Leonardo da Vinci: where he was born, what he became famous for, interesting facts. Where was Leonardo da Vinci born: the life path of the great Italian

Biography and episodes of life Leonardo da Vinci. When born and died Leonardo da Vinci, memorable places and dates important events his life. Quotes from the artist and scientist, images and videos.

Years of life of Leonardo da Vinci:

born April 15, 1452, died May 2, 1519


"Prophet, or demon, or magician,
Keeping the eternal riddle,
Oh Leonardo, you are the harbinger
The day remains unknown."
From Dmitry Merezhkovsky’s poem “Leonardo da Vinci”


Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most mysterious figures in world history and certainly the most outstanding genius of the Renaissance. He is credited with inventing the first prototypes of a helicopter, parachute, car, hang glider, scuba gear and dozens of other mechanisms, without which modern civilization simply unthinkable. Da Vinci himself called himself a scientist and engineer rather than an artist, although his creative work to this day never ceases to amaze the imagination of art historians and ordinary connoisseurs of painting and sculpture. In addition, da Vinci’s works were reflected in other areas of science and art: physics, astronomy, anatomy, philology and others. Legends arose about Leonardo during his lifetime; he is rooted in the milestones of history as a truly titanic figure, a true genius, centuries ahead of his time.

Leonardo was born in a small village near the town of Vinci, the name of which, according to the traditions of that time, formed the basis of his surname. His father was a wealthy hereditary notary, his mother was a simple peasant woman. From childhood, da Vinci studied with one of the most influential artists of the time, Andrea del Verrocchio, whom he managed to surpass at the age of 20. So, when the young man completed writing “The Baptism of Christ,” Verrocchio declared that from now on all faces would be painted exclusively by Leonardo.

Subsequently, da Vinci served at the courts of famous politicians, aristocrats and kings, moving between Florence, Milan, and Rome. He held positions as an architect, military engineer, designer, was knowledgeable in the principles of urban planning, and wrote fundamental works on medicine and other sciences. For mature life Leonardo da Vinci produced dozens of masterpieces from his brush: “Lady with an Ermine”, Vitruvian Man, “Madonna Litta”, as well as countless brilliant sketches. Unfortunately, only a tiny part of his works has been preserved in memory of Leonardo, but even they are enough to appreciate the artist’s remarkable contribution to the development of world art.

In his last years, da Vinci lived in the royal castle of Clos Lucé at the invitation of Francis I. Leonardo's health gradually faded, and soon he even lost the ability to move independently. However, nothing is known about the artist’s mysterious illness, and the causes of da Vinci’s death are still being debated. Shortly before his death, Leonardo da Vinci left a will, and later died in the presence of the king and his students. The artist’s body was buried in the Castle of Amboise, and da Vinci’s grave was marked with a laconic inscription: “Within the walls of this monastery lie the ashes of Leonardo da Vinci, the greatest artist, engineer and architect of the French kingdom.”

Life line

April 15, 1452 Date of birth of Leonardo da Vinci.
1467 Admission to study with the artist Andrea del Verrocchio.
1472 Admission to the Guild of Painters of St. Luke.
1476 Opening your own workshop.
1502 Entering the service of Cesare Borgia as an architect.
1506 Service with the French King Louis XII.
1512 Moving to Rome under the patronage of Pope Leo X.
1516 Service with King Francis I.
May 2, 1519 Date of death of Leonardo da Vinci.

Memorable places

1. Leonardo Museum in Vinci - the city near which the genius was born.
2. Da Vinci Museum in Florence.
3. Da Vinci Museum in Milan.
4. The Louvre, which houses works by Leonardo da Vinci, including the famous Mona Lisa.
5. National Gallery of Art in Washington, where Da Vinci's works are displayed.
6. The State Hermitage in St. Petersburg, where you can see the works of da Vinci.
7. London's National Gallery, where da Vinci's works are kept.
8. National Gallery of Scotland, home to da Vinci's works.
9. Castle of Clos Lucé, where da Vinci is buried.

Episodes of life

One day, when Leonardo was still young, a neighboring peasant came to his father with a request to find an artist to design his homemade shield. The father agreed and allowed his son to take over the matter. The young da Vinci approached the matter with unprecedented originality: he depicted the face of the Gorgon Medusa on the shield, and used real snakes, grasshoppers and other insects as available material. Leonardo thought that a shield decorated in this way could not only protect its owner well, but also intimidate enemies. It ended with the father not appreciating his son’s creativity and buying another shield for the peasant. The original was subsequently sold to the wealthy Medici family in Florence.

It is interesting that history has preserved virtually no information about Leonardo’s personal life. Judging by the available facts, he was not married and did not even have affairs with women. Da Vinci's only life partner was one of his students named Salai (from Italian "little devil"). Nothing is known for certain about the relationship between Leonardo and Salai, except that their relationship lasted more than 25 years. It is surprising that da Vinci did not maintain such a long-term relationship with anyone from his circle.


“Only loneliness provides the necessary freedom.”

“Just as a well-spent day produces a peaceful sleep, so a well-lived life produces a peaceful death.”

The life and work of Leonardo da Vinci


“He was not only a great painter, but also a great mathematician, mechanic and engineer, to whom the most diverse branches of physics owe important discoveries.”
Friedrich Engels, philosopher

“Everyone knows the names of Raphael, Titian, Bellini, Michelangelo - these are just a few worthy of mention. However, no one achieved such mastery in so many different areas as Leonardo da Vinci."
Svyatoslav Roerich, artist

“The loss of Leonardo beyond measure saddened everyone who knew him, for never was there a man who brought so much honor to the art of painting. This is a master who truly lived his entire life with great benefit for humanity.”
Irina Nikiforova, bibliographer

Leonardo da Vinci, whose years of life and death are known to the whole world, is perhaps the most mysterious figure of the Renaissance. Many people care about where Leonardo da Vinci was born and who he was. He is known as an artist, anatomist and engineer. In addition to numerous discoveries, this unique person left behind huge amount various mysteries that the whole world is trying to solve to this day.


When was Leonardo da Vinci born? He was born on April 15, 1452. It is interesting to know where Leonardo da Vinci was born, and specifically in which city. Nothing could be simpler. His surname came from the name of his place of birth. Vinci is an Italian city in the then existing Florentine Republic.

Leonardo was the illegitimate child of an official and an ordinary peasant girl. The boy grew up and was brought up in his father's house, thanks to whom he received a good education.

As soon as the future genius turned 15 years old, he became an apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio, who was a talented sculptor, painter and representative of the Florentine school.

One day Leonardo's teacher took on one interesting job. He agreed to paint an altarpiece in the church of Santi Salvi, which depicted the baptism of Christ by John. Young da Vinci participated in this work. He painted only one angel, which turned out to be an order of magnitude more beautiful than the entire image. This circumstance was the reason that I decided never to pick up brushes again. His young but incredibly talented student was able to surpass his teacher.

After another 5 years, Leonardo da Vinci becomes a member of the guild of artists. There, with particular passion, he began to study the basics of drawing and many other required disciplines. A little later, in 1476, he continued to work with former teacher and mentor Andrea del Verrocchio, but already as a co-author of his creations.

Long-awaited glory

By 1480, the name Leonardo da Vinci became famous. I wonder when Leonardo da Vinci was born, could his contemporaries have imagined that he would become so famous? During this period, the artist receives the largest and most expensive orders, but two years later he decides to leave hometown and moves to Milan. There he continues to work, painting several successful paintings and the famous fresco “The Last Supper”.

It was during this period of his life that Leonardo da Vinci began to keep his own diary. From there we learn that he is no longer just an artist, but also an architect-designer, hydraulic engineer, anatomist, inventor of all kinds of mechanisms and decorations. In addition to all this, he also finds time to write riddles, fables or puzzles. Moreover, his interest in music awakens. And this is only a small part of what Leonardo da Vinci became famous for.

Some time later, the genius realizes that mathematics is much more exciting than painting. He is so keen on exact science that he forgets to even think about painting. Even later, da Vinci begins to show interest in anatomy. He leaves for Rome and stays there for 3 years, living under the “wing” of the Medici family. But very soon joy gives way to sadness and longing. Leonrado da Vinci is upset due to the lack of material for conducting anatomical experiments. Then he tries various experiments, but this also leads to nothing.

Life changes

In 1516, the life of the Italian genius changed dramatically. The king of France notices him, truly admiring his work, and invites him to court. Later, the sculptor would write that although Leonardo’s main job was the very prestigious position of court advisor, he did not forget about his creativity.

It was during this period of life that da Vinci began to develop the idea aircraft. At first he manages to come up with a simple design based on wings. In the future, it will serve as the basis for a completely crazy project at that time - an airplane with full control. But even though da Vinci was talented, he was never able to invent a motor. The dream of an airplane turned out to be unrealistic.

Now you know exactly where Leonardo da Vinci was born, what he was interested in and what life path he had to go through. The Florentine died on May 2, 1519.

Painting by a famous artist

The Italian genius was very versatile, but most people think of him solely as a painter. And this is not without reason. Leonardo da Vinci's painting is true art, and his paintings are true masterpieces. Thousands of scientists from all over the globe are struggling with the mysteries of the most famous works written by the Florentine.

It is quite difficult to choose a few paintings from the whole variety. Therefore, the article will present the top 6 most famous and earliest works of the author.

1. The first work of the famous artist is “Small sketch of a river valley.”

This is a really neat drawing. It shows a castle and a small wooded hillside. The sketch is made with quick strokes using a pencil. The entire landscape is depicted in such a way that it seems as if we are looking at the picture from some high point.

2. “Turin Self-Portrait” - created by the artist at about 60 years old.

This work is interesting to us primarily because it gives us an idea of ​​what the great Leonardo da Vinci looked like. Although there is an opinion that a completely different person is depicted here. Many art historians consider the “self-portrait” to be a sketch for the famous “La Gioconda”. This work is considered one of Leonardo's best works.

3. “Mona Lisa” or “La Gioconda” - the most famous and, perhaps, the most mysterious picture Italian artist, written around 1514 - 1515.

This in itself is the most interesting fact about Leonardo da Vinci. There are so many theories and assumptions associated with the picture that it is impossible to count them all. Many experts argue that the canvas depicts an ordinary landscape against the backdrop of a very unusual landscape. Some believe that this is a portrait of the Duchess of Costanza d'Avalos. According to others, the picture shows the wife of Francesco del Gioconda. But there is also a more modern version. It says that great artist captured the widow of Giovanni Antonio Brandano named Pacifica.

4. “Vitruvian Man” - a drawing created as an illustration for a book approximately in 1490-1492.

It very well depicts a naked man in two slightly different positions, which are applied to each other. This work received the status of not only a work of art, but also a scientific work.

5. last supper Leonardo da Vinci - a painting that shows the moment Jesus Christ announced to his disciples that he would be betrayed by one of them. Created in 1495-1498.

This work is as mysterious and enigmatic as La Gioconda. Perhaps the most truly amazing thing about this picture is the story of its composition. According to many historians, Leonardo da Vinci could not write Judas and Christ for a long time. Once he was lucky enough to find a beautiful young man in the church choir, so spiritual and bright that the author’s doubts disappeared - here he is, the prototype of Jesus. But the image of Judas still remained unfinished. For three long years Leonardo walked through the seedy alleys, looking for the most degraded and vile person. One day he found one like this. It was a drunk in a gutter. Da Vinci brought it to his workshop and painted Judas from it. How unimaginable was the author’s surprise when it turned out that he based Jesus and the disciple who betrayed him on the same person, simply met in different periods the life of the latter.

Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper is also famous for the fact that the master depicted Mary Magdalene at the right hand of Christ. Because he placed her this way, many began to claim that she was the legal wife of Jesus. There was even a hypothesis that the contours of the bodies of Christ and Mary Magdalene represent the letter M, which means “Matrimonio”, that is, marriage.

6. “Madonna Litta” - a painting dedicated to the Mother of God and the Child Christ.

On hand, this is a very traditional religious plot. But it was Leonardo da Vinci’s painting that became one of the best in this subject. In fact, this masterpiece is not very large in size, only 42 x 33 cm. But it still truly amazes with its beauty and purity. This painting is also notable for its mysterious details. Why is the baby holding a chick in his hand? For what reason is his mother's dress torn in the place where the baby is pressed to her chest? And why is the picture so dark?

The paintings of Leonardo da Vinci are not just beautiful canvases, it is a whole separate type of art, striking the imagination with its indescribable splendor and bewitching secrets.

What did the great creator leave to the world?

What was Leonardo da Vinci famous for besides his paintings? Undoubtedly, he was talented in many areas that, it would seem, cannot be combined with each other at all. However, despite all his genius, he had one interesting character trait that did not really fit with his work - he liked to abandon the work he had begun and leave it like that forever. But nevertheless, Leonardo da Vinci still completed several truly brilliant discoveries. They changed the then ideas about life.

Leonardo da Vinci's discoveries are amazing. What can we say about a man who created an entire science? Are you familiar with paleontology? But it was Leonardo da Vinci who was its founder. It was he who first made an entry in his diary about a certain rare fossil that he managed to discover. Scientists are still wondering what they were talking about. Only a rough description is known: a certain stone that looks like a fossilized honeycomb and has a hexagonal shape. Leonardo also described the first ideas about paleontology as a science in general.

Thanks to da Vinci, people learned to jump out of airplanes without crashing. After all, it was he who invented the parachute. Of course, initially it was only a prototype of a modern parachute and it looked completely different, but this does not diminish the importance of the invention. In his diary, the master wrote about a piece of linen fabric, 11 meters long and wide. He was confident that this would help the person land without any injury. And as time has shown, he was absolutely right.

Of course, the helicopter was invented much later than Leonardo da Vinci died, but the idea of ​​the flying machine belonged to him. It does not at all look like what we now call a helicopter, but rather resembles an inverted round table with one leg, to which pedals are screwed. It was thanks to them that the invention was supposed to fly.

Incredible but true

What else did Leonardo da Vinci create? Incredibly, he also had a hand in robotics. Just think, back in the 15th century he personally designed the first model of the so-called robot. His invention had many complex mechanisms and springs. But most importantly, this robot was humanoid and could even move its arms. Besides this, Italian genius came up with several mechanical lions. They could move on their own using mechanisms like sentries.

Leonardo da Vinci made so many discoveries on earth that he became interested in something new in space. He could spend hours looking at the stars. And although it cannot be said that he invented a telescope, in one of his books you can find instructions for creating something very similar to it.

We even owe our cars to Da Vinci. He came up with a wooden model of a car with three wheels. This entire structure was driven by a special mechanism. Many scientists believe that this idea was born back in 1478.

Among other things, Leonardo was also interested in military affairs. He came up with a multi-barrel and rapid-fire weapon - a machine gun, or rather, its prototype.

Of course, Leonardo da Vinci could not help but come up with something for painters. It was he who developed an artistic technique in which all distant things appear blurry. He also invented chiaroscuro.

It is worth noting that all of Leonardo da Vinci’s discoveries turned out to be very useful, and some of his developments are still used today. They are only slightly improved.

Yet we cannot help but admit that Leonardo da Vinci, whose contribution to science was enormous, was a real genius.

Water is Leonardo da Vinci's favorite element

If you love diving or have dived to significant depths at least once in your life, then thank Leonardo da Vinci. It was he who invented scuba gear. Da Vinci designed a kind of floating cork buoy that held a reed tube above the water for air. It was also he who invented the leather air bag.

Leonardo da Vinci, biology

The genius was interested in everything: the principles of breathing, yawning, coughing, vomiting, and especially the beating of the heart. Leonardo da Vinci studied biology, closely linking it with physiology. It was he who first described the heart as a muscle and almost came to the conclusion that it was it that pumped blood in the human body. Yes Vichni even attempted to create a prosthetic aortic valve through which the blood flow passed.

Anatomy as art

Everyone knows that da Vinci was interested in anatomy. In 2005, researchers discovered his secret laboratory, where he allegedly dissected bones from corpses. And it apparently had an effect. It was da Vinci who accurately described the shape of the human spine. Among other things, there is an opinion that he discovered diseases such as atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. The Italian also managed to distinguish himself in dentistry. Leonardo was the first person to depict the correct structure of teeth in the oral cavity, describing in detail their number.

Do you wear glasses or contacts? And for this we should thank Leonardo. In 1509, he wrote down in his diary a certain model of how and with what help the optical power of the human eye can be changed.

Leonardo da Vinci, whose contribution to science is simply invaluable, created, studied or discovered so many things that it is impossible to count. The greatest discoveries definitely belong to his ingenious hands and head.

He was a very mysterious figure. And, of course, to this day there are various interesting facts about Leonardo da Vinci.

It is known for certain that he was a cryptographer. Leonardo wrote with his left hand and in very small letters. And he did it from right to left. But by the way, Da Vinci wrote equally well with both hands.

The Florentine always spoke in riddles and even made prophecies, most of which came true.

It is interesting that a monument to him was erected not where Leonardo da Vinci was born, but in a completely different place - in Milan.

It is believed that the Italian was a vegetarian. But this did not prevent him from being the manager of court feasts for thirteen years. He even came up with several culinary “helpers” to make the chefs’ work easier.

Among other things, the Florentine played the lyre incredibly beautifully. But even this is not all the interesting facts about Leonardo da Vinci.

Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most talented and mysterious persons of the Renaissance. The Creator left behind a lot of inventions, paintings and secrets, many of which remain unsolved to this day. Da Vinci is called a polymath, or “universal man.” After all, he reached heights in almost all areas of science and art. In this article you will learn the most interesting things from the life of this person.

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the settlement of Anchiano in the Utuscan city of Vinci. The parents of the future genius were lawyer Piero, 25 years old, and orphan peasant Katerina, 15 years old. However, Leonardo, like his father, did not have a surname: da Vinci means “from Vinci.”

Until the age of 3, the boy lived with his mother. The father soon married a noble but barren lady. As a result, 3-year-old Leonardo was taken into care in new family, forever separated from his mother.

Pierre da Vinci gave his son a comprehensive education and more than once tried to introduce him to the notary profession, but the boy did not show any interest in the profession. It is worth noting that during the Renaissance, illegitimate children were considered equal to legitimate ones. Therefore, even after the death of his father, Leonardo was helped by many noble people of Florence and the town of Vinci itself.

Verrocchio's workshop

At the age of 14, Leonardo became an apprentice in the workshop of the painter Andrea del Verrocchio. There the teenager drew, sculpted, and learned the basics of the humanities and technical sciences. 6 years later, Leonardo qualified as a master and was accepted into the Guild of St. Luke, where he continued to study the basics of drawing and other significant disciplines.

History includes the incident of Leonardo's victory over his teacher. While working on the painting “The Baptism of Christ,” Verrocchio asked Leonardo to draw an angel. The student created an image that was many times more beautiful than the whole picture. As a result, the amazed Verrochio left painting for the rest of his life.


1472–1513 years are considered the most fruitful in the artist’s life. After all, it was then that the polymath created his most famous creations.

In 1476–1481 Leonardo da Vinci had a personal workshop in Florence. In 1480 the artist became famous and began to receive incredibly expensive orders.

1482–1499 Da Vinci spent a year in Milan. The genius arrived in the city as a messenger of peace. The head of Milan, the Duke of Moro, often ordered da Vinci various inventions for wars and for the amusement of the court. In addition, Leonardo da Vinci began keeping a diary in Milan. Thanks to personal notes, the world learned about many of the creator’s discoveries and inventions, and about his passion for music.

Due to the French invasion of Milan, in 1499 year the artist returned to Florence. In the city, the scientist served Duke Cesare Borgia. On his behalf, da Vinci often visited Romagna, Tuscany and Umbria. There the master was engaged in reconnaissance and preparing fields for battles. After all, Cesare Borgia wanted to seize the Papal States. The entire Christian world considered the Duke a fiend from hell, and da Vinci respected him for his tenacity and talent.

In 1506 Leonardo da Vinci returned to Milan again, where he studied anatomy and the study of the structure of organs with the support of the Medici family. In 1512, the scientist moved to Rome, where he worked under the patronage of Pope Leo X until the latter's death.

In 1516 Leonardo da Vinci became a court advisor to the King of France, Francis I. The ruler allocated the artist the castle of Clos-Lucé and gave him complete freedom of action. In addition to an annual fee of 1000 ecus, the scientist received an estate with vineyards. Da Vinci noted that French years gave him a comfortable old age and were the calmest and happiest in life.

Death and grave

Leonardo da Vinci's life was cut short on May 2, 1519, presumably from a stroke. However, signs of the disease appeared long before this. The artist could not move his right hand due to partial paralysis since 1517, and shortly before his death he completely lost the ability to walk. The maestro bequeathed all his property to his students.

Da Vinci's first tomb was destroyed during the Huguenot Wars. The remains of various people were mixed and buried in the garden. Later, archaeologist Arsene Houssay identified the artist's skeleton from the description and transferred it to a reconstructed grave on the grounds of the Castle of Amboise.

In 2010, a group of scientists intended to exhume the body and conduct DNA testing. For comparison, it was planned to take material from the artist’s buried relatives. However, the owners of Watermelon Castle did not allow da Vinci to be exhumed.

Secrets of personal life

Personal life was kept in the strictest confidence. The artist described all love events in his diary using a special code. Scientists put forward 3 opposing versions regarding the personal life of a genius:

Secrets in the life of da Vinci

In 1950, the list of Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion, a Jerusalem order of monks founded in the 11th century, was made public. According to the list, Leonardo da Vinci was a member of a secret organization.

A number of researchers believe that the artist was its leader. The main task of the group was to restore the Merovingian dynasty - the direct descendants of Christ - to the throne of France. Another of the group's missions was to keep the marriage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene secret.

Historians dispute the existence of the Priory and consider Leonardo's participation in it a hoax. Scientists emphasize that the Priory of Sion was created in 1950 with the participation of Pierre Plantard. In their opinion, documents were forged at the same time.

However, few surviving facts can only speak of the caution of the monks of the order and their desire to hide their activities. Da Vinci's writing style also speaks in favor of the theory. The author wrote from left to right, as if imitating Hebrew writing.

The Priory Mystery formed the basis of Dan Brown's book The Da Vinci Code. Based on the work, a film of the same name was made in 2006. The plot talks about a cryptex allegedly invented by Da Vinci - an encryption device. When you try to hack the device, everything written is dissolved in vinegar.

Predictions of Leonardo da Vinci

Some historians consider Leonardo da Vinci a seer, others - a time traveler who found himself in the Middle Ages from the future. So, scientists are wondering how the inventor could create a gas mixture for scuba diving without knowledge of biochemistry. However, it is not only da Vinci’s inventions that raise questions, but also his predictions. Many prophecies have already come true.

So, Leonardo da Vinci described Hitler and Stalin in detail, and also predicted the appearance of:

  • missiles;
  • telephone;
  • Skype;
  • players;
  • electronic money;
  • loans;
  • paid medicine;
  • globalization, etc.

In addition, da Vinci painted the end of the world, depicting an atomic mushroom. Scientists have described failures among future cataclysms earth's surface, activation of volcanoes, flood and the coming of the Antichrist.


He left the world a lot of useful inventions that became prototypes:

  • parachute;
  • airplane, hang glider and helicopter;
  • bicycle and car;
  • robot;
  • eye glasses;
  • telescope;
  • spotlights;
  • scuba gear and spacesuit;
  • lifebuoy;
  • military devices: tank, catapult, machine gun, mobile bridges and wheel lock.

Among Da Vinci's great inventions, his "Ideal City". After the plague pandemic, the scientist developed a project for Milan with proper planning and sewerage. It was supposed to divide the city into levels for the upper classes and trade, to ensure constant access of water to houses.

In addition, the master rejected narrow streets, which were a breeding ground for infections, and emphasized the importance of wide squares and roads. However, the Duke of Milan Ludovico Sforza did not accept the bold scheme. Centuries later, a new city, London, was built according to an ingenious project.

Leonardo da Vinci also left his mark on anatomy. The scientist was the first to describe the heart as a muscle and tried to create a prosthetic aortic valve. In addition, da Vinci accurately described and depicted the spine, thyroid gland, tooth structure, muscle structure, location internal organs. Thus, the principles of anatomical drawing were created.

The genius also contributed to the development of art, developing blurred drawing technique and chiaroscuro.

Great paintings and their mysteries

He left behind many paintings, frescoes and drawings. However, 6 works were lost, and the authorship of another 5 is disputed. There are 7 works of Leonardo da Vinci that are most famous in the world:

1. - Da Vinci's first work. The drawing is realistic, neat and done with light pencil strokes. When looking at the landscape, it seems that you are looking at it from a high point.

2. "Turin self-portrait". The painter created a masterpiece 7 years before his death. The painting is valuable because it gives the world an idea of ​​what Leonardo da Vinci looked like. However, some art historians believe that this is just a sketch for the Mona Lisa, made from another person.

3. . The drawing was created as an illustration for the book. Da Vinci captured a naked man in 2 positions superimposed on each other. The work is considered simultaneously an achievement of art and science. After all, the artist embodied the canonical proportions of the body and golden ratio. Thus, the drawing emphasizes the natural ideality and mathematical proportionality of man.

4. . The painting has a religious plot: it is dedicated to the Mother of God (Madonna) and the Christ Child. Despite its small size, the painting amazes with its purity, depth and beauty. But “Madonna Litta” is also shrouded in mystery and raises a lot of questions. Why does the baby have a chick in his hands? Why is Our Lady's dress torn in the chest area? Why is the picture made in dark colors?

5. . The painting was commissioned by the monks, but due to his move to Milan, the artist never completed the work. The canvas depicts Mary with the newborn Jesus and the Magi. According to one version, 29-year-old Leonardo himself is depicted among the men.

6th masterpiece

“The Last Supper” is a fresco depicting Christ’s last supper. The work is no less mysterious and mysterious than the Mona Lisa.
The history of the creation of the canvas is shrouded in mysticism. The artist quickly drew portraits of all the characters in the picture.

However, it was impossible to find prototypes for Jesus Christ and Judas. Once da Vinci noticed a bright and spiritual young man in the church choir. The young man became the prototype of Christ. The search for a model for the drawing of Judas dragged on for years.

Later, da Vinci found the most vile person in his opinion. The prototype of Judas was a drunkard found in a sewer. Having already completed the picture, Da Vinci learned that Judas and Christ were drawn by him from the same person.

Among the mysteries of the Last Supper is Mary Magdalene. Da Vinci depicted her at the right hand of Christ, as legal wife. The marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene is also indicated by the fact that the contours of their bodies form the letter M - “Matrimonio” (marriage).

7th masterpiece – “Mona Lisa”, or “La Gioconda”

“Mona Lisa”, or “La Gioconda” is the most famous and mysterious painting by Leonardo da Vinci. To this day, art historians argue about who is depicted on the canvas. Among the popular versions: Lisa del Giocondo, Constanza d'Avalos, Pacifica Brandano, Isabella of Aragon, an ordinary Italian, da Vinci himself and even his student Salai in a woman's dress.

In 2005, it was proven that the painting depicts Lisa Gerandini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo. This was indicated by the notes of da Vinci's friend Agostino Vespucci. Thus, both names become understandable: Mona - short for the Italian Madonna, my mistress and Gioconda - after the surname of Lisa Gerandini's husband.

Among the secrets of the painting is the demonic and at the same time divine smile of the Mona Lisa, which is capable of enchanting anyone. When you focus on your lips, they seem to smile more. They say that people who look at this detail for a long time go crazy.

A computer study has shown that Mona Lisa's smile simultaneously expresses happiness, anger, fear and disgust. Some scientists are convinced that the effect is caused by the absence of front teeth, eyebrows or the heroine’s pregnancy. Others say that the smile seems to disappear due to the fact that it is in the low frequency range of light.

Researcher Smith-Kettlewell argues that the smile change effect is due to random noise in the human visual system.

The look of the Mona Lisa is also written in a special way. From whatever angle you look at the girl, it seems that she is looking at you.

The technique of writing La Gioconda is also impressive. The portrait, including the eyes and smile, is a series of golden ratios. The face and hands form an isosceles triangle, and some details fit perfectly into the golden rectangle.

Secrets of Da Vinci's paintings: hidden messages and meanings

The paintings of Leonardo da Vinci are shrouded in mysteries that hundreds of scientists from all over the world are struggling with. In particular, Hugo Conti decided to use the mirror method. The scientist was prompted to this idea by da Vinci’s prose. The fact is that the author wrote from left to right, and his manuscripts can only be read with the help of a mirror. Conti applied the same approach to reading paintings.

It turned out that the characters in da Vinci’s paintings point with their eyes and fingers to the places where the mirror should be placed.

A simple technique reveals hidden images and figures:

1. In the painting “The Virgin and Child, Saint Anne and John the Baptist” discovered a number of demons. According to one version, this is the Devil, according to another, the Old Testament god Yahweh in the papal tiara. It was believed that this god “protects the soul from the vices of the body.”

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2. In the painting “John the Baptist”- “tree of life” with an Indian deity. A number of researchers believe that in this way the artist hid the mysterious painting “Adam and Eve in Paradise.” Da Vinci's contemporaries often mentioned the painting. For a long time it was believed that “Adam and Eve” was a separate picture.

3. On the “Mona Lisa” and “John the Baptist”- the head of a demon, the Devil or the god Yahweh in a helmet, somewhat similar to the hidden image on the canvas “Our Lady”. With this, Conti explains the mystery of the looks in the paintings.

4. On “Madonna of the Rocks”(“Madonna in the Grotto”) depicts the Virgin Mary, Jesus, John the Baptist and an Angel. But if you hold a mirror to the picture, you can see God and a number of biblical characters.

5. In the painting “The Last Supper” a hidden vessel is discovered in the hands of Jesus Christ. Researchers believe this is the Holy Grail. In addition, thanks to the mirror, the two apostles become knights.

6. In the painting “The Annunciation” hidden angelic, and in some versions alien, images.

Hugo Conti believes that you can find a hidden mystical drawing in every painting. The main thing is to use a mirror for this.

In addition to mirror codes, the Mona Lisa also stores secret messages under layers of paint. Graphic designers noticed that when the canvas is turned on its side, images of a buffalo, lion, monkey and bird become visible. Da Vinci thus told the world about the four Essences of man.

Some interesting facts about da Vinci include the following:

  1. The genius was left-handed. Many scientists explain the master’s special writing style by this. Da Vinci always wrote in a mirror manner - from left to right, although he could write with his right hand.
  2. The Creator was not constant: he quit one job and jumped to another, never returning to the previous one. Moreover, da Vinci moved on to completely unrelated areas. For example, from art to anatomy, from literature to engineering.
  3. Da Vinci was talented musician and played the lyre beautifully.
  4. The artist was a zealous vegetarian. Not only did he not eat animal food, but he also did not wear leather or silk. Da Vinci called people who eat meat “walking cemeteries.” But this did not prevent the scientist from being the manager at court feasts and creating new profession- “assistant” cook.
  5. Da Vinci's passion for drawing knew no bounds. So, the master spent hours sketching the bodies of the hanged in detail.
  6. According to one version, the scientist developed colorless and odorless poisons, as well as glass listening devices for Cesare Borgia.

They say that geniuses are born only when the world is ready to accept them. However, Leonardo da Vinci was far ahead of his era. The bulk of his discoveries and creations were appreciated only centuries later. Da Vinci proved by his own example that the human mind knows no boundaries.

Books were written and films were made about the titan of the Renaissance, and monuments were erected in his honor. Minerals, craters on the Moon and asteroids were named after the great scientist. And in 1994 they found it for real beautiful way perpetuate the memory of a genius.

Breeders have developed a new variety of historical rose, called Rosa Leonardo da Vinci. The plant blooms continuously, does not burn out and does not freeze in the cold, like the memory of the “universal man”.

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The history of mankind, in fact, does not know many geniuses who were ahead of this or that era with every action they took. Some of what they created became firmly established in the lives of contemporaries, but some remained on drawings and manuscripts: the master looked too far ahead. The latter can be fully applied to Leonardo da Vinci, a brilliant artist, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, architect, sculptor, philosopher and writer - true man Renaissance. Perhaps there is no area in the history of medieval knowledge that would not be touched upon great master Enlightenment.

The scope of his activity covers not only space (Italy-France), but also time. Isn’t it surprising that the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci now cause the same heated debate and admiration as during the years of his life? Such a “formula of immortality” can rightfully be considered greatest discovery in history. What are its components? Almost every person on the planet would like to have an answer to this question. Some even decided that it was best to ask Leonardo himself about this, “resurrecting” the master with the help of modern scientific developments. However, the main components of the “formula” are visible to the naked eye: potential genius, coupled with incredible curiosity and a large share humanism. And yet, any genius is a dreamer-practitioner. Judge for yourself, all the work of Leonardo da Vinci (here we include not only sketches, paintings, frescoes, but also all the scientific research of the Master) can be imagined as steps towards the realization of mankind’s long dreams of perfection. Did you want a person to fly like a bird? So we need to make him something like wings! Christ walked on water, so why shouldn’t mere mortals have the same opportunity? Let's build water skis!

The entire life and work of Leonardo da Vinci were filled with attempts to answer numerous questions about the laws of the universe, reveal the secrets of existence and direct them to the service of humanity. After all, do not forget that a Renaissance man is, first of all, a great humanist.

The biography of Leonardo da Vinci is, figuratively speaking, the story of several souls trapped in the body of one person. Indeed, in each of the areas studied, he exhibits very special qualities, which in the understanding ordinary people, can hardly belong to one single person. Perhaps this is why some have tried to prove that Leonardo da Vinci is just a pseudonym taken by a group of people. However, the theory was doomed to failure almost before its birth.

Today da Vinci is known to us to a greater extent as an unsurpassed artist. Unfortunately, no more than 15 of his works have reached us, while the rest either simply did not stand the test of time due to the master’s constant experiments with techniques and materials, or are considered not yet found. However, those works that have come down to us remain the most famous and most copied masterpieces of art in the world.

Biography of Leonardo da Vinci

The baby, subsequently baptized under the name Leonardo, was born, as recorded in the church book, “on Saturday, April 15, 1452 from the Nativity of Christ” from the extramarital affair of the peasant woman Catherine and the notary, ambassador of the Florentine Republic, Messire Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, a descendant a wealthy, respected Italian family. The father, who had no other heirs at that time, wished to take his son into his home and give him a proper education. All that is known for sure about the mother is that she officially married a man from a peasant family and gave him 7 more children. By the way, Leonardo’s father was also subsequently married four times and presented his first-born (whom, by the way, he never made his official heir) with ten more brothers and two sisters.

All further biography da Vinci is closely tied to his work; the events of the master’s life and the people he met naturally left their traces on the development of his worldview. Thus, a meeting with Andrea Verrocchio determined the beginning of his path in art. At the age of 16, Leonardo became a student in the studio of the famous master Verrocchio. It is in Verrocchio's workshop that Leonardo gets the opportunity to express himself as an artist: the teacher allows him to paint the face of an angel for the famous “Baptism of Christ”.

At the age of 20, da Vinci became a member of the Society of St. Luke, guild of artists, still working in the workshop of Verokkil until 1476. One of his first works dates back to the same period. independent work"Madonna of the Carnation" Ten years later, Leonardo was invited to Milan, where he remained to work until 1501. Here Leonardo's talents are widely used not only as an artist, but also as a sculptor, decorator, organizer of all kinds of masquerades and tournaments, and a man who created amazing mechanical devices. Two years later, the master returns to his native Florence, where he paints his legendary fresco “The Battle of Angiani”.

Like most Renaissance masters, da Vinci traveled a lot, leaving a memory of himself in every city he visited. By the end of his life he becomes "first royal artist, engineer and architect" under François I, works on the architectural structure of the castle of Cloux. However, this work remained unfinished: da Vinci died in 1519, at the age of 67. Nowadays, in the castle of Cloux, from the plan originally conceived by the great Leonardo, only a double spiral staircase remains, while the rest of the architecture of the castle was repeatedly redone by subsequent dynasties of French kings.

The works of Leonardo da Vinci

Despite numerous scientific research Leonardo, his glory as a scientist and inventor fades somewhat before the glory of Leonardo the artist, whose few surviving works have fascinated and excited the mind and imagination of mankind for almost 400 years. It was in the field of painting that many of da Vinci’s works found their application. dedicated to nature light, chemistry, biology, physiology and anatomy.

His paintings remain the most mysterious works of art. They are copied in search of the secret of such mastery, they are discussed and argued about by entire generations of art connoisseurs, critics and even writers. Leonardo considered painting a branch of applied science. Among the many factors that make da Vinci's work unique, one of the main ones is the innovative techniques and experiments used by the master in his works, as well as deep knowledge of anatomy, botany, geology, optics and even human soul... Looking at the portraits he created, we really see not just an artist, but an attentive observer, a psychologist who was able to understand the physical expression of the emotional component of the human personality. Da Vinci not only managed to understand this himself, but also found techniques that allowed him to transfer this knowledge to canvas with photographic accuracy. An unsurpassed master of sfumato and chiaroscuro, Leonardo da Vinci put all the power of his knowledge into his most famous works - the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper.

Leonardo believed that the best character to depict on canvas is the person whose body movements most closely match the movements of his soul. This belief can be considered da Vinci's creative credo. In his works, it was embodied in the fact that in his entire life he painted only one portrait of a man, preferring women as models, as individuals who were more emotional.

Early period of creativity

Periodization creative biography Leonardo da Vinci is rather arbitrary: some of his works are not dated, and the chronology of the master’s life is also not always accurate. The very beginning of da Vinci's career can be considered the day when his father, Ser Piero, showed some sketches of his 14-year-old son to his friend Andrea del Verrocchio.

After a year, during which Leonardo was trusted only to clean canvases, rub paints and do other preparatory work, Verrocchio began to introduce his student to the traditional techniques of painting, engraving, architecture and sculpture. Here Leonardo gained knowledge of the basics of chemistry, metallurgy, mastered woodworking and even the beginnings of mechanics. Only to him, his best student, does Verrocchio trust the completion of his work. During this period, Leonardo did not create his own works, but greedily absorbed everything related to his chosen profession. Together with his teacher he works on The Baptism of Christ (1472-1475). The play of light and shadow, the facial features of the little angel, which da Vinci was entrusted to paint, amazed Verrocchio so much that he considered himself surpassed by his own student and decided never to take up a brush again. It is also believed that Leonardo became the model for the bronze sculpture of David and the image of the Archangel Michael.

In 1472, Leonardo was included in the “Red Book” of the Guild of St. Luca is the famous union of artists and doctors of Florence. At the same time, da Vinci’s first notable works appeared, which brought him fame: the ink sketch “Landscape of Santa Maria della Neve” and “The Annunciation”. He improves the sfumato technique, bringing it to unprecedented perfection. Now a light haze - sfumato - is not just a thin layer of blurred paint, but a really light veil of living fog. Despite the fact that by 1476. da Vinci opens his own workshop and receives his own orders, he still works closely with Verrocchio, treating his teacher with deep respect and respect. The Madonna of the Carnation, one of the most significant works da Vinci.

Mature period of creativity

At the age of 26, da Vinci begins a completely independent career, and also begins more detailed study various aspects of natural science and becomes a teacher himself. During this period, even before his departure to Milan, Leonardo began work on “The Adoration of the Magi,” which he never completed. It is quite possible that this was a kind of revenge by da Vinci for the fact that Pope Sixtus IV rejected his candidacy when choosing an artist to paint the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican in Rome. Perhaps the fashion for Neoplatonism that reigned in Florence at that time also played a role in da Vinci’s decision to leave for the rather academic and pragmatic Milan, which was more in line with his spirit. In Milan, Leonardo takes on the creation of the “Madonna in the Grotto” for the altar of the chapel. This work clearly shows that da Vinci already has some knowledge in the field of biology and geodesy, since the plants and the grotto itself are depicted with maximum realism. All proportions and laws of composition are observed. However, despite such stunning performance, this painting became a point of contention between the author and customers for many years. Da Vinci devoted the years of this period to recording his thoughts, drawings, and deeper research. It is quite possible that a certain musician, Migliorotti, was involved in his departure to Milan. Just one letter from this man, which described the amazing works of engineering of the “senor, who also draws,” was enough for da Vinci to receive an invitation to work under the auspices of Louis Sforza, far from rivals and ill-wishers. Here he gets some freedom for creativity and research. She also organizes performances and celebrations, and provides technical equipment for the stage of the court theater. In addition, Leonardo painted many portraits for the Milanese court.

Late period of creativity

It was during this period that da Vinci thought more about military-technical projects, studied urban planning and proposed his own model ideal city.
Also, while staying in one of the monasteries, he receives an order for a sketch for the image of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus, St. Anna and John the Baptist. The work turned out to be so impressive that the viewer felt himself present at the described event, part of the picture.

In 1504, many students who considered themselves followers of da Vinci left Florence, where he stayed to put his numerous notes and drawings in order, and moved with their teacher to Milan. From 1503 to 1506 Leonardo begins work on La Gioconda. The model chosen is Mona Lisa del Giocondo, née Lisa Maria Gherardini. Numerous plot options famous painting still do not leave artists and critics indifferent.

In 1513 Leonardo da Vinci moved to Rome for a while at the invitation of Pope Leon X, or rather, to the Vatican, where Raphael and Michelangelo were already working. A year later, Leonardo begins the “Later” series, which is a kind of response to the version proposed by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. The master also does not forget his passion for engineering, working on the problem of draining the swamps on the territory of the possessions of Duke Julien de' Medici.

One of the most ambitious architectural projects of this period was for da Vinci the Castle of Cloux in Amboise, where the master was invited to work by the King of France François I himself. Over time, their relationship became much closer than just a business one. Francois often listens to the opinion of the great scientist, treats him like a father, and has a hard time with the death of da Vinci in 1519. Leonardo dies in the spring from a serious illness at the age of 67, bequeathing his manuscripts and brushes to his student, Francesco Melzi.

Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci

It may seem incredible, but some inventions made in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. in fact, they were already described in the works of da Vinci, like some of the things we are familiar with. It seems that what the master would not mention in his manuscripts does not exist at all. There's even an alarm clock described there! Of course, its design is significantly different from what we see today, however, the invention deserves attention if only because of its design: scales whose bowls are filled with liquid. Pouring from one bowl to another, the water activates a mechanism that pushes or lifts the legs of a dozing person. It's hard not to wake up in such conditions!

However, the true genius of Leonardo the engineer is evident in his mechanical and architectural innovations. He managed to bring the latter to life almost completely (with the exception of the project for an ideal city). But regarding mechanics, application for it was not immediately found. It is known that da Vinci was preparing to test his flying machine himself, but it was never constructed, despite the detailed plan drawn up on paper. And the bicycle, created by a master from wood, also came into use several centuries later, as did a mechanical self-propelled carriage driven by two levers. However, the very principle of the cart's operation was used to improve the loom during Da Vinci's lifetime.
Being recognized as a genius of painting during his lifetime, Leonardo da Vinci dreamed all his life of a career as a military engineer, and therefore a special place in his activities was given to the study of fortifications, military vehicles, and defensive structures. So, it was he who developed excellent methods of repelling Turkish attacks in Venice, and even created a kind of protective spacesuit. But since the Turks never attacked, the invention was not tested in action. In the same way, only a combat vehicle resembling a tank remained in the drawings.

In general, unlike works of painting, Leonardo’s manuscripts and drawings have survived to this day in greater safety and continue to be studied today. Some drawings were even used to recreate machines that were not destined to appear during Da Vinci’s lifetime.

Painting by Leonardo da Vinci

Most of the works by da Vinci have not survived to this day due to the master’s constant experiments not only with painting techniques, but also with tools: paints, canvases, primers. As a result of such experiments, the composition of paints on some frescoes and canvases did not stand the test of time, light, and moisture.

In the manuscript dedicated to fine arts da Vinci, basically, focuses not so much on the technique of writing, but on a detailed presentation of the innovations he invented, which, by the way, had a huge impact on the further development of art. First of all, these are some practical tips regarding the preparation of tools. Thus, Leonardo advises covering the canvas with a thin layer of glue, instead of the white primer mixture that was used before. An image applied to a canvas prepared in this way is fixed much better than on the ground, especially if painted in tempera, which was widespread at that time. Oil came into use a little later, and da Vinci preferred to use it specifically for writing on primed canvas.

Also, one of the features of da Vinci’s painting style is a preliminary sketch of the intended painting in transparent dark (brown) tones; these same tones were also used as the top, final layer of the entire work. In both cases, the completed work was given a gloomy tint. It is quite possible that over time the colors darkened even more precisely because of this feature.

Most of da Vinci's theoretical works are devoted to depicting human emotions. He talks a lot about the way of expressing feelings, and cites his own research. There is even a known case when Leonardo decided to experimentally test his guesses about how the facial muscles move during laughter and crying. Having invited a group of friends to dinner, he began to tell funny stories, making his guests laugh, while da Vinci carefully watched the movement of muscles and facial expressions. Possessing a unique memory, he transferred what he saw to the sketches with such accuracy that, according to eyewitnesses, people wanted to laugh along with the portraits.

Mona Lisa.

“Mona Lisa” aka “La Gioconda”, the full name is a portrait of Madame Lisa del Giocondo, perhaps the most famous work of painting in the world. Leonardo wrote famous portrait from 1503 to 1506, but even during this period the portrait was not completely completed. Da Vinci did not want to part with his work, so the customer never received it, but it accompanied the master on all his travels until the very last day. After the artist's death, the portrait was transported to the castle of Fontainebleau.

Gioconda became the most mystical picture of all eras. It has become the subject of research artistic technique for craftsmen of the 15th century. During the Romantic era, artists and critics admired its mystery. By the way, it is to the figures of this era that we owe such a magnificent aura of mystery accompanying the Mona Lisa. The era of romanticism in art simply could not do without the mystical surroundings inherent in all brilliant masters and their works.

The plot of the picture is known to everyone today: a mysteriously smiling woman in the background mountain landscape. However, numerous studies are revealing more and more details that were not previously noticed. So, upon closer examination, it is clear that the lady in the portrait is dressed in full accordance with the fashion of her time, with a dark transparent veil draped over her head. It would seem that there is nothing special about this.

Compliance with fashion can only mean that the woman does not belong to the poorest family. But carried out in 2006. Canadian scientists, a more detailed analysis using modern laser equipment, showed that this veil, in fact, envelops the entire body of the model. It is this very thin material that creates the effect of fog, which was previously attributed to the famous sfumato by da Vinci. It is known that similar veils, enveloping the entire body, and not just the head, were worn by pregnant women. It is quite possible that it is precisely this state that is reflected in the smile of Mona Lisa: the peace and tranquility of the expectant mother. Even her hands are arranged in such a way, as if they are ready to rock a baby. By the way, the very name “La Gioconda” also has a double meaning. On the one hand, this is a phonetic variation of the Giocondo surname, to which the model herself belonged. On the other hand, this word is similar to the Italian “giocondo”, i.e. happiness, peace. Doesn't this explain the depth of the gaze, the gentle half-smile, and the whole atmosphere of the picture, where twilight reigns? Quite possible. This is not just a portrait of a woman. This is a depiction of the very idea of ​​peace and serenity. Perhaps this is precisely why she was so dear to the author.

Now the Mona Lisa painting is in the Louvre, belongs to the Renaissance style. The dimensions of the painting are 77 cm x 53 cm.

“The Last Supper” is a fresco created by da Vinci in 1494-1498. for the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria delle Gresi, Milan. The fresco depicts the biblical scene of the last evening spent by Jesus of Nazareth, surrounded by his twelve disciples.

In this fresco, da Vinci tried to embody all his knowledge about the laws of perspective. The hall in which Jesus and the apostles are sitting is painted with exceptional precision in terms of proportions and distance of objects. The background of the room, however, is visible so clearly that it is almost a second picture rather than just a background.

Naturally, the center of the entire work is Christ himself, and it is in relation to his figure that the rest of the composition of the fresco is planned. The arrangement of the students (4 groups of three people) is symmetrical relative to the center - the Teacher, but not among themselves, which creates a feeling of living movement, but at the same time a certain aura of loneliness around Christ is felt. An aura of knowledge that is not yet available to his followers. Being the center of the fresco, the figure around which the whole world seems to revolve, Jesus still remains alone: ​​all other figures seem to be separated from him. The entire work is enclosed in a strict rectilinear framework, limited by the walls and ceiling of the room, and the table at which the participants of the Last Supper sit. If, for clarity, we draw lines along those points that are directly related to the perspective of the fresco, we will get an almost ideal geometric grid, the “threads” of which are aligned at right angles to each other. Such limited precision is not found in any other work by Leonardo.

In the Abbey of Tongerlo, Belgium, there is kept an amazingly accurate copy of the “Last Supper”, made by masters of Da Vinci’s school according to his own initiative, because the artist was afraid that the fresco in the Milan monastery would not stand the test of time. It was this copy that the restorers used to recreate the original.

The painting is located in Santa Maria delle Grazie and measures 4.6 m x 8.8 m.

Vitruvian Man

"Vitruvian Man" is the common name for a graphic drawing by da Vinci made in 1492. as an illustration for entries in one of the diaries. The drawing depicts a naked male figure. Strictly speaking, these are even two images of the same figure superimposed on each other, but in different poses. A circle and a square are described around the figure. The manuscript containing this drawing is sometimes also called the “Canon of Proportions” or simply “Proportions of Man.” Now this work is kept in one of the museums of Venice, but is exhibited extremely rarely, since this exhibit is truly unique and valuable both as a work of art and as a subject of research.

Leonardo created his “Vitruvian Man” as an illustration of the geometric studies he carried out based on the treatise of the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius (hence the name of da Vinci’s work). In the treatise of the philosopher and researcher, the proportions of the human body were taken as the basis for all architectural proportions. Da Vinci applied the research of the ancient Roman architect to painting, which once again clearly illustrates the principle of the unity of art and science put forward by Leonardo. Besides, this work It also reflects the master’s attempt to relate man to nature. It is known that da Vinci considered the human body as a reflection of the universe, i.e. was convinced that it functions according to the same laws. The author himself considered the Vitruvian Man as a “cosmography of the microcosm.” There is also a deep symbolic meaning hidden in this drawing. The square and circle in which the body is inscribed do not simply reflect physical, proportional characteristics. The square can be interpreted as the material existence of a person, and the circle represents its spiritual basis, and the points of contact geometric shapes between themselves and with the body, inserted into them can be considered as a connection between these two foundations of human existence. For many centuries, this drawing was considered as a symbol of the ideal symmetry of the human body and the universe as a whole.

The drawing was made in ink. Dimensions of the picture: 34 cm x 26 cm. Genre: Abstract art. Direction: High Renaissance.

The fate of the manuscripts.

After the death of da Vinci in 1519. all the manuscripts of the great scientist and painter were inherited by Leonardo’s favorite student, Francesco Melzi. Fortunately, the bulk of the drawings and notes left by da Vinci, made by his famous method of mirror writing, have survived to this day, i.e. from right to left. Without a doubt, Leonardo left behind the largest collection of works of the Renaissance, but after his death, the manuscript did not have an easy fate. It’s even surprising that after so many ups and downs, the manuscripts still survived to this day.
Today, da Vinci’s scientific works are far from the same form that the Master gave them, who with special care grouped them according to the principles he knew. After the death of Malzi, the heir and keeper of the manuscripts, his descendants began to mercilessly squander the legacy of the great scientist, apparently without even knowing about his true value. Initially, the manuscripts were simply stored in the attic; later the Malze family gave away some of the manuscripts and sold individual sheets to collectors by friends for a ridiculous price. Thus, all of da Vinci's records found new owners. It’s fortunate that not a single sheet was lost!

However, the power of evil fate did not end there. The manuscripts came to Pompeo Leoni, the court sculptor of the Spanish royal house. No, they were not lost, everything turned out to be much worse: Leoni undertook to “put in order” Da Vinci’s numerous notes, based, naturally, on his own principles of classification, and completely mixed up all the pages, separating, where possible, texts from sketches, but purely scientific, in his opinion, treatises from notes directly related to painting. Thus, two collections of manuscripts and drawings appeared. After Leoni's death, one part of the collection returned to Italy and until 1796. kept in the library of Milan. Some of the works came to Paris thanks to Napoleon, but the rest was “lost” among Spanish collectors and was discovered only in 1966 in the archives national library in Madrid.

To date, all known da Vinci manuscripts have been collected, and almost all of them are in state museums countries of Europe, with the exception of one, miraculously still remaining in private collection. From the middle of the 19th century. Art researchers are working to restore the original classification of manuscripts.


According to da Vinci's last will, sixty beggars accompanied his funeral cortege. The great Renaissance master was buried in the chapel of Saint-Hubert, in the vicinity of the castle of Amboise.
Da Vinci remained lonely all his life. Having neither a wife, nor children, nor even his own home, he devoted himself entirely to scientific research and art. The fate of geniuses is such that during their lifetime and after their death, their works, into each of which a particle of soul was invested, remain the only “family” of their creator. This happened in the case of Leonardo. However, everything that this man did, who managed to fully comprehend and embody the spirit of the Renaissance in his creations, has today become the property of all humanity. Fate itself arranged everything in such a way that without having his own family, da Vinci passed on a huge inheritance to all of humanity. Moreover, this includes not only unique recordings and amazing works, but also the mystery that surrounds them today. There was not a single century in which they did not try to unravel one or another plan of da Vinci, to look for what was considered lost. Even in our century, when many previously unknown things have become commonplace, the manuscripts, drawings and paintings of the great Leonardo do not leave museum visitors, art critics, or even writers indifferent. They still serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Is this not the true secret of immortality?

Vitruvian Man

Madonna Benoit

Madonna Litta

Da Vinci's personality- the most mysterious, ingenious and little-studied in history.

The Italian’s biography is very meager, and he kept his personal life under heavy lock and key – there are legends about it, but there are no reliable sources.

But the paintings, inventions, theories, and diaries of the master are subject to fame and can shed light on some details of his life.

The great scientist and artist always stood out from others. Even as a child, he was incredibly curious, asking about everything he saw and heard.

Having experienced a difficult separation from his mother, while still a child he withdrew into himself, and, having matured, began to live in the world of creativity, devoting himself entirely to searching for answers to troubling questions.

Birth and childhood

Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1451 in the village of Anchiano, which was located near the village of Vinci, Florence. Parents were not married - this influenced inner world the boy and his relationship with his dad. Leonardo's mother was the peasant woman Katerina, and his father was the young notary Piero.

Initially, the son lived with Katerina, then dad took him to live with him. At that time, Pierrot was married for the first time, but the couple had no children. 10 years later, da Vinci's stepmother died, his father remarried and became a widower again. In total, the boy had 4 stepmothers and 12 brothers and sisters.

At the age of 14, he entered the studio of the artist Andrea Verrocchio as an apprentice. The establishment is conveniently located in the very center of intellectual Italy. This work determined the future fate of a unique person.


In parallel with his work, young da Vinci studied the humanities and technical sciences.

Over the course of several years he studied:

  • metallurgy;
  • chemistry;
  • drawing;
  • sculpture;
  • drawing;
  • modeling.

Along with his talent, famous masters Agnolo di Polo, Lorenzo di Credi, and Perugino studied in Verrocchio’s workshop. At the age of 20, Leonardo qualified as a master at the Guild of St. Luke. 4 years later he was accused of sodomy, but was acquitted at trial.

The first artistic masterpieces

Leonardo's first masterpiece was the painting "The Baptism of Christ", which was commissioned from Verrocchio.

The master asked the student to draw one of the two angels and a landscape. Andrea himself painted the remaining parts of the canvas, including the second angel. The difference between them turned out to be colossal - Da Vinci's angel turned out better. Verrocchio was so amazed that he abandoned his brush.

The next works of the genius were “The Annunciation”, “Madonna with a Vase”, “Benois Madonna”.

It's hard to imagine that these masterpieces came from the brush of a 20-year-old guy.

Leonardo received his first big order at the age of 30. The Monastery of San Donato a Sisto asked him to paint the painting “The Adoration of the Magi,” which da Vinci never completed.

At the same age, the artist was engaged in another major work - the painting “Saint Jerome”.

Personal life

Da Vinci had a reputation famous person and during his life, he was always surrounded by friends and students. But the master did not want to disclose intimate relationships.

For 67 years, he never married. Some historians believe that there was a love affair between the genius and Cecilia Gallerani, from whom the portrait of “Lady with an Ermine” was copied.

Other historians claim that the Italian preferred men. One of the students named Salai, who served the master as a model for the paintings “John the Baptist” and “Bacchus,” was allegedly the teacher’s lover. There is also a theory that Leonardo was a virgin and did not love anyone, devoting himself entirely to studying the unknown.

Last years of life

IN recent years The Italian lived his life in the castle of Clos-Lucé, accepting the invitation of the French king Francis I.

He hardly painted, but successfully organized holidays at court, and also planned a new palace in Romorantan, a spiral staircase in the Chambord castle, and a canal between the Saone and the Loire.

At 65 years old, Leonardo found it difficult to move and became numb. right hand. Before his death, he was constantly in bed, walking only with the help of close people.

The genius of all times died on May 2, 1519, in the castle of Clos-Lucé, among his students and masterpieces.

Buried genius artist in the castle of Amboise and in his honor, an inscription was knocked out on the tombstone, which states that within the walls of the monastery lie the ashes of the greatest man who visited the French kingdom.

The works of Leonardo da Vinci

He left behind many discoveries, works of art, and records that provide detailed encyclopedic information on various sciences.


Contemporaries know da Vinci as an artist, although the master himself considered painting only a hobby, and with age he devoted less and less time to it. But even in this, the genius succeeded - he created his own technique, and brought Renaissance painting to a new, higher level.

He painted not only in tempera, which was used by most artists of the era, but also in oil, which gave the figures figurativeness.

Da Vinci played the lyre masterfully. When he was tried, the case involved a musician, not an artist or inventor. It is believed that he was also involved in sculpture. But only the terracotta head has survived to this day.

Scientific inventions of the "Mage of Science"

Leonardo was deeply involved in science; he created many things that made life easier for mankind. Although half of them are said to be attributed to the author, this is still deserved.

The list is impressive:

  • submarine;
  • diving suit;
  • parachute
  • armored tank;
  • two-lens telescope;
  • portable bridge;
  • spotlight;
  • self-propelled trolley (car prototype);
  • bearing;
  • robot;
  • wheel lock, which became popular during the creator’s lifetime.

Da Vinci was obsessed with the idea of ​​flight and dreamed of designing an airplane. Among his drawings they found a diagram of an ornithopter aircraft, which the inventor never had time to try.

Anatomy and medicine

Leonardo made thousands of medical notes and anatomical sketches. He sought to study the human body in detail. To do this, the scientist even performed autopsies on corpses himself. He managed to almost exactly reproduce a person from the inside; only the female reproductive system was inaccurate.

The genius founded dynamic anatomy, invented a glass model for studying heart valves, was the first to determine the proportions of the skeleton and refuted many theories about medicine of that time. He was 300 years ahead of anatomical practice.

Literature of a great thinker

The Italian's literary heritage reached his descendants in a chaotic form. After the death of the genius, his student and friend Francesco Melzi compiled a “Treatise on Painting” from passages about art, which was published in 1651.

In addition to these passages, many prose works can be found in Leonardo's notes:

  • fables,
  • facetsia (humorous stories);
  • aphorisms;
  • allegories;
  • prophecies.

Among the latter, half have already come true. Thus, the genius predicted the appearance of telephone communications, a two-handed saw, and agricultural machines. Other prophecies that have not yet come true are more similar to the biblical ones - they talk about demons and cataclysms.

Leonardo's Diaries

The great Leonardo kept 120 diaries, of which approximately 7,000 pages have survived today. On them you can find drawings of various inventions, sketches of human anatomy, notes young artists, architects, musicians, philosophical sayings, comic works, fables and prophecies.

Everything is written with the left hand and in a mirror image - from left to right. Mirror code da Vinci was solved only at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

After the death of the author, the priceless diaries were kept by Francesco Melzi, and then the manuscripts mysteriously disappeared. Only isolated fragments were found among Leonardo's friends and relatives. For the first time, part of the diaries was published by Carlo Amoretti, the curator of the Ambrosian Library.

Students - young da Vinci painters

Having become a master, Leonardo da Vinci founded his own workshop, where he taught the art to others. Among young students the following became famous:

  • Bernardino Luini;
  • Ambrogio de Predis;
  • Francesco Melzi;
  • Andrea Solario;
  • Giovanni Boltraffio;
  • Cesare da Sesto;
  • Giampetrino.

The master handed over practical recommendations to young painters in their diaries. He advised developing memory and imagination, finding new and surprising things in ordinary forms, paying more attention to nature, studying paintings by famous artists, the history and theory of painting, and starting practice prepared.

Interesting facts, secrets and inventions of the artist

Da Vinci's personality is surrounded by mystery. He was considered a black magician, an alien or a time traveler. Close friends appreciated and loved him, jealously guarding his secrets.

Still, some interesting facts are reliably known to contemporaries:

  1. The genius was the first to understand. In his diaries, he wrote that this was due to illuminated air particles located between the Earth and space. It is noteworthy that Leonardo called space “heavenly blackness.”
  2. In his diaries, da Vinci addressed himself as “you,” also speaking to possible readers. This indicates an unstable mental state.
  3. The Italian slept for 15 minutes every four hours. This sleep technique has been used for many centuries. It helps increase productivity, improve well-being, and reduce time spent sleeping.

Disputes about who Leonardo da Vinci was - a mystical or simply an unusual personality are still ongoing. In any case, he was a unique, multifaceted man who had the greatest influence on civilization. You can love him or hate him, but it is impossible not to admire him.