Himalayan pink salt: its benefits and harm. Pink Himalayan salt - benefits and harms, composition, how to distinguish from a fake, application

Hello, dear readers.
Today I want to introduce you to one amazing natural healer, whose mineral and vitamin composition is almost equal to the composition of human blood. During the Great Patriotic War it was used to replenish blood lost during severe wounds and restore strength. Today this substance has found wide application in cooking, medicine, cosmetology, and even in interior design. Well, can’t you guess what it is? Right, pink salt, beneficial properties

which was so highly valued by physicians of ancient times. Let's get to know her better.

What kind of wonder is this pink salt?

You know, my dears, I became acquainted with this wonderful mineral almost a few months ago. I was surfing the Internet and came across a video about pink salt and some recipes based on it. At first I thought that this was just another new product in modern cosmetics, but it turned out that this is quite real. natural remedy created only by time and the forces of nature.

It turns out that this mineral is nothing more than sea salt, which contains as many as 84 elements of the periodic table, as well as many vitamins and chemical compounds important for our health. Moreover, such salt is not found in all seas and oceans, but only in three places on our planet.

1. Himalayan pink salt lies in the geological strata of the spurs of the Himalayan mountains. Once upon a time there was an ocean that separated India from the Eurasian mainland. Under the influence of Tiktanic phenomena, India joined the mainland, and pink salt deposits remained in the place of the former ocean. The color of Himalayan salt is due to the presence of iron oxide and potassium chloride.

2. Crimean pink salt is mined in abundance in the largest salt lake in Crimea, Sasyk-Sivash, located not far from the Black Sea and Evpatoria. The pink color of salt from Crimea comes from special microscopic algae Dunaliella Sallina, which contain provitamin A in abundance.

3. Hawaiian pink salt was previously mined in the Hawaiian Islands, but now its deposits remain only in California. The pinkness of this species is due to the presence of medicinal red clay. Because of it, Californian pink salt is the most expensive of the presented types.

But, despite such geographical remoteness of the deposits, all three types of pink salt have the same mineral and vitamin composition and the same beneficial properties. That is, people living in Russia do not necessarily need to look for pink salt from India; salt from Crimea is also quite suitable, especially since the news talked about the resumption of its production and supply to stores in our country. To be honest, I’m really looking forward to this, I’ve never tried this salt or held it in my hands, and you? a If yes, then please share your impressions in the comments, and I will continue to tell you,

How pink salt is good for our health

To do this, it would be best to look at the list of components that make up pink salt. I will not consider all 84 elements, because for this I would have to write a whole volume, I will simply go through the most basic and necessary for normal life. Here are the important components this amazing mineral contains:

* Sodium, which is responsible for the stability of the acid-base balance, balances blood pressure and helps the body efficiently absorb nutrients from food.

* Chlorine is one of two components hydrochloric acid, which is formed in the stomach and helps break down food into nutritional components. Also this chemical element important for maintaining normal water balance in every cell of our body.

* Magnesium, an element that helps us resist pathogenic bacteria, stimulates the immune system, and is also a strong assistant for the nervous system in the fight against various stresses.

* Bromine, another stress buster, has antiseptic properties and helps maintain healthy skin.

*Potassium, without which it is difficult to imagine the high-quality functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the beautiful appearance of skin and hair, high-quality cleansing of the body from toxins and the rapid healing of any wounds.

* Manganese, without which normal hematopoiesis and renewal of skin cells are impossible, because it is one of the natural antioxidants that gives us youth and longevity.

* Calcium, basic building material bones, teeth and the entire articular-ligamentous apparatus, stimulator proper operation heart, a participant in many vital processes.

* Iron, which is part of hemoglobin, helps supply each cell with oxygen, helping to maintain tone vitality, strengthens skin, nails and hair. Without iron, the body slowly dies and ages quickly.

* Iodine is the main stimulant of the thyroid gland, a faithful guardian of the normal functioning of each organ and all systems of the body as a whole.

* Zinc, which serves to improve blood circulation in small vessels, which helps prevent strokes, enriches the brain with oxygen and makes us more resistant to stress, improves memory, attention and perception of any information.

* Boron, which perfectly copes with diseases of the respiratory system, calms nervous system and strengthens the immune system. In the story about pink salt from Crimea, the workers said that they had already forgotten when last time were sick colds, ARVI and influenza.

Based only on the properties of these ten elements, it can be argued that pink salt has such beneficial properties as:

1. Wound healing and tissue regeneration:
2. Stimulation of immunity and vitality of the body;
3. Increasing stress resistance and strength of the nervous system:
4. Balancing all vital processes within organs and systems;
5. Stimulation of normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure;
6. Promote rejuvenation and maintain healthy appearance skin, hair and nails;
7. Activation of oxygen supply and nutrients every cell of the body.

Agree, all this is only for our benefit, and it would be a sin to refuse such influence. Well, tell me, my dears, do any of you want to get sick, suffer from bad mood and the unpresentable appearance of your reflection in the mirror? I think that this is not only for myself, but also worst enemy You wouldn’t want it, would you? Then let's find out

How to apply the beneficial properties of pink salt in everyday life

Options for using the beneficial properties of pink salt in ordinary life there are a great many, but out of my love for organizing everything, I divided all these methods into 4 main groups:

1. Using pink salt in food. I read that some housewives add it to soups and stews. However, I believe that it is better to add this mineral to already ready dish, so as not to lose any of the useful components under the influence of high temperatures. Pink salt can also be used as a decorating touch, for example, making salt stripes on the surface of the salad. But then you don’t need to use other types of table salt, otherwise you will end up with oversalting. What health problems can arise from overeating salt, and what is its daily dose, I wrote

2. Use of pink salt as medicine. After all, with the help of this amazing mineral You can successfully treat various colds, acute respiratory infections, flu, diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, skin and mucous membranes, restore impaired metabolism and strengthen general immunity. For medical procedures, not solid salt is used, but its aqueous solution at the rate of 1 tsp. For a glass of water. This solution can be taken orally, 1 tsp. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of plain unboiled water. The course of such treatment lasts about 15 days, then a month-long break is taken, and the course can be carried out again.

With the same solution you can make lotions and compresses to treat joints and skin rashes, acne, acne, various dermatitis and psoriasis. Lotions and baths last no more than 10-15 minutes, compresses can be kept longer, up to 30-60 minutes, but be sure to focus on your feelings. It has become unpleasant, tired, tired, so remove the compress, there is no need to torture yourself in any procedure, I am an ardent opponent of any such torture. And you, dear readers, how do you look at this aspect of treatment, do you prefer to endure, or do you agree with my conviction?

It is also good to do inhalations with a solution of pink salt to treat bronchopulmonary diseases, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis and any other colds. For inhalation, take a 2-liter saucepan, fill it almost full of water and dissolve 1 teaspoon in it. salt crystals and put the pan on the fire. As soon as the water boils, cover yourself with something, stand over the pan and carefully inhale the hot steam. The time of this procedure is approximately 10-15 minutes.

3. Adding pink salt to homemade cosmetics and body care products. I read that many companies producing natural cosmetics willingly add it to their products. Such cosmetics have a considerable price and are not so easy to find, but I think if you buy salt, you can come up with something yourself.

For example, I really love soap self made, and would be happy to use a soap figure with the addition of pink salt. Such a wonderful soap with a scrubbing effect and a healing effect is excellent for problematic oily skin, why not a gift for health? You can make a hair mask from a mixture of eggs, 1 tsp. Saline solution and 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil. For those who have oily hair and dandruff, such a mask will be an excellent healing and strengthening product, I would make such a mask with pleasure. You can also take a portion of any liquid soap, add a pinch of mineral there and wash your hands and face. Again, if you have oily skin and a tendency to acne, such a wash will be a real godsend. And one of my relatives adds pink salt to her homemade toothpaste, and her family’s teeth are always healthy. I wrote the recipe for this pasta in the article “”, read it if interested. In general, you can come up with a bunch of options here, maybe you also already have some thoughts on this matter? I would be grateful if you share them in the comments.

4. Creating designer items from pink salt to decorate the interior. Why not? Imagine, you sat down in the evening with a book or knitting by a pink lamp made of natural material. Breathe in its healing scents and enjoy the beautiful sunny color. This is especially pleasant in winter, when there is no heat and very little sun. Well, if you get tired of a trinket, you can put it to work, right?

In general, whatever one may say, pink salt is an amazing thing, and its beneficial properties are simply priceless, and you should definitely use them. Have any of you, my dears, tried this mineral and how did you like it? I look forward to your responses in the comments and sincerely thank everyone for clicking the social media buttons located just below. That's it, I'm running off to write a new post, but I wish you good health And good mood, with love yours

Nutritionists and doctors have been warning about the dangers of excessive salt consumption for years, but they forget to say that pure, natural salt is essential for our bodies. Sodium, which is the main ingredient in all types of salt, is responsible for many important processes in the body - so salt is not a poison that should be avoided at all costs. It should be noted that various types salts differ significantly from each other and have different effects on the body. Although salt contains 98% sodium chloride, during the salt production process, i.e. When dried at high temperatures (approximately 650 degrees), its natural chemical structure is destroyed.

Sodium is a major component of body fluids, and its main function is to control water and electrolytes, and in particular to maintain proper osmotic pressure of the blood, protecting the body from excessive fluid loss or dehydration. Although sodium in moderation is essential for the proper functioning of the body, in excess it is harmful because it increases blood pressure and can lead to heart problems in the long run.

Salt itself is not so harmful - only its regular use over a long time and in excessive quantities is harmful. Almost all over the world, especially in developed countries, salt consumption significantly exceeds the norms recommended by nutritionists and doctors - recommended (by the World Health Organization), the maximum daily dose of salt is only 5 grams (the equivalent of a teaspoon). Salt is found in almost all processed foods. food products, products instant cooking, in bread, sausages - salt is everywhere. So sometimes even a small part of the finished product can contain the entire daily requirement of salt, which very easily exceeds the permissible limit even several times.

A more useful and, above all, healthier alternative is considered to be Himalayan salt, which is mined in the Himalayas in Pakistan, a former ocean that dried up millions of years ago.

Beneficial properties of Himalayan salt

  • reduces signs of aging;
  • increases libido;
  • prevents muscle cramps;
  • strengthens bones;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • cleanses the body of heavy metals;
  • regulates water level in the body;
  • provides the body with valuable nutrients;
  • pushes excess acid out of cells
  • natural antihistamine;
  • supports healthy respiratory function;
  • regulates digestion;
  • balances blood sugar levels;
  • regulates heart rate and blood pressure;
  • maintains healthy blood vessels;
  • protects the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • prevents muscle spasms;
  • rejuvenates the body.

Components and properties of Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt contains over 84 elements, including many that are essential for the proper functioning of the body, such as zinc, iodine, magnesium, calcium and iron - the richness of macro- and microelements in Himalayan salt is very high. Thus, Himalayan salt used in moderation can help compensate for possible mineral deficiencies in the body. A particularly important element in in this case is iodine, since the majority of the modern population suffers from a deficiency of this element, which plays a fundamental role in the function of the thyroid gland.

Despite huge amount minerals, Himalayan salt is almost entirely sodium - just like table salt and other types of salt - which does not mean they are chemically similar. The advantages of Himalayan salt, unlike ordinary table salt, are that it does not contain any impurities and is not chemically processed, which retains all its positive qualities - we must not forget about the richness of macro- and microelements.

Issues related to a healthy lifestyle will never lose their relevance. The validity of this is obvious, since health is a comprehensive and most important life value. There are countless ways to improve your health. And although eating salt is by no means considered healthy, it is Himalayan pink salt that is a health remedy and is used for the treatment, recovery and prevention of illnesses. However, whether table salt has beneficial properties or not is not the question of the current conversation, and scientists are still arguing about this to this day. At the same time, no one doubts that treating asthma in a salt mine gives positive results...

So, returning to our topic, we can confidently say that any salt is endowed with healing properties and has the following effect:

* absorbent;
* cleansing;
* antioxidant.

There are different amounts of useful substances in salts and it depends on the type, composition, respectively, and its location. But why is pink salt valuable to us?!

Pink Himalayan salt - benefits and harm:

Benefits of Himalayan pink salt

Pink Himalayan salt is valuable because it is mined far from where people live, which means it is least susceptible to various toxins. Thanks to this, pink salt is one of the purest natural types of salts. The specific color of salt is given by many minerals, namely:

* sodium chloride;
* iron;
* copper;
* zinc;
* magnesium;
* iodine;
* calcium;
* bromine;
* strontium;
* borate, etc.

Areas of application

The main areas of use of Himalayan pink salt are cooking, alternative medicine and cosmetology.

IN food industry this type of salt is the most useful compared to other types. The taste and smell are also different from other species.

As for use in alternative medicine, salt is used as inhalations, dressings, lotions, and baths.

In cosmetology, salt is used in the form of scrubs, compresses, wraps, and body masks.

Another way to use salt is salt lamps (reviews from experts about them are only positive). They are a crystal of pink Himalayan salt that, when turned on, heats up and purifies the air. This lamp is suitable for any living space.

Benefits and benefits of pink salt

The main advantage of Himalayan pink salt over others is its exceptional purity and the absence of chemical impurities and heat treatment. It also contains much less sodium chloride than other types, which is why salt is considered a less healthy product.

Thanks to its use in cooking, salt saturates the body with minerals and trace elements, which cause the following processes:

* Improving digestion and vascular condition, kidney and gallbladder function;

* Stabilization of alkaline and electrolyte balance in cells;

* Control over the level of water in the body;

* Reducing the number of seizures;

* Hormonal balance;

* Removing toxins from cells;

* Improved sleep quality.

* Alleviation of the course of diseases of the respiratory system;

* With its help, the prevention of osteoporosis in women is simplified;

Pink salt is an expensive seasoning that adds an exquisite, unique taste to dishes.

According to researchers, Himalayan pink salt has pronounced therapeutic properties:

* taking a bath with pink salt ensures the removal of waste and toxins from the body, causing relaxation and calm;

* when used externally – salt has a beneficial effect on the skin, accelerates the healing process of inflammatory and pustular processes;

* inhalations with the addition of pink salt help in the treatment of acute infections.

Using a salt-based scrub or mask carefully takes care of the skin:

* cleanses pores;

* eliminates swelling;

* gives a healthy complexion;

* rejuvenates the skin in general.

A salt lamp benefits both the human body and the room in which it is located:

* has a beneficial effect on breathing;

* reduces the number of bacteria, germs, mold and fungi;

* neutralizes positive ions, balances the energy of the home.

Meanwhile, a salt lamp does not need a separate place - it can be used as a night light. A beautiful and unusual design will also become a decoration for the room.

Pink Himalayan salt - harm from use:

Everything is bad that exceeds the limit. Pink Himalayan salt can cause harm in cases of overdose and abuse. Scientists have differing opinions about the natural daily intake of salt. Some insist in an amount of 0.5 g, others - in 1.5-2 g; others - in 4-6 years. Differences in points of view are due to either the provision for obtaining sodium chloride from other sources or not.

Exceeding the dose of sodium chloride will cause effects opposite to the positive processes described above. Excess pink Himalayan salt can cause rapid loss of calcium in the body, fluid retention, and suppression of taste buds.

Contraindications for use

This product should be used with caution by people prone to allergic reactions.

The following categories of people should refrain from taking a bath with added Himalayan salt:

* Pregnant women;

* Patients with tuberculosis;

* Patients with acute inflammatory processes;

* People with blood problems.

Pink salt mined in the Himalayas is unique natural resource, allowing without special effort improve your life in several aspects at once. Beneficial influence Both external and internal use has been proven by many years of research. Everyone can feel the effects of salt, the main thing is to carefully follow precautions.

Why is it so useful? Pink Himalayan Salt. How is it different from regular white table salt? And why it is better for you to abandon white salt in favor of Himalayan salt.

Somehow it happened that healthy image life is associated with minimal consumption or even exclusion of salt.

Can salt cause illness or retain fluid in the body?

Maybe.If it is simple table salt or even white salt enriched with Iodine. From which, through processing, all those numerous minerals that natural salt is rich in, freely occurring in nature, are removed.

This is why I prefer salt that is mined in the Himalayas and which (it will be hard to believe) has beneficial properties!

Pink Himalayan Salt is a storehouse of minerals that cannot be found in regular white salt.

What is Pink Himalayan Salt?

Many years ago, crystallized sea salt deposits were covered by volcanic lava. And to this day, these salt deposits are stored deep in the Himalayan mountains in their original, pure form, without any surrounding toxins.

This is why Himalayan Salt is considered one of the purest natural salts on earth.

Pink Himalayan Salt is colored pink by large quantity various minerals.

Composition of Pink Himalayan Salt:

  • 86% — Sodium Chloride
  • 14% — 84 minerals: Sulfuric acid salt, Magnesium, Calcium, Iodine, Bromine, Borate, Strontium and others

Himalayan Salt contains less Sodium Chloride(pure salt) than ordinary table salt, not only due to high content minerals, but also because the structure of its crystals is larger in size.

Why is regular table salt harmful to our body?

Regular table white salt is pure Sodium Chloride, stripped of all minerals. This is chemically purified, bleached and heated to high temperatures salt.

Composition of table white salt:

  • 97.5% — Sodium Chloride
  • 2.5 % — chemical additives

Chemical additives are added to prevent the salt from caking.

But the problem is that when salt with these substances enters our body, it cannot be fully absorbed by our body, it is deposited in our tissues and organs, which leads to numerous complications and diseases.

I would also like to add about iodized salt. The iodine added to regular white salt is synthetic and is very poorly absorbed by our body.

Consumption of table white salt leads to fluid retention of water in the tissues of our body, as a result of which we suffer from cellulite, rheumatism, arthritis, kidney and gallstones, high blood pressure and improper internal pH of the body.

Beneficial properties of Pink Himalayan Salt

Pink Himalayan Salt is very easily absorbed by our body and maintains its natural balance.

  • supports natural electrolyte balance
  • improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals
  • regulates the normal amount of fluid in cells
  • naturally rich in Iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland
  • maintains natural pH balance
  • Naturally removes toxins from cells
  • balances hormonal levels
  • reduces the likelihood of seizures
  • helps maintain blood sugar within normal limits
  • maintains normal blood pressure
  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system and prevents the development of osteoporosis
  • promotes leaching excess water made from fabrics that naturally promote weight loss

How to use Pink Himalayan Salt?

Pink Himalayan Salt can and should be used like regular table salt. Cook with it, season salads with it, ferment with it etc. And also prepare a super healthy drink with it, which you need to drink every day to maintain normal levels of electrolytes.

I don’t have regular white salt at home; we only use Himalayan Salt in our food products.

Many of you may add that sea salt is also very healthy. But the problem with sea salt is that the ocean is very polluted (all kinds of waste, oil), so I recommend giving preference to Himalayan salt, which is free from any toxins.

Salt is not an enemy; it is vital for every cell of our body.

Simply, as with other food products, you need to give preference to minimally processed, natural substances. And Pink Himalayan Salt is an ideal substitute for white table salt.

What kind of salt do you use? Have you heard of Pink Himalayan Salt? Have you ever used it? * Important: Dear readers! All links to the iherb website contain my personal referral code. This means that if you follow this link and order from the iherb website or enter HPM730 when you order in a special field (referral code), you receive a 5% discount on your entire order, I receive a small commission for this (this has absolutely no effect on the price of your order). Posted in

“I haven’t found any evidence that consuming Himalayan salt is healthy,” says Kelsey Mangano, a nutritionist and assistant professor of biomedical sciences at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. However, supporters of a healthy lifestyle praise the miraculous properties of the product. So what is this - a healing gift of nature or just another marketing ploy? Let's talk about the beneficial and harmful properties of Himalayan pink salt.

What is Pink Himalayan Salt

Pink Himalayan salt is sedimentary deposits of a vanished salt ocean. In fact, it has nothing to do with the Himalayas and is mined in Pakistan. Source: Khewr Salt Mine in Punjab region.

Pink salt is positioned as a product radically different from table salt. But if we consider chemical composition any table salt is sodium chloride (NaCl) with impurities. The grade of salt depends on the amount of NaCl: 99.7% is the highest standard, 97% is the second grade.

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Composition of Himalayan pink salt:

  • sodium chloride – 95-98%;
  • polygatite (calcium, magnesium and potassium salts) – 2-4%;
  • fluorine – 0.01%;
  • iodine – 0.01%;
  • copper, iron, phosphorus, selenium, chromium, zinc - in small quantities.

Can Himalayan salt harm the body?

Sodium content, which affects the heart and blood vessels

According to the American Heart Association, the daily sodium intake for humans is 2,400 mg per day. And to reduce and normalize blood pressure, it is advisable to reduce daily consumption to 1,000-1,500 mg.

According to World Health Organization standards, a person needs to consume up to 5 mg of salt per day, which is equivalent to about 2,000 mg of sodium. With higher consumption, the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes increases.

Pay attention! One teaspoon of any type of finely ground salt contains about 2,300 mg of sodium. In the same amount of coarse salt, the amount of sodium will be approximately 2,000 mg.

It turns out that without harmful consequences for health, you can consume 5 grams of salt per day - one teaspoon. And it doesn’t matter what mineral mixture you get the right amount of sodium from - Himalayan pink salt, sea salt, regular table salt, or any other. Anything that exceeds the norm is harmful.

“It’s important to understand that sea salt often has the same amount of sodium as table salt. And if you eat more sea salt because you think it's lower in sodium, you're increasing your risk of developing high blood pressure and heart disease."

Rachel K. Johnson

Ph.D., Representative of the American Heart Association and Professor of Medicine at the University of Vermont

Lovers of Himalayan, or any other, salt who exceed its recommended amount are at risk of diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • atrophic gastritis;
  • headaches, etc.

Himalayan pink salt is often described as having a “rich mineral composition.” But diversity is by no means a panacea; only measure determines benefit and harm. In the composition of pink salt, additional elements account for only 2-5% of the total mass. Moreover, each individual microelement is represented in a fairly small amount. For example, in order to compensate for potassium deficiency with this salt, you need to eat 1.7 kg of it.

The iodine in Himalayan salt is not enough to prevent iodine deficiency. sea ​​salt, including the Himalayan, are practically not processed and nothing is added to it. Since 1924, table salt has been enriched with iodine to prevent thyroid diseases. Accordingly, when consuming pink salt, you should think about additional sources of iodine.

Important. Basically, you can use pink Himalayan salt instead of table salt. If you do not exceed consumption norms, then negative consequences will not arise. But at the same time, you should not expect that Himalayan salt will compensate for the deficiency of all the elements necessary for the body.

What myths about pink salt make it popular?

But if Himalayan pink salt is not much different in composition from regular salt, then why is it so popular? Main reasons:

  • Loud name. The Himalayan clearly wins in comparison with the Pakistani one. The Himalayas are a place of power in Buddhism, Ayurveda, yoga and other practices. The name implies that Himalayan salt also contains a particle of the healing power of mountain nature. Almost all of us are susceptible to loud labels.
  • A statement that the mineral is “as old as the Earth.” Allegedly, salt contains particularly valuable ingredients that are difficult to find in other, younger products. In reality, the salt deposits were formed about 250 million years ago. According to geological indicators, this is relatively recent, literally yesterday.
  • The healing properties of Himalayan pink salt. If you were interested in this product, you probably heard about its healing power. This is normalizing the blood pH balance and achieving optimal glucose levels, treating respiratory infections, improving sleep, and increasing libido. But all of the above is due to sodium, which can also be obtained from other types of salt.
  • It turns out that the popularity of Himalayan salt is largely due to marketers.

    Who can benefit from Himalayan pink salt?

    For those who prefer organic products

    Synthetic agents are added to table salt to whiten and prevent clumping. It has not been scientifically proven, but there are assumptions about the dangers of such additives. Himalayan salt is not processed, it is only crushed to the desired size. This is a completely natural product.

    You want to reduce your sodium intake

    If you compare the same weight of regular and Himalayan salt, then the sodium chloride content in them is approximately the same. But the Pakistani product comes in larger crystals. Therefore, a teaspoon of Himalayan salt will contain less sodium than the same amount of table salt. By using coarse salt, you can discreetly reduce your consumption without reducing the amount.

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    You strive to diversify the taste of food

    Pink Himalayan salt has slightly different taste characteristics. Its taste is described as more delicate and soft.

    Himalayan salt is also used as a cosmetic product. Salt baths provide a relaxing and antiseptic effect. Used instead of a scrub, it softens the skin. Pink salt is often used for salt lamps.

    How to spot fake pink salt from the Himalayas

    To buy real Himalayan pink salt, you need:

  • First of all, study its composition. It should contain only one ingredient - Himalayan rock salt. There should be no other components, food additives E, dyes, etc.
  • Look at the country of production. Pakistan is the only producer of salt. When specifying another country, look for an inscription stating that this seller is an importer of Pakistani-made products. Himalayan pink salt is not mined anywhere else.
  • After purchasing salt, dissolve a small amount in water. When the crystals are completely dissolved, the water will remain clear. A small amount of salt may not dissolve completely and will settle to the bottom, giving the water a pinkish color. But if the liquid turns bright pink, alas, you bought a fake. By the way, a soaked grain of pink salt does not leave traces of paint on paper or leather, unlike counterfeit colored ones.



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    As you can see, the benefits and harms of Himalayan pink salt are exaggerated. The product is suitable if you are looking for a natural substitute for regular table salt or want to use it for cosmetic purposes. But if you are thinking of using it to get the microelements the body needs, then it is better to choose a more reliable source. Have you tried pink salt?