Compatibility of Sagittarius women with other zodiac signs. Sagittarius: compatibility with other signs. Who is suitable for Sagittarius? Libra and Sagittarius compatibility

Bright and talented, sociable and easy-going, the Sagittarius woman is always the life of the party and a great friend for many people. She is one of those who will definitely listen, feel sorry for you and help, if possible, solve your problem. It’s quite difficult for her in life, since she belongs to male sign, causing her to be treated more like a friend than an object of adoration. But, at the same time, she always has more than enough admirers, since many men now prefer to find a woman who would do and decide everything for them. Which zodiac signs are most harmonious compatibility for a Sagittarius woman, read below.

Aries Man and Sagittarius Woman

Since they belong to the same element - Fire, their natures will be attracted, and they will be able to find a common language very well. In bed Aries man and Sagittarius woman They will quickly establish relationships, and will enjoy the process for a long time and with taste. In real life, quarrels may arise, since both have explosive personalities, but they will easily fade away, only fueling mutual interest. The prognosis for the relationship is very good, and the marriage will also be happy.

Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman

Taurus will want to have all of Sagittarius. But this will immediately encounter resistance, since spiritual freedom is the basis of Sagittarius’ life. Sexually, they are a good match, but the problem may arise due to the fact that Taurus needs more physicality, and Sagittarius needs the spiritual component, and if it is not there, he will be bored, and Taurus will take it as a personal insult. Therefore, if they feel good for a while as lovers, then they should not be as spouses.

Gemini Man and Sagittarius Woman

They are almost ideal for communication and some relaxed joint activities. They are sociable, know how to present themselves in company, especially since Sagittarius always has many different amazing ideas that will always be of interest to curious Geminis. In bed, they will suit each other perfectly, and they will not need much time to achieve harmony there. But it is better not to count on a long-term relationship between a Gemini man and a Sagittarius woman, since the love of freedom of both will break any attempts to connect the unconnected.

Cancer Man and Sagittarius Woman

The Cancer man and the Sagittarius woman are very different, they belong to the antagonistic elements, Water and Fire. Therefore, it is best for them to be good friends, since in friendship they will fully realize their potential and can give each other a lot. But, these friendly relationships easily develop into sex, where a very good state can arise. In general, it is best for these signs to either be friends, or sometimes sleep with each other precisely in a state of friendship. It is better not to count on the relationship between lovers and especially spouses.

Leo Man and Sagittarius Woman

They have a common patron element, Fire. They easily find topics for conversation, and both know how to warm with the warmth of their souls. Sagittarius can pick up the keys to Leo’s vulnerable pathos, learn to praise him so much that he will be in seventh heaven. Leo will be able to bring Sagittarius, who has his head in the clouds, down a little, so both will clearly benefit from this connection. Leo Man for Sagittarius Woman in bed he is too monotonous, but he is ready to accept new ideas that Sagittarius is filled with, and then they can create mutual harmony here too. If they can agree on a everyday level, they will have a very happy marriage.

Virgo-Man and Sagittarius-Woman

They look great as friends because they are too different and have a lot to give to each other. Sagittarius's ability to think freely will help Virgo break away from mundane existence. Sexually Sagittarius woman it will not be easy to heat up the initially cold Virgo man, but if she succeeds, she herself will be surprised at the sight that opens up to an inquisitive gaze. Marriage can only happen if there is a special order Higher powers, which will bless the union of such different signs.

Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

Libra will be able to correctly evaluate all the positive aspects of Sagittarius. Extravagance, many new ideas and sociability will attract Libra to spend time together. Sexually, they are quite impulsive, so they are perfect for love relationships. Everything will work out well in marriage if Sagittarius begins to take the material side of the issue more seriously, since it is he who will have to move the entire family locomotive both spiritually and materially.

Scorpio Man and Sagittarius Woman

They are great for short but vibrant relationships, or for long friendships, interspersed with stormy sex scenes. It’s better not to count on being together for a long time, because Scorpio Man- is jealous and possessive, and he will not be able to normally perceive the natural Sagittarius Women craving for freedom. And Sagittarius’ habit of flaring up sharply and immediately cooling down will drive Scorpio crazy. Such family life and you won’t wish it on your enemy.

Sagittarius Man and Sagittarius Woman

They will communicate well and retain warm, friendly feelings throughout their lives. But even if they are once attracted to each other and sleep together, their relationship will not last long, both have too strong a desire for freedom and a dislike for any ties, especially moral ones. Sagittarius man Sagittarius woman compatibility: great friends, good lovers and no spouses.

Capricorn Man and Sagittarius Woman

Their relationship may freeze at the level of communication, since Capricorn is too cautious to please the decisive Sagittarius. Stinginess Capricorn men will be annoying Sagittarius Woman, they look at money too differently. By some miracle they may be drawn to bed and they will feel good there, but living together is a pleasure that is best to refuse.

Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman

Communication will begin very quickly and brightly, and the friendship between Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman will deepen until they wake up in the same bed. This will suit both, and if they do not push each other too hard with their worldview, they will communicate well, and joint adventures will only increase their friendship. If nothing gets in the way, it can be a great marriage.

Pisces Man and Sagittarius Woman

At first, a very strong attraction may arise, since Pisces operates from the depths, and Sagittarius from above. The difference in potential will be very attractive and everything can end in a stormy sex scene. But behind the scenes, many questions will arise, and as soon as Pisces tries to drag Sagittarius into their world, his love of freedom will sound the alarm. Pisces man Sagittarius woman compatibility: lovers - okay, spouses - not at all.

In love and relationships with others, it is directly related to their inability to analyze before committing any action. Sagittarians simply do not know how to admit their mistakes.

Representatives of this sign are proud and stubborn. Very often, contrary to popular opinion, they tie the knot at too early an age.

But realizing that they have made a deep mistake, they are not eager to break off the relationship. Quite the opposite - they are capable of tormenting their partner and themselves, being extremely unhappy, and meanwhile praising their family life.

Compatibility of Sagittarius with other zodiac signs

Compatibility horoscope for the sign Sagittarius promises an unusually successful union for two representatives of this sign, since they will have common interests and worldviews. They will travel a lot, which is for both of them the most important factor to achieve happiness in life.

A representative of this sign will make an excellent couple Aries, whose selfish and hot-tempered nature will change in better side. with Aries is characterized, first of all, by a similar temperament, and if they can find physical harmony, then this union will last for many years.

Charming Sagittarius can easily win your heart the narcissistic Leo, whose life will be transformed, will be filled with energy and positivity after meeting this special one.

A union between Pisces and Sagittarius is practically impossible. A soft and vulnerable representative of the sign of Pisces will be too frightened by the temperament of Sagittarius. Representatives of the water and fire elements are unlikely to be able to get along under one roof.

Is quality sex the foundation of a strong relationship?

Yes it is

I can't agree

The Sagittarius man avoids the thought of marriage. He craves complete freedom and cannot stand it when his partner tries to take a more important place in his life. When choosing a soul mate, he does not focus on beauty or temperament. Most likely, in adulthood he will connect his life with an intellectual lady who will be able to brighten up his life.

Can such a man be called sociable?

It's difficult to communicate with him

Marriage Sagittarius women promises constant ups and downs. She can be incredibly passionate and romantic, and a minute later she will start a scandal or be offended.

The representative of this sign simply does not know how to restrain her feelings and emotions, be it anger or joy. Don't expect her to accept or correct her mistake, but over the years she can learn to atone for her guilt.

Those born under this sign are very trusting people. Even having experienced many disappointments in life, they continue to believe in the sincerity of the relationship and do not lose their cheerfulness. This is precisely one of the secrets of their success.

Sagittarians love to be the leader in relationships, and do not know how to put up with the domineering nature of their partner. To win the heart of a representative of this sign, you will have to learn not to criticize or point out his shortcomings, and also to guess his frequent mood swings. If Sagittarius is not in a good mood, he can easily make a mountain out of a mountain and break off the relationship.


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More detailed compatibility
Sagittarius sign with his partner,
including horoscope analysis,
chakras and square of Pythagoras

Typical Sagittarius in relationships

The patronizing planet Jupiter gives Sagittarius positive energy, optimism and the ability to enjoy life, which allows him to quickly and successfully overcome obstacles on the path of life. He is active and smart, constantly on the move - if not physically, then mentally. Entrepreneurship and willingness to take risks bring success in endeavors, and besides, a representative of the element of Fire has truly rare luck.

His cheerfulness and enthusiasm encourage others to communicate. Sagittarius is always happy to have guests and will never refuse moral and material support. His reasoning and conclusions are always justified, and his forecasts are prophetically accurate; people often turn to him for consultation and advice. He is kind-hearted and open-minded, but due to his inherent impulsiveness he often goes to extremes. Sometimes Sagittarius likes to lecture and talk about morality, which irritates some, but attracts the attention of others. Sometimes the desire to set an example for others takes on an exaggerated form, and he engages in moral teaching everywhere: at home, in the work team, in transport. It is not typical for a fire sign to hide its opinion. He never lies or slander behind his back, but speaks the truth to his face and demands the utmost honesty in communication from those around him. This is the position of a true leader. And, unfortunately, because of her, he often becomes lonely in his soul, while having huge amount friends and acquaintances. Not everyone is ready to withstand it, much less truly understand it.

Sagittarius loves to travel, strives to gain new knowledge and skills, and expand his horizons. And he wants not only to discover something new, but also to be the first in it. Sagittarius' range of interests is simply limitless, while he manages to set aside time for work, family, hobbies, not forgetting about regular social gatherings and friendly meetings. Sagittarius's closest circle of friends consists of morally stable, purposeful and interesting individuals who are attracted by his powerful energy and who are themselves quite unique and do not pale in comparison to Sagittarius.
It is not easy for Sagittarius to choose one partner, for the sake of marriage with whom he will sacrifice his freedom, because freedom is the most precious thing he has. He can, without a twinge of conscience, today be with one person he is interested in, and after some time with another. If a partner suddenly stops meeting Sagittarius’ strict criteria, he will be immediately abandoned without unnecessary scandals, and another will immediately take his place. And Sagittarius is absolutely not concerned about public opinion about such freedom of relations. He is used to keeping himself above society.

But the chosen one of Sagittarius will be incredibly lucky. Sagittarius will give him all his romance, passion and energy. If Sagittarius's feelings are strong, then he, like no one else, gives himself completely in love.

Checklist of Sagittarius flaws

  • Why do you need to constantly demonstrate your pathos, putting yourself above others?
  • Mature and experienced Sagittarius is a natural spiritual mentor. But why lecture everyone around you when no one asks for it?
  • There are questions that cannot be answered unequivocally. But why is Sagittarius trying so hard to do this, without considering other opinions?
  • Most Sagittarius would not do well to neglect the lessons of tactful communication with others.
  • Was there any special law passed prohibiting criticism of Sagittarius? If not, then why does he lose his temper when he hears her, trying to shut everyone up and turn the tables?
  • No matter how ideal and God-chosen Sagittarius feels, this does not give him the right to unceremoniously pry into the soul of another, forcing him to reveal to him what should be hidden.
  • Why do many Sagittarians who reach power forget about their natural nobility and begin to use people as consumables?

Natural compatibility of Sagittarius within its element of Fire: with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Alliances with representatives of their fire element promise to be the most favorable and viable. The similar energy characteristics of Aries and Leo in alliances with Sagittarius give them a chance for a long and rich life together. There are no guarantees that their relationship will be stable and measured, because... both strive for leadership and can begin to conflict on every issue. But together they will be emotionally comfortable. And mutual understanding in such relationships will be at a high level, because all signs speak a common language.

It is difficult to imagine only the union of two Streltsy. Two extraordinary leaders in one place is too much.

Most lucky couples Fire elements:

  • Sagittarius woman and Leo man
  • Sagittarius man and Aries woman

Favorable compatibility of Sagittarius with the signs of the Air element: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Sagittarius is impressed by Gemini's readiness for change; they are united by the desire to travel and expand their horizons. Both will be inspired by joint creative activities and travel. Marriage with Libra promises to be harmonious and balanced - partners will be able to give in to each other in controversial situations. Libra will smooth out the ardor of Sagittarius. This is a union that promotes the social and spiritual growth of partners. Intellectual Aquarius will make Sagittarius burn more intensely with his ideas. And he is one of the few who are able to share his thirst for innovation.

The most successful pairs of the Air element:

  • Sagittarius woman and Libra man
  • Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman
  • In a Sagittarius-Gemini pair, gender does not matter

Unfavorable compatibility of Sagittarius with the signs of the elements of Earth and Water: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces

At the everyday level, alliances of Sagittarius with representatives of the element of Water are extremely rare, and even short-term relationships of such partners are accompanied by increasing irritation. Life together with Taurus quickly gets boring for Sagittarius, although he is devoted to him and everything started out great. Water Cancer extinguishes Sagittarius with its worries and craving for peace. An alliance with Virgo only in business terms looks promising; in a love relationship, her down-to-earthness and criticism will leave Sagittarius no chance. Scorpio is capable of arousing enormous passion, but the instability of his emotional background and craving for negativity are directly opposite to the nature of Sagittarius. A purposeful Capricorn will command respect and can be very useful, but their life paths, and especially the speed of their passage, are too different. Oddly enough, Sagittarius can find mutual understanding with Pisces. But Pisces, together with the family hearth, strives to build a prison around Sagittarius.

Sagittarius compatibility with 12 zodiac signs

If the couple has taken place, then the initiative in it will not necessarily come only from the Sagittarius “parent”. Yes, he is an ideological seeker and idealist, but he does not always have enough charge to move on. In this regard, Aries, who is cheerful and never bored, is a perfect match for him. Like a curious child, Aries can drag the Sagittarius “parent” by the hand to everything new and unknown. And along the way, Sagittarius himself may become carried away by Aries’ fantasies, which will make their journey together even more interesting.

You shouldn't expect peace and balance here. The union is initially devoid of harmony, no matter how promising the first meeting was. However, for Sagittarius, this option with Taurus may turn out to be quite comfortable: after all, he plays the role of the “Boa Constrictor,” and the obedient (or not so obedient) “rabbit” Taurus will try to do everything to earn attention and love. He is sweet in his naive romanticism, but believes everything Sagittarius says, is very businesslike and can be physically good, which will attract Sagittarius.

This is not simple, but very exciting compatibility, which, even if not realized, often remains one of the brightest romances in the life of each of the partners. Here is either love, or friendship with a hint of lifelong love, or complete antagonism and confrontation. It is the opposite and at the same time compatible qualities that attract these signs to each other. It seems to Sagittarius that Gemini can afford something that he couldn’t do before. Gemini, in turn, sees the same thing in Sagittarius.

Cancer for Sagittarius is a sign with which it would not be worth playing in love, no matter how exciting and romantic this game for Sagittarius may look at first glance. Incredibly, the seemingly soft and vulnerable aquatic Cancer has a very great influence over one of the most powerful signs in the horoscope - fiery Sagittarius. The combination of two opposing elements - Fire and Water - makes the union extremely tense and shaky. At first this creates an attractive atmosphere of unpredictable passion and desire to get to know each other, but later there is a transition to confrontation.

A union of two strong and worthy personalities. There are few people Sagittarius can truly deeply respect, consider equal to himself, whose opinion he listens to and with whom he can form a full partnership. But in the person of the “parent” and the “teacher”, which is the sign of Leo for his sign, everything will coincide at the same time. And compatibility with Leo is considered generally favorable for Sagittarius.

The dominant and stronger role in the type of compatibility of these signs belongs to Sagittarius - he is the “patron”. He is given the right to choose his “advisor”, Virgo, as his faithful assistant. Although fate itself brings them together more often, as if on purpose, so that Sagittarius ends up in a dominant position, and Virgo in a subordinate position. And on the part of Sagittarius there must be an understanding that not every Virgo will tolerate his leadership. Therefore, it is desirable that the character of his Virgo be as flexible and soft as possible. Then she can truly become his right hand.

Libra is a very favorable partner for Sagittarius in terms of compatibility. Libra is the sign that brings balance to the life of Sagittarius, the one whose element of Air allows its Fire to burn stronger, and the one who will become a real wise and experienced “big brother” for Sagittarius. At the same time, Libra will be able to constantly surprise with their changes and the ease of Sagittarius, who is tirelessly looking for something new. Libra, like no other air sign, will be able to maintain novelty in relationships with Sagittarius.

Compatibility is explosive due to the combination of the elements of Fire and Water. Each of the partners will find here something to tickle their nerves: there will be an abundance of both emotions and passions. Is this not what passionate fiery Sagittarius and raging watery Scorpio were looking for? If this is the case, then probably in a more positive way. There are many contradictions and conflicts here. But, however, you can get used to this if Sagittarius and Scorpio entered into a relationship in their youth. And then their pair of “Best Friend and Best Enemy” has a chance to get used to each other’s characteristics and settle down.

At the first meeting, mutual sympathy quickly arises between them. Two fire signs are equally ambitious, proud and power-hungry - they feel this in each other. Therefore the best general topics for them there will be dreams of world domination, large-scale business, friendship “against” someone. But not all Sagittarians are evil geniuses, as they might seem. They are also passionate creative people, travelers, seekers and experimenters. All these areas will also perfectly unite two Sagittarius.

If desired, you can realize this compatibility in a very beneficial business or creative way. The main thing is that the partners are not competitors, but really friends and associates, even if one of them is the “best friend” (in front of Capricorn), and the second is “the best enemy” (behind Sagittarius). " best friend» Capricorn provides its moral and material support, transfers its experience and knowledge to Sagittarius. And as long as this is of value to Sagittarius, he is “friends” with Capricorn.

Just as currents of Air kindle Fire, so Aquarius brings sparks of inspiration into the life of Sagittarius. For Sagittarius, this compatibility with the sign located 2 positions after him and being his “younger brother” is considered very favorable. There is a place here for friendship with love, carried through the years, and long-lasting passion due to the dynamics of interaction between the elements of Fire and Air.

This is the compatibility of two extraordinary personalities, as if they came from different planets. More precisely, from different elements: Sagittarius represents Fire, and Pisces – Water. Initially, these are conflicting elements, but together they can create such an explosion that will give temporary impetus to both partners and all their plans and affairs. That is why the compatibility of Sagittarius and Pisces is characterized more as business and creative than love and family. It is quite difficult for them to be together for a long time, but in short periods they can be very productive and inspire each other.

Popular calculations on In-contri:

Reviews and stories about couples with the Sagittarius sign |

And hello again! There haven't been any new reviews for a while. I hope you are preparing a new section.

Thank you again for your feedback on “ Female compatibility"and Pythagoras my son.

And I asked myself this question. With the “boa constrictor and rabbit” pair, everything is more than clear. But what about transitional signs? For example, I was born on July 24, 1976, and without synastry I feel a piece of cancer in me. And my partner, born on December 8, 1975, is a typical Sagittarius. How do such things manifest themselves? And how significant are they?

P.S. If possible, please suggest a good website for determining the degree of belonging to a particular zodiac sign.

Thanks in advance, good luck and inspiration!

Natalie, alas, my work does not yet allow me to sort everything out based on the reviews. And considering that the first priority is a new section, which, if converted into man-hours, will take 4-6 times more than the current version of the site... In general, I don’t want to get my hopes up again, but it’s simply unrealistic to get everything done quickly.

You know, something else that cannot be ignored: the audience on the site has grown very much over the past year. Readers write very deep and interesting things from their experiences. You can literally assemble novels from stories. It happens that sometimes you plan 1-2 stories for the evening, but you sit on one and look at it from so many different angles that you have to put it off until the next day. And the next day also does not give an answer. And so it all transfers and accumulates gradually. But it’s better to have 1 good and useful answer per week than 10 empty and useless ones every day.

About you and your couple: I think that you, Natalie, are still overindulging yourself a little. There may be a reason for doubt, but it is better for you to know. Here's what the calculation says:
- Overall compatibility percentage: 58%
- 1-chakra / Physical biorhythm: 33%
- 2-chakra / Emotional biorhythm: 89%
- 3-chakra / Intellectual biorhythm: 81%
- 4-chakra / Heart biorhythm: 92%
- 5-chakra / Creative biorhythm: 26%
- 6-chakra / Intuitive biorhythm: 67%
- 7-chakra / Higher biorhythm: 21%

Everything here is very favorable: three out of three “female” levels are compatible, two of which are at the maximum, plus “male” intelligence. Good prerequisites for strong relationships.

But in the horoscope the questions begin. Initially, we see a pair of Leo and Sagittarius - favorable compatible representatives of the fire element. You are talking about a piece of Cancer. Well, this is also not excluded, because most people born on border days between signs have traits of both in different parts. But in your case, Natalie, it seems to me that even if this happens, then on a scale it’s really no more than a particle. By different sources The Cancer period ends on July 22/23. In-contri follows the Western approach, where the end occurs on the 23rd day. You were already born on the 24th, when Leo almost fully entered into the period of his reign. I think that digging further is only looking for a reason to create more doubts and bring confusion into a relationship that is quite promising from the point of view of calculation. If you really want it, I can recommend not a website, but a professional consultation with an astrologer. Just before this, check with your parents about the time of your birth.

By the way, Cancer is often quite a doubtful nature. But in your case, I think, your feminine nature along with your “one-of-a-kind” character has a greater influence. If we continue further according to Pythagoras, then your husband has a character of 111, which, in synergy with the positive traits of Sagittarius, will in any case pull and will always stretch your relationship. As long as they have the fire they both need so much. Families are also quite good: 3-4. Temperaments generally combine perfectly: 5-5. No doubts, Natalie.


I read your recommendations and characteristics of the signs, quite accurately, very much about Sagittarius. I would like to know how our relationship will end. They are in very critical condition. Don’t you have a column “I left my partner”? I filed for divorce, my dates are 05/25/1950 and 12/16/1963. I also found an article about the 13th sign - right about it. Unbearable.

If you write me a review that is close to reality, then I will describe the whole story to you - Brazilian TV series are on vacation. Why am I not calm? Because here in Italy, if one spouse does not agree, a divorce may not be granted. I apologize for my conditions, mille grazie.

So, something immediately tells you that according to Sagittarius, you chose all the most negative comments from the comments and focused your attention on precisely those things that you personally know firsthand. And this is your truth. However, in a particular couple there is always subjectivity in the relationship, while in the general objective picture the sign of Sagittarius, like any other, cannot be classified as good or bad. The signs are different and the people are different. Everyone's qualities manifest themselves differently. Moreover, it is sometimes amazing how “bad” a person of a certain sign can be when paired with a partner with problematic compatibility, and how he transforms into “good” in a harmonious couple.

Let me refrain from commenting on the “13th” sign, because... This term has nothing to do with astrology.

Let's see your calculation with your partner:

Compatibility average 53%
Physical: 82% - compatible
Emotional: 52% - crossing
Intelligent: 30% - intersection
Cardiac: 36% - not compatible
Creative: 68% - compatible
Intuitive: 9% - close to maximum
Highest: 92% - crossing

Characters: you 1 - he 5
Family: you 6 - he 3
Temperament: you are 6 - he is 2

According to the signs, everything seems to be fine at first - a pair of your element of Air and his element of Fire in the combination “Opposites attract.” But the successful continuation of this novel is based on periodic overcoming of crises. Moreover, their strength, as a rule, is directly proportional to the force with which the partners were attracted at one time, just as the positive and negative poles of a magnet are attracted. Formally speaking, then yes - a pair of opposite signs on the circle of the Zodiac are compatible. Both are odd, the elements interact favorably and help in revealing each other. But the whole philosophy of these relationships is that partners must steadily, tirelessly and in spite of everything strengthen their connection, and not be wasted on the zigzags of fate. And such ups and downs as in this couple, perhaps, are not found in any other. Except for "Boa Constrictor and Rabbit". But there everything is usually predetermined, whereas in “Opposites” the happy ending is in their own hands. And heads. By the way, about heads: you and other pairs of “Opposites” will probably confirm that as much experience, wisdom and understanding as is given in these relationships is not given anywhere else. Literally, if a person had experience in such a couple, then he went through fire, water and copper pipes relationships.

At first glance, the most obvious discrepancy in this couple for most will seem to be the age difference with a significant advantage of 13 years in your favor and, at the same time, it was your initiative in the divorce. At the same time, you have doubts about the confirmation of the process by your husband. And here, once again, I would like to note that calculations do not care about age and, even despite the fact that the partner is 13 years older, this did not push the man away at the beginning of the relationship and continues to hold him back now.

Here I would like to make a small digression: many girls ask questions regarding the forecast of interaction with a potential suitor in the spirit, how will he react to the fact that I have a child, because all men want their children? How will he react to the fact that I’m older, because all men want a younger partner next to them? So there is no generalized “all men want.” There is an individual calculation for each couple and each partner.

And, Flora, in particular with regard to you, we see several strong points of compatibility for your man, manifesting themselves regardless of age/children/position, etc.:
- you and Air, allowing its Fire to burn stronger
- you aroused in him a strong physical passion
- you even inspired him and contributed to the emergence of goals in life
- with you he thought that he was walking along the same path in life (highest compatibility affecting both)

With all this, your Sagittarius man is a born leader with character 11111 and is free to decide his own destiny. By connecting her, by the way, with you.

Alas, from your female side (emotions-heart-intuition) such attraction is not fully observed. There is a swaying scale in emotions and somehow difficult in the rest. But your family background, it seems, once told you that in this man, so different from you, but a real man, you would find strong support. And the inevitable attraction of character 1 to 11111, on the one hand, as well as the seeming willfulness and rebelliousness of character 1 to 11111, which arouses his interest, also played a role.

Why it happened that you were on the verge of divorce, I cannot predict. We still don’t have a Battle of Psychics here. But, judging by the calculations, I am inclined to believe that this sine wave of relationships in a pair of two “Opposites” has completely undermined the emotional background on which, in theory, relationships are best built. And this is precisely the most tense and irritable side for you personally, Flora. This is also not easy for a man, but it’s more difficult for you - you, as a carrier, first of all, of the 2-4-6 chakras, get much more tired of these relationships. In connection with this and the above-mentioned things about your man’s attraction to you, we conclude that your suspicions that he may not consent to a divorce are very well founded.

I very much doubt that people your age just throw around such decisions, so the only advice that can help you get a divorce would be to try to make an attempt to provoke a spontaneous, impulsive and at the same time angry desire of your husband to sign the cherished piece of paper. Don't forget that he is a Sagittarius and 11111 at the same time. It was by making him truly angry and depriving him of short time common sense and any other feelings you will get what you want. I wish you good luck, although this arrangement can hardly be called successful. One way or another, let everything work out in the best way for you, Flora. And you decide for yourself what advice is appropriate to the situation.

Hello again :)

I wrote here in April or somewhere around that period. I was interested in Sagittarius and Taurus, and life is such an unpredictable thing that at some point everything started spinning with Sagittarius. Yes, it got very serious, despite the fact that my Sagittarius was from another country, or rather from Holland, and we didn’t see each other that much, and then he went back to his homeland and, in fact, after that all sorts of correspondence, Skype, etc. began there. love carrots rushed. On the one hand, I am one of those who don’t really believe in long-distance relationships, but on the other hand, I know a lot of happy examples, and in fact, I myself was in such a situation a couple of years ago, and we successfully met with that person later (though we They were just from different cities, but still).

So, all this with Sagittarius lasted for about six months. Honestly, I was terribly surprised because I have never met a more romantic and sensual person. Yes, and with Sagittarius I once had not the most positive experience, it was difficult for me with them, I, like Pisces, simply couldn’t keep up with them somewhere. Sometimes I need peace, loneliness, so that they don’t touch me for a while, but here everything is just boiling, raging, try to stand it. But I have also matured and gained experience, and many things now look different and people are different. In general, it was just an idyll with Sagittarius.

But, as you noticed when you answered me then, with Sagittarius it’s a complete roller coaster, I won’t say that there were any obvious changes in attitude or feelings, but I always subtly felt these ups and downs, but knowing these Sagittarius characteristics I simply took it for granted, What can we do with them? Yes, and somewhere it spurred me on. In general, everything was fine from time to time with the so-called emotional rollercoaster :), we were going to meet, he kept thinking about how we could be together, etc. He offered all sorts of different things, and in the meantime I was getting ready and going to work in Europe for about 2 years, and if everything worked out ok then even longer, but this was delayed and I couldn’t leave and so our communication continued. and then the communication began to decline, in particular on his part, and at one wonderful moment, out of the blue, I received the message “I’ve fallen love with another girl”, which plunged me into wild shock. Out of shock, I couldn’t write anything intelligible, I wished him happiness and disappeared from his horizon. In response, I was told that he was still here for me and for communication, and at the moment (!) nothing had changed. oh those archers))

Five days passed and I wrote him condolences (for those who need to google, write to everyone, know var), he thanked him, and we had a conversation. Everything seemed to be cleared up, they explained themselves to each other, I realized that I didn’t seem to have any chances, but at the same time they persistently wrote to me several times that “I care about you and you mean so much to me, but we can’t be together and blah blah and he’s also not sure about that girl, and in general about any relationship and all that, we need to think, we need to decide the pressing issues life problems." very typical nonsense for many archers, this is just their tactics. and will place responsibility for the relationship on the partner; they are the masters. oh well. That's what they decided on. For a moment I really felt guilty and actually even said that I was ready to look for ways to solve the current situation and yes, I was wrong. although now, having soberly assessed the situation, I understand that we were both wrong. That's how things are. A month has passed, no communication of course, if you don’t take into account his likes on Facebook)) which actually doesn’t mean anything. and then out of the blue a couple of days ago I suddenly received a message that actually prompted me to write here again))

I asked how things were going, when I was getting ready to leave, how my summer was, I couldn’t calm down, I was bombarded with questions and it seemed like I was beating around the bush and didn’t ask what I wanted, although maybe I imagined it. Well, communication in the style of Sagittarius - like nothing happened)) in general, we chatted for 10 minutes and that’s all. Well, that's it. my whole story is that the archers need a holiday every day, and today it’s one thing with them, tomorrow it’s another, today you are his favorite, and tomorrow that’s it, the love is gone, it’s all your fault, I leave, and then I come again)) etc.

In short, for those who are not able to withstand this, it is better not to even get involved with them. take care of your nerves :) but nevertheless, there is something hellishly attractive about them. my story is clearly not over yet, let's see what happens next :) you can expect anything from them. p.s. The funny thing is that the circumstances have turned out that I am going to Holland next year. what a thing life is)) he doesn’t know about it, but I’d really like to see his face)). just my story, which maybe someone will be interested in :) or someone recognizes their Sagittarius, they look alike :)

I would welcome comments on the above. :) if anything, my b.b. 25/02/1994 its 01/12/1992

Anna, thank you for the feedback, as they say abroad:)) You always pay attention with great interest to stories sent from users who have already asked for advice.

Well, Sagittarius is such a Sagittarius. His “I’ve fallen love with another girl” is in the best traditions. But you are only 22 and you have already been burned by at least the second, if not the third Sagittarius in your life, as I understand it. The trend, however. It sounds like you have developed a pattern from some of your early relationship experiences that you are subconsciously drawn to this sign.

Specifically, your compatibility with Sagittarius the foreigner cannot be called deep. Emotions 70% + heartfelt friendship 80% + physical attraction at maximum along with the closeness of temperaments 3 and 4. A kind of youth relationship. Bright at first, but hazy later.

Yes, a meeting between representatives of Water and Fire is always exciting. And for the sake of these emotions, you can, at least in order to have something to remember, go to many hardships, incl. loss of nerves and time. But to do it several times in a row is already akin to a bad habit. Maybe it's time to get rid of it? After all, there are excellent options for you to be on the same Water wave with the signs of your element or to have, albeit not so hot, but strong and fruitful prospects with men from earth signs. Youth is not eternal. And it’s better to spend it on a positive experience.

Hello everyone, I'm Serge)

Unfortunately, or fortunately, I only found you on 08/18/14. My date of birth is 09/01/89.

In general, I dated a girl born on December 2, 1992. Everything was more or less normal, we dated for about 4 years. We quarreled, she left me, found herself another macho man, from whom she became pregnant,
I left him for 1.5 months. pregnancy - why? History is silent. Came back to me...

Out of the kindness of my soul and the persistence of her parents, I took and married her. But somehow everything was not like that. And when the child was born, I just generally felt sick of what was happening... We lived together with her parents. 4.5 months after the birth of the child, I left.

Well, I don’t know if this story is needed here or in general for anyone) But still)

Serge, any story is needed. Even if it’s the most fun one. The main thing is that this experience taught you and now, perhaps, will help someone else.

Now, of course, it’s pointless to give advice, but if you imagine that you would have asked 4 years ago, when you started dating, or at that difficult moment when the girl returned to you from a macho man, then both times the calculations would not be on your side.

Let's start with what brought you together and the key to this lies at the detailed level of the chakras:

Physical 70% - compatible
Emotional 59% - intersection
Intelligent 60% - intersection
Cardiac 31% - not compatible
Creative 72% - compatible
Intuitive 85% - close to maximum
Highest 59% - crossing

And so, by halves and several compatibility, as a result, as much as 63% of the total compatibility is gained, which cannot but work. And the most important thing is that already here we see this fatal “female” intuitive compatibility of 85%, which often does not allow women to forget their lovers, with whom they had to part. Yes, what can I say, and men with developed “female” levels are also susceptible to the influence of this peculiar chakra. It was she, apparently, who forced you to get back together, although there were no special prerequisites for the success of your relationship.

Everything else counts, unfortunately, against you: the earth sign Virgo and the fiery Sagittarius can interact well in business, and not for too long. And if you add your high, confident and constancy-seeking temperament 4 to your potentially problematic everyday life against the cold temperament 0 of your girl, prone to casual relationships and sudden passions, then we get a rather sad romance. Which, in fact, happened to you. Hmm, by the way, your formulation of “macho” in relation to your opponent is not accidental - it is precisely such “macho” in appearance (usually “macho”, by the way, among men these are complex temperaments 1, which has been discussed more than once) are very attractive to temperaments 1 and 0. It is worth adding that if you know only about one “macho” of your girlfriend, it does not mean that their number in reality is equal to one. A fiery Sagittarius girl with a temperament of 0 is hard to even imagine. But, I must say, the charisma and attractiveness of your ex-girlfriend (222222), coupled with a sharp mind (99), hardly left the men next to her indifferent.

Well, Serge, as a man, I still support you in your final decision to leave. Although I am surprised at such tolerance. Many would say that she literally wiped her feet on you, first leaving, then getting pregnant and returning, but we have already found the reason for this. The intuitive chakra is “above” everyday understanding.

However, you still have your whole life ahead of you and many opportunities to find a good match for yourself. Let your past relationships remain a lesson for you. Don't be discouraged, Serge, take this philosophically... and move on to finding your new half!

I'll tell you my story. Somehow, on one of the social networks, I accidentally came across the page of a girl whose photo I really liked, but unfortunately, she was there last time a very long time ago. But about a year later, I met her on other social networks.

And then an unbridled correspondence began, after which we met, went to the cinema, and walked. She then lived in another city and we did not see each other, but only corresponded. Less than six months had passed since that very first meeting, but on March 8, I ordered her a bouquet of flowers. I waited until the last moment, but then I finally confessed. Her surprise knew no bounds) at some point, I realized that I had fallen head over heels in love. And he fell in love looking into her eyes.

We corresponded for a long time and soon, I decided that I needed to do something like that to conquer her) and I did) on New Year’s Eve I made a kind of gift as a gift, if anyone remembers the film “The Oath,” I did about the same thing. She never called me, but New Year I called and congratulated her, but there was a phrase that I didn’t attach importance to at first - “I wish you great love”... After all this, I began to act more decisively and on her birthday, when she was in the city, I bought a huge bouquet of roses. I didn’t know where exactly she lived, I just calculated the time on the road. In general, I didn’t think much that day) but not because I drank, but because I was driving, running to her as if at the call of my heart... This has never happened to me, even with the one I once dated for 5 years.

I got off at the stop I needed) moreover, I found that house completely by accident! I don’t know how to explain this, I just understand now that if a man truly loves, he will move mountains) her father opened the door (I practically got to know her family during all this time, because I never found her at home and gave her gifts through parents)). Well, so, after that I asked her a specific question and wrote everything that I felt for her (perhaps I did it very quickly, unexpectedly for her) at first she said that she would think about it, but then she received an SMS saying that she couldn’t be the one I need. I started writing that I didn’t mind. So that we become just friends, that we can just meet and drink coffee somewhere. But everything went wrong... We stopped texting for about a month.

And recently she wrote to me herself and said that she didn’t even understand why she was writing to me. We started communicating, recently I couldn’t stand it again and wrote to her that I was feeling, maybe it’s fate, we need to at least try, what will come of it, and then what will happen, if we separate, we won’t lose anything. I didn’t really believe in horoscopes, but I came across this site and became interested) Here is our result:

Physical 87% - almost the same
Emotional 89% - almost the same
Intellectual 62% - overlap
Cardiac 42% - not compatible
Creative 41% - not compatible
Intuitive 93% - maximum
Higher 94% - maximum

Characters: I am the “golden mean”, she is “soft”
Family: I am “passive”, she is “spontaneous”
Temperament: I'm hot, she's warm, soft))

As you can see, we have incompatibility in love and communication. Everything is like in life... I don’t know what to do next, but I decided to achieve it at all costs. According to my horoscope, I am Sagittarius, she is Aries. Maybe someone can give me some advice on how I can be with her, despite the stars? Don’t write about Aries, I’ve already studied them inside and out) I would like specifics)

Separately, bazer1 sent the dates of birth and while I was writing, I remembered them, but then I put the letter in a separate folder and... I forgot which one. Therefore, do not be surprised by the appearance of the ages of the partners during the commentary.

Bazer1, super story! Thank you. It will go into the In-Contri gold collection. Men on our website write, as they say, rarely, but aptly.

Your fiery energy and Sagittarius courage, on the one hand, can be envied, but the fire in your heart and mind caused by the conquest of your beloved is not at all. To put it mildly, this fire made you overindulge. “How can I be with her, despite the stars”, “we are incompatible in love and communication” - how did you even deduce this from the calculation results? It’s really true: everyone sees in the calculation only what he wants to see. And now a certain amount of uncertainty, albeit understandable (tell me, who is confident when courting a girl?), subconsciously forces you to pay attention to mere trifles, despite the fact that the overall picture is very, very good.

The pair of signs Sagittarius and Aries represents the same element and they are compatible by default. As in 80% of cases in couples where there is a “senior” sign, the same superiority is duplicated either in age or in character according to Pythagoras in favor of the “senior”. IN in this case, bazer1, this is in your favor, because you are Sagittarius, who is the “Parent” for the “Child” - Aries. It turns out that in both cases you are older and have a stronger character (3 versus 2). And in terms of temperament, the situation is ideal: +1 in favor of the man. We will assume that at the level of the foundation and the distribution of roles, everything coincided in the best possible way.

A detailed analysis shows us as many as 4 maximums (about 90%) on the physical, emotional, intuitive and, which is extremely important for the future, highest levels. You can be envious a second time. Especially knowing that for experienced and wise people in relationships, sometimes one strong level is enough to live happily together. You have 4 of them! Because of them, I believe, you experienced, as you said, a “call of the heart” - a high coincidence of emotions plus intuitive plans. And this should give you a clue why the girl wrote to you again herself. Answer: for her, these same emotions and intuition are like “native” and work even better. Therefore, this compatibility is absolutely mutual, but... This already has its own nuance, which, it seems to me, lies the root of the problem facing you today.

You, as a more mature and objectively developed person, who has experience of long-term relationships, and therefore the involuntary disclosure of your emotions, intuition and, possibly, the highest chakra in them, have already been able to feel in new girl something that made the call of the heart awaken. But she, as we see, “she herself doesn’t understand why she writes.” This, however, is what many women do, which I think is no secret to you, bazer1, at almost 27 years old. After all, women feel better than they logically realize. Men are the opposite. And these common truths are brilliantly visible on the chakras.

Therefore, bazer1, in order not to mess up unnecessary things now and then wait more time for a retaliatory step on the part of the girl, or, even worse, not to scare off perhaps one of the best partners in your life, you should adjust the conquest strategy. Active searches, bouquets of roses, confessions - all this is excellent and very beautiful. And you wouldn’t be a Sagittarius if you didn’t do that. But we see that the girl clearly lacks his awareness of all these relationships due to the obvious lack of experience. In addition, you are clearly in different “weight categories”: you are almost 27 and you are a truly grown man, seasoned by life and relationships. The girl is only 22. It would seem like only 5 years. But this is not at all the same 5 years as between partners aged 30 and 35, when it is almost unnoticeable. For a girl, 22 is truly a young age. In our society, this is literally yesterday’s student, whose parents did not let her go to a night disco, while you, bazer1, have long been able to afford a lot and are a completely independent person.

This is what, I’m almost sure, scared her at the initial stage. Being courted by an interesting, brave, handsome, but still really grown-up man for her, while she spent her previous years mostly with her peers, is definitely stressful. Understand this, bazer1, cool down a little, try to simply communicate, acting in the role of “Parent” that is natural to you, and your “Child” girl will be attracted to you over time. After all, I repeat, all compatibility works mutually. It’s just that each partner understands them differently.

And problems with “incompatibility” in the intellect and heart are absolutely far-fetched. If you have a friend with high intellectual compatibility, and, as a rule, guys have such friends, then you will understand what will not happen in a relationship with a girl. Yes, and, admit it, is this really necessary in a pair of men and women? Heart compatibility is an important conditional female level in relationships, but with a maximum in emotions and intuition, its deficiency is more than compensated for.

Everything else is great. Take action! Consistently and accurately. Calculation is on your side.

Great site!

I calculated compatibility with my ex-husband and many problematic things became clear. I wish I could have done this sooner, right? Then I looked at my parents to understand if suddenly the legs of the problem person were growing from there - it coincided and it became clearer. And now I (12/12/1975) fell in love with him (04/26/1983). And damn, do you want to start solving problems? How????? Help!!!

Olga, our reader Anastasia, who sent her review almost simultaneously with yours, has an answer for you based on own experience regarding the relationship of the signs forming the pair “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit”. Only for you it is Sagittarius (you) and Taurus (the chosen one). And for her it is Aries and Virgo.

By the way, one more thing regarding your particular pair of 12/12/1975 and 04/26/1983. Here is simply a classic meeting of the “Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit”: you, the Sagittarius woman and the “Boa Constrictor”, are older and stronger in character than your beloved Taurus “Rabbit”. And he is stronger than you in temperament by 1.

And here is the answer to your question in the story from Anastasia in the second paragraph:


I came across your site in search of a question about what was going on with me and my relationship with my husband. We have known each other for more than five years, almost two of which we have been married, but from time to time I had the feeling that I was in a cage and without him it would be easier for me, he increasingly “appears” to me as an egoist.

The compatibility calculation answered my question, what’s the matter, I 08/26/1988, he 04/11/1988, the “boa constrictor and rabbit” type of relationship put everything in its place in the best possible way. Just for fun, I counted a couple of my acquaintances, their relationship had some strange at first glance similarity to mine, and it became clear, the same “boa constrictor with a rabbit”, they lived together for more than 20 years, they have two children, a “rabbit” (woman) I tried to do everything for my family, but the “boa constrictor” just didn’t care, they broke up, so the “rabbit” now says that it was like a stone had been lifted from his soul.

I’ve been familiar with calculations using the Pythagorean square since childhood, since... Mom is interested in all sorts of similar studies, it’s very interesting to know your comments on these relationships and on my square. According to him, my intellectual side is not strong, if I understand correctly, it’s funny that I unlearned the mat. class, then went to university. on the mat. fak. and now I work as a programmer, quite successfully)), but my soul requires something for itself, maybe you can tell me. P.S. I play the piano, but that’s for myself).

Olga, I hope you understand that the novel “The Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit” is fiery in nature at the beginning, but tragic at the end. And this is confirmed by all the reviews that came from our readers over the year of the project’s life. Therefore, if I were you, I would not hope for the duration of this relationship. But make them another bright page in your life - why not? With your permission, we will now answer Anastasia, now that we have dealt with the “Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit”.

So, Anastasia, your qualities according to the Pythagorean square: 111 22 3 4 66 8888 9. Hmm, you are not confident in the strength of your intellectual side and you think it’s funny that you graduated from the physics and mathematics class and now successfully work as a programmer.

I propose to compare together the squares of the most famous programmers, whose developments have made the most significant contribution to IT and our lives in general:

● Bill Gates, creator of Windows (10/28/1958): 11 2 333 4 5 7 88 9

● John Carmack, game developer (08/20/1970): 1,222 5,77 8,99

● Sergey Brin, creator of Google (08/21/1973): 111 22 33 4 77 8 99

● Larry Page, creator of Google (03/26/1970): 11 22 333 4 6 77 99

● Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook (05/14/1984): 11 2 333 44 55 77 8 9

● Pavel Durov, creator of Vkontakte (10.10.1984): 111 222 444 6 8 9

● Nikolai Durov, Pavel’s brother and the technical “brain” of the VK team (11/21/1980): 111111 22 3 5 8 99

In this series, by the way, a very interesting pair of two best friends - Brin and Page - with heart highs and highest compatibility, who created the most complex, powerful and expensive system in the world - Google. They have quite similar squares, their signs of Leo and Aries belong to the elements of Fire, between them they have five 3s, four 9s and four 7s in luck. Amazing friendship and working union.

As for you, Anastasia, it is important to understand here: the qualities that you see in the Pythagorean square are given to you from birth and undergo development throughout your life. Of course, it is easier to develop and get the effect from those things that are already given in surplus. So, for example, in the matter of inventing the first operating system, the first social network, a super-search engine was easier for those people who had powerful inclinations of invention coupled with intelligence and logic. We also see that the combination of 9 (intelligence) and 3 (cognition), 9 and 5 (logic) or 9-3-5 in one person turns out to be quite successful. It turns out that you belong to the combination of 9 and 3 in one square. But in your case, since you have studied technical disciplines for so many years and are now successfully working as a programmer, then thanks to the notorious “10,000 hours”, you have probably developed 99 in yourself. And two people helped you on a difficult and atypical technical path for a girl six of perseverance and hard work.

Trying to find something for your soul, you, Anastasia, perhaps should turn to your strongest quality 8888 and not forget about achievements achieved in programming. Your hobby is piano. Why not create a resource that will be interesting to all pianists? Or maybe some other resource or service useful to the general public? It seems to me that Pythagoras is hinting at this with his 8888 in your square. In the previous review there was already a comment about many eights. Perhaps he will give ideas for you too.

Hello, thank you for answering my question so quickly (about why there is no description for self-esteem 10 in the Pythagorean matrix).

I watched 11/28/1983, but this is not my date of birth, but a person whom I know, but not closely, he himself is a military man, with such a decisive character (11111)!
I was born on January 31, 1990. I myself have the character of 1111, but I am more of a shadow leader, and only recently have I felt this. So still an Aquarius! I feel very strongly about attacks on freedom, and I even try to fight it. And she has such a cute appearance that at first people think she’s a simpleton, but when they get to know her better... they understand that not everything is so simple :)

I would say that I really feel that there is little energy (2), and also problems with confidence and courage. Therefore, I have not yet fully revealed myself, as I thought I would in my career, in spirituality.

Sergeevna, now everything is clear. And I would also like to be happy for the young man who has definitely found himself in the military sphere.

Of course, I can imagine how much anger I cause when I answer twice to the same person, while there are already more than a thousand letters in the mail, but it seemed to me that the information you sent for the calculation would be useful for the resource as a whole.

So, first I would like to say about your Pythagorean square: 1111 2 3 4 6 8 999. Obviously, the strongest qualities are will/character and mental abilities. This also leads to strong derived qualities from 1 and 9: “five” in determination and also 7, like 11/28/1983, in the spiritual diagonal.

And in this regard, Sergeevna, I would like to say that you are probably extremely attractive to strong (111, 1111 and especially 11111) and smart men. For the reason that they see in you not only a cute appearance, but also a strength of character that matches their own, and besides this, also a developed mind, which deserves special male respect. Of course, a man like the one from your first letter, with 11111, “all other things being equal,” will be more interested in a woman with 1111 than with a weak character. And this is logical. Just like a lion should be paired with a lioness, not a mouse :)

So we are gradually approaching your pairing from November 28, 1983. I suggest first looking at this compatibility from the male side. Here we have the following data:
- he is a Sagittarius, a representative of Fire, who covets an Air sign, such as Aquarius, like you
- he has character 11111 and you have 1111
- he has an intelligence of 99 and you have 999
- he has a 5 sense of purpose and you have a 5
- he has a “spiritual vector, like Putin’s” at 7 and you too, 7

It turns out that he sees all the strongest qualities that form the basis of this man’s personality in you. This is what is the first starting point for him in his interest in you.

And the following calculation of biorhythms/chakras is already a control one:

Two strong compatibility, one of which is at its maximum - and both are “masculine”. What can I say: the purest attraction of a strong man to a woman worthy of him. Hmm, if in your place it was not a woman, but a man, and the man in question was the commander-in-chief of the army, then a man with your date of birth would make an excellent team for him. Even, probably, he would truly be his right hand in command.

However, we are not at war, and you are not a man. Therefore, despite your possible interest in this strong military man-Sagittarius and his attraction to you, I, alas, would not say that you, Sergeevna, will be fully happy in a relationship with him. No, I’m not dissuading you, but this situation is simply, one might say, classic in terms of “male” attraction. And, perhaps, somewhere you will read about how well Aquarius and Sagittarius get along, or about how two strong characters are friends, where one is still a little stronger. Perhaps even now this man is ready to carry you in his arms and really appreciates all your strong qualities, thus receiving a rather rare combination of love, understanding and respect. But all these things are not exactly what, according to the methodology proposed on the site, should form the basis of a harmonious and happy relationship between a couple.

Of course, it’s up to you to decide, Sergeevna. Maybe this intellectual connection, commonality of aspirations and strong leadership are just what you are looking for. But, if you now make it clear to this Sagittarius that he can try to “conquer” you, then keep in mind that later he will definitely not retreat or, much less, give up. Never.

A little about you personally: I think life has so far given you few reasons to fully demonstrate your 1111 character and 999 mind. Then you wouldn’t say that you lack something in terms of confidence or will. And you know, Sergeevna, there are two ways out: either you find yourself in some extraordinary situations where you are forced to demonstrate the qualities given to you 100%, and only after that you learn about their full power and then successfully apply them throughout your life. Or you, for example, start using them right tomorrow, Monday, simply by believing in yourself. You said a very important thing, that you are now managing to be a “shadow leader.” Believe me, there is no difference between a “shadow” leader and a “non-shadow” one. If you manage to be your strongest “in the shadows,” then you can do the same “in the light.” I believe in you and wish you good luck!

Good day! Your site is simply wonderful! Thanks for your hard work!

I (12/01/1985) was married to a man (02/19/1981), we were best friends. The marriage was early (I was 19 when we got married), we separated 3.5 years after marriage. It was then that I became interested in all sorts of horoscopes, trying to figure out what was wrong (after all, we were compatible according to the zodiacs, and generally got along well), because we separated somehow spontaneously. It was especially strange that we weren’t particularly worried about this, and we still communicate well. Both have new halves (mine - 05/21/1986, he - 04/19/1987). And, as your calculations show, now everything is much more harmonious with us.

Why were we attracted, especially at such an early age, if we are not compatible at all in the first three chakras? Thanks in advance.

Natasha, looking carefully at your partner’s date, everything became clear. February 19 is the border date between Aquarius and Pisces. Accordingly, since “you are compatible according to the Zodiacs,” then your partner sign was Aquarius. And for you, born without any doubt under fiery Sagittarius, an alliance with airy Aquarius promised to be crowned with success.

But the fact is that according to the dates of the signs of classical Western astrology, to which In-contri has been translated for some time now, February 19 is already considered to be in the territory of Pisces. And in this case, a lot changes in your couple. Now for you this is no longer an alliance with the airy Aquarius, but with the aquatic Pisces. And the type of relationship between the signs becomes friendly and businesslike - “Patron and Advisor.” Here is a detailed calculation of your couple with your ex-husband and your current one:

Date of birth 01.12.1985 19.02.1981 21.05.1986
Physical 41% 56%
Emotional 16% 97%
Intellectual 30% 69%
Cordial 87% 2%
Creative 90% 98%
Intuitive 71% 22%
Higher 1% 44%
Signs of the zodiac Sagittarius - Fire Pisces - Water Gemini - Air
Pythagorean square
Character 3 6 3
Family 6 3 6
Temperament 4 1 3

Sorry, this compatibility table did not fit on the phone screen, so we left it for the desktop version

Seeing full picture, it becomes easier to answer your questions:
— you and your first husband really became close because you became best friends. And friendship was facilitated by the type of relationship between your signs Sagittarius and Pisces and, of course, very high heart compatibility. To this we will add your “female” intuitive compatibility and “male” creative compatibility. As a result, we get a couple with interesting communication, with common spiritual moments and with relationships in general at a higher level than the relationships of your same peers at 19 years old. Apparently, the fact that the relationship seemed quite “adult” to you encouraged your couple to get married.

- why they broke up: in this relationship the basic chakras of emotions and intellect were not revealed, and, of course, the long-term union of the signs of Fire and Water, despite even the common spiritual vector, put pressure, perhaps even unconsciously, on the nature of both. That's why the parting was so spontaneous and easy. It was as if they had thrown off a heavy burden of this many years of not entirely harmonious intimacy. And they immediately began to look for compatibility in emotions and intellect in new partners, wanting to fill the resulting deficit from the first relationship.

What is the result: you finally meet a favorable “airy” Gemini with an emotional maximum, high intellectual compatibility and again a creative maximum (pattern from your first husband?). The character of the new partner is clearly simpler and equal to yours, family is also equal. Indeed, everything turned out quite well for you.

You probably looked at your ex-husband and know his combination: he, in turn, also found a girl with high emotional and intellectual compatibility for himself, but probably the physical side of the relationship also served as a pattern after your relationship. His girlfriend, like you, has a temperament of 4, but at the same time she also has “male” physical compatibility at the maximum. A couple of signs, by the way, are also friendly there - “Best friend and best enemy.” Therefore, I would not speak unequivocally about how favorable this union will be.

Another interesting coincidence, but no more: you and your first husband, in addition to having found partners with whom you can reveal your emotional and intellectual levels, both have general compatibility at 55%. In this case, this does not carry any subtext, but simply looks symbolic.

Finally, about your ongoing communication: at a friendly distance, everything will be fine with you and there is no point in breaking this friendship. Your relationship is destined to blossom into partnership and friendship. And who knows how you will still be useful to each other in the future. The only question is how to explain this communication to the existing halves, because fair jealousy cannot be avoided.

Thanks for such an informative answer! :) Honestly, I studied compatibility inside and out, but your comments are still more valuable :)
About Taurus. The age difference is in no way confusing, quite the opposite. But now there is one problem, we are far from each other, Taurus is creative, plays music, and somewhere you are right, despite the fact that he is strong, on the one hand, self-confident, caring, knows what he wants from life and knows how to achieve goal, at the same time soft, sensitive and sometimes too much on his own. And he also likes to be a pessimist. But if you fall into his hands, then that’s it, a death grip :)

With Sagittarius, everything looks more real because we are close :)
The person is very sociable, active, it would seem that such a person would not be romantic or too sensitive, but that was not the case. What kind of romantic can you look for, and you can’t take away the sensuality and tenderness. Frankly speaking, I was amazed by this discovery.
Yes, you are right about the change in mood. This trend has been noticed. But just as easily one falls into melancholy, one can just as easily pull one out into good mood back.
And I have never had such a coincidence in spiritual views and worldview with anyone yet.

Anna, you need to make a decision somehow :) But for some reason it seems that in your heart you are still with Sagittarius.

Hello! I have a very difficult relationship with my boyfriend. We've been breaking up and making up for over a year now. We love each other, but together it is very difficult for us, complete misunderstanding. I was born on 07/09/1992, and he was born on 11/27/91. Maybe we should put an end to it and break up? I became very attracted to another person on 06/12/81, please help me with my choice!

In-contri: Ksyusha, you have a classic example of “The Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit.” After all, your sign Cancer for Sagittarius is the 8th in a row and thus a dangerous “Boa constrictor”. For you, of course, it’s a plus that the Sagittarius guy is completely in your power. However, we see that not only the fatal attraction of your combination of signs played a role here. The key intersections in the chakras were emotions and the heart (more than 80% compatibility), and they, as you know, are a priority for a woman. So “Rabbit” was not just “prey” for you, but also pleasant entertainment. For a while. Like all melodramas, the romance between “Boa Constrictor” and “Rabbit” soon comes to an end. Fatigue, boredom, irritation, misunderstanding... But, it would seem, everything began so brightly. But, Ksyusha, there is nothing to regret. What is felt in your words is not love, but a habit (emotional + coincidence of impulsive temperaments) towards your partner. So it's time to set the record straight. This type of relationship is doomed from the very beginning.

By the way, the second handsome young man is also not your option. Firstly, there is again a mismatch of elements. Not a bad friendship though, due to the combination of Best Friend and Best Enemy signs plus intellectual overlap (there's a lot to chat about). You, of course, appeal to him due to this very intellectual and also creative compatibility - now we are talking about “male” levels. But you and him have nothing so interesting as a woman. Unless you are interested in the idealistic family nature of him. The most unpleasant thing, perhaps, is the colossal difference in temperament: 4 for you and 0 for him. So with him you will also remember your current partner more than once.

In a good way, you should take a break from the relationship, understand yourself, shake out the negative emotions of the current relationship from your head and heart in order to make room for new ones. And look for someone more harmonious just for you.

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After a hard day surrounded by constant problems, such a companion will help you take your mind off the drab everyday life. She will willingly teach you how to truly enjoy life. Of course, in order for your compatibility and the compatibility of the Sagittarius woman to allow you to be around long enough, you need to try. But the result will be worth all the effort.

A lively and interesting interlocutor, capable of turning a head or “breaking off” all the best impulses of her suitor. The Sagittarius woman is not the easiest prey for gentlemen who are drawn to her. After all, her sincerity, cheerfulness and openness become an excellent alternative to intrigue and hidden motives.

A noisy, cheerful and cheerful Sagittarius girl always attracts attention in any company. She knows how to rejoice and laugh from the heart. A friendly and sincere attitude towards everyone is devoid of falsehood and games. She is always the way she is, and to portray something that really isn’t there is beneath her dignity. She has a very active imagination, which allows her to come up with many interesting ideas and immediately bring them to life. With such a companion you will never get bored.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of our Zodiac, are not characterized by manifestations of melancholy and pessimism. And in order to become despondent or depressed, such a woman needs to endure a lot strong blows fate.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman

The main trait that the Sagittarius woman possesses is her straightforwardness. She always says what she thinks and does not think at all about the reaction to her words from others. A woman can afford such behavior because she knows exactly her worth and is well aware of her strengths and weaknesses.

Truthfulness also manifests itself in relation to oneself. Self-confidence makes Sagittarius a very strong and unbending person who can stand up for himself and his opinion. Any rumors and gossip in her direction will in no way affect her self-esteem.

To enjoy work, those born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of the Zodiac, must have the opportunity to create, search and realize themselves. She does not like control and pressure; they will interfere with her ability to complete her tasks. At the same time, it is important for her to bear social responsibility and be needed by someone. In a male team, such an employee will feel confident and will be able to keep everyone on their toes.

In her personal life, it is quite difficult for her to choose a gentleman. After all, she immediately calculates possible compatibility and does not hesitate to voice a refusal if the man is not suitable for her.

Sagittarius woman compatibility in love

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman in love with other zodiac signs is very problematic. With all the positive characteristics, it is quite difficult for ladies born under the sign of Sagittarius to find love and a life partner. Especially considering how easily they mislead their suitors.

The behavior of this seductress and coquette leads to the creation of an opinion about her availability and desire to go further. In view of her behavior, many will count, for example, on intimate intimacy. This is exactly how her suitors perceive her, but they are mistaken. A flirting Sagittarius girl is able to point out to men their superficial judgments the moment they try to “cross the line.” Anyone, even the most experienced seducer, can be plunged into severe despondency by a harsh refusal received from the object of courtship. At the right moment, Sagittarius will calmly and coldly reject the claims of a gentleman who is unable to understand the true depth of such a woman.

For this sign, lying is unacceptable, and they do not hesitate to tell the truth. Therefore, a boyfriend who is focused on testing himself for compatibility with Sagittarius needs to be prepared for the truth about himself. Such a companion will not think about male pride and will not soften the blow. It's just that the moment you make a mistake, she will directly tell you everything she thinks.

In love, the Sagittarius woman values ​​sincerity and strives for equality. She sees nothing wrong with quarreling with her lover on business and then making peace with him. Cunning and guile are not for her. She expects the same attitude from her partner.

This woman can love only for spiritual qualities, which excessive tinsel would not prevent her from considering. The Zodiac gave her this opportunity. In response to sincere feelings, the partner will receive spiritual comfort and undemandingness from her. Such a woman knows how to forgive mistakes and support when a man needs it. She is able to show how easy it is to enjoy ordinary things and can charge you with a positive mood.

Not all men are suitable for a Sagittarius woman. After all, she is so bright and multifaceted that the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with many men will be very difficult.

The most harmonious union can be created by two Sagittarius. They will see only the best in each other, and understand their partner perfectly.

With an Aries man, the Sagittarius woman will also be happy. He has thoroughness and assertiveness, which, at times, this lady lacks. He will help her realize even the most daring plans, and their similar temperament will make intimacy simply ideal.

A proud man under the sign of Leo, which is part of the Zodiac, will look down on his Sagittarius partner. But this look of his will be full of sincere admiration and admiration. He will forgive such a passionate lover a lot, even spending big money for surreal projects.

Compatibility with a Libra man is possible for a representative of the Sagittarius sign. Despite the low level of initiative, he is able to organize and implement his plans according to her plans. He can easily smooth out sharp corners and slow down on sharp turns.

A beautiful romance awaits a Sagittarius lady and a man under the sign of Aquarius. But in the end the relationship will turn to friendship, since the Zodiac instructs Aquarius to save the world.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with some men is very difficult. With some zodiac signs it may simply be impossible.

The connection between the seemingly similar partners Sagittarius and Gemini will end quickly. Mutual excessive demands will reduce compatibility in other areas to “no”. And Gemini doesn’t owe anyone anything.

Men born under the sign of Pisces will avoid Sagittarius women. Such irrepressible energy will scare them away, and according to the properties that the Zodiac has endowed them with, they prefer the concept rather than its implementation.

Scorpio men, after meeting Sagittarius, will not agree to a second role. Self-centered and narcissistic, they will not be able to pass the compatibility test with a flirt who loves to flirt.

After an affair with a Cancer man, the Sagittarius lady will probably have a bad feeling in her soul. And he seemed to be fired up by her idea, but he would not move forward to implement it.

Very rarely, a Sagittarius woman may become interested in a Capricorn man. But after a closer acquaintance, she will prefer to leave, since the world without a miracle is incomprehensible to her.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman in marriage with other signs is very ambiguous. Of course, you can marry a representative of the Sagittarius sign, which is part of the Zodiac. But whether she will agree is the question. After all main value for this woman it is freedom and the ability to do what she likes. And the bonds of marriage are a cage, even a golden one. Therefore, when making a choice between her beloved man and her freedom, she may well choose the latter.

Among the representatives of this sign there are many old maids, but they are not greatly burdened by such a fate. After all, they do not have to give up all their interests, of which Sagittarius has a lot. They do not need to miss the opportunity to travel and be tied to home or family. The energy and desire for diversity that the Sagittarius woman possesses does not allow her to enjoy family peace and comfort.

And if compatibility is important to you, then you need to give her freedom of choice and channel creative thinking into the home channel. She will make a wonderful housewife. Such a woman will pamper her family with unique and delicious dishes. She can also implement interesting design solutions in the interior and direct her imagination to other household chores.

If you need family compatibility Sagittarius woman, then don’t be surprised when she suddenly packs her bags and goes on a trip. She needs it, and it is important to respect such a need. For communication, the Sagittarius wife may prefer someone else, but she should not be jealous. She builds a family on sincerity and trust, so there is no need to disappoint her in this.

Representatives of this sign make wonderful lovers. They know how to do everything with brilliance and elegance. In the sexual sphere, the Sagittarius woman strives to experience new sensations and experiment.

Sex for women born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of the Zodiac, is a source of pleasure. Knowing the erogenous zones of the zodiac signs, in particular the Sagittarius woman, you can give her a lot of pleasure. If the partner does not have a fiery temperament and is not capable of openness, then this may be the beginning of the end of their relationship. After all, the inability to express oneself through bed and denying oneself pleasure can become a reason for stress for such women. And this will lead to Sagittarius being unhappy.

Disharmony can lead to this woman looking for another way out of the current situation. And this could be the search for sensual pleasures on the side. At the same time, all ties with a permanent partner will be severed, since she will not be able to portray something that actually does not exist.

If a Sagittarius woman’s compatibility with her partner is good, and it is supported on both sides, then such a relationship can last quite a long time.

Love is her element. The Sagittarius woman enthusiastically and enthusiastically accepts all manifestations of life, and falling in love gives a special brightness to her feelings.

According to the compatibility horoscope, a Sagittarius woman cannot take love as seriously as other women. Love is part of her life, but not its only meaning. If she finds a real comrade who shares her hobbies and loves to travel, the romance brings special joy.

For her, life is movement, and every new love is an experience that teaches something. She enjoys flirting and coquetry, and men, in turn, like her ease. When this woman finds her great love, she remains faithful to her chosen one. She is a romantic who would marry for love rather than for money or position in society. When this smart, funny, optimistic and courageous woman finally starts a family with some lucky guy, she turns out to be a wonderful wife.

Many perceive as extravagance not only her flashy manner of dressing, but also her uncomfortable habit of telling the truth straight to her face. It seems that the Sagittarius woman challenges the entire society, stepping over its unwritten laws. In fact, she is simply very truthful, and her energy and directness often do not allow her to stop in time. In the heat of conversation, Sagittarius is capable of saying the most unpleasant things to her interlocutor, knowing that she will regret it later.

It will be all the more surprising for you to learn that this bright, restless, spontaneous creature has also with a very sharp mind, capable of grasping things literally on the fly. And how could it be otherwise, because being knowledgeable in many areas strengthens her memory and sharpens her thinking.

According to the compatibility of the Sagittarius woman, despite the fact that she can solve mathematical problems in her head and knows when the dinosaurs became extinct, she is also naive in matters of life. Her optimism, responsiveness and faith in people often lead to her trust being abused, or even outright taken advantage of. All this also applies to love relationships, in which Sagittarius has a lot of grievances and disappointments.

However, even if she has a heavy stone in her soul, you can hardly guess it: the Sagittarius woman heals herself with her main medicine - optimism. In difficult times, she can look even more cheerful and carefree than usual! Pride and independence do not allow her to publicly cry into her vest.

However, for her part, the Sagittarius woman is capable of breaking many hearts. After all, although she happily goes towards a new relationship, bringing it to the stage of marriage is not at all the limit of her dreams. She is too independent, too fond of traveling and too afraid of losing her precious freedom. The thought that she will have to sit at home, raise children and sleep with one man all her life can plunge her into horror.

Therefore, if you want to propose to her, try to convince her that everything (except for the last point) will be completely different from what she fears. Let her know that you are not the kind of man who forces a woman to quit her job and stand at the stove. Share at least some of her interests with her, go hiking with her, invite friends to visit more often. Only if the Sagittarius woman is sure that even after the wedding her life will be in full swing and shaking, she will probably answer you “yes”.

In terms of compatibility in love and marriage of a Sagittarius woman, you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that Sagittarius will be a very unique housewife. She knows how to receive guests like no one else (and she can happily do this several times a week), she will be an excellent mother, but the roles of a house cleaner, dishwasher and even cook are clearly for her. If burnt eggs and holey socks are not your ultimate dream, better hire a housekeeper.

Although the Sagittarius woman is capable of turning everything in the world into a light joke, you can not doubt her strength of feelings. Remember that, despite her bright outfit and outward carefreeness, she is pure and naive like a child. She doesn't know how to be cunning, much less lie. “I love her” is worth a thousand confessions, and her cheerful smile can melt ice and people’s hearts. It's always summer where she is. What else is needed for endless happiness?

Compatibility of a Sagittarius woman - the image of a Beloved

According to the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman, the man of her dreams should be beautiful both externally and internally. Courageous appearance and intelligence are welcomed. And most importantly, this person must be unconditionally devoted to his beloved.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman with zodiac signs

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Aries man

Even the ancient sages said that “Sagittarius” is an excellent complement to “Aries”. By Compatibility between Sagittarius woman and Aries man – this couple has excellent mutual understanding. The Sagittarius woman almost always falls under the arrow of Cupid fired by the Aries man. As a rule, love in this couple flares up at first sight. These two have a lot of common interests. They are especially united by their love of travel, traveling, hiking, sports and cultural events.

This couple radiates a lot of positivity, which they generously share with everyone around them. Couple Sagittarius and Aries can safely be called strong and successful, and the marriage has every chance of being harmonious and happy. They have amazing similarities in temperament, goals and interests...

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman - Taurus man

A Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man couple is rare. Very often they are connected by a mutually beneficial settlement. But those couples of Sagittarius and Taurus who were able to build their relationship, laying love as the basis, never regret it.

In the union of Sagittarius and Taurus There is always a lot of positivity, especially at first. The lively, witty Sagittarius woman simply captivates the Taurus man, and her fearlessness and recklessness delight him. And the Sagittarius woman, although she does not want to give up her independence, is always drawn to the thorough and very practical Taurus man...

Sagittarius woman compatibility - Gemini man

When a Sagittarius woman and a Gemini man are compatible , it’s surprising, but true: just as “minus” on “minus” in some cases gives a “plus”, so the independence of the Gemini man in alliance with the pronounced independence of the Sagittarius woman can sometimes ultimately lead to quite strong and long-lasting relationship.

We can safely say that Gemini andSagittarius - found each other. These two have a striking similarity in interests and outlook on life. It is worth noting that both can be just friends or excellent lovers for a long time. They will start thinking about marriage only when it becomes necessary for some reason. The stamp in the passport does not matter for this couple. They have fun and interesting spending time with each other, but observing any traditions is not their style...

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Cancer man

According to the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Cancer man, this couple has life together many difficulties and contradictions arise. But, if these two truly fall in love with each other, then they can not only live well, but also achieve success together.

The Sagittarius woman has an inexhaustible source of energy and vitality, which attracts the Cancer man both physically and spiritually. Often in this pair there is inconsistency and dissimilarity of views and opinions, beliefs and worldviews. But they are ideal friends and partners.

Family life Sagittarius-Cancer couples will never be quiet, too different characters at these people. Due to the emotionality of the Sagittarius woman, both, as a rule, experience the whole range of complex feelings in this union, from burning jealousy, tears and resentment to love and passion. Sagittarius charming, but too frivolous...

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman - Leo man

In terms of compatibility between a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man, this union can rightfully be classified as one of the most successful, harmonious family unions. These two have similar views on life, character, and they equally like to spend time. The similarity of temperaments and characters of both partners is the real key to a happy family union. In addition, both are active, energetic, optimistic, smart and extraordinary. A couple of a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man, as a rule, have very beautiful and gifted children.

The Leo man tries to create a simple ideal conditions for life, no one understands the labyrinths of her soul as well as he, understands her aspirations, desires and needs. And he not only understands, but also tries to satisfy them. For Sagittarius such a man is the embodiment of God on earth...

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman - Virgo man

According to the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Virgo man, this family union can only be successful if both are sufficiently developed spiritually, trust each other and do not limit the personal space and freedom of their partner.

The Sagittarius woman and the Virgo man have quite a strong physical attraction. But despite this, there is a huge difference in temperament and outlook on life. In this marriage, everyone looks at the world around them only from their own bell tower. Tension in relationships begins to appear almost immediately after the wedding. The Sagittarius woman is annoyed by the daily lectures of the Virgo man about the necessity and usefulness of work, about prospects and real opportunities...

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman - Libra man

Sagittarius woman and Libra man couple - have excellent compatibility in almost all areas of life. Their family union almost always turns out to be strong and happy. If there is mutual love, then all difficulties can be easily overcome.The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man understand each other perfectly from a word or even a glance, and they don’t even pay attention to each other’s minor shortcomings.

In their relationship there is always mutual understanding, support, and complicity. A Sagittarius woman, having married a Libra man, finds a reliable shoulder and protection from any adversity, and for a Libra man, love is more valuable than all rewards Sagittarius , besides, she brings him good luck. Being next to each other, they feel completely satisfied with life...

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Scorpio man

In terms of compatibility between a Sagittarius woman and a Scorpio man, they have many similar character traits, but this union cannot be called strong, both partners are quite freedom-loving, independent and temperamental, and most often enough is required long time so that both can see and appreciate each other’s merits.

When a Sagittarius woman talks about her relationship with a Scorpio man, she says: “You never know what to expect from him.” Do you know what Scorpio men say about their life with a Sagittarius woman? Same thing! These signs can never predict each other's behavior, and this is the beauty of their relationship. A family union between a Scorpio man and a Sagittarius woman is quite common...

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman - Sagittarius man

According to the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Sagittarius man, this marriage union is distinguished by its brightness, originality, and liveliness. Their relationship will always have a lot of fun, travel, business trips, and sudden surprises. Both spouses are characterized by activity and vigorous activity. In addition, a strong physical attraction arises almost immediately between a Sagittarius woman and a Sagittarius man. They have excellent sexual compatibility and a lot of fantasies in this regard.

To both Sagittarius It's fun to spend time together, they're usually great friends and they can have great novel, which will remain in memory forever. Very often, real great love breaks out between these signs...

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman - Capricorn man

In terms of compatibility between a Sagittarius woman and a Capricorn man, this couple cannot be called strong. The only thing that can keep them together is true mutual love. She will help them overcome many difficulties on their journey together, and they will remain together, even if life tries to separate them. But, if at least one of the partners does not sincere feelings, then you shouldn’t even try to save this union.

In the union of Sagittarius and Capricorn there may be a lot of grievances and misunderstandings. The Sagittarius woman is life-loving and often has her head in the clouds, while the stubborn Capricorn man has both feet firmly on the ground. At first, this dissimilarity arouses interest, a sense of novelty and unusual sensations, but over time, this inevitably causes conflicts....

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman - Aquarius man

In terms of compatibility, a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man understand each other perfectly. Together they make a bright and original couple. Both are freedom-loving and independent, so they are in no hurry to formalize their relationship and simply live for their own pleasure.

This is one of those unions that, as one Englishman puts it, is made in heaven. There is nothing earthly about what Sagittarius and Aquarius find in each other. An intellectual and spiritual connection arises between them. This begins to be traced already at the very moment of acquaintance.

Free union Sagittarius-Aquarius It doesn’t always turn out to be durable, but it is remembered for the rest of your life. Both partners retain many vivid impressions and emotions from the time spent together...

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman - Pisces man

In terms of compatibility between a Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man, their union is quite rare, and it can rightfully be called a union of opposites. Pisces men are used to calmly going with the flow and trusting fate to solve their problems. But the Sagittarius woman is active, energetic, and in case of problems, she is accustomed to taking action, and not waiting “for weather from the sea.” Due to such different approaches to life, it is difficult for them to understand each other.

In family life, the Sagittarius woman, as a rule, tries to stir up the Pisces man, however, almost always, she achieves the exact opposite result. However, if Sagittarius truly loves her Pisces man, then she is able to appreciate his inner harmony, talent and kindness. In addition, a Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man have good sexual compatibility...