Personal horoscope by year of birth. Individual birth horoscope

A personal horoscope is an astrological portrait of a person, containing information regarding his temperament, natural characteristics, and character traits. The formation of personality, in addition to hereditary data, is significantly influenced by the position of the planets in a specific period of time. Therefore, the most accurate, from an astrological point of view, is an individual horoscope that takes into account the date, time and place of birth of a person. Based on these data, it is possible to identify weak and strengths character, find out your purpose and even change your destiny. An astrological portrait not only reveals a person’s individuality, but also allows one to make predictions for the future. This is a golden opportunity to adjust your behavior to achieve success.

Individual horoscope

Gender Male ♂ Female ♀

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1 995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 46 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1 921 1920

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Find out Horoscope!

How does this work...

At the core personal horoscope lies a natal chart built on specific data: time, date, place of birth. As a result, a unique, one-of-a-kind picture is formed from many elements, giving an idea of ​​a person’s personality. The most accurate decoding of astrological information is provided by the interpretation of several sources at once. Western astrology takes into account the position of the Sun, Moon and 8 major planets in relation to the signs of the Zodiac at the time of birth. The Chinese calendar is based on a 12-year cycle, with each year corresponding to a specific patron animal. No less important in Eastern philosophy is belonging to one of the 5 natural elements, ultimately forming a 60-year cycle. The combined horoscope combines Western and Chinese signs Zodiac, which allows you to reveal a person’s personality in different aspects. More detailed information information for each item can be obtained by following the links provided.

To receive an individual horoscope, fill out all fields of the form. First, enter your name, gender, and date of birth. The astrological portrait will be as accurate as possible if you indicate the time of birth (hour, minute). If the data is unknown, skip this step, the field will remain question marks. The place of birth is no less important; the coordinates affect the appearance of the astrological chart. To do this, indicate the city or select the appropriate option from the list. Once you select a city, the fields for latitude and longitude will be filled in automatically, but you can enter them manually or using a map. The accuracy of the calculation of your individual horoscope depends on the correctness of the information you provide. Finally, click the “Find out horoscope” button. To receive a personal horoscope by date of birth, SMS and registration are not required.

General characteristics

Practical and punctual. At work he achieves success in all endeavors. Ambitious. He is often accused of being cold, but in fact he loves deeply, but has difficulty expressing his feelings. Capricorns are honest, simple, faithful and reliable, like the earth itself.

Born under this sign: Joan of Arc, Kepler, Montesquieu, Madame de Pompadour, Maria du Plessis, Moliere, Kipling, Zhukovsky, Shishkin, Perov, Griboyedov, A. Mitskevich, Wilson.

Characteristics by zodiac sign

  • Influence: Saturn, Mars.
  • Symbol: goat, ladder, tower clock.
  • Colors: dark green, black, ash grey, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and all dark tones.
  • Stone: ruby, onyx, garnet, moonstone, lapis lazuli.
  • Metal: lead.
  • Flowers: white carnation, black poppies, ivy.
  • Mascot: black cat, devil.
  • Happy day: Tuesday, Saturday.
  • Bad day: Monday, Thursday.
  • Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8 (all numbers divisible by 8), 14.
Born from December 22 to January 2 under the influence of Jupiter - calm, prudent, systematic natures acquire wealth and success, but there is a risk of going broke.
Born from January 3 to January 13 under the influence of Mars - people who reek of domestic boredom, known for their bad influence on others.
Born from 14 to 20 January under the influence of the Sun - efficient, possess vitality, passionate, contradictory, sometimes prone to despondency.


The sign of fate, retribution, philosophy, the beginning of the world, the ruthlessness of time, is distantly related to instincts and uses moderation and restraint as an internal system of self-preservation. In general, Capricorns don't care about looking attractive. They rarely talk about themselves and consider it above their dignity to use charm. They do not demonstrate their merits, which is why they make a weak impression or do not make one at all. They love dim lighting in rooms.
As in other signs, there is low, medium and highest type, but everyone strives to ascend to the peak of spiritual or everyday life. To achieve them, not everyone has a reserve of vitality - endurance, endurance, despite great stamina - the main feature of Capricorn.
Some Capricorns are rock opposing difficult situations, others like Virgo are “worker bees”, never tired of searching for instant solutions or solving a problem with the tenacity of Taurus until they find the right and final answer, until they turn lead into gold. Capricorns can be cold-blooded businessmen or politicians who know how to make deals. These are patient, fair, loving, although strict fathers who do not demonstrate their love.
Capricorns' disdain for charm and attractiveness is reflected in their clothing. The main motives for men and women are simplicity, moderation, balance, modesty, frugality and little imagination. Usually they deviate from fashion, many simply despise the cost of clothing. They are ascetic in their youth, but then suddenly become extravagant. The only motive that forces them to pay at least some attention to clothes is ambition. They prefer to appear correct rather than arousing interest.



Similar to red wine, may improve with age as internal stiffness disappears. At first they are alien to people due to their distant connection with instincts. They resist infatuation out of fear of loss and suffering. They want a minimum of pleasure for a minimum of pain, but a mask of icy indifference can hide the most painful passions that are suppressed in order to avoid submission to the senses. The consequence is breakdowns of various forms.
Some try to fill the inner emptiness with a thirst for power and collecting, others retreat into silence or into nervous quirks, and sometimes become physically ill in the desert of selfishness and stinginess.
Others, accepting such a fate, live unhappily in solitude, as if indifference were the natural human condition, or pretend to be reconciled to fate, proclaiming their loneliness as proof of their spiritual merit, hiding dogmatism and bilious corrosiveness under a cover of false kindness.
Many can live a lonely life, without love, almost until they are 40-50 years old. Then they open up, submit to everything they have fought against and rejected, and give it their all.
Capricorn women can sometimes be very hard-hearted. They hate the role of a housewife, they prefer to make a career and achieve independence than to get carried away by a seductive romance, they often remain cold in the arms of a partner. They get married due to financial and social reasons. Some of them have a Cinderella complex; they want to be loved because they consider themselves attractive enough.
Other Capricorns are calm and attractive wives. If a Capricorn lover is unlucky, he may reconcile. The remoteness of instincts serves as his internal weapon. Capricorns suffer less than other signs.
Emotionally, Capricorn should look for Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and collaboration with Scorpio is especially good. Gemini and Cancer should be avoided.

How to achieve perfection

Fortune does not often smile on Capricorns. Their achievements are their own triumph over the problems of life; they are more often respected than loved. They are honest, reliable, dignified, serious, hardworking, hate being alone, but have difficulty acquiring acquaintances. They are distrustful, very conservative, value their reputation, are secretive, vindictive, and have a developed sense of duty. Capricorns give more than they take, they love to do good. They find wise decisions and are driven by the desire for success, but they are very susceptible to bad moods, although they have the ability to discipline themselves.


Gains strength with age. Capricorns are hardy, have high resistance to disease, and have a developed instinct of self-preservation. Often these are thin people with a developed bone skeleton. Men with faces like rocks, women with large, expressive eyes. Capricorns are usually pessimists, they often have periods of depression, they are tormented by problems that mean nothing to others. This is harmful to their health. Capricorns need careful self-control, healthy image life. They need to learn to forget about troubles at work, and when leaving the institution, demand less from friends and relatives.

Elements: EARTH

An earthly, everyday person, no mind-blowing plans or projects, practicality and reality. He calls things by their proper names and demands the same from others. You perceive only what you can see, hear and touch, what you can confirm with material things, provable facts - and no fantasies. They may call you a prose writer, but they turn to you for a practical answer. You actually get things done while others are just talking about them. Few people imagine your hidden depths - you are too proud and independent to reveal or demonstrate them.

You must choose friends and loved ones from the earth and water - the earth needs water if you do not want to become a desert. The earth can also exist with fire, if it does not object to its occasional fun, and with air, provided that it can endure hurricanes from time to time.

Your advantages: practicality, reliability, ability to live on your income. You do not expect too much from life, you are consistent, persistent, hardworking, and know how to provide support and protection.

Your cons: boring, lack of imagination, stinginess, pessimistic view of things, stubbornness, cruelty to oneself and others, callousness.

If you are Capricorn, you are the most earthly, i.e. secretive, like to control actions from behind the scenes without going on stage. If you are a Taurus, you are reliable and unshakable, the personification of strength, unshakable as a rock until your volcanic gut is triggered. If you are a Virgo, then you are efficient, handle mountains of work, etc. Your motto: everything has its time. With it you move mountains.

Home conditions: must live on the earth, pressing the soles of their feet firmly to their element, love gardens, greenhouses and flower boxes on the windows as a compromise. You need calm stability, reliable work, all things in their places.

Your spirit that brings good luck is a gnome, it lives in an inconspicuous hole, it can live in a greenhouse, in a window box with plants.


"Workhorse of the Zodiac" - adheres to public opinion, many conventions. He does everything thoroughly and is persistent in achieving his goals. Many businessmen were born under this sign. Neat and diligent Capricorns excel in technical and craft skills, architecture, and are good engineers, especially in the field of mechanics and electricity. Prone to financial activities, it can be difficult for them to get along with colleagues because of their scrupulousness and uncompromisingness. Success is important to Capricorns; he does not like to change his profession.

A house with a historical past is impressive. Doesn't like noise and fuss. She loves to shop, but without losing her head.


He is a hard worker, even on vacation he has work to do. He loves a respectable resort, which he can go to year after year. Prefers the company of old friends and family, is interested in history and collects. The best holiday- in your own home by the fireplace with friends.

Zodiac horoscope

Earth sign. Under the patronage of Saturn. The character is stubborn. Developed mind. CAPRICORN is the most resilient and resilient of all the zodiac signs - both physically and mentally. Secretive, secretly ambitious, he lives in reality, knows how and loves to work. Success attracts him with extraordinary force. Step by step, step by step, he moves towards his intended goal, overcoming all obstacles with great patience and incredible perseverance. Nothing can discourage CAPRICORN and make him go astray.

CAPRICORN sets a goal for himself even in his youth and is ready to follow it all his life. It’s the same in work - CAPRICORN automates it in advance, outlining a scheme, developing details, putting things in order, so as not to waste time on trifles later. He is an excellent worker in all areas of industry and a talented statesman.

CAPRICORN Woman, born under this sign, has a characteristic feature: her beauty and charm do not decrease over the years, but increase, and at the age of 35 she is liked more than at 18. But caring for her is not easy, she always erects a barrier between herself and her fans. This is the type of woman who loves her independence very much. They are good secretaries, directors, teachers, doctors. Like the CAPRICORN man, women of this sign are serious and do not forgive offense and betrayal.

Relationships of signs: unstable marriage with ARIES, LIBRA, CANCER. On the contrary, alliances with VIRGO, TAURUS, SCORPIO and PISCES are much more harmonious. With SAGITTARIUS, the rhythm of life and temperament are so different that despite the great physical attraction, marriages are rarely feasible. There is love and great mutual understanding between TAURUS and CAPRICORN. Often the stubborn and patient CAPRICORN manages to re-educate the capricious and deceitful TAURUS.

With the sign of GEMINI it is difficult to enter into relationships, and a long-term union is problematic, if possible at all. Attraction easily arises between the signs of CANCER and CAPRICORN, and friendships develop based on respect. Nevertheless, the union does not come soon - there are too great differences in views on life. However, subsequently such an alliance can become strong, based on respect. A strong alliance with LEO is very rare, so only friendship and cooperation are recommended. The character of VIRGO is in many ways reminiscent of CAPRICORN himself, so it is possible happy marriage. With LIBRA, not only marriage, but even simple friendships are extremely rare: the difference in lifestyle and characters is very great. SCORPIO and CAPRICORN are united by ambition and love of work. Marriage is possible based on common interests. The alliance with SAGITTARIUS is in some cases guaranteed by each other. Very often, SAGITTARIUS manages to change the pedantic nature of CAPRICORN. With your own sign, despite the lack of great physical attraction, CAPRICORN can form a friendly union. With AQUARIUS, despite some similarities in character, a happy marriage rarely occurs. Cooperation in work and friendly relations are recommended. A marriage between PISCES and CAPRICORN could be extremely happy due to the great spiritual and intellectual similarity, as well as physical attraction. However, sometimes the secrecy of CAPRICORN offends the subtle and impressionable PISCES.

How to choose a life partner

CAPRICORN - blooms late, but retains its charm until old age. He is practical in everything, even in love. Having many novels, it is difficult to fall in love. Very critical, the choice is often successful. Capricorns cannot stand being alone. Capricorn women. They are not easily confused. They strive to have influential and practical husbands. Capricorn has a great need for stability. As a rule, they are stingy, hoard money, adhere to all kinds of conventions, and do not like extravagance, either in clothing or in thoughts. They converge with Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Difficult with Aries, Cancer, Libra.

Sexuality Woman

Those born under this sign are often tormented by contradictions between her desires and the possibility of satisfying them. She is erotic and amorous, but at the same time strict in maintaining external decency. Because of this, her passion often does not find a way out, which can be the cause of numerous complexes. Men strive for her, feeling a desirable partner, but remain perplexed when they encounter the virtuous image she created. The attraction that accumulates in her from time to time crushes all barriers, and she rushes headlong into a short adventure, throwing away her principles and striking her partner with temperament and sophistication. During her marriage, the horns of Capricorn often go to her husband. Tormented by remorse, she again takes the path of virtue, but her temperament again seeks a way out. In old age, such women turn into withdrawn and grumpy old women.

  • Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces;
  • Aries, Cancer, Libra;
  • Aquarius, Leo.

The first mentions of the Eastern horoscope were four thousand years ago. The Chinese or Eastern horoscope by year of birth will help you understand your individuality and get to know yourself, revealing previously unknown talents and opportunities. As Chinese wisdom says, “A person who knows himself can control his Destiny independently, attracting good luck, success, and prosperity into his life.” According to an ancient Eastern legend, which tells that Buddha, leaving this world, called all the animals to say goodbye.

Of all the invited animals, only twelve came; in gratitude, he gave each of them a year of reign on Earth, making a full cycle of twelve years. Since that time, animals “come” to people in strict sequence, observing their destinies. Each representative of the year endows people who were born in their year with certain talents and gifts. The signs of the Eastern calendar are always depicted in a circle, where all the animals are located in a certain order opposite each other. It is believed that opposite signs are complete opposites, they are not compatible with each other.

The new eastern year is counted from the second new moon, which occurs after the winter solstice - December 22. The entire countdown Eastern Year is carried out according to lunar calendar, and every new month in the Eastern calendar begins with a new moon.

Chinese astrologers divide all the signs of the Zodiac into four groups (triads), they believe that people who were born in the same triad can easily find common language among themselves. According to many observations, it has been noted that partnerships and marriages concluded between representatives of the same group are the most successful.

Table depending on year of birth and zodiac sign

* chinese horoscope table by year of birth


Zodiac signs according to the Chinese horoscope

  1. The first group is Rat, Monkey, Dragon. They are energetic, active, and tend to go to extremes. They love decisive action and competition. Rats need the determination and self-confidence of the Dragon, in turn, he lacks the cunning mind of the Monkey and the resourceful intelligence of the Rat. Monkeys appreciate the high intelligence and enthusiasm of the Dragon in Rats.
  2. The second group is Snake, Rooster, Bull. Hardworking, calculating, highly intelligent, self-confident, purposeful. The confident Ox and the diplomatic Snake help balance the Rooster's temper. The balanced Ox is favorably influenced by the brightness of the Rooster and the agility of the Snake, and the Snake, in turn, is helped to reach great heights by the Ox and the Rooster, thanks to their positive qualities.
  3. The third group is Horse, Dog, Tiger. Impulsive, friendly, able to easily establish friendships. To implement their strategic plans, the Horse will be helped by the determination of the Dog and the restlessness of the Tiger. The dog, in turn, will keep the Tiger from being excessively rude and harsh.
  4. The fourth group is Rabbit (Cat), Goat (Sheep), Boar. Modest, responsive, simple-minded, gentle and caring. The Rabbit gives the Goat a feeling of security and balances her generosity. The Pig complements the Goat with its gentle, sensitive nature, and the Rabbit with its strategic thinking.

Elements of the zodiac signs according to the Chinese horoscope

Each sign of the Eastern horoscope is characterized not only by the animal to which the year corresponds, but also by one of the five elements - Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth. Chinese philosophy believes that each of these elements is controlled by its own planet: Water - Mercury, Metal - Venus, Fire - Mars, Wood - Jupiter, Earth - Saturn.

Each of these elements has its own positive and negative qualities that a person has under their influence. Also, the strength of influence of each element affects differently in different times year. The strongest influence of Water is in winter, Metal is in Autumn, Fire is in summer, Wood is in spring, while Earth retains its influence throughout the year.

  • Element of Water. Gentleness, generosity, insight, understanding, sympathy, mood swings, depression, frivolity. Infallible intuition and calmness are the distinctive features of this element. Representatives of this element tend to have big hands, wavy hair, plump lips, you should pay attention to your weight, obesity can lead to infertility. This element rules the kidneys and ears. People who are at the mercy of this element are most often businessmen, artists, and poets. The colors of the Water element are dark blue, white, light blue, turquoise, black.
  • Element of Metal. Decisiveness, stability, romance, luck, decisiveness, straightforwardness, toughness. Calm and persistent representatives of this element perform well as doctors, accountants, engineers, and designers. Lovers of justice are always distinguished by their balanced disposition and natural kindness. The element of Metal governs the lungs and skin. Typical features Representatives of the Metal element are narrow cheekbones, a thin straight nose, thin lips. The colors of the Metal element are white, gray, black.
  • Element of Fire. Devotion, passion, determination and activity in achieving your goals, optimism, temper, stubbornness, perseverance. The fight for justice - distinguishing feature representatives of signs under the influence of this element. Representatives of this element have pronounced cheekbones and nose, thick hair and a wide figure. The element of Fire controls the blood and the heart. Representatives of this element perform well as lawyers, politicians, speakers, and teachers. The colors of the Fire element are red, white, orange, yellow.
  • Element of Wood. Sociability, resourcefulness, tolerance, forgetfulness, pessimism, compassion, good nature. It is the most elegant, strong, enduring of all elements. Representatives of this element have a very developed imagination. People who are under the influence of the Wood element may have a thin physique, expressive eyes, and thin hands. Wood is the most fruitful of the elements; signs that are under its influence always achieve their goals. Representatives of the Wood element feel great in the role of farmers, artists, writers, and tour guides. The element Wood rules the liver and eyes. The colors of the Wood element are brown, green.
  • Element of Earth. peacefulness, practicality, stability, endurance, logic, isolation, stubbornness, conservatism. People who are under the influence of this element know how to implement their ideas, have strategic thinking and diligence. Tall people moral values and views. Representatives of this element make brilliant architects, designers, businessmen, and lawyers. Representatives of the Earth elements have pronounced wide eyebrows, flat stomach, high forehead. The element of Earth rules the spleen and mouth. The colors of the Earth elements are yellow, brown, black.

Each element complements the characteristics of the sign, giving it individuality and originality. Chinese philosophers also identify six pairs of signs in which the development of an astrological conflict is always observed. The reason for these conflicts is manifested in how representatives of these signs react differently to the world around them. These are the pairs:

Rat (Water) – Horse (Fire)

Ox (Earth) – Goat (Earth)

Tiger (Wood) – Monkey (Metal)

Dragon (Earth) – Dog (Earth)

Snake (Fire) – Boar (Water)

However, do not despair if the results of the analysis according to the Eastern horoscope turned out to be disappointing. Chinese philosophers argue that human destiny and luck are in the hands of the person himself.

The influence of Yin and Yang energies on the characteristics of a sign

It is also believed that energy affects the characteristics of the sign. According to Ancient Chinese philosophy, this is expressed through the energies of two opposites, two principles that are always in continuous interaction - Yin and Yang. These two energies are opposite, always complement each other, and do not exist without each other. In order to understand what type of energy predominates in a person, you need to pay attention to what signs of energy are more manifested.

  • Yin is the symbol of a woman. Thin build, not tall, responsive, not materially minded, individualism, contemplative, melancholic.
  • Yang is a symbol of a man. Strong physique, medium to tall height, sociability, optimism, materialistic mindset, self-confidence, energy.

Yin and Yang are two different energies that are harmoniously combined in any person, regardless of gender.

The characteristics of each sign are given in accordance with the year of birth, date and time in which the person was born. A person receives the qualities of his sign, corresponding character traits, and his destiny. The eastern horoscope tells about the characteristics of a person’s character, his special talents, capabilities, and specifics in communicating with other people. Also, with the help of characteristics, according to the Eastern horoscope, it is possible to find out what areas of activity are best for a person to engage in. The characteristics of the horoscope display the main milestones of a person’s destiny, what is worth paying attention to and what can be avoided.

The Eastern horoscope describes not life events a person, but his character and relationships between people. The characteristics of the Zodiac sign offer us a high-precision tool with the help of which each of us can understand our potential, set for ourselves life priorities and directions.

With the help of this tool, each of us will be able to understand which relationships can be useful and which ones should be adjusted or abandoned altogether. According to the Eastern horoscope, you can also understand your character and relationships with other people, in order to understand which approach and style of communication will be the most productive.

The Rat is the first sign in the Eastern horoscope. Representatives of this sign are highly diligent, practical and sociable in nature. Rats are charming and friendly, they always leave indelible impressions in the memory of others, although they themselves do not strive...

The Ox is the second sign in the Eastern horoscope. People born in the year of the Ox are a bundle of positive energy, strength and patience. Characteristic feature for the Ox is stamina and endurance, which allows the Ox to withstand all life's trials and...

Tiger is the third sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1950 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Metal Tiger. People born in the year of the Metal Tiger have a charismatic personality. Tigers have strong character, wisdom and courage. ...

1951 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Metal Rabbit (Cat) 1951 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Metal Rabbit (Cat) In this article you will find out: what year is 1951 eastern calendar Features of the Metal Rabbit sign...

The Dragon is the fifth sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1952 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Water Dragon. In this article you will learn: what year is 1952 according to the Eastern calendar? Features of the Water Dragon sign according to Chinese calendar Benefits and...

The Snake is the sixth sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1953 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Water Snake In this article you will learn: what year is 1953 according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Water Snake according to the Chinese calendar Advantages and disadvantages...

The Horse is the seventh sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1954 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Wooden Horse In this article you will learn: what year is 1954 according to the Eastern calendar Features of the Wooden Horse sign according to the Chinese calendar Advantages and...

Goat is the seventh sign of the Eastern horoscope. 1955 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Blue Wooden Goat (Sheep) In this article you will learn: what year 1955 is according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Blue Wooden Goat (Sheep) in Chinese...

Monkey is the eighth sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1956 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Fire Monkey In this article you will learn: what year is 1956 according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Fire Monkey according to the Chinese calendar Advantages...

The Rooster is the tenth sign of the Eastern horoscope. 1957 according to the Eastern calendar is the year Fire Rooster In this article you will learn: what year is 1957 according to the eastern calendar? Features of the sign of the Fire Rooster according to the Chinese calendar...

Each of us is born under a certain zodiac constellation. They say that it is precisely this that has an incredible influence on a person’s life, predetermines future fate and basic character traits. Experienced astrologers can tell a lot about a visitor just by knowing the day of his birth. You can verify the veracity of the above by looking into any one and comparing the characteristics written in it with yourself. 90% of people admit that such astrological forecasts absolutely true.

It's no secret that zodiac signs are divided by dates. We will talk about this in more detail below in the article.

Aries: March 21 - April 20

Purposeful, attentive, hardworking and balanced Aries are capable of literally moving mountains. They never rest on their laurels, do not listen to other people’s opinions, and are able to independently build a dizzying career from scratch. Sometimes such a stubborn character plays a cruel joke on them that especially affects personal life.

Taurus: April 21 - May 21

Very kind, patient, friendly Taurus are excellent companions and comrades, faithful companions in life and simply wonderful people. They often become the life of the party, but you shouldn’t assume that you can use them without a twinge of conscience. Their inquisitive mind perfectly distinguishes sincere friends from envious enemies.

Gemini: May 22 - June 21

Spontaneous, sincere, cheerful and sociable, Geminis are excellent employees and family men. They have a sincere desire for fidelity, so it is with them that you can build strong, lasting marriage bonds. But they make bad leaders due to excessive restlessness and even some impulsiveness.

Cancer: June 22 - July 22

Noble, selfless and patient Cancers prefer a bird in the hand to a pie in the sky. They take every step carefully, thinking through the situation in advance and deeply experiencing failures. Excessive caution sometimes causes them significant inconvenience, but at the same time it protects them from dangerous and risky incidents.

Leo: July 23 - August 21

G Horde, powerful and energetic Leos love to lead, manage the process, and control the situation. Their irrepressible energy cannot be resisted, and their tenacity is enviable. It seems that even stone wall able to move away under their pressure. At the same time, true kings of beasts are characterized by innate nobility.

Virgo: August 22 - September 23

Practical, intelligent, logical individuals born under the sign of Virgo are distinguished by their unshakable character and breathtaking straightforwardness. They will never plot, try to denigrate an innocent person or build happiness on someone else’s grief. However, their desire for the naked truth is not always liked by the surrounding society.

Libra: September 24 - October 23

Friendly, soft-spoken and elegant, Libras are blessed with incredible luck and a love of life. They never see anything bad in their interlocutors, colleagues, friends and loved ones, which sometimes turns into a bad outcome. On the other hand, they are very lucky, so every day is unforgettable.

Scorpio: October 24 - November 22

Characteristic, reasonable and a little tough, Scorpios are characterized by an uncompromising attitude towards all areas of life, from work to love relationships. Their pride and some cynicism sometimes cause their loved ones to suffer. On the other hand, their innate sense of justice cannot be ignored.

Sagittarius: November 23 - December 22

Energetic, carefree and smiling, Sagittarians have an explosive character. They are reckless travelers who can break loose at any moment, and their ease of recovery is truly amazing. They are comfortable and convenient, and their stunningly cheerful disposition infects you with its optimism from the first second.

Capricorn: December 23 - January 20

The amazing morality of the Capricorn Zodiac both helps him and spoils his fate. But patience and resilience to all kinds of problems and difficulties cannot but please. Fight to the last, fight steadfastly with opponents and withstand even the most unpleasant events - Capricorn can more than teach this to anyone.

Aquarius: January 21 - February 19

A continuous state of sincere love for everything, from profession to hobbies, characterizes romantic Aquarius. Their lifelong passion and a certain lightness of thought guarantee a continuous carousel of emotions and events. The only thing they lack is seriousness.

Pisces: February 20 - March 20

Soft, sensitive, sophisticated Pisces, born on spring dates, often become driven. However, they make unsurpassed home guardians, wonderful housewives and patient, sensitive parents. It’s easy and cozy with them, but you shouldn’t count on stunning emotions and crazy actions.

1. Natal chart.

The natal chart is the main working tool of an astrologer - a diagram that depicts all the elements that are analyzed: signs of the Zodiac, houses (fields), planets and aspects between planets. Houses are counted according to the Koch system. In calculations of the North Lunar Node, its average value is used. To the right of the map are all the calculated data: the position of the planets in the signs and houses and the numbers of the houses they rule, the positions of the apexes (cusps) of the houses in the signs and the planets that rule them. If you are interested in astrology only for the practical purpose of getting the information you need, you can go straight to section 2.

2. Basic personality traits

Nowadays, thanks to the advancement of technology, astrological calculations and automatic interpretations have become commonplace. However, in most cases it is a set of texts describing individual phenomena and factors in the horoscope, the interpretations of which can be contradictory and confusing. Professional astrology is distinguished by a synthetic approach, when the strongest and most significant influences and individual “building blocks” are identified. natal chart form a complete picture. For this, the art of interpretation has its own special methods, which we use in this section to get a comprehensive picture of the owner of the horoscope and his main features.

First we identify the qualities and natural characteristics that are inherently present and inherent from birth. They are determined by the position of the planets in the signs and appear already in childhood:

  • Temperament (balance of elements). The correlation of elements in a horoscope allows us to determine the temperament and basic psychological qualities of a person.
  • Type of behavior (balance of crosses). The predominant cross in the horoscope determines the preferred strategy of action.
  • Predominant character traits (dominant sign). Character depends not only on sun sign, especially if the Moon and personal planets are located in other signs.

Then we analyze how and where the natural qualities of a person will manifest themselves and be realized in life, which areas of life will be most necessary and interesting. This is determined by the position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope, and here exact time and the place of birth is especially important for the calculation.

  • The sphere of realization (balance of hemispheres) indicates a tendency towards individualism or reliance on the environment, the need for active social realization or immersion in oneself and caring for loved ones.
  • The form of expression and type of experience determines what motivates a person, what are the basic incentives and needs that will seek fulfillment in life and determine its circumstances.
  • Main areas of life (dominant house). The highlighted houses of the horoscope indicate more specifically the main areas of interest, circumstances and directions of personality realization.

And finally, probably the most important thing is to understand whether there are energies in the horoscope and which ones, which not only determine the main tendencies of a person’s character, activities, circumstances, the direction of a person’s entire life, but can also help or hinder him from achieving maximum realization. This can be power, wealth, but also the heights of art, science, and spirit. This largely depends on the energy that will be predominant in the horoscope. For this we in various ways We analyze the planets directly, their strength and significance.

3. Astropsychological characteristics

If you carefully study the materials in the previous section, then the main personality traits and characteristics will already be known to you. In this section, information is presented and grouped by all factor planets, symbolizing various psychological components.

  • The Sun, Moon and Ascendant form the core of the personality and determine the main character traits:
    • The sun is essence, consciousness, will, spirit, life force,
    • Moon - soul, feelings, unconscious reactions, need for security,
    • Ascendant - the image of “I”, role, image, self-awareness, appearance and vitality of the body.
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars, so-called. personal planets complete the picture:
    • Mercury - mind, intellect, thinking, means of communication,
    • Venus - love, ideas about beauty and harmony, taste and perception,
    • Mars - willpower, determination, perseverance, struggle, passion.
  • Jupiter and Saturn determine the qualities and characteristics that a person exhibits as a social being.
  • The higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) determine spiritual ideals and needs, problems and tasks of the spirit and force majeure transformation.

4. Areas of implementation and life circumstances

In this section we look at the horoscope and almost the same factors, but from a different angle, from a more practical point of view, namely, how circumstances and life will turn out in specific areas: health, finances, family, children, etc. To do this, we examine the horoscope in the structure of its houses (fields), each of which symbolizes and, as it were, “responsible” for certain areas of life. The signs that houses fall into symbolize the background properties and qualities that characterize the circumstances of the house. Planets entering a house bring their energy and directly affect this area life, and the position of the planets-rulers of the house shows what other areas of life and your actions or inactions in them determine the situation of the analyzed house.

About the authors of the texts

To describe various elements of the horoscope, we use fragments of books and reference books by famous astrologers.

The work of American astrologers Frances Sakoyan and Lewis Ecker is perhaps the most famous and widespread in the CIS among other translations of foreign reference books and enjoys well-deserved respect. It should be noted that many domestic authors this reference book was quoted or paraphrased to a greater or lesser extent.

Grant Lewey is a famous foreign astrologer who strived to achieve the goal of making astrology accessible to millions. His book “Astrology for Millions,” from which horoscopes are compiled, became a bestseller and was reprinted many times.

Astrological interpretations German authors Hayo Banzhaf and Anna Hebler are taken from their book “Astrology: Key Concepts”, published in Russia in 2002. These are exceptionally clear and modern interpretations. Bill Herbst's interpretation of the planetary positions in the houses is profound and also very modern.

Many astrologers probably studied from the books and lectures of Absalom the Underwater 10-15-20 years ago. These interpretations are written in a style that makes it possible to unmistakably identify their author.

Descriptions of the elements and types of houses are partially borrowed from the book “Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements” by Stefan Arroyo.