The best gym workout programs for beginners. The Ideal Gym Workout Program for Men - A Plan for Total Body Transformation

Weight loss– on the contrary, all muscles are trained a little at each workout. Here your task is to load the whole body and expend as much energy as possible.

Relief– it is possible to divide by type, both when gaining weight, and by type, as when losing weight. It depends on the method of performing the workout, on the characteristics of your body and on the focus of your diet.

Form support– well, there could be any option. Depending on how you achieved this shape: through weight loss or through weight gain.

VI. Determine the order of exercises

When gaining mass and/or strength– you can put exercises in a block of 2–3 exercises one after another for one muscle group. Or you can alternate antagonist muscles (biceps - triceps, chest - back, etc.). In any case, at the end of the workout, you should maximally hammer exactly those muscles that you have planned for today.

Weight loss– here the “block” is unnecessary and even harmful. You just need to alternate top and bottom. You can alternate antagonists. But, under no circumstances, not as a block. The load should jump from one muscle to another throughout the entire workout. This is the only way you can load your entire body.

Relief– you can either block or alternate antagonist muscles. In some cases, alternating top-bottom is suitable. But this, in my opinion, is a little unsuitable for the terrain.

- any option. Again, it depends on how you arrived at this form.

VII. Determine the number of sets and reps

A very important parameter. After all, it directly affects. The higher the weight and the lower the number of repetitions, the lower the intensity of the training and the less. I usually distribute approaches (including warm-up) and repetitions like this:

When gaining weight– 3 – 5 sets of 6 – 12 repetitions in basic exercises. And 3 - 4 sets of 10 - 15 repetitions in auxiliary exercises.

With increasing strength- 4 – 5 sets of 2 – 6 repetitions in basic exercises. And 3 sets of 8 - 12 repetitions in auxiliary exercises.

Weight loss– 2 - 4 sets of 12 - 20 repetitions everywhere.

Relief– 2 – 4 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions everywhere.

Maintaining the achieved form– 3 – 4 approaches. The number of repetitions depends on your previous goal.

VIII. Plan to change the weight of the equipment during training

Well last stage– determine how your weights and number of repetitions will change from workout to workout. In the case of maintaining shape, relief or losing weight, this is not so relevant (although it also matters). But if you want to increase muscle mass or strength, then this is a very important parameter. And here, alas, everything is so individual and unpredictable that I cannot give anything specific advice in absentia.

Read the articles: and. There you will be able to understand basic principles how it's all done.


Yes, as you have seen for yourself, drawing up a training plan is a very difficult process with a lot of nuances and various options. I have created over 1000 training programs in my life. Although this is a very approximate figure. But I never make a plan for a person until I personally train him for at least a month without a program. Only after 1 – 2 months do I know more or less exactly what is more suitable for this or that person.

If you have trained for at least several months, you also have some idea of ​​what suits you best and what you want to do with your body next. Therefore, thoughtfully and in the order in which I just told you, draw up your next training program.

Well, for those who don’t want to bother, I can make up individual program training.

Good day everyone. In today's article we will analyze in detail the training plan in gym for beginner athletes. After all, by coming to the gym, a person who has never trained intensively can simply harm himself and his body, and my article will allow you to avoid these troubles and initial stage do everything right.

Main goal training plan is to create the basis for further, more rigorous training, in which the weights and overall load on the human body will increase. This training program is designed to increase muscle mass for a thin or average build, for example for.

In this regard, there will be no special wisdom or special training methods. It is quite simple and involves exercises mainly with free weights. This is argued by the fact that many gyms do not have some types of exercise equipment for one or another muscle group. Therefore, so that you don’t have any questions like: “how can I replace this exercise, I don’t have such a machine in my gym” and so on, I have simplified it as much as possible training plan, however, it has not lost its effectiveness.

So, our plan will consist of three days a week, that is, like any other standard training program for beginners. You can, of course, extend the training week by 4-6 days, but this is for more experienced athletes, and 6 days a week is generally for professionals. Besides this training plan, on my website there is already a sufficient number of useful training programs, which you can find in this section - training programs.

Given gym workout plan You can improve, replace some exercises and substitute others based on your preferences. Opposite each exercise, the first number means the number of approaches, and the second, the number of optimal repetitions for this exercise. My advice is that at the beginning of the training day, in addition to doing a warm-up, which lasts 15 minutes, you should do warm-up sets with an empty bar. If your first exercise is, say, a dumbbell press, you can take an empty bar and work out 10-20 repetitions, performing the so-called “pump approach.”


Fitness has long become not only a way of life for some, but also a business for others. City streets are full of signs for gyms, and every second person already calls himself a trainer. If you decide to create a beautiful body for yourself, it is better to learn a little about how to properly create a training program. Otherwise, you may waste money without getting any results.

Who is he - a good coach?

The most common misconception: a coach must be pumped up, like Arnie in his youth. And the larger its volume, the more professional it is.

Yes, definitely a figure - business card trainer (in the case of bodybuilding). But to confuse a harmoniously developed body obtained through systematic training and proper nutrition, and artificially (pharmacologically) obtained volumes are not worth it. Therefore, first of all, look not at the incredibly swollen biceps, but at the harmony of the figure and the complex development of the muscles.

It is also worth asking about experience professional activities trainer. Ideally, find out what results his students achieved.

The older you are, the more careful you need to be when choosing a coach. If you have health problems or are recovering from an injury, it is ideal to find someone with medical training. Such specialists are not available in every room - please check this question separately.

Great value depends on how sociable a person is, how pleasant he is to you personally, and whether you are ready to trust him with your figure and health. To get started, agree on classes for a month. Then you can always continue studying with the same specialist or choose another one.

Next, I will tell you what to pay attention to when drawing up a program, and how the training process should be structured. The information will be useful both for those involved themselves and for those who want to become a trainer and create programs for others.

Rules for creating training programs

Have you heard of the term “individual approach”? Everyone has heard of it, but few want to apply it.

A good and competent trainer will create a program personally. He will also take a lot of money for this, because it’s not a five-minute job. To create a truly useful program, you need to test your body and study its individual characteristics.

It doesn’t matter where you work out: at home or in the gym - the rules are the same. You need to have a good understanding of what you are capable of at the “zero” stage.

Health status

The first task of the trainer is to learn in detail about the health status of his client. Anamnesis will have a primary influence on the formation of a set of exercises and the frequency of training.

  • People who have problems with the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system should exercise caution.
  • A person who has undergone abdominal surgery will not be able to do heavy base work for some time. Giving him even 50 kg of deadlift in the first month of training is tantamount to causing serious harm to health.
  • People suffering from spinal diseases should carefully perform exercises with vertical load on the spinal column. It is best to protect your lower back. For some, you need to completely abandon such a load.

A professional trainer must know how to build a workout for any category of people.
Great importance should be given to the age of the student. How older man, the more difficult it is to bear the load. Age characteristics should be taken into account, otherwise it can cause harm.

They say that it is difficult to get pumped up after 40 years. What they say is true, but it is still possible. And the person creating the program must know how to create a training program for the older age group.

At 60 years of age or older, a particularly gentle load on the heart should be given. At this age there is no need circuit training, crossfit and much more. The goal of the classes is to improve and strengthen the body.

If the trainer in the gym immediately, without asking you any questions, gave you some kind of program. Think ten times whether it is worth contacting such a specialist.

Features of the human body

By body characteristics I mean flexibility and stretching, speed of recovery, muscle fatigue, level of endurance and level of initial training in general.

Planning the training process should be aimed at minimizing negative consequences. That is, you should not overwork yourself at the very first training session (or overload a novice client), because this is fraught with long-term pain or even injury.


Stretching should be included in your training program. Without it, many exercises cannot be performed.

There are many complaints on the Internet about lower back pain when deadlifting. Moreover, the complainers themselves write that they cannot touch the floor with their fingers on straight legs. I wonder how they pull, and most importantly, what do they pull with? There is no trace of any technique; the lower back is clearly round, as is the chest. Hence the pain, and then the consequences of incorrect technique. All this does not appear immediately; the first time may even pass. And when your weight gets heavier, at one point your lower back will hurt much more than before. And this is where your lifting will end. Maybe even forever.

So you need to stretch. This is useful not only when you are performing a strength cycle, but also simply for maintaining the elasticity of your body. Statistics show that the more elastic the connective tissue, the lower the likelihood of injury due to careless movements. So stretch at home, you don’t have to go somewhere to do it. You can prepare your body for strength training in advance.


Everyone's endurance is different. It also develops, just like stretching. The entire body is capable of changing, adapting to new living conditions.

Most best way develop it - cardio exercises. Will do just fine brisk walking or training on an elliptical - safe and effective.

While developing your endurance, remember about your health. Racing your heart is not always beneficial, especially if you work at a heart rate of more than 140 beats for a long time.

A professional trainer knows all these features, and will not race you on a treadmill until you lose consciousness.

Muscle recovery rate

This is the same individual parameter as the above. The speed of recovery directly affects the periodization of training, cycling, etc.

Usually, 2–3 days are enough for a person to fully recover. But pain is not the best indicator of this process. For example, it happens that the pain has gone away (or it was not there at all), but there seems to be no strength. The muscles did not recover. This can happen for two reasons: you haven’t received enough building-energy material (you simply haven’t eaten enough), or you need to rest some more.

On average, you need to train one muscle group 1-2 times a week. Three is already a lot. For mass training, it is better to perform heavy loads on the same muscle group once a week.


You don't have to be a girl to create a workout program for girls. In principle, the physiology of men and women is not very different. But there is one important point– testosterone level. There are other nuances, but this is the most significant.

Testosterone is an anabolic hormone that stimulates the growth of many things: muscles, hair, nervous tension, anger and aggression. This is why men fight much more often than girls. The level of testosterone in their blood is much higher than that of the opposite sex. It is clear why.

In general, girls' muscles will grow slower than men's. Yes, and the working weights need to be selected differently; for girls they are much smaller.

Creating a gym workout routine for girls is a little more complicated. Most women are much more interested in reducing body fat than developing muscle. Here, too, it is important not to overdo it. After all, physiologically, girls need at least 12% body fat to maintain body functions. That is, a girl will never be able to become as dry as a male athlete without harm to her health.

Features of a person's lifestyle

The preparation of a training program should take into account the characteristics of a person’s work. It is important to clarify whether the work is physical, office, or intellectual. The volume and duration of the load will depend on all this.

Those who move little and sit constantly need long-term cardio exercise. If a person moves a lot, the program is adjusted according to his lifestyle.

Based on the person’s employment, a training scheme of 2 or 3 times a week will be chosen. The financial situation is also taken into account, because in most clubs it is customary to either pay for each training session, or the subscription is calculated based on the number of training sessions per month.

Making a program

So, you have learned what you should pay attention to when creating a program. Now let’s look at how to create a training program in the gym, how often you need to change your training program, what cycling is, and whether we need it.

Zero program

This is a kind of sample to start with. This often includes the bench press (for men) and leg/glute exercises (for women). The rest of the load depends on the above-mentioned characteristics of the body and personal wishes. That is, exercises are selected individually. The goal of the trial program is to determine how your muscles react to load, how your technique is given, what your general physical fitness is, etc. That is, to look at you in dynamics.

In terms of equipment, if you work out at home, a barbell, an incline bench, and 2 dumbbells will be enough for you. You can only get by with stacked dumbbells.

You should definitely not do deadlifts and heavy squats with a barbell in the first month. The muscles need to be prepared for this base; it is enough to stretch them and strengthen them.

For the first month, exercises on and extension of the arms, legs, and body are suitable. For the abs, regular crunches on the mat are enough, for the lower back – hyperextension.

For men, it will be useful to include pull-ups and dips in your training.

At the beginning of each workout, do at least 5 minutes of cardio, and at the end - stretching. It is also better to stretch in a small volume after warming up.

In a month, your body will get stronger, and the coach will understand what you are capable of.

If you are your own trainer, still ask them to teach you the exercise technique. Even the simplest exercise is not as simple as you might think at first glance.
Learn to do everything correctly from the very beginning, while your weights are still light. This will save you a lot of time in the future (relearning always takes longer, and without the right technique you won’t achieve good results) and will save your health.

By the way, about the scales: for the first month, increase the weights in increments of 1–5 kg, depending on the muscles being trained. For example, on the leg press, a step of 5 kg is just right. Barbell curls for biceps – 1–2 kg each workout.

Take a light starting weight. The main thing is that you feel at least some kind of load.

Further strategy

Now, knowing your capabilities, you can create a program based on the goals of the classes. Choose whether you want the option of training for weight or relief. Maybe you want to become thin? Or maybe you are gradually going to find the forms you need. This is also possible, it just takes more time.

Decide whether you will exercise at home or in the gym. Home training is not so effective, there’s no need to even explain anything.

After completing the zero program, the task is to create a program for the next 4 weeks. Working weights need to be increased if you decide to go in the strength direction. If you are losing weight, you don’t need to add anything, just exercise and spend energy.

Think about your diet, you need to stick to a certain way of eating, otherwise your figure will not change noticeably.

When the second month has passed, depending on your results, you will need to change the program again. You can replace several exercises, you can change the direction of the workout. In general, you can change all this once a week. There is such a thing as periodization of the training process or cycling.

Cycling means that you divide the training program into cycles - part according to one system, part according to another. One week you work with heavy weights, the second with light weights, etc. The selection of the cycle is individual. It has been experimentally proven that cycling in bodybuilding has many benefits. This method of training in the gym for men and women is more effective than a monotonous program.

Optimal cycling for beginners is a slight change of program once a month.

So you want to learn how to create your own workout plan. There are many different types, variations and limitless types of workouts that can be created. There are no limits in this matter, and only your imagination can keep you from creating your own ideal regime. This guide has been created to provide you with the basics for creating your own training programs.

CHIVV - Basic principles of developing a training program

Let's start with what is needed to create a Bodybuilding training program. It doesn't matter whether you're creating a workout program to gain muscle mass, burn fat, or just to stay in good shape - it all must adhere to the CHIV principles. Under this abbreviation there are 4 magic words: FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, TYPE, TIME. And you'll need them all if you want to have a solid foundation for your training plan. The following is brief overview each of them and that will appear throughout the guide.

FREQUENCY: The most obvious of the principles that determines how often you will train and how often you will perform a particular exercise. It is very important not to violate this principle by doing too much too quickly.

INTENSITY: This principle explains how intense your workouts will be. Will you create a program based on training with short breaks? Or will it be a workout with long rest periods? Maybe it will be training with a large number of approaches and repetitions? It is the intensity that determines your results, therefore, it is necessary to set appropriate goals.

TYPE: Training programs can be created in various ways, but their VIEW must be completely subjective. This will be determined by you own desires and addictions. What physical activity do you want to do? Examples might be: powerlifting, strength training, cardio training, or swimming and cycling. Even in the last two examples, the same principles apply as in Bodybuilding. Find your passion as your success rates and results will be very high with the physical activity you enjoy.

TIME: How long will your workout last? What about rest periods and working sets? Time explains what its name actually implies. This, in turn, is directly related to intensity. For example, a short rest period between sets increases the intensity. You may find yourself a busy person, which means short workout programs with quick rest periods.

Let's start creating a training program

By this point, you should already have decided in which direction to move in order to start creating your own training program. Most people mentally create an image of what they will look like. Perhaps your goal is only to maintain healthy image life, so there is no point in you worrying about your physique. Below I'll cover some general principles for two of the most common bodybuilding goals - building muscle and burning fat. This will be done based on the QIV principles that have been described above.

Goal - Build muscle

Frequency: The most important thing here is to visit the gym at least 3 times a week. I would even recommend doing this 5 times a week. Naturally, training every day is stupid, as this will very quickly lead to overtraining. And remember - you do not grow in the gym, but during the recovery period.

Intensity : Most effective way building muscle means keeping the intensity slightly above average. How to measure intensity? To rate your intensity level, use a scale of 1 to 10 (during your workouts), with 1 being completely bland and 10 being the hardest, most intense workout you've ever experienced. So, stick to 6 or slightly higher. Another way to calculate intensity is described.

Type: If the goal is to build muscle, then Bodybuilding is the best candidate. Your workout should include pumping no more than 2-3 muscle groups, 3-4 sets and 8-12 repetitions per exercise.

Time: Training should last no more than 1 hour. The best option will be 45 minutes long. Of course, some people can achieve excellent results by exercising less, while others can achieve excellent results by exercising more. Everything depends on.

Goal - Fat Burning

If you want to lose weight and push your body to burn fat, you will get the greatest return by creating a training program as follows:

Frequency: Train at least 3 days a week, 5-6 training days is optimal. And try to alternate your workouts. For example, strength training devote 2-3 days a week, and allocate space for cardio exercise between strength sessions. Thus, burning fat and strengthening your muscles in different days, You can avoid overtraining.

Intensity: You may have heard that low-intensity cardio exercises are most effective. But you can get rid of a lot more calories by including interval cardio exercises in your program. First, do 2 minutes of low-intensity exercise, such as on a stationary bike with low resistance, then 30 seconds of high-intensity exercise on the same exercise bike with higher resistance. This will keep your metabolism higher for several hours after your workout. On a scale of 1 to 10, try 3-4 on the low intensity interval and 8-10 on the high intensity interval. Total time workouts up to 30-45 minutes.

Type: Many are suitable for weight loss various types physical activity. Swimming, running, cycling, football, basketball, rowing are excellent cardio exercises that will help diversify your strength training.

Time: Try to spend no more than 1 hour in the gym during strength training and 15 to 30 seconds of rest between sets. Spend 15-45 minutes doing cardio.

Example training program

Here's a great example of a versatile workout that includes strength training and cardio for both muscle-building and fat-burning purposes.

Monday - chest/triceps

  • Bench press
  • Dumbbell Bench Press
  • Lying dumbbell flyes
  • Dips
  • Extension of arms on a block

Tuesday - legs

  • Barbell Squats
  • Lunges with dumbbells
  • Leg press
  • Calf raises

Wednesday - Depending on how you feel and the level of muscle pain - a day of rest or cardio exercise.

Thursday - shoulders/traps/abs/lower back

  • Dumbbell lateral raises
  • Raising dumbbells in front of you
  • Shrugs with dumbbells
  • Hyperextension
  • Raising the torso on an incline bench
  • Incline leg raises

Friday - Depending on how you feel and the level of muscle pain - a day of rest or cardio exercise.

Saturday - back/biceps

  • Bent-over barbell row
  • Wide-grip pull-down
  • Pulldown on a block with a narrow grip
  • Barbell Curl
  • One-arm dumbbell curl on a Scott bench

Sunday - Again, if you have the strength and are not experiencing muscle pain, then dedicate this day to cardio activity. Otherwise, take the day off.

The number of working approaches is no more than three, 8-12 repetitions in each exercise and 30-45 seconds of rest between approaches.

Many girls who want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, when they come to the gym, do not understand at all what to do and how. The first thing they need is to create a lesson plan for themselves. Depending on their goals, girls can create a program for 1, 2, 3 or more workouts per week, with different numbers of repetitions per approach. How to correctly create a training program for a girl with a huge variety of exercises depends on personal level preparation and initial physical data.

Important! If you have musculoskeletal injuries, you should consult a sports doctor about acceptable and unacceptable exercises before starting exercise.

The first thing you should pay attention to is warming up and stretching before and after training. Warm-up consists of light aerobic exercise (running, jumping), as well as preliminary exercises with a weight less than the “working” one. During training (between approaches), it also doesn’t hurt to stretch, but you don’t need to make “springy movements” - fix the muscles in the required position for at least 30 seconds. This is exactly how long it takes for the brain to transmit a signal to the myofibrils (muscle fibers) that there is no potential threat of injury. Only in this case will the muscles and ligaments be able to “relax”.

A person who has good stretching progresses much better in terms of muscle growth, since its fibers are more elastic and do not resist hypertrophy (increase in their own volume). Good warm-up and stretching before physical exercise, you significantly reduce the risk of injury during training. You can watch this in more detail in this short video:

How to create a training program for girls

When drawing up a training program, it is necessary to take into account the differences in men's and women's training:

  • The peculiarity of girls' metabolism is that by consuming more fatty foods (with fewer carbohydrates), they lose weight faster as a result of training, and they have more strength and endurance.
  • Since women have predominantly type 1 muscle fibers, it is quite easy for her to “pull” a large volume of training, that is, a lot of repetitions and repetitions. The state of “overtraining” occurs extremely rarely in them, which allows them to train the same muscle group even 2 times a week.
  • It is better for girls to use “explosive” approaches to a minimum (“explosive” can be considered those exercises in which a girl overcomes the maximum or close to it weight).
  • Low-intensity cardio (slow running, jumping rope at a slow pace) works better for girls than high-intensity cardio (sprints, etc.).
  • While lifting the apparatus, the girl should do repetitions at a slow pace, without the “explosive” positive phase of the movement, as is customary in men’s training.
  • Since the average arterial pressure in girls during training is lower than in men, they can withstand stress more easily and experience less burning in their muscles.
  • Girls do not need to take long breaks between approaches; 30-60 seconds are enough, since their pulse and breathing are restored faster than in men.
  • Women can exercise more often than men. Working out without the use of doping, girls train strength 4-5 times a week instead of the traditional 3 times for men. That is, girls can train 1 muscle group twice a week.

Important! You must give preference exclusively basic movements, such as squats, Romanian deadlifts, pull-ups and others. It is multi-joint exercises that involve the maximum number of muscles in the work, causing the best anabolic response of the body, which manifests itself in an increase in muscle, strength, and also a decrease in the amount of fat.

How to train effectively?

The order of exercises in the program should be followed from the most complex and difficult to the easiest movements. At the same time, division occurs by muscle groups, the largest and most energy-consuming muscles (hamstrings and quadriceps, latissimus dorsi) should be worked at the beginning of the workout, but smaller groups (shoulders, abs, chest, arms, calves) should be worked closer to the end workout.

The normal number of repetitions in one approach for a girl is 6-8 to increase strength, 12-15 for muscle growth and 20-30 for fat burning. The number of approaches within 1 exercise is from 3 to 5. The number of exercises per 1 training day is from 5 to 7. At the same time, you must remember that in order to grow muscle mass, it is necessary to divide the training program into muscle groups so that 2 identical muscle groups were not pumped on adjacent days.

If your first workout is on Monday and you worked your legs, and your second workout is on Tuesday or Wednesday, you should not repeat the same muscle group again. In this case, breaks of 3 or more days are normal for recovery. Therefore, if you trained one muscle group, for example, on Friday, you can also train it on Monday, because between these days there are 3 days of full recovery. If your goal is fat loss, you can work out all muscle groups in one workout and repeat the same cycle several times a week - this will not negatively affect calorie loss.

Training goals and objectives

Training for girls, as well as for men, has different goals in each individual case. In most cases, these goals are:

  • weight loss;
  • muscle growth (work on relief);
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • increase in endurance indicators;
  • treatment and prophylactic purposes.

Many girls combine several goals together, such as fat loss and muscle growth. No matter what they write on the Russian-language Internet, they say that these processes are absolutely opposite and their occurrence cannot be achieved simultaneously (catabolism - the destruction of fat and muscles, anabolism - growth), know that in practice all this is possible!

Motivation to workout

There is no need to deceive yourself in the hope that after reading this section you will be fairly motivated and begin to do something that you have never done before. This won't happen. In training, as in any other serious matter, the mindset for long and hard work is important, as well as a clear understanding of the result and the benefits it gives you:

  • beautiful body;
  • health;
  • physical strength;
  • fortitude;
  • attractiveness to the opposite sex.

When you really want something, no one or nothing will stop you on the way to achieving your goal. If your goal is secondary, you do not betray it special significance– you will constantly feel lazy about this, your hands will “give up” even before you start.

True, there are still exceptions in the gym, and they happen often. During grueling workouts, our body receives a hefty dose of dopamine and adrenaline, and therefore, after 3-4 weeks a person develops a certain dependence on the gym. Just don’t compare it with drug addiction - after all, our internal secretion of hormones is physiological for us, in contrast to exogenously introduced substances (from outside). A person experiences a similar dependence on receiving various kinds of pleasures - sex, sweets, and so on.

Gym or home workouts – which is better?

The main disadvantage of training at home is the insufficient amount of equipment. Even if you have a barbell and dumbbells, a horizontal bar - this is not enough. In this case, the range of working scales is limited; you cannot dose and adjust the load based on your own needs. If we are talking about training with our own weight, then everything is even sadder, since our capabilities are growing, therefore, the load should increase linearly or in waves. How can there be an increase in load if our own weight does not change or changes slightly?

By training at home, very soon the girl reaches the limit in muscle growth!

If your main goal is weight loss, then you can increase the intensity of your workout by adding repetitions per set and reducing the intervals between sets. But for this you still need a barbell, dumbbells and some other equipment (hyperextension bench, racks, etc.) - and not every girl has them at home. Buying this entire set is not a cheap pleasure; sometimes it is cheaper to regularly go to the gym with a subscription for several years in a row.

Training programs for girls

It is very important to do the exercises correct technique and amplitude, for this you can watch a series of special videos on the topic of women's training from a professional. There you will also find examples of performing the exercises described below from the proposed training programs:

But you still can’t do without the help of a competent trainer in setting up the technique, since from the outside an experienced person can see much better what you are doing wrong and how it can be changed.

For beginners

If you are just starting your gym training (or want to train in light mode), best choice for the first month there will be a cyclic program, which involves repeating the same exercises “in a circle”:

  • lifting the legs while hanging on the horizontal bar - to the maximum;
  • squats with wide legs – 20 repetitions;
  • Pull-downs on the chest – 15 repetitions;
  • deadlift on straight legs - 20 repetitions;
  • hyperextension – 15 repetitions;
  • fly 15 reps;
  • dumbbell curls for biceps 15 reps;
  • push-ups (traditional or from the knees, if difficult) with a narrow triceps position - 15 repetitions;
  • jump rope – 90 seconds.

You can repeat these exercises in 1-3 cycles depending on your physical fitness. After a month of training, you can switch to an advanced training program that simultaneously burns fat and leads to muscle growth.

Useful information! If your goal is weight loss, you can keep the cyclic program on a permanent basis, increasing the number of repetitions in it to 25-30 and reducing the rest between sets (if your physical fitness allows, you can not rest between sets at all).

For experienced

The training program for “advanced” girls, designed to burn fat and grow muscle mass, is performed on Mon-Wed-Fri or Tue-Thu-Sat; you can also alternate workouts according to the “every other day” principle:

First day (bottom):

  • squats with a barbell (bar) 4 sets of 12-15 reps;
  • Romanian straight leg deadlift 4 x 12-15;
  • leg extensions in the quadriceps machine 3 to 12-15;
  • leg curls in the simulator 3 by 12-15;
  • lunges with dumbbells 3 x 10 with each leg;
  • hyperextension 3 to 15.

Second day (top):

  • Bent-over barbell row – 4 to 15;
  • bench press (barbell) on a bench with an incline of 20-30% - 4 to 15;
  • swing dumbbells to the sides (on the shoulders) while standing 3 to 15;
  • press on an incline bench – 3 to 15;
  • back row through the upper block with a wide grip – 4 to 15;
  • anti-hack leg press – 3 to 20;
  • hyperextension 3 to 20.

On the third training day, you need to do the same as on the first (remember - girls can train 1 muscle group 2 times a week).

What you shouldn’t forget after training

After training, you should rest mentally and physically so that the body switches to calm and measured work. It's ideal to get some sleep, take a bath (you can visit the sauna), or just relax in any way convenient for you. Perhaps for some this method is yoga, seeing a massage therapist, or listening to your favorite music. As for training, for a gentler release from training stress, you can cool down at the end - for example, running very slowly for 3-5 minutes. This will help put all body systems in order (primarily the cardiovascular system) and smoothly complete physical activity.

Nutrition and drinking regimen before and after training

A person needs water (and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a girl or a man) before, during and after training. You need to drink water in small quantities between approaches so as not to cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which will interfere with the training process. The total daily amount of water consumption should be at least 2 liters per day.

Nutrition will depend on your goals (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and their amounts will change in each individual case), but the basic rule is not to eat earlier than 2 hours before training and 30 minutes after.

Important nuances of training for girls

You should definitely know general principles workouts and be able to create a training plan for yourself, even in cases where you work out with a trainer. Most trainers are simply sales managers who trade on their appearance, ability to communicate with clients and find them common language, smile beautifully and everyone likes you. They do not know how to competently train and lead their students to their goals. You can do absolutely meaningless exercises with the wrong technique, and you will not hear anything from the trainer other than “okay, 2 more reps and rest for a minute.”

One of the most important recommendations– Never train in the gym while consuming critically low calories. Any diet in which you limit yourself to 1-2 foods and reduce calorie content below 20 kcal per 1 kg of body weight is taboo. And even more so, you shouldn’t expose yourself to physical activity– adherents of kefir, apple, cabbage and other “diets”, in my coaching experience and in the experience of my colleagues, more than once lost consciousness while performing exercises with a barbell.

It’s good if there is a person nearby who will back up and catch the immobilized body at the right moment. But many coaches walk away from their players while they are doing squats or bench presses, especially when the weight on the bar is light. Indeed, an empty bar weighs only 20 kg - it’s not a big deal if it falls on a girl’s chest or face (apparently that’s what they think). If a trainer leaves you without a safety net while performing a potentially dangerous exercise, where you may fall or drop the barbell on yourself, refuse such a “specialist” as soon as possible!

In conclusion

Many girls already intuitively understand that their training program should be radically different from men’s programs, but social pressure forces them to do the same. Using the tips from this article, you can create a training plan that includes all the features of the female body, its recovery rate and physiological characteristics.