How to make medicinal jelly from oats. Izotov’s medicinal oatmeal jelly - preparation, rules of administration

Probably everyone knows. It perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, is an excellent antioxidant, and also fills the body with energy. But in addition to the usual porridge, you can make incredibly healthy jelly from this cereal. It perfectly envelops the stomach and therefore is simply necessary for people with gastrointestinal problems. Recipes on how to make oatmeal jelly are waiting for you below.

Oatmeal jelly - recipe


  • boiling water – 3 cups;
  • oat flakes – 200 g.


Pour boiling water into the oatmeal and leave for a quarter of an hour. After they swell, rub them through a sieve and place in an enamel pan. Add 3 more glasses of warm water, put the mixture on low heat and simmer the mixture until thick. At the same time, do not forget to stir the jelly.

Oatmeal jelly - recipe


  • oat flakes – 300 g;
  • warm water – 500 ml;
  • brown bread crust – 30 g.


Pour oatmeal with warm water, add crusts of black bread and leave in a warm place for 2 days. Periodically, the mass needs to be stirred, making sure that the mass does not ferment too much. The finished mixture should have a slight sourness. After this, drain the liquid, add a little salt, boil, and that’s it - the dish is ready.

Simple oatmeal jelly with kefir - recipe


  • unrefined oats – 200 g;
  • oat flakes – 100 g;
  • fresh low-fat kefir – 200 g.


Place oatmeal and raw oats in glass jar, pour in kefir, mix well and let stand for about a day in a warm place. Then we filter, throw away the grain, and pour 1.5 liters into the remaining liquid. clean water and boil it.

Oatmeal jelly with water - recipe


  • water – 2.5 l;
  • oat flakes – 500 g;


IN big jar pour oatmeal. Pour water at room temperature into it, cover with a lid and place in a dark place for 2 days. After this, we filter the resulting mass through a sieve, while the flakes themselves can be pressed down with a spoon so that the liquid can drain out better. Cook the jelly, stirring constantly so that the sediment at the bottom of the pan does not burn. After boiling, immediately remove it from the heat. You can add honey to the cooled drink to taste. You can also add pre-steamed and chopped dried fruits if desired.

Oatmeal jelly with milk - recipe


  • cow's milk – 400 ml;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • oat flakes instant cooking– 100 g;
  • starch – 25 g;
  • vanillin.


Pour oatmeal into a deep bowl, pour warm milk over it and leave to swell for 20 minutes. After this, place a sieve lined with 2 layers of gauze over the saucepan. Strain the milk with oatmeal. At the end, we connect the edges and squeeze the oatmeal from the remaining liquid and set it aside. You can cook excellent porridge from it. Now pour about 100 ml from the total volume of liquid and dissolve the starch in it. Stir the mixture until smooth. We put the pan with the rest of the milk on the fire, pour sugar into it, add vanillin and after boiling, add diluted starch, stirring continuously so that there are no lumps. Bring the mixture to a boil again and reduce the heat to low. Cook the jelly in the same way, stirring until it thickens. Next, cool it and pour it into bowls or cups. Sprinkle sugar on top and serve as dessert.

Oatmeal jelly is an ancient Russian dish. national cuisine, whose history goes back to the time of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. The recipe for this not only nourishing, but also incredibly healthy drink has become less popular over time and is rarely used by anyone these days. everyday life. Meanwhile, oatmeal jelly has a lot of healing properties. There are several ways to prepare this amazing dish, each of which is not particularly difficult.

The benefits of jelly for children and adults

Kissel is usually associated with a thick fruit and berry drink. The principle of preparing a thick cocktail is significantly different and is based on the fermentation process, which occurs in crushed flakes filled with water. The choice of oat flakes is determined by the content large quantity beneficial substances present in optimal proportions.

Oatmeal jelly is characterized by a high concentration of vitamins and microelements necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body. This dish contains vitamin A, which is involved in the process of tissue growth and improves the condition of hair, skin, and the musculoskeletal system, as well as vitamin F, which is a powerful anti-allergen that minimizes the risk of developing allergies.

Kissel also contains vitamins B and E, which help normalize the hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems, reduce the possibility of hypertension, cataracts, and atherosclerosis. These substances provide effective prevention of the appearance and development of tumors. Bacteria taking part in the fermentation process are characterized by pronounced probiotic properties.

Regular consumption of jelly made from oatmeal improves the condition of intestinal microflora, eliminates putrefactive processes, and restores stool. The drink has an enveloping and antiseptic effect, effectively cleanses the pancreas and liver, thereby improving the general condition of the body. The medicinal dish is indicated for people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, erosions, and acid reflux.

Oatmeal jelly is an indispensable remedy for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. The drink helps normalize work internal organs, improves blood composition, restores hormonal balance. An oatmeal-based drink is also good for the bladder and kidneys. It perfectly stimulates the immune system and increases the body's protective properties.

Oatmeal jelly according to grandma's recipe

The generally accepted idea of ​​jelly as a viscous drink is at odds with its classical form. The traditional dish is a hard substance that needs to be eaten with a spoon. The process of making jelly old recipe will take some time. But the result will be a tasty, and most importantly, very healthy delicacy, which has long been used to satiate and also improve the health of the body.


  • 0.5 liters of warm water;
  • 200-300 g oatmeal;
  • A crust of black bread.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour warm water over oatmeal. Add the topped crust there and put everything in a warm place for a couple of days. The mixture needs to be stirred from time to time. Make sure it doesn't ferment too much. The taste of the jelly base should have a soft sourness.
  2. Drain the liquid, add a little salt and boil. Oatmeal jelly according to an old recipe is ready.

The treat will eventually acquire a grayish tint, which may cause unpleasant associations for some. This is perhaps the only drawback of the dish. To correct the situation, place the jelly in beautiful portioned plates, decorate it with slices of fruit and fresh berries. So useful and tasty treat served with baked milk, raisins, jam or honey.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss

Oatmeal jelly promotes weight loss due to its ability to restore intestinal microflora and stimulate the processes of cleansing the body of harmful substances. Oatmeal jelly reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, normalizes metabolic processes in tissues, and stimulates the breakdown of excess fat deposits. Kissel made with oatmeal will be an excellent breakfast that will help energize your body for the whole day.

How to cook


  • 200 g of unpeeled oats;
  • 100 g oatmeal;
  • 200 g of fresh kefir with a low fat content.
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Place oats and oat flakes in a glass jar. Pour kefir there and mix everything thoroughly. During the day, the substance should be infused in a warm place.
  2. After this, strain the mass through a sieve, and add 1.5 liters of clean water to the resulting liquid.
  3. Place the substance on the fire and boil thoroughly. Oatmeal jelly for weight loss is ready.

To achieve a pronounced effect, it is recommended to consume the dish at 450 g per day, dividing this volume into three doses. It is better to drink the first serving in the morning before breakfast. The second one should be drunk an hour and a half before lunch - it will help reduce the feeling of hunger. The third dose of oatmeal jelly should be no later than a few hours before bedtime, as this drink has an invigorating effect.

Check out other recipes on how to cook.

Calorie content

200 g of jelly prepared with oatmeal contains only 60 kcal. The dish itself is very nutritious, but if you feel very hungry, add some oatmeal, low-fat yogurt or fruit to your serving. While following the “jelly” diet, you need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish. Oatmeal jelly is a simple hearty dish, which, with the right approach to preparation, can turn into a delicious and delicious dessert.

Medicinal oatmeal jelly

A medicinal drink prepared from the fermentation of oatmeal is widely used not only to get rid of excess fat deposits, but to treat various diseases associated with disorders of the digestive tract. An oat cocktail helps cleanse the intestines of harmful toxins, waste and food debris, thereby preventing fermentation processes from occurring.


  • 3.5 water;
  • 500 mg rolled oats or ground oats, but not instant oats;
  • 100 ml kefir.

How to cook medicinal jelly

  1. To prepare the jelly mixture, boil 3.5 liters of water, then cool it to room temperature.
  2. Pour half a kilogram of rolled oats or ground oatmeal with water. Use a five-liter glass jar for this.
  3. You also need to add 100 ml of kefir there. Seal the container with the mixture with a lid, wrap the sides of the jar with a thick cloth, and put the mixture in a warm place for two days. Do not place the jar close to heating appliances.
  4. After two days, strain the resulting substance using an ordinary kitchen colander. Make two passes: first, strain the liquid freely into a separate bowl, then rinse the remaining mixture in the colander. cold water, lightly squeezing the pulp. For rinsing, use approximately two liters of clean water.
  5. Mixing of filtered liquids is allowed, but in medical practice they are used separately. The initially separated liquid is characterized by greater saturation. The resulting substance should sit for 10-12 hours.
  6. After this, using a siphon tube, remove the cloudy sediment that has formed during this time from the jar.
  7. Place the resulting jelly mixture on the fire, stirring it constantly. As a result, you will get a thick dish, ready to eat. At this stage, add a little to it vegetable oil, salt or sugar to taste.

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The video below contains detailed video instructions for preparing a tasty and healthy jelly based on oatmeal. Regular consumption of this medicinal drink will help not only get rid of excess fat deposits, but also significantly improve your well-being and improve your health.

Have you heard about Kiselnaya Sloboda in Moscow? Nowadays, in its place is Bolshoy Kiselny Lane, and in ancient times, kiselny cooks settled there - the predecessors of those good people that they fry hot dogs for us on the streets and pour out milkshakes. In Rus', jelly was cooked for all occasions: for a hearty lunch - hot, with butter and bread, for holidays - cold and sweet, with honey and berries. And for a wake - with raisins. Today, the oat miracle has returned to fashion again - it is simply impossible to imagine healthy eating in Russian without a cup of grain jelly.

Russian balm

Kissel is a real childhood drink. Our mothers cooked it from fresh fruits and berries or multi-colored briquettes - strawberry, currant, blueberry... But sweet fruit drinks appeared only in the 20th century, but oatmeal jelly, recipes and all its various variations of which we will consider here, existed much earlier.

The literary history of the oatmeal delicacy begins with the Tale of Bygone Years, where the inhabitants of Belgorod, besieged by the Pechenegs, were saved through ordinary oats. The Russians, exhausted by hunger, despairing of waiting for help from the authorities, were ready to give up, but one wise grandfather suggested a way out. Collect a handful of oats, wheat or bran from each yard, cook jelly and lower it into the city wells.

The next day, envoys were called to Belgorod and said, “You have nothing to do, good gentlemen, stand under our walls.” Even if you live here for 10 years, we don’t care, Mother Earth herself feeds us, and not just with anything, but with oatmeal jelly. The Pechenegs tried the nutritious stew from the well, were puzzled, and went home. This is how the wisdom of the old man and the gullibility of the Pechenegs served as the reason for the salvation of Belgorod.

And then in Rus' for many centuries grain jelly remained everyone’s favorite food Slavic peoples- both everyday and festive. Europeans also learned about the usefulness of jelly and called it Russian balsam. And in the Russian North, kiselek was called the word “kicked out”: a plate of liquid oatmeal meant that it was time for the guest to call it a day. So the Pechenegs were carried out according to all the rules!

Medicinal properties of oatmeal jelly

Oatmeal jelly, the benefits and contraindications of which have been glorified for centuries, is a unique drink. Not only does jelly itself have a whole range of healing properties, but oatmeal also adds its own power to it. What can good oatmeal jelly cure?

  • People know many panicles for the body, sweeping away all toxins (beet salad, regular oatmeal), but grain jelly in this series is a real vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. All leftovers junk food, heavy metals, harmful gases that we absorb every day are eliminated thanks to one cup of the ancient drink.
  • Regular bowel movements are one of the most pleasant effects of jelly. Thanks to liquid oatmeal, metabolism is normalized, the intestines work like clockwork, and you no longer need to worry that one small sandwich will turn into a whole kilogram on your waist.
  • Thanks to its unique composition - B vitamins, magnesium with copper and phosphorus - the miracle product strengthens blood vessels and nerves, helps cope with stress, get a good night's sleep and feel like a happy, healthy person.
  • Kissel is very nutritious - an oat breakfast will allow you to easily hold out until lunch and save energy - all thanks to long-term carbohydrates.
  • For people with gastrointestinal ailments, oat jelly is a real salvation. It gently envelops the mucous membrane, helps heal small ulcers, normalizes the production of gastric juice and relieves pain.

Recipe for slimness from time immemorial

Does oatmeal jelly help with weight loss and why is it better than oatmeal? On women's forums, the experience of preparing and drinking Russian balsam is tirelessly shared. Everyone knows about the benefits of oats for weight loss, but eating pure oatmeal every day quickly gets boring. It's like jelly - you can drink it at any time, take it to work in a thermos, add fruits and berries and prepare delicious and unusual oat smoothies.

It is important to understand that grain jelly is not a special means for weight loss and a mono-diet based on it has not been invented. But losing a few extra pounds, getting rid of swelling, cleansing your skin and freshening up with an oatmeal cocktail is quite possible.

Thanks to its cleansing effect, jelly helps restore the skin to a clear and even color, eliminating diuretic properties. excess water, a healthy intestine allows you to always feel light and cheerful. This grain drink is also very nutritious and will perfectly replace office snacks. And without extra sweets and waffles for tea and kilograms there will be nowhere to come from.

What is unique about Izotov’s oatmeal jelly?

Throughout its history, Russian balsam has undergone virtually no changes. And what new can be made from oats and water, honey and fruit? And all the benefits seem to be well known... But in 1992, virologist Vladimir Izotov managed to surprise everyone - he created and patented the Izotov oat cocktail, step by step recipe which is now known to almost every lover of healthy eating.

Let's be honest - at first the doctor tried not for the people, but for himself. He suffered from tick-borne encephalitis and suffered a bunch of complications - hypertension, urinary stones, ischemia, hearing problems and metabolic disorders. The treatment took several years, the home medicine cabinet looked like a suitcase, and the result was no special progress, but a severe allergy. And then he remembered the ancient Russian jelly. 8 years on an oatmeal cocktail - and Izotov got rid of his ailments.

Today, every Russian nutritionist knows Izotov’s oatmeal jelly - its benefits and harms are simply incomparable. The drink improves immunity, treats anemia and weak blood vessels, strengthens the heart, cleanses the body of all kinds of accumulated rubbish and is a real savior for gastrointestinal ailments. The doctor advised everyone to drink jelly, mixing it with any butter - from butter to and. It has absolutely no contraindications, except for one small nuance.

If you drink Izotov’s jelly for pancreatitis, sea buckthorn oil will have to be crossed off the list. But all the rest are your choice (do you know how enchanting it smells or? It’s time to try it!).

How to prepare jelly according to Izotov?

This is a specific dish, jelly according to Izotov... It’s not difficult to tell how to prepare the drink itself, it’s all about the jelly base. Simply put – sourdough. It must be prepared thoroughly, strictly following all stages and dosage. Spend 1-2 days and the sourdough starter for oatmeal smoothies will be ready.

  1. We stock up on all the initial ingredients - a package of cheap rolled oats, half a glass of whole oats, half a glass of kefir or sour milk.
  2. Pour flakes into the jar - about a third. You can add a little oats on top by grinding them in a coffee grinder first. Then add kefir or homemade yogurt. Reviews on forums recommend yogurt - there are almost no living bacteria left in store-bought kefir, and you still have to treat yourself with this jelly.
  3. Then pour about 2 liters of water into the jar - at room temperature or slightly warm, so that the starter ferments faster. Be sure to leave 7-10 centimeters on top so that the jar does not explode and the Russian balm does not splash your entire kitchen.
  4. Close the lid tightly and put it in a dark cabinet (you can simply cover it with a paper bag or box) for 2 days. In the hot summer - even for one. We check readiness by smell - the sourdough should have a barely audible sourish tint.
  5. Strain the finished mixture - first into a saucepan through a colander, and then rinse the remaining oatmeal with 3-4 glasses of water to drain the remaining liquid. You can bake cookies or pancakes for breakfast from wet flakes, and pour the resulting oat milk together, distribute into jars and set aside for 18 hours.
  6. Soon the oatmeal liquid in the jars will clearly separate - there will be transparent oat kvass on top (you can drink it plain or dilute jelly with it), and underneath there will be a thick white liquid. This is the magic sourdough. Carefully drain the kvass and place the starter into one container. If you drink jelly daily, it should last you almost a week.

By the way, here is this procedure as a video recipe:

Now let’s cook the grain jelly ourselves! 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal base, a glass of oatmeal kvass or water (with kvass you need a little less medicinal base) - and simmer on low heat. We stand over the jelly all the time until it boils - stir, watch how it thickens, and when boiling bubbles appear, immediately remove it. A spoonful of butter, a little fruit or honey, nuts - and Izotov’s classic oatmeal jelly is ready!

Well, the preparation of the jelly itself in the video clip:

Dr. Izotov suggests combining business with pleasure by working on a recipe for making jelly from oatmeal.

How to prepare oatmeal jelly?

When asked whether oatmeal jelly is good or bad, nutritionists answer unequivocally - only good.

Nutritionists treat homemade weight loss recipes with caution, which cannot be said about Izotov’s recipe, which has no contraindications. This method is harmless and effective. You can make and use jelly according to Izotov’s recipe as a drink, but it is important that a properly planned diet is combined with physical labor and the regularity of such loads plays an important role.

Oatmeal jelly, secrets of success

Cereals rich in beneficial properties

The whole secret lies in the grain itself - oats. A complete collection of essential amino acids is included in this cereal, like a recipe, by the Creator himself: methionine, choline, lysine and tryptophan. These acidic compounds mainly take part in burning and ridding the body of excess fatty compounds, providing an anti-sclerotic effect. Oats consist of a huge complex of vitamins, the absence of which would cause great harm: biotin, the entire composition of vitamin B, vitamin groups A, E, PP. The importance of these vitamins needs no comment. Oatmeal jelly helps stimulate muscle activity (including cardiac activity), significantly increases the functioning of the stomach, helps restore the liver, cleanses the gallbladder, intestinal tract, and pancreas.

One more aspect of the “mysterious” side of oatmeal jelly needs to be taken into account - the starter made from kefir. It is no secret that products containing kefir have good biological and energetic activity, and Izotov used kefir for fermentation in the recipe. For example, peoples North Caucasus, fermented milk has long been considered a health-saving elixir, and the recipe was kept secret.

Secrets of unique medicinal properties the jelly prepared according to Izotov’s recipe is precisely in kefir and oats, when they form a single product.

This is what fermentation of jelly looks like

Numerous observations and practical application prove: everything is mandatory and the whole secret lies in the infusion of hops, lemon juice. The fundamental elements for the human body are vitamins and proteins. In Izotov’s recipe, as stated above, the key to the “secret” of jelly is fermentation, fermentation through living microorganisms. During a short period of fermentation, powerful biochemical changes occur in the composition of the mixture, synthesizing the accumulation of vitamins and proteins.

Dr. Izotov showed considerable interest in the betaglucone fibers contained in the mixture, which regulated the content of sugar molecules in the blood, along with fatty acids. In addition, fermented bran is suitable for nutrition. This bran tastes good and is quite suitable for making buns and other food products. The absence of toxins and no harmful impurities makes fermented oat bran a dietary product in demand. Fermentation helps cleanse the mixture of many microbes and toxins that clog the body with nitrates and nitrites.

Ordinary bran bread, if fermented and dried according to Izotov’s recipe, will have greater dietary value than ordinary bread. Oatmeal sourdough - best model, with which you can study the reactions of fermentation and fermentation on a living organism.

Oat jelly - long known folk remedy for the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its consistency and the presence of useful substances, it has a beneficial effect not only on the entire digestive system, but also on the performance of the entire body.

The benefits and harms of the drink

In our understanding, jelly is a gelatinous, viscous and sweet drink, which includes seasonal fruits and berries, a sweetener and, of course, starch. It is generally difficult to call store-bought jelly a healthy product, since the list of ingredients contains many sweeteners and dyes. Other than consistency, oatmeal jelly has nothing in common with these drinks. It can rather be called a complete dish, which can easily replace a meal.

In ancient times it was made so thick that ready dish just cut into pieces like jellied meat. Jelly became drinkable only in the 12th century.

The composition of the jelly is varied:

  • vitamins A, PP, group B;
  • essential amino acids;
  • fiber;
  • probiotics;
  • a large number of micro- and macroelements.

Regular consumption has a beneficial effect on health:

  • increases performance and endurance;
  • cleanses of harmful toxins;
  • improves metabolism;
  • saturates with useful substances;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol.

In addition, the drink is able to regulate fat metabolism, the functioning of the pancreas, gall bladder and stomach.

  • hypertension;
  • hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers, intestinal disorders;
  • exhaustion;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • mental and nervous disorders;
  • anemia;
  • dropsy;
  • tuberculosis.

There are no contraindications for use. The main thing is to take it in moderation, as indicated in the recipes, since excess mucus in the body is still undesirable.

How to take medicinal jelly correctly

Kissel got its name because of its sourness, as a result of fermentation. This drink is not very tasty, but it is quite possible to drink it as a medicine. By adding a little honey, sugar, dried fruits, berries to oatmeal jelly, you can get delicious dish for breakfast or lunch.

The remedy is taken according to the instructions of traditional healers. You need to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, barely warm, or even replace it with breakfast.

Cooking from whole oats

Live jelly is prepared from sprouted oat seeds. It turns out to be especially useful. Ingredients:

  • sprouts – 900 g;
  • starch – 90 g;
  • water –2500 ml.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Pour water over the sprouts and leave for 50-60 minutes.
  2. Cook the infusion of whole oats until it boils.
  3. Add starch, stir and cook until it reaches a thick consistency.

Serve cooled. If desired, complement the taste with other ingredients - fruit juice, syrup, sugar, jam or berries.

Drink for treating pancreas

This drink is also good for the pancreas.

It's easy to prepare:

  1. Boil a small amount of oatmeal.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. pour the resulting porridge with a glass of water.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook for 4-5 minutes.
  4. Leave for at least 1 hour.

The finished jelly has a soft enveloping effect, allowing short time improve the functioning of the pancreas.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss

Oat jelly is a low-calorie, but nutritious and healthy food that helps regulate metabolism and break down fats.


  • oatmeal – 400 g;
  • kefir – 80 ml;
  • water – 2000 ml.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Pour kefir and water over the oats. Cover with gauze to protect from various insects and midges.
  2. Place in a warm place for 48 hours.
  3. Strain. Do not throw away the sediment. Refrigerate the liquid for at least 20-22 hours.
  4. Use the sediment to prepare jelly (in a ratio of 1 to 3).