but a real one, born in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth! Due to this circumstance, the Aryans from birth received white skin color and blue (light) eye color. Both are natural adaptations of a given human genotype to a deficiency sunlight in the ancestral home of the Far North. Aryans are the self-name of the people, that’s what they called themselves, and this is recorded in the ancient Indian “Vedas” and Iranian legends.

The results of the latest studies have shown: the proportion of Aryans, or more precisely, their chromosomal marks (haplogroups) in men in Lithuania is 38%, Latvia 41%, Belarus 40%, Ukraine from 45% to 54%. In Russia, the Aryan population is on average 48%; in the south and center the share reaches 62% and higher. About 16 percent of Indians also have a similar haplotype - that's about 100 million people living in India. Half the upper classes in this country! The ancestral haplotypes of the Indians and Slavs are almost the same, but the Slavic haplotype is 500-600 years older.

The typical basic Western European haplotype, designated by the letters R1b, which approximately 60% of Western and Central Europeans and up to 90% of men in the British Isles have, “deviated” from the Hindu haplotypes and haplotypes of ethnic Russians by a “distance” of 50 mutations. Their ancestors are separated by at least 30 thousand years.

In India and Iran there are almost no haplotypes of haplogroup R1b.

The routes of movement of the ancient Aryans towards India are marked by their Y chromosome. This is a significant proportion of Tajiks (64%), Kyrgyz (63%), Uzbeks (32%), Uyghurs (22%), Khakass (Yenisei Kyrgyz, they are also, according to some sources, Usuns, Gegunis and Dinlins), Altai peoples (50 %) and then a number of peoples with the transition to China. The small Ishkashim people in the Pamirs are two-thirds R1a1.

Why arias with Southern Urals, left Arkaim for India about 3600 years ago? The answer becomes clear if you look at the history of global disasters. 3,600 years ago, one of the largest eruptions in the history of mankind occurred at the Santorini volcano, also known as Thera, in the Aegean Sea. This explosion wiped out the Minoan civilization on Crete, throwing 60 cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere, which led to a sharp drop in temperature throughout the Earth... For a long time, the Sun was practically invisible.

The Balkans, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia are the area of ​​the most ancient haplotypes of the genus R1a1. And the lifetime of this “first ancestor” was 12-10 thousand years ago. DNA genealogy clearly indicates that for almost 6,000 years, Balkan ancestors lived in those parts without moving anywhere. But about 6,000 years ago, the Great Migration began. In all directions - including to the West.

Now the number of R1a1 owners, already with mutations, in Germany is on average 18%, but in some areas up to a third. It is noteworthy that recently excavations were carried out in Germany, DNA was extracted from preserved bone marrow and it was determined that its carriers had the R1a1 haplogroup and lived 4600 years ago. Almost exact match with calculations based on haplotypes.

In Norway, the share of R1a1 now averages from 18 to 25% of the population, among Swedes - 17%. In England and in general on the British Isles - from 2% to 9%. In Scotland, in the north, on the Shetland Islands, there are 27%, and this number drops to 2-5% in the south of the country. In Poland, the average number of Aryan descendants is 57%. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia it is about 40%. In Hungary up to a quarter. By European countries- 4% in Holland and Italy (up to 19% in Venice and Calabria), 10% - in Albania, 8-11% - in Greece (up to 25% in Thessaloniki), 12-15% - in Bulgaria and Herzegovina, 14- 17% - in Denmark and Serbia, 15-25% - in Bosnia, Macedonia and Switzerland, 20% - in Romania and Hungary, 23% - in Iceland, 22-39% - in Moldova, 29-34% - in Croatia, 30-37% - in Slovenia (16% in the Balkans as a whole), and at the same time 32-37% - in Estonia, 34-38% - in Lithuania, 41% - in Latvia, 40% - in Belarus, 45-54 % - in Ukraine; in Russia, on average, 45%.

A number of historians who have been (and are still involved in) searching for traces of “Hyperborea” consider this area of ​​the Kola Peninsula - the Lovozero tundra region with Seydozero in the middle - to be the ancestral home of the Aryans.

The map is clickable.

Why is this particular area considered by a number of scientists to be the ancestral home of the Aryans?

It’s probably better to ask the Jews about this. They have a special relationship with the Aryans since biblical times, and perhaps even earlier. However, they are unlikely to tell us the truth. But one fact gives it away, this truth.

Let me remind you that in Russia there was a revolution in 1917, and its continuation was Civil war, which lasted from 1918 to 1922 and claimed the lives of millions of Russian people. When the fellow commissars had at least some free time from their main work, they wanted to find the ancestral home of the Aryans at all costs. The Bolshevik commissars, who dreamed of the idea of ​​a world revolution, believed that if they found the ancestral home of the Aryans, described in ancient literature like Shambhala, they will be able to find there some secret knowledge as well as a natural source magical power, which will allow them to gain even greater power over society.

This was dreamed not by some romantic boys, but by men vested with the highest power in Soviet Russia. The organization of the expedition was carried out by a special department of the OGPU, which was led by the Commissioner of State Security himself and one of the creators of the Gulag - Gleb Bokiy (1879 - 1937). This executioner is better known as the creator of the Solovetsky camp - the first communist concentration camp. The search for the ancestral home of the Aryans was supervised by the head of the Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky. Preparations for the expedition were carried out not just anywhere, but in the depths of the secret neuroenergetics laboratory in the building of the Moscow Energy Institute, which was headed by neurophysiologist and writer Alexander Barchenko (1881 - 1938). And this top-secret expedition, created by high authorities with the aim of searching for traces of ancient Hyperborea, headed precisely to region of Seydozero and Lovozero tundras...

What did this expedition find? None of the mere mortals knows this. It is only known that the NKVD archives contain 20 folders hiding the secret of A. Barchenko’s expedition. It is also known that in 1937 Stalin shot first Gleb Bokiy, the head of the NKVD, as an enemy of the people, and in 1938 Alexander Barchenko himself for “Masonic espionage activities.” Felix Dzerzhinsky, the head of the Cheka, as you know, died himself - due to illness, in 1926.

Initiates knew that the ancestral home of the Aryans was in the Far North, on the land where the northern lights shine and deer live, even before the 1917 revolution. Evidence of this is Eduard Shure’s book “The Great Initiates,” published in 1914.

What is also curious about the history of the Hyperboreans is the recognition of Eduard Shure that "Aryans created solar cult sacred fire and brought into the world a longing for heavenly homeland..." And it's true.

The movement of the earth relative to the Sun, both daily and annual, was noted by the Aryans in their solar symbols and their holidays, which are still celebrated by the peoples of the North: Cover- the onset of the Polar Night at the North Pole, Sun Festival- January holiday of the end of the Polar Night in the Kola North, Maslenitsa- farewell to winter, and others...

In continuation of his work on the topic "ARYAS ARE A REAL PEOPLE" I publish excerpts from the book "Arctic homeland in the Vedas", B. G. Tilak, an outstanding Indian scientist and public figure, author of books on the study of the antiquity of the Vedas and Vedic philosophy.

Origins of Civilization
Some scientists are convinced that the original region of the origin of humanity should be seen in the Arctic region, and Dr. Warren, rector of Boston University, published the scientific book “Paradise Found, or the Cradle of Humankind at the North Pole.” Science has already established that the beginning of the Aryan civilization should be pushed back many thousands of years. The search for and identification of the homeland of the original Aryans is fully confirmed by the traditions of the Vedas and the Avesta, and - what is even more important - the latest findings of archaeologists are not only consistent with the destruction of the Aryan paradise described in the Avesta, but enable us to attribute its existence to the time before the last period of glaciation.

Prehistoric times
The Aryans did not originally live in either Europe or Central Asia - their original region lay somewhere near the North Pole during the Paleolithic era. And they migrated from there to Asia and Europe not under the influence of an “irresistible impulse,” but because unfavorable changes occurred in the climate of this region.
The Vedas and Avesta contain information that fully confirms this view.
Many researchers have already begun to consider the North Pole to be the place where plant, animal (and human) life arose. IN ancient books Aryan people - the Vedas and Avesta - contain enough statements to prove that ancient homeland Aryans lay somewhere around the North Pole.

Arctic region
The depth of the Arctic Ocean north of Siberia is shallow, and this piece of land, now lying under water, may once have risen above it. This provides sufficient indication of the existence of a continent around the North Pole before the last glaciation. Turning to the traditions and beliefs of the Vedas, we can see that they arose many thousands of years ago and were handed down to us without changes.
Therefore, it is quite possible that in these ancient books we can find traces of the original polar homeland of the Aryans. The northern regions have special astronomical characteristics, and if indications of this can be revealed in the Vedas, it means that the ancestors of the Vedic sages - the rishis - must have known these characteristics while living in these regions. The following describes the main characteristics of the pole and polar zone, which are not found anywhere else on the globe. Characteristics of the pole and polar regions:
1. The sun rises and is always visible in the south.
2. Most stars do not rise or set, but rotate in a horizontal plane.
3. A year consists of one long day and one long night up to 6 months.
4. Sunrise and sunset last from several days to two months. The sun may appear and disappear, being visible above the horizon for some part of the day.
These instructions can be considered true guides in the study of the data given in the Vedas. Where in the Vedas one or another of the following characteristics is given, then there we can determine the place of origin of the tradition.

Night of the Gods
In Vedic literature we find a clearly organized system of timing of rituals and ceremonies, regulated by the lunisolar calendar. It indicates that the Vedic sages of that time had achieved deep knowledge of astronomy. In the Taittiriya Samhita and in the Brahmanas (scriptures interpreting the texts of the Vedas, the main one is the Rig Veda) lunar month of 50 days and a year of 12 months. Stars rising and setting on the Sun were also systematically observed. In the Rig Veda, the constellation Ursa Major is described as high-standing, indicating a position visible only in the polar region. The statement that the day and night of the gods last 6 months is extremely widespread in the ancient Vedas. This is confirmed by such an authoritative source as the “Laws of Manu”: “The gods have both day and night - the (human) year, again divided in two: day is the period of the sun’s movement to the north, night is the period of movement to the south.” In the Taitiriya Brahmana we also find a clear definition: “The year is but the day of the gods.” In the Avesta, the sacred book of the Parsees, we see a similar statement, sweeping aside all doubts regarding its polar character: “What they consider to be a day is a year.” And here Ahura Mazda says: “There the stars, the month, the sun can only be seen rising and setting once a year, and the year seems to be only one day.”

Vedic dawns
The dawn goddess Ushas, ​​a very prominent and beloved deity in the Vedas, is glorified in the Rig Veda in 20 hymns and mentioned more than 300 times in the Rig Veda. In these hymns there is strong evidence that the most ancient descriptions of the dawn are clearly of an Arctic nature. In the Rig Veda, the horses of the dawn are sometimes called so slow that people get tired of waiting, seeing the dawn lingering on the horizon. It is said about the dawns that they are like warriors gathering into an army or cows gathering into a herd, and that they do not argue with one another, although they live together. This cannot in any way apply to the 365 daily dawns a year. Thus, we can come to the conclusion that the Rig Veda clearly speaks of the unity of many dawns, the course of which is not interrupted by the daily appearance of the Sun. The Taittiriya Samhita, which explains the mantras of the Rig Veda, clearly states that the descriptions of dawns in it - when the gods saw 30 dawns - is an ancient tradition.

Long day and long night
Since the Vedic literature expressively talks about a long 30-day dawn or a group of 30 dawns, it is clear that this should have been preceded by a long night, and under this condition there should also be a long day in the year.
Many verses of the Rig Veda talk about the long and terrible darkness that hides the enemies of the god Indra, which he must destroy by fighting the demons. Vedic sages often prayed to the gods to deliver them from darkness, as for example, in the Rig Veda and Atharva Veda there is a hymn in which the worshipers ask “May we safely reach the other end of the night” and “that edge that is not even visible.” Why is this so? Was it because it was a winter night or a long arctic night? After all, ordinary nights of the winter season last today the same amount of time as they lasted here thousands of years ago, and none of us, even the most ignorant (of the Vedas) people, experience excitement in anticipation of the dawn that will end the night. This means that these were not just winter nights, which the Vedic sages feared in ancient times. It was something else, something that lasted a long time, when, although they understood that it would not last forever, this duration of darkness was still tiring and made us wait with longing for the dawn.

Months, Years and the Path of the Cows
Are the same traces of Arctic conditions regarding seasons, months and years found in the Vedas?
Our ancestors of the Vedic period, moving south due to the advancing glaciation, were faced with the need to perceive a calendar associated with the geographical conditions of new places. But we should see that the conservative priests sought to preserve as many features of the old calendar and ancient traditions as possible. In Vedic literature there are precise indications of the duration of annual ceremonies - sattras. These directions are precise and realistic. Among such annual sattras is the “path of the cows”... - one of the most ancient Vedic rituals. These cows are understood as Adityas, i.e., the deities of the solar months. The Aitareya Brahmana says: “The cows, desiring to acquire hooves and horns, once performed a sacrifice ceremony. In the tenth month of the ceremony, they acquired horns and hooves.” Both in the Avesta and among other Aryan peoples similar calculations of the length of the year are revealed. It is enough just to point out here that the ancient Roman year consisted of 10 months and was then replaced by a period of 12 months. And this tradition cannot simply be ignored, since the name “tenth” is retained for the last month of the calendar: “December” (December) - “10th”. The polar theory throws light on these ancient traditions, relics of the period when the ancestors of both these peoples lived together in the polar region. These two "extra" months were a time of long night. People who moved to the south simply added them to the previous year.

Vedas about the morning deities
The exploits of the divine twins Ashvins are described in a number of hymns of the Rig Veda. They are considered morning stars, preceding the appearance of dawn and the sun, and their exploits are correlated with the restoration of the powers of the Sun lost during the winter. In the texts on the rules of rites and rituals, the Ashvins are clearly associated with the dawn. The lighting of the ritual fire, dawn and sunrise are described in the Rig Veda as coinciding with the appearance of the Ashvins, or they are said to appear with the flaring dawn, when “darkness still lurks between the red cows.” The Ashvins were Indra's assistants in his battle of light with darkness, as doctors of the gods. And after the victory, they led the march of the morning deities. This can also be explained by the daily battle of darkness and light, since a special hymn to the Ashvins ("Ashvin-shastra") must be recited in its entirety during dawn. They were supposed to rejuvenate, heal and save those blinded and injured in battle. The sun is compared to the stay of the fetus in the womb for 10 months. Then the sun was lost, was born there and found itself in an abandoned land, where it remained for 2 months. Many hymns talk about these 10 months and that the baby, found two months after the loss, was again brought to the mother by the dawn or Ashwins. And in all these hymns we cannot talk about middle latitudes. And it is the Arctic theory that speaks not only about the weakening of the sun in winter, but shows that the natural basis of many such hymns of the Rig Veda is the long polar night.

Wheel of the Sun
In many hymns, Indra is described as the friend of the Sun or Surya. But suddenly it is said that he took away from him one of the 10 wheels of his chariot. At the same time, it seems that the Sun itself is called a wheel in these cases, that is, the Sun itself was stolen. What did Indra do with this wheel? He used the sun's rays as a weapon to kill or burn demons. Indra's struggle with demons is aimed at the ascension of light.
The Rig Veda clearly states that the Sun was in darkness, which means that Indra could use its disc there in the battle with demons for igniting the morning light.
This happened at the end of 10 months (or at the end of the Roman year).
This explanation of the Vedic hymns reveals the true picture of the annual movement of the Sun in ancient times in the homeland of the Aryans.

Year of Vishnu
The Rig Veda says that Vishnu moves his 90 horses, which have four names, like a wheel. This clearly refers to 360 days divided into 4 groups, i.e., a season of 90 days. This suggests that the annual course of the Sun should be considered the basis of all Vishnu’s affairs. In the Rig Veda, Vishnu resurrected the Sun, dawn and Agni fire.

Conclusions of the Vedic study
The results of the study of the history of the original culture and religion of the Vedic Aryans, the problems of their homeland and the evidence given above, consisting mainly of passages taken from the Vedas and Avesta, unmistakably prove that the authors of the ancient Vedas were familiar with the climatic conditions characteristic only of the Arctic regions, and that the mentioned deities reveal their Arctic origin. We see that in the literature of the Vedic Aryans there is much that leads to the same conclusions, and this correlates with ancient traditions, the legends of the Avesta, as well as with the myths belonging to the European branches of ancient peoples. These myths also point to the North Pole as the original land of peoples other than the Aryans, and it cannot be argued that only the Aryans originated from the north. On the contrary, there is reason to believe that the five races of people (panca janah) often mentioned in the Rig Veda could be those who lived alongside the Aryas in a common homeland. It has already been proven that at the very early stage to which the found human remains date back, the human race was already divided into several dissimilar types. Of course, the Aryan culture could not have developed suddenly at the end of the last interglacial period, and its beginning should be pushed back to deeper eras.

Translation from English N. Guseva