A collection of ideal social studies essays. Level of theoretical and literary knowledge

Name a literary movement that flourished in the second half of the 19th century and whose principles were embodied in Gorky’s play.

Read the text fragment below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1-C2.

“Wasteland” is a yard space littered with various rubbish and overgrown with weeds. At the back of it is a tall brick firewall. It covers the sky. Near it are elderberry bushes. To the right is a dark, log wall of some kind of outbuilding: a barn or stable. And to the left is the gray wall, covered with the remains of plaster, of the house in which the Kostylevs’ rooming house is located. It stands obliquely, so that its rear corner faces almost the middle of the vacant lot. Between it and the red wall there is a narrow passage. There are two windows in the gray wall: one is level with the ground, the other is two arshins higher and closer to the firewall. Near this wall lie a sledge with its runners up and a stump of a log, four arshins long. To the right, near the wall, there is a pile of old boards and beams. Evening, the sun sets, illuminating the firewall with a reddish light. Early spring, the snow has recently melted. Black elderberry branches are still without buds. Natasha and Nastya are sitting next to each other on a log. On the firewood are Luka and Baron. The tick lies on a pile of wood near the right wall. In the window near the ground is Bubnov’s face.

Nastya (closing his eyes and shaking his head to the beat of the words, he tells in a melodious voice). So he comes at night to the garden, to the gazebo, as we agreed... and I’ve been waiting for him for a long time and trembling with fear and grief. He, too, is trembling all over and is white as chalk, and in his hands he has a left-hander...

Natasha (gnaws seeds). Look! Apparently, what they say is true: students are desperate...

Nastya. And he says to me in a terrible voice: “My precious love...”

Bubnov. Ho-ho! Precious?

Baron. Wait! If you don’t like it, don’t listen, and don’t bother lying... Continue!

Nastya. “Beloved,” he says, “my love!” My parents, he says, do not give their consent for me to marry you... and they threaten to curse me forever for loving you. Well, I must, he says, because of this I should take my life...” And his left-hander is huge and loaded with ten bullets... “Farewell,” he says, dear friend of my heart! “I made up my mind irrevocably... I just can’t live without you.” And I answered him: “My unforgettable friend... Raoul...”

Bubnov (surprised). Wha-oh? How? Kraul?

Baron (laughs). Nastya! But... after all, last time there was Gaston!

Nastya (jumping up). Shut up... you unfortunate ones! Ah... stray dogs! Can... can you understand... love? true love? And I had it... real! (To the Baron.) You! Insignificant!.. You are an educated person... you say - while lying down drinking coffee...

Luke. And you - wait a minute! Don't interfere! Respect the person... it’s not the word that matters, but why the word is said? - that's what it's all about! Tell me, girl, nothing!

Bubnov. Color, crow, feathers... go ahead!

Natasha. Don't listen to them... what are they? They are out of envy... they have nothing to say about themselves...

Nastya (sits down again). I don't want anymore! I won’t say... If they don’t believe... if they laugh... (Suddenly, interrupting his speech, he is silent for several seconds and, closing his eyes again, continues hotly and loudly, waving his hand in time with his speech and as if listening to distant music.) And so - I answer him: “The joy of my life! You are my clear month! And it’s also completely impossible for me to live in the world without you... because I love you madly and will love you as long as my heart beats in my chest! But, I say, don’t deprive yourself of your young life... how your dear parents need it, for whom you are all their joy... Leave me! It’s better that I disappear... from longing for you, my life... I’m alone... I’m like that! Even if I... die, it doesn’t matter! I am no good... and I have nothing... there is nothing...” (She covers her face with her hands and silently cries.)

Natasha (turning away, quietly). Don't cry... don't!

Luka, smiling, strokes Nastya’s head.

M. Gorky “At the Bottom”

Indicate the genre to which M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths” belongs.


M. Gorky's play “At the Lower Depths” belongs to the drama genre. Let's give a definition.

Drama is a literary (dramatic), stage and cinematic genre. It became especially widespread in the literature of the 18th-21st centuries, gradually displacing another genre of drama - tragedy, contrasting it with predominantly everyday plots and a style closer to everyday reality.

Answer: drama.

Guest 12.02.2015 00:47

If I'm not mistaken, Drama is a type of literature, and the genre is Play

Tatiana Statsenko

Everything is correct, everything is explained correctly in the explanation.

Yulia Khudyakova 18.12.2016 22:35

Will the answer socio-philosophical drama be correct?

Tatiana Statsenko

Refer to the codifier more often: it does not have such a division.

The beginning of the fragment is a detailed author's description, recreating the setting in which the action takes place. What are the names of such remarks or explanations by the author that characterize what is happening on stage or comment on the actions of the characters?


Such remarks or explanations by the author are called remarks. Let's give a definition.

A remark is an indication by the author in the text of a dramatic work of the behavior of the characters: their gestures, facial expressions, intonation, type of speech and pauses, the setting of the action, the semantic emphasis of certain statements.

Natasha (gnaws seeds). Look! Apparently, it is true what they say that students are desperate...

Answer: remark.

Answer: remark|remarks

In the given fragment, the development of action occurs due to the alternation of the actors’ remarks. Indicate the term that denotes this form of artistic speech.


This form of communication is called dialogue. Let's give a definition.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more persons in a work of fiction. In a dramatic work, the dialogue of the characters is one of the main artistic means for creating an image and character.

Answer: dialogue.

Answer: dialogue|polylogue

In this scene, Nastya’s “dreams” are contrasted with the setting in which her story is heard. What is the name of a technique based on a sharp contrast of objects or phenomena?


This technique is called antithesis. Let's give a definition.

Antithesis is a stylistic device based on a sharp opposition of concepts and images, most often based on the use of antonyms.

A wasteland is a courtyard littered with various rubbish and overgrown with weeds. “...” And to the left is the gray wall covered with the remains of plaster of the house in which the Kostylevs’ lodging house is located. “...” To the right, near the wall, there is a pile of old boards and beams.

And so I answer him: “The joy of my life! You are my clear month! And it’s also completely impossible for me to live in the world without you... because I love you madly and will love you as long as my heart beats in my chest! But, I say, don’t deprive yourself of your young life... how your dear parents, for whom you are all their joy, need it... Leave me! It’s better that I disappear... from longing for you, my life... I am alone... I am like that! Even if I... die, it doesn’t matter! I am no good for anything... and I have nothing... there is nothing...”

The wretched situation is contrasted with Nastya’s gentle story.

Answer: antithesis or contrast.

Answer: antithesis|contrast

lidana dronenko 08.12.2016 18:57

Why is antithesis, and not contrast, essentially the same thing???

Tatiana Statsenko

Correct, the answer has been added.

What is the name of a significant detail that is a means of expressing the author’s attitude towards what is depicted (for example, the seeds that Natasha gnaws while listening to Nastya’s story)?


Such detail is called a detail or artistic detail. Let's give a definition.

An artistic detail is a particularly significant, highlighted element of an artistic image, an expressive detail in a work that carries a significant semantic, ideological and emotional load.

Answer: detail.

Answer: detail|artistic detail|artistic detail

Kristina Vozdushnaya 11.05.2016 14:53

Hello. If I write "Artistic detail" instead of "detail", will it be an error?

Tatiana Statsenko

Daria Kolyukaeva 25.09.2016 13:54

Hello, forgive me, but I'm a little confused.

Isn't it called a remark? significant detail with an expression author's attitude?

Tatiana Statsenko

Essentially you are right. A remark can be called a compositional technique that includes the removal of the writer from storyline. This detachment has a literal or indirect relationship to the depicted phenomena and heroes. But if you carefully study the Unified State Examination codifier in literature, you and I will not find in it such an element of content as a remark, but there is a detail. I advise you to contact the codifier more often - this will help resolve some controversial issues.

The characters’ remarks, their reactions to what is happening convey the internal state of the characters, their mental movements. What is the name of the depiction of a person’s inner life in a work of art? Explanation.

Gorky masterfully reveals the main conflict of the play, showing the attitude of the inhabitants of the shelter to Nastya's story. The main question facing the author: “Truth or compassion?” appears before us from different sides, revealing the thoughts of each character. Luka notices compassion in Nastya, the desire to fulfill her dream, and although he understands that much of the girl’s story is fiction, he still continues to support her. The Baron feels sorry for Nastya, considering her stupid, but very kind, which indicates his neutral attitude towards the issue of the importance of the truth. And, of course, Bubnov’s opinion is extremely interesting: he mocks the girl, since any lie is disgusting to him. Only Satin believes that any pity humiliates a person, because with it there is always contempt, worse than which nothing can be.

Which works of Russian classics depict “bookish” heroines and in what ways can they be compared with Gorky’s Nastya?


##“Book heroines” is a tradition of sentimentalism. Girls with sublime feelings, with a vulnerable soul, brought up on romance novels and firmly believing in extraordinary, “unearthly” love - this is Liza Karamzina (“Poor Liza”), this is Nastya Gorky (“At the Depths”), this is to some extent and Pushkin's Tatiana.


The principles of realism were embodied in Gorky's play. Let's give a definition.

Realism is a truthful depiction of reality. In any work of fine literature we distinguish two necessary elements: objective - the reproduction of phenomena given in addition to the artist, and subjective - something put into the work by the artist on his own. Focusing on a comparative assessment of these two elements, the theory in different eras attaches greater importance to one or the other of them (in connection with the course of development of art and other circumstances). Hence there are two opposing directions in theory; one - realism - sets before art the task of faithfully reproducing reality; the other - idealism - sees the purpose of art in “replenishing reality”, in the creation of new forms. Moreover, the starting point is not so much the available facts as ideal ideas.

Answer: realism.

Answer: Realism

Lyrical digressions

related to the plot not directly related to the plot
Functions: - transition from one narrative plan to another; - suspension of action before climaxes(before Tatiana’s explanation with Evgeniy, Tatiana’s dream, the duel); - appeal to the reader, connection between the lyrical and epic narrative plans
May consist of one line (“ Like Delvig drunk at a feast"), from several stanzas (farewell to the reader)
Topics: about friendship, women, youth, irony over envy and mental laziness, debates about literary language etc.
By using lyrical digressions the Central Russian landscape is introduced: “sorceress” winter, “flashed” summer, autumn - “a rather boring time”, spring - a sad time of love. Pushkin the realist paints pictures of nature that play an important compositional role, simply, without traditional metaphors and epithets
I That year, the autumn weather Stood for a long time in the yard, Waiting for winter, waiting for nature. Snow fell only in January on the third night. Waking up early, Tatyana saw through the window the whitened courtyard in the morning, Curtains, roofs and a fence, Light patterns on the glass, Trees in winter silver, Forty merry ones in the yard And the softly covered mountains of Winter with a brilliant carpet. Everything is bright, everything is white all around. II Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant, renews the path on the wood; His horse, sensing the snow, trudges along somehow; Exploding the fluffy reins, the daring carriage flies; The coachman sits on the beam wearing a sheepskin coat and a red sash. Here is a yard boy running, having planted a bug in a sled, transforming himself into a horse; The naughty man has already frozen his finger: He is both in pain and funny, And his mother is threatening him through the window... III But maybe this kind of Pictures will not attract you: All this is low nature; There's not much that's elegant here. Warmed by God's inspiration, Another poet, in a luxurious style, Painted for us the first snow And all the shades of winter bliss; (27) He will captivate you, I’m sure of it, Drawing in fiery verse Secret walks in a sleigh; But I don’t intend to fight, neither with him for now, nor with you, young Finnish singer! (28) IV Tatyana (Russian in soul, Without knowing why) With her cold beauty I loved the Russian winter, in the sunshine on a frosty day, and the sleigh, and the late dawn, the glow of pink snow, and the darkness of Epiphany evenings. In the old days, these evenings were celebrated in their house: Maids from all over the yard wondered about their young ladies And they were promised every year Military husbands and a campaign.

A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”

B2. Name a literary movement that flourished in the second half of the 19th century and whose principles were reflected in Eugene Onegin.

B3. The text of “Eugene Onegin” is divided into 14-line numbered stanzas that have a similar rhythmic structure. What name did this stanza get?

Q4. The first stanza gives a description of winter nature. What is this description called? work of art?

B6. Indicate the surname of the heroine mentioned in the above fragment.

B7. In what size was Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” written?

C2. What works of Russian writers depict pictures of Russian nature? What brings these works closer to the corresponding pages of Eugene Onegin?

B1. Novel in verse

B2. Realism

B3. Oneginskaya

Q4. Scenery

B5. Epithets

B6. Larina

But Lensky, without having of course
There is no desire to marry,
With Onegin I wished cordially
Let's make the acquaintance shorter.
They got along. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.
First by mutual difference
They were boring to each other;
Then I liked it; Then
We came together every day on horseback,
And soon they became inseparable.
So people (I am the first to repent)
There's nothing to do, friends.

But there is no friendship between us either.
Having destroyed all prejudices,
We respect everyone as zeros,
And in units - yourself.
We all look at Napoleons;
There are millions of two-legged creatures
For us there is one weapon;
We feel wild and funny.
Evgeniy was more tolerable than many;
Although he certainly knew people
And in general he despised them, -
But (there are no rules without exceptions)
He distinguished others very much
And I respected someone else’s feelings.

He listened to Lensky with a smile.
The poet's passionate conversation,
And the mind, still unsteady in judgment,
And an eternally inspired gaze, -
Everything was new to Onegin;
He's a cooling word
I tried to keep it in my mouth
And I thought: it’s stupid to bother me
His momentary bliss;
And without me the time will come;
Let him live for now
Let the world believe in perfection;
Forgive the fever youth
And youthful heat and youthful delirium.

Everything gave rise to disputes between them
And it led me to think:
Tribes of past treaties,
The fruits of science, good and evil,
And age-old prejudices,
And the grave secrets are fatal,
Fate and life in their turn,
Everything was subject to their judgment.
The poet in the heat of his judgments
I read, having forgotten myself, meanwhile
Excerpts from northern poems,
And indulgent Evgeniy,
Although I didn’t understand them much,
He listened diligently to the young man.

(A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin".)

B1. Name the heroine, because of whom the friendship between Onegin and Lensky developed so tragically.

VZ. The presented fragment is divided into parts entitled with Roman numerals. What is this combination of several verses united by a common thought called?

B4. The episode presented for analysis is based on a story about the friendship between Onegin and Lensky. What is the name of a group of interconnected and consistently developing life events composing the content epic work?

B5. What term denotes a sharp contrast between subject and phenomena in a work of art:
They got along. Wave and flame.
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.

B6. Indicate the name of the stylistic figure, the turns of poetic speech used by the author to emphasize Lensky’s youth:
Forgive the fever young years
AND young fever and young rave.

B7. In what size is “Eugene Onegin” written?

C1. Can the relationship between Onegin and Lensky be called genuine friendship? (Justify your answer.)

C2. In which works of Russian literature does the theme of friendship sound and in what ways can these works be compared with Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”?

B2 novel in verse

B5 antithesis

"Now get together."

In cold blood,

Not yet aiming, two enemies

With a firm gait, quietly, evenly

Walked four steps

Four mortal stages.

His pistol then Evgeniy,

Without ceasing to advance,

He was the first to quietly raise it.

Here are five more steps taken,

And Lensky, squinting his left eye,

Onegin fired... They struck

Time clock: poet

Silently drops the pistol,

Quietly puts his hand on his chest

And falls. Misty Eyes

Depicts death, not agony.

So slowly along the slope of the mountains,

Sparkling in the sun,

A block of snow falls.

Doused with instant cold,

Onegin hurries to the young man,

He's no longer there. Young singer

Found an untimely end!

The storm has blown, the color is beautiful

Withered at dawn,

The fire on the altar has gone out!..

Nicely cheeky epigram

Enrage a mistaken enemy;

It's nice to see how stubborn he is

Bowing my eager horns,

Involuntarily looks in the mirror

And he is ashamed to recognize himself;

It’s more pleasant if he, friends,

Howl foolishly: it’s me!

It's even more pleasant in silence

Prepare an honest coffin for him

And quietly aim at the pale forehead

At a noble distance;

But send him to his fathers

It will hardly be pleasant for you.

(A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”)

B1. What genre definition did the Author of “Eugene Onegin” give to his work?

B2. Name the character in the work who owns the first remark in stanza XXX?

B3. In which episode of the work was Lensky's death already predicted?

Q4. In accordance with the style of what lyrical genre is the description of Lensky’s death (the end of stanza XXXI) given?

B5. What element of the composition is stanza XXXIII?

B6. Emphasizing the psychological tension that accompanies the rapprochement of opponents, A.S. Pushkin also defines the “four steps” separating them as “four mortal steps.” Specify a remedy artistic expression, which is used by A.S. Pushkin in the highlighted phrase.

C1. Why does victory in a duel lead Onegin to despair?

B1. Novel in verse

B2. Zaretsky

B3. Tatiana's dream

Q4. Elegy

B5. Lyrical digression

B6. Metaphor


A) Why is the depiction of the duel so great place Does A. SPushkin devote himself to lyrical reflections on friendship and enmity?

B) In the above fragment, in relation to recent friends, A.S. Pushkin uses the phrase “two enemies.” Why was it impossible to reconcile Onegin and Lensky?


A) In what works of Russian literature does the theme of a duel receive parodic and ironic coverage? Indicate what brings them together with Pushkin’s depiction of a duel and what the differences are.

B) In what works of Russian literature does a duel occur in violation of the rules of the dueling code? What are the similarities and differences in the depiction of such fights with Pushkin’s interpretation of the theme?

The pistols were already flashing.

The hammer rattles on the ramrod.

Bullets go into the faceted barrel,

And the trigger clicked for the first time.

Here is gunpowder in a grayish stream

It spills onto the shelf. jagged,

Securely screwed flint

Still cocked. For the nearby stump

Guillo becomes embarrassed,

Cloaks are thrown by two enemies.

Zaretsky thirty-two steps

Measured with excellent accuracy,

He took his friends as far as he could,

And everyone took their gun

"Now get together."

In cold blood,

Not yet aiming, two enemies

With a firm gait, quietly, evenly

Walked four steps

Four mortal stages.

His pistol then Evgeniy,

Without ceasing to advance,

He was the first to quietly raise it.

Here are five more steps taken,

And Lensky, squinting his left eye,

I also began to aim - but just

Onegin fired... They struck

Time clock: poet

Silently drops the pistol,

Quietly puts his hand on his chest

And falls. Misty Eyes

Depicts death, not agony.

So slowly along the slope of the mountains,

Sparkling in the sun,

A block of snow falls.

Doused with instant cold,

Onegin hurries to the young man,

He looks and calls him... in vain:

He's no longer there. Young singer

Found an untimely end!

The storm has blown, the color is beautiful

Withered at dawn,

The fire on the altar has gone out!..

B1. What is the name of the plot element presented in this fragment, which is based on the moment of the highest tension of the action, the utmost aggravation of contradictions?

B2. Name the heroine, because of whom the duel between Lensky and Onegin took place.

B3. Name the literary movement, the features of which were embodied in “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin.

B5. The presented fragment is divided into parts entitled in Roman numerals - XXIX, XXX, XXXI. What is the name of such a combination of several verses, united by a common thought and representing a rhythmic and syntactic whole?

B6. Indicate what term they use to denote stylistic device, consisting of the same beginning of each line (“ Four crossed a step,// Four mortal steps"

« Became raise the first one quietly...// Became also to aim - but just...").

B7. What is the name of the stylistic device based on the repetition of consonant sounds (“G r emits about shompo l mo l outflow//in g r anonymized l leave poo l And…")?

C1. What role did this duel play in the fate of Onegin?

C2. Which works of Russian classics contain scenes of duels and how do these episodes relate to the content of the presented fragment from Eugene Onegin?

B1. Climax

B3. Realism

Q4. Novel in verse

B5. Stanza

B6. Anaphora

B7. Alliteration

The village where Evgeniy was bored,

There was a lovely corner;

There's a friend of innocent pleasures

I could bless the sky.

The master's house is secluded,

Protected from the winds by a mountain,

He stood over the river. In the distance

Before him they dazzled and bloomed

Golden meadows and fields,

Villages flashed by; here and there

The herds roamed the meadows,

And the canopy expanded thick

Huge, neglected garden,

Shelter of brooding dryads.

The venerable castle was built

How castles should be built:

Extremely durable and calm

In the taste of smart antiquity.

There are lofty chambers everywhere,

There is damask wallpaper in the living room,

Portraits of kings on the walls,

And stoves with colorful tiles.

All this is now dilapidated,

I don’t really know why;

Yes, however, my friend

There was very little need for that,

Then he yawned

Among fashionable and ancient halls.

He settled in that peace,

Where is the village old-timer?

For about forty years he was quarreling with the housekeeper,

I looked out the window and squashed flies.

Everything was simple: the floor was oak,

Two wardrobes, a table, a down sofa,

Not a speck of ink anywhere.

Onegin opened the cabinets;

In one I found an expense notebook,

In another there is a whole line of liqueurs,

Jugs of apple water

And the calendar for the eighth year:

An old man with a lot to do,

I didn’t look at other books.

Alone among his possessions,

Just so spend time,

Our Evgeniy first conceived

Establish a new order.

In his wilderness the desert sage,

He is the yoke of the ancient corvée

I replaced it with easy quitrent;

And the slave blessed fate.

But in his corner he sulked,

Seeing this as terrible harm,

His calculating neighbor;

That he is a most dangerous weirdo.

At first everyone went to him;

But since from the back porch

Usually served

He wants a Don stallion,

Only along high road

Their household noises will be heard, -

Offended by such an act,

Everyone ended their friendship with him.

“Our neighbor is ignorant; crazy;

He is a pharmacist; he drinks one

A glass of red wine;

He doesn't suit ladies' arms;

Everything is yes and no; won't say yes

Or not, sir." Such was the general voice.

To my village at the same time

The new landowner galloped up

And equally strict analysis

In the neighborhood the occasion was given by:

By name Vladimir Lenskoy,

With a soul straight from Göttingen,

Handsome man, in full color years,

Kant's admirer and poet.

He's from foggy Germany

He brought the fruits of learning:

Freedom-loving dreams

The spirit is ardent and rather strange,

Always an enthusiastic speech

And shoulder-length black curls.

(A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”)

B1. Specify the genre of the work.

B2. What stage of action development does this fragment represent?

B3. Where did the hero come to the village from?

Q4. What is the name in literary criticism for the hidden ridicule that Pushkin resorts to:

“...a village old-timer // For about forty years, he was quarreling with the housekeeper, // He was looking out the window and squashing flies...”?

B5. What is the name of the significant detail used in the description of the interior of Uncle Onegin’s house: “Not a speck of ink anywhere”?

B6. Indicate the name of the visual means used by Pushkin when creating the image of Lensky in stanza VI:

He's from foggy Germany

He brought the fruits of learning:

Freedom-loving dreams

Spirit ardent and quite strange,

Always enthusiastic speech

And shoulder-length black curls.

Q7. Onegin “bored”, “yawned” - Lensky has “an ardent spirit”, “always enthusiastic speech”.

What is the name of this figurative and compositional device?

C2. Why is Pushkin interested in the fate of a young nobleman and in what other works

Is Pushkin's hero a nobleman in fashion?

But it's getting close. In front of them

Already white-stone Moscow

Like heat, golden crosses

Ancient chapters are burning.

Ah, brothers! how pleased I was

When churches and bell towers

Gardens, palace semicircle

Suddenly opened up before me!

How often in sorrowful separation,

In my wandering destiny,

Moscow, I was thinking about you!

Moscow... so much in this sound

For the Russian heart it has merged!

How much resonated with him!

Here, surrounded by his oak grove,

Petrovsky Castle. He's gloomy

He is proud of his recent glory.

Napoleon waited in vain

Intoxicated with the last happiness,

Moscow kneeling

With the keys of the old Kremlin:

No, my Moscow did not go

To him with a guilty head.

Not a holiday, not a receiving gift,

She was preparing a fire

To the impatient hero.

From now on, immersed in thought,

He looked at the menacing flame.

Farewell, witness of fallen glory,

Petrovsky Castle. Well! don't stand,

Let's go! Already the pillars of the outpost

Turning white: now along Tverskaya

The cart rushes over potholes.

Women flash past the booths,

Boys, benches, lanterns,

Palaces, gardens, monasteries,

Bukharians, sleighs, vegetable gardens,

Merchants, shacks, men,

Boulevards, towers, Cossacks,

Pharmacies, fashion stores,

Balconies, lions on the gates

And flocks of jackdaws on crosses.

On this weary walk

An hour or two passes, and then

At Kharitonya's alley

Cart in front of the house at the gate


(A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”)

B1. Name the literary movement, which is based on an objective reflection of reality and the principles of which are embodied in “Eugene Onegin”.

B2. Indicate the genre to which Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” belongs.

B3. Name the technique of figurative correlation of objects and phenomena used by the author in the terms: “Like heat, with golden crosses // Ancient chapters are burning.”

Q4. What is the name of the digression from the main plot in which the author reveals his thoughts and feelings?

B5. In the initial stanza of the proposed fragment there are many emotional exclamations and appeals that do not require a response. What are they called?

B6. What is the name of the figurative definition that serves as a means of artistic representation (“ancient chapters”; “formidable flame”)?

B7. What is the name of the stanza used by the author in this work?

C2. In which works Russian classics the image of Moscow was created and how are these works similar to the proposed fragment of “Eugene Onegin”?

B1. Realism

B2. Novel in verse

B3. Comparison

Q4. Lyrical

B5. Rhetorical

B6. Epithet

B7. Onegin stanza

Demo version (IV)

(answers at the end of the test)

Read the passage and answer the questions after the text.

Lopakhin. I want to tell you something very pleasant and cheerful. (Looking at his watch.) I’m leaving now, there’s no time to talk... well, I’ll say it in two or three words. You already know cherry orchard yours is being sold for debts, an auction is scheduled for the twenty-second of August, but don’t worry, my dear, sleep well, there is a way out... Here is my project. Please pay attention! Your estate is located only twenty miles from the city, near the railway, and if the cherry orchard and the land along the river are divided into dacha plots and then rented out as dachas, then you will have at least twenty-five thousand a year in income.
Gaev. Sorry, what nonsense!
Lyubov Andreevna. I don’t quite understand you, Ermolai Alekseich.
Lopakhin. You will take the least from the summer residents, twenty-five rubles a year per tithe, and if you announce it now, then, I guarantee anything, you will not have a single free scrap left until the fall, everything will be taken away. In a word, congratulations, you are saved. The location is wonderful, the river is deep. Only, of course, we need to clean it up, clean it up... for example, say, demolish all the old buildings, this house, which is no longer good for anything, cut down the old cherry orchard...
Lyubov Andreevna. Cut it down? My dear, forgive me, you don’t understand anything. If there is anything interesting, even wonderful, in the entire province, it is only our cherry orchard.
Lopakhin. The only remarkable thing about this garden is that it is very large. Cherries are born once every two years, and there’s nowhere to put them, no one buys them.
Gaev. And in " Encyclopedic Dictionary"This garden is mentioned.
Lopakhin (looking at his watch). If we don’t come up with anything and come to nothing, then on August 22 both the cherry orchard and the entire estate will be sold at auction. Make up your mind! There is no other way, I swear to you. No and no.
Firs. In the old days, about forty to fifty years ago, cherries were dried, soaked, pickled, jam was made, and it used to be...
Gaev. Shut up, Firs.
Firs. And it used to be that dried cherries were sent by cartload to Moscow and Kharkov. There was money! And dried cherries then were soft, juicy, sweet, fragrant... They knew the method then...
Lyubov Andreevna. Where is this method now?
Firs. Forgot. Nobody remembers.
Pishchik (to Lyubov Andreevna). What's in Paris? How? Did you eat frogs?
Lyubov Andreevna. Ate crocodiles.
Pishchik. Just think...
Lopakhin. Until now, there were only gentlemen and peasants in the village, but now there are also summer residents. All cities, even the smallest ones, are now surrounded by dachas. And we can say that in twenty years the summer resident will multiply to an extraordinary extent. Now he only drinks tea on the balcony, but it may happen that on his one tithe he will start farming, and then your cherry orchard will become happy, rich, luxurious...
Gaev (indignant). What nonsense!

(A.P. Chekhov, “The Cherry Orchard”)

1. Name a literary movement that flourished in the second half of the 19th century and whose principles were reflected in the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard".

3. The above scene conveys the conversation between the characters. What term refers to this form of communication between characters in a work of fiction?

4. Indicate the surname of a character who is not internally connected to the problem discussed by the characters and causes the corresponding reaction from Lyubov Andreevna.

5. What is the name of a significant detail that serves as a means of characterizing a character (for example, the watch that Lopakhin repeatedly glances at)?

7. At the heart of the dispute over the fate of the estate and the garden is an acute clash of positions, which predetermines the ending of the play. Indicate the term that denotes such a contradiction that moves the plot towards a resolution.

8. Name the technique of animating an inanimate object used by F.I. Tyutchev in the above poem (“... midday breathes...”).

The river rolls lazily;
And in the fiery and pure firmament
The clouds are lazily melting.

And all nature, like fog,
A hot drowsiness envelops;
And now the great Pan himself
In the cave the nymphs are sleeping peacefully.
(F.I. Tyutchev, late 1820s)

9. What means of artistic expression does the author resort to in the lines: “And all nature, like fog, // A hot slumber envelops”?

10. What term refers to the repetition of the initial parts of lines in a poem:

The hazy afternoon breathes lazily;
The river rolls lazily...?

11. What are the names of figurative definitions that serve expressively? visual means(“hazy afternoon”, “hot nap”)?

12. Determine the meter in which the poem “Noon” is written (without indicating the number of feet).

Question no.


Question no.





Pischik or Simeonov-Pishchik

anaphora or unity of command

The examination paper on literature consists of 3 parts. It takes 4 hours (240 minutes) to complete. We recommend dividing the time for completing the work as follows: for parts 1, 2 - no more than 2 hours, for part 3 - 2 hours.

Parts 1 and 2 include analysis literary text: fragment of epic, lyric epic or dramatic work, and also lyrical work. Carefully read each of the proposed texts and sequentially complete a series of tasks aimed at identifying the features of the content and form of the works in question, as well as their connections with the works of other authors.

  • Analysis of the text of an epic (or dramatic) work has the following structure: 7 tasks with a short answer (B), requiring writing a word or combination of words, and 2 tasks with a detailed answer (C1-C2), requiring writing an answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences.

  • The analysis of a lyric work includes 5 tasks with a short answer (B) and 2 tasks with a detailed answer (C3-C4) in the amount of 5-10 sentences. When completing tasks C1-C4, try to formulate a direct answer to the question posed, avoiding lengthy introductions and characteristics.

To save time when completing short answer tasks, skip those that cause you difficulty: you can return to them after completing all the work, if there is time.

  • When starting to complete the task of Part 3, choose one of the three proposed problematic questions and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer to it in the essay genre (at least 200 words).

For each correct answer, depending on the difficulty level of the task, you can receive one or more points. The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and gain greatest number points.


Read the text fragment below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1-C2.

Lopakhin. I want to tell you something very pleasant and cheerful. (Looking at his watch.) I’m leaving now, there’s no time to talk... well, I’ll say it in two or three words. You already know that your cherry orchard is being sold for debts, an auction is scheduled for August twenty-second, but don’t worry, my dear, sleep well, there is a way out... Here is my project. Please pay attention! Your estate is located only twenty miles from the city, there is a railroad nearby, and if the cherry orchard and the land along the river are divided into summer cottages and then rented out as summer cottages, then you will have at least twenty-five thousand a year in income.

Gaev. Sorry, what nonsense!

Lyubov Andreevna. I don’t quite understand you, Ermolai Alekseich.

Lopakhin. You will take the least from the summer residents, twenty-five rubles a year for a tithe, and if you announce it now, then, I guarantee anything, you will not have a single free scrap left until the fall, everything will be taken away. In a word, congratulations, you are saved. The location is wonderful, the river is deep. Only, of course, we need to clean it up, clean it up... for example, say, demolish all the old buildings, this house, which is no longer good for anything, cut down the old cherry orchard...

Lyubov Andreevna. Cut it down? My dear, forgive me, you don’t understand anything. If there is anything interesting, even wonderful, in the entire province, it is only our cherry orchard.

Lopakhin. The only remarkable thing about this garden is that it is very large. Cherries are born once every two years, and there’s nowhere to put them, no one buys them.

Gaev. And the Encyclopedic Dictionary mentions this garden.

Lopakhin (looking at the clock). If we don’t come up with anything and come to nothing, then on August 22 both the cherry orchard and the entire estate will be sold at auction. Make up your mind! There is no other way, I swear to you. No and no.

Firs. In the old days, about forty to fifty years ago, cherries were dried, soaked, pickled, jam was made, and it used to be...

Gaev. Shut up, Firs.

Firs. And it used to be that dried cherries were sent by cartload to Moscow and Kharkov. There was money! And dried cherries then were soft, juicy, sweet, fragrant... They knew the method then...

Lyubov Andreevna. Where is this method now?

Firs. Forgot. Nobody remembers.

Pischik (Lyubov Andreevna). What's in Paris? How? Did you eat frogs?

Lyubov Andreevna. Ate crocodiles.

Pishchik. Just think...

Lopakhin. Until now, there were only gentlemen and peasants in the village, but now there are also summer residents. All cities, even the smallest ones, are now surrounded by dachas. And we can say that in twenty years the summer resident will multiply to an extraordinary extent. Now he only drinks tea on the balcony, but it may happen that on his one tithe he will start farming, and then your cherry orchard will become happy, rich, luxurious...

Gaev(V indignant). What nonsense!

(A.P. Chekhov, “The Cherry Orchard”)

The answer to tasks B1-B7 is a word or phrase. Enter the answers first into the text of the work, and then transfer them to answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell, without spaces or any additional characters. Write each letter in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Q1 Name the literary movement that flourished in the second half of the 19th century and whose principles were reflected in the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard".

B3 The above scene conveys the conversation between the characters. What term refers to this form of communication between characters in a work of fiction?


Q4 Indicate the surname of the character who is not internally connected to the problem discussed by the characters and causes the corresponding reaction from Lyubov Andreevna.


Q5 What is the name of a significant detail that serves as a means of characterizing a character (for example, the watch that Lopakhin repeatedly looks at)?


Q6 What term denotes the author's comments and explanations during the action of the play (Gaev (indignant), etc.)?


Q7 At the heart of the dispute about the fate of the estate and the garden is a clash of positions and opinions. Indicate the term for such a clash that lies at the heart of the plot.


To complete tasks C1 and C2, use answer form No. 2. First write down the task number, and then give a coherent answer to the question in 5-10 sentences. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

S1 What explains the negative reaction of Ranevskaya and Gaev to Lopakhin’s project to save the estate?

C2 In which works of Russian classics the basis of the plot is the clash of representatives of different eras, and in what ways can these works be compared with “The Cherry Orchard”? (Give 2-3 examples indicating the authors.)


Read the poem below and complete tasks B8-B12; SZ-S4.

The hazy afternoon breathes lazily;
The river rolls lazily;
And in the fiery and pure firmament
The clouds are lazily melting.

And all nature, like fog,
A hot drowsiness envelops;
And now the great Pan himself
In the cave the nymphs are sleeping peacefully.

(F.I. Tyutchev, late 1820s.)

The answer to tasks B8-B12 is a word or phrase. Enter the answers first into the text of the work, and then transfer them to answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell, without spaces or any additional characters. Write each letter in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Q8 Name the technique of animating an inanimate object used by F.I. Tyutchev in the above poem (“... midday breathes...”).


Q9 What means of artistic expression does the author resort to in the lines: “And all of nature, like fog, // A hot drowsiness embraces”?


Q10 What term refers to the repetition of the initial parts of lines in a poem:

The hazy afternoon lazily breathes;
The river rolls lazily...?


Q11 What are the names of figurative definitions that serve as an expressive and figurative means (“hazy afternoon”, “hot nap”)?

Answer: _________________

B12 Determine the meter in which the poem “Noon” is written (without indicating the number of feet).


To complete tasks S3 and C4, use answer form No. 2. First write down the task number, and then give a coherent answer to the question in 5-10 sentences. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

C3 How is the poet’s idea about the animation of nature expressed in the poem “Noon”?

C4 Which of the Russian poets reflected the richness of the natural world and what is F.P.’s poem about? Tyutchev's "Noon" is in tune with the works of these poets? (Give 2-3 examples.)


To complete the task of part 3, use answer form No. 2. Choose only ONE of the tasks given below (C5.1, C5.2, C5.3). Write down the number of the task you have chosen on the answer form. Give a complete, detailed answer to the problematic question (in at least 200 words), using the necessary theoretical and literary knowledge, based on literary works, the author’s position and, if possible, revealing his own vision of the problem. Write down your answer clearly and legibly.

S5.1 What is the place and significance of the image of Savelich in the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter"?

C5.2 What role did investigator Porfiry Petrovich play in the fate of Rodion Raskolnikov? (Based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment.”)

C5.3 What is the complexity and drama of the inner world of the lyrical heroine M.I. Tsvetaeva?

Evaluation system for examination work in literature

For the correct answer to tasks B1-B12, 1 point is given, for an incorrect answer or no answer - 0 points.

Answers to tasks B1-B12

Job No.






anaphora<или>unity of command


Attention! When assigning points for completing an assignment in the “Protocol for checking answers to assignments” of form No. 2, you should keep in mind that if no answer(there are no records indicating that the examinee started the task), then an “X” is entered in the protocol, not a “0”.

Assessment of the completion of tasks S1 and SZ

Answer accuracy and completeness


a) the examinee demonstrates an understanding of the specifics of the task: he answers the question reasonably, putting forward the necessary theses, giving arguments developing them and drawing appropriate conclusions, there are no factual errors in the answer;

b) the examinee demonstrates an understanding of the specifics of the task, but when answering does not demonstrate sufficient validity of judgments,
and/or partially replaces reasoning with a retelling of the text,
and/or makes a factual error;

c) the examinee understands the task in a simplified manner, reasons superficially, inaccurately, weakly justifying the answer, replacing analysis with paraphrase,
and/or makes 2 factual errors;

d) the examinee answers the question incorrectly,

and/or replaces reasoning with a retelling of the text,
and/or makes 3 or more factual errors.

Maximum score

Assessment of the completion of tasks C2, C4

Detailed response of limited scope (5-10 sentences). The indication of volume is conditional; the assessment of the answer depends on its content (with the ability to accurately formulate their thoughts, the examinee can answer quite fully and in a smaller volume).

Answer accuracy and completeness


the examinee demonstrates an understanding of the specifics of the task: answers a question that requires the use of literary context, gives at least two comparison positions

the examinee answers the question, gives two positions of comparison (indicates works and authors), for one of which he gives a detailed reasoned justification;
and/or makes 1 factual error;

the examinee answers the question, gives two positions of comparison, without giving a detailed reasoned justification for either of them or without giving justification;
or gives one position of comparison and gives a reasoned justification for it;
and/or makes 2-3 factual errors;

the examinee does not answer the question,
or gives an answer that is not meaningfully related to the task;
or gives one comparison position without justification; and/or makes more than 3 factual errors.

Maximum score

Assessment of the completion of tasks C5.1, C5.2, C5.3

Among the five positions by which the completion of tasks in Part 3 is assessed, the first position (substantive aspect) is the main one. If when checking exam paper the expert on the first (content) aspect of evaluating the answer gives “0” points, the task of part 3 is considered unfulfilled. The task is not checked further. For four other aspects (positions) of the assessment (2, 3, 4, 5) in the “Protocol for checking answers to assignments” of form No. 2, “0” points are assigned.

The score for the first position of the assessment of the assignment of part 3 is put in column 5 of the protocol, for the second position - in column 6, for the third - in column 7, for the fourth - in column 8, and for the fifth - in column 9.

When assessing the completion of tasks in Part 3, you should take into account the volume of the written essay. A minimum length of 200 words is recommended for examinees. If the essay contains less than 150 words (the word count includes all words, including function words), then such work is considered incomplete and is scored zero points.

When the volume of work is from 150 to 200 words or more, the maximum number of errors for each point level does not change.

1. Depth and independence of understanding of the problem proposed in the question


a) the examinee demonstrates an understanding of the problem proposed in the question;
formulates his opinion taking into account the position of the author, putting forward the necessary theses, giving reasons and arguments developing them and drawing appropriate conclusions; demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter of the work and the ability to substantiate one’s judgments;
there are no factual errors;

b) the examinee reveals an understanding of the problem proposed in the question and offers an explanation of its meaning, but is limited to general theses related to the problems of the work, not in all cases supporting the judgments with the necessary arguments and conclusions,
and/or makes 1-2 factual errors;

c) the examinee demonstrates an understanding of the problem proposed in the question, but explains its meaning superficially or in an extremely simplified manner,
and/or makes 3-4 factual errors;

d) the examinee does not demonstrate an understanding of the problem proposed in the question,
and/or gives an answer that is not meaningfully related to the task at hand,
and/or makes 5 or more factual errors.

2. Level of knowledge of theoretical and literary knowledge


a) the examinee discovers high level mastery of theoretical and literary knowledge, manifested in the appropriate use of relevant literary terms in the analysis literary material and explanation of the functions of certain literary devices;

b) the examinee discovers sufficient level mastery of literary theoretical knowledge, but allows for some inaccuracies in the use of terms when analyzing literary material, does not explain the functional role of certain literary devices;

c) the examinee does not demonstrate a sufficient level of knowledge of theoretical and literary knowledge, makes mistakes in the use of terms when analyzing literary material;

d) the examinee does not have theoretical and literary knowledge, does not use literary terms when analyzing literary material.

3. Validity of using the text of the work


a) the text of the work in question is used reasonably and in a sufficiently comprehensive manner (quotations with comments to them, brief retelling content necessary to prove judgments, reference to micro-topics of the text and their interpretation, various kinds of references to what is depicted in the work, etc.);

b) the text is used in quite a variety of ways, but not always appropriate and justified,
and/or there are individual cases of using text outside of direct connection with the thesis put forward;

c) the text is used only as a retelling of what is depicted, without the necessary commentary;

d) the text is not used, judgments are not substantiated by the text.

4. Consistency and logic of presentation


a) the parts of the statement are logically connected, the thought develops from part to part, there are no violations of the sequence within the semantic parts of the statement and there are no unreasonable repetitions;

b) parts of the statement are logically connected with each other, the thought develops from part to part, but there are repetitions and violations of the sequence within the semantic parts of the statement;

c) parts of the statement are logically related to each other, but the thought is repeated and does not develop, there are deviations from the main problem proposed in the question;

d) gross violations of sequence, unreasonable repetitions, lack of communication between parts and within parts,
and/or the general logic of the statement.

5. Following speech norms


a) 1 speech error is allowed;

b) 2-3 speech errors were made;

c) 4 speech errors were made;

d) number of admitted speech errors significantly complicates understanding the meaning of a statement (5 or more speech errors are made).

Maximum score

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

GBPOU C BY CTerlitamak industrial college

Literature tests

Zotova Nailya Rashitovna,


Option 1

1. Name a literary movement that flourished in the second half of the 19th century and was reflected in the works of I.S. Turgenev, A.N. Ostrovsky, F.M. Dostoevsky.




2. Which of the heroes of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” embodies the author’s ideal?

A. Evgeny Onegin B. Tatyana Larina

V.Vladimir Lensky

3. Indicate the name of Pushkin’s poem in which the call sounds

My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to our homeland with a wonderful impulse!

    “To Chaadaev”;


A.S. Pushkin, written in 1825

A. love; b. lyceum friendship; V. poet and poetry

5. For what purpose does M. Yu. Lermontov violate chronological order construction of the novel “A Hero of Our Time”?

A. makes it possible to objectively reveal the “history of a duel” of a person;

b. desire for originality;

V. to awaken the reader's interest in the hero;

d. for a gradual – from “external to internal” - disclosure of the character of the main character

6. How can you explain the meaning of the title of the poem “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol?

    definition denoting a deceased peasant;

    a soulless hero, mired in worries about vanity; designation of the “death” of landowners and officials;

    contrast in art world products of the concepts of “dead” and “alive”

7. Which work was not written by A.N. Ostrovsky?

A. "Inspector"; V. "Snow Maiden";

b. "Dowry"; Mr. "Bankrupt"

8. Which object is not a characteristic detail for creating the image of Oblomov in the novel?

A. S. Goncharova?

    large sofa;

    leather chair;

    comfortable robe;

    soft shoes

9. What in the image of Bazarov was alien to the author of the novel “Fathers and Sons”?

A. separation from any practical activities;

b. nihilistic attitude towards cultural heritage Russia;

V. misunderstanding of the role of the people in the liberation movement;

10. Whom does N.A. consider happy in the poem? Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'”?

A. king; b. butt; V. Grisha Dobrosklonova; g. drunk.

11. Shchedrin's tales about animals are close to such a genre as

  1. feuilleton;

12. Who is Porfiry Petrovich from the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment"?

A. investigator; b. clerk; V. Judge.

13. Lyrical hero- This

    a specific image of a person in a lyrical work;

    all the heroes of the work.

14. What is a conversation between two people called? characters?

15. What is the name of the image of nature in a work of art?

Option 2

1. Which one literary direction Russian literatureXIX century is inherent in the reflection of reality, indicating important, typical features of life, described objectively?

A. classicism;

B. sentimentalism;

B. romanticism;

d. realism

2. What type of person is he? main character novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”:

A. " extra person» ; B. " new person»;

IN. " little man»

3. To what topic did A.S. Pushkin devote his lines?

And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,

That I awakened good feelings with my lyre..."



V. love

4. To whom are A.S. Pushkin’s poems “I remember” dedicated? wonderful moment…»



V . M.N.Raevskaya

5. The description of the appearance, the portrait of Pechorin in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” is given by a “passing officer”, and not by Maxim Maksimych, because he (M. M.)

    not observant;

    incapable of generalizations;

    could not be objective in describing Pechorin’s appearance;

    too simple, cannot understand Pechorin, because he is a person from a different circle

6. Why did N.V. Gogol arrange Chichikov’s visit to the landowners in exactly this sequence (Manilov – Korobochka – Nozdryov – Sobakevich – Plyushkin)?

    heroes are arranged according to the degree of degradation, death;

    the characters are arranged according to the principle of “revival”;

    each subsequent landowner is opposed to the previous one;

    Chichikov’s visit to the landowners was not structured according to the scheme

7. Prominent representatives of the “dark kingdom” in the play “The Thunderstorm” are (find the odd one):

A. Tikhon; b. Kabanikha; V. Wild; Kuligin

8. What is the origin of the hero of the novel “Oblomov” by A. S. Goncharov Oblomov?

    nobleman; b. tradesman; V. merchant

9. The basis of the conflict in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is:

A. quarrel between P. P. Kirsanov and E. V. Bazarov;

b. the conflict that arose between E.V. Bazarov and N.P. Kirsanov;

V. the struggle of nobles and commoners - democrats

10. Who are these lines about N.A. Nekrasov from the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”?

Fate had in store for him

The path is glorious, the name is loud

People's Defender,

Consumption and Siberia

A. about Ermil Girin; b. about Savelia; V. about Grigory Dobrosklonov

11. Which of the following tales does not belong to M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin?

A. "Crucian idealist"; b. "Three Bears"; V. " The wise minnow"; G. " Wild landowner»

12. What part of the novel “Crime and Punishment” is occupied by the preparation of Raskolnikov’s “crime”, and what part by his punishment?

A. one part; b. five parts

13. Types of literature include

    novel, story, tragedy;

    poetry, prose, drama;

V. epic, lyric, drama

14. The hero’s speech represents a statement,

addressed to people. Name the term

15. What is the description of the hero’s appearance called?