Burn visceral fat. Lifting the weight to the side. How to get rid of visceral fat with exercise

Many people want to get fit slim body, and tries to get rid of unnecessary weight in every possible way. Not everyone realizes that obesity is not a problem of appearance, but of the healthy functioning of the body, and internal fat is much more harmful than visible subcutaneous fat. Find out how to burn internal fat in your body.

What is visceral fat

The human body needs a subcutaneous fat layer - this is a reserve supply of vital energy and protection from the cold. Daily nutrition replenishes fat reserves, but when their amount exceeds the norm, fat begins to be deposited not under the skin, but around the organs. Internal fat in humans is located in the abdominal cavity near vital organs (lungs, liver, heart, stomach, kidneys). It is called visceral.

Excess abdominal fat can occur due to eating high-calorie foods, lack of... physical activity, the presence of bad habits. It is easy to determine the excess concentration of internal fat - the external sign is a visually protruding belly. The increase in waist circumference is especially noticeable against the background of other parts of the body that have retained the same proportions.

Why is visceral fat dangerous?

If the amount of internal fat deposits does not exceed the permissible level, they serve as protection for organs from external damage, as “insulation” and a reserve source of energy. Excess fat inside the abdomen is dangerous to health and can trigger the development of a number of diseases:

  • increased cholesterol, which causes disorder of the cardiovascular system;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • elevated levels of insulin in the blood can cause cancer (breast cancer, colon cancer);
  • hormonal complications leading to metabolic disorders;
  • development of atherosclerosis;
  • fatty hepatosis (liver disease);
  • varicose veins.

Normal visceral fat

A healthy ratio of subcutaneous to internal fat deposits is approximately 90% to 10%. The norm for visceral fat is 10% of the total mass of the entire fat layer in the body. Normal abdominal fat levels are slightly different for men and girls. There are several ways to diagnose the percentage of internal obesity:

  • nuclear magnetic resonance or computed tomography techniques;
  • caliper - a device that measures the thickness of fat folds;
  • determining the waist size in centimeters with a measuring tape;
  • calculating the coefficient proportional ratio waist circumference to hip circumference;
  • by consulting a doctor for a thorough diagnosis.

The norm of visceral fat in a woman’s body

Women are less prone to developing abdominal fat than men. Those with a pear-shaped physique are especially lucky, with thin waist and lush hips - they are practically not prone to the formation of internal fat deposits. When measuring the waist, the critical indicator for girls is 88 cm; a value below this figure is the norm for internal fat in a woman’s body, and above this is already an excess.

Normal visceral fat in men

Although men are less likely to develop cellulite than girls, they are more prone to the accumulation of internal fat. Male hormones stop fighting fat, and the abdominal organs become overgrown with it. The norm for visceral fat in men is a waist circumference of no more than 94 cm. Indicators exceeding this norm indicate obesity and serious health problems.

Visceral obesity

With visceral obesity, internal organs cannot function normally, since the fatty membrane around them increases significantly. A person constantly feels tired, it becomes difficult to breathe, there is increased sweating, and frequent mood swings. With internal obesity, the risk of diabetes and cancer increases significantly. The main causes of visceral obesity are:

  1. Unbalanced nutrition - the number of carbohydrates in the diet significantly increases the number of proteins.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle is a lack of proper exercise in the form of active recreation, complex physical exercises, and walking.
  3. Genetic predisposition - if parents suffer from obesity, the risk of internal obesity in children increases.

Visceral obesity in men

Fat deposits in men tend to accumulate around the internal organs, rather than under the skin. Often, men who love beer have a protruding belly - this is quite reasonable, since beer is the enemy of the male hormone. Testosterone, as a result of visceral obesity in men, is replaced by female hormones, which can lead to impotence and infertility.

Visceral obesity in women

After forty years, the production of female hormones decreases, metabolic processes slow down, and the likelihood of visceral obesity in women increases significantly. Internal obesity in young girls is one of the causes of infertility. When the genitals inside the abdomen are covered with fat, it is almost impossible to get pregnant. Women with an apple-shaped figure need to immediately fight the first signs of excess weight, because they are more prone to internal obesity than girls with other body types.

How to remove visceral fat

When wondering how to remove internal fat, people forget about the well-known rules of losing weight. If you wish to remove visceral fat from the belly, find beauty healthy body and look attractive, you should adhere to the following basic principles:

  • It is necessary to eat right, giving up high-calorie foods and “fast” diets, so that excess weight begins to disappear. The diet should be balanced - proteins predominate, complex carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day.
  • Be sure to regularly exercise, walk, run, and actively relax. Physical activity is the main weapon in losing weight.
  • You should fight bad habits - smoking and alcohol will not allow you to lose excess weight, but will only increase it.
  • It is necessary to normalize sleep and establish a daily routine. It is recommended to sleep at least seven hours a day, to fall asleep and get up at the same time every day.
  • To speed up your metabolism, you should drink a lot of water - 2 liters per day.
  • It is advisable to avoid stress, reduce nervous tension, and relax more often.

Video: how to get rid of visceral fat

The principles of a healthy lifestyle are becoming increasingly popular and important. These are not empty words. Indeed, people have become more attentive to their health. That is why the presence of extra pounds today is a serious reason to think not only about the cause of their occurrence, but also possible ways elimination at home. However, it's not that simple. Often, excess weight does not manifest itself in the form of deposits on the arms, waist or hips. There is also visceral fat. What is this? What is dangerous about visceral fat, which is most clearly visible when a person has a large belly, and how can you get rid of it yourself? Let's find out!

Visceral fat - what is it?

Visceral fat is deposits of special tissue created by the body. Such reserves are not collected on the buttocks or waist, as is the case with subcutaneous fat. It accumulates much deeper. Visceral fat is found around the internal organs. Both women and representatives of the stronger half can face this. At the same time, the overall figure can remain normal. The first sign of a problem is the absence of a waist and formation here large quantity fatty tissues that cover both muscles and internal organs.

The peculiarity of visceral fat is that it is represented by a mass consisting of so-called brown fat cells. Since they mostly accumulate near the internal organs, such deposits are often called abdominal or internal. You can usually determine the presence of visceral fat by the presence of a protruding belly. As a rule, the remaining parts of the body remain normal and cannot be called complete.

Note! It is impossible to say that there should be no visceral fat in the body at all. The whole point is that it is these deposits that protect internal organs from thermal and mechanical injuries. The danger arises when such reserves become larger than normal.


Excess visceral fat is often thought to be associated with age. This erroneous opinion! There is no connection between the number in the passport, the figure and the volume of visceral fat in the body.

However, doctors were able to name the most common reasons for the formation of an excess of such deposits in the body. These include:

  • abuse of sweets;
  • love of high-calorie foods;
  • heredity;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

In addition, people suffering from chronic lack of sleep are at risk.

What is the danger?

In addition to the physical disadvantage experienced by a person suffering from excessive formation of visceral fat, one cannot fail to note other negative aspects of this phenomenon. Thus, such deposits inside the body negatively affect the entire functioning of the human body and its figure.

An excess of visceral fat is dangerous to human health because it can become a trigger for many diseases:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • varicose veins;
  • oncology.

Often such deposits provoke disruptions of the hormonal system body. An excess of visceral fat directly affects metabolic processes. It simply slows down your metabolism.

On top of everything else, such formations are in abundance cause snoring. The whole point is that the heart, covered with fat, begins to work incorrectly. However, snoring is only one side of the coin. In such a situation, breathing stops during sleep.

Getting rid of visceral fat at home

As you can see, visceral fat is a serious threat to human health. His negative impact may lead to irreversible consequences. This is why serious measures must be taken to get rid of visceral fat. This is not only beneficial for the condition of the body, but also for appearance. Before and after photos and videos clearly prove this.


Losing weight in this case is the optimal solution to the problem. The appeal of any diet is that it burns fat deposits around the internal organs to a certain extent.

However, it is worth noting that some principles should be adhered to especially strictly when losing weight. A diet aimed at burning internal or abdominal fat should be based on foods enriched with fiber. Just 10 g of this substance allows you to remove adipose tissue and block the process of accumulation of visceral fat. A glass of green peas and a couple of apples do the job perfectly.

The best way to get rid of such accumulations is low-carbohydrate diets, which are based on the recommendation to consume as much protein as possible. To burn these fats, it is worth creating a diet such that its calorie content varies from 1800 to 2000 kcal. To do this, during the diet you should give up:

  • potatoes;
  • Sahara;
  • products with “simple” carbohydrates;
  • bakery products.

However, following such diets should not be thoughtless. Otherwise, it carries health risks.

Note! Weight loss is considered optimal if the weight is reduced by no more than 1 kg per week.

Physical activity

Without sufficient activity, it is not possible to get rid of visceral fat at home. You can’t stay too long in this situation, and you can’t maintain a lean shape only by doing the right things. organized meals. It is important to force the muscles to work. Simple exercises will help your figure.

Along with diet, weight loss should be based on training. To get rid of such internal accumulations, moderate muscle loads are recommended:

  • dancing;
  • swimming;
  • fast walking.

Lesson duration is at least 30 minutes. Training should be carried out at least three times a week. This will stop or reduce the rate of fat accumulation around the internal organs.

Intense aerobic exercise is helpful in this situation. It is optimal to represent such loads with a set of aerobics exercises, running, and fast walking with inclines. It is necessary to devote at least 4 hours a week to such activities. This will already be enough to evaluate the results in a month or two and get rid of visceral fat.

Minimizing stress

To get rid of fat deposits around internal organs, it is very important to have the right mental attitude. Strict diet and the most intense physical activity will not allow you to achieve optimal weight loss if you constantly remain under extreme nervous tension. These recommendations are not only true for women. They also apply to men.

To remove fat accumulation, you should switch to a diet and restrict your diet gradually. Otherwise, the body perceives the refusal of habitual food as stress. If you rid yourself of negative emotions and perceive the diet as a step towards a new body and recovery, then losing weight will be more fruitful and successful.

Correct sleep pattern

Physical activity and proper diet nutrition is the basis for losing weight. But in order to get rid of abdominal accumulations, which are indicated by a large belly, it is worth adjusting your sleep pattern. You need to sleep 6-7 hours a day. If a person sleeps 5 hours or less, then he is at risk. In his body, visceral fat begins to accumulate quickly.

Note! Sleeping more than 8 hours a day also cannot be called beneficial. This also causes fat to accumulate in the body, which gives off a big belly.

Cosmetology procedures

To eliminate subcutaneous fat, women often resort to a variety of cosmetic procedures at home. However, many of the techniques are also effective in the fight against visceral fat. By the way, men can also resort to similar methods. Many cosmetic procedures They cope well with the problem, which manifests itself in the form of a reduction in the volume of the abdomen.

So, what home treatments will help cope with the problem? The real blow to visceral fat during weight loss comes from:

  • wraps;
  • sauna;
  • hydromassage;
  • contrast shower;
  • belly massage.

All these procedures are aimed at activating metabolic processes. They burn fat well and eliminate excess weight in women and representatives of the stronger half. Men are often embarrassed to take care of themselves. In vain! Many cosmetic procedures are excellent assistants for diets and physical activity. Wraps with clay, mustard, and honey are especially effective in this regard.


It is believed that there is a genetic predisposition to the accumulation of visceral fat. That is why it is worth watching your relatives. If men or women in the family have such a problem, which is clearly expressed, as in the photo above, in the form of a big belly, you should accustom yourself to exercise and proper nutrition. It is necessary to give up unhealthy fats, sweets, and baked goods. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, nuts, grains, mushrooms and fruits.

Video: how to remove visceral fat

If you decide to put your body in order and get rid of all accumulations, you should definitely watch the videos below. These tips will help you succeed:

The most dangerous layer for your figure and health is considered to be the visceral fat layer, which indicates progressive obesity and acutely raises the question of how to get rid of internal fat in the body and dissolve unpleasant deposits. In reality, it is a product (result) of a high concentration of light carbohydrates that are absorbed through food. Internal fat in humans envelops internal organs and systems, complicating their work. As a result, the development of extensive pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, prone to chronicity.

What is internal fat in the body

Before you fight extra pounds, you need to be diagnosed for chronic diseases. Internal body fat is a hidden threat to health. In fact, it will do the work of the endocrine gland. Problem areas are localized in the abdomen, intestines, liver and kidneys. It turns out that these abdominal organs are gradually filled with internal fat and do not work at full capacity.

This is how obesity-related diseases appear and are prone to serious complications. It will not be possible to get rid of them quickly and stabilize your weight; you need to integrated approach to the problem, which includes the normalization of impaired metabolism and the regulation of hormonal levels using conservative methods and medications. Then the internal fat will begin to dissolve before your eyes.

Normal visceral fat

The external manifestations of obesity are obvious, but inside, visceral fat represents capacious deposits that stretch the skin and lead to loss of elasticity. If not treated in a timely manner, the problem will only increase, the stomach will bulge and sag. The norm of visceral fat when measuring the waist in women should not exceed 88 cm, in men - no more than 94 cm. These are critical indicators, deviation from which upward makes the patient ask the main question of how to remove visceral fat on the abdomen. To get the desired cubes back, you need to consult your doctor.

Why is visceral fat dangerous?

More often, problem areas are the stomach, waist, sides and hips, which take on a saggy and unpresentable appearance. Overweight provoke impaired metabolism and failure of hormone production, and this is already a disease. We urgently need to get rid of it. Visceral fat is dangerous to health because it can turn a once healthy person into a disabled person. The potential threat is as follows:

  • diagnosed infertility in girls of reproductive age;
  • violation of natural ventilation of the lungs;
  • progressive oxygen starvation;
  • sleep apnea;
  • increased fatigue, loss of energy;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cirrhosis;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pathologies of the digestive system are extensive.

How to get rid of visceral fat

To ensure productive weight loss, the first step is to find out the main cause of progressive obesity and get rid of it. Detailed diagnosis is the basis for external transformations, which are coming if the characteristic patient follows certain rules. Ideal figure if there is internal fat in the body, this is a reality. The recommendations of modern doctors and nutritionists on how to get rid of the internal fat layer are as follows:

  1. Therapeutic diet. A complete abstinence from simple carbohydrates, sufficient consumption of proteins, complex carbohydrates and antioxidants is required, according to the prescribed scheme proper nutrition.
  2. Active lifestyle. Daily walks fresh air And morning exercises just have to become the norm life cycle. You can choose cycling, rollerblading or dancing more. In addition, be sure to get rid of bad habits.
  3. Cleansing the intestines of toxins and slagging. To effectively get rid of visceral fat, you need to regularly arrange fasting days and cleanse the intestines with folk remedies.
  4. Exercises in the gym, at home. Select exercises according to your physical fitness and health status, evenly distributing the load on the muscles. Otherwise, you can only harm your own health.
  5. Water balance. This source of strength and energy must prevail in sufficient quantities in a person’s life. If you have excess subcutaneous fat, you should drink at least 3 liters of clean water per day.

How to get rid of visceral fat with exercise

Many obese patients with overweight fight with physical activity and sports. This is especially true for men and young girls who dream not of a slim, but of a sporty figure, and to get rid of problem areas. It is quite possible to pump up muscles and remove fat deposits; the main thing is to choose an effective training complex for medical reasons. Below are simple ways to help you permanently get rid of visceral fat through exercise:

  1. Plank. The exercise will help work out all muscle groups and has a fat-burning effect. First you need to stand in this position for 1 minute, but gradually increase the time interval.
  2. Run in place with your knees raised high. At first it will be equally difficult for women and men, but over time, 2-3 minutes of running will no longer seem like a whole hour. The main thing is to control your breathing, pace, and technique of performing approaches during training.
  3. Running in place from a plank position. For greater body relief, leaning on your hands, raise your legs to your chest, simulating running from a low distance. Gradually increase the speed and perform the exercise for 1 minute.

Nutrition to get rid of visceral fat

A strict diet is always stressful for the body, so for a reliable and quick disposal from fat deposits it is recommended to adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition. Before removing internal fat from organs, you should consult a nutritionist - the problem is internal in nature. The goal is to normalize metabolism and control hormonal levels. Here are the basic principles of nutrition for getting rid of visceral fat:

  1. Remove unhealthy foods containing fats, light carbohydrates, and cholesterol from your daily menu.
  2. Provide a supply of proteins and proteins as “builders” of muscle mass, to prevent the formation of fat in the subcutaneous layer.
  3. Consume vitamins and antioxidants to strengthen the immune system, remove free radicals, and protect against external triggers.
  4. Among the foods allowed for abdominal fat, it is worth highlighting boiled poultry and lean fish, dairy products and vegetables. Unsweetened fruits and green tea are suitable.
  5. When deciding how to get rid of internal fat in the body, remove flour, sweets, fatty foods, alcohol, and carbonated drinks from the menu.

Video: How to get rid of internal fat

Modern society encourages successful people and demonstrates its requirements for achievement in every possible way. Moreover, real merit comes only with years and hard work, but you want to demonstrate your status to others here and now - such is the dynamics of today's life. What's the easiest way to do this? That's right, according to external signs! And this: stylish clothes, a confident smile, a beautiful body. Men and women all over the world, especially in developed countries, Where social status plays a primary role in self-affirmation and self-realization, constantly strives to look better, monitor fashion trends, update their wardrobe in a timely manner and make the best possible impression. Working on your own body is an important part of this self-improvement, which allows a huge number of sports clubs and special nutrition companies to earn money. And everything would be fine, but often all these efforts on the part of the recipients turn into just a mouse running on a wheel that does not bring the expected results. Why is this happening? Because most people do not know their body well enough and understand what is really needed for its health and beauty.

Both men and women spend a lot of effort, time and money, but continue to see the same imperfect reflection in the mirror for months and years. Most eventually resign themselves and declare to themselves and everyone else that this is their destiny/constitution/karma: to look far from the standard of beauty. Meanwhile, getting rid of fat deposits is possible and necessary. You just need to take into account that the fat in the human body is not the same and correctly direct your efforts to destroy exactly the type of fat that negatively affects your health and appearance. This is the so-called hidden, or visceral fat, which is much more difficult to get rid of than those deposits that are concentrated directly under the skin. But difficult does not mean impossible. You just need to approach this process with all seriousness and responsibility, deeply study the phenomenon you are looking for, and then choose the right methods of work. And then the result will finally appear and become noticeable not only to you, but also to those around you. And do not be afraid that in the fight against visceral fat you will have grueling work alone. Because at the same time there are many people around the world with you, of different ages, gender and social status They are doing the same thing: they are trying to remove visceral fat.

Visceral fat, or the hidden threat
Visceral fat is the energy reserves that our body creates in the form of adipose tissue. But, unlike subcutaneous fat, which accumulates mainly at the waist, hips and buttocks, visceral fat accumulates in other areas, much deeper: it surrounds the internal organs. And even in composition, these two types of fat deposits differ from each other: visceral fat consists not of white, but of brown fat cells. Due to its location around the internal organs, visceral fat is often called internal or even abdominal fat. Externally, it is manifested precisely by an increase in the volume of the abdomen, protruding forward, while the rest of the body at this time may remain normal or even thin. Such a disproportion in the body is the first and most obvious sign of excess visceral fat in the body. Precisely an excess, because a certain amount of internal fat is necessary for the mechanical and thermal protection of internal organs and their full functioning. But normally this amount should not exceed 10% of the total amount of body fat (the remaining 90%, accordingly, should be subcutaneous fat). If this ratio is violated in the direction of increasing the percentage of visceral fat, then its volume increases, the figure takes on disharmonious shapes, deviations in the functioning of the internal organ systems develop, and the person feels heaviness and fatigue. This does not happen naturally, of course, but as a result of non-compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity, bad habits, etc. But age itself, contrary to popular belief, is not at all the reason or reason for the deposition of excess visceral fat.

But visceral fat doesn’t just accumulate and “weight” the body from the inside. Its main danger lies in its biochemical activity and ability to influence the hormonal system and metabolism. After all, the endocrine glands are also internal organs, and they bear the brunt of visceral fat. As a result, their work is disrupted, disruptions in the production of hormones begin, the necessary substances are produced in insufficient quantities, but other active components are produced in pathological excess. The result of such an imbalance over time can be (and is!):

  • blood clot formation;
  • varicose veins;
  • heart attack, stroke;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • obesity.
Among all these dangers, I would like to once again draw attention to hormonal disorders. They directly affect the level of sex hormones and lead to increased levels of female hormones in the male body. This is where the notorious “beer belly” comes from, which many tend to perceive as an inevitable attribute of masculinity that appears with age. In fact, it has very little to do with both age and beer and increases precisely due to the accumulation of visceral fat. Since internal fat is not distributed evenly throughout the body, but in certain places, it is the abdomen, in the area of ​​which the bulk of the functional organs of the digestive system are concentrated and increases in volume, that protrudes forward. And, if subcutaneous fat looks like folds on the sides, legs, shoulders, neck, then visceral fat causes the abdominal region to protrude straight forward.

As you know, this type of fullness is characteristic of men, and in women, fat reserves are distributed more evenly throughout the body. Leaving aside discussions about gender injustice, let’s just say that representatives of the stronger sex are indeed more likely than their friends to accumulate visceral rather than subcutaneous fat - nature took care of this in the process of the evolutionary formation of the species. But today, when women no longer need to warm their babies in the folds of their bodies, and men no longer need to travel long distances without food in pursuit of a mammoth, these original mechanisms have lost their logic and acquired completely new, no longer useful functions. Visceral obesity is becoming increasingly widespread every year, and doctors around the world, especially in developed countries, whose residents do not experience a shortage of high-calorie foods and travel in private cars, are sounding the alarm. They worry about you and me, but our personal task is to help ourselves. And for this you need to know, take into account, prevent and remove visceral fat in order to maintain health and live a happy, long life.

Ways to combat visceral fat
From everything said above, it inevitably follows that subcutaneous and visceral types of fat differ not only in the composition of cells and locations in the body, but in the degree of danger they pose to health. Subcutaneous fat practically does not take part in biochemical processes and therefore the maximum harm that it can cause you is dissatisfaction with your own figure and the associated psychological discomfort. While visceral fat poses a direct threat to well-being and health, affecting the condition of the body and life expectancy. In addition, subcutaneous fat, as a last resort, is removed using methods plastic surgery, whereas in the case of excess visceral deposits, these techniques are not used. Is fat deposition around internal organs really a death sentence? No, you can get rid of abdominal fat if you follow these rules and recommendations:

  1. Prevention. Always the most desirable, most reliable and most unlikely path. This is how a person is designed that he often remembers things that are important for his own health when it is necessary to urgently take measures to eliminate the consequences, but it is too late to prevent them. However, if you belong to the category of prudent people who take care of their body constantly, and not just after the manifestation of painful symptoms, then it will be useful for you to know that different people genetically different predisposition to the deposition of visceral fat. A look at your parents and grandparents, as well as other close relatives, will help you get your bearings: their tendency to be overweight and chronic diseases (heart, endocrine) should let you know that you are also at risk. This means that they should be more attentive to their health than other people. To begin with, just don’t allow yourself to overeat, give preference to light and natural food, introduce sports and active recreation into your life, and stop smoking. These steps alone will allow you to protect yourself from the sad fate of those who let the condition of their body take its course and allowed internal fat to accumulate uncontrollably.
  2. Nutrition. It's never too late to start eating right. Even if your entire previous life your diet consisted mainly of high-calorie dishes, switching to a rational diet will bring its good fruits, perhaps not immediately, but sooner or later - definitely. By proper food we mean that which provides maximum benefit and minimum harm, that is, balanced in its content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is not difficult to calculate their quantity in a particular product, as well as determine your own need for them; for this purpose, many programs, information tables and calculation formulas have been developed, which are freely available on the Internet and printed publications. You just need to correctly assess the parameters of your body and calculate individual tasks based on them. It is worth spending time and paying attention to preparation once, so that later you will always know what, when and in what quantities you prefer to eat and drink.
    Without going into details, which are completely unique for each person, we can say that the majority of those suffering from visceral fat deposits have sinned and/or are sinning with excessively fatty foods, industrial sweets and fast food. Instead, the daily menu should consist of 99% of dishes prepared at home (or close to it) by one of the right ways(cooking, steaming, stewing in own juice). The basis of a healthy diet to remove visceral fat: protein foods (meat fillet, egg whites, fish, legumes and nuts), complex carbohydrates (water porridge, dried fruits, fruits, whole grain bread and pasta), plant fiber (fresh vegetables and crispy fruits , bran, cereals). Small amounts of dairy products should not contain artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors or more than 1% fat. Butter baked goods and products made from premium flour, sweets, bars, fried in butter and in oil, as well as foods rich in animal fats are strictly prohibited.
  3. Physical activity influences getting rid of internal fat even more than diet - these are medical statistics. Your task consists of two parts. First: reduce total body weight, that is, lose weight. This way, you will remove subcutaneous fat deposits and force the body to turn to deeper energy reserves, that is, visceral fat. The second is to increase the volume and strength of muscles, because developed muscles use energy even when at rest, thereby promoting rapid metabolism, normal blood circulation and preventing the deposition of fats for future use. To achieve the first goal, you need to move as much as possible, and do this at every available opportunity. For example, walk up the stairs instead of using the elevator, go to the store instead of driving, take evening walks before bed and small walks on weekends, at least in the nearest park. Buy or take out of the storage room a forgotten bicycle, roller skates, jump rope - whatever you like. The type of exercise itself is not as important as its regularity and carrying it out in the fresh air, where your lungs, while moving, will receive enough oxygen, which they will transfer to the tissues and cells of the body. In addition, the effectiveness has been proven breathing exercises within the framework of yoga and bodyflex practices to get rid of internal fat.
    But simple activity and mobility are not enough to remove internal fat, just as grueling abdominal crunches will not get rid of your bulging belly. In order for the mechanism to activate fat metabolism at a deep level, you need strength loads, which can be obtained in the gym under the guidance of a qualified trainer. Only a specialist will be able to develop an exercise program taking into account the state of your health so as not to harm, but to improve the condition and tone of your muscles. Trained muscles, in turn, will gradually force your body not to accumulate, but to constantly use incoming calories and spend them on the construction of new cells. So, over time, you will reconfigure the system called “body” to work in a constructive, rather than a “sleep” mode. All this is simply necessary for any healthy person - and even more so for those who are forced not to maintain health, but to correct it. mistakes made. But don't forget that neither rational diet, nor exercise will be as effective on its own as in combination. Therefore, the approach “today I’ll give up pies, and in six months I’ll sign up for a sports club” is absolutely not suitable. If you have made a firm decision to take care of yourself and get rid of internal fat, then be consistent and do not delay starting work on all fronts. This is the only way to count on a positive and noticeable result.
  4. Lifestyle. For most of us, familiar and favorite things and activities that make up the necessary comfort zone become so obvious that we stop noticing them and critically assessing their impact on our lives. Meanwhile, it’s worth analyzing your own habits and inclinations in order to understand which of them are not at all useful, which ones cause direct damage, and which ones it would be a good idea to get rid of altogether. In particular, we are talking about the most common addictions to tobacco, alcoholic beverages, refined sweets, etc. They are followed by less obvious, but no less harmful habits of going to bed after midnight, eating irregularly, resting less than the allotted time and getting nervous over trifles. Finally, slowly but surely, factors almost independent of our will exert their influence: constant stress and living conditions, including environmental and informational ones. It has been proven that the level of constant stress negatively affects health and causes the body to store visceral, deep fat. While short-term stress has a positive effect on adaptive capabilities and activates internal resources for burning calories. The conclusion from here is still the same: in order not to accumulate, but to destroy internal fat, you need to lead an active lifestyle, move more, try new types of exercise and pastime, relax in the fresh air, do not overeat and try to have a positive attitude towards life in general.
  5. Extra Effort never hurt, especially if the situation is quite advanced. Vitamin C has a positive effect on the rate of metabolism and the activation of all processes in the body, so try to ensure that your body receives it in sufficient quantities through food and/or multivitamin complexes. In second place in helping to combat visceral deposits is caffeine, which, as a natural energy drink, also launches metabolic processes and supports them high level. Do not forget about healthy, that is, polyunsaturated fatty acids - and this, first of all, sea ​​fish and nuts in your diet (in moderation, of course - search the Internet and study the “Food Pyramid” illustration). But sweet carbonated drinks and chewing gum, which we usually do not attach importance to, can slow down both metabolism and the process of losing weight. Instead, drink as much clean, non-carbonated drinking water as possible, preferably mineral water. When playing sports, do not neglect special sports nutrition, and during times of great emotional stress - mild sedatives natural means. Taken together, such a versatile approach to getting rid of visceral fat will not only bear fruit, but will also set you in the right mood, corresponding to a qualitatively new, careful attitude to your body.
To summarize the information presented, I would like to say that visceral fat is not only and not so much a medical problem as a social one. Like many other mechanisms, conceived by nature as useful, but distorted beyond recognition in the process of social metamorphoses and modern realities. We so rarely think about long-term rationality and so often follow momentary wishes that we have completely forgotten about the expediency and correctness of many logical things: simple food, physical activity, healthy habits. But even periodic but regular access to them will be enough to regain your health, vigor and strength. Believe me, all this is worth a small but important effort, which, by the way, brings considerable pleasure both in the process and as a result. Therefore, before you think about how to remove visceral fat, think about how to remove from your life everything that clogs, burdens and spoils it. And visceral fat will go away along with all this interference. Be healthy and happy!

Visceral fat, or the layer of fat located around the internal organs in the abdominal area, is present in every person. It can accumulate even in thin people, and its excess cannot be determined by eye. Its increased proportion does not greatly affect the appearance, but it is very dangerous for health.

Exceeding the norm of internal fat is sometimes the root cause of diabetes, oncology and other serious ailments, the functioning of the liver and intestines is disrupted, and blood pressure rises.

Causes of visceral fat in the abdominal area

Experts identify more than a dozen factors that provoke the appearance of internal fat.

The following are the most common:

  • Little physical mobility. Technological innovations and other advances have virtually eliminated human physical work. Most people work without rising from their desks and computer equipment throughout the day. Many people travel to and from the office while sitting in their cars. That is, muscles are not used, and calories are not consumed. Meanwhile, fat accumulates, surrounding significant parts of the body.
  • Illiterate nutrition. Coupled with the first reason, food filled with cholesterol and sugars complicates the situation. That is why individuals who prefer the so-called fast food, quickly accumulate visceral fat.
  • Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep generally has a detrimental effect on the performance of internal systems and organs. When the body does not rest enough, it does not recover, and some functions fail. Metabolism is first on the list of potential victims.
  • Psychological stress. Scientists have long been studying the connection between the appearance of excess visceral fat and state of mind person. People who are dissatisfied with their situation in life and are subject to constant criticism and pressure tend to accumulate adipose tissue.
  • Age. Over the years, the proportion of muscle tissue in the body decreases, being replaced by fat deposits. Unfortunately, a person is not able to influence this factor.
  • Genetic predisposition. This reason is also one that a person cannot regulate. Natural heritage It is impossible to exclude, but it is possible to take control.
  • Hormonal disorders. Visceral obesity manifests itself most actively in the fair sex during menopause.

How to determine the proportion of visceral fat

Visceral fat itself is needed for life support processes. First of all, it warms the internal organs. In addition, the fat layer guarantees support for the organs in their natural position and protects them from shaking during movement.

It is fundamentally important that percentage visceral fat did not exceed 10% of all fat deposits in the body(subcutaneous fat - 90%).

There are even special analyzer scales, which, based on the total mass, calculate the proportion of visceral fat. Such technological innovations can often be found in professional fitness clubs.

Another method for determining the volume of visceral fat is suitable for fans of the pool. First you need to lie on the water in the starfish position (on your back, arms and legs spread out in different directions) and exhale. Those who drown immediately or after 20-30 seconds may not worry about the fat layer. And those who are sinking slowly or not sinking at all should think about fighting excess internal fat.

Clear parameters have also been defined according to which an individual’s visceral fat is considered normal. Exceeding these indicators entails various health complications.

Normal indicators vary by gender:

  • for ladies, the waist circumference should not exceed 89 cm,
  • for men – 101 cm.

Popularly referred to as “beer fat”, it indicates the presence of problems with visceral fat. And these difficulties are not only aesthetic. To achieve good health, it is necessary to remove the fat around the abdominal organs. In the decision this issue Specialized diets and special sets of physical exercises will help.

Effective methods for combating visceral fat

Many people believe that losing weight on their own at home is extremely difficult. But this task is up to everyone. Experts offer various ways to get rid of internal fat that will not cause any harm to your health. A big belly can shrink in just a few weeks if you follow the tips below.

Correctly composed menu

Optimizing your diet will not completely eliminate excess visceral fat, but it will play a significant role in the battle for health and slimness. As long as a person continues to fill his body with obviously unhealthy food, internal fat will continue to accumulate. And for those who decide to fight it, the recommendations of experienced specialists, described below, will be useful:

  1. You should eat food in small portions. It is better to eat more often - 6-7 meals per day, but very little. This simple technique will make the gastrointestinal tract easier, since the stomach will not need to process exorbitant amounts of food.
  2. It is forbidden to go hungry! The body needs nutrition, therefore, when replenishment of “fuel” reserves is required, its influx should be ensured immediately. By skipping meals, a person provokes the accumulation of visceral fat. A well-designed diet usually includes 6-7 meals at intervals of a couple of hours.
  3. High-calorie dishes should be left off the table when losing weight. There are many lean and dietary products, and by eliminating the harmful components of “heavy” dishes, internal fat will begin to decrease.
  4. It is imperative to ensure that your body receives more than 1.5 liters of plain drinking water daily.
  5. You need to saturate your diet with fiber and protein, add natural vegetable oils to it.
  6. Dinner should be vegetables (without potatoes) with the addition of protein products.


Any physician will first offer advice on how to combat adipose tissue. Physical activity is even more beneficial than proper food. In order not to wait a long time for a visible effect to appear, with the help of an experienced trainer, you should draw up a training plan for a month and immediately begin the exercises.

It is important to remember a number of rules:

  • It's better to train on an empty stomach. That is, active loads will be beneficial if they are carried out no earlier than an hour and a half after a meal.
  • Suitable intensity. Once you start exercising, you shouldn’t try to do everything quickly and return to everyday activities. You need to maintain the right pace so that the body feels the load.

For people who want to seriously fight internal fat, the most effective exercises have been identified:

  • Leg twists. Lying on your back, you need to bend your legs at an angle of 90 0, fix your feet on the floor. Next, you need to alternate bending your legs in opposite directions. This is how they work out lateral muscles abs, and excess visceral fat on the belt is destroyed.
  • Traditional crunches. Lying on your back with your palms clasped at the back of your head and your legs bent at the knees (feet resting on the floor), you need to lift your body, aiming your chest towards your knees. The work is performed by contracting the abdominal muscles. At first, it is enough to perform 10 repetitions every other day.
  • Reverse press. Starting position – stretch out on the floor face up. The task is to smoothly raise your straight legs until they are at right angles to the floor surface. This is followed by a slow lowering of the legs. For advanced sports fans, try to touch the horizontal surface behind your head with your toes. This exercise is recommended 3-4 times a week.
  • Double press. A mix of the previous two exercises. The starting position is lying on your back with bent legs, hands behind your head. You need to simultaneously lift your lower and upper body. This variation of crunches significantly increases the effectiveness of the workout.
  • Intense sports are very effective: Nordic walking, jogging, cycling, tennis.

On strength exercises worth taking away 30-40% workout, 10% stretching, the rest of the time should be devoted to cardio exercises.

Stress relief

To get rid of excess adipose tissue, it is necessary to eliminate or neutralize the influence of factors that cause nervous tension.

  • Silence. Antidepressants and alcohol are not the best methods of dealing with stress. It is much more effective to arrange periods (minutes, hours) of silence and relaxation. To do this, you don’t have to leave the city limits; you can close the windows, dim the lights and calm down. Eliminating disturbing factors will relax the nervous system.
  • Classical music. Melodic, smooth compositions give the brain a chance to relax. Incredibly, listening to classics every day will help you get rid of visceral fat in the abdominal area.
  • Green tea. This is an easy, pleasant and tasty way to combat visceral fat. Green tea rids the body systems of toxic substances, and the microelements contained in it improve the functionality of the nervous system and give a calming effect.

The fundamental principles of losing weight are universal and do not change - you need to eat less and move more actively. And if you take care of your appearance and pay attention to fitness and nutrition, the accumulation of visceral fat does not threaten.