Turgenev's first love meaning of the work

The story of I. S. Turgenev. having a symbolic name - “First Love”, is one of the most unusual in plot and concept of the lyrical-epic works of Russian classical literature. It was written in 1860, when the writer was 42 years old and he was comprehending his past from the height of his years.

The work consists of 20 chapters, in which the protagonist's memories of his youth are sequentially presented in the first person. The story begins with a prologue - the background of memories. The same main character - Vladimir Petrovich, already aged, is in a company where everyone tells each other about their first love. He refuses to verbally express his unusual story and promises his friends that he will write it and read it the next time they meet. Which it does. Next comes the story itself.

Despite the fact that the heroes, as in other works of Turgenev, have fictitious names, the writer’s contemporaries immediately recognized them as real people: Ivan Sergeevich himself, his mother, father and the object of his first passionate and unrequited love. In the story this is Princess Zinaida Aleksandrovna Zasekina, in life it is Ekaterina Lvovna Shakhovskaya.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's father did not marry for love, which subsequently affected his family life with my wife. She was much older than him, stood firmly on her feet, independently taking care of the housework on the estate. The husband lived as he wanted and had little to do with any family issues. He was good-looking, charming and popular in the eyes of the ladies.

In the story we also meet married couple, where the wife is older than her husband and lives in constant, difficult to hide irritability due to lack of attention from her husband. In the image of their son Vladimir, we recognize the young Turgenev. We find him at the moment when he is preparing for exams to enter the university at his dacha in the Moscow region. The hero's thoughts are far from studies, young blood excites the imagination and awakens fantasies about beautiful strangers. Soon he actually meets a stranger - his neighbor at the dacha, Princess Zasekina. This a real beauty, a girl of rare charm and unique – magnetic character.

At the time of meeting the main character, she is already surrounded by many fans, amused by communicating with them and her power over everyone. He also draws Volodya into his circle. He falls passionately in love, forgetting about books, studies and walks around the neighborhood and finds himself completely attached to his beloved.

Many pages in the story are devoted to depicting the turbulent and constantly changing experiences of the young man. And more often he is happy, despite Zinaida’s capricious and mocking behavior. But behind all this there is a growing anxiety. The hero understands that the girl has her own secret life and love for an unknown person.

As soon as the reader, together with the main character, begins to guess who Zinaida is in love with, the tone of the story changes. A completely different level of understanding of the word “love” comes to the surface. The girl’s feelings for Volodya’s father, Pyotr Vasilyevich, in comparison with the romantic passion of the young man, turn out to be deeper, more serious and more piercing. And Volodya is struck by the hunch that this is true love. Here the author's position is guessed: first love can be different, and the one that cannot be explained is the real one.

To understand this problem, the scene towards the end of the story is important: the young man accidentally witnesses a secret conversation between his father and Zinaida, which takes place after their separation. Pyotr Vasilyevich suddenly hits the girl’s hand with a whip, and she, with an expression of humility and devotion, brings the scarlet mark of the blow to her lips. What he sees shocks Volodya. Some time after the incident, the hero's father dies from a blow. Zinaida Zasekina marries another man and dies four years later during childbirth.

It is amazing that in the hero’s heart there was no resentment towards his father and girlfriend. He realizes how majestic and inexplicably strong the love that was between them is.

Turgenev's biographers proved that all the events described in the story happened in exactly the same way with its prototypes. Many contemporaries condemned the writer for openly demonstrating family secrets on the pages of the story. But the writer did not think that he was doing anything reprehensible. On the contrary, it seemed extremely important to him to relive and artistically rethink what happened to him in his youth and influenced him as a creative personality. Depicting the beauty, complexity and versatility of the feeling of first love is what the writer strived for.

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Fokeev Nikita

The work analyzes the content of chapter 16 of I.S. Turgenev’s story “First Love” and determines its role in revealing ideological plan works.



  1. Introduction. Setting a goal…………………………….2
  2. Episode analysis……………………………………………………….3
  3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………...6
  4. Literature……………………………………………………………7

I. Introduction. Setting a goal.

Love... What is this? The arrow of Eros, which pierces the human mind and drives you crazy? The tricks of the goddess of love Aphrodite? Or maybe this is a reward to humanity for everything it has created? Or punishment for violating God's holy commandments? Thousands of philosophers throughout existence human race have struggled and will continue to struggle over this riddle, because every person in the world has loved at least once. And each in his own way. Those people who love with all their souls, sincerely, selflessly, surrendering completely to the power of feelings, are born to become creators. One of these creators was Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. This famous person amazed and amazes his readers with the versatility of his feelings. His understanding of love is very colorfully conveyed in his works: love for nature (“Notes of a Hunter”), love for the serf peasant (“Mumu”), love between a man and a woman (“Asya”, “First Love”) - and this is the shortest list his works.

I want to dwell in detail on I.S. Turgenev’s story “First Love”, since I believe that I and my peers are waiting for this great mysterious feeling that “... excites the soul and interferes with sleep” (M.Yu. Lermontov). How to understand that true love has come to you, and this is exactly what will change your whole life, your whole life, how to grab this

elusive thread, how to have time to say that most important word, because “Happiness has no tomorrow, he doesn’t have yesterday either... he has the present - and that’s not a day, but a moment.” It is unlikely that I will find answers to these questions; it is all very individual. But Volodya’s feelings, his experiences, in my opinion, are close to a modern young man.

In each of his works, Turgenev leads his heroes through the test of love. For Turgenev, only a loving, deeply feeling person is viable. What appeals to me about the writer is that the characters’ characters, their psychology, their views are not revealed immediately, but gradually, in half-hints: through details, a portrait, lines of dialogue, and author’s remarks. Hence the importance of every episode, every word spoken by the characters.

The purpose of my work– analyze chapter 16 of I.S. Turgenev’s story “First Love” and find out what role the episode of the game of forfeits plays in revealing the ideological and thematic content of the story.

II.Analysis of the episode.

Why chapter 16? I believe that it is here that Turgenev penetrates into the depths of the human soul, comprehending its dialectics. This episode is all about analysis. psychological state heroes, the secrets and mysteries of previous chapters are revealed, the characters’ characters and their future destinies are outlined.

So, chapter 16...

“Maidanov came earlier than everyone else this time - he brought new poems.” The last time Maidanov brought his poems, Volodya appeared in the company of young people - fans of Zinaida. These “new poems” are a sign through which the author wants to show readers that something new has happened in Zinaida’s life. (As we later learn, Volodya’s father appeared in her life and managed to tame her. And something very important happened: the very appearance of a new man meant an intensification of the competition for the lady’s heart). Zinaida wants to tell the whole society about her love: “The whole society was present, in full force..." This quote further intensifies the expectation of something new, completely strange, unlike the old Zinaida.

The compositional center of the chapter is fairy tale story, told by Zinaida, from which we understand that she fell in love. As you know, love changes a person, his essence. The main character of the story adjusted her entire environment to suit herself (“... you are all ready to die at my feet, I own you...”), and here we see that the mood of the “gathering” has changed. “The games of forfeit began again, but without the previous strange antics, without tomfoolery and noise - the gypsy element disappeared.” Special attention I want to focus on the words “the gypsy element has disappeared.” Gypsies are a people of free life, prone to nomadism, reckless and cheerful, but at the same time persecuted by everyone and the owner of a difficult life. The disappearance of the “gypsy element” indicates that the heroine’s freedom and riots are over, and Zinaida has found her tamer.

What is Zinaida talking about? ABOUT beautiful love majestic, proud, fatal Queen to the commoner. And immediately a comparison with another Turgenev girl, Asya, comes to mind - “No, Asya needs a hero, extraordinary person– or a picturesque shepherd in a mountain gorge.” But let's see, in what settings does the action take place? Sheer romance: music, the quiet splash of water, “the sky with big stars and a dark garden with big trees", the fountain is "long, long, like a ghost." And all the whims of luxury: a magnificent palace, gold, marble, crystal, silk, lights, diamonds, flowers, smokes. The dialogue between the heroine and Doctor Lushin is very significant here:

Do you love luxury? - Lushin interrupted her.

Luxury is beautiful,” she objected, “I love everything beautiful.”

More beautiful? – he asked.

This is something tricky, I don’t understand.

Beautiful and wonderful...

According to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, beautiful - giving pleasure to the eye, pleasant appearance and l i: attention-grabbing, spectacular, but meaningless; beautiful - that which embodies beauty and corresponds to its ideals. I understood that the beautiful is more about the form, and the beautiful is about the content; it is something deeper, more serious, moral, and subtle. But Zinaida did not understand this difference. Isn't this a consequence of her upbringing? The disorderliness of life, bad manners and untidiness of the mother, tallow cinders, broken knives and forks, gloomy Boniface, promiscuity in acquaintances - all this comes into conflict with the pure, romantic, sincere soul of Zinaida. “How much bad, dark, sinful there is in me...” (Chapter 18) “Everything disgusts me, I would go to the ends of the world, I can’t bear it, I can’t cope... Oh, it’s hard for me... My God, how hard it is!” (Chapter 9). And the love of flattery is also due to a lack of education, due to the petty bourgeois desire to feel better than others, higher, purer.

The same interesting game words we meet in chapter 21. After the meeting with Zinaida, the father answered Volodya’s question “Where did you drop your whip?” answers: “I didn’t drop him, I threw him” (my breakdown). To drop is to do it accidentally, but to throw is to do it on purpose. The detail is small, but it tells us a lot about the character and feelings of Pyotr Vasilyevich.

From Zinaida’s confrontation with Malevsky, we understand how much she is disposed towards Volodya, how subtly she understands the experiences young man how much society values ​​him and how much he can empathize. For the sake of this 16-year-old boy, the girl expels him from her home socialite, Count, showing amazing toughness and determination. A cold look and a cold smile are not at all in Zinaida’s character. But the ability to forgive even the most bitter insults is completely in her character. This clash with Count Malevsky will not pass without a trace for the heroes of the story; it will turn into a tragedy for both the Zasekins and Volodya’s family. It is not for nothing that the author writes about the premonition of misfortune, trouble: “everyone felt a little awkward... from... a heavy feeling. No one talked about it, but everyone was aware of it both in themselves and in their neighbor.”

It is in Chapter 16 that Volodya for the first time acutely feels loneliness, witnesses someone else’s happiness and is finally convinced that he is not Zinaida’s chosen one: “I felt a strange excitement: as if I had gone on a date - and remained lonely and passed by someone else’s happiness.”

But it’s not only our hero who suffers. Happiness passed by all Zasekina’s admirers.

(no wonder he was the only one who offered her his hand and heart):

Would you lock her (wife) up?

I would have locked her.

Well, what if... she cheated on you?

I would have killed her.

Well, suppose I were your wife, what would you do then?

I would kill myself...

And he really couldn’t survive the refusal: “And Belovzorov... He disappeared without a trace, they say he went to the Caucasus.” (Chapter 20) Apparently, he left to seek death...

The girl’s reasoning about what her fans would do if they found out about her chosen one is very informative. Belovzorov, of course, challenged him to a duel. The gloomy romantic, feignedly tragic, full of sarcasm poet Maidanov would have written a long iambic. The prudent Nirmatsky would have lent money for interest, and the vile, two-faced Count Malevsky would have offered poisoned candy. It is here that the premise of the subsequent tragedy lies: only the anonymous dirty letter planted on Volodya’s mother, the wife of Pyotr Vasilyevich (Chapter 19) will act as candy.

As we see, in Chapter 16 Turgenev’s “hidden”, “secret” psychologism is clearly manifested. The writer does not directly depict all the feelings and thoughts of his characters, but allows them to be guessed by their external manifestations. He saturates his narrative with images of the heroes’ actions; it is they who tell us what the hero feels at this time.

We saw in Zinaida a pure, seeking, passionate nature, capable of empathy, daring self-denial and protest.

We saw the beginning of the misfortune that would befall our heroes: it was the dream told by Zinaida Zasekina that would push Count Malevsky to a base act and become the reason for her separation from Volodya’s father.

And we revealed the secret of Zinaida’s strange behavior, her “chameleonism”, the reason for sadness and tears, the reason for her sharply changing mood - she fell in love.

Thus, chapter 16 is an important episode in the disclosure ideological content stories.

III. Conclusion.

Turgenev published the story “First Love” in 1860. Many contemporaries perceived the heroine of the story as a girl “devoid of any moral sense.” D.I. Pisarev admitted that he did not understand her character, and N.A. Dobrolyubov wrote that “No one has met such a woman, and would not want to meet.” “The heroine of this story,” as stated in the Moskovskie Vedomosti review, “is nothing more than flirtatious and highest degree a capricious and far from moral person.”

Turgenev himself once said: “Of all my female types I'm most pleased with Zinaida in First Love. In it I was able to truly imagine living face: a coquette by nature, but an attractive coquette.”

“This is the only thing that still gives me pleasure, because it is life itself, it is not composed...” (I.S. Turgenev)

IV Literature:

  1. I.S. Turgenev “First Love”. – M., “Bustard”, 2002.
  2. I.S. Turgenev “Asya”. – M., “Bustard”, 2002.
  3. M.Yu. Lermontov “Works”. – M., “Pravda” 1990. t1
  4. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova " Dictionary Russian language" - M., "AZ", 1992.
  5. F.A. Brockhaus, I.A. Efron " Encyclopedic Dictionary" – M., “Eksmo”, 2007.
  6. Newspaper “Literature” No. 16 dated 04/23/01.

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Analysis of one episode.

(I.S. Turgenev “First Love”, chapter 16)



Fokeev Nikita, student 9



Tikhonova T.N., Russian teacher

Language and literature

1 qualification category

The story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “First Love” talks about emotional experiences young hero, whose childhood feelings have grown into an almost insoluble problem of adult life and relationships. The work also touches on the theme of the relationship between father and son.

History of creation

The story was written and published in 1860, in St. Petersburg. The work is based on the real emotional experience of the writer, so a clear parallel can be drawn between his biography and the events of the story, where Volodya or Vladimir Petrovich is Ivan Sergeevich himself.

In particular, in his work Turgenev fully described his father. He became the prototype for the character of Pyotr Vasilyevich. As for Zinaida Alexandrovna herself, the prototype for her character was the first love of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who was also his father’s mistress.

Due to such frankness and the transfer of the lives of real people onto the pages of the story, the public met it rather ambiguously. Many condemned Turgenev for his excessive frankness. Although the writer himself has admitted more than once that he sees nothing wrong with such a description.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

The composition of the story is structured as Volodya’s memory of his youth, namely, his first almost childish, but serious love. Vladimir Petrovich is a 16-year-old boy, the main character of the work, who comes to a country family estate with his father and other relatives. Here he meets a girl of incredible beauty - Zinaida Alexandrovna, with whom he falls irrevocably in love.

Zinaida loves to flirt and has a very capricious disposition. Therefore, he allows himself to accept advances from other young people, besides Volodya, without making any choice in favor of any one, specific candidate for the role of his official suitor.

Volodya’s feelings do not cause her to reciprocate; sometimes the girl allows herself to mock him, ridiculing their age difference. Later, the main character learns that the object of Zinaida Alexandrovna’s desire was his own father. Stealthily spying on the development of their relationship, Vladimir understands that Pyotr Vasilyevich does not have any serious intentions towards Zinaida and plans to leave her soon. Having accomplished his plan, Peter leaves country house, after which he suddenly dies for everyone. At this point, Vladimir ends his communication with Zinaida. After a while, however, he learns that she got married and then died suddenly during childbirth.

Main characters

Vladimir Petrovich is the main character of the story, a 16-year-old boy who moves to a country estate with his family. The prototype of the character is Ivan Sergeevich himself.

Pyotr Vasilyevich is the father of the main character, who married Vladimir’s mother because of her rich inheritance, who, among other things, was much older than himself. The character was based on a real person, the father of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

Zinaida Aleksandrovna is a young 21-year-old girl living next door. He has a very frivolous disposition. He has an arrogant and capricious character. Thanks to her beauty, she is not deprived of the constant attention of suitors, including from Vladimir Petrovich and Pyotr Vasilyevich. The prototype of the character is considered to be Princess Ekaterina Shakhovskaya.

The autobiographical work “First Love” is directly related to the life of Ivan Sergeevich, describes his relationship with his parents, mainly with his father. The simple plot and ease of presentation, for which Turgenev is so famous, helps the reader to quickly immerse himself in the very essence of what is happening around him, and most importantly, to believe in sincerity and experience with the author his entire emotional experience, from peace and delight to real hatred. After all, from love to hate there is only one step. It is this process that the story mainly illustrates.

The work demonstrates exactly how the relationship between Volodya and Zinaida changes, and also illustrates all the changes between son and father when it comes to love for the same woman.

The turning point in the protagonist’s growing up emotionally could not be better described by Ivan Sergeevich, because his real life experience is taken as the basis.

“First Love” - a story by I.S. Turgenev. The concept of the work dates back to the late 1850s, work on it was completed in March 1860. The first publication was made in the journal “Library for Reading” for 1860 (No. 3), subsequent ones reproduced this text with minor copyright edits.

“First Love” by Turgenev, in contrast to the simultaneously created novels “On the Eve” and “ Noble nest", does not pose or resolve sharply social issues time. The story is distinguished by its intimate sound, as indicated, in particular, by the framing. Three friends, three no longer young people, get together to fulfill a long-standing intention: each must tell the story of their first love. The content of the story, therefore, is not addressed to the sphere of official relations " big world”, but to the deeply personal, intimate side of human existence.

Exploring one of eternal problems life, Turgenev achieves a truly symbolic generalization of the material. The key to the content lies in the title. The image of “first love” means, on the one hand, age human life, namely the transition from childhood to adolescence and approaching the period of maturity (the hero of the story, sixteen-year-old Vladimir, is preparing to enter university and at this moment experiences his first love feeling). On the other hand, this is a universal image of such a spiritual state in which the expectation of happiness, the idolization of a loved one, the readiness to sacrifice life for him are coupled with deep sadness, knowledge of the tragic essence of love, and, finally, sad regret about the impracticability of the wonderful hopes of youth. Such a complex sound of the “first love” motif is achieved by combining two points of view in the narrative: young Vladimir, taking his first steps on life path, and the same hero a quarter of a century later - forty-year-old Vladimir Petrovich, acutely aware of the approach of old age.

Turgenev's story "First Love" is constructed as a retrospective - but not in the form of an expected oral story, but as a pre-recorded memory (it turns out that it is easier to describe intimate feelings on paper than to talk about them out loud). Distinguishing the time layers of “past” and “present” allows the narrator to transform the long past and show first love as an exceptional event in human life, one and only in the brightness of experiences, in the prayerful mood of the soul. The state of first love has nothing to do with the routine and vulgarity of everyday life. The festive image of first love is made up of the irresistible charm of female beauty, desire for achievement, romantic inspiration (young Vladimir quotes Pushkin, Lermontov, Khomyakov, Schiller), and finally, amazing landscapes woven from color and light that correspond to the feelings of the hero.

One of the most lyrical works Turgenev, the story “First Love” is autobiographical. While working on the story, forty-two-year-old Turgenev experienced a deep mental breakdown caused by the experience of the approaching threshold of old age. “Life is all in the past,” he wrote to Countess Lambert, “and the present is only precious, like a reflection of the past. Meanwhile, what was so especially good about the past? Hope, the ability to hope - i.e. future". The idea of ​​the tragedy of life, the impracticability of ideals so intensely experienced in youth - this is the result of understanding the past in the story “First Love”.

I.S. Turgenev had a huge influence not only on literature, but also on the perception of the world among his readers; it is not for nothing that the term “Turgenev girl” became firmly established in the speech of educated people and became common noun for canonical female image V national culture. This author has created many diverse works, but they are united by deep poetry in every word. His “First Love” is also imbued with it.

In 1844 I.S. Turgenev met with French singer Pauline Viardot and fell in love. As it turned out, forever. They quarreled, made up, the writer followed his beloved everywhere. But this love was doomed, and at the same time selfless. It was precisely this feeling that gave rise to a number of lyrical and philosophical stories with tragic love story, among which "First Love", published in 1860. In these works, feeling is a disease that affects a person and deprives him of his will and reason.

The book was written in January-March 1860. The plot collision was based on true story the writer's family: a love triangle between the young writer, his father and Princess Ekaterina Shakhovskaya. The author noted that he had nothing to hide, and as for the condemnation of Turgenev’s frankness by his acquaintances, he did not care.

Genre: short story or story?

The story is short in volume prose work, having a unique storyline, one conflict and reflecting a separate episode in the lives of the heroes. Tale – epic genre, standing in volume between a novel and a short story, has a more complex and branched plot, and the conflict is a chain of episodes.

“First Love” can be called a story, since there are several main characters (usually one or two in a story). The work does not depict a single episode, but a chain of events connected by the development of a love conflict. Also genre feature A story can be called something that is a story within a story. The narrator, who is also the main character, recalls episodes of his youth, so the introduction talks about the situation that led the narrator to memories: he and his friends were talking about the topic of first love, and his story turned out to be the most entertaining.

What is the work about?

In the company of friends, the narrator remembers his youth, his first love. As a 16-year-old boy, Vladimir was fascinated by his dacha neighbor, 21-year-old Zinaida. The girl enjoyed the attention of young people, but did not take anyone seriously, but spent evenings with them in fun and games. The heroine laughed at all her admirers, including Vladimir, and did not take life seriously at all. But one day...

Main character noticed a change in his beloved, it soon dawned on him: she fell in love! But who is he, the opponent? The truth turned out to be terrible, this is the father of the main character, Pyotr Vasilyevich, who married his mother for convenience, treats both her and his son with disdain. Pyotr Vasilyevich is not interested in the scandal, so love ends quickly. Soon he dies of a stroke, Zinaida gets married and also dies in childbirth.

The main characters and their characteristics

The description of the characters in the story “First Love” is dramatic and in itself gives rise to a conflict of interest. In a family where there is no harmony, love was perceived by men as a means to forget themselves or to feel needed. However, in pursuit of personal happiness, they did not delve into the hidden depths of Zinaida’s personality, and did not discern her essence. She poured out all the heat of her heart into an ice vessel and destroyed herself. Thus, the main characters of the work became victims of their own blindness, inspired by passion.

  1. Vladimir– a 16-year-old nobleman, still under family care, but striving for independence and adulthood. He is overwhelmed by dreams of love, happiness, harmony, he idealizes all feelings, especially love. However, for the main character himself, love became a tragedy. Vladimir forgot about everything, was ready to constantly be at Zinaida’s feet, was absorbed only in her. And after the dramatic denouement, he mentally aged, all his dreams of a brilliant future were shattered, and only the ghost of unfulfilled love remained.
  2. Zinaida– 21-year-old impoverished princess. She was in a hurry and longed to live, as if sensing that there would not be much time left. The main character of the story “First Love” could not calm down all her inner passion; despite the large selection of men, there was no loved one around. And she chose the most unsuitable one, for whose sake she disdained all prohibitions and decency, and for him she was just another entertainment. She got married in a hurry to hide the shame, died giving birth to a child from an unloved... So a life ended, full of only one, also unfulfilled love.
  3. Petr Vasilievich- the father of the main character. He married a woman who was 10 years older for money, ruled and pushed her around. He showered his son with cold contempt. The family was completely unnecessary in his life; it still did not give him satisfaction. But the young neighbor, having loved him with all her heart, briefly gave him a taste for life. However, he could not leave his wife, it would be unprofitable, and there would be a scandal too. That's why the hero simply abandoned his mistress to the mercy of fate.


  • The main theme of the story is Love. It's different here. And the self-humiliating feeling of Vladimir’s mother towards her husband: the woman is ready to do anything just not to lose her husband, she is afraid of him, afraid to admit to herself that he does not love her. And Vladimir’s hopeless, sacrificial love: he agrees to any role in order to be close to Zinaida, even a page, even a jester. And Zinaida herself has a passionate obsession: for the sake of Pyotr Vasilyevich, she becomes the same slave as his son before her. And love by chance for the protagonist’s father: women liked him, the neighbor was a new hobby, an easy affair.
  • The result of love becomes the following theme - loneliness. And Vladimir, and Zinaida, and Pyotr Vasilyevich are broken by this love triangle. After the tragic ending, no one remained the same, they all found themselves alone forever, they died morally, and then the failed lovers died physically.
  • Family theme. Of particular importance in the work is the unfavorable climate in home main character. It was he who made him beg for love. The complexes received from the cold rejection of his father were expressed in his attitude towards Zinaida. This slavish worship destroyed his chances of success.
  • Issues

    Moral problems are revealed in the work in several aspects. Firstly, does Zinaida’s life, the crowd of fans around her, with whom she plays like pawns, deserve understanding? Secondly, can forbidden love, which violates all moral standards, be happy? The plot development of events answers these questions in the negative: main character finds herself punished for her disdain for her admirers by the devil-may-care attitude of her loved one, and their relationship inevitably leads to a breakup. And indirectly led to the death of both. However, the reader sympathizes with Zinaida, she is full of thirst for life, and this evokes involuntary sympathy. In addition, she is capable of deep feelings that evoke respect.

    The problem of power in love is most fully expressed in the relationship between Zinaida and Pyotr Vasilyevich. The girl dominated her past gentlemen and felt very cheerful. But true love came, and with it suffering. And even suffering from a loved one is sweet. And no power is needed. Pyotr Vasilyevich hit her with a whip, and she gently brought the reddened place to her lips, because this is a mark from him.


    The main idea of ​​the story is the all-consuming power of love. Whatever it is, happy or tragic, it is like a fever that suddenly seizes and does not let go, and if it goes away, it leaves devastation. Love is powerful and sometimes destructive, but this feeling is wonderful, you cannot live without it. You can only exist. The main character remembered his youthful emotions forever; his first love revealed to him the meaning and beauty of existence, even if distorted by suffering.

    And the writer himself was unhappy in love, and his hero too, but even the most tragic passion is the best discovery in human life, because for the sake of those minutes when you are in seventh heaven, it is worth enduring the bitterness of loss. In suffering, people purify themselves and reveal new facets of their soul. Taking into account the autobiographical nature of the story, we can say that the author, without his fatal and sad muse, as well as the pain caused by her, would not have been able to penetrate so deeply into the essence of romantic relationships. The main idea of ​​“First Love” would be far from it, but it must be suffered and learned through own experience, since only those who experienced it will write convincingly about the tragedy of love.

    What does the story teach?

    The moral lessons in Turgenev's story consist of several points:

    • Conclusion: First Love inspires us to be brave in expressing our emotions. There is no need to be afraid of love, because the most unrequited affection is the most beautiful memory. It is better to experience happiness for a moment than to be unhappy all your life because you chose peace over mental anguish.
    • Moral: everyone gets what they deserve. Zinaida played with men - and now she is a pawn in the hands of Pyotr Vasilyevich. He himself married for convenience, rejected his neighbor - died of a stroke, “burnt out.” But Vladimir, despite the tragedy, received the brightest memory in his life, and at the same time his conscience is calm, because he did not injure anyone and sincerely gave all of himself to tender affection.

    “First Love” is over 150 years old. However, this work does not lose its relevance. How many people have had their hearts broken by their first feelings forever! But, nevertheless, everyone carefully stores these emotions in their souls. And the beauty with which this book is written makes you re-read it many times.

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